#bev: boy if you don’t stfu
incorrect-losers · 18 days
Richie: I talk loudly in libraries
Richie: And I swim directly after I eat
Richie: I don’t care
Richie: So remember, this is Tozier’s world, you’re just living in it
Richie: Tozier or die
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imnot-reddieforthis · 6 years
The Wheeler twins p2
note : so my newfound friend @ashlynstyles1 inspired me to actually write another one of those . She's really cool go follow her fam. So yea ? Here goes nothing !
part 1, part 3 
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- And so the saga continues
- So you know how in season two of stranger things we had Karen take polaroids of Mike and he was like not amused™? Well guess what ? Richie 100% took all of those polaroids from his mother and hung them up on a wall with very inappropriate writings all over them . So yes the first thing Mike Wheeler saw when he woke up on the 1st of January was his face with dicks drawn all over it .
- If this was set in modern times we all know that Richie would be the meme king™ but like Mike as a fucking cosplayer ? ????Like you feel me ?
- They did parents trap for one of the halloweens .
- Like they both dressed up as Lindsey Lohan.
- Top notch content right there boys .
- When both turn 16 only Mike ( unsurprisingly ) passes his drivers test but hey they're twins so you gotta exploit it right ?
- Wrong Richie
- But nonetheless Richie has driven the car with his brother's licence like a gazzilion times
- And made out with Eddie in the back seat the same amount
- Eleven and Richie actually LOVE collaging . Like is their thing . They both get together and sit quiet ( I KNOW , NOBODY KNOWS HOW EL GOT RICHIE TO SHUT UP BUT IT WORKED THANK THE LORD )
- So Richie and El make little cute collages together and their boys just stand there admiring from afar
- Both are like crying in the club tbh
- Back to the twins
- So you think only sisters steal each other's clothes ? Well YoU'Re WrOnG !
- Richie and Mike always fight over clothing . So it's like " Whete the hell is my sweater Rich ? " " Oh I wore it to our date with Eds " " and where is it ?" " With eds "
- Cue screaming and Nancy telling them to stfu like 24/7
- In return Mike always takes Richie's glasses and hides them in the house and the thing is Richie can't just go and find them . Cause he's fucking blind . But he's too stubborn so the boy just runs into lamp posts for like 3 days until Nancy points them out to be on Richie's bedside table and he's shook .
- Holly and the boys have tea parities . Both deny it but they fucking love those parties . Sometimes they get so into it , Holly is like alright gotta go and they just spend like another hour having a royal wedding between two stuffed bears .
- Bill and Mike are actually really good friends and so are Richie and Will . Bill and Mike are both some sort of leaders of their respective groups plus they both love the same comics and Star Wars .
- Richie and Will might seem like a weird combination to you at first and ye they're not really alike but they both care so deeply for their friends and are willing to do anything . Plus they're both in drama club .
- Oh yeeess the drama club .
- Richie is the star as I've said before but like now he's actually getting popular ???? Mike is like bitch how ? He just tells everybody he's the smarter twin .
- " you know I got the brains , the looks , he needs some kind of validation "
- He's really proud of his bro tho
- Same goes for Richie
- When the party won some kind of science fair , Richie would go like " See that genius ? We came out of the same v-"
- Richie polishes Mike's trophies for him when he feels down
- Eddie and Mike love going out for ice cream . They always get the weirdest flavours and it's great but neither El or Richie gets them . Like ew why would you wanna try " bacon flavoured ice cream ?"
- Snow ball comes around and Richie is sad af cause he wands to dance with Eddie but homephobic pigs will come at them
- Mike is like not having any of that shit
- So he makes sure his bro looks like a queen
- He calls Bev and she gets reddie( sorry I couldn't resist ) with Eddie .
- When the slow song comes on . They're hesitant but then Mike gives Richie the encouraging look and Richie is like fuck it .
- They do get frowns but El quietly whispers a " I'm gonna kill em all of they say anything " and Mike just smiles cause he would do the same
- A match made in heaven
- Same thing is when El is called weird and she gets upset the " El protection squad " consisting of Richie and Eddie as head members steps in and makes you regret you were born .
- At Christmas both the party and the losers all come together and are like a huge family it's adorable
- When they go their separate ways Richie and Mike call each other everyday . But they don't want the other to know that they miss them so they would say shit like " hey dipshit , I think you got my socks instead of yours"
- And the other knows the truth and feels warm cause they're loved
- Fast forward when Eddie and Richie adopt a kid, uncle Mike is the one who introduced them to all kinds of cool nerd stuff
- When Mike and El have a kid , Richie is like banned from interaction
- Cause every time Richie babysat , their 5 year old would come running to their dad screaming " hey fuckerssss"
- El laughed , mike was appalled
- It's cool cause Richie is the cool uncle
- And Eddie is the wine aunt
- Life is great , it didn't come back . Demogorgons stayed in the upside down . All was well .
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willgayers · 7 years
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i am sorry but i have absolutely no idea anymore which writing prompt those 3 and 15 numbers were , anon 2...... but u got ur high!eddie. and he is cute warnings; well uh. weed. duh
so the losers blood oath didn’t just mean fighting a killer clown’s ass together . it also means doing everything together like trying out all “cool adult stuff"™ like drinking and smoking cigarettes and when one of them one day wakes up thinking wow u know what today i wanna try some weed ... u know that everyone’s gonna have to do that
so they’re at this abandoned swimming hall that they always go to when they wanna hang out in peace
all sitting in a circle and passing the joint
richie and bev are like ye man this shit is GOOD bc it was probably their idea
then it’s eddie’s turn and he’s lowkey very nervous bc he’s been waiting for his turn with sweaty palms
"eddie u know u don’t have to if u don’t want to”
“stfu richie give me that roll of cannabis”
 “its called a joint eds”
“jUst gIVE iT TO mE”
 eddie just really doesn’t wanna look un-cool
he almost chokes on the drag tho
bill starts hitting his back gently like r u ok
 *15 minutes later*
eddie and richie are chilling in the corner of the pool away from the others bc eddie wants to take it easy ... bc richie thinks he should lay down a lil bc he’s too giggly
so richie’s like,,, sitting with his back against the edge of the pool and eddie’s glued to his side resting his head on richie’s shoulder
“have u ever realized that the reason we call sand sand ,,, is because it’s between sea and land”
“wow when i close my eyes…i can’t see anything”
“jared leto with long hair is just hipster jesus”
richie would do the slow-laugh (u know the stereotypical high person laugh) and eddie would smile as he’d feel the other boy’s body shake from laughter against him
“i would actually die for you”
obviously richie blushes and his heart goes pitter patter and he’s glad eddie has his eyes closed and can not see the reaction
“please don’t” richie just lets out a chill laugh boy as IF you are swooning inside stop acting tough
“well im not gonna but i would”
“ok eddie but i’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t”
“yeah sure. but i would”
“thank you”
“yeah you’re welcome”
how about u say you’d die for him too richie 
(jk he doesnt even have to say it bc everyone knows that he would without hesitating)
 “imagine if goats had eyes in their horns”
“what now eddie”
@nopetaking @xbell22 @donthateonk8@stenbroughbros @reddiebrekmyheart @itsgreywaterrichie@donvex @blueeyespurpleskies @ageorgymi @oh-youre-the-worst @eddiekaaspbraak @whipashwhipash @rissyq @richietoaster @edskasqbrak @waterlouis @wyattghouleff @urtury@bukiminajimu @kcutieeesblog @stansmansuris @adorefack @reddieaddict @icyeyes102@denbroughbill @graveyardshipper @taletellingsir @anxiety-freak-yuuri @rheddie @queertrashmouth 
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thewisebyers · 7 years
bichie on a movie date hcs please :')
bill can’t take him to the actual movies
bc he won’t stfu
bc its more private having them at bill’s house
richie gets antsy after a while
like the boy can’t sit still for more than five minutes
so bill has to pet his hair while they watch a movie
they make movie dates and plan to watch new movies
but nope.
they watch the same three movies each time
breakfast club, et, and gremlins
‘that’s the gang!’ richie says EVERYTIME they watch breakfast club
every. fucking. time
‘hey, look, its bev’ *points to molly*
bill covers his mouth with his hand
‘remember what we said. no kisses if you keep talking’
*muffled* ‘that’s not fair!’
but it doesn’t sound like anything
bill always gets emotional during et
so richie stays quiet and pulls bill’s head onto his lap
and strokes his hair
after fighting an evil fucking clown the gremlins don’t phase them anymore
it used to creep billy out
but not richie
now they just laugh at it
lots of popcorn
most of it ends up on the ground
bc richie throws it
and bill makes him clean it up without helping
‘protein’ *shoves floor popcorn into mouth*
bill refuses to kiss him after he’s eaten off of the floor
i wasn’t sure which ship bichie was until i searched itif anyone wants to sent me names of the it ships that would be lovely
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