#but also that’s pretty funny I’d also laugh. sorry
hhughes · 2 days
and when daisy cancels on him friday night, and he sees that she went to quinn’s game instead with their group of friends, he decided to take trevor up on that offer.
Damn that was kinda mean of Daisy
she was planning on going to jack’s game, she really was. but then all her friends was going to quinn’s game, and he asked her to come and she just couldn’t say no.
she really didn’t think jack would be that upset about it and she could always try to go and watch another one of his games! but he was really upset . . .
he watched the stands for her the whole night. she could’ve at least texted him. and jack makes sure she knows he’s upset too. doesn’t smile at her in the hallways at school. doesn’t bother greeting her when she’s at their house to see quinn. just kinda seems very uninterested until daisy addresses it one day.
he was already in the kitchen when she came down from quinn’s room to grab a drink. and when jack sees her entering, he immediately moves to leave but she stops him before he can.
“can we talk for a sec?” daisy asks, a hand on jack’s arm to halt him and jack resists the urge to lean into her touch more, trying to remember why he was upset with her
“is there any point in talking when I can’t believe a word that comes out of your mouth,” jack snaps, and feels immediately bad for it when she flinches a little
“okay, I deserve that. jack I really am sorry,” daisy says and jack clenches his jaw slightly
“when you say you’re gonna do something, do it. and if you change your mind or something comes up at least have the decency to text someone and let them know,” jack mumbles leaning on the kitchen counter and daisy sighs, moving her hand up to his shoulder and jack gets funny feeling in his chest when her thumb moves back and forth across the fabric of his T-shirt.
“you’re right. what I did was really rude but I promise I didn’t do it on purpose. I wasn’t planning on going to quinn’s game but something came up and I really had to go to that game. and I totally forgot that I had promised you I would go to yours. which is my fault 100% and I’m really sorry I bailed on you and didn’t text, it totally slipped my mind. which isn’t an excuse, I know I messed up okay? and I really am sorry. And I’m also sorry it’s taken me like a week to apologize. to be fair you have ran away from me every time I’ve wanted to,” daisy says and jack huffs
“I wasn’t running away,” jack mumbles in protest but daisy just sends him a look
“the point is i’m sorry okay? I don’t want you to be mad at me,” daisy says and jack sends her a soft smile
“I’m not mad anymore dais. I honestly forgave you already. I just had a bad day and it’s making me more irritated than usual, sorry,” he admits a little shyly and daisy squeezes his shoulder gently
“s’okay, we all have bad days. anything you wanna talk about?” daisy asks and jack sighs
“not really, it’s just hockey stuff,” jack says and daisy knows he’s not gonna talk about it with her, but even if he did, she wouldn’t be able to relate so she probably wouldn’t be of much use anyway, but there was someone else who could help.
“you should talk to Quinny about it,” she says
“I don’t know, he has a lot going on too. I don’t wanna add more things to his plate,” jack says and daisy smiles, finding him endearing
“Quinn is such an older sibling. he loves taking care of other people, especially those he loves. I bet you he’d love being able to give you advice. and he just so happens to be pretty decent at it,” daisy says, and jack just nods, acknowledging he heard what she said, but not committing to doing it. which was fine. daisy wasn’t one to push, which was one of the things he loved about her. liked about her.
“so we’re good?” daisy asks one more time
“yeah dais, we’re good,” jack says and laughs softly when she kisses him on the cheek
“perfect. I know you’re about to make yourself a ham and cheese toastie, make me one? I’d love you forever,” she teases, and makes her way back up the stairs before jack could respond
if only it was that easy, he’d make her all the ham and cheese toasties she wants.
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francy-sketches · 6 months
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Like father like son or whatever idk. Is this anything
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bluejutdae · 3 months
• best friend Stray Kids saving you (or being saved by you) from a bad date | Felix x you
Chan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Jisung | Seungmin | Jeongin
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genre: romance, best friend to lovers
warnings: none, except that i am not satisfied at all with this but I’ve read it so many times I’m starting to hate it. I might edit heavily later
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The moment you park outside the restaurant Lixie is in, you press the call button. Faking an emergency is not too hard, you talk about a friend getting injured and at the hospital, exaggerating your tone and almost making Felix laugh.
He’s out in less than five minutes. Under his bright smile there’s something you can’t decipher. He gets in your car and just his presence makes you happy. Everyone loves Felix, and you’re not immune to his charm either. He’s always kind, generous, sweet and funny. You’re really lucky to have him in your life.
“Ice cream?”
“Yes, please.” It’s so funny to hear his deep voice in such a childish tone.
You don’t press for answers about his date during the drive to your favorite ice cream place, you put on some music and sing loudly with him. Save for that indecipherable look in his eyes, he seems pretty normal.
You take your ice creams and decide to take a walk on the riverside. The wind is pretty chill, but neither of you mind too much. It’s him who brings up the date he was on.
“The date… it was like a blind date. But I didn’t know it was a date until it was too late.”
“Uh- what?” It doesn’t make sense: how did he manage to go on a date without knowing?
“Hannie.” Yeah, maybe it makes sense. Jisung means well, but most of the time the execution is, at best, messy.
“How did he get you?”
“He begged me to go on a double date on the premise it was just because this girl he wanted to go out with was wary of going out alone with him so she’d bring a friend with, but we were supposed to be just wingmen. Or so he told me.”
He licks his ice cream and shakes his head.
“About 10 minutes before we were supposed to meet he called and told me it was a lie and it was a blind date…”
You’re not sure as to what to say. It is very on brand for Jisung, but you can also understand how frustrating it can be for Felix. He’s a sweetheart, he must have felt guilty for having unwillingly misled the girl.
“I couldn’t just leave and stand her up. She knew nothing about the lie, so it wasn't her fault.”
“Was she nice, at least?”
He nods, but he seems almost distracted. “She was nice. Pretty and funny, to be honest.”
“Why didn’t you stay, then?”
He slows down to a stop, and the moment you notice you turn around to look at him, a question on your face. He cleans his mouth with the small napkin and exhales with a small grimace.
“Because I like you. And I’m not interested in other girls.”
He likes you. Felix likes you. And not in a friendly way. In a like like way. You weren’t expecting that.
“I-“ you start, but you don’t know how to continue that sentence. What do you say to your best friend who just said he likes you? Do you even like him? You’ve always been pretty good at keeping your feelings in check, so after knowing him, when it was clear you were headed towards just being friends, that’s what you set your mind -and your heart- to. He’s your friend, and you didn’t even ever consider more.
“I’m sorry. I’ve kept it from you for a while but I couldn’t anymore. That’s why Jisung insisted on this date. He was trying to distract me.” He turns slightly to watch at the river flowing fast but quietly. “Things don't have to change. If you don’t feel the same it’s okay, but I’d like to stay friends if you’re okay with that. I don’t wanna lose you.”
The idea of Felix losing you is ridiculous to you, nothing is ever gonna make you distance yourself from him. You try to tell him so by hugging him. “Lixie, we’ll always be friends, no matter what.”
You speak into his jacket, and maybe it’s easier this way.
“I thought we were only meant to be friends, so I didn’t even consider looking at you in a different way.” You can feel him tense under your hug. “Wait, wait, listen to me please.” Still hugging him you try to look at him, a smile on your lips. He’s your best friend, he’s the best person you’ve ever met. Being liked by him is an honor, and if you think about it, trying to be something more it’s not something that you hate.
“You’re my best friend, Lix. You know I love you, and I think you’re perfect. I never let myself think about you like that, but I know that if I give it a chance, it’d be so easy to fall in love with you romantically.”
“You don’t have to make yourself like me.”
“Don’t be silly. I’d be lucky to love you. Give me a chance?”
He’s smiling now, and he’s so so pretty like this. He’s always pretty, you tell him constantly, but when he smiles it’s his best look.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure Lixie. Let me take you out on a date? I promise to spoil you…”
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you out?”
“It’s okay. You can ask next time.” You kiss him on his cheek and hold his hand, making him resume your stroll.
He really is easy to love, and not even a month later you ask yourself how you ever managed not to be head over heels in love with your best friend boyfriend.
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cinnamonmilf · 1 month
✧˖°.☪︎.𖥔 ݁✧:・. rapid eye movement (part ii)
summary: you meet ellie in a dream…or was it at a café now?
cw: nothing, just fluff (repost from old account), you can read part 1 here
"Excuse me, um, I love you"
I know that's not the way to start a conversation
It had been two days since you had seen Ellie. This time she wasn’t accompanied by the yellowish hue and warm ambience of your R.E.M. state, you had actually seen her.
The girl that was driving you crazy was actually flesh and bones, rather than just a lulling mirage, and she had been kind enough to give you the notebook you’d forgotten at your favorite café.
There was no other way to describe it besides bizarre.
You couldn’t even thank her properly, staring at her for what was probably too long with widened eyes. She even asked a concerned “Are you okay?”. And no, you definitely weren’t.
Did she not know who you were? Did she forget about your strolls and your hugs and your deep talks? Had she ever dreamt of you? Was it even possible that it was all true? Or had you maybe seen her before and your brain took her face and made up an entire person?
How are you supposed to explain to a total stranger you’ve dreamt of her and fallen for her in said dreams?
The hair, the face, the tattoo, all of it was the same. Would she be the same, though? Was she an astrophysics major? Did she like the color green and NASA and also laughed at silly puns?
It was like your brain was nothing but a bunch of questions with no answer. None rational, at least.
But there she was. Right in front of you with that mesmerizing aura of hers that made you feel so drawn to her…regardless of the realm you were in. You weren’t one to ask people out. You’d usually wait for them to ask you or flirt with them until they took a hint. But there was no way you could let her go just like that. You couldn’t really tell her you knew her either, but you could just ask for her phone number, right?
And so you did. She smiled and agreed. In her mind, she was happy about the fact that giving you your notebook back had landed her a possible date with such a pretty girl.
Two days. You hadn’t texted her. You didn’t dare. What if she wasn’t like your Ellie? What if for some fucked up reason you dreamt of someone so special but she turned out to be nothing like that? What if the connection wasn’t there? What if she wasn’t sweet and caring and funny and trustworthy?
But it had been enough. Enough questions and enough overthinking. There was no way for you to know if you didn’t text her.
“Hi, it’s the girl whose notebook you saved :)”
“Hey, didn’t think you’d text anymore”
“Oh no! I’m sorry. I just got a little caught up with school”
“I wanted to see if you’d like to hangout sometime?”
“I’d really like that. Is friday cool?”
“Friday’s great <3”
“Okay, I’ll pick you up, yeah?”
“Oh you don’t have to dw”
“No, it’s okay, I want to”
“Pretty girl like you shouldn’t be walking on her own”
You sighed in relief. At least you were done with that part.
Flirty…At least that checks out with your Ellie.
You spent the rest of your week both dreading and anticipating your date on Friday. And, god, were you a mess.
You couldn’t remember ever being so nervous about meeting someone. You spent the next couple days overthinking your outfit choices, how you should do your hair, what you were going to say. More than anything, the thought of this Ellie not being at least a little like your Ellie was nothing short of terrifying. You adored this girl. Her not being real was one thing, but her being real and being the complete opposite was a nightmare.
At 6:36pm your bell rang.
“Coming!” You yelled as you finished putting on your shoe and took one last look in the mirror.
“You got this,” you told yourself. Though the shaking of your hands was slightly contradictory.
You finally opened the door and there she was. She was wearing jeans and an open button-up with the half-up hairdo you liked so much. You can’t help but discreetly pinch yourself just to make sure you weren’t asleep.
“Hi.” You greet her with a smile.
“Hey, you look great.”
“Thank you, you look great too.” She´s smirking now, probably noticing how nervous you were. Well, at least now you knew she was cocky too. “You ready?”
The ride to the restaurant was filled with small talk. You were too nervous to ask her any of the questions you actually needed to ask. You thought to yourself you’d leave them for the restaurant. Having warmed up a little more with each other.
One thing about Ellie, she knew how to treat a girl. She opened the door for you, helped you fasten your seatbelt, let you play your own music on the way there. She was so…well, dreamy.
As you both wait for your food you finally gather the courage to ask. In reality, they were all very basic questions. Not to you, though.
“So, Ellie..”
She hums.
“Are you in college?”
“Yeah, Astrophysics”. Oh, fuck.
“Astrophysics?” Your eyes widen.
“Yeah,” she chuckles, “have always been into all things space.”
You can’t quite believe this is real and not some sort of sick cosmic joke. You try your best to hide your shock. It’s not really a good look for you to audibly gasp every time she says or does something that further proves she’s actually Ellie.
“Oh really? You must be really smart, then.” You tease with a smile.
“Shut up.” She laughs. “Are you in college?”
“Yes, English Literature. Almost done.”
“Really? Suits you.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“Good, of course.”
If this whole thing was bizarre, this moment was just ridiculous. Every other déjà vu was nothing compared to this. It was your Ellie, from the looks down to the way she worded her thoughts.
The rest of your date went great. You learned she indeed was twenty two and liked NASA and comics. She talked the same and she laughed at the same things. She had the same mannerisms: pouts her lips, she fidgets with her hands, smirks a whole lot and oh! such a flirt.
One thing, though - nothing hinted at the fact that she remembered you. You knew most of the things she told you about herself today, not that you minded, but she was actually meeting you for the first time. How could she not remember? Did she even have the same dreams?
You still had many questions, but you were also very relieved. She was Ellie. Your Ellie. Your auburnette with a space obsession and a liking for silly puns. Your funny and sweet friend. Your favorite girl.
She took you back home and walked you to your door. You spin on your heel to face her.
Loose strand of her framing her face, glimmery green eyes staring at you and an eyebrow scar that’s surprisingly attractive on her. Like straight up from your subconscious mind, now right in front of you.
“Can I see you again?” You can tell she’s the nervous one now, not that she lets you see it. You just know her too well.
You smile at her. You thought it was obvious.
“Of course.” You inch closer towards her and press a kiss on her cheek. “Call me, yeah?”
She blushes at this. Trying too hard to contain the huge grin on her lips.
“I will.”
“Goodbye, Ellie.”
The next few days went well. Ellie and you kept texting back and forth, getting to know each other more. You did find out new things about her. About her past, her friendships, her family.
You found yourself constantly checking your phone for her texts. Eagerly waiting for the notification on your screen with her name attached to it. Not that she ever made you wait long, you pretty much had all her attention. You’d smile every time she’d make a dumb joke or she’d call you a sweet name. When you thought you couldn’t love this girl more…
The sun was starting to set. Pink and purple clouds painting the sky. The weather was getting warmer and you didn’t have to carry an obnoxiously big jacket with you anymore. You’d had classes all day, finally ready to unwind and peacefully enjoy your Friday night. Or so you thought.
Your phone starts ringing and it’s none other than the girl who's responsible for your stomach doing somersaults. You quickly drag the phone icon to the right and press the device to your ear.
“Hey, pretty, Are you busy?”
“Nope, just walking home. Had a bunch of classes all day.”
“Are you doing anything later?”
“Ellie Williams, are you trying to ask me out on a date?” You jokingly gasp and earn a laugh from her end.
“Yes, actually. The sky’s supposed to be like super clear tonight and I know a spot where you can really see all the stars and stuff.”
“I’m in.”
“Yeah? I’ll pick you up in an hour. Sounds good?”
“Sounds great. Bye, Ellie.”
“See you in an hour.”
You scurried to your apartment to get ready. You did your hair, changed your clothes, sprayed a sweet vanilla perfume on your pulsing points and quickly touched up your makeup. An hour and eleven minutes later, your bell rang.
This time she was wearing a hoodie with a light jacket on top, her staple jeans and jacket combo. Her hair was up in a low bun. She was such a sight for sore eyes.
“How do you even know this place?” You ask as you both get out of the car. It was higher than the rest of the city, not quite at the top of the mountains but it still had a rather breath-taking view. Pretty quiet yet comforting. A safe haven just for the two of you, at least for tonight.
“Well…” Ellie scrunches her nose.
“Kind of found it by accident once, with my ex.” She nervously scratches the back of her neck.
“Are you serious?” You laugh.
“It was just once!”
“So you bring all your girls here?”
“Just the special ones.”
“Shut up, dork.” You playfully roll your eyes at her and nudge her arm.
You both settle the blanket on the grass. Lying next to each other. Propped heads rested on your respective hands.
“So..ex, huh?”
“Yeah, we broke up a little bit over a year ago.”
“What was her name?”
“Cat.” You hum. “She’s great, we just didn’t really work as a couple.”
“Are you guys still friends?”
“We are on good terms. Talk every now and then. I wouldn’t call it ‘friends’, though.”
“I’m not really supposed to talk about exes until like the fifth date, you know?” She jokes.
“You brought her up!” You laugh.
“Yeah, you are right. Sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
Ellie couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Yes, this was your second date but it felt like it wasn’t. She felt as if she had known you her whole life. Something about talking to you and spending time with you felt just right. More than right. You brought a sense of comfort to her. She was in awe of you.
You both rest your heads and look up at the sky. Ellie was right, it was very clear tonight, you couldn’t recall the last time you had seen so many stars.
“Look, you see that one? The one that looks like a W.”
“Wait, where?”
“Right..” she grabs your index finger and points it towards it, “there.”
“Oh I see it!”
“That’s Cassiopeia.” She explains not letting go of your hand, despite you having already spotted the cluster of stars. “It’s the 25th largest constellation in the night sky.”
“Yeah, and the first to list it was Ptolomy in the second century…” Ellie went on and on about nebulas and exoplanets. It’s not that you didn’t care, it just so happened that the constellations lined up by her freckles were a whole lot more interesting than the ones drawn in the navy blue sky. “I probably sound like such a nerd right now.” She laughed.
“What? No, not at all. It’s cute how excited you get.” You keep on playing with her hand. Locking and unlocking your fingers, twisting them against each other’s, featherly brushes against her knuckles and the soft scraping of your nails against her skin.
“Is it?” She could feel her heart speed up, so much so that it felt like it was trying to break her ribs and find its way to you. You were no better.
“Mhm, you are very smart. I love hearing you talk.”
She smirked. Of course she did. No matter how nervous or excited she was, she wasn’t Ellie without that tinge of cockiness never leaving her side.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” You breathed out.
She hovered over you, grabbing your chin to pull you closer to her. She brushed her lips against yours, almost kissing you. Breaths perfectly sync as you feel the air fanning against each other’s mouth. There was no way in hell you could wait one more second, you break first. You crashed your lips into hers.
You had never kissed Ellie, not even in your dreams. You had thought about it many times, but even your imagination’s best efforts couldn’t compare to this.
It was exhilarating, the feeling of her lips rhythmically moving with yours. It just made sense, you two fit. You had kissed people before, but nothing like this. You two were made for each other, and if the otherworldly experience of how you first met didn’t make it painfully obvious, this did.
You moaned into the kiss which she took as an opportunity to explore your mouth with her tongue. Cupping your face to bring you closer, as if you were going anywhere.
She finally breaks the kiss.
You giggle, “I know.”
Crazy to be so infatuated by someone on your second date. But the truth is that’s how Ellie felt and she couldn’t explain the how. You, on the other hand, had an idea or two.
After your second date the two of you only got closer. You were on cloud nine. You two could talk for hours, hangout for hours, laugh for hours, kiss for hours. You had come to terms with the fact that you would never know how it is that you met Ellie first or why she couldn’t remember your slumber induced escapades.
It didn’t make it any less strange, but you were long past the freaking out stage. If anything, you had gotten to know Ellie better and even experienced things you never got the chance to back there. You were meant to find each other. That was the best you could come up with and it was fine with you.
You decided to plan a date for you and Ellie. She was usually the one that did, being the creative one out of the two of you. But you wanted to do something nice for her.
You settled on a picnic. The past few days had been sunny and warm enough for it. You hauled to the kitchen and prepared everything you needed. The snacks, the drinks, the plates and the cutlery, checkered blanket and all. You even got her flowers earlier that morning.
As your girl rang your bell one more time to pick you up, you grabbed the basket and the flowers and opened the door.
“Hey, beautiful.” She said as she pulled you in for a kiss. You hum into the kiss.
“These are for you,” you tell her as you hand her the bouquet.
“Are you serious?” She asks with a grin on her face.
“Of course, I’m serious.”
“God, you are” kiss “so fucking” kiss “cute” kiss
You giggle into her kisses. “I take it you like them?”
“I love them. You are the first girl to give me flowers, you know?”
“I am?” You ask incredulously.
“All the other girls were stupid, then.” She laughs.
She drives to your destination. A pretty forest you had found upon a quick internet search for a good picnic spot. The pictures didn’t lie, the place was beautiful. Green foliage and perfectly cut grass with the perfect amount of sun and shade. You set up the whole thing, enjoying the evening with Ellie.
Ellie was convinced she could stare at you for hours. From how you move your hands when you talk, to how you tilt your head back slightly when you laugh, to how you pout your lips and twist them to the side when you are thinking, you drive her mad.
And maybe it’s the way the sun is hitting your back, making a halo form around your silhouette. Maybe it’s the way the green compliments your skin so beautifully, so familiarly. Maybe the way the warmth of the day and yours mix together and embrace her, making her vision slightly hazy. Maybe the way the sound of the breeze hits the leaves and the sound of the birds chirping mixes with your voice and creates a song she’s sure she’s heard before. But Ellie has lived this before. She has seen you like this before.
She almost gets whiplash from it, all of it coming back to her at once. The day at the cafè wasn’t the first time you two met, and she remembered now.
a/n: second repost while i work on part 3 :)
taglist @s4pphicslutt @fleshunger @whore4abby @astroph1les @eelliesbtch
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waitimcomingtoo · 8 months
Dog Days are Over
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Tom hires you as a dog walker but ends up wanting more
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“Coming.” Tom called when he heard his doorbell ring. He wasn’t expecting anyone, so he made no effort to look presentable before opening the door. Once unlocked his front door, he found you standing outside. You smiled awkwardly and gave a stiff wave. He quickly fixed his hair when he realized his surprise visitor was a girl and leaned against his doorframe in an attempt to look cool.
“Hi. Tom?” You asked him.
“Hi, yeah, that’s me. And you are?”
“Y/n. Your brother hired me to help you out. He said you were in desperate need of my service.” You explained. Tom shut his eyes in embarrassment and felt himself turn bright red.
“My brother? Oh my God. Look, you’re very pretty and I’m sure you’re very good at your job-“
“Slow down. I’m a dog sitter.” You clarified. “And walker. And some might even say whisperer.”
“Oh.” He smiled in surprise. “A dog sitter? Right. I knew that.”
“You thought I was a sex worker, didn’t you?” You said with a raise of your eyebrow.
“I did.” He admitted. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. They make a lot of money. If I had any of those skills, I’d be doing that instead. But alas, my talent lies with getting dogs to be obedient.”
“This was the strangest start to a conversation I’ve ever had.” Tom said, mostly to himself.
“You know what? Me too.” You laughed, making him relax and laugh as well.
“Why don’t I show you my dog and then we can discuss what I might need you for?” Tom offered and stepped to the side. You smiled shyly at him and walked into his house with him following behind you. You took a moment to look around his space to get to know him a little. He had photos of his family and his dog all around, as well as memorabilia from past films he was in as well. He disappeared into the other room for a second before returning with Tessa in his arms.
“So this is the woman in my life. Tessa. The only woman in my life.” He emphasized, making you look at him sympathetically.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. When did your mom pass?” You asked him as you pet Tessa.
“Oh, no. She’s fine. She sent me a recipe for cornbread this morning. I just meant I have no romantic prospects.” Tom quickly corrected.
“Oh. Okay.” You laughed awkwardly and looked to the side.
“Sorry. I feel like I’m talking so much. And that all the things I’m saying are insane and embarrassing. Are you also feeling like that?” He asked you through a nervous laugh.
“I’m not feeling anything except this coat. What shampoo do you use on her?” You asked in baby voice as you put your nose against Tessa and scratched her ears. She immediately warmed up to you in a way Tom had never seen her do before with a stranger. He smiled and looked at you fondly before realizing he actually had to answer your question.
“Oh, uh. Rain, mostly. Sometimes dish soap if she bumps into me while I’m washing dishes.” Tom answered honestly, making you crack a smile and look up at him. He smiled in relief when you found his word vomit funny.
“You hand wash your dishes? In this big ass house?” You laughed and looked around.
“I do. Is that weird? I feel like it keeps me humble. Like, if I ever started using my dishwasher, I’d become James Franco overnight.”
“I like that.” You chuckled. “I just figured you’d have someone to do that for you. You know, since you’re Spiderman and all.”
“I’m not one of those celebrities. I don’t pay people to wipe my butt and stuff. I’m just a regular guy.”
“Wow. That’s definitely the first time I’ve heard a “I’m not like other celebrities” speech.” You said sarcastically but playfully.
“Oh yeah? What are you, some kind of celebrity dog walker?” Tom humored you and put Tessa down. She immediately nuzzled up to your leg and laid down on your foot.
“You could say that.” You smiled coyly and bent down to pet Tessa.
“Oh. I was trying to tease you but I guess that’s exactly what your job is.” He laughed and bent down as well to be eye level with you.
“Yep. That’s how your brother found me. I was walking one of Ariana Grande’s thousand dogs and it bit Harry on the ankle out side of a Panera.”
“Oh shit. Tolouse?”
“Yeah. How’d you know?” You smiled in surprise.
“That’s the only one I know.” He sheepishly admitted.
“Honestly, me too. I just call “Toulouse” and make kissy sounds and they all come running. All 500 of them.”
“Kissy sounds?” He laughed in confusion.
“You know.” You smiled shyly and made kissing sounds to show Tom what you meant.
“Oh. I like that. See, this is how I call Tess.” He said and stood up. He then bent his knees a little and patted his thighs. Tessa stopped cuddling you to run to him.
“Ah, yes. The old crouch and pat. You know your stuff.” You smiled and stood up straight.
“I’m glad you approve.” He said as he blushed at the compliment, even if it was stupid.
“I do. I respond to the same call actually.” You joked.
“Good to know.” Tom laughed. You looked at each other for a minute and a silence filled the room for a little too long. It was surprisingly not awkward, just noticeable. Tom felt unusually comfortable with you and liked that Tessa did too.
“So what kind of services do you think you might need?” You asked to break the silence.
“Well, I travel a lot for work. So I need someone to look after her while I’m away. She’s a really good dog, though. She does all her business on walks which I try to do twice a day and she never bites or growls. Except at my brother. But he usually growls first.”
“She sounds great.” You laughed and gave Tessas chin a scratch.
“She is. She’s kinda my best friend.”
“That’s sweet. Have you had her a long time?”
“Since I was 16, yeah.” Tom told you.
“Aw.” You pouted. “She grew up with you.”
“Yeah. She did. Though neither of us got much bigger than we were when we first met.” Tom tried to joke.
“You’re the same size you were at 16?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Height wise, unfortunately yes. But fortunately I grew in other places since being 16, if you know what I mean.” Tom replied, immediately regretting it. You raised both eyebrows at him this time and looked at Tessa to see if she heard that too.
“Oh. Cool.” You laughed awkwardly.
“I wish I didn’t say that.” He admitted.
“I wish that too.” You nodded before an awkward silence fell. you stared at each other for a moment before Tom changed the subject.
“Let me show you around.” He offered and put his hand on your back to lead you around the house. He brought you into all the rooms and ended the tour in his pantry.
“And this is where I keep her treats and food. And her heart worm medication but that’s just a once a month pill.”
“Oh, sick. I’ve eaten a few of these. They look exactly like my gummy vitamins.” You nodded and tapped the box of medication.
“Do they work?” He genuinely wondered.
“Well, I’ve never had heart worm.” You shrugged.
“Wow. At least now I know they really work.”
“So is it just you that lives here?” You wondered and looked around again.
“My best friend Harrison lives here too. And my brothers occasionally stay over.”
“These guys?” You asked and pointed to a nearby framed picture.
“Yeah. That’s my family.” He smiled proudly.
“Woah. That’s a lot of boys. Bless your moms heart.” You chuckled and touched the picture.
“Yeah. She’s a saint for putting up with all of us. We did not make it easy.”
“You’re definitely the cutest.” You said without taking your eyes off the picture.
“Oh. Why, thank you.” Tom smiled in surprise and touched his cheek to his shoulder.
“I was talking to Tessa.”
“Oh.” His smile fell.
“I’m just teasing. I was talking about you.” You patted his shoulder before moving past him. Tom chuckled a little and touched his shoulder where your hand had been before going after you.
“So does anyone else occasionally stay over?” You asked, wanting to circle back to the “no romantic prospects” conversation.
“No. No one.”
“Hm.” You nodded and turned your head away from him to smile at the answer. No one staying over confirmed no girlfriend.
“What about at your house?” He asked you, wondering the same things you were wondering.
“I live in a flat above a bakery. So other than the occasional rat, no. No overnight guests.” You told him, knowing exactly why he asked.
“Oh my. Those wouldn’t be the friendly rats that can cook, right?”
“Unfortunately not. They’re the unfriendly kind that run across your floor in the middle of the night and scare the absolute shit out of you.”
“I bet you wish you had an overnight guest then. To help you fend off the rats.” Tom joked as he moved closer to you.
“Oh, absolutely. Everyone knows trapping and releasing a rat is at the very least a two man job.” You humored him. He laughed and realized he felt comfortable with you as if he had known you for years instead of just a few minutes.
“I don’t know about you, but I think this pairing has been a success. Do you think you’ll take the job?”
“I could definitely add Miss Tessa to my roster.” You nodded, making Tom first pump subtly.
“Perfect. Let me get your information then.” He smiled and handed you his phone to get your number. You gladly accepted it and typed it in, adding a dog emoji next to your name so he remembered.
“When can you start?”
“How’s right now sound?”
“That’s perfect. I’ll come and show you my usually routes.” Tom said and brought you over to where he kept Tessa’s many leashes.
“So how long have you been walking dogs?” Tom asked once you were stroking down the sidewalk together with Tessa pulling you.
“Five years. I started doing it during college for extra cash and then dropped out of college because I realized no matter what I got my degree in or what job was offered to me, I’d rather be with the dogs.”
“So you’re an animal person I take it?” He chuckled at your explanation.
“Big time.” You nodded. “But not enough to be a vet or a zoologist. Dog walker was the perfect solution for me.”
“You seem really good at it.“ Tom tried to compliment you.
“It’s really not that hard.” You pointed out, making him shut his eyes in embarrassment.
“Yeah. It felt like a stupid compliment as soon as I said it.” He admitted. You laughed and squeezed his arm, making him relax and stop feeling embarrassed.
“It’s okay.” You laughed. “You tried. It’s the effort that matters the most with girls. Trust me.”
“Oh really? Not the execution?”
“That’s important too. But I guess for me personally, I just want to know you’re trying. I don’t care if it comes out weird.”
“That’s good to know. I always come out weird.” Tom replied, then instantly felt regret.
“I didn’t mean it like-“
“I figured.” You laughed again and looked at him.
“We need to change the subject. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?”
“Hm, that’s a good question. Maybe the time that someone told me once that they always felt listened to when they talked to me. And that resonated more than anytime I’d ever been called pretty.” You answered him.
“Well you probably hear that one a lot. I’d imagine it loses meaning after a while.” He said, making you smile shyly at the subtle compliment.
“It depends on who says it.” You said and looked over your shoulder at him as Tessa tugged you forward.
“Well, I think you’re beautiful.” He said as stopped walking. You stopped walking as well and turned to look at him.
“Gross.” You said, taking him by surprise.
“Sorry. That just came out. I don’t react to compliments well.” You said and slapped your hand over your mouth.
“Oh. It’s okay.” He laughed and started walking again. You fell into a stride beside him again and relaxed when he didn’t find your reaction to the compliment too weird.
“What I meant to say was thank you.” You told him.
“Maybe I’ll be able to give you a better one once I get to know you a little better.” He replied, making you smile.
“It’s nice to have goals.” You said coyly.
“It definitely is.” He chuckled and never took his eyes off you.
“Tess, I think I may be in love.” Tom announced once you had gone back home. Tessa didn’t look up from her very busy and engaging task of licking her foot.
“I know I just met her. But come on. You can’t tell me you didn’t feel the chemistry.” Tom continued while Tessa kept licking her foot.
“Why are you getting so defensive? I didn’t say you had to call her mommy.“ Tom scoffed. Tessa stood up and tilted her head to the side.
“But I might.” He added with a cheeky smile. Tessa sighed and laid down on the floor.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. That was a bad joke.” He agreed while Tessa rolled over and laid on her side.
“Look, darling, I know change is scary. It’s scary for me too. But it can’t be just us forever, princess. You’ve been the only woman in my life for too long now. It’s time to add someone else.” Tom said gently as he bent down to pet Tessa. Tessa licked his hand and he sighed.
“You’re right.” He agreed. “I don’t even know how she feels. But I swear, Tess, there was a spark. I felt it. And I think she did too.”
Tom pulled out his phone and started to write to you. Tessa let out a little whine and stamped her feet.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m texting her her work schedule. You’re getting walked every day from now on.” He told Tessa. Tessa shook out her body in response.
“I know you already get walked everyday. I was making a joke about how I’m gonna make her walk you everyday so I get to see her more. Keep up.” Tom said sarcastically. Tessa whined again and Tom felt bad for sassing her.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I won’t let her come between us.” Tom told her. Tessa laid down on the floor in response.
“What?” Tom laughed in surprise. “No. You have a dirty mind.”
Tom asked you to come over the next day for your first day or work. He spent the morning tidying up the house, then made it a little messy so you wouldn’t expect the house to be clean every time you came over. Finally, he heard the doorbell ring.
“Oh my God. It’s her. Be cool.” He warned Tessa as he smoothed his hair.
“Hi. I brought you muffins. I felt like I had to announce that immediately or else I’d be awkwardly holding this box and looking for an appropriate time to say I have muffins.” You said as soon as Tom opened the door. He smiled and felt himself relax when he realized you were just as nervous as he was.
“Aw, darling. You didn’t have to do that.” He said as he took the muffin box from you. You stepped inside and he helped you out of your coat. You felt your face heat up and he hands slid down your arms to take the coat off but didn’t see that he had a matching blush across his face.
“It was no trouble. I get them for free when the bakery messes up a batch.” You admitted.
“Oh, really? What’s wrong with these?” Tom laughed nervously and pulled out of the box.
“I didn’t ask.” You told him. You both stared at the muffin in his hand for a minute before caving.
“I’ll try it if you do.” He said.
“Okay. Deal.” You smiled and nodded your head. Tom took a bite and then handed the muffin to you. Instead of turning it around, you bit right where Tom’s mouth had just been. He took this as your first kiss and felt his face heat up.
“Not bad.” He shrugged after swallowing the muffin.
“Yeah. I guess we’ll never know.” You laughed and put the muffin back in the box.
“What bakery did you say these were from?”
“Destiny Bakery. I live in the apartment right above it.” You told him.
“I remember you mentioning that. I didn’t realize it was that bakery. I love that one. The couple that owns it has that cute little girl that’s always in the shop. Haley, I think.”
“Yep. Haley’s very sweet. I bring the dogs I walk by sometimes so she can pet them.”
“They seem like a cute family.”
“They are. They actually just had twins. They bring them around sometimes.”
“How long have you lived there?” He asked you.
“Ever since I loved to London five years ago.” You explained.
“Ah. So you’re not a native?” He smirked and folded his arms.
“Nope. But I’ve found my way around by walking all these dogs. I take it you are?”
“Southwest London.” He replied. “Born and raised.”
“That explains a lot.” You snorted.
“Oh yeah? What’s that supposed to mean, darling?” He said playfully and pretended to look offended.
“Don’t worry about it.” You teased back. You looked at each other for a moment and Tom felt his heart aching in his chest. He had it bad, and he wanted more.
“So I thought I’d join you on your walk today.” He said as he picked up Tessa’s leash.
“Didn’t you do that yesterday?” You chuckled.
“Yes.” He realized. “But I wanted to come again. In case you got lost.”
“If you’re available to walk her, how come you asked me to come over?” You questioned him with playful smile.
“I’m leaving for work in two days. I wanted to make sure you were comfortable with her before I left.” Tom quickly came up with something.
“I see.” You laughed. “Come on. Let’s not keep the lady waiting.”
You put Tessa’s collar on and walked out Tom’s front door with him right behind you. He showed you a different route he liked to take to make it seem like there was an actual reason for him to be on the dog walk other than him just wanting to spend time with you.
“So where are you traveling to?” You asked as Tessa pulled you along.
“Atlanta for some reshoots.”
“Ooo. Fancy.”
“Do you think you could look after Tessa while I’m away? It’ll only be for a week. Yeah could stay in my house if it’s easier.” Tom asked you.
“You trust me to stay in your house? We just met yesterday.” You reminded him with a surprised laugh.
“But you know my brother and you have a friendly face. So I don’t think you’ll rob me.” Tom said as he handed you an extra key to his house.
“What if I was planning on robbing you and you just gave me a key to your house and the exact time frame you’ll be away for?” You teased him as held up the key.
“I don’t think a robber would’ve brought me muffins.” He pointed out.
“Maybe not.” You laughed shyly and returned your attention to Tessa.
“So could you do it?”
“Sure. I can spend a week with this little princess in your huge mansion.”
“It’s not that big. But thank you. You’re the best. I’m so glad you almost ran over my brother.” Tom joked.
“Me too.” You laughed. You fell into a comfortable silence as you walked beside each other. Your hand accidentally brushed against Tom’s a few times, sending sparks through the both of you each time.
“Does all the traveling you have to do make it hard to do normal things?” You asked after a beat.
“I don’t know. Define normal things.”
“You know, like, date?” You said without looking at him.
“Believe it or not, that was hard for me before I was an actor.” Tom chuckled. “Having to travel a lot can’t really take all the responsibility for me not having a girlfriend. I was born with that problem.”
“Oh, okay. I honestly only asked that because I wanted to find out if you had a girlfriend but there’s no way to ask that question without it sounding like I was hitting on you.” You explained and still never looked up at him.
“Oh. So you weren’t hitting on me?” Tom pretended to be offended.
“Not in this particular moment, no. I was when I bit the same side of the muffin, though.” You replied. Tom stopped walking about he had thought the exact same thing. You stopped walking too and he realized he may be reading too far into things.
“That was a joke, right?” He asked you.
“Duh.” You laughed, making his hope crumble away.
“So if you’re not hitting on me, why’d you want to know if I have a girlfriend?” He asked as he started walking again.
“Because I can totally picture you forgetting to tell me you have a girlfriend and her coming over to find me in your house with your dog while you’re not there to explain that I’m just the dog sitter. And then she would break up with you because she thought you were cheating and you’d get framed as a dirty cheater in the media which doesn’t seem like an accurate character assessment at all and it would be all my fault.”
“Well I appreciate the concern for the possibility of that very specific scenario happening, but it’s impossible. No girlfriend will be walking in to find you.” Tom laughed at your genuine concern for a made up situation.
“Good.” You sighed. “And me saying “good” is me hitting on you, by the way.”
“I thought so.” He laughed at the joke but felt himself blush.
“I’m glad you caught that one because that’s about as subtle as I get.”
“You’re funny.” Tom laughed. “And pretty, as we’ve previously discussed. But that wasn’t a compliment because I know you don’t like that one. It was just an observation. And this was my long winded way of asking why you never thought about acting?“
“I don’t know. It just never appealed to me. I belong here. With my people.” You said and gestured to Tessa.
“You do belong.” He agreed. “I think she really likes you. She told me.”
“She better. I’m about to be her mommy of the week.” You said and bent down to pet her.
“I wish you were my mommy of the week.” Tom whispered as he watched you.
“What’d you say?” You asked as you stood up.
“Nothing.” He lied.
You circled the block and made it back to his house in under an hour, much to Tom’s dismay. But as he unlocked his front door, he realized your time together didn’t have to end.
“Do you want to come in?” Tom offered.
“Yeah. Sure.” You smiled shyly and followed him inside. He took Tessa’s leash off and she ran off, leaving you and Tom alone.
“I’ll put the kettle on. You can put on a movie, if you’d like.” He smiled softly at you as he went into the kitchen. You gulped and went into his living room and tried to look as normal as possible as you sat on his couch. He came into the living room with two mugs of tea and sat beside you. Your knees brushed and you both noticed but didn’t say a word about it. You pressed play on When Harry Met Sally, a movie that was safe enough to make him laugh but wouldn’t require you to sit through any uncomfortable sex scenes together. Tom smirked at your choice of movies and wondered if you were trying to send him a message.
“Are you cold?” He asked and held up a blanket. You nodded and he draped the blanket over the two of you. You took that at an opportunity to scoot a little closer to him so the blanket would fully cover the both of you. You exchanged a shy smile with each other before turning back to the movie. As the movie went on, you moved closer and closer to each other.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked him as one point. Tom gulped and kept his eyes on the screen so he didn’t look as excited to answer as he felt.
“Do you do this with all your dog sitters?” You asked. Tom took a long sip of his tea before turning to you.
“Yes.” He said seriously. You laughed and nudged him a little as he set his tea back down.
“So since you asked me some personal questions, I need to know a few things about you.” He said and turned to you.
“Ask away.”
“Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked you.
“Really?” You laughed. “That’s your first question? You don’t want to know if I have a criminal record or anything?”
“I don’t care about that. It’s not as important.” Tom waved his hand, making you laugh again.
“No boyfriend.” You shrugged. “No criminal record either.”
“That’s good.” Tom nodded and turned back to the movie.
“Yeah. You should hope the person you have a key to your house to doesn’t have a criminal record.” You said teasingly.
“I meant the part about no boyfriend.” Tom replied without looking at you. Your jaw dropped a little but you said nothing and turned back to the movie as well. Tom snuck a glance at you and smiled to himself. You watched the rest of the movie and by the end of it, you were sitting right next to each other as you leaned into his side. He shut the TV once the movie ended just as you got a text.
“Shit. My shih tzu. I have to go walk my next client.” You sighed when you read the text.
“Oh. You have to go?” Tom asked with disappointment.
“Yeah.” You frowned. “I can’t be late. He’s a biter and very passive aggressive. The dog is kinda a bitch too.”
“How bitchy can a little dog be?” Tom chuckled and took the blanket off the two of you.
“You have no idea. You know when you’re on your period and you see a dog and it shoves its nose right into your snatch so everyone around you knows you’re on your period?”
“No.” Tom said after a long beat of silence.
“Oh, right.” You realized. “Well this dog points it out every month. Even though I’ve said nothing about the time I caught him eating a dirty tissue. And that freak knew it was used.”
“You’re right. He sounds like a bitch. I definitely don’t want to put you on his bad side. Here, I’ll walk you to the door.” Tom chuckled and got off the couch. He put his hand on your back and lead you to the door before opening it for you. You stepped outside but stood in the doorway to say goodbye to him.
“Goodnight.” Tom smiled softly as he leaned against his doorframe.
“It’s like 3 pm.” You said as you checked your phone.
“Oh, right. Good morrow, then? I don’t fucking know.”
“I like that. Good morrow, Tom.” You laughed. “Safe travels tomorrow, okay? Text me when you land.”
“I will.” He nodded. A comfortable silence settled between you as you stared into each others eyes. Tom took a chance and started to lean in, and you did the same. Before your lips could touch, Tom chickened out and stepped back.
“Well, bye!” Tom smiled and slammed the door in your face. He immediately cringed and covered his mouth with his hand. Tessa came into the room and sat and stared at Tom.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He groaned. “I can close. I just panicked, okay? She’s so pretty. What if she didn’t want to kiss me?”
Tessa laid down on the ground and rolled onto her side. Tom sighed and bent down to scratch her tummy.
“It doesn’t matter now. She’ll probably watch you this week and then get out of my life forever. There is no way I’m coming back from that.” Tom mumbled.
Two hours later, he came back from that. Your name came up on his phone and he immediately grabbed it to answer it. It was a tik tok video about a dog.
“Show this this to Tessa. It’s so her.” You had written. Tom smiled fondly at the text and let out a sigh.
“What can I say? She wants me.” He told Tessa smugly.
“She laughed. Thanks for sending it.” Tom texted you back.
“No prob. So what time should I come over tomorrow?”
“Is 10 good? I would like to see you before I leave.” He wrote back. His thumbs danced over the keyboard and he decided to add more so he didn’t sound so forward.
“To give you the run down on how the week will be.” He added. He stared at the text and decided to add even more.
“And to hit on you.”
You laughed when you read his text and decided to tease him further. You only hoped he’d get the reference.
“I’ll be there. Goodnight!!” You wrote back. He laughed at you making fun of him and felt better about not kissing you.
“It’s 5 pm.” He replied.
“I know. goodnight :)”
Tom smiled and held his phone to his chest. He liked the way things were going and couldn’t help but wish he wasn’t leaving for a week. He was getting somewhere with you and worried that leaving would stop the momentum.
“Good morning. I don’t have muffins.” You said as soon as Tom opened the door the next day.
“Good morning.” He laughed. “That’s okay. I made you some tea.”
“Oh, thanks.” You smiled shyly and accepted the mug. Tessa ran up to greet you and you knelt down to pet her.
“So she already ate and went out. She’ll probably want a walk around noon.” Tom told you.
“I can do that. I mean, I will do that. That’s my job.” You laughed nervously and glanced at the doorway. You couldn’t help but think of the missed kiss and found yourself feeling awkward around Tom.
“I should be home on Sunday morning. Think you’ll be all right here?” He asked and put a hand on your arm. You looked at his hand and let out a nervous laugh.
“Yeah. I think I’ll find your giant home very comfortable. Even if it’s ten times the size of my apartment.” You replied sarcastically to cover up how flustered you felt.
“Good. But if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. You’re never a bother.” Tom assured you.
“Thanks. I will.” You smiled in return. You heard a car horn outside and Tom smiled sadly. He bent down to pet Tessa and give her a kiss goodbye.
“That’s my ride. I guess I’ll leave you guys to it.” He said and picked up his bag.
“Goodbye, Tom. I’ll see you in a week?” You said as you walked him to the door. He turned to face you in the doorway and felt the moment coming back.
“Bye.” He smiled softly. You found yourselves leaning in again but before your lips could touch, the driver honked his horn again. You jumped apart and Tom gave you an apologetic smile.
“Next time?” He asked you.
“Next time.” You agreed before slamming the door in his face to get back at him for the day before.
In the week Tom was gone, you had an ongoing conversation over text. You FaceTimed him often to let him see Tessa whenever he had breaks. Then, he started FaceTiming you even when Tessa was asleep for the night. To Tom’s surprise, you grew closer with him away. Your conversations went from being about Tessa to getting to know each other and by Saturday night, he couldn’t wait to get home to see you. He took the earliest flight Sunday morning just to see you sooner. When he opened his front door, he was disappointed when neither you or Tessa came to greet him.
“Well? Isn’t my girl gonna give me a kiss?” Tom called out. You heard this and felt your heart skip a beat. If he was going to be bold, you decided you could be too. You ran into the foyer where he was just as he was dropping his bag to the floor. You made eye contact and before he knew what was happening, you threw your arms around him and kissed him. The surprised look on his face when you pulled away made you realize you had completely misinterpreted the situation.
“You meant the dog, didn’t you?” You said as your arms slowly slid away from his neck.
“Yeah, I did.” He admitted. You gulped and stepped away from him and prayed the floor would just swallow you up so you didn’t have to live in this moment. To your surprise, Tom slipped an arm around your waist and pulled you back towards him.
“But I mean…” He trailed off and leaned in to kiss you again.
I’m dedicating this one to my dog! I miss and love you forever my sweet boy. Give your pets some love for me ❤️
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
@imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @eridanuswave​ ​
@solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant
@quaksonhehe @lovelessdagger
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom
 @officialsimppage @itsemohours
@freakofmusic25 @tomholland85
@olixerwxxd @leilanixx
@whereismytelephone @so-very-asleep @white-wolf1940
@spideyspeaches @hihiweezing
@dhtomholland @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @prancerrparkerr
@hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @blackwidowisthebest @imawhoreforu
@nellabellaa @pinklxmonade @boogywoogywoogy
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writersblg · 5 months
how the cod characters would answer their partners unwanted direct messages
You sat on the couch next to your partner when you scrolled through your DMs. After looking up the posts your friends sent you, you looked at the messages from profiles you weren’t following. You wouldn’t respond but nevertheless loved reading through them. It ranged from innocent compliments to downright filthy requests to send theses strangers pictures of yourself. When you laughed at these texts your partner looked over to you “What’s so funny?” - “Look.” You say, hand over your phone and let them answer your DMs.
Rates the profiles of the people that hit on you
“He’s too short for you, anyway.”
Reads a lot of your DM’s aloud because he knows it makes you cringe
Also tries to remember some of the pick up lines you get send to use it later on you
“I don’t know which is prettier today—the weather, or your eyes.” “Are you a light switch? Because you turn me on.” “I’d say, ‘God bless you,’ but it looks like he already did.” WITH THE SMUGGEST SMILE ON HIS FACE
Also answers profiles that keep texting you “she’s not interested.”
If the guy still keeps pressing Simon would offer to solve it like men and sends him an address and time, he fully knows the guy won’t show up
Someone sent you a dick pic
Johnny laughs at the picture
“Cute” he says and excuses himself to the bathroom if he’s feeling generous (if not he’ll pull his pants down right in front of you to snap a pic)
Sends a snap back without any text
Ends up traumatising the guy and you get blocked in a matter of seconds
Saves the picture in your gallery in case another guy pulls the same stunt
Kinda feels insulted when the people who DM‘d you are ugly
“He’s a good looking fella, right?” He says and it’s not even a trap
Starts flirting with them on your behalf to make you seem like a lunatic
Asks them a lot of astrological questions and very ridiculous ones at that and sees how far they are willing to go
Very disgusted at some requests you get and sometimes answers with “that’s not a way to speak to a woman”
Sees all of them as losers
In his mind dating should never start online
Just deletes all DMs you get send before you even see them
Every time though he sees a 10/10 he deletes the message from that person and gets you flowers the next day
Has a hard time not policing your instagram posts but just from a safety standpoint
Might send a selfie back with an additional “sorry bud”
Somehow becomes friends with that stranger over your DMs
Might get invited to the wedding because he’d find that funny and makes him hold a unofficial speech
Gets so worked up over this
You literally try to get your phone back to calm her down but she won’t give it back
Kinda starts an argument about it and a pretty big one unfortunately
Makes you turn your profile to private
Just texts them “stay away”
If they keep texting she’ll find their addresses 😭
Literally sends death threats via mail
While you’re just happily saying “they stopped harassing me! :) how did you do that?” - “they won’t bother you again :)” - 😟
Otherwise your biggest cheerleader on your social medias
Gets overly protective
Close to start a fight over text
Is blocking people left and right
Accidentally also blocks a few of your friends out of impulsiveness and they end up hating him
“Sorry she’s in a relationship but I’ll let her know :)” after you got a compliment
Very respectful about rejecting dudes no matter how ridiculous they were
You got a “Are you looking for a sugar daddy?” DM
Has watched these scammer videos and now wants to try it for himself
Gets into a whole relationship with this scammer
Lowkey becomes his new hobby to message that guy over the next weeks
He talks to you what to say next
Uses a ridiculously high pitched voice while typing
Starts stealing your phone for that
One day comes running to you announcing that you’re he’s getting married
A/N: since this post is still popping off do any of you have travel tips for Scotland? 🫶
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lovebugism · 9 months
Ohh can I please request something fluffy and funny for Eddie with the prompt “ I forgot to pack my enthusiasm. ”? Maybe him, reader and all the gang (if you want to add them too) go to a trip to the beach and Eddie is not very enthusiastic about it because of you know, sunburn, sand everyone and then something touch his foot while he is in the water and he is like "nope, ok I'm out of here".
Sorry if it's too specific 😅
hi love! thanks for your request!! — the one where eddie hates the beach, but he's super in love with you (fluff, established relationship, 1.5k)
bug's summer fic fest ♡
“I just put on sunscreen!” Eddie grouses like a child as you smear the lotion over his milky white shoulders. 
The cool cream mixed with the magic of your touch makes his skin prickle with chill bumps. Despite his boyish dramatics, he sits obediently on the edge of your shared bed as you lather him with sun protectant. He’ll take any opportunity to be touched by you.
You scoff. “Yeah, on your tattoos.”
“Well, where else is it supposed to go?”
You want to scold him, but he flashes you a look from beneath his lashes before you can. His chocolate syrup eyes blink up at you, brows furrowed in a puppy-like pout. You don’t even realize you’re smiling at him until you’re already grinning like an idiot.
“What’s the point of only putting sunscreen in one place?” you ask, laughing while you smooth the cream over his arms. You hold his wrist in one hand and rub it in with the other, doing it for both arms until the white sheen is mostly gone. “You might as well just put it on the rest of your body.”
“I don’t care about the rest of my body.”
“Well, I care about the rest of your body, Eddie Munson,” you retort with a stern sort of gentleness. 
You see a twinkle form in the dark brown of his wide eyes and a smile quirk the edges of his pink lips. You can practically hear the sex joke bouncing around in his head — “you take extra good care of the rest of my body, too, sweetheart.” 
Before he can say anything, you continue.
“And I don’t want you to get skin cancer, alright?” you argue as you smear the sunscreen over his chest. 
He’s as soft as he is pale, almost obscenely so. Your fingers glide over his skin with ease, occasionally running over his tattoos and the sparse hair sprinkled on his sternum. You caress him absentmindedly — touching him just to touch him and totally forgetting you’re doing him a service. 
“Also, I really don’t wanna hear you complain about getting sunburnt.”
“Rude,” he pouts.
You meet his playful scowl with a smile. 
With what’s left over on your fingertips, you rub the rest of the sunscreen onto his face. Your thumbs smear over his chin, nose, and the apples of his cheeks. Your fingers disappear beneath his fluffy bangs when you make sure to get his forehead, too.
“For caring about you? Absolutely.”
He grins at your admission of love — not entirely an ‘I love you’ but basically the same thing. 
As your fingers dance over his face, his eyes flit down to the rest of your body. Your chest is level with his face now. He can’t be entirely blamed for his ogling.
You’re wearing the bathing suit he got you — his one condition to coming on this trip with you and the rest of the gang. 
It was black to match his swim trunks and mostly plain because he couldn’t really afford anything else. The high-waisted bottoms fan out in a pretty little skirt, and the bikini is clasped together with a metal heart in the center.
“Maybe we should stay in today,” Eddie advises with his head tilted to his shoulder. His hands creep around the backs of your thighs, urging you to step closer between his legs. His chocolate gaze lingers on the pendant between your breasts before his eyes flit up to yours. 
He smiles and his words drip from his mouth like honey. “We can have our own fun in here, you know?”
“As good as that sounds…” you singsong as you smooth a few ornery curls behind his ear. “…I sorta promised Max I’d let her teach me out to surf… And also, I really wanna swim.”
Eddie deflates. His boyish pout returns to him, and he groans.
You laugh when the boy flops dramatically back onto the mattress. 
“C’mon, Eds! You could at least try and have a good time!”
“Yeah, I think I forgot to pack my enthusiasm this trip, sweetheart…”
“Don’t be so dramatic,” you tease, climbing onto the bed beside him. You maneuver on your knees until you’re sitting just next to him, your feet curled beneath you. His hand rises to your thigh like its muscle memory for him. His warm palm spreads over your skin. You smooth a hand over his pale knuckles. “It’s gonna be fun, okay? I promise.”
“No. It’s gross,” he retorts with his features contorted in abhorrence. “The water is disgusting, and you get sand in places sand should never be, and I hate it.”
He tilts his cheek to the mattress to flash you a dramatic pout, wide-eyed and jut-lipped. You meet it with a more mischievous grin as you lean over him. Your smirking face is level with his, your breasts so achingly close. 
“Well, I’ll help you clean off when we get back, yeah? Make sure all the side is off you,” you offer, almost whispering in your honeyed tone. You arch a brow down at him. “Sound like a plan?”
Eddie nods, slow and sloppy, until the words catch up to him. 
He stammers, “Yeah— Yeah, that… That sounds… Yeah.”
You try and fail to surf. Max Mayfield turned out to be a pretty good teacher, and you actually got the hang of balancing pretty quickly, but salt water up the nose was no joke. You coughed until your chest ached, eyes watering and nostrils stinging.
Eddie sat on the shore with you, crouched at your side while he patted between your shoulder blades with a firm hand. “Shit, babe. You okay?” he questioned with his features scrunched in worry. You nodded even though your throat was raw. He begged you to stay out of the water, but you only begged him to play a game of chicken against Robin and Steve in return. 
It isn’t any wonder who won that argument.
You were sitting on Eddie’s shoulders some minutes later, wherein you also tried and failed to win at chicken. 
Robin Buckley was far stronger than anyone has ever given her credit for. You like to think you put up a good fight, but the second her hands curled around your forearms, you were a goner.
The water sparkles around you when you feel backwards into it. You plug your nose as you plunge, still distantly fearful of getting water up it again, but you don’t hurry to return to the surface. The water is warm and feels like the most vivid shade of blue. 
You revel in it for a few moments until you hear panicking from up above you.
“What the shit?” you hear Eddie shout, muffled until your head’s above water again. The waves jostle you as the boy begins to flail. “What the shit?!”
“What? What’s wrong?” Steve shouts for you because you haven’t got the breath for it yet.
“Something touched me!”
Your brows furrow. Through labored breaths, you wonder, “What?”
Eddie snaps his head over to you. His damp curls stick to his cheeks and forehead, glowing red from fleeting panic and a day in the sun. His eyes are wide and swimming with boyish horror. “Something touched my foot!”
Robin ducks underwater to look. 
Dustin, playing lifeguard some feet away, dives in behind her with his goggles. They’re almost cartoonishly too big for his round face. 
You stay on the surface with Eddie. Your eyes flit from his retreating figure to the two kids searching for whatever had frightened him.
Dustin comes up first. He inhales a sharp gasp before shouting, “Everyone stay calm! It’s just a turtle!” he announces, though most of the group is too far away to hear him. Or otherwise care.
“You hear that, Eds?” you shout to the boy walking to shore with one eye squinted to hide from the sun. A giggle sputters from your mouth before you can stop it. “It’s just a turtle, babe!”
Eddie shakes his head like a wet dog. He hates the feeling of it sticking to his face, even more so when it’s all straw-like from salt water. That, combined with grains of burning sand between his toes, is almost unbearable.
“Nope. Don’t care. I’m done,” he complains like a child.
“C’mon, Eds—”
“I love you, but I think I hate that beach more,” Eddie interjects as he wraps a towel around his shoulders. He stands beneath the shaded umbrella, crosses his arms over his chest, and shivers when a cooler breeze rolls by. It makes the water droplets on his reddened skin feel like ice. “I mean, it’s really close, babe, but I can’t take it anymore.”
You stay in the water, kicking your feet and moving your arms to stay afloat, as you admire the boy on the beach. He’s a raincloud standing underneath a yellow sun, otherworldly levels of cute despite how visibly grumpy he is.
You shake your head — both at his dramatics and how much you adore him despite them. 
“I love you, Eddie Munson,” you confess softly, looking at him with the fondest smile anyone’s ever looked at him with.
His chest warms. He can’t tell if it’s from your words or the sunburn he’s getting even though you spent several minutes putting sunscreen on him. 
He grumbles, too pouty to be kind, “I am never letting you do this to me again.”
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srjlvr · 6 months
[ DOUBLE BIRTHDAY ] — psh . <3
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SYN. sunghoon asks you to help him buy a birthday present for his cousin….but he doesn’t even have one!
genre . fluff ! warnings . second hand embarrassed , caught in lie ! word-count . 1.2k+ ! note . im so late but happy birthday sunghoon!! my ult bias ever since the first ep of i-land<3 will write one for ni-ki soon!! this one is so rushed i don’t really like it, but maybe you could find a way to like it!!
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“finally! what took you so long?” one of your coworkers asked you as soon as you entered the store.
you’re a jewelry seller, been working in the same place ever since you were young. you love your job, and love your coworkers too.
“sorry! i had some things to take care of” you said and went to get ready and start your shift.
as you got out of the workers room, you saw all of your coworkers standing outside while holding a cake, “happy birthday y/n” they cheered.
“thank you” you smiled and blow the candles.
you completely forgot that it’s your birthday today, your coworkers are always the ones to remind you, and you’re more than thankful to them, but other than eating the cake with them you’re not the person to go and celebrate on your birthday.
“what are your plans today?” one of your coworkers asked.
“finishing this shift and going to binge watch some movies” you smiled, “so boring!! go out and celebrate!!”
you shrugged them off as you saw someone familiar coming closer to you.
“sunghoon? is that you?” you asked and when you realized it’s him you waved, “hey! how can i help you today?” you smiled.
sunghoon was your classmate in college, you were good friends, but busy schedules cut you off.
you had the biggest crush on him in college, and you would definitely say yes if he ever asked you to date him, but he never did.
you spent all of your college days together, he was there for you when you needed him the most, and you promised to take care of him as long as you’re alive.
but life doesn’t always go according to your plans.
you and sunghoon share the same birth date, and you’ve spent your birthdays in college together.
you made eye contact with him and you forgot how much you missed him, all the time you spent together flashed back in your mind.
he smiled back at you and showed you his cute dimples while you tried so hard not to swoon over him.
“hey y/n! it’s been a while! how have you been?” he asked and you nodded, “nothing really changed, i’m still working here” you chuckled.
“what brought you here?” you asked.
“it’s my cousin’s birthday soon and i wanted to get him a jewelry, not something expensive and hardcore, but more like soft” he said.
“alright! let’s get to work!”
it was a bit strange for you, you can’t remember sunghoon having a cousin, but nevertheless you wanted to help him and spend some time with him.
you showed him a few jewelry which he tried on and liked a few of them, you shared full conversations which lead you to more talking and talking about whatever you had in mind.
“is that how you’re going to spend your birthday today? buying a jewelry for your cousin?” you chuckled.
“he’s very dear to me! it’s been a while since i saw him” he smiled and you nodded.
“do you think he’ll like this one or that one?” he asked, pointing at two designs that you told him you liked the most.
“what kind of a person he is?” you asked, “each jewelry has to match its owner”
“he’s shy, but really cute, also smart and pretty” he chuckled, “if you were him which one you’d pick?”
“i’d pick the bracelet, it’s really soft and not too eye catching, it matches pretty faces like yours and it’s really adding to the final touch if you ask me” you finally realized what you just said and freezed in your place.
“pretty faces like mine-“ “hey sunghoon! what are you doing here?” someone cut sunghoon off.
“jake? aren’t you supposed to be at work?” you remember jake, sunghoon used to talk about him a lot during lunch breaks, you’d laugh your ass off while listening to the funny stories sunghoon has on jake.
“i asked you a question first” jake coughed.
“i’m here to buy a jewelry for my cousin” he answered confidently, elbowing jake as if he’s trying to hint him something.
“cousin? you don’t have a cousin sunghoon what are you— o-oh” jake then looked at you and realized what was happening. he took his hand off of sunghoon’s shoulders and awkwardly giggled, “hahaha i forgot! you do have a cousin!! tell her i said hey!!”
“it’s him” sunghoon whispered, “oh yes!! tell him i said hey!” jake coughed and ran out of the store.
“i’m sorry for his—“ “so no cousin?” you crossed your arms.
sunghoon fixed his tie and awkwardly giggled, “no cousin”
“oh! you got it for yourself then? it’s your birthday after all!” you smiled, “yeah, you could say that” he nodded.
“i don’t understand” you shook your head.
“i was actually trying to find a way to talk with you” he played with his fingers, “it’s been a while since we talked, and i remember the workplace you told me you’ve been working ever since you were young”
you were a bit taken aback but you can’t deny that this man named sunghoon had such an effect on you.
you remember your college years, when you used to have the biggest crush on him, and apparently, you still have it in you.
“i didn’t know how to come up to you without sounding so weird, so i used the cousin excuse, but if i’m being honest i just missed you” he cleared his throat.
“i was actually wondering when does your shift end, and if i could finally take you out on a date” he scratched his nape.
“i’d love that, i finish in a few hours-“ “no! your shift ends now!! thank you for your hard work!!” your coworker pushed you to the workers room and closed the door after whispering a “go get your man!”
you got out of the room after you got ready and your eyes met sunghoon’s.
he was holding a box with your store’s name on it, “i know you don’t like celebrating your birthday or receiving gifts, but please accept this one, happy birthday y/n” he opened the box and you saw the bracelet you recommended him a few minutes ago.
you threw your hands on him and hugged him tightly, “i missed you so much sunghoon, happy birthday”
he hugged you back even tighter, “i missed you so much too”
“before we leave! let me get something, go wait for me outside i’ll be right back!” you said and he nodded.
you ran back to your coworker and hugged her, “thank you, i just need one last favor” you smiled and she nodded.
when you went outside to see sunghoon again, you handed him a box.
“y/n just because i bought you a present it doesnt mean you have to do it too—“ “just open it!” you pleaded and he did.
there was a bracelet that was exactly his type, the one he’d always tell you how much he wanted.
his eyes widened and he tried to fight the urge to kiss you right there and then.
“it was made a few years ago, when we were still in college, i wanted to hand it to you but i was scared, so i kept it here and swore i’ll hand it to you as soon as i get a chance” you said and he smiled, hugging you tightly again.
“i love it, thank you y/n”
“thank you for making my birthday so much better with your presence sunghoon”
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PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @lovelovelovebts @filmofhybe @wonbinsnovia @daegutowns @aurumiee @soobywon @dhriti-stories @ariadores @firstclassjaylee @watamotee33 (bold means cannot be tagged)
••• copyright © srjlvr all rights are reserved.
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lilacsbeeswax · 3 months
🌹 draco realizing he has feelings for a hufflepuff reader :)
To Like a Hufflepuff
(Thank you for the request! 💕)
Part of my 2 year milestone writing event!
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“God, another boring lesson at this boring ass school. You’d think we deserve better.” Draco commented to Mattheo and Blaise.
“You’re just upset that you have to sit with some ugly ass Gryffindor, while I sit with Pansy. She’s one beautiful piece of work.” Blaise smirked.
He pushed Draco into Mattheo, causing Mattheo to reply, "We get it, Zabini, you hookup with Parkinson when you’re both drunk out of your minds.”
“Funny for you to say Mr. Man Whore,” Blaise responded, looking Mattheo up and down with feigned disgust.
“Oh whatever, at least I’m getting some ass, unlike Malfoy here.” Mattheo said, raising his his hands in front of his chest.
Draco sped up and turned around so he was walking backward as to look at the boys. He laughed, “My sex life is none of your-“ He was quickly cut off as he ran back first into someone, bouncing off of them slightly, neither falling. “Watch where you’re going you filthy-“ he began quickly, before being cut off as he looked the girl up and down.
Lovely. That’s the only way he knew how to describe her. Her perfect hair, her beautiful eyes, the smile that never seemed to waver plastered across her stunning face, he loved everything, except for one thing. She was a Hufflepuff.
He’d remembered her, she would stand out in a crowd, her bright yellow and black robes could be seen from a mile away. He always had an odd urge to say ‘hi’ but the words were so difficult to come by. Now, that wouldn’t be so hard.
“Hey.” He said, voice squeaking slightly.
“Hi.” She replied, crouching to pick up the book she had dropped. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying much attention to walking because I had forgotten to read a chapter of this book for history of magic and I was trying to get it done but I guess that was a bad idea. But, also to be fair, you shouldn’t have been walking backwards, not that I can dictate what you do, but,” she paused taking a deep breath. “I’m rambling aren’t I?”
“A little bit, it’s alright though, love.” He chuckled, gaining confidence in her nervousness.
He could hear his friends groan and say under their breaths, “Good luck mate.” As they walked away, leaving the two alone.
“Thanks, um,” she mumbled. “I’m sorry was what I was trying to say.”
A beat of silence laid upon them as Draco thought up what to say. He wasn’t used to feeling such intense feelings for anyone, especially a Hufflepuff. “Would you like to come to a party with me this weekend? Just some friends from a few different houses getting together.”
“Oh, uhm… sure?” She giggled awkwardly. “Out of all of the things I thought you’d say my first guess was not that.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I’d love to go with a beautiful girl, such as yourself on my arm.”
“Okay, well we can meet up to talk about it later? By the lake after dinner?”
“I’d love too.” He smirked.
“I have to get to class, but I’ll see you then Malfoy.” She replied, placing a hand on his bicep as she began walking away.
“See you then, pretty girl.”
He walked away himself joyfully, maybe there was a reason she felt so special to him before. Perhaps, it wasn’t so bad to have feelings for a Hufflepuff.
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Totally not requested Hazbin Hotel piece…BRO IM OBSESSED. Just something cute and cheesy about your first day at the hotel and how you’re greeted by each resident/staff. Any Hazbin requests, send em my way!
New Arrival!!! 🏩
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Charlie ❤️‍🔥
Obvi Charlie is the one who found you and told you all about her hotel, dragging you along “just for a tour” she says in a sweet voice. And you follow along (whether you really want to or not) bc she’s just so kind and energetic and she’s the first caring person you’ve met since you landed in hell. You can’t break her heart after your first meeting :(
Once at the hotel, she’s practically screaming from excitement.
“WE HAVE A NEW ARRIVAL!!! NEEWWW ARRIVAALLLLL~” she sings with her angelic voice, making you crack a small smile at first until it hits you-
“Whoa whoa, wait! I never said I’m staying, you said it’s just a tour!” She pretty much ignores the annoyed look on your face, smiling brightly at you still as she holds her hand out for you.
“By the time I’m through with you, you’ll never want to leave!” Her smile faltered a little. “Well, it’s your choice, I’m not gonna force you. I just have a feeling you’re really gonna like it here.”
At that, your smile grows a bit and you take her hand as she begins showing you around.
It’s very flattering that not only has she offered you her friendship before even learning your name, she is also giving you a tour of her hotel and offering you a room, but the best part…
As she guides you around, she’s asking you all sorts of questions about yourself, your past, where you came from and how you’re adjusting to your new life (afterlife?)
As you pass by a tall gentleman with red hair and a huge smile, he greets Charlie as “princess” and you’re like “oh, is that your dad or something?” She she so plainly responds “oh, no. Lucifer is actually.”
And you choke on your spit for a second, pulling your hand away from hers now (holy shit were you holding hands that whole time?)
“Oh shit! I-I’m so sorry. I had no idea you’re the Princess of Hell. Wow! Should I like…bow to you or…?” Charlie lets out a bright giggle, her eyes closing as she holds her stomach.
“No no no! Please, I’m just Charlie, okay?” And now she’s holding your hand again, continuing her tour.
She gradually introduces you to each staff member and resident you guys pass.
By the end of her tour, you’ve forgotten pretty much everyone else’s name besides Charlie’s.
She is standing right in front of you, both of you in the center of the lobby of the hotel. You’re sort of unintentionally tuning her voice out as you watch her talk, taking note of how bright and shiny her fangs are and how cute she looks in a suit like that and how she’s so pure and heroic and gorgeous and funny and generous and-
“(Y/N)? You okay?” Her saying your name snapped you back to reality. “Sorry, yeah. Uh what were you saying?” “What do you think?”
The nervous but excited face she makes as she awaits your reply is the cutest shit omfggggg ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 you take a while to answer just so you can stay this close to her and admire her adorable facial marks and her big eyes.
“I’d love to stay. I’m…not sure if I’m worthy of being redeemed but…I’d like to see more of you- I MEAN what you’re doing here and maybe help out if you need?”
She literally jumps in the air and fist pumps, letting out a loud “WOOHOO!!!” This pulls a soft laugh from your mouth and suddenly as she looks back at you, tears are forming in her eyes and you’re so confused about the sudden mood swing.
“Hey, uh…what’s-“ and before you can finish, she’s hugging you so softly, her eyes closed but her smile never fading.
“I won’t let you down, (Y/N). You’re gonna love it here, I promise.” She pulls back, her hands on your shoulders to keep you close to her as she looks you in the eye. This moment lasts only a few seconds but (both of) you feel your heart jumping in your chest and your mouth go dry.
“Well! Follow me to your room~” She waves a hand at you before turning her back to you and leading the way. As you follow behind her, admiring how her long blonde hair sways with each step, you can feel yourself becoming hot from the nerves, thinking to yourself…
‘Omg…first day down here and I am now living with the princess of hell? I could definitely get used to this.’
Lucifer 🍎🐍
You were actually a good friend of Angel Dust for a while and when he told you all about the new place he was staying, first of all you were happy he was spending less time with Val abd more time with some positive influences, and also you were really interested in Charlie and what she was doing for your fellow sinners.
Eventually, Angel convinces you to come over one day to meet Charlie and maybe possibly talk to her about staying, seeing as you’d like to redeem yourself or at least try.
You’re super nervous, not having many other friends in hell and often staying alone and secure indoors. You’re pretty sheltered now a days…so it’s weird going to meet new people.
Unfortunately, you walked into the Hazbin Hotel with Angel at the worst possible time.
Charlie was ranting and talking to herself, pacing the lobby of the hotel with messy hair and majorly disheveled clothes.
“Uh…what’s up with her?” Angel ask as he points to Charlie, looking over at Vaggie. Vaggie just shakes her head as she approaches Charlie, trying to calm her down.
When Charlie spots you, she smooths her hair back and takes a deep breath, embarrassed that this is your first impression of her.
She introduces herself, a manic look in her eyes still.
“Hi im Charlie! You must be (Y/N)! YAY! Welcome. Sorry, my father will be here soon so…it’s just a little bit on the hectic side today!” Her eye twitches but her smile stays big and shiny.
Holy shit…you’re gonna get to meet the Princess AND the King of Hell in the same day? As if you weren’t already anxious…
You look around to see everyone else cleaning, hanging banners, preparing snacks and you decide to start helping while also very awkwardly trying to introduce yourself and make small talk with everyone else.
“Okay okay OKAY! He’s almost here!” Charlie says looking somewhat excited and nervous at the same time.
You stayed glued to Angel’s side, internally having a panic attack. This day was becoming overwhelming.
Lucifer himself finally walks through the door, immediately focusing on his daughter as well as her three darling pets.
He’s…not at all what you expected but…somehow he’s better? You pictured him being bigger and scarier and in darker clothing but he’s actually….really fucking cute. Like an adorable dorky kind of cute.
You’re just at a loss for words. Watching as he talks to Charlie and argues with Alastor.
Angel gently elbows your arm to get your attention. “You good, hun?”
Your breath gets caught in your throat as you nod, eyes still fixed on Lucifer.
All you can do is bunch up the fabric from your clothes in your hands tightly, your breathing becoming more rapid as he gives a kind greeting to all of the staff and residents, slowly approaching you.
“And this is (Y/N)! They actually just got here today. I haven’t even had time to show them around yet.” Charlie smiles, looking back and forth between you and her dad.
“Oh, nice to meet you! It’s uh…t-truly an honor, sir. I-I-“ You can’t seem to get another word out once his smile grows, his sharp teeth making an appearance now.
Lucifer took your hand, not really shaking it but just holding it snug in his own.
“Please, please, just call me Lucifer. The pleasure is all mine.”
The eye contact lasts longer than either of you wanted it to. It wasn’t bad, it was just nerve wracking for the both of you. It was only a few seconds of intense staring and soft blushes creeping up before Alastor and Charlie were dragging you two along for a tour.
And commence the hardcore pining for the rest of the day!
As you all stroll from room to room and down long hallways, you two check off every cliche romcom movie moment in the book!
Your hands brush up against each other’s
You keep catching each other staring
You both go to talk at the same time, then both stop, then both giggle and look away and insist the other go first.
At one point, you sort of bump into each other trying to walk through a doorway and then it’s the awkward back and forth of “Sorry, you go ahead.” “Oh no, you first!” “No, no, I insist.” As you’re standing way too close to each other, both stuttering and acting like absolute idiots.
By the end of the hotel tour, your face is redder than Charlie’s suit and our short king has started to break a sweat, avoiding eye contact with you at all costs.
But you’re both grinning so big, it’s ridiculous
“So, you’re gonna be staying here?” He asks confidently, giving you a charming smile.
“Oh uhm…y-yeah. Sure. If Charlie will have me, that is.” Your reply has Charlie squealing with excitement as Angel watches you and Lucifer interact.
“Magnificent! Good for you. I’ll be seeing you around then, (Y/N).” Lucifer says your name so sweetly it causes you to start blushing all over again.
You’re also blushing bc from behind Lucifer, Angel is winking at you, making kissy faces and humping the air as his way of taunting you and your very obvious crush on the king of hell
Little do you know…he’s got a crush too 🤭
Vaggie ⚔️
Obvi, Charlie introduced you two seeing how Vaggie is Charlie’s right hand man, best friend and protector.
Vaggie is immediately suspicious of you, watching your every move with a tight lined frown on her lips. In her defense, she’s suspicious of every new person she meets.
“This is Vaggie! My best friend and number one supporter here.” Charlie smiles so big it forces her eyes to squint closed. “And thiisssss is (Y/N). Hopefully, maybe…our newest resident?”
The straight faced girl gives you a quick nod followed by a soft “Hey.”
“Hey. Nice to meet you. That’s a cool name, Vaggie. I like it.”
Now she’s feeling a bit less up tight. I mean…You like her name??? That softened her just a tad.
You offer Charlie a small smirk as you shrug. “I dunno. You’re gonna have to give me a tour first, princess.”
And suddenly, Charlie is pulling you along by your wrist, babbling on and on about every detail of the hotel as Vaggie follows behind you two.
You can’t help but keep glancing over at the quiet, long haired girl following you guys. You had hardly even heard her voice yet but there was something about her that made you feel weirdly comfortable and nervous at the same time.
After the tour, Charlie is doing a little happy dance in front of you, eagerly awaiting your reply to her question of whether you’ll stay or not.
You can’t help but laugh at her and how cute and kind she is.
As you open your mouth to give her an answer, your voice seems to give out and you’re totally caught off guard by a soft and slightly low chuckle from beside you.
You look over to see Vaggie now standing closer to you than before and this is the first time you’re seeing her crack a smile.
“Y-yeah, sure. I’ll stay.” You reply, but more so to Vaggie than to Charlie.
“WHOOOO!!!! NEW RESIDENT! We have to celebrate!” Charlie screams out in excitement causing the other residents and staff members to give a little cheer before they all swarmed around the bar, pestering Husk for drinks.
You stayed planted in your spot, still eyeing Vaggie right beside you. You two stand alone, apart from the rest of the group at the bar.
“Welcome aboard, (Y/N). It’ll be nice to have a new face around and…you seem normal enough.” Vaggie finally offers you her hand, a warm smile still on her lips.
You take her hand and give it a gentle shake, your face becoming so hot and flushed that you have to look away and wipe your other hand on your clothes bc it is SWEATY.
“Normal enough?” Your brow raises as you watch her.
“Yeah. We have some odd characters here. You’re probably the most normal one here.” She lets out another soft chuckle, making you tremble a bit. Her voice is just so nice and deep and smooth.
“Oh, heh, right. Well, thanks I guess. This is an incredible opportunity. I can’t believe the princess of hell herself is running a rehabilitation program like this. And, truthfully, I’m just glad to finally have some friends.”
At this point, Vaggie being the smart girl she is can tell that you are nervous. What she doesn’t know is that she is the one making you nervous.
“C’mon, newbie. I’ll introduce you to everyone. But seriously…try to stay away from Nifty.”
“What, why?” You ask as you follow her to the bar.
Before either one of you can speak another word, little Nifty is climbing your body all the way to your face to get a better look at you.
You let out a surprised yelp as she bares her sharp teeth in a creepy smile, giggling manically.
“Oooooh, fresh meat. Hi! I’m Nifty, I clean.” And suddenly, Vaggie is peeling the little demon off you.
You sigh in relief but your breath gets caught in your throat when Vaggie puts an arm around your shoulder.
“Don’t worry. She’s harmless.” Her smile becomes a little softer and a bit sheepish. “For the most part.”
This pulls a soft laugh from both of you and now you’re truly starting to relax.
Husk 🃏
Sorry but bro is not gonna introduce himself or even really wanna meet you. Poor guy doesn’t even want to be at the hotel at all so if he doesn’t have to interact with anyone, he won’t.
But he’s leaning his elbows on the bar counter as he watches Charlie go from person to person with you trailing behind her as she introduces you to the staff and residents.
Husk can’t help but scrunch his face and huff in annoyance as he watches the two of you finally approach him.
“Thissss is our lovely bartender, Husk! Husk, this is (Y/N), our newest resident. Isn’t that so exciting!?”
You shoot him a shy smile before waving your hand at him. “Hi. Nice to meet you.”
Husk eyes you for a second, not returning the smile as he sits up a bit. “Pleasure…” He mumbles in response before taking another swig from the whiskey bottle in his hand.
Husk watches you sitting at the bar for a while after this, just seeing how you interact with everyone and listening to your stories and watching the way your face looks as you laugh or how you seem to get really focused when listening to another person talk or how you keep looking over at him and giving him a small smile.
Finally, you clear your throat before you speak up. “Uh Husk?” He moves his eyes your way but stays still. “Could I get a drink?”
“What do ya want?”
“Surprise me! Or Whatever is easiest.”
And at that, he pours you a straight shot of whiskey in a glass.
You give him a look before picking up the glass. “Oh, uh, thanks.”
“Hey, you said easiest, not tastiest.” He watches you with a raised brow and when your eyes finally meet his gaze, his face seems to soften a bit at the sweet smile you’re wearing.
“Oh I get it! I don’t think I’d have the patience to be a bartender, especially one in hell. So, thanks.” Your smile remains.
“Why are you so fucking cheery and nice? You messing with me or something?” He watches you with a dumbfounded look on his face then glances over at Alastor before looking back to you with a frown.
Hes genuinely confused tho…like how did a kind hearted little thing like you end up in hell? And why are you being so nice to the drunk, smart ass bartender???
“Oh, I-I….um I don’t know. I’m sorry.” Your smile is gone now but you can see on his face that Husk regrets what he just said.
“Oh, don’t worry ‘bout him, sweetheart! He’s grumpy like this all the time.” Angel chimes in, making Husk roll his eyes.
“It’s okay. I’ll uh…give you some space.” You stand and remove yourself from the bar but before you can get far, Husk’s voice calls out to you.
“Come back…Sit down, kid.” And as you turn to return to your seat at the bar, you hear ice being put in a glass.
“I’ll make you some sweet, fruity crap. Seems like something you’d like.”
He whips up your drink rather fast and slides it over to you, a slight smile tugging at his lips as he watches you take a sip.
You take a drink, about to compliment the tasty beverage but then a loud bang sounds from behind you and everyone goes running off, yelling “NIFTY!!! NIFTY, NOOOO!”
You flinch first then turn and watch with wide eyes as a deep chuckle comes from Husk. His laugh makes you turn your attention back to him.
“You’re living here now?” He asks and you nod in reply. “Better get used to that.” He points to where the loud noise just came from.
Finally, he’s got your smile back. He feels a little less guilty now.
“So…are you really always grumpy or…just having a bad day today…?” You ask before sipping your drink again.
Husk simply shrugs in reply.
“Well if you ever need anyone to talk to, I’ll be here. I’m at the very end of that hall there.” You point as a smile stretches on his face. “You can talk to me.”
“You stole my line.” His smile and this new teasing tone of voice make you laugh softly.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Ya know, people always talk about their baggage with the bartender. No one ever asks the bartender if they need someone to talk to.”
“Well! There’s a first for everything, Husk.”
His face contorts a bit as a blush slowly grows across his nose. Not only were you being disgustingly sweet to him but the way his name sounds coming from your mouth…oof he is feeling some feelings for you rn
“Thanks for the drink. Do I…owe you anything?” You stand but keep your eyes on him, noticing his ears are now pinned back against his head as if he’s scared or shy.
He’s not sure if he’s just really drunk or if you’re just really cute or both??? But he suddenly forgets where he is and what’s going on so all he can do is shake his head ‘no’.
“Oh, okay. Sweet! I’ll see you around then. Goodnight, Husk.”
As you walk towards your room, waving to the other staff members and whispering ‘goodnight’s to them all, Husk is staring so hard omfg
Angel saunters up to the bar, nearly laying across it as he pokes Husk on his blushy nose. Angel snickers when he notices Husk firmly gripping the bottle of whiskey in his claw, his dark eyes watching intently as you walk down the hall until you’re completely out of sight.
Once he can’t see you anymore, his attention finally shifts to the spider demon.
“Ooooh, aawwww! Does the little kitten have a crush on the newbie~?” Angel teases, smiling wider which causes Husk to groan and try to push Angel away.
Angel Dust 🕸️
Pickup lines and lingering touches right off the bat. You know baby boy is NOT afraid to make his feelings known.
No one introduces Angel Dust to anyone besides himself 😘
“Hey, sweet pea. I think ya in the wrong place cuz you look like an angel. What’s your name?”
“Heya, cutie pie. Who are ya and what did I do right to get ya here?”
“Well hello there! I didn’t know we’d be having guests~” Spoken as he adjusts his chest fluff all seductively and gives you a wink.
Whether you happily accept his advances or not, he will continue to flirt and give you way too much attention unless you specifically tell him to stop or that it’s making you uncomfortable.
In that case, he’ll chill out on the flirty words but you’ll have to fight him if you want him to stop being handsy. I mean, he has six arms! Just let him put at least one arm on or around you.
Follows you and Charlie around the hotel on your first day, chatting your ear off about everything and anything.
Charlie lowkey gets irritated a few times bc she’s trying to show you around and tell you all about her hotel but Angel just keeps complimenting you and telling you about his line of work in hopes that it’ll tell him more about who you are as a person.
And it’s extremely distracting, in a good way for you but a bad way for poor Charlie :(
“Soooooo? What do ya think, babe? Are we gonna be roomies or what?”
Regardless of your height, I’m sure Angel is much taller and probably rests his arm (or multiple arms) on your head or shoulder as he waits for your response.
“Angel! I wasn’t even done with my tour!” Charlie pouts and now she is also eagerly awaiting your response looking at you like this 😥
“Yeah! Sure. Why not?” You finally say, now trying to look up at the spider demon.
“Alright! Yeah!” He cheers before turning to Charlie with puppy dog eyes.
“Please put (Y/N) in the room next to mine?”
His plea to the princess forces a goofy grin to your lips, making you beam with pride. He wanted to be your neighbor? Cuuttteee~
But you had to question his motives and his true feelings.
All day, he’s flirted and shown his interest in you non stop but you’ve caught him flirting with others around the hotel too so you’re not entirely sure if he’s just really really nice and accepting and wanting to give you a warm welcome or…if he’s actually into you
Cuz you’re sure as hell into him ❤️‍🔥
“Yes, of course!” Charlie replies and suddenly Angel has one of your wrists, Charlie has the other and they’re practically running to your room, both giggling like kids on Christmas morning.
Charlie opens your door to show you the room and Angel enters first then flops down on your bed before you can even get through the doorway.
“Oooh your bed is so comfy. Maybe we can have a sleep over sometime, baby~” He wiggled his brows at you, making you turn beet red all the way down your neck.
“O-oh! Sure, sure. That actually sounds really fun. Heh..thanks for making me feel so welcome, Angel.”
And Angel just about loses it…
You’re so cute and innocent, like you just let him talk all lowkey naughty to you and now he’s watching in adoration at the way you look down at the ground and you can’t control your smile
He totally knows you’re crushing on him. He can sense that shit.
You’re not sure of Angel’s true feelings but he’s so sure of yours
When Angel flirts and throws himself at others in hell, half of them look at him like 😒 “ew bye” (sort of like Husk) and the other half are like 😍 “AWOOGA!!! Me, you, Pound town, right now.”
But you are different…you seem so pure and nice. You shy away from his touch at first before slowly melting into him and his comments obviously make you happy and giddy and he thinks you’re just too cute.
He’s definitely gonna take you up on your agreement to actually have a sleep over.
Starts out innocent with you guys having some drinks and maybe some snacks, maybe watching a movie or listening to music
But if you’re down to take it further, just say the word and Angel will happily kiss you until you can’t breath or even rip your clothes off and ravish you 😉
Alastor 🩸
He’s also the type to introduce himself once you finally run into him.
He’s a very busy man after all, you might even be at the hotel for a day or two before you actually meet him.
“My my! Charlie, you didn’t tell me we had a new resident. Hello, darling! Pleased to meet you. Call me Alastor.” He tips his head to you but keeps his large hands fixed on his cane.
“Oh hi! Nice to meet you too. Uhm…aren’t you…the radio demon?” You ask, equally afraid of him and intrigued by him.
“Why yes, yes I am. You must have heard my show then, yes? What do you think?” He leans forward, invading your personal space a bit with a prideful look in his deep red eyes.
He was testing you in this moment, wondering how you’d respond.
“Oh yes! Well, some of it. But I like it and I’d love to hear more.”
His permanent smile stretched just a bit wider at your response, eyes softening a bit.
“You’re awfully kind, (Y/N). What did a sweet little dove like you do to end up down here, hm?”
“Wait. How did you know-“
“Oh I know your name.” He interrupts, his expression and tone becoming just a bit more ominous but it didn’t scare you much.
“Oh wow, okay.” You watch his expression change before speaking. “I’m not even sure what I did to deserve this. I don’t remember much from my life, it’s all kind of a blur.”
Suddenly, his hand is on your back and he’s gently pushing you the way he wants you to go.
“Did Charlie give you a tour yet?” “Yeah, she did-“ “Oh, who cares! I say we go for another!” This was Alastor’s way of getting you alone to examine you a little closer.
The taller man walked you from room to room and down different hallways, not speaking much but waiting for your voice to shine through instead.
“Uhm c-can I ask you something?” You mumble out shyly, somewhat afraid of how he might respond.
He hums in response, hands behind his back as he continues his slow pace down the hall.
“Do you…always smile? And if you do always smile…why?”
And now he’s looking at you with much more intense eyes, his curved up lips twitching ever so slightly.
“You’re awfully bold, my dear. Most sinners run the opposite way when they see me on the street, but you…well I’ve got you all alone, in an unfamiliar space and you’re asking me such intrusive questions? Hmm…interesting.”
He had stopped walking, causing you to freeze in your spot as well.
Uh oh…was he mad?
“Oh! I-I’m so sorry. You just s-seem so nice and-and friendly. I like your smile. I’m just curious I guess. Sorry again. Forget I said anything!”
Your expression shifted to one of slight worry and concern as Alastor continued to stare you down with his terrifying radio dial pupils.
As apathetic and evil as his expression looked rn, his tiny cold heart stuttered a bit at your words.
Of all the ppl in hell, you thought he was nice?
Part of him was thinking “what the hell is wrong with this one? Why are they so naive?” But the other part of him was like “I NEED TO SIT THIS ONE DOWN AND LEARN MORE, HMM, VERY INTERESTING.”
And you try to keep walking bc now you’re just a tiny bit afraid of what he might say next.
You can’t even take two steps before his hand is gently but firmly latched to your wrist.
“No need to apologize at all! I find your curiosity very amusing. After all, you’re new here.” He gently pats your head, smiling bigger at you as his eyes squint.
You suddenly realize when his eyes squint closed and get wrinkled at the corners, he was genuinely smiling, not just being forced to uphold his smile.
“So…why do you smile all the time?” You ask again, voice barely above a whisper as the radio demon keeps his hand on your wrist.
“Well, You’re never fully dressed without one!”
He lets you go before using his mic cane to gently tap you on the head.
“I’m so very intrigued by you, (Y/N). I can’t say I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting someone quite like you, especially down here in hell. Well, let me know if you need anything from your gracious hotelier.”
He slowly turns and walks off, his back to you as you yell out in response.
“Thank you, Alastor!”
And then he starts walking a little faster bc your voice is making his head spin a bit.
He’s not used to these feelings.
Well he’s not used to feelings of any kind anymore. It’s been way too long since someone has been so open and receptive to him. Like he said, most ppl run the other way but for whatever you reason, you ran straight at him and he didn’t understand why.
But it made him somewhat excited to get to know you more.
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lovergojo · 4 months
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synopsis: Zayne thinks you look beautiful in the snow, and that honeysuckle’s are meant for your love.
cw: reader referred to ‘girlfriend’ but other than that, no other uses of she/her, third person point of view, no use of y/n, black!reader friendly! Reader has hair, but it’s not descriptive.
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It’s not out of the norm for Zayne to be late for dates. He’s a very busy man, and a doctor, so of course patients should come first. What is out of the norm you might ask? Him not texting you that he’ll be late.
Surely, he has a good reason for not texting you right? You don’t want to be a bad girlfriend and just leave in case he comes back. So you wait half an hour, which turns into a whole hour.
Now things are fishy.
You’re looking around the snowy sidewalk, it hasn’t gotten cold enough for you to leave, because if there’s one thing you’re sure of, it’s that Zayne will absolutely text you to go home if he wasn’t going to show up at all.
You look up at the street lamp, focused on the bright area it swallows up. There’s a tap on your shoulder and you spin around to face the stranger.
“I’m sorry. I should have told you to wait inside somewhere nearby. I didn’t think I’d spend so much time in that flower shop.”
Right in front of your face, blocking your view of Zayne’s face, are yellow honeysuckles.
“Oh!” You take hold of the honeysuckle’s, looking up to meet Zayne’s gaze.
Beneath the glowing streetlight, Zayne looks cute. His cheeks are red from the cold, and snowflakes decorate his raven colored hair strands, as well as on his long eyelashes. You can’t help but huff out a laugh.
“Hm? What’s so funny?” He looks at you with a straight face, but you catch the curious glimmer in his eyes.
“Nothing. You look cute covered in snow.” You smile and stand on the tips of your toes to brush snow off his hair.
“Thank you…you also look very beautiful in the snow.” His hand guides up to the apple of your cheek, giving it a quick squish between his pointer finger and thumb. “I got so distracted by your beauty that I was late.” He says.
“Liar!” You tease.
“It’s the honest truth.” *he chuckles, and looks over his shoulder to point somewhere behind him. “See over there? I was standing right there staring at you.”
“Yeah, yeah. So, why the flowers?”
He offers his arm for you to hold on to, and you gratefully accept, wrapping your arm under his and resting your hand on his bicep.
“Do you know the language of flowers?” He speaks while walking, headed towards the restaurant you both decided on for this particular date night.
“Hmm, can’t say that I do. What do these mean?” You bring your eyes to the yellow flowers.
“Try and take a guess.”
“Mmm…maybe, something like ‘I love you’?” You say cheekily, and he can’t help but chuckle at how bashful you look.
“Yes, pretty close. These mean ‘true love’ or ‘affection towards one another’ and ‘first love.’ ”
“And I am..?” You question, raising an eyebrow up at him.
“You are all three.” A small smile spread across his face, leaning down to press a kiss against your temple.
“I apologize for being late again. Next time, you can just go home if I take too long. I’ll meet you back there.”
You hum. “Promise?”
You smile, and tighten your arm around his.
“It’s okay. I’ll always wait for you, no matter how cold it gets.”
“That’s fine, but I would prefer my lover to not be sick on our dates.”
“You know Elsa from Frozen said the cold never bothered her anyways.”
“Shouldn’t that be my line..?”
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AITA for finding my British mutual’s accent funny?
I (15X) am American and I have been in fandom circles with my mutual (15m), who I’ll call Cider (fake name), for a while. Cider is British and is from Newcastle. That is important. I’m not doxing him.
We’ve been mutuals for a while but only moved to voice chat a few weeks ago, so I’d never heard his voice before. When we were talking in voice chat, I was struggling to understand what he was saying because he’s got quite a strong accent. It’s a funny accent. I don’t know how to describe it, it’s just funny. He said something in chat that sounded particularly different to mine (not bad! I like his accent its just very different to any I’ve heard before!) and I giggled and copied how he’d said it. He stopped smiling and asked me to not do that and I stopped.
After the call, Cider sent me a paragraph about how the Newcastle accent gets mocked a lot in the UK, and since he and his family moved out of Newcastle he gets made fun of all the time at school because of his voice, and for me please never to do that again. I said I was very sorry and I wouldn’t do it again. Even so, he's been talking to me a lot less since.
I feel pretty bad about it, but also how was I supposed to know that before he told me? There are so many accents in the UK, I don’t know which ones are fine to laugh at and which aren’t. People don’t seem bothered by Chewsday’Innit – how was I supposed to know that the Newcastle one wasn’t okay to laugh at?
What are these acronyms?
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24-2-25 · 3 months
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synopsis | you’re notorious for you’re bad luck in dodgeball. seems like the cute boy from your math class also has bad luck, considering he’s always there to keep you company on the ‘out’ wall.
wc | 1.1k
pairings | jake x fem!reader
genre | one shot, fluff
tw | dodgeball??
note | i wrote this in like 2022… it’s finally out 😼
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you were notorious for your bad luck in the horrid hell game, also known as dodgeball.  Everyone in you class knew it, your sigh can be heard through crowd when the game is announced. 
As a person who isn’t a widely known dodgeball champ, you decide to a stick near the back where it seems the safest. 
lo and behold, as you stood near the back corner of the gym hiding from the treacherous foam balls, a purple ball comes flying and hits you hard on the shoulder. 
“ow fuck!” you hissed holding your shoulder. your classmate on the other side cheers and high fives one of his friends. 
ew teenage boys are all the same, prepubescent, smelly and far from mature. 
you sat on the edge of the wall where all of hit students stayed. 
you sat your back against the wall and as you got comfortable, a soft “hi” came from above you. 
“oh jake hey.” you respond, still holding your shoulder from the impact. 
“ah sorry about that! beomgyu gets a little competitive when it comes to pe class.” a sheepish smile appeared on his face as he apologized. 
“nah it’s all good, it’s not like this was the first time.” you laughed it off. 
his face brightened at your laugh, a pointy smile forming on his face. 
“yeah you always seem to be on this wall. it’s almost as if there’s a reserved spot for you!” his cute giggles fill your ears. 
okay you take it back, not all teenage boys were smelly and immature. especially not jake. he was the sweetest, kindest, most athletic and academic boy in your class. not to mention his insanely good looks and cute australian accent.
with that he was the most sought out boy of your grade, and you were glad that you could call him one of your friends. at least you hope he considered you a friend. after all he always talked and texted you. 
“i’m surprised you’re here. you’re like so athletic.” you smiled at him. 
“oh you know.. we all have our weaknesses.”
for example you, and he thinks that’s his biggest one. 
jake couldn’t remember when he started to like you. your magnetic and captivating personality seemed to catch his eye the first time he saw you interact with your friends. 
he couldn’t forget your pretty face and cute smile. and the sound of your laugh? best sound to ever bless his ears. 
maybe it was when you offered to show him around without being told to when he first moved from australia. maybe it was your alluring kindness and generosity. he couldn’t tell for sure, but he did know that he wanted to be yours.
“that’s funny, who knew the most athletic kid would be bad at dodge ball.” you stated and he laughed and shrugged.  
“you always seem to get hit around the same time as me though. it’s like fate.” you added, laughing. 
he flushes a bit and laughs. 
“i’d hope it is.” he whispers. 
your teacher announced a jail break and you sigh, getting up from the wall and walking towards the back of the gym. 
you had a good 5 minutes of peace before a dodge ball comes rushing and hit you square in the face.
“OW!” you screech. it was foam but damn the shit hurt. the person who threw that put his blood, sweat and tears in that. 
“SORRY!” a your friend jisung screamed and ran up to you. 
“han jisung you did not just hit me in the face.” you sighed annoyed holding your nose.
“my bad y/n. I’m sorry!” he tried comforting you. 
you let go of your nose, then a red streak of blood came rushing out of your nostril. 
“it’s fine-”
“shit y/n! your nose is bleeding!” he cut you off and screamed. 
you wiped your nose with you finger and saw blood, cursing under your breath. 
“i’ll help you and bring you to the offi-” he offered. 
“hey jisung i can take her i’m out anyways!”. jake came running toward you guys. you didn’t care who came with you, you just needed to get there. 
“okay thanks jake!” jisung smiled, getting back into the game. 
“let’s go quick y/n.” he ushered you out of the gym. by then, your nose was bleeding on to your sleeves. 
once you got into the office and sat with a tissue in your nose, you suddenly felt a rush of embarrassment. 
“oh god that was so embarrassing!” you cried. 
jake who was sitting next to you with a tissue box in hand giggled a bit. “no! it wasn’t.”
“you’re laughing!” you sighed, pouting at him. 
“thanks for taking me here by the way. if jisung came with me he’d probably cause chaos in here.” 
“nah it’s nothing.” he stated calmly, passing you another tissue. 
“no you really didn’t need to do that.” you smiled while taking the tissue and changing it out with you old one. 
“it’s funny that you got out at the same time though. again on accident i can’t believe it!” 
“yeah on accident.” he sounded guilty?
“wait you did it on purpose?” you rose a brow.
“yes you did. why?” you questioned. 
“because i wanted to be close to you.” 
your mind was buzzing with questions and confusion. why would he want to be close to you? why would he lose on purpose? he loves sports. 
“you see, i’ve kinda liked you since last year and i never really get the time to see you unless it’s gym or math class.” he suddenly got shy and avoided you gaze. 
“huh? me? why?” you asked, confused. why would he like you? you didn’t consider yourself as pretty nor did he ever show interest in you before. where did this come from. 
“it’s okay if you don’t like me bac-”
“i like you too.” you blushed. 
“wait really?” his eyes widened. 
“why wouldn’t i? you so sweet and smart and like amazing. why do you like me?”
“your just-“ he sighs almost lovingly and you immediately knew. 
you laugh. “you’re silly! why would you lose purposely at a game to sit with me by the wall?”
“because i can’t talk to you otherwise, only on texts.”
“whatever goof, let’s go back to class.” you laughed again, getting up. 
“fine, but only if you agree to a date with me?” he asked, extending his hand. 
“sure, jake.” you smile, taking his hand and exiting the office. 
maybe your bad luck in dodgeball wasn’t so bad. 
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© @24-2-25 est. 2024
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filtharchives · 7 months
guys im so embarrassed i wrote this but as a Freak™ i firmly believe there is not enough omegaverse in this fandom so i gotta write it myself
hopefully i’ve improved some since last time… 🫣
summary: cove x reader - your sudden heat triggers cove’s rut and no one is home to stop you
tags: NSFW, takes place in Step 3, fem/afab reader, omega!reader, alpha!cove, traditional stuff (being a provider for spouse) cause tbh i also can’t deny the housewife kink in me lol, normal omegaverse stuff like knots and slick etc., first time/virginity loss, mating press ♡, reader is pillow princess-ing, breeding kink (you tried to be safe but he got impatient sorry), only a little size difference/kink and belly bulge
it was a hot summer day–too hot for even the biggest beach bum to spend out on the sand–and you and cove were lazing around in your bedroom with the air conditioner as high as your moms would let you put it, which was just enough for you and cove to cuddle comfortably in your nest with the condition that he was shirtless and you were in the flimsiest tank top you could find. .
cove was beyond thankful to not have a shift at the tropical restaurant today. he told you he thinks he would have died if he had to wait tables while the restaurant was full of sweaty, heat-agitated tourists whose scents would overwhelm his nose which was pretty sensitive, even by alpha standards. his comment got a sympathetic nose exhale out of you, which in turn got a playful pout out of your boyfriend. 
“don’t laugh. it’s not funny,” he scolds half-heartedly. “i really could’ve died in that situation. do you know how many sweaty, old alphas i’d have smelled? and they get so snippy when they’re sweaty and uncomfortable. if you knew what it was like working there, you wouldn’t be laughing right now.” 
“yeah, yeah,” you roll your eyes with a smirk, feeling a little smug as he squeezes your waist in his arms and nuzzles his face into your neck despite his little rant. “but they still give you the big tips, don’t they?”
“only cause they smell you on me,” cove argues. “they think that i’m an alpha working solely to provide for my omega mate, so of course they’d wanna ‘help out’.” 
“then really, you should be thanking me right now, instead of lecturing,” you snicker, joking. “where’s my cut of the money?” 
“your ‘cut’ is everything i buy you with those tips.” he nips at your collarbone pointedly. “those alphas are kinda right–i am providing for my little omega.” 
my little omega. god, that sounds so delicious coming from his mouth, it almost makes you dizzy. and the idea of him taking care of you makes your inner omega purr with delight. you’re too busy fixating on cove’s words that you almost don’t notice cove perking up in surprise, his head lifting off your arm as he supports himself on his elbow. 
“you…” he pauses, sniffing. “you smell different. just now.” 
“mm?” you hum, looking at him with hazy eyes. you feel your body grow warmer and cove’s scent seems so tantalizing all of a sudden. cove seems to think the same about you, leaning back into your neck to sniff your scent glands, the arm he’s had over your waist moving back so he can grip your hip with his hand. 
“smells sweeter…” he mumbles curiously, practically shoving his nose against your skin. his hand squeezes your hip before moving to your rear to pull you close to him again. 
“cove-?!” you cut yourself off with a small squeak of surprise as he drags his tongue against your gland, your body shivering as his warm, wet muscle teases the sensitive skin. your hands press against cove’s bare chest as he rolls on top of you, caging you in his arms as his knees sit between your thighs. 
“god,” he hisses against your neck, voice not as soft and playful as it was moments ago. “i’ve always wanted to smell this straight from the source. it’s not the same coming from your clothes.” 
it’s only when he says that, that it clicks for you–your heat had arrived early. a few days early, in fact. and you feel silly, not recognizing it after several years of experience, but in your defense, the response from cove was far too distracting for you to put the pieces together on your own. but now that you know what changed in you, you also realize the change in cove was from his rut being triggered. by you. that thought warmed you up even more. cove calls your name. 
“tell me to stop, and i’ll go home right now. i can ask my dad to deliver some of my clothes and we can call, just like we always do,” he says, eyes shyly avoiding yours and staring at your stomach instead. “but if you want me to stay… i-i’ll take care of you. i think- no, i know i’m ready. to take this step in our relationship. b-but only if you are! we can hold off on it if you want!” 
he finally meets your eyes, looking a little frantic, as if worried he was too bold and would scare you off. still, you could see his arms shaking as he held himself over you, taking all the self control he had to not take you then and there. as much as you admired his restraint, your body ached for his. 
“i want this,” you respond breathlessly, feeling almost winded by the anticipation and desire running through you. “i trust you, cove. i want you to knot me.” 
cove turns bright red from his ears to his neck. he was hoping you’d say yes, but he didn’t expect such an explicit answer. 
“oh! o-okay, let me just-” he nearly throws himself off the bed, running out of your room and you hear his heavy footsteps race down the stairs. before you can call out and ask questions after processing his sudden disappearance, you hear him running back up the stairs. he returns to your room and shuts the door with his foot, arms filled with water bottles and snacks. he gives you a sheepish smile as he sets them on the shelf under your window. 
“for later, you know?” he says, fumbling nervously with the last water bottle before putting it down. “wouldn’t want you to get hungry or dehydrated.” 
you’d make a witty quip if you were more lucid, but his preparation and concern for you makes you preen and only more needy for the rest of the care he has planned for you. smelling the slick pooling in your underwear, the cute look is wiped off cove’s face and replaced by an almost uncharacteristic, wolfish grin as he approaches you and your nest again. fuck, this heat is becoming unbearable–you want him now, you don’t even notice you’re whining until cove’s in front of you on the bed again, cupping your face and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“don’t worry, i’ll take care of you, just like i promised,” he coos softly, his hands parting from your face to remove your shorts. he licks his lips again when he sees the large wet spot on your panties that had seeped through your shorts. 
“one more time: are you sure you want to do this now?” cove asks, looking into your eyes through his lashes. his breathing is heavy with the amount of self-discipline he’s exerting. his inner alpha is practically howling at him to get on with it and fuck you like an animal, but he loves you too much to give in when there’s still a chance you might back out. “i can’t promise i’ll control myself o-or be gentle past this point. but i’ll do my best to stop whenever you tell me! i-if you ever tell me-”
“please,” you all but beg, adoring his efforts but so over the waiting. “please just fuck me already, alpha. i hate waiting.” 
your interruption and desperation draw a small chuckle of disbelief from cove, but it also settles his nerves. he gives you an apology kiss as he tugs off your underwear, practically drooling at the unfiltered scent of your slick.
“sorry for making you wait,” he murmurs as he pushes your thighs apart, backing up on his knees until he can comfortably lean down and kiss your clit. 
you’re a sobbing mess as cove draws you closer to your third climax of the day, still only giving you his mouth and fingers. as much as you begged for his dick after the second orgasm, cove insisted he needed to make sure his knot wouldn’t hurt you, even if it meant straining against his pants uncomfortably while rutting against your nest. still, with how enthusiastically he was devouring your cunt, you can’t say he wasn’t enjoying himself as well. 
the slurping and squelching that filled your bedroom were lewd, but that was nothing compared to your mixed moans and the stench of sex that was probably stuck on your sheets by now. cove always got off on your scent during his ruts, holding your gifted, used panties to his nose as he jerked off, but the smell coming straight from your glands mixed with the taste of your slick on his tongue–he felt like he could cum untouched from those alone, but he needed to hold out until he could stick his dick inside you, even if he couldn’t actually breed you yet. oh fuck, the idea of you filled with his pups had his eyes rolling to the back of his head, even if the logical part of him knew you were both too young for that yet. still, he couldn't deny the idea’s appeal.
“cove!” you gasp, one hand tugging his hair as the other gripped the pillow behind your head. “‘m gonna cum again-!” 
you barely finish your sentence before you gush all over his face for the third time, and just like the previous two times, cove laps it all up eagerly, rubbing his nose against your overstimulated clit as his tongue parts your lips. you try to push him away but it’s only once he was satisfied with his cleanup that cove lets up to pull you into a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss. you moan into his mouth and whimper when he pulls away but you’re already too spent to chase his lips. he chuckles at your dazed state but is far from done. 
he gets off the bed and finally relieved himself of his pants and boxer-briefs and you drool at the sight of his big dick and the much-desired knot at the base. he nearly trips as he simultaneously hurries to your drawers while removing his clothes and digs through your drawer to find the condoms (that you’d told him your moms bought for you regularly once you and cove started trading clothes during your synced mating cycles. it was funny and embarrassing at the time, but now you were grateful). he grabs a handful and rips open the first one as he rejoins you in your nest, also ripping the condom inside in the process. he tosses it aside and goes for the next condom, only for history to repeat. he blows through two more, growling as you whine impatiently, before muttering “fuck it” and tossing all the condoms onto the floor. 
“i’ll buy you plan b later, okay?” cove assures you as he lines up his dick to your pussy with one hand, the other holding up one of your thighs. “just be good and take my knot, just like you wanted.” 
you moan a cuss and throw your head back on your pillow as he slides in, your endless slick and his careful preparation making it easy and oh-so pleasurable. cove hisses as he stops just before his knot, his now-free hand moving to your other thigh. you’re about to complain about the lack of movement but cove already starts pushing in again, watching intently as your cunt swallows him up with relative ease. you mewl at the stretch that was much easier than you’d anticipated–you’ll have to thank him later for making it so easy on you despite your impatience. 
cove stops again once buried to the hilt inside you, his eyes flick up to your face and, seeing you without any discomfort, grins. 
“look at that, omega,” he murmurs, his hand pressing gently on the small bump in your belly that disappears and reappears with each slow thrust of his hips, making your breath stutter. “your needy little pussy all stuffed by my cock.” 
playing nice doesn’t last long, however, as he quickly gets pussy-drunk and picks up the pace. 
“f-fuck~” cove groans, tossing his head back in pleasure while his hands grip the backs of your knees, keeping you wide open. he leans his head forward again, looking at your half-lidded eyes and drooling, moaning mouth with dark eyes. he lets your legs fall to his sides, choosing instead to lean forward with his elbows at the sides of your head and his chest pressed against yours, practically putting all his weight on you as he fucks you hard and fast.
the wet slapping of his balls on your ass and the sounds that leave your mouths are loud and lewd and surely your sister or one of your moms will come home soon, but cove really couldn’t care less when it feels so good. he’d always dreamed of having you on his knot like this, ever since he first jerked off to your scent, but having it for real was better than he could have ever imagine. so tight and warm, and the fucked-out look on your face was even better. 
“so cute like this,” he mutters, his face so close to yours and you try to focus your eyes on him but can barely keep them from rolling back. “you were made to take my knot. we fit so well together. fuck, i can’t imagine doing this with someone else. i should just claim you already.” 
the prospect of being claimed by cove makes you keen. his face is shoved up against your neck again, inhaling your scent like it’s oxygen, and he really is tempted to bite you then and there. 
“you’d like that, right? being bonded to me? oh f-fuck! oh, yeah, you do. tighten up so much at the idea…” instead of biting your neck, he moves his mouth to your shoulder and satiates that need. you cry out his name, both out of pleasure and disappointment. it feels so good to be bitten by him, if only it was where you want it most. 
his sweet words are reduced into babbles as he loses himself in you and you could admit that you’ve lost yourself long into this heat. his tip kissing your cervix and his knot stretching your lower lips is all so delicious, it’s overwhelmed you to tears.
“c-cove,” you gasp, clawing at his back, toes curling as you get closer. 
“mm-” cove grunts, picking up pace for the final stretch as he mutters thoughtlessly into your ear. “gonna fill you, omega… fill you with pups… all mine…” 
normally, the thought of being pregnant would would terrify you, but with a heat-clouded mind, it’s all you want. 
“please fill me,” you whimper. “cove- cove! wan’ your pups… please gimme pups, alpha…!” 
“agh- fuck!” cove’s arms cradle your head to his chest as his knot swells, locking him inside you. “gonna fill you,” he repeats. “fill you w’ my pups… my omega… all mine…” 
you cry out as cove’s hot seed fills you, clinging onto him with your arms and legs wrapping around his muscular body. he’s shaking and growling and still babbling as he cums, and his load feels heavy inside you, especially with his knot preventing any from leaking out. as he comes down from his high and feels fatigue wash over him, cove quiets down and at least finds the strength to lower himself onto you slowly, lying on you while his still-inflated knot keeps your bodies stuck together. 
you sniffle as post-coital clarity slowly comes to you, and your lust is temporarily pushed aside by your affection for cove. you gently comb a hand through his hair as your eyelids feel heavy.
“we’ll be like this for a while,” cove chuckles, cheeks flushed pink. “go to sleep. i’ll clean everything up once my knot goes down and when you wake up, i’ll still be here. we’ll drink and eat, and then we can keep going as much as you want. i’ll be right here.” 
his words of reassurance and the gentle rumble of his chest as he speaks is enough to lull you to sleep, as if you weren’t already totally spent. and yet, the idea of going for more rounds sparks your excitement once again, and you can’t help how your pussy briefly squeezes cove’s dick, making him gasp. you chuckle at his reaction as you finally nod off.
ahhhhhhhh omgggg !!!!!!! 🙈🙈🙈
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honeybow · 2 months
I have a cute idea for a Ron Fic where he takes polyjuice potion and fills in for Harry’s classes for a day - when he’s in charms a Hufflepuff girl asks him (as Harry) “you’re Ron’s friend right?” And then he gets flustered and wants to meet her as himself because no one ever thinks of him first he’s always “Harry’s friend” not the other way around
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omg i loved this idea i’m sorry if i didn’t write it how you wanted!
she/her - fluff ☁️
It felt strange, watching the Polyjuce potion do it’s magic. Harry had begged Ron to cover for him for a day, and after he promised some big favours, Ron couldn’t turn the offer down.
The day had dragged on, and Ron wasn’t the most academic anyway. He almost couldn’t remember why he agreed to do an extra day of school. The worst was potions by far. He got bullied enough by Snape as himself, and it only got worse as Harry. Looking back, though, he supposed it was all worth it. Because he met her.
He already knew of her, of course. She was (y/n) (l/n). She was a Hufflepuff, known for how sweet and kind she was. She was also drop-dead-gorgeous, so obviously Ron had never spoken a word to her.
Ron arrived late to Charms, mentally apologising to Harry as he walked in. Apparently, the seating arrangements had been changed, and (y/n) was now sat next to Harry. Lucky git.
She smiled at him as he sat down, and Ron had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Of course she was into the whole ‘boy who lived thing’. Who bloody wasn’t!
“Hello.” She whispered, smiling cutely. “I’m (y/n).”
“I’m R-Harry.” Merlin, she was making him nervous. He tried to avoid making eye contact with her after noticing that she has very pretty eyes.
“I know.” Of course she did. “Because you’re Ron Weasleys friend, aren’t you? He used to sit next to my friend in Potions. She always said he was so funny. I always hoped I’d get to talk to him one day.”
Ron felt himself blush. She knew Harry because of him? No way. Maybe she was a muggle, that would explain it. (y/n) wanted to talk to him! Merlin, how he wished he didn’t look like his best friend right now. No one ever thought of Harry as Ron’s best friend, it was always the other way around.
“I- uh- I guess I could arrange… that. You two, y’know, meeting.” Ron fumbled with his words, feeling the tips of his ears growing red.
“Oh, would you! Thank you, Harry. That’s so nice.” She grinned, and Ron felt winded. She really was beautiful.
“You won’t tell him, will you?” Her face dropped, and she looked nervous.
“Tell him what?” Ron was confused. Girls are so weird. Why wouldn’t Harry tell him? How are they supposed to meet if Harry didn’t tell him.
“That- you know… well, maybe next time I see you talking, I’ll come over and talk to you and then you can introduce us?” She nibbled at her lip nervously. Ron tried not to stare.
“Can’t you just, like, go and introduce yourself after class?” His confusion overtook however flustered he might feel.
“No! He might think I’m weird.” She leant a little closer and lowered her voice. “I need to make a good impression.” Ron felt his heartbeat quicken as she drew closer.
“I-I don’t think he will, (y/n).” He mumbled, sure that if he was in his usual body he would be bright red by now.
“Just introduce us next time you see us, okay?” She looked at him with pleading eyes.
“Sure.” He smiled to himself.
They talked more throughout the lesson, and Ron weirdly felt himself getting jealous. She was laughing at his jokes, and even though it was actually Ron dressed up, she thought she was talking to Harry. The whole thing made his head hurt.
As they left the classroom, (y/n) stopped him with a soft hand on his arm that sent tingles throughout his body.
“Remember to introduce us, okay!”
Merlin, she really wanted to meet him. Why on earth would she want to that badly? She just spoke to the boy who lived, and all she could talk about was his best friend. Maybe he shouldn’t introduce himself. She obviously had something wrong with her.
“Why do you want to meet him so bad?” He mumbled, only half expecting her to hear.
“You haven’t guessed? If you promise not to tell him…” She spoke quietly, with a conniving smirk that still somehow made her look sweet, and Ron nodded eagerly.
“I think he’s cute.” She giggled.
He was sure that his entire face was purple by now, and his palms grew sweaty. There’s no way a girl as pretty and nice as (y/n) would like him!
“Hey, Harry. Your hair… it’s starting to get really light. I didn’t notice that before. Some parts are almost ginger.” She looked confused.
“Oh! Yep, let Neville try out a new spell and it didn’t really work, so- you know, uh, I’ve really gotta go now.” Ron panicked, if she realised, she would never want to go out with him.
He sped off, cheeks flushed and heart racing for more reasons than one. As he watched his features come back in the mirror of his dorm, he smiled slightly.
“You thought about what favour you want from me yet?” Harry asked, watching Ron turn back to normal.
“I think I have an idea.”
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rafeandonlyrafe · 8 months
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words: 1k
warnings: fake dating trope
“rafe.” you groan, “this won’t work.”
“why not? we both know everyone has wanted us together for years.” rafe grips your shoulders, needing you to get it together.
“i just don’t know if i can pretend that good, it’s different when it’s just our parents, this is so many people.” you admit, gnawing on your lip.
“hey.” rafe says, saying it again more firmly when you don’t meet his eyes, “hey. it’s just me. just rafe, right? you don’t have to pretend anything, we just need to be ourselves.” “okay.” you nod, adjusting the straps of your dress. rafe’s dad threatened to send him away to business school if he didn’t get his act together, and he needed an excuse quick to stay behind, naturally he came to you, the one person he always trusted. you came up with this current idea, also getting your mom off your back.
“let’s go.” rafe waits for you to nod before taking your hand in his. “you look beautiful, by the way.” 
you glance down at your dress, trying to hide your blush. you may have been the one to suggest pretending to date, but it didn’t change the real feelings that you have hidden from rafe ever since you were kids and realized what love is.
you head out of the room, keeping yourself close to rafe as you work through the crowd, all here to celebrate midsummers. you head to the main table, your parents on one side, and ward and rose on the other.
“honey.” your mom stands up, giving you a hug as if she hasn’t seen you in weeks, even though you saw her right before getting ready. you know it’s just for the people watching her. “and rafe.” she grins, “so glad you two kids finally realized how in love you are.”
“mom, we’re not kids.” you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, keeping your head down in embarrassment. 
“well, either way, you’re too cute together.” she pinches your cheek, making you push her hand away.
rafe laughs as your mom retreats back to her seat. you give him a glare, “it’s not funny.”
“come on,” rafe wraps his arm around your waist, purposely placing his hand in the cutout of your dress, making your skin there tingle, “you have to admit that it’s pretty funny that your mom has been pissed at you for months for not having a boyfriend, and ever since we’ve been pretending to be together, you’re her golden child?”
“yeah, funny.” you mumble.
“i’m sorry.” rafe says, kissing the side of your head. “do you wanna get away from the crowd for a bit?” “yeah.” you nod, “i’d really appreciate that.” you know the whole point of this whole fake dating thing is to be seen and have others believe it, but you still follow rafe.
“wanna sit?” rafe asks as you approach a bench.
“mhm.” you nod, leaning your head back to look up at the night sky as you sit down on the bench. “we shouldn’t stay long though, we have to be seen together.”
“i don’t think we’re going to have to work too hard to make people believe us.” rafe says, sitting down next to you. he lays a hand on your thigh, that would be casual if it happened a few weeks ago, but now you can’t stop thinking about what it would be like if you were actually dating.
“whys that?” you ask.
rafe laughs, and then realizes you’re serious. “oh come on, we are so close, i don’t treat anyone like i treat you. you’ve been my girl since we were five.”
“yeah but you hook up with girls at parties, we’ve never even kissed.” you should have bit your tongue, not wanting rafe to realize how closely you watch him.
“that’s just sex.” rafe shakes his head. “you’ll always be more than that for me.”
“why are we even fake dating anyways?” rafe makes a face.
you go to ask him what he means, but there’s a sudden shout. “rafe! y/n! come up here.”
“it’s ward, come on.” rafe stands up, taking your hand in his and pulling you back towards the main party.
your head is spinning as you replay the conversation in your head. you barely hear ward’s toast until everyone’s attention turns to you and rafe. 
“come on, lovebirds, give us a kiss.” your eyes widen at ward’s words. rafe lets out a laugh, looking effortless and unbothered as he ducks his head, eyes meeting yours, looking for that permission, willing to risk your agreement coming to light if you weren’t okay with it. 
you give him a quick nod and your mouths connect instantly, lips sliding over each other’s as rafe’s arm pulls you in close to his body.
“alright, not too much now.” ward says, and you pull away with a laugh you hope looks casual.
attention drifts back to ward as you sink into rafe, using his large body to hide yours partially, feeling your face go red.
“sorry our first kiss had to be like that.” rafe whispers, rubbing his hands over your arms.
“it’s okay. we knew when we agreed to this that we would have to kiss to convince people.” you give a small shrug.
“you know,” rafe runs a singular finger down to your wrist, your hairs raising, “all i want to do is kiss you again.” you look up at him, confused. it was just supposed to be pretend, and rafe was right, no one is even suspicious. 
“come on.” rafe’s arms stay wrapped around you as he pulls you away, not even bothering to move to somewhere more private where nobody else can see you as he presses you against the railing of the deck. “tell me you want this too. not pretend. not fake. tell me you want to kiss me.” “i… i don’t want to pretend.” you whisper. rafe smirks, ducking his head to connect your lips. you wrap your arms around his shoulders, moaning gently into his mouth as he grabs your waist, pulling you so your hips are flush.
“can we-” rafe takes a deep breath as he pulls away from the kiss, “can we agree to never pretend again? i want you.”
“yeah.” you nod quickly. “i want you too. no more pretending.”
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