#bren games
brennacedria · 3 months
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Lookie what I got!
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mllekurtz · 10 months
📣shadowgast fic rec📣
My friend @fireryn (aka toneofjoy) just posted the first chapter of an amazing new climbing au!
If, like me, you have a special place in your heart for the og climbing au;
if you are a fan of hyperspecific aus where the author really knows what they're talking about;
if you want to read a story that's so cleverly and beautifully written, it feels like you're experiencing it;
if you like your Shadowgast to be a delicious slow burn with plenty of verbal sparring, humour, conflict and heart;
if you like some tender, supportive and sexy Blumendrei...
...then this story is for you!
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foolilazuli · 6 months
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I have gotten so obsessed with this game
Here’s some pictures of my wife:
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funky-sea-cryptid · 6 days
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bren was born on kiato and kahono's tour it was funny in hindsight
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These jag and blue noms may seem boring at first glance but Jared may potentially throw his game away to save blue which will spice up the week
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soldier-poet-king · 7 months
Once again I am asking fantasy and historical fantasy romance authors to write romance novels but not sexy ones. Yes I am realizing how silly that sounds. I adore love and romance. I love silly little angsty romance novels. By god I do not need to be privy to every single detail of what goes on in their bedroom. Or really ANY details. Please. I'm begging you. My ocd and scruples can't take this but who else is out here writing interesting queer fantasy romance dynamics. Blease. I have anxious brain disease and it's incurable but I love romance ok.
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southstand · 2 months
ppl who genuinely want deki out get help
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timoswerner · 6 months
i was also thinking what are people talking about, who is being overly critical of sonny? i’ve not seen anything then i went on my for you tab and obviously its someone who i’ve never seen make a good point ever
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ilovewhiteroses · 9 months
Tag Game
Thank you for the tag, @spider-bren love!🥰
Favourite character: At the moment Clement Mansell (I refuse to accept what happened to him in the finale) and The Corinthian, obvi.
Disliked colour: Greenish brown
Top three songs of the week: Ashley O (Miley Cyrus) – On a Roll Funkadelic - Good to Your Earhole The Crypt Keeper (from Tales From the Crypt) – The Crypt Jam
Tagging (no pressure): @duncans-vizla-honeybee @placeinthemiddleofnowhere @i-like-the-eyes, @ruflirtingwithme @e-dubbc11 @merryandrewsworld @jessamydreams @kekkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @ray-is-dead @delicateteenagerunaway and everyone else who wants to play😊
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the-kerfus-machine · 28 days
Is mother's day also MILF day? Wrong answers only.
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Id say it isnt
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Hun they said wrong answers on-
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I know ;3
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aethernightmare · 2 months
Went on a Bugsnax recording frenzy, and now all that remains is the DLC island and the final boss. Might stream the finale. Not sure yet. Last time that idea was a flop, but for some games it would be fun to stream the first and last parts.
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brennacedria · 6 months
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hychlorions · 9 months
please.... please don't make me talk to sholmes again.... i'm begging you.... i don't want to talk to sholmes again....
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carpisuns · 2 years
🎁 Hunter 👀
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thesoundofmadness · 2 years
omori and Sunnys relationship honestly drives me insane. not in like a shippy way but. my god.
Sunny wants nothing more than to be able to go back to before Mari's death. He wants to go back to eating watermelons on the beach and hanging out in the tree house and taking pictures with Basil. But he can't do that. He will never be able to do that because you can't bring back the dead. You can't reverse time. Yet Sunny refuses to accept that Mari died. He refuses to accept what he did.
So he retreated into HEADSPACE as a means of escapism. He retreats into HEADSPACE as a means of avoiding what happened to Mari. In HEADSPACE, he can do whatever he wants. He can eat watermelons with his friends again, hang out in the tree house again, and take pictures with Basil again. But the version of "you" inside your head is not the same "you" as irl. So he (possibly subconsciously) created Omori to fulfill his desires since he can't do it himself.
Omori is the idealized version of Sunny. Not in the way that Omori is who Sunny wants to be, but he's where Sunny wants to be. Omori is the version of Sunny who can be with his friends. Omori is the version of Sunny that never killed Mari. Omori is the version of Sunny who is happy. Omori is Sunnys protector against his guilt. Omori is Sunnys friend, one that is always there whenever he needs him to be. It doesn't matter that Mari is dead bc Mari never died with Omori around.
But over time, Omori turns into the personfication of Sunnys depression. The more Sunny uncovers The Truth, the more antagonistic Omori becomes. For God's sake, Omori is the final boss of the game. During the fight, Omori is constantly insulting Sunny and tearing him down. He calls him selfish, a liar, says that his friends will never forgive him, directly blames Sunny for Mari's death, etc. Omori is no longer Sunny's friend and protector, but an enemy.
It's only through the love of his friends that Sunny is able to overcome Omori. During the fight you have a new skill called "Cherish". Upon selection, Sunny remembers one of his friends and recovers full health and juice. It's the only thing getting you through the fight, really. Sunny loves his friends, and as much as Omori tells him otherwise, he knows they love him too. Because of that, he picks up the violin again and plays. Omori accepts defeat, hugs Sunny, and disappears.
I feel like the hug is a final goodbye from Omori to Sunny. Sunny no longer needs Omori, after all. He's ready to leave the HEADSPACE as a whole, as he no longer needs it. Thanks to his friends, he's ready to accept Mari's death and whatever happens next.
idk if this makes sense but them <33333333
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spider-bren · 10 months
For the funny asks:
1. What did you Google search last? Provide no context.
3. What Tumblr meme always gets you laughing hysterically?
4. Play kiss, marry, or kill with the last three moots you reblogged from
1. Read Spider-Punk comic online
2. I don't really see tumblr memes if I'm honest just fandom ones haha
3. Sorry for this!!
Kiss: @i-like-the-eyes
Marry: @ilovewhiteroses
Kill: @boydholbroook
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