#bussines opportunity.
geat-26 · 6 months
Not me wanting to focus more on my oc's business method rather than her story. Ok but if I see it right her life is based on taking care of her people, finding ways in which she can improve the technology of her kingdom and becoming a lemon tycoon :D
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spectrumpay · 7 months
Most Profitable Business in Rural Areas in India
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We're about to embark on a journey into rural India's vibrant and often underestimated landscapes. Forget the hustle and bustle of the city for a moment, and let's dive into the world of endless possibilities, where tradition, craft, and simplicity still prevail in the heart and soul of rural people.
India, with its vast expansion of rural landscapes, represents a wealth of untapped opportunities for emerging businesses. While urban areas tend to witness rapid development, the potential for growth and development in rural areas remains mostly overlooked.
However, the transforming economic scenario and rising government focus on rural development have ruled out the way for rural business ideas opportunities in these areas.
Let's explore some of the most amazing business ideas that can thrive in rural India, contributing not only to the local economy but also to fostering sustainable development.
Profit-Making Business Ideas for Rural Areas
Indicash ATMs
Establishing Indicash ATMs in rural areas can fix the issue of limited and basic access to banking services. These ATMs are made to work efficiently in low-traffic areas.
 Providing convenience, flexibility, and secure banking services for rural people.
This not only enhances financial banking services but also creates fine opportunities for entrepreneurs to collaborate with banking services.
Digital Dukaan
Digital Dukaan platforms enable small businesses in rural areas to establish an online presence, expanding their customer reach in every prospective area.
Rural people can easily set up and manage these digital marketplaces, associating local artisans and businesses with a broader customer base.
This not only increases sales for rural entrepreneurs but also increases the standard of living of rural economies.
Mobile Repair and Service Centers
The increase of mobile phone users in rural areas has created a high demand for repair and maintenance services as well.
Setting up a mobile repair and service centre can turn a profitable business as this business is emerging day by day. 
Also, offering digital literacy programs alongside these services can empower and spread awareness in rural communities.
Rural Tourism
India's rural area has a rich cultural heritage and scenic beauty all around. Various people can start ventures on this by initiating rural tourism sectors.
Homestays, guided tours, and cultural experiences can attract people from urban areas to relax and flee from the hustle and bustle of the city and promote rural development as well.
This not only generates income for rural communities but also fosters a deeper connection between city and country life.
Handicrafts and Handlooms
Rural India is a treasured place of traditional handicrafts and handlooms and majorly popular for it.
Starting up ventures of handloom weaving, pottery, embroidery, or other traditional crafts can be both culturally enriching and financially rewarding. This is one of the best village business ideas to inculcate.
The global market's want for authentic, handmade products provides an additional avenue for growth through exports.
Summing Up
The key to successful business in rural India lies in understanding and aligning with the unique needs and resources of the people and working towards it. Working for businesses in rural areas is considered the world's best business opportunity to grow the country's economy.
By harnessing local skills, traditions, and resources. Various entrepreneurs can not only build profitable businesses but also contribute to the overall development and prosperity of rural areas. The inclusion of innovative solutions like Indicash ATMs and Digital Dukaan further enhances the potential for growth and transformative impact on the rural landscape of India.
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chunkierboi · 10 months
This may not be my bussines but I'd like to know how did you decided to become a hot looking gympig from a hot looking gymrat?
Also congratulations on your new apartment
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I’ve always been into getting fat, but I’ve always been skinny. It was not long after getting into the gym myself and discovering how much I liked working out that I started to think about pursuing being fat.
I think the gym, as backwards it might sound, is what gave me the confidence to get big. I will not lie when I first gained 30 lbs I thought I was so fat and lost it. I cut back down to having abs, weighing only 130 ish lbs.
After that, it was 2020 and Covid/lockdown pulled me away from the opportunities to work out or be active. All I had was work and plenty of time of self reflecting. I decided to get fat again, and just fat, so I was gained like 50 lbs, eating super unhealthy fast food. I became pre-diabetic and didn’t feel good, fortunately, this was after the gyms had reopened and I could start working out again.
My doctor didn’t encourage me to lose any weight, he only encouraged I keep working out in the gym and checking up with him every 6 months.
Since then, I decided to not only just be obese, but I wanted to be more healthy about it. I try to not over do it in carbs and sugar, I try to get more calories by eating tons of healthier food, drink more water, and work out hard in the gym. I also learned how to train myself to eat tons and tons of food, so I can eat loads of calories form loads of healthy food.
& I now I’ve grown bigger than ever, 80+ lbs fatter and healthier. This direction for me, also has made me so much more confident and happy with myself. I feel more like me the bigger I get and it is the best feeling ever.
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marvelstars · 2 months
Personally I love Star Wars as one movie from EPI to EPVI as the Skywalker family saga.
Anakin is the chosen one of the force to bring balance to the force and end the sith grand plan of ruling for 10,000 years, he gets groomed by his "father" the sith master, to fall to the darkside by twisting everything in which Anakin believed, he becomes a monster whose main objective after losing every loved one is to "keep order in the galaxy" Vader believes he is doing the right thing, he believes the empire is less corrupt than the republic and while it´s means may be harsh those are better than what happened in the past, the chaos of the clone wars and the greed of the different ruling powers. Maybe there is no place for justice or freedom but there is order and that was enough for Vader.
Luke as his Son gets to save him from the darkside by making him remember that there was a time he wasn´t just Vader, there was a time where he wanted to free all the slaves in the galaxy, where he believed in justice and unconditional love, Luke made him remember that in a way he could not deny that his acomplishments as Vader, his end justify the means pov paled in comparision to what he once wanted to do and the person he used to be "I am a Jedi like my father before me" when he could not deny anymore this truth, Vader decided to punish himself as well as his father/master, bringing down their empire built on violence and darkness, to save his Son´s life and give the side Luke fought for an opportunity to tell their own story. So Vader stops the horror and gives way for something else to grow out of it.
I love this story as it´s but I would be lying if I didn´t think there was a place for Vader to tell his own story because his mere survival post ROTJ brings a lot of opportunities but also conflict. We have Vader who knows intimately Jedi and Sith teachings and a different take to what the Rebels and Imperials believe the Old Republic or the Empire was.
Sucedenly a portion of the imperial army loyal to Vader would want to stay at his side and join the New Republic while another portion loyal to Palpatine would try to stop that and the Empire itself would get divided between those who believed enough is enough and those who wanted to keep bussines as usual and grand admirals like Thrawn who would wish to fix the Empire in their own image. The result is that this would give an opportunity for the empire to truly merge with the new republic and not just for appareances sake as it happened in canon.
To tell this story it would be needed another trilogy at least and I can´t blame Lucas for being burnout after the original trilogy, a whole and awesome story on it´s own and I am quite happy for what we got but that story would be nice to know as a what if. The story of how Vader got his humanity back.
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lipglossanon · 6 months
women always tend to give their boyfriends random spanks .......
so i imagine stepbro!leon is on his own bussines in kitchen then reader just approaches and randomly spank him then she would look for something from the kitchen to eat as if nothing had happened 😭😭😭😭 leon is like ???huh??? BUT i know that boy will look for a opportunity to spank you back even harder, he would leave his hand printed on your buttcheek lmao
Howdy anon! 👋
AGSHVL 🤣 oh he’s definitely the type that lets nothing slide and cranking it up to 11 lol
But he’ll wait and make sure to smack you on the butt when you least expect it so he can get that surprise factor too 🤭
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splinter-sister · 1 year
Having once again found herself in a new environment, Rachael actually felt confident in knowing how to make her way through the crowd of people around her. She's in a huge city with the brightest lights she's seen in a while. It feels like Mardi Gras came early and migrated out from Louisiana. For a Wednesday night, this city is BUSSIN' too! Everyone and their mother must be out on the town to party. She can't walk two steps without hearing a new conversation or almost running into someone.
Wanting to get out of the sea of moving limbs and lights, she goes into the first building on her side of the street. Not being much better, but certainly not being any worse, it looked like a bar. At least there's walking room here despite how packed to the gills it is. She stands there for a few moments looking for a place to sit and breathe. Someone gets up from the bar top to leave and she takes the opportunity to jump in their grave to give her legs a break from people dodging. With a big sigh of relief, she can relax her tense shoulders.
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sorvete-de-pacoca · 11 months
Now what if Luciano tries to make Port jealous and it goes horribly wrong? Port doesn't get mad and push the guy off him, instead he gives Luciano this resigned look and leaves.
When Luci finds him, Afonso doesn't want to talk about it.
"You don't need to explain, Luciano. I get it."
They had another fight. Luciano being too proud to make amends, Afonso too stubborn to admit he had some fault in it. Luciano is tired of waiting for him and decides to provoke him. It happened during an event after a bussines meeting. The guy was too busy flirting back with him to noticed Luciano glancing at Afonso.
Afonso gets up and he thinks he was going to come at him. Instead, he leaves the room. Luciano frowns, ignoring the other man to go after him.
"Afonso!" He calls.
"Don't leave your guy waiting" Afonso keeps walking, not even caring to look at him. Luciano reaches for his arm and makes him face him.
"He's not my guy. I-"
"You don't need to explain, Luciano. I get it" Afonso interrupts him. Pushing his arm back "Enjoy the night. You don't have to bother with me." He walks away. Luciano feels like a huge idiot. During the days that follow he spams apologizes into his messages. What makes him annoyed is that, sometimes, they're seen.
When a month had already passed, Luciano decided he was tired of waiting. He gets an opportunity after another reunion. Afonso did tried to leave fast, but Luciano was faster this time.
"Can't ignore me now huh?"
Afonso doesn't answer. He just keeps walking, Luciano grabs his arm.
"We gotta talk."
"No we don't"
"Nothing happened that night, I swear."
"I don't care" Afonso sighs "you made it clear that it only takes a fight for you to consider finding someone else."
"No! You're wrong!" protests Luciano "that was just... me being an idiot. Besides, he wasn't my type."
Afonso just nods. When Luciano releases him he keeps his way. Luciano groans "you had more balls when it came to gold."
Afonso stops and turns "What the hell did you said?"
"I said" he repeats "You are more willing to fight when it came to stuff. Were you really going to let that dumbass have his way with me?" Afonso stares daggers at him. Luciano continues, a little smirk tauting him.
"Can you imagine? That guy all over me while you're crying somewhere else? All because I was a wittle mean to you"
It's enough to have Afonso grab him by his tie "Don't talk to me like i'm one of your dumb friends" his eyes ice cold.
"Or what? Gonna write a Fado about it?"
Afonso drags him to the nearest bathroom, where he makes him shut up. Bitting his lips to punish him for the audacity.
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idkmancyankindasus · 2 years
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I'd like to thank my free time for this wonderful opportunity to have me scroll through, my favourite artists posting bangers and all the bussin' references for this achievement :D
Thank you, tumblr.
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foodspark-scraper · 10 months
how to importance Seamless API bussines
Integrating the Seamless API into a business can offer various advantages, especially for restaurants or food delivery services. Here's how you can leverage the Seamless API to benefit your business:
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Streamlined Ordering Process: The Seamless API allows you to offer a seamless and efficient way for customers to place orders directly from your website or app. This can improve the overall customer experience and increase the likelihood of repeat orders.
Access to a Larger Customer Base: By integrating with the Seamless platform, you gain access to their existing user base, which can help you reach more potential customers who are already accustomed to using the platform for food delivery.
Increased Visibility: Being part of the Seamless ecosystem means your restaurant's menu and offerings will be visible to users actively looking for food options in their area. This visibility can boost your restaurant's online presence.
Real-Time Updates: The API allows you to keep your menu and pricing information up-to-date in real time. This ensures that customers always have access to accurate information, reducing the chances of confusion or disappointment.
Order Management: The Seamless API provides tools to manage incoming orders, track their status, and update customers on the progress of their deliveries. This streamlines your operations and enhances customer satisfaction.
Marketing Opportunities: Integrating with Seamless could potentially offer marketing opportunities through promotions, featured listings, or collaborations with the platform.
Data Insights: The API might provide access to valuable data insights about customer preferences, order trends, and other analytics. This data can help you make informed business decisions.
Efficiency: Integrating with the API can reduce the manual effort required for order processing, as orders can be automatically sent to your system for fulfillment.
Competitive Advantage: Offering a user-friendly and convenient way for customers to order can set you apart from competitors who don't offer similar integrations.
Innovation: The API can be leveraged creatively to introduce unique features, loyalty programs, or customizations that enhance customer engagement.
However, it's crucial to approach API integration thoughtfully:
Technical Competence: Ensure your development team is familiar with API integration and can handle the technical aspects.
User Experience: Focus on delivering a smooth and intuitive user experience to encourage more orders.
Compliance: Adhere to the terms of use and policies set by Seamless to avoid legal and ethical issues.
Testing: Thoroughly test the integration to identify and fix any potential issues before launching.
Remember that my information is based on knowledge available up to September 2021, and there may have been developments or changes since then. It's recommended to visit the official Seamless or Grubhub for Restaurants website for the most up-to-date information on their API and integration possibilities.
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thebandcampdiaries · 2 years
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Sors introducing for new songs
Jefell and Tes1 dropped some of their best tracks yet!
Sors is a project consisting of Jefell and Tes1. These talented artists have joined forces in order to create something that’s punchy and one-of-a-kind, exploring different genres and keeping an open mind. Recently, they have announced four new singles. Each song has something special to offer, and there is something truly special about how everything comes together in the end; highlighting the unique skills of these artists. Keep reading for a deeper dive into these songs!
This song immediately hits hard with a very energetic rhythm. The drums are pounding and they interplay perfectly with the vocal samples and the unique style. What makes this song special is the fact that it falls somewhere in between the true punch of hip-hop and the broad sonic scope of contemporary electronic music. You get the best of both worlds here, and the sound of this single is absolutely top notch. It is not surprising to see that the release is garnering a lot of streams on some of the best digital streaming services on the web!
2. La Dolce vita
This track has a cool drum intro with some orchestral timpani, before a unique melody kicks in. Soon after, an Afro-Cuban drum patterns kick in, giving the song a very irresistible beat that is meant to make people move! The vocal delivery is amazing as well, highlighting Sors’ ability to make music that feels catchy, yet very fun and easy to relate to for people of all walks of life. There is something truly special about how the arrangement falls into place: all the synth melodies lock in with the vocals and the drums perfectly, without ever overpowering the whole balance.
3. Flickering Halo
This track is another highlight. The song stands out due to the artist’s incredibly dynamic touch, and his unique focus on making music that is energetic, yet melodic. Some of the best rapper are also natural storytellers. The lyrical flow of this track is very conscious and uniques, as it is very compelling and reminds the audience of the golden age of hip-hop. Fans of artists like Tupac Shakur or A Tribe Called Quest will most definitely empathize with this one.
4. CAP
This one is a true heavy hitter. The song kicks off with vocals and piano, but soon after, the main beat comes in. This track reminds of some of the best hip-hop from the early 2000s, when the genre soared to global prominence. The quality of the production and the focus on layered vocals and melodies is reminiscent of something that you could expect from some of the top rap producers in the industry, including Dr. Dre and Timbaland, only to mention a few.
Ultimately, these four songs showcase Sors’ incredibly broad range. These are only four tracks, but the variety is truly astonishing. Each of these song was an opportunity for the artist to try something new. Still, Sors set out to retain a very original vibe. Even when the sounds are different you can still get a sense of what makes the artist stand out and why the work is so special. It is always amazing to see that there are rap artists who continue to explore the depths of the genre instead of resting in their comfort zone. This batch of songs proves that Sors is all about embracing more variety and constantly work to try new and amazing ideas to create hip-hop that blurs the lines between different styles and defies all expectations.
Find out more about Sors (Jefell & Tes1) and do not miss out on these four singles. The tracks are currently available on Spotify, as well as many other of the best digital music streaming services online. Fans of artists as diverse as Run DMC, LL Cool J, Boogie Down Productions, Eric B & Rakim, Public Enemy should most definitely give this one a proper go! 
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snurtle · 3 years
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old man discovers memes, immediately harasses bf with newfound knowledge
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leathermouthfag · 5 years
oh my god i am literally so fucking angry right now and i have nowhere to let it out
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marvelstars · 1 year
The Jedi Order in the Prequel and Original Trilogy
I think the way Lucas wrote the Jedi in the prequels was like a well meaning but flawed organization whose main character flaw, mentioned on Episode II by Yoda himself, was pride and arrogance but they definitely are not evil neither did they deseve to be taken out as an organization the way they were.
The Sith Order wins in the prequel trilogy because the Jedi expected an open war from them, like in the past, not the Sith using the Jedi disdain for politics and force null persons agaisn´t them. Palpatine in fact used the Jedi perjuices agaisn´t them.
The Jedi had the opportunity to discover what was happening behind the scenes, with the clones, with the republic, with Anakin but choose to ignore it in favor of the idea of who they were and their history, their previous victory over the Sith and their leadership in the formation of the Republic, it isn´t wrong to be proud of those acomplishments but it´s dangerouns to use the glorious past to become blind of what´s happening now.
Obi-Wan didn´t want to believe Dooku when he told him the Sith had taken over the Senate, they criticized the republic but did nothing to try to add their own output when it was clear since Episode I that the Senate cared more about their bussines than justice, even when a planet was literally invaded, they took the clone army and didn´t ask questions about how convenient a prepared army without rights but ready and programed to fight in a civil war was, yes Yoda lamented the decision but still took in the clone army and didn´t ask anything else.
They let Anakin alone with a politician since a young age, a kid who was supposed to be under their care and when he showed clear affection for the one adult who has been telling him his emotions are not evil and that it´s alright to care for his mother, they distrusted Anakin and blamed him for their closeness.
I personally think all this is meant to underline Yoda´s and Obi-Wan´s choices in ROTS and in the Original Trilogy.
Yoda says "War does not make someone great" because it was accepting war without question the thing that ended the entire Jedi Order.
Yoda chooses to give Anakin´s children to his family and to the Organa Family because he knows they went wrong in Anakin´s upbringing and hoped they grew up better with their family, this was also the reason why Obi-Wan respected Owen´s decision to keep Luke from training, even if he resented Owen for that, he could not deny Luke´s Uncle authority there.
Owen hostility towards ObiWan is perfectly understable, Owen knows the Jedi took Anakin from Shmi but stopped them from communicating for a decade, Obi-Wan personally stopped Anakin from meeting his mother again even when he had dreams of her in danger and dying, knowing Anakin was extremely force sensitive to the force, who also had premonitions, which Yoda mentions other Jedi also have.
Anakin and Shmi were Owen´s family, the first thing Owen tells Anakin when they meet "I guess we are step brothers" why? because Owen loved Shmi and loved Anakin from what she told him about him. So of course he would protect Anakin´s child from his father´s fate with the Jedi, because wether Obi-Wan told him about Anakin being Vader or about Anakin being dead, Owen had reason to think the Jedi didn´t made the correct choices when it came to Anakin´s training so how can he trust them when it comes to Luke?
Yoda and Obi-Wan decide at first to hide from Luke the fact his father is Vader so he would not have a hard time fighthing and killing him if neccesary but their bad knowledge of who Anakin was as a person shows up again, Yoda didn´t expect Vader to tell Luke the truth and isn´t it ironic the fact the Sith tell the truth even when it hurts and the Jedi hide it?, those character choices were made by Lucas as well, to show how the Jedi are indeed correct in wanting the light side of the force to win in the universe and to end the Empire because it´s a dictatorship and even to stop Vader because he´s contributing to that but they are also flawed people with feelings,who are still clearly mourning their lost society and have stakes of their own which leads them to treat Luke and Leia by proxy, more like means to an end instead of people, despite the fact they clearly care about them.
Yoda and Obi-Wan then decide to tell Luke the entire truth and allow him to make his own decision, because Luke is the future of the Order and he needs to be free to have choices. They can´t order him around as the Jedi Council used to do in the past and they accept that, they love Luke and they told him about Leia so he would not feel so alone but also because it was his right to know about his own Sister.
So when Luke is able to bring his father back thanks for his love and compassion, heritage of his family but also for his Jedi training, he doesn´t only brings back the Jedi Anakin used to be but also the Jedi Order gets a second chance to be reborn again.
Talking about this doesn´t mean it was right what Palpatine did to them or that it was alright what Anakin did at the Temple but we can´t have a character analysis made correctly if we ignore the choices the characters are doing in the story and how it lead to their end but also how lead to their rebirth, just like in Anakin´s case, the Jedi Order fell but also got back by learning from past mistakes and making a different choice.
I think we as a fandom could use more nuance in the discussion about a story that was written with clear moral complexities even if as Lucas said, it´s a fairly tale but fairy tales always teach lessons.
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ladyhindsight · 2 years
Oh, don't worry, real life stuff is obviously more important, although also more boring. I made the decision and I started to write the crossover fanfic I have on my mind for long time, but I was afraid it'll be horrible. You encouraged me. Thank you for it. I'm struggling with geography and inventing new cultures and their customs. Because once I fill the blank world the opportunity for plot lines will emerge.
I think Clare didn't want to write about sexism explicitly and that's why she didn't address the change. It would be work for her to write it and some people would be angry at her. Because in our day and time a lot of people like sanitary books, without social issues of past - even if the plot is in past.
Can you eleborate about the other changes? What else Clare changed?
You are totally right. It's weird downworlders didn't have any voice in Clave before. The thing with one person for entire race is also very weird. Especially when we look at what we know about vampires and werewolves. Werewolves live in packs. Vampires in clans. Packs fight with other packs and clans with other clans too. Therefore how exactly can they come up with one person to speak for entire race? Other weird this is the two courts of Faerie. Only two? It isn't a lot for entire population of faeries.. I came to conclusion, the two courts are the only ones who communicate with Clave and who sign Accords and the others are hidden in Faerieland minding their bussines. It's weird to imagine the entire race would sign Accords at all. Maybe there are kingdoms of vampires who are independent and are on thin ice with Clave, because they didn't sign Accords, but also don't hurt any mundanes nor do any mayhem between races. I have idea on my mind for chinese vampire kingdom lead by empress, who aren't under rule of the Clave.
How many shadowhunters do you think are out there? It's said the Council Hall can hold all the Clave members. So I have to ask how big is the population? It doesn't seem like nephilim would be able to protect world from all the demons if their population isn't at least 50,000. It's my wild guess, but I think it's minimum force needed to maintain authority and protect world.
I managed to forget Praetor Lupus exist, 😅 such a big impression it made on me...
If they kill Livvy, they would have actual problem to handle. Opportunity to grow, Clare would be able to show angst, but also the power of mercy and pity. They wouldn't kill just Livvy, but other innocents during the battle. I would add one more threat to the series, Emma and Julian take the risk and they would surely die completing their task in desperate need of forgiveness. Then their family and friends show up and save them. They didn't forget, but they are merciful, love Emma and Julian and they don't want to lose them too. It would be nice, if after all Emma and Julian won't even finish their task. They get injured and others do it instead. They don't need to be heroes. It's not the lesson of their story, it's story about tragic love not about war heroes.
That’s so cool, happy writing! 😊 I often find it soothing to have ideas and thoughts written down, even if I’m going to do absolutely nothing with them. But then again, I get them out of my head and stored somewhere in somewhat coherent form.
What I’ve gathered so far on changes made in TMI:
Change in lines
The revision on female Shadowhunters
The scene with Pangborn and the other guy whose name I totally forgot (though I think this was due to the original being a bit confusing)
Magnus’s age: In in the original 2009 version Magnus tells Alec he is 700-800 years old, but this was changed in the 2015 edition to 400-500 instead.
Some of Sebastian’s lines in CoG were changed: At the Gard, Sebastian says to Alec that he had already taken care of one of them (the Lightwoods) that night, which implies he knows he only killed Max and not Isabelle. But when Isabelle later comes to Jace’s aid and attacks Sebastian, Sebastian says to Isabelle: “I should’ve smashed your face in with that hammer until I was sure you weren’t breathing anymore—“, meaning he intended for the both of them to die. What made this nonsensical was the fact that the line was changed. The original 2009 version was: “I should have smashed your face in with that hammer when I had the chance—”, meaning Sebastian never intended to kill Isabelle, which in its own right leaves a plot hole: why did Sebastian just kill Max and not Isabelle?It seems that there was an attempt to cover this plot hole by having Sebastian intending to kill both of them but failing to kill Isabelle. But because only one of the lines was changed (and not the one with Alec), Sebastian’s intentions and words become contradictory.
The demon blood: Many have criticized the whole reason for Sebastian’s evilness being the demon blood in him because the warlock are also part demon and they aren’t evil because of it. The original 2009 version of the scene where Clary says this exact same thing doesn’t address the fact at all or try to explain it:
Clary pushed away the memory of Valentine’s voice saying, She told me that I had turned her first child into a monster. “But warlocks are part demon. Like Magnus. It doesn’t make them evil—” “Not part Greater Demon. You heard what the demon woman said.” It will burn out his humanity, as poison burns the life from the blood. Clary’s voice trembled. “It’s not true. It can’t be. It doesn’t make sense—” “But it does.”
In the 2015 edition the dialogue goes instead like this:
Clary pushed away the memory of Valentine’s voice saying, She told me that I had turned her first child into a monster. “But warlocks are part demon. Like Magnus. It doesn’t make them evil—“ “But they are born that way. Having demon blood put into you is different. It’s like being exposed to radiation. It changes you.” Clary’s voice trembled. “It’s not true. It can’t be. It doesn’t make sense—“ “But it does.”
What makes me conclude also once again that the world-building sucked is because of the original line “Not part Greater Demon” because, wait, huh, aren’t Magnus and Tessa both offspring of greater demons? Isn’t there like a whole series named after this? Magnus wasn’t the eldest surviving son of Asmodeus nor was Tessa the daughter of Belial.
Again, Clare could’ve said that Lilith’s blood in particular does this, but like with Raziel, these opportunities were wasted and made only worse and more nonsensical by making these edits to the writing. I’d like to know if there is a list of things that have gone through changes in the original trilogy to fit better the subsequent series, or if there isn’t one then do one, but I don’t plan on reading this book ever again.
There were probably couple more but here are at least the major ones I could think of and find on the blog.
And yeah, the Shadowhunters are constantly squabbling with each other, branching into different sects when the story demands it, but all the vampires and werewolves have no beef with each other? There’s no faerie that isn’t happy with their rulers and creating their own realms with other like-minded? It’s too simplistic and unrealistic to have such large, homogeneous groups of people. I haven’t actually thought about how many of the Nephilim exist, because it seems there’s very few of them and everyone at least seems to have heard of others by name or some other way. So it’s hard to think that there’d be tens of thousands of them, which again, like you said, would be far more effective on global scale.
It was highly convenient that the True Nephilim Emma and Julian only killed bad guys and only slightly injured Jace. Becoming a (war) hero of some sort seems to be an on-going theme with every major character. There’s always a big battle to be won and the world saved by the protagonists. Livvy’s death could’ve been utilized far better, that’s true, because in the end it was more about Julian’s grief than that of Ty’s or any other sibling’s. Livvy’s death contributed majorly to Ty’s actions in QoAAD, but Julian really was the whole star of it all, with angst and everything.
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rome5683 · 3 years
A 'Sociopath's Touch
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Chapter Ten : Dearly Departed
Words: 6193
Summary: It's the storm after the fluff. You and Kai go to help Damon get his mom back, and everything goes wrong. Again.
Kai’s hands moved the hangers quickly down the rack, cursing when he couldn’t find what he was looking for. “Am I even in the right section- I mean, what is this?”
“This is Walmart. You get what you buy.” Damon scowled as he leaned against a wooden platform that had folded clothes against it, furring his brow at Kai.
“And it’s not exactly snowing here, either.” Jacob said from the other side of the rack, “So yeah, their selections for parkas aren’t exactly bussin’.”
Damon stood, looking at Jacob with annoyance, “What did you just say?”
“Uh…” Jacob hesitated, face filled with both anger and fear. The man who killed him was asking rudely what he just said.
“Bussin’.” Kai smirked at Jacob’s relieved expression, relief to be free from any type of confrontation, and looked to Damon with a raised brow. “What’s wrong, old man? Can’t get with the times?”
Damon scoffed, “Do you even know how to use anything that plugs in?”
Kai smiled sarcastically, “Do you even know how to speak to anyone younger than you?”
Damon was about to speak when Jacob interceded with a laugh, “Does he even know anyone older than him?”
Damon raised a brow towards your brother, “I will kill you, again.”
Kai smirked and chanted under his breath, causing Damon to groan and clutch his forehead before the spell went away. He glared at Kai, who smirked wider. “Do that, and I will kill you. Capisce?”
Damon frowned, walking away to look for his own parka.
You were indecisive at the moment- the black one looked more chic, but the white one looked so classy. You looked at Elena, who sat nearby with a bored expression. You held them both up to her, “Which one do you think I should get?”
She sighed, “I don’t know, (Y/N). Can you just hurry up?”
“God…” You rolled your eyes, deciding to go with the white parka instead of the black one. It was easier to get dirty, sure, but hell of a lot cuter. Especially with those dark jeans you would wear… and those white snow boots you spotted in the other section. You hung the black parka where it belonged, grumbling with annoyance, “You’re such a killjoy.”
“It’s not like you’re a breeze to get along with- and I don’t usually get along with people who try to threaten me, so-“
You looked at her with a raised brow as you folded the white parka over your arm, “I did what I had to do, okay? I needed a break- my family needed a break.”
She raised a brow back, crossing her arms, “So Kai’s your family now?”
You let out a soft exhale, not even thinking twice about that fact. You and Kai… you had more than just a connection. More than attraction- you had a bond. A deep and real bond. You shrugged, a hint of a smile on your lips, “Pretty much.”
Elena softened slightly, “Look, I get what you mean. At first, when I was still human- I took a break from all this for a bit.”
You nodded, remembering when she told you about the first break she had with Stefan.
“And we need it sometimes, we really do. And… I understand that you threatened me for a good reason.” She furrowed her brows in confusion, a smile on her face.
You laughed at that, causing Elena to chuckle as well. “I’m… a little sorry about that.”
Elena smiled widely, “You don’t need to be sorry. It’s all fine.”
You smiled back, until a sudden wave of nausea overcame you. You felt confused, swallowing the lump in your dry throat all of a sudden, and shoved the white parka in Elena’s hands. You ran towards the nearest restroom, running to the nearest stall. You couldn’t help it as vomit came out, and the taste of it made your face cringe.
Elena followed you, holding your back and patting your back soothingly, and looking on in confusion. “What’s happening to you?”
You flushed the toilet, gasping as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. You shook your head, standing and going to the sink to wash your hand and rinse out your mouth.
Elena gently grasped your shoulder when you were done, “Are you okay?”
You exhaled shakily, “Is it possible for vampires to get food poisoning?”
Elena spoke soft and low, “I’ve been a vampire for about two and half years now, and I’ve never-“
“It isn’t possible.” You murmured at first, then looked at Elena as you grasped her shoulders. “Tell me this isn’t possible.”
She pursed her lips, her eyes saying everything she couldn’t bring herself to say out loud. Then, she nodded with a sudden determination in her eyes. “Only one way to find out.”
You shrieked, throwing the fifth pregnancy test against the bathroom wall with frustration. A woman walked out of the nearby stall, barely glancing at you two with a frightened expression as she washed her hands and scurried out of the store’s restroom.
Elena grasped her forehead, stressing herself out, “There’s no way.”
“Obviously, there is!” You exasperated, grabbing the first four you took and showing them to her in a dramatic way. “They’re all positive, aren’t they?!”
“I mean, this is literally impossible.” She scoffed in disbelief, taking one of them and shaking her head at the positive results.
You scoffed with frustration, “We live in a world where witches, vampires, doppelgängers, wolves, and even hybrids between all those things exist. This is definitely up there on the list as possible…”
“Not to mention the other type of creatures you’ve left out…” She looked away, before looking back at you with a slightly confused expression.
You raised a brow, “What is it?”
“I mean… how much sex have you and Kai been having?” Elena let out a nervous laugh.
Your lips widened with a grin, and you looked away as you tried to wipe it off your face. You shook your head as your cheeks reddened, failing to come up with a good answer, or even estimate.
“I’m guessing it was a lot.” Elena smirked at your pink-tinted cheeks, “Anyhow, you cannot come with us today.”
You frowned, “The hell I can’t.”
“What happens if something goes wrong?” Elena stressed her words, raising her voice, “What happens if Kai and Bonnie fight, and you get hurt in the process? You can’t take that risk- you can’t leave Jacob alone-“
“Don’t you think I know that?!” You snapped, and slightly faltered at Elena’s hurt expression. You clasped your hands together in front of your face, sighing and trying to keep your composure. You looked back up at her as you spoke, “As much as Jacob matters to me, and as much as I am determined to make it back to him… I cannot risk Damon, or Bonnie, or even you leaving Kai there. I can’t let him be abandoned again. Not after everything we’ve built together...” You winced slightly, “Not after everything he’s been through.”
Elena sighed, coming closer and embracing you. You hugged her back, sighing with relief. Hopefully she would understand…
You pulled away, looking at Elena with slightly teary eyes, “Promise me that no matter what happens, you won’t tell him.”
She faltered slightly, “What do you mean?”
“If everything goes right today, I want to be the one to tell him.” You half-smiled, before going back to your serious expression. “But if it doesn’t, and something happens to me… I don’t want that extra weight on his mind.”
“But-“ Her voice slightly broke, but you shook your head.
“Elena.” You spoke sharply, making her stay silent with widened eyes. “You can never tell anyone. Please…” You pleaded with her, “Please do this for me.”
She swallowed, and nodded as she squeezed your hands reassuringly, and walked out of the restroom. You let out a shaky sigh, your hand subconsciously drifting to your abdomen… you couldn’t believe it. A part of you was elated, glad that this was even possible and that you two could practically have a future together. Another part of you was frightened to death. You were still in college, you still had a lot of plans and none of them had ever involved this… but here you were. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. And as much as you weren’t exactly prepared for a kid to be in your life, you knew Kai would be there a hundred percent of the way for your guys’ child, and you knew that no matter what, you wanted this.
You looked to the mirror, straightening your posture before inhaling sharply and exhaling slowly, and walking out of the store’s restroom.
Your eyes widened to see Elena at her lover’s side, looking at him with a pleading look. Damon looked over with a raised brow, and you felt cold at that knowing look in his eye.
Elena scowled, softly hitting his abdomen. “Promise me, Damon.”
“Fine.” He scoffed, his eyes glancing to your belly before looking at your uneasy expression with a slight smirk. “Your secret is safe with me.”
You nodded with relief, about to thank him before you were interrupted.
“Who’s secret is safe with who?” Kai popped up from behind Damon and Elena, a grin on his face. Jacob followed, wearing an amused expression.
“It’s a secret.” Damon winked at Kai, causing Elena to groan.
Jacob scoffed, “Can I at least know?”
Elena chuckled, “It’s not a secret if everyone knows.
Kai walked over to you with a slight pout, his hand drifting your waist absentmindedly. “Why are you keeping secrets from me?”
You laughed as he pecked your cheek, “It’s more of a surprise, really. I’ll tell you later.”
He grinned again, his eyes smiling as his blue eyes sparkled with delight. “Promise?”
You smirked up at him, “I promise.”
You could hear Damon scoff from the living room as you took your time getting ready in the restroom. He shouted, “Uh? Tick tock, woman! How long does it take to change?”
Elena shushed him, and Kai spoke up next. “I mean, she doesn’t take that long-“
You exited the restroom, your black skinny jeans, white boots, and white parka complimenting each other as you let your hair down. You also put on a little bit of makeup, because why not? You gave Damon a raised brow and gestured to your appearance, “You think all this magic just happens?”
Kai grinned, his winter outfit, slightly messy hair, and beard making him look scrumptious, “Looks like magic to me.”
Damon and Jacob groaned simultaneously, while Elena grinned. You blushed, smiling widely and walking into Kai’s arms as he hugged you close to him and he pecked your forehead. You looked at Jacob and sighed, “I’ll be back, okay?”
Jacob nodded, getting up and giving you a hug. “Be safe.”
“I will.” He squeezed you close, and patted your shoulder as he sat onto your guys’ couch. Damon rolled his eyes.
“Okay. Let’s get this prison world train going.” The old vampire went to open the door, letting Elena pass before he went. Kai caught the door before it closed, holding it open for you as well. You waved goodbye to Jacob through the door, and followed Damon and Elena to Damon’s car.
Elena held open the passenger seat, and you climbed in happily with Kai in tow. He grunted as he sat next to you, shifting into a comfortable position with his arm around you. You leaned into him, enjoying the feel of him against you as you closed your eyes. You woke up pretty early to go to the store for all your clothes, and Kai stayed up late to get the ascendant for the 1903 prison world which of course you waited up for him, so you were a little tired- especially considering the fact you and Kai had a little romp in the shower this morning. Again- you barely had any sleep.
You slipped into a light sleep, feeling yourself sigh as you finally slipped into the pleasing darkness that was sleep. Kai shifted a little, and you moaned with slight annoyance before getting comfortable again.
Damon grunted as he started pulling out of the parking lot, “If I hear kissing, groaning, or any other moan- I will kill you both.”
“Damon,” Elena scolded.
Kai smirked, looking down at your sleeping form. Just looking at you was enough to make him melt inside. He ran his hand through your hair, tucking it behind your ear as you sighed happily in your sleep.
“What?” Damon exasperated, clearly annoyed with your guys’ affection.
Elena shook her head with a laugh, amused at the way Damon was so bothered.
“Where are they…” Bonnie grumbled to herself, nervous as hell. Nervous, because she has been planning to kill Kai. And she was a little scared, but of course- who would admit that? Not only that- but she knew Jo could die… but a part of her didn’t care. She wanted Kai gone- or at least abandoned in the prison world like he had abandoned her. Stabbed, and left to die on her own.
As soon as the door opened, she stood. Her nerves were on end, watching them come through the door one by one. Finally, Kai and (Y/N) came through the door.
You barely glanced at Bonnie, clutching Kai’s hand with an intense hold which only made him squeeze back in reassurance. Elena went upstairs for a second, and you wondered briefly why. You weren’t scared of Bonnie, but still were tense around her.
Damon sighed, standing next to Bonnie. “Let’s get this show on the road. Kai, ascendant?”
Kai reluctantly let go of your hand, and went to take the ascendant out of his pocket. He approached Bonnie, conflicted whether to try to be nice or hold the grudge of hurting you again. However conflicted he was, he wasn’t exactly good with poker faces. His face was obviously annoyed and perplexed as he stood there with the ascendant in hand.
Bonnie pulled out a knife, cutting her hand and letting the blood trickle onto the ascendant. Kai huffed, “Damn. Crocodile Dundee called, he wants his knife back.”
You smirked to yourself, you’ve always loved Kai’s snarky comments.
“You know, he’s no longer a thing, and neither is that joke.” Bonnie quipped back, sheathing her hunting knife.
Kai raised a brow and let out a slight hiss, “Ouch.”
Elena huffed, coming back with a parka of her own and standing next to Bonnie. “Is this acceptable attire by 1903 standards?”
You shrugged, about to speak up when Damon interrupted, “Whoa, who said you’re coming?”
“To meet the woman who gave birth to the two epic loves of my life? Me.”
You grinned, “Plus I’m going, so it isn’t fair not to let Elena, out of all people, go.”
Damon scoffed, looking at Kai and Bonnie. “Isn’t there a limit?”
Bonnie rolled her eyes, “Right, which is why there’s two of us. So shall we?”
“Fine. Let’s go get Mom.” Damon huffed, and Elena grasped Bonnie’s shoulder while holding Damon’s. In turn, you grasped Kai’s shoulder and smiled encouragingly when he glanced at you with a somewhat worried expression.
“Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema.” Kai chanted, and you couldn’t help but look at him in awe with the way he spoke. He really was a powerful witch. “Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema.”
A bright light flashed, changing your surroundings while you were blinded- and before you knew it, you could feel the snow falling onto your hair and cheeks. You let out an amazed laugh, looking around to see you were in a snowy Mystic Falls, but in the woods. This was really amazing, and for a second- you forgot how gruesome real life magic was- and remembered how magical and awe-inspiring it was. Kai grinned at your reaction as you looked up at the snow falling.
“Well, isn’t this a picturesque slice of hell?” Damon spoke, and Bonnie let out a small sigh.
“You guys go ahead. Kai and I will start the locator spell on the ascendant.”
Elena frowned in confusion, “But Kai just has the ascendant. Why do we have to find another one?”
Kai shrugged, “The ascendant can’t travel between worlds, which means we gotta find its mirror image here in 1903.”
“Page 10 on the world-jumping rule-book. Shall we?” Damon went to walk away, not even looking back as Elena stayed behind hesitantly.
Kai wandered away, his head tilting up to stick his tongue out at the snowflakes. You smiled at his childish antics, and Elena pulled you and Bonnie aside.
“I don’t… I don’t want to leave you guys alone with him.”
You felt confused at Elena, wondering why she was so concerned when she knew how much Kai cared about you, “Elena, we’ll be fine.”
“He’s good now, remember? New leaf.” Bonnie stated, making you frown in further confusion. Bonnie wasn’t one to believe in Kai so easily.
“It’s-It’s not that.” Elena stammered, “I just…” She sighed, defeated. “Just play nice, the both of you.”
She turned, following after Damon as you and Bonnie exchanged a look of suspicion towards one another.
“New leaf.” You both turned to see Kai approaching you both, his head cocked to the side as he analyzed Bonnie. “You believe me.”
“Hell no.” Bonnie’s voice rang out with an edge, and you bristled with annoyance. “But Damon and Elena need to meet his mom alone. So shut up and help me find the ascendant.”
Bonnie held out her hand, and Kai sighed as he took off a glove and pricked his finger. As he let the blood sleep onto the other witch’s hand, he sighed somewhat awkwardly before speaking up, “You have really nice palms.”
You looked at him with a raised brow, both confused and annoyed. Kai shrugged with an awkward smile, and Bonnie scoffed under her breath.
“Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem.”
Kai stayed quiet as she changed, before blurting words out. “I really have changed, you know?”
Bonnie ignored him, continuing to chant. You placed a hand on his arm, rubbing your thumb back and forth. Kai looked at you, and grabbed your other hand, placing it on his cheek for comfort as he closed his eyes. You placed your other hand on his other cheek, and leaned forward to rest your forehead against his. “I believe you.”
Your voice was barely above a whisper, but when he heard it- he believed it. God, he loved you. He loved the way you loved him. He leaned into your hand, softly pressing his lips against your wrist with a gentle peck.
“I think I’m gonna be sick.” You both turned to see Bonnie’s disgusted expression, and Kai rolled his eyes as Bonnie walked past you both. “The ascendant is this way.”
As Bonnie walked away, Kai quickly and discreetly gave you a peck on the lips. You smiled, kissing him back before he took your hand and started to follow Bonnie through the woods.
After a couple minutes, Bonnie spoke up. “The spell feels stronger. The ascendant must be around here somewhere.”
Kai scoffed, “Why would the ascendant be here?”
Bonnie turned and frowned at him, “I don’t know. I didn’t put it here.”
Kai rolled his eyes, letting go of your hand and looking around the snow. You did the same, walking a couple paces away to look for the ascendant.
“If you don’t think I’m capable of change, why spend an entire day with me? Why bring me out in the middle of nowhere?”
You hummed in thought, wondering about what Kai was saying as you glanced around the snow for the ascendant.
“I mean… I could gut you all over again. Your friends would never even hear you scream.”
Bonnie sighed, “Because maybe you’re right. Maybe, deep down, there’s a part of me that believes there’s a sliver of good in you.”
“And you’d be right!” Kai laughed, almost disbelievingly. “Looking, looking, and… nope, they didn’t hide the ascendant in a pile of snow over here or over-“
You groaned, feeling a sharp pain as a stake went into your throat. You keeled over, grasping for it desperately. You looked behind you, seeing Bonnie raise a brow behind Kai, and you realized she must’ve thrown it with her magic.
Kai looked over, confused before sharply gasping as he was stabbed in the back by Bonnie’s large hunting knife. He fell onto the floor, attempting to crawl away when Bonnie stabbed his thigh from behind.
“Bonnie!” You heard Kai groan, and the drive to help overpowered.
You grunted, taking the stake out of your throat. You gasped, being able to breathe once more. You looked over, seeing Bonnie’s back to you as she leaned over Kai with her knife in hand.
“What are you doing?!” You screamed, making her glare back at you.
“Gaining his trust, and then stabbing him in the back? Sound familiar?!” She turned back to Kai, and your boyfriend winced in pain.
“Please, don’t, Bonnie-”
“Don’t what? Don’t-Don’t leave you here? All alone?!” She shouted, justifiably enraged. “Don’t abandon you and make you feel hopeless?!”
“Please, Bonnie! He’s changed-” You interceded.
“I have! Bonnie, please, please believe me. I’ve changed.” Kai whimpered, desperately.
“And I have to.” Bonnie spoke, her voice unwavering as she raised the knife above Kai.
You used her focus on him to speed towards her, pushing her and yourself yards away from where Kai lay on the ground. You stood using your super-speed about a foot away from Bonnie, seeing her get up with her knife, and she was suddenly charging towards you now. You held your hands out, “Wait, Bonnie! Wait!”
Bonnie didn’t stop, gritting her teeth as she used her other to cast a spell. You were suddenly immobilized, and you had to spit it out. You had to tell her.
“Bonnie, don’t! Please, I’m pregnant!”
Silence. She stopped midway, panting and looking at you in disbelief. You let out a grunt of relief, her magic releasing you now. She shook her head, “That’s-That’s not possible.”
“Bonnie…” You started, and she suddenly placed her hand on your stomach. The words died in your throat, and you looked at her confused while she closed her eyes in concentration. She gasped, eyes widened and looked at you with an unfathomable expression.
She backed away, dropping her knife with widened eyes. “You… How… You and Kai… pregnant.”
“Bonnie, he’s the father of my child, and the man I’m in love with.” You let out, somewhat disbelieving the words that came out of your own mouth. Despite that, you continued. “I know he’s hurt you, I know he’s manipulated you. I know-”
“What do you know of what I’ve been through?! What do you know of what HE put me through?!”
“Because not too long ago, he did the same to me!” You shrieked, suddenly feeling emotional when you recalled the incident with Elena. “When we kidnapped Elena, he made me bleed… he siphoned her almost to the point of desiccation. And she was hungry- and she chased me-”
Bonnie furrowed her brows with a shake of her head, “That’s literally horrible.”
“And then I ended up being killed… by you.” You finished, scoffing with humor at the whole situation. “As horrible as all of it was, here I am. With Kai, with his baby in my stomach, and begging for your forgiveness.”
“I’m not going to forgive him, (Y/N)-”
“Not for him. For me, Bonnie.” You let out another laugh, a stray tear releasing from your left eye from all the emotions you’re going through. “I don’t want this. I don’t want these fights. I want a normal life. As normal as I can get with a siphon boyfriend and a werewolf brother…”
Bonnie bit her bottom lip, suddenly perplexed with the whole situation.
“And as much as you hate Kai… Just… Please, don’t kill him. When we leave here, we’ll move away and you’ll never have to see us ever again. If that’s what it’ll take, I genuinely don’t care… Just, please, forgive me. And if not, the very least you can do is let my child have a father.”
Bonnie shook her head, turning away from you.
“Bonnie, I’m sorry. For everything that he and I have put you through, I am genuinely so sorry. I really am. I never meant to hurt you.” You sighed heavily, “I understand if you don’t accept my apology, or don’t forgive me. I get it. But I can’t let you kill Kai. I won’t.”
Bonnie huffed, turning to face you with a guilty expression. She spoke swiftly, “I never want to see either of you again.”
You let out an exhale of relief, watching Bonnie walk in the opposite direction of where she had been leading you and Kai. Oh my god, Kai!
You sped over to where you could hear his groans, and knelt by his grunting form.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, Kai.” You gasped at the sight of the blood pooling around his thigh, and could feel yourself start to panic as Kai looked at you with a desperate and pained look. All the blood, it was… you could feel your face transform at the smell of it. Your heart was beating, but his was beating louder- and you were suddenly so hungry.
“(Y/N)-” Kai’s hand grasped your thigh, and you suddenly focused back into reality.
“It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay.” You bit your wrist roughly, barely even wincing at the pain. You grasped the back of Kai’s neck, helping him lean upwards and pressed your wrist against his mouth. He drank your blood greedily, and you breathed deeply, in and out, desperately trying to curb your appetite. It wasn’t like you were starving- you had dranken blood just this morning after the morning sickness incident with Elena. You were okay, you were okay…
Kai groaned into you, brows furrowed as he drank for only seconds more before pulling away. He gasped, sitting up and hissing in discomfort as his wounds started to heal. “Agh… God, that hurts like a bitch.”
You rubbed his back soothingly, still kneeling next to his sitting position, staying silent as he struggled to keep his breathing under control. He leaned his head onto your chest suddenly, and you were a little startled when he was silent, but you didn’t mind. You ran your hand through his hair, softly raking your nails against his scalp in the way Kai loved. Both of you stayed there for god knows how long in the snow, and you were brought out of your silence when Kai shivered. You gently grasped his head, moving him from your chest, and looked at his face.
He had a pensive expression, still silent and refraining from glancing at you. You purse your lips in slight annoyance, but merely let out a sigh as you gently grasped his face in your palms. “Kai… Are you okay? Are you cold? How can I help?”
“You…” The words died on his lips, but then his face went from pensive, to forlorn, to determined. “You need to leave.”
You stilled, and slightly shook your head with confusion. “What… What are you talking about?”
“Don’t you get it?” Kai suddenly pulled away from your grasp, standing and raising his voice as he spoke. “As long as I live, people will want to kill me.”
You stood, furrowing your eyebrows as he continued.
“We can’t just have a life together.”
You frowned, “Why… Why not?”
“Did you not just hear me?” He spoke harshly, his face angry and glaring. You tensed, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. “People will want to kill me- to hurt me.”
“And what about it?” You scoffed, “I don’t see how that should stop us from being together.”
“To hurt you, to hurt Jacob, is to hurt me, (Y/N)! Bonnie could’ve killed you!”
“Who cares?! That doesn’t mean we-”
“That’s exactly what it means! I have a whole coven of enemies! I have a whole family of them!”
“So?! That doesn’t matter as long as we’re together!” You could feel yourself start to get emotional, and you hated how you couldn’t control them. “As long as we’re together, we can protect each other! I’m not some fragile little-”
“I don’t care what you are, (Y/N)! I want you to leave!” He yelled sharply, making you still as he grit his teeth. “Now.”
You shook your head, “No.”
“Leave.” His voice spoke gravely, and you could feel your eyes start to tear up. You shook your head again.
“No.” You glared at him, huffing in annoyance when your voice broke. “No! I’m not going to leave you-”
“Leave, or so help me I will-”
“What?! What are you gonna do, Kai?” You stood closer, feeling your chest swell with unease and fear. Not of him, but at the loss of him. You… Kai was a part of you. You couldn’t… no.
“You’ll just stay if I do, won’t you?”
“Hell yeah I will.” You were more determined than him, more stubborn. Who did he think he was to be a martyr, out of all the times to be one? He chose when you were pregnant? This idiotic… little… hot bastard.
He stayed silent, looking away from you and at the floor as his breath hitched. You swallowed, clenching your jaw, and balling your hands into fists. What could he do?
“It’s over.” You looked up at him in alarm, his eyes dead serious as they stared down at you. You shook your head, feeling anger rise as he swallowed and nodded, confirming his own words. “I don’t want to be with you. I don’t want to be near you, near Jake, I…”
“Kai, don’t-”
“I’m breaking up with you.” His own voice slightly broke, and you winced involuntarily. The snow never felt colder, and you withheld a sob. “When we get back, we go our own separate ways. Do you understand?”
You nodded, letting out a shaky exhale as he walked past you and back where you guys had come from. The cold pricked your cheeks, pricked your nose… but the emptiness you felt in your chest was far worse. You followed Kai from a couple feet away, walking in awkward silence, and your eyes widened when you heard it.
“Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema. Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema.”
“Damon! No-!” Elena’s voice cut off with a small crack, and you gasped in realization.
Bonnie had just started chanting. Elena wouldn’t leave you, of course, but Damon wouldn’t let that happen. Why would he?
Kai looked at you when he noticed you stopped in your tracks with your eyes wide as you processed what you just heard. He walked closer, “What is it?”
“Bonnie… She’s leaving us.”
You two exchanged a look before breaking into a sprint through the woods, which of course you kept at his pace, and stopped when you saw them a couple yards away. You shouted, voice weak, “Bonnie, don’t!”
Bonnie raised a brow at you, continuing to chant as an unconscious Elena rested against a standing Damon, who held hands with a woman you could only assume was Lily. How could she? Why would she? She knew only you could catch up, only you could make contact before the spell was done. She wanted you to leave Kai.
There was no time. The spell would be over soon.
You grit your teeth, grabbing onto Kai. Before he could register what you were about to do, you sped with all your might towards the group about to leave. It was like slow-motion.
You pushed Kai with all your strength towards them, a bright light just shining as you did so. Kai’s expression changed as he realized what was happening, his eyes pleading, his mouth open in a gasp as he held his hand out towards you while he himself fell backwards into the group. You jumped, closing your eyes at the blinding bright light as you reached for his hand.
You fell to the floor with a grunt. Only the floor wasn’t wood like you expected; it was snow. As soon as you opened your eyes, the cold breeze of winter seemed all the much clearer especially since you had expected warmth in the Salvatore lodging house. But no, you were still here. You let out the sob you were holding since earlier, looking around the woods as it snowed, hoping and praying you had been knocked out from the world-jump. That this was only a nightmare. Your hand went to the ascendant in front of you, running your fingers across the cold metal. God, please let this be a nightmare.
That wasn’t the case, though. You were in the 1903 prison world.
And you weren’t alone. You heard something behind you, and turned around as something tackled you onto your back. You shrieked, “Ah!”
Kai grunted as his back crashed against Damon’s front, and was immediately pushed off. As soon as his hands met the wood floor of the Salvatore house, his eyes widened. He let out a gasp, “No. No, no, no.”
He stood, bewildered and looking at a shocked Bonnie and Lily. “Bonnie! Why would you do that- What-”
Bonnie clenched her jaw, and raised her chin defiantly. “(Y/N) made her choice.”
Kai practically snarled, “We have to go back, Bonnie!”
“When we go for my family, I’m sure you could accompany us.” Lily spoke calmly, and Kai glanced at her with incredulity. He knew that Damon lied to her, of course.
“Bonnie, give me the ascendant. Now.” Kai had never been so enraged in his life. Okay, maybe he had- but nothing ever felt like this. Nothing ever hurt him like this.
Bonnie grit her teeth, “No.”
Kai moved forward, only to have a hand on his chest hold him back. Damon. Kai glared up at the vampire, who only raised a brow.
“So you lost your baby mama- get over it.” Damon spoke as if you didn’t matter. As if you were some side-piece who- how- what did he even mean by that?!
“I. Lost. EVERYTHING!” Kai shouted, his voice full of vigor, the fire in the fireplace blazing wildly as he used his magic to throw Damon against the wall and onto the floor. Lily and Bonnie gasped, and in this moment- Bonnie was reminded of Klaus’ tantrums. Kai glared at the witch who had stabbed him earlier, his rage knowing no bounds. “GIVE ME THE ASCENDANT!”
“You want your ascendant?!” Bonnie screamed, taking the one from this world out of her pocket, “Here it is!”
Kai stepped towards her when she held it up, and threw it onto the floor with all her force. Both Kai and Lily screamed, “NO!”
The ascendant fell to the floor, smashing into a million pieces. Lily sped to it, whimpering to herself as she tried to collect all the pieces. “No, no no-”
“Incendia.” Bonnie spoke, lighting it on fire with a smirk. She looked at Kai, satisfied to see his suffering. Maybe it wasn’t justice, but it tasted just as sweet. Lily gasped away from the fire, her eyes tearing up with the loss of her family. Kai’s blue eyes darkened with fury.
Bonnie went to hold her hand out, wanting to fight against Kai, but whimpered when Kai flicked her against the wall only to immobilize her against it. Kai stomped past Lily, approaching Bonnie and grabbing the sides of her head. Bonnie’s eyes widened, realizing that he’d do something just as someone else had done once before. She shook her head, frantic, but powerless. “No, Kai!”
Kai chanted, his brows furrowed and his expression cruel. He didn’t care anymore- he couldn’t. Bonnie gasped, falling to the floor with a sob when Kai pulled away.
Kai huffed, “There. Now you can’t hurt anyone.”
Bonnie shook her head, still sobbing. She couldn’t form the words. Did she feel bad? Yes. Did she feel bad about Kai feeling bad? No. But now- her magic was gone. Kai took it, just like Dr. Martin had all those years again. She felt like a little girl all of a sudden- powerless, and human.
Damon groaned on his side, looking from Bonnie to Kai. “What did you do? Kai? What did you do?”
Kai glanced back at the ascendant, barely even noticing Lily as she glared at Bonnie, and walked towards it. Slowly, he picked up every little piece, no matter how burnt.
“Kai!” Damon stood, enraged at the sight of his best friend’s sobs. “Kai, what did you do?!”
“YOU!” Lily suddenly screamed, lunging for Bonnie.
Damon cursed, speeding to stop his mom. As Damon and his mom argued over Bonnie, Kai silently walked out of the Salvatore house with all the burnt ascendant pieces. Kai didn’t care how long it would take. Kai would fix it- and Kai would get you back.
No matter what.
Well, that's all folks. I will continue this series in another work of fiction, starting right from where we left off after a short break. So it's like, gonna be about ten chapters, but be a different name... basically a sequel. Truth be told, I procrastinated so hard on this chapter because the angst was killing me. Oh, what a long time it's been. Anywho- see you in a week or two to continue this angsty and loving fic!!
@fandom-strumpet @fangirlforever2412 @1-800-khaleesii @big-boobi
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xenclev · 3 years
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐢𝐟 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞-𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩?
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𝑞'𝑠 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 — Use of first person. Crack! My wifi is down, and I can't do my school work. So, let's dilly dally! ♡
tw: mature language
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𝐎𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐫𝐚𝐧
♤ personal manager
♤ 10/10 employer
♤ gives random raises and bonuses like it's nothing
♤ also buys a gratuity gift for being his personal manager
♤ "I know it's not much, but it's a little something."
♤ and he just eagerly stands there while I open it
♤ if it's something stupid, on everything, Imma act like that shit is the coolest thing ever given to me just to make him happy
♤ "Gahlee, my guy! This shit cleaner than a bitch! Where'd you get it from?"
♤ his grin is so goofy afterwards
♤ such a sweet man, but ong he stinks after a game
♤ please, y'all know how those jocks in the hallway smell on a daily basis? it's that + make it ✨ sweaty ✨
♤ I'd have to wash his uniform and force him to shower 3 times to get that stench off
♤ hahaha he had me in the first half
𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞
♤ rice processor
♤ 17/10 employer!!!
♤ he'd probably want some help harvesting the rice, but me and outdoors don't get along
♤ mans does not ask questions after I tell him that
♤ the king of approving whack ass vacation days
♤ he'd let me stay home for a month because I asked and still pay me while I'm gone
♤ he also buys his workers breakfast and lunch without taking it out of our paychecks
♤ the best employer on the block
♤ worse part of the job is when he calls meetings
♤ only calls them when sales go down
♤ he has 5 people that work for him (the two harvesters, me, the dude that picks up the rice to deliver it, and homegirl that takes record of the amount of rice harvested)
♤ we sit at a round table and he, deadass, stares into everyone's soul
♤ "Sales... are down."
♤ scariest statement I'd ever hear ✋🏾
𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐮
♤ idk, man. his receptionist?
♤ 6/10 employer
♤ don't get me wrong, probably the coolest employer out of all of them
♤ would probably try to drag me everywhere with the team
♤ bitch, I'm supposed to be at home managing your business calls, not out here babysitting a whole volleyball team
♤ swear, this dude forgets to pay me every other month
♤ that means I get paid once every 2-3 months
♤ how am I supposed to LIVE???
♤ really gotta learn how to ration that shit, ig. wealthy girlies could never.
♤ the pay day might be sporadic but he pays a shit ton when he remembers to
♤ I don't get to take vacation days with him, not because he won't let me, but because, I'm scared to leave him to fend for himself
♤ worst part is that he makes me clean up his house
♤ "Got anything goin after the game?"
♤ "Swear. I gotta go do some chores."
♤ "Does that mean yer cleanin my house today?"
♤ no, Atsumu. I'm not ya fookin nanny
𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮
♤ dish washer
♤ 13/10 employer!
♤ tried to make me a waitress at first
♤ told him that I'm not a people person, but he kept asking so politely
♤ I mean, homie is super hard to say no to
♤ so, I did it anyway. I'd pay attention to the orders, but I wouldn't talk to them
♤ other than me LOOMING over the customers silently when they needed a refill, I'd be a pretty decent waitress
♤ yeah, he automatically knew that I was right about wanting to be a dish washer
♤ I become the dishwasher (yessssir!)
♤ I literally scrub the dishes so clean that they started squeaking
♤ all the workers are thinking that the utensils and plates are going to break
♤ girl, no. them thangs have to be sterilized. there's a mf pandemic out there
♤ probably the most laid back employer
♤ he's the second most organized after Kita
♤ he pays good money too, and he does not forget to pay on time
♤ vacation days are up to a week per pay period, but he's nice about it
♤ paid leave is only when I get sick + bonuses are only for holidays and birthdays
♤ pick anything off the menu and that's lunch
♤ Imma be milking the shit out of that opportunity cause I want that free lunch to keep coming
♤ "Mr. Osamu, put it on god you made this."
♤ "Ha ha, yeah, I made it."
♤ "On my mama, this hoe bussin! Keep doing what you doing."
♤ the worst thing is having to touch other people's messes. ong that's gross.
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨̄
♤ personal assistant
♤ 4.5/10 employer
♤ the absolute worst one to work for
♤ does not care about anything except what he wants done
♤ you think that he can't be that bad, but I'm telling the truth
♤ calls in the middle of the night for stupid ass errand runs with no reason at all
♤ he has shawties
♤ and he has a bunch of them, like he's trying to be gen z's flavor flav
♤ he orders me to go pick one of them up and take them back to his house OUTSIDE OF WORKING HOURS
♤ uh, I don't know if he forgot, but I ain't his fucking chauffeuse. I'm the assistant
♤ but I let it slide because his shawties are really nice and deserve to be driven instead of walking alone at night
♤ he just ruins it though cause he proceeds to tell me to go pick up some condoms and lube
♤ chile, I knew that they were gonna have a lil seggs, but I ain't wanna hear it from homie himself
♤ deadass, I just bought some of that shit about a couple of weeks ago
♤ I'd go anyway though, ya know? for the coin
♤ cause he pays decently, not as much as Atsumu, but then again, he pays weekly (that's where 2.5 of his rating comes from)
♤ don't expect any vacation days, raises, or bonuses. you're setting yourself up for failure if you do
♤ all I get is a day off each week and a 10 minute lunch break during working hours
♤ the shawty fiasco isn't even the worse part
♤ when he has his old team over his place or just any company, he shits on everything I'd do
♤ most of Inarizaki are foodies, so if he tells me to go pick up some din dins for them and HE doesn't like it, he's gonna throw it all away and tell me to go get something else
♤ "Try again. This time you better not fuck up."
♤ and he be saying that shit in front of everyone
♤ whatever, g. I should've gone to Shiratorizawa.
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© gyecm 2021. do not repost or modify.
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