[ HICKEY ]:  sender  gives  receiver  a  hickey.
From Alucard to Liliths wrist. Purely to tease her. @bone-pile-rp
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"Hoo well aren't you being surprisingly coy?" she can't help but point it out.
However, she did invite him indirectly...or even directly a few times to have a taste. It did seem like he was playing a long game, or simply obeying the orders for now. There was a hint of pain, nothing she wasn't used to but, seeing a mark on her flesh does make her giggle ever so softly. "Do hope next time...you choose a less chaste part of my body"
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fatedstrands · 8 months
13! Livio to Legato! @bone-pile-rp
Kiss Meme Prompt - A Kiss before one goes away (howfuckingdareyou)
-------Read More because it turned out SUPER long, no porn------
Reluctantly, it was that time again, where Livio was clearly packing up his things, preparing to leave the city once more on one of his crusades to make the world a better place. To redeem himself from a sin he can't even speak easily. Not even in confession - something they'd tried to see if he could help the wanderer.
Each visit had grown longer, from the first being so painfully short to this last one being near a month. He'd grown used to the company, the good friendship they'd built, and despite all his attempts, the love he'd felt bloom.
His secret hadn't gotten out yet, of who he used to be, not that he kept it secret. He was called Legato and Father Bluesummers regularly, the names alone are very rare, so he was sure the other knew, he simply never said a thing.
Then again, they'd never really interacted much prior to his own escape from the false god.
Yet here he stood, at the door to the other's home - he'd been sure to make a small home for the other permanently available at all times after the third visit - watching him tighten the laces on his boots. With each tug of the strings, he swore his heart was being squeezed, but the man was happy wandering, and he'd never before tried to force one to stay.
So why did he want to fall to his knees and beg to either stay or take him with, all over again repeating his life with the twisted, only this time with the pure?
There were no words exchanged, there wasn't really much of anything to say. They both knew this would happen, and it wasn't like either had tried to confess some sort of emotion to give purpose to the man staying. He for fear of being rejected and the other he knew not his thoughts, perhaps he didn't see these meetings as significant as he did. A wanderer circling the planet would return to places often....
As tradition at this point, he'd had an extra pack readied for the man with food and water, the dried meats for the long haul and fresh fruits for the first few days. Reminders of home in the hopes of coaxing him to return before long.
At the gate, the witch was ready for the now familiar agony, to simply wave the man off, watch him vanish beyond the horizon and return to his room to grieve for a few days worrying if he'd ever return or if he'd die this time. Far from home, far from his arms, far from knowing the truth of his heart.
But it seemed the fates had other plans.
For the large man paused at the door, lingering almost, like he didn't want to go, at least not before something. He'd sounded so sure, that he needed to go, something he had to do this time, yet he was stalling with the same signs of nervousness he'd picked up on by now.
His urge to placate those fears grew stronger with every instance he witnessed them, to assure he had a home, had a place to return to. With each new sight the fight to smother the need to hold him and kiss away that furrow to his brows was growing harder and harder.
"As always, your home will be here and we will happily welcome you in should you find-"
His words were cut off as the larger moved, that brick wall of safety with a heartbeat snapping from his reverie into action. Packs dropped haphazardly to the ground as he caught a flash of mantis green, black and gold first turned it to thin rings before the vibrant tone filled as lids fell. Hands found his shoulders, large across his more feminine frame, the dip down their near foot of height difference swift and clumsy.
Clumsy in everything he does, but full of heart.
The devoted's lips were still parted, mid sentence when they were suddenly occupied. A small sound leaves him in surprise, eyes widening sharply only to flutter lashes to his cheeks.
He fell into the unexpected kiss, arms slipping up around the other's neck, the motion guiding large hands to fall from their perch to wrap around his frame. It was as much a confession as they were both capable of. Words came easily until the heart was involved, both so incredibly shattered by their pasts in varying ways, leaving them afraid and timid to open up.
Blue topped skull tips, guiding the kiss to something deeper than just a shy press, conveying the love and passion held within the smaller form, greedily welcoming the tsunami of emotions he could already feel washing him away from the giant. It was everything he wanted, yet made this parting all the more painful.
The need for life giving air tore them apart, catching air between one another, his fingers idly trailing through freshly cut white locks, the hat held in the other hand after nearly falling to the floor.
"You better return to me. Both of you." The notes are shaken, his world thrown for the loop at this new change, wanting nothing more than to demand answers, but he knew the other felt the need to go, that something was on the horizon and he was needed.
The warm grin he got, another chaste press of their lips before the hat is replaced, bags hoisted up and the shape fell away as always. Only this time, Legato's fingers found his lips, tracing them as he watched the figure go, a smile curling them up rather than down and his heart felt fuller than it had ever been at the words rolling in his mind from breathless lungs.
'We'll always be back for you, darlin'.'
"You better." Words are whispered again, repeated to the falling sun as finally he pried himself from the door and closed it, slipping to his room with a small skip in his step.
When next the other arrived he'd be sure to make it clear he never wished to part again.
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darckcarnival · 3 months
@bone-pile-rp from HERE
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"What, not used to something simple? Please. From me, always expect the unexpected, Alucard."
Darck stood by calmly in waiting, strangely at ease for once instead of passively tense, or even deadpan, as was the usual when it came to the no life king. But on occasion with the rare blue moon, she really just didn't mind the mans presence when there was better moods. Not often of course...
However in this moment, especially when there was the barest hint of reaction that was better than most of his shown self, well... It really helped to ease more of the brunette woman's attitude further. Some sort of sense of pride? Or maybe even a mild joy to be had, seeing that Alucard looked rather pleased with something as simple as the sword based earrings, meant to curve just like a Kilij of ancient times, with ruby red glass gleaming centers. After all, Red was the mans color of choice.
A hum slipped free as the much taller man took the offered trinkets, rather made them vanish in a simple showing of passive power. Show off as always. Allowing Darck to click closed the box left in her palm, and shadows to swipe over it from the sleeve of the jacket, letting it sink into darkness. Not nearly as easy as Alucard could do, but at the very least the little half blood still had some tricks, quite literally, up her sleeves. "Need or not, sometimes it's nice to just indulge in something for the sake of aesthetic or enjoyment. What else would be more fitting than these?"
Observing as Alucard let his head turn, showing off the brand new accessories, Darck placed on hand on her hip while the other tapped at her chin. Smirk on her face appreciative. Yup, she knew these would be perfect for the man. "They work well. Couldn't resist the Kilij aesthetic. Historical referencing and all." Before another word came free though, Alucard let out his tease. Making the woman huff a breath.
"Don't flatter yourself, old man. You seemed lacking in smaller trinkets. So I had to make you something to make up for it." The hand once on her chin lifted to wave in the air, like shooing away smoke and words in one motion. "Simple as that. Enjoy."
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fatedsinners · 8 months
[NSFW] The big man Livio~ @bone-pile-rp
How interested they are in having sex with them:
"I mean.... The Gods know I've cried his name more than a few times whilst on the altar dealing with my weekly offerings of pleasure. I'd say highly interested." Though why the angels wanted to know these sorts of questions was strange he'd follow through with answering, ever diligent as he was.
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: "If someone tried to force money into this they'll find themselves bug food faster than they could blink. There's never enough in this world to describe my love for him, to think money could sum it up is ridiculous." He's highly offended the angels even thought of such an abhorrent question.
If they would rather bottom or top them: This draws a long pause, head tilting as he thinks. "We're just talking Livio? I feel like topping would be a delight of a night against Razlo... But seeing Livio in such a state would be sweet, a loving thing. Though.... Bottoming for him, watching him falter and whine, checking on me repeatedly and clinging through the overwhelming feelings... It would be nice either way I suspect.... Perhaps the first time I'd bottom, to show him he doesn't just harm people, but brings them pleasure and happiness."
How good they think they would be: "Livio? In bed? Shy, sweet, gentle, loving, attentive, kind, patient... Everything I've never had but craved so dearly. Perhaps inexperienced, but it would only add to his sweet nature. I'd say the best sex of my life if I had to guess." Though he can only imagine for now how that would go, he can't see the other being cruel or violent.
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: All the weirdest positions. Again he wonders if the angels are horny.
"Ah.... Shower I suppose. I have a bench in mine for when I've gone too far with my power so it'd be lovely to feel the cleansing water as I ride him on his lap."
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: "Make love, hands down now questions asked. Perhaps have sex from time to time, but I cannot see him doing anything of that nature without slow loving passion you can only get with making love." That and by the time such a thing happened, he'd know properly of his twisted past as a sex slave.
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: "Oh boy." This was a rough question, one that made him have to slow and think, head tipping. "I suppose saying Razlo wouldn't count because threesome implies three bodies, but I'd still count it."
But if it didn't count...
"Midvalley maybe? Vash would... Likely be too weird, but not off the table in my eyes."
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen:
This draws him to a stop, frowning as he looked to his hands.
"I can only pray to all whom will listen that one day he'd decide to stay, to be with me. But it is not my place to ask, much as I want to. He's... Swiftly come to mean everything to me. He and Razlo both..."
And he'll continue praying every night that the next time Livio visits, he chooses to stay.
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florauna-robotics · 7 months
[Inbox call from @bone-pile-rp]
"Well, look what the cat coughed up." Oh no. Why was he here? Out of all the forests to run into, this was the one spot Burner happened to cross paths with Luna once again. His pilot was alight with that sickly green flame, steady and still as it burned on. His massive frame towered closer and closer when he spotted her.
"Fancy seeing you here! What? Looking for a bulb to flutter around?" He's not here to apologize as is evident of the sneering grin on his face. He was in the middle of doing his job and, oh, how it brought out the maniac in him.
It had been a good work day so far for Luna. She had already documented 7 different butterfly species in this section of forest, and she even found a female Cecropia Moth resting on the trunk of a Sugar Maple. However, as she happily observed it's beautiful patterns and coloring, the little moth robot master picks up the stench of something all too familiar, followed by that growling, smug tone. Her body freezes for a split second, and then relaxes before she sighs irritably.
Why here? Why now??
The Cecropia Moth seems to sense the change in the air as it flies away from its perch on the tree trunk. Luna is grateful that at least it will be safe now. She turns around to face Burner with a not-at- all pleased expression, and activates the gravity generators in her legs to hover up to his eye level, crossing her arms over her chest. He wouldn't have the satisfaction of looming over her this time.
"If you think insulting me is going to get you anywhere you're sorely mistaken." She says steadily as she stares him down, her voice clearly showing that she isn't taking any of his nonsense.
"What do you want, Burner Man, and why are you interrupting my job?"
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takahashi-labs · 1 year
Burner 7'7" @bone-pile-rp
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"... Way too tall... ."
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geraniumshurricane · 1 year
cont from here || @bone-pile-rp
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— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — » ( ✗ )
Of course while just plainly walking - and admittedly getting distracted - Vash stumbled over his own two feet. Here he thought he was going to be face to face with the dirt for a few moments but the impact never came.
Blinking and opening his eye he noticed that someone had caught him and then came a familiar voice.
❝ Livio! Thanks for the save. ❞
Vash says with a smile as he straightens up and widens his stance a touch wider now that he's tripped over his own two feet.
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 3 months
CONTINUED. | @bone-pile-rp
“Ain’ eva seen a cowpoke n’ London, ‘ave ya? We-he-hellll~ lemme tip my hat t’ya, guv’na! Pip pip! Cheerio n’ all that!” Butch indeed tips his hat, trying his hand at a British accent and butchering it horribly; still, he looks awful smug in his delivery.
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“Ta WHOM do I owe th’ pleasua? An’ might ya have any tea an’ crumpets? A’hm awful parched!” He holds up a pinky as he speaks—is this offensive? Quite possibly. Does he care? Probably not.
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splinter-sister · 1 year
[Me: enjoying getting to rp my main muse with my mutuals again and enjoying the Trigun community.]
[Also me: "What if I Alucard and Vash-"]
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bishopinblue · 2 months
Fighting the urge to add Ryotaro to one of my rp blogs... I am losing this fight.
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"Ohhh? How scary, then one should be mindful of how far that chain goes " She purposly stepped closer without an ounce of fear, but rather intrigue in her eyes and maybe a hint of spite.
"Even a guard dog on a leash can bite no? " she asked in a cheery tone keeping her arms behind her back. "But then again I'm certain your master has a firm grip on you "
With a click of the tongue, was she disappointed or purposely looking for a way to prod more.
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fatedstrands · 9 months
ALSO! Razlo in E8 at Legato in B3~
After the last post
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darckcarnival · 2 months
👀 give Alucard your secrets @bone-pile-rp
Send 👀 to find out how much my muse would like to _____ yours
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"Really, Alucard...? Well okay then."
Get to know: NEVER! | I’d rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Befriend: NEVER! | I’d rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Date: NEVER! | I’d rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Make love with: NEVER! | I’d rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Hook up with: NEVER! | I’d rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Protect: NEVER! | I’d rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Help: NEVER! | I’d rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Stop: NEVER! | I’d rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Kill: NEVER! | I’d rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
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lookinghalfacorpse · 6 months
cdoomsdaytrio going to the hot springs to have a relaxing bath and both phil and dream lay on techno chest while closing their eyes and enjoying the warm of the water and techno it's resisting the urge to swim like a fish in circles and starting a water fight
you're onto something here
/dsmp /rp warning for description of torture, burns. seems like an odd trigger warning for the prompt but stick with me. flashbacks in italics.
"You want power so fucking bad, man? You want power?" Quackity's voice waivered as though he was on the edge of laughter. "You know the greatest power of all? It's the power of choice, Dream. The power of choice. I'm ready and willing to offer that to you."
Dream clutched his hand. It was still bleeding-- he's been applying pressure for a long, long time, and it was still bleeding. A large slice opened at the base of his ring finger, splaying open layers of flesh. It might've been to the bone. He noticed Sam watching attentively.
A small cauldron of boiling water lay directly between him and Quackity.
"So choose. Lose another finger," Quackity continued, "Or dunk the whole hand in this cauldron. Just a preference thing, really, but it's more than I usually offer you."
Dream felt his head spin. The memory of losing his pinkie finger was still fresh, he could still see the dried blood in the crevices of obsidian that Sam missed--
Dream woke. The steam around him caused a moment of panic, but as soon as he recognized the pink fur his head was laying atop, he knew where he was.
"Kinda rude that you still get nightmares at the hot spring," Techno droned.
While he was mining a few months ago, Technoblade stumbled upon an underground hot spring. Dream didn't even know that underground hot springs could exist, let alone that they were safe to bathe in. He heard stories about boiling, acidic lakes on the surface, and he worried that this would be similar. He waited until both Techno and Philza entered the water before he followed suit, but now they were arranged in a comfortable, warm, sweaty pile. Techno was half-floating with his shoulders rested on a rock wall, Phil was settled on his chest, and Dream was tucked somewhere underneath Phil's wing.
Dream didn't remember falling asleep. He stretched his limbs, finding that he was less sore than he normally was. The warm water must have helped. The burn scars that decorated his left hand had faded; the other, more dramatic and miscolored scars were more visible and drowned them out, in a way. He'd forgotten about that day. They all started to blend together after a while.
Philza was curled next to him, skin-to-skin, legs tangled. He must've drawn closer during the nightmare. He felt Phil's thin fingers threading through his hair.
Techno nudged the tip of his snout into the crook of Dream's neck. "You good?"
"I'm good."
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elmhat · 1 year
// dsmp rp
A No Nuke AU Drabble, feat. Stagedduo
Special thanks to @call-me-apple / @dreamsclock / @carpedzem for the brainrot.
“So you’re telling me we’re done?”
Punz’s voice was deliberately steady, deliberately controlled, but the fire in their eyes betrayed them.
Dream was pacing the prison lobby. Distantly, he wondered how much longer it would take to wear grooves into the floor like this, with the mining fatigue. “We’re not done, we’re just… changing objectives.”
Punz raised an eyebrow. “So we’re fucking done.”
“Yes, Punz! We’re done with, like, revival stuff, if that’s what you mean.” Dream thought of obsidian rooms piled high with books, the mad scrawlings of two who were playing at science. They hadn’t moved any of it. They probably never would. “For now.”
Punz stood from the warden’s desk, and when they looked at Dream, he couldn’t be sure they recognized him. A stranger—and a threat.
“So let me get this straight,” they started. “Everything we did, all the things we did, together— you’re saying none of it fucking matters? I waited a fucking year for you, Dream!”
Dream advanced on them. “Oh, wow, that’s— I’m so sorry, that must’ve been so hard for you to like, sit around for a year while I— fucking—”
He cut himself off, taking a controlled breath. “I get it, okay? I know what I— what we sacrificed. It doesn’t change anything.”
“So everything you went through in here was for nothing.”
Dream balled his fists. He started pacing again, quickly, before he punched Punz or a wall.
“It’s not fucking nothing, Punz, how would it be nothing? Like— We learnt a lot, y’know, about revival. That knowledge isn’t gonna magically disappear. Now it’s time to actually put it to use. Start helping the server.”
“Start helping Tommy, you mean.” Punz spat the name like a curse.
“Start helping anyone, Punz! Why is this so hard for you to understand?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you, bro. What did Tommy do to your head? You’ve never, just, given up on something like this before.”
“Aren’t you tired?” For the first time, Dream let himself feel the exhaustion baked into his bones. It had been there for so long that he didn’t remember a time before. Every day, it got worse. “Don’t you miss not having to fight?”
Punz just shook their head. “Dude, you’re fucking delusional.”
“You can’t tell me you don’t! Back when you could actually talk to people, and not just pretend to like them. You had people. Sapnap, Tubbo…”
But Punz couldn’t be listening. Their eyes bore straight through him, as if the mask on his face were made of glass. “You never even gave a shit about me.”
“You never cared about what I thought, what I wanted— so don’t act like you do now. You just wanted someone who’d do what you said, whatever random whim you’re on.”
Their eyes narrowed. “I’ll never be your precious fucking Sapnap, or George, or whoever else you’ve decided doesn’t hate you anymore.”
Dream was quiet. He stopped in the center of the room, and something like regret flashed across Punz’s face before being replaced with icy resolve.
“Maybe you’re right,” said Dream. “Maybe I don’t care what you think anymore.” In here, in this moment, the walls were stiflingly close. It was too hot. This place had always been too hot.
“I’m leaving,” he said.
Punz laughed coldly. “You’re leaving? The prison, you mean? Like— Forever?”
Dream shrugged. He didn’t know. There weren’t a lot of things he knew anymore. “Come, or don’t, I don’t care.”
When neither of them spoke, it felt like the ground beneath Dream was giving out. He knew what it was like to be alone; in some ways, it felt safer. But this was something else.
He turned away, climbing down into the makeshift exit tunnel.
“Hey, Dream?” said Punz.
Dream looked up, far too quickly.
“Give me the keys.”
Dream’s stomach sank to his boots. But he retrieved the keycard, and when he tossed it to Punz, it felt like the heaviest thing he had ever held.
He left without a word.
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geraniumshurricane · 11 months
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— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — » ( ✗ )@bone-pile-rp
He looks at Livio's guns, holding them in his hands out of pure curiosity. How was he able to shoot from many different angles and know exactly where they were going? Of course, Vash wouldn't shoot to find out, after all bullets were quite expensive.
❝ How does he ... ❞
His sentence drifts as he twists his arms in different directions.
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