#but I'm a pessemist
yourhighness6 · 3 months
I would like to announce that I'll be sticking with the live action even if it turns out to be bad.
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teleportationmagic · 1 year
While I'm with the rest of y'all, I'm still a little tentative about Cass being in Brave and the Bold - with the way the DCEU is, I'm not certain that it'll even get made. like, after Flash, if BB doesn't do at least decently I can see WB pullign the [lug on this whole project
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lesbi-nyan · 4 months
i might be going homeless soon. not now. but soon. as some of you may know, i've been couch surfing since mid october.
i just called someone i know, and the thing with dogsitting her dogs in exchange for 2 months free housing isnt going to happen, cause she's getting renovations done and she has a friend from out of town visiting.
and now all my eggs are in one basket on this organisation that "prevents queer youths from going homeless," but the first time i visited, they told me i'd be low priority cause I'm "not homeless." so.. i finally have a proper meeting with someone scheduled for the 31st. but im so fucking scared and nervous and idek what im going to do if this doesnt work out. i have one place i can stay for a week, but that's it. all the other places ive stayed i've exhausted cause it's too expensive for them to house me again. and I do not want to return to living with my parents. it won't go well and i'll stuck in the same shit cycle of verbal and emotional abuse.
I'm making minimum wage, my hours are shit, and i'm struggling to find another job. I hate being this pessemistic but it's all falling apart.
Please consider tipping my paypal if you like my lewds and want to help out so i can at least afford groceries ~nya
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
🛒common themes: UHHHHHHHHH It kind of depends - Disability is pretty much omnipresent in every single one of my works in some way hape or form bc. Yeah. Rift AU's big theme is different forms of grief - not just death grief but also grief for a you you can never go back to and grief for a you you never knew. FOMO but make it poetic. RS has a big theme of hope which is another thing I think I keep in most of my stuff. I hate angst without hope - like. I LOVE angst but i cant stand pessemistic angst. if that makes sense. So that shows up a lot.
✨give yourself a compliment: FEWLDAGKDSF I. Um. I think I'm really good at characterization 👉👈
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mystic-orb88 · 4 years
S.P. Book 14 and Beyond Predictions:
Book 14 will be a dark purple colour.
Tanith and China won’t die for at least the next two books.
Xena will die in yet another one of Landy’s attempts to make his readers cry, because “it amuses him”.
Sebastian will die by the hand of Darquesse (If she stops ignoring him), or her kid.
Omen will probably go nuts, or become evil, after everything that has happened to him.
Abyssinia might return (No, just please no).
Dexter will die, and Skul will be the only original Dead Man left.
More horrible things will happen to China.
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sporesgalaxy · 7 years
I honestly feel kind of obligated to watch some Wander Over Yonder to like...balance out how much Dan Vs I've watched
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(I don't know if this has any TWs but maybe TW for something akin to derealization maybe?)
So I had a weird thing happen to me a bit ago that lasted about an hour. Basically, I'd been ruminating over my trauma (not going into details) one day, and a couple hours later, I suddenly began to question things like: my gender, my age, my personality, my name, my sexuality, my personhood, etc.
I basically didn't quite know anything about myself, even if I was a person. I recall feeling like I felt like "nothing". Not in a bad way or a pessemistic way, but just in a confused and curious sort of way, like I didn't know a single thing about myself, even though I felt like I should.
I wasn't scared or anything, just confused in a very calm way, and more curious than anything. After about an hour, I snapped out of it and basically thought: "I know the answer to all of those things! Why was I even wondering that?" i knew the answers after that feeling faded, but before it did, I just didn't feel much like myself because I didn't know myself for that short time period if that makes any sense?
i don't know what this sort of thing was. Is it normal and just happens because of stress from trauma? Is it normal in general? What is it? It hasn't happened in a couple weeks but that one time but i'm just thinking about it a lot now i guess.
any answer is greatly appreciated, thank you.
Hey there,
This anon has asked that this ask be posted for followers' input.
So please feel free to respond to this ask, thanks all!
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bongaboi · 2 years
Olympique Lyonnais: 2021-22 UEFA Women's Champions League Winners
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Lyon won the UEFA Women's Champions League for the eighth time as they dethroned holders Barcelona with a 3-1 victory in Turin, all the goals coming in the first half.
Amandine Henry, Ada Hegerberg and Catarina Macario put Lyon three up before Alexia Putellas pulled one back. The action did not stop in the second period but Lyon, 12 months after Barcelona replaced them as champions, are on top again.
The huge Barcelona travelling support in an attendance of over 30,000 was stunned at its own end six minutes in when Amandine Henry curled in a superb effort from distance. Barcelona responded swiftly and Christiane Endler was called into action by Jenni Hermoso, who was then denied by a great saving tackle from Selma Bacha.
Bacha was overlapping on the right and she made the second as she swung in a cross met by a perfect header from Ada Hegerberg, already a hat-trick scorer in the 2019 final defeat of Barcelona. Amazingly, it was three later in the half, Catarina Macario forcing the ball in after a defensive mix-up. Hegerberg was then denied by Sandra Paños but there was hope for Barcelona before the break when Alexia Putellas stole in to turn in Caroline Graham Hansen's cross, the captain's competition-leading 11th goal of the season.
Endler was relieved not long prior to the hour mark when Patri Guijarro tried a lob from the halfway line with the Lyon keeper out of her goal, only for the ball to drop on to the crossbar. Barcelona sent on Asisat Oshoala, who headed fractionally wide, and fellow substitute Ana-Maria Crnogorčević also volleyed just past the post. But in a finish as breathless as the start in a sweltering Turin, with Hegerberg hitting the post, Lyon held on and the celebrations began.
Visa Player of the Match: Amandine Henry (Lyon) "Henry was the director of the game. She kept the team together. She was always the cover in midfield. Her clever interceptions took pressure off the defence. In attack she found the openings with great awareness, often with one-touch passes. In the early stage of the game she opened the scoring with a cracker. That first goal showed the way to victory." UEFA Technical Observer panel
Reporter's views Paul Saffer, UEFA.com match reporter: A final to rank with the best: Wolfsburg 4-3 Tyresö in 2014 and the Frankfurt 3-2 Umeå second leg in 2008. Ever since last year's final the European women's club game seemed to belong to Barcelona, but Lyon are back in charge after a mere 12-month interregnum. Henry was at her vintage best, Selma Bacha brilliant at left-back, Hegerberg did Hegerberg things, and Renard lifted this trophy once more.
Alexandra Jonsson, Barcelona reporter: Barcelona came into this final as the favourites. They've been unstoppable all season, winning all but one of their games, but perhaps that was their downfall in this final. Up against a very good Lyon, Barcelona were caught completely off guard. They are used to always being on the ball and getting it back quickly when they lose it; not so this evening. Barcelona have been on top of the world for some time; today they got a challenge they couldn't overcome but to look at the silver lining, perhaps that will help take them up yet another level.
Vanessa Tomaszewski, Lyon reporter: From the beginning Lyon piled on the pressure, and their three-goal burst both damaged Barcelona's morale and showed the efficiency of Sonia Bompastor's team. This match was also a beautiful duel between Henry and Putellas. Bacha revealed herself again as a passer, in a season where she got nine assists in this competition, three clear of the next best tally. With Bompastor herself also setting a new mark, Lyon have made yet more history.
Reaction Sonia Bompastor, Lyon coach: "My team-talk was very easy. This is the most beautiful match and beautiful competition a club can dream of playing. So you need to be up to scratch. We were very sad for Ellie [Carpenter] … I'm quite pessemistic, I think it is a serious injury.
"It is the first time [someone has won this competition as a player and a coach], we are making history. But what was important it was the tenth final for the club and a chance to get an eighth title. It's a victory I want to savour but it's not me who should be in the spotlight, it's my players and the staff. I am very demanding but my staff support me and help me with my emotions so it is a collective victory."
Hegerberg on 'indescribable' win Amandine Henry, Player of the Match: "I could see a space [for the goal] and I went for it! I tried my luck and I saw exactly where it was going, didn't even wait for it to go into the top corner before I was celebrating!
"I do like these type of games. This gets into my core, I love games like this. I also have some fantastic team-mates around me, they make it like easier, The whole team has won this trophy today."
Wendie Renard, Lyon captain: "[On if Lyon were underdogs] That's what journalists said. We wanted to keep on writing our story and we had things to show, so tonight we showed what we could do and we showed it well because we're leaving with the trophy."
Jonatan Giráldez, Barcelona coach: "We knew that they would put lot of pressure on us. The first goal, an astonishing goal, made us very confused. We were a bit out of place. We knew the key to the game was to control their transitions and for some minutes we weren't able to do that. We had to go deeper and that gave them a lot of energy. We tried to get a quick equaliser but at 3-1 we were way behind. We want to congratulate them – they are an amazing team."
Lyon have now won eight titles, twice as many as the next best tally (Frankfurt with four). Wendie Renard and Eugénie Le Sommer have played in all eight of those final wins. Sonia Bompastor, a winner with Lyon in 2011 and 2012, became the first woman to both play and coach in a final. Lyon became the first team to play in ten finals and Renard the first player to do so, to end a season where she became the first to pass 100 competition appearances; she is now on 102. Hegerberg got her 59th European goal in her 60th appearance, and her sixth in finals (four against Barcelona). Only Conny Pohlers (8) has more final goals; Hegerberg is now level with Marta. Macario is the first American to score in a final. Barcelona had not been three behind in any match since the 2019 final against Lyon. There were four goals in the first half of the final for the third time in four years but, unlike 2019 and 2021, not all for the same team. Lyon set a new record for both games in a UEFA women's club season (13) and wins (11). Line-ups Barcelona: Paños; Torrejón (Crnogorčević 59), Irene Paredes, Mapi León, Rolfö (Pina 75); Aitana, Patri Guijarro, Alexia; Graham Hansen, Jenni Hermoso (Oshoala 46), Mariona (Martens 59)
Lyon: Endler; Carpenter (Buchanan 14), Renard, Mbock Bathy (Cayman 81), Bacha; Horan, Henry, Macario; D Cascarino (Morroni 81), Hegerberg, Malard (Le Sommer 72)
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elysianslove · 3 years
Hi, Sal ! Congrats on your 11k followers, You deserve it🎉🎉🎉. I will be here for your matchup event.
Personality = I'm a 167cm asian woman who have black hair, brown eye. I'm a INFJ-T. My First impression come as Cautious, secretive, reserved but once they get to know me, I'm still the same but i'm more kind and friendly to my friends. I hate to do activities that drain so much energy (running) ( I have a low blood pressure). I'm a cat and dog lover. I'm lazy but smart? Because i pay attention 😃👍. I'm a virgo and a hufflepuff. I'm a bit of a pessemist. Good listener but not a good talker :/, also i prefer Private affection rather than public affection, but I can manage. My Love language is Word of Affirmation and Quality time.
I never have gotten into a relationship, so yeah i dont know ;-;.
If it ok is for Haikyuu and JJK ( If you only allowed one then JJK since i really want to know what i get)
Well thats all, i hope i do this with your rules. Well, have amazing day/ night. Stay safe during this pandemic !👋 (Sorry for my ENG)🙏
hi lovely!! thank you so much <3 and don’t apologize about your english, it’s more than perfect :) i really hope you like this!!
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↬ your jujutsu kaisen matchup: nanami kentō !
↬ your fanfiction trope: oblivious pining !
— headcanon: spending time with you, nanami finds, is a lot more entertaining than he first expected. not that he had been expecting it to be boring, per se, he just hadn’t expected to actually enjoy his time simply being around you. it’s calming, sitting by you on the couch, your head tucked on his shoulder, your arm hugging his to yourself. it’s quiet and pleasant and serene, the television before you playing one of your favorite shows, the dim lighting of the room, the feel of— safety and security. that’s what it all comes back to, really, for him. it may not seem like it, but there’s not a moment where nanami doesn’t have his guard up. with you though— with you, he feels like he’s allowed to be as vulnerable as he’d like. so he sinks deeper into the couch and presses himself closer to you, a silent plea (because there’s no way he’s going to say it) for you to come closer, closer, closer.
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prompt-master · 3 years
Kazfort -I'm lazy don't mind mi- anon is here
Yeah specific characters to use
Okay! Let's start
1- Nekomaru Nidai
2- Kazuichi Souda
3- Chiaki Nanami
4- Hajime Hinata
5- TanaKa tHe fOrbidden
1. Im sorry any Nidai stans, but I don't like him. I mostly had a neutral stance on him, but Mechamaru instantly made me dislike him because it broke the fundamentals of the game. His existence really ruined a lot of the enjoyment for me, I instantly felt bored and didn't care as much. I understsnd the whackiness was a hint that the world is virtual, but I didn't care at all when he died in ch 4 and ive always said thats not good in a dr trial.
2. I love Souda, he's an interesting character with a fun personality whos also fun to bully a lil wee bit a lot. My main gripe with Souda is that he is the only survivor to not fit the theme (all the survivors have someone to mourn besides him). Its the only thing i want to change in regards to him. I like the potential he has to grow as well considering his background, so i love to play around with post game concepts for him.
3. I'm going to admit this to you all. At the tender age of 14 when i first played sdr2 i fell instantly in love with Nanami. Yes thats right. I took the waifu bait. But in all seriousness: I really like how Nanami's character gets recontextualized by the reveal that shes an AI. Especially when yoh realize so many of her traits connect back to her being an AI down to her talent. Her role in chapters 5 and 6 completely played with my heart in the best way, and her execution theme slaps a little too hard. My only issue with Nanami is that i dislike the dr3 retcon of her being a videogame AI and instead being a human girl
4. Shit man whats not to love about Hinata. Fantastic protag, fantastic (altho mostly predictable) backstory, fantastic character. I felt completrly invested in his emotional struggle. And i love how they twisted things so that it was HIS game. Yes, he stands for hope just like Naegi did. But its his OWN version of hope. Hinata is a big part of what makes sdr2 so special. I love his realist outlook and attitude, even if he leans to pessemist at times. I just with danganronpa would draw him with 91 cm tits.
5. Tanaka is a good character. But he deserved better in ch4. I wanna preface this by saying i could be inaccurate cuz i black out in ch4 from boredon. But his motivation makes little sense to me. Hes trying to save everyone and trying to show them the value of life and not giving up. They frame it as this noble thing. His actions however contradict nobility. There was no need for two people to die for a sacrifice (which also goes again how the ch says life shouldnt be wasted. Cuz well. A life totallt was wasted) its also not noble since he kept the mystery alive which put the others at risk
I always thought it wouldve been more interesting with a couple of slightly different dirrections. For example, the murder is caused by a lack of judgement on Tanaka's part from starvation. He was trying to do the right thing, but wasn't thinking about how only one person needed to die to save everyone and prove life is important. It could also be explained as a lack of judgement simply by virtue of his character.
Something i really like is the idea that Tanaka believed if there was no good mystery, then the mastermind would not let them go so easily. So he sets up a mystery in hopes to not waste Nidai's life. It could explain why he didn't think of suicide as an option, and why he kept the secret. It also leaves room for some reallt good recontextulation of the trial where we could realize Tanaka was trying to help us catch him the entire time.
Another interesting direction is the idea that Tanaka did not fully understand tbe responsibilty of his actions until after the murder was comitted. He would realize after the fact that if he is executed, his hamsters are left alone without him. After all theyve been through. He suddenly realizes he cant bare that. And so he panics, and has a moral dillema the entire trial. Does he keep quiet and try to survive so he can continue to live for his pets at the expense of his friends lives? Or does he follow through with his plan and allow himself to die so that everyone can get a chance of life but at the expense of his own life and leaving his devas alone? In the end, he can say that he deseeves the execution regardless because of how he nearly let them die, but its Sonia who tells him hes a noble and good person.
Idk, i rareely see people complain about ch4. But to me its a boring victim and a boring killer. The only really interesting thing in the chapter was komaeda
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curly5runs · 4 years
I apologize I've been really negative. I'm not depressed or pessemistic at all; but when I run up on a problem in my life, I tend to air my dirty laundry out here because I don't really have anyone to vent to IRL right now because well, the world is in shambles and I haven't seen my friends or loved ones faces in a long time. So here's some positivity 💖💖💖 (I don't take credit for either image, I took these from the Internet)
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boricuagoblin · 7 years
I wish I could take pieces of me back from people that don't know me anymore. I remember spilling myself out and letting myself go to someone who used to mean so much to me but now they don't mean much to me any more and I can't shake the knowledge of the fact that they still have those bits of me. Bits of me that are different now and I tell to someone else. It upsets me but I can't do anything about it. It's bizarre to me how much you can trust and tell someone and share the darkest parts of yourself then one day you just can't anymore and they have those parts of you still left with them. I hate it. And it terrifies me.
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reallycoolnerd-blog · 7 years
Hello From the Other Side (Of the Screen)
Dear people of Tumblur,
Hai~! How ya doin'?
I'm ready for ya'lls crazy sh!t that you're so famous for so just throw it at me! :D
Jeffrey the Imaginary Friend: No one's gonna comment on this... this is a stupid waste of time... just go turn those ugly teal pants into a vest like you said you were gonna do TWO FETCHING WEEKS AGO!
Me: Jeffrey, you fudging pessemist... I love you anyways *hugs*
Me: Aw hell naw!
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