#but also. POIGNANT. HHHHH
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thing I am normal abt #1: the simile Homer chose to describe Odysseus at the end of the 5th rhapsody of the Odyssey
(translation by Emily Wilson)
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eremin0109 · 2 years
first- hhhhh you read soa im HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
to your post about patroclus' fighting skills- i was always under the assumption that it wasnt that he was Bad at fighting, but that his kindness and reluctance to fight first, ask later was seen as weakness and inability (rather than, yk. strength and decency.) like when push comes to shove, he fights, and he fights well, but i never saw him choose that as his first option, without already exhausting other choices. idk thats just how i interpreted it and i have way more thoughts but i dont want to clog up your askbox but i'd love to hear your take!! i will never stop talking about this book
side note: have you read circe yet? i didnt want to for a while bc i thought soa would be the peak but its So good, objectively funnier than soa simply bc the characters say fuck so much more often and nothing is fully taken seriously, but i also felt i could relate to circe more than i could to patroclus, although both are poignant, beautiful stories. if you havent read it, i highly recommend you do!
That’s the thing. Patroclus’ unwillingness to fight should’ve been depicted as his choice and NOT his inability. There are more than a few times where Achilles has to act as Patroclus’ guardian (asking him to get behind him when they face off Trojans on the beach, Pat telling Briseis that she needn’t worry because Achilles would always protect him etc) despite him being capable enough to defend himself (and Achilles, if it came to that). I just don’t like the fact that Miller painted Patroclus to be sort of a damsel in distress who always needs her ‘hero’ to come rescue her from the bad guys when canonically he was a renowned warrior and strategist (along with being the voice of reason and composure amongst the hot-headed Greeks).
I felt it played into the heteronormative stereotype of writing one half of the mlm couple to be more traditionally ‘feminine’ (he’s even compared to Cleopatra, for that matter) in order to not distract the attention from the glorification of real ‘HERO’ of the novel (though I’m very glad it didn’t play up your classic top-bottom trope). Other than that though, I thought it was a pretty solid novel, definitely one to pull on your heartstrings with the way it’s written.
also noooooo I haven’t read Circe yet, idk if more Greek mythology is something I need rn lmao. I’ve picked up the Mahabharat retelling by Devdutt Patnaik called ‘Jaya’ and will be finishing that first. Though I will definitely look it up in the future!
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mimik-u · 4 years
“Little Graduation” Thoughts:
Baker boy Lars is so soft. 🥺
AWHWHWH, SADIE LOOKS SO GOOD!! The ponytail, the jacket around her waist!
Oh, and the fact that Steven is taller than her now has me feeling some sort of way.
“Everything just feel so easy.” OH, I love that for her. 🥺
Lmao, Steven fjdkdjdknske where’ve you been if Shep and Sadie have been dating for two whole months
The theme of this episode is going to be moving on, isn’t it, and Steven struggling to do the same. 😭 Ouch.
Lars asks Steven, “Don’t you want to try something new?” It’s an echo of something that Amethyst said in the first or second episode of Future, where she asked Steven what he wanted to do.
“Except for me... I’ll still be... right here.” 😭😭😭😭 (You know, I really want some gem or human to tell Steven that it’s okay that he doesn’t have it figured out yet. Everyone’s path to growth is unique. Hell, when Sadie and Lars were his age, they certainly didn’t have it figured out yet. At the same time, though, I think this existential angst comes a very specific place. For so many years, Steven’s identity was predicated around the possibility of war and his role as a savior, a healer, and a confidante to so many broken people and gems. And now that the war is over, he absolutely doesn’t know how to leave those paradigms behind, to move onwards, and to grapple with the fact that things change.)
(I’m reminded me of the Odyssey. At war for ten years, Odysseus struggled to leave the war behind on his journey home, turning to violence and bloodshed as his go-to solution for confronting a tricky problem. It’s hard to escape an established pattern. Indeed, at the end of Book 24, a goddess had to tell him to lay his weapons down.)
Steven casually floating downwards to say hi to Sadie and Shep and then falling is such a good detail djdjdnsnssn.
SHEPPPPP!! I love them. 🥺
I’m going to have a lot of secondhand embarrassment watching this episode, aren’t I?
Nooooooo, don’t bring up the island, Steven.
I love how tall Shep is compared to Sadie djdjdidns.
Lars in a black leather jacket is a Look™️.
Lmao, Steven has always been Larsadie’s #1 fan... and not necessarily in the most productive of ways. When he was younger, he interfered with them a lot then, too, trying to artificially produce the resolution between them that he thought was right—like that time he possessed Lars’s body.
“Yeah. Are you okay?” Oof.
BUCK????? MEDICAL SCHOOL???? HELLO?????? That’s so good, but omg, unexpected.
I want a jacket for my phone. 🥺
I keep pausing the episode when I sense an embarrassing moment coming up, haha. Why am I like this
“Oh, jeez.” Lars knows that Steven’s spiraling over all these changes. Man, I love their friendship.
Oh, this song is so pretty. ;-; Also, anyone know what instrument Shep is playing? It’s like a recorder but electric????
UGHHHHH. His powers are manifesting a literal dome around everyone to prevent anything changing. OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH.
“I think this dome activated as a reaction to some powerful feeling someone here has been bottling up. And, I guess we all know who that is. Lars!” STEVENFNDKDDKJDDJ.
You know what’s so sad and simultaneously poignant? If Steven were human, there would be no pink dome that served as a visible metaphor for his feelings of abandonment and displacement. And yet, if he were human, that dome would still be there, just invisible.
“That’s because it was private!” And now, because of Steven, it isn’t anymore. Aughhhgghhhhhh.
And another thing that has me sad. Like, in Sadie and Lars we’re getting an example of how friends can drift apart. Y’know, it isn’t anyone’s fault; it’s just a part of growing up. Jesus, this show.
“But if there’s nothing to work out...” And then the camera pans out to everyone staring at Steven. HHHSHSH, I’m laughing, but I’m also crying.
And now the “walls are literally closing in on Steven.” 😭😭😭
“... all my friends are going to die!” / “It wouldn’t be the first time.” ISOSOSSKSKS. Lars, I love you.
Lmao, Shep gets it.
“Steven, you’re great, but you need to let us live our own lives.” 😭😭😭😭 Sadie’s right, but it still hurts.
I like how Steven just almost literally killed his friends with the force of his emotions, and then they all casually walked away, like, “Bye. See you, Steven. Same time next week?” (But hhhhh, I also kind of hate it, too. Give me catharsis!!)
I’m sensitive. I’m sitting here tearing up at Lars and Steven hugging. 😭😭
The “Welcome New Students” banner is unfurled, and Steven glances down. Old students move on, and new students arrive. That’s the nature of life... and Steven doesn’t know where his place is between it all.
Not Steven laying on the top of his car in the middle of the woods with an empty pizza box. 😭😭😭😭 No, my heartstrings.
God, this episode. I’m in pain.
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asmolbirb · 4 years
A semi-comprehensive list of sexy moments in Love Run (2019) by The Amazing Devil
In honor of them hopefully releasing their new album today, I listened to their first album for the seven thousandth time and wrote down every moment that made my soul sing. I will not be talking (much) about lyrics here because I simply do not have the space to do so!
Love Run (Intro)
When Madeleine joins Joey on “love’s worth running to” and her voice goes up when his goes down. Ya bitch loves contrasting vocal harmonies!
The buildup of the “ahhh”
The quiet amalgam of lyrics from other tracks underlying the “ahhh” in the focus
The fact that King is in triple time is already Supremely Sexy
When Joey joins Madeleine on “let the seabirds cry” and the percussion drops out so it’s just vocals and guitar
How breathy Joey’s voice gets at “burning there”
The rhythmic buildup of the percussion under the second set of “let the seabirds cry”
“Every unwanted daughter” is just. Yeah.
Madeleine’s vocalizations under Joey’s “I’ll keep the king”s at the end of the song
Pruning Shears
Can I say “the whole song”? No? Fuck, okay, here we go
The percussive sound of the first verse, made all the more sexy because Joey has a tendency to close to consonants really quickly
(Also in the live version, the way Joey says “car is so kitch”)
The way Madeleine’s lines have overlapping syllables with Joey’s!! This is an Amazing Devil constant but it still FUCKS ME UP
How Madeleine’s line is actually lower than Joey’s at “had it all planned” emphasizing that this line/experience is from Joey’s POV whereas her verses are higher than Joey’s suggesting that her verses are her own POV
The vocalization under the second half of the final chorus !
The “whoa oh whoa oh” after the final chorus !!!
The percussive sound of Joey’s final “in the back” hhhh
Shower Day
Joey and Madeleine’s unison for the entirety of the first verse and chorus really underscores the way they split into harmony afterward
Just. The bi/pan solidarity of the “you” character both “lov[ing] him” and “kiss[ing] her sister” (OR, if you interpret the song like I sometimes do, the closeted struggle of “know[ing] you should love him” but wanting to “[kiss] her”)
The syncopation (hemiolas specifically) at “we’ll wear our eyeliner” !!!! Fuck me up!! (Also the solidarity of the male POV character/Joey wearing eyeliner too! We need more men in eyeliner, this is the future liberals want)
THE REVERBERATING PERCUSSION THAT JOINS IN AT “WELL I’M LOOKING BACK” AND ALSO LITERALLY EVERYTHING THAT FOLLOWS. This whole portion of the song is full of so much heartache and desperation and emotion!!
The way Madeleine and Joey sing “For Christ’s sake just say something” in a round
The way Joey says his S’s in the repeated “say something” section at the end
Elsa’s Song
Okay so the fact that this starts off a cappella is massively sexy
How every verse ends with “forget me not”
Everything about Madeleine’s harmony!! It’s the return of the contrasting vocal harmony but turned up to 11. If I listed out every sexy piece of contrasting harmony I would simply have to list out the whole song
The introduction of the rhythmic percussion in the third verse
In general, how Madeleine is really leaning into her sop range here! It’s such a lovely contrast to Joey’s baritone. It’s a treat to hear her sop range shine when she tends to stick to mezzo/alto lines.
How Madeleine closes to a hum on “mean” in “what holy men really mean”
How Joey echoes Madeleine in the second verse
(How Madeleine ad libs the repeated “I won’t, I won’t pray for” section in the live version)
Madeleine’s ad libbed vocalization directly after the “I won’t, I won’t pray for” section. Heart eyes motherfucker
The repeated “oh oh oh” under Madeleine starting at “why you cannot sleep for sighing”
The harmonic buildup of all the background vocalizations under Madeleine’s final chorus. Like every new measure adds another layer of harmony and it’s just SO SEXY
Little Miss Why So
Suddenly I can’t see through the fucking waterfall taking up residence on my face
This is such a poignant description of depression and how difficult it is to explain to people who don’t get it
The part that fucks me up the most is the accelerated repetition of “it’s so boring” that releases into the a tempo “etc”, simultaneously emphasizing the lover’s frustration and encapsulating the narrator’s apathy. The buildup and release of tension is exquisite.
Also every time Joey joins in is just....incredible. The desperation of “For Christ’s sake, just say something” kills me every time.
But I can’t really in good conscience call anything in this song sexy because it’s all so...gentle and it just hits home so hard
So. Moving on
New York Torch Song
The “fuck you”s both at the beginning and in the bridge
The slide on “tomorrow” in the intro right before the percussion kicks in
Joey’s “bright with every hum, ah-ah”
Joey’s humming under Madeleine’s “watch the fire” in the choruses
How the section starting with “god or devil” speeds up and adds more percussive complexity
The way Joey closes to the consonants when he sings “from within this”. It’s so delightfully sibilant !
How Madeleine laughs as she says “can’t we just talk about this”
The way Joey says “tippy toe tin rooftops” hnnnng it’s already a sexy lyric because of the alliteration but he makes it so much more percussive
Two Minutes
The fact that it’s a live recording and not a studio recording and there are all these little noises and echoes in the background
Madeleine harmonizing with words that are just barely intelligible, right up until she finally sings “I can hear the children calling,” is so damn haunting
The moment when the piano picks up !!! 
Not Yet / Love Run (Reprise)
Buckle in kids !!! This song is 8 minutes long and every second is sexy!
The contrast between the gentleness of Joey’s voice and the almost anthemic determination of Madeleine’s voice in the verses, plus the alternation between acoustic guitar and heavy percussion
Madeleine’s “seams” vs Joey’s “seems”, Madeleine’s “hell” vs Joey’s “I held”, Madeleine’s “she’d howl” vs Joey’s “she’d hold”
Just. Everything about the Not Yet chorus. It makes me so fucking tender
Especially Joey’s diphthong in “pirates”; he closes to the long i sound almost instantly and it w r e c k s me
The way Joey says “everyone knows sex is better when you’re unemployed,” especially in the bridge right before the breakdown
(The way Joey says “you can’t dance for shit” in the live version)
The way Madeleine basically growls “Where is God, ma / Where’s the vodka”
The harmonies under the bridge right before the breakdown
The fact that Madeleine sings Love Run (Reprise) when Joey sang Love Run (Intro)!!! Inversion bitchesss
Joey’s entire verse in Love Run (Reprise) hhhhh -- it’s just rife with all his little vocal tics that make me absolutely feral
The vocalizations beneath the main track that start at Joey’s verse and continue through the end of the song
The tradeoff of “love run” between Joey and Madeleine
Madeleine’s “all that matters is that you’re here, all that matters” is so haunting and beautiful and sexy
The brief moment of acoustic respite at the start of the third verse
In conclusion:
This post was brought to you by a bisexual disaster who is an Amazing Devil stan first and a functional human second
I’m almost definitely missing some moments because I only listened to the album like twice while I made this post so please feel free to add your own sexy moments 
Please, Joey and Madeleine, for the love of god release The Horror and The Wild, I am starving--
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