#bridal dusty rose
shaadiwish · 1 year
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Pictures Of Avreen & Manan’s Wedding Ceremony Are Mesmerizing!
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kingofthe-egirls · 8 months
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art by the loveliest @zwhoreo
part 1
for @missmugiwara
(cw: kissing, first time, sex, reader is an artist, she has pink hair, i reference her nipples as strawberries bc mine are pink and that’s the word i wanted to use)
(a/n: romance actually)
Songs: “Hotel” by Claire Rosinkranz
words: 2.1k
- luffy loves the term “sweetheart” to describe his love interests
- relationships are sparse and shortlived, before falling in love with y/n
- (beach house part 2)
- luffy’s in love with his princesses:
- (also sorta a beastgirl fetish like he loves cute ears/tail)
- shirahoshi, camie, marguerite, uta, rebecca
- (he’s attracted to fairy princess style hair, sometimes pink, and also mermaids)
- his romantic storyline (for my specific interest):
- first crush was uta
- first kiss was camie
- first relationship/sexual experience was marguerite
- (timeskip shenanigans)
- shirahoshi is a special sweetheart
- sexual dip besides himself, he’s still nursing his own wounded heart (poor senchou)
- sees y/n!!!
- he sees you and starts crushing pretty much immediately, you send butterflies through his center and he’s smiling a lot more since you started adventuring with his crew
- romantic inspirations
- he’s still sorta scared to start something new, so he’s slow and shy at first (shy!luffy supremacy)
- he’s so heart-led it’s super important for him to see that you’re sexually attracted to him as well as romantically in love with him, that’s special
- he’s in love with you
- sees hearts around your face whenever you smile at him
- does everything he can to see your smile
- you make him smile, too
Blue shutters, white trim. Your beach house stands squat and adorable at the top of the small sandy cliff face. White clouds scatter across the horizon, sat low and steamy in the twilight purple. Mauve, you’d say.
If you were to draw it with your colored pencils, you’d mix rose pink with soft, pastel purple. Plus a hint of dusty blue and saturated orange.
Luffy stops, a few steps behind. He reaches up an arm to softly touch the back of your hand; he traces soft fingertips over your knuckles.
“S’pretty, isn’t it?”
He asks, his warmth seeping into you as he surrounds your hand in his.
“Setting suns are my favorite thing to draw,” you say, smiling, “Except for you, of course.”
Luffy smiles, sliding his fingers between yours. He’s seen your sketchbooks, all filled up with drawings of him. His fights, his forms, his smiling face.
He sees how you see him.
He likes how you see him.
You see how he sees you, too.
Someone kind, someone special. Someone he wants to listen to, to learn from. To sandwich between the bones of his ribcage and keep you safe behind his sternum.
So he does.
Luffy squeezes your hand, before tugging you closer to his body. He presses you against his chest, sun soaked and so warm. His hand stays in yours, stroking your knuckles like a fairytale prince. His other cradles the back of your head.
He strokes slender fingers over your hair. Lifting up on tiptoes, he lets you press your lips against his. He tastes like sunshine: all warm and amber like honeycomb straight from the smoked-out beehive.
“S’okay if I call you sweetheart?”
He strokes his thumb over your knuckles, before bringing them up to his plush lips. He skims them across your sensitive skin, looking up at you from under dark lashes. You squirm in place, upset and excited and all sorts of things that make you want to stuff him in your mouth and never let go. So you hum an appreciative mhmm! Before smashing your lips together again.
Luffy snickers into your mouth, before sweeping you off your feet. He carries you bridal style up the rest of the stairs and into your waiting beachside cottage.
Luffy slides into bed beside you, fresh and clean after his shower. You’ve already toweled off and slipped under the covers, all shiny and new after sand scrubbed your skin and the shower washed your body clean. Your hair lays wet and messy on the pillow.
Luffy’s wearing red shorts and nothing else. He radiates heat throughout the covers as soon as he makes contact with the bed.
“Hi,” he whispers as you curl instinctively into him. He’s so warm.
“Hi, captain,” you whisper back, lips moving against his collarbone. He runs a hand over your head, smoothing down your wet tangles.
“Kiss me?”
He asks, raspy, so you lift your head to press your lips against his. He smells like the bar of green soap you keep in the shower. He smells like home. You sigh into his lips, and with a small sound, he parts them.
Luffy’s tongue is warm and slick, sliding against your bottom lip as he curiously explores your mouth. His other arm wraps around you, pulling your weight fully on top of him. His hardness pokes your thigh, and you gasp. Luffy pulls back a bit, sheepish.
“S’okay?” He asks, rubbing his hands over your back. You’re in a soft, faded t-shirt and pajama shorts. You’re not wearing underwear, and from the feel of his cock, neither is he.
“Yes, it’s okay,” you say, stuffing your face into the crook of his neck. He’s always made you feel safe, and now that you know he wants you—it’s all so surprising and fun and scary, too.
Chemical reactions flare through your system: all of Luffy’s smells and sounds and pheromones mixing together in a magenta-scented cocktail that dizzies your brain and blurs your vision.
Luffy scratches your scalp. His fingers are calloused and strong, as his sugar-soft lips plant a sweet kiss to your forehead. He hums, a little melody you’ve heard him sing to himself as he sits on the ship’s figurehead. It’s his little happy song.
“What didja wanna do tonight?” You ask, propping your chin on your hands. You blink up at your captain, from where you’re resting on his chest. He squiggles under you, smiling and flushed.
“I dunno! Sleep?”
You smile, in spite of yourself.
“Sleep is good,” you agree, before drumming your fingers against his sternum. “Is it okay if we do something else, besides sleep?”
Luffy nods eagerly.
He sits up, cradling you in his arms so now you’re sidesaddle on his lap. He kisses you, hard.
“Luffy!” You gasp in between sliding, hot kisses. He growls, low in his throat, before tearing your t-shirt off over your head. He pauses, searching your face for discomfort. But all he finds is a hot flush and a slight nod, before your hands are on his cheeks and you’re stuffing your own tongue down his throat.
“Mmph!” He groans in surprise, before popping off your lips in order to bend his head down. Captain Luffy sucks your nipple into his mouth, muttering something that sounds like “strawberry” under his breath. It stings, but it’s nice.
His tongue feels like heaven.
Luffy moans as he slobbers over your tits, suddenly manic as he tastes your skin like this for the first time. He’s practically vibrating as he holds you, and you gasp as steam starts to roll off his skin in waves.
“Sorry, hah,” he rasps, laving his tongue in between your breasts. He circles the tip around your other nipple, giggling slightly as you shiver. “Second gear…,” he mumbles, thunking his forehead into your chest. “Ya don’t mind, do ya sweetheart?” He stares up at you with big, sparkly eyes that make you go all dumb inside.
You shake your head, melted, as he snickers and starts peppering white-hot kisses into your skin. His body is all pink now, steam wafting off of him and enveloping you in a hot cloud.
He wraps his arms around you tighter, switching you around so now your back is pressed against his sweaty chest. He massages your tits in calloused hands, his chin on your shoulder as his cock throbs hard against your ass. He groans, thumbing your nipples between rough fingerpads.
“D’ya like it from behind, kitty cat?”
His voice is a puff of hot, steamy air that whisks the hair around your ear. A thrill runs through you, noradrenaline and lust clouding your senses. You have nothing else to offer him but a short nod and a strangled moan. He’s got you wrapped around his rubber finger.
Luffy takes you from behind, sitting you on his lap and sliding his cock inside. You’re on your knees, face flushed and chest heaving with ragged pants. You turn your head to the side, pink waves of mussed-up hair falling over one shoulder. You caress the side of Luffy’s face.
“S-so good, sweetheart,” you moan, feeling the weight of him inside you.
Luffy sinks his teeth into your shoulder, his hands holding your waist as he slides you up and down his cock. The quilt scratches under your knees, and you can barely make out the shapes of framed pictures on the opposite wall. It smells like sweat in here.
You’ve never had sex before.
It stings, and—
it’s soft, and
it’s hard too
and Luffy’s breath is everything,
to you.
He pants hot, little ragged breaths in your ear as his searing chest burns the skin of your back. He’s like a walking heat stroke: his heat strokes your walls and, and, and—
It’s a strange sensation, fluttering around someone’s shaft. You’ve never felt it before. It’s—different. From a clitoral orgasm. It’s not shivers down your skin, the release of dopamine coating your edges and bathing you in sparkling gold.
It’s clenching in and out as your stomach flutters from the sound of his voice.
“Atta girl,” he praises you, thumbing your clit as he fucks you at a steady pace. His saliva drips onto your skin from where he’s drooling at your shoulder. Your hand is buried in his raven hair; steam still curls around you. He smooches your earlobe. “That’s my fucking princess.”
“Yours, Luffy,” you stutter, slowing your hips as the pulses stop, “I’m your princess.”
He gasps, pleased. “Yeah, ya fuckin’ are, that’s my fuckin’ girl—,” he cuts himself off with a grunt as he starts fucking you harder. He flips you (so easily) and slides back inside you from where he kneels between your legs. His face is sweaty, hair sticking to his forehead, as his dark eyes sparkle in the moonlight. Shit.
“I’m in love with you, Luffy!”
He smiles, eyes crinkled shut as his cockhead brushes your g-spot. There’s that pulsing again—
“Fuck,” he grits out, each word punctuated with a sharp thrust, “I—fuckin’—love—ya too—nng!—kitty!”
And with that, he comes.
“So in love with ya, you’re such a good friend, sweetheart, ya pussy’s takin’ me so well, you’re so fucking fun—!”
“Ah, ah!”
It’s strange, having someone cum inside you.
It’s warm, and
and weird.
But it still sends shivers down your spine as he pulls out, pools out: his seed slipping from between your thighs and staining the quilt beneath you white. It smells like sweat in here, but worse somehow.
It smells like sex, you guess.
Luffy sighs happily, cuddling you in bed after you both cleaned up.
“How was that, sweetheart?” He smiles up at you from where he’s laid his head on your still-bare chest.
“So good,” you sigh dreamily, stroking his hair. It’s all fluffed up and wild. You twirl a lock around your finger. He smooches the swell of your breast beneath his cheek.
“So, are ya gonna be my baby?” He asks hopefully, snuggling deeper into you. He’s twisted his limbs all around you, saying how he wanted to be as close as possible to his sweetheart. “So we can go on dates n stuff?”
You snicker: you can’t help yourself.
You smack a big ole kiss onto the future king of the pirates’ head. He hums, but his index finger is tracing anxious circles against your ribcage. He’s nervous. His heart is on the line, so you do your best to show him it’s safe, always, in your hands.
“Of course, Luffy,” you say, scratching his scalp, “Let’s go on dates all the time now.”
He squirms, happy noises sounding from the back of his throat. “Okay!” He says into your skin, his smile buried against your sweaty chest. He inhales deeply. “Say you’re the pirate king’s princess?”
You blink.
And then, you smile.
“I’m your fucking princess, pirate king.”
“Shishishi!” He snickers, squirming against you even more. He lifts his head, showing off his biggest sunshine grin yet. “I like the sound of that!”
You smile.
So do you.
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andydrysdalerogers · 4 months
Yours Submissively - Yours (Finale)
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Steve Rogers X OFC Isabella Davis
Summary: Five Years after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers has moved on from avenging and has started his own business, Grant Inc. He has a secret that would turn his world upside down. And he's good at keep that secret. Until he meets the woman with violet eyes that could bring him to his knees. Now his mission is to make her, his. But she is the key that could bring the world into balance... or chaos.
And she has no idea.
Series Warnings: slow burn at the beginning, smut, angst, sexual themes of BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, kidnapping, loss of virginity, (and a bunch of others that will come up)
When I orginally started this story in November 2022, I never thought I would get here, 101,100 words, 45 chapters and a story that has been a joy to write.  To those who have been with me from the beginning, thank you so much for your support. To those who climbed on board my crazy train, thank you for not jumping off.  
I now present to you the final chapter of “Yours, Submissively.” 
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Banners by me!
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Previous: Dreams
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Three Years Later… 
“James! Lucy! Get back here!” 
Belle chased after her children as they ran around the bridal suite. The giggles and shouts filled the room as the ring bearer and flower girl chased each other in their own game of tag.  Morgan itched to join but her mother was trying to fix her hair piece that had fallen out.  
“Whoa! What is going on here?” Steve stood in the doorway as his children froze.  
“Only took you five minutes after my text,” Belle complained with her hands on her hips.  
“Sorry, sweet pea, we were having a toast to Bucky.  How’s the bride?” 
“She needs a drink herself,” Ava piped in. Steve sucked in a breath.   
“Ava, you look beautiful. Bucky is a lucky man.” 
“Thanks Steve.” She blushed at her former boss’s compliment.   
Belle elbowed Steve and he grunted.  “You look gorgeous as always, sweet pea.”  He grinned, looking like a young man again.  
Belle giggled. Her children started up again, but Steve swooped and picked them up. “Jamie, Lucy, are you supposed to be running in your nice clothes?”  
“We want to get married already Papa!” Lucy wiggled in his arms.  
“And who do you think you are marrying Princess?” 
“Jamie, duh.”  Her three-year-old attitude shining through as Steve laughed. “Uncle Bucky gets to marry Auntie Ava. Morgan said that she gets to marry Uncle Peter when she’s bigger but I always want to be with Jamie, so I’ll marry him.”  
The beauty of logic for three-year-olds.  Steve sighed, put his children down and kneeled in front of his daughter.  “Princess, you don’t have to marry Jamie for him to be with you forever.  He’s your brother, he’ll always be there for you.”  
“Just like you Papa?” 
“Just like me.  Now, no more running around until after church, ok? If your Mama has to call me, there will be timeout and no cake.”  
She nodded with big eyes. Lucy was truly daddy’s princess, and she would always obey her father.  Her older brother, however, was his rebel and only really listened to his idol, Uncle Bucky. “Young man, Uncle Bucky told me to tell you that you better behave or no launch pad.” Steve was curious what the hell "launch pad" was but it was something that his son looked horrified to lose so he didn’t question it.  
‘No! Daddy, tell him I’m good.’ 
“Ok, you have to listen to Mama or else, James.”  His son grimaces but nods, understanding that losing his favorite game is worse.  Steve stand and finally takes in his wife, in a dusty rose ball gown, the tiny swell of her belly holding their third child showing. He walked over and grasped her face, tilting it towards him. “You do look amazing today, my love.”  He placed a gentle kiss on her lips.  
Belle could hear her son gagging over his father’s affection for his mother, a learned trait from his uncle no doubt.  “You look just as handsome amore.”  
Steve’s hand drifted down. “How’s my boy?” 
“Sleeping, I think. Still only flutters.”  She smiled.  They had just found out that they were having another boy, much to Lucy’s delight.  She wanted to be the only princess.  
“Good.  Ready to walk down the aisle again Mrs. Rogers?”  
“Only with you.”  
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Watching his best friend marry his perfect girl was wonderful.  Belle continuously wiped at her eyes during the ceremony as matron of honor.  Steve watched his girl, knowing that her hormones definitely amplified her reaction, but it wasn’t out of character.  Once the minister declared Bucky and Ava husband and wife, he clapped hard, happy that his best friend found a home just like he did. As the newly married couple exited, Steve extended his arm to his wife.  “Mrs. Rogers.”  
“Mr. Rogers,” Belle smiled up at her husband as she took his arm.  They had a hand on each of their children and headed out for photos. Steve couldn’t take his eyes off of his wife.  Belle moved effortlessly while five months pregnant.  Of course, only carrying one was easier than the twins.  
“Stop staring, punk.  It’s my wedding day.”  Bucky stands next to Steve as he watches the girls take photos.  
“Like you don’t stare at Ava, jerk.”  
“That’s fair.  Who would have thought, 100 years later, that we would be here, married to the loves of our lives?”  
“After everything we have seen, we are just a couple of lucky bastards.” Steve slaps Bucky’s back.  “I’m proud of you Buck.”  
“Thanks pal. Never saw myself a married man but Ava, she’s my Angel.”  
“Just like Belle was mine.”  
The reception is beautiful, very light and sparkly, just like Ava.  Steve stood up to make his speech about Bucky.  
“As most of you know, I grew up with this jerk all those years ago.  He was bigger than me, always getting me out of scraps. He tried to save my ass during the war, telling me not to do anything stupid until he came back. Of course, I had to follow up because he took all of the stupid with him.” 
The crowd laughed and Steve cleared his throat. “Ava, I want you to know that I think you are completely nuts marrying this jerk.  But I also think you couldn’t find anyone who is more loyal, loving, amazing and just generally a good guy.  He has loved my family since before I knew I loved my wife and I know he will make you very happy.  With that said, Bucky, you break this amazing woman’s heart, and they will never find you.”  A roar of laughter and Steve raised his glass.  “To James and Ava, may your new life be as happy as mine.  To the bride and groom.”  
After Ava’s father spoke, Belle got up to the piano and sat, smiling at the couple.  “Bucky and Ava are so special to me and my family.  And when they asked me to sing for them, only one song came to mind. I love you guys.”  She started to play as Bucky and Ava stood up for their first dance.  
Heart beats fast  Colors and promises  How to be brave?  How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?  But watching you stand alone  All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow 
One step closer 
I have died every day waiting for you  Darling, don't be afraid  I have loved you for a thousand years  I'll love you for a thousand more 
Time stands still  Beauty in all she is  I will be brave  I will not let anything take away  What's standing in front of me  Every breath, every hour has come to this 
One step closer 
I have died every day waiting for you  Darling, don't be afraid  I have loved you for a thousand years  I'll love you for a thousand more 
And all along I believed I would find you  Time has brought your heart to me  I have loved you for a thousand years  I'll love you for a thousand more 
One step closer 
One step closer 
I have died every day waiting for you  Darling, don't be afraid  I have loved you for a thousand years  I'll love you for a thousand more 
And all along I believed I would find you  Time has brought your heart to me  I have loved you for a thousand years  I'll love you for a thousand more 
  Bucky and Ava finished their dance with a kiss and the crowd applauded as Steve helped Belle down to hug her brother and sister-in-law. “Love you guys.”  
As the wedding came to a close, Tony and Pepper walked over to take the twins with them to their cabin for the weekend.  Belle became teary for the idea of her babies leaving but Steve looped his arms around her.  “They will be ok.  Uncle Tony and Auntie Pep have it.”  
“I know. I’m sorry.” She wiped her eyes as the twins came over to give her a hug.  “Promise you will behave for your Uncle and Aunt.”  
“Yes mama,” Jamie answered.  
Steve kneeled in front of his son.  “You take care of your sister. ok?” 
Jamie nodded.  “Yes daddy.”  
“Good.”  He kissed his head and then hugged his princess. They watched them leave and Steve took his wife’s hand.  “All to myself, sweet pea.”  
“Yes sir.” Belle smirked as she watched Steve’s eyes darken slightly.  He pulled her to the elevator to get back to their room in the hotel.  As soon as the doors closed, Steve lifted Belle to his hips with a squeak, wrapping her legs around him, her back pressed against the wall.  
“You are a vixen, my love.”  He placed gentle kisses around her neck and collarbone.  Belle whines when he gently nipped at her skin.  “Hush, baby.”  
“Stevie,” she whispered.  
“I love it when you call me that.” The elevator pinged and the doors opened to their floor.  Steve carries his pregnant wife to their suite. He never lost stride, never lost his grip on his precious cargo. He opened their door and moved to their king sized bed.  He laid her down and began kissing every part of her body he could reach, eventually reaching up and pulling the zipper of her dress. He yanked the fabric away and moaned at the sight of his girl in just panties. “Jesus doll.”  
“Something you like Captain?” she purred and at that point Steve went feral. He tore his suit away, literally and was down to his boxers when he began to kiss Belle’s legs starting at her ankle. His kisses were feather light and driving Belle wild.  “Steve, please.”  
“You know what you have to say, princess.” Steve got closer to where she needed him, her hormones now in overdrive.  
“Wreck me sir. Take me to heaven.”  
In an instant, Steve ripped her panties away and drove his tongue into her warm heat.  She arched her back and cried out, his ministrations sending her head spinning.  He worked her body like he had known for the last five years. He could feel her building but holding back.  “Let go princess.  Let me drink you in.”  
She shook her head, wanting it to last.  Steve chuckled at her stubbornness.  “Ok then.”  He slipped his large digit in and hit her spot inside. Belle moaned and then screamed at Steve latched onto her clit, gently nibbling it.  She couldn’t stop the rush as she climaxed all over him, losing sight of her surroundings as the blood pumped behind her eyes.  
Steve slowed to let her come down before he pulled away to remove his boxers and he laid next to her, pulling her on top.  This was his favorite, where he could watch Belle lose herself on him. He placed her right over his rock-hard cock and guided himself in. They both moaned at the fullness, and Belle began to move her hips, her small bump sliding across Steve’s abs.  
“Oh, princess. So good, sweet pea, so fucking good.”  
“Stevie, I can’t,” as she began to slow.  
“Yes, you can because you’re my good girl, my baby mama.” He put his hands on her hips to help her. He could feel her being to grip him. “Always so warm and ready for me. Fuck Belle.”  
“Steve,” she moaned, “fuck Captain, please.”  She felt him grow harder and she knew he was almost there.  
“C’mon baby, one more time, let go for me. Cum all over me Isabella, make me yours.”  
“Mine, all mine!” He was thrusting his hips to hit her spot over and over and she was lost again as she clamped down on him.  
“Mine,” Steve grunted as he let go in her, filling her up again. Belle slumped forward and he caught her before she crushed her stomach and turned them, so she was on her side and he was still inside her. “So beautiful my Isabella.”  
“I love you,” she mumbled as exhaustion took over.  
“I love you more, my beautiful, sweet pea.”  
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The next morning, Belle woke with Steve still sleeping next to her.  Five years later and she never got tired of seeing him asleep, looking younger and more at peace.  She quietly got up and went to the ensuite coffee maker, checking her phone.  She saw an email from her publicist.  She opened it and squealed loudly.  
Steve ran in a moment later in just his boxers.  “Baby, you ok?” 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby, but the New York Times has reviewed the restaurant!”  
A year after the twins were born, Belle wanted to pursue her dream of opening a restaurant. Steve and Tony wanted to invest and helped find the perfect spot for her.  But what was a hidden blessing was Ava wanting to be her partner.  Ava has restaurant management experience and was invested in Belle’s concept.  American fusion.  She took the recipes she knew and elevated.  After extensive testing (with Bucky being her taste tester, of course,) they had the final menu set and opened “Home Kitchen” just six months ago.  
“What did they say, sweet pea?” 
“Three stars, Stevie, he gave me three stars. Oh my god!” Steve picked her up and swung her around.  
“I knew it baby.  I knew you would be great!” 
“I can’t believe it.” She read the review, raving about the simplicity of her menu but the sophistication of it made it other-worldly. He labeled it the “must eat” restaurant in Manhattan. “Steve, he’s raving about it. I gotta tell Ava.”  
“Ava is probably a bit busy at the moment love.” He sat them on the couch, with his girl on his lap and caressed her bump. “How’s my son?” 
“He’s moving around. Excited for his momma.  He’s...” she went still.  
“Belle?” She grabbed his hand and moved it to one side.  And he felt it, a movement against his hand.  He smiled. “Hello son.” He tracked his movements until he calmed.  
She watched the wonder on his face. “Do you regret it?” 
“Regret what love?” 
“Giving up the shield. Just being Steve Rogers and not Captain America?” 
After Belle’s near death from the birth of the twins, she had told him about her dream with her father.  And while Steve didn’t believe in ghosts, he did believe that family would visit when they needed to tell their loved ones a message.  He had seen his Ma a couple of times, so he had no doubt Phil had visited her. Phil’s instructions were clear; Steve needed to be with his family but holding onto the shield would stop him from that.  
Sam was surprised when Steve handed the shield to him.  He assumed that Bucky would be the next, but Steve knew, his best friend was done with the fight, especially when he had proposed to Ava.  Sam and Nat were still ok with going on missions when needed.  Sam was the obvious choice.  And Steve felt at peace, knowing the world was in safe hands.  
“My only regret is not kissing you more often and I would regret not watching our family grow.  You and the kids are my whole world.” He kissed her softly. “I am devoted to you Isabella Maria Rogers.”  
“And I am submissively yours Steven Grant Rogers.”  
He looked into her beautiful violet eyes.  
She looked back into his ocean blues. 
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kisskida · 1 month
Sparring Partners
Jing Yuan x Stelle comfort After getting her ass handed to her in hand to hand combat training with the General, she ends up at his house, having a nice dinner and letting sparks fly, developing their relationship further than just friends
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The red earth clung to her skin, beads of icy sweat rolling down her forehead as she tumbled across the ground once again. A mocking smile on her opponent's face as he taunted her “What’s wrong? I thought you could at least hold your own against me” he offered a helping hand. His skin felt sandpapery against her soft palm as she rose once again, dull pangs shot through her body as it ached in protest of another round. The sun bore down unrelentingly as they resumed sparring, bodies locked together in violent embraces, bruises blooming like little purple blossoms every time he landed a hit on her. Tumbling to the ground again as his leg swept into her ankles she let out a frustrated snarl.
“You don’t have to send me flying every time you know?” she wiped her face roughly with the back of her hand, spitting on the ground and running her hand through her hair, pulling it back off her face.
“Well, you wanted to learn, did you not? You’ll never learn hand to hand combat if I baby you Stelle” he chuckled, his deep voice playful and soothing as she pouted. Her silky silver hair was run through with red dust and roughed up like a bird's nest whilst his messy white hair had not a speck of red dust throughout it and wasn’t displaced at all, not once had she paid him back for tossing her in the dirt. Not once in the three hours they’d been sparring.
“Yeah but…whatever” she gave up and sat back down in the dirt. Her body was sore beyond words and the sheer relief she felt as she relaxed brought a reflexive smile to her face.
“Giving up?” Jing yuan smiled down at her “I suppose you did well enough for a learner” reaching down, he picked her up in a bridal carry, holding her close to his body.
“What-” Stelle struggled against his hold, face flushing with embarrassment “General! Put me down-” she tried to roll sideways out of his arms but his vice-like grip resisted “Where are we going?!” she gave up, sinking into the embrace.
“I’ll treat you to a homemade dinner, it's the least I can do for you after throwing you in the dirt for three hours straight” he stifled a laugh as she sulked. Once they got inside he carefully put her down “Go shower, you can borrow some of my clothes” he tossed a shirt and pair of tracksuit pants at her and gestured to a door down the hallway.
A pleasurable sigh escaped her mouth as hot water ran rivers down her skin, washing away the dirt and grime accumulated from the dusty training grounds. She scrubbed her hair thoroughly with his shampoo, ensuring no red streaks were left and returning her locks to their silky state. Tossing the oversized clothes on, she yawned and headed out to the kitchen “General, I’m done-” she paused, at a loss for words from the scene before her. This epitome of masculinity, built like a Greek god, was standing before her in a cute pink apron, a nice and neat bow tying it around his bare back with cute sparkles in little heart shapes, shirt tossed haphazardly on the floor. Whatever he was making smelled irresistible and she couldn't resist her stomach as she sniffed around the kitchen, trying to determine which of the numerous pots and pans held the mouth-watering scent.
“Stelle, be patient, it’s almost done” he ran a hand through his dishevelled hair and she noticed bandaids littering his fingers. She couldn't help giggling as she pictured the oh so talented and masculine idol of a General scrunching his brows as he tried to dice vegetables, dressed in the cutest apron she’d ever seen. Seeing her giggling at his attire, he ruffled her hair and pushed her out of the kitchen, guiding her to the couch “Now stay”
She slapped his dirty hand away from her freshly washed hair “Yeah yeah…cute apron by the way” a fit of giggles consumed her again as she flopped down onto the lounge, sinking into the velvety cushions. The words were quickly taken out of her mouth as a steaming plate of delicious meats was placed in front of her, she ignored the vegetables as her mouth watered, practically drooling in anticipation. A moment of hesitation crossed her mind as she recalled some important information “General…can you even cook?” looking pointedly at his bandaid covered fingers and the slightly burnt potatoes, she gave him a questioning look.
“Well, I’ve cooked once or twice in my life, if it smells good, it’ll taste just fine. Dig in” he gave her a playful pat on the back, before sitting down on the couch beside her. What he forgot to take into account was the size difference between them, his playful pat almost knocked the wind out of her and just sitting down heavily on the couch made her almost fall on top of him as he sunk into the cushions.
He was right, he was so very right that Stelle didn’t want to admit it. The dinner was delicious and she pretty much inhaled it at three times the speed Jing Yuan was eating. Her gaze slowly turned to him, big cute puppy eyes sparkling with hope. He laughed and poked her cheek before holding out the fork to her, and like a puppy she devoured the offered treat quicker than the eye could see. “I’ll clear the plates, since you cooked” she stood, holding out her hand to take his plate but instead of his plate, he placed his hand in hers, lifting it and kissing her knuckles.
“No need, you’ve never been over here before and I doubt you know how to use a dishwasher Miss ‘I live with the bare necessities’ that apparently don't include a dishwasher or many appliances at all” taking her plate off her, he left her to follow him like a puppy into the kitchen. She banged her head against his back as he hand washed the plates, bored with doing nothing after such an adrenaline filled day “Stelle, keep doing that and you’ll face the consequences” His low voice rumbled and she hesitated for a second before ignoring him completely and hitting him harder.
The consequences were very much faced as Jing Yuan threw her over his shoulder and walked her out to the living room, dropping her on the couch. She grabbed his wrist as he was about to leave, cheeks slightly pink as she avoided his gaze. His rationality failed him as he hovered over her, almost nose to nose. Their breaths mingled, his eyes flicking down to her lips before back up to her eyes again. He cupped her face with one hand, gently caressing her cheek as she leaned into his touch “can I?” his voice came out a husky whisper she nodded softly, gold eyes locked as he gently kissed her, soft and delicate like she was a fragile blossom in the wind. “You’re too cute” he teased her, low voice sending shivers down her spine as his breath tickled her ear.
“You’re so mean to me General” she rolled onto her side, now avoiding him. A small smile decorated her features and a cherry blossom blush warmed her cheeks. “We should’ve been sparring partners sooner” she rolled back over, wrapping her arms around his neck and grinning cheekily as she yanked him down off balance, his full weight falling on top of her “Nope-” she wheezed as the air was crushed out of her lungs “bad idea- cant breathe” she hit his back as he laughed, not moving despite her pleas.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
I should have just included this in the other ask rip but just imagine him + wedding planning omg. He would have to have a hand in e v e r y t h i n g, i could honestly see him being more into the little details (flowers, colors, etc) than you are. And don’t get me started on when you eventually go dress shopping.. i think it would gut him to not be able to go with you 😭
ok but like matty would be so involved in wedding planning. like every step he is there and helping and wanting to be involved and just so excited
matty healy has a secret pinterest board for your wedding. that's it, that's the thought
so after you guys eventually decide on a venue and date (i think late spring/early summer, and the venue somewhere either in london or near where one of you grew up, really cool and maybe something to do with music/culture??), matty goes IN on planning. i can see him being really into muted warm colours - cream and sand and dusty rose, with some minimal gold accents, but quite a lot of greenery in the floral arrangements (this is what the pinterest board consists of pictures of lmao). he takes a real interest in everything, but he'll immediately discard any idea you're even slightly unsure about (which makes you feel a bit guilty because it's his day just as much as yours, but he literally doesn't care because he really just wants to see you happy). i wrote a thing recently about matty burning cd's for you as an act of love, and i think the table names for your wedding breakfast are all songs from the first playlist/mixtape he ever made you - that was your idea, though, and he did cry when you suggested it. and yeah, matty WISHES he could go dress shopping with you, just because he likes looking at you (like you come home from any shopping trip and he's immediately requesting a fashion show of everything you bought that day lol), but he knows you'll look stunning in whatever dress you end up with because it's you and you look stunning always! you take his mum with you in your bridal shopping entourage, though - denise cries when she sees you in literally every dress and you're like "ohhhhhh so this is genetic ok i get it now". and matty pesters her for details on your dress after you pick it, but she shuts him up with a "matthew, i am not giving anything away, so don't even bother asking" lol <3
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merrybrides · 8 months
Winter Wedding Bouquet Ideas
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This ruby red bouquet boasts a mix of King Protea, roses, gerbera daisies, fritillaria, waxflower, silver brunia, eryngium, tulips and gorgeous greenery.
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A frosty bouquet of light peach, pink and cream roses, dusty miller and silver brunia proves pastel is perfect for winter.
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This stunning winter bouquet features velvety red roses, quicksand roses, lisianthus, dried bunny tails, and more. The pretty palette of deep red and blush pink was simply gorgeous.
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A total winter white out has never looked so good, bursting with crisp white roses, white ferns, and draping amaranthus.
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Add a little Art Deco style and a pop of color against white with peacock feathers and purple calla lilies.
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This dreamy white winter bouquet is filled with white O’Hara Roses, Mona Lisa anemones, ranunculus, spray roses, Queen Anne's Lace and trailing jasmine which adds even more magic.
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A gorgeous, frosty blue bouquet features roses, anemones, berries, dusty miller and silver brunia.
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We're loving this winter take on a boho bouquet which features pampas grass, lunaria, olive and eucalyptus foliage, and roses.
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A total winter whiteout has never looked so good, bursting with crisp white roses, white ferns, and draping amaranthus.
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This ranunculus, waxflower, spray rose, muscari, and eucalyptus bouquet is paired with fragrant pine, giving it an unmistakably wintry feel.
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The Christmas Rose (also known as hellebore) is such a showstopper in this bouquet. It's joined by whimsical fritillaria, roses, lisianthus, and waxflower to make the perfect winter posy.
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This stunning Winter bridal bouquet of purple blooms pairs moody ranunculus, hellebores, and fritillaria for an unexpected twist on winter wedding flowers.
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Splashes of deep red in this bouquet add a wintry feel. Roses, spray roses, lisianthus, eucalyptus, all tied with red and gold ribbon, add to the festive effect.
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Maximize seasonal foliage with this stunning bouquet featuring eucalyptus, heather, berried ivy, anemones, roses, and ranunculus.
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This classic winter bouquet is filled with roses, ranunculus, and greenery.
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novankenn · 11 months
SAW : Episode Four : First Assignment (Jaune-Air)
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Four gore coated figures shuffled through the dusty landscape. After having survived, or more to the point instigated a brutally visceral slaughter of vampiric creatures, they were tired, almost dead on thier feet.
Juliet : Like mega-yuck!
Ash: What is it now?
Juliet: Everything is drying and flaking off....
DoomGuy: *Grunt
Juliet: Easy for you to say! It's not falling into your cleavage and making your boobs itchy! Right J?
Jaune: Why are you asking ... (Looks down and sees he's still in his magical garment girl outfit.) Oh yeah, right. The dress.
Ash: Well?
Jaune: I don't know. I don't have any more cleavage than you do! Juliet: It's okay, Jaune... you're just a late bloomer.
Jaune: I'm... too tired for this.
DoomGuy: *Grunt
Ash: Doomy we will get there when we get there. Asking every five minutes is NOT making this go any faster.
DoomGuy: *Grunt
Ash: I'm sorry for snapping, but we just spent hours hacking things to pieces, and I'm not looking forward to another two hours of walking before I can put my feet up and have a little...
The trio watch as Ash reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a little ziplock bag.
Ash: They survived, perfectly. This guys will ease our worries away once we get there.
Juliet: Is that what I think it is?
Ash: Um... what do you think it is?
Juliet: Wackey Tobacey.
Ash: Seriously? Did you just call my premium supply Wackey Tobacey? This here (Shakes the bag for emphasis) is the finest grade of weed I have ever had the pleasure of...
Jaune: Ash, put the dope away. Talk later... walk now.
Doomguy: *Grunt
Everyone stops and turned to look at Jaune who just happens to be hovering a foot above the dust and sand that coated the ground.
Juliet/Ash: You can fly.
Jaune: Yes?
Doomguy: *Grunt
Jaune: There is no way I can...
Ash: Not all three of us at the same time, of course not. But one after the other... that you could do.
Jaune: So instead of walking, you want me to make the same trip, like six times?
Juliet: It would be five, and to be honest, yes. Yes we do.
Jaune: But I'm tired as well.
Doomguy: *Grunt
Jaune: That is not an incentive.
Juliet: I would love to try on Doomy's helmet! It's got to be filled with cool stuff... like WI-FI!
Ash: I'll make you a deal. Fly us and one... (shakes the ziplock baggie)
Juliet: You will NOT corrupt Jaune with your womanizing ways!
Ash: I don't have a comeback for that.
Juliet: Jaune... fly us and I'll wash your back.
Jaune: *Blushing* I.. er...
Doomguy: *Grunt
Ash: Yep, that's an offer no one can refuse.
Jaune: (Shoulders slumping upon realizing he wasn't getting out of this.) Fine. Whose first?
DoomGuy: *Grunt
Ash: Right. Ladies first.
Jaune floated towards Juliet, only to grunt as Juliet basically hopped into his arms, forcing him to carry her bridal style and almost fall backwards to land on his ass.
Juliet: Eyes front sweets.
With a slight bit of struggle, having never flown carrying someone else, Jaune rose into the air and took off in the direction they had been walking. Leaving Ash and Doomguy to follow behind on foot, at least until Jaune returned and picked one of them up.
Juliet: I think this is it... maybe? Could it be?
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Jaune: I...
Juliet: You go get the others, I'll check it out!
Jaune weaved in the air as Juliet pushed off him and hopped to the ground. Sighing, he turned about and started back up the path he had followed on the way in.
Juliet: (Moved forward and pries open the partially falling off door) Time for a...
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Juliet: ... bath... crap baskets.
She turned to take in the rest of the dilapidated interior. There was no stove, only a fireplace, rotten sheets hung from the ceiling splitting the space into smaller sections, and the bed... was nothing more than a falling apart bed frame.
Juliet: Double crap baskets.
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shaadiwish · 1 year
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Aashka & Harsh’s Luck By Chance ‘Arranged’ Marriage
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askthedespairkids · 9 months
The Night Belongs to Us
*In Naomi’s room, Amaterasu sits behind her, quietly putting in the finishing touches to Naomi’s hair. It’s just far enough off a bridal bun to still look suitable, but not neat enough to draw suspicion*
Amaterasu: ...there. Looks good.
Naomi: It does. I didn’t think you were so good with hair, Amaterasu-san.
Amaterasu: One of my many talents.
Naomi: Clearly. But are not already running a little late? We should hurry up. *She smooths out her dress and stands up* ...I’m worried. Don’t I look a little formal just for us all getting together.
Amaterasu: Considering the circumstances, why not allow yourself to look a little more formal. Besides...*She checks herself out, in the dusty pink tailored suit* It would a shame to let Maemi-chan’s designs go to waste. (Even if the colour washes me out).
Naomi: True to that. Should we go?
Amaterasu: Yeah. *She puts her hand in her pocket, clicking a button on a remote inside*
*At the wedding venue, everyone has arrived in their outfits. Junpei has a buzzer is his suit trouser pocket that alarms*
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That’s Amaterasu-san’s signal, everyone! Which means Naomi’s gonna be here soon!
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Alright! Places, everybody! This is it!
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*He walks up to Junpei* How’s Graves doin’?
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Orochi’s calming them down in the back. I think we’ll be okay...no turning back after all this anyway.
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...hey. Thanks.
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Huh? What for?
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Y’gotta ask? You’ve done all this for my niece. I’ll always appreciate you for all the work you’ve done. And you’ve been her friend for all these year...to be honest, because of her connections to Hope’s Peak, she didn’t always have the most healthy friendships in school...so thanks for that as well.
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...of course. Naomi’s been taking care of me all this time. It’s the least I can do for her.
Naomi: Oh man, how far down the beach is this?
Amaterasu: Not too much further. They must’ve really wanted the décor to be a surprise.
Naomi: *She spots the flames of some torches up ahead* Ugh finally. *She reaches the torches and finds that boards have been placed down on the sand to make it easier for Naomi to walk in her heels* Well, they had the sense to this much at least.
Amaterasu: Go ahead.
Naomi: Huh?
Amaterasu: *Gestures down the road of boards* I’ll be behind you. Just go ahead.
Naomi: You’re being weird.
Amaterasu: ...
Naomi: ...*She sighs* Alright then? *She continues ahead, as she moves along the path, music starts to become audible in the distance. Soft piano music that enhances the evening atmosphere. The torches become bigger and the decorations become more noticeable. White and pink ribbons on the torches, small arrangements of balloons along the path*
*Naomi eventually turns a corner made by pots of greenery and white arches, coming around to the ceremony itself. The boardwalk is decorated with a white carpet and on either side are assortments of chairs. Her whole class, her uncle, and Kyouko and Makoto are present, all dressed up for the occasion. Kyoji stands at the end of the white carpet underneath the balloon arch. Off to the side, Kaede is delicately playing on the piano next to an extravagant four-tiered cake*
Naomi: I...*She almost laughs* What is all this...? It’s looks like-
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A wedding?
Naomi: ...*Her faces turns to realisation* This...this-
*Karma walks out from behind some of the shrubbery decorations, dressing in a pink and light blue tuxedo with a tailcoat. Their baseball cap is still sitting proudly upon their head, with a white rose attached to it. They walk down to the top of the aisle up to Naomi*
Karma: ...hi there.
Naomi: ...this is a wedding? For us?
Karma: Surprise? *They grin sheepishly* Junpei coordinated all of it to make a surprise...
Naomi: Junpei-kun?
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Karma wanted to get married before...
Karma: Yeah...I’m sorry! If you hate all this, then I totally understand! I promise you don’t have to count this at all! Once the fighting is over, we can have another wedding - an even bigger one that you can have complete control over! We’ll have a traditional Japanese wedding! Or a traditional Jewish wedding, if you’d prefer...honestly, I don’t know much about either-
Naomi: *She starts to giggle and then breaks into a laugh*
Karma: Wh...what’s so funny? Is it the suit?!
Naomi: No no, love, you look wonderful. It’s all...*She takes in, and breathlessly says* Wonderful...
Karma: You’re not mad then?
Naomi: Oh, I definitely will be having a redo after the battle. But this? It’s just...beautiful. You all...you all look amazing as well. And thank you, Maemi-san, for the dress.
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*Maemi is dressed in a pale blue dress with darker blue detailing, her hair pulled back in a ponytail* No, no. Thank Muro-kun for that one.
Naomi: I shall.
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And let’s not forget the most important part- go on, kiddo.
*Madoka walks around in a dress the same shade of pink as Naomi’s dress’ details, with a small basket of flower petals. She looks up at Naomi and then reaches into the basket and throws a handful of petals at her*
Madoka: Bwam!
Naomi: *She laughs and crouches down to Madoka* Aw, Mado, you look beautiful. Definitely more beautiful than mommy.
Karma: So, um...Naomi.
Naomi: *She stands back up* Yes?
Karma: Do you wanna get married...?
Naomi: *She giggles* Like you need to even ask.
Karma: Okay...okay! *They run back down and stand at the arch.*
*Kaede takes her cue to start playing again. With some encouragement, Madoka walks down the aisle, clumsily throwing the petals down onto the ground before going to the side.*
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*He offers his arm* If I may have the pleasure of walking you down?
Naomi: Of course. *She takes Koichi’s arm and the two walk down*
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...I’m sorry this is all happening without your parents...
Naomi: *Her smile shakes bit* I know...but they’d be happy, right?
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Overjoyed. And very proud.
Naomi: Then that’s enough.
*The two reach the arch and Koichi lets Naomi go and she stand opposite Karma. Koichi takes his seat as Junpei and Sadao stand and join Karma’s side, in similarly designed tuxedos. Similarly, Kyouko and Orochi stand to join Naomi’s side...in matching dusty pink dresses*
Naomi: *She stops herself from chuckling* I should’ve know you’d try and out dress me.
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As if I could.
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*She presents Naomi with a bouquet of her favourite flowers* You look beautiful, Naomi.
Naomi: You do too. I better be the maid of honour at your wedding.
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Naomi: *She turns her back to Kyouko with a sly grin* Alright...I’m ready.
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Then we’ll begin.
We’re gathered here today to celebrate the love and union between Naomi Kizakura and Karma Graves. Before we begin, if anyone should have any reason that these two should not be married-
Karma: Keep it to yourself.
*A few people laugh*
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That works too.
Now, usually this is the part where we would go through the story of how the two met, and how they fell in love and how their story got to this day. Though with such short notice, and with it being a surprise to one of our parties I couldn’t exactly get a rounded story.
Naomi: Well, we were all there for the king’s game.
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So...I’ll pass it to our couple. They can tell us their story through their own words.
Naomi: Just...off the cuff?
Karma: Sorry.
Naomi: No, it’s fine! Not a hard topic to talk about.
Karma: Then, will I...?
Naomi: If I could?
Karma: O-of course!
Naomi: I don't have my vows planned out, because someone didn't bother telling me I was getting married until… What, thirty seconds ago? And despite my many skills, coming up with speeches on the spot is… Not one of these. So I'll keep it short. *She takes a breath and looks into Karma’s eyes* Anyway, Karma. I loved you for years, we have a kid together, and I promise to love you and to care for you for the rest of my life. I'm sure there should be like three more sections of things I promise, but I don't remember them now, so I'll just go with those. I think those are the big ones. And now I'm rambling, so I will stop. Love and care. Let's stick to these.
Karma: *They’re grinning like an idiot* I love that. Very you.
Naomi: Would rather get it out of the way than stand thinking ‘Agh, what to say?’ *They both giggle*
Karma: *They take a breath, nervously taking out a piece of paper* Sorry, I just...I’m worried I’ll forget something I wanna say.
Naomi: Go ahead.
Karma: *They nod* Naomi... God I had a hard time writing this, not because of anything bad, but because there is so much I wish I could say. I just don't have the words. From our first kiss at the Christmas Party, all the way to now, I've loved spending my life with you in my arms, and I will continue to. Naomi, you help me feel safe and grounded, and I only hope to provide you and Mado with the same sense of love and safety. I adore you, and have nothing but hope and excitement for our future together once the world is back in order. I promise to look out for you and Mado, and to bring joy into your lives, as you have done with mine. You fill me with nothing but love and happiness, and I am so happy to have you in my life. I wouldn't trade our time together for anything. You're my light in the dark, and I promise to treasure that. Here's to our future, come what may. I love you Naomi, and that's never gonna change.
Naomi: ...*She clears her throat, clearly struggling to stop herself from tearing up* I love you, too.
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Do you, Karma Graves, take Kizakura Naomi to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Karma: I do.
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And do you, Kizakura Naomi, take Karma Graves to your lawfully wedded partner?
Naomi: *She grins* I do.
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Then by the power vested in me by...
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Junpei? *A few people laugh*
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I hereby pronounce you officially married.
*Karma and Naomi come together for a final kiss as the ceremony attendees break out into cheers. From the sides, Rina and Amaterasu throw rose petals over the two. Naomi and Karma giggle and look across the party*
Karma: ...I love you.
Naomi: ...I love you more.
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beathelmet5 · 2 years
All About Balloon Decor
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infoblogifyzen · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Perfect Bridesmaids Bouquets for Every Season
The wedding day is a tapestry of delicate moments and timeless memories, and at the very heart of it, the bridal party's flowers often play a starring role. They symbolize beauty, elegance, and the transience of blooming love across all seasons. If you are a bride with that special day inching nearer, or a meticulous wedding planner dedicated to perfection, the choice of bouquets for your bridesmaids can be a delightful canvas to express your unique wedding vision.
In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the floral landscapes of every season, the art of choosing the right flowers, and bespoke ways to infuse individuality into each bouquet. We'll also explore ways to ensure those blooms remain as fresh and radiant as the wedding day itself.
Seasonal Bridesmaids Bouquets
Flowers are the voice of the seasons, singing different melodies as the year evolves. We'll begin with the essence of spring, the lightness of summer, the richness of Fall, and the frost-kissed elegance of Winter.
Picture a meadow kissed by the first light of spring, and that’s the inspiration for your bridesmaids bouquets: a refined mix of pastel-hued lilies, tulips, and perhaps a dash of violet blossoms. Think about adding some greenery for a fresh and light feel, and don't shy away from more eclectic choices like ranunculus, craspedia or sweet peas for a surprise touch.
For a summer wedding, it’s all about vibrancy and vivacity. Opt for a burst of color with peonies, sunflowers or daisies paired with eye-catching greenery such as eucalyptus or fern leaves to create a striking contrast. These bouquets aren't just a feast for the eyes, but they should also be crafted for utility — sturdy to withstand the summer sun and perhaps with a water pouch or soaked sponge for hydration.
In the crispness of autumn, bridesmaids' bouquets echo the changing leaves with warm, earthy tones. Incorporate rich reds, burnt oranges, and deep purples with textural elements like billy balls, thistles, and pampas grass for a unique and dramatic look. These bouquets should be a touch heavier to match the season's mood, often lauded for their lush and opulent feel.
Winter weddings call for the elegance of classic flowers like roses, combined with winter's very own flora, the amaryllis. Dusty miller and pine add a silvery sheen that reflects the season’s charm beautifully. The winter bridesmaid bouquet is at once understated and sophisticated, aligning perfectly with the season’s minimalist style.
Choosing the Right Flowers
Selecting the flowers is a pivotal part of the wedding preparation. This decision should be considered while contemplating various factors such as the color scheme, fragrance, and availability.
Scent-Sational Choices
Scent is an often-overlooked but powerful detail. While some couples prioritize fragrance, others may wish to avoid it, especially if a bridesmaid is sensitive to strong scents. Opt for lightly scented flowers like roses or peonies to strike a pleasant balance.
The Durability Dilemma
The durability of the flowers is of the utmost importance, especially in warmer seasons when bouquets are more prone to wilting. Choose hardy blooms like carnations, chrysanthemums, or succulents which can last through the day, and even be kept as a keepsake.
In Bloom or Not?
Seasonal blooms are not only more cost-effective but also signify the time of year more strongly. Be aware of the flowers that are in or out of season and select accordingly. Working with the season doesn't just keep costs down; it also ties the bouquet to the couple’s chosen time of year.
Bridesmaids Bouquets that Last
Your bridesmaids’ bouquets, like every other detail of your special day, deserve to be remembered in their perfect form. Ensuring those blooms last is part art, part science.
The Water Trick
To keep bouquets fresh, you can consider the ‘water pouch’ trick by using floral foam-soaked pouches at the ends of the stems. This keeps the flowers hydrated for longer without compromising the bouquet’s aesthetics.
Preserving the Petals
If your wedding bouquet includes flowers with sentimental value, you might want to consider the several preservation techniques available. Pressing, drying, or even freeze-drying can be an enchanting way to keep those flowers alive even after the big day.
Customization and Personalization
Each member of your bridal party brings their own individual light to your wedding celebrations, and their bouquets can do the same. Here are some ideas to make each bouquet as unique as your bridesmaids.
Personal Touches
Consider adding a small, personalized element to each bouquet. It could be a locket with a photo of the couple or a charm bracelet that embodies the shared interests of the wedding party.
Exclusive Embellishments
Add an unexpected touch to each bouquet. Perhaps a vintage silk ribbon, a bit of lace from a family heirloom, or a sprig of a plant that signifies something special to the bridesmaid.
Complementary Colors
The bridesmaids' dresses not only determine the colors of the bouquets but also how monochromatic or how much of a pop of color the bouquets need to have. It's all about creating a visual harmony that satiates not just your eye but the lens and hearts of all attendees.
Lenox Hill Florist
In the bustling world of wedding planning, an expert’s touch is often the brush that adds the perfect stroke to the canvas. Lenox Hill Florist is renowned for crafting stunning seasonal bouquets tailored to meet the unique visions of their clients. With an eye for detail and a commitment to quality, they stand ready to turn your floral dreams into intricate reality.
The bouquet is more than just a bunch of flowers; it’s an integral part of the story that your wedding is telling. Consider the season, the sentiment, and the style when choosing the blooms that will be held dear by your closest companions.
Bridesmaids’ bouquets are a symbol of unity, a token of your appreciation for the women standing by your side, and a reflection of your heart’s innermost yearnings. Through the careful selection of seasonal flowers, personal touches, and preservation methods, each bridesmaid bouquet can be a miniature masterpiece that captures the essence of your big day.
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grady70 · 3 months
Pip’s Last Visit – Trisha Leigh Shufelt
Spill the tea, Miss HavishamDine on the moldering wedding cakeSip grief from your dusty tea cupsScatter the dried rose petalsfrom your musty bridal bouquetover the gossamer spider websand candle wax drippingsAll that once was and will never beis hidden behind your tattered virgin veilOnly the mice that nip anguishfrom your festering fleshknow the heartbreakyour tongue […]Pip’s Last Visit – Trisha…
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rohini2019 · 5 months
Pastel Panache- A Symphony of Elegance in 10 Real Brides’ Lehengas
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The timeless allure of pastel colors has transcended seasons, and brides are increasingly choosing these soft and dreamy hues to grace their special day. In this showcase, we’ll explore 10 stunning pastel color bridal lehengas that we recently spotted on real brides. From serene blues to delicate pinks, each ensemble tells a unique story of elegance and romance.
Dancing in Pastels- A Tale of Timeless Romance
Amidst the swirl of pastel hues, each bride donned more than just a lehenga; she embraced a narrative of timeless romance. The soft whispers of mint green and blush pink echoed love stories that transcended generations, while lavender dreams unfolded like pages from a cherished novel. These pastel ensembles not only adorned the brides but became vessels carrying the essence of their unique love stories.
From the delicate lacework of a peachy affair to the vivacious charm of coral, each lehenga told a tale of joy, resilience, and the promise of a beautiful journey ahead. As we traverse through these pastel landscapes, we’re not merely witnessing fashion but participating in a celebration of love, where every thread and embellishment adds another chapter to the book of everlasting romance.
Serene Sky-Blue Delight
Our journey begins with a breathtaking sky blue bridal lehenga that effortlessly captures the essence of tranquility. Adorned with intricate silver embroidery, this pastel masterpiece is a testament to the bride’s choice of embracing subtlety without compromising on regality.
Whispers of Mint Green Magic
Mint green has emerged as a favorite among modern brides, and for good reason. A recent bridal ensemble in this soothing hue featured delicate floral motifs and subtle sequin work, creating an ethereal aura that perfectly complemented the bride’s radiant glow.
Blush Pink Romance
Blush pink remains a perennial favorite for brides who seek a perfect blend of romance and sophistication. A recent sighting showcased a bride in a blush pink lehenga adorned with cascading floral patterns, exuding timeless charm and femininity.
Lavender Dreams Unveiled
Lavender, with its enchanting undertones, took center stage in a recent bridal lehenga that left us mesmerized. The intricate zari work and delicate sequins transformed the lavender canvas into a dreamy masterpiece, reflecting the bride’s penchant for elegance.
Powder Blue Perfection
Powder blue made a stunning appearance in a bridal ensemble that struck the perfect balance between traditional and contemporary. The lehenga featured intricate silver threadwork, creating a celestial aura around the bride as she embarked on her new journey.
Mellow Yellow Radiance
For the bride who dares to be different, a mellow yellow lehenga exuded radiance and positivity. Adorned with gold embellishments, this unconventional choice reflected the bride’s vibrant personality and added a touch of sunshine to her wedding festivities.
Peachy Affair of Grace
A peach-colored bridal lehenga adorned with intricate lacework and sequins epitomized grace and sophistication. The subtle play of pastel tones added a touch of understated glamour, making it a perfect choice for the bride who appreciates timeless elegance.
Seafoam Green Serenity
Seafoam green made a serene statement in a recent bridal lehenga, featuring intricate silver and gold embroidery. The subtle shimmer of sequins added a touch of glamour to the ensemble, creating a look that was both regal and refreshing.
Coral Charm Unleashed
Coral, with its vivacious charm, took center stage in a recent bridal lehenga that radiated joy and exuberance. The delicate beadwork and embroidery in shades of coral and gold added a touch of opulence, making it a standout choice for the modern bride.
Dusty Rose Elegance
Our journey concludes with a dusty rose bridal lehenga that epitomized timeless elegance. The intricate floral patterns and delicate lacework in shades of rose and gold created a look that seamlessly blended tradition with contemporary aesthetics.
As real brides continue to redefine bridal fashion, the allure of pastel color bridal lehenga remains unparalleled. These 10 exquisite ensembles serve as a testament to the versatility and timelessness of pastel hues, proving that brides can embrace subtlety without compromising on the grandeur of their special day. Whether it’s a serene sky blue or a vibrant mellow yellow, pastel color bridal lehengas are here to stay, adding a touch of sophistication and romance to every bride’s journey down the aisle.
Source : https://www.hitranks.com/lifestyle/pastel-panache-a-symphony-of-elegance-in-10-real-brides-lehengas/
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chicsew · 8 months
Ephemeral Threads: Redefining Bridal Styles with Unique Stories in Bridesmaid Ensemble Choices
In the ethereal tapestry of weddings, the choice of bridesmaid dresses becomes a canvas for crafting unique stories. Beyond the conventional, brides are now seeking ephemeral threads that weave individuality into the very fabric of their bridal party's ensemble. ChicSew.co.uk, an avant-garde platform, unfolds a narrative of distinctive styles with the glimmer of champagne bridesmaid dresses, the earthy warmth of terracotta bridesmaid dresses, the delicate charm of dusty rose bridesmaid dresses, the timeless allure of olive green bridesmaid dresses, and the satin sophistication of bridesmaid dresses in the UK. As brides embark on the journey of redefining bridal styles, ChicSew.co.uk stands as the curator of ephemeral threads, inviting them to explore beyond boundaries.
Champagne Bridesmaid Dresses UK: Glistening Elegance ChicSew.co.uk introduces champagne bridesmaid dresses as an embodiment of glistening elegance. The subdued yet radiant hue becomes a thread that delicately shimmers in the wedding narrative. These dresses, meticulously crafted with attention to detail, invite brides to explore the depths of sophistication. Champagne bridesmaid dresses from ChicSew.co.uk are not merely garments; they are ephemeral threads that reflect the timeless elegance of the celebration.
Terracotta Bridesmaid Dresses: Earthy Warmth In the pursuit of unique stories, ChicSew.co.uk unravels the earthy warmth of terracotta bridesmaid dresses. Terracotta, with its grounding and comforting tones, becomes a thread that connects the bridal party to the essence of nature. These dresses, with their rich and warm hues, redefine conventional notions of bridal styles. Terracotta bridesmaid dresses at ChicSew.co.uk are more than attire; they are an invitation to embrace the organic beauty of an earth-inspired palette.
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Dusty Rose Bridesmaid Dresses: Delicate Charm For brides desiring a delicate charm in their narrative, ChicSew.co.uk unveils dusty rose bridesmaid dresses. The soft and muted tones of dusty rose become a thread that delicately ties together the romantic ambiance of a wedding. Crafted with a blend of grace and subtlety, these dresses elevate the bridal party's style to ethereal heights. Dusty rose bridesmaid dresses speak of a delicate charm that transcends fleeting trends.
Olive Green Bridesmaid Dresses: Timeless Allure In the exploration of timeless allure, ChicSew.co.uk introduces olive green bridesmaid dresses. Olive green, with its enduring charm, becomes a thread that weaves through the narrative of a wedding with timeless elegance. These dresses, adorned with unique details, invite brides to embrace a palette that stands the test of time. Olive green bridesmaid dresses at ChicSew.co.uk are more than garments; they are chapters of enduring allure in the story of a bride's special day.
Satin Bridesmaid Dresses UK: Sophistication Unveiled ChicSew.co.uk unravels the epitome of sophistication with satin bridesmaid dresses UK. Satin, with its lustrous texture, becomes a thread that unveils a world of refined glamour. These dresses, designed with a focus on opulence, redefine the standards of bridal styles. Satin bridesmaid dresses at ChicSew.co.uk are not merely garments; they are ephemeral threads that reflect the opulent aspirations of the bridal party.
ChicSew.co.uk: Curating Ephemeral Threads of Style
Avant-Garde Styles Beyond Conventions: ChicSew.co.uk stands as a harbinger of avant-garde styles, encouraging brides to venture beyond conventions and explore styles that reflect their unique stories.
Attention to Detail, Crafted to Perfection: The commitment to quality at ChicSew.co.uk goes beyond trends. Each dress is meticulously crafted, with an unwavering focus on details, ensuring that brides receive attire that is crafted to perfection.
Global Exploration of Styles: ChicSew.co.uk invites brides from around the globe to explore its diverse and exquisite collection. The platform transcends geographical boundaries, making the exploration of styles a global affair.
Guided Elegance: The team at ChicSew.co.uk believes in guided elegance. Brides receive personalized guidance to navigate through the vast collection, ensuring that each choice aligns with their vision of an ideal bridal party ensemble.
Ephemeral Threads, Lasting Memories: ChicSew.co.uk understands that wedding attire is not just fabric; it is the weaving of ephemeral threads that create lasting memories. The platform invites brides to craft their narratives with attire that transcends time.
As brides embark on the journey of redefining bridal styles, ChicSew.co.uk emerges as the atelier where ephemeral threads of individuality are woven into the very essence of the bridal party's ensemble. From the glistening elegance of champagne to the earthy warmth of terracotta, delicate charm of dusty rose, timeless allure of olive green, and the unveiled sophistication of satin, ChicSew.co.uk unfolds a saga where each dress is a chapter in the story of a bride's special day.
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sillegirlthrifts · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Davids Bridal Womens Bridesmaid Wrap Dress Sz S-M Dusty Rose Pink Prom Adjustabl.
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thepotluckshoppe-blog · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: HOUSE OF WU Wedding, Ballroom, Quinceañera, Prom, Homecoming Dress Gown | Size 8.
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