jennatgirl · 2 years
Trying to keep cool in this heat is not easy ...
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hormoneeroticism · 1 month
How does the sight of your bare SHOULDER and your COLLARBONE get me so riled up. 17th century menial behavior
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akumanoken · 11 months
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Boobs are the enemy
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starrytwinkles · 3 years
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懒惰 Laziness strikes.
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gravidasomnia · 10 months
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this started as a simple prompt to test out the difference between lora merges to see which is best but I'm liking the results very much from all of them, it's less "better" and more "different". This is about 10% of a batch from leaving my laptop running overnight resulting in a couple of hundred pics, a wasteful and stagnant but somewhat effective creative process. most of these have been edited a bit to remove the usual artefacts or weirdness e.g. extra bellybuttons, brastraps but no bra, merged flesh instead of distinct parts, and a few are cropped to not have to deal with the crap AI hands. But the good ones turned out great!
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paul-mccarthey · 1 month
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I just saw this image on pinterest and it's got me giggling so much. to plainly state the obvious: Why Do Lennon and McCartney Be Doing That. but to the untrained eye I must point out ☝️you can clearly see George's brastrap/binder.
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I like to think texas after figuring out the transfem thing had a bit of a identity crisis, so i drew her with lots of outfits, (i mean the pajamas probably aren't part of the identity crisis, they're just cozy) you can kinda build a chronological order based on the hair length, which based on the growth might imply the identity crisis lasted longer than a year, or that Texas has herself some fast growing hair. It was fun drawing texas with brastraps on her, would she wear a bra? I mean she might because it's feminine and maybe would help dysphoria (idk I'm not transfem) but also she might not because she doesn't have tits
I also just wanted an excuse to put her in a big puffy dress, she rocks the green honestly
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irlpretear · 10 months
play with his brastrap? nah bro im tryna flick his clitorus
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snakesinsocks2005 · 4 months
'Your brastrap is showing'
'Omg vpl--'
Literally Shut up forever women wear underwear. What do you want
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deshima · 1 month
So I just realised something, and I am not really sure if I will manage to articulate very well, but it pisses me off, and I need to rant... so for a bit of context. I am both an enthusiastic dancer and martial artist. I am also pretty flat-chested and I sew my own clothes including bras.. these three facts are important...when I say I make my own bras that includes my sports bras. My current ones are actually based on the pattern of a wireless normal bra which had already very little sideways and downward bounce to which I added an additional panel to the top of the cup to prevent upward bounce and then hiked the neckline to the start of the brastraps. These bras have served me well for almost three years, and I have almost no bounce and never had any spillage or even cleavage showing.... these are damn comfortable bras and they give enough coverage that if it gets hot I don't have any compunctions to take off my shirt, or in the case of martial arts that I don't wear a t-shirt under my gi.
So yesterday I got into a conversation with my black belt opponent, a very respectful dude whose only consideration when faced with a female opponent is mostly that we are little bit less strong, have a different centre of gravity and are a little ( or in my case a lot) more flexible... And we got into a conversation on where to hit women versus men during a friendly exercise.
When you have to hit a man in the torso, it is generally considered smart to do it a little bit high to avoid accidentally hitting him in the balls. Nobody intends to hit there, but you know shit happens during exercises, so aim a bit higher to be sure. In the same vein, when hitting a woman in the torso, you tend to aim a bit low to avoid accidentally hitting her in the boobs. It sounded logical to me because even being somewhat flat-chested, getting hit in the boobs bloody well hurts. But then my opponent said: well yeah there is that, but you also don't want to heave cleavage spilling everywhere... And that puzzled me because my half-selfdrafted sports bra has never spilled anywhere, even when upside down during a fish flop at the dance lesson. But I thought about it a bit more and I looked around and then I realised that almost all the ladies had high necked t-shirts under their gi. The only one who didn't was another petite flatchested lady and one of the beginners who had some serious boobs and who was indeed,despite the fact she was wearing a sports bra, in danger of spilling if she moved wrong... and then I thought back to my last dance class where a lot of ladies had taken off their shirts since it was hot ( we have only four guys in the class and all of them are gay so nobody is afraid of anyone being creepy)... and I realised that all of their bras, no matter how big-breasted or flat-chested they were, showed off some cleavage. That I was, in fact, the only one who had full coverage..... and I realised that even when we are doing sports, you know one of those moments no-one is aiming to look particularly sexy, the industry apparently though it necessary to make bras that show cleavage...even when it actively negates the function of a sports bra, aka keeping your boobs secure under any and all circumstances....
And this pisses me off so much. Because apparently, there is no moment in a woman's life where she can escape society 's need to make her sexy. Not even if she is simply taking care of her health, or getting sweaty tossing guys around and cackling like a villain when it works, or just honestly enjoying the fact you got that tricky combination down.
And that worse, society's need to make her sexy even during these activities is actively impeding her in doing so...
Just bugger off, okay...
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ravenclawhierra · 1 year
Ominis x MC x Sebastian and MC gives them both the brastraps to them for bracelets
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tessastormrp · 5 months
[Closed] Pretty Puppy [Brahn]
"Oh, you are wearing the forest green set I bought you, very nice." Brahn rounded on his boyfriend, the peek of a brastrap under Eskel's shirt setting his blood aboil and making his cock hard as stone.
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lakesbian · 8 months
its really sad for alec that he doesnt have a-cups because the classic cold-shoulder draping white shirt with visible brastraps is really what hes all about fashionwise. and black jeans. and some dumb little purse.
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healthpipe · 4 months
Misread "Jerk sesh" and thought it said JK Flesh. #musichead #yupilikemusic #brastrap
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i got dresscoded today because I was wearing this shirt type thing that showed my shoulders. it was like a turtleneck, but it showed my shoulders.
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patpran · 1 year
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