#bless you and your short starter
11cupid-tarot11 · 2 months
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Pile 1 -> 3 🩷
Short random messages regarding love for you! 💓
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Pile 1- the chariot, the star and seven of coins
For starters the star card is making me think you might already have a crush on this person or might know of them, take what resonates for you.
For others, I'm getting this person might just really admire you. I'm hearing they like you so much they're willing to basically cross seas for you.
This person is strong willed meaning when it comes to you nothing else matters in the world, I think they have their eyes on a prize and are very determined when they want something which would appear to be you lol
I think this person is already planning y'all future in their head, like they've really got everything figured out even how they want to approach you 😭 (that's cute lol)
I feel like this person just really wants to say you're all in their space and they're accepting it. Like they can't wait for the day you two come together (and get married I'm hearing for some 😉😜) but they're definitely planning on making their move soon!
Other messages- 1111 might be significant, you're hot, lots of dates in nature, can't wait to kiss you, I miss you already.
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Okay, for this pile I'm picking up on a dynamic that's like light and day, one person in this connection is a bit colder, closed off and I feel like someone in this connection just refuses to give up.
I'm hearing 'let your doors down' and this person might feel very hurt that the other isn't open to the same emotion intimacy the other is into.
I'm seeing it might be best to take a break, maybe the relationship has gotten to a point neither of you had meant it to or you're just really disappointed by the outcome and they're clearly not up to your standards and it's not good to settle for less.
I'm seeing maybe some of us are trying a little too hard to hang onto this connection but we can't change nor fix something that's not broken.
I am seeing for some of you that removing your energy might actually make this person miss you, and if they love you enough they'll come around and compromise so the both of you can feel fulfilled and happy in the relationship and if they don't clearly they weren't the ones for you and that's okay, because you never know when the universe is going to throw someone new your way! This could be a blessing in disguise 🥸.
Other messages- 444 could be significant, the color red, maybe a red car? I have no idea what song this is but it's got something to do with driving?idk ur person is singing it 🤣 Maybe that's significant for someone out there?
Pile 3-
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So for this pile I actually heard 'its time!" I think this pile is being called to awaken to something or for some of you a special someone? 🥹
Okay this message was a little harder to read but I think both ends have been stressing out over this? And it's kind of ridiculous because you're both literally good people according to spirit that would have a very beautiful relationship and would grow like a freaking fruit tree! I think spirit is saying since neither of you will make a move they'll be forced to push both of you using the universe- like magic almost I'm hearing.
This pile was shorter, and I'm also randomly hearing someone in this connection could be short lol? I think someone here might smile a lot too, I'm seeing smiley faces!
Other messages- the song 'Magic by txt', 12, 111, the color yellow and maybe the month of May- June might be significant for some of y'all?
Have a fantastic day! 🌹 See you all again soon! Hope you enjoyed 😊
Dm for personal readings!
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icycoldninja · 25 days
Could you write a Sephiroth x GN!Yandere reader?
Ooh, a yandere reader fic! I've wanted to write one of these for ages! Thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
Together forever (Sephiroth x GN!Yandere!Reader)
You'd become obsessed with Sephiroth the moment you laid eyes on him. His long, shimmering, silver hair, paired with his lovely, delicate face and those glittering neon green eyes captivated you. Everything about him was pure perfection--as if he were designed just to snatch your attention and hold it, even after he left the room.
You couldn't stop thinking about this gorgeous angel, your mind was constantly fixated on him. The way he moved, the way he spoke, the sound of his voice, all of it was so addictive.
You didn't realize it at first, but your obsession soon evolved into something much more than a mental preoccupation. You started stalking the man, following him around wherever he went, no matter how far away he traveled. You were willing to give up everything for him, forsake your friends, family, fortune, and even your home, if only you could make that man yours.
Sephiroth was well aware you were stalking him, but he never thought much about it because you were just a lowly mortal--you couldn't touch a blessed, all-powerful Chosen One such as himself. Therefore, he let you continue with your creepy behavior, not bothered by it in the slightest.
Not showing concern towards your acts had to be the worst mistake Sephiroth could have ever made, because in doing so, he allowed you an opportunity to break into his hideout one night and ambush him while his back was turned. The normally alert ex-SOLDIER would have usually sensed an intruder, but since he didn't take his not-so-secret admirer seriously, he let his guard down.
Once he found himself with a knife pressed against his throat, Sephiroth, being the arrogant, prideful man he is, still thought of your actions as weak and pathetic. He was so sure he could disarm and decapitate you with ease, but he was quickly proven wrong. For starters, you were way stronger than you looked--it seemed that your obsession with him resulted in you working out and gaining quite a lot of muscle. Not only that, but you had clearly been taking martial arts and weapon weilding lessons, as the way you held your knife was nothing short of expert.
"What do you think you are doing?" He demanded, struggling, for the first time in his life, to escape your grip.
"Hush my darling," You cooed, running your fingers across his smooth, supple skin that felt oh-so-lovely under your fingertips. "Don't be afraid. I'm here now--now we can be together, forever."
Sephiroth squirmed in your hold, seething with rage. He knew you were crazy, but to think you'd have the audacity to hold him at knifepoint to mumble some nonsense about being together!? As if! He'd like to think he could do better than you.
Deep down, however, there was a little spark of excitement that resonated throughout Sephiroth's core, waking up the cold, numb heart that had lumbered in his chest for so long. To be controlled and dominated like this was an entirely new experience for him, and perhaps, if you played your cards right, it would become something he could enjoy, especially if you meant what you said.
A small smile appeared on his face as you lightly dragged your blade across his throat, barely grazing the skin with the metal.
"Together forever?" He repeated, green eyes glinting with mischief. "Can you really keep that promise?"
Giddiness spreading through your body at the possibility of your dreams becoming reality, you placed a hand on Sephiroth's angelic face and turned his head so he was facing you.
"Yes, I swear it with my life," You told him. "And my knife." You noticed the smile on Sephiroth's face looked softer and warmer than his usual evil smirk. It seemed the prospect of having a constant companion was appealing to him in ways beyond carnal needs.
"I promise," You repeated, turning him so he faced you and throwing your arms around his shoulders. "I promise we will be together forever."
Slowly, tenatively, fearfully, Sephiroth's arms came up andaround you, reciprocating your hug.
"That...is all I need."
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memeapple2 · 7 months
Starters of memes that live rent free in my head part 3 beacuse fuck it!
"I just can't talk to a hetty right now."
"Bold of you to assume the most important person in my life is a woman. God bless you Danny Devito!"
"Well god danm, that's one diagonal twix!!"
"It don't matter none of this matters."
"It is my job to defeat the darkness! This is another form of the darkness! Also what's a penis?"
"Wanna watch baaaaaaaambi?"
"They can't troll me beacuse I have no ears! They can't troll me if I can't hear them!"
"What!? I have no fucking ears!!"
"They can't troll you if they're dead!"
"I don't think I can Miku Miku ooeeoo any longer."
"It's never too late not to be an asshole!!"
"Naaaaaaah, the eternal worm came back for Connecticut!"
"I hope someone dies and goes to hell today!!!"
"I storm there, I like lower prices!"
"I've rolled the worst joint ever now I've gotta leave."
"Oh you poor feeble minded gay! I've evolved past Fortnite!!"
"Just fill the hole, hole filler!!"
"You are cute! Kiss me! Bestie!!!"
"Grill me a cheese."
"You've seen it now you can't unsee it!"
"Life is short but also unbearably long!"
"No, now I don't want it anymore."
"There is nothing chicken about this situation!"
"Once Mr. Potato sausage enters your life he never truly leaves."
"That's the skittles water."
"No, shut up! It's still relevant AND YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR SINS!!"
"I won't hurt you? Who says that? POTENTIAL CREEPERS, THAT’S WHO!!"
"I need complete silence for this spell, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHJJNNNNBGHNCFJ!!"
"I was bein a bee, it's what I do!"
"Oh shit, I guess I'm just a freak then."
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justaboot · 9 months
For the platonic sentence starters I choose ❛ i am this close away from strangling you. ❜ and let’s have this be between Della Duck and Goldie O’Gilt
People must be born obnoxious. Monstrously, migraine-inducing, brain-poundingly obnoxious from the moment they tumble into the world, filthy and screaming and absolutely useless. That would be the only explanation for something so small being so utterly proficient at making Goldie genuinely question whether jamming icepicks in her eardrums would be worth the pain in exchange for blessed silence in the trunk of this car.
"Red-eared slider, tuartua, leopard gecko, regular gecko," the pipsqueak of a weasel of a fetus rattled on. How a voice could be so loud coming from a locked luggage case was beyond her. "Anula, a moorish gecko, can't forget that, gila monster, crested gecko-"
"Kid, I'm begging you."
"And of course, the monitor lizard. I haven't licked a king snake yet, but that's not an amphibian, but it's definitely on my list. Okay, your turn. If you could lick any reptile, what's on your top fifty?"
Goldie bit at the leather straps binding her wrists. The ones at her feet cut into her ankles.
"Which one kills me the fastest?"
"That's an excellent question," the kid said, and Goldie suddenly regretted every moment she ever saved herself from near-death. She couldn't think of a single one that would be worse than this.
"Wait," the kid said, "You should have been listening, because if you were listening, you'd know I already said it, so I'll give you a hint-"
Goldie kicked at the roof of the car trunk. It didn't budge. This was it, her personal hell. All of her sins were coming crashing down on her in the form of a six year old stowaway in her uncle's stolen suitcase.
"Kid, I'm gonna be real with you," she said, "I'm not big on murdering minors. Unless they deserve it. But, and I mean this in the most kid-friendly way possible, I'm about this close to strangling you."
The suitcase hopped a bit. It hopped a bit nearer.
"What are you doing..."
"If you're this close," the suitcase said, "That means you'll have to let me out."
"In that scenario, your chances of survival go way down, short stuff."
"But yours go way up."
Goldie ceased kicking at the trunk.
"How'd you get there?"
"Because my hand can probably get through the tail-light hole and wave for help. Nobody stops for gross old lady hands, but everybody stops for kids."
Goldie stared at the underside of the trunk for a long moment, debating whether or not Scrooge would buy a story about his niece falling out of a moving car in a locked suitcase by accident.
He might, actually.
She kicked at the trunk roof again. She gave the suitcase a good kick, too, for good measure. Accidents happen.
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vievieveda · 15 days
busy | open starter
The tavern was packed and two of her employees had failed to show up for their shift. Which led to a somewhat frazzled Vee, even if she didn't show it outside of having a shorter temper and less patience than usual. The human was winding through the main room, dropping off refills and picking up glasses and food remnants. One blessing for the day - at least Cookie showed up. That man's job was the only one Veda couldn't do herself.
"Callaghan! Sit down before you fall down," she called out loud enough to be heard over the crowd as she slipped past table after table. "Oakenfold! I swear on all of Withermore that if you put one more scorch mark on my table, you'll be tied to it until it fades. Vallance! Grab her ass again and I'll personally provide her a cleaver to cut off your hand."
Vee made it behind the bar, handling the dirty mugs as she visually checked in with those seated before her. There was one that hadn't been there her last circuit, wiping her hands on an already dirty rag before approaching with one eyebrow raised.
"Oh, don't give me that look. Someone's got to keep them in line to keep this place from devolving into a warzone. What can I get you? In case you haven't noticed, we're short staffed tonight. So you can fuck right off if you want anything that doesn't come from a bottle or a barrel."
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mslanna · 7 months
The Devil Finds Work for Idle Hands
Chapter 4 of Be My Guest here on AO3
In which Raphael gives Tav things to do so they stop driving him crazy, but that makes him mad instead. Also how to keep a nerd entertained for eternity so your dad can't have their soul.
Time stands still when you have nothing to do. That counts twice when you are stuck in the hells and the master of your house is busy waging war. Zariel is the first head to roll, naturally. Tav slips in and out of strategy meetings and asset calculations. But nobody heeds them - just a mortal ghost in a devil's house.
There are times, Tav wished Korrilla was still alive, even if they don't like her. But all mortal servants of Raphael were slain when his father raided the place. Bound to their master, they would fight to the end. Their wanderings bring Tav once again to the pool leading to the boudoir. They considered swimming but the pool is shallow, made for other activities entirely.
Tav tries writing to their friends, but what is there to say? Still in the House of Hope. Still nothing to do. Banned from the kitchen and wine cellar now. Nothing happens and they have nothing to relay. The ink slowly dries up in its well on their desk where empty parchment languishes.
It is a relief when the devil calls on them one day. "There will be belated a visitor from Helsik in the foyer," he says. "Make them leave, will you? I have no time to kill them."
Raphael doesn't have to ask twice. Tav brightens at the prospect and beams when he snaps their armour into existence around them. The heavy war hammer clunks to the ground and Tav picks it up easily. After giving it an experiments swing, as if it might be broken, they leave at a brisk pace.
They don't plan to nesessarily kill the intruder. But, they come from outside and they may be willing to talk. Tav wonders how long the cooperation between Helsik and Raphael stands. It makes sense that the devil knows who lets people into his abode. It makes sense for Helsik to save her own hide by ratting out everybody stupid enough to come here to the master of the house.
Before Tav can consider what that means for their own visit, they reach the foyer. A portal is slowly forming on the ground and Tav takes up position while it stabilises. They watch the dark abyss with longing. What if they just slipped out? How badly can Mephistopheles want their soul?
A humanoid figure comes through the portal and does the eye-wrenching feat of flipping upright through themselves so they come to stand in the foyer feet down. They look around carefully. A human, clad in sneaky leathers with short red hair and knives galore.
Tav bounces their feet against the wall of the platform they sit on. The soul pillar at their back hums quietly and they hope it is their imagination. The sound of their heel scraping against stone gets the intruder's attention who falls into a defensive stance immediately, scanning the room for more opponents.
"No worries," Tav calls. "I'm all the welcoming committee there is. You can relax"
The human lets they glance flit to the war hammer that leans causally next to the bench.
"Yeh, insurance, I call it. In case you're not in a talking mood. Look." Tav jumps of the platform and stands next to their weapon, hands out towards the intruder. "Raphael is at home, he is busy and unhappy. Count your blessings. Just go home."
"I paid solid gold for this opportunity," the voice is smooth and alluring. "And Helsik does not deal in returns. You understand that I cannot simply – leave."
"Alright, let's talk it through. I'm Tate." Tav didn't go as far as revealing their actual name or offering their hand. If this human returns to Faerûn, it might just be better if they know a little less than they think."
"You can call me Pinch." They look around, still suspecting a trap. "What can you offer to make this worth my while?"
"Your life, for starters." Tav smiles, revealing their teeth very slowly. It's been too long since last they played. "What did you expect to win by coming here?"
"Will you help me get it?" Pinch asks back.
"Maybe." Tav shrugs. "To me it doesn't really matter. You can talk, or you can try to fight your way past me and die. But me? I am bored. So I talk."
"What is even your job here if you are bored?" Pinch inches closer. "I can't think of any devil letting their servants go idle."
"I'm special that way. You know that some people do negotiate agreeable contracts, yes?"
"And you managed to do that." The reply comes slow, thoughtful. "Tell me: the trick to that is having something the devil actually wants. Something a little more exciting than your soul, isn't it?"
"It certainly helps. And devils often own things other devils would rather see in their own possession." Tav's mind races through the items in the archive. But most of them are of interest to other devils. Maybe shaking out which one it is, will help Raphael with his war. They smile and nod.
"You have me there." Pinch rocks back to his heels. "And you would know about important – items in Raphael's possession."
"His vaults are extensive, but I have a little insight. Also, not everybody in this place is – fond of their master." Tav tilts their head. "Help could be arranged."
"But not from you?"
"Oh, I am helping, am I not? You will leave with enough pointers to succeed. If I consider your quest entertaining enough."
"A chip of your master's block." Pinch snorts. "Well, where would I find his most treasured servant?"
"At his side?" Tav ventures.
"A hard place to pry them from, don't you think?"
"A worthy venture. Maybe being more specific will help me jog my brain where else they may be found if not attending to Raphael.
"I am looking for Tav, hero of Baldur's Gate."
It takes everything Tav has not to let their jaw drop. "Ah," they get out. "I see where you may run into trouble there. Yes."
"Raphael treasures nothing more than Tav," Pinch continues. "The heart of his collection, the crown jewel snatched from his father's grasp. You should hear him brag about that puny human. It might make you reconsider your standing – and loyalties."
Tav swallows hard.
"I know." Pinch draws their own conclusion. "It is always difficult to hear you are not as important as your devil says. Take it from me, Tate. You are nothing. Raphael will sacrifice you and half his house with a snap of his fingers if it means he can safe his favourite asset. But, I can take that problem off your hands."
Nodding numbly Tav tries to think, but their thoughts are tumbling haplessly, devouring themselves like a coiled, knotted snake with thirteen mouths. "I will help you." The words are short bursts of effort. "Their favourite, go to the boudoir. Raphael keeps an incubus there and they are not happy about their standing here either. Let them know you talked to me, that I sent you as much as one can."
"What am I to do with an incubus?" Pinch spits, disgust written over their face.
"Where the incubus is, Tav is often close by. Why not take full advantage of being Raphael's favourite by also taking advantage of the devil's favourite toy? The incubus will know where Tav is, or can even lure them."
Pinch doesn't move.
"You don’t believe me." Tav takes a deep breath. "Alright. We'll play it your way. I will take you to the boudoir myself. Pretend I caught you. I have authority to parade Raphael's prisoners about."
It takes some negotiation until they find a way that suits both Tav's need to look in charge and Pinches need not to be powerless. But finally they set off to the pounding of Tav's heart. As promised, nobody stops them and few spare them more than a glance.
The way to the boudoir seems never-ending. Tav can barely breathe by the time they round the pool. To their utter relief, Haarlep lounges on the bed, looking slightly bored. When the two humans enter, they perk up on the pillow.
"What have we here?" Haarlep's eyes rove over both figures. They pick up on Tav's desperation easily and beckon them closer with a languid gesture.
Tav releases Pinch and motions them on. "Go tell them what you want, Pinch. They are on our side."
Haarlep watches the human approach from hooded eyes, much more into the sheer desperation emanating from Tav. Their fear is delicious. "So, you want to annoy Raphael, I take it?" They address the other mortal.
"I have come for Tav, hero of Baldur's Gate," Pinch declares solemnly. "Tate said you can lure them here. I will send their soul to Mephistopheles and that will guarantee me a great deal."
"That it will indeed." Haarlep smiles hungrily. "How very clever of you to listen to Tate." He tastes the name like an exotic fruit. "But what will I get out of this, my dear Pinch. Something nice, maybe, something – pleasurable?" The incubus opens their legs invitingly.
"I-" Pinch stutters. They are revolted by the idea. On the other hand, Haarlep is an incubus and they stand close enough to fall under their spell. "What do you have in mind?"
"Oh, nothing too dramatic. But something that requires a little privacy." Haarlep nods Tav out of the room and the paladin makes a show of their reluctance as they leave.
As soon as they turn their back, Tav closes their mind to the seductive voice rolling from behind the open curtains. They want to run, but only manage a brisk walk. Decorum, appearances. Tav flees into their room as fast as possible. There they sit down on the edge of their bed and breathe. Nothing else matters. Air goes in. The world tumbles. Air goes out. The room turns. Air goes in. Everything is danger. Air goes out. Walls collapse over them. Air goes in. Darkness falls. Air goes out, hands clutch at the head. Air goes in. Body curls up. Air goes out in a scream that never stops.
A hand descends on Tav's shoulder and the world falls silent. Haarlep looks down with a frown of concern that looks new to their features. They drop beside Tav, folding up like a knife on the too small furniture.
"Now that was interesting," they say.
"They came for me," Tav mumbles. "Abduct me, kill me, take my soul to Mephistopheles."
"A novel idea and not one I think poor Pinch came up with for himself. Our dear arch devil may be getting word out that he is open to deals that include your demise facilitated on the side of the client."
"How does he even know I'm here?" Tav wonders.
"Where else would you be?" Haarlep wraps an arm around Tav's shoulders. "You are not in Baldur's Gate, where by rights, you should be. An arch devil is after your soul and you were last seen bargaining him out of his son. Deduction?"
"I'm with the son," Tav concedes.
"Clever little mouse. I mean that," Haarlep adds when Tav sends them a glare. "Very smart to lure them to me. They were so reluctant. Disgusted with themself the whole time. I took my sweet while to savour every last drop of their life." The incubus licks their lips at the memory.
"He won't bother anybody again." Haarlep squeezes Tav's shoulder. "Oh, don't look so shocked. I promise never to show you their shape." They shake their head lost in memory. "Shouldn't have fought so hard. They fail so much grander when they do. Body and soul. I threw their husk over the balcony, so there are no traces left."
"Thank you." Tav sighs the words almost to soft to be heard as the tension drains from their body. They lean heavily against the incubus and close their eyes. "Thank you Haarlep."
"My pleasure," the incubus purrs. "Feel free to repeat this stunt."
"Won't Raphael object?"
"Who is going to tell him about it? Not me."
"I think, I will." Tav is surprised to find the words to be true. "I don't feel great about this repeating and having him know his father is not below sending people into his home-"
"He may get very, very angry," Haarlep cautions.
Tav doesn't say that that is kinda the point. Pinches tirade about how they are Raphael's favourite thing stings deeply contrasted with the life of neglect they lead. Maybe reminding the devil of their existence would help. It would at least grant Tav temporary attention. It was not the main reason of course. Attention from Raphael were not, what they were after.
Tav lets out a long sigh. "I'm sorry, but I will tell him. But, I will also suggest we keep dealing with the problem the way we did."
"Let me know how that goes." Haarlep stand up abruptly. They look down at Tav with narrow eyes. "And don't say I didn't warn you."
Tav watches them leave, fighting the rising feeling or emptiness and guilt. But they are doing the right thing. Haarlep may not like it. But what is that to them? Haarlep doesn't even like Raphael much. The incubus is exceedingly nice to them, yes, but they sure have their own agenda.
Tav rubs their temples. One day they will get to the bottom of Haarlep's agenda. But not today. Today they have to arrange a small conversation with the Master of the House under four eyes. Their heart beats faster at the prospect. Anxiety, no doubt.
Raphael is not immediately available. Something Tav didn't expect but they don't know how long they will endure under the nervous patter of their heart. They start the circuit around the Feats hall and don't stop until a heavy, red right hand stops them in their tracks. The Master of the House glares down at them, not a trace of Pinches accusations visible in his features.
"Come," Raphael drags Tav towards a balcony alcove overlooking the Feast Hall.
When they realise where they're headed, Tav baulks. They stop and refuse to give in to the devil's impatient tug. "Four eyes, Raphael, I mean it. Your ears only. This is sensitive."
The devil changes direction and opens the door to Tav's room. His cambion form towers in the small space that feels like a broom closet around his presence. "Then talk."
Tav swallows, trying to believe in the thief's words despite the utter lack of proof standing before them. "Your father sends people after me."
Raphael's wings flare swiping out until they fill the small space from wall to wall. "Does he now?" The words roll over Tav in an avalanche of spiked gravel.
"Maybe I should reword," the squeak hastily. "This may have been a little to – forward for what he does? He's not telling hunters to come. It's more," Tav hesitates. Raphael has not retracted his wings an inch and the golden corona in his black eyes is a furnace. "But it is an open secret that he views deals which include the client bringing about my demise very favourably."
The devil doesn't reply. His glower doesn't lessen and the breath coming form his nose seems to smoke in the slanted light from the window. "How do you know?" Each word is measured and tightly controlled.
"The intruder you sent me to intercept told me. Listen, I am bored here, you know that. Of course I talk when I get the chance. Also, I thought maybe I could just make him leave again." Tav wraps their arms around themself. "They came looking for me, to sweeten the pot for their deal with your father."
"Where are they now?" Raphael's question brooks no denial.
"Taken care off. I – I led them to Haarlep and they – disposed of them." Tav shudders in their flimsy embrace that offers neither comfort nor protection.
"Did they now." The devil folds his wings up in a slow threat. "Did. They. Now."
"Please!" Unthinking Tav reaches for him, wrapping a shaking hand around the devil's forearm. "Don't be mad at Haarlep. They only helped because I asked them to. It was the fastest way I could think off for getting rid of the thief."
Fire flares up in Raphael's eyes and Tav realises that their words only made things worse for the incubus. It was an explanation for Haarlep's unswerving support and kindness. To usurp a place in their live, their heart; to be closer than their master and be able to flaunt it. Tav bites their lip and tastes blood.
"Please," they repeat. "I know Haarlep lives to spite you and they seem to be doing a great job roping me in, but please. They helped me. Is it worse than me getting killed by the intruder?"
"You made your point." Raphael turns to leave.
"Please, Raphael," Tav calls as the devil's hand curls around the door handle. His head turns slowly to look back at the humans standing small in the middle of the room.
"For me," they beg.
The devil takes a slow breath in. "You will stay here until I return." When Tav opens their mouth to object, he adds: "For me."
Tav lowers their head in a beat nod. Then they sits down on their bed with hand between their knees. "I will wait here until you return."
The soft words are music in Raphael's ears. He leaves with a spring in his step that stems not solely from the prospect of laying hands on his traitorous incubus.
Tav stays behind. For a while they concentrate on calming down. Their whole body vibrates with worry and the urge to do something. But their fluttering heartbeat won't settle. A short burst of pacing shows Tav how small their room is. A cage they don't notice because the door is always open into a bigger cage.
But they cannot hate the gilded place right now. The arch devil, Mephistopheles himself, is after their soul. It probably makes for a good bargaining chip with his son in the oncoming war. Will it? Tav sits down at their desk heavily and buries their face in both hands. Raphael barely speaks to them. He spends his time on the war. Understandably. He worked his whole life towards ruling a hell. Now all nine are at his fingertips. Of course there is nothing more important in his life.
And yet. And yet. Tav rubs their eyes with the balls of the hands until the light behind them bursts as bright as Raphael's glare. Angry at the prospect to lose an asset? What were they even doing here? Nothing, that's what. The only thing they did was not die and fall into his father's hands. Many people managed that.
Tav tries to pace again. They try to exercise though every movement feels like a joke in the constricting space. In the end, Tav curls up under their blanket and resigns themself to watching the whirlwind of their thoughts and emotions until sleep claims them
Sleep is recalcitrant though. It weaves in and out of Tav's consciousness, leaving them unsure whether they slept or not. At some point, Tav gives up. They sit on the edge of their bed, head cupped in their hands and stare into the air. Time trickes by each second an audible beat.
Tav is just about ready to yield and put pen to paper if only to draw circles as proof that time passed when the door opens. Raphael strides in, throwing it close behind him with a bang that brings Tav's head up with a jerk.
"It is resolved," the devil booms. "And Haarlep is still in one piece."
Tav pulls up their shoulders. One piece can mean a lot of things and many are not happy. Still they nod.
"Why you care so much about them is beyond me-"
Tav interrupts him angrily. "Haarlep at least spends time with me," they snap. "They may be stupidly single-minded about what to do in those times, but they are amenable to alternatives. This is a horribly lonely place for a moral, Raphael. All those fiends bustling about on war business and none of them care if I get squashed underfoot.
"You think of Haarlep as a toy, but they are their own person. And as things currently stand, the only one who will show me attention or kindness. Of course I fucking care." Tav has to interrupt their tirade to breathe and finds themself standing mere inches from the devil, hands on their hips, chest puffed up as if about to lunge into a fist fight.
They take a careful step backwards. "But I won't expect you to understand that. You have your war, you distractions, you – toys. Go and play with them, Master of the House."
"Maybe you should consider that your attitude is highly unpleasant and that Haarlep is the only one who cannot run away."
Tav shuts their mouth. The obvious answer to that is that they are a lot more agreeable around everybody else. Which begs the question why they are angry at Raphael for reacting the way a sensible person would. "Noted," they bite out. "What now?"
"Follow me." He gestures out the door and Tav is past him within a moment. Even though it is the same house, the air smells fresher outside their room, wider, more free. They take a deep breath before turning to Raphael again.
The devil closes their door and leads them down towards the boudoir, resting one hand on the small of Tav's back. "I have reinstated my deal with Helsik, so we will know when visitors come. You will greet them."
"How-" Tav doesn't get further. The hand that doesn't currently burn a palm-shaped memory into their soul rises to shut them up.
"You will automatically armour up once a guest is detected. I do not expect to hear any grousing about the time of day or night. You wanted something to do; you get it."
Tav nods. They walk past the boudoir which surprises them. But their world is circling too tightly around the hand on their back for Tav to pay much attention.
"Yes, Haarlep will be you backup in case taking on the intruder on your own risks your life." Raphael interprets their gaze. "I would prefer not to involve them any more than absolutely necessary, though. If you think an intruder warrants interrogation, you knock them out. I hear you are good with that."
Tav's face flushes red at the memory. Raphael beaten on the floor of his foyer as they retreat back to Faerûn with the spoils of his coffers. They nod sheepishly.
"Good. You knock them out and you come to me." Raphael stops and turns Tav to face him. His eyes bore into theirs. "Is that clear?"
Tav nod, dazed by the intensity of his gaze. "I kill them," they croak. "If of interest, I knock them out and come to you."
"It seems we can understand each other." The devil inclines his head. Tav bites away a quip on who was doing the understanding here. "So I think this will be the end of you tantrum about boredom."
"There is nothing to do here." Tav shakes their head. "I think I might go mad."
"Oh, au contraire, my dear. I have just what you need." Raphael turns Tav around. They stand before the door left of the boudoir that led out onto a small balcony of the kind Tav’s room was before.
Now it opens into a huge library. Three stories of bookshelves stretch away into darkness. Tav picks their jaw off the floor. "Now that is new."
"Relatively," Raphael agrees. "But it should keep you entertained for a while, should it not?"
"I-" Tav breaks off. Before them lies what looks to be all books of Faerûn. How long does it take to read them all? Hopefully not longer than it takes Raphael to kill his father. "Yeah, that should do it."
"Good." The devil regards them for a moment. "And in case you want a different kind of – entertainment. Well." He gestures in the direction of the boudoir.
Tav nods, still mesmerised by the wealth of information before them. It takes willpower to drag their eyes away and look at their host. Raphael watches closely, arms crossed, weight on his heels.
"Thank you," Tav finally say. "I will make good use of it." Their short glance in the direction of the boudoir doe not escape Raphael. He turns away and leaves them to their newfound distractions.
Tav watches him leave. To make sure he is really gone, of course, nothing to do with the sight of his rear and the taut little dance his tail wags as he walks. When he rounds the corner, Tav exhales. They look longingly at the books but there is something they need to do first.
Haarlep was worried about telling Raphael and the devil did go off when he found out how the incubus was involved. Tav has to check on them. And if they are in pain or worse, they need to find a way to help.
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breath-of-venus · 4 months
Mercurial Lavender Oil for the Sight - Reviewing my results
I’ll also describe the recipe and specifics under the cut
So, I’ve been using this oil on and off for about six months now (damn I thought less time had passed) and here are my thoughts on it!
For starters, I think my choices for the oil were a bit unusual: looking back, considering my goal is to hone my Sight — and I’m using this word very loosely — I wonder why I chose Mercury instead of the Moon. In a way, it makes some sense, but my experiences (or the particular way I’ve used the oil) seems to diverge from a general sharpening of psychic capacities, which was my initial objective, to a more time-limited flow of spiritual information, and thus, the oil has been a great ally in aiding my divination, and I have felt that there is a significant difference between my readings when I use it properly and when I don’t.
I’m not naturally sharp in any sort of psychic ability — save for that one time as a kid — so learning to divine has been like learning any other activity from scratch, and now I can say I’ve come to a point in which I’m satisfied with my level of divination and with my relationship with my Tarot. That’s why I was so shocked when I tested the oil out during a reading and it was the clearest I’ve read in all my years of hard work lol. I’m obviously not advocating for only using the oil and putting no effort in getting better at whatever you're doing.
Using the oil while I divine feels like, as I read the cards, the general pieces of information I would otherwise have to consciously connect and interpret, simply fall into place, as if I’m reading a letter and not colorful pictures. However, I have felt that awakening the Oil and requesting it’s help is essential for it’s usage, or it’ll just feel like not using anything.
In conclusion, this seems to really help the flow of information, as you’d expect from Mercurial magic, just not in the way I had envisioned. I also wonder if this can help the flow of magic itself, but that’s something I am yet to test.
Materials: olive oil, lavender; sandalwood incense and some sort of drink as offerings.
When: Day and hour of Mercury.
How: lightly crush your lavender and, during the appropriate hour, light your incense, call for Mercury and make him a short prayer. Mine was along the lines of “Mercury, planet of paths, spirit of communication, come to me, and be present in this ritual, bless my work so in gratitude I will make offerings to you.” With your hands above the lavender, say something like “Lavender, I call for your strength and your spirit. May your power spread into the oil, and may it unlock my psychic potential. Thank you." Put the lavender inside whatever you’re using to store the final product and add the olive oil on top. Mix it as you pray: “Glorious Mercury, force that brings the information, bless this oil with your grandeur, and let it unlock my psychic potential. Lord of the roads, open my paths of communication with the spiritual world, tune my perception and make knowledge flow. Thank you. I thank the forces that were present to bless this ritual and strengthen my magic. Glory to you, dear spirits.” After that, offer the liquid and let the incense burn until finished. Keep the oil in a dark and cool place for a lunar cycle to steep before using it.
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silmarillion-dnd · 2 months
Classes & Sub-Classes, part 2:
Cleric & Druid:
Note; this will not be built up like DND 5e but is heavily inspired by it
All Clerics start as level 3 devoted, and two Cleric spells. At level 5 you get three and at level 12 five. You get knowledge in the domain of the deity (Vala or Maia) you are devoted to, say you were a devoted to Este, or one of her Maia, you know 2 healing spells on top of your three spells, one of them being sleep, and you have advantage when rolling if someone needs healing or you need to know something about herbs. Your main quest in you life is spreading the word of your deity and sometimes your deity will speak through you to help you along, you trust your deity wholeheartedly and don´t believe they could ever do anything wrong. You inspire people around you with your faith and hope and can roll with an advantage to make your foe hesitate. When fighting it almost feels as if your deity is standing beside you, guiding you. Note that if you are devote to a Vala you have been given an object and two spells or some form of bonus as you are level 3 devote, you can also get gifts like these if you are devoted to a Maia but they might look different depending on the Maia.
Pros: You have advantage on wisdom, history, religion, medicine, arcane, and detect magic, and you have a bonus action for each turn.
Cons: Your morals are your deity´s morals, disadvantage with heavy weapons and heavy armor in one, but can have one of them.
Saving Throws: Advantage on proficiency, wisdom.
One melee weapon, of any kind - example; a mace or a warhammer, etc
One simple light weapon, of any kind, - example; short bow, dagger, etc
A shield and a blessed talisman (symbol)
Medium or light armor - example; scale mail, leather armor
A priest’s pack or an explorer’s pack
Standard Array:
Strength; 13
Dexterity; 12
Constitution; 15
Intelligence; 10
Wisdom; 16
Charisma; 10
Chaos Path (trickery & darkness): This is the path of mostly Melkor but also Irmo, and their Maiar, and even rouge Maiar. Your alignments can´t be lawful as you enjoy tricking others, whether it be small harmless pranks or pulling them along and your game of manipulations is your own choice. You have advantage on deception, sleight of hand, charisma, and perception. You´re three start spells are; create illusion close, turn invincible and bestow curse. 
Song Path (knowledge): You can take this path no matter what deity you choose to serve, the main purpose is to be the greatest loremaster of all there is. If you are a smith or a devoted to Aule this Sub-Class will make the most sense for you as it sparks creativity and knowledge. You can always learn more, both from a book and stories but also from your own making. You have advantage in intelligence and wisdom. You can choose two of your own three starters spells, the other is bless.
Life Path (& nature): This path is for the servants of Este, Yavanna, Vana, Orome, and Ulmo, or their Maia. Your enemies have disadvantage when attacking you. You can only wear medium armor and have medium weapons. Your three start spells are; aid, cure wound, and detect poison and disease.
Death Path: This path works if you want to be a Necromancer as a Sub-Class if you devote yourself to Melkor or Mairon, or anyone under Mairon´s service. You only take half damage from lethal blows. Namo, Nienna, and Vaire. Your three start spells are; blindness/deafness, bane, and calm emotions.
Light Path: The Valar for this path are Varda, Manwe, Irmo, Nessa, and Yavanna, and of course any Maia under them, although your deity can´t be a rouge Maia. You are an excellent healer and run straight into a fight against evil, your morals are strong and you are hard to convince. You have advantage on insight and can blind enemies one time per long rest up until level 5 where it will be three times. Your three start spells are; beacon of hope, cure wound, and detect Evil and Good.
Righteous Path (peace & order): There are two paths for this path, one where you always look for a peaceful solution and one where you head into battle at the smallest sign of unjust. You are stubborn and believe yourself always right, especially when it comes to morals. You have advantage on strength or insight depending on which deity you choose. The most suitable Valar are Tulkas, Ulmo, Manwe, Nienna, and Aule, and any form of Maiar, with similar domain. Your three start spells are; beacon of hope, bane, and aid.
Most suitable Race: All races are suitable for this class.
Druids value nature and balance, they oppose cults and anything that might disturb Nature's balance. They accept that cruelty is a part of nature and don´t mind it unless they deem it unnatural, they sometimes lead small raids against what they deem evil and they think are destroying the balance of the world. They are often found guarding sacred places or watching over wild nature. They value bravery and the wish to protect. There are two forms of Druids, one who is worshipping nature and balance itself, and the other who worships nature through a chosen Vala, these usually resident close to temples or shrines.
Pros: Druids start out with two spells, heal wound, and earthshake ( this is a, half, weaker form of the spell with the same name in 5e, but when reaching level 8 it works the complete same way). They can use medium weapons. Most Druids have “Wild Shape”. They can speak to all animals. You can choose to start out as a level 3 devoted to either Ulmo, Orome, Irmo, Varda, Yavanna, and Vana.
Cons: Druids can´t wear metal, or heavy, armor or metal shields.
Wild Shape: To activate Wild Shape you have to be a devoted to either Ulmo, Orome, Irmo, Varda, Yavanna, and Vana.  Wild Shape is where they can change form into a chosen animal, and when reaching level 3 they can choose another animal, two in all, and when reaching level 10 a third. Some of those Druids who have Wild Shape prefer the animal form more than the humanoid one and choose to spend most of their time in it, note that when reashing level 2 you can talk through your Wild Shape. - when in Wild Shape you are using the animal you take the form of strength.
Saving Throws: Against any kind of nature spell
A wooden shield or any simple weapon - example; dagger, spear, sling, etc
One simple melee weapon - example; scimitar, sickle, quarterstaff, etc
Leather armor
Explorer pack
Druidic Focus
Standard Array:
Strength; 10
Dexterity; 15
Constitution; 15
Intelligence; 12
Wisdom; 14
Charisma; 10
Rott: There Druids find beauty in rott and know it is a necessary link in the circle of life. They are fascinated by mold and fungi. Instead of restoring life these Druids have the spell animate a corpse (at what compares to level 4 even at level 1), although they don´t have any healing spells. They can choose two other spells that aren´t associated with healing and their earthquake spell is a bit more powerful.
Dreams: Dream Druids are devoted to Irmo, they start out level 3 devoted, and have the spell sleep. They can create both good and bad dreams for anyone they wish, even powerful opponents, once per long rest. They have an extra bonus action when starting a battle and two times per short rest, they also have advantage on Charisma.
Dark: The Druids who take te path of the dark are either those who have lived before the sun and moon or bear a certain mistrust of them since Beleriand clearly had no problem surviving without them. They have advantage on Wisdom, and an extra bonus action.
Land: The Druids of land are mystics and sages who keep ancient knowledge and rituals safe through storytelling. They have advantage on Charisma and they get two bonus spells.
Stars: Star Druids need to be devoted to Varda like Dream Druids need to be devoted to Irmo, this also means that they start out level 3 devoted. This class, like the dark class, misses the days of Beleriand before the sun and moon where you could see the stars clearly no matter what. They can cast dancing light and light, and all creatures who prefer the darkness will have to roll for saving throws when they cast one of these spells to see if they get frightened. They have an extra bonus action when starting a battle two times per short rest, and advantage in Wisdom.
Shepherd: These Druids care for all living creatures, even those others might see as evil. Their main focus is caring for those animals and creatures who have difficulty defending themselves. They have bonus actions and can summon any kind of passive creature matching their own level within 50 feet to fight with them when in battle.
Most suitable Race: This race works best for Elvers, Humans, Peredhels, and Maiar, although all races can play it.
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cryopathiic-a · 8 months
 [ RESCUE ]  for one muse to intervene upon seeing a third party making the other one uncomfortable. + [ TENSION ]  for one muse to get in a fight on behalf of the other. 
jealousy starters || accepting
He's seen it more than a handful of times at this point. The air outside is thick with hostility; an aggression that has built up in the people the longer this torturous calamity plunders the land. With so much malice in the atmosphere, it's easier for fights to spark. In fact, it's tremendously easy.
All it had taken was a step too close, a quip too forward and a touch to his bicep that bordered on invasive — Dōma was the Lord Founder. And his job was a vocation to the people. His title entailed many services, but not that. Was it not a heinous act, to taint that which is blessed and holy with such amorous thoughts?
Nevermind that the man who jumped to his rescue had done far, far worse to him than that.
But he would never complain about it. Even if Michi's touch was much more coarse than this wealthy Lord's from the province and his fists were not meant for tender strokes. A step back was taken instinctively when the samurai approached to cut the conversation short. But, unfortunately, the esteemed 'guest' was not budging.
" In these dire times, I find myself in urgent need for a guiding word; your light has spread all across the Province, my Lord. Do you believe in might be possible to arrange a ... little counselling in private? " The man's sleazy smile was impervious to a third presence, as rich people often are. The expression on Dōma's face, however, spoke of concern.
❝ Uh... I— I don't... ❞ A glance to the side, where his family stands greeting their guests and making arrangements — and oh, all the donations they will expect to receive from people just like this greasy man who insists on touching him. And then, to the other side, where he can see Michikatsu has gotten up to head this way with that gleam in his eye... And he could smell the wine on that guy's breath as he leered at him; and he was still stuttering by the time his 'good friend' wedged himself between them—
❝ Michi. Don't. ❞ Barely a whisper. And he can only watch and stutter as the warrior convinces this disturbing man to follow him outside. He knows what that means. It means that man won't be coming back to harass him. Certainly not in one piece. They'll probably never find them all to put him back together again.
...As a man of the cloth... shouldn't he be a bit bothered by that?
Fingers reach up gently to hover over his own cheeks... and feel the heat of a blush.
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whumpshaped · 9 months
Hi! I really like your blog and would love to be added to your drabble list if you don't mind (@whumpphumw) Also, here's a cult themed fic starter: The leader stood up and silenced everyone. Before they said anything, Whumper leaned in to whisper, "You're gonna love what happens next." Whumpee shuddered.
tw religious whump, ritualistic self-harm, autocannibalism, cult setting
The leader stood up and silenced everyone. Before they said anything, Whumper leaned in to whisper, "You're gonna love what happens next."
Whumpee shuddered.
They had never once loved anything that happened in this place. Not fucking once. Not the relentless chanting, not the constant kneeling, not the songs about being broken and begging for mercy that might never come. But Whumper was enjoying it, apparently, so they gave them a quick smile in an attempt to reassure them that they were indeed excited.
They looked back up at the leader, the creepiest of them all, and watched as they raised... a knife? It looked like a ritual knife, with an intricate handle and a short but sharp blade.
"Let me give in Your place, Lord," they uttered, almost in a trance. Whumpee had never seen them like that before, and they were starting to get anxious.
They blessed the knife and brought it to their forearm, quickly slicing through the skin. Whumpee watched in shock as they let the blood drip down into the ornate cup before them, unable to make a squeak or even look around for everyone else's reaction. But the worst of it was yet to come, a fact Whumpee realised when the leader went right back to that same cut to carve out a piece of their own flesh.
Whumpee covered their mouth both in horror and to prevent throwing up. They suddenly understood why no one ever seemed to eat before the ceremonies. They tried to look away, but Whumper put a warning hand on their thigh.
"Don't be rude," they hissed, and Whumpee forced themself to keep their tear-filled eyes on the gruesome scene.
They watched in a dizzy haze as the leader blessed both flesh and blood, then lifted the bloody piece to their mouth and... ate it. Whumpee gagged, but nobody seemed to hear or care. The leader then lifted the cup and drank deep, only making Whumpee paler. The left sleeve of their robe was getting soaked, but again, nobody seemed to care.
"I need– I need air–" they stammered quietly, but Whumper's grip on their leg didn't loosen.
"You can have as much as you want when the ceremony is over."
general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @whumpkinpie @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw
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hollowfaith · 1 year
Tumblr media
hi have you ever been touched by an angel anyways you know the drill please like this post to give me permission to:
hop into DMs for plotting (short or long term)
send you starters/minis (with permission)
@ you or drop into your inbox
throw memes + headcanons about our muses
[insert stuff between us here]
as for relationships here's how aurelius would classify potential candidates:
𖤍 FRIENDS (derogatory 💔) - it's easy to be his friend even if you're just a lowly mortal, as long as you're interesting or different in some way. are you motivated by a goal or crippled by expectations? is something about you fundamentally wrong or broken? talk to him, he's a good listener and he loves to ramble, especially if it's philosophical discussions or chats over tea or advising someone after hearing their sob story (humans get emotional over the funniest things). he can't help the holier than thou attitude, but he's great at keeping his condescending thoughts to himself and treating you almost like a real friend! so there's that. most of his "human friends" fit here because of his superiority complex >w>
𖤍 FRIEND (affectionate 💖)* - unlike fake friends you get to be real friends if he sees you as an equal. the easiest way to get there is to be as cool and strong as klaus. or you beat aurelius himself somehow (but you need to convince him to accept the results first). please be okay with murder and cannibalism before you apply. he doesn't have any real friends (not even klaus) so you'd be one of a kind, which makes you special. but do you really want to shoulder the pressure of someone who knows too much for the rest of your days...
*(limited to 1 slot only for now, everyone else is just friends [derogatory] to some extent, alas)
𖤍 ENEMIES 😡 - be a demon (sorry angel prejudice here). ruin his suit one too many times (he believes in 3rd chances but no more). it doesn't matter if you're nasty or mean or sinful (those are interesting), the issue is trying to drag him in with you when he says no (those are annoying). trying to control him in anyway. trying to control or take klaus in anyway. generally getting in his way. not all enemies are kill on sight, most just get demoted to the friends (derogatory) category if they're a waste of time or get more of his time in return, because you can't stand him either and misery loves company.
𖤍 SERVANTS/SUPPLICANTS...? 🙏- do you like to take care of people. do you enjoy the freedom of following orders. are you okay with prostrating yourself at random intervals to offer prayers and praise to some self-entitled stranger. have you given up on life and just want guidance. OK, then submit your hand for the standard brainwashing procedure (a formality for now until it's actually unlocked) and let him look after you, you poor lost lamb.
PROS: he will come to your events in support (like a soccer mom) and protect you while looking great doing it too;
CONS: you're more of a possession than a person so your rights don't really exist (but that doesn't matter too much in normal life anyways)!
YMMV: no insurance package included but you do get complimentary healing/blessings against demons* for life? *this and all other perks pending unlock of abilities
𖤍 DEPENDENTS 🙇 - you don't actually worship him but you sure do rely on him a lot (mentally/physically/emotionally/whatever), and for some reason he humors you because he thinks it's fun. maybe you consider him your mentor or savior, maybe he considers you his pawn or toy. less expectations and responsibilities from both sides but you can still call on him in a pinch, you just won't be his first priority if he's busy. also, he's nice to you. always. because you're just that pathetic worth it. : )
𖤍 TRUE NEUTRAL 🤝 - you're not weak-willed enough to be used but not strong enough to overpower him, you're just there. maybe both of you have something useful (intel. chess games. recipes?) to offer the other and that's why you get along. you might help each other one day and stab each other in the back the next, but that's fine because you weren't friends (or enemies) to begin with, yes? good for...business associates/drinking buddies. less manipulation and minimum disdain (if any) here, there's polite indifference on both sides.
𖤍 "LOVE" RIVAL....? ?? 💀 - for the love of god if you like klaus or have close relations with klaus you are automatically on this list and need to get off it or get a lover so he can ignore you permanently. a better category than enemies because he doesn't try to destroy you on sight, but the guy sure knows how to smile and glower at the same time. danger level expected to increase after he actually starts developing the right feelings towards his "partner." perhaps you want him to remain oblivious indefinitely instead.
𖤍 ROMANCE 😂 - there's only one person he's obsessed with at the moment but if you one-sided crush him obviously enough he will take pity on you and give you token chocolates on valentine's and etc. so that you don't die of a broken heart (or embarrassment). it's only natural for him to have adoration from multiple sources even if he never returns those feelings, so if you're fine with treating him as some otome game boyfriend come to life with no real results he doesn't mind playing along. it's kind of a mercy for you to be loved this way, don't you think?
𖤍 OTHER 🤔- make up your own category lol
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v-tired-queer · 4 months
Hi!! I'm a Christian, and while I've encountered people who combine witchcraft with their Christian faith, I've never understood it. I saw in your pinned post that this is something you do. If you're willing/interested/have the energy, would you be willing to share more about that? Or point me in the direction of some more information on it?
I know really little about this, and I really want to understand more. I'm not coming here to be critical, just super curious. :D Hope you're well!
Hello there! 😃👋 I hope that you're doing well, too, and sure, I'd love to share a little more about combining witchcraft with my Christian faith!
I think, for starters, that it's important to remember that, like for everything else in life, how I've experienced this might not be how another Christian witch experiences it, views it, or even came about it. But I think that as Christians we can also understand that fairly easily, as that's just how a lot of us experience Christianity in and of itself. How one person came to Christ won't always be the same way that another person has come to Christ, and how we worship won't always look the same, either. It's just like that for Christian witches, too.
In an attempt to make a very long story short (spoiler alert: I failed), I feel like I am very lucky and blessed to have grown up with a Methodist mom, Southern Baptist father, aunts who were Catholic, cousins who became atheist and agnostic and friends at school who were Muslim and Jewish. I was surrounded by all sorts of different paths to take, and my mom had always encouraged my brother and I to choose our faiths for ourselves when we were old enough to understand what having faith really means, which is why we weren't baptized when we were babies, but raised in church nonetheless. I grew up very faithful. Sunday School was my favorite part of the week, and I loved to learn more about God and Jesus and say my prayers at meals and at night. God always made me feel loved. Still does 🩷
When I was in middle school, I was very, very traditional. I was open minded to others, but I was always hesitant to let myself explore more things for myself. I think I was afraid that exploring meant that I was a bad Christian, that I was questioning God, and I didn't want to make Him angry or upset with me. But I eventually met a friend who was a Wiccan, worshiping a god and goddess, living by the cycles of the moon and seasons, doing spells and rituals and worshiping at home or in nature. I loved things like that growing up, but always thought that it was just something from Hollywood or the mideavel period at best. I didn't think people actually did it, though I had always wished that they did. Little middle schooler me thought that maybe this was God's way of giving me permission to explore more, so I asked questions, watched spells and rituals, learned correspondences, and eventually asked, "Is there a Christian faith that's like this, too?"
Turns out there wasn't really one specific faith in Christianity that I could find, but rather, a practice instead. Google led me down so many different paths of people who were both Christians and witches and I decided I wanted to give it a try, too. And honestly? It felt like my faith was renewed. I felt like by choosing how I specifically worship and "do Christianity", I was making a relationship with God and Jesus and even the Holy Spirit that was closer than ever before because I was letting myself actually feel my faith instead of just going through motions at church, which was a rut than even middle school me was stuck in. I wasn't just doing what I thought I had to, I was doing what I wanted to do to show God my love and faith, and it really empowered me to form my own path in life, one that was and still is Christ centered, even if not in a way that tends to be expected for Christians.
So, the witchcraft itself: personally, I don't know if I view my spells an rituals the same way that other witches do. I don't really do a spell and think of it as me bending the wills that be to my desire, but rather, I view it as a really intense prayer. I see it as me using visual representations of my goals, needs and wants as a way to show God what it is I feel like I need (or just really, really want lol), but I always still leave it up to Him and His plans at the end of the day. I can do a thousand spells for the same thing over and over again, but if God says no, than the answer is no, ya know? My rituals are just ways to show my love, devotion, and gratitude. I pay special attention to seasons because the world God made is beautiful in all of its many ways, and personally, when I take the time to rest in the winter or come alive in the summer, I feel like I'm using the natural patterns of the Earth to further build my relationship with God, and Jesus, too. I feel like God made so many things in a natural rhythm and pattern--I just try to live by those things to strengthen the relationship between us.
I'm sure you can tell by how many times I've said it, but at the end of the day, it's all about my relationship with God and our Savior, just like for other Christians. I'm just doing things a bit differently. I'm 1000% that there are people who don't believe that this is a "valid" thing to do or that I'm sinning or that I'm going to Hell for all of this, but their opinions don't matter to me. My relationship with the Lord, His Son, and His Spirit matters to me, and when I do the things that make me feel the closest to Him, that make me feel His love and grace, then I feel like I'm doing fine.
Allllllll of that being said, there's lot of different ways that other Christian witches worship or practice witchcraft, which I think is really cool! There are some that have Mother Mary as a huge focus in their worship, or the Saints, or even the Disciples! I especially like witchcraft that involves the angels (Gabriel, my beloved 🤍). Personally, I steer clear of anything that involves demons or dark spirits and the like, but I'm always on the lookout for signs that angels are near or that the Lord is with me (which He always is, like he's always with you).
Unfortunately, I can't think of any sources or materials off the top of my head that would be good for further research. But maybe there are some other blogs on here that would have some good starting points, or would share their own views, too! You could search by denomination and then put witch after, like "Catholic witch" or Methodist witch", things like that. There are some books about Christian witchcraft, too, but personally I haven't read any of them. I think there might be come Christian witches on YouTube, too.
I hope this post made sense! If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask! 😊
God bless! 🕊
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ghostyv · 10 months
I saw the tags - I wanna know about your ocs! 👀 how many you got? Which ones your fav? Got a specific pairing (romantic or platonic)?
*deep breath* THANK YOU AAAAAA-
Okay. So. For starters, there’s Lauren Caster. She’s gone through many names bc she’s basically my self insert and I can’t seem to pick a name for myself so she’s been cycled through the name box—but she started out as Lauren caster so we stick with that(she’s also a character for a book my best friend and I are writing called Purple War, so)
Then we have Nes and Noah Caster(from the same book) They’re twin brothers who while still in the womb were cursed. Basically long story short, Lauren Caster was cursed by this woman with the intention of harming the children but it didn’t work. The boys ended up with purple(see what I did there?) splotches on their faces. Well—Nes ended up with large splotches somewhat mimicking vitiligo, and Noah ended up with millions of tiny freckles all over his face and neck and shoulders/arms(Nes is still bitter about it💀). They reside in a world where two sisters, the red queen and the blue queen, were at odds. The red queen was defeated years ago and her spirit was magically entombed in the ceiling above her throne. To summarize the book, Nes goes to steal from the royal vault, meets princess Atari(my bestie’s character. yes their names are a play on the game systems, that’s an even longer story if you wanna hear that too. It’s really really funny.) after being thrown in the dungeon, was let out and they begin to fall in love but while the two were snooping around the blue and red connected castles meant for the two queens to rule a purple kingdom together, they found the red queen’s throne room. Atari sat on it and was possessed. Where Noah comes in is he was the royal cook and helps Nes with pulling the red queen’s spirit out of atari(we haven’t completely ironed out the details of how).
The next character is also from the Purple War universe as well, and I actually have a picture of her if you scroll down to a tag game I was in, it’s on my blog. Her name is Aisling Bohdi. She’s a Dragonborn woman who’s parents were killed by a town they used to live on the outskirts on. Aisling was about 14ish when it happened, and she’d been out running errands and such in the next town over. When she returned she was chased by the townsfolk up a mountain trail and into a cave, where she lost the mob and resided for another roughly 7ish years. When she finally exited the cave, she met a man named Malek Bruce, the son of a lawyer and he actually practiced law as well, but in a falling out with his father, quit. He acts dumber than he is, and he’s got some major detective skills. Together the two end up going on a few adventures and wind up teaming up with nes, Noah and Atari to ultimately defeat the red queen in(get ready to come full circle) the Purple War(whoaaa!)
Now for someone not from purple war. Honeybee Vega. I’m extremely proud of her—and I had some art somewhere but apparently I deleted it in my desperately needed camera roll purge(I had over 65k in there dude, my storage was begging for it’s life constantly). Honeybee came from my dream smp phase(I’m aware of how cringe it is, but it got me through the hardest year of my life). She’s a humanoid honeybee with one human eye and one giant complex eye(the eyes visible on the sides of bees heads. Quick detour for a bee anatomy lesson bc they’re my favorite animals—they have two large complex eyes on the sides of their heads which humans who aren’t insane like me and love bees perceive to be their only eyes but depending on the type of bee, they can have more eyes on the top of their heads called simple eyes that are used to assist bees with sun orientation so they can navigate during the day.) anyway, she has a complex eye as well as a human one so her eyesight is very bad, bless her. I adore her, she’s one of my more visually complex characters. She also has wings, and used to be able to fly but during a war one of those wings were slashed and she was stabbed and almost died, had it not been for a friend saving her.
And that’s it! Those are my major ocs :) if I think of more I’ll add onto it.
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lightxshadow · 6 months
closed starter: @garlandhightower setting: the bedchambers of the lord and lady of the hightower, on the day of the birth of their twins
zialla had heard from the women in her life that birth was beyond painful, but it was also beyond worth it when the babe was placed in your arms. however, no words they had used to describe the pain did it justice. a small scream tore from her throat as another wave of relentless pain washed over her. she had awoken in the night from pains, drenched in her birth waters, and immediately figured out what was happening. she had awoken her husband and they managed to have a short moment of calm together before the maester had to be called. it had been controlled chaos after that. everything had been prepared for the birth. their bed had been transformed into a birthing bed by the servants who had all been awoken. the red priestess disguised as zia's handmaiden was present, the maester and the midwives were there. garland was by her side. everything was as it should be. and yet none of that was a comfort to her as wave of pain after wave of pain tore through her body. the small breaks in between were never long enough. when she could sense that dawn was breaking outside, she begged to have the curtains opened to allow light to stream into the room. she felt slightly calmer when the room was lit up by the sun, more at peace. the disguised priestess hovered by her but did not bother her in any way, she only left the room occasionally to pray as zia had instructed her to do on her behalf.
as the morning became noon and noon became midday, her pains became more frequent and much stronger. she had snapped at the midwives three times by now, unable to find the energy to put on a fake smile and be polite even when they annoyed her by constantly touching her and asking her questions. it was all just survival. zia had even physically pushed away garland at one point as she managed to get on her side and throw up the contents of her stomach over the other side of the bed. birth was not as beautiful as she had imagined. she understood now why most men were not present for the birth ― and she could only hope garland would still desire her after witnessing her like this. exhausted and drenched in sweat, her face contorted in pain and unladylike noises coming from her. when she finally felt the need to push, she almost cried with relief. one step closer to the pain ending. "the babes are coming," lady hightower managed to declare to her husband. she was propped up by more pillows, her hand flying to grab hold of garland's, as she began to push. zialla did not think much during the pushing phase, there was no energy left to question things, no energy left to worry. all she could do was push and scream and yell out in agony while she did. she had enough mind to let go of garland's hand at one point, afraid that she'd somehow manage to break it. she grabbed hold of the sides of the bed instead and held on so tight that both her hands shook from the force of her grip. just when she thought that she could not survive one more push, she pushed one last time, felt something slide out of her and the room filled with the sound of a cry.
her eyes had been closed but they shot open now. every thought of having to suffer through this again went out of her head as she saw her child. the babe was covered in blood and slime that she'd prefer not to know what was, but none of that mattered in that instant. she was the mother of this screaming child and a rush of joy went through her. the maester took a quick look at the child and then smiled.
"congratulations, my lord and my lady, you have been blessed with a healthy daughter."
she looked at garland with glistening eyes, her hand taking his once more and holding it tight. a girl, a daughter. she felt serene at the thought as she knew their son was coming. she was convinced that she'd give birth to garland's heir on this day, she had been convinced of that for a while. zia almost protested when one of the midwives took her daughter away, but she saw they were just bringing her to a small tub to clean her up. the maester was then suddenly standing beside her and feeling her stomach. zia winced from the pain. "i am sorry, lady hightower, but i need to feel if there really is a second babe." it was only then she fully realised that she had to go through this all over again. she felt her unbridled joy dampen a little. but then the midwife returned with her daughter. she tried her best to ignore the pushing and pulling of the maester as she watched garland hold the babe wrapped in silks in his arms. "she is beautiful," zialla whispered as she reached out to caress the fussing babe's cheek, relieved that the maester had finally left her alone. she was enamoured with her daughter, so much that she almost did not hear the maester say that another babe would be coming shortly, that the babe was already in position. zia barely reacted to the news that there definitely was a second babe. it was what she had expected, what they had all assumed for a moon now. "you choose the name, ñuha prūmia, they are both as pretty as her." they had discussed names for a while now, constantly going between rosaria and lucia if they had a girl. zahrina as a second name was already decided upon, it had been zialla's wish to honour her closest friend.
zia opened her mouth to say something more, wishing to hold her daughter, but the weak cramps she had experienced since delivering the first of the twins now became painful contractions that would no longer go ignored. she let out a long whimper of pain and fell back into the pillows behind her. the name would have to wait. "it's time to deliver the other twin, my lady." one of the midwives carefully took the babe from garland while she steeled herself to birth another child.
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boyfrillish · 1 year
your works have me curious, what else do ya headcanon for our boy victor? :o (and other chars too! i'm just esp interested in how you filled out his blank slate)
Ohh this is a good one. Since I only played Sword for the first time starting in January, I'm still very much in my formative phase for headcanons and stuff. For most of the characters I can't even say I consciously headcanoned yet, even with all my thinking about everyone and saying "the whole of swsh is my blorbo" (admittedly with most of my focus on Victor and Hop because they're my number one favourites and OTP lol so there are definitely also ship headcanons in here, hope you don't mind! ^^"). I'll put it under a readmore since it kinda got a bit long ^^"
So here's my personal "fixed"/"core" headcanons for Victor when it comes to my own stuff:
he's transmasc and gay (this one was probably obvious since I've made on-text trans references in all but like, two fanfics haha)
he's the one who becomes Champion and is chosen by Zacian
Corviknight, Sylveon, Obstagoon and Toxtricity (evolved from the babby Toxel you get as a gift at the daycare) on the team
Fairy type association
He and Hop won the inaugural Galarian Star Tournament together and are the dream team everyone wants to battle but knows will be tough to beat (Hop calling them "Postwick dream team" is a canon thing, so!)
a short king
Now for personality and other random things? I'm open for so many things lol I did start out (even before I played) with the timid/soft-spoken/shy headcanon and I'm still so very fond of him being timid initially (and that's why Sobble as a starter + the Isle of Armor Kubfu are a perfect fit lol) — whether it's only when he's younger or still at the start of the game but growing confident once he gets his starter from Leon and finds he's pretty good at battling (the fact that he got it as a gift from Leon aka the Champion he admires + big bro of his best friend when Leon met him for the first time combined with Leon just being such a sweet and encouraging dude probably helped with that)
But yeah I'm open for many other headcanons/portrayals in that regard lol cool and confident? bless all the fanart. Easily flustered? sweet. On the oblivious side? heck yes. Sunshine boy? Absolutely, he is a whole sunshine boy 10000000000000%! Just give me all the positive Victor content and I'll probably soak it up happily and cry and have it fuel me lmao thank you for my life.
As for his starter, god I simply cannot decide. I picked Grookey in my game (I really wanted Sobble but joked I was obligated to pick Scorbunny because I like football and then GMax Rillaboom came and said "hi" lol) but as mentioned above I'm so fond of Victor with Sobble. But Scorbunny is also a perfect fit so I've just been rotating around for a bit between my fics (though I think I've yet to actually write him with Scorbunny???). Maybe one of these days I can make up my mind for both him and Hop which starter they choose ^^" in any case: I also live for the whole "they gift each other eggs of their starters and some of their 'mons are partners" thing so there's that (in fact it might've been easy to guess that in my world of things their Corviknight are a partners for sure)
Speaking of Hop, it's my headcanon that Victor has a crush on him pretty much since they're kids/since they first met, and is very much aware of it being a crush that just never leaves and his feelings grow stronger as they grow up. Meanwhile Hop also has a crush all along but is a bit oblivious about how to interpret his own feelings until along on the main story (Leon, meanwhile, guesses pretty easily that his little bro has a giant crush on that friend he keeps talking about all the time and lightly teases him for it, cue denial lol). So much potential for both fluff and a dash of angst... mmmm. By the post-credits story lines Hop definitely had that "Oh." moment and then is even more loud about his crush.
Based on me associating Victor with the fairy type, I have the silly little headcanon that at first he just thinks Bede is kinda funny, then it gets personal when Bede very largely contributes to Hop's mid-story crisis, and then Opal rejects him as a successor candidate only to later scout/adopt Bede in front of him. Cue him solo-ing battles against him with just his Corviknight (ok I admit this last part is also based on how it goes in my game lmao Bede is far too easy to beat... both as an opponent and if I team up with him)
Recently I've really been into the idea that Victor is asked to take over the Flying type Gym a couple of years after becoming Champion and then he's both Champion and also becomes strongest ranked Gym Leader (this is me guessing that since Gym Leaders can win the Championship, it's possible to be a parallel thing/Champions in general have a side thing they're doing rather than just being fulltime Champ, idk lol also, he totally beats Mustard's record for a reigning streak). His ace as a Gym Leader is Corviknight! (because what else would you expect from me, I adore Corviknight hahaha)
Now for "where's his family from" I am not sure if I have a "proper" headcanon yet. I've seen the headcanon that the protagonist's family is from Sinnoh and I like that hc, so I adopted that for the meet-cute drabble I wrote earlier this week but with a spin where I kinda combined it with some inspo from Elio|Selene (i.e. Dad's still working in Sinnoh/often away for work + combined with the headcanon I've seen for Elio|Selene's mom that she does have an Alolan background. unrelated sidenote, I'm really fond of the Alola protags' mom lol she's sweet). So basically like with all these other things I'm just having fun playing around with different possibilities at this point!
I'm also so very fond of flower boi Victor and it's one of my headcanons that he loves exploring and really loved the Crown Tundra adventures (and didn't mind that Sonia asked him to do all the work finding the Swords of Justice + was happy about the praise). He really enjoys tagging along with Hop and/or Sonia for fieldwork, and the two make it a habit to invite him along since they value his input and also want to make sure he gets breaks to destress from everything that comes along with being the reigning Champion, especially as the one who caught Eternatus + gained the title when he beat Leon. Especially Hop invites him along since that also doubles as more time together when they're both often busy with their career paths. Also on that note, Leon and Sonia being Victor and Hop's mentor figures just makes me so soft 🥺 the Leon being Victor's mentor doubly so with the headcanon that Leon is transmasc too (which unlike transmasc Victor I can't say is a "fixed" hc yet but I'm very fond of the idea)
(also, while I'm now all on the "Victor is a total career Champ/Gym Leader and thriving" train at this point, I still live for the type of angst where he gets a little bit of selfdoubt crisis — in the early years somewhat more subtle and like a case of stagefright like in my drabble "Believe", then a bit more into the future it's like "oh god what do I even do when I inevitably lose the Championship, can I even continue as a Gym Leader if I lose my title, this is kind of all I have going for me what do I do" but he gets through it since he has such a supportive network of loved ones and friends. Also another tangent here, I also love the idea of Victor as a (part-time) model so lol he definitely has a lot more than just a fulltime battle career)
He likes hanging out in Spikemuth with Marnie, Piers, and Team Yell, and especially Obstagoon and Toxtricity really have fun when they do. On a related note, I like the idea that Team Yell kind of become Victor stans too because Marnie thinks highly of him, so they cheer for him together with her (whenever she's not the one battling him in a match, obviously lol)
I've already rambled so much about various aspects I could think of ahaha so now since I've already talked about Hop + this is a trainshipping zone, I'll add some of my "core" headcanons for him!
is gay (or not clearly labeled but definitely likes boys. this is coming from someone who's very "???" about labels re: my own orientation but definitely is a boy-liker lol so please excuse the bit of vaguess here despite listing it in my core hcs hahaha)
chosen by Zamazenta (easy to guess when Vic is chosen by Zacian)
he's so supportive of Victor's transition, regardless of whether or not Leon is also trans, but it's a bonus when he already grew up with a trans big bro and then his best friend/crush is trans too and that's his two most favourite people in the world so of course he'll do anything to be supportive
fighting type association
he grows tall like Leon
He'd often ramble to Victor about what he's studying and Victor is always happy to listen and loves when he's so excited, so it basically turns into Victor helping him study. Also, they both make sure the other gets enough rest and destresses, already through their teens but especially when they're both grown up and Victor is still Champion (+ a Gym Leader) while Hop is now a fully fledged Professor. Even way into the future it remains a Thing that Hop excitedly rambles about his research or rants when he's stuck on something, and Victor is happy to listen and try to help him get unstuck (and Hop gives him a big smooch in thanks even if all Vic did was just listen and ask questions to hear more).
Most random thing but I so love the idea of either (or both) of them having freckles and same for glasses... bless all the fanarts with glasses for either of them. And while I also love fanart of Prof Hop wearing a more formal look, it's my wholehearted believe that he'll still wear the signature trackies look just with a labcoat now (and — you guessed it — Vic hogs his jackets. Nevermind that he has all the hoodies and fancy jackets and everything, the boyfriend jacket is so much comfier than anything else).
And I'm going to end this looooong ramble to mention that I've been developing fankids for them too! I already talked about them over on twitter and I'll probably talk about them here eventually too haha
Thank you so much for sending this ask, I was "!!!" when I saw it last night and couldn't help myself from rambling on forever lol. I kept the focus exclusively on Victor featuring Hop & them as a couple since they're my main focus so I have a lot more concrete thoughts about them than for any of the other characters (or ships bc I don't quite actively have side ships). But maybe I'll talk a little about others at another opportunity haha.
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janeromeroshow · 7 months
NAME :  rev!
PRONOUNS :  they / he / she.
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : if we don't know each other well, then tumblr ims, but i kind of despise them so feel free to ask for my discord!
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : jane romero - on other blogs, a multitude of dbd muses, monika (doki doki literature club), and vanny / vanessa and toy bonnie (fnaf).
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : my first foray into roleplaying was as a kid circa 2012-13, but on tumblr i've been doing this for just over a year :)
BEST  EXPERIENCE : honestly just being able to connect with people who are as passionate about these characters and stories as i am! i've always been the type to love writing my own stories (yes, including fanfiction) and really focus on character-driven stuff, so to be able to write with people who feel the same is a blessing.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS :  i try to be very chill, but there a couple of things that i really can't get past. for one - i'm extremely passionate about fandom-specific misogyny and the unfair way female / feminine characters are treated, and sadly this includes in the roleplaying sphere. generally i see people who go out of their way to be negative about female characters while singing the praises of their similarly characterized male counterparts as a HUGE red flag.
i'm also just very sporadic in activity due to real life commitments and also adhd, so a pet peeve of mine is people being pushy about responses or interaction! if i don't respond to a thread but you see me online, that doesn't mean i'm ignoring you specifically!! it just means i don't have the spoons to respond to that specific post at that moment, or maybe i'm editing it or responding to other people.
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : all of the above!! okay, maybe smut a little less because i'm less experienced with writing it, but i love any sort of interaction! i do have a soft spot for angst or high-tension interactions, though.
PLOTS  OR  MEMES :  memes are my main form of starter, mostly because i'm not great at coming up with starters on the fly! however i do love plotting and i'm always open to it, especially for longer threads :)
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES :  i'd consider myself a mimic of my partner's length - i don't exactly know what my "default" length would count as, but it's always at least a couple of paragraphs.
BEST TIME TO WRITE :  wildly, my best time for motivation is either the morning or dead in the middle of the night. my activity is sporadic, so i don't expect people to respond immediately - think of writing with me more like a letter, rather than a text - the response can come anywhere from minutes to weeks, but i'm still sending it with all the love in the world, and i don't expect immediate responses either.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : i definitely put a lot of myself in jane - i'm not exactly as much of a big personality as she is, but i relate a lot to her in some ways and wish i did in others. :)
stolen from: @mxlevolence
tagging: anyone!!
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