#bright x tu
elogval · 2 years
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A sky full of stars 💫✨⭐
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xinging-unicorn · 2 years
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Thyme and Gorya + laying in each other's laps
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menaasstuff · 5 months
The Misfortunate Incident
Chapter Two
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While walking to the kitchen in search of some food after her shower, Emilia heard the familiar tune coming from her phone which notified her that Jessi was calling. Scooping up her phone, she grimaced when thinking about what this conversation would involve. She’d updated Jessi through text about how her presentation had gone and knowing her like she does, Emilia knew she’d have to give her a play by play before she’d even think about letting her stew in her own humiliation.
“EMILIA!! Please tell me you were joking!” Jessi cut off. Pushing aside pleasantries between these two was common when there were more important matters to discuss.
“Well, I mean it really does sound worse than—”
“YOU PUKED ON PROFESSOR BARKLEY” her best friend nearly screeched before breaking off into a fit of giggles that made Emilia feel both mortified and amused.
“Bhahaha—I’m sorry it’s not funny but— “Jessi snorted before another fit of laughter overtook her and interrupted her attempt to comfort her friend.
            Pulling the phone away from her ear Emilia couldn’t help the slight smile that broke across her face, at the sound of her best friend’s uncontrollable laughter caused by her ridiculous misfortune. As she waited for her best friend to finally calm down and regain her barring’s, Emilia let out an amused sign before beginning to prepare her cup noodle dinner.
“I’m telling you Em, it really isn’t that bad, everyone will forget about it by Tuesday, and it’ll be like it never happened. Besides, if you ask me that was probably the most iconic thing you could’ve done in that class. Everyone knows Barkley is the least interesting, longwinded professor in our university” Jessi snorted after the girls debriefed the events of Emilia’s disaster of a day.
“He looked at me like I’d just ran over his dog as I walked out of class, I probably traumatized the poor man—stop laughing it’s not funny I can hear you!” Emilia whined. She’d long since finished her dinner and settled onto her couch, the girls had switched to facetiming each other halfway through the call. This gave her the perfect view to all her friends gasps and giggles that occurs during the recounting of events that occur in her last lecture of the day.
“Are we going to watch this show or not jess, you’ve only been asking me to watch it for the last couple of weeks” Emilia snorted while searching up her friend’s latest obsession, a show called F4 Thailand, which Jessi hadn’t stopped nagging her to get into since it started airing. After talking they’d decided to watch it together on facetime since neither girl thought it was a good idea to go out considering the weather.
“Yes, gosh we got so sidetracked its literally already nearing 7pm”
“I know, somebody was having too much fun laughing at my pain, you’re. lucky I don’t have work tomorrow or we’d never get to watch—” Emilia’s spiel was cut off as a crack of thunder sounded through the room and echoed from the phone.
            Since they’d been on the phone the storm clouds had rolled in and darkened the once tranquil blue sky, turning it a dark grey almost black while the sun set to light up another part of the world till tomorrow. Her mother had messaged to inform her, shed be spending the night at the hospital to avoid going out in the rain, and asked her to make sure all the windows and front door were locked. She also reminded her daughter where the flashlights were kept in case of a power outage and not to stay up too late just because it was the weekend.
After settling in and pulling up the show on their respective tv’s, the girls hit play and began to indulge in their favorite past time just like the hopeless romantics they were. The girls loved to throw in their own commentary and overzealous reactions to the scenes playing out before them, which led for the apartments to be filled with laughter and yelling that looked a bit like this.
“Ooh he’s cute, is he the main lead”
“Why was that literally the most dramatic way to bump into someone I’ve ever seen” “Em I’ve honestly seen you do worse, leave that girl alone”
“No because literally all he needed to do was take a wet wipe and clean his shoe, its rhinestone” “I thought the exact same thing when I first saw that scene but like he’s also supposed to be a spoiled brat so”
“Wow she literally walked away from her when the ONLY reason she’s even getting bullied is because of her, I’m going to swing” “My thing is like okay yea I get not wanting to get bullied but like no one was even around, SHE COULD’VE ATLEAST SAID HI”
“Why is MJ kinda...” “Right, they need to give my man more appreciation”
“No wait—” A crack or thunder accompanied the tv and lights in the apartment shutting off and plunging the two girls into darkness with a screech.
“Ugh you have got to be kidding me right now” “No we were literally only on episode four you haven’t even got to see the best parts yet”
            Sighing while getting up from the couch, Emilia headed to the kitchen cabinet under the sink to retrieve the flashlight and shine some light in the otherwise pitch-black living room. Walking back into her living room she calls out to Jessi and lets her know they’ll have to continue tomorrow before they bid goodbye and hang up for the night.
            After double checking all the windows and front door locks, she was about to head into her room when she saw what she thought was a spark coming from the outlet that the tv was plugged into. Standing completely still it only took a minute before she once again saw the flick of sparks coming from the outlet, and decided it was better to unplug the set for the night than risk the possibility of a fire starting while she slept.
Crouching down she reached out for the plug, when -- CRASH -- the sound of a frame being knocked to the floor caused her to jump back onto her bottom while looking over to the source of the sound and seeing her cat Salem sitting on the counter while cleaning his paws.
“Do only exist to give me heart attacks” she chided while shaking her head and resting her hand on her chest to calm down. She’d always hated thunderstorms and now without the distraction of the tv and the only light filling the room being that of the flashlight coupled with the occasional flash of lighting, her fear was being to creep up on her.
Taking a second to collect her thoughts she refocused on her goal of unplugging the tv and heading to bed to sleep off the remanent of the day. Reaching forward she grasped the plug and pulled before she saw a bigger spark ignite and an intense buzz run up her arm through her body before everything went black.
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jungkookiexxx · 9 months
230920 - Tu's Instagram post
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kayamark · 2 years
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F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers (2021)
Ep 11
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apollos-calliope · 4 months
an expansion upon this post: luke castellan x aphrodite! reader blurb
the hermès’ cabin bunks weren’t by any means comfortable or fit for two, but you and luke were able to fit perfectly with a little limb configuration. you were situated practically on top of each other - your knee was pressed against his thigh, your body draped over his. you had just stopped making out to catch your breath. you turned lightly in the position you laid, knocking your elbow into luke’s lower stomach.
“fuck! ow,” he muttered, smacking your arm as you laughed.
“you. like. me.” you pressed a kiss to each of his cheeks, planting one big one on his lips at the end.
“i sure do, baby,” he grinned, pressing his fingertips into the flesh of your hips to pull you back into his lips. you fought each other for control. when he bit your lower lip, you pulled away to let out a string of not-so kind words. luke widened his eyes, not recognizing the language.
“gonna dirty talk to me in french? i like it.”
your bright smile faded into a smirk as you came up with the best idea you’d ever had.
you placed your head into the crook of his neck and pressed your lips to his ear.
“aujourd’hui c’est jeudi, mi amor. et parfois je me demande si t’as été bercé trop près du mur…” (today is thursday, my love. and sometimes i wonder if you were rocked too close to the wall as a baby)
he bucked his hips up into yours, causing you to let out something between a snort and a strangled moan. he had no idea what you were saying, of course. out of curiousity, you had to continue.
“il fait chaud. je veux aller à la plage.” you smiled as he grabbed your face to kiss you. he was weirdly effected by your french, but you weren’t using charmspeak. it must be something about the accent, or maybe he’s just into french. either way, it’s hilarious to see him panting. (it’s hot out. i want to go to the beach.)
the two of you continued for a while as your bodies molded together under the summer heat. sweat dripped from exertion and anticipation. luke finally began to pull at the edge of your shirt to push it up. yet, like every excursion at camp, the door handle eventually jiggled to signal everyone else’s return. you pulled away to press a kiss to his nose.
“tu es bête,” you giggled. “i’m glad i know you’re sexually attracted to thursdays, luke.” (you’re stupid.)
his protests came out as more of a stutter than an outburst. the bright red of his cheeks matched the lipstick smeared on his face.
“i am not! i’m just addicted to everything about you.”
can you tell this is my first semester of french because ooooh boy i have so much to learn! 😅
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dilemmaontwolegs · 5 months
Irresistible || CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader Summary: A one night stand comes back to haunt you when your father plans to marry his mother. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, smut, cheating, time skipping, kind of taboo (future stepbrother) WC: 6.1k F1 Masterlist || One || Two
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December 2019
Two years ago you had spent an amazing week in Monaco during a European getaway. It was meant to be a once in a lifetime trip but now you sat opposite your father at the kitchen table in your family home trying to understand what he was saying.
“…the kindest woman. You’ll love her, just like I do.”
He fell in love so now you were expected to leave behind everyone you knew and just start a new life with his new family. You knew he had been happier since the trip but you never would have thought it was because of some long distance relationship. He had kept that to himself for a long time.
“Can’t you just have a midlife crisis like everyone else?” you asked. “Why are you moving us across the world for a stranger?”
“Did you not hear me? Pascale is not a stranger. Please don’t make this harder than it needs to be. I love her.”
Resentment built and you pushed your chair back as you stood up. “You loved mum too, and look how that ended.”
Your father sighed and you immediately felt guilty for the heaviness in that one breath. It wasn’t his fault your mother decided domestic life wasn’t for her and left when you were just a baby. It wasn’t his fault that she met a man who had a motorcycle and flirted with the wrong side of the law. And it certainly wasn’t his fault that they crashed in a high speed police chase when you were 15.
You sank back into your seat and picked at the chipped Formica table top. “I’m sorry, dad.”
A calloused hand from a life of hard work gently patted yours. “It’s a big adjustment, pumpkin, but you said Monaco was a beautiful place. I thought you would be happy.”
“It was, but I’ll never see my friends.”
“I’m not saying you can replace them, but you’ll make new ones. And even with the different timezones I’m sure you can make arrangements to video call each other.”
He was making an effort, you could recognise that at least. “Fine. I suppose it won’t be that bad.”
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August 2017
All of the streets seemed to look the same, the stonework buildings towering over you as the afternoon sun dipped even further below the mountains that bordered the place. You had no idea which way it was to get back to the hotel and you weren’t going to risk the international roaming charges to use the internet on your phone, you already spent most of your savings on the clothes in the bags that hung from your wrists.
You were too busy looking up and trying to get a sense of direction that you didn’t see the man getting out of his car. Pain flared in your knee as a door slammed into it and you dropped the bags to clutch your leg that throbbed and drew a groan from your lips. It was worse than hitting your funny bone and you grabbed the hood of the car to balance when you nearly teetered over.
“Mon Dieu, est-ce que tu vas bien?” 
You couldn’t understand a word he said but the accent was almost enough to make you feel better, until you looked up. The setting sun cast a golden glow around the man and you swore he was more beautiful than the godlike statues you had seen in Rome the week before. 
“I, I,” you stammered stupidly as he knelt down beside you and repacked the bags that had fallen to the street. His bright green eyes lingered on the red lace bra and panty set you had spent a small fortune on before he cleared his throat and shoved them in the bag. “I don’t speak French.”
“You should really be watching where you are walking,” he said as he stood up, his accent saturating his words and making the scolding sound sexy. And it was most definitely a scolding. “You could have been hit by a car.”
“I was,” you pointed out as you tested your leg and winced when you put your weight on it.
“I meant one that was driving past. It was a good thing I was parked.” He looked down his nose and shook his head. Somehow this stranger had managed to make you feel guilty for disappointing him, and it started to infuriate you.
“I really don’t think this is all my fault,” you snapped as you swiped your bags back. “This is a footpath, and that is a no parking zone. Maybe you should concentrate more on where you should be driving than how I should be walking.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and he did the same until his lip twitched and a smirk broke out. “You think I am a bad driver?”
You looked at the double yellow lined he was parked over and squared your shoulders. “Does a duck quack?”
He mouthed the question back before he understood what you were implying and laughed as he took a step closer. “I like you, you are funny, and delusional. What is your name, and what are you doing tonight?”
You were still trying to figure out if he had complimented or insulted you when someone called out and stole his attention before you could answer.
“Charles, dépêche-toi!”
You both turned to the group that had arrived, all of the young men looking almost as handsome as he did. They had to be from the same modelling agency, or there was something seriously strong in the water here.
You looked at Charles and found he was still waiting for an answer. “Probably still trying to find my hotel.”
“Funny,” he chuckled before waving his friends off. “Je te rattraperai plus tard.” He took your bags and stuffed them in the backseat of his car before offering his hand. “I can’t have you walking these streets all night, god knows what trouble you could cause.”
“I was doing fine, until you hit me with your car, and now you want to drive me in it? Nuh-uh, I would rather take my chances on foot.”
You stepped around him to get your bags back, or at least you tried to but your aching knee gave out. You would have fallen to the pavement but a strong arm curled around your waist and pulled you against him. 
“You could have just asked if you wanted to hold me, biche.”
“Excuse me?” You pushed away from him and gritted your teeth through the pain. “I’m not sure in what world you think that is flirting, asshole.”
Charles threw his head back with a laugh and easily caught up to you, his palm heating the small of your back as he guided you around to face his car again “Biche, not bitch, it’s a cute little deer. I can call you Bambi instead, I quite like that. Unless you want to tell me your name?”
You rolled your eyes, unsure whether the endearment was an improvement at all, but stepped into the car when he opened the door for you. “No thanks, I don’t know if you are some sort of stalker.”
He laughed again before walking around to the driver's seat. “What hotel are you staying in?”
“The Fairmont.”
The flashy car roared to life and you turned to face Charles when his laughter grew. “So you would tell a stalker where you are staying but not your name?”
“That sounds to me like you are admitting you are a stalker,” you shot back with a daring arch of your brow. “Besides, I’m staying with a man that would snap you like a twig if you tried to turn me into a skin suit. I don’t have anything to worry about.”
“Your boyfriend?”
You snorted at the question and shook your head. “My father.”
He smiled at the news as he pulled out into the traffic and drove the short distance to the hotel. Your meandering had only left you two streets away from it so it was probably more of a nuisance to drive you there but Charles didn’t seem to mind. 
“Are you enjoying the city?”
“It’s beautiful,” you said with a nod. “It’s almost a shame to leave tomorrow.”
“Have you been to Jimmyz?”
“Not yet.” You had heard of the club but most nights had consisted of a late dinner with your father and then bed. It was actually the first day you hadn’t spent hanging out with him, he had gone to get a haircut that was long overdue after all the travelling and you had used the alone time for a little girl shopping.  
“You should come tonight, my friends and I are going and I owe you for hitting you with my car.”
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January 2020
Your father thought it would be a good idea for Pascale to come and stay for a week before the big move. She owned a hair studio so it was easy to take some time off and she was due to arrive any moment. He had all but begged you to make an effort with Pascale before leaving for the airport. He had never brought a woman home, or at least while you were there, so it was strange to see how he fussed over the crumbs in the kitchen sink. 
You did a quick final inspection through the house but with most of the belongings already sold or shipped off to Monaco there was next to nothing that could make a mess. You only hoped all your things arrived in time at the other end. It was bad enough you were going to be staying with one of your step brothers to begin with but it was only for a few weeks while the renovations on the new house dad and Pascale had bought were finished. He promised that your room would have a view of the ocean and your own bathroom - it was absolutely a bribe but you were fine with that.
The car pulled into the driveway, past the large real estate sign with an unmissable SOLD sticker across it. You had seen a handful of pictures of Pascale on your dad’s phone but when she stepped out of the car you realised they didn’t do her justice. Despite being on multiple planes that never made for a decent sleep, she looked refreshed and even her hair was still in a perfect blowout. She was really pretty, or maybe it was the bright smile she gave your dad when he parked the car.
“Do I look alright, Peter?” she asked as she touched her hair nervously and straightened her blouse.
“It’s not an interview, sweetheart,” he chuckled as he grabbed her suitcase. “You look beautiful.”
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August 2017
The club was unlike anything back home. The music seemed to seep into your skin, the bass vibrating in your bones. Even the air was intoxicating with the promise of a night of bad decisions.
“Bambi, I didn’t think you would actually come.”
You turned away from the bar and found Charles drinking in the sight of your short, tight dress. His eyes followed every line, dip and curve of your body and he bit his lip as he dragged them back up to your face. For the price you had paid you were happy it had the desired effect.
With your confidence bolstered you sent him a smirk and grabbed your drink that had been placed down. “Well you did say you owe me, you can start with my drink.”
Charles didn’t look away as he reached into his pocket and stepped closer, his hand reaching past to slap a bill on the bar top. His scent reached you, the cologne inviting you to lean closer and inhale the decadence of vanilla and bergamot. “The usual, please.”
He could have stepped back while his drink was made but he chose to stay close, his eyes flicking down your cleavage to see the red lace set he had been daydreaming about all evening. “How about we get out of here?”
You had fantasised about a summer romance since the trip began, what young woman wouldn’t when they were going to Europe? But you hadn’t been able to conjure a face as handsome as his when you closed your eyes late at night and your hand drifted beneath the blankets. Now you had the opportunity in the palm of your hands and you weren’t going to let it slip from your fingers.
Tipping your head back, you met his green eyes that dared you rise to the challenge. “Lead the way.”
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February 2020
You were jet lagged and exhausted when you finally reached your temporary accommodation.
“Charles is just on his way back from work but he shouldn’t be too far away. Make yourself at home, sweetheart,” Pascale said as she helped you with your bags.
The apartment was bare with mostly blank white walls and a few framed pictures of Ferrari cars. It was a typical boy space that was in desperate need of soft furnishings to liven it up, but that wasn’t your problem to deal with.
“He just bought the place so he’s still finding his ‘vibe’,” Pascale noted when she saw you eying up the empty space, the words sounding like they were verbatim and not her own. “But there’s two bedrooms and two bathrooms so you’ll have your own space. The builder said our house will be finished in a few weeks.”
“It’s great, Pascale,” you assured her as you set your bag down on the bed with a long yawn. You were surprised to find it had a floral duvet and a sheet set already made up - something you were sure she had done for you.
She nodded and placed your other suitcase down before leaving, closing the door most of the way. “I’ll let you rest for a bit.”
You woke to voices down the hall and found a blanket had been draped over you at some point.
“Can’t she sleep on Enzo’s couch? I don’t even know her, she could try to sell my things. There have been stranger things done before.”
“Ah-ah, no, and she doesn't even watch racing. Peter said she had no interest in the sport.” Pascale sighed heavily, the same way your father did when he was having to repeat himself. “She’s a lovely young lady, and she’s going to be family so please treat her as such.”
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August 2017
“Where are we going?”
Charles just smiled and kept driving through the quiet streets before pulling into a hotel far nicer than the one you were staying in.
“You live in a hotel?”
He laughed and tossed his car key to the valet driver. “No, but I have a roommate who would probably not be very happy with me if we woke him.”
He already had a room and led the way to the elevators with the confidence of a man who had certainly been here before. You didn’t mind, you were hardly a saint, and you knew exactly what you were doing when you dressed for the night out. You knew how you wanted the night to end.
For a man who looked eager to undress you, like he had done with his eyes, he didn’t touch you until the door was firmly closed behind him. But once that door locked shut it was as if the leash he had kept a hold of himself with was dropped and he pinned you against the wall, his lips finding the hollow of your neck.
The temperature in the room seemed to swell as his kiss climbed higher and he finally reached your lips. You moaned at the feel of his hands roaming your body and his tongue slipped past your parted lips when he dragged the zip down your spine.
“J'ai envie de le faire depuis que je t'ai vu pour la première fois. You are so fucking sexy.” [I have been wanting to do this since I first saw you.] He stepped back and watched the material fall away to reveal the tempting red lace he had been dying to see.
Your heart skipped a beat at the hunger in his eyes and you reached behind your back to unclip the bra. It was thrilling to watch the colour of his eyes fade to black as you revealed more skin to him but when you reached for your panties he spurred forward to stop you.
“Mine,” he stated as he brushed your hands aside and hooked his fingers into the waistband instead. Falling to one knee, he dragged the lace down your thighs and let them tangle around your ankles before kissing your hip. Your head fell back against the wall with a thud as he nudged your legs apart and pulled one leg over his shoulder. “What’s my name?”
Your forehead crumpled as his breath warmed your cunt and you buried your hands in his hair to hurry him up, but he was too strong.
“What’s my name?” he repeated.
“Ch-Charles,” you stammered as his fingers teased your entrance without delving further, driving you wild with need.
“Good girl, remember that when I make you scream.”
The words left you drunk and you would have dared him to make good on them but his tongue found your clit and two fingers curled into your cunt. All thoughts left your head while he was knelt fully dressed before you and all too soon his name echoed across the room as he brought you to your first of many highs.
You could barely walk by the time you collapsed on the king bed and your head was spinning from the various positions you had found yourself in. You only bothered to move when a phone vibrated on the bedside table and you reached over to see if it was yours.
Giada: When are you coming home?
“Need a break, Bambi?” Charles teased as he returned from the minibar with a bottle of water, cracking the top off and offering it to you first.
You took the bottle with a grateful smile and swallowed a few mouthfuls to ease your dry throat. “Who’s Giada?”
His eyes flicked to his phone and he grabbed it, quickly replying to the message before tossing it aside and caging you beneath his body. “My roommate. Now, where were we?”
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You should have been in a dead sleep but something had woken you. It was an ungodly hour given the darkness that was still outside but it did mean you saw the light of Charles' phone. His soft snores were silenced by the pillow he buried his face in and you took a second to admire the sight of his toned body in the moonlight.
Giada: It’s so hard to sleep without you here. I love you xxx
You slipped out of the bed without waking him and hated how good the ache between your legs felt because of him. You should have known a man like him was bound to have a girlfriend. She was probably a model.
You quickly gathered your clothes and dressed on the way to the door, closing it silently behind you. No one had to know you were even there and in a few hours you would be heading to the airport, never to see Charles again.
It took far longer than you expected to find your way back to the hotel and your father was already awake when you entered the room.
“You look like you had a rough night.”
You continued on your way to your bedroom in desperate need of a shower before packing. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Fair enough.”
You reemerged looking refreshed but you still felt contradictory inside. You told yourself that you did nothing wrong but it didn’t help when you knew there was a woman waiting at home for the man you had fucked. Fucked didn’t begin to cover what you had done - he had hung the stars and the moon, he had expanded your mind to the pleasures that could be sought with the right experience and partner. He had ruined you for all the men back home.
You fought to tug the zip of your suitcase closed, more than ready to leave the place behind, and growled in frustration. Your dad knew better than to bring attention to your mood but he gently moved you aside and closed the stubborn zip himself.
“How was your night?” you asked as you went to the kitchenette and made a strong brew of coffee.
He smiled to himself and picked up the suitcase to add it to the pile by the door but his smile dimmed when he saw how miserable you looked. “Nothing special, I just had dinner and a walk by the water.”
Normally you would have picked up on the lie, but you were too self centred to notice how happy he looked. He was glowing.
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February 2020
You followed the voices to the living room and found Pascale in the doorway saying her goodbyes. You couldn’t see the face of the man she was talking to, only a head of dark hair, but he turned when his mothers attention was drawn away. 
“You…” you breathed as you recognised the green eyes that had haunted your dreams for two years. Pascale frowned and you plastered a fake smile as you held your hand out. “You must be Charles.”
“I am,” he hummed as he looked at your hand before enveloping it in his much larger one. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
“I’ll see you both for dinner tonight, Charles can drive you until we get you a car.”
Charles seemed to be hearing the news for the first time. “I can?” 
“Yes, you can. Now make sure she feels at home alright, maybe introduce her to some of your friends.” Pascale blew a kiss and left Charles to close the door.
His eyes sparkled with mischief as he locked it and you realised at that moment just how fucked you were because, despite the quick prayer you had sent, Charles had recognised you too. “Hello again, Bambi.”
“Fuck me,” you muttered beneath your breath.
Charles smirked and booped you on the nose as he walked past you and towards his kitchen. “No thanks, you’re going to be my sister soon.”
You hated that for a second you were disappointed before common sense returned and you went to your room to find your phone. “Dad, I can’t stay here.”
“Why not?”
“Charles is an asshole, that’s why,” you whispered angrily, your eyes scanning the bottom of your door to see if he was eavesdropping. 
“It’s only for two weeks, three at the most, plus he will be heading back to Italy for work on Monday.”
“Who the hell works in Italy and lives in Monaco?”
“He does, you would know that if you had a conversation with him and got to know him.”
“I don’t want to get to know him, I want to go home.”
“This is home now,” your dad said quietly as you heard Pascale arrive home at the other end. “I’ll see you at dinner.”
You flopped onto your bed with a groan as the call ended. Two weeks. Two fucking weeks. You groaned again as you realised that it may be just two weeks of living with him but there would be a lifetime of having him as your step brother. “Fuck!”
“I might have to get a swear jar to cover your half of the utilities.”
You surged upright and found Charles leaning against the balcony door, a balcony you apparently shared with his room next door. “Can I just make one thing very clear? As far as I am concerned, whatever happened two years ago - it didn’t. Nothing happened. I never saw you before today.”
“Nothing happened?” he chuckled as he walked into the room. “You still have that sense of humour because I remember a lot happening. Do I need to jog your memory?”
You hated how your body betrayed you, how your eyes followed his every step as he closed the distance between you. “You’re actually sick. Our parents are getting married.”
He stopped in front of you, his fingers brushing a stray strand of hair from your face and his eyes traced your lips. “You were gone when I woke up.”
“Giada wasn’t your roommate.”
“No, she wasn’t,” he admitted with that same smirk that simultaneously had you wanting to both slap it or kiss it away. “I have a new roommate now.”
“Not for long, I am gone as soon as the house is ready.”
“Oh, Bambi,” he laughed, swaggering his way back to the balcony door. “I wasn’t talking about you.”
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“Charles, you should introduce Y/N to Charlotte,” Pascale said as she poured another wine for you. “That’s his girlfriend. You would probably get along with her, she’s about your age and a very nice girl too.”
You bit your tongue as you raised your glass to your lips and stared at Charles over the rim. Placing the glass back down, you smiled sweetly. “Is that right? I could do with making a girlfriend here, someone to talk about boys with. Maybe she can set me up with a handsome Frenchie.”
A foot kicked you under the table and you chuckled at the glare he was sending you over the greek salad. 
“We go to brunch on Sunday,” Pascale said with a pat to your hand. “You should come.”
“Count me in.” You stabbed a sweet cherry tomato with your fork before sealing your lips around it and humming in delight. “This was a delicious meal.”
Charles soon declared he was exhausted from the drive back from wherever it was he worked in Italy and Pascale looked a little disappointed that the first family dinner was cut short. Since he was your ride, you had to say goodnight to everyone too and followed him out to the car that was even flashier than what he had two years ago. His Ferrari fixation was more than just pictures of the cars in his apartment but he drove one too. 
“You are quite eager to leave,” you noted as you lowered yourself into the passenger seat, your skirt riding up your thighs as you settled into the leather. Charles inhaled sharply as he saw the hint of your panties peek out and slammed the door shut before storming his way around the car.
“I’m in half a mind to take you over my lap and turn your ass red,” he growled as he pulled out of the driveway. 
“Arthur is lovely,” you commented as you smiled at your reflection in the window. You were absolutely enjoying the way Charles gritted his teeth, but he had started this dance in your bedroom. “He offered to keep me company while you are away next week. I think I might enjoy his company more than yours.”
“Biche,” he warned as he broke the speed limit and practically skidded to a stop in his reserved parking spot. “You’re mine. No one else touches you. Ever.”
You slipped out of the car and felt his eyes on your ass as you climbed the stairs to the apartment. Though you had a key you waited for him to open the door and kept your voice low while he fumbled with the lock in his frustration. “Jealousy doesn’t look good on you.”
“Everything looks good on me,” he argued as he turned the key and shoved you through the doorway. 
“Is that what your girlfriend tells you?”
“No, she prefers me with nothing on.” 
You could understand why that was but didn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing you agree as you went to your room. “Goodnight, Charles.”
“Night, ma biche.”
It was still early but you refused to leave your room, instead opening your laptop to watch a movie. You were halfway through a stupid rom-com when you heard a feminine voice in the apartment and you paused it to check you weren’t hearing things.
“Oh, Charles, bébé, baise-moi!”
You rolled your eyes at the sounds of the headboard banging on the wall you shared and rifled through your bag to find a pair of headphones. It seemed that they grew louder or you became hyper aware of what was happening in the room next door, and a needy throb began between your legs when you heard Charles moan deeply. 
Your frustration built until you disappeared into the bathroom and doused yourself in a cold shower, cursing him the entire time you waited for your blood to cool. You could finally think clearly after drying off and recognised he was only making his next move in the game he had started. It was time to start planning yours. 
Charles' steps faltered when he emerged from his bedroom shirtless but he recovered quickly and walked past your position on the couch as he went to get himself a drink of water. 
“You should try Gatorade,” you suggested as you flipped through the channels leisurely. “I find it better than water after a good fucking.”
“What are you wearing?” he finally asked after emptying the glass in one breath and wiping his lips dry.
“This is how I sleep,” you said as you stretched your legs out onto the ottoman. “Is that a problem for you?”
His eyes followed the line of your legs to the edge of the black and red babydoll you wore and cleared his throat. “No, no problem.”
“Charles, who are you talking to?” A pretty brunette emerged from the room and scanned the room, taking in her half naked boyfriend talking to you who was barely dressed much more than him. 
You rose to your feet before Charles could recover and bounced over to the young lady, wrapping her in a hug. “You must be Charlotte, maman’s told me so much about you. I thought I would have to wait until Sunday to meet you.”
“Maman? Sunday?” she asked as she looked at Charles for the answers.
“This is Y/N, my step sister - or soon to be -” he added quietly. “Maman invited her to brunch.”
“We are going to be great friends, Lottie,” you sang as you stepped back with a grin. “I just know it.”
Charles nearly broke his glass as he tossed it in the sink and headed back to his room, returning a moment later with a sweatshirt and jeans on. “Allez, mon amour,” he called to Charlotte as he grabbed his keys. 
You pouted playfully as he led her to the door. “She can sleep over, I don’t mind - I have earplugs.”
Charlotte flushed pink and clearly had no idea you were in the house while they were getting down and dirty. It made it all the more entertaining as you waved goodbye. “I’ll see you Sunday.”
Charles waited until Charlotte had passed the doorway before following, casting a final glance your way. “Don’t wait up.”
You felt his presence in your room before you saw him step out of the shadows with just a towel slung low on his hips and the bed dipped under his weight. “Well played,” he admitted, flopping back and making himself comfortable. 
Rolling over, you turned to face him and tucked your arm under your head. “Did you think about me when you were with her?”
His lips twitched before he gave in to the smile. “Every fucking second.” 
“She’s pretty.”
He reached out and brushed your cheek with his knuckles. “You’re beautiful.” 
You could feel yourself falling to the temptation that his lips provided and it was getting harder to resist taking what you wanted. “You should go back to your room.”
“Your lips say one thing but these say another,” he teased as his touch drifted over your collar and down to your breasts, the thin babydoll doing little to hide your nipples that had hardened since he laid down in the bed. “They are begging for something else entirely.”
“Charles,” you whispered as you leaned into his touch before you could think better of it. 
“I forgot how good my name sounded on your lips,” he hummed as his hand slipped beneath the material, “but I like it better when you scream it.”
“This is a bad idea.”
It didn’t stop him from rolling your nipple between his finger and thumb and drawing a soft sigh from you. “Why is this a bad idea, biche?”
“Because you have a girlfriend, and you’re my step…step…fuck…” Your eyes fluttered shut as his hand slipped between your legs and he touched you over your panties.
“Let me worry about Charlotte, you just relax and spread those lovely legs wider for me.”
“This is going to end badly.” You knew it but it didn’t stop your knees from parting for him. There was something about him that threw caution to the wind, it had been that way the first time you met too. He was pure temptation. He was the apple and you were Eve, unable to resist taking a bite. “I’ll find somewhere else to stay.”
He bit his lip as he watched how your body danced for his touch. “But not tonight.”
“Not tonight,” you conceded as you watched his eyes darken with lust. “Now please fuck me.”
Charles woke alone for the second time after sleeping with you but he smiled when he heard music playing in the living room. “You stayed,” he teased as he walked down the hall, trying to tame his hair along the way. 
“Didn’t have another option but I have found some short term rentals to view next week.”
He froze and his hands dropped to his side. “Wait, you were serious?”
“Yes, this isn’t going to work because if I’m anywhere near you this will just keep happening, and it was a mistake.”
The pop music suddenly grated on Charles' nerves and he grabbed the remote, changing it to another channel before tossing the remote away. You knew he was sulking at the thought of losing his plaything but you ignored him and watched the French news that you couldn’t understand. 
Something on the tv caught Charles’ attention though and he sat up straighter, his arms unfolding as his mouth parted in surprise. The breaking news headline was one that was universal and you realised something big was happening. 
“What is it?” you asked as he remained fixated on the tv. 
“It’s that virus,” he murmured. You had seen it on the news at home before the move, the outbreak reaching all across the globe as it spread person to person. You had been worried about it on the plane with each cough you heard. “It’s spreading here.”
“Okay, and?”
 His hand found its way to his mouth and he bit his nails as he listened, translating and relaying the information for you in sporadic bursts. “You won’t need that rental, Bambi.”
He turned to you with an odd look that you couldn’t quite figure out, possibly apprehension or anticipation or a mix of both. “At midnight tonight the whole country is going into lockdown.” 
His phone started ringing almost immediately and he excused himself to take the call. “It’s work.”
“Shit, shit, shit.” You grabbed your phone and dialled your dad. “Did you hear what’s happening? What do we do?”
“Relax, pumpkin, it’s going to be fine,” he assured you. “It’ll all blow over quickly, I’m sure. They can’t stop the world from turning, can they?”
You laughed in agreement and felt a little better by the time you hung up the phone, but Charles returned looking stressed as he dropped onto the couch beside you.
“Good news or bad news first?”
You didn’t think it mattered either way and just shrugged.
“Italy is also going into lockdown so there’s no reason to go back on Monday.” He draped his arm over your shoulders and pull you into his side. “Looks like we are going to be seeing a lot more of each other.”
“Is that the good or the bad news?”
“Well, I like my job so not being able to do it is bad for me, but being trapped with you indefinitely certainly sounds good to me.”
“Indefinitely?” you laughed and shook your head. “As soon as the house is done I’m gone.”
Charles' laughter silenced you and his kissed your temple. “Oh, Bambi…The builders will be locked down too, nothing will be finished any time soon. You’re all mine.”
“Shit,” you groaned in realisation. It was going to be impossible to keep your hands off him and from the grin on his face he knew it too.
“This is going to be great.”
Click here for part two.
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parkerflix · 1 year
—corazón despeinado
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miles morales x gn! reader
genre: fluff?? angst???
wc: 1.7k
part two here
synopsis: your friendship with miles seemed to hit a sore spot. the reason? his hair.
warnings: atsv spoilers! like big spoilers! canon divergence (miguel would hate me sorry bae)
a/n: this is earth 42! miles! just put it under here since i put the warning okay read at your own discretion from here on!
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“Ow! Que te pasa? That shit hurt, mami.” Miles sat forward, rubbing his scalp.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. Miles Morales was such a baby when it came to doing his hair. You loved doing his hair, and him letting you have full control of it, but hated how much he flinched.
“No jodas. I barely even pulled it. If you would sit still, maybe we could finish this faster.”
Miles grumbled under his breath and he sat back in the chair, wincing when you started up again.
You had been doing Miles’ hair for years, Rio being your mom’s best friend. You guys spent summers and most weekends together, always having some sort of party. Your mom owned the neighborhood beauty salon & had been showing the ropes to you.
Miles always came to you when he wanted his hair done, or if he just wanted to see you.
“So, what’s the plan for tonight? Got a steamy date?”
Miles rolled his eyes.
“A date?”
“Yeah, a steamy date with some beautiful woman or man! Or romantic, a nice stroll on the street, the sky full of stars, going to a nice dinner.”
“Ya tu sabes, I’m not the type who does those types of dates.”
“Oh, so it is a date?”
“Mira, I don’t think there’s anyone I would date.”
You reached down in your apron to grab a hair tie to finish one of his braids.
“And why is that?”
You were so focused on his braids, that you didn’t notice his eyes staring at your face through the mirror.
Miles knew that he wasn’t into anyone the way he was into you. He wasn’t sure if you knew that he liked you. Miles thought it was fairly obvious, he gave you little gifts that he knew you would like, and spent most of his time with you. His mom had pretty much adopted you into his family, showing you how to make his favorites like mofongo & empanadas. For someone so bright, you seemed to not catch the hints he threw at you.
His silence caught you off guard & you stared at him through the mirror, a little surprised to see he was already staring at you.
He seemed to snap out of whatever train of thought and sent you a half-hearted grin.
“Enough about me. What about you? Any plans?”
You shook your head, laughing slightly.
“Nah. Te recuerdas de ese guy que salí con like ages ago?”
Miles hummed as a signal for you to go on.
“Well, he asked me out again and as much as I loved the first date, I just wanted to spend the night by myself. Nothing sounds better than a cheesy movie & takeout.”
Before he could say anything else, you finished his last braid and tied it off.
“Ya terminé. What do you think?”
Miles got up from the chair and glanced at himself in the mirror, admiring your work.
“It looks good.”
You clapped your hands and gave him a hug.
“I’m so glad you like them! I know they’re a little different than usual but I thought they suit you.”
He nodded and gave you a small smile.
You were about to say something, when his phone went off.
“Girlfriend texting you?”
He rolled his eyes and pulled his phone from his jacket, seeing his uncle ask him where he was.
“Ya te dije, I don’t have anyone like that. I gotta go, but I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You nodded and started to clean your station, hoping if you finished early you could leave.
Miles placed a chaste kiss on your cheek & made his way towards the door.
“I’ll take you out for breakfast tomorrow!”
He walked out of the door, leaving you smiling and shaking your head at how cute he could be sometimes.
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You had left the salon late in the afternoon, taking a few of your mother’s clients while she handled a few other clients. You weren’t licensed just yet, but you knew you had the skills and experience to get your license as soon as you finished high school.
Your mom had some more clients after you had left & told you she wouldn’t be home tonight as she was planning on having a girls night with a few of her friends.
You had finally got home & changed into a shirt and shorts, ready to just relax and watch some movies. Rummaging through the fridge, you realized that you actually did have to order takeout, since there was nothing already made.
Checking the time, you figured you could swing by the local pizzeria, and stop by the supermarket for some ice cream. Grabbing your bag, you slipped on some easy shoes and made sure to lock the door.
At the pizzeria, you had ordered your food, and were just waiting. Sitting at one of the booths, you were slightly confused when you heard Miles’ voice come from the counter.
You turned to take a peek, and saw Miles there with a completely different outfit, and most noticeably, his braids were gone.
You were annoyed, his braids took you some time & he had already taken them out. If he really hated them, why didn’t he just tell you?
Going up to him, you tapped his shoulder.
He turned around and saw you, giving you a confused look.
“No me das esa cara, si no te gustaron, you know I would’ve changed them!”
Miles gave you an even more confused look, and started to really piss you off.
“Okay, why are you giving me that look? Seriously if you didn’t like the braids, I would’ve fixed them.”
“Braids? Do you have me mistaken for someone else?”
“Your name is Miles Morales, right?”
“Uh, yes.”
“Then no, I’m not mistaken. God why weren’t you just upfront about it with me? I would’ve done whatever you wanted, you know that.”
“What? Are you too cool for them?”
“No I just—“
“I bet you do have a hot date huh! That’s what it is.”
“Hot date? Definitely not. I am so confused.” Miles said, awkwardly scratching the nape of his neck.
The guy at the counter called your name, and you pointed to Miles.
“Stay here. We aren’t done talking about this.”
You rushed up to the counter, and grabbed your pie, thanking him and ran back to Miles, grabbing his sleeve and dragging him with you.
Once outside, you dragged him to your apartment building, stopping at the stairs, placing your pizza box there.
“What’s going on with you?”
Miles just stared at you, not sure how to tell you that he wasn’t who you thought he was.
“I’m sorry.”
You sighed and frowned. Miles rarely apologized, even when he had done something. He had always sweet-talked you into not being mad at him, knowing that you had a soft spot for him.
“An apology? That’s a first. Miles, I just wanna know what’s been going on with you. You make plans with people and don’t tell me who, which like yeah I guess I’m not entitled to that information but—” you were cut off when he hugged you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and stayed like that for a second. You knew Miles. He wasn’t a PDA sort of person and he wasn’t big on hugs either. He wasn’t telling you something, and it seemed to weigh heavy on him.
Before you knew it, he had unraveled himself from you and you both were standing away from each other.
“I’m sorry. I’m sure this will all make sense eventually but I really gotta go.”
He gave you a look that you couldn’t decipher and left you, pizza still on the steps, getting cold.
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You didn’t hear from Miles until the next morning, knocking at your window.
You groaned and threw a pillow in that direction, knowing it probably missed.
The knocking kept going, so you got up and went to open the window not even sparing Miles a glance.
You trudged your way back into bed, making space for the both of you. He laid down next to you, having a debate if he should pull you close to him.
“Amor, what’s wrong?”
“Be quiet. I'm still trying to sleep.”
Miles let out a huff and poked your side.
“Miles, leave me alone.”
“Que hice?”
“What do you mean ‘que hice?’ We talked about this. If you didn’t listen to me at all then why are—”
You turned to face him, quickly realizing the small space in between the two of you.
You stared at his face, the sunlight giving him a soft glow. His eyes even were a different shade of brown, turning more like pools of milk chocolate. But what stood out to you the most, was his hair, in braids, neatly as if they were never out of them.
How was that possible? You saw him the night before and he didn’t have them. What was happening?
Miles called your name and you blinked, face feeling flushed at your gawking.
“You have your braids.”
He gave you a confused look.
“But last night you didn’t.”
“Last night? I don’t remember seeing you last night.”
“You’re joking right? I saw you and we talked and you left in a hurry.”
You sat up and sighed, confused and frustrated as to why he wouldn’t remember this.
“Are you sure it was me?”
You stared at him. Why did he have to say it in such a condescending tone?
“Yes, Miles. It was you.”
“It couldn’t have been me.”
“Are you calling me a liar?”
“Maybe a bit delusional. Guess you missed me that much.”
You were beyond frustrated now, and got out of bed.
Without a word, you pulled him out of bed and walked him over to your window.
“What— seriously que te hice?”
Crossing your arms, you looked away from him.
“The fact that you don’t even remember our conversation yesterday, and the fact that you’re acting like it never happened and you weren’t being weird— I can’t.”
“You can't do what?” Miles' voice cracked slightly, and he cleared his throat.
“I can't do this right now. You should go.”
“Miles.” you whispered his name, feeling so many different emotions. He knew that you had made up your mind and pressed a kiss onto your forehead.
With that, he climbed out of your room and went down the fire escape.
You sat in your room, confused by everything and feeling something new, something like a heartache in your chest.
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jo-com · 14 days
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆➛ Baby Fever
Charles Leclerc x fem!reader x Alexandra Saint Mleux
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Summary: The three of you raised a child together, and for two years you guys kept it a secret, but after thinking it through, you guys decided that it was finally time to show your daughter to the world.
Genre: Fluff, throuple, pregnancy, overall adorable
words: 890
TW: just some sweet rotting fluff, some grammatical error, not proofread, google translated french cause i can't speak french, sorry if i wrote it wrong.
─────── ─ ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ ─ ───────
After finding out that the three of you were pregnant, both Charles and Alex were over the moon—excited to meet their unborn baby. The baby hasn't even come out yet, but she/he has already been loved by all three of the parents.
Time had gone by easily; the once small bump in your tummy was now growing like crazy, it was like the size of a watermelon. Your back hurts like hell whenever you stand up but lucky for you, you had the most thoughtful girlfriend ever; always helping you up when you need to. Of course charles was also helpful but he was away most of the time leaving you and alex at home-- you didn't mind though, it was his passion and he loves it plus that's what keeps food at the table so yeah.
And just like that, nine months have passed; it felt like you were just pregnant yesterday and are now ready to give birth to the growing baby in your belly.
For nine whole months, both of them were supportive and caring throughout the whole pregnancy, always being there and staying by your side whenever you needed them.
"Are you sure you're ready, mon amour?" Charles asked, softly caressing the roof of your daughters hair.
"I am 100% sure, cha. I am ready to show Béatrice to the world, I think we kept her a secret for a long time now."
"We agree with you, mon cœur, but we just want you to be certain. We can still hide her from the rest and live this perfect little life of ours, just the four of us," Alex said with a worried tone. 
She grabbed your hand and intertwined it with hers, slowly brining it up her lips and softly kissing the top of your hand. "Nous nous inquiétons juste (we just worry). 
You softened at her touch and smiled. "I know you guys are worried, but I just want to show the world the love of my life and that I am living my best life with the two most important people in the world."
Charles and Alex looked at you with awe. They too want to show others the perfect life you guys have; they just worry that some people won't agree with what the three of you have. But they love that you're always optimistic about things, seeing the bright side of even the worst situations.
The very next day, you guys decided to watch one of Charles's races, of course, bringing Béatrice along with you.
Charles was already in the paddock, doing practice laps, leaving you, Alex, and your daughter to get ready.
"Are you ready to go, ma belle?" Alex asked, peeking her head in the door frame.
"One sec, love, I am just tying her shoelaces," you replied, tying the knots of her shoes and styling them up like a little bow.
"And....done!" Alex smiled at your adorableness and walked towards to where you and béatrice sat.
Alex was now standing beside you, helping you to carefully stand up. "You look so gorgeous, mon amour," she said, resting her hands on both your waists and slowly leaning closer to give you a kiss. 
You leaned in to the kiss, your hands travelling to rest on her shoulder.
"Maman, ouf (ew)," béatrice said, making you guys break the kiss and look at your daughter. Her tiny nose scrunched up to a frown. She was trying to look disgusted, but with her chubby cheeks, it was hard to tell; she looked like a bunny trying to twitch her nose. Alex only giggled and playfully rolled her eyes. "Tu es juste jaloux (you're just jealous)." "No!" your daughter argued, standing up and lightly smacking Alex's leg. Alex then picked her up and tickling her side making béatrice giggle out loud.
Y/n smiled contentedly, her heart feeling so full of love--there's nothing more heartwarming than the sight in front of her. 
"Ok break it up you two, we have to go now"
Alex smiled and put their daughter down. "Yes, ma'am!."
The three of you walked hand in hand in the paddock, earning a few quite shocked faces and jaws dropping from the sudden pressence of your guys's daughter. 
Charles spotted you guys and excused himself from the interviewer. He then quickly made his way to you guys.
"Ma vie, you made it" He said cheerfully; he smiled from ear to ear and just couldn't keep it on how happy he was that you guys were there. 
"We didn't want to miss it, béatrice Je voulais soutenir son père (wanted to support her daddy)" you said, caressing his broad shoulder.
Charles couldn't contain his excitement and kissed the two of you on the cheek. 
Throughout the day, you guys were bombarded with questions to which you politely replied. 
All the cameras were pointed directly at your daughter; there were people who were supportive, and there were just some who weren't, and it was alright with you guys. The only thing that mattered was that your baby was the life of the paddock; everyone turned their heads whenever she passed by, earning a few aws and coos from around the pit.
"I am glad we did this," you said, intertwining Alex's hands with yours. 
"Me too," she answered, resting her head on your shoulders.
Charles_Leclerc just posted!
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Liked by y/nursername, AlexandraSaintMleux and 2,539,236 others.
Mon monde💗💋
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Short fluff, idk hope this is good also😭😭, thanks for the love that you guys showed on my last post!! Really boosted my confidence in writing!!💋💋
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moneyndior · 3 months
୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ you’re too sweet for me. ⋄ 𓍯
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…IN WHICH! luke feels as if you’re too sweet for his bitter self.
tags/warnings; luke castellan x apollo!reader, teenage dirtbag!luke, mutual yearning for each other, luke being kinda insecure, luke taking reader’s innocence as a bad thing, grape and wine mentioned a lot, my interpretation of ‘too sweet.’
ೃauthor notes⁀➷ go listen to too sweet by hozier tmrw. also i threw this up because i fear i might leave for the week next week since it’s spring break and i wanna see my friends
you watched as luke walked past you. again.
what you did to deserve such treatment like this—you’ll never know. you truly did all you could to seem sweet, kind, gentle—loving. but it’s like none of those qualities appealed to him.
it’s like it pushed him away. like you being too sweet was too much for him. you tried to not be overbearing, overly clingy, too sensitive, everything. because you genuinely liked luke.
and you genuinely liking someone was rare. you treated your body like it was sacred—something that not even the gods above could touch.
luke seen the disappointment in your eyes as you bit your tongue. he’s doing this for your own good, he’s doing this for your own good. he swears it up and down.
he’s too much of, well, an asshole if we’re being honest. you’re a deity he’d hear about from stories passed down from generation to generation. he’d pray and worship you if you weren’t actually in the same camp as him.
luke wants nothing more than to protect you, truly. corrupting a girl like you was the last thing he’d want.
he wants nothing more than to be the guy to hold you, to kiss you, to brush your hair, to be your assistant when your fixing up another broken nose. luke prays to experience such a thing in another life.
his bitterness and your innocence were just something that were never meant to be. and luke took that harder than you did.
you were as soft as rain, as bright as the morning, pretty as a vine and as sweet as a grape. luke would wait forever for you to, inevitably turn bitter. slowly but surely, he believed everyone did. he wished that he could sit you gently on a barrel and wait for you.
but watching you patch up percy with the most careful precision he’d ever seen made him feel different.
like he’d take his whiskey with a chaser instead of neat like luke normally would. he’d throw out his plain black coffee and take whatever iced latte you prefer.
seeing how well you are with kids would make him hear wedding bells. luke pushed the chimes to the back of his head and finally took his eyes off you as he seen a younger aphrodite girl rush up to you, frantic.
“y/n! help me, please! i got a paper cut and it’s bleeding and it hurts! will it scar? be honest!”
you couldn’t help but giggle at lottie as she looked like she was on the verge of tears. for a moment, you didn’t think about luke. you rushed her into your cabin, under the premise that ‘you’ll do everything you can to make sure it doesn’t scar her pretty finger.’
lottie felt you put a band-aid on her with the utmost gentleness she’d ever felt. a thumb wiped away the tears that couldn’t seem to fall down her cheek.
as you guided her back to her cabin with a smile across the blond’s face, you felt a pair of eyes watching you.
luke wanted to be right there with you, helping lottie, praising you as he kissed your temple. but he stood several meters away with a clenched jaw as his brows in their normal furrowed state.
he knew he couldn’t go up to you like he prayed he could. maybe in a few years, months even. if he prayed to you hard enough. if he clenched his hands together harder.
luke castellan would rather hold the 7 realms with his pinkie than ever corrupt what he grew to love about you. even if it meant pushing you away, pushing you to love another, he’s doing it for your own sake.
maybe he would have to forget praying to the gods for a day and be selfish. just this once. he’d pray that the grape he loved so much would turn to wine faster.
things that were too sweet for luke were simply too much.
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leclerc-hs · 6 months
fille stupide pt. 3 - cl16
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Pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader / max verstappen x fem!reader Summary: in which you now kind of know French and a not so stranger is still here Warnings: smut, oral (f-receiving), angstyyyy (?), cheating (again, i'm sorry), 18+!, not proofread!!, bad French (correct me please!!), bad Dutch (correct me please!!) Word Count: 1985 Author's Note: ok so I think we'll end fille stupide here 🤭 I absolutely loved writing this (if you couldn't tell by how fast i was able to write it lmaooo). I honestly WOULD NOT mind writing more scenarios for them in the future. Like if I ever write mean dom charles, my mind will automatically come back to them. please don't forget to leave feedback! love y'all french edited by @shewantsvengeance!!! dutch edited by @deanlovescassie!!!
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
STARTLED BY A loud bang in the kitchen, you jolt awake. The bright sun streaming through your windows blinds you as you try to make sense of the abrupt awakening and your surroundings. You were no longer naked; a large plain white t-shirt enveloped your body. A t-shirt you don’t remember even putting on or falling asleep in. A t-shirt, that’s not even yours.
Caution gripped you as you inched towards the kitchen, moving slowly down the hall. The muffled sounds persisted, their meaning elusive, while the clattering of cabinets continued. As you finally reached the corner of the hallway, you were met with the sight of a partially naked Charles in the kitchen, an array of food on the stove top cooked. The aroma of bacon and eggs wafted through the kitchen, prompting your stomach to audibly grumble in response. You leaned against the countertop across from him, just watching the muscles of his back flex with each deliberate movement. He stayed?
You let out a breath of air in relief at the sight of him. Not just because he was there and stayed, but because it wasn’t somebody breaking in.
He didn’t even turn around before saying, “Où ranges-tu tes assiettes?” Where do you keep your plates? “Oh, I found them!” He didn’t have to turn around to sense your presence; all his senses seemed attuned to your proximity. Your body called to him, like it demanded his attention. As if your cells were able to alert his own, screaming for them to merge with yours.
You felt a swirl of need form in your stomach at the sight of your scratch marks on his back. As if he was marked for your territory only. You also felt a surge of panic form in your throat as the memories of last night came flooding back. 
Tell me who your body belongs to.
Je t’appartiens, Charles.
A sensation of unease churned in your stomach as thoughts of Max’s face crossed your mind. The guilt weighed heavily, and you felt on the verge of nausea for what you had done to him. How was it possible that something so bad felt so good? It was as if Charles held complete control over you, rendering you senseless and devoid of rational thoughts and actions. Tears prick at your eyes as you observe the bruises on the insides of your legs and felt the welts on your neck. Your body looks and feels both used and abused. Nothing about this situation is okay. Last night, you both had been remarkably careless. 
The panic began to subside only when Charles turned around and met your gaze. His eyes, an unusually light shade of green, captured your attention. His disheveled hair hinted at just having woken up not too long ago.
“I didn’t know you stayed,” you began, confusion laced in your voice. “I heard the door shut last night.”
“Fille stupide,” Stupid girl. A smile crept on his face, carrying a mocking undertone that seemed directed at you.  “I went to store to get you a pill last night. Je suis revenu.” I came back.
You despised how profoundly his words impacted you, how his return stirred a need for you to rationalize both your actions and his, even when there was no justification for what had transpired. Anxious, your fingers fidgeted with the end of the T-shirt that rested at the middle of your thighs. He advanced towards you, trapping you between him and the counter – a familiar position whenever you find yourself in his presence. His hands find their way to your face, their size enough to envelope majority of it. His fingers sprawl on your jawline, and his thumbs rest on your cheekbones as he looks at you. Really looks at you. Like he’s memorizing every inch of your face. Like you’re a textbook and he has a test to study for. 
“Tu es tellement belle,” You’re so beautiful. Despite his sweet words, a sinister gleam in his eyes followed the contours of your body, his hands firmly gripping your hips as he pressed himself to you, “I meant what I said last night.”
Mine, you’re fucking mine.
The ache in between your legs was growing with each passing second. He was too close, his smell and warmth surrounding you, creating a sense of intoxication. You felt the need to press your thighs together, but Charles stood between them, smirking down at you like he knew. 
Words fail you as you gaze up at him, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He stands there patiently, waiting as you study the furrow of his eyebrow. He stands there patiently, waiting as your eyes delve into his, memorizing every shade of color within them. He stands there patiently, waiting as your gaze fixates on his lips.
It was almost as if you didn’t have a choice. Like he was a pre-determined answer to your life. A definition to your word.
“Guess I didn’t give it to you hard enough last night, hm?” It wasn’t until your hands settle on his biceps that he realizes you’ve given him consent. Suddenly, his hands are everywhere. Roaming your body like an unexplored map; squeezing your waist, pinching your nipples, squeezing your butt. He just can’t get enough of you. “Need me to take the ache away?”
A moan escapes your lips as you yield, unable to resist him. Your body, seemingly under his command, surrenders to its desires. 
His tongue presses against yours, never losing contact. He quickly flips the both of you around, pushing you until your back met the countertop of the island. With determination, he lifts you onto it, shoving anything that finds solace there, to the floor. His hands push you down, so you now lay sprawled on the counter in the center of the kitchen. You replacing the breakfast Charles had made.
“Mon dieu,” My God. He growls at the sight of your legs spread and bare for him. “Je pourrais mourir heureux.” I could die happy. You have no idea what he was saying, but it didn’t matter. Especially when his tongue met your clit, licking you as if you were the last meal on Earth and he was starving.
His two fingers slid into your heated core, curling them to brush your g-spot with every stroke. “Tellement bon,” So fucking good. He’s moaning into your pussy, sending you into oblivion. 
“Putain de salope.” Fucking dirty slut. He manages to mumble in between your legs, the vibration of his words pushing you closer to the edge.
Around his fingers, you clench. You revel in the feeling of him in you, no matter what or how it’s done. Your fingers clench in his hair, it’s longer than the first time you met, tugging to anchor yourself. His hands on you are equivalent to an out of body experience. You could never tire of it. 
“You like that?” Yes! You wanted to yell. You more than liked it. You loved it.
It wasn’t until his other hand, the one not inside of you, groped one of your breasts, rolling your nipples between his fingers, that you went flying over the edge, relishing in the waves of pleasure as he continues to thrust his fingers in you – coaxing you through the orgasm. 
His mouth is hot on you, swallowing anything you’ll give him. Your legs shake, his mouth on you becoming too much as you squirm until he stops and looks at you, his lips glossy and coated.
“Tellement foutrement doux,” So fucking sweet. He murmured as he pulled you up, holding you in an upright position to look at him. You still don’t know what he’s saying, but you didn’t care. Your ears were ringing as you came down from your high, feeling limp against the hands of Charles.
You shut your eyes as you began to feel the panic surge. You gave in, again.  He peppered small kisses to your neck, almost too softly, a stark contrast from how he treats you in the midst of sex. He was soft with you now -- tender. You don’t think you’ll ever be able to stop. As if sensing your panic, Charles tips your chin to look at him.
“Cherie, you are made for me.” You feel the panic claw at your throat, constricting you, and the tears begin to spill from your eyes. “Don’t you see?”
You did see it. You could see it clear as day. After all, there wasn’t a day that he wasn’t on your mind since the first encounter. You don’t understand what’s happening to you. How could you betray Max like this? He didn’t deserve it, and you didn’t deserve him. It feels like there’s no choice when it comes to Charles. It’s as if your body responds instantly to his mere gaze. He’s the batteries, and you’re the remote control. Completely useless without its batteries.
You knew you had to tell Max. You couldn’t bear to hurt him any further. You observed Charles begin to furrow his eyebrows in frustration as he sensed you withdrawing from him. The sight pained him, and it hurt to witness.
“I need to tell Max,” You started, but were quickly cut off by a voice.
“Tell Max what?” 
You felt your heart stop and face flush red, as none other than Max stood just a few feet away in the entry way of your home, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a spare key to your apartment in the other. Time seemed to slow down as you observed Max’s eyes darting between the proximity of you and Charles. There you were, perched on the counter, with Charles standing between your legs. Your cheeks flushed red as you sat with nothing but Charles t-shirt on your body. The kitchen island was wiped clean, everything scattered on the floor. The air hung heavy with an unspoken tension.
He didn’t even speak. He simply dropped the flowers and spare key on the entry way table and turned around, heading for the door. You shoved Charles out of the way, running towards the door. Running towards Max.
“Please, I can explain,” you were shouting. Completely panicked. But really, there was nothing to explain. It was clear as day, all cards laid out on the table in front of Max’s eyes.
“You don’t need to explain.” He scoffed, his jaw clenched in anger, as his eyes bounced from you, standing in front of him, to Charles, who remained planted in the kitchen. “Ik ben er klaar mee.” I’m done. He spoke in his native tongue, knowing you understood.
“Ik walg van je.” You disgust me. His words were sharp, stabbing you where it hurt most. He couldn’t even look you in the eye as he stepped out of the apartment as fast as he could.
You convince yourself that something has to be wrong with you. You were so mad that you did this. So mad that you hurt Max. But still, despite it all, everything with Charles feels so right.
Tears spilled hotly from your eyes, falling to the floor as you sobbed into your hands. Charles hurried over, lifting you to your feet and cradling you in his arms. Swiftly, he carried you to your bed, gently placing you on the covers. Pulling you into his chest, he held you tightly, providing comfort and solace.
“Je te protégerai.” I’ll keep you safe. Charles mutters into the nape of your neck, rubbing your back soothingly as you cry into him. “Tu es faite pour moi.” You’re meant for me.
You cried for what felt like hours. Charles only continued to whisper sweet nothings to you as he held you. You cried until you were limp with exhaustion, eyes closing, surrounded in the warmth of Charles. You didn’t deserve it.
“I will be here when you wake up, Cherie.” ----------- sorry max, you need to lose something 🤭
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ladyelissarose · 11 months
‘Beautiful Baby’
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Miguel O’Hara x female girlfriend reader
‘Reader speaks Spanish’
Summary; After coming back from a rough ‘Girls Night’ with your friends, you try to keep strong and not cry after everything they told you.. and Miguel wouldn’t know anyways.. he wasn’t there.. but Spider-Man was around indeed. And unbeknownst to you, Miguel and Spider-Man understood Spanish- Very well.
Warnings: lots of Spanish, but everything is translated. hurt/comfort. mean friends- ‘kinda going through a thing so yeah’ Sm- SMUT!! NSFW 18+!! Some public sex. Miguel giving it all to you in pleasure ;) Spanish words Ah e translations in parentheses. Enjoy ;)
Mostly darkness surrounded your- Miguel and your’s apartment when you walked in, only the bright city lights of the NYC night brightened it up a bit.. letting you see your walkway clearly. Silence filled the your little safe haven, only your feet hitting the floor was what could be heard, along with the little sniffles you let out from crying all the way home in the taxi. But you did your best to quiet them down so Miguel wouldn’t hear you, you knew his sorta spider senses could pick it up if he was home. But you were sure he wasn’t, but either way you knew he’d question you about it… and you weren’t ready to admit he was right, even with the tears steaming down your face.
Miguel had told you not to go on that ‘Girls Night’ date your friends had set up, but you were eager because it had been a while sense you girls got out of high school and started your new, different lives, plus you thought he was being delusional about them being different perhaps and not the same, cute girlies as before. But… he wasn’t being delusional.. he was right.. as your memory recalled tonight painful events. The most hurtful words they told you engraved in your head.
“Oh, estoy segura de que sería una mejor chica para él… I’d be a better fuck probably-“ (Oh I'm sure I'd be a better girl for him)
“Have you seen how big he is? Estoy segura de que podría llevarnos a dos a la vez..” (I'm sure he could take us two at once)
“¿Cómo podría estar contigo? Debe ser ciego.” ( How could he be with you? Must be blind.)
“You’re probably just a stupid fuck-toy to him girly, Nunca puedes ser lo suficientemente buena para él.”
(You can never be good enough for him.)
In that moment you had wished some God had heard your cries for them to stop, or for someone to say something otherwise.. but for now your felt ignored and hurt..
Tears came down again as you walked into your dark room, not expecting to yelp at the large shadow that stood in front of the large windows in your room. Miguel was supposed to be out all night, crime-fighting the city as he usually did, not back home just a few hours later. Your hand rested above your erratic beating heart as you turned the bed side lamp on, and there he was… standing in his tight shorts he wore under his suit.
Had it been any other time you would’ve jumped him and not let him leave you until you both were well spent, you’d be insulting him if you said he ‘just’ looked ‘good’. But he was magnificent, body sculpted like a god, his messy hair that had a rebellious strand on his face, chiseled jawline and sharp eyes… he was perfect-
You frowned in confusion at his presence instead, not wanting to face his beauty with your messed up self, but before you could ask anything, he spoke out,
“Cómo estuvo tu noche?” (How was your night?)
Shock took over you, making you drop your heels with your jaw slacked a bit open… you didn’t know Miguel spoke Spanish- perfect Spanish. He only spoke to you in English and when you occasionally did use Spanish, he always pretended to not know unbeknownst to you.
You then swallowed down the shock and played the pretend game as you lied,
“It went… perfectly well actually-“
"Crees que soy estúpido?" (Do you think I’m stupid?)
Your eyes went wide like baseballs as your breath hitched.
'What the fuck?-'
"Estoy hablando contigo." (I’m talking to you.)
You only moved your head as you shook it, signifying that you were saying no. But he didn't take that as he growled softly,
"Usa tus palabras.” (Use your words)
Your eyes still didn’t dare to meet his that were probably red already, with anger perhaps, maybe hatred? So you kept them low as you replied,
“No sir-“
“Nuh-uh uh… como les hablaste a ellos, me hablas a mí. en español. Ahora, sigue amor.” (Like how you spoke to them, you speak to me. In Spanish. Now, go on love.)
You fiddled with the hem of your dress and gulped, still in shock he spoke another language- very hotly in fact.
“No señor.” (No sir.)
Miguel noticed that you were growing nervous, legs shaking and your hands couldn’t stop moving. He didn’t want you to feel nervous, but he wanted you to understand the depth of how serious this is.
The mistreatment towards you and how you took it like you deserved it, or like it was something ok and normal? His heart couldn’t take it, how could someone as sweet and gentle as you be treated so poorly? And then you did nothing about it, instead you showed fear and submission to it.
And that pissed him off, your lack of confidence and belief that you’re not worthy or good enough, after all this time that he’s showered you with love and assurance, never ending loving words that could drown you, touches that only he gave and wished were carved into your skin by this time.
Miguel walked up to you slowly, his muscles rippling with every step he took. You couldn’t deny how beautiful of not ridiculously hot he was, but you were still nervous, and it evidently showed. And he didn’t miss how you were moving uncomfortably in your place, and your eyes darting to his hands and pace nervously. But he kept that thought aside but not far, as he proceeded to do talking first.
“Segura? Entonces esas lágrimas no son reales? No estás llorando porque esas chicas te hicieron sentir como basura?”
(You sure? So those tears aren't real? You're not crying because those girls made you feel like trash?)
Heavy stones sat in your throat, you wanted to cry, because of course, you were caught lying because he was around, hearing you let yourself be mistreated.
You then tried to turn it on him to serve justice to your bubbling emotions as you questioned,
“You were-“
“En Español..” (In Spanish)
You groaned and replied in perfect Spanish, sense that was what he wanted,
“Me estabas espiando-“ (You were spying on me)
“No, te estaba viendo dejarte maltratar y estoy decepcionado-“ (No, I was watching you let yourself be mistreated and I'm disappointed)
You rolled your eyes trying to fight the pain of how true it was and how Miguel was disappointed in you because of it. But you none the less argued back,
“Ellas solo estaban siendo tontos y yo estaba siendo estúpida-“ (They were just being silly and i was being stupid)
Again with the demeaning yourself- and that set him off. His eyes glowed brighter as he took another step closer to you and expressed his anger in it,
“What? Why are you talking about yourself like that-“
Ok you were not doing this, you weren’t ready to commit to the fact that you were better, because right now you didn’t feel like it at all, regardless of what someone else said or did- so you thought.
So you then stood up straight and stopped his speech before it went on,
“I’m not hearing this, I’m tired and you have a city that’s more important to worry about than my insecurities. Goodnight Miguel.”
With that you took a good few steps away from Miguel, ready to hide and break fully.
It’s not that you were afraid to cry in front of Miguel, but this situation with your self and those words was something so repetitive and harmful, and you didn’t know how to fight it, sometimes it even scared you. You knew Miguel would slay them all or anyone who dared to touch you, to keep you and the heart he chased safe. And the last thing you wanted was more problems… as it is they think you don’t deserve him.
You had barely reached the door to touched the knob when a large hand held your waist and turned you around, pushing your back against the door. A gasp left your lips at the sudden gesture, and your eyes beheld Miguel’s form as he stood in front and over you, his height and broad, muscled body covering you entirely. His hand left your waist after giving a squeeze, wordlessly telling you, ‘stay there’.
Then slowly both his hands trailed up the door and held their place next to your head, caging you in. The whole time you two held eye contact, refusing to let go or even blink, the tension was really high, along with everything else you two felt for one another. You still felt emotional, very in fact as your eyes burned and your heart would clench in hurt, the desperation to cry was clawing you painfully, eager to escape with a heavy sob. But you bit your lip and held Miguel’s gaze, hoping to find strength for yourself through his eyes of honey and undeniable firmness. With a calm voice he stared into your soul, and asked,
“You know who you are.. right?”
You almost rolled your eyes as you sighed,
“My beautiful baby.. and that’s it. No more or less... you’re not just a fuck-toy. Because I make love to you, every god damn time.”
How Miguel saw you like this confused you, you honestly believed you were not good enough for him, in any way. Tears started to prickle in your eyes, so immediately you shook your head and mumbled,
“I don’t think so.”
Slightly you pushed him away by the shoulder but just enough to give you space to go out the door, not willing once again to accept his truth. But once again you were met against Miguel when he lifted you by the waist and carried you away from the door, muttering,
“If you don’t want to learn I’ll teach you how important you are to me- the city can wait.”
“Miguel put me down!!”
You were being a bit rebellious although you were curious as to what he’d do, so eventually you let yourself be carried, but dead weight. Although Miguel never struggled a bit or didn’t even change his calm breathing, you worked like a feather to him. He just went on to open the large window doors you had that pointed towards the bright city and brought you out to the balcony. Your eyes were met with the tall skyscrapers that stood before you, glistening in brights lights from the city below, you sucked a deep breath at its magnificent beauty but were yanked out of thought when you felt the cool air of the city hit your skin. Miguel’s warm hands trailed down your back as he took off your dress gently, and let it pool at your feet. With one arm he lifted you up and kicked the dress away, so you wouldn’t trip as he walked you to the edge of the balcony. He kissed your head and neck as he skimmed his hands over the waistline of your panties, then dipped his fingers in and pressed into your pussy, groaning with satisfaction,
“You’re already all wet huh beautiful baby? At least your pussy is cooperating with me-“
You gasped at his words but were cut short,
“Miguel- Ohh fuck! Ah s’full..”
You were already soaking wet from how much his words had aroused you, that he had slid in fully super easily. You didn’t even know when he lost the shorts as he pressed his bare hips against your ass, taking you in. You held onto the metal rail as you whined, feeling two of his thick fingers press your clit firmly as he egged you on,
“I’m gonna make you come on my cock and fingers, and let the city hear how gorgeous you are.. show them that you’re worthy of me, my fingers.. and my fucking cock-“
“Ah baby- m-more..”
Miguel had started to pump you slowly and rub circles on your clit, building up that aching pleasure down there where you both connected, but you were to focused on the city around and below you shining and probably listening, that you couldn’t focus on the pleasure increasing.
You the closed your eyes and put your head down, letting low to no moans escape your lips as you tried to shy away, even though you felt as if you could scream, Miguel was hitting and touching you just right at once. But the insecurity of you being heard while fucked by this gorgeous God-sculpted man had you shrinking slowly,. But Miguel caught on, and gave you a firm thrust, causing you to choke on a moan,
“Ah Miguel- please!!”
He smiled to himself at hearing your voice crying out to him, and tears were beginning to form in your eyes for how hard he started ramming into you, hitting that right spot that had you curling your toes, it wasn’t painful- hell no it was euphoric and full of pleasure. Miguel kissed your eyes and chuckled lowly,
“Please what hermosa? Hm?”
You tried to form words, but he had made you so cock drunk, it only came out as moans and incoherent pleas for him to go on, but Miguel slowed down a bit when you couldn’t answer right away. That warmth in your belly that was growing into a flame was now slowly dissipating all because of him, it had you clawing at his back and whimpering desperately,
“No no no!! D-Don’t- ohh!! Don’t slow down!!”
At your words Miguel’s hips completely stopped moving, but he laid his thumb right on your clit, and perfectly drew small circles against it, with a good enough pressure to keep you going- but not enough to get you off immediately. You had tried to move your hips against his hand to grab more friction for your aching cunt, but he instantly held your hip down and growled next to your ear,
“Desesperada eh?” (Desperate huh?)
You turned your face and teasingly kitten licked his temple, smirking to yourself when his cock twitched in you emitting a small moan from his throat.
“I’ll literally rail you until all you know and say is that you’re my beautiful baby, my girl.”
His arm snaked around you and covered your waist as he leaned you over the balcony fence, so it wouldn’t hurt you, or bruise you. Maybe he was a rough lover, but god damn only he could make those bruises, not anything else, he’d break it if it did. Miguel held you tightly and used his other hand to come up at your throat, to hold your chin high so you’d never bow your head down to a city that could never shine brighter than you.
Kisses were given on your neck and a soft bite to your ear lobe, as Miguel cooed,
“You’re mine hermosa… my beautiful baby..”
You moaned out as you felt his large, veiny length re-enter into your pussy slowly, letting you know with every inch taking place in you, that he was yours and you.. were entirely his. You have felt him so many times, as he loved to claim you and you lived for taking him, but it always felt like a first and better each time, the experience wasn’t ever the same… it was a different beautiful love story being told every time.
Once he fully seated into you, he held his place and squeezed your hips, letting a deep groan emit from his lips, the vibration of it being felt on your back as he was pressed impossibly on top of you. You sighed contentedly as you could feel him press the tip of his cock right at your cervix, you knew the minute he’d start, he’d be hitting that perfect spot every time.. it make your knees weak and you rub your ass on him for more. But he stopped you as he spoke lovingly yet with that authoritative tone,
“I’m going to let everyone know how beautiful you are.. hm? Let the city see you but they can’t touch?”
He made you feel so bold, it had you spilling out confidence,
“If I’m who you say I am.. let them.”
“Of course you are.”
He then ripped off your lacy bra and panties, putting you on full display before going back to thrusting into you. This time you let your moans come out freely and your eyes watched the city around you, maybe they heard you, but you couldn’t care, not when you were safe in Miguel’s arms and you were his beautiful baby.
Sense you had been edged to a close release earlier before it had been taken away, you were quickly clawing back to it faster than you expected, making you cry out to Miguel as you reached for his hair and pulled on it,
“Ya se- me to! AH!! Hold on!” (I know)
He moaned into your ear as he pulled you away from the balcony, and lifted you up, bouncing you on his cock as he walked you two back to your bed. Before he laid you down he turned you around so easily like if you weighed like a feather, and dropped your back onto the cold sheets. Your high was so on the edge into bursting like a firework it had you crying and ushering him onto you again,
“Please Miguel I need you!! Oh fuck me please-“
Miguel placed a sloppy open mouthed kiss to your lips and pulled away, watching a string of saliva follow between you too, as he asked you one last time,
“Who are you hermosa?”
You whined at his question as you were feeling overwhelmed, your hand held onto Miguel’s thick arm tightly while you used the other to wipe your tears as you hiccuped,
“Please Mig-“
His claws ran up your thighs and pulled them up slowly as he shook his head and repeated with more purpose,
“Who. Are. You. Hermosa?”
He then gently laid your legs over his shoulders, and held onto them there as he patiently waited for your answer, and you knew he’d stayed rock hard in you all day waiting for your answer.. over just taking you for himself and forgetting what he wanted from you. So to give him the clarity he wanted and you needed, you took a deep breath and narrowed your eyes at him, pushing your hips closer to his as you seductively said,
“I’m your beautiful baby.”
As if he had won the billion dollar lottery, Miguel wore a smile that was brighter than the sun, as he pulled out from you slowly, but rapidly slammed into you with a groan,
“Right- AH! Fuckinnn answer hermosa..”
He then leaned over you and pressed you tightly between the bed and himself, your feet practically next to your head as Miguel embraced your body close to his.
Your hand snaked around his neck while the other locked itself into his thick hair, ready to pull it as you wished. Miguel placed a deep kiss to you lips as he relished in the feeling of your warm walls squeezing him tightly like a vice, so hungry to milk him for all he had.
Pussy throbbing and clenching around him had you almost ready to beg for some kind of friction, until all those thoughts went away when he ferociously began to ram into you. His tip kissing your cervix every time had your toes curling, he was so big in your tight pussy you could feel his thick veins run up and down in you as he pumped roughly.
His low groans soon turned into desperate moans as he didn’t relent his pace, he kissed your neck before placing a deep bite with his fangs right on your pulse point, he controlled his venom to not be released, but he sure left his mark there on you. You pulled his hair and threw your head back when you felt your high building up, the tingling feeling in your lower belly only getting stronger and it only got better as Miguel rubbed his pelvis against your pussy at every thrust.
You were absolutely overwhelmed with Miguel, his chest pressed against yours, his arms wrapped tightly around you, his face hiding in your neck, his warm breath hitting your skin, the sweet words of honey that made your heart melt, and his moans that brought you closer to your peak, and lastly but not least.. his cock driving into you wildly like no other.
His frame was much larger than yours, he was 6’9 and you of course were no where close to that, leaving you small in his arms, but it made it all more blissful and comforting in his hold. His thick dark hair had become a great pull for when he’d hit that gummy spot in you, egging on your desperation for more of what he could give.
Your hand left his shoulders as you realized your nails had dug into his skin quiet harshly, almost drawing blood. You reached out above you and gripped the sheets, pulling on them as you squealed,
“Ah!! Miguel- please! I’m close!!”
The most pornographic moan left his lips at your words, it sounded so good yet it was the most sinful thing you’ve probably ever heard. His hand left your hip and took yours off the sheets, exchanging your hold on it to his instead, your fingers intertwining in a tight yet promising grip in his large hand.
He growled deeply while nodding,
“I- Fuck!! Ay coño- come with me my beautiful baby. I’m so c-close!”
Miguel then pulled his face from your neck and leaned his forehead on yours, swallowing your cries with a searing kiss, before demanding,
“Come on baby.. tell me who you are- ah! Fuck- that’s all I want to here baby.”
Maybe your head was full of only Miguel, his cock, and the pleasure, but you nonetheless moaned against his lips,
“I! Ohh fuck- I’m your beautiful baby.. just y-yours!! Ah harder baby-“
“Then tell me again- ohh mama- go on.”
Hips rutting into yours harder was making tears collect in your eyes, and now screaming as you felt your release hitting its peak.
“Oh- I’m yours!! Beautiful baby- all AH!! Miguel- please I’m coming- mmph!!”
His lips took yours again as his rhythm began to falter a bit, stuttering his beat as he began to come with you. Moans synchronizing into one melody as you both rode your highs, letting it ride long as you were in paradise, never wanting it to end.
Finally you sighed out, needing air as it had been taken from Miguel, your high finally and fully dissipated, but you’ve never felt so satisfied and complete. Chest heaving and rubbing against his, you closed your eyes and relaxed into the sheets, letting go of Miguel’s hand and shoulder and letting your arms fall and spread out.
Miguel smiled at your blissed state and he could’ve sworn that he’s never seen a more gorgeous sight, you were heavenly and all his. You had stayed quiet for a bit, trying to catch your breath and calm your crazy heart beat, with slight concern Miguel came close to your forehead and spoke through kisses,
“Hermosa? Are *kiss* you *kiss* ok? *kiss*”
Slowly you nodded and did your best to reply,
“Hmm-utiful.. yours.. hm beau’ful..”
At your response Miguel couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips, he felt proud of himself, yet more proud of you.
You were definitely cock drunk and had been seriously railed until you only knew the words he told you to repeat over and over, so you could only think of that if someone ever told you less.
But that was his goal, he never wanted to hear any negative words about yourself come out of your mouth again, and if they did… he’d make sure he’d be there to tell you different, in many ways until you believed him.
Miguel kissed your head and wiped the rest of your tears away as he carefully pulled out, shushing your little whines with sweet coos sense you were sensitive. The warmth of his body left yours for a few seconds before it came back, with a warm washcloth to clean you up.
Gentleness was in his every move and his reassuring smile and attentiveness to your needs had you weak even more for him. He was always such a stern man for reasonable reasons, but with you, he was the most gentle giant you had ever known.
Once he was finished he cleaned himself up and tossed the cloth to the corner basket before wrapping and clinging himself onto you.
He moved you to rest on top of him, your head right over his heart, and his hand gently rubbing up and down your back, comforting himself with you well spent and in his arms. The whole time he knew you were up, as your traced heart shapes on his chest, he could feel them.
So he gave himself the opportunity to shower you with encouraging words, reminding you of your worth and how much he loved you.. he even went as far out of his comfort zone to say that you and him should have a day where you took cute pictures (well he said sexy and provocative but you said maybe one thing at a time) and you could post them on your social media and he’d do the same on his, letting everyone know how gorgeous you were and how worthy you were to have him.
You agreed to the suggestion and thanked him for always being the best, and loving you truly in every way.
“Thank you Miguel.. I’m sorry for-“
“Being my beautiful girl? I know.. me too, cause you’re stuck with me forever.”
You giggled and pecked his cheek,
“I love you so much..”
A genuine smile that had a hint of a pride in it found it’s way on Miguel’s lips, which you kissed fully before laying back down and curling into his sweet hold. You knew he wouldn’t let you apologize for something he felt wasn’t necessary, so you took his words of assurance instead and fell asleep, utterly full of him and his love for you.
When Miguel felt you go limp and you had stopped tracing, he cuddled you closer to his chest and pressed your head against him, as he pecked your head and bid you goodnight,
“Goodnight my beautiful baby.. I love you so much more..”
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callme-darling · 4 months
₊˚⊹ ᰔ ok but what about vincent who likes to see his pretty girl squirm??
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word count: ~625
warnings: smut, vincent renzi x fem reader, implications of oral sex (f receiving), fingering, poorly used french, dom vincent, throat holding (no choking), implications of p-in-v
a/n: this is just a quick lil drabble i thought up while making dinner (i need to be sedated), also the way he looks in that gif legitimately makes me lose control of my frontal lobe
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“ba- baby, wait.. wait-“ you plead, what feels like a futile attempt to get the man between your legs to give you a moment of reprieve.
through fluttering lashes, you’re able to glance down and see soft locks of ash-grey pull away from your core, a pair of blue eyes, shining bright in the glow of the golden hour, peering into you.
wet lips brush against the inside of your thigh, his smirk evident as he kissed the skin. “yes, my love?”
fuck, the teasing tone should irk you, but the butterflies in your stomach can’t seem to stop pulsing against your ribcage. your heart is nearly hammering in your chest as you attempt to calm down, stabilize yourself. when you don’t say anything, vincent merely chuckles quietly. his sharp eyes study you for a moment longer before he lets your knee fall from his shoulder and slides his body to hover over yours. you admire him up close now, cheeks flushed with want.
the quiet rasp in his voice sends a chill down your spine as he speaks close to your ear, his breath warm against the skin. “what does my pretty girl need from me?”
you swallow, a newfound shyness overwhelming you as you feel your pussy clench around nothing, embarrassingly wet as if he hadn’t just spent the last 45 minutes using his tongue til you were begging for a moment to catch your breath. your thighs twitch as his right hand teasingly cups your poor pussy, his fingertips tracing your wet folds. the lewd wet-clicking sounds only served to make your blush grow fiercer, your chest rising and falling as he kept his cool gaze trained on you, seemingly nonchalant.
if it weren’t for the prominent buldge in his boxers, a small spot of precum already staining the material, you would’ve fallen for his indifferent demeanor.
with a skillful brush of his finger against your pulsing clit, you’re drug from your scattered thoughts, a sharp whine coming from the back of your throat.
“i asked you a question.” his voice vibrated in your ears, his accent more prominent as he willed his composure to endure. the tip of his tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip as he sucks in a sharp breath. “putain (fuck).. you’re so wet..” as if to prove his point, he slipped two fingers into your heat with an embarrassingly wet squelch, barely audible over your sweet moan.
you felt your eyes flutter as he slowly began to tease his fingers in and out, falling into a soft rhythm that had you digging your prettily manicured nails into his shoulder, mouth agape as you pant and whine in time with the thrust of his experienced fingers.
he couldn’t pry his eyes from you, his own lips parted as he watched your body react so readily to him. before he could stop himself, his lips were against your cheek, his eyelashes tickling your skin as he whispered, “tu es tellement jolie, putain- je vais me faire jouir, merde.. (so fucking pretty)- (gonna make me come, shit..).”
you squeeze your eyes shut, damn near whimpering as he pulls his fingers away from you. you open your mouth to complain, but a gentle hand on your throat pushes any thought of objection out of your mind.
vincent’s face ghosts over yours, his pupils blown. “i’m going to fuck you.” his eyes flick to your swollen lips and then back to yours, “think you can handle that, ma chérie?”
you suck in a breath, your own hands coming to wrap around the wrist of the hand holding your throat. you nod dumbly, your mind empty aside from the man above you.
“mots (words), words love, i need to hear you say it.”
“please, vince, please fuck me.”
your pussy clenches as he smirks at your admittance. his lips are warm against yours, his tongue teasing your bottom lips before he pulls away an inch. “that’s my girl.”
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strangersatellites · 5 months
the one with the shacker shirt | more frat king steve x his problem causing bf eddie
a mini collab with @amethyst-crowns !!
it’s a cool friday night and eddie’s two tequila shots, a handful of beers, and a cigarette into his setlist at this point. their dedicated few fans are up front and center scream singing along with them while the rest of the bar is bustling with life.
with drinks being spilled, food being ordered and then forgotten about, sorority girls having deep meaningful talks in the bathroom so long their boyfriends’ forgot they were there.
it’s a friday night at his favorite college bar and eddie is buzzing with energy.
he’s got his guitar slung over his back and he’s taking a beer break, eyes scanning over the room in search of his favorite boy. he’s probably somewhere charming his way into free drinks in a way that never fails to leave eddie laughing and a bit baffled. he gets it though, everybody else is just as wrapped around steve’s finger as he is so he can’t say anything.
he’s talking to the guys, kicking a couple empty cans offstage when he sees them out of the corner of his eye.
two guys, probably eddie’s age, maybe seniors. they’re flagging him over and looking around suspiciously and eddie thinks that if they’re interested in buying, this is an awful strange time to approach him about it.
he’s about to break the news, tell them he’s not selling tonight when one of them smiles and claps his shoulder when he squats down to their height.
“hey man, we don’t want you to get in trouble so we figured we’d tell you before someone else did.” he says with a nod. says it like eddie will catch on, like he’ll know what this is about.
he doesn’t.
he furrows his brows and looks at them, confused. “pardon?”
the second guy tugs at the hem of eddie’s shirt, darts his eyes around conspiratorially again. “you gotta turn this inside out of something, bro. pledges can’t wear letters out until initiation. vp rec will hand you your ass if he hears about it.”
the first guy is all but hissing in his ear in his effort to be quiet. “yeah AND the president’s here, man. we’re just looking out for you.”
eddie glances down at his own chest, realizing for the first time what shirt he grabbed off the back of steve’s desk chair this morning.
it’s not his that’s for sure. it’s definitely his boyfriend’s. big, bold greek letters across the chest. ink peeling off and threadbare around the waist. the arm holes more hole than shirt at this point.
he smiles back up at the guys, finally figuring out what this is about.
he huffs a quiet laugh and his knees crack when he stand back up. he hears gareth mindlessly drumming his sticks against his stool so he knows his break’s over. pulls his guitar back around to his chest and bows.
“well i appreciate your looking out for me, gentlemen. but… i think i’ll take my chances.”
he hears a scoff and a muffled “whatever, man” and a “not my fucking problem, i guess.”
but whatever he’s not paying any attention.
the mic squeals when he walks up to it and he’s got a thousand-watt smile and an apology on his lips immediately after.
“ah shit, sorry, sorry guys- my bad.” he backs up a step and squints against the harsh light, still searching for his boy. “before this next one, i’m looking for someone. baby? baby, where are you? can you come up here sweetheart?”
he looks toward the back of the crowd and sees steve’s bright smile and glassy eyes as he shoulders his way up front. sees how he stops to talk to a few people, say hi, dap up a couple of the guys. but he makes it up the front of the stage in record time given all that, regardless.
“there you are! missed you,” he says before he’s leaving his mic again and dropping down to his knees.
now he’s low enough that steve can tangle a hand in his unruly curls and tug him forward and down. can tug him close enough the he feels his breath against his lips when he whispers “will you play my favorite?”
he knows his own smile is bright as the sun.
“of course, baby.”
when steve kisses him, messy and like he’s putting on a show, eddie can’t help but overhear the “what?” and “oh that’s him?” coming from the side stage.
there are a lot of perks to being steve’s boyfriend. but that response is always one of his favorites.
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strawberrysainz · 1 year
pretty visitors. charles leclerc
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“ at carlos and isa’s wedding, a certain someone can’t seem to take his eyes off of you. you can’t either. ”
charles leclerc x reader
a warning — crude language and alcohol consumption.
from leila; “a short little something for ya. xx”
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The wedding photographer was calling Isa’s friends to come take a picture, and you downed the champagne you were holding, dropping your belongings on the table chaotically before rushing outside the tent to the beautiful lawn in the forefront of the vineyard.
It was a gorgeous Spanish summer evening, absolutely perfect conditions to hold a wedding, and you couldn’t help but get a little emotional with nostalgia when you see Isa laughing in the glow of the early evening, remembering the chaos of your early twenties trying to learn Spanish from her, then going to work in motorsport- where your personal and work lives crossed when you accidentally introduced Carlos to Isa.
You hugged her again, surrounded by all of these lovely women from all over, and she kissed your cheek.
“Tu es si belle [you are so beautiful],” you say in French, pursing your lips trying not to cry again, and everyone agrees loudly, emotional on the champagne.
“Shut up,” Isa says. “I’ve tried not to cry the whole day and now you might make me.” You laugh, and everyone follows.
Many pictures are taken, and more champagne is poured while the newlyweds walk around, grasping hands.
You head back to the table to get your phone quickly, wanting to take pictures of the gradual setting sun, when you see Charles putting his things down next to your seat. “Ah, you are my seat buddy?” You say, smiling, and he brings you in for a hug. “Ravi de vous voir [nice to see you]” he answers with a peck to your cheeks, and you pick up your phone. “Please can I take a picture of you and Carlos!” You shout, slightly tipsy, yielding it, and he rolls his eyes. “Don’t you dare send it to the social media team.”
You wink.
Eventually you manage to get Carlos with him to take a picture while the sun sets, and someone’s aunt comes to snatch your phone. “Ve a estar con ellos [go be with them],” your rusty Spanish helps you, and you go to stand in the middle; Charles taps Carlos. “Kiss her cheek!”
You laugh when they both smush their lips on your cheeks, giggling uncontrollably as the auntie grins from behind your phone.
Someone gets Isa to join in, running in between them to kiss you on the lips, and Carlos gasps dramatically. “Ay! Ay why do you steal my bride?”
You nearly can’t breathe when you get your phone back, cooing at the photos you got.
Dinner flies by; you’re seated with Charles, Lando, Daniel and Heidi, a few of your friends from the paddock, and from home, and their partners. You laugh and get progressively more drunk as the night continues.
You find yourself resting your cheek against Charles’ for Lando’s camera, and your smile is wide and real.
Eventually the first dance happens, and suddenly you’re all dancing, and then the stronger drinks are distributed, and the night gets more fun.
You find yourself dancing with Charles, spinning and jumping, and your silky dress is a blur, his grinning face imprinted in your mind.
Eventually you stop, going outside for a breather, and he follows you.
The alcohol has finally hit you like a train, and your smile is bright and boozy as you sit on the grass in the fresh night air.
He sits down next to you, eyes droopy, and you rest your head on his shoulder with a drunken huff.
A slow song is playing from inside, and he stands up unsteadily, pulling you up, and he dances with you, swaying slowly.
You gaze into his eyes, heart beating wildly in that way only this night could describe.
“Tu es incroyablement belle [you are incredibly beautiful],” he whispers, and your eyes soften.
Daniel calls for the two of you loudly, and you reply, breaking away with a reluctance you didn’t realise you had.
The party carries on, Lando stealing the DJ’s job, and you find yourself stealing glances at Charles every moment you can get, looking away hurriedly when he does the same.
“There’s something about a wedding, no?” A friend shouts in your ear, and you giggle, nodding.
Charles brushes your arm about an hour later at the bar, ordering something strong, and he murmurs something too soft in your ear for you to hear. His lips on your ear make you shiver though, so when his fingers grasp your arm you nearly lose yourself in him.
“Charles,” you slur. “I’m too drunk to kiss you right now.”
He cackles then, and loses his balance; you grab him with an equally loud laugh.
“I know, me too. Tomorrow. I promise.” He says, and kisses your cheek. You hug him tight then, whispering promises of forever.
A pounding headache wakes you up the next morning, two of your friends next to you in the king sized bed. You yawn, getting up to make coffee and get something to help with the hangover.
After you resemble a functional being, you try to look through the mess of the villa to find your nearly-dead phone, where texts from Charles from last night await you.
Noo why did you go to b Ed
Lando and i are still shooting Jägers
i think I wil L go to bed later now maybe
Borin G without you
Fuck I got ya be awake soon
Nibht night
Please don’t read any of that please
Gonna go get some croissants and orange juice please find a 🍾 so we can make some mimosas i want to drink still lol
We can have a nice brunch thing by the patio
Save me a kiss
The last text leaves you somewhat bashful, and you try to rake a hand through your knotted hair, yawning, opening the fridge to get a bottle of champagne and two glasses to set on the counter.
A knock on the door some minutes later makes you grab the things and take them to greet him. He sets down a blanket on the grass; you put down the bottle and glasses next to his bag of fresh croissants.
“I’m sorry I’m still in my pyjamas,” you laugh, and the smirk on his face makes you blush. “I think you look cute.”
“Cute enough for a kiss?” You say, scrunching your nose, and he hands you the mimosa.
“The cutest.”
His kiss brought the sun, and you could bask in it forever.
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holy shit my besties got married, isa & carlos may your love last forever. proudest to know you. also you know im serious when there’s an outfit change 🖤
tagged: isahernaez, carlossainz55
landonorris you were the worst bridesmaid
username y/n living my life rn
danielricciardo enchanté
username AWWWW … but who that 🥸
username i may be delulu but that could be mr charles himself…..
isahernaez ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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you guys finally got married. beautiful beautiful couple ❤️‍🔥
username HOL UP THATS yourinstagram BLACK DRESS ???????
carlossainz55 can’t drink jägerbombs again after you mate
username 😳😳😳😳 Y/N??????
username charles you are NOT subtle
heidiberger_ thanks for being the photographer! lando was awful
landonorris girl????
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going to the chapel and we’re….
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author’s note — if you have requests, feel free to send in! 💌
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f1haaland · 1 year
Hi!!!! Just wanted to request an instagram au of Charles where his gf is a lingerie model and he's a total simp for her and is unashamed about it. Thank you<3
𝐯𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥 / 𝑪𝑳𝟏𝟔
pairing: charles leclerc x model!reader
warnings: slutshaming, strong language, women in underwear (?), mature content.
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators!! 🫶🏽
— social media au | face claim: taylor hill
➜ 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚 𝟏 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
    · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ༓  ༓ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
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liked by charles_leclerc, bellahadid and 707,314 others
yourusername having a good time at the photoshoot!
See all comments
charles_leclerc Most beautiful girl in the game 🙈
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liked by kendalljenner, charles_leclerc and 732,224 others
yourusername summer time, and the living's easy ✨️☀️
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charles_leclerc Kinda hot in here, huh? 🥵
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liked by charles_leclerc, victoriassecret and 287,998 others
yourusername Last photoshoot before the season starts. Can't wait to hit the runway again!
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charles_leclerc Tu est magnifique, chérie 😍
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liked by yourusername and 932,520 others
charles_leclerc Shine bright tonight, mon étoile 🌟🫶🏻
See all 529,029 comments
yourusername ilysm ❤️
mafiaferrarista charles is the biggest simp for his girl, gotta give him that
favsnorris you deserve better, charles
⤷ schumicks yeah like you know what's best for charles
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liked by pierriegasly, charles_leclerc and 821,602 others
yourusername Brought my boyfriend with me to be my photographer. Turns out Charlie got great lenses 📸
See all 420,719 comments
charles_leclerc All my lenses points at you, bebé
⤷ yourusername you're so cheesy 😭🫶🏻
monegato oh look! it's y/n posting pictures of herself half naked! again!
pierregasly Looking good Y/n!
⤷ yourusername thanks frenchie
luvsferrari poor charles, this girl has no respect for him
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername and 703,821 others
charles_leclerc Belíssima, mon amour! Couldn't be prouder of my girl. Thank you for sharing these incredible moments of your career with me.
See all 344,820 comments
charles4ferrari #freecharles
tifosimania she clearly has no respect for their relationship
leclerclands 🤢🤢🤢
mclarengirly y'all be here like y/n or charles really care for your opinions
charles_leclerc just posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc and 1,027,402 others
yourusername week dump. get yourself a man who buys you real AND FAKE flowers. love building legos with you. love doing anything with you. thanks for being the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. i love you, charles. tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc Je t'aime de chaque morceau de mon cœur battant ❤️
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