#but all my stuff is also queued for the most part.
starflungwaddledee · 3 months
do you have any tips for leaving compliments on other people's art ?? your tags are always so well phrased !
oooo oooooooooooooo uuhhhhhhhh hmmm!
firstly, thank you!! i'm rather glad to hear that! i try quite hard to leave meaningful comments so it's nice when folks notice or appreciate it!
outside of commenting on the work, i first consider the tone of what i'm saying and who i'm saying it to.
i always try to make sure that what i'm saying will be appreciated by the person! that's the point. for the most part i leave comments to bring joy to the op, and thank them for their hard work, for being here and sharing art that made me happy! if i'm speaking to a mutual or friend, there's gonna be inside jokes and probably an amount of casual yelling. possibly even a little friendly roast, if i know them well enough. if i'm speaking with someone i don't know as well i try to keep it a little more professional, but i keep in mind that this is a fandom so an amount of yelling and screaming is expected. i tend to think about what i would like from someone else.
also if i notice that a caption or a blogs about is not in english i double check. if english is not the first language of the artist i make sure to construct tags that are easily translated and i use only and exclusively positive phrases. saying things like "delete this!!!! /pos" or "eating my own hands" can be totally lost in translation. i also keep in mind the age of the OP. don't tag as though you're Looking Disrespectfully at the art of a minor, even if that's your favourite blorbo.
as for how to comment on art or storytelling itself, this is indeed a learned skill, and it can be helped by training your eye to understand different things in artwork. but it's easy to start practicing! this is intuitive to me now, but an easy way to begin is to pick out one or two things that really stand out to you on a piece. (examples could be line quality; is it smooth? neat? textured? full of emotion?, shading: is it crisp? atmospheric? realistically rendered?, or colour choice: is it vibrant? is it moody? is it perfectly on model?) and draw attention to them and how the artist successfully used them to make the piece work.
if the piece includes design-work, pick something of that which you like as well. (clothes, colour choices, abilities, parallels to other characters, totally new or unique concepts that you haven't seen before. if you see your favourite colour combos or notions, let them know, but if it's a stranger remember they made the design for themselves, and you just share (good) tastes!) if you really want to make an artist/designer/storyteller's day, try to find the Little Thing that they've snuck into their art or design that ties into the story or lore that they are telling. even guesses to this end tend to be appreciated!
generally useful things you can also comment on are how well an artist has utilised a medium for its strengths, especially if the medium is a little unusual. if someone @'d me in particular i make sure to acknowledge that too because they probably read me for something and i should acknowledge the effort!
another thing i also always, always encourage, is to try to periodically share and comment on the work of people who are either less experienced or who have less visibility than you. especially if you have more of a platform! if you want to keep your blog clean of too many reblogs for aesthetic or professional reasons you can even go through and remove them later, but sharing the work of smaller accounts- even temporarily- makes such a huge difference! and encouraging + supporting younger or beginner artists is something we should be endeavouring to do as much as possible!
at the end of the day, i always just try to be very earnest in my tags.
there is generally no reason to withhold any praises i can think of, because it's usually nice to have your work perceived and appreciated! i personally loooovvve long rambling tags, screaming tags, stuff like "AAHH NOOOOOOO (THE BLORBO)" and so on. i try to leave the kind of thoughtful comments that i like (and am lucky enough) to receive, and i try to share artwork from a wide variety of people!
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nonsensical-pixels · 1 year
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are you tired of brides in white dresses and toddlers with perfect pink flower baskets? is cereal packet gameplay just not doing it for you anymore? maybe you'd like your weddings to put the 'strange' in strangetown? search no more, the ingredients for the strangest wedding in sim nation are finally here!
so, since i caught that one virus, i've been playing around a bit more with ts2 cc creation and finally had the time to work on converting a big set again. but then... what to convert? the answer came to me in the links section of a random lookbook... in a sort of fever dream. a set that captures the recent theme on my blog, families, and yet completely destroys it at the same time: my wedding trauma.
everything here is remarkably versatile. i mean, i know for a fact that people aren't just going to use that jumpsuit for a wedding, elvis needs more freedom than that! there are 9 cas items and 6 buy items for a total of 17 items in this set!
the original ts4 collaboration is complete perfection; it has just the sort of trashy, nonsensical vibes that the ts2 wedding department is sorely lacking. my conversion of this isn't perfect, i'm still learning how to do clothing and there are some minor issues mentioned below the cut, but overall i think that it came out pretty good and i hope it invokes some chaos in your game. 💥
credits go to @ice-creamforbreakfast for most of the cas part of this collaboration, and to @surely-sims for the buy mode part!
keep reading for more info, rambles, and preview pics!
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PART 1: BUY MODE (6 items by @surely-sims)
ITEMS INCLUDED ARE: 1 - Fancy Folding Chair - 1.7k polys 2 - Margarita Tower - 3.4k polys 3 - Pizza Party Banquet Table - 1.5k polys 4 - Tiki Mug - 1.7k polys 5 - Toasting Bucket - 2.3k polys 6 - Wedding Arch - 10.2k polys*
individual previews are also to be found in the download!
THINGS TO NOTE: - The wedding arch is quite high-poly compared to other objects (10k) but that is the max for the polycounts. - The collection file included in the 'Surely-Sims' folder should go in the Collections folder in Documents.
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PART 2: CAS (8 items by @ice-creamforbreakfast and 1 by @surely-sims)
ITEMS INCLUDED ARE: 1 - Brandi Dress (YF-AF) - 3.9k polys 2 - Elvis Glasses (TU-EU) - 1.7k polys 3 - Elvis Jumpsuit (YM-AM) - 4.9k polys 4 - Goopy Jacket (TM-AM) - 2.3k polys 5 - Jess Hair (YF-EF) - 5.4k polys 6 - Kelly-Marie Hair (TF-EF) - 9.4k polys 7 - Malborough Dress (YF-AF) - 7.1k polys 8 - Newport Headpiece (YF-AF) 9 - Trashleen's Cigarette Bouquet (YF-EF) note: the Jess Hair is not part of the original set but is included because the Newport Headpiece is meant to pair with it.
individual previews are also to be found in the download!
THINGS TO NOTE: - The clothing may have some bone assignment issues (especially with straps) & mild gaps. - The 'Goopy Jacket' has a mild discoloration around the neckline. - All hairs are in @skittlessims Skittles Hair System - The 'Elvis Jumpsuit' is paired with 4t2 SP01 Pointed Stud. Converted by me :) - The 'Malborough Dress' is paired with Ice-CreamForBreakfast's Jessica Shoes.
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have one final pic of the quirky couple and their patchwork family (ex-wife and dog included) 💞
this set was such a rollercoaster to work on, but also so, so much fun! i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do 🥺
for anyone who's wondering--yeah i'm back for now, requests are still closed, wips depend on whether im in the mood... but from now on releases should be less queued and have a more 'personal touch' 😏
i'll get around to posting the discord-exclusives i released while i was gone... eventually. there's a few that i'm keeping for myself x
anyway... happy simming, hope you enjoy these conversions, and have a lovely day simming! if you use these feel free to @ me, i wanna see the chaos and the cool stuff these are used in 🥰
~ Ky (nonsensical-pixels)
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December Prep
Hello everyone and welcome to the 2024 Grimoire Challenge!
I'm your mod Hazel/ Basil and my main blog is thehazeldruid.tumblr.com
So for December's prompts we will be setting things up and getting prepared for the challenge. We'll be using a lab notebook, as we did in the last challenge I ran and a similar format to both of the other challenges that I ran! Check them out at the links below
2022grimoirechallenge.tumblr.com (this one didn't make it a full year as I had some personal things come up that prevented me from completing it!)
Now, to jump into things properly, let's start by getting our lab journal ready. This is a notbook that goes alongside this challenge and is a tool to help you work through and understand your own craft. Here's a short video on lab notebooks to give you and idea of what we'll be doing with it.
Now along with the lab notebook, I recommend keeping a a meditation/ dream journal that will also go along with the challenge. Both of these can be plain old notebooks or loose paper stuffed into a folder.
"But Hazel, why two notebooks if all this stuff is going into my grimoire?"
So for a long time, and in I would imagine most peoples practices, their grimoires or books of shadows are not really a fancy big thick notebook. Mine was a folder stuffed with loose leaf paper for the longest time.
While the lab notebook is going to be used for the practical side of the challenge, during spellwork and rituals and so on to help you build that side of your practice, the other journal is going to be used for the personal side. To help you understand your feelings, your spiritual side, your thoughts on what you're doing and studying. Think of it as a literal journal or diary!
Next we'll talk about Planning and Routine. Now, you don't have to take this challenge so very seriously that it rules your life. Once the prompts are posted, there will be a list of them on the blog that you can go back to whenever you have time. But if you're someone who strives on structure, then by all means, take the time set aside each day to perform the prompt on the day it is set for. And stick to it. Plan ahead and create a routine to help you get into a groove for working through the challenge. Set aside the time each day, find a space where you won't be interrupted, have your resources and tools prepared, and go nuts!
That said, I will be making all of the prompts ahead of time and having them all more or less queued (hey I have a full time job and a family after all) so that I'll be able to add supplemental posts, prompts and ideas on the fly.
Once you have your notebooks, and your plan made up, we'll be prepared to start in January! I look forward to all of you taking part and encourage everyone to share resources by asking questions on posts, leaving messages in my inbox with resources and ideas as well as submissions of your progress!
So what all do I recommend we have for this challenge?
A regular journal
A dream journal
Your collection of information
Your supplies for making your grimoire
and of course your Grimoire itself
Mod Hazel
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nakunakunomi · 10 months
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Part of my Loving touches collection. Prompt: Lifting someone up out of excitement Characters: Kyojuro Rengoku x reader
2nd person. GN reader. [A/n]: this is it, the final part of Loving Touches! Very happy with the collection, and it helped me get back into writing proper. Now this one is finished, I'll be focusing on other events and stuff for a bit, but I'll debut a new drabble collection soon (although probably not demon slayer). An updated version of the Masterlist will be added soon as well, but since this is a queued post, I can only do so after this one is posted. Enjoy!!
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There were so many reasons why you loved Kyojuro. The man was practically a walking green flag, from the way he managed to find good in almost any situation without making a joke out of it, to the way he seemed to live life to the fullest. The quirky way he enjoyed his meals and the way he managed to leave a lasting -and positive- impression on about everyone he met made him uniquely him and you loved every last bit of it.
On top of that, he was a fantastic partner. The way he would make your days brighter, even when you weren’t feeling great, the way he would take care of you if you were sick, the way he would boast your confidence and general mood, just by being his amazing and encouraging self, it never ceased to amaze you. 
He was also your biggest cheerleader, ready to support you in whatever you wanted to do with your life. There was no judgment about your dreams at all. If it was something you wanted to do, something that would make you happy, then who was he to stop you from working towards it? Sometimes it would feel as if he was even more excited about you reaching goals than you yourself were. He’d ask about your progress, hear you out whenever you wanted to talk, or even vent about it. And whenever you were feeling really proud, he’d just hold you with the most perfect, tightest hug. Depending on your enthusiasm, he’d sometimes just lift you up and spin you around a couple of times, he just couldn’t contain the happiness he was feeling for you. It made your head spin and your heart overflow, holding tight onto the man you loved more than anything else in life. 
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genshinology · 1 year
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(requested by anonymous.)
content; zhongli x gn!reader. historical au to modern au (ig we could say that liyue has been modernised and like teyvat has been shifted into powerless realm without elements (please, bear with me and my stupid imagination ANSBHIQWKNDK)), reincarnation au, soulmates au, not really angst or fluff but like zhongli misses the reader and it shows, mentions of character death. wc; 1.6k (not proofread, let’s gaurr)
a part of my 800 followers event + *gasps* finally i am back to actual writing?!?!?! and get to continue this event??? HAHA ik this is so not my tradition of being inactive most of the part this year eek (btw, i have finals for like the next two weeks, so expect this blog only filled with queued stuff, etc.)
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it was raining.
the day zhongli found you back on liyue past, dark days, where he was still the geo archon - all powerful, and craving the power from his people in the archon war, still under the name of morax - zhongli could not understand how you, a mere human without a vision, caught his attention in more ways than one.
sure, he believed that he knew you through guizhong, one of his old acquaintances, but he still could not comprehend how he could seek joy and calmness whenever you were around him, despite him still did not wander around with the body of his human form, zhongli. and how content you were when you knew that he was morax, not a passerby that casually tried to hit up on you.
it was raining, when he saw you working hard, a trait he found himself adored when it came from you, you were his everything back then, until he remembered how dread it was; one day, when the archon war finally came to its end, and news of you died tragically during the battle between gods, along with his close friends.
he could not imagine how helpless you must have been, without the power he often accompanied you whenever you said you were going out to catch up with the outside world. zhongli blamed everything on himself, how he was not able to protect the one people he cherished the most, you.
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it was raining, once again, when he found you running towards katheryne, complained something about nearby monster attacks so that the adventurers’ guild could take the problem into their hand.
zhongli remembered how you thanked the receptionist, eyes gleaming with hope. the one emotion that he remembered back hundreds of years ago that was reserved for him. the one emotion he would trade his life for, because the hopefulness in your eyes was the one thing that kept him alive, the one thing that made him determined to be a better god, and he thought he was being deceived when he turned twice to properly look at your figure.
(yes, zhongli was no longer a god that oversaw liyue, but at times like this, he remembered how he was not really a gentle god to begin with, and the presence of you in the old days gave him hope for him to be kinder and wiser, and, he would not hesitate for a brief second if someone asked him how to be a respectable god (because zhongli, more often than not, was asked this question a little bit too much by the other gods and archons alike). he would, surely, answered those questions that you, the little human that he swore had sunshine upon you, was the one that brought the best out of him.)
zhongli could not believe when childe introduced you to him. (it was funny how he met you through his close friend, again.) you were helping xiangling at the wanmin restaurant, and as a regular there, he could not believe that it was really you. the same smile, the same height, the same face, even the same walk, and your kindness in serving other customers, even him, were all still the same. the y/n that he knew, the y/n that he wanted to protect, the y/n that he loved. it was still you, and zhongli knew that deep in your heart, you also sensed a familiarity when you approached him. it was weird, but you managed to introduce you to him, the new part-time worker at the restaurant and that this was your side income.
zhongli was wise, and smart. he, at that time, decided to not being too attached to you, although he assumed that he was actually immune to the death occurrences around him, since he learned that it was inevitable. all mortals he befriended with, all would only go and leave him alone, like how he always be.
but he could not deny the ache in his heart when he longed for your presence and attention, especially when you said you would be going back to your hometown, far away from liyue, and for once, zhongli reminisced the second, most bittersweet goodbye from you, and worst yet, he never knew when you died for a second time. all he knew was you admired him from afar from hu tao, and zhongli regretted his choice back then of not welcoming you into his heart once again.
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it was a raining night, where cars and buses bustling around the busy city. the horns from afar, the colourful lights, the coffee in his hand, the droplets of rain that stained the café large window. all things, somehow, made him focused more on the memories of you, and the thousands of emotions that came along with them.
“may i sit here for a while?”
zhongli gave the person a brief nod, not really paying attention due to the fact that he was so deep in his thoughts, before he could feel the sense of familiarity to the person beside him.
zhongli never acted recklessly, often forming his own thoughts of consequences before doing anything, but he could not hide his shock when the person in front of him met his eyes, and, for a fleeting moment, zhongli knew it was you. he just knew.
if soulmates were real, he was so sure now that you were his.
you halted for a moment, part of you was awestruck by the manly aura that radiated off of him, but you could not ignore the tinge of sadness that suddenly overwhelmed you.
“have we.. have we met?” the simple question coming from you was more than enough to make his heart shattered into pieces, not because of the disappointment of you not recognising him - of course you couldn’t remember. you had been going through many stages of life cycles, and he would forever stuck with one - it was the fact that you thought you knew him, almost made the urge to pull you into his arms ten times stronger than ever.
the way zhongli kept on being silent made you quickly realised how off the question was, especially if you had just met a stranger in a downtown café. “wait, i’m sorry for sounding stupid. it’s just - i thought we know each other before but i may be wrong,” you sent an awkward laugh. “and i’m sorry if i am interrupting your personal space, that the rain is pouring and i could not catch the last bus and my umbrella is kinda broken -
“it’s fine, y/n.”
you almost dropped your phone at that. so, you had met. but you could not remember where.
the sadness inside you amplified the more you tried to shrug it off, his voice worsened your confusion to the negative feeling inside you, but, somehow, the more you held eye contact with this beautiful man in front of you, the more relieved you felt.
the sense of familiarity was not something you could ignore, with the fact that the man in front of you could technically be a bad person didn’t even come across your mind. “i know this might sound dumb, or stupid, or both but like - where did we meet?”
“somewhere, and i believe we were close at that.”
thousands of questions surged your mind, how could you forget a person that was close to you? the way you knew he wasn’t lying made your insides felt more relieved. who was this man? and why did you feel so sad? and relieved?
“the name’s zhongli,” he introduced himself to you.
the name struck you once again, but zhongli decided that this was all too much for you by reading your body language. even after centuries had passed, you were still the y/n he knew. “your umbrella broke?”
“i, uhh, yes,” you felt like you were sharing too much information on this guy who you barely knew, but the way he gave you the most gentle smile coming from a man made you knew that you could trust him. it made no sense, how you were not making any sense even in your own thoughts.
“let me offer you a ride. it is late and dangerous.”
you didn’t even doubt him and his words. something about him made you felt safe, and you thought you were the one who acted weirdly in front of him, but you figured that he didn’t mind. perhaps he had always been nice just like this.
“thank you, zhongli,” zhongli sent a small smile, one which pulled the strings of your heart. was this love at first sight, or you were actually close with him before? it was absurd, but you decided not to care with the intrusive thoughts.
either way, your gratitude made zhongli unknowingly blinked his eyes. those were the last words you said at him both times he met you. now, he swore he wouldn’t let you go again, with no responsibility of a god on your first life, and no treatment of platonic relationship with you on the second, he just knew that in this life, he would cherish every moment with you once again.
both of you decided to watch the rain after zhongli treated you with a drink, and, ironically enough, it was the most beautiful, and calming night you had ever seen.
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all rights reserved © genshinology 2022 strictly on tumblr only. any form of wrongdoings under the copyright law is strictly prohibited.
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urielcool777 · 1 year
this one's a little long oopsie
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day twenty to twenty-six
sorry for not posting in like a week 😭 i wanted to have significant news to share instead of just "haven't tapped in yet" and while it's true that i haven't,, i've discovered a method that i'm really comfortable with and i honestly believe tonight is the night !!
so i start off w this meditation which is meant to make you feel like you're floating (sound familiar ?) and then i have this theta track queued to play right after !! i do my best to maintain the feeling i got from the meditation while the track is playing and the next part is arguably the most important for me.
i'm someone who,, by nature,, is always looking into the deeper meaning of things and possible results / effects and how things tie into other things so it's always been a little difficult to affirm stuff like "i am pure consciousness" to help tap into the void bc my mind automatically starts bringing up a bunch of questions,, so i brought states into it.
i'm not sure how it happened,, i kind of just ended up there and i can say without a doubt that i'm really glad i did. i believe in the idea that we are all pure consciousness expressing ourselves in a human form and because of that affirming that i was pure consciousness always made me a bit skeptical bc what exactly was the difference between being pure consciousness while tapping into the void and being pure consciousness in my everyday life ? (and yes you could say that the word 'pure' was capable of being a differentiator but that didn't really do it for me). this brought me back to a conversation i had w myself yesterday that really helped me have a strong position on the nature of my being.
to myself,, i am everything and to others,, i am human but regardless of all that,, i am in truth pure consciousness (take a shot every time i use this phrase 😭). i remembered coming to this conclusion and after that,, this edward art post came to mind (i've literally never read his stuff before LMAO). specifically the part where he mentions that when neville was imagining himself back in new york the outer world didn't exist (or smth along those lines). this really resonated w me and i couldn't help but draw a connection between forgetting about the outer world and the void.
now this is where states come in. armed with everything i'd learned the previous day i was finally able to create the difference i'd been searching for; as opposed to affirming "i am pure consciousness" i began to affirm "i am in the state of pure consciousness" which,, for me,, entailed not only completely disregarding the outer world but also truly embodying the truth of my existence. in addition to this,, i now think my day-to-day can be summarized by the affirmation "i am in the state of pure consciousness in human form".
this might sound silly and look like overcomplicating to a lot of people but to me it actually really simplified things for me and helped me create peace w so much. this isn't really meant to be an advice post so i'm sorry if you don't get what i'm saying. i'm just putting my personal experience out there but i'd be glad to talk about it in dms w any of you !!
one way or another,, my next post will be my success story so look out for that 💪🏼
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unrequitedloveletter · 9 months
hello! i was so excited to see you have requests open! so, without further ado:
I wanted to request a fem!reader x nikolai lantsov, smut/fluff combo, fic with the "one character kissing the other character in a spot that they’re insecure about" prompt
tysm! so excited to see what you write! <3
Nothing At All- N.L x fem! reader
Hi! I am so sorry that this took me so long--I meant to do it the day it came in but I've been veeery sidetracked by novel stuff lately and between that and getting stuff queued for when I start working in the fall plus the random wave of demotivation that hit me this week, my requests kind of slipped my mind a bit.
Thank you for sending this in and after our convo because no specific spot was specified and I wanted to double check, I decided to go with a spot where I am also very insecure--the thighs! I hope that you enjoy this fic and thank you so much for requesting it!
THIS FIC IS 18+. Minors, do not interact and if you do, you will be blocked once I spot you in my notifs.
Fic type- this is the best kind of smut--FLUFFY SMUT!!
Warnings- oral (fem receiving) and some not-great editing on my end--I rushed this because a new episode of Ghost Files comes out today and I REALLY want to watch it lol
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You were grinning as Nikolai pressed a kiss against the space behind your ear, the two of you relaxing in your shared bed on one of the few evenings wherein you both had absolutely nothing to do.
All you could feel was the press of Nikolais body against yours, the warmth of the silken sheets as Nikolai pressed kiss after kiss down the space behind your ear and your neck, turning your brain into water as his lips moved deftly down your neck and across your collarbones.
One of your hands was in his hair, the other on his waist, laughter occasionally escaping your lips as Nikolai moved with a carefully delighted kind of precision.
"I love you," he said, hands sliding up your thighs and finding your hips. "I've missed you lately."
You'd both been so busy with things around the palace that you'd hardly seen each other in weeks. That moment was the first in far too long wherein you'd found yourselves in bed and able to do more than just a kiss to the cheekbone in good morning or goodnight.
You'd missed the feeling of his hands on you, the feeling of his lips pressing against any available area of skin, and the return to that part of your life felt as good as waking up and finding that it was raining outside, as good as it was to walk the halls while you went about your day with the pitter-patter of rain against the windows continuing on in the background, drowning out most of the other noise.
"I love you too," you whispered, hands going to his bare shoulders as his hands undid the buttons of one of his shirts, which you'd taken to wearing to bed instead of your typical nightwear. "Fuck, I've missed this so much."
His hands slipped from your hips to your lower back, pressing himself against your naked form as the long sleeved shirt slipped down your shoulders and past your elbows, leaving you exposed in front of him.
He bent up a bit, drinking your form in like he was a man who'd been dying of thirst. You fought the urge to curl in on yourself in a flashing moment of insecurity, finding surprise in the laugh that came up from your throat as Nikolais lips found your collarbone and kissed down your chest, past your navel.
You felt him smile against your skin in response to the sound of your laughter, hand reaching up to find yours and giving it a squeeze.
"I love you," he said against your skin.
"I love you more," you responded, pressing your eyes closed as his lips moved down one side of your lower stomach, finding your right thigh with a bit of pause.
Your thighs had always been an area about which you were insecure, and your eyes opened when you noticed Nikolai had paused for he knew too of those insecurities.
"Is it okay if I--" his eyes bore into yours, the eye contact direct. He was being cautious, careful, incase the press of his lips against your thighs was too much--in case it amplified the insecurities you felt about them, in case you just weren't even up to the idea of it.
You glanced up to the light alabaster colored ceiling for a few moments before meeting his gaze once again, nodding.
He loved your thighs, so he said, and so he proved as his lips pressed against them. Your thighs had always been one of your biggest insecurities and Nikolai was good at proving the love he held for them time and time again--a hand was always on your thigh in meetings, a hand tracing shapes into the skin of your thigh as the two of you drifted off to sleep, a hand gently against your thigh when he found you sitting somewhere shady in the palace grounds during the hottest days in summer and bent down to drop a kiss onto your lips.
He kissed them delicately, kindly, like they were priceless pieces of art which he appreciated endlessly.
"Love these," he whispered against your skin, eliciting a laugh from you as he pressed a kiss to your inner thigh before moving from your right to your left.
He took his time, leaving you a mess by the time that he was done focusing on your thighs and pressed his lips against your clit, sucking it gently with eyes fluttering closed as his arms moved under your thighs, resting there as he licked a stripe up your folds.
One of your hands found his as your eyes fell closed and you pressed your head against the pillow, moaning somewhat lewdly into it as you pressed your face against it thereafter.
Sex had been something at which Nikolai had been absurdly good, just as all of the other talents he had. He'd proved it time and time again and that time was no different--he'd managed to make you something of a writing mess within mere minutes, groaning as your free hand fell to his hair and gave the hair at the base of his neck a gentle tug.
You felt his groan against yourself and with little more effort from that point, you were releasing and moaning his name lewdly into the room.
He grinned to himself, licked his lips and pressed kiss after kiss to your thighs once more after a brief asking of consent--which you gave with an enthused nod as your head fell back against the pillow, skin glowing with post-orgasm euphoria--and feeling very content with things himself, not the least bit worried about his own pleasure.
He gave you a kiss before you left to clean yourself up and when you returned, had cleaned the bed to the best of his ability and put the shirt you'd taken off into a hamper that would be taken the following day by someone on the cleaning staff to be washed and returned to his wardrobe.
He grabbed you another and joined you in the bathroom as you washed your face, pressing a kiss to the base of your neck as you redid the buttons and smiled at the feeling of his touch.
"Anything to do tomorrow?" You asked.
"Nothing at all," Nikolai said. "I asked that my advisors clear out my schedules for the rest of the week. Haven't had time with my beloved in far too long, so it seems. You don't have anything to do, do you?"
"Zoya and I handled everything in need of doing last night and this morning. My schedule is completely clear until Monday."
Nikolai grinned as his arms wrapped around your waist. "I'm sure we can think of ways to occupy our time until then."
You smirked, pressing a peck to his lips. "Off the top of my mind, I can think of several."
Nikolai took your hand and let you lead him out of the bathroom, laughing a bit as the two of you once again approached your bed.
"Do tell," he said as he fell back and took you with him, neither of you eager to lay over the sweat stain that wouldn't dry for at least thirty minutes. "I am indeed eager to hear your ideas."
You laughed. "They start here," you said.
You pulled him into a breathtaking kiss, and Nikolais arms found your waist as he grinned. The two of you had a very fun few days ahead indeed.
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 month
Your Guide To The Archives...
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Howdy, you can call me Ghost (she/her) and welcome to my digital haunting grounds. 
This blog’s been a lot of things over the years, but, as of right now, it’s primarily my repository for whatever catches my fancy and Cyberpunk 2077. I refuse to make a sideblog, so if you’re not up for all my shenanigans, know that I’m not keeping you here. I’ve gotten pickier about who I’m following these days and don't always do follow for follow. Nothing personal, I just already have a hard enough time keeping up with people on my dash, but I know my regulars. I see you!
You don’t have to be a mutual or even a follower to interact with me though, I’m down for tag games and my inbox and messages are always open. (You can’t ask anonymously because I do require a return to sender address.) Almost all of my posts and reblogs are scheduled or queued. I may or may not be online but if you leave a message after the beep, I’ll get back to you eventually.
I like to keep it organized around here and prefer to tag my posts (weird notes included) for archival purposes and batch queue stuff, so expect a delayed reaction on almost all of my reblogs. If something’s not tagged it was probably an accident. I’m not great with buttons.
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#little ghost on the prairie - Me out and about. Could be anything really but most likely it’s probably me standing in the middle of a field taking blurry pictures of plants or bugs.
#friday field notes - I work as a naturalist for my day job and this is a series of really informal posts about what’s happening out on said prairie. Lots of plants. I love plants. Will also crash the car to watch birds.
#haunted - The eerie, the beautiful, the surreal. The things that stay with you.
#night city streets - VP related to Night City. Could be mine, could be someone else’s.
#from the top - My Cyberpunk 2077 VP collection. Lots of environmental shots, story photosets, and whatever else happens to catch my eye. All taken unmodded on PS5.
#oc: valerie hye jin li - My Cyberpunk 2077 OC, corporate grunt-cog turned merc badass, aka the Notorious Stinky Grandpa V. Alternate tags are #my grandpa v and #stinky not fresh. (She’s got the personality of a grumpy old man, what can I say?)
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So It Goes - My completed CP2077 V/River Ward long fic. If you like part ones of epic length duologies, gritty slow burn neo-noir, vivid writing that waffles between prosaic and poetic, kickass action sequences, convoluted corporate conspiracies, copious amounts of angst, mind-numbingly large portions of smut, poetry references, and dumb jokes with punchlines pages down the road… Boy, have I got a referral for you. Tagged under - #fic: so it goes
Horror - Unrelated one-shot horror stories set in the world of CP2077. Most of these feature original characters and plots but take their inspiration from the game world.
Fluff - The Garden - Shimmer & Shine - For something completely different
WIPS - Coming soon to a theater near you…
🧡 Happy Hauntings,
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butter-your-flies · 2 months
Finally, an intro post
Hello! I'm River and I use any pronouns! I am a minor, I don't mind adults following me but don't be a fucking weirdo
Main fandoms
The Legend of Zelda
Linked Universe
Bonus Links
Linked Maze
Tangled/Tangled the Series
I also occasionally post/reblog things about My Little Pony, Adventure Time, The Owl House, Amphibia, How to Train Your Dragon, Trolls, my favorite music artists, and more
River Rates Tangled the Series
Every year I rewatch the show, and this year I decided to start rating each episode as I watch. I will also be rating the songs in episodes that have them, along with overall season ratings. I'll be doing this every year until I get tired of it to see how my opinions change.
This year's tag is #river rates tangled the series (2024), and for other rewatch content unrelated to my rating series, go to #river rewatches tangled the series. For polls, go to #you rate tangled the series (2024)
People who romantically ship family members, minors and adults, romance/sex repulsed aroace characters with anyone, real people, basically anything problematic
People who hate on nonproblematic ships and oc x canon ships (you're annoying)
Blank blogs, if you're gonna follow me you're gonna have to be more than a default pfp with no reblogs. I automatically assume you are a bot, and even if you're not a bot part of tumblr is reblogging things...
Racists, homophobes, transphobes, misogynists, zionists, terfs, and other bigoted dumbasses. This is not a space for you
NSFW/kink blogs go away, I'm a minor
Basically if you suck leave
Other Stuff
I occasionally write but I haven't posted anything in a very long time
I also draw, mostly traditional. I'm not very good, but I've improved significantly recently!
I'm a huge Revalink fan :3
I love to ship characters and nobody can stop me
My ask box is always open and anon is enabled, so PLEASE send me asks I promise I don't bite I love talking to people I'm just socially awkward :,)
Embrace cringe!
I post stuff about my life a lot and I also sometimes vent but not very often and most if not all of my vent posts get deleted. All personal life posts are tagged #personal stuff and all vents are tagged #vent so if you want to filter it out feel free!
Most of my posts including reblogs are queued just to keep my blog consistent (if I didn't queue stuff i would go dead for like 2 months and then reblog 36283738 things one day just to dissapear and i dont want it to be like that) so my queue tag is #butter your queue (so original, I know)
Other Socials
Mutuals feel free to ask for my airbuds, spotify, personal instagram, and discord
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billiewena · 2 years
hello! I've been on-and-off with spnblr all summer and missed a lot. with my bday this month, I figured what better time to do a content creator event and catch up than now? presenting:
billiewena birthday boost bash... 2!
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DATES: Thursday, Sept 29th - Sunday, Oct 2nd
WHERE: @billiewena and my sam sideblog @alivegirlsam
PART 1 - BOOST BASH: I’m making what was a very last-minute idea last year a tradition! Instead of new content, I want you to RE-SHARE any content you’ve made in the past that didn't get the love as it deserved the first time! ALL CONTENT TYPES WELCOME. feel free to share a multiple posts or even other bloggers’ posts! this is NOT the time to be humble. it was really fun last year and I made some beloved mutuals through it 💕
to “boost” a post, you can either 1) tag me in the comments / reblog or 2) send the post over DM or ask.
PART 2 - PROMPTS (OPTIONAL): I also have 🎉 actual prompts 🎉 this year for anyone who wants to make new content, too! Was saving these for a follower celebration but life stuff happened and I forgot. if any of the extremely specific things below inspire you, feel free to participate:
One-Episode Icons (aka characters who only appeared once)
Reapers (and Death the Horseman)
Bestiesnatural (examples)
Celestial Horror (examples)
👏 Let 👏 Women 👏 Be 👏 Evil 👏
🍯 bonus prompt for amv editors: Honeypie, but for any other fandom you’re in (i.e. a Cousin Greg Honeypie AMV) 🍯
for these, you can tag me in the post/reblog OR use the tag #bwboostbash2
open to anyone!
....EXCEPT for proshipper blogs and no, not just the w*ncest/w*nkline ones (though "f*ck you" and "how did you find me" especially to those)
if it’s sam-related, will reblog on my sam blog @alivegirlsam too! (alternatively if any samblr mutuals only want to be reblogged there lemme know!)
any content is allowed! (art, fic, video, poem, playlist, web weave, powerpoint, meta, whatever)
no NSFW and please tag any explicit fic as ‘minors DNI’
boost bash content doesn’t have to fit the prompts, it can be literally anything you’ve done in the past!
in addition to the obvious (see #2) I am also requesting no angel/angel, sam/lucifer, baby!jack, and no dreamh*nter or kaia content pls
if you don’t see your post reblogged that means I might not have gotten the notification, so message me! I'll like the posts from my main @homosexualslug to show when I queued posts as well
otherwise, pretty limitless and most of y’all know I'm a big multi-shipper (see my bio for all the non-desitel ones) who also enjoys almost every spn character under the sun (unless you're making, idk, like KFC Demon content but who would do that willingly?)
if you have a question, feel free to send an ask or DM!
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 year
Tumblr nuked the post I had queued about this, but let’s take a deep dive back into… The PPG Perfect Guide!
If you don’t remember, this is basically the Japanese version of the Powerzine. While the Powerzine had a lot of character stuff in terms of stuff written by the characters and info about the episodes, Perfect Guide has in-depth info about the characters, a synopsis of the movie, and… MERCH. I’ve got some pics of a couple of the spreads and some of my favorite items because… it would take forever to comment on every single thing. There was a LOOOOT of content on the merch.
These are the first two spreads, and as you can see, it’s like… CHOCK full of different stuff that was being made for the show. I think those first three sets were also sold in the US (maybe?) and I think some of the stuff on the second page was too, but a lot of this was Japan exclusive. The quality is SO GOOD! I also love that they were putting the girls on badminton rackets and stuff, like… the perfect product for kids to whack each other with. 🤣 I also would totally buy a pair of those white Blossom socks now.
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I liked these keychains (zipper pulls…?) primarily for how dorky Buttercup looks (they’re “active girls always by your side!” 💕)…
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…shot glasses for the bitter alcoholic soda drinker in YOUR life…
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…an OFFICIAL OCTI PLUSHIE that I would kill to have and that I have never ever seen online anywhere (like… I’m not a collector but owning this would be my dream)…
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Actually speaking of plushies, I saw this Blossom one that’s actually really adorable. I assume they made ones of the other girls too, and while I always love more action figures and stuff, this is just really sweet and darling to me. Very söftê. Like you could just lay their heads on their little pillows and pat their heads so they could dream of murder. 💗
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There were also these tricycle PPG toys that I always thought were bootlegs buuuuut were apparently official this whole time! Wow! This is probably one of the weirdest toys but also… I mean, they’re kids too, they rode bikes in the show.
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And I have a couple more things that aren’t gonna fit in this post, so I’ll just show you guys the bento boxes and bags and an EARRING HOLDER (!!!!!) because I thought they were really cool:
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I think a big takeaway is… I think this merch holds up super well! I really do feel like you could sell some of this merch today and it wouldn’t feel dated or anything. These designs of the PPG are so graphically pleasing and simple that I think they really hold up and look fantastic. In general, I do always wanna see more of the characters get merch *coughmorecoolMojostuffplease* but it’s so fun to take a look back and see what was being made overseas for the show, and how simple and clean looking it all looked for the most part. I really like it!
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Hey, i’ve been on tumblr for a hot sec (almost 9 years i think) and you’ve been the ONLY blog that has consistently posted onto my dash. How do you do it? (Love the content btw)
It just became part of the routine, and even though that routine has changed over time, I always sat down once a day and did content for the blog. Sometimes I'm doing it day to day, other times I'm making multiple posts in one setting to queue up for later. All reblogs are queued a week ahead of time, too.
Part of me just really enjoys it, even though I'm less into Crane as I used to be. Or maybe I'm just chiller about it? I don't know. I've been doing it for so long, it would feel wrong abandoning it. Also I really love the fandom, the creativity here and the fact that as a whole , the rogues part of the batfandom has gotten a lot kinder and perhaps, we've all matured a bit along the way.
Maybe that's in part to the curation factor of tumblr, but I reblog most of whats in the tag and have a general idea of what's happening in the other rogue sects and I don't see a lot of bullshit anymore. That gives me insensitive to keep creating, because I'm more likely to encounter support over hate. I've gotten commissions, people request things, and in general people LIKE what I post which is a mega confidence boost when you have depression.
Also, it's simply fun. Fun to make stuff. Fun to create and share it. My biggest advice to anyone who wants to be a content creator, is that you have to stick to it. Your fans will come and even if you change what you're creating, many will stay for YOU. Give it time, and upload consistently. Find your niche. I started this blog because I hated how low quality comic scans were everywhere online, so I made my own. And it's partly what I'm known for. Also, over time I've become an encyclopedia of jonathan crane knowledge, so if you have a question, you ask me lol
Okay, that's enough rambling. thanks for the ask <3
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chaotic-nick · 1 year
Life Update
The previous one's here
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My flight's is in 12 hours [not really counting been very busy packing and all] and I'll be working with limited WiFi for just until I get a proper and reliable net connection. Annnnd here's what I actually planned to explain in bullet point:
Most of the posts you'll see from me have been queued from WAYYY back
I'll also be attending physical classes for the last two months + many many maaany uni related stuff + media stuff too 🥲
The sasha fic will be posted along with other pre written fics hopefully in April 😐😓
Annnd I've got a ten hour flight tomorrow, I'm challenging myself to finish that one eren fic that's been disturbing my life. I only need the middle parts that's all.
That being said, I'll see all of you very soon muwahh
Tagging my moots [pls don't worry about the 'disappearance'🥲]
@ririthu @nathalunalune @shrekisshrimpthesimp @aizenhours @kweenkatsuki @shirohyorin @rozentias @the-milk-anon @postwarlevi @happybird16 @flamingblinglove @glxssyhexrts @ctrlwave @strawberrystepmom @sixeyesgojo + I'm sorry if I forgot, I'm working with half a brain here😭
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corpupine · 1 year
A Long-Awaited Update
I’ve been putting off writing this update for a while now. Not because I’m suffering or struggling at all—life is actually really good! It’s had some truly awful, crappy stuff mixed in, but for the most part my life is very happy. The reason I’ve been putting this off is that I really don’t know where to start. Most of you will have noticed that I stopped posting updates of NemaTale on here sometime last year. There are a couple of reasons for that that I want to explain, then I want to move on to life updates and what’s coming next for NemaTale.
First: Why did I stop posting on Deviantart?
There’s no special reason or controversy here. I post on three sites: Deviantart, Tumblr, and Tapas. Both Tumblr and Tapas offer a scheduling system so that posts can be queued in advance. I was able to schedule posts on those two sites, but Deviantart doesn’t have that function, so each time there was an update I had to go in and manually enter all the information. As my life got more and more hectic (which will be explained a little bit more in the life updates section), I found that I was forgetting to update on Deviantart. I kept on putting it off, figuring I’d get around to it eventually. But uh, whoops—the end of Chapter 4 has been posted everywhere but on Deviantart! I’ll get those last pages up and running soon, but I wanted to offer some sort of explanation before I did so.
(As a side note: I haven't been keeping up with updating the links between pages on Tumblr, for a similar reason. I'll hopefully get those up and going soon so you guys can read the comic more easily on here.)
Second: What’s going on with Corpupine?
So much, you guys. Soooo much, and most of it is—like I said—truly wonderful. I haven’t been posting updates about my life hardly at all, and I want to maintain privacy, but here’s a few fun things I wanted to tell you about:
-Got a big girl job working for a local publishing company (I’m an editor by day and I love it, but it’s very time and energy consuming)
-Helped my wonderful husband self publish a book (that I edited, naturally)
-Moved to a different city
-Finally, finally finished a draft for a novel I’ve been tinkering with for 9 years
Oh, and also, this:
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Yes, in what may be the best (accidentally) kept secret ever, I’m a few months away from giving birth to a baby girl. That has been the main reason for my absence online as my husband and I have been preparing for her arrival. This baby has been very much something we have hoped for, and it took longer than we expected to get this far, so we are very happy. We are over the moon excited, a little freaked out, and ready to snuggle her sooo good.
So with that bombshell dropped, let’s talk a little bit more about the stuff you’re all really here for.
What’s next for NemaTale?
Months before I got pregnant, I had already finished Chapter 5. The script for chapter 6 is about 50% written—the broad strokes are there, I just need to nail down the dialogue. Then I started my big-girl job, and life started to get a little out of control. I was incredibly busy all the time with my job, and helping my husband with his book, and I really wanted to start using any free time just to rest and recuperate. I think that was the best choice for me; too much on my plate would have probably led me to have a nervous breakdown, haha. As it is, I’m doing well emotionally, but . . . I haven’t drawn anything since about June of last year. So we’ve got Chapter 5, totally finished and just waiting to be queued up; chapter 6, partially written; aaaaand then a big black void in front of me. (Why does that word feel so . . . familiar?) That should be scary to me, but it’s not. I’ve accomplished a lot, even if I haven’t progressed on the comic. I’m proud of myself and how far I’ve come. But what does that mean for you guys?
Here's the lowdown: I’m giving birth soon. I’m not going to be able to commit to any sort of comic goals in the near future. I’m not even sure what the future of NemaTale looks like, but I do know this: I still love this story. I don’t want to stop creating it, but now’s not the right time for me to be focusing on that. Sometimes life just gets too full to do everything on the list. I just can’t keep this at the top of my list for now.
Chapter 5 is, as I’ve said, completely ready to go (except for the chapter cover, which I haven’t made yet.) So I’m going to put this choice out to you guys. What do you want? Do you want me to go ahead and post chapter 5 over the next few months and then I’ll just see you all when I see you, somewhere down the line? Or do you want me to wait to post chapter 5 until there is also a chapter 6 officially on the way? That could take many, many months, so be aware of that.
I love the interactions I have with all of you. I’d love to keep having them, even if I won’t be able to post new stuff beyond chapter 5 for a while. But I really am okay doing whatever you guys think is best with regards to posting chapter 5. Just let me know in the comments below.
All right, I think that’s everything. I appreciate your patience with me in all this. In the past year, so much has happened. My husband and I have gone on adventures. I turned twenty-five and I’m finally starting to feel more comfortable in my own skin. I tragically lost one dear relative and for a while we thought we were going to lose another one—which, miraculously, we haven’t. Spring is here, and there’s a little girl kicking me in the ribs as I write this. Life is good.
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excaive · 2 years
Hello! Name’s Sun [they/them | 23+] 🤙
I draw my own characters and make comics, all related to (if not stated otherwise) my universe/story Black Orbit!
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It’s a bio-punk story about gangs, parasites, gods and Bad Personal Choices, following the story of Keith Sun, gang leader of 🔷Black Orbit who disappeared after being ambushed by their rival gang, 🔺Crimson Maw, only to return a year later with a powerful parasite - infected by God themself.
Black Orbit takes place in the massive metropolis 🌞SUNJIN - Which consists of 7 regions: 🔷Corr - 🌄Kaesu - 💊Futou - 🏭Javrune - 🔺Danshui - 💧Veisem - 💜Devi [District]
Parasites in this universe are Kin of Kqo’twec [pronounced quo-tech) who is also known as ✨The Parasite God. Parasite’s are widespread and been a part of life for many centuries. However, modern advancements have found a way to commercialize parasites, disturbing the balance of host/parasite relationships.
Read my short comic 🌺Lasting Bonds on WEBTOON to get insight into Kqo’twec and what exactly parasites are.
visit my website https://black-orbit.com/ where you can find all my B.O. comic projects, (main) character introductions and story summary!
Worth mentioning Black Orbit contains Explicit Language, Violence, Dark/Sensitive & Suggestive Themes. I’d give it a Mature Rating (17+) I won’t get around to making the comic for the main story any time soon, but shorter comic projects more focused on characters can still have these themes, so be mindful of that!
☕ KO-FI (Just a tip jar if you’d like to support me!) 🎨 ART TAG 🌌 WEBISTE
I also reblog art I like, friend art, posts I find funny or posts that give me any given oc’s vibes. Most is queued, so it posts a handful of times per day!
👀 RELEVANT TAGS (for easier exploring of my blog)
[even linked so they’ll show stuff in chronological order]
#cai. txt - my own misc text post #cai arts - my art tag, as linked above #ocs - any art of my ocs! #cai tunes - my music tunes! #friendo art - reblogged art from friends #[ocs name]core - posts that give oc vibes, so e.g. #killjoyecore, #rogercore, #keithcore etc.
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amnyatas · 7 months
alright its been 3 months since i took a break
nothin bad just kinda long and rambly, tldr i'm back but to a reserved extent
in august i was already wanting to come back, but i needed to make sure i took my time figuring things out and thus instead of the six months i had originally planned, i decided on 3 months from the day i last made an actual post. also chose a day earlier in case i slept in and the posts i had queued for tomorrow came before i could make THIS post
honestly, i thought i was meaner in that post, i was ready to apologize, but frankly, i feel the exact same. even got to experience non-fandom weirdoes with brainless takes on my main. and hoo boy its even worse when its about people's very existence!
honestly, i did do a lot of thinking, meds are changing again, i missed out on welding classes 'cause they filled up that fast but on monday i get a crack at the spring semester. but i kinda crashed again bc of missing out, i really, really need to move out from under my mom's control and my birth mom keeps flaking, i'm the only one who can get me out and its hard when you're fighting your own brain and years of (actual) gaslighting and manipulation from someone who's supposed to prepare you for the world, y'know?
i will, for the most part, be less involved in fandom and community stuff. maybe its selfish or self-something but i think focusing on my own characters is something fun for me. it was really too easy to fall into all the shit and get caught up in messes and sour feelings. tempting as it is to get into raiding/strikes again, and the blorbo server still sounds nice, i. need to keep a healthy distance for now.
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