#but I'm getting reprints done!
sticksandsharks · 5 months
Are you the author of Extinction? I followed the link to the comics fair website but your work appears to be down. Is there another way to get it?
I am! The Shortbox Comic Fair runs only for the duration of October, so it's already over. I will have Extinction available as digital downloads and physical books in January 2024, when I re-open my online store!
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4esthetic-dissonance · 3 months
I'm working on a fic and was like 'how in the hell do you make LINGUANG JUN the least bit redeemable?'. I mean, /Linguang jun/ who tossed a developmentally four year old Mobei Jun to a pack of humans? The kid could have died. And then I saw a translation of the extras. It describes lgj as mbj's 'young uncle', says that he 'wasn't that much older than him (mbj)'. And I just- its a hell of a lot different, a Scar type tossing his nephew to the proverbial wolves than it is for a maybe dumb, maybe petty, maybe developmentally five or six year old to shove their annoying technically-nephew-who-in-age-and-context-is-more-like-a-brother-than-lgj's-actual-brother into a situation that the text implies was more frightening than actually /dangerous/. And that- well I can work with that.
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ghouljams · 1 month
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There is No Pavement, My Love
Professor Love makes an observation, Professor Riley misinterprets it.
"I'd like to add your book to my syllabus." Love says leaning against Ghost's desk. He glances up from his grading, his eyes darting between the way she pushes her tits out and the way she smiles, before returning his attention to his work.
He'd worried about this after the conference. He already had enough requests rotting in his inbox for reprintings of his book. The whole thing was more trouble than it was worth, raised more heartache than he ever wanted it to. It was better left buried with the rest of his past.
"Why not?" He can hear her pouting, he stuffs down the smile it threatens to raise in him. How is it one woman can be such a balm for his melancholy?
"Never find enough copies," he circles a glaring comma splice and underlines a misquote, "it's out of print."
"Well then it's a good thing someone uploaded all of it to the internet in pdf form." Love wiggles in her seat, attempting to draw his attention again. Ghost gives a quick glance, his eyes fixing on the strained buttons on her shirt. Weak. He is a weak, weak, man. Always has been, that's exactly why he's in this mess in the first place.
"Cheeky little thing aren't you." He looks away, but his voice is thick and labidinous. The soft noise Love lets out make him think it's not an unwelcome tone. Cheeky indeed. She leans a little more heavily against his desk.
"What about just the forward?"
Ghost sets down his pen, taking off his spectacles and laying them neatly beside it. He knits his fingers together and rests his hands heavily on the papers he'd been grading.
"Why do you want to teach my book?" He asks, leaning to match her pose.
"Mostly just the forward," Love amends. Ghost shakes his head with a smile, drags his teeth over the scar splitting his lip before he can look at her again.
"Why do you want to teach my forward?" He asks again.
"Its a love letter."
Ghost freezes, his brain running through every word of his book looking for anything that could be interpreted as something so... romantic.
"Explain," he grunts, crossing his arms over his chest as he sits back in his chair. Love blinks, her expression softening in a way that makes Ghost feel like he's dying. His heart clenches in his chest. He squeezes his bicep, his fingers tight to keep himself from pulling her over the desk. If he could kiss that sad softness out of her smile he would. She laces her fingers together.
"My mum lived through Hell every day of her marriage to my father, I wish I could rest comfortably knowing she's somewhere better, but then I wouldn't be here, and neither would you." Love recites, and some long dormant crack in Ghost's chest aches. Her voice is softer, when she speaks again, and that hurts all the worse, "You spend 250 pages talking about grief and our comfort in the afterlife; talking about your time in the service, and losing people. Just because you wanted to make sense of your mum's death. How is that not a love letter?"
Ghost swallows the lump that threatens to choke him. He fixes his eyes on hers, hard and unyielding even when he can see sincerity shining through her expression. He can't stand it. Tenderness is a privilege, she should never assume such a softness about him.
"It's a book," He tells her firmly, "one that's better off buried."
"It's part of you," She tries, "an important one."
"If you're done teasin' me,"
"I'm not-
"You can get out," Ghost powers through her objection, nods towards the door. Love opens her mouth and her raises a brow, "Go on, be cute for someone else."
There's a hurt in her eyes when she closes her mouth, her lips drawing together tight. It hurts as much as Ghost thought it would, but he can't have her poking around at scars like this. There's too much about her he should have nipped in the bud, too much he's let her get away with, too much he's deluded himself into hoping for, she can't have this too. She can't think he's more than he is.
She stands, and shuts the door tight behind her.
And it's worse somehow.
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wingsoverlagos · 2 months
"At the Dakota once, after dinner, he pulls me into the bedroom, so I'm sitting on the end of his bed, and he says: 'I want you to tell me about your work with Paul Simon, because I understand you just reocrded in Nashville together.' We had just done 'My Little Town'. 'I'm getting calls from my Paul,' he said, 'who's doing an Allen Toussaint project. And he wants to know if I'm available for the recording. What should I do?' Can you imagine how I felt? John Lennon asking me for my advice? I could have pinched myself at that moment, because it made me realise in a flash: no wonder he captivated the whole goddamned world - he's so commercial. "He knew what to say to me that was connected and human and real and grounded and fascinating. And that's what he did with the whole planet earth. He was a hit record - his very being was like a hit. And I said to him: 'John, I would do it - put all personality aside and go with the fun of the blend. Make music with somebody you have made a sound with. A great pleasure is the thing to stick with.' He didn't take my advice."
Art Garfunkel in "It Was Twenty Years Ago Today," The Observer, December 3, 2000. Reprinted in The Beatles Literary Anthology, ed. Mike Evans, 2004
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thydungeongal · 5 months
Mutants in the Making: Introduction
So, recently I became aware of a cool game called Mutants in the Now (thanks once again to @ostrichmonkey-games for shouting it out, game good) that has since wormed its way into my brain and consumed my entire personality. Written by two-time ENnie-award winning freelancer Julian Kay (who has done stuff for Level 99 games and Pelgrane Press) with art by Fábio Fontes (Pixel Tactics, Millennium Blades, Buck Up and Drive!), Mutants in the Now is "a retromodern retake on the mutant animal role-playing games long past and left behind by licensing." It is clearly and explicitly inspired by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness by Palladium Games (which is, strangely enough, getting a revised reprint through Kickstarter right as we speak), but there are many other inspirations evident in the text. The one I picked up on most strongly was 13th Age, which Julian has worked on previously.
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Anyway this game kicks ass. I haven't even gotten to play it yet, but I know I could have hours upon hours of fun with it just rolling up characters. It's one of those games like Gamma World 7e or Traveller where character creation itself feels like a fun game and not a chore. To demonstrate this process I will be rolling up a character with it today.
However, I also have access to the first companion book to the game, Mutants in the Next, and since this adds even more strange options into the game, you know I'm going to be using those!
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I'll be tagging all character creation posts as #mutants in the making if you want to find them more easily. There are nine steps to character creation, so that'll be nine posts in total!
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radishhqueen · 7 months
so my project over the summer was making a hard copy of my rottmnt april-centric fic, how to get very good at juggling! shameless plug, it occupies a very special place in my heart.
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and a video flip through <3 yes it's a bad video but this has been rotting in my drafts I need it out
step by step-ish process pics under the cut! + a link to the tutorial i used.
I largely used this tutorial by Sea Lemon for the actual construction of the book. For the text block, I just copied it into a word document, formatted it to my liking, and printed it out in 24 page signatures. (This makes it sound easier than it was. I trial and error-ed this step so hard, since all the tutorials I saw were for blank notebooks, and not text. If there's demand for a step-by-step on how to do this process with god's jankiest printer, lmk and i'll write it out)
In the end, I had a bunch of signatures that looked similar to this image below. i actually reprinted them (for the third time) after i took this picture bc some pages disappeared and i took the opportunity to center the page numbers. someday i'll learn how to get them on alternating corners.
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...that i then sewed and glued into a text block! (ft. my cat)
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because i was using a public printer, and also because i couldn't figure out how to adjust the margins, i had to do some trimming to make the margins more normal. you can kinda see in the image above that the top margin is like. two inches. (i'm currently in the process on typesetting another fic, i'm gonna figure out the margins this time i swear)
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once i trimmed it (very slowly, with an exacto blade) (god i wish i had a paper guillotine), i sewed on some paper headbands and an extra piece of support cardstock (not pictured, whoops), and then it was finally time to start the cover!
okay, admission. when i started this project, my intention was to do a vinyl cover, do the title in stickers, and be done with it. unfortunately the sticky backing of vinyl? very sticky. not easy to adjust things when you have shaky hands and can't get the cover pieces immediately lined up. so i quickly burned through the whole roll of vinyl i had, which meant it was time for plan B, fabric.
also unfortunately, my local chain craft store never fails to let me down, and the only green fabric they had was god's brightest shade of green. regardless, we persevere.
because of who i am as a person, i know how to embroider! more or less! so that meant instead of futzing around with fabric markers and attempting to make a passable cover that way, i just decided to embroider a cover.
first came the mock up
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and then i got started with the embroidery! i measured out the dimensions of the cover on the back of the fabric, and made a grid for where i wanted all my pieces to go
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once the cover was finally done, i glued and assembled it a la Sea Lemon's tutorial. and!! now i have a book!!
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WIBTA for putting in a fake negative review for my workplace? (👾👾👾 for easier search and recognition)
So I've worked at this local hardware store for a little over a year now. So far, it's been the most chill job I've had and has paid a bit better than the last one I worked at. The current staff, for the majority of them, I'm pretty chill with, except I (and a lot of the others) has had issues with two people: One of the managers (let's call him Reggie, 40sM) and one of the associates (we'll call him Cider, 40sM). Reggie is a recovering alcoholic and he's been keeping his sobriety by using marijuana, while Cider is an old friend of Reggie's that used to be a bartender. Reggie was hired on as a manager a couple months after I started, and a month after Reggie hired Cider.
From almost day 1 everyone has had some sort of issue with the two of them. For one, Reggie is always casually breaking the rules by wearing slippers to work (safety hazard, it's a damn hardware store and the floors are concrete), leaving for several minutes to even HOURS without saying anything to anyone while still on the clock, and worst of all he often hotboxes in his car so he comes back with a literal cloud of weed clinging to him. He's taken money out of the safes and store deposits for his own personal stuff, and then goes to replace the money later, and it took him over a year to actually start doing some of the basic manager stuff on the computer. I, and two other people, were taught some of those same manager stuff within 2 weeks. Mind you that we're still sales associates, but because we were taught this stuff Reggie would sometimes have us do some of the more tedious manager stuff under his code. So, when it looks like he's done a ton of work, in reality he was doing something like reprint sales tags and leaving the plaza to go home and walk his fucking dogs.
Cider on the other hand has been found smelling like alcohol, evidently being drunk on the job in front of customers, and we've had to clean up after him more than a few times in the bathrooms. Hell, Cider came in actually drunk on his first day working, and the manager on shift at the time (who wasn't Reggie) wanted to turn him immediately out the door.
The other two managers have both reported all this to the store owner, and even the store owner's son who co-owns the place has seen some of this stuff first-hand (He came up to one of them asking if it was just him or if Reggie reeked of weed). The both of them have even experienced Reggie's incompetency during truck orders when the other managers were on vacation. The store owner still hasn't done any sort of reprimanding to Reggie, despite that if the other managers did anything similar they'd be fired on the spot. Neither manager can say anything to Cider about his drinking, because then he'll just say something like: "Oh, I'm getting in trouble for having a little drink, when Reggie can be here every day smelling like weed?" Dude can be a good worker, but only when he's occasionally sober.
Basically, I want to create a throw-away google account and leave a 2~3 star review as customer saying that some of the associates smelled like weed and alcohol and seemed like they were under the influence. I know it sounds like a dick move to do this, but maybe if there's a public thing about it then the store owner will start addressing it. Maybe put in one every couple of weeks to make it really stack up and make an impact.
What are these acronyms?
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mommieswithmuscles · 20 days
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Photographer!Abby x Scrapbooker!Reader
Free Palestine, don't support Neil
No minors and No men
CW: fluff, angst, no smut but it has a suggestive scene, insecure!reader, mention of suicidal tendencies
Based on this song:
Title: No Flash Photography
You're at the dinner table, going through photos Abby had printed out. She reprinted everything so you could have a copy to put in the ever growing scrapbook you have yet to properly bind.
Each bin she gave you had a title so you could organize better. Nature, gatherings, events, us, and polaroids. You start with the one called nature.
You trim the edges with scissors before securing them in the special photo paper with bug stickers. The dual page is a collage of your trip to a national park. It's mostly shrubbery, plants, trees, and water, but there are some animals and insects sprinkled in.
You turn the page and make another collage out of the open space, both sides decorated with a yarn trim. Gatherings weren't really your thing, but Abby liked them, and you obviously like Abby, so you go to each one. You admire how she always brings her big camera.
The next collage is your brother's wedding. Him and his partner are dressed accordingly. You wore basic attire, Abby wore a plain suit. "When are you both getting married?" He had asked after Abby's camera shot the photo.
"Eventually," Abby answered for you both. You nodded in agreement. You knew you underdressed to match the other guests, but you couldn't help but feel you're taking away from the newlyweds. Abby caught onto your dismissive behavior and took you home early.
Shaking your head to clear out the memory, you continue to dig through the bin and retrieve more pictures. A few birthday parties, a couple engagement parties, some random game nights. You secure them with glitter glue, putting more of the colorful yarn around the trims like LEDs.
Pictures of you always have to have Abby. Otherwise you want nothing to do with them and tend to throw them away. Abby's trying to help you with your insecurity, but for some reason you can't work past it. You sigh, pulling out ones you convince yourself you like. Mostly dates, but a few random ones from trips catch your attention, so you add them. The pictures are secured with affirmation stickers that Abby bought you a few months back, when you first started scrapbooking.
The bin you were most nervous for was polaroids. You know they're mostly you, and you know they make Abby happy, but... you get upset every time you look at pictures of yourself.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Abby sits next to you, done with her work for the week. She came out of her office as soon as she was able to. Her hand cups your cheek, thumb ready to swipe away the unshed tears.
"I can't do it. I fucking- I can't, Abby. It's too hard." You kick the bin.
"Why don't I help you?" She presses her lips to your forehead. "We can start with holidays. Would that work?"
"Do it yourself," you bite.
"Don't start that. I know you're upset. I know these make you upset-"
"So why do you make me look at them? I told you that you could keep them, and now-" you gesture to the bin. "We don't need to share everything, especially not these."
"I make you look at them because I'm trying to show you what I see." She's patient. Too patient. Maybe if she could ever be mad at you, or fight with you instead of talk things out, maybe it would hurt less.
The thoughts start to spiral before you can stop them. All of the self worth and self esteem you had built towards crumbling in seconds. And there's Abby, taking care of you because you can't handle something as stupid as putting pictures in a book. Maybe you were better off-
"Eyes on me baby," her voice is gentle. Her hands guide you to face her, thumbs taking away the tears trailing down your cheeks. "That's my girl," she whispers. "You're so kind, and beautiful, and I love you more than anything. I'm glad you came into my life because you're the compass to my map. I wouldn't have it any other way. I've never been more happy than when I've been with you. I married you because you're my person. You're the moon to my stars, the sun for my flowers, and every breath I take with you fills my lungs with fresh air. I know you're in a darker place. And that's ok. We can work you through it step by step." She pulls you into her lap, rubbing your back as you bury yourself in her neck. You can smell your perfume on her. "You're safe, you're loved, you're home." Abby kisses your temple.
After you calm down, Abby lets you go. "Thank you," you sniffle, getting up to grab some tissues.
"Anything for you, my love." You get back to see Abby gluing small, flat, silver tack backs on the polaroids to secure them on the page. It looks like a cork board. Some of the photos are strung on yarn, some singles floating about, and one standing out the most. It's one of you genuinely smiling, tugging Abby along as you make your way to your destination.
"Come on, it's this way!" You had said, nearly dragging Abby through the mud. She's laughing behind you, scooping you up and kissing you once you got to the surprise spot at the creek. She kept her hands under your thighs when your legs wrapped around her waist.
"This view is almost as stunning as you are," Abby said as she put you down.
"Oh hush," you pushed her away lightly. "Ass-kisser."
"No, no, you don't know," she shook her head, voice mocking. She laid with you in the short grass, dirt dry under your backs. You initiated the contact, but she kissed you first, hands traveled along your body until you were gasping for air and begging for her.
"Baby? Where'd you go just now?" Abby's fingers tickle at your jaw as she cups your face.
"Here," you point at the picture you got lost in.
"I'm going to start dinner. Today seems like it was hard for you, and you could use some time away from the pictures for now. You- or we- can start back up soon, ok?"
"Ok," you agree easily. She's right. It's better to take a break, than let something be ruined.
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after-witch · 4 months
Can I ask for your book recommendations? If you haven’t done so before that is ><
oh sure! my book taste is all over the place, I'm not sure what to recommend, so here's a bit of everything.
Small Spaces Quartet by Katherine Arden (obviously)
The Collector by John Fowles
My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
Dark Water by Suzuki Koji
The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix
IT by Stephen King
Carrie by Stephen King
The Stepford Wives by Ira Levin
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson (really, anything by Shirley Jackson)
The Push by Ashley Audrain
Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay (okay, not quite horror but mystery)
The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Goth by Otsuichi (Anything by Otsuichi; their stuff is really really dark, though, be aware)
The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden
The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden (doesn't come out until February)
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire
Prince Ombra by Roderick MacLeish **If you go for this one, DO NOT get the 2002 reprint. Only look for copies published before 2002. The 2002 reprint is heavily censored.
The Rumpeltsiltskin Problem by Vivien Vande Velde
Dragon's Bait by Vivien Vande Velde
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly
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purplephloxpress · 1 year
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总有一天 a place to hide (can't find one near) - yiqie
That’s just the thing, isn’t it? Wei Ying feels nothing. He doesn’t feel anything, and this emptiness should scare him. He knows he should be scared. He wants to be scared. He isn’t. Fear itself is never scary; fear is just a response. It means that your body wants you alive. It’s the absence of terror that scares him.
I had SO MUCH FUN with this bind! This one had a lot of firsts for me, and is one that I really poured my heart into due to its particular emotional impact on me (tl;dr - I was a piano major in college, burned out, this fic helped me fall in love with music again). It's an Untamed WangXian Pianists AU (TW for anyone interested that it deals with attempted suicide and life following that) and I tried to tie that into the design details literally everywhere I could think of. Black and white cover paper, music note scene breaks, and my absolute favorite part to create: sheet music title pages. The particular song used for that is a recurring motif in the fic and one that means a lot to me personally, and I knew I wanted to include it somehow. Unfortunately I couldn't find an existing image of the sheet music that was high enough quality to use how I wanted, so I used a sheet music program to input it myself!
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This book was my first time doing any sort of edge decoration, and I had fun figuring out how to splatter paint with a toothbrush (Spouse: is that supposed to be blood? Me: no but also... kind of?) and it was also my first time doing endbands! (Shout out to the friends who walked me through it over voice chat one evening, and then rolled their eyes when I announced that I'd torn them out and done them over again. Twice.) I went with red and black for both of those parts to match the main characters canonical color scheme, and also because I liked the dramatic pop of color against the black and white cover.
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Spine titling was done once again with a foil quill, and I decided to paint the Chinese title of the fic on the cover. I couldn't find a paintbrush that let me get as fine tipped and detailed as I wanted so I may or may not have used a toothpick to paint it on.
I prevailed over: somehow deleted half of my page numbers and had to reprint the WHOLE THING! Forgot to measure the boards as part of my spine width and had to do surgery with 2mm strips of paper! (Thankfully had allowed plenty of hinge because I didn't realize until I'd finished ALL of the titling and I would have cried if I couldn't salvage it) Truly this is my child and I adore how it turned out. Is it perfect? No. Are there things I would change? Sure. But I learned and I did and I'm so goddamn proud of it!
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(See below the cut if you want specific details on the binding)
What pieces went into making it:
Fandom: The Untamed
Pairing: Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji
Pairing: Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji
Bookcloth: black Brillianta
Cover paper: black and silver marbled lokta
Endpapers: red cardstock
Titling: foil quill, acrylic paint, acrylic paint pen
Endbands: leather cording for the core, DMC embroidery thread for the bands
Body font: Adobe Garamond Pro
Title fonts: Long Cang and Canva Holiday
Text message font: Nirmala UI
Scene breaks created in Canva
Title page sheet music created using MuseScore
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guybitesatgames · 2 months
TMAGP 08 - They Already Named One "The Architecture of Fear"
Okay so obviously everyone is going to go bananas about what happened after the 19 minute mark (its me, I'm everyone, my response was undignified). However, Alex's tweet put me on high alert so lets dig our claws into some incredibly specific inclusions from just the case section of today's episode.
There have always been nods to real-life locations and historical figures across the Magnus-series, but this episode is particularly grounded. The case takes place here-
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-Forton services - a service station that still exists, I assume entirely thanks to its listed status. It's a semi-historical site, which means lots of pictures have been taken of it, including its interior. Behold, the restaurant Terrance Stevens was sucked into, both (likely) the version he saw vs. what he should have expected at the top of the elevator:
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I've not been to this place, but it is highly documented. I was able to find out that, just as it is in the show, the button for the restaurant floor has been disabled (unless you have the manufacturer's key). In fact, I think I might have found the exact website as whoever was doing research for this episode (Alex?) because they both mention seating for "700 people, with 101 toilets and 403 parking spaces".
And Terrance Stevens was doing such a good job with his sources up until this point! And I mean that - early in the case he cites (Zumthor, P. 2006), (Augé, M. 1995), (Bachelard, G. 1994) and (Trigg, D. 2012). Now, it'd be super easy for a writer to make up some names and append some years on them and call it a day but- no! Peter Zumthor's lecture Atmospheres: Architectural Environments, Surrounding Objects was published in 2006. We can similarly find Non-Places by Marc Augé, The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard (reprinted in 1994), and The Memory of Place: A Phenomenology of the Uncanny by Dylan Trigg.
Given the emphasis on Smirke's architecture in The Magnus Archives (and the preponderance of liminal spaces as a source of horror, generally) I shouldn't be surprised that the authors have read up on academic papers linking structures to emotions. I was just a little blindsided that they would hand us a "further reading" section.
The real question at the end of all this is: will any of this be on the quiz?
Surely, surely if the writers wanted to be so precise as to get information about which elevator buttons are currently accessible in a real life truck stop correct, there must be something important about Forton services, right? Thankfully, we have an answer, from the Q&A for The Magnus Archives Season 3.
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Well done, I am slightly worried.
Though the details of specific locations may not really really matter, I think the idea that there are nexuses of fear - places that themselves just aren't right - was laid out quite plainly in this episode. Forton services could harbor another gap in reality much like Hilltop Road, and I don't think this will be the last we hear of "hungry architecture."
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
Are printed/photocopied zines still a thing in fandom? If so, where can they be found? Searching brings up a lot of political and arty stuff, but nothing particularly fandom related. I'm probably looking in the wrong places though :')
I don't buy the new ones because they come out every ten seconds and I have neither money nor energy to keep up with them.
The current culture is heavily doujinshi-influenced with a lot of focus on art (though not exclusively). Groups seem to be sending their projects off to China for cheap, high-quality printing that's very glossy and professional-looking.
Most of these get kickstarted or otherwise fundraised and print however many they get pre-orders for. Once that initial push is done, the group dissolves and all that's left are whatever twitter accounts they didn't delete. There isn't much of a culture of zine publishers who maintain a consistent name across projects, at least from what I've seen. There's no culture of reprints or selling the same zine at multiple cons over time. You're either in at the beginning or you're out of luck.
I mostly hear about them from mega-wank over creeps getting people's addresses and real names or someone running off with all of the zine's money.
I suppose most of them advertise on twitter and do internal discussions on a discord, but I'm not really hooked into that world.
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neon-ufo · 5 months
In The Look of DIO pre-orders are now CLOSED! A big thank you to everyone who bought one!! 💖💖💖
I just placed a print order, I'm hoping to get it done ASAP so I can send them off before christmas 🙏 i will keep you updated!
As I mentioned, this was most likely the last time I reprinted these, I might still get a batch or two if I get into any bigger conventions, but I probably won't be selling them online again.
At the beginning of this year I had a pipe dream to make an OC zine, but I've been so swamped with other work that I couldn't even begin working on it. Maybe next year I can try to have a go at it again, since I really like the idea I had for it, and I enjoyed working on the DIO one.
This zine really was my magnum opus, and I'm so proud of how it turned out. Getting to hold a physical product that I designed all on my own felt amazing, and it feels very bittersweet to steadily put it out of print lmao :')
Again, BIG thanks to everyone who supported it and me!! 💕
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duckprintspress · 3 months
Hi there, i'm not sure this is in your wheel house, and I hate to waste your time, but I had a question and wonder if you might be able to offer advice (no worries if you can't or don't want to). i write a lot of fan fiction, but also have lots of idea about non-fan fiction stories. when i've tried to write them, however, I find the idea of getting a whole story out to be sufficiently intimidating that i've never been able to do it (there are probably other reasons for this of course, too). i love the A03 capability of posting one chapter (which can be super short) at a time; it's a real impetus to keep going without having to complete an entire work up front, esp if the feedback along the way is encouraging. what is your take on getting an original fiction story out in a03, but then trying to get it published elsewhere afterwards (taking it down from a03 at that point if necessary)? is that something feasible to try to do?
or perhaps you have other recs? (I don't think my original stories (unlike my fan fic) is likely to be focused on LGBTQIA+ relationships or issues, and i'm straight, so i suspect it's not what your publishing house is focusing on)
thank you so much for even reading this message.
Howdy anon! So there's a few things brought up in this message, and I'll try to answer each.
First: yes, we love offering advice and getting asks! Srsly, you and everyone, don't hesitate to drop stuff like this in our inbox, I love answering them, and if I (hi, I'm @unforth, meatspace name Claire, pen name/editing name Nina, and I own the Press and run our social media accounts) don't know the answer, I can kick 'um to the DPP server and get more folks to weigh in!
Second: yeah, motivation is a constant challenge, and what works is always going to be different for everyone. Those comments each chapter can be all that keeps me going on a long fanfic sometimes (and even they're not enough sometimes, oops, shovels a bunch of unfinished wip under the carpet behind themself)
Specifically, you ask: what is your take on getting an original fiction story out in a03, but then trying to get it published elsewhere afterwards (taking it down from a03 at that point if necessary)?
So, works are absolutely converted from AO3 stories to published stories. I can think of a half-dozen examples off the top of my head (one of the most recent being Even Though I Knew the End by C. L. Polk, which started as a Dean Winchester/Jimmy Novak fic). However, I'd point out that original fiction gets very VERY low engagement on AO3. Most of the conversions I know of are people taking fanfiction and either scrubbing the barcodes (as in, swapping character names and removing/replacing canon references) or completely rewriting it. If the feel you're struggling with is "I want to get fanfic-like engagement but on a completely original work" I think you'd struggle to get that on AO3; virtually no one I know who has posted original works on AO3 has gotten that engagement on those works.
Publishing it as original fiction that you don't substantially change for publication will also weaken your ability to get it published. It'll guarantee that you can only apply with it to places that allow/do reprints, because you've already "used" the First Worldwide Publication Rights that most publishers will want for an original thing - because you already published it. So even if you remove it, the cat is already out of the bag on "first," and that will limit your options - another reason to do it as fanfic that you then rewrite. It's relatively hard to find places that will publish works, especially long works, that the First rights are already off the table (though we're one example of a place that will, we've published things that are up on AO3, and allowed the unedited versions to remain on AO3 when we've done so. For example, several of @tryslora's stories. We've also allowed the opposite; there's at least one original work on AO3 that started as a DPP exclusive for Patreon, and when the rights reverted back to the author, they chose to post it to AO3 with our blessing).
Of course, you can bypass these issues by self-publishing. Then what you keep and what you change, whether you keep it on AO3 or remove it, etc., is up to you, because you're the boss. Self-pubbing puts a lot more of the work on your shoulders tho - editing, cover art, marketing, typesetting, etc., all of it becomes your responsibility.
But: yes, taking works from AO3 to original fic publishing is feasible and is a thing that happens all the time. Depending on how you're publishing it and/or how extensively you rewrite it, you may not even have to take it down, but it would depend. Certainly, for most trad pub/big publishing houses, they would expect you to take it down.
Re: your last point about working with us, we require exactly zero disclosures from our contributors about their sexual or gender orientation. Our only requirement is that authors have posted fanfiction on a public, accessible fanfiction website. To the best of my knowledge, the vast majority of the people we work with are LGBTQIA+, but I also know for sure we've worked with at least one person who was cis and het. There are probably more. It's honestly none of my business. We've also published plenty with no LGBTQIA+ component. The way we work, we accept authors, and once we've got the author, we publish what they want to write, we're not particularly interested in policing that. Things without LGBTQIA+ don't tend to sell as well, because of the interests of our customers, but we'll put it out anyway *shrug*. I'd guess around a quarter of our catalogue has no explicit LGBTQIA+ rep, maybe a bit less.
Anyway! Hi, I'm wordy. TL:DR is: you can absolutely try to motivate yourself to write original fic by publishing it to AO3, but engagement is likely to be low, and doing so will make it harder to publish. If you feel you need the motivation that posting chapter-by-chapter gets you, it'd be better to write it as fanfiction with the intention of rewriting it later, as this will improve engagement without doing as much damage to your ability to publish it later.
and if you wanted to write with us, you'd be welcome; we recruit authors through our anthologies, and I expect our next open call to be sometime over the late spring or summer. We only juuuust started talking potential themes a few days ago.
Hope this helps!
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charlinert · 20 days
Bridgerton Season 3 Poster and Netflix Tie-in Cover of RMB
Hi everyone, I'm copying and sharing this message from our Discord server regarding the changes made to Nicola on the Season 3 Poster and Tie-In Cover of RMB.
Just because it happens doesn't necessarily mean that it should happen. Nicola is a beautiful woman and honestly basing this on my own opinion, the original photo is much better than the altered one and looks way more natural.
This goes so far beyond the Bridgerton fandom, so please don't just base this on fandom.
Please consider signing this petition if you feel the same...
I'm sure you’ve seen the book cover and poster art for Bridgerton S3 by now, as well as Nicola Coughlan’s post with the original version of the poster image.
In 2024, it’s really disappointing to see the female lead of a show be so heavily edited, whilst the male lead has been hardly touched. While we understand that marketing images will always have touch-ups, the amount that was done to Nicola is frankly sexist and insulting to her and her hair and makeup artistry team.
We know that the editors have overlaid their faces so that they’re both looking in different directions. However, when we compare the two photos, we can see that beyond basic retouching and flipping her face, the following edits to Nicola have been made:
Redefined her chin
Erased her elbows
Elongated her arm
Enlarged her lips
Changed the shade of her eyes
Changed her makeup
Added cleavage
The following edits have been made to Luke Newton:
Increased saturation and sharpened
All this on the cover of a book about finding self-acceptance.
If you would like Avon Books, Shondaland and Netflix to change the poster and book cover, please sign this petition here: https://chng.it/nDh4qnvkJn
We’d appreciate any shares we can get on socials tagging @avonbooks @shondaland and @netflix.
We know that the books will likely already have been printed, but we also know that they can be reprinted. There is time for the posters to be redone.
And if not, we're calling out bad marketing.
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wibta for asking for an update?
so several months ago i went to a convention to get my picture taken with a celebrity i rlly like (not sharing details bcause he has a following on this site and i don't want to bias things)- details/tickets/everything was sent to my email automatically, and i assumed i had all the information neeeded from this.
i am autistic (and likely have adhd as well) and tend to get overwhelmed by large crowds, however this has been diminishing lately, so i didn't anticipate it being (i'd also expected to have my father there, which didn't end up happening). i've also never done something like this before.
after getting my pictures (there was a very rigid process to ensure everyone would be able to make their timeslots) i ducked out, and assumed the picture would be sent to my email like everything else (my mistake). A few weeks passed, with nothing.
when i contacted the photographer, she told me that the photos had been printed abt half an hour after they were taken and were set up the check-in station for pick up. she did give me the option to get a reprint if i paid for shipping, or a digital copy. i responded that i would be more than willing to pay for a reprint/shipping, and also that i'd like a digital copy. there has been no response. I know i need to ask again but haven't worked up the nerve.
at this point it's been 4 months since the original event, and 3 since our coorespondance, and i'm worried bringing it up now is going to pile more work on someone who's already overworked/underpaid, for something i don't actually /need/. witba?
What are these acronyms?
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