#book blogger awards
lovelyylittleladyy · 2 years
Currently Reading:
Inland by Kat Rosenfield -
i read this for the first time about 4 years ago. Going to reread it and see how i feel about it now!
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authorksc · 16 days
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The Pulitzer Prize
May 23, 2024|Blogging
Ah, the Pulitzer Prize, what writer does not want to achieve this award? The Pulitzer Prize is regarded as the highest national honor in print journalism, literary achievement, and musical composition. Established in 1917 from funds endowed by journalist and newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer, prizes are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. There is a lot of information about it so I am just going to leave you this link if you are interested in more. And remember to "Enjoy the Write!" KSCarson  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulitzer_Prize_for_Fiction
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bookish-wanderer · 7 months
Blog Tour: What You Are Looking For Is in the Library by Michiko Aoyama
Hello, bookish friends! Welcome to my blog tour for a lovely, insightful book published by Hanover Square Press, an imprint of Harper Collins, called “What You Are Looking For Is in the Library!” It’s a modern world setting Japanese award-winning bestseller and is now translated into several languages all around the world. That being said, I’m beyond thrilled to share more about the book and my…
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cybilsawards · 10 months
Finally. A Monday to look forward to!
Wahoo! The Call for Judges begins tomorrow.
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ashaseth · 10 months
Awarded 'The Best Indian Book Blog' By Indiblogger
It seldom happens when hardwork, dedication and passion is recognized and rewarded. For missbookthief.com it happened and how! With a whopping 11.9k votes and a jury of the GOATS from different fields and fronts, the blog was awarded the ‘Best Blog’ under the category ‘Books’. The winner was chosen from 141 entries across the country. Missbookthief.com is known for its genuine and detailed book…
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nandakhil · 10 months
Reading and Being a Reader!!
It’s always exciting to start with a new hobby! The moment you begin something, You are hungry to know everything about it. The Rules, The loopholes, the prize, the strength, the weakness, the opportunity that lies and the threats you face in continuing your hobby. And then there comes a point, in persuading your hobby, where you don’t enjoy it anymore and you start thinking about how time flew…
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madlovenovelist · 11 months
What things make me want to buy a book?
First Impressions. Attention Grabbers… And why every author should create a checklist like this to drive book sales. Suggested books from online libraries/stores/friends/blogs I follow The biggest part of a book getting into my hands is from fellow bloggers or friends raving about a book. Especially if I know they have similar reading tastes as I do. But there are times when I’m in the mood to…
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alley-cat777 · 11 months
Book Review: Rules by: Cynthia Lord
Not everything worth keeping has to be useful. Rules – Cynthia Lord Initial Thoughts: This book showed up in my house when my friend decided to do a spring cleaning of her bookshelf. I believe this was a book that she read when she was in middle school. By the time I read this book for the first time, I was in high school. I was not exactly in the proper age category. When I read it a second…
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holley4734 · 1 year
The Academy Awards Book Tag
Why not do the Academy Awards Book Tag? It seems like as good a time as any. I found the Academy Awards book tag on A Fan Girl’s Opinion. We aren’t sure where the tag came from orignally. One of my friends asked me several months ago who my favorite Goonie character was when we were kids. My answer is and will continue to be Data as much today as in 1985. Although I didn’t watch the Oscars this…
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End of Year Book Tag!
My turn for the End of the Year Book Tag!! Thanks to my lovely blogger friends who tagged me.
Hey everyone! I’m here today with the End of Year Book Tag. Thank you, Chris @ Biblio Nerd Reflections for the tag! I have linked his post too, so you can check it out! Chris has great content and you should check out his blog! I was also tagged by Becky from Becky’s Book Blog. Another amazing blogger that you need to check out! Her post is also linked. 🙂 Are there any books you started this…
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sgiandubh · 8 months
When clueless, silence is golden
I was just browsing around while looking for something completely different and stumbled upon this quintessential Mordorian POV:
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Disclosing a username is crass and I usually never do this, unless really necessary and relevant. So spare me the ad hominem argument you usually fumble around with, Disgruntled Tumblrettes. Yet, for all its intellectual paucity, this is interesting dissection material, since clearly this person hasn't got the slightest idea of what she is so confidently talking about.
First scenario at play: The Tasting Alliance, 'a company no one has ever heard of', booked and paid for the suite.
Not necessarily booked, nor necessarily paid, madam. In the real business world you are so clueless about, these arrangements are seldom - if ever - monetized. It's rather all about barter.
That company no one ever heard about - except, perhaps, #silly and totally irrelevant Forbes (https://www.forbes.com/sites/joemicallef/2023/04/13/the-tasting-alliance-and-reserve-bar-are-set-to-launch-top-shelf/?sh=b45f7085f6f1) - is the parent company of the San Francisco World Spirits Competition (SFWSC), largely acknowledged as at least one of, if not the world's leading spirits award contest. Google is your friend, you should try it some time:
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The operative info here is that this evaluation comes from the Beverage Trade Network, a professional portal for spirit dealers. Having determined this, Tasting Alliance's IG number of followers is completely irrelevant, since we are talking about two very different targets, here. Its real leverage and weight on the global market does not really need the boost of an aggressive social media presence and the kind of events it hosts are not your favorite junior hockey league or elementary school cake and bake sale.
Let's look a bit further. It takes one click to get on the Tasting Alliance's website (https://thetastingalliance.com/). Granted, not all the information you need to understand its business model is right there and I had to go dig a bit (not without some help - merci encore!) to even get a grip on how these wheels are really turning.
The way they sell themselves is sober and confident. And completely disinterested in social media impact, to be honest:
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So, in lieu of glitz and sequined bras, we have a success story in its own right, which started in Frisco in 1980, then continued in 2000, with the addition of the San Francisco World Spirits Competition. Further expansion followed in 2018, with the New York World Wine & Spirits Competition and 2019, when Dias Blue set a firm foot on the emerging Asian market, with the Singapore World Spirits Competition.
I doubt an explanatory drawing is needed as to the why of this expansion choice: it's all about baijiu, the old/new Chinese sorghum spirit and the everlasting love of the Far East for anything fermented. Lao-lao, the unspeakable Laotian homemade rice whisky, comes immediately to the mind of this blogger: the last bottle I saw, somewhere along the unexploded ordnance ridden Route 13, had a plump snake inside, as a naïve Viagra of sorts. Took a mouthful and thought I was going to die - but when spending the night in a longhouse with the Tai Lü people, you can't afford a faux-pas, can you? /end of travel memories intermezzo
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By all my estimations, The Tasting Alliance is very profitable business. Let's unpack ( for current fees, see source: https://callingallcontestants.com/contest/2023-san-francisco-world-spirits-competition/):
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Considering the 500 USD fee /entry (550, in 2023) in the competition and the fact that in 2022 there were approximately 5000 entries in the Frisco spirits' competition, we have a very rough turnover estimation of 500x5000= 2.5 million USD. That figure is just for one of the spirits competitions, mind you, and does not take into account what the winners probably pay for the right to mention their medals on their bottles (I am yet to see them on the SS gin bottles, btw), nor the multiple sidekick profit (e-shop sales, consulting and/or other distribution deals, etc). So, at the end of the day, I would comfortably multiply that base by 4, assuming a similar scale for all the other events they organize, which takes the yearly turnover at around 10 million USD and keeping in mind this is very probably a conservative estimation. I also assume costs are negligible, taking into account the discretion with which major players traditionally operate on that particular niche. Real expenses are probably limited to the activity of a handful of offices, sparingly and intelligently staffed. Advertisement is probably bartered and social media, well... you just saw the effort, haven't you?
But then there's the brand's real power on that market and this is the right time to talk about influence and impact. Perhaps this recent (2021) Men's Journal article will help us see better: https://www.mensjournal.com/food-drink/inside-the-san-francisco-world-spirits-competition
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With a bit of luck, this could happen:
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Sounds familiar? Of course and I bet that was S's strategy. If you imagined him doing the same exhausting booze tour every year (groping on top and seriously cringe on the sides), I think you might want to reconsider. I told you Sassenach Summer was a sandbox for more serious things to come and until now I have no reasons to change my mind. He did it for a reason and, mind you, that reason is not that the booze did or does not sell. It does. Restaurants start to feature it. Podcasts are being produced. The press starts to mention it (that recent New York Times article is evidence enough). This is not Lucky Luciano dealing in bootleg alcohol during the Prohibition and making obscene money over a fortnight. This is a serious business project that was delayed by COVID. That's all. And it takes time and patience and consistence. We know he has all those aplenty.
We also have the totally inane take on production costs for that podcast. It suddenly made me remember again my media expert past. It is with complete and educated confidence that I tell you: a potential 5K USD extra cost for renting that damn suite for the day is peanuts, even for a two-minute clip (let alone, in reality, a podcast interview, and I stand corrected if wrong), if such costs are covered by The Tasting Alliance. But my money is on a barter with The Shutters on the Beach, which would be, again, common business practice.
Second scenario: 'Shutters comped the room for free promo (...) for an actor most people haven't heard of.' You can throw timelines down my throat as many times as you wish and tell me he already stayed there several times and yell and screech, but here is what I think. Shutters didn't comp that suite for S, an actor most people haven't heard of, a decent, hard working start-up entrepreneur. If so (I doubt it), it would be logical to think Shutters comped that suite for The Tasting Alliance, which has a long documented history of partnerships with hotels that host their competitions:
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So Shutters might have comped that room for a major player of the alcohol lobby world, happy that S, a returning client, picked them out of several possible options, because it was convenient. I don't believe for a second he stayed there.
This guy knows what he's doing and C's gin success completely depends and I bet will rely on that relentless networking effort. If anything, the Keepers of the Quaich recent development is only confirmation of all the above. But that's another story - very soon on this page.
IYKYK. The rest is uneducated cackle. But Mordor people were never the brightest bulbs in the fandom's chandelier, were they?
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Hob is a food blogger with a large enough of a following that he's been awarded a cookbook deal. Dream is the editor of said cookbook and can't cook to save his life. Yada yada yada, Hob offers to teach Dream to cook with various degrees of success. Happy, smutty things ensue.
Ooo anything with Hob + Food gets me excited!
Dream is so snooty about the book at first! He’s all “cookbooks aren’t proper books, you’re just a celebrity trying to get more attention” and Hob just laughs at him, says that he’s definitely not a celebrity, and suggests that Dream should actually read the damn book. Which he does. And has to admit that it’s rather better than he expected.
Dream doesn’t admit to not knowing how to cook until they’re in a 2am editorial meeting and he burns the frozen pizza. Hob laughs at him AGAIN, and offers him a few basic lessons. Dream is humble enough to agree.
Hob teaches him how to make a stir fry, and Dream nearly has an anxiety attack because the pan is sizzling so LOUDLY. Hob coaches him through it, even helps him hold the spatula. It’s so intimate, Dream doesn’t even know why he’s bothering to hide his blushes. The stir fry comes out lovely but immediately gets forgotten because Hob has pinned Dream to the counter and kissed the soy sauce from the edge of his mouth.
(Hob makes Dream wash his hands because they go any further. Yes, they were using chilli peppers. Yes, Hob has experience with chilli hands + genitals.)
If good food is what makes Hob so incredibly sexy, then Dream is quite happy to learn to cook and start eating right. He’s obsessed with Hob’s flawless tanned skin, thick soft body hair, trim waist and soft little tummy. He’s not sure if he’s going to be able edit Hob’s book properly without adding in sentences about how sexy the man is. He’s in danger of turning the cookbook into an erotic novel.
Not that Hob would mind. Maybe that can be their next collaboration. When he’s finished bending Dream over the kitchen counter and rimming him until he sobs and begs for mercy…
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ofmdjanuaury · 5 months
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It’s that time again!!! Join us for JanuAUry round 2!
Post your newly created fills to the ao3 collection and tag them #OFMDJanuAUry here or on Twitter!! Have recs for older things that fit the daily prompt? Tag those #OFMDJanuAUry, too!
Prompt list below the cut:
1/1 - Apocalypse | Municipal | LARP
1/2 - Food Service | Aliens | Inventors
1/3 - Author | Fae | Wedding Professional
1/4 - School Staff | Podcast | State Fair
1/5 - Bar | Any Meme/Vine/Tiktok | A. I.
1/6 - Performing Arts | Tentacles |ASMR
1/7 - Myth | Home Renovation | Vloggers
1/8 - College | Any Book | Taxi Driver
1/9 - Celebrity | Journalist | Award Show
1/10 - Transit | Any Cartoon | Dealer
1/11 - Law | Bookshop | 60s Sitcom
1/12 - Fantasy | Any Movie | Co-Working
1/13 - Boat | Radio | Robin Hood
1/14 - Trains | Fandom | Foragers
1/15 - Archeology | Postal | Game Show
1/16 - Noir | Creature | Crossword
1/17 - Neighbors | Any TV | Talking Animals
1/18 - Photographer | Olympics | Astronaut
1/19 - Science | Gamers | Different Pirates
1/20 - Tattoo | Role Reversal | Animal Trainer
1/21 - Crime | Food Delivery |Advice Column
1/22 - Sci-Fi | Spiritualists | Research Vessel
1/23 - Pre-1900 | Car Enthusiast | Blogger
1/24 - Sports | Comic Book | Drag/Burlesque
1/25 - 20th C. | Animal Rescue | Fiber Arts
1/26 - Epistolary | Heist | EMTs/Firefighters
1/27 - Porn Star | Any Musical | Vintner
1/28 - Art Model | Filmmakers | Laundry
1/29 - Disney | Place- Based | Kink Club
1/30 - Small Business | D&D |Taxidermy
1/31 - Canon Diveergent | Fic of Fic | Write Yourself In | Catchup Day
Feel free to promote already-posted works on the relevant days, too!!
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cybilsawards · 10 months
The morning RSS
If we're going old school, we're going old school! Here are a few of the blogs that caught our eye (and made us chuckle) this morning!
... and one of our own! (which apparently doesn't bring an image with)
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ashaseth · 11 months
Learn English Grammar Through Harry Potter: Book Review by Asha Seth
Author: Manikantan SUGenre: Education, English LanguageNumber of Pages: 141Publisher: Kindle Edition The Review “Learn English Grammar Through Harry Potter” by Manikantan is a grammar handbook that brings together the enchanting world of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series with the essential principles of English grammar. It offers readers a unique learning experience that is both educational…
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nothwell · 5 months
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Do you have time to read three romance novels?
Are you able to judge without bias?
Are you ready to have fun?
Serve as a judge for the New England Readers’ Choice Awards Contest!
Readers, librarians, booksellers, and unpaid bloggers/reviewers are all welcome to judge the NERW contest.
(Published romance authors and paid reviewers are not allowed to serve as judges.)
Judges will be asked to read and score 3 novels/novellas. Ebooks will be sent out one at a time; once judges have submitted their scores for their first book, they will be sent a second, and then a third, book to judge. If judges submit scores for all three books early, and wish to judge more entries, additional books will be sent out if they are available (up to a limit of 10 per judge).
Our contest coordinators will assign books based on reading preferences indicated by judges on the judging intake form.
Books will be sent out between March 2024 and April 2024, as they are received by the contest organizers. Judges will need to submit all scores by April 30, 2024.
Visit NERW dot org to sign up!
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