understandingbimbos · 11 months
bimbo diversity pt. 1
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Consider this a disclaimer. It should go without saying that almost none, if any of these women, actually self-ID as bimbos so I feel at least somewhat conflicted posting this but consider it a means to an end. I'm only using them as physical examples and don't mean to imply anything about their intelligence or character.
Part One of, I'm not sure how many. The point of this is to present varied examples of what bimbos can be and look like. The original idea, like my others, was that I (or someone else) could come up with rules about what a bimbo's physical tells should be from examining a diverse group. But that's pointless. I've mentioned before the idea I had in my notes and its really the best way to approach this. Still, I'll continue on with examples. Expect more later today.
And here's the idea I'm referring to for the new or uninitiated:
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It's not very well elaborated on but think of it like a sort of sliding scale of bimboism. I wouldn't go as far as to say just calling yourself a bimbo is enough to meet the physical requirements to be a bimbo, that is to "appear bimbo," and neither is just wearing pink but its not necessary to "go all out" and imbue yourself with all the commonly associated bimbo traits to physical embody the role. Even makeup and wardrobe can (probably) take you a long way, just don't ask me about it! Unfortunately, I wouldn't know.
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bimtheory · 4 months
I have not been taking great notes in my ridiculous long-drawn-out research. Or maybe it's more accurate to say, I've only been taking notes, and as a result the book I'm supposed to writing has become increasingly overwhelming. So, from now on I've decided I'm going to post my annotations and ideas on here. @understandingbimbos seems to be in shambles a bit, and being able to reply on here makes things more efficient anyway.
So, for starters. I've been reading Dworkin, currently Intercourse. The following excerpts are from the preface of the second edition. Then I'll probably continue in follow-up posts going chapter by chapter, section by section.
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How this relates to a fetish like bimbofication should be obvious. Not all bimbofication stories include a controller, but MANY of them do, especially some of the earliest stories. And even if they don't include a controller, or even a transformation, bimbo stories often fetishize the power imbalance of high vs. low (subdued intentionally, or not) intelligence. And, in that way, bimbofication can be seen as the ultimate culmination of dominance and inequality as erotic.
Force is a natural and inevitable part of most bimbofication stories. There are instances of consensual bimbofication in writing (and, arguably, numerous instances in the real world) but I honestly couldn't tell you about them, because I go out of my way to avoid them. There's a chance I'd enjoy consensual bimbofication stories if I gave them a chance, but the idea bores me. At the same time though, I'm not a huge fan of stories with controllers -- or rather, stories that feature the controller prominently. Although it is, assumingly, part of the appeal for people in the BD/SM sector of this fetish that play out bimbofication IRL -- the idea of personally turning women into dumb sex freaks (or even role-playing/self-inserting as a character who does that) is of zero interest to me.
My disinterest in consensual transformation has more to do with the inherent uselessness of it all, at least for me. With consent there's no struggle, and if there's no struggle, has there really been a transformation? Sort of a "Bimbo of Theseus" thing, I guess. I do like bimbos on their own, sans transformation, but if I just wanted bimbos I would not be reading a bimbofication story. The transformation is the whole point, the hottest part. Some of the best bimbofication stories I've read are JUST transformation, with little to no actual sex. Similar sentiments were shared by Tebra (May they rest in peace) and some fans in the comments of a Patreon post.
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Put simply, there is no transformation if there's no transformation. Bimbofication (in fiction, at least) implies a physical change as well as a mental one. We should be able to see and experience a material change in how this character acts, feels, talks, and lives. Instead of just being told "they're dumb and have big tits now". There is no point to a bimbofication story if the bimbo springs from the character's former self fully formed like some slutty Birth of Venus.
Here's a very simple but effective example from Downing Street:
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And another, a bit further down, from the same story:
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There are discrepancies between her thoughts and actions, signs of struggle, and once there are no discrepancies left a transformation will have taken place. And in the case of bimbofication stories one could make the (flimsy and morally dubious) argument that consent is gained in transformation. A lot of stories, including pretty much all my personal favorites, focus on the perspective of the woman as she slips further and further into debauchery and pursuing personal pleasure. Bimbofication stories almost always end with the woman happier and more satisfied than she started. Of course, one could also easily argue this is just rape with multiple steps. Or coercion, but I'm pretty sure that's just rape too.
How you feel about and view it is up to you. I've read bimbofication stories that have bored me, and I've read bimbofication stories that have grossed me out. Execution plays a part as much as content.
Finally, here's another excerpt of my annotations from the preface. I think it speaks for itself.
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Pandora Peaks as Jeannie Jeannie in the May 1993 issue of JUGGS Magazine
Incredibly display of cultural-generational bimbo influence. Barbara Eden as Jeannie played one of the OG TV bimbos. As much of a bimbo a bimbo could be on prime time 60s television. She wasn't allowed to show her belly button and nothing sexual could even be implied to be going on between her and Major Nelson, but the character was obviously and ludicrously, horny as hell. Being largely a fish-out-of-water story Jeannie's "stupidity" could be attributed to, just that, being a fish out of water. But even after becoming re-accustomed to the human world Jeannie was an extremely gullible and generally reckless person. A lot of the show can be described as Jeannie being very horny and getting herself, and friends, into trouble.
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understandingbimbos · 11 months
In case there was any confusion...
This blog is not about IRL bimbos or IRL bimbofication. I guess its easy to not realize that if you don't read my posts (and, ironically, I'm relying on people to read this post to realize that...) because I do post pictures of IRL bimbos and talk about this fetish as a whole but...
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The truth is, in reality... I actually barely support IRL bimbofication. The transformation itself is hot but I'm not into the BDSM type relationship or the values usually associated with it. Not to mention, if you haven't noticed by now, the push for women to constantly "go bigger" and continuously put themselves in harm's way in IRL bimbo communities... makes me upset, to say the least.
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"So what is this blog about?"
Bimbofication and "bimbo" as character, as archetype and cultural figure. In my discussions about what a bimbo is and isn't I'm referring to a fictional character. The bimbo as seen in fetish artwork, media, and erotica. Not real life people (unless stated otherwise).
For example, Pink Bimbo Academy doesn't believe bimbos need to be dumb, which makes sense if you're talking about real life three-dimensional people. I believe bimbos need to be dumb in SOME way because, to me, bimbos don't exist in the real world. There are RL women who possess many of the qualities I associate with bimbdom but they're almost never the type that would self-ID as "bimbo". It's sort of like "camp," once you've named it you've killed it.
It's important to keep in mind that despite the overlap, this is really almost three separate fetishes:
Bimbofication as BDSM - Focus is submission. Can include hypnosis.
Bimbofication as a MC/Transformation fetish - Focus is transformation. Includes writing, art, captions.
Bimbos as Bimbos - Focus is on appearance and not much else. Could mean they love plastic surgery, young blonde women with big tits, or just big tits.
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The most overlap is between 1 and 3, while my basis is 2. If your basis is 1 or 3 (or 1 and 3) but you're able to find value in my blog and the things I say, thank you, I appreciate that a lot, just please try to remember my basis is 2.
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understandingbimbos · 11 months
So. There's a few things I need to address. My documentation and study of bimbos began as a personal project. I only started a blog because I was putting a ridiculous amount of work and thought into this and figured it should be shared (and still, there's SO much I haven't shared yet...). And that's part of why this blog isn't so well managed, not consistent, and very informal. I write every post with the assumption whoever reading will have some familiarity with the fetish and that was kind of a mistake when dealing with subject matter as delicate as this and if I want to be able to attract literally any other audience. But the blog is here now so its kind of a moot point. I won't be rewriting posts. I want to kill myself every day, its astonishing I can write anything. Anyway, recently I discovered an adult performer named Celestina Blooms, in particular, this video:
We share a lot of the same thoughts. And her criticisms of BimboTok are a lot better articulated. Here are some of things she's said that stood out to me (paraphrased):
"As an actual political movement, the Gen Z bimbo isn't actually very helpful beyond being satire because there are contradictions."
"It makes no sense to be expected to have every single decision in your life, in every area of your life, be a form of activism."
"If you don't spend enough time watching all their videos to completely get the point it looks like they're satirizing the ideologies they're preaching."
"They're kind of taking this thing and being like 'Hey! This thing is leftist because I'm leftist and I said so!' when the thing is still something very tied to a lot of systems of oppression."
"I think there's an issue with saying that being feminine is feminist."
"Because there are so many minors on TikTok they'll come across this trend and see the cute aesthetic and cute clothes, and for good measure, the ideologies a lot of them agree with and be like 'Fuck yes! Sign me up!' and before you know it they're dressing like a bimbo, calling themselves a 'bimbo', and all this stuff while not even being aware of this whole other world of bimbofication as a fetish and unknowingly calling attention to themselves."
She also brings up Pink Bimbo Academy in this video (not by name, and if you somehow see this Celestina, sorry for blowing up your spot!). I bring this up because PBA actually reached out to me like two weeks ago. We had an extremely brief conversation. He lost all interest as soon as he realized my blog isn't primarily about real life bimbos and, like Celestina, I don't believe bimbos are really a real life thing. This is the reason for my last text post (now pinned).
Up until this point I didn't realize Pink Bimbo Academy was a guy, or extremely weird. He's one of those bimbo enthusiasts that genuinely believes every woman should be a bimbo, unless they're trans that is, because according to him a bimbo can't have a penis or possess any "masculine" qualities. He seems to view bimbofication less as a fetish and more of a means to an end. To him, bimbos are the peak of femininity and bimbofication only helps women to become more of who they're "biologically" meant to be. He has entire rants against feminism up on his website and aspires to create an actual real-life bimbo finishing school, like he's a super villain or some shit, like the antagonist of every school-set bimbofication story come to life. And unfortunately, he's basically the resource for bimbofication online. I have to assume not everyone that follows his guides reads all his posts and FAQ but its more than disappointing to have a transphobe be one of the main vanguards of this fetish today.
Anyway, I can't recommend Celestina's video enough. Its a bit long but all worth watching and has made the prospect of writing this book exciting again. I would suggest this video of hers too:
Post-script: After over an hour of writing all of this I realized I actually did something extremely stupid here. Celestina follows me on here, possibly one of the first people to follow me. I kept wondering why one of her icons looked so familiar and it took me until literally just now to figure it out. I hope she doesn't mind the plug, because you all should follow her too!
@celestinablooms Twitter Instagram
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understandingbimbos · 4 months
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I am not pro-plastic; however, I cannot condemn cosmetic surgery either. I enjoy the effect of it, I run a bimbo blog, that's no secret.
But cosmetic surgery, like all surgery, comes at a risk -- in the "bimbo" community alone many women have died trying to max themselves out physically -- and I can't condone the reality and possibility of a fatal outcome for something so frivolous. Cosmetic surgery is not foolproof or all-encompassing either. I'm no doctor, I haven't studied this, but I follow enough of these women online (as I'm sure many of you do) to know that these procedures require routine maintenance, upkeep; not to mention instances where further surgery is required to makeup for unforeseen complications, including unsatisfactory results.
I think you get the picture. And if you don't, watch Death Becomes Her.
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That's my main objection. No matter how sexually satisfying I often find the results the risks far outweigh the benefits, in my opinion.
Another common and also very real objection, usually intermingled with this one, is the internalized desire to adhere to a male ideal of sexualization; self-objectification.
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I take issue with this objection for cosmetic surgery, not because I disagree with it or think women should feel a desire to be desired, my issue is more implicit than that; the underlying expectation that one must be satisfied with or even comfortable in their natural body. Sexual freedom begins not only with physical self-possession but physical self-conviction. Not just confidence and control in one's self but assuredness, unwavering belief in one's self.
Of course, insecurity isn't the fault of the individual, and running off to get plastic surgery probably shouldn't be someone's first instinct of but I do think it's not an entirely invalid option depending on certain circumstances. Sometimes cosmetic surgery can make a monumental difference for an individual and be not only worth it, but freeing. As for whether cosmetic surgery should ever be considered worth it or freeing... well, no, but that's a much larger issue.
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understandingbimbos · 2 months
Narrowing the scope.
What would you call a non-announcement? This is that. I have no earth-shattering news, nothing important to say. This... is a blog post.
I'm overwhelmed. This project is overwhelming. As you all know, (or maybe don't know... I've gained quite a few followers since then) this began as a personal project. Something I've had a burgeoning interest in for years as someone who's been into this fetish for years, my annoyance at the BimboTok phenomenon (Which is, thankfully, mostly dead now, though residual effects do remain) finally spurring me into action.
And as such, being a personal project, I began this blog as... well, a blog, I guess. To share research I've accumulated and thoughts I had publicly and reach an audience that may be similarly interested or just curious. Had I been keeping up with the times I may have gone for Wordpress or Substack instead. Had I more confidence, YouTube. (Also if I had more confidence I probably would've contacted others by now instead of languishing in the comfort and stagnation of obscurity... but that's a different story, probably.)
Where was I going with this? Oh, yeah, the book. Post-2017 Tumblr may have not been the best place to build an audience but the (lovely) audience I did acquire convinced-influenced-inspired me to write my thoughts, feelings, and research into a book.
Turns out writing a book is hard.
What am I actually doing? What am I actually writing? Sometimes I think I know, I don't. I have no idea. I guess I know what I aspire to write... but there's no way I can. Because writing a book is hard. And I probably have ADHD, amongst several other personal problems. So while I'm still not sure exactly what I'm writing, or what I should and shouldn't cover, I am sure I will have to... "narrow the scope".
Or maybe I could do it in increment volumes, like:
History of Bimbofication and the World, Part I
History of Bimbofication and the World, Part II
History of Bimbofication and the World, Part III
I guess that's a joke. So, really, no, narrowing the scope. And I guess I have not much else to say except... let's see how that goes.
Also, I made a Discord server.
It's not for sexual roleplay or porn (and if you attempt that you will be banned) but it can be a place for bimbo and bimbofication related discussion and, like I intended when I first started this blog, sharing resources, I guess just in a more communal way. And a sort of real-time version of this blog because I'm tired a lot and posting in a server requires less effort and less internal-pressure for formality.
So, feel free to share. This is a temporary 7 day link. If things go well and there's further interest I'll add a permanent one later.
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understandingbimbos · 4 months
years later (and it hurts me to say this, but it has been years) i think one of the things that annoyed me the most about bimbotok (besides the blatant spread of misinformation, making a joke of feminism, and spreading harmful ideas+content to minors...) was the flattening of the bimbo aesthetic to a bad ariana grande impression and a poor implementation (and misunderstanding) of y2k fashion.
you see it in spades on tumblr now, even with the blocked tags. "female manipulator," "coquette aesthetic," "dollete core," "girl interrupted syndrome," lana del rey, it's all nonsense that for some reason has gotten wrapped up with and conflated with bimboism.
i read a not terrible article on bimbo-couture about bimbotok and gatekeeping. it deals with the irl bimbo community which, as i've been saying, is not my forte but it bleeds over and in our failure to gatekeep bimbofication (and bimbos) we've just let it be pigenholed in a different ways by others. bimbofication is not more diverse or varied now its just a vague mess of gender essentialism and like, eating disorder chic. all these girls talk about how they're porcelain dolls and soft little fertile white lambs. they listen to lana del rey and glamorize abusive relationships, mindlessly buying into consumerism as their birthright. it's garbage.
im not saying the kink community as is was alright but at least it was catering to adult women about adult things, and "bimbo" meant "bimbo". now "bimbo" means "hot girl" and all girls are "hot" because all girls are beautiful. to be a girl is to be beautiful, and if you're not beautiful you're not a girl. this is where we're at. this is what it's come down to. "on wednesdays we wear pink," because that's what girls do. that's bimbo. because bimbo = girl.
its seriously infuriating. at least when bimbo was being used as a pejorative or just completely fully associated with fetishism there was a distinction, there was an understanding that's been obscured now. for those of us this matters to, you could name a character or person who wasn't blonde and never wore pink and had the smallest tits in the world as an example of a bimbo and this would be ubiquitously understood. because we knew it wasnt just blonde and pink. or blonde and tits. or "girl". we understood bimbo to mean stupid, sexual, playful -- regardless of what form it took, a bimbo by any other name. not just "hot" but flirty. not just dumb but fun, frivolous, the party girl.
it feels like that's been lost now and the result hasn't been more bimbos in more styles doing more things but less bimbos in less styles doing less things. and its been like that for 5 years now. here's to 2025.
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understandingbimbos · 10 months
so what i will be doing here is reposting my notes unaltered via screenshot, transcribing them, and then describing how i feel now. What do we mean when we say a bimbo is dumb? Are there multiple ways to be dumb?
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In the context of bimbo, dumb usually means "ditzy" -- flighty, playful, and scatterbrained. But "dumb" may also mean shallow, vapid, simple -- focused entirely on superficial and material things. Obnoxious, crass, trashy (classless) behavior could also be considered "dumb". Point is, there's a lot that goes into the presentation of stupidity. General physical clumsiness and aloofness can also be a way for a character to appear dumb. Or subservience and submissiveness. Or childish naivety and innocence. Sometimes a bimbo will be all of these, or only one of these, or maybe even none? Who's to say? What someone considers intelligent or unintelligent usually has to do with their own personal biases, or in this case, turn-ons. It varies from person to person. (Recklessness is an another example of what could be considered "dumb")
I still agree with this wholeheartedly. The debate of whether a bimbo should be dumb or not, or how dumb a bimbo should be, is ultimately pointless because in the end a bimbo will always *appear* dumb. You could even argue that what we've commonly come to accept as "the bimbo look" is actually an extension/reflection of purported "dumbness," a physical expression of stupidity. After all its this same projection that largely formed the concept of the "bimbo" in the first place. The assumption that a woman is -- slutty because she wears revealing clothing, stupid and impossible to take seriously because she's young (see: giggles) or has large breasts, and vain because she wears makeup or has an interest in fashion. "Bimbo," as we know it today just takes this up a notch. "Large breasts" become fake breasts in general. Lip fillers. Dyed hair. Tattoos. Rhinoplasty. Fashion Nova. Botox, acrylics, high heels, waist trainers. Misogyny projects idiocy and promiscuity onto these traits, procedures, items, and practices.
Again, let's take Adam Warren's Empowered for example:
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Is Emp a bimbo? To the uninitiated I think the answer would be an obvious resounding "yes". Those familiar with the series may find the question more complex (it isn't). She's not a dumb woman by any means and has her fair share of successes and badassery, but she's also an inept curvy crybaby blonde with big thick lips and a very "slut-tastic" "do-me-riffic" costume.
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Her extreme insecurity can render her meek or oblivious. Constantly getting captured and tied up makes her look like a klutz. And I'm not sure this should count, but she likes sex with her boyfriend A LOT.
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She's also considered a bimbo in-universe. Not by anybody that knows her closely, of course, but its very widely assumed (as is often the case IRL).
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It's less a matter of "can bimbos be smart?" or "bimbos should be dumb" and more a matter of how do you prefer a bimbo's intelligence (or lack thereof) be expressed? What do we mean when we say a bimbo is "hyperfeminine"? What defines femininity?
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I think there's two ways to gauge this. Physical femininity - big ass, big tits, clean shaven, soft full lips, etc. Physical femininity can also be expressed through choices in makeup, color, or clothing. Take for example -- drag queens, who can express femininity very clearly while lacking some of the usually associated physical attributes. But then there's also, feminine behavior, the second way to gauge this. Feminine behavior is usually defined by… weakness. Submissiveness. And it's probably why it plays such a big role in this fetish. Feminine behavior can also be associated with gracefulness, gentleness, kindness -- being emotional, dependent, loyal, social, etc -- which are also themes commonly found in bimbofication works. Generally, one of the two (physical femininity or behavioral femininity) will be expected of a bimbo, if not both or a combination of varying degrees (for example: exaggerated soft pouty lips, slutty clothing, and submissive behavior - but a flat chest).
I don't have much to say about this. Yes, I still generally agree with this. It pairs well with my last point and the toolbox theory/sliding scale of bimboism (really not sure what to call it yet) The drag queen example is a little clunky though. I could've just used effeminate gay men in general as an example, and worded it a lot better...
Why does a bimbo act the way they do? Why the look? What does a bimbo want?
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For love. Or maybe it's attention, is there really a difference either way? A bimbo wants to be happy, and what makes them happy? Being adored. A bimbo wants to be able to light up a room through their looks, their personality, or maybe both. Some bimbos are happy making others happy. Some bimbos find happiness through what others do for them. Sometimes the love, adoration, and validation of others is enough. Sometimes it's for self-validation. But whatever a bimbo does, they usually do for themselves.
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Honestly, it depends entirely on the bimbo and the context in which she exists. A mean, manipulative, bitchy bimbo may act the way she does because she wants the respect or power she thinks she deserves. She values herself highly and thinks everyone else should too. A nice bimbo, ironically, might also act the way she does for the same reason -- because she's high value and pities low value people -- she rather attempt to share her value and be kind to those less fortunate in life.
This one has two because I struggled to come up with a satisfactory answer. Reading it back now I don't really see the point of this question. I still believe bimbos do things for themselves, that's kind of essential to me. I think its because of all the (terrible) bimbofication stories I've read where the man's pleasure is paramount. I do think this applies in general but those stories are really what motivates this "rule" for me. Bimbofication, for me, is not about control. I know it is for some people and that's fine but, and I've said this before, for me its more like MC author Pan (aka panwhowrites) said. Ironically, he's not a bimbo author and as far as I know doesn't really like bimbo stuff but what he said once that applies to bimbofication art and writing to me is that his biggest turn on and interest is female arousal.
The second answer I gave is bad because its half-expressed from my memory. It's based off this:
"Bimbos gravitate toward chaotic good, but are easily shaped by their environment: a bimbo that hangs out with mean girls, might easily assume that bullying is just good fun and doesn't hurt anyone; a bimbo that is spoiled by her sugar daddy can easily become a brat. a bimbo is shaped by her interests and environment like anyone else, don't write a walking self-parody stereotype."
which comes from further 4chan notes I never posted but hopefully will soon.
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understandingbimbos · 4 months
If you are specifically only interested in bimbofication as transformation AND bimbos as a cultural figure, I feel like that’s a difficult perspective to reconcile. Because there are hardly any bimbofication-transformations in mass media. Popular bimbo (or bimbo-ish) figures are almost always just “like that,” the bimboism is essential to their personality and always has been. Hot girl makeover narratives are a popular genre but they usually go to pains to make it clear that the subject’s personality/sense of self is mostly unchanged.
Anyways I think your writing is really interesting and articulate and hope you keep going. Do you have a sense of your target audience? I feel like your work probably doesn’t appeal to most people in the fetish because it’s nuanced and critical, which is a good thing, but hard if you want more people to read/engage with your stuff. Good luck!
I want the book to be open to and palatable to outsiders as a source of information, but I don't have specific or concrete audience besides that. I would like my approach to the subject matter to be somewhere between Dworkin and Scott McCloud.
And... yes, you do not see bimbofication in the mainstream. The closest I've seen any film come to it is Nightmare Sisters from 1988 and Repligator from 1998, and calling either of those mainstream is being very generous. I think there's also a bit part in Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama. And the comic adaptation of Dragon's Lair has Daphne getting dumber while she's trapped in her bubble, there's no growth but she already has a sexy/curvaceous body.
Then there's those two episodes of Sabrina, the one where she gets stuck looking like a walking pinup, and one where her evil doppelganger curses her to become stupid and boy crazy. There's that infamous scene from Leprechaun 3 with Stretch. One sort of indirect one that sticks with me, and I think I've mentioned this before, is what happens to Lorraine in Back to the Future 2. When Marty goes back to the bad present that Biff fucked up and his mom now an alcoholic trophy wife in a glitzy dress and big fake implants, but I don't know if that stuck with anyone else.
Lastly, I've seen others cite the animated explanation sequence in The Stepford Wives (2004) and Foxy Loxy's transformation in Chicken Little (2005). I don't think I've posted anything from any of these movies, and I really probably should.
I'm also not sure if this is something I've actually posted or just thought about but it struck me quite recently that bimbofication is really just an inverse of the Galatea myth, as in Pygmalion, as in My Fair Lady, as in Born Yesterday, Pretty Woman. Where you have in these narratives low-class women and sometimes straight up actual bimbos being reformed and becoming proper ladies, bimbofication is the exact opposite. You don't see it because it is a narrative tragedy, nearly horror, nowhere near romantic, a proper lady becoming a common whore...
(Which reminds me, I forgot the best "mainstream" "bimbofication" sequence, Halle Berry in Movie 43, remind me to post this later)
Anyway, like I was saying, a nightmare. But when we consider it in the context of Pygmalion, ancient myth, the very idea of bimbofication becomes a lot less insane. Pyggie took to crafting Galatea because he saw women practicing prostitution and begin to detest "the faults beyond measure which nature has given to women". It only stands to reason that there have been at least some people throughout human history, way before any of us were around, before bimbos, before bimbofication, that felt the exact opposite -- people who detested not whores but the stuffy or virtuous woman. People who's ideal Galatea would be no pure and innocent but wanton and shameless. And when George Bernard Shaw adapted and modernized this story in 1913, I'm sure that idea wormed its way into the head of even more people, even though we may never know. Someone had to read or watch the story of Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins and dream of the opposite, respectable lady to stupid bitch.
(Which reminds me... I forgot The Twilight Zone Episode, Number 12 Looks Just Like You. I have a post drafted on my other blog referencing that you might see soon. Maybe. Maybe not.)
I guess that's all to say, you are absolutely correct that there is no real basis for bimbofication in popular media. The seeds have existed here and there for a long time but that doesn't mean any of it was a direct or intentional influence. I think I made a forum post asking bimbofication authors about it and their frame of reference seemed to be entirely underground science-fiction and other erotica writers.
And who's to say who inspired by the bimbofication BDSM people, or how far back that goes? Or the artists who draw transformation sequences? Who drew the first bimbo TF sequence? Did the idea just come to them? That's kind of the thing.
Respectable lady to stupid bitch slut, no matter how niche this fetish is, is NOT a novel concept by any means. For those of who are into bimbofication as a revenge fantasy, its pretty much basic misogyny, no different than Pygmalion's, just in a different direction.
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understandingbimbos · 10 months
Rosalie Duthé, Anita Loos, Bill Wenzel, and Barbie.
I think at this point we've all accepted there's no single bimbo point of origin (or, POO). No bimbo ground zero. Rosalie Duthé is often cited as not only the first example of a bimbo but the first dumb blonde.
At the moment, she's even on the Wikipedia page!
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Which is honestly really unfortunate imo seeing as she was a real person and a prostitute, but that's neither here nor there, I guess. Anyway. Unless I'm mistaken, we don't actually know much about Rosalie Duthé. And even if she was a singular influence on the very concept of bimbos and dumb blondes, then what happened? Where are the examples of dumb blonde and bimboish characters appearing in plays and literature from 1775 onward? How far did this idea spread outside of France? I'm not saying its not possible or that these examples don't exist, but its hard to pin down. When Rosalie Duthé was alive "bimbo" was still only Italian for "little boy". And while the play mocking her may have introducd the concept of the dumb blonde that doesn't mean it was necessarily solidified as an archetype right then and there.
Enter Anita Loos. By the time her comic novel, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, is published in November of 1925 (after having been serialized in Harper's Bazaar) the dumb blonde, bimbo, and gold digger are already established archetypes. While Loos most definitely helped popularize these idea with her internationally best-selling often-adapted satire, she was utilizing what was already there. If anything the original idea she pushed was that men prefer blondes and that blondes have more fun. Anita Loos also wrote the screenplay for the 1932 film, Red-Headed Woman, where Jean Harlow plays an ambitious flirty giggly woman that fucks pretty much every male character that appears in the film (and doesn't appear in the film).
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(pictured, Jean Harlow and Anita Loos)
Then of course in the 50s we get Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Mamie Van Doren, and Judy Holliday. There were also men's magazines like Humorama featuring art from artists like Bill Ward, Dan DeCarlo, and Bill Wenzel. Featuring women who were either clueless, horny, or gold-digging, but all extremely buxom.
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And 1959 saw the release of the original Barbie, which was just a slightly modified version of Bild Lilli, a German sex doll. I don't have much to say about that, its still something I need to do more research on, and that's part of the point of this post. Connections are there but hard to find. I really can't speak to what influence Barbie has had specifically, I think it may all be surface level, but there's something to be said about the fact so many women I follow will cite or invoke her. And that "doll" is even considered a compliment/ideal in general, physically and non-physically. You know in the sense of "You're such a doll" or "She's so pretty she looks like a doll." Its interesting. My friend says dolls represent "an easily replicated curated aesthetic" and that may be the reason for the point of reference.
There was a lot more I was going to say and this post was going to be a lot less nonsensical but I am extremely tired. I thought I could clearly and quickly get my thoughts out before I had to go to sleep. I was wrong. Sorry. Goodnight!
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understandingbimbos · 10 months
further 4chan notes
Regarding transformation preferences:
Well the issue is how much it changes the character. People have been calling certain type of women bimbos since well before a lot of modern surgical stuff was around or in style. Maybe you ideal bimbo has a late 80's to mid 90s look? Personally I don't mind some IQ loss, but if your character isn't starting out super smart just some personality changes can work too. An extremely perky nympho qualifies as a bimbo to me.
This is a very subjective fetish overall
/aco/, 2021. Tips on writing a good bimbo:
Depends on what specific bimbo type you're going for, but the most common mistake is to write them as a literal retard or a child in an adult's body. Sure, a bimbo might be dense or childish, but it's their all-consuming interest in looking good, getting the cutest accessories, the hottest make-up and using all that to look their best to go have fun with friends or lovers — that is the basis of the character.
The "stupidity" is often simply the fact that important or "intelligent" thoughts or knowledge is being superseded in their mind by the thoughts and knowledge on the aforementioned topics and desire to have fun. It's those hedonistic interests that also make them disinterested in mental cultivation (hence denseness) and careers, and make them dependent on sugar daddies (hence childishness).
But the base core values of a bimbo are:
Looking good according to their bimboish cute and voluptuous sense of style, which might not even stop a bimbo from being a gym bunny or a goth, just depends on what they find cute or good-looking
Having fun: usually by partying, shopping, socializing (including sex), but even stuff like science can be placed here if the bimbo is naturally smart and thinks it's fun)
Being outgoing: they want their good looks to be enjoyed by others and are stereotypically outgoing, preferring to have fun with others
Being naive: is actually a side-effect of the previous three, but is so set, that I decided to add it; the fact that they are pretty, happy and outgoing, makes other people treat them nice, which makes her just assume that everyone has good intentions. That doesn't stop some bimbos from having an almost supernatural women's intuition.
Finally: alignment. Bimbos gravitate toward chaotic good, but are easily shaped by their environment: a bimbo that hangs out with mean girls, might easily assume that bullying is just good fun and doesn't hurt anyone; a bimbo that is spoiled by her sugar daddy can easily become a brat.
/aco/, 2021.
On identity death and bimbofying established characters:
The most salient traits of the personality are "bimbofied" as well as the body, and made to accommodate the new owner. When these traits are pleasant or neutral, they become slutty, and when they are unkind, they either become slutty as well or remain expressed but unable to prevent the body from acting sluttily, thus making the sluttiness even hotter by trying fruitlessly to react against it.
Identity death is for people who are too lazy to work the little details of the old life into the bimbo's new life.
Figure out what kind of sex the character would enjoy most, and make that her goal.
Figure out what the character would do to themselves to get to that goal.
Preserve/Add a few details of the character that don't get in the way of that goal.
/aco/, 2021.
"What are your favorite tropes to see in bimbo art?"
Maybe this is cheating, but I like to see hints of bimbofication. Suppressed twinges of regret or disappointment or something that this is how her life turned out. That or a gaping abyss in the soul threatening to pull other girls in. In any case - keep it visually restrained, and keep the thematic eyes on the prize. This is a fetish for bimbos, not for tits and ass large enough to eat a city. Lip enhancement is nice, but it shouldn't leave the girl looking like fucking Birdo. Don't confuse the signified and the signifier; it's all so much garish clown makeup, sure, but it still can't do that much to hide that it's the same girl underneath it deep down, even as her soul is being eroded by her facilitated interactions with the world around her. The most extreme physical transformation that makes sense here is things like breast implants, and even there, less is more - the size change doesn't need to be that extreme to convey that it happened.
/aco/, 2023.
"What element of this fetish is more important to you?"
For me it's wholly the physicality of the bimbo as an objectified, 'fake' hyperbole of the natural woman. The idea that a woman would willingly undergo such a transformation, such that no aspect of her, at no time, can ever be conceived as 'non-sexual' again is super hot to me. Her very existence is sexual at all times, she cannot hide it due to how absurd and eye-grabbing her proportions and aesthetic are - she has deliberately undergone a transformation to fully become a sexual object for mens enjoyment.
The whole "IQ loss" or "dumb girly submissive" aspect is mostly immaterial for me. For WOMEN I've met who share this fetish, though, this seems to be the main compelling component. Which is fine, so long as she gets the fake tits and slutty outfits to go along with it.
/aco/, 2023.
On the difference between bimbos and gyarus:
Visual trappings are different, and gyarus are more bitchy/aggressive than dumb and slutty.
This, gyarus can even pass as tomboys or delinquents but bimbos are like barbies, human sex dolls.
Gyarus are culturally bound to prostitution as well, as long as we're splitting categorical hairs. It's not just fashion/sex
/v/, 2023.
"Who the fuck gets a hard-on at the thought of fucking an imbecile?"
I do, kinda. I mean, not as in "Me so horny we want fuck" kind of retarded way but in the "Like, oh mah gawd, Kim Kardashians ass is, like, totally hawt? I'm gonna ask my doctor to, like, give me one just like it, fer sure" kind of way. You know, the totally vapid and superficial kind.
Hobbies and speech patterns are not indicative of a person's intelligence. I know people with a Ph.D. and Master's with similarly stupid hobbies. I also know quite smart and capable people who own their own businesses who talk in very similar way, it's more about where a person grew up, quality of their education and who their friends are than about intelligence.
Sure, but I think a bimbos interests would be kinda limited to shallow, superficial stuff. You know, stupid pop music, Reality TV, fashion, Make-Up and, of course, sex… and they might actually have fairly extensive knowledge about these things but not much beyond that. Basically, a bimbo is someone who might very well be able to give you a perfect recap of every episode of Big Brother but would have trouble solving a simple math equation.
/co/, 2016.
"What tickles your pumpkin?"
It seems to be a bit unusual but I like Bimbos being dominant and sexually aggressive. There's just something very appealing to me about the idea of being dominated or forced to serve a girl who's much dumber than me. Mind you, that doesn't mean that I want her to be a bossy bitch, she should still be nice but also kinda spoiled and selfish. Basically, she's still addicted to cock but more for her own pleasure than for that of her partner.
I'm also into the idea of bimbos humiliating normal, smart women.
/aco/, 2016.
On PegasusArt (degradation, maledom, misogyny, and self-inserts):
The moment you put your obvious cringey self-insert and try to link the fiction back to yourself (Instead of just dabbling in fictional characters), you take a step back from the fantasy aspect and make the latter power fantasies weird and gross seeming. That applies to any intended effect in fiction.
Bad bimbofication content is more about how great it is that the guys are getting laid, rather than the hot slutty extremely-fake women. I think sucking off guys is great, but I think most fans of bimbos would consider this a 'gay' interest. I'm much more interested in the blonde slut with the giant silicone filled tits.
imo the bad bimbofication is the shit where its obvious that the pic is more about the girl being degraded and made nonthreatening as opposed to being pumped full of silicon and covered in makeup
It's really just storytelling 101. His content is bad because it isn't actually about the bimbos, it's about his idiotic self-insertion, the bimbos are essentially completely irrelevant and only serve as props so his manlet can get his rocks off by being a colossal piece of shit. Good bimbo content is always going to put the bimbo first and forefront, so he fails right at the starting line.
I like when the girl is degraded and made nonthreatening. I especially like those works where the girl doesn't even know she's being mocked. That being said I still think Pegasus is trash. He's such a turbo autist with no self awareness. It's seriously cringeworthy to see Mind Control Manlet insult the defeated women. I think the key is that women NEVER look like they're enjoying it. It's just an angry faggot raping a sad woman. I like my bimbofication darkly comedic.
/aco/, 2013.
On dollification, drones, and degree of stupidity:
Bimbofication generally allows enough thought for the bimbo to be able to talk, though generally not enough for any real self-awareness. A complete loss of thought is more a facet of dollification (though I tend to prefer my dollification with the person being completely immobilized but completely aware).
Either way, where's the fun in playing with a broken toy? The best of both bimbofication and dollification allow the fantasy of the person being aware of what's happened and being helpless to turn things back. In the case of bimbofication, nothing gets me off quite like the moment the bimbo finds they can't do something they used to be able to, or those distant notions of "something isn't right… shouldn't I be able to read?" barely manage to form before being shattered by something that occupies their tiny minds more clearly, like a dick.
Things bimbos are known for: Not being smart, but certainly being capable of some degree of independent thought. Like, y'know, they're, like, dumb? But, like, they can still, like, at least think thoughts and junk.
/d/, 2013.
On degradation, maledom, and conflicting definitions:
I personally don't like the derogatory interpretation of bimbos, where they have to be braindrained and become so lobotomized that they become sex slaves essentially out of force and cohesion, because they're too stupid to not be taken advantage of. To me that signals a humiliation/degradation fetish where the kink is trying to destroy her personality/soul and make her into a sex object, and nothing kills my boner faster than that.
There are a lot of sluttification fetishes, like corruption, hypnosis and ganguro. But I don't feel any of them gave to do with 'bimbos' persay. A slut might routinely be a gold digger, or some kind of business pro cocksucker executing sex with precision, intent and purpose (To get a promotion, reward a free expensive dinner, earn a rich boyfriend, ect) but not care much about sexuality in itself.
My ideal bimbo is always sex positive, but still keeps her availability even when she's not actually commited for sex otherwise. Sometimes she might act like a cute ditzy flirt, other times she may go all in with sex and make your wildest dreams come true. And yet others, she might just feel like going shopping, seeing a movie and hanging out in the mall like a pink-loving blond girly go. She might load herself on sexual potential (big pouty pink lips, skimpy clothes), but whether or not she acts on it is her prerogative. It's not something she feels ashamed or reserved about, just something she does or she doesn't.
The most important aspect of bimbos for me is is they ENJOY sex and being sexy. Not for money, gratitude, or any form of degradation. If it's just a character forcibly becoming a sex slave that has nothing to do with bimbodom, what's the point? Also being ditzy and openly signaling sex isn't always mutually exclusive with empowerment.
Now for me some degrading lobotimized exploited sex slave scenario is fine as long as the bimbo herself is happy dappy. I figure the main point of any sex is satisfaction, no matter how you arrive at it.
Now, I find the stereotypical sluttification stories are a bit more negative in tone. I don't like those very much either. Like with corruption it's dependent upon a self-awareness of the degradation, bimbofication however is all about the shameless lack of self-awareness and living happily in the moment. No harm, no foul.
It burns me that there's so much confusion between the two given the different extremes of feelings they can inspire.
If anything it's the submissive/derogatory bimbo fantasies that are the fake bimbos.
Go back and watch some of the 80s comedies that fueled the stereotype. There are A LOT of bimbo characters that would actually be considered dominant or intimidating.
They're full of things like the uptight college lecturer trying to teach, but the scantily clad blonde in the front seat chewing bubble gum and twirling her hair around her finger keeps distracting him and giggling at his discomfort.
Yet here you get insecure idiots with no understanding of history and who can't cope with the idea of a woman enjoying sex thinking they can dictate the one true bimbo.
Characters like Orihime or Usagi. They may not be sex obsessed or fashion flirty cocksucking tramps but the archetype and personality is the same.
I'd say as much so for Marilyn Monroe. It's more a wide range of traits about a girl being either fun flirty and ditzy, or huge and busty + upbeat. There's no exact definition or ideal bimbo, I love the mental aspects as much as the physical ones.
For example you can have a shy "nerdy" girl, who when she tries to socialize actually comes off as spacy, innocent and kind of cute in that bimboish way. Her personality at heart is similar to a bimbo and makes her one, despite her look. That one chick from the anime HxH, Shizuku comes to mind.
On the other hand you could also have a huge well endowed, thick and extremely busty woman with lots of makeup and sexual appeal, but she's smart and mature with a kinda fun personality. The body is what makes her bimbodom.
If having a high libido is all that it takes to be a bimbo, then the term is meaningless. As was discussed at length, all dictionaries and wikipedia associate bimbos with low intellect - it's the one common trait amongst bimbos. Remove that trait and you no longer have a definition for bimbo since we have already ruled out that physical qualities aren't set in stone for a bimbo… so there's nothing else to define them by other than intelligence.
/aco/, 2015.
On lip expansion:
I'm of the opinion that lips, especially the bigger and plumper they are, are the secret ingredient to make any girl look more like a bimbo with minimal effort. They just ooze femininity, I agree.
The nice thing about lips is that a single change can make big lips go from just being big to totally bimbo, and that's changing it from being shaped to having none, removing the natural bow and making them fat and shapeless. Good lord it's hot.
It takes very little to push their size over what's typical into bimbofied. When they get to be that fat, the lips always seem to droop into that natural O-shape for fellatio somewhat, and it looks like she's always puckered and ready to slurp on some yummy cock.
And, a pair of overplumped kissers can make nearly any expression look a hundred times more air-headed and clueless. It manages to be both totally cute and smoking sexy. I'm glad you know your LDM's too, he does the best mouths.
/d/, 2017.
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understandingbimbos · 4 months
I already know what I do is pointless and nobody really cares but realizing that so few people actually read my text posts really kills me inside, and makes it hard to feel like I should even continue posting.
It's sort of my fault for setting up on tumblr where there's more aspiring bimbos and bimbo owners than bimbo writers and artists. I also severely overestimated how many people actually read bimbofication stories.
I'll still be working on the book, but it won't be as all-encompassing as I thought. I finally realized not only do I not condone IRL bimbofication, I don't really care about it either. I'm much more interested in bimbo as a cultural figure than bimbo as a real-life BDSM fetish or lifestyle, sort of like the anthropology of bimbos.
And it really doesn't help its impossible to find any concrete evidence of an origin or source point. Which came first -- bimbofication erotica? Bimbofication art? Or bimbofication as a real-life kink? It doesn't seem like anybody knows, it doesn't even seem like the three are connected, its fucking bonkers.
Even if I wanted to write about bimbos as a cultural figure and then lead into how it developed into a fetish in art and writing ONLY it would be almost entirely guesstimation, the dots don't connect.
I don't know. I guess it really doesn't matter.
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Ashtens Empire, who first gained recognition as a Kim Kardashian look-alike, has passed away from complications with surgery. First reported April 22nd, 2023 at 6:13 PM EST by a user in her thread on theperfectboobs.net and confirmed about an hour later in a tweet from Nicolette Shea. She was 28 years old.
Earlier this month she had given a brief interview about her career and plans for the future:
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I didn't follow Ashten as closely as I did Kristyna Martelli but as inevitable as it was I had hoped something like this would never happen again. It takes me back to the incident that happened on Twitter, when I was accused of harming women by encouraging bimbofication. Even though that's not true it's a thought that hasn't left my mind since. I don't feel guilty for enjoying the look of plastic surgery, especially when its not something I'm personally pushing or funding but when considering the risks and results its something difficult to not at least be conflicted with. We don't know for sure it was a cosmetic procedure that killed Ashten, really we know very little about her or what happened, I couldn't even find her real full name for this post. And, cynically, I think some people are okay with that. It seems to come with the territory.
Bimbofication is a fetish that's so difficult to grapple because there's almost inherent ties to objectification and submission. And seemingly that leads to a sort of callousness that may be normal but I find difficult to accept. You could argue for a lot of these women this was their life's work, that they died as they lived, in the throes of self-sexualization but the idea of objectifying someone even in and after death makes me feel sick. I can't help but feel it cruel. A young woman is gone, someone's fiance, daughter, friend. But some time later down the line I'm sure I'll see a video or pictures of her used again as fodder for cheap ejaculate as if she were AI generated and not a real living person that meant something to someone. And that depresses me. It seems so meaningless too because, won't my hypocrisy prevail? I've admitted before that the dehumanization that this fetish requires arouses me but its repulsive too. Repulsive and repugnant.
My blog isn't really geared towards to those interested in becoming bimbos but I see a lot of them in my notes because we're all under the same fetish umbrella, and there's probably more of them left on tumblr than artists and writers. To you all, I just want to emphasize, please be safe. You don't need that much to be a bimbo. Chloe Cherry managed it well with mostly just lip fillers and a change in makeup. Of course, I'm sure most of my followers aren't thin blonde white girls, but one think I begrudgingly have to admit Chrissy Chlapecka and the TikTok teens got right is the idea of bimbo personal expression, which I've been meaning to make a post on. Yes, being bimbo is more than just wearing pink and trying to be "y2kcore", but you actually really don't need huge fake tits so big you'll knock someone over! And you don't need to be super duper skinny with the waspiest waist ever. You don't need to be blonde or have pale skin either, please feel free to still be yourself!
All that being said, I hope Ashten is at peace now. Or in a better place. Wherever she may be, I think its important to remember that she was. It always makes me feel a sort of emptiness when I go to a currently active bimbo page and I see them reposting pictures of people who have long since left the bimbo life behind or their identities have been long since forgotten, their pictures having been subsumed into the internet as a whole. I just think we should value individuals over tits.
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Like most of this blog, this is an opinion piece.
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I hate the association of bimbofication with MC. I hate that bimbofication is considered a subsection of MC.
And that's not to say I hate MC. There's art and erotica I like I'm pretty sure falls under the umbrella of MC. But with bimbofication, its all about the transformation. Yes, there's a transformation of the mind, and I suppose that could be considered mind control -- but there needs to be a physical transformation. I have no interest in bimbo-fication without physical transformation.
There's nothing wrong with bimbos on their own, divorced from transformation. I love the exaggerated plastic surgery look. I love female characters who are dumb, lascivious (this is a really specific word to use over "horny" or "slutty" but I need to be specific about what I mean), or attention seeking (or dumb, lascivious, and attention seeking). But what I don't like is reading a story where some mind controlling reality-rewriting psychopath asshole walks in and is like "Hey, you're dumb now! And you have huge tits." I don't enjoy that. I don't like when some loser ass motherfucker hits the bagel button on the bimbo toaster and a fully formed hot dumb slut obsessed with sucking his dick pops out seconds later, followed by descriptions of sucking dick. I could just watch porn for that.
I want to see a transformation. You know, the real bimbofication is the bimbos we made along the way. The end result is fine, if the end result is written well (it never is), but I'm here to see the process.
And on the slightest related note, maybe this is why I have a such hard time with IRL bimbos. I love the fakeness. I love the vulgarity of a woman having an obviously fake ass, and fake lips, and fake tits... but its genuinely ruined for me if I can't think of the woman as dumb. The sexiness and allure evaporates. What are bimbo tits without the bimbo brain? Without the bimbo behavior? A waste of bimbo parts, in my honest opinion. At the very least, it helps to have a character to reference. Pamela Anderson is hot, but I started watching Baywatch and in the first few episodes CJ's not acting bimbish at all. Then I watched Barb Wire, and she's fucking Humphrey Bogart. So now I'm watching Stripperella... and Erotica has her moments, but even she's not really a bimbo. What gives, Pam?
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It's a damn shame. Even including pornstars the only people I can really project that bimbo persona on is
1. Jayne Mansfield, because she played it so well -- on more than one occasion, and incorporated it into her public image.
2. Barbara Eden, because she played a silly horny genie in a skimpy outfit on TV for 5-7 years.
One of those women has been dead for 56 years, and the other is 91. It's honestly not looking so good.
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no offense intended to anyone (im about to say something at least mildly offensive) but i saw a really bad post about "bimbos of color" that one of my followers on here reblogged. not only did the women not look like bimbos but one of the images was even very obviously AI generated.
its kind of been bothering me, especially since i've been planning a bimbo diversity post for a while now, though mine was more about the importance of personal expression. i want to make a point that all bimbos don't need to look the same. a lot of bimbo blogs on here and in general bimbo spaces online just stick to one look and i hate that women might see that and think they genuinely need to sacrifice their individuality to be a bimbo. and i realize you may be thinking "they do, that's the point of being a bimbo", i understand that and some women may just want to sacrifice their individuality and be a carbon copy of a carbon copy, but i disagree. i believe there's room for fat bimbos, flat bimbos, natural bimbos, punk bimbos,, etcetera etcetera. the problem is
finding examples
figuring out the common "bimbo tells" -- how do all these women look "bimbo" when they all look different?
because i don't much about makeup, photoshop, facetune, or... anything in regards to beauty and physical appearance. i even looked through Pink Bimbo Academy's blog to see if I could get some sort of idea (i really admire what they do, btw) but maybe i'm tackling this all from the wrong angle and Limerick's tool box theory (it wasn't even Limerick's, hell, I'd came up with the same idea earlier) is the one to utilize in this instance. all these different women don't look like bimbos because they look alike... but because they look like bimbos.
my old notes explain it better:
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i think another reason why the idea of bimbo diversity has been weighing down on me so much lately because of Ashten, Ashten and everybody. i would just like to emphasize once again that copious amounts of extremely dangerous surgery isn't the only way.
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im posting this as an example but i don't even know how dangerous lip fillers/injections are... go figure. anyway, expect a post maybe later tonight. im not sure if itll be writing or just pictures at this point or what. and there may be drawings instead of just IRL examples bc im sure they exist but examples of fat bimbos have been extremely hard to find... maybe i'll make two posts.
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