bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Late in the Night | Part Three
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Prompt: There’s only one bed (Content Challenge Day 6)
Pairing: Legolas x Female Reader
Rating: PG
Word count: 1914
Warnings: None
Challenge participants: @game-ofthe-company @grunid @themerriweathermage @errruvande @the-reformed-ringwraith @awkwardkindatries
A/n Happy Day 6 of my content challenge! If you like my account, chances are you’ll love the accounts mentioned above! Check them out if you can :) If you want more, you can find the challenge’s masterlist here and my personal masterlist here. Okay, happy reading!
The tavern is warm and a welcome escape from the evening chill. Occupying the common room is a small, though lively, crowd, including Gimli and Boromir, who sit in plushy chairs drinking mead by the fire. The barman eyes the newcomers with a measure of surprise — it’s his second unusual guest of the night. Though the woman is predictably human, the one standing next to her is clearly an elf. The barman marvels at his luck, knowing he will be the talk of the town if he can compile some interesting stories about the elf and the dwarf he met this eve.
The barman waves at the odd couple, and they come to the counter. The three exchange pleasantries, but Legolas and Y/n are careful to be vague about their travel plans. Even though the barman seems innocently curious, one can never be too cautious. The barman inquires about their needs.
“Meals for tonight and tomorrow morning, as well as two rooms — at least one with a fireplace if you’ve got it.” Legolas reaches under his cloak and produces a velvet pouch containing the human currency he brought for the journey.
The barman grimaces. “I’m sorry, sir, but I’m afraid there is only one room left. You see, we are a small establishment, and the guests that arrived shortly before you requested separate dwellings.”
With narrowed eyes, Legolas turns to regard a very satisfied-looking human and dwarf. Gimli raises his mug, winking at his elven friend.
“Did they, now,” Legolas murmurs, beginning to guess at his friend’s plan. At his side, he hears Y/n huff in disbelief, obviously having caught on.
To his credit, the barman seems genuinely apologetic. “Yes, I-I’m afraid so, sir. If you like, there is another inn on the other side of town, I could inquire about vacancies there—”
“No, thank you.” Legolas cuts him off, trying to soften his cold tone with a smile. He can’t risk the managers talking and comparing guests before he and his companions are long gone. “We will make do.”
The barman briefly disappears to find the key, and Y/n tries to study Legolas surreptitiously. Unfortunately, he seems to have the same idea about her, and their eyes dart away immediately upon meeting, knowing they’d each been caught.
How awkward.
The barman returns, sliding a smooth silver key into Legolas’ hand, who quickly pays the man. “Would it be too much trouble to have dinner delivered to our room?” Legolas swallows. Our room.
The barman responds favorably, but there is an unmistakable note of disappointment to his tone. No doubt he was looking forward to studying probably the only elf he’s ever seen.
Y/n sneaks a look over to Gimli, who is quite enjoying his mead, and figures that he will give the barman enough entertainment to last a few years.
The pair ascends the stairs, and Y/n notices a pink twinge to Legolas’ cheeks. He stumbles over his words, something quite unusual for him. “I—uh, did not mean to presume. I apologize.”
Y/n shrugs. “You don’t need to apologize. It’s our fault for not asking to arrive first, I guess,” Y/n tries for a laugh, but it’s impossible for Legolas to not notice how she won’t meet his eyes.
He stops on the landing, looking quite pained. He hates the idea of making her uncomfortable. “I will sleep on the floor.”
Y/n takes pity on the poor elf, and puts effort into seeming relaxed. “No, really, it’s okay. It’s no different from lying near each other when we camp, right?”
It is completely different, Legolas thinks, but decides not to share that comment.
They reach the door, and both try to will their nerves away as Legolas turns the key in the lock.
“Oh.” Y/n is pleasantly surprised by the state of the room. “It’s nice.”
Legolas has to agree. The bed—the sole bed—is off the ground and boasts an actual mattress, complete with two fluffy pillows and three blankets. There’s a fireplace, a water basin, a tin tub, two exceptionally large jugs of water, and a changing screen. The presence of these amenities constitutes luxury after their time in the wilderness.
Y/n crosses the threshold first, and Legolas chides his own cowardice. The battlefield gives no fear to him, but sharing a room with the woman he…
He forces himself to enter the room.
Y/n twists the hem of her tunic in her hands, trying desperately to get through the awkwardness. “Will it bother you if I have a bath?”
Legolas practically catapults himself forward, eager to have a task to busy his mind. “Not at all. I’ll heat the water.” He grabs one of the water-filled jugs, lays it on the grate inside the fireplace, and works to start a fire.
Y/n fiddles with the changing screen, dragging it slightly to the left so it completely shields the length of the tub. Even though the fire is properly kindled, Legolas stays near it, kneeled on the ground, eyes glued to the heating water.
Y/n chances a look at him, and the sight of him brings a small smile to her lips. He’s just so sweet. And though she would never say it out loud, Y/n admits to herself that, if she had to spend the night with any of her companions, Legolas would be her first and only choice.
Y/n busies herself with spot-cleaning their extra clothes until Legolas has the water heated and pours it in the bath.
Are his cheeks red from embarrassment or the heat, she wonders.
“I-I’ll stay near the bed and-and give you your privacy,” he stutters out, looking anywhere but at her.
Definitely embarrassment. Y/n bites back a smile, grabs her washing supplies, and slips behind the changing screen.
She undresses and slides into the water, sighing contentedly at her first encounter with warm water in weeks. Knowing it won’t last long, she works quickly to scrub the dirt from her skin.
Legolas sits on the edge of the bed, trying to distract himself by cleaning their weapons. He doesn’t know whether he should try and converse with her, or ignore her completely, or if he should just run from the room and never come back?
Valar, how this is difficult!
A knock sounds on the door.
“That was fast,” Y/n muses, to which Legolas hums in agreement.
He sheds his cloak and uses it to conceal the weapons, then meets the barman at the door to collect the dinner plates.
Legolas shuts the door with his foot and turns back towards the bed.
And freezes upon realizing the issue.
Y/n is still in the bath.
Legolas exhales, looking down at the plate in his right hand, then to the changing screen, then quickly to the opposite corner of the room, a blush coming to his cheeks once again.
He closes his eyes, drawing in a breath.
You are a prince, he reminds himself. You lead council meetings, command troops, and have the respect of an entire kingdom. Pull yourself together.
Before he can give himself a chance to lose his nerve, he turns on his heel, and marches towards the changing screen.
“Delivery, My Lady.”
The teasing tone in Legolas’ voice catches Y/n off guard, and she releases a startled laugh. He can’t be serious? But she sees the tips of his boots peeking under the edge of the wooden screen, and decides to play along, trusting him to keep his gaze respectful. “You may approach, Good Sir.”
Legolas peeks around the screen, presenting Y/n her plate of food and making a show of keeping his eyes closed.
Y/n giggles, for just a moment forgetting the awkwardness and the insurmountable pressure of the fate of the world on their shoulders. “Such service! Thank you.”
Legolas bows, and returns with his own food to his spot on the bed. As they eat, they trade stories of the time before they knew each other — Y/n being careful to edit any details that would give her non-Arda origins away. When the food is gone and the bathwater runs cold, Y/n dries, dresses in fresh clothing, and folds back the changing screen.
She and Legolas stare at each other, unsure how to proceed.
“Um, is there anything you needed to do before bed?”
“No.” Legolas shakes his head. “You?”
“No.” A pause. “Well, I guess we should go to sleep, unless you wanted a bath?”
“It’s alright, I washed in the stream earlier.”
Y/n shifts on her feet. “Oh. Right. You sure you don’t want something hot?”
Legolas smiles. “Temperature doesn’t affect ellyn the way it does humans.”
Y/n laughs softly at herself, using it as an opportunity to exhale some of the nerves. “Forgot….I’ll just get the candles, then.”
Legolas stands abruptly. “Let me.” Then, his panicked look fades into a teasing smile. “Humans already have terrible eyesight in the daytime, I fear for your safety if I let you stumble around in the dark.”
“Oh, be quiet,” Y/n laughs, crawling onto the side of the bed closest to her. The mattress probably isn’t the softest in the world, but it’s much better than the freezing ground. And the pillow and blankets are a nice touch. Y/n remembers her fluffy bed back home, and finds herself snuggling deeper into the covers, trying to recreate the memory.
The room goes dark, and moments later, Y/n feels the bed dip beside her.
Legolas slides under the covers wordlessly, keeping as far to the edge as he can. His mind runs a million miles a minute, wondering if he’s making her uncomfortable, noticing how nice her hair smells, thinking how he’s going to kill Boromir and Gimli for putting them in this position, and everything in between.
On the other side of the bed, Y/n stares at the wall, unable to calm down enough to sleep. Never in her life has she been so affected by someone else’s presence. It’s just a bed for Pete’s sake, she’s shared plenty of them before!
But she can feel his warmth from across the mattress, can picture how his chest would feel under her cheek, and fights the urge to cuddle in close to him.
Oh how she is going to murder Gimli and Boromir.
Time passes, neither of them knowing how much.
But after a while, Y/n gives voice to the more anxious thoughts in her head, unable to let them go.
“Are you awake?”
Legolas’ voice is soft, barely a whisper in the late night. “Yes.”
Silence, and Legolas wonders if Y/n has fallen asleep. But a few breaths later, she speaks again, this time, with a measure of fear in her voice.
“Do you think we can do it? Destroy the Ring?”
“We will.” His voice is confident, steady, just the reassurance she needs. “No matter the cost, we will see this Evil defeated.”
Y/n sighs, closing her eyes. She gives into the exhaustion in her bones, in her mind, and sinks into dreamless sleep. Legolas follows not long after, allowing himself only the briefest of looks at his slumbering companion. He holds the image of her peaceful face in his mind as he drifts off.
And if they do find themselves cuddled up in the morning, well, no one needs to know.
A/n See you all tomorrow with part four! Likes, comments, and reblogs are so appreciated. Also, let me know if you would like a tag!
Tag list: @angelic-kisses13 @lainphotography @anangelwhodidntfall @sheriffgerard @themerriweathermage @k-llama-llama
Next part
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errruvande · 3 years
The roof (Haldir x reader)
Content challenge: day 6 - there’s only one bed Words count: 777 TW: brief mention of alcohol  AN: yay it is day 6 of @bonjour-rainycity ‘s challenge already, what a fun ride huh btw i suck at making titles lmao AN 2.0: your pov is highlited in italic
Translation:  meldis-nin - my friend (feminine form), Ae anirog - if you want
Your head aches badly, you can barely open your eyes without getting the feel of cutting pain going through your eyeballs, even trying to move your eyeballs is a challenge for your nervous system. You feel incredibly dizzy, and for a solid minute you just wish you were def, listening the bird’s song ricochets off your skull and echoes, doubling its loudness.
“Hmm…” you groan, opening your eyes with a great afford, but your eyelids drop back immediately from the sudden bright light. “Ugh, Eru…”
You’re lying in bed: it’s comfy, warm and smells nice – you don’t want to get up at all and you don’t have any strength to do so. You bend in two, forcing yourself to sit, and overlook the place. The talan is perfectly familiar to your eyes, but it is still isn’t yours and you can’t recall whose talan it is. There’re many books on the bookshelves, everything is clean, the map of Lothlorien is hanging on the wall and the bigger one, the map of Middle-Earth, is hanging next to it. Ooh, I get it, there’s an armor in the corner: bronze elven steel and bloody-red leather along with long, thin golden chainmail, huge, gorgeous red cape is also hanging on the armor. What I am doing in Haldir’s talan? You yawn, putting on your resting face and see a tray lying on the floor, next to the bed. You can tell it is fruity juce in the glass and some snacks are on this tray. You sip from the glass several times and suddenly your head stop aching.
The last night in Caras Galadhon was a celebration. The wine flew like water across all the ellyn the whole night and the last thing you remember from the night is clinking glasses with Rumil and drinking the whole glass of dorwinion wine with a single gulp. Where is Haldir, by the way? You see his cloak is hanging on the hanger, so he’s not on the watch and something tells you he hasn’t left talan yet.
You finally are getting up, stretching your hands and bending your back. You wander across the talan, looking at the stuff Haldir’s has in his house with interest. There’re so many nice things he kept from his travels to another lands. It’s actually blowing your mind. But your heart drops when your eyes linger on the shining steel of perfectly polished armour of his. You always loved to look at all kinds of steel armour, it fascinate you. You sit on the floor next to it and enjoy the moment, looking at all the shapes that reflecting in the polished cuirass extremely clear as it is mirror. You see your face, the bed you were sleeping on that night, table, bookshelves, the hole in the roof, even little birds flying behind the windows. Stop, the hole in the roof? There is perfect round hole in his talan’s roof!
You get up with curiosity and pull the chair to get up and peek through the hole.
What the?..
You see Haldir, lying on wooden floor in his tunic, sleeping. He doesn’t have any blanket nor even his cloak, so you get down, take one from the bed and climb onto the roof to cover him up with it. It was a freezing night and you’ve noticed Haldir’s lips are blue from cold.
“Y/N?..” Haldir’s murmuring, squeezing his closed eyes tighter and biting his lower lip through the sleep. You just standing there, staring at him with a hugest silly smile you’ve ever wore on your face. “There is only one bed and I didn’t want to make you feel awkward in the morning,’ he says with the tiniest smile, his voice is drowsy and you smile at. He’s yawning, cuddling in the blanket you gave him, and twitching his head to not to fall completely asleep again. “How was your night?” he squeezes his eyes and lowers his chin, stretching his neck.
“Great, thank you.” You sit down on your knees next to Haldir and when he gets his body up and sits, you grab the edge of the blanket and wrap it around Haldir tight. “It was also warm. And your nose is red, you need to get down.”
Haldir looks at you briefly, his eyes are half-open. “Just 5 last minutes, meldis nin, please.” His eyes are closed again and Haldir falls on your shoulder, already asleep. You embrace him tight to keep him warm.
“Ae anirog.” You rest your chin on the top of Haldir’s head, listening to his silent breath.
You could sleep in that bed with me, poor little fool, ah I wish you slept in that bed with me…
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themerriweathermage · 3 years
Tumblr media
@bonjour-rainycity I told you I had another one for Day 7 prompt.
1.5k words. No warnings, just some fun among elves featuring an unfortunately exhausted Elrond after the Council.
Read here on AO3!
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ilovedainironfoot · 3 years
Day 4 of the bonjourcontentchallenge by @bonjour-rainycity : Teaching/learning a skill
Warning : none
When Mithrandir told him that he was going to bring a whole troop of dwarves, Elrond agreed, what else could he say? After all, his city  was not the “Last Homely House” for nothing. Even if he was still a bit dubious about the idea. And a little suspicious about the behavior of Dwarves. And Mithrandir in general.
On the one hand, he doubted that Thorin Oakenshield would come to his home with a big smile, his anger against the Elves being known to just about everyone. And if the King misbehaves, so will the rest of the company. On the other hand, he doubted the honesty of the wizard when he answered: "I have warned the Dwarves."
His suspicions were justified when he arrived on horseback and discovered the company.
you didn't warn them at all. Forced, yes, warned, no.
One week.
One week that the company was in his City. It was incredibly hard. He would go to bed at night, nervously wondering what Lindir was going to tell him again about how dwarves behave at sunrise. They exhausted him. They weren't bad, no, but Mithrandir had brought them here against their will and  they were letting him know. As he had been doing for a week, every morning when he saw his Lord rise, Lindir would come to him and they would both summarize the events of the previous day and night.
They did this while walking in the flowered alleys (Lindir prayed to Eru not to see any more naked Dwarves when they arrived near the fountains).
His prayers were almost heard because at the fountains there was only one dwarf, and he was dressed.
Seeing two Elves passing by, Bifur greeted them in Iglishmêk, and while Elrond wished him a pleasant day, Lindir, seeing that their guest was speaking in sign language, had the reflex to greet him back in Elvish sign language.
They were not two meters away when Elrond's assistant felt an iron fist gripping his hand.  The dwarf had just sprinted to him.
“Is everything alright, Master Dwarf ?” Elrond asked
But Bifur did not answer and did not let go of poor Lindir. In fact, he continued to inspect the fine white hand of the Elf in his large rough hands. He turned it in all directions, spread the long fingers, touching the palm of the hand.
“My Lord, what is he doing?” Lindir whispered
“I think you intrigued him with your greeting.“
He saw that the dwarf was trying to reproduce the gesture of his assistant with one hand, while with the other he continued to grasp the elf's hand. They could exchange no other words than Bifur began to speak in Khuzdul while signing frantically with his hands.
"Please forgive me Master Dwarf, but I hardly understand Khuzdul or your sign language.»
Then the dwarf repeated Lindir's greeting, showed his own hand, then repeated his own greeting and showed the elf's hand. Lindir begins to understand: "You've never seen our sign language? »
The dwarf made no with his head
"Do you want to learn? »
With a smile, their guest nodded.
“I'll leave it to you," smiled Elrond and soon left his assistant alone with Bifur.
Lindir turned pale, stammered a little yes, and as soon as his Lord left his sight, he thought he would faint. He admitted after several hours that the dwarf was learning fast, and could already make a conversation.
For the second Elven sign language lesson, the next day, the Elf had the surprise to discover new students in addition to Bifur: Bofur, Bombur, Balin, Oin, Gloin, Ori.
Bifur had told them about his afternoon with the Elf, showed them what he had taught him, and the curiosity of the Dwarves did the rest.
Lindir discovered that they could be the most patient and obedient beings when they wanted to be.
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Home Again
Prompt: Domestic bliss/a day in the life (Content Challenge Day 2)
Pairing: Haldir x Female Reader
Rating: T
Word count: 2164
Warnings: Maybe I pushed the ‘T’ rating a little. There’s nakedness but like...tasteful nakedness? Also lots of kissing. And suggestions. And so much fluff. 
A/n Welcome to Day 2 of my content challenge! You can find the challenge’s masterlist here and my personal masterlist here. Happy reading :) 
Light shines into my closed eyes, and, mumbling in annoyance, I roll over, smushing my face into the pillow.
The ellon to my left chuckles warmly, wrapping an arm around my waist. “No, no, meleth nîn. Now that I know you are awake, I shan’t let you escape my attentions.”
I laugh as Haldir leans over me and peppers my face and neck with tiny kisses, encouraging me to roll onto my back. After much giggling and futile attempts to return to sleep, I comply, allowing him to kiss me fully on the lips. I sigh into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer to me.
“I’ve missed this,” I breathe, closing my eyes when Haldir places a gentle kiss on my collarbone. “Three months is too long.”
At this, he raises his head, showing me the apology in his eyes “I know. I am sorry for leaving you for such a time, but I cannot ask it of my wardens and not hold myself to the same standard.”
I take one of his hands in mine, fiddling with his fingers. “You are much too honorable for my liking, Marchwarden.”
His playfulness from earlier returns, and he wraps his arms under my back. “I take offense! I shall have to prove to you that I am no such ellon.” With that, he releases his knees, dropping his full weight on top of me.
“Haldir,” I laugh, trying to push him off of me. “You must move, I cannot breathe!”
He buries his face in the crook of my neck, and I feel his smile against my skin. “Now what were you saying? I doubt an honorable ellon would try to squish his wife.”
“I shall have you arrested for attempted murder,” I gasp, elbowing him in the ribs and kicking at his shins.
He grins languidly, but relieves the pressure on me slightly. “And who is going to carry out this arrest? I am, as you say, the Marchwarden of this realm.” He raises a haughty eyebrow. “And I have no intention of incarcerating myself.”
I bump my nose against his, earning myself a soft smile. “Then it seems I shall have to lock you up.”
Haldir’s lips drop to mine, and he kisses me with a passion that has me quite willing to stay in this bed all day. “Such promises she makes,” he teases, and then seems to reign himself in. With a final, much more innocent kiss, he rises to his knees, offering me a hand. “Would you like breakfast?”
I enjoy my first full breath in minutes and take his hand, following him out of the bedroom. “You have been at the borders for three months. Sit, and let me cook for you.”
He does as he’s bid and, while I gather ingredients, he perches on one of the high stools that faces into kitchen. He does not stay on his side of the counter long, though, and soon wraps his arms around my waist, holding me closely against him as I cook.
There’s a knock on the door and Haldir and I exchange questioning looks. With a raised eyebrow, he releases me and walks through the talan to the front door. It’s not long before I hear the jovial greetings of Orophin and Rumil, and, smiling to myself, I retrieve two more plates from the cabinet.
Haldir enters the kitchen, his younger brothers in tow. “Do you mind, my love?”
“Not at all,” I grin, pulling the ellyn in for hugs.
“Of course she minds,” Rumil laughs, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek before sitting on a stool. “Her husband only just got back last night, and now she’s got a kitchen full of guests. I’m sure she’d much rather be f—”
I hurry to interrupt the youngest of the three, carefully placing some fruit on his plate. “You know you are both welcome here any time, I—”
“Relax, Y/n,” Orophin laughs, holding up a hand to stop my protests. “Rumil and I do not plan to stay long. We only wanted to see our brother, make sure he’s in one piece.”
“And have breakfast,” Rumil declares, mouth full of bread. Haldir rolls his eyes and darts a quick hand out to shove Rumil’s head towards the counter. Rumil only just keeps his head from connecting with the wood, and ducks around Haldir’s outstretched arm to push at his chest.
“Enough,” I laugh, sitting down with my own plate. The two eye each other with amused suspicion, but otherwise obey.
The four of us inevitably get on the topic of Haldir’s time away, and he regals us with the more entertaining stories from the borders. Before we know it, the morning has passed us by, and Orophin and Rumil must rush away to attend to their duties.
Haldir closes the door behind them, then pulls me into his arms. “Thank you for putting up with them.”
I snort and lay my head against his chest. “You know I love them.”
We stay there for a few minutes, wrapped in each other’s embrace. Haldir eventually pulls back and pushes me in the direction of our bedroom. “Change into something suitable for hiking. I’m taking you to the woods.”
I do as requested, rolling my eyes as I go. “You ask so politely.”
“It’ll be worth it,” he calls after me, and, because I can hear the excitement in his voice, I decide to believe him.
Two hours later and we are still walking.
“You know, I was only joking this morning, but now I think you might actually be trying to kill me,” I huff, struggling up the millionth hill of our hike.
My husband only laughs, reaching for my hand. “We are minutes away, meleth.”
To his credit, Haldir was right. Not five minutes later, the ‘trail’ ends and we stand on a cliff, overlooking a deep pond. I glance between Haldir and the water in delight — he knows how much I love a swim. “How did you find this?”
He shrugs like it’s nothing, though his chest puffs out. “I came across it during a scouting excursion a few weeks ago. I’ve been thinking of taking you here ever since.”
“I’m grateful,” I smile, leaning my back against his chest and pulling his arms to encircle me. He tightens his grip and starts a trail of lingering kisses up and down my neck. “It’s the perfect day, too,” I mumble weakly. The sun is shining, the air is hot, and a dip in the cool, clear water is just what I need.
I notice, perhaps belatedly, that neither of us brought proper swimming attire.
But it seems Haldir has planned for that.
He doesn’t stop his kisses when he speaks against my neck. “Take off your clothes.”
I let my eyes flutter shut. The sound of his voice and the way he sucks on my pulse point leaves me with no desire to protest. I pull at the ties on my tunic, and he follows suit. Soon, we are both undressed completely, standing naked in the shining sun.
Haldir pulls my mouth back to his, and, absently, I remember that, though we are in a secluded area, the woods is not necessarily private. “This area is unknown?”
His lips twitch against mine, and he pulls back so I can see his assured smile. “No one is around. No one will know we are here.”
That’s good enough for me. I wrap my arms around my husband’s neck and move to kiss him again, but he scoops me up in his arms, grinning wickedly.
Oh no. “Haldir-”
With a confidence that’s both infuriating and wildly attractive, he winks…
And steps off the cliff.
The water is much colder than I imagined, and I shriek the moment it touches my skin. Haldir finds this quite amusing, though I note with a smirk of satisfaction that a shiver runs up his own spine.
Not so invincible.
With that in mind, I wriggle out of his arms and splash as much water as I possibly can in his direction.
For a moment, he looks so utterly betrayed that I feel a twinge of guilt.
But then he lunges me, and all sympathy disappears.
He grips my shoulders firmly and shoves me under the water. He lets me up almost immediately, but the damage is done.
He’s submerged me in the freezing water twice already, and I cannot let that go.
I jump at him, but his skills on the battlefield apparently apply also to water fights, and he is much too quick for me. He places one arm behind my back and the other behind my legs and brings me into his arms, cradling me against his chest—despite my struggles.
“There, there,” he laughs over my protests. “Deep breaths now.”
I glower at him and manage to get a hand free, splashing a spout of water into his face. He raises an eyebrow, replacing his carefree laughter with the trademark Marchwarden Stoicism.
“Is that the best you’ve got?”
I lift my own eyebrow, meeting his challenge. “Release me and find out.”
He opens his mouth to retort, but the wind rustles the leaves, and he tenses.
I freeze against him, knowing Haldir well enough to see that, in the slight noise from the moving greenery, he has found cause for concern.
“What is it,” I whisper, but he raises a hand, cautioning for silence. I purse my lips together and strain my ears, trying to hear the forest as he does. Centuries in the trees have made him hyper-sensitive to every rock, leaf, animal — and intruder.
I gulp, tightening my grip on his shoulders.
Without warning, Haldir plunges me into the water once again, and I sputter, finding myself pressed against the cool skin of his back.
“M-Marchwarden,” a voice stutters out.
Oh Valar.
I’m suddenly painfully aware of how naked I am.
“Erlan,” Haldir sighs, giving the young ellon a displeased stare.
I recognize the name. Erlan is the newest member of Lothlórien’s Guard, only just having come of age some twenty years ago. Haldir says he is inexperienced, but shows promise, and frequently does week-long stints as part of the forest patrol.
“I-I am so sorry, Marchwarden. I did not mean—” While the elf stumbles over his words, Haldir tries to discreetly lower his hands to cover the essentials, but the movement draws Erlan’s eyes. Realizing what he’s doing, Erlan jerks his head upwards, staring safely at the sky. “Oh my, I am so—”
“Just leave, Erlan,” Haldir grits out, the pink twinge to his cheeks slightly damaging his commanding tone.
Erlan tries for a respectful bow, but as he bends, his eyes lock with mine and he yelps, straightening quickly. Haldir shifts to block me completely from view, raising an arm in Erlan’s direction. “Go!”
Erlan nearly runs into a tree in his haste to escape, and the hilarity of the situation overrides any embarrassment I might feel. I laugh, wrapping my arms around Haldir’s middle, encouraging him to turn in my arms. He does so, though his eyes scan our surroundings suspiciously.
To distract him from his anger, I press kisses to his chest, and, eventually he relaxes in my arms. Once I know his ire has passed, I rest my chin against his sternum, looking up at him with a wide grin. “I thought you said no one would find us.”
He fixes me with an unimpressed glare, the redness returning to his cheeks. “I will be speaking with him first thing tomorrow morning. His observation skills are—”
“Still in progress,” I interject, dragging my hands up his chest until I reach his shoulders. “Go easy on the poor ellon.” Using my grip, I pull myself up, wrapping my legs around his hips.
This seems to put him in a much more favorable mood, and he hums softly, laying his head against my shoulder. “I suppose you’re right. It could’ve happened to anyone.”
“Exactly,” I smile, pleased that I still have the ability to distract him like this even after a century of marriage. “Though I do believe that no one will be intruding upon us now, since Erlan is there to warn them.” I brush my lips against his shoulder, hinting at my intentions.
“My, you are smart,” his chuckle rumbles against me, and I dip my head to meet the lips that soon quirk teasingly against mine. “I knew I kept you around for a reason.”
I pull back, leveling him with a glare that rivals his own.
He attempts to school his expression, though he retains a mocking glint in his eye. “Intelligent and terrifying. I think I’ve hit the jackpot.”
I dip a hand into the water and flick it back towards his face, effectively wiping away his smug expression. “Do shut up.”
Laughing once more, he pulls me back to him, picking up where we left off.
I love having him home.
Even if I definitely plan on half-drowning him before we leave.
A/n So does anyone else adore Haldir, or is it just me? 
Likes, comments, and reblogs mean the world to me! Let me know what you thought and if you would like to be added to a tag list :) If you have any questions about the challenge, feel free to message me/submit an ask!
Challenge participants*: @game-ofthe-company @grunid @themerriweathermage @errruvande
*As far as I know. Please let me know if I’ve missed someone!!! 
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Late in the Night | Part One
Prompt: Unrequited love/the love is requited, they’re just oblivious (Content Challenge Day 5)
Pairing: One-sided ( or is it ;) ) Female Reader x Legolas
Rating: G
Word count: 1847
Warnings: None
Challenge participants: @game-ofthe-company @grunid @themerriweathermage @errruvande @the-reformed-ringwraith @awkwardkindatries
A/n Hello hello, and happy Day 5 of my content challenge! As always, you can find the challenge’s masterlist here and my personal masterlist here. 
I’m making these last three days into a mini-series, so here’s part one! Also, for this story, I’m going with the “girl wakes up in Middle Earth” plot, but LOTR doesn’t exist in her world. So she doesn’t know anything about the characters or their journey. She just kind of fell through a portal between worlds. Y’know?
Translations (I think): Taur-e-Ndaedelos — Mirkwood // Eryn Galen — Greenwood
Reader’s POV
“And Miss Y/n, what will you do once this is all over? Will you go back home?” Pippin stops to let me catch up, bringing me into step with him and Merry.
I purse my lips, not wanting to give too much away. The others know that I have a bit of an, erm—strange— situation, but they don’t know that I haven’t got a home in Arda. We’ve had at least ten variants of this conversation already, and each time, I’ve managed to avoid participating. It seems my hobbit friend, though, is done letting that slide.
I shrug, trying to seem nonchalant. “I haven’t really thought about that much…” Just in case there’s no ‘once this is all over’. “But I guess I would find a human town somewhere and build a life. I’ve learned quite a lot on this journey, so maybe I could make a living as a guard or even a seamstress, seeing how often I mend your clothes,” at this, I throw a teasing look at Gimli, who blushes. Out of all of us, he’s the most prone to non-battle related injury, and I often find him trudging back to camp with a rip in his sleeve after simple tasks like collecting firewood or refilling his canteen.
Pippin ignores my joke, and now I realize that I have the concern-laden eyes of all four hobbits. “You…would not go back home? You wouldn’t see your family?”
I sigh, avoiding Gandalf’s gaze. He said I was free to tell my companions that I am not of this world, but I haven’t yet worked up the nerve. The stress of figuring out how I got here, why I’m here…it’s too much to burden them with on this perilous quest. I stifle a little laugh, my exhausted mind finding humor in the situation. Maybe that’s what I’ll do ‘once all this is over’. I’ll tell them that I’m practically an alien.  
Lost in my thoughts as I was, my silence drew the attention of Gimli and Boromir, and now I have six sets of concerned eyes regarding me. Great. I try to speed the conversation along so we can get to someone else. “Well, I haven’t seen my family in quite a long time…I think they think I’m dead, actually, and for all I know, they could be too…” This thought troubles me greatly, and I hurry to replace it with something else, forcing my voice to sound cheery and hopeful.“But that only means that I’m free to go anywhere—explore any place I like.”
Pippin looks quite heartbroken at my words, and I scramble to think of ways to fix it. But before I can, he grips my hand tightly in his, and I feel Merry mirror his actions on my other side. They look up at me triumphantly, smiling brightly. “You can come live with us, in The Shire,” Pippin declares, to which Sam nods earnestly. Frodo, as always of late, seems distracted, but offers me a distant smile.
A laugh of shocked joy escapes my lips, and I look between my valiant hobbit friends with possibly even more affection than before. “Do they even allow that? Big Folks moving into The Shire?”
“Sure they do,” Merry brushes away my concerns, appearing quite assured of himself.
But Pippin only shrugs, seemingly having not a care in the world. “And if they don’t, we’ll just sneak you in.”
“Gondor would be happy to host you as well,” Boromir adds, surprising me a little. We haven’t talked much on this journey, so it’s nice to know that he sees me as enough of a friend to invite me to his home.
Feeling much better, I squeeze Merry and Pippin’s hands. “Thanks, you guys. Really.”
We stop when it gets too dark for most of us to see.
“We are too far from Rivendell’s borders for me to feel comfortable.” Aragorn shakes his head slowly as he considers our surroundings and the potential risk we face. “I would ask that we keep a double watch tonight, and for many nights to come. Y/n, Legolas?”
Legolas—the only one of us who seems to have an endless supply of energy—jogs to a tall rock a couple hundred meters from camp, and begins to climb. I’m a bit slower to follow.
In the past three weeks, Aragorn has put me on watch eight times, the most only after himself and Legolas, and definitely more than our other companions. Sam shoots me an apologetic look and quietly promises to bring us dinner as soon as it’s ready.
I grab my cloak and follow Legolas’ path, trying to keep my annoyance to a minimum. After all, it’s not the worst thing in the world…staying up most of the night with Legolas, just the two of us.
He hears me coming and turns around with a welcoming smile, lowering a hand to help pull me onto the boulder. His hand is so warm in mine, so solid, and I find myself wishing he wouldn’t let go.
But of course he does, taking his hand from mine the moment I’m settled next to him. I tuck my hands into my cloak, trying not to lament the loss. Regardless of my quickly-growing feelings towards my elven friend, he has never given me an indication that he sees me as anything more than that, a friend, and I need to respect that.
He fixes me with a raised eyebrow, somehow both looking at me and the landscape over my shoulder. “Are you alright with staying awake tonight? It has been a while since you slept fully.”
I freeze, caught in a sudden burst of happiness. He noticed that? Has he been paying attention to me?
Legolas continues, and the fledgling hope that perhaps my affections for him aren’t as one-sided as I thought comes crashing down. “I could speak to Aragorn. It is no issue for me to stand watch alone.”
I briefly close my eyes, berating myself for my stupidity. He’s not commenting on your well-being, he just doesn’t want to have to be alone with you for the next five hours. He must somehow know of your feelings and wants to discourage them — because really, why would an elf want to be with a human?
I purse my lips, desperately not wanting him to know I’m upset. “No, it’s okay, thank you though. I’ll do my part.” My words come out a bit more cooly than I intended, but that’s just as well. Best to seem unattached.
He nods, giving me a funny look, then turns to look back out on the vast expanse of trees.
Nearly an hour passes in silence, then Sam visits, bringing dinner with him. Aragorn had managed to find two rabbits, so we eat well tonight. I savor it, knowing we might not be so lucky tomorrow, or the day after next. As usual, Legolas chooses to eat standing, not willing to sacrifice his careful watch over our surroundings. Knowing he’s got it covered, I sit down on the rock with Sam, having a make-shift picnic. Still, I keep my daggers close and periodically take note of the sounds of the forest, just in case. Sam entertains us with stories from his childhood and of life in The Shire. At a tale of how he and Frodo found themselves running from a furious farmer in the middle of the night, even Legolas cracks a smile.
But eventually, the food is gone and Sam is stifling yawns, so he bids us goodnight, leaving me alone with Legolas once again.
I stand, brushing the dust off my leggings, and take my place next to him.
His eyes never leave the horizon, but I hear his voice, soft, quiet, and almost hesitant-sounding. “Is it true that you haven’t a home to return to?”
I’m a bit caught off guard. During that conversation earlier in the day, Legolas was all the way at the front the group, leading with Aragorn. I didn’t know he’d heard that. “Uh, yeah.” I nod, trying to project a confidence I don’t really feel. “It is.”
He goes silent, and stays silent for such a long time that I think that’s all the conversation we’ll have. But then, he speaks again, his voice steady and deliberate. “My home, Taur-e-Ndaedelos, is not safe right now.”
“Oh.” I blink. Is he opening up to me? I try to respond delicately, not wanting to accidentally discourage him from sharing his feelings in the future. “I am sorry. That must be very difficult.”
He waves off my apology, meeting my eyes for the quickest of moments and then turning once more to the landscape before us. “My people get by. I only meant that, perhaps…well, if we succeed, and the Great Evil is defeated, Taur-e-Ndaedelos will be safe, and might even be called Eryn Galen once more.” He shifts from one foot to the other, something I’ve never seen him do. “You would be welcome there.”
A smile—the widest one I’ve managed in a while—spreads over my face, and try as I might, I am unable to reel it in. Because even after all this is over, when the time would come naturally for us to part ways, he wants me still in his life. I’ve always figured that it would hurt me to be parted from him, but I never dreamed that he would feel the same way.
Legolas seems to grow agitated by my silence, and turns to look at me with a measure of stress in his brow. But once he sees my reaction to his words, the lines in his face soften into a grin of his own. “Gimli is similarly without a permanent dwelling. I have extended an invitation to him as well.”
Of course.
I fight the urge to roll my eyes at myself, feeling incredibly stupid. Of course I would read into his words. He didn’t mean anything significant by them, he was just offering me a place to stay, like he obviously would to any of his friends. Because he is a kind, good, and noble ellon.
Of course he doesn’t feel the same way as I do.
I was silly to hope.
I try to keep the smile plastered to my face and not let him see my crushing disappointment. That would be horribly embarrassing, and I’m not sure I could take the pity that would surely be on his compassionate face if he had to verbally express his disinterest.
“That—” my voice sounds annoyingly weak, and I clear my throat to correct it. “That’s really kind of you, Legolas. Thank you.”
There’s a question in his eyes, but he doesn’t ask it, only nods once and returns to his watch of the forest.
For my part, I try to turn all of my focus to the task at hand, reminding myself that, even if he never loves me back, I am truly lucky to have such a wonderful friend.
A/n See you all tomorrow with part two! Likes, comments, and reblogs make my day! Also, let me know if you would like a tag.
Next part
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Late in the Night | Part Four
Previous part
Prompt: Friends have a bet how long it will take the ship to get together (Content Challenge Day 7)
Pairing: Legolas x Female Reader
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1602
Warnings: None
Challenge participants: @game-ofthe-company @grunid @themerriweathermage @errruvande @the-reformed-ringwraith @awkwardkindatries
^^ Hey! If I haven't commented on your post(s) yet, it just means I haven't gotten the chance to read them. School has been ramping up, but as I have free moments, I'll be going back and looking at all your challenge posts <3
A/n: You guys...IT'S THE LAST PROMPT OF THE CONTENT CHALLENGE! What?! Thank you so much to everyone who participated and interacted with our posts. I had such a blast creating this past week and getting to know each and every one of you. I think it would be fun to do something like this again in the future, so let me know if you would like to be involved in planning/get updates! 
As always, I encourage you to check out the accounts tagged above and our masterlists! You can find the challenge masterlist here and my personal masterlist here. Okay, enjoy :)
Aragorn waits, keeping an eye on the trees.
The minute his friends from the eastern inn arrive, they will leave town.
He had a pleasant night — private room, hot bath, well-prepared meals — but is ready to get back on their journey. For all he knows, the brief rest he allowed them could have already cost them vital time.
That thought causes him to pace.
“Calm yourself, dear friend, they will be along shortly,” Gandalf councils.
Aragorn tries to heed the wise wizard’s advice. Sure enough, he soon hears the light sounds of feet crushing grass and twigs, and knows they are close.
The four of them break into sight at roughly the same time, and Aragorn notices two things:
One, Legolas and Y/n refuse to look at each other.
Two, Gimli wears a grin bright enough to rival the sun.
Aragorn knows he must speak with the dwarf as soon as possible.
Something has happened.
Merry, who doesn’t get enough credit for his observation skills, notices the oddities too, and elbows Pippin in the side. Their eyes grow wide, and it takes everything in them not to shout guesses as to what this means.
It is a good while before Aragorn, Pippin, Merry, and Gimli have a chance to convene and discuss the new development. All four of them, though of course dedicated to the task at hand, desperately want a resolution to their ongoing bet.
It had started innocently enough.
Merry made an off-hand comment about how well Legolas and Y/n seem to get along. Gimli noticed the lass was a clumsier fighter when Legolas was watching. Aragorn realized his friend seemed nervous around the human woman. Pippin saw how each of them smiled brighter when the other was near.
Somehow or other, the four of them had put together their observations, and the rest is history.
The bet was born.
Each of them had put down fifteen coins and a deadline, losing the coins if Legolas and Y/n did not become a couple by the deadline, and winning coins if they did. Knowing his friend’s shy nature well, Aragorn had given the two the lengthiest allowance — six months. Pippin and Merry recognized the bold nature of humans, and guessed it would only take four months for Y/n to speak her mind and Legolas to reciprocate. Gimli, on the other hand, thought the two were already head-over-heels for each other and wouldn’t be able to keep quiet about it, and had given them only a month and a half.
Each participant, knowing his deadline was drawing nearer, had taken steps to push the two in the right direction.
The hobbit friends moved Legolas’ and Y/n’s bedrolls closer when they weren’t looking.
Aragorn put them on watch together. A lot. To the point where he actually felt bad about the bags under Y/n’s eyes.
But Gimli, perhaps, had been the boldest of them all, and proudly tells his friends so the moment they are alone much later that evening.
“Quickly, they are suspicious why it took four of us to gather firewood and herbs,” Aragorn mutters, darting a quick glance in the direction of camp.
“Yes, just get on with it,” Pippin squeaks, then throws a hand over his mouth, knowing he might alert Legolas with his volume.
“Alright, listen up lads.” Gimli grins and proudly tells his tale. “Boromir and I got to the inn first, as planned, and the innkeeper asked how many were in our party. I said two, and the innkeeper made a comment how it was good we didn’t have more folk waiting outside, as his inn was almost full. Well, that got me thinkin’, so I inquired how many more rooms were available. The innkeeper said two, not including the ones Boromir and I purchased. So I whipped out my velvet pouch and paid for another room, fibbin’ a bit and saying I might have a lady friend visiting and wasn’t sure if she would want to sleep in my room or not after our activities.” He wiggles his eyebrows in response to the stunned looks of his friend.
Aragorn shakes his head slowly, a bemused smile setting in his lips. “So you paid for an extra room just to force Legolas and Y/n into sharing?”
“Right you are,” Gimli grins, placing his fists on his hips. “It wasna even that expensive — I’ll make it back three times over, now that I’ve won this thing.”
“Ah, ah, ah, hold on,” Merry holds up a hand, halting Gimli’s gloat. “You can’t prove they did or said anything to start a courtship, so you haven’t won!”
“They won’t even look at each other and the elf’s as red as a strawberry, of course something happened,” Gimli practically shouts.
Aragorn, reliably a voice of reason, intervenes. “We shall have to inquire then, but be smart about it. We do not want to jeopardize their potential courtship with our game.”
The companions agree, then quickly turn to the forest, gathering firewood and herbs to supplement Sam’s soup and their cover story.
Back at camp, Legolas sits on a low tree branch, keeping watch over all his friends.
But mostly Y/n.
He cannot pull his eyes from her face. She sits on a rock, staring into the fire, absently cleaning the mud from her boots. Without permission, his mind goes back to the way he held her this morning, tucked against his chest, her leg wrapped around his. It was wildly improper, and he should be ashamed of himself.
But he doesn’t feel ashamed. Because the way they woke up this morning didn’t feel improper, it felt natural. With all his heart, Legolas wants to wake up like that every morning — his favorite person kept safely against his side. He wants to guard her and give her a wonderful life and bring her home and have his people adore her, too.
Legolas’ resolve hardens, because he knows he can no longer keep this to himself. Y/n has a right to know how he feels, because it affects her too.
He pushes himself from the branch, landing on the ground in silence. With four long strides, he stops beside her, reaching down a hand. “Will you talk with me?”
She looks up at him, nerves like she’s never felt before erupting within her. But she gathers her courage, forces what she hopes is a smile, and takes Legolas’ hand.
She wonders what he’ll say.
All day, she had been lost in embarrassment. Somehow in the night, she’d thrown her leg over his and practically attached herself to his chest — who does that?! And he’d said nothing when they woke up, only got up and went about his routine like normal.
So obviously, he doesn’t feel anything for her.
And that’s what this conversation has to be about.
Briefly, though, she allows herself to remember what it felt like to be in his embrace, and knows that she will cherish that feeling forever.
The warmth of his hand in hers helps her hold on to that memory and, to her surprise, when they reach a secluded spot, he does not let go. No, he takes her other hand in his, clutching both tightly.
Legolas nearly shakes with nerves, and he wonders if she can tell? Does she know how he feels like he might be sick? Oh, he has never felt anxiety like this before, and desperately wishes for it to be gone.
So he wastes no time in putting himself out of his misery.
“I want to be with you.”
Y/n blinks. Surely she can’t have heard him correctly? “What?”
Legolas sighs — her reaction gives him no indication how she feels either way. He bolsters his courage, and tries again. “I feel affection for each member of this Fellowship. But whereas I love the others as if they were my kin, I am unable to deny that how I love you is different. Elves live long lives and thus take matters of the heart very seriously. And, well,” he shrugs, all eloquence leaving him the moment he sees the shy, hopeful smile spread across her lips. “My heart is with you.”
Y/n can hardly believe her ears. She thought that he didn’t…that there was no chance of…but rather than dwell on all her miscalculations, or the myriad of dangers that haunt their future, she decides to just enjoy the moment. She throws her arms around Legolas’ neck, and he grips her tightly against him.
She turns her cheek to rest on his shoulder, unable to contain her grin. “You hold mine as well. I love you, Legolas.”
He pulls back only to rest his forehead against hers, head swimming from the joy of her acceptance and at being this close to her. “And I love you.” She lets out a giddy laugh and he closes his eyes, soaking in the sound. But then he focuses again, for there is something important he still must ask. “Will you accept my offer of courtship?”
Y/n can’t help herself from bumping her nose against his affectionately, and it feels so wonderful, so free to be with him this way. She has no desire for her future to continue without him, and so, her answer is found easily. “Of course.”
Relief settles in Legolas’ bones, the nerves finally leaving him and being replaced with happiness.
Just as their lips meet, the four friends break through the tree-line, back from collecting supplies.
Gimli’s triumphant shout can be heard for miles.
“Pay up, lads!”
A/n The end! This is the last chapter of this mini-series! Thanks for sticking with me as I had some fun with this one. I keep tag-lists, so at any time, just let me know if you would like to be tagged in anything. I’m in the planning stages of a Haldir x OC fic, and while I usually stay away from OC’s, I just cannot fathom typing “Y/n” for the length that I’m planning on making that story. So be on the lookout for that! Hope you all are taking care of yourselves and please know that my inbox is always open. Lots of love!
LITN tag list: @angelic-kisses13 @lainphotography @anangelwhodidntfall @sheriffgerard @themerriweathermage @k-llama-llama @hirokosoul @wellfuckmyexistence @ipsychosocial @anjhope1 @my-lotr-obsession-is-unhealthy
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Preference ~ Teaching You to Fight
Prompt: Teaching/Learning a Skill (Content Challenge Day 4)
A/n This is the halfway point of my content challenge! Look at us go! If you’re interested, you can find the challenge’s masterlist here and my personal masterlist here. Also, I know I only included three characters, so let me know if there are others you want me to include in preferences in the future :)
Challenge participants: @game-ofthe-company @grunid @themerriweathermage @errruvande @awkwardkindatries @the-reformed-ringwraith
Super calm
So gentle
Refuses to spar with you because he doesn’t want to hurt you
Teaches you a few basic -- but essential -- strategies and runs drills of them over and over so it becomes second-nature to you
You had to beg him to teach you, and it took a while for him to agree
He just really loves you and it gives him a lot of anxiety to teach you, because that means he has to acknowledge that you might one day be in danger
As soon as he discovers what your favorite weapon is, he commissions one for you that’s both practical and beautiful, insisting that you’ve earned it
Will let you take a couple of hits
He wants you to be as prepared as possible, and that means learning to fight through the pain
Takes training extremely seriously
He is the Marchwarden after all and is responsible for the training of hundreds of wardens
He loves you and he doesn’t see the point in going easy on you when he knows the benefits of proper training
A stickler for correct form
Never an easy session -- as soon as you get used to it, he ups the ante, always wanting it to be a challenge
Compliments from him during training are few and far between, so anytime you earn one, it makes your whole day
If you don’t ask to be trained, he’s the one who will bring it up, insisting that everyone should learn, especially you
Prefers to train you extensively in one weapon rather than dabbling in many
A big proponent of learning how to use your environment to your advantage
Will take you on two/three day “training excursions” which are really just excuses to spend alone time with you and teach you Ranger skills
Sometimes he’s silly and makes the training fun
Gets distracted easily -- you’ll be sparring together and suddenly he’ll pull you in for a sweet kiss, totally catching you off guard
Enlists the help of his friends and guards so he can observe how you work against different fighting styles
Feels terrible if you end up hurt and will bind your wounds, insisting that you take a few days off
Is so proud of you and tells everyone about your progress -- he’s literally your #1 fan
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errruvande · 3 years
Toys (Haldir x fem!reader)
Content challenge: day 2 - domestic bliss/ a day in the life
Word count: ~ 1k
TW: none again, just one big fluff :3 probably a little bit out of character but he's just being cute and tender with his wife 🙃
AN: I had fun writing it, hope you'll have fun reading it ✨
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- this or that?
You opened your eyes in the morning and the first things you saw were two little toys on strings hanging over your face: one was with bunch of flowers of all colours that grew in Lothlorien, the other was a three thin rings with many white gems that were shimmering in the sunlight.
- So what do you think? This, - Haldir lifted the hand in which he held the flower toy and in a matter of second he lifted another hand right above your face. - or that?
- A Iluvatar nîn! Haldir, meleth, give me a second, I can't put my mind on anything yet. - you yawned, stretching your arms in opposite directions.
He was sitting on the bed, holding these two toys in his hands and looking at you with excitement.
- I like them both, - he turned the toys toward his face and blew on them to see them swinging. - I had one like this when I was a baby, - the flower one was swinging from right to left right in front of his puppy-dog eyes and all that you saw was Haldir's happy face. - and that one, it's just beautiful and fairy, Lady Galadriel gave that one not so long ago. Look how it transmits light, it's mesmerizing. - he put the flower toy on the bed and placed his free palm next to the other toy the way he could see the sunpuddles of every kind of colours running on his palm.
You rose your body and sat next to Haldir, tilting you head on the side to see the sunpuddles. You lend your hand forward and touched Haldir's palm with your fingertip as light as you touch the butterfly's wings, and the blue, red and purple lights run to your fingers. You couldn't help yourself from looking at these sunpuddles with your mouth slightly open.
- So what do you think? - Haldir repeated his question, his voice was so musical, like a bird's song and you enjoyed when he was sounding like that.
He was looking at you and his face was focused, his arm was twitching from your touching since Haldir was slightly uncomfortable with tickling. 
- Let's put them both? - you grabbed a flower toy from the sheet and took a look at it, touching the smooth petals. - I love that one, it's so simple and yet so beautiful and the other one... I think the baby won't tear their eyes from it. - you looked at both of the toys and Haldir saw the desperation on your face, you were looking from one toy to another for some minutes and than exclaimed. - Why we need to choose when we can use both of them?
Haldir laid the toy on the bed and looked at you with the smile you knew: little, unnoticeable smile, but his eyes were glowing with inner light of his soul and heart. You had seen his face being that shiny only two times in your life: at your wedding day and the day you announced you carried his baby. That house is the only place where you could see Haldir without any masks, he didn't hide his emotions when he was with you, only at the beginning of your relationship he didn’t show the affection by his body language but by words, since he still was pretty cautious at that time, but now he was absolutely open with you.
Now, when it was so close to your child to came into the world, it was the easiest time to anyone to realize Haldir was actually a true Rûmil's brother, cause he was acting just like him. He couldn't keep inside any emotion he has. He was running around the house, moving furniture ten times a day every day just to find one, the best place for the cradle, he was making some wooden toys and decorating the house. Haldir didn't let you to do any of hard work and since Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn freed him from his watches, you really hadn't any tough and unpleasing things to do, Haldir did all of them and you didn’t even had time to ask him to do so. And even your little one wasn't yet born, you already knew Haldir love them with all of his heart and soul and a little bit more that he could probably bear, you were glad and thankful for Iluvatar to put so much love in the heart of this elf.
His face was shimmering under the morning sunbeam, it was glowing with happiness and love for you and your child. Haldir was still sitting in front of you on the bedside, laying out baby clothes seamstress made for your upcoming child. The warm smile on his face, his gentle touches he did to felt how smooth and soft the materials were, how his chest was slowly raising up and going down as he was breathing - you stared at him in absolute silence with a silly smile on your face.
- What? Something wrong? - his face shadowed and he furrowed his brows, but his face still has the golden hue from the sun. He glanced over himself and the clothes he had laid in front of him. - Meleth nîn ?
You shook your head, continued to look at Haldir, never tore your eyes off him and never stopped smiling.
- I love you. - you slowelly leaned over and pressed your lips to his.
- And I love you, Y/N - Haldir answered to the kiss and then bent over and gently kissed your belly, holding it in his warm, smooth hands. - And you, too.
A Iluvatar nîn - Ah my Iluvatar equivalent of 'Oh My God'
Meleth - love
Meleth nîn - my love
Day 2 of @bonjour-rainycity 's content challenge and I love it 💕
P.S. As I told ya’ll, out of character? huh 
AN your comments and reposts means the world to me *I know it's a cliche but I am being really honest with you 💖* I hope you liked this cause I love silly Haldir and, honestly, I think we need more silly Haldir in our lives 🥰
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Prompt: Someone’s jealous (Content Challenge Day 1)
Pairing: Hinted Legolas x Female Reader, light Boromir x Female Reader
Rating: G
Word count: 1313
Warnings: Angst (nothing too heavy)
A/n Hey everyone, welcome to Day 1 of my content challenge! You can find the challenge’s masterlist here, and my personal masterlist here. And honestly, I don’t even know what happened with this story. I had two fluffy pieces ready to go and then I read them again and realized I wasn’t ready to post them. So I opened a doc and accidentally wrote angst. Whoops! Hope you enjoy :)
Boromir entered the clearing, arms laden with firewood. With a nod towards Sam, who had volunteered to tend to the fire, he dropped the wood, retreating to a log on the edge of camp.
The exact log upon which Y/n sat.
She greeted him warmly, welcoming him back from his quick venture into the forest. Without meaning to, Legolas watched as Boromir placed a soft kiss on Y/n’s cheek, earning him a shy smile. Seeming slightly hesitant, Y/n laid her head on Boromir’s shoulder, and when he wrapped an arm around her back, Y/n relaxed, pleased that her advance was received favorably.
Legolas tore his eyes away from the budding romance, turning his back on them to help Sam with the fire.
“Oh, don’t you worry yourself with this, Mister Elf. I’ll get the fire going, I just need to find the right kindling.”
Legolas furrowed his eyebrows. “The firewood is not enough?”
Sam looked away, seeming uncomfortable with criticizing the quality of the firewood and, by extension, his friend Boromir. “I’m sure he did as best he could in the dark. Unfortunate it is though — most of the wood is too wet or covered in moss. Have you got a bit of spare paper, by chance?”
Legolas stared at the offending pile of wood. This is ridiculous, he thought. Do not volunteer to collect the firewood unless you know what you’re doing — it’s a waste of everybody’s time.
A giggle from Y/n floated to Legolas’ ear, and he couldn’t stop the frown that set in his lips. It seems it was not inexperience that caused Boromir to bring back unacceptable supplies, but distraction.
Legolas huffed in frustration, grabbing a stick at random and marching to where Boromir and Y/n sat.  
He shoved the moss-covered branch in Boromir’s direction. “This is what you came back with? Hardly any of it is usable. It is too long or half-drenched or covered in moss — it won’t burn.”
Boromir puffed out his chest, tearing his gaze away from Y/n to look upon the elf with a measure of disdain. “The wood is perfectly useable.”
Legolas clenched his teeth, caught in an unexpected flurry of anger. “It is apparent you have allowed yourself to become distracted and forget your duties. I will have to do it myself.”
He pushed past the two humans, stalking deeper into the woods.
With his elven hearing, Legolas heard Y/n’s soft and slightly alarmed voice call after him. Everything in him shouted for him to turn back, to answer her plea, but he kept his feet moving forward. Something about the camp tonight made him irrationally angry, and, stranger still, left him with an unwelcome discomfort in his chest.
He heard light footsteps behind him, and knew Aragorn was on his trail. Legolas kept walking until he was far enough away from the camp that he could no longer hear any individual voices, just a general murmur of sounds. He found a small cliff and a cluster of rocks and climbed, pleased that he found a spot that allowed him to sulk and keep an eye on the surrounding areas.
Aragorn was not far behind, and soon sat on a boulder across from Legolas.
The two sat in silence for a long while, both of their brows furrowed in thought. While Legolas contemplated the foul mood he found himself in, Aragorn struggled with how best to broach the conversation. Legolas was one of his closest friends, and he liked to think that he knew the ellon quite well. Over the past few months, it had become apparent to Aragorn that Legolas harbored affection for the human woman that accompanied their fellowship.
And it had recently become apparent to everyone that Y/n and Boromir were interested in each other.
Aragorn knew this was the reason for Legolas’ anger—he was sure of it. But how best to bring it up?
Finally, Aragorn spoke, bracing his forearms against his knees and turning towards the elf. “You know, Legolas, sometimes, when I think of Arwen in Rivendell surrounded by ellyn, I get a little stressed out.”
Shame gathered in Legolas’ gut. He felt quite guilty for being so dramatic when it was obvious Aragorn needed to talk. He mustered what he hoped was an encouraging smile, and laid a hand on his friend’s shoulder, trying to provide reassurance. “Do not be worried, mellon nin, elves love only once. If Arwen has chosen you, there is no threat from other ellon.”
Aragorn looked to the ground briefly. He hadn’t expected to have to try again.
He took a second to regroup. “Right. Thank you for that. But uh, if I were to see her in another’s arms, or see her flirt with them, even, that would make me very upset. And that’s to be expected, really. It only means I love her, and I wish for her to want me only.” The line between Legolas’ brow deepened, and Aragorn continued eagerly, hoping his friend was catching on. “It would hurt me to see the woman I love being affectionate with someone else.”
Legolas’ mouth set into a hard line, and his eyes widened. Aragorn nearly laughed in relief. Finally.
“Has Arwen been unfaithful?”
No! So close!
Aragorn bit back a curse, and Legolas took this as confirmation.
He sat back on his heels, his features encompassed by disbelief. “This is unheard of from an elf, though perhaps it is the influence of her human lineage. I admit, it pains me greatly to think her capable of such a thing. But do not fret, mellon nin, I will stand by your side through this.”
“No, Legolas,” Aragorn groaned, laying a hand on the elf’s shoulder, causing him to look Aragorn in the eye. Time to try again. More overt, this time. “Arwen has never been unfaithful, nor do I sense that quality in her.” Legolas relaxed in clear relief, and Aragorn allowed himself a deep breath before continuing. “I only meant to say, that if I had romantic feelings for someone…and I saw them engaging in displays of romantic affection with someone other than me….” Aragorn saw the moment realization began to dawn in Legolas’ eyes, and he felt a strong pang of sorrow for his friend. He forced himself to continue, knowing that Legolas needed to acknowledge these feelings in order to deal with them. “It would make me feel sad, and hurt, and probably angry and frustrated, too…and that’s okay. I think it would be especially difficult if I did not realize that I had these feelings of affection for her, until she was in the arms of another.”
Legolas seemed to sag, dropping his head and letting his elbows rest on his knees. The two sat in silence for a moment as Legolas took deep breaths, unused to feeling such frustration and grief. After what seemed like quite a long time, Legolas raised his eyes to Aragorn’s.
“How did you know? I did not even know.”
Aragorn gave a small shrug, hating that he couldn’t be of more help to his hurting friend. “You look at her in the same way I look at Arwen — with complete devotion. You’d give up your title for her, lay down your life for her…do anything and everything you could to make her safe and happy.”
Legolas tried to protest. “I want safety and happiness for any of you.”
Aragorn held up a hand to stop him. “It’s different and you know it.”
Legolas sighed, feeling defeated. “I don’t want to love a human. Especially a taken human.”
“Just be there for her, look out for her as her friend. And you never know. Give it time.”
Legolas clenched his teeth together against the onslaught of despair. “She is human, Aragorn. Time is something she does not have.”
A/n Likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated :) Let me know if you would like to be added to a tag list! 
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errruvande · 3 years
A lovely walk (Haldir x reader)
Content challenge: day 6 - Friends have bets on how long it will take the ship to get together
Words count: 1,141
TW: none
A/N: yaaaay it's day 7 (the last day wow) of @bonjour-rainycity 'a challenge and ahhhh that was a hella wild ride
"No, Rûmil, I don't want to bet on that!" Orophin rolled his eyes, tapping Rûmil's shoulder with his fist.
"Afraid of losing? Because I know I am right." Rûmil laughed, bending his bow and aiming the target.
"If you think he will found out about Y/N's feelings, you do not know our brother, brother." Orophin put a playful smirk on his face, releasing his arrow before his little brother. "Right in the middle." He chuckled, looking at Rûmil. "Haldir will never get it, he's too innocent for that kind of things. Can understand where's a pack of orcs is and how many of them in it while they are miles away, but can't understand the feeling of someone he's been known for his whole life."
"Still, I bet they will be together in a mere days, so if you don't agree on that, I don't know, you may bet..."
"I bet they will not, not in a visible future." Orophin said rapidly, releasing another arrow.
"If I win, I'll take you daggers!" Rûmil glanced over his brother's blades, pure beauty, he got them in Imladris a few centuries ago and Rûmil has been very jealous of Orophin since then.
"Okay, than if I win, you will tell Haldir that it was you who has lost his favorite celebratory circlet" Rûmil gasped in panic, since he knew Haldir will kill him for that. "What are you afraid of, huh? You are so sure"
Haldir and you went on walk as you usually do when Haldir has free time after his watches. You were sitting on the green grass under the white mallorn tree, right in the center of a Cerin Amroth. You were weaving flower crown while Haldir was sharpening his daggers.
"I fell in love with someone..." you said quietly, facing Haldir and gently placing the crown on your legs. "And I don't know what to do..."
Haldir didn't move a single muscle, he tried to concentrate his eyes on his daggers, despite the urge to look at you.
"I would recommend you an action I cannot do myself." His cheeks heated up and he looked at you with the corner of his eyes, without turning his head. "Why don't you tell him?"
You didn't answer, you didn't know why you just couldn't tell him, you had been questioning yourself for the last century.
"Wait, do you in love too?" You murmured, turning toward Haldir, and a shy smile crawled on your face, you were staring at his timid frowned face. "Who is she?"
"Hmm" his jaw dropped, but not a single word flew out of his mouth, he was mumbling and biting his lower lip. "You don't now her anyway." He glanced at you but then returned his eyes on his blades.
"Is she beautiful?" Your eyes were half-open, since the sun was bright and direct, and Haldir's hair were shimmering under its light, you were teasing him.
"Not that beautiful as you are." His modest smile made you laugh and you laugher made Haldir hide his eyes from you. A chain reaction. "She is extremely clever and charming, it is hard for me to tear my eyes from her." He was trying not to look at you, but was peeking at your hands in which you were holding your flower crown. "And she want to be a warden, to guard the borders of the woods."
"Just like me." You smirked. "Poor girl, doesn't she nows Lord Celeborn will never agreed on that?"
Haldir exhaled, his breathe was shaking. "She knows, she knows, but she is a hopeless believer, believes in her dreams and her dreams only." He passed a hand over one of his dagger, checking its sharpness and you widened your eyes, because what he has said about his love was matching you perfectly. "What about you? Do I know your love?" He almost swallowed the word "love", since he wanted you to fall in love with him, not with some mysterious unknown ellon.
"I assume you do, he's a warden himself." Haldir rose an eyebrow and looked at you with curiosity. "He is the mightiest fighter I've ever known, he can shoot an orc without looking at him and he has the most innocent heart." You voice was mild, you added. "Oh, and Lady Galadriel favored him for his loyalty."
You both lowered your eyes in shyness. The silence fell upon you and you couldn't put two words together in your mind, not to mention you both was shaking, trying to say something to each other. Your mind has been caught by the awareness of the words that had been said by both of you.
"So she is clever and want to be a warden?" Haldir nodded unnoticeably, his eyes were wandering the trees crowns, trying to avoid the eye contact with you. "And she is believing in her dreams?"
"Indeed, she believes." He whispered, you could barely hear his voice.
"It feels like I know her." You smiled, and your smile was humble.
Haldir carried your thought, minding if he understood your words right. "So he is a warden? The mightiest one?" On the last words his voice cracked, and he grinned pretty wide. "And he is loyal?" You grinned at him rapidly and looked away when Haldir glanced at you to see you nodding.
"That sound awkwardly familiar." He smiled and finally your managed to make a direct eye contact.
"So should we both tell them we love them?" You ran your fingers through your hair, putting the lock behind your ear. Haldir lowered his chin in agreement and a little smile shone on his face.
"I love you"
"I love you"
Haldir and you said in one voice, turning into a stone for a second as none of you realized it was for real, you both hadn't even been thinking that you may sharing each other's feelings.
Haldir leaned over you and placed a palms on your cheek, framing your cheekbone with his fingertips. You didn't noticed how a lonely tear fell down your cheek, leaving wet trail on your skin. You pressed a hand to his cheek as well, and Haldir closed his eyes with a warm feeling of joy and rubbed his face up against your soft palm.
"Y/N, may I kiss you?" His voice was anxious but still honeyed. You didn't say anything back, just nodded and moved forward to press your lips to his.
Rûmil passed over Orophin, kicking his leg with the boot of his own. "It seems you don't know our brother well enough." He chuckled and sat on the chair across Orophin, his older brother rose his eyebrows. "Oh and you owe me a daggers. I saw them kissing at Cerin Amroth." He said with a playful glance, biting his lips, staring at Orophin's blades.
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awkwardkindatries · 3 years
Domestic Life with Elros Headcanons
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Day Two of Bonjour content challenge: Domestic Bliss
* A domestic life with Elros is a fairly simple one indeed. It's your basic play on the perfect married life seen in media. That doesn't mean it isn't wonderful or pleasant in fact as described, It's perfect especially if you want a simple Settle down life.
* Elros is just such a doting husband and will get or do whatever he can for you if it's feasibly possible. He doesn't mind trecking the mile into town to complete the grocery list or helping you hang the laundry out on the line. He will help you wash and put away the dishes and has no qualms about spending all night with you to finish out what you wanted from your day, whatever that may include..
* This might be a bit much but this boy is starved for touch. After the many years he spent in the military in the dark deep depths of the dungeons he lives to come home to you, to hug and hold you without worrying about what is and isn't proper anymore.
* When spending hours upon hours alone in the large quiet halls he thinks of you. Maybe you'd like some flowers this evening, he saw some beautiful lilies down by the water on his water to work this morning. He thinks about your smile and the color on your face, he'd think about how your eyes and lips might crinkle when you smile and he'd definitely think about how tightly you hold him in thanks.
* Elros loves to surprise you with breakfast in bed and if you'd like he’d spend all day there with you. Or if you wanted to go out he knows the perfect hiking trail for sightseeing and might even pack a lunch for a picnic later.
* Dont even get this boy started on kids, but well save that for another post.
* 10/10 perfect husband
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errruvande · 3 years
Unfairness  (Haldir x reader)
Content challenge: day 1 - someone’s jealous 
TW: none
AN: this is my first challenge ever 👀
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That was a wedding in the realm and as any elvish wedding it was huge and cheerful, so both families, bride's and groom's made a fun competitions for guests to enjoy the party.
You were looking at the shooting range with your eyes full of delight and inner fire, watching some rangers competed one with another in archery. You were standing next to the fence, placed your arms on the edge of the wood and rested your chin on your palms, while watching them shooting one arrow after another.
- I see you are sad, Y/n. - you felt the fence shook when Haldir leaned over it next to you. - I know you are eager to fight, why do you humiliate yourself by watching them?
You said nothing back, just turned your head, following the sound of his voice.
- Why don't you compete with all of them? - you asked Haldir, he heard curiousness in your voice, but to be honest you wasn't quite interested in his answer, you were too gloomy about your inability to be a part of competition.
- I had been winning it since I started practicing my fighting skills, - you heard he chuckled a little and then put a slight smile on his face, turning one of the corner of his lips up. - I think I need to give them a chance to win.
You knew Haldir was the greatest warrior within the Golden Wood: best at archery than anyone else here and best at sword fighting - he simply was flawless in the matter of fighting, that why you asked him to train you under wraps.
- I know at least one reason why you shouldn't compete with them, Y/n. - he turned his body and head to you and you saw his face turned into some cheerful and silly expression you've never seen on him. - These elves will loose their willingness to master their skill if you win them. And you will, I am sure.
You smiled at his words and felt the tense in your arms and legs, the whole soul of yours wanted to enter the range, grab a bow with arrows and show them how it's done.
- Haldir! - one ranger shouted from the middle of the range. - We need one more to make a team!
He put a smile on his face and shook his head.
- I'm not dressed for this, mellon vell! - he gestured at his clothes. - But...
You jumped over the fence faster than Haldir had ended his sentence. You grabbed the random arrows and bow, nocked two arrows at once and then released them immediately - two arrows got stuck right in the middle of the target.
Five rangers that were at the range opened their mouths in awe. You didn't noticed Lord Celeborn was watching the competition from the afar, but when one of the rangers pointed that out your face turned pale white since Lord forbidden you to compete in fighting competitions.
- My Lord, I am sorry! - you tilted your head when Celeborn came closer to you, his face stayed calm and cold. - I only wanted to show everyone I am a good fighter too.
- This is my fault, my Lord. - Haldir entered the range as quick as he could, to hide you behind himself. - That was my idea and I am ready for any kind of punishment.
You were standing behind him and listening, everyone saw how you frowned at Haldir's words. You touched him on the arm.
- What are you doing? - you hissed at him the way no one except Haldir heard it. He said nothing back.
- No punishments today, we need to respect the celebration. - Lord Celeborn glanced over you slowly, trying to catch your eyes, but you tried to avert the eye contact with the Lord. - But from now on, do not violate my words, both of you.
Both you and Haldir went out from the shooting range. He was holding your hand tight and when you walked quite the distance from the place so rangers at the range couldn't see you, he stopped and turned you right before himself.
His face was steady but his eyes were concerned. Haldir said nothing he just stood in front of you and eyed you with tense eyes.
- Why did you do that? - finally you broke the silence, exclaiming. - I could have handle it by myself.
You were gesturing to your words in front of Haldir's face. He stoped it, catching your hands in his.
- That was my fault too. - he straightened your arms, making them parallel to your body. - That was me who trained you so well.
You rolled your eyes with a silly grin.
- If you don't praise yourself, no one will. - you started laughing wholeheartedly and Haldir didn't really get it. - And, - you paused, took a deep breath in and pointed a finger at his chest. - your perfect reputation is now ruined, mister "I always do as I told", now Celeborn thinks it's you who broke his forbidding.
You stopped talking when you saw that the last words had made Haldir a bit distressed and worried.
- I, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. - you said and your voice was whiny. - That's only one thing and, I'm sure, Lord Celeborn knows it's only my fault, it's going to be fine with you, Haldir, please, I'm so sorry.
You were so stressed about the whole thing that happened and that Lord Celeborn might be disappointed at Haldir, you sat on the ground, you didn't want to assault him, it worried you so much that tears started dripping down your face.
- I'm sorry I couldn't help myself, I wanted to be with them, I wanted to show them I am a worrier too and I have massive skills, I envied them, and I know it is a bad emotion but what have I do... - you lost the last piece of sanity you had about the fighting situation. - I want to fight as any other ranger, and yes, the only thing I have is jealousy...
Haldir squatted and slowly made his way down to his knees.
- You don't have to worry about me, meleth nîn, - he grazed your chin with his fingertips. His voice sounded soft and you heard he was carrying for you. - And It's not you who should be jealous, it's them, because your skills are the way better. - he was holding your face in his palms, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs. - Lord and Lady will understand it soon enough.
You lifted your eyes to see his face, you didn't know why but some embarrassment and shyness bloomed inside your belly and you felt awkward that Haldir saw your warm, red cheeks.
- I know, while we are here, they are talking about your double hit they cannot do. - you could tell when Haldir was joking and it was sincerely - his eyes were brightening and corners of his lips turning up just a little so it was almost unnoticeable. He wiped the tears out from your face, leaned to you and gave you a little kiss on the forehead. - You are thoroughbred fighter.
He rose and lend you his hand.
- Come, there are too many things to do at the party than be jealous of someone.
You stood up and you both went back to the celebration, every ranger was gasping at you and was trying to talk to you about your flash-like double hit you did earlier. And you gave your time to every one of them, noticing how Haldir grew jealous of you spending more time with other rangers rather than with him.
- I am in need of stealing Y/N from you, mellyn nîn. - he finally said to his friends, grabbed your palm gently and walked away with you to the place where bunch of elves were dancing. 
- Do you mind a dance?
- Absolutely not. - you smiled at him and felt his arms around your waist were pressing your body to his. You placed your head at Haldir's chest, embracing his neck with your hands. - If every time I'm jealous of anyone we will end up dancing, I will be jealous more often. - you chuckled at his chest so no one could heard you.
- Or we simply can dance more frequently.
You lifted up your head, rested your chin on Haldir's chest, looking at him with a childish smile.
- Totally agree with you, meleth nîn.
Translation: Mellon vell - good friend
Mellyn nîn - my friends Meleth nîn - my love
This is day one of @bonjour-rainycity 's content challenge and here I am ❤️
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Next to You
Prompt: Injury + angst (Content Challenge Day 3)
Pairing: Haldir x Female Reader
Rating: T
Word count: 1086
Warnings: Angst, serious injury (non-graphic), near-death
Challenge participants: @game-ofthe-company @grunid @themerriweathermage @errruvande @the-reformed-ringwraith 
A/n Hello! Welcome to Day 3 of my content challenge! You can find the challenge’s masterlist here and my personal masterlist here. While planning this fic, I listened to “Next to You” by Little Big Town, so that’s where I got the title from. As always, likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated, and let me know if you would like to be added to a tag list. Okay, happy (or sad) reading :)
Translations: Melethronen - My beloved (masculine form) // Meleth e-Guilen- love of my life
The moment I hear the creak, I’m on my feet. Whether it be friend or foe on the other side of those doors, I’m getting out of here.
I still cannot believe he tricked me into getting locked in the cave. Sure, I’m not as experienced a fighter as he, but it is not as if I am without skill. I came with the armed company for a reason, I should have been at the battle.
The human women regard me curiously, wondering if my ears have picked up on something theirs have not. Ignoring their questioning and fearful stares, I plant myself at an angle to the side of one of the large doors, knives at the ready.
The doors push inward, and gasps of joy fill the air — for it is men who greet us, not orc.
Retuning my knives to their scabbards, I run past this group of battle-weary soldiers in search of my own. I catch fleeting glances of various ellyn who traveled with us, though I can’t let myself relax or share in the happiness of their safety. Not until…
Aragorn’s voice travels from my right, and I whip my head in his direction. He is filthy, soaking wet, and covered in various cuts and bruises, but he is alive.
My sigh of relief is stolen the moment I see his face.
“Oh gods,” I whimper, my body seizing with dread. I do not remember how to take in breath, and my lungs ache for it. Sharp pain shoots up my knees, and Aragorn’s rough hands grip my shoulders, pulling me from the ground.
“Come quickly,” he mutters, dragging me through the crowds.
I break through the initial shock, and my mind puts the pieces together. Aragorn said to come quickly which means he’s not dead…not—not…not yet. With that, I break into a sprint, and Aragorn, exhausted though he must be, speeds up too, leading me to the Halls of Healing.
I burst through the open doors, turning my head violently to see every angle of the room. Any spot that can be used for triage is occupied, and the hall reeks with the smell of the dead and dying. Just when I think he is not here and am ready to accuse Aragorn of taking me to the wrong place, I see three heads of perfect blond hair, and I choke on a sob.
Stumbling over bedrolls and piles of medical supplies, I push through the cavernous room, stopping just behind the two straight-backed ellyn I know as well as my own family.
Orophin turns first, and when he realizes it’s me, his face contorts in pained grief.
I don’t want to go any closer.
I don’t want to see my husband, my favorite person in all the world, the only one I’ll ever love, lying lifeless and in pain.
But I will not abandon him now. Tears blur my vision as I step forward—
And nearly collapse again.
It is only Rumil’s arms that keep me upright, and I bring a shaking hand to my mouth, trying to force back the cries ripping from my throat.
Haldir’s head sways, and he flutters open unfocused eyes.
“Oh,” I gasp, pushing myself from Rumil’s hold and trying to pull myself together. Haldir needs you right now. You can do whatever you have to do later. For now, focus on him…focus on him while—while you still can.
As gently as possible, I sit on the edge of his bed, careful to avoid causing him further pain. He looks so exhausted, so weak. I’ve never seen him like this before. I trail my eyes over his body, assessing the extensive damage. When it becomes too much, I make myself focus only on his face—on the curve of his lips, the dark lashes brushing over pale cheeks, the strong jaw. It brings me a small measure of peace and allows me to find my voice. “Melethronen?”
With effort, his eyes meet mine, and the clouds in them recede slightly. “Meleth e-Guilen,” he rasps, managing a small smile.
I can’t stop myself from reaching a hand to hold one of his. “Haldir, I forbid you from dying.” My voice wavers, and with my free hand, I try to wipe away the rapidly-falling tears. “I am quite angry with you for keeping me out of the fight, and I need you to get better so I can yell at you.”
The only sign that he hears me is the slight twitch of the fingers I hold in mine.
Panic sears through my chest, and I tear my eyes away from Haldir’s to turn to his brothers. “Where is his healer? Why is he left alone like this?” Distantly, I realize I must sound like a whining child. All around us, valiant soldiers fight for their lives, and those are the ones who were lucky enough to make it off the battlefield.
But they are not my world.
Rumil clears his throat, and I see that his eyes burn red from too long spent crying. “Um,” he sniffs, looking to the ground, then back to me. “The healer did what she could, and Orophin and I have spoken every elvish healing incantation we know. His wounds have been packed and disinfected but—” he shudders and lets his eyes fall to the ground, shaking his head and refusing to speak any further.
Orophin takes over, placing a steadying hand on his younger brother’s shoulder. “There is nothing more that can be done. The healers say — they say it will be a miracle if he survives the night.”
It is like I have been run through with a serrated blade.
I squeeze my eyes shut before turning back to Haldir, not wanting him to know the agony I feel. I do not want him to see me like this. When I have myself under control, I open my eyes once more, meeting my favorite lakes of ice-blue. Though he is weak and exhausted, his eyes hold the same determination they always do, and that strengthens me with a small flicker of hope. If anyone can pull through this, Haldir can.
I curl myself at the foot of the bed and rest my head on his thigh, not taking my gaze from his face. Following my lead, Orophin and Rumil kneel on either side of the bed.
Together, we stay awake, and wait for a miracle.
A/n I’m sorry 
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errruvande · 3 years
The love letter (Haldir x human!reader)
Content challenge: day 4 - Teaching/learning a skill
TW: pov
Uggggh!... - I sigh with absolute irritation, grabbing the sheet of paper and tear it into million pieces. - this little human hand of mine wasn't made for your writing! - I lend my hand, covered in ink from palm to elbow, to Haldir. - look, how miserably small it is!
How in the whole powers of Eru do these creatures write those curvy letters?!
- Show me again! - I whimper slowly and my voice cracked, turning into cheeping.
Haldir grabs his quill and starts painting the tengwas I couldn't get right. I see how rapid smile shows up on his face when he's glancing at me.
- Let your wrist do the work, look, it is easy. - he gets up and goes around to stand behind me and covers my wrist by his palm, painting the letter 'L' in Tengwar.
The goosebumps run over my hand, I feel blood rushes into my cheeks. Oh, damn it, what would he think if he saw it? Please, Y/N, get yourself together, he doesn't need to know it YET.
- Now, try it by yourself.
Haldir is staring at me with his ice-blue eyes and, oh Eru, he only makes it worse, I look at the quill and at my hand but I feel it with my skin, he is staring at me.
- Well, - he take the sheet in his hand, moving it closer and further to his face. - the 'lambe' looks excellent but this one - he tap his finger, his long elegance finger... Y/N! he tap his finger at the letter. - the telco is too short, your wrote 'malta' instead of 'umbar'.
I whine, overwhelmed with my neglectful hand and my fishy memory and with the fact Haldir is still so patient with me.
- I will never get it right... - my whole body seizing with disappointment. I've never been good at doing something which is suppose to look beautiful, my daddy told me my hands grows not from the right place, so he probably was right.
So I growl and slide down on my chair, makings the wood of the chair press into my spine.
- Can I ask you something, mellon nîn? - Haldir clears his throat and I've noticed his face burn red. - Why do you want to learn Tengwar in the first place ?
Why do I want why do I why WHAT?
I cough closing my mouth with my palm, trying not to look at Haldir.
- Want to... write a love letter to one ellon...
His smile which he’s been wearing on his face during our every meeting vanishes before my eyes. He looks upset and frustrated. He mumbles something only he can hear and blinks every second.
- I... I need to go, Y/N, I'm sorry, I forgot I have to escort Lady Galadriel at her journey to Imladris.
- S-sure, yeah, of course, go.
He gets up quickly, tilts his head as a farewell, and run away. I mean literally, he run from me.
He left me alone with this weird, horrifying but yet beautiful letters which is driving me mad, because since our first meeting I have learnt only four of them. Why they are all so similar? Where was your elvish imagination when you were thinking how your letter should look like?
I haven't seen Haldir for three days and that's a shame he didn't leave me some Tengwar text for me to practice during his absence. So I sit in my talan and draw the same four letters I know how to draw already. It's a shame he left me at all.
The main and the most foolish thing is that Haldir didn't even leave Lothlorien, since my ellyn told me they saw him wandering in the forest all alone.
Is he just do not want to see me? Did I offend him somehow? I don't know and this lack of knowledge is pissing me off.
I grab the sheet from the nightstand and the quill, soaked in ink, and start drawing tengwas, being sure in none of them, but I will try to write them right.
What did Haldir say? Don't forget about telcos and their length....and then keep close to your mind the number of luvas and... voilà! Ah that's beautiful!
I run down the stairs, holding the sheet with my love letter in my hand, letting the wind swing it. I was in need to find some ellon, so I run on top of my strength to find him.
- Ah, Rûmil, you're here, that's good! - I bump into him, and my face is occupied by the silly smile and red cheeks. - Please, can you tell me if I wrote it right?
- Sure, what is it? - he take the letter from my hands and shivers go down my spine as I didn't tell anything to anyone. - Wow, everything is right on point, your tengwas are beautiful.
He didn't say anything about what is written on the paper, for the sake of my sanity and calmness. But he glances over me with mystery smile, placing the paper on the table and passing it to me, tengwas down.
- I am not going to ask you anything, Y/N. - he do not tear his eyes off me and chuckles, placing his hand on my shoulder. - Go and give it to him, he's at home.
My heart drops and I put a tired smile on my face, averting my eyes from Rûmil's. Is it that obvious? He didn't even guessed for whom this letter is...
I'm outside. There're so many elves today at the streets, the way more that it's usually in Caras-Galadhon, I break through the bunch of ellyn, trying to slip over them and not to hurt anyone at my way, I just worried he may leave the talan before I get there.
I run to his talan, making my way up the stairs, jumping over two steps at once, I'm begging Valar for finding Haldir at home.
And there it is, his talan, at the highest level of the mallorn, I see round windows and white wicker walls. My heart seizing when I stop in front of his door, I can't, I can't, I. Can't. My arm shakes, when I'm trying to reach the door to knock it, but I don't receive the answer, don't hear his steps on the other side of the door... and all of a sudden I feel relief.
Breath, Y/N, you only need to put it on the floor and slide through the gap between the floor and the door. It is easy as that, just leave it here now and forget about it.
Pestering the paper in my hands, I check all the tengwas, even if Rûmil told me that I got it right, I'm so, so so nervous and insecure about my letter...
- Ah, Eru! - I hiss, squatting down and bending to the gap. - Why it's so hard...
That's all, the end of it. I see the little piece of the sheet peeps out from under the door and I reaching to the gap to stick it inside.
- Leave it, suck it up. - ooh I hate it, I hate this feeling in my chest like someone is squeezing my lungs and heart.
- Y/N? - I've felt an arm on my shoulder and I squeak. Is it him? - You wanted me to check your letter? 
Doesn't he really get what is happening? What a pure soul he is.
He opens the door and lift the paper up, turning it the way he can see the text.
- Don't! - I scream in desperation, I don't know why I did, I've came here with this exact mission of mine, to tell Haldir what I feel about him.
Haldir lowers his gaze and reads it aloud and I feel my cheeks burning. Never in my life have I experienced such a burning, all-consuming thrill.
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He reads it again silently and I see his lips, repeating what is written. Sadness has crossed Haldir’s face, he's rubbing the sheet in his palms nerviously. His ice-blue eyes are gloomy, his brows are lowered and lips are twitching.
- I hope the ellon whom you wrote it would be happy, with you... - his voice is oddly low and I see how his body is turning to stone as he try to swallow his emotions.
- Haldir!.. - I groan, lifting my head toward the sky. - You are IM-PO-SSI-BLE!
I'd groaned and Haldir drops the letter and it's flowing through the air around the trees. I see him, starting to realize what just happened, I see it in his eyes.
- Do you? - he gently wraps his fingers around my shoulders. - I thought... - his voice is the softest I've ever heard from him and his eyes again become bright. - I thought it was for someone else, Y/N... do you really?
- Love you? - I whimper, looking into his bottomless eyes, Haldir nods, closing his eyes for a moment. - You are the most innocent ellon I've ever known. I do! I do love you, Haldir of Lorien. I'm crying. I am crying. - Can I... - Haldir leans to me, and I can't be more happy and anxious than I am now, his face is so close to mine I can feel the warmth of his breath on my skin and oh Valar I love it so much. - Please, just kiss me already. - my laugh is hysterical, the ugliest one. I can feel his strong arms around my waist, finally, how long I've been waiting for this, I can't believe it now. I feel his warm, smooth lips on mine and I can't help myself succumbing to his kiss. Haldir slides his hands up over my body and I shiver, leaning against his chest and bending my head back to glance over his face and I almost connect my nose to his, accidentally. Haldir's palms hold my face tight, he's framing my cheek with his fingers and looking me on the eyes, his eyes, looks like they smiling, radiating love and warmth. He chuckles rapidly, shining like a bright star in an empty sky. - Your Tengwar is excellent. - his smile is so beautiful, my stomach is swiftly spasming from looking at it. - I have an outstanding teacher. Haldir's lips drops to mine, he's kissing me with passion that forces me to crawl on him, wrapping my legs over his and pulling myself up, embracing his neck tight. I kiss him in the neck, getting entagled in his shinning blond hair. - Mellin gen.
Translation: Mellon nin - my friend Mellin gen - i love you* is written in the picture
Malta - is the naming of letter "m" in Tengwar
Umbar - letter "b" in Tengwar
Yay day 4 of @bonjour-rainycity​ ‘s challenge, hope you you like it 
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themerriweathermage · 3 years
My Sun-Star
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I’m participating in @bonjour-rainycity prompt week. If you want to know more about it, go check out their page! Day 7 Prompt is Friends Have Bets on How Long It Will Take the Ship To Get Together. Honestly, I feel like Haldir’s brothers probably would scheme against him, and I’m surprised at the way this turned out.
0.8k words. Short and sweet.
Read here on AO3!
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