#but also sniper chess is genuinely just super cool
rotteneldritchhorror · 8 months
Am I allowed to say that Shayne is hot as fuck in the fucking sniper chess video??? He didn’t need to be like that- he didn’t need to act like both a literal fucking sniper and a professional chess player
The fucking studying the board, getting down on one knee and taking his shots— the OUTFIT THE MUSTACHE AND STRANGE SERIOUSNESS
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tame-a-messenger · 3 months
I wholeheartedly agree with you and other anon, I love Shayne and he’s been my top 3 for as long as I can remember but he hosts too many freaking shows. Anon only mentioned Reddit and the guessing but we also have who meme’d it, beopardy, and challenge pit technically bc he was in most of them. I know he’s pretty much the money maker of Smosh and everyone enjoys him but I miss back in the day where almost everyone had a show on pit they can enjoy. But honestly I think the reason he’s pretty much the only host is because it seems he’s one of the only people full time. So I feel like thats the smartest decision money and views wise. Idk I just miss when they actively tried out new shows, I know that those don’t really pay their bills but it would be nice bc it’s something new and refreshing. I think I’m just ranting at this point, I just NEED my babies to come back 😕
I totally didn't count those! I was mainly talking about "one person" videos where it's only Shayne + 1 or 2 other people, but yeah, no you're right he does HOST a LOT of shows.
I miss back when everyone had a 'show' too. "Seriously Super Stupid Sleepover" was my FAVORITE thing they did back in that time! (it might have been the only thing I watched at some points)
"I just miss when they actively tried out new shows"
Me too! They've been trying that out recently (kind of) and it's been some fun? It kind of seems like they don't want to spend too much money on newer content. Which I understand, but some of my FAVORITE videos are the low budget ones! like the squad vlogs!!! I LOVE THOSE. We don't want big impressive sets, we want the cast having a good time with a good premise!!! (I genuinely have no clue why they haven't tried more different stuff out. The only thing I can think of is they don't want a video to bomb and lose out on guaranteed money, but they aren't getting anywhere as they are rn. Risk = Reward gamble)
I am really starting to think they don't really know what they want to do on the channels because of how they are acting as of recent. They keep trying out stuff between things they know get views, (Sniper Chess - Reddit Stories) and I'm not saying I think they're shitting the bed or going bankrupt rn, just that they seem nervous?
OR y'know, they could just be planning big things for the future so that's why we've been getting these "low effort" videos.
Some of the best times I had watching Smosh was when they were doing different stuff on most uploads. They can keep the Reddit Stories and all their staple shows, but give me VARIETY. Like REAL variety. Don't force feed me content that doesn't even get you views, focus on building your fanbase! LOOK AT HOW MUCH MONEY THEY RAISED JUST DOING NOT EVEN AN HOUR AND A HALF LIVESTREAM???
21k IN 1hr 20mins ???? that's $262.5 dollars A MINUTE .....
do. better.
So sorry this ended in a rant, I just am very passionate about this subject! I WANT them to do well! I see all the ways they could have more and they just shit themselves and flounder, then act like they couldn't do anything, it's INFURIATING! They have a large fan base that loves them, that would be willing to help crowd fund most anything cool (summer games anyone?? I'm 100% certain that if they did a fundraiser for that we could get them AT LEAST 50k to spend on it) and they don't. do. anything.
Maybe I am just fully unaware about what goes on, and if I am lmk, but it really just feels like incompetence from the 'suits' at Smosh
Sorry this turned into a rant Anon :D I also have been in need of my cuties (IM GOING CRAZYYYY as you probably can tell from this post lmao)
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fox-household · 5 years
Fox Household Christmas Morning 2018
So, while I didn’t end up having time for a proper Christmas chapter or anything, (sorry about that). But I still wanted to at least have something typed for what they did or what happened I guess. This is basically just going to be a description, I wrote this all in one go until 1 in the morning. Honestly staying up this late or even later for Christmas Eve, last year I spent a huge portion of time playing Person 3 FES and its epilogue, The Answer trying to finish it, I didn’t finish it then but I did on Christmas day, so that was cool, those feels to man... Persona 3 is the best in the series for sure when it comes to story. The Christmas Eves before that I ended up spending my nights on an app called Geeking until 2 to 3 in the morning, that was fun, haven’t been on there for a while now though. The next chapter is going to be the New Years one I mentioned, just need to force myself to finish it off without distracting myself as I’ve been doing recently, it’ll get there. Hope this doesn’t have to many errors since I got a little tired writing this. Merry Christmas everyone. 
Anyway, Christmas morning arrives and as it turns out, Asgore is the first one to wake up who then went onto wake-up Clover and then they woke up Sci then the chain reaction moved to Alphys until finally Muffet was awakened. Before moving on I would like to point out that for the first four, when they woke up they found a sort of web sac hanging from the roof which turned out to be Muffet’s presents, later it was found out she tried to give it early so she didn’t have to watch them open it and their reactions or thank you’s, Asgore ended up giving a lecture on doing such an ‘’unchristmas’’ action. None of them did open it in their room though, some figured out that it was presents and the others were just to scared to open it without context.
Alright, so next they all moved out to the living room, but before this there was a ring at the doorbell. For some background here, for newcomers and people from the RP for some of it. Twice we did a Christmas RP special and everyone got sweaters with their own puns (Actually I should also mention we basically did a CPAU with our characters, look it up if you haven’t it’s funny). For FH, I have made it canon that no matter where anybody is in the world on Christmas day, when they awoke, they would have a doorbell ring and when they went to check who rang the door, they found a Christmas sack which its contents included a sweater for the specific person. Nobody really knows the how or the why except that maybe Christmas magic actually exists. This does include other people as well unless you don’t want it to.  
Alphys went to the door and brought inside a sack which to everyone (except Clover) expected since it’d happened for the last two years. Sci got his green sweater where it said ‘Merry Mathsmas’ and around the sleeves there were strips that were embroided with maths symbols. Asgore got a crimson sweater that said, ‘Hope Christmas won’t be a Reigny Day in gold lettering’, the sweater also had a golden crown under the writing around where his belly is (Honestly thinking on it, it has very similar colours to Gryffindor merch in Harry Potter). Muffet had a sweater that was grey and purple, the clothing article was made of webs and according to her, was mostly made by her ‘children’, with the simple phrase ‘I am to fancy for my sweater’, which while it did have the slight chance it was mocking her, it amused her all the same and she was relieved she didn’t have to advertise Christmas puns. Alphys got a sweater that was a strange and not quite even mix of black and white that was in all these different curvy lines and stuff. People found it strange that hers wasn’t exactly Christmas related and while it was a pun, it made some of the people she showed a little weirded out or react strangely, nobody quite understood why besides that it looked strange, Alphys herself always preferred everybody else’s. On hers, in green lettering said ‘Math Puns are the first Sine of Madness’, except the word madness was in blood red, the main saving grace that gave it any sign of normalcy was the cute little Sine graph on the chest area that looked like it was ripped straight from a graphics calculator, people just brushed it off as being a weird one. However, what nobody had expected was that there was a fifth sweater, a new one for the girl who had not been related to any of the RP characters during Christmas so now it was her turn to receive a brand new, never before seen sweater. What Clover ended up unfolding was a yellow sweater, on the front and back of it was a what looked like the reticule and lines from a sniper optical sight made of dark brown (I’ll have a picture to show what I meant). On the back in the middle of the target was what appeared to be her cowboy hat and, on the front, just like the others, there was writing. On the front written in a silvery grey was ‘I Beretta not get coal for Christmas’. While she did her best to hide it and would never admit it, she was actually pretty happy to get her own sweater and was feeling a little left out at first.
Now onto the exciting part, them presents. I’m going to split each person into a hopefully small paragraph for what they got starting with Muffet. Also I need you to realise that Sci was giving out the presents in a Santa hat and Asgore was wearing reindeer antlers while also helping Sci with the handing out.
Muffet: Muffet specifically got two presents, one from Sci and one from the others. Since Clover and Asgore don’t have jobs at the moment and they don’t really have much of an allowance or anything, at the same time Alphys really doesn’t make all that much money herself (a topic for another time, AKA just ask I guess) so to help each other out, the three of them teamed up for Sci and Muffet. The team of three struggled for quite a while since the only thing they could really think of was a tea set, but they were sure she had a bunch of those, until they remembered another hobby of hers and with a little help from Sci’s suggestions, they figured it out. Muffet ended up opening the Christmas wrapping of a small wooden, suitcase shaped thing that opened up into a chess set, they figured out she could use one after they remembered she used to complain a little bit that her only chess set was left back home, and she didn’t want to risk bringing her glass one. Sci went on solo and with much less hassle than the others. The second gift the spider ended up gaining was a pair of very good quality headphones, ones that would help her listen to her music when she was working, something that only Sci really knew she loved. After opening the two of her presents, she did her best to act all cool about it and while she mostly succeeded, she did end up giving one of her rare, genuine friendly smiles, that show up every once a while, to everyone.
Sci: The skeleton also got two presents since it was from the trio and Muffet. The trio took a little time with him as well and probably struggled a bit and pretty much ended up looking stuff up online for ideas, in the end they just figured they could give him something amusing that he would use in a helpful way. So what they ended up finding and using was a Darth Vader toaster that made Star Wars toast, also they found him a Binary tie on the internet to add on the side. In Muffet’s web sac which was quite heavy, he found two things that were related, one was just a much better, higher end coffee machine than the small time one they already had, this one had a bunch of buttons and settings he was certain he would never use. On the side of that was also a small handheld expresso maker that could basically make coffee on the go. Although Muffet did warn him that if he ever overdoses on caffeine or she sees him sneaking in some Red Bull somewhere to use in combination, she wouldn’t hesitate to confiscate them off him. Sci found the toaster and an incredibly amusing present, one that really helped put him in a fun mood, the coffee gear was also very welcome, and he knew for certain there was going to be a heck of a lot of use out of it all. Sci thanked everyone happily and was itching to test out the new machines for breakfast.
Alphys: So, for Alphys, Clover and Asgore couldn’t rely on her, so they decided to try and get Muffet to help them a little, what she ended up doing was giving them a freaking $100 bill and saying just use that. Asgore refused to take so much so she ended up forcing them to take $75 instead. They did realise they probably didn’t need to work with Alphys after that, but they felt to guilty to ditch or anything, plus they wanted to help her too. Anyway, the two kids ended up giving her an incense holder along with a large collection of different incenses that were said to promote relaxation and sleep, Lavender being a big part of it. The logic of it was that since Al seemed so tired all the time, incense might be able to help her sleep. Muffet’s present for her was a few anime posters she could put up in her room, from ‘Mew Mew’, ‘Cells at Work’, ‘Violet Evergarden’ to finally the movie ‘Your Name’. Muffet did also grumble afterwards that ads had started thinking that she was into anime. Sci’s present was simple in that it was a gift card to a science supply place, some place where she could buy whatever she wanted for her basement lab. The only way I can describe Al after that was gleeful, she was super happy, all the gifts to her were perfect and thoughtful, although she needn’t worry that her presents weren’t good enough compared to those. (I’m onto you Al -_- )
Clover: Muffet straight up got her a gun range membership so she could go out and shoot stuff, although she did require adult supervision. Al and Sci were pretty clueless about what to get her to the point that they straight up asked her, hoping it was something reasonable. She did end up giving them a small list, Sci ended up giving her a small pocket knife that he made very clear to be only used responsibly. Alphys ended up giving her some gun cleaning and maintenance supplies she found on eBay, just so Clover wouldn’t have to buy new ones for a little while longer. Asgore ended up getting her six different old, classic western movies and straight up challenged her to a marathon to see who would last the longest. Clover is someone who values practicality and the use of the present rather than the large amount of effort, that and she appreciated someone getting her anything at all in the first place, so even if Sci and Al had to ask her or even if she was sure Asgore managed to find those movies in a cheap bargain bin somewhere, she was very happy thankful for what she got, giving everyone a respectful hat tip and a thank you.
Asgore: Finally, the prince’s turn to get presents. Muffet ended up getting him a large supply of Golden Flower tea bags despite their rivalry when it came to making tea, along with that she also got him his own ornate, fancy looking tea set, one that was coloured in gold and red, real royal looking. Muffet made her own fun little comment that ‘’it was only fair that her greatest rival has the equipment to pose a challenge’’. Sci got him a book that was about rare, obscure and in some of the weird cases, mythical plants from legends, for the most part though it was a botany book. Alphys also had a similar idea to the skeleton and got him his very own tools to work on the garden, newer ones that he could keep in the shed to replace the older and crap ones she had from the beginning. Clover had actually originally planned to go the botany route, except she found out both Al and Sci were doing the same thing, so she made it her vow to do something at least a little different. So, what she ended up doing was getting a small tent that could only fit about two to three people in it and offered to take him on a camping trip in the woods. Asgore had always loved the idea of spending at least a few days in nature just for the hell of it, for fun and relaxation, so she figured this was the perfect opportunity. Asgore as expected was really happy about all of this, every single time he opened a new present he gave them his most sincere thanks and most appreciative smile. He gave everyone a hug… or well he offered one to Muffet and she threatened to stab him (Although he did give her one later in the day and managed to escape her wrath).
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(Left one for Clover’s Sweater)
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(Sci’s presents, because I could and because I had to look them up)
So yeah, that was their Christmas, I hope that was a good enough of an explanation. After that they spent the day chilling, they did have a Christmas meal together that Muffet and Asgore made, roast turkey and all. Thanks for reading, myself and the other five wish you all a Merry Christmas, you all deserve to have a great holiday, wish you all the best.
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