#boys planet jay
incorrectplanet · 1 year
jay: welcome to my first vlog, in which I try different hair products.
jay: *sprays hairspray directly into his mouth*
jay: well, I can tell you right off the bat that this one isn’t very good
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
Hey!!! I love your writing so much,, especially your jay fic ;; I saw that you loved canon fics and omg literally SAME,, so i was like lemme request a lil something lolol
Jay smut, reader is his makeup artist during the over me “era” and you can free style the rest <333
😺 anon
Tonight I’ll take you away
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pairing: jay x reader
pronouns: none used
genre: canon, suggestive themes, smut
wc: 1940
summary: you proposition the cute trainee that’s been making eyes at you while you’re working
Check my pinned for more fics~
tw/tags: flirting, staring, realities of the idol industry, makeup, plastic surgery mention (not referring to jay), assumptions made about the industry, covertly arranged hook up, jay kinda subby, bondage, mention of pre negotiation/boundary setting, teasing, kissing, making out, nipple play, oral sex (both receiving), non explicit and explicit descriptions, riding, orgasms, reader bottoms but gender isn't specified, reader is implied to be older than jay but you can imagine it however you want
a/n tysm for loving my writing, 😺 anon! Hope you like this, it took quite awhile but I finally got to writing it~ thinking of turning this into a whole over me 🥵 series but while thoughts are being had, y'all can check out the leejeong part if you haven't!
“잘생겼어요?” [Jalsaenggyoso]
You pause, just for a second, hiding that brief moment of confusion by dipping your brush back into the eyeshadow palette.
“You mean 잘생겼나요?“ [Jalsaenggyonayo]
Even under his foundation, his cheeks flush. You’re unfazed, having worked with a fair amount of foreign idols, you’ve received your share of flirtatious comments and sometimes even straight up propositions both in shaky Korean and poor English, up until they realise you’re perfectly capable of understanding both.
Tapping off the excess, you motion for him to close his eyes, holding his chin to steady him and swiping lightly over his lids. And because you rather avoid another misunderstanding, you continue to talk in English.
“Keep your eyes closed for me, please.”
You instruct him as you blend it in with a darker shadow at the outer corner of his lash line. He’s a good looking kid. In this industry, they all are, honestly, they have to be. You can only do so much contouring to sharpen their jawlines and slim their faces and define their nose. Some of them are so naturally attractive that you wonder how they have such good genes and others? Well, there’s nothing the knife and needle can’t take care of.
“And open.”
He does and you can’t help but notice how striking he looks. It does help that he has a natural double eyelid, saving you the effort of going in with the tape, the subtle liner popping out immediately. You make a few small adjustments, ignoring how his breath goes shaky every time you use your hands to angle his face.
He is, by no means, the subtle type. But he’s also a trainee, a Western-raised one to boot. They tend to be…a lot more expressive by nature, unabashed staring, the more established idols even going as far as making open advances, confidence given by signed NDAs and the knowledge that whatever footage of this will be deleted. While he doesn’t have that confidence, his face speaks volumes, wanting eyes, the ends of his mouth quivering upwards as you lean in to brush tint over his lips, even the little Korean he messed up earlier.
“You really shouldn’t stare like that when there are cameras.”
You murmur, glad that they haven’t been able to clip a mic to his shirt yet. There are only two cameras in the partitioned off waiting room, one mounted on a tripod meant to record the whole room although you know from experience that it won’t pick up audio and both of you weren’t in any kind of suspicious position either. Besides, they hardly used the footage from there, the behind the scenes most likely taking clips from the handheld camera that the other trainees sitting on the couch were talking at.
So honestly, neither of the cameras would catch him but you figured that anyone planning to be an idol might as well be a little more cautious. 
“Sorry,” he immediately ducks his head, sheepish with a little embarrassment now evident on his face. Definitely a lot more expressive.
It tones down but he seriously won’t stop stealing glances at you. Even when he’s called over to film or you retouch the makeup of the other trainees, your eyes end up meeting whenever you look his way. When they’re called to stand-by backstage, mic packs are taped on with you and the rest of the makeup and styling team making last minute adjustments. Maybe, it’s a lapse of judgement but you reach up and tug the black choker askew on his neck back into place.
Maybe only you two hear the sharp inhale he makes when you do that. 
“Need to get into the mood of your song, you know.”
You quip under your breath as you retouch some parts of his face, no need for any extra blush, at least. 
“Ah, yes.”
He offers you a smile in return. Cute.
You’re part of the staff that accompany them to the studio for retouches. All of them stand still as you fix up smudges or spots that’ve been sweated away. But it’s only Jay who really looks at you with a little something as he parts his lips to let your brush fix up the gradient, making sure they look soft and plush and camera ready.
“Good luck, fighting!”
It’s not that suspicious with all the other staff cheering them on but he lights up right away. It’s too cute.
And then they do the dry run and in the place of that shy, soft-spoken, smiling kid is this sensual man with sultry vocals that does things to you. It’s a blur, the song wrapping up way too fast and leaving you a little breathless and slightly warm under the collar.
They come backstage and maybe you bustle up to Jay too quickly but in fairness, the rehearsal has his bangs sticking to his forehead, foundation a little smudged and you definitely need to do retouches.
“Did I do well?”
He asks you, all quiet again. There’s no trace of the man onstage in his bright eyes as he smiles at you. When you tell him he did, somehow he manages to look even happier. You watch him greet the fans with those eyes before completely flipping the switch, vocals coming on even stronger, giving them flirty little smiles as rose petals decorate the stage.
And that’s when you decide, well, why not? He was cute and he seemed to think you were too. You’d suck his dick…if he wanted you too.
After the M Countdown filming and a fan meeting that had you on the side for more touch ups, you found out that he, in fact, wanted you too.
It isn’t too difficult, you being in the industry long enough to go about making arrangements discretely and without too much fuss. NDAs aside, it does help that while he is on a highly-publicised survival show, he still is considered a trainee which makes it easier to slip under the radar. There’s a little pre-negotiation, setting boundaries, getting consent but it goes over smoothly.
Which is why he’s here, actually trying to avoid your gaze, the red ribbon stage props binding his wrists to the bed posts, his pants somewhere on the floor. It’s a very pretty sight, you think to yourself as you watch him squirm, his arousal out in the open, cheeks flushed. It’s fun when they’re needy. It’s even better knowing that a hundred people can scream their name but your name will be the only one they’ll say tonight.
Jay says your name in a way that’s reminiscent of how he sang earlier. Melodic, almost breathless, just a little needy. You’re settled between his legs, running a hand over his thigh, enjoying the way he trembles slightly when you ghost at where he wants it. He’s all shy and stuttery again but his body is as expressive as before.
He surges forward as you lean in, meeting your lips with his. He’s not a bad kisser. You aren’t surprised, assuming that growing up in the West and not starting training as a child like some of the inexperienced ones you hear about must have had something to do with that. He’s still shy but there’s a sense of self-assurance in the way he mouths softly at your bottom lip. Parting his lips to let you slip your tongue in, exploring the spots that get his hips to jump, his wrists to strain against their bindings.
The sounds he makes are like music as you scrape your teeth over his neck, careful not to leave any bruises. You lap at abused skin and he starts getting noisy. That’s fine. No one would hear and even if someone does, they know it’s none of their business. Fingertips graze his nipples and you watch him twitch, leaking onto the sheets. You can’t help but ask.
“Please. Can you-”
“Can I…?”
“Can you do that again, please?”
And because he asked so nicely, you use your mouth, flicking your tongue out. He’s gasping, bucking his hips, trying to get some friction where he’s aching. You could toy with him all night but you won’t do that. Not tonight, at least. You press kisses lower and lower, his breath getting shallower nearly halting as you pause between his legs and look up at him.
“Will you stay still for me?”
It’s taking awhile to register but once it does, he nods. Well, you can’t have that.
“Words please.”
He looks so stricken, it’s almost adorable. But it’s barely a second of hesitation before he answers.
“Yes, yes- ah!”
You take him fully into your mouth, as much as you can. He’s heavy against your tongue as you hollow your cheeks for more suction, bobbing your head a few times. You look up and his head is thrown up against the headboard, eyes closed, lip tint smeared on his parted lips, sharp breaths escaping. You run your tongue along the veins on the underside of his dick and the sounds he lets out are obscene.
Impressively enough, he manages to keep his hips steady, letting you go at your own pace. But you know you’re good. You’ve been told that you’re good. Waiting till he relaxes, basking the pleasure of your tongue running over him, suckling softly, even moving to leave a mark or two on his thighs. Then, without warning, you’re descending, taking him almost fully in your mouth, breathing steadily through your nose.
You’re pretty sure the whole floor heard him just now, his hips jerking up traitorously. You pull off and the whine that comes next is delicious. He’s wrecked, bangs stuck to his forehead in an erotic echo of earlier, eyes dark and pleading, fists clenching uselessly.
“I thought you’d stay still for me?”
What comes out of his mouth next is almost unintelligible, a mess of Korean and English, all you know is that he’s begging. You shush him, your clothes joining his on the floor. You’ve got him hypnotised as you sink your fingers between your own legs, the wet squelch betraying how eager you are. He slides in, nice and easy and you take a moment to relish in the fullness that this angle offers, straddling him fully.
Your hands press his hips downward, keeping them still this time until you’re ready to feel him deeper. It’s a lost cause once you let go, he moves, as much as he can with his hands still restrained and unable to provide leverage. You let him tire himself out before you take your own pleasure, rolling your hips and enjoying the way he sounds when you do. He doesn’t ask you to untie him so you ride him until he’s about to tip over the edge, it’s not hard to tell with someone as expressive as him, the brink of an orgasm is written all over his face.
Maybe you’re a little sex drunk but the sound he makes when you push him past release should be recorded and made into a song. But for now, you’re the only listener. Chest heaving, you free his wrists and before you know it, it’s his face buried between your legs, helping you reach your own release.
“Is it okay if we stay tonight?” He asks after you’ve cleaned up, lying on the bed, limbs tangled together. He’s very tactile, you've found out.
You consider the consequences before shrugging, quite enjoying the way he presses soft kisses against your shoulders, singing softly to the song that’s playing quietly in the background.
“If you want to.” He does.
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yunacoeur · 1 year
boys planet love languages - quality time
a/n: this is my love language 🫶 also KAMDEN SURVIVED ep 11 sucked tho 💕
trainees: na kamden | kim taerae | lee jeonghyeon | jay chang
na kamden
this man struggles on how to express emotions sometimes. he struggles to say the things he wants to say, but he will always sit in peaceful, comfortable silence with you.
i think quality time would be his love language too. his way of loving you would be to give you his time and attention. he may not always be able to, but when he can, he does.
he wants to do the boring, menial things with you. he wants to run errands with you and read mail with you and cook dinner with you. it's not about what you guys are doing but the fact he gets to see your smile when you're doing it!
kim taerae
i was a little hesitant to put him here because he loves saying i love you in every kind of way (aka he doesn’t struggle with the other love languages)
but there is just nothing more precious to him than spending time with you.
his eyes really display his love he has permanent hearts in them and they just get even more pronounced around you
he wants to spend hours upon hours listening to you talk about your day and your hobbies and your job and everything in between
lee jeonghyeon
yeah bestie is all about that quality time. he likes doing puzzles and solving rubiks cubes while you do your own work
and it’s like. you’re in the same room, not talking, not even looking at each other, and yet he feels so much love
maybe it’s because he’s comfortable and the air is peaceful and at any point he could ask you the most random questions and you wouldn’t judge him
even if it’s just you stopping by with coffee for fifteen minutes to chat, he will treasure every second
jay chang
no bc i was so torn on whether or not he should be quality time or words of affirmation, but i feel like words don’t affect him as much. he’ll look for actions over taking your words at face value
but he fits so well as a person who needs quality time to feel loved!! you give him energy and uplift him!
he wants to go do things, but nothing in particular, as long as they’re with you. you can pick the restaurants, the stores, the activities, etc, and he will tag along with a smile
but also he’s pretty introverted so he likes to just be a homebody with you
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harus-simp · 1 year
Are you serious?
-Jay x reader-
Warning:mentions of alcohol, but mostly fluffy
Requested: You know for the ‘confession on black day’ post could it be either Jay or Kamden? If you have someone else in mind that’s okay! (Anonymous)
Author's note: well it's techincally not a request but my anon here suggested who to make it with so this goes for you my lovely anon <3
On a day that you were supposed to go to the club and forget of your lonely life as a single person with your friends ends up with you receiving a love confession? How odd is that?
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Today you decided to forget about everything and just have a good time with your friends. And what was the occasion you may be asking yourselves. Well it was not like you needed an excuse to have a good time with your friend group, but today was special.
It was none other than black day, a day were all single people gathered and celebrated their solitude. You may think that everyone felt horrible being all alone, but it was not everyone's case, well it was yours tho, they just wanted to go out and drink.
Having said this, you were waiting outside your house for your friend jay to go together as you both lived almost next to each other. Now you would be lying if you said you hadn't the fattest crush on him. It has been there for a while, and it didn't seem to be disappearing any time soon.
He was just so mesmerising to you, his sense of humour always made you laugh uncontrollably and his pretty smile was enough to turn you into a hot mess, flustered by the effect this man had on you.
But today wasn't a day to be thinking about that, you would just stick to enjoy the night by his side, and although insufficient to you, you needed to accept that at least on that single would remain as your social status.
As you heard the bell ringing from the entrance you made your way to the door to open it, revealing jay's figure leaning on the door frame while checking his phone. The sound made him look up and smile at you ruffling your hair.
"Took you long enough"
"Don't do that, you'll ruin my hair!"
"Yeah whatever, not like that'll change much"
Yeah you just decided to ignore his comment and closed the door behind you to head to the bar you all had decided to go.
"So, shall we start going?"
When you got there you were welcomed by the smell of alcohol in the air and the sensation of pure heat as it was more crowded than usual.
You both quickly spotted your group on one of the furtherest tables from all the noise and people dancing. Well you didn't think this bar was also a disco kinda place, but all the contagious music made you forget about it making you actually feel grateful for it.
You started drinking and chatting for a whole hour when you decided to go to the dance floor and just let go of all your worries and problems. You were followed by some of your friends, except for jay that stayed there watching you all have fun. But specially focusing on you, on all your moves, how you swayed your hips from side to side in synch with the rhythm of the song.
As he turned to the table to pour some more soju on his little shot cup he noticed the smirks present in all of the present ones.
"What are you guys staring at, that's kinda creepy"he said
They all just simply laughed at him and his obliviousness.
"Says the one who practically has been eating their friend out from staring. You need to work on that dissimulation my bro"
He turned his head completely embarrassed denying everything.
"What are you guys talking about, I haven't done anything like tha-"
"Jay, you've been staring at them for approximately 30 minutes, just go and ask them out already"
"Yeah, we are getting tired from you both now, so you better go and dance with them right now"
And he didn't have much time to react as you approached the table and tried pulling jay up.
"C'mon jay, don't just seat down like a grandpa, dance with us"
And after an awful 3 seconds (yes that's how long it took to convince him lol) he accepted his fate and let you drag him to where the music was coming from.
You immediately started dancing with each other,moving your hips while he once in a while made you twirl.
There was a moment when your arms found their way to jay's shoulders to stabilise yourself from all drinks you had had that night.
His reflexes and the alcohol he had drunk throughout the night made him grab your hips and stare at your eyes with a look of complete love and admiration.
That made him snap and apologise for his behaviour, putting his hands on his pockets and returning to the table.
However, he noticed from afar how your cheeks got a little bit red. Besides, you hadn't asked him to put his hands away, so all his confidence increased as he decided to finally do what he had been thinking on doing for a long time (and maybe alcohol played an important role there too).
As you approached the table to look for him he stand up and grabbed your hand taking you outside of the place.
You decided to just let yourself be dragged by him. When he suddenly stopped you didn't even had the time to react when he suddenly blurted out.
"Look I know you might not remember by tomorrow but I like you y/n, I had for quite some time now"
"Wait, are you serious?"
"Ye-yeah, I don't think I would have been able to hide it any longer, but that's how I feel. It's a shame that you will forget it"
"Uhm you know I'm not drunk right?"
Turns out you handled pretty well alcohol, so yeah all his plan didn't come out as he expected.
He looked panicked and nervous as he looked down with a saddened expression,making you giggle at his cuteness when he was slightly sober.
"Why the long face? I haven't even replied to you yet"
His eyes suddenly lit up while he looked back at you raising his head up.
"So yeah, I like you too jay jay"you said while booping his nose.
A smile made its way into his features as his heart was filled with happiness and relief from the confession. His crush had accepted him? Yeah, it was a good enough reason to feel like that.
"But seriously, on black day?"
"Well what can I say, it's not like I could have kept on like this any longer"he said with a wide smile, a smile that could brighten up anybody's day.
"Stop smiling so much pretty boy, that smile of yours is gonna get out of your face".
And just like that you gave him a short but sweet kiss that he reciprocated almost immediately.
"Shall we get out of here?"he asked grabbing your hand.
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boysplanetrecaps · 4 months
Build Up Episode 0: Getting to Know the Boys Part 2: Team Soul
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Hey friends! Continuing my introductory posts about the guys on MNET's Build Up before I can dive into proper recaps, here's the low down on Team Soul -- their background, basic info, and my opinion on their teaser performance (and other performances). (I did Team Allround last time.) Let's go!
Same disclaimers apply -- 1) these are all excellent vocalists and I am just splitting hairs here 2) this is taking forever and screencaps with my video source are tricky, so please forgive my awkward screencaps and occasional typos. Thank you!!
Ma Jaekyung
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Jaekyung is 27 and from a group called Romeo, where he was the main vocalist and performed under the name of Kyle. He also appeared on Mixnine, that blighted show that produced a group that never debuted. It was such a fiasco, ugh, and so many trainees went through hell for nothing. Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T. , Jeong Inseong from KNK, and Donghun from A.C.E. all went on that as well, so they all might have gotten friendly then. 
Jaekyung (and the other members of Romeo) also went on Peaktime, a show for idol groups that had already debuted but weren’t super successful, including Vanner (who won!), M.O.N.T, and BDC, so he may have met Taehwan, Bitsaeon (again), and Hong Seongjun. When Romeo was on Peaktime, they performed the SHINee song Juliette, which is a cute choice since that’s the name of their fandom. And then MNET didn’t bother airing that performance. Thanks, MNET! Themnet. 
So, as for his group itself. Romeo was a 7 member group that debuted in May of 2015, when he would have been 18 years old. The group did slightly better in Japan than they did in Korea, but none of their Korean singles charted at all and most of their MVs have fewer than 200,000 views. Their biggest hit appears to be Lovesick. When the guys from Romeo went on Peaktime, they revealed that Romeo had disbanded at some point in the past. 
In Jaekyung’s k-profiles listing, it says he’s” a 4D” kind of guy, so I guess we should watch out for his personality, if MNET will show it. It’s hard to picture a guy in a tan blazer as wacky, but we’ll see!
His teaser song was V25, Passing by Kim Bum Soo. For me, he has a really nasal tone to his singing that isn’t my favorite, and I am not a huge fan of his kind of wobbly vibrato, but like everyone on this show, he’s essentially a very good vocalist, with what seems like a very good sense of pitch. Again, it’s a ballad and my ears sort of turn off, so I’ll keep an open mind. 
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Here is Kang Seokhwa, who is in WEi. He also went on YG Treasure Box, where he would have met CIX’s Seunghwan, and Produce X 101, where he ranked 35th and would have met two of the all rounders on this show, Choi Suhwan and BDC’s Hong Seongjun.
WEi, pronounced something like “we-eye”, is a six member group that debuted in 2020. WEi is almost entirely made up of contestants from Produce 101, Produce X 101, and Under 19, including some who won their seasons. Seokhwa is their main vocal. The WEi song Spray spent some time on my playlists recently, but I don’t know many of their other songs. WEi’s most popular member, Johan, is significantly more popular than the others; he came in first place in Produce X 101. Their videos get around 10-15 million views each, putting them slightly lower in the popularity ranking than CIX and AB6IX, but leagues ahead of IMFACT and Romeo. 
I checked out an MR removed video of Spray and Seokhwa was really stable, so I can see why he’d come on the show. He’s V37, and it’s a ballad and you know me by now so it’s hard for me to give this a chance but he has a sweet voice that sounds best when he’s singing more softly, which can’t be said of everyone on this show. We’ve got a lot of belters here! He strains a bit on the higher notes, and I feel like he closes his throat a bit when he belts, but doesn’t get too nasal, which is good. He’s young yet -- he’s only 23, one of the younger people on the show -- and I hope he keeps working on his voice, because he has a lot of potential. 
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Donghun will turning 31 at the end of February of this year (2024), and he’s already done his military service.
He is the main vocal of A.C.E., a five member group under Beat Interactive/Swing Entertainment that debuted in 2017 with the song Cactus. Their songs don’t chart in Korea, but they get into the top twenty on the US World Chart, because USA has taste, yo. 
If there’s one song of theirs that I think you’d know it would be Goblin (Favorite Boys). But there’s also Under Cover, which is also a banger. Whoever did the subtitles on their older videos puts the names of the singers in, so you can easily find Donghun in their videos. Some of their older songs have 15-20 million views, but their newest comeback, an English language mid-tempo ballad called Effortless, has less than a million views, maybe because it’s in English? Or because it’s a mid-tempo ballad? I don’t know, if you like Who Do You Love by Monsta X, songs like that, you might like Effortless. Really, their songs are good. I feel like it’s a weird situation where everyone likes A.C.E. but somehow they’re still kind of nugu. I know, that doesn’t make sense. 
Donghun went on Mixnine (he won 8th place and should have debuted), so he probably knows the other Mixnine contestants on this show: Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T., Ma Jaekhyung from Romeo, and Jeong Inseong from KNK. He may also know Park Jeup from when they both went on I Can See Your Voice 4.
He set himself up for a tough time by singing an EXO song for his teaser song (V20, Miracles in December). Literally no one can sing it like they can. Still, he does pretty well. He has an appealing warm vocal color and he really goes for that long held note, holding it with good breath support. I just worry because I can almost feel his throat straining on the higher notes. He hits them, but it’s got to hurt. He also relies on some pretty loud background vocals so it’s harder to tell how much of it is live. Despite that, he’s an excellent idol singer and I’ll always support A.C.E. and him.
Lee Minwook
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Minwook is 23 and is in a group called Newkidd. I guess he likes vests? What, oh what, what on earth is up with the styling for these guys? Most of them are dressed like they’re going to a college interview. I don’t get it!  
As far as I know, Minwook hasn’t been on any other survival type shows, making him one of the 15 members of the cast who haven’t (and 4 of those are musical actors). 
Newkidd is a 7 member group under J-FLO Entertainment, an agency that manages only them, and the debuted in 2019. Most of their MVs get a million views or fewer. From what I can tell, their most popular song is Tu Eres, featuring the Spanish refrain “tu eres, tu eres, tu eres bonita” (you are, you are, you are pretty). The comments on the video are mostly in Spanish and show a lot of excitement about hearing Spanish in a Kpop song, and I can’t blame them! Representation! So maybe Newkidd is more popular in Spanish speaking countries and is courting that market. That’s smart -- it’s a huge market! 
In his teaser, Minwook was V09, The Manuel by Eddy Kim, an example of a ballad I actually like -- it has some interesting chord progressions and isn’t sappy at all. I also like his performance. He seems to just be singing live while accompanied by just one guitar, which gives me faith in his vocals. I think his voice might be more “unique” than “soul” but these categories are pretty reductive anyway. He puts a lot of warmth into his lower notes and makes you almost feel like you understand what he’s singing. He doesn’t display his higher register or belt as much here, so I’ll be waiting to see more of what he can do. 
Lim Sanghyun
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Sanghyun is listed as a singer-songwriter, and he’s 27. He’s considered a ballad artist specifically, and is signed to MNH entertainment, where he releases mostly digital singles. I know the ballad market in Korea is really big, even if it’s not my favorite, so go for it, Sanghyun! 
His teaser was V14, one of those kinds of ballads I hate so much that it’s hard for me to be fair. He sings in that classic K-ballad style, that kind of gruff whisper-sing, which can go either way for me depending on the song.I don’t think he ever really lets go and belts in his teaser, so I’ll be curious to hear what that would sound like. 
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This is Bain, age 22, and I adore his voice. (His name is pronounced “bane”, if you’re wondering, based on the hangul.) 
Let me talk about him for a moment. 
No, wait. Instead of me talking, you should just listen to this. It’s just a straight forward, earnest cover of Oliva Rodrigo’s Driver’s License, with no winky “ha ha I’m a boy singing this,” no sarcasm. Just a pure performance. His vibrato is so sweet. He exhibits barely a trace of nasality, and when it’s present, it’s for the emotion of the song. The notes he hits in his full chest voice? I can’t believe it. And his mixed register is like, chef’s kiss. I can’t. I just can’t. I’d never heard of him before this show, but I heard this performance and I was good. Even my fella was like, “wow, this guy has technique.” So you’re going to have to accept that I’m a Bain fan and will be cheering for him. 
I had to look into Just B. They’re a 6 member group under Bluedot Entertainment, a subdivision of Kakao that manages only them. They debuted into 2021, and their members were contestants on Under 19, I-land, and a few other survival shows. (Side note: I watched a lot of I-land, but never saw any of Under 19. Starting to think I should add it to the list.) JustB has a few title tracks out at this point and they usually get about 10 millions views each. I listened to a few of them over the last few days (it’s taking me a while to write this recap) and I’ve come to like a few of their songs. Their most recent comeback is called Medusa, and though the lyrics make negative amounts of sense, it’s pretty catchy. I also liked Damage quite a bit. The group doesn’t seem to have set positions, but it seems that Bain and Geonu are more or less the main vocals. 
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Jay Chang, V02, age 22, famous for almost making it into Zerobase1, landing in 10th place. He’s American, with a white-Filipino-Chinese ethnic background, and on Boys Planet, he was extremely popular among the “Global” voters, but not very popular among the Korean voters. He also went on another show called Under 19 at some point, if you watched that -- I didn’t, but maybe I should. In case you didn’t watch Boys Planet, here is his initial audition to Rush Hour,and here is his performance of Exo’s Love Me Right (he was main vocal).
I know that most of my 3 or 4 readers are Jay fans, and that is cool by me. I’ve always thought he has a really really lovely, clean vocal color, he has good stage presence, and I think he’s basically a nice guy, though he sorta gives me fuckboi vibes sometimes. I also think -- and don’t get mad at me, ok? -- I also think that he needs to work on his pitchiness and nasality. That’s true in both the opening notes of his Rush Hour audition, and at points in his Baby Baby teaser song. He was one of the top 3 or 4 vocalists among the Boys Planet boys, but he’s in a different setting now and might just be outsung by the other vocalists here. I hope that you’re ok with that. I’m not saying that he’s a bad singer. Everyone on this show is a very good singer, and Jay is also a very good singer! I’m just looking for a voice that can compete with D.O.’s voice, and my standards are up in the sky. (Hanuel wilo fly fly!)
Jung Soomin
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Jung Soo-min loves slightly goofy, informal outfits that scream “Hi, I’m American!” Which he is -- born in Chicago. That's about all I know about his background.
Check out his performance, V30, a really sweet cover of “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You,” in which he accompanies himself on the guitar. I think it speaks for itself, but I’ll say a few words anyway. I really like his voice -- sweet, light, a little textured. Great agility, and good performance of the emotion/feeling of the words. Just delightful. I’ll forgive your hat. 
Here he is on tiktok talking bout his experience on the show (in English). He says that his attitude toward competition is to just do the best he can, that the competition is really with himself. He seems like a nice guy.
Kim Seongjeong
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Seongjeong is a musical actor, and his performance in V16 shows that. It’s not a style of singing that I tend to respond to, but I respect its natural quality and hard-earned technique. Vocally, he wouldn’t at all be out of place on Broadway. Considering his rich timbre and excellent breath support, I’d be interested to hear him sing something more in the pop or r&b style to see what it would sound like. My sleuthing tells me that he’s 25 (born in 1999) and acted in Hadestown and West Side Story. And look at that smile! Totally transforms his face. 
Park Joohee
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Joohee is another one of the contestants I just can’t find much info on. His teaser song was V15, Stand by Me by SHINee, and it was perfectly nice. Not mind blowing, but easy to listen to. He has good agility and a nice vocal color, but seems to lack breath support -- either that, or he was just really nervous, which seems likely.  Also, the camera hardly ever shows him, so it was really hard to get a screencap of him.
Ok, that's team Soul! Feel free to go on to the next post, Team Power.
And thanks for your amazing response to my first post -- I was really worried you all would murder me for saying slightly negative things and thus far that hasn't happened, so thanks! You're all peaches. Have a beautiful day.
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lilianrennifer · 11 months
Jay holding an antique bottle: ls this whiskey 🥃 or perfume?
Beomhan: *Grabs and chugs the entire bottle* It's perfume.
Jay: 😳
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odi-et-amo85 · 1 year
“Park Hanbin served and deserved.” 🥹
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woniesheep · 1 year
Incorrect boys planet
Jay: Fuck. Jongwoo: We've got to work on your cursing. Jay: Why? I'm pretty good at cursing already.
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staycrazydocrimes · 1 year
Ok so can some one please for real explain to me why so many people are randomly hating on Jay Chang the golden voiced angel of Boys Planet? I am genuinely confused, he is one of my top picks and seeing him being constantly voted low by audience voting and him actually saying he expects getting low ratings is honestly disheartening.
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univerxebxrry · 1 year
So I wake up and go on Youtube to watch some yt videos and this is the first thing I see
My ears have been blessed and this made my day, my week even
If I could marry someone's voice, I would marry his voice cause it's just so beautiful like-
Now I just need him to cover Jelly Pop
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lalilula · 1 year
Haojui! Haojui!
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lilyrennifer · 1 year
Always feel free to request! 😁
Please click HERE before you do for more information! Thank you! 🥰️
🦊 Woodz
Nothing So Far
🎼 B.I
Nothing So Far
🐱 Kang Daniel
Nothing So Far
🐇 Park Jihoon
Nothing So Far
🐶 Le’V (Wang Zihao)
Nothing So Far
🐯 Beomhan
Nothing So Far
Boys Planet
🐺 Seunghwan
Nothing So Far
🐦 Jay
Nothing So Far
Nothing So Far
🦊 Park Hanbin
Nothing So Far
🐇 Wumuti
Nothing So Far
🐈‍⬛ Jongwoo
Nothing So Far
🐼 Kamden
Nothing So Far
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kalinubis · 1 year
i’m gonna get hate for this but i’ve never been more mad at sung hanbin than i am right now.
the way he took jay’s main vocal spot for the final mission like he can outsing jay is beyond me like what??? 😭
but honestly, i just feel bad for jay because he’s been getting hate (for rumors with no real evidence) and he’s such a talented singer (and it doesn’t make any sense as to why he was the lowest in over me. he carried imo) 😕
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lava-8888 · 1 year
No one I liked debuted...
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harus-simp · 1 year
Saw this picture of jay and now I'm actually going crazy
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Like he looks so hot???? What the actual fuck???
I just 😳😳😳😳
I can't
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k-nonsense · 1 year
Boys Planet Final Thoughts
1. I am going to miss this show so much.
2. Only 4/9 of ZB1 are my picks, which is a bummer but I’m genuinely happy for all of the guys who made it. I wish them all the best.
3. I am worried ZB1 is not balanced enough to be set up for success. No rappers, no proven leaders, only one of the 4 “main vocalists” made it. It is concerning. I kinda wish the vote was by position.
4. That being said, I think the 9 that didn’t make it would actually make a really great, well balanced, group.
5. I am truly truly shocked and dismayed that Keita didn’t make it. He was my 1 pick. I am also pretty devastated (but not as surprised) about Park Hanbin, Jongwoo, Jay, and Haruto. I hope all 5 go on to bigger and better things and will be my bias in other, super successful, groups.
6. Matthew is too precious for words. His reaction to hearing his name called was iconic. He’s for sure my ZB1 bias. I’m so happy he gets to debut with his bestie SHanbin.
7. Not sure I will be a huge fan of ZB1 but I will be cheering for them.
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