byler-4-life · 2 years
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Gates in Byler Tumblr (these are the ones I know about, if there are any others then comment and I shall add them in)
Scriptgate (the byler script mayhem that all blew up on 10th Aug)
Mikhailgate (i love you mikhail. went crazy on 27th Aug those were good times)
Mjgate (17 September something horrifying happened and we do not speak of it)
Backgroundguygate (began on 7th September making background characters famous)
Googlemapsgate (google maps supporting byler)
Wormgate (2 September was worms on a string, what more?)
Birthdaygate (6 September Byler tumblr got pissed that everyone forgot Wills birthday)
White rabbit gate (began 3 September I’m not even sure what this one meAns but someone mentioned it)
Descendants gate (11 September was ST as descendants)
Pocketgate (around 29 Aug Mike’s pocket became the topic of analysis)
Twilightgate (UmMmm its Byler but Twilight, began 27th Aug)
Ikeagate (2nd September was something about Mike taking Will to Ikea on a date?)
Brbgate (1st September was Breaking Bad…that bald guy. It was weird)
Flickergate (I named that one!! When Byler kiss in upside down its what caused the lights to flicker in season 1, plus “it was a 7” and other theories around the light flicker. Began 12 Sep)
Piggybackgate: (the gay af piggyback theories about how Will and Mike were standing in front of Eleven’s piggyback drawing, and scenarios of what might happen in season 5.)
Breathgate: (3rd September mikes breath catches)
Gridgate (when ST writers released pixelised plot of season 5)
Memorygate (6th September, the theory/discussion that people have been losing their memories like Will’s birthday and that time has been changed)
Will loveinterest gate (27 August, when everyone was confused and so we had multiple different people who could be potential boyfriends for Will, many of them were played by Finn Wolfhard)
Mattduffersbasement gate (something to do with being locked in Matts basement, it was a very specific joke)
Spirkgate (Spirk from Star Trek became some type of meme)
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Compilation of all the gates:
Babygirlgate (the best one)
Pocketgate / Lettergate
Gridgate / pixelgate / whiteboardgate / penholdergate
Gertiegate??? / Gloriegate???
Backgroundgate (I actually loved this one)
Heartgate (this one is really small tho)
Midnightsgate (also really small)
I’m waiting for a sevengate tbh
In the replies:
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Their breath catches btw. If you even care.
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
we just need one more then we have all endgame couples joining breathgate
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verashalurks · 2 years
So ever since I’ve joined Tumblr during the rise of Mikhailgate, I’ve been keeping track of true history of the tumblr tag in my notes. So this is what I’ve got so far:
8/5: scriptgate
8/26: mikhailgate
8/31: twilightgate 
9/2: lucas and max pass notes script lumax/breathgate 
9/3: lettergate
9/4: mike’s playlist
9/5: noah’s upenn safety concern/birthdaygate/videogate 
9/6: backgroundguygate/making fun of Milevens’ “proof”
9/7: poll day 
9/8: Queen Elizabeth death
9/9: jon & will talk script 
9/10: birthdaygate/whiterabbitgate 
9/11: descendantsgate
9/14: poll day
9/15: sad day. poll drama, script polls have turned bylers/elmax’s against each other :(
9/16: byler and elmax script dropped/librarygate/mjgate
9/18: #adorebylercore💕/hosegate/flickergate 
9/19: flickergate
9/20: THE FALL OF BYLER TUMBLR?!/only 694 recent posts/gridgate/whiteboardgate/pixelgate
9/23: gridgate/ THEYRE TEASING US W/ THE BLACK DOT/ Ted wheeler’s actor says byler canon
9/24: Tudum/byler bloopers/finn saying when blue meets yellow in the west
9/27: playlistgate/byler uquiz 
9/29: eightfifteengate
9/30: laundrygate/ terryivesgate/ eightfifteengate
10/5: harrypottergate/crazy shit that almost happened tweet
10/8: babygirlgate 
10/11: byler gift anon 
10/12: miwigate
10/13: Kool aid mike/Caleb’s birthday
(Somewhere around here: posessiongate)
10/18: mike-with-a-sword-gate
10/21: Midnights album & byler
10/23: phonegate
10/26: jonathonggate
10/27: nanathong/ 5 year anniversary of season 2
10/29: milk vs orange juice feud/milkgate/oranjejuicegate
10/30: Taylor swift liking a byler tiktok
10/30: halloween/ jimincookiegate/breaking bad halloween ask
11/3: Sexuality headcanon anon
11/6: Stranger things day
11/7: “midleven day”/ willel day/ st puzzle game
11/8: puzzle game
11/9: puzzle game
11/10: puzzle game/ Finn lousy kisser allegations
11/12: Will Byers day/ Will’s painting merch & poster
11/19: st costume designer said the clothes worn by the main boys at the snow ball clue to their future careers
11/22: Netflix article abt s5 pulling ideas from s2
11/28: sharedlooksgate
11/29: oceanfruit quit/ sexualization and purity discourse
12/1: byler #1 on tumblr ships
12/7: noah winning the people’s choice awards for best male tv star/ “popular fan theory”
10/9: jopper script/ scriptgate revival
12/10: Noah’s live
12/11: speaking out abt the sexualization of noah/ noah person choice awards reaction gif meme
12/12: gaybirdgate
12/22: antisantagate
12/23: stranger things anime
1/5: noah comes out as gay
1/6: fake s5 leak
5/12: signgate
5/18: which character would you kill for byler endgame
8/4: lesbyler/ lesbyler discourse
Tell me if I missed anything!
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inutaffy · 2 years
could you maybe tell me about the various byler gates ? when you have the time ?
yeah sure!
so there were a bunch of theories after vol1 drop (we didn't call them gates then) and after vol2 they all started to get fleshed out and with the joke of "watergate" made by dustin (and vecna opening all those gates) we just kinda adopted it for different theories for season 5 or analysis about byler or season 4
scriptgate: this is the non show related one. so 8flix is a site that like gives scripts to people/public (film students use it etc) and there was a gofundme to donate to 8flix and like you would get your email signed up on the list and then the stranger things script sent you. the first one was episode 8 (vol2) basically it was supposed to come early august. like august 3rd or something i do not remember exactly but nick (8flix guy) got a lot more people on his email list than ever, and he wanted to do it one by one rather than a big release so we waited like 3 days or so (THIS TIME PERIOD IS SO ICONIC HONESTLY HILARIOUS SO MANY MUTUALS MADE.) there was like people drinking sangrias, i made a pizza, people were making crafts in the tag, it was a big sleepover. very fun, each time it got delayed it was funnier and funnier 😭. anyways we finally got the scripts (but at what cost) and they were so fuckinf depressing there was not a dry eye in the house. will said "i hate who i am" and nancy said "jonathan who?" it was terrible. and a couple days later stranger writers basically implied they were fake. like they were fake scripts. AND THEN EVERYONE TURNED ON NICK. it was a big thing but basically he was saying they weren't fake, and there's 2 big theories: that either he had very early scripts or just a bad source. anyways netflix said he could keep posting them as long as it wasn't revealing anything that wasn't already known (spoilers for season 5 i guess) (worth noting that when nick got his acc hacked on twitter "he" said shit like he was gonna name his source and 2 actors had confirmed the scripts. he was hacked so ignore this. i believe him at least)
letter gate: theory that mike has written letters to will while he was gone but never sent them, also most people believe that he kept said letter in his pocket in the custom blue shirt he wore throughout season 4
pocket gate: finn mentioned this in the hair chair before the st costume designers said this but, they made him a custom shirt (the iconic one for season 4.) few things to know! the pocket opens sideways, it looks like there could be something in it (because it never creases), the costume designers used triangle imagery on robin because of its meaning to the queer community and the pocket is a blue square with a grey triangle, and the pocket was mostly pointing towards will the entire season, will was always on mikes left! very few times was it pointing towards anyone else
breathgate: so i THINK this gate is about mike and max paralelling/lumax+byler endgame secured. so when mike saw the painting in the scripts that the stranger writers twt released it said "his breath catches" and when max was asked by lucas if she wanted to go to a movie friday it said "her breath catches." this could also be about how byler... breathed in sync when they were out in the field in the ending scene. or it could be about that very deep breath mike took when he was looking at will when they were in the van!
bald mike wheeler: i don't wanna talk about it <- traumatized 😶 KIDDING anyways so people basically edited this pic of mike in the hell fire outfit as bald and started creating a "cult" out of it and making their mutuals and friends worship bald mike. byler tag chaos obvi. my mutual rori sent like 20 images in my inbox. i was frightened.
matt duffers basement: ok so someone was pretending to be matt duffer on tumblr and made an "official" account and idk how really but people started claiming he was locking him in his basement and people started making a joke out of it and the person running the account played along too lmao. it was a sleepover in there
twilightgate: basically people editing mike and will's faces on edward and bella . don't miss that era .
mikhailgate+background guy gate+wills love interest gate: they're all connected im sorry. so mikhail is enzo/dmitri's son, and people started theorizing saying mikhail was going to make an apperance in hawkins i forgot the logistics of it, but basically he's boris from the goldfinch but like. stranger things. so he looks like mike but more russian LMAO. i forgot the- willhail! that was the ship name! basically so mike could be a jealous bitch they made up an entire character! there was fanfic and fanart, people were serious. background guy, were basically taking a bunch of extras and making characters around them. like that dude with "hell" on his shirt i think his name was brett, there was fanart of him ! and then the goth girl that looks similar to eden was el's gf apparently! those 2 are most prominent i forgot the others. and will's love interest was just all of this. people would even take people from other media. like i saw one that had miguel from cobra kai (apparently argyles cousin 💀)
birthdaygate/memory gate: so this one i don't keep up with because i don't like it. i know what it's about though! so will's birthday is mar 22nd and people in the pre vol2 era thought his bday was gonna get addressed in vol2 but it wasn't so now there's a big conspiracy that it's going to have a bigger play out in s5 (like him blowing up at everyone /mike etc) but some people think it's because vecna can... steal memories. this claim is backed up by the lyric "let me steal this moment from you now" from running up that hill. someone can explain this gate better than me
babygirl gate: someone made a tweet that made it to tumblr basically saying will was rubbing his back whispering babygirl in mikes ear so he could say i love you to el/his girlfriend. which sparked people to make will's quotes to mike say babygirl instead of mike(his name.)
decedants gate: is just like twilight gate. i forgor if mike is mal and will is ben. i think that's right. yeah. it was cool!! comparing byler to their relationship!! about how mal chose to be with ben because he makes her happy!
playlistgate: mike has a very queer coded playlist, promiently "smalltown boy" by bronski beat. it's a song about running away/leaving. this could also be about finn's playlist called "drive" which could be a playlist for mike (it's known that he makes playlists for his characters.) or this could be about (tender emotional music) and how the stranger things sound track proves byler endgame! or about how spotify /st took off a bunch of peoples playlists (some songs off mike and maybe will's too i think.) im not Exactly sure what this one is about.
flickergate: !!!!!!! MY FAV!!!!! season 5 theory mike and will go to the upside down and kiss in the wheelers garage! REMEMBER HOW MIKES GARAGE LIGHT FLICKERED AS WILL LEFT? byler kiss secured! that "it was a 7. the demogorgon, it got me." WAS THEIR FIRST REAL ONSCREEN CONVERSATION! also where everything went wrong, and immense forshadowing. any 7 is a byler number. also the upside down is stuck on nov 6 (day will went missing) so they would technically kiss on that day. a lot smarter person can explain this one.
salt lamp gate: basically a pic of mike licking a salt lamp and people in the byler tag talking about licking their salt lamps . i don't know what prompted this
gridgate: so duffers posted this story boarding grid (blank) back in like end of august/september. and then updated it but it was BLURRED. they blurred it. fucking tease. so people started to unblur it and read what it says but u couldn't make out anything really. and something we thought was a drawing was a pen holder. upsetting. what the hell. they were making fun of us. anyways we were insane for that.
things i'm not smart enough to cover or idk what they're about: 8:15 gate, ikea gate, google maps gate, mjgate, white rabbit gate
anyone feel free to add on!/tell me anything i missed!
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byler-4-life · 2 years
My Date: "Come on, say it. Tell me those three words that everyone wants to hear."
Me (leaning in with a whisper): "Mike's breath catches"
My Date: "What the fuck? No. What are you - "
Me: "No? Oh, shit, sorry." (leans back in again) "So does Max's."
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September in Gates!! (So far)
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This was tricky to make because I wasn’t keeping track of the gates, but I checked the tags for each and found when the first use of the tag was! If you think it’s inaccurate then it’s because the Gate wasn’t tagged until a certain date.
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junker-town · 7 years
Morning Skate: P.K. Subban vs. Sidney Crosby is the Stanley Cup feud we need
Two of hockey’s biggest stars are creating fiery entertainment.
You love hockey. You love SB Nation. You love reading hockey at SB Nation. Search your feelings. You know these things are true. But life's too busy to browse the whole network for news. So we'll send hockey news to your inbox every morning. All you need to do is subscribe.
Lace 'em up. Time for the Morning Skate.
I've been thinking a lot about the NBA playoffs and NHL playoffs lately.
Mainly about why so many people tune into NBA games so often. I'm not a basketball fan, so that's a question I often ask. Everything I love about the NHL (the parity, the constant motion, etc.) seems to be missing from the NBA when I watch.
But I do get the appeal of today's NBA: The star power is palpable. And the individual rivalries are infectious. Does Kevin Durant hate Russell Westbrook? I don't know. Is LeBron sick of the Warriors? Maybe.
But possibly. And it's worth watching just to see those stars get up-close-and-personal on the biggest stage. I get it.
So thank goodness for this Stanley Cup Final, because P.K. Subban and Sidney Crosby are two of the game's best players and might actually hate each other. The pair wrestled last night, capping off simmering tensions over #Breathgate in Game 5. Not to mention it coaxed another eye-rolling comment out of Mike Milbury.
Sure, Crosby told reporters later that it was nothing personal. Just hockey. Doesn't matter. The optics are that two of the NHL's best lightning rod players are feuding on and off the ice during the Stanley Cup Final, and that is great for the sport.
Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images
Pittsburgh is a win away from the Cup, thanks to a three-point night from their captain. For better or worse, he was the star of Game 5.
Not to mention the fact HE THREW A WATER BOTTLE ON THE ICE BEFORE A GOAL Kind of hilarious, really.
Nashville now faces a goalie crisis at the worst possible time. At least we know their crowd will be going bonkers.
Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images
The Sharks are closing in on two important extensions in net and on the blue line.
Meanwhile, their Pacific bunkmates in L.A. just locked up a key player for three years.
The Flyers just hired one of the hotter assistant coaching names on the market. Is their head coach in trouble?
EA Sports needs to work on its mouthguard accuracy.
Scott Hartnell will set the tone for Columbus' offseason.
If the Oilers do indeed trade Jordan Eberle, they'll need to get full value for him and find a good replacement.
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
my entire feed is just “breath catches”
i love it
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verashalurks · 9 months
a year ago today on byler tumblr: lumax passing notes script/breathgate and ikeagate
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byler-4-life · 2 years
What do you guys think the most unhinged the byler tag has ever been? The most delusional? The most despondent? The most confident? I'll go first.
Unhinged: Definitely August 5th during scriptgate lol. The energy was so chaotic. The tag had 3 thousand recent posts. The memes were flying. 8flix's servers were crashing. It was insane.
Delusional: It was either how we were ALL 100% convinced Will's painting was the swingset meeting. OR...that brief period of a few hours where some were convinced they added CGI hearts into Mike and Will's eyes lol (no offense if you still believe this, but...come on).
Despondent: It was pretty dark right after Volume 2 dropped. I thought I was the only one that still had any hope. Luckily we bounce back quickly.
Confident: Might be an under the radar pick, but I really feel we were at the peak of our confidence when breathgate happened. When we saw Max's breath catch just like Mike's did in the scripts, the belief was at an all-time high.
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byler-4-life · 2 years
If there's not any other great options, I'd definitely be okay with voting for the Jopper scene, just to see if anyone's breath is catching or not.
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byler-4-life · 2 years
I totally got swept away by breathgate earlier (I was deliriously happy for HOURS) and forgot about my potential big brain post I was writing lol. Going back to work on it now though. If I don't get distracted again.
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