#but for now i just read the posts with amusement because most of the whole
quaranmine · 9 months
i love watching hermitblr users make like meta or strategy posts about decked out but truthfully it just glides smoothly in one ear and out the other for me. i don't know stategy or cards or shards. im just here to watch my blorbos turn a corner and run directly into a ravager and die with a silly scream <3
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indefiniteavatar · 1 month
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So basically, in a case about him shoving money at someone so they shut up about him. . .he can’t shut the fuck up himself. I would say something clever and funny here, except the sad part is that this is just so normal in current politics that it’s just. . .not hilariously absurd behavior anymore? Not to say that it’s not absurd - it is beyond such, but it is just. . . predictable, I suppose.
I guess this is how I feel about politics lately? Either I get mad at everything or I try to laugh at everything and normally that works because politicians usually aren’t so tragically stupid so very often, but now I just kinda have to chuckle at the particularly eyeroll worthy things like this, and try to ignore everything else or my brain will explode.
#maybe that’s my biggest pet peeve about the current state of politics#Normally I like having discussions with people#of various mindsets and lifestyles and backgrounds#while my personal standpoint about many if not most political things is pretty solid. I also enjoy finding out more about things.#It’s always nice to learn more about things.#when it gets to a point like this or let’s be real-a point like where it got a few months ago when. More like a couple years ago honestly#There’s just so much. Too much. And two try to process all of it especially in a way such that one keeps up with useful discussion? oof.#I know I meant to do something else in these tags – something more specific – but at least on mobile#I just lost like three tags because the one I was working on hit 140 but when I was warned#I didn’t get to backspace or anything. I just kind of deleted the whole thing.#And in my confusion and attempt to undo what I had done#I managed to backspace a couple times and lose the finish tag above that one#and of course my first attempt at explaining that I had lost two tags turned into three tags because#I lost the first attempts that said two tags because it went over and yet again my attempt of not backspace this time#I just lost another two tags and then at this point I don’t even remember where I was going with this train of thought either#tl;dr: I wish I could take as much amusement from this as I want to but I can’t because shit like this is just so fucking normal#but hey it’s better than January 6 or trying to nuke a hurricane so I suppose I can live with it#right so I realize that I got to read all of the things I just typed in the page before this#so I did and while I have a laughable amount of nowhere near the fuck enough spoons#there’s a very good chance I am going to come back to this when I get on my iPad or PC#There’s also a very good chance I’m going to completely forget this post exists if not the app entirely#but given that I finally downloaded this on my actual phone instead of my tablet for the first time in years#And I just lost another fucking tag#this time naturally it had to be one with Contant that I remember as semantically important#but similarly naturally of course I don’t bloody well remember#right so I am going to go back to the stuff I was doing now cause I was doing stuff before I saw a Tumblr notification#which I didn’t actually look at at the time but but I can absolutely be sure that it was a hefty part of the reason why#when I found something that I wanted to post about and a context that had a larger audience and not just individuals#didn’t have FB/Reddit (tho lbr I would probably have a 6 foot nose if I tried to imply they were great social networks)#which goes back to seeing the tumblr notif & still having a big Nostalgia so. hi here i am
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steddielations · 5 months
Steve acts on instinct.
There’s this guy in all black walking in front of him, he’s too busy looking down at his phone to notice, but Steve doesn’t trust that lamppost. He’s been going for daily runs, he likes to keep it simple during the off-season, and that post has been getting more rickety every day. Now it’s swaying dangerously in the wind and he knows it’s about to tumble.
There’s no time to call out to the guy, so Steve just plows forward and tackles him out of the way.
They fall in a messy heap and Steve unfortunately lands heavily on top.
“Holy shit! What the— ugh!” The guy heaves in pain and Steve hurries to scramble off of him.
“Sorry, that post was about to fall on you, man. You alright?”
Pieces of grass stick to the guy’s long hair as he takes stock of Steve and what happened. With a labored breath, he surprisingly jokes, “Guess I’m lucky the best football tackler alive happened to be right behind me.”
It’s sarcastic as shit but Steve smiles with a tug of amusement as he offers his hand. “Baseball, actually.”
“You’re in the wrong league, man,” he lets Steve pull him to his feet and groans on the way up. “Well, nice to meet you, Baseball, you pack a hell of a first impression. I’m Eddie.”
Steve would appreciate his ability to joke so soon after taking a hit, but people are starting to gather around. There’s already phones pointed at them that probably caught the whole thing on camera. Steve’s used to public attention by now, knows the press is going to have a field day with this and he hates causing a scene, but he wants to make sure Eddie is okay.
“Just Steve is good. You wanna…? This way,” he gestures toward the sidewalk and thankfully, Eddie seems just as eager to get out of there too, shuffling next to Steve as they round the corner.
He’s wearing so much metal jewelry, it’s like a costume, the jingle jangle of his every step accentuating how shaken up he seems. They get far enough behind a building and Steve stops to have a real look at him and… well he’s interesting to look at.
It’s like he hopped off the album cover of an 80s rock band, or one of Steve’s Bon Jovi posters that he hid under his bed in high school. Way too much leather and way too much hair for the California sun, all disheveled with grass and dirt.
“You sure you’re okay? Here, you got a little…” Steve’s hand hovers until Eddie nods that it’s okay from him to pluck the grass from his hair and lightly brush the dust from his shoulders. Eddie watches him the whole time, his eyes big and dark, an intensity in them that Steve can’t quite read but he can feel. “Didn’t hit your head or anything, did you?”
Steve lowers his hands, stepping back a little when he realizes how close they are. Eddie’s eyes follow him, a slight quirk to his lips that makes Steve feel the heat of the sun a little warmer on his face.
“I’m touched by your concern, sweetheart, but my brain has been through worse damage than a little bump.”
Steve frowns at the ladder, but the first bit definitely makes him feel the heat. He’s admittedly a bit out of practice but he can still recognize a come on. One that he definitely invited with all the touching and indulgent looks.
Then Eddie starts profusely thanking him for the whole ordeal, asking to treat him somewhere nearby for lunch. It’s not that Steve doesn’t want to, he’s very interested actually, and thankful that out of all the jewelry Eddie’s sporting, there’s no wedding ring. That’s why he’s reluctant because he’s all sweaty at the moment. Not to mention, he didn’t finish his run yet.
“Surely saving my life was enough cardio,” Eddie jokes lightly and Steve snorts.
“I saved you from a minor concussion, maybe,” and okay he’s gotta accept now.
The place is small and unassuming, burgers and sodas type joint. Steve’s likely to be recognized there, which he doesn’t mind meeting fans in public just preferably not now, it might be jarring for Eddie.
He heads for the booth tucked in the back corner, the most private looking spot that Steve had his eyes on too. They get a round of sodas from the waitress and right away, Eddie starts thanking him again.
“I noticed that lamppost wobbling days ago,” Steve sparks a conversation instead of accepting any more thanks, “I was planning to let it fall on me so I could sue the shit out of the city.”
He’s pleasantly startled by the big cackle that gets out of Eddie, “Any chance to stick it to the man. I admire that.”
“‘Course I would’ve really stuck it to ‘em and donated it back to the community,” Steve adds.
“Giving the people’s money back to the people, imagine Big Brother’s horror. Noble guy.”
Eddie seems to bubble with contagious delight that doesn’t match his whole leather and chains thing at all, but it fits into the somewhat magic of him. It's a wonder to Steve.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” Eddie ventures, a glint of recognition in his eyes that Steve’s seen a thousand times. He doesn’t ping Eddie as much of a sports guy and he’s not vain enough to assume everyone knows who he is. Eddie’s probably seen him while flipping the channel past ESPN or something. Or maybe an ad for that Netflix thing he did documenting last year’s season.
“I think I’d definitely remember you.”
Steve didn’t mean it as a come-on, just that Eddie’s appearance really isn’t forgettable, but he can tell by the wicked little grin Eddie sports that it was taken as one. Steve likes that even better.
“Have you ever modeled, or anything? You’ve got the looks for it.”
Biting back a smile of his own, Steve shakes his head. “I bet you say that to everyone who saves your life.”
“None of them were half as good looking." That sounds concerning but Steve’s distracted by Eddie swirling his straw in his drink, regarding him with a long look. “Really though, I just feel like I’ve seen you before.”
Steve’s done a few covers of Sports Illustrated, but he doubts Eddie has ever picked up a copy of that, so he shrugs. “Must’ve been in your dreams.”
Eddie laughs softer this time. “You trying to sweep me off my feet or something?”
“Already did.” Steve leans back, enjoying the way Eddie’s eyes follow him.
Conversation sparks and it never really dies out. Eddie just grabs topics out of thin air, talking about the city and what they like to do and movies and his amazement that Steve knows all about D&D because he’s a nerd magnet. Eddie’s personality spills through everything he says like it can’t be contained. He’s talkative in a good way, not to a point where Steve can’t get a word in. He listens intently, has a way of putting all his attention onto Steve like he’s the most interesting person he’s ever spoken to.
It’s surprisingly easy to relax. Not because Eddie has a super calming presence or anything, his energy is just all-encompassing, it’s hard for Steve not to get sucked in and hang on to every word he says. It’s one of the rare times in public that he’s not hyper-aware of everyone around him and too paranoid of having a photo snapped and taken out of context to even enjoy himself.
That happens a lot, being one of the only professional athletes who’s open about his sexuality. The media is extremely invasive with his private life. If he’s seen with any guy friend, there’s a whole press storm about Steve Harrington’s “secret beau” within the hour. It’s ridiculous and he tries so hard to keep his lovelife under wraps that maybe he’s been neglecting it entirely, at least that’s what Robin says.
Of course, that’s when his phone lights up with a message from her. His heart sinks a little when he sees the title of the article she sent to him. He quickly shoots her a text and locks his phone without reading it.
“Everything alright?” Eddie notices the shift in Steve’s mood right away.
“Yeah just,” he sighs, bracing for the inevitable part when Eddie realizes Steve isn’t worth the hassle of all this, “Someone filmed us earlier and now it’s all over the press. I’m really sorry, I totally get it if—”
“Nah, don’t worry about it, it’s fine. I figured that would happen,” Eddie brushes it off, but Steve shakes his head.
“I don’t think you understand, it’s—”
“Wanna bet?” Eddie smirks for some reason, “I’m fine with it, I promise.”
He tosses a chip into his mouth and picks right back up with the story he was telling.
Steve is stunned for a moment, wary that maybe Eddie doesn’t fully grasp how deep this goes. But he stays there with Steve, seemingly thrilled to keep talking with him even when a family comes in and keeps staring their way, obviously building up the courage to come over and ask for a picture. Eddie’s acting like Steve’s the only person in the room and that’s enough to assure Steve that he’s really fine with it.
He’s so locked into Eddie, he barely registers when the older son from the family’s table finally wanders over and asks for a picture.
Steve is in the middle of wiping his face with a napkin, about to greet him when suddenly, Eddie pops up and asks Steve to excuse him for a minute.
“C’mon little man, let’s do it,” he says and much to Steve’s confusion, the teen excitedly goes with Eddie to his family’s table.
Steve watches, utterly baffled, as they start snapping photos and expressing what big fans they are and Eddie takes it with such bravado, laughing and chatting like he’s with a group of friends.
What the— Steve grabs his phone, opening the article Robin sent him at lightning speed.
At first, he wonders how the press was able to find out Eddie’s full name so quickly, then he sees the words "troubled rockstar" and "recovering star" so many times, it becomes abundantly clear.
He’s not so worried about the troubled part, everyone has their shit and he doesn’t read into any of it. Those are Eddie’s stories to tell Steve if he chooses, not some tabloid. But the rockstar part connects a lot of dots that have come up in the last couple of hours since meeting Eddie and—
Yeah, just. Oh.
Part 2
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matryosika · 6 months
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Never Have I Ever
Pairing — Chan, Changbin x fem!reader Wordcount — 8,913 words Genre — 18+ Includes — Mentions of body insecurities and past romantic relationships. Struggles with sex and sexuality. Consumption of alcohol (but no sex under the influence). Explicit sexual content, smut warnings under the cut. Author's note — It's been a while since I've post something this lengthy... I have to be honest, I started writing this last year (July 2022) but I felt so unsatisfied with it that I never got to post it. I made some corrections, added some more details and now I'm ready to share it with you! Hope you like it. Please remember to leave a comment, reblog or ask if you liked this. And! This is the yearly reminder that I own a ko-fi. If you wish to support my work further, you can leave me a tip there! The link is on my pinned post. Thank you for reading me.
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Smut warnings — Use of pet names (baby and princess). Dirty talk, threesome activities, mutual masturbation, oral sex (m. receiving), double penetration, first time anal, description of pain and crying during sex. Multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, pulling out and facial.
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"Never have I ever..." Chan hummed, his right hand swirling the green bottle he had been drinking from for the past minutes, "had sex in a public place".
He looked at you and then at Changbin, his curious gaze wondering how he missed an opportunity to make either of you drink from your alcoholic beverage.
"I haven't had sex in a public place," Changbin mumbled, "but I have done other things".
"You have to drink either way," Chan insisted.
"You said sex," the black-haired complained, "next time try to be more specific".
You sat there in silence with a look of amusement as you witnessed the silly discussion your two best friends were holding.
"There will not be a next time," Chan sighed, leaving his bottle on top of the small coffee table next the shared couch, "at this rate, we are going to be wasted and she will remain sober".
You smiled with victory imprinted on your face, imitating Chan's action and leaving your beverage on top of the table, "we should've betted money on who was the most innocent one among the three of us, I could've ended the night with more bucks than the ones I have on my wallet".
"I can't believe you dated that asshole for 3 years and yet you didn't do anything with him," Changbin murmured with disbelief.
"Do you think I am lying?" You questioned him, tilting your head slightly backwards and resting it on the wall behind.
"I know for a fact you are not," Changbin replied, "that's why I’m impressed".
"Well," you took the bowl of chips that was placed between you and Chan, "sex isn't everything in a relationship."
"You say so because you haven't fucked," Chan scoffed, his characteristic dimples showing as soon as the sound of his laughter escaped his lips.
"We did fuck though".
"You say so because you haven't fucked properly," Changbin corrected his best friend's statement, the choice of words making your skin burn in embarrassment.
"Just because I am not into the kinky stuff you guys like doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the sex with him," you whined, throwing a cushion at Changbin, "plus, why are we making my sexual life a topic of conversation? that's something private".
"It's just amusing," Chan mumbled, taking a sip from the bottle, "you didn't drink from your soju the whole time".
"You guys asked such odd questions," you admitted, "threesomes, sex in public places... how was I supposed to drink when I have no interest in those sorts of things?"
"Alright, alright," Changbin interrupted, both of his arms doing signals for you and chan to be quiet, "we will start small".
You looked at Changbin and then at Chan, unsure of what the twisted game your dark-haired friend was thinking about. Nonetheless, your hand reached out for the bottle of soju and you returned back to your previous position, back against the wall and head tilted slightly backwards.
"Never have I ever given my partner oral sex," Changbin mumbled, both pairs of dark eyes fixed on you as they waited for your final answer.
Placing the tip of the bottle in between your lips, you made sure to drink just a small sip from it. Not being too fond of the taste of alcohol nor the feeling of being drunk, you tried your best to limit your consumption during the evening. Of course, playing this kind of game was rather easy for someone as inexperienced as you were.
"Never have I ever received oral sex," Chan continued the attack, expecting you to hold the bottle again and drink from it.
But, after a few seconds of awkward looks and odd grimaces, he understood that you were not going to take another sip of alcohol.
"Never have I ever tried anal sex," Changbin queried and, again, no response from you. "Well, that one was a bit obvious".
You darted him a killer gaze and he scoffed, looking absolutely unimpressed by your sexual inexperience.
"Never have I ever tried more than 2 different sexual positions with my partner," Chan questioned with a teasing smirk and, for the first time that night, you felt a bit shy at your lack of experience.
It was true that your sexual life wasn't the best, not even with your ex-boyfriend of 3 years, but you wouldn't dare to admit it out loud. For some reason, the thought of having to talk about how much he sucked at those things embarrassed you and, knowing your best friends, they wouldn't be able to forget such a confession.
"No wonder why you broke up with him," Changbin whispered, diverting your attention from Chan's image all the way to his. "Let me guess, missionary and doggy?"
You were not the type to get your cheeks blushed but still, the skin on your face was burning in shame.
"Never have I ever faked an orgasm with my partner," Chan added, capturing your whole attention once again.
You knew Chan and, if you were to take a wild guess, you would say that his countenance changed from amusement to concern. In his face, you could catch a glimpse of almost the same reaction he had when you told him all about your break up and how your boyfriend cheated on you several times before you found out. 
Even though his reaction was rather odd to you, you still took a sip of your bottle, "shit".
"This is way worse than I thought," Changbin sighed, stretching his body and placing both of his hands behind his neck.
"Just one more question and I will let this go," Chan hummed, trying to satisfy his curiosity without making you uncomfortable, "alright?"
You nodded with resignation, "shoot".
"Never have I ever had an orgasm with a partner," and, as soon as you heard those words, you couldn't help but fix your gaze at your shoelaces that were a hundred times more interesting than whatever was going on inside the tiny living room of your apartment.
"Damn," Changbin's harsh voice interrupted, breaking the awkward silence that was starting to fall down upon the three of you, "are you serious?"
"Why would I lie to you about these things?" you asked with a high-pitched voice, your mind bringing back the memories of the few times you got to spend with your ex.
To be completely honest with yourself, you couldn't deny how hideous the sex with him was. It was rushed, fast, boring. He was focused on his pleasure rather than yours, lasting for not more than 5 minutes and calling it a day. "I'm exhausted", "I came so hard", "I'm so sleepy" were just a few of the things he used to mumble right after overcoming his high and, as much as you loved him at the time, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed after each session. He made you feel like an object who was only meant to give him pleasure without receiving any and, for the longest time, you thought it was completely normal.
"You never talked to him about these things?" Changbin questioned you, making your heart sink at the realization that he was just as worried as Chan was about the whole situation.
"It is not a big deal guys," you tried to convince them, even when you knew that it was, in fact, a big deal, "luckily we are not together anymore so I can leave those boring experiences in the past".
"Still," Chan's words felt like he was scolding you, "you went down on him several times and he couldn't even do that for you".
"Yeah, well-" you sighed, standing up from your seat and stretching your whole body, "I will make sure to get a better and trustworthy fuck buddy next time, I have learned my lesson".
Chan and Changbin remained silent as you started to pick up the mess from the living room, gathering the empty bottles of soju and the wrappings of the snacks you had been eating that night.
"Why don't you help me clean up?" you queried, looking down on them while they spared complicit glances at each other, "the living room is a mess and I don't have plans on doing chores tomorrow morning".
"Hey," Changbin hummed, still sitting on the floor with both of his palms against the rug, "we uh-"
The way your dark-haired roommate stumbled upon his words made you curious about what he was going to say next.
"We would like to help you out with your other issue," Chan spitted, bluntly. Still sitting on the couch with his legs spread, he lifted up his gaze to meet yours.
"What other-" you started the sentence with a smile on your face but, as soon as you realized what they meant, the smile and fondness was transformed into nervousness and curiosity, "oh".
"Oh," Changbin repeated almost with the same intonation you did.
"Listen, you don't have to agree to this," Chan rushed to say, standing up from the couch almost as the same time his friend did from the floor, "me and Changbin, we have discussed this for a while now but we just- we never knew how to approach you about it".
You looked at the two men standing in front of you, suddenly feeling your knees and legs ten times weaker than before. For a while, how long is a while?
"When you say a while, what do you mean?" you asked him, slowly placing the empty bottles on top of the table again.
"We both thought you were attractive the first time you moved in with us," Changbin explained, clearing up his throat as he watched you take a seat on the couch again, now they were the ones looking down on you. "Of course, at the time you had a boyfriend and everything, it was never really a plan, just a thought".
"A thought?"
Changbin looked at Chan and then diverted his gaze to something else, trying hard to avoid giving more information than he needed to.
"One night we were just talking about how much we both liked you," Chan spoke slowly, trying to find just the right words to portray their twisted and perverted fantasies with you, "how much we wanted to be with you, like that"..
"And you have decided to tell me that right now because…"
"We just saw an opportunity to bring the topic and we took it," Changbin continued without even daring to make eye-contact with you, "we don't really lose anything by asking".
"A threesome, then?" you queried with your pair of eyes fixed on them. It was new how nervous they looked right then and there in front of you, clenching their jaws and avoiding eye contact at all costs.
Both of them nodded.
"I... will think about it," you concluded shyly, expecting them to say something else rather than nodding and continuing on picking up the trash that you had placed on top of the table after hearing such revelation.
Other than agreeing and whispering a series of "okay, yeah's", your roommates didn't say anything else. The tension in the environment changed but, at the same time, it didn't feel awkward or overwhelming. If you had to describe it, you would dare to say it was almost pensive.
"You have work tomorrow?" Chan asked, interrupting the silence that was quick to build up after your last words.
"No, I am taking this weekend off," you replied, carrying the green bottles all the way to your kitchen counter.
"I'll get those," Changbin mumbled, picking up the bottles that you had left behind because you could only carry that much.
You didn't want to give them the wrong impression, one where you felt awkwardly uncomfortable at their proposal to the point of not wanting to interact with them in any way, but it was almost impossible to talk when your mind was filled with thoughts.
"Everything alright?" Changbin queried, closing the trash bag and leaving it on the floor right next to the trash can.
"Yeah I just- I'm feeling very tired," you replied, blinking several times before fixing your gaze on him, "it has been a while since I drank".
You drank less than half a bottle of soju and all three people in that room knew that. 
"You should go to sleep, " the black-haired murmured, not daring to look at you. "We will clean the rest of the living room and continue on working for a bit before going to bed, it's still early".
You unlocked your phone, without having any notion of time, and realized that he was right. You thought it was already midnight but the clock was barely at 10 p.m.
"Thanks," you politely replied, brushing your hands against your denim jeans and standing there for a while before excusing yourself, "goodnight".
As you walked from the kitchen and back to the living room, Changbin's gaze burned on your skin like a fresh cut. He wasn't nervous or uncomfortable, no. He was probably regretful, thinking that the two of them had screwed up an adorable friendship with their best friend just for the sake of wanting to get their dicks wet.
"Goodnight Chan," you mumbled while walking across the living room, Chan's eyes lifting up to meet yours without hesitation.
"Hey," he said, clearing his throat and turning his whole body around to face you, "me and Changbin, we wouldn't want things to get awkward".
"Me neither," you faintly smiled, trying to give him the reassurance he needed in order to understand that you weren't uncomfortable nor scared after their proposal. "I'm alright, don't worry too much about it".
And after he offered you a smile back, you closed your bedroom door right behind you.
Saying you were alright was a lie, especially when your whole body stopped being numb and regained its consciousness. The wetness between your thighs betrayed you once again, just like every other time you were around those two.
"Fuck," you whispered to yourself, closing your eyes and swallowing hard.
Only then, you started to mentally curse yourself. You knew how bad you wanted them, how many nights you spent touching yourself wishing it was one of them making you feel good. You, who even while being in a committed relationship, spent hours and hours daydreaming about any of them bending you over the kitchen counter and fucking you until you couldn't do anything but take them completely.
I will think about it.
There was absolutely nothing to think about and you knew it. What was stopping you then? Trying to act all collected and insightful when, in reality, there was not a single day where you could go without pleasuring yourself to the thought of them.
What is stopping me?
You stood there in silence for a few more minutes until you heard their room's door closing, rushing to grab a towel and a pair of clean clothes before running into the shared bathroom of the apartment. It was safe to say that it had been a long day.
Letting the hot water run and taking every single article of clothing before stepping right into the shower, you asked the same question one more time: what is stopping me?
And, as your eyes found your reflection in the foggy mirror, you understood the answer.
You could dream about them as much as you would like, but the nervousness of being not one but with two new partners scared you to death. 
They proposed to you. 
The idea was appealing, but the anguish that it represented was too strong to be fought in such a small period of time. You trusted them with your life, you really did, but you also knew them more than anyone else in the whole world. You knew what kind of girls they dated and what kind of things they did. You were nowhere near those qualifications and the fact that they even brought that idea was as flattering as it was confusing. 
Either way, the mere thought of knowing they desired you like that made you wonder what kind of perverted ideas they thought about whenever they saw you around. What did they see in you that you failed to appreciate?
Standing in front of their bedroom's door, you breathed three times before finding the courage to knock on it. The clock would strike 12 a.m. and you knew for sure they were still awake. That excited you as much as it scared you.
The door opened before you could knock again, unsure if they had heard the first pair of faint knocks. Just as you had predicted, both of them were still working on some of their projects.
"Everything alright, princess?" Changbin queried, his dark eyes scanning your figure with discretion. 
Princess. Changbin called you like that sometimes for as long as you could remember and it never failed to have the desired effect on you.
Wearing a black oversized shirt with nothing underneath but a pair of pink panties, it struck you only then that maybe you had executed your idea wrong. In your mind, you completely missed the part of the small chat before telling them your verdict about the proposal.
"Can I come in?" you asked, his body walking just a few steps back as he opened the door for you.
Chan turned around on his chair, welcoming himself with the sight of your body.
"I thought about it," you murmured shyly, sitting on the edge of Chan's bed before daring to look at the hungry gazes of your best friends, "and I want it".
"Hey," Chan rushed to call out your name, his parted lips inhaling more air than usual, "don't feel pressured to do it, if you decide not to I promise things are still going to be the same".
"I mean it," you assured him, "I just- I have a condition".
The three of you looked at each other for a couple of seconds in silence.
"Go on," Chan spoke, his whole body leaning forward.
“You said you often thought about me in that way".
"We do, yeah," one of them voiced but the two of them nodded, eager to hear the rest of your demand.
"I-" for a short moment, your breath got caught up in your throat and you wondered if the sudden courage and bravery were sponsored by the cheap alcohol or your undeniable arousal, "I want to know what you think about me".
Changbin looked at Chan and then at you, his body language changing drastically from relaxed to tense in a matter of seconds.
"Is that what you really want?" He queried. His voice was as seductive as it was intimidating, his question seeming more like a warning than an invitation. 
You simply nodded.
"I know nothing about this," you murmured, the warmth on your skin spreading throughout your body as Chan's and Changbin's gaze fixed on your eyes, "and you two are the most trustworthy men I know".
"So you want us to teach you?" Chan asked with a soft scoff, the lowness of his voice taking you by surprise.
"I just want to understand what is so appealing about sex to other people," you admitted, shrugging your shoulders and tilting your head, "I just want to know how much I have missed".
Chan couldn't help but smile with fondness at your words, the warmth in his chest mixing up with the warmth between his legs. It wasn't just the fact that you trusted them enough to give your body to the two of them —it was the knowledge that, now that you had accepted their plea, they had the opportunity to make you feel like no one before.
Changbin walked up to your figure, the mattress slightly sinking as he took a seat right next to you. Whether it was out of nervousness or pure excitement, you couldn't help but shudder once the fabric of his black shorts brushed against the naked skin of your thighs.
"Don't be afraid," he cooed, his right hand moving upwards to find the left side of your face and turning it towards him, "you trust us, right?”
Your eyes met the curvature of his lips and, while his face approached you softly, you melted into his hands. The way his breath was stupidly close to be felt and his hand burned deliciously against your skin had you letting out a soft sigh before making the desired contact with him.
And it felt just like you had imagined it. Even better, you would dare to say.
Alcohol, a pinch of cherries and faint cigarette smoke were how you would describe his taste. He was gentle, maybe more gentle than you had expected him to be. His tongue dragged across your lips without going any further, teasing you and almost making you beg for more. He wasn't running out of breath but you were, letting out small whines while you tugged at the neck of his black t-shirt.
Only then, he interrupted the kiss by sinking his teeth on your lower lip and softly pulling at them, earning a sweet hiss from you.
"Should I go next?" Chan softly joked as he stood up from his seat, walking towards the available space of bed right next to you and sliding his hand up your naked thigh. Your parted lips found him immediately, but he remained in his position without going in for a kiss. "But first, you have to promise us something."
"Anything," you whispered out of breath, both men smiling proudly at how eager you were to have your way with them. 
"If you don't feel comfortable with something, you have to tell us," Chan warned, his eyes glued to the way your lips were inviting him to devour them.
Easy task. You nodded almost automatically, knowing that the odds of wanting them to stop were minimum to zero.
"Contrary to that, if there's something that you want, you will have to beg for it", he cooed, a faint smirk appearing on the corner of his lips as he saw the nervousness in your face, "promise?"
You let out a jittery laugh, feeling your accelerated heartbeats in the deepest parts of your throat, "it's embarrassing".
"It is not," Changbin intervened, his breath caressing the crook of your neck and making your eyes close for a quick second, "we will do anything you ask us to”.
"What do you get from it?" you questioned softly, your mind dizzy from both confusion and arousal.
"Do you want me to kiss you?" Chan asked, tilting his head and brushing your lips with his, completely ignoring your question. 
"Yes," you whispered, your heartbeats going at a mile per hour. Chan smiled against your lips without going any further, trying to give you the clue that you were not following one of his rules, "please Chan, kiss me".
Only then you felt his hand wrapping around your wrist, guiding it towards his lap. He soon placed it on top of his hardened bulge without a warning, his hips moving ever so slightly against the palm of your hand. "Do you see what you can cause if you beg nicely for us?" his hoarse voice inquired and you nodded almost automatically, both of your eyes probably opened like plates at his grittiness, “good”. 
He then gave you what you were wishing for so long, his plump lips moving against yours at a much slower pace than you had expected from him. It was almost as if he wanted to taste every inch of your lips that were mixed with your own taste and Changbin's. 
Unexpectedly, Changbin's hand caressed the skin on your thighs making you tremble against their bodies, Chan's lips drowning one of many pathetic whines that were urging to leave your mouth. Changbin dragged his touch further, lifting the fabric of your oversized t-shirt and finding the pleasant surprise of your pink, laced panties.
"You wore this for us?" he asked against your ear, the sound of his voice and breathing sending shivers down your spine, "you should've thought about it twice because i'm going to rip it off of you”. 
Another chill traveled throughout your body and your skin got covered in goosebumps, an action that didn't go unnoticed by the black-haired one. "You get turned on by words easily," he hummed, nibbling at the skin of your neck, "I'll remember that".
Chan broke the kiss to grasp for some air, the eyes that once looked at you with fondness were now completely clouded by nothing but lust. 
Changbin continued on kissing and biting your neck, that only contributed to the wet patch between your legs becoming way noticeable as Chan's fingertips threatened to make contact with your underwear, the fear of being exposed making you dwell in embarrassment.
"Now, tell us," Chan requested while his fingers reached for the skin of your inner thighs, "why did you change your mind?"
"I-" you tried to give an answer but Changbin's lips attached to your neck and Chan's touch lingering in between your legs were making the simple task feel ten times harder, "I was curious".
"That’s it?" Changbin asked, dragging his tongue along your skin and making you squirm under him, "I know there's something you are not telling us, princess".
And he was right. 
But how were you supposed to tell them that, even long before knowing that they were sexually attracted to you, you fantasized about them every single night?
Even when you were in a relationship.
"I like you two too," you mumbled in between sighs, fearing that Chan's playful smirk meant that he knew exactly what was going on in your perverted mind, "I thought about you as well".
"And what is it that you thought?" Chan questioned, his digits making the desired contact against your clothed core making you part your legs ever so slightly for them, "you can tell us, we know how to keep secrets". Even though the sentence was rather sweet, the hidden meaning behind it increased the tension on your lower abdomen, "after all, we are your best friends, right?".
"I thought about how good you two could make me feel," you whispered, Changbin's figure withdrawing from your neck and fixing your gaze on the masterpieces he had created on it, your skin now decorated with red bruises along it, "I thought about your fingers, often".
Changbin let out a soft laugh, the tip of his digits dragging along your t-shirt and clothed breasts only to end up brushing his thumb against your mouth, "show me how much you have thought about them, then".
With a curious look, you wrapped your lips around his digits without breaking eye contact. You sucked on them slowly, unsure if that was the action he was expecting from you. But, when he let out a soft groan, you understood that you were on the right path.
"Is this what you dreamt about, princess?" he questioned, pushing his fingers deep inside you as you nodded eagerly.
While you were too focused on Changbin's task, you didn't notice how Chan was lifting up your t-shirt to expose more of your thighs and underwear, the wet patch now becoming completely visible for him. He gently caressed your lower abdomen and made its way to your clothed slit, dragging one finger in circular motions and earning a sudden sigh out of you that was repressed by Changbin's digits.
"What was that, baby?" Chan scoffed, impressed by how sensitive you were.
Changbin took his fingers out of your mouth as Chan slid your panties to the side, licking his lips at the sight of how wet you were.
For a moment, you felt shy. Exposed. 
You wanted to close your legs and tell them that you didn't think the whole thing through but Chan's voice was what took you out of those intrusive thoughts.
"You are beautiful," he hummed, his heavy breathing ringing into your ears, "so fucking pretty".
You swallowed hard at his compliments, the skin on your whole body heating up in shyness as you got used to your best friends praising you in that way. 
Changbin's digits turned your chin to face him, placing his index and middle fingers in front of your lips as a mischievous smile appeared on his face.
"Tell Chan how bad you need him to touch you," he ordered, his eyes fixed on the way your lips parted almost instinctively as he brushed them against your lips.
"Chan-" you tried to speak, but your breath got caught up in your throat too soon, "please-".
"Tell him exactly what you want," the dark-haired spoke again. 
Your gaze turned to Chan who was sitting on the opposite side as Changbin, his fingers swirling around the skin of your thighs without actually making contact where you needed him the most.
"Will you touch me, Chan?" you queried, the way your eyes looked at him sending a pinch of electricity to his already hardened erection, "please".
He smiled at your words and, almost immediately, followed your request. Your whole body trembled against them due to the unfamiliar feeling of having someone else other than you touching you like that.
"What else does our princess need?" Changbin cooed, forcing you to face him once again.
"Your fingers," you sighed, trying hard to maintain eye contact as Chan rubbed your clit painfully slowly, "can I please suck on them?".
It was the way you politely asked and not really begged that had them over the edge. It sounded filthier, more humiliating, they would say.
Changbin pushed both of his fingers inside your mouth and, as he pounded them deeper, a loud moan from you that was caught around his digits sent waves of pleasure throughout the whole body.
"Suck them properly," he commanded, admiring how your head acquired a pace of its own as you gag on them, "I’m fucking your pretty pussy with them".
Chan's digits kept on teasing your clit, your hips instinctively moving against them while you tried to intensify the feeling.
"Right there, princess," he cooed, smiling at how your body was more than ready to be fucked, "you are behaving so well".
Changbin's fingers went in deeper, making you gag and drool all over them. Judged by the way he was watching you, you would dare to say that he loved it. He loved how messy you looked, with your innocent gaze fixed on him and your chin completely covered with your own saliva.
"Baby," Chan hummed, leaving kisses on your shoulders and clavicles while he made your way to your ear, "do you think you are ready to take our fingers?"
Pulling away from Changbin's digits you nodded eagerly, the sinful scene of your teary eyes and drooling mouth was enough for the both of them to cum right then and there, completely in love by the ruined image of their beautiful best friend.
"I need them inside me," you whispered, "please fuck them inside me".
Changbin lost no time into guiding his hand all over your wet cunt, the digits that were previously fucking your mouth now grazing against your hole and threatening to force themselves into it.
"Are you always this wet when you think of us?" Chan queried, looking at how his bedsheets were now stained with your own juices.
"I am," you admitted, placing your head on his chest while he held you tight against him, "I am always so wet".
Changbin pushed both of his fingers inside you knowing that, with how wet you were and how good you had lubricated his fingers, the feeling was going to be everything but painful.
"Fuck-" you hissed, moving your hips unexpectedly and feeling that foreign tension on your lower back, "God-".
"Do you want to know a secret?" Chan asked, admiring your face of pure bliss as Changbin's fingers fucked your cunt and his palm rubbed against your swollen clit. You weakly nodded. "We often talked about you, me and him," he sighed, "we wondered how many times you had been walking around the apartment with your underwear drenched or how many times you had touched yourself in your room while we were sleeping".
"She is dripping wet," Changbin hummed, his lips approaching one of your ears, "I bet it would be so easy to just bend her over any surface of the apartment and put our cocks inside her pretty pussy, don't you think so?"
"Fuck yes," you whined, your vision getting clouded with each of Changbin's movements, “it would be so easy for you two to have me whenever you please".
"Only for us?" Chan scoffed, your words having the desired effect on him as his bulge grew harder and harder, "you are adorable".
Both of your hands traveled to their laps, your right one on Changbin's and your left one on Chan's. Shyly, you started palming them through their clothes, earning a faint laugh from Changbin who was still working on your cunt.
"Tell us what you want, princess," he cooed, "we might give you permission if you use your words." 
As soon as you were about to speak, Chan's digits replaced Changbin's palm and continued on rubbing your clit while the dark-haired fucked you at a rougher pace, the soft moans becoming louder and louder as the seconds passed by.
"Please, let me touch you," you whined, moving frantically against their hands, "I want to touch you too".
"Go on," he allowed, his voice becoming lower as your timid hands palmed him through the thin fabric of his shorts.
And without losing any more time, you snuck your hands under their clothes, being welcomed by the warmth of their skins as your hands wrapped around their lengths.
However, you were rather impressed by what you found underneath those clothes.
"Don't be scared," Chan murmured as he noticed your countenance, "we will make them fit”. 
You cursed again at his words, the tension on your lower back increasing as well as the frantic movements of your hands around them.
They couldn't help themselves but let out small grunts and sighs as you jerked them off, pulling down their clothes to give you even more access to their cocks.
Moving your hands up and down, the movements soon started to become sloppier and messier, your eyes started to roll to the back of your head and incoherent words and mumbles were escaping your lips as an unfamiliar feeling took control over you.
"You are clenching so fucking hard around me," Changbin groaned, increasing the pace of his digits, "does that feel good, princess?"
"Fuck yes," you sighed, the overwhelming feeling causing tears to prick into the corner of your eyes, "don't stop, don't stop, don't stop".
"You look so pretty like this," Chan praised, his hot breath tickling against your cheek, "all desperate and needy".
"Faster," you cried, moving your hips in circular motions against them, "please touch me faster".
And as good, compassionate best friends they were, the two of them followed your pleas. You knew that it wasn't going to take you long to reach your climax and, with all honesty, you could say that this was something you had never experienced before.
Maybe because of it you looked too desperate and eager in front of them, moving your hips frantically and trembling between their bodies as you reached your high.
The sight was something they would never forget, feeling the way your hand squeezed their cocks with roughnes as you cried and rode your orgasm. 
"Aren't you such a dirty princess?" Changbin groaned, still fucking you at the same pace just when you were reaching the highest point of your climax and forcing both of your legs open, "coming for the first time in no other than your best friend's bed".
"Oh, God," you cried, biting your lower lip while your body was still shaking.
"Don't close them just yet, baby" Chan mumbled, his digits collecting all of your juices while he held you in place, "don't you want to taste yourself?"
You whined at the faint overstimulation from Chan's digits dragging along your slit, getting completely coated by your arousal. They made their way to your lips and you were quick to clean them up completely, bopping your head and drooling all over them.
Soon, the weight on the bed from your right side shifted as Changbin's figure stood up from his seat. Lowering his shorts and underwear completely, his cock was now at full disposal to you.
And God, was he big.
"Come here," he demanded, signaling for you to kneel right in front of him, "show me what you've thought about me”. 
You had given blowjobs before, countless times, but your ex boyfriend was nowhere near to what you had in front of you. Your mind drifted away as it thought about his thick girth filling you up, making you cry both in pain and pleasure but, soon, those trails of thoughts were interrupted when Chan's figure came into the picture.
"We will be gentle," Chan hissed, placing his hand on the back of your head and guiding you all the way to his hardened length, 
Starting off with kitty licks, you dragged your tongue along the tip of Chan's cock. He let out a soft moan that only encouraged you to explore further, taking the head inside of your warm mouth as your hand reached out for Changbin's length.
"Jerk him off while I fuck your mouth, do you think you can do that?" you nodded against his cock, "if I get too rough, squeeze my thigh and I will stop".
You nodded once again, feeling how his hands pushed you deeper into his length. You were not really trained to take him, but you were determined to prove to them that you deserved to be fucked.
"All the way in," he hissed, hearing how you struggled to prevent yourself from gagging, "don't hold back, baby, let me hear you choking on my cock".
Relaxing your throat for a bit, you were able to take more of him. Squeezing Changbin's cock everytime Chan's length reached a deeper spot inside your mouth, he couldn't stop himself from letting out grunts and groans each time.
"My turn," Changbin hissed, one of his hands gripping your hair in a ponytail and guiding your face towards his length. With drool all over your chin, and letting out small coughs, you took Changbin's cock inside as if you were an expert on it. Now, your opposite hand reached out for Chan's length as you stroked himself with your own saliva.
"You are doing a great job," Changbin praised, closing his eyes and slamming his hips slowly against your mouth, "taking two cocks at the same time".
From then on, you started acquiring a pace of your own while sucking them off. Having one of their cocks inside of your mouth while stroking the other one, you spent all the time you were able to before your knees started to hurt and bruise due to the material of the rug.
And even then, you didn't want to stop.
The sound of their groans and moans were turning you on more than you would've thought, your available hand always rubbing against your clit as much as you could, driving you to the edge and tightening the now familiar knot on your lower abdomen.
"You have no idea how many times we fantasized about having you like this," Chan groaned, caressing your hair as he slammed his cock inside your mouth, "kneeling down in front of us with your mouth drooling and wanting to take our cocks completely". 
"She is so pretty," Changbin praised, biting his lower lip as he witnessed the scene of your teary eyes and ruined face alternating between his cock and Chan's, "I wonder how much prettier she will look with all of her holes filled".
A sudden moan escaped your lips as you heard those words. Of course you knew that having sex with more than one partner was a whole different world than what you were used to, but you never got to think about the implications of it.
"Is that what you want?" Chan questioned, his eyes fixed on the way Changbin's cock disappeared in your mouth, "do you want me to fuck your pussy while he fucks your ass?"
You would be lying if you said that the idea of doing so didn't turn you on.
"It is too soon to try anal," Changbin grunted, letting out a desperate sigh as soon as you withdrew from him to take Chan's cock, "she is not ready for it".
"You think so?" the brown-haired queried, burying himself inside your warm mouth, "I am sure she can take it".
Changbin gave him a worried look, but he wasn't going to deny the fact that he was dying to fuck you from behind. He knew how tight your cunt was from earlier, when he was fucking his fingers inside of you, and he could only imagine how much tighter your ass was.
Luckily for the both of you, he always kept a bottle of lube around for those kinds of rendezvous. 
Walking towards the small nightstand right next to his bed, he took out a black, small bottle that caught your whole attention as you awaited on your knees for him.
"I am going to ask you this once," he softly mumbled, caressing your hair and putting a strand of it behind your ear. "Do you really want to try this?"
You knew it was going to be painful but knowing it was them who were causing you pain only turned you even more.
"If you decide that you suddenly don't want it anymore, we will stop," Chan warned.
You stood up from the floor and walked towards the bed, removing your black t-shirt that was now ruined with drool, tears and even precum.
Chan laid down on his own bed with his hardened length inviting you to straddle over him, softly guiding your movements on the bed as he held your hand. You sat down on his lap and allowed him to continue with the task, one of his hands reaching down for the base of his cock to align it with your entrance.
"Are you feeling alright?" he asked you with his jaw clenched, dragging the tip of his cock along your slit and earning a few sighs from the both of you. You simply nodded. "It's going to hurt, but I know you can take him".
You stared at Chan for what it felt like hours, and only regained consciousness of the place and position you were in once you felt the weight of the bed shifting as Changbin positioned himself right behind you, resting one of his hands on your hip while the other one held the bottle of lube.
"I think she is ready," Changbin announced and Chan lost no time in entering you, lifting his hips ever so slightly while burying the tip of his cock inside your tight cunt.
"Oh, Go-d," you breathed, leaning down on his figure while you placed both of your arms on each side of his head.
"Take me all the way in," Chan mumbled, pressing your figure down so that his cock could reach the deepest spots in you.
And even though you weren't a virgin, you had never felt such an overwhelming sentiment like this. He was bigger than what you were used to and he tried to do it delicately but awfully failed as he surrendered to his instincts, pounding himself inside you rather harshly for a beginner but just as pleasant. 
They both gave you a few minutes to get used to Chan's girth, squeezing it and clenching around it every time Changbin caressed your back and neck in an attempt to soothe you before the pain.
"She is so fucking tight around me," Chan hissed with gritted teeth, completely losing his mind over how wet and warm your pussy felt around him.
Just like he imagined it.
"How does it feel to have Chan stretching you open?" Changbin asks softly, placing a couple of wet pecks on your shoulders and neck while he lazily stroked himself with a fair amount of lube.
"It feels good," you admitted with shortness of breath, feeling dizzy on top of Chan. "I've never felt something like this before".
There was something so filthy about hearing you speak in such a manner that Changbin couldn't resist you anymore. You soon felt the palm of his hand on your lower back, pushing your body, forcing it to lean over Chan's and —once he caught the signal— wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly in place.
"Take a deep breath for me," Changbin ordered, getting even harder at the cold sensation of the lube as he poured more on him and your tightest hole. "We are going to count to three, yeah?"
Changbin always appeared to be someone tough but, it was at times like these, where you truly could appreciate such a soft side from him.
"One," he breathed and you felt Chan's arms tightening around you, his face buried on your neck and chest while he felt your body shuddering on top of his.
"Two," Changbin continued and your back unconsciously arched a bit more for him. "And three".
After the last number, you felt a numbing sensation throughout your body. Your toes curled up in pain and you tried hard to muffle the pathetic cries and whimpers but failed almost immediately.
"It hurts so much," you cried and Chan started to caress your back, feeling his heart pounding at a thousand miles per hour as he witnessed your vulnerable body on top of his.
"We know you can take us," Changbin hissed, softly pushing himself even deeper inside you. "All you have to do is get used to our cocks".
You whined and Chan hugged you even tighter, allowing you to cry over him as Changbin stretched your ass carefully. There was something so twisted about feeling your painful tears landing on his neck and chest that, for an unknown reason, riled him up even more.
"Don't move," Changbin ordered and you did as you were told, your hands gripping the bed sheets harshly while you tried your best to overcome the painful –but pleasant– feeling of having them both inside you. "I want to feel you".
Chan's hands traveled from your waist to your back, caressing it while trying to soothe the pain. You spent a good minute or two with your eyes closed, the only audible thing in the room were your cries and their heavy breathing.
"You think you are ready?" Chan asks you softly, leaving soft kisses on your breasts while still having his arms wrapped around your body.
"I think I am," you finally whispered after a few silent seconds, feeling your arms trembling in fear while still being able to hold your whole weight on top of Chan.
Changbin was the first one to move, slowly withdrawing himself from you only to thrust his cock again, making you cry in pain.
"You are doing such a good job," Chan praised, one of his hands reaching out to try the tears that were streaming down your cheeks. "It's just a little bit of pain, I am sure you can take it".
Changbin continued training you, softly pushing his cock inside you while trying to get you used to his girth. The pain never really went away, but the sudden sentiment of pleasure was quick to appear in the equation and, with that, it was ten times more bearable.
"Go on," Changbin hissed, trying his best to control himself. "She can take you now".
Chan lifted his hips slightly and almost came when he saw your grimaces of pleasure and pain, his cock throbbing at the sight of your furrowed eyebrows and teary eyes getting completely lost.
"Am I hurting you?" Chan asked you and you weakly shook your head, unable to focus on him —or anything, for that matter— because of the overwhelming sensations.
And as soon as they were sure you were alright, they started to acquire a pace of their own. They were going slow, much more slower than they would prefer, but it was still pleasant nonetheless.
Chan's lips captured your hardened nipples and, if anything, that single action made everything way more enjoyable. The cries and whines were soon replaced with moans and whimpers, and the gentle movements lost their softness once they both felt you were ready for a bit more.
"I don't think I am going to last long," Chan admitted between sighs, feeling his cock throbbing inside you.
Changbin was on the same page, but they both wanted to give you one more orgasm before their own. One of his hands traveled to your swollen clit and, while they both fucked your holes, he tried to mantain a steady pace while rubbing it.
"Oh my f- God," you moaned, both of your eyes opening like plates once you felt your body jolting at Changbin's touch. "It feels-".
You couldn't describe it, but they both knew what you meant by the way your holes clenched around them.
"You are dripping wet," Changbin whispered, coating his digits with your fluids while trying his best to get you to the promising orgasm. "You think you can come one more time for us?"
You didn't have time to reply when your eyes were already rolling at the back of your head and your arms started to tremble, threatening to lose any strength that was still left in them.
"God," you whispered again, parting your lips and looking like a complete mess for the both of them. "There, right there-".
Changbin increased his pace and it was only a matter of seconds before Chan started to feel your walls tightening around him almost aggressively. He closed his eyes and groaned under his breath, trying his best not to come just yet.
He wasn't wearing a condom and coming inside was definitely not an option —but God, how he wished it was.
"Just like that," Changbin praised while admiring your body shaking instinctively, his hips slamming against yours softly while you were still trying to overcome your high.
"You are making me lose my mind," Chan whispered as he saw your face, feeling completely vulnerable at the sight of your glossy eyes and parted lips. "It isn't fair to have you around and not be able to do this as much as I want".
Your arms lost all their strength and you inevitably fell on top of Chan's body, crying as you felt the overstimulation washing up on you.
"I'm not going to last long either," Changbin hissed and, with a swift movement, pulled out of you. You whined at the sentiment of emptiness, but it was also a relief.
Chan lifted your hips too and followed his best friend's actions, leaving you completely empty and a sobbing mess.
"Where do you want us?" Chan asked, caressing your cheek and pushing a strand of hair away from your face.
"Wherever you both want to," you replied with shortness of breath and feeling a bit dizzy.
Of course they both wanted to finish inside you, but it was definitely not a good idea.
At least not tonight.
So Chan looked at Changbin and he did the same, almost as if they didn't need words to communicate with each other.
"Get on your knees," Changbin ordered and Chan smiled, recalling one of those times where they talked about how pretty you were and how much each fantasized about coming on your face.
She would look even prettier, Chan had said.
You followed their instructions and kneeled in front of Chan's bed, patiently waiting for them to approach your figure.
They both stood in front of you, stroking their cocks with their gazes fixed on your face. Changbin's hand even gripped your hair a bit harshly, setting you closer to them and in place so they could finish on your face.
"Stick your tongue out, baby," Chan panted, increasing the movement of his wrist on his cock.
You soon felt his arousal landing on your cheek, tongue and chin while a series of curses and groans left his lips. Changbin, once he saw the filthy image of you covered in his friend's semen, came next. With him, it was way more messier: tongue, chin, lips, cheek and forehead.
You swallowed their cum proudly, feeling as if it was some sort of reward for being able to take all the things they had chosen to give you that night. And they both admired the scene in awe, feeling their softening cocks twitching at the sight.
"You both taste good," you murmured, still kneeling in front of them. "I never thought I would like it".
Chan caressed your hair softly while Changbin's digits lifted your chin just so they could both catch a better glimpse of your face covered in cum —one of their biggest fantasies.
"Perhaps we should play the game again," Changbin mumbled, collecting some of their semen with his thumb only to push it inside your parted lips. "And see if your bottle of soju is still full after we are done". 
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hyuckiefluff · 1 year
tease | lee haechan
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pairing: lee haechan x f!reader genre: enemies-ish to lovers, college au word count: 5.8k+ summary: Playing spin the bottle definitely wasn't what you had envisioned for your first college party. And the last person you expected to see was Lee Haechan. But life has a funny way of throwing surprises at you, and this time it came in the form of the bottle landing on some drunk dude who dared you to kiss Haechan. warnings: oral (m receiving), fngering, cursing, drinking, hc calls reader princess a/n: rushed this one a bit to post it on time for haechan’s bday :D i hope you enjoy! and happy birthday my haechan ilysm baby! - i recommend listening to sweat by zayn while reading
"New girl… what was your name... oh right.. Y/N” the guy's words stumbled out of his mouth, clearly too many drinks deep into the night. He was trying so hard to formulate a single coherent thought, but his speech was all over the place. And there you sat, legs crossed, waiting for whatever command he was about to throw at you.
"You should, ehm... uh… oh I know… you should kiss the person in front of you," he slurred, barely able to keep his eyes open.
You tensed up when the words left his mouth. You expected having to kiss someone in this game but you weren’t all that excited or open to the idea. Sure, you could've just taken a shot and avoided the whole ordeal, but you had already declined way too many requests and had knocked back enough shots for the night. Plus, your friend had disappeared into the crowd a while ago, leaving you to fend for yourself. You didn't want to push your drinking limit any further.
But honestly, the mere thought of kissing anyone at that moment felt too awkward. You didn't know a single person in this circle, and the boys surrounding you seemed ready to pounce at the opportunity. The uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach grew stronger. And just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, someone sauntered into the circle, nudging the guy who had been in front of you aside, without a single word of protest. It was as if the universe itself conspired to make the situation even more complicated because there he was, in all his glory, Lee Haechan.
Let me give you a short backstory. Haechan was one of your brother's closest friends, and you practically grew up with him. Well, maybe "in his shadow" is a more accurate description. His larger-than-life personality always overshadowed your shy self whenever you were in the same room. And there was also the teasing. Haechan took great pleasure in getting under your skin. While most of your brother's friends ignored you, Haechan found it amusing to embarrass you at every opportunity. He'd mock your fashion choices and poke fun at your taste in music. Basically, anything he could find that was worthy of a good tease, he'd go for it. Sure, you'll admit that you were a bit of an awkward kid back then, spending most of your time holed up in your room, jamming out to some obscure indie band, and wearing some questionable outfits (you can totally blame your mom for that until you turned 13). 
Anyway, let's just say Lee Haechan wasn't exactly the friendliest face in your memory bank.
It’s been two whole years since you last laid eyes on him, and you honestly thought you'd never have to see him again. Your big brother mentioned that Haechan went off to "some college" out of town, so you assumed your paths would never cross. But your brother also conveniently forgot to mention the crucial detail that Haechan had actually managed to get into your top-choice university. Yes, the very same one you had been raving about since the idea of higher education even entered your mind. Thank you for the heads up, big bro.
Now you were sitting here, about to lose your mind because the first time you’re meeting Haechan after all this time, you're being dared to kiss him...in front of all these people too. There was no way you could do this. Your hesitance was impossible to hide, and everyone seemed to notice. But Haechan, being Haechan, couldn't resist making a comment about it. Of course.
“She won’t do it.” He said, taking a casual sip from his drink. 
Though he pretty much spoke your thoughts out loud, you still paused and looked at him raising an eyebrow. You would've shrugged it off, but there was no way you were going to let Haechan continue teasing you like that in college. You were too grown and fed up to allow him to treat you that way.
“And why won’t she?” You asked, crossing your arms.
He chuckled “Because she doesn’t have it in her.” He said the words slowly to taunt you. 
Maybe it was the fact that he was talking as if you weren’t in the room, or that he seemed so sure that you were too much of a coward to kiss him but before you could stop yourself you started crawling up to him. The circle of people around you suddenly more interested in your every move. Now you were kneeling in between Haechan’s sprawled legs, so close to his face that you could smell the mix of alcohol with his cologne. He put down his drink, the look of bore left his eyes and he perked up a little at your sudden closeness. Without giving yourself time to cower away you closed the distance between your lips. You didn’t miss the slight flinch of surprise he gave when your lips touched, he really wasn’t expecting you to go through with it.
Haechan would sooner be caught dead than admit it but he really enjoyed getting a rise out of you. It gave him this weird rush whenever he saw you getting all flustered or even a little pissed off. Sure, you were usually the shy and soft-spoken type, but deep down, there was a side to you that had some fight in it. It wasn't something you showed to just anyone, but he had managed to bring it out of you on more than one occasion.
He never in a million years expected seeing you at this party. It had been a while since he even thought about you. So, when he spotted you in the crowd, he was completely caught off guard. He watched you intently all night, trying to figure out if it was actually you. It hadn't been that long since he last saw you, but there was something distinctly different about you. You were engaged in lively conversations, your laughter floating through the air. It was a stark contrast to the image he had of you in his head.
He only remembers how reserved you were, back then you weren't able to have a full conversation with him or even hold eye contact. So, when he ended up sitting in front of you, teasing you like he always did, he never expected you to do anything more than maybe give him some attitude and walk away. But man, did you flip the script on him.
Before Haechan could even process what was happening, there you were, on your knees in front of him. His attention instinctively went to your tongue darting across your lips, that simple action getting him way too excited. Before he had a chance to react, your lips were already on his. The kiss started off slow, like a cautious test drive. Haechan could tell you weren't exactly planning to go this far, he could sense that hint of hesitance in your every move.
This wasn't the kind of kiss he usually went for. He liked them rough, the kind that leaves you breathless. But, there was something about you taking charge that had him intrigued. Even though it was a simple kiss with no crazy fireworks, it managed to get both your hearts racing.
Your hands went to his chin to keep him in place while your lips fumbled in a slow rhythm that had Haechan going kinda crazy inside. He had to fight hard to keep his cool, resisting the urge to grab you and kiss you back as hard as he wanted to. His hands stayed glued to the floor. He was scared that if he touched you, he wouldn't be able to stop himself, and also because his palms were suddenly a sweaty mess and he doubted you’d like that.
You tilted his head back a bit causing his mouth to slack open. With this new access, your tongue shyly ventured into his mouth, as if following an instinctive cue. Haechan also took a chance and nibbled on your lower lip, causing a soft whimper to escape your lips. The sound made his whole body tense up. Your hands roamed from his chin to the back of his head, testing the waters by gently tugging on his hair. That's when an involuntary grunt slipped out of Haechan's mouth, snapping you both back to reality.
As you pulled away, his eyes slowly fluttered open. Yours immediately darted to his slightly swollen lips, tinged with the color of your lipstick. Acting on some unknown impulse, you brushed your thumb against his lips wiping off the lipstick. He glanced at your finger and then met your gaze again, his eyes filled with an intensity that made your breath hitch. You said nothing and wiped the remnants of lipstick from your finger onto his clean white undershirt, all while maintaining unwavering eye contact. 
You stood up, trying not to make it too obvious that your legs were weaker than before. Seeing the slightly shocked and amused faces of everyone around you would’ve scared younger you into running away but you didn’t feel intimidated at all. 
"I'm gonna grab a new drink," you announced, giving Haechan one final glance before making your way out.
Of course, you didn't actually head to the drinks table like you said you would. Instead, you dashed straight for the bathroom, your heart racing like a herd of wild horses. Closing the door behind you and allowing yourself a moment to process everything that just happened and pretty much freak out.
"Have you lost your damn mind, Y/N?" you scolded your reflection in the mirror, the harsh reality staring right back at you. Disheveled hair, smudged lipstick, and that dazed look in your eyes, mirroring the same one that Haechan had after the kiss. Letting out a heavy sigh, you rested your hands on the edge of the sink, reluctantly admitting to yourself that the kiss wasn't half bad. Who would've thought? Haechan, your tormentor, sure knew how to kiss. His lips felt downright amazing against yours, and the taste…  a mix of alcohol with a subtle sweetness that lingered on your lips, intoxicating your thoughts as you unconsciously replayed the moment over and over in your mind.
But before you could fully immerse yourself, the bathroom door swung open with a force, causing you to yelp in surprise. In your mortification, you had completely forgotten to lock the damn door. Oh, how you wished you had because to your horror, the intruder turned out to be none other than Haechan himself. His surprise at finding you in the bathroom was evident, though you couldn't help but wonder if he had followed you all the way here.
"You could've found a better hiding spot, you know," he jeered, leaning casually against the wall, his eyes meeting yours through the mirror's reflection.
"I wasn't hiding, Haechan. Can't a girl have some privacy in the bathroom?" you fired back.
"Sorry, it's just that you looked a little frustrated when you left, princess," he taunted, his words dripping with a mixture of amusement and something else you couldn't quite put your finger on.
"Quit calling me that" you shot back, irritation lacing your voice.
Haechan merely shrugged, his teasing smile still intact. "You're right. A princess doesn't run away like that after a kiss," he continued to taunt, enjoying the effect his words had on you.
"I didn't run away," you retorted, trying to maintain your composure. "But I don't need to explain myself to you anyway, so get out, Donghyuck," you said, turning around to face him with a glare.
His teasing demeanor faltered for a moment, a flicker of genuine surprise crossing his face at the use of his actual name. "Wow, it's been a while since anyone called me that. I like the way you say it," he admitted, attempting to lighten the mood. However, seeing your unamused expression, he raised his hands in surrender. "Come on, the kiss wasn't even that bad. You don't have to be embarrassed. Though it was so short, I couldn't really judge it properly."
"Pity, because you're never gonna get another chance," you replied, determination seeping into your voice as you turned your back to him.
Haechan studied you silently, his gaze fixed on your figure. There was a brief pause, a moment where the air between you seemed to thicken with anticipation. Slowly, he closed the distance between you, his proximity making you grip the edges of the sink tighter. He position his hands next to yours, his larger frame enveloping yours. Through the reflection in the mirror, his eyes locked onto yours. 
With a hushed voice, he leaned in close to your ear, his warm breath grazing your skin as he whispered, "We'll see about that."
The weight of his words hung in the air as he held your gaze for a moment longer. Then, with one final look, he pulled away, leaving you alone with your racing thoughts.
A few days went by until you saw Haechan again at another party. It was insane how quickly you were getting invited to these things. Your social life went from zero to a hundred really quick. Things were finally looking up, and you were having a blast, making more friends along the way.
But of course, there he was—Haechan, lurking in the shadows like some lingering ghost. It felt like he was always in your peripheral vision, pretending he wasn't staring at you. Seriously, why couldn't he just go away? You made up your mind that finding someone else to hang out with would be the perfect way to shake off his annoying presence. Preferably someone who didn't get a kick out of teasing you mercilessly.
Just when you were mulling over your thoughts, a smooth voice broke through the noise from behind you. "Hey there, what's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?"
You turned to face him and recognized him was one of the players from the spin the bottle game
 "Actually, I'm looking for my friend. She vanished into thin air, it seems," you replied, trying not to sound too awkward. Small talk was never your strong suit, especially with extremely attractive guys.
He nodded, laughing softly,  "Well, I can help you find her, but only if you dance with me."
You considered it for a moment, thinking it might be exactly the distraction you needed. "Sure, why not? Lead the way," you said, setting your drink aside and taking his hand as he guided you to the center of the room where people were dancing.
"I'm Jeno, by the way," he introduced himself, leaning in closer to your ear so you could hear him over the music.
You shouted back, "Nice to meet you, Jeno. I'm Y/N." He responded with an adorable eye smile, and you couldn't help but smile back.
In those few fleeting minutes with Jeno, you were already smitten. He was far more polite and considerate than the typical guys you had encountered in college so far. At first, there was definitely an air of slight intimidation surrounding him, probably because of his tall muscular frame and silver blonde hair, but as you danced together, he showed his soft and kind nature. His hands rested firmly on your hips, providing just the right amount of contact without encroaching on your personal space. As you felt more comfortable in his arms, you entwined your hands behind his neck, and only then he pulled you closer. The swift movement caused a gentle collision against his solid chest, confirming what you had suspected earlier—Jeno was no stranger to the gym. His white shirt was clinging to him in all the right places and you had to force yourself to look away before he caught you staring.
As the music played and your bodies moved against each other, Jeno leaned close to your ear once again. "You know... during the spin the bottle game, I was annoyed," he confessed.
Confused, you raised an eyebrow. "Why's that?"
"Because I was supposed to get that kiss from you, before that guy came and took my chance," he explained, his expression adorably pouting to emphasize his disappointment. 
Smiling at his confession, you couldn't help but tease him playfully. "Well, what if I told you I would've rather kissed you?"
His eyes lit up with delight, and you realized that he reminded you of a puppy. Jeno took your words as an invitation and slowly closed the gap between your faces, his lips barely grazing yours. But before the moment could fully unfold, the music abruptly stopped, and a crashing sound cut through the crowd. Turning your gaze over Jeno's shoulder, you saw chaos near the table where the sound system had been set up. 
The whole display had been knocked over, and the DJ  was engaged in a heated argument with another person. The other guy had his back to you, but you recognized that posture and when he turned his head to the side you confirmed who it was. Lee Haechan, his face contorted in anger as he flipped off the other guy who just kept yelling at him. His scorn only intensified when his eyes locked with yours, taking in the sight of you entangled with Jeno.
"What's going on over there?" you muttered to yourself, unable to tear your eyes away from the scene.
"Just some drunk jerk making a mess," Jeno replied, glancing back at you. 
You wished you could have resumed where you left off with him, but the interruption had shattered the moment. Not to mention, Haechan's piercing gaze lingered in your mind making you feel somewhat uneasy.
"Uh... I'm kind of thirsty. I should get a drink," you said, trying to find an excuse to escape the overwhelming atmosphere.
"I'll get it for you," Jeno offered, flashing a quick smile before heading off to fetch the drink. As he disappeared into the crowd, you ran your fingers through your hair, feeling the heat rising within you. The intensity of the almost-kiss and Haechan's intense stare made it hard to catch your breath. You needed a moment alone, away from the suffocating crowd.
You made your way to the bathroom upstairs, your go-to escape room. However, as you reached the door, you discovered it was locked, and the lewd sounds coming from inside let you know it wouldn’t be available for a while. Frustrated, you let out a sigh and glanced around, hoping to find another bathroom. Knocking on each door along the hallway, you realized that most of them were locked too, leaving little doubt as to what was happening inside.
Just as you were about to give up, the door at the end of the hallway swung open when you tried it, and you immediately slipped into the room discreetly. Closing the door behind you, you breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for this temporary escape. You stepped into the bathroom and splashed water on your face and neck, trying to cool yourself down. Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you couldn't help but feel frustrated with yourself for allowing Haechan to disrupt your thoughts once again. You hadn't even exchanged a single word with him tonight, yet he managed to occupy your mind so intensely. The realization hit you like a ton of bricks, and with a shake of your head, you resolved to leave the bathroom and rejoin Jeno, who was probably wondering where you had run off to.
But to your surprise and horror, someone stood on the balcony. You hadn't even realized the room had a balcony when you entered. The figure seemed unaware of your presence. So you attempted to make a silent exit, and almost succeeded until you accidentally tripped over a trash can. Wow, you really needed to pay better attention to your surroundings.
"Y/N?" a familiar voice called out, the one that had been haunting your thoughts just moments ago. Frozen in place, you debated whether to make a run for it. Surely he wouldn't stop you, right? He wouldn't chase after you... would he?
"Haechan..." you sighed, your tone conveying your frustration at seeing him. 
"Are you stalking me or something?," he asked, his teasing tone cutting through the tense air. You rolled your eyes at the absurd suggestion.
"Shouldn't I be the one asking that? It seems like you're always popping up wherever I go… first the game, then the bathroom, and now here," you retorted, counting off the instances on your fingers. "What are you even doing here?" You gestured around the room, emphasizing your point.
"I could ask you the same thing. Weren't you just getting cozy with that Kendoll downstairs?" he asked, hands nonchalantly tucked into his pockets as he gradually closed the distance between you. Now, up close, you could see him clearly. He wore a black graphic t-shirt with the words 'they come, they go,' and his jeans were ripped on the thighs. His hair was also somewhat styled. It was clear that he had put some effort into his appearance, unlike his usual messy style.
"You didn't answer my question," you persisted, fighting off the nerves that his proximity was starting to stir.
"Well, this happens to be my birthday party," he revealed, a hint of satisfaction in his voice at seeing the slight shock in your face.
"Oh… uhm… happy birthday," you awkwardly mumbled. His closeness now forced you to tilt your head upward, despite the height advantage your heels provided.
"Anyway, why did you make a scene at your own birthday party?" you asked, trying to kill the awkward silence and stepping away slightly to regain some personal space.
You made your way to the balcony, craving the fresh air as a relief from the intensity of the room.
"I guess you could say I wasn't vibing with the atmosphere, the music, the people... especially the people," he replied, his words hinting at something that you couldn't quite grasp.
"Hm, well, I was actually having a good time for once," you replied, leaning against the balcony rail. He mirrored your posture, but instead of gazing out at the street ahead, he fixed his gaze on you.
"Yeah, I could see that. So, who's your new boy-jock-friend?" he asked, his words dripping with sarcasm and… jealousy? You turned your head to the side, squinting incredulously at the ridiculous nickname he had given Jeno.
"His name is Jeno, and he's actually a really nice guy," you clarified.
"Is that so?," he hummed, his expression pensive. His lack of a proper response prompted you to look at him again, only to find him struggling to suppress a stupid grin.
"What, Haechan?" you demanded, growing tired of his antics.
"Nothing, just...I was wondering if you even like guys like that,"  he asked, shrugging.
"Why does it matter to you?" you shot back, your voice tinged with annoyance.
"It doesn't," he replied nonchalantly, but there was a subtle shift in his demeanor as he closed the distance between you. The intensity in his gaze mirrored the way he had looked at you after your first kiss. "But I know you don't like him." He whispered that into your ear, now standing directly behind you. 
Caught off guard by his statement, you instinctively turned around to face him. Bad idea.
"You're wrong," you managed to reply, though the pitch change in your voice betrayed your nervousness. His amusement grew as he leaned against the balcony rail, his hands positioned on either side of you.
"Then answer this..." he began, his hand gently brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear before cupping your chin, tilting it ever so slightly, "Why are you here with me instead of with him?"
You were at a loss for words. He was right. You should have been downstairs with Jeno, dancing some more, perhaps even kissing him. Yet, there you stood with this fool, your gaze inexplicably drawn to his lips and the way they moved, and how he unconsciously wet them every few seconds.
"Nothing to say?" he teased, his nose grazing against yours, and you couldn't help but close your eyes, knowing deep down that you were about to do something completely crazy. "I think we-"
"Shut up," you blurted out, unable to hold back any longer, and you closed the gap between your lips in a frenzy. The kiss was anything but slow this time; it was a messy collision of longing and pent-up tension that had been brewing for days. All the warning signs you put for yourself to stay away from Lee Haechan felt irrelevant now.
Your hands found their way into Haechan's hair, pulling on the strands as you tried to make him groan just like before. But this time, he surprised you by firmly gripping your thighs and seating you on the balcony rail. The cool metal against your bare skin made you shiver, but the sensation was quickly overridden by the warmth of Haechan's touch. The kiss grew more intense, a mess of lips and tongues, bites, sucks, and a chorus of eager sounds that escaped from both of you. The world around you faded away as you focused solely on how good his hands and lips felt.
"Please," you moaned against his lips, and he wasted no time. In a flash, he lifted you, carrying you effortlessly to the bed. The kiss never faltered as he positioned himself above you, his hands hungrily exploring your body. Your skirt was hiked up, and he suddenly grabbed your ass making you gasp. Clothes were becoming a nuisance, and Haechan noticed your impatience as you fumbled with his shirt. He couldn't help but chuckle at your eagerness, but he helped anyways, discarding the shirt and revealing a canvas of smooth skin that begged to be touched.
You traced the contours of his torso with your fingers, savoring the sight of every mole and line etched across his skin. Your ogling was momentarily interrupted when Haechan tried to remove your tangled shirt, provoking a dramatic sigh from you when he finally pulled it off your head. He laughed at this and your lips met once more in a short, sweet kiss before his attention shifted to removing your skirt. 
Lying before him in nothing but your underwear, you watched as he straightened up, his gaze locked on your exposed form. You felt self-conscious but the way he was looking at you with darkened, adoring eyes, let you know that there was nothing to be shy about.
You flung your bra aside after unhooking it, meeting Haechan's hungry gaze as he took in your now exposed chest. You grabbed his hand inviting him to touch you. His hand glided from your belly to your breasts, exploring your curves slowly. He leaned and latched his mouth on your right breast, playing, nibbling, and sucking. He wanted to hear every moan and whimper coming from your lips. Each sound you made spurred him on, his body instinctively grinding against yours, his growing hardness pressing against you with every movement. You knew he was growing desperate with every sloppy thrust and lick of his tongue.
You hooked your finger through the chain around Haechan's neck and pulled him up so he was face to face with you "I want to try something," you whispered, planting a quick kiss on his lips. Gently pushing him by the shoulder, he willingly allowed himself to fall onto his back, his eyes fixed on you, filled with anticipation.
"What are you doing?" he asked, a playful tone lacing his breathless voice as you slowly crawled down his body, stopping in front of his crotch.
"What do you think?" you teased, unzipping his pants and sliding them down. His black boxers clung tightly to his arousal, already dampened with pre-cum. Biting your lip, you could already imagine his thickness just by the sight of it over his underwear. Looking up at Haechan, you noticed he had his hands behind his head to get a better view of your actions.
Without hesitation, you pulled down his boxers, causing his erection to spring up in an almost comical manner. There was no time to waste, you could tell that he might explode if you delayed any further. Grasping him firmly at the base, you used the slickness of his pre-cum as lub, pumping him a few times. Haechan bit his lips to contain his desperate moans, he didn’t want it to be so obvious that your simple touch on his dick almost made him cum.
But you had other plans. You wanted to hear him. You wanted to make him moan, whimper, and maybe  even cry out in pleasure. Propping yourself up, you leaned in and without warning, kitten-licked his sensitive tip. Haechan's head flew back, as a string of curses left his mouth. Delighted by his fucked up state, you repeated the motion several more times before finally taking him fully into your mouth. Slowly, you went deeper, until he hit the back of your throat. Inevitably, a groan escaped him, his self-restraint crumbling as you began to suck him off properly. He moaned, thrusting his hips into your mouth, his grip on your hair becoming desperate to ensure you wouldn't stop. Seeing him in such a vulnerable and desperate state was a sight you never thought you'd witness - Lee Haechan squirming beneath you, completely undone by your actions.
"Oh, f-...uck... that feels so good," Haechan groaned, his voice strained as you hollowed your cheeks and sucked harder. He was thrusting against your face without even realizing it. You didn't blame him; he was so consumed by pleasure that he couldn't control himself. You reached down and gently played with his balls, wanting to see his reaction. The way his eyes rolled back, and his hips momentarily faltered, told you that another touch like that would send him over the edge. With a quick glance at you bobbing your head up and down his cock, Haechan decided he had reached his limit. He grabbed you by the cheeks, pulling your mouth away from his dick. The lewd sight of your saliva connecting you both in a string made him wish he could capture the moment in a picture to enjoy later.
"I need to fuck you right now," Haechan explained when you looked at him with confusion. With those words, he got off the bed and rummaged through one of the night tables, searching for a condom. As he pulled out the small wrapper, you couldn't help but ask, "How did you know that was there?"
"Because this is my room," he said casually, the revelation catching you off guard. Though, it made sense that this was his dorm, given that it was his birthday party. 
He swiftly opened the condom wrapper and rolled it onto his cock. Without wasting any time, he climbed back onto the bed and slowly removed your panties, tutting at the sight of how wet you were. "Look at you," he said with a smile, allowing his fingers to explore your slick folds. The way your mouth opened and your eyes screwed shut in response showed just how bad you were needing to be touched there. As one of his fingers slowly entered you, he leaned in and kissed you, his tongue drowning out the moans that escaped your lips. Sensing your growing desperation, he added an extra finger, expertly pleasuring you. "H... Haechan," you moaned into his lips, and he hummed in response, continuing to finger you with more urgency. 
"Please... more," you managed to gasp out.
"As you wish, princess," he whispered, removing his fingers from you and licking your essence off them. He positioned himself on top of you, aligning his cock with your entrance. Teasingly, he pressed it against you without fully entering. "Haechan..." you said, your tone suddenly serious, using his dangling chain to pull him closer. "If you don't stop teasing me, I swear I'm going downstairs to find Jeno."
He let out a bitter laugh, but the mention of Jeno noticeably changed his demeanor. Before you could say anything else, he plunged inside you. The immediate clenching of your walls around him caused both of you to moan loudly. Haechan gripped your hips and adjusted your position with surprising care. After a few more seconds, you grabbed his hips and pushed him slightly, indicating that you wanted him to go deeper. Without wasting any more time, he obliged, burying his cock further inside you. "Fuck," he groaned, the sensation of him stretching you feeling too incredible for words.
He began to move, his thrusts gradually gaining speed until he was practically ramming into you. The sight of his pretty face, screwed up with swollen lips from all the kissing and biting, dilated pupils, and droplets of sweat on his forehead, drove you wild. 
Effortlessly, he grabbed your leg and propped it on his shoulder, allowing him to penetrate deeper, hitting a new spot that had your mouth foaming. He continued thrusting hard and fast, relishing in the way your breasts bounced with each powerful stroke. 
Your whimpering only made him want to see you come undone even more. He leaned in and kissed you softly, the tenderness contrasting with his hard thrusts. You melted into the kiss, moans mixing between you both. He even slowed down his thrusts, lost in the kiss for a moment. But then he unexpectedly started ramming into you again, thrusting harder and pushing you closer to the edge.
"Cum all over my cock, princess," he commanded, his voice hoarse with pleasure. With a few more hard thrusts and the feeling of his mouth devouring yours, you felt yourself reaching an orgasm more intense than anything you've ever before.
"Fu-...oh my god," you moaned loudly, your legs trembling uncontrollably.
Haechan followed suit shortly after, his thrusts growing messier as you clenched tightly around him. He came with a loud, uninhibited moan that reverberated through the room, a sound that would undoubtedly linger in your mind for a long time.
The air grew still, and the only audible sounds were the heavy, ragged breaths escaping both of you. Lying on your backs, you found yourselves staring up at the ceiling, your legs still intertwined, too exhausted to make a move or utter a word.
But then, Haechan shattered the silence.
"Best fucking birthday ever."
a/n: btw i reached 127 followers right after posting this so thank you so much lol *cue the flute*
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octopotto · 8 months
Brain Rot: TWST Cast with Saitama! Reader
OCTO NOTE: College has been absolutely brutal. These headcanons were worked on bit by bit these past few months :(
I saw some TWST fics that used pre-exsiting characters to based the MC off of and I wanted to try w/ one of my favourite characters.
WARNINGS: NOT PROOF-READ, OOC Behaviour, this is so cringe but very self-indulgent, mc is the most sane person in this universe, you decide if mc is bald or not, yandere if you squint hard enough.
**The reader will ALWAYS be Gender-Neutral! 
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Life at Night Raven College would be much more peaceful if MC had Saitama’s strength lol
Problems would've been solved quicker as well.
At first glance, you don’t seem to be a threat.
To most, you look like a regular, magic-less human on the outside.
And that’s what makes you so dangerous.
Don’t fuck around and overblot unless you have a death wish.
The Overblot crew definitely had one when MC swung their fist at them.
The whole prologue would be shortened.
Fun fact: You accidentally put too much force on the coffin door to get out, thus smashing Grim in the process while he was prying it open :D
Grim, the Ramshackle ghost, and Crowley were the first group to witness your impressive strength.
And by impressive, they mean terrifying.
To Crowley and Grim at least.
The ghost were shocked but very much amused after a couple moments.
God knows how the Ramshackle Dorm was still in one piece after that.
Grim is very happy to have a strong minion to protect him
Just don’t hurt him like you did with the ghost pls. And the door lol
Crowley would be most likely absolutely be afraid and made a mental note to keep track of you. 
Especially since you were almost successful to killing him in his ghost form. He’s making sure that Ramshackle gets fixed quicker.
Crowley: “Great Sevens… How do they have such monstrous strength... This stowaway is just a magicaless human! My…what have I gotten myself into?? *sobs* OH IF I WASN’T SUCH A KIND AND GENEROUS SOUL I WOULD NOT LET THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOUR BE PRESENT ON MY CAMPUS” *more obnoxious sobbing*
You and Grim: 😶😐????
Despite scaring and almost killing the shit out of the Headmaster, you still start off as a janitor lol.
Fast forward to the Mine Incident with Ace, Deuce, and Grim—
You basically massacred that monster.
A monster that probably injured many Mages and Wizards
You destroyed it in one punch.
On that day, Ace reminded himself to never piss you off again. Ever.
He loves cherry pie, but would rather not become the filling itself, thanks.
Deuce probably was gawking at you after the shock.
Not in a bad way
But in a good way y'know?
But he’s too shy to ask for advice for now.
This is basically the start of Deuce idolizing you and your strength.
Brain Rot:
Ace, Deuce and Grim are your self-proclaimed bodyguards.
At least THEY like to think that they are.
Listen, they know that you are MORE THE CAPABLE protecting yourself in fights or in any physical confrontations.
But that’s it.
You’re basically shit at everything else.
From completing your assignments to even showing up to class, it seems like in the trio's eyes that you NEED THEM to take care of you. You all are like family now!
So they all make an effort to help you out when you need it.
No really, if you keep forgetting to submit that one potion essay that Crewel keeps smacking your shiny ass head to complete, you’re going to get left behind.
 They’re more like secretaries than bodyguards lol.
The post-overblot Spelldrive tournament was an absolute nightmare.
Well, at least for everyone but Ace, Deuce, and Grim.
They were GLOATING about how they were in the lead and challenged anyone to try and top them like the smug, over-confident assholes they are.
The only reason why they were in the lead was because of you. Simple as that.
The Savannaclaw gang put up a good fight
For the first 10 minutes in the match.
All Leona could do at that moment was strategize how not to get his and his teammate’s heads chopped off by the disc you kept throwing at them.
You are quite fond of Ruggie
More specifically: you were fond of Ruggie’s haggling skills.
If were had a choice to trade your god-like strength for his haggling skills and techniques, you wouldn’t hesitate one bit.
And y’know it wouldn’t be Ruggie if he didn’t take advantage of this. He would offer you advice and tell you if theres a huge sale going on at a near-by grocery store if you promise to lend him a hand whenever he needed it.
You were so tempted to say no
Not because he was shady and overall untrustworthy
You’re just lazy
This is his way to spend more time with you but he would never admit that out-loud.
If your MC is bald, instead of Floyd squeezing you, he will smack and ‘dribble’ your head as if it was basketball.
Jamil and Ace especially are amused.
God forbid you ever get a bad tan on the top of your scalp
You will NEVER hear to end of it.
Floyd also is your biggest bully.
jk but not really
Yeah he knows that you could probably kill him with a gentle tap
But when did that ever stop him?
He mainly does it because he wants to see your reactions
You’re so plain looking and your nonchalant voice and facial expressions do not help as well.
But remember only Floyd HIMSELF can do those things to you, okay? Only him.
If he ever finds out that some random NPC student was doing the same thing to you, You’re going to be finding that NPC tossed in a corner somewhere with almost all their joints mangled.
You like how generous Kalim is.
You probably helped him fan the fire off his ass in the ceremony
He’s was incredibly thankful and was able to remember what you looked like.
I mean, you literally saved him!
How could he not remember you?
You don't remember him but let’s not go there lol
Because you saved Kalim from being cooked, he always makes sure that you had enough food for the month!
He would practically beg, like BEG Jamil to make extras so you won’t go hungry.
Especially after experiencing what type of living conditions you were dealing with in Book 5.
Poor Jamil, not only is he working overtime for Kalim, but technically serving food for the person who ruined his plans back in Book 4.
Jamil packing food for you by Kalim’s request: 😡😡😡
totally did not try to poison your food on several occasions
Kalim also begs Jamil to let him deliver the food to you.
He can’t help it! He really enjoys seeing you happy when you receive something from him and Jamil.
You never complain about.
Free food = Saving money.
I mean, if you're being gifted something, why be rude and deny it?
Some students say that you were taking advantage of Kalim because of how easily you accept his gifts without anything in return.
And y'know they could be right
But Kalim doesn't mind.
As long as you're happy, he's happy :)
In Vil’s eyes, you are an enigma. 
It’s like he can’t wrap his pretty little head around on how he feels about you.
On one hand, other than your god-like strength, you’re nothing special. When he first saw you he only disregarded you as another potato that’s not worth his precious time and effort on.
But on the other hand, Vil sees you as a blank slate. Something that ASKING for him to put his smooth and perfectly manicured fingers on. Someone that needs his guidance and skills. 
He doesn’t care if you’re bald or have hair, it doesn’t derail him from the fact that despite you sticking out like a sore-thumb, you’re still so…plain looking.
You probably said some off-hand comment about how ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ to Vil and just walked off.
It might not meant anything to you
But it meant a lot to Vil.
When it came to the overblots and eventually Book 5, he felt as though he was in a spiral of questions that he himself must find the answers for.
And what were the questions that caused Vil’s current state of disarray about? You obviously.
He’s going mad
He can’t stand it.
You said that beauty is in the eye of the holder? Fine then.
He knows that he could do something for you. 
Something marvellous, something beautiful.
For you and himself. 
You had a new nickname for Malleus every time you guys end up running into eachother.
Malleus would always look forward to meeting you solely for the nicknames.
I believe that Saitama genuinely does not care enough to remember other people’s names that much
So that will be a trait for MC in this.
Malleus probably thinks this is a way humans show affection to each other.
In reality, you cannot for the life of you remember that weirdo's name.
Malleus: *Appears out of thin air in front of the MC*
Malleus: Greetings, Child of Man *smiles*
MC Thinking: ‘Why does this rando keep coming back? What was his name again?’
Malleus: *Anticipating their response with excitement*
MC: Uhhhh..
MC: Wassup…Horton? :D
Malleus: *Smiles at his new nickname*
It took a while for you to come up with a permanent nickname for him but he doesn't mind
In his eyes, it's your way of showing him how much you wanted to become closer companions.
Jack and Epel are always on your ass about “How to become stronger” and when you actually tell them the routine that you did at the beginning of your journey, they literally fell in disbelief.
They couldn’t believe it.
It was basically a simple workout routine 
Both still believe that you’re hiding the secret of how you got to your level of strength.
Thus, joint workouts became also a thing within the NRC Campus and you are the leader.
Not by choice however.
Jack, Epel, and everyone else involved were really curious as to how you train.
I mean, look at what you can do! And you’re not even a Mage!
The first meeting was terrible due to the fact you almost obliterated the school.
One flick and the gym could’ve been in shambles.
That’s why Jack and Epel made sure to do it somewhere far and secluded.
And even then, you still created a lot of damage with minimal effort.
It’s incredible to those who look up to you.
Throughout the story, you gained some admiration and recognition along the way.
From Heartslaybul to Diasomnia, you unknowingly grab the admiration of those who either want to become stronger or see you as a hero. 
Some might say that they see you as the messiah who was sent to protect the school.
But let’s not go that far.
You wouldn’t notice anyways
In your eyes they're all a bunch of weirdos.
OCTO NOTE: Hopefully you guys enjoyed these very terrible brain-rot headcanons. I always found Saitama’s character interesting so I wanted to try out something new. 
Again, I’ve been very busy so I can’t promise anything BUT I can say that there will be more Yandere FF7 fics coming soon! ;)
Thank you to everyone who enjoys my low-quality works! Hope you look forward to my new ones ❤️❤️
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scara-meow-che · 1 year
Dainsleif's dick being infused with abyss energy(?) like his arm-
Like yea Tartaglia's last form's dick, yeah Ito's oni dick, yeah zhongli's dragoon dick,but what of Dain???? That shit must be magical 😩
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⦿ 𝗡𝗢𝗪 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 ┃ eyes up here princess with dainsleif
CW. NSFW (MDNI), big dick! dain, fem! reader, use of words (princess), established relationship, teasing, first-time sex, implied oral, sex w/out penetration (thigh job and dick job? is that even a thing? idk, just read it to find out), dirty talk, magical dick (i am NOT sorry), mention of abyss princess lumine
AN. the new archon quest 🧍🏻‍♀️ it felt like a fever dream and it's a whole ass year again before we get to see this man so i am making it my mission to let him and his abyss-energy-fused dick live in my mind rent-free. also, if the anon that sent me this is still here to witness me posting this, hello :D this took me by surprise bcs i planned it to be short but here we are ig
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it wasn't every day that you get dain's attention all to yourself.
you would often see him somewhere, busy, as always. sometimes, you would find yourself conversing with a few locals when dain tries to do things on his own as he would reason out that it's for your own safety. or you'd be up and about some part of the region searching for the abyss princess as to what he currently puts as his top priority.
these repeating turn of events would, most of the time, make you question whether you really matter to him seeing as he's always invested in things unrelated to you or what interests you. you don't ask too much from him but sometimes, a little attention would be nice, or have him answer all the questions that run inside your head.
yet, when dain would see that familiar expression painting your face as you make your bed for the night, he would put everything on hold and indulge more in what you'd request. he does make up for you, well, you have no complaints when he does because he'd always be there in a heartbeat for every beck and call.
hence why you're laid out on your bed, legs spread out with him toying with your already sore clit.
the idea of having sex had never once danced in between each conversation you'd have with dain. you'd rather spend the time to catch up on each other's day and sort out a route to where you both want to go next. it never fazed you when some people asked how your relationship with dain is going, not even bothered when some old women from liyue dramatically gasped as you've never been that intimate with your lover.
as the tension builds up throughout the months of overhearing people gossiping about their partners or be the victim of a drunk local telling you the tale of their sexual escapades, it draws out some images in your head. would dain be like the same as those oni's you've heard about? or have an impressive length similar to this one tale about a dragon lord? heck, would he have a dick that grows unrealistically big just like with the harbinger that you've heard about?
but who fucking cares anyway? you're about to get the real deal right now.
"what a curious mind you have there, princess." dain mindlessly mused as he press soft kisses along your thighs, leaving you breathless as he presses himself closer to your aching core. you can feel the heat from the big hard tent on his pants as he rubs himself to the dampness of your cunt. "i thought that eating you out could already satiate your pretty little head but you still want... what? what is it that you want from me again?"
he taunts, amused when he hears a cry from your disheveled form. "ah, didn't i say to tell me if you want something?"
"but it's embarrassing to say it!" you can't even fully reason out how humiliating it is for you to casually ask him that you want to see his dick as you let out another moan when he lightly thrusts his clothed cock on your core. he doesn't even let up, continuing his cruel pace in rubbing his aching dick on your already sensitive clit.
"p-please! i just, a-ah, want to see your d-dick!"
"say what again, princess?"
having enough of his teasing, you went to give your best in bending your body just to reach the big tent on his pants. "i want to see your dick dain and... i want you to fuck me, please."
you can feel a rush of heat all over your skin, your eyes quickly darting to the side to avoid dain's amused pair. a chuckle was all you heard before you felt his hands gently laying you down back to bed. in response to his pleased titter, you scoffed and gave him a quick glare.
"i'm sorry but you're just irresistible when you're so honest with me." he paused as he takes a sharp intake of air when he pulls out his leaking cock from the confines of his pants.
your eyes widen at the sight. no, it's not because he's as big as what you heard like the one of an oni or he has that delicious curve like that of the dragon cock but it's because the hue is unlike any other, the dark blue pulses as beads of white litters on the tip. fuck, when dain gave his dick a quick stroke, you can see how it grew a bit larger in his palm.
you drool just by imagining how it would feel inside of you.
"eyes up here, princess." he gave your thighs a light smack, pulling your attention back up before you felt the cockhead rubbing so gingerly on your little nub, smearing your cum on your lower lips.
"you're so eager for me, huh?" he can feel you trembling the more he pays attention to your aching core, gliding the head back and forth your lower lips, enough to push the head inside your hole but easy for him to just pull right back out. he's testing out the waters, waiting for more of your reactions and he could only see you enjoying yourself being please with the tip of his dick.
"just look at you, so wet and ready for me." and you are, feeling your arousal pool and spill right out of your needy hole while dain keeps making a mess out of it. your hips desperately buck right up, chasing for the head but he kept you pinned down on the soft mattress as he continues teasing you.
"dain, please, want to feel more of you." your hand went to grab his arms, giving it a light squeeze that you knew would get him to listen to you.
but it did the complete opposite.
"didn't you say that you want to see my dick?"
before you could argue back, dain had gently straightened both your legs upward, his strong arms locking you in place before pushing the dark blue cockhead in between your thighs. "been wanting to do this for so long," he uttered with a low groan, his body shivering when he thrusts his cock in the middle of your soft flesh, the rushed and hasty movements of the head prods at your clit. "you look so pretty like this, just letting me use you."
you gasped for air when he purposely prods at your puckering hole, angling his abyss-energy-fused cock to dive in and out of your thighs. your eyes caught a glimpse of how each streak of white glow, the nerves pulsing as he ruts himself so needily on you.
"so keep your pretty eyes on me and maybe, if you managed to do so, i might just give you what you want."
and you did, you desperately tried your best to keep looking at dain and just watching how he use your thighs to get off. it was a rare sight to see dain lose himself, tottering over the warmth and softness that covers his dick.
at first, he was scared that he might scare you off, thinking how unusual his cock looks. compared to what he thought you'd prefer to see in between your legs, about to rail the innocence out of you, his was far off the scales.
but when he saw your eyes almost sparkled when he pulled out his dick, hands so damn eager to touch him, and both your lips spilling out how much you want more of him just sends him over the edge. his pace quickened the more he stares at your needy form, enjoying the way your eyes fluttered close whenever he brushed against your hole before proceeding in sliding his cock back on your thighs.
"i'm so close, fuck, you feel so good 'round me like this, princess." and fuck, yes, you can feel more of his pre-cum ooze around the head and coats more of your already slick skin. it felt so dirty, so filthy to watch him fuck himself with your thighs and you felt dirtier when you were enjoying how his large dick, fused with the same abyss energy as his arm, slides back and forth your thighs.
"cum for me please," you whispered, urging your lover to release his load on your skin. within seconds, dain stopped his thrusts as he buried his cock between your legs, pressing it tighter as he shoots his load on your flesh, slowly having the thick globs of his cum drip down on your core.
while dain goes to steady his breathing, you went to open up your legs to see how much cum had covered your body, the scent of sex causing your head to fizzle out that you had nothing in your mind but the need to see his dick filling you up.
dainsleif was shocked when you went to reach out for his cock, the keenness in your eyes captivating as you focused on his dick.
"wanna see how it looks as you fuck me." your request came like a cry, a whimper of desperation. and you can feel the way dain's dick twitched on your hand.
you're going to be the death of him.
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⠀⠀scara-meow-che © 2023 ┃ do not copy, modify, or repost ANY of my content
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i-amyou · 4 months
If you have to sum it up... after gaining this knowledge what are we supposed to do? How to start
After gaining all this knowledge, you have to drop it all.
It's one of the most brain shattering (quite literally) and funniest thing I experienced. It was hilarious because there was actually nothing to do, and all the time i spent reading and trying to understand felt like such a waste. It wasn't frustrating as much as it was amusing and liberating haha.
Trust me, there is nothing to do. Nowhere to start. You are already THAT. You can never not be it. You've been misidentifying your whole life and trust me when it dawns upon you, you'll laugh until you can't. It's funny, liberating and amusing to no extent.
No matter how much time you spend reading, going through posts over and again. You're only delaying this said realisation you so desperately seek, you can become directly aware of it right now if you wish so. Seriously I'm not joking.
Because there is nothing to obtain, no where to be. Nowhere to start.
Just take a couple of posts, take them as pointers and go within. Lose yourself in the infinite boundless space that you are to find yourself. That's all there is to it.
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niakku · 25 days
i lied actually I do have something to post I just don't like this so much
but have secretary Kaz
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and read under the cut for a fic I never finished that inspired this :3
“ You're a pervert, you know that right?”
Said the blonde, fingers tugging at the hem of his mini skirt, the corners of his lips pushing down into a deep frown. There was a time where he would've enjoyed being in such a get up, but it's been 20 years too late… Although he looked as good as he would've even back then.
“ I think It looks good on you.”
Big boss looks him up and down, Eyeing the exposed skin of his chest. The man had changed drastically too. He was still Snake, just the worst parts of him. The parts Kaz used to comfort him about, and now it's what he's become, Crude and vile and ever so merciless. He traces a finger down the line between Kazuhira’s pectorals.
“ What?”
Kazuhira hissed.
“ Couldn't get Ocelot to dress up for you?”
Kazuhira adds, And Big boss narrows his eyes at him, giving him a warning through his gaze. They both knew Ocelot would've gladly accepted this position and put on a little show as well, make a whole thing about it. But Big boss has a preference, and it's always fun to force a guy into uncomfortable situations, rile him up and get him all hot and bothered.
“ It'll raise morale, don't you think?”
Big boss speaks with a small smirk.
“ Yeah it'll make your cock rise too.”
Kaz rolls his eyes. He knew that's what Boss really meant and he earns himself a tight slap across the face, the force making him stumble a few steps back, The heels he was forced to wear almost making him fall but he catches himself at the last second. He cant fight back of course, left to straighten out his clothes and stand up straight despite the uncomfortable attire. He would fight back, but he didn't deem the punishment worthy, he's been through worse anyway, And compared to the usual scheme Big boss came up with, this was tame.
“ Bite your tongue Kaz. you don't want me to ruin your pretty little outfit right?”
That outfit being a slutty secretary costume. He thought he already was one and didn't need such a costume to validate his position but he figures Boss just found it amusing.
The clock currently read 0912 so the day has just begun for most at the foxhound headquarters, Kaz had been there for a little over 2 hours already preparing important documents and making sure everything was going according to plan, going over finances and emails, boring stuff that came with his job. Big boss had just arrived as well, meaning Kaz had to prepare him breakfast. Not that it was required of him, It was just behavior rutted into his head from years of being under the man. And usually he’s less grumpy after a good meal, so Kaz found no reason to break the habit when it benefited him.
“ I’ll go make you some breakfast, sir.”
Kaz speaks after regaining his composure, letting out a heavy breath. He dreaded having to go to the mess hall looking like he currently did… but again, it could be worse.
“ Go.”
Boss simply says, gesturing for his secretary to go as he turns to take a seat at his desk where a neat pile of papers laid neatly stacked.
Kaz holds his breath and sighs, turning on his heels as he makes his way out.
As expected he gets a few confused stares, some disgusted, and some lust darkened eyes. He gets hollers and whispers, all to be expected. But he doesn't back down, won't let Big boss win, he strides to the mess hall with confidence, swaying his hips and not once faltering even with the tight shirt, skirt and heels. To let the humiliation sully him is to let the Boss win and he wouldn't have that, Won't let that freak fondle his cock thinking about Kaz with his thighs pressed together tight struggling to walk and being laughed at.
The reason he even had to go through this in the first place was because of some idiotic reason. He said something stupid the last time he and Big Boss had a session and look at him now. Originally he was supposed to strut the halls practically naked but a blowjob was enough to sway the commander otherwise, And thank god it did.
The blonde enters the kitchen and actually receives a compliment from one of the chiefs, she looks at him with a smile, ignorant as to the reason behind the attire and gave him a thumbs up.
“ Looks flattering on you, Sir.”
She so kindly says, then goes on about how she wishes she could pull off the same outfit. Kaz laughs, giving her a small smile back, engaging in a small conversation with her about today's menu. It was nice to meet someone not afraid of him, not afraid of the Hell Master. Only a few brave souls could muster the courage to even look at him, not to mention talk to him, hence why he wasn't so diffident about his get up. These men wouldnt dare speak a word about it to his face lest they wished for hell to come their way, and a few had already gotten theirs today during his walk through the hallways.
Kaz prepares a plate, setting it on a tray along with a cup filled with black coffee. He fills the plate with today's carte du jour, Mashed potatoes and bacon, along with some pancakes generously glazed with maple syrup. And lastly, he digs through his skirt pockets, pulling out a small ziplock bag of white powder, no breakfast is complete without it. He tucks it under the plate.
He could very easily poison the meal, or lace the cocaine. But working under Big Boss meant he had a thousand guns pointed at him at all times and if anything were to happen to the man he'd be the first suspect. Which he couldn't care about, but he had a family now, and If anything were to happen to them he wouldn't forgive himself… He pulls his eyes off some bleach sitting by the sink. Not today.
Kaz already had his fill earlier in the day so he picks up the tray and says some parting words to the kitchen staff before kicking the door open with his leg.
He makes the walk back and this time it's quieter as word of what he'd done to the cat callers spread. They were to have their meals cut, be on night patrol and cleaning duty on top of the physical punishment they'll be receiving very soon.
People kept their heads down and those who said a word were usually kind, complimenting him on the outfit or showing concern for him. Oh only if they knew.
With his back he pushes back against the door and swings his body into Big Boss' office, The man hunched over his desk, fingers rubbing into his temple, pen scribbling on some documents. Kaz clears his throat and it's enough to take the man's attention.
“ Breakfast is ready.”
Kaz says, strutting to the desk and excessively bending over as he laid the tray carefully on the commander's desk, giving him a tasteful peek of the lace bra underneath Kazuhira's shirt. He figured wearing lingerie would please his boss.
He catches Big Boss’ lingering stare of course and he slowly pulls himself up. Watching as Boss takes a long drag of a cigar that seemed to have materialized out of nowhere.
“ Whore.”
Big boss says, tapping the ashes into a tray.
“ For you.”
Kaz follows, He tastes poison on his tongue as he says it, but chipping his dignity is better than screaming his lungs out over a spanking this hour.
“ Damn right.”
Big boss remarks, He lets go of his pen and pushes his papers aside, pulling the tray closer towards his direction. He picks up the silver utensils Kaz had prepared and begins to dig into his meal. Kaz watches him for a few seconds before he proceeds to his station, situated to the left corner of the room where he had his own stack of papers as well as a computer with important tabs opened.
He takes a seat on the dark leather swivel chair, crossing his legs because it was the only position he could be comfortable in without flashing the next person to come in.
He grabs ahold of his mouse, clicking away at some tabs he's finished working on, and getting to work at reviewing some proposals. This would be boring for anyone else but this is just what got Kazuhira into the zone, it's like a little game and he enjoys the mundane work, its rather soothing for his usually scattered brain, it's one of the only times where his head is straight and organized.
He writes down some details in a little notebook, going over earlier notes to see if he had anything scheduled soon, He had a meeting at 1200, then he had to get ready for survival training at 1730, hopefully by then he could take the stupid costume off, he didn't want to have to be training men looking like a model they'd see in a porno mag.
The drill sergeant turned secretary buries himself in his work, although his flow isn't long lived as not even 5 minutes later he's called over to the Boss’ desk, meant to bend over.
Kazuhira sighs, but does as told. He sways over to the desk. Big boss moves his chair back to allow Kazuhira to bend over the desk in front of him, getting a firm spank as soon as he is positioned comfortably, pushing the blonde forward who gasps in surprise, hissing in pain.
He’s used to this, hes either fucked or used as a tray for Big Boss’ drug use, either way he just wanted it to be over with. Today he expected it to be the latter.
Snake pulls up the mini skirt, revealing the lacy panties decorating Kazuhira’s ass with intricate threads. He kneads at the soft flesh, both hands on each cheek kneading into it like it was soft malleable dough. Big boss leans forward and plants a kiss to one of the cheeks, Kaz lets out a soft hum that he wasn't able to suppress in time and hides his face in his arms folded over the desk.
“ Good boy, Kaz.”
Snake says. Kaz doesn't answer, although hearing such words made his cheeks flush a light pink and his hole clench around nothing. He stays as is when Big Boss takes out the zip lock bag, patting the blondes ass before he poured some of its contents down. Kazuhira almost considers wiggling his ass and spilling the cocaine, he would certainly be able to afford the loss… Howver he couldnt afford another punishment.
and again that's where I gave up
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jjunieworld · 5 months
21. half alive ⸝ ˚⋆
↳ mainly written, some texts. word count: 1.9k
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the first thing you realized when you woke up was not the fact that you were in a foreign room and weren’t sure how you got there, but the fact that your head was absolutely killing you.
you looked around the empty room and found that you were on a couch. sitting up almost took you back out. your head spun so badly and the bright daylight wasn’t helping at all.
there were two pills, a bottle of water, and a note on the table in front of you. take both as soon as you wake up, you’re gonna need it. i confiscated your bottle, read the note. you did as you were told as you tried to remember how you got here, your fingers pinching the bridge of your nose.
suddenly last night's events came flooding back into your mind like a hurricane. it hit you so hard you sat back on the couch and banged your head off the wall behind it. you were alone in taehyun’s dorm.
you let out a sigh as you went to stand. you were definitely hungover.
it took you a while to get back to your dorm, thankfully the hallways were empty. you really wished you brought a jacket with you. you were still in your birthday dress and heels from yesterday and it was not fun to try and get around in.
before you even got to walk fully through the door to your room you were immediately taken into the arms of your friends. “jesus, y/n. you scared the shit out of us. please don’t ever do that again,” kai said.
you were guided to your bed. “i’m sorry,” you replied. you suddenly felt like you were gonna cry again. as you looked around at your friends, you saw that their eyes were red and it looks like they didn’t sleep a wink all night.
“don’t be sorry. none of this is your fault,” said yeonjun.
“where were you?” yunjin asked. you recalled the events after you ran as best as you could with your clouded brain. after, there was a moment of silence. you apologized again.
“y/n… it’s okay,” jake said. you leaned your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes briefly. you didn’t keep them closed for long. everytime you shut your eyes you saw that video. you saw everyone smiling at you, sakura’s words. and worst of all, you saw him. the look of horror on his face and the way his voice cracked when he finally spoke to you.
you dug the heels of your palms into your eyes, forgetting about the fact that you were still wearing makeup.
you pulled out your phone and turned it on as your friends spoke between each other.
“it turns out everyone on the fourth floor of the party were in on the whole thing,” jake started. “one of my classmates showed me the invitations sakura sent out. the next time i see her im gonna kill her.” you breathed deeply at that.
“i should’ve smacked the shit out of her too while i had the chance,” yunjin added. you turned to her, a puzzled look on your face.
“oh yeah, y/nie! soobin got tore the fuck up!” kai exclaimed, you flinched a little. not just from hearing his name but also because your head was still pounding. “sorry… redacted…” kai trailed off.
jake turned to you. “yeah! after you left, yunjin went up and smacked the shit out of him and then right after yeonjun just went in on him. his face is all fucked up.” you raised your eyebrows a little in shock and amusement.
“he deserved it, i would’ve done more if those fucking security guards didn’t pull me off,” yeonjun said.
before you got to reply, your phone finally finished turning on and a floodgate of notifications poured through. most of them were from your friends. two notifications stood out to you, one of them was a post on twitter sakura tagged you in.
you opened it and froze. yunjin took the phone from your hands and looked at it. a furious expression crossed her features. “that fucking bitch.” she showed it to the others and their faces went sour too.
you took your phone back from her and look through your notifications. you had a slew of texts from soobin that you decided you weren’t gonna look at right now. there was a new post from his twitter, which you had forgotten you had the notifications on for. it was song lyrics, with another tweet added that was for you. you inhaled sharply as you began scrolling through his social media, scouring it to see if there was some type of hint about everything that you’ve missed.
you didn’t get far. jake took your phone from you, claiming that going through his social media is just gonna do more harm than good. he was right, but your mind was still at unease. he scrolled through your phone a little and then sat it down.
“he’s blocked on everything now. you don’t have to worry about it,” jake said. you just nodded in response.
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you reached up to touch your face to find that you were crying. your friends pulled you into a group hug and you cried even harder.
“i just… i just want to understand why…” you choked out through sobs. you felt your back being rubbed. “why would he do this to me?”
your friends let you cry your heart out for a while until you were too numb and too tired to shed anymore tears. your makeup was completely ruined now, not that it wasn’t already bad before. you didn’t care as you ran your hands over your face and saw them streaked with black after.
“i should’ve convinced you not to go to that party…” yeonjun suddenly said. his eyes were downcast and his knuckles were white as he held the hem of his shirt. you saw that there was dried blood on them.
“jjunie…” you trailed, shaking your head. he cut you off, “no. you wouldn’t be in the situation if i had. you wouldn’t have disappeared the whole night if i had.”
“if it never happened, we’d all be oblivious to the truth,” you spoke. hueningkai nodded in agreement. you dropped to the floor and leaned over and gave him a hug. “it’s nobody’s fault.”
“nobody’s but redacted’s…” yunjin muttered. you let out a sigh.
“i should've known something like this was gonna happen. i should’ve fucking known.” yeonjun spoke, slamming his hand on the ground. he leaned his head back on the boxspring of the bed. “they literally did something similar to me and i still didn’t see it coming until it was too late.”
you furrowed your brows at him. you still didn’t know the history he has with soobin and his friends.
“back when i was friends with them,” yeonjun started, “we were all really close, or so i thought. we were all planning on going to the same college, not this one, but a different one.” he rubbed his eyes as he sighed.
“the dean was a family friend of mine and so i said i’d put in a good word for them. once i praised them to the high fucking heavens it’s like a switch flipped. they used me. and after… after, they made sure everywhere i went a bad reputation followed me. it was a miracle i even got into this college.”
you held a hand to your mouth as he spoke. yeonjun let out a wry laugh, “and when my applications got declined and the dean stopped speaking to me and my family… it was all for nothing. all for them to end up right here at the same college as me. acting like they run the shit.”
you scooted over to where yeonjun sat and gave him a hug. your friends joined in with you. “i’m really sorry jjunie,” you said softly. he just shook his head a little.
“it’s in the past now. there’s nothing i can do to change it.” you all pulled away as he stood. “so, what’s the plan for today to get your mind off yesterday?” yeonjun asked.
standing to your feet, you held on to the edge of the bed for support. “i need to shower,” you announced. you felt disgusting and heavy with emotion. you needed a nice, long, hot shower to scrub yesterday’s events off of you. “and a nap.” you added.
your friends stood as well. “do you want us to wait here until you get out?” kai asked. you shook your head. “no, that’s okay. i really need a nap. and by the looks of it, you guys need one too.” your friends let out some small laughs.
“are you sure you want to be alone right now? we really don’t mind,” yunjin said. you nodded, “i’ll be okay, at least for the moment. go get some sleep and you can come back over if you want after or something.”
they reluctantly agreed and gave you one last hug before leaving your room. you sighed as you went to take a hot shower. you scrubbed your body raw and washed yourself over and over until you finally felt clean. you felt half alive as you moved around your room.
you froze as you were going to get dressed. one of soobin’s hoodies sat on top of your clothes. he must’ve accidentally left it when the two of you went to yeonjun’s yesterday. you brought it up to your face and inhaled. it still smelled like him.
sighing, you slipped in on and climbed in your bed, which also still smelled like him. you hated the fact that it brought you comfort. you reached for your phone and opened it.
you couldn’t even say he was the last person you wanted to see right now, because that would be a lie. despite everything that has happened, everything he’s done, he was still the person you wanted to see the most right now. and that broke you. all you could do right now was scroll through your camera roll and look at all the pictures and videos of the two of you, silently crying.
you wrapped the hoodie closer around yourself and buried your face down into it. all you could think about is the last time you laid in your bed. your bodies wrapped around each other. soobin telling you he loves you.
was it all a lie? all part of this elaborate plan? you went over all the moments you shared with him until you got to the very beginning.
did he even actually need your help that day? or was he just trying to make some money?
you scoffed to yourself. apparently, all you were worth to him was five hundred dollars and a quick fuck.
tears fell from your eyes. you made yourself open the messages he sent you last night.
i swear to you i’ve meant everything i’ve said to you.
bullshit. it was all just a fucking lie. you should’ve known. you should’ve fucking known. when has anything ever worked out for you?
at some point between your racing thoughts and mind numbing headache, you fell into a dreamless sleep.
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summary: choi soobin has always been the popular kid surrounded by his popular friends. y/n… not so much. one night, soobin and his friends make bet that soobin can’t get y/n to date him in a month. unfortunately for y/n, they’re a hopeless romantic.
A/N: now playing: supercut by lorde 😞
taglist: @imagineyour-kpopboy @gothgyuu @carengene @spooksh0wbabe (if your name is bold it wouldn’t let me tag you!)
— kipo <3
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naughtyneganjdm · 1 year
Something Like This
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Summary: Flirting with Negan leads to you being handcuffed to his bed where he has his way with you.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC, second person) & Simon. 
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47638099
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, smut, oral, use of toys, use of handcuffs, no use of Y/N, etc.
Notes: This goes with the smut prompts that I was given. An anonymous gave me “i've never done something like this before” and @jwritesfanfics gave me “shh. there’s people in the other room.“ So I ran with both of them for this fic. I’m not someone that really enjoys writing second person for fics, so I hope this is okay. It’s pure smut with no plot which usually isn’t my thing either. Tried being a big different with this one. Thanks for reading! 
With the final click of the metal around your wrists, you looked up to see that they were handcuffed to the headboard making you whine. An amused rumble of a laugh fell deep from Negan making you lower your head to see that he was gazing over your body with you stretched out naked at the center of his bed. Moving was hard because he had your feet tied to the lower bed posts. For a while now the two of you had been flirting back and forth. It started out innocent, but progressively got more intense with the two of you making out after a poker game that Simon had put on for the saviors. Negan had invited you to the game and afterwards the two of you had found yourselves in one of the hallways kissing but were interrupted by Simon.
That night Negan invited you to his room today promising something big for you if you waited things out for him and of course you accepted. From the moment you arrived at The Sanctuary you had your eye on Negan. And not just because he was the leader. It was the way he carried himself. There was so much that was incredibly charming about him. Sure, he was an asshole, but that was part of what you liked about him. Negan was the whole package from his attitude to his looks, you liked it all.
Laying before him, you felt bare. Your heart was pounding in your chest making your body shake as Negan stood up from the bed to stare down at you with his dilated hazel eyes. Everything ached and it took a whole hell of a lot out of you stripping down in front of him today when he asked that of you. There was no build up when you entered his room. Negan had been sitting on the couch at the corner of his room and demanded you to take your clothes off. At first you thought he was joking, but he wasn’t. He wanted to inspect you and admire your confidence when you stripped down for him. Originally, you thought he would get naked too, but when he commanded you to lay at the center of his bed, you listened. And before he handcuffed and tied you up, he asked for permission which you happily gave.
Call you crazy, but you were interested in being kinky and you liked where things were going.
“Damn baby,” Negan rumbled dragging his leather covered fingers up your thigh making you shake against his touch. “You look amazing.”
“And you are too clothed,” you panted feeling your throat dry while he stood above you with a wolfish grin. Bouncing his eyebrows, Negan tipped his head to the side and ate you alive with his stare. Whimpering out, you tossed your head back when his palm caressed further up and slid between your thighs. The leather palmed in over the most intimate parts of your body making you coo. “Negan.”
“So sensitive,” Negan growled pulling his hand away making you frown. That was too little of a touch. You wanted more. Walking around the bed, Negan stood at the bottom to get a better look at you and he clicked his tongue at the top of his mouth. “God, look at you. Just fucking stretched out completely vulnerable. I could do anything to you right now and there would be nothing you could do about it.”
He wasn’t wrong. You were his for the taking. There was something incredibly exciting about that. You had no power and he held control over you. Your lips parted, your hips arching up making him hum. You wanted him. You wanted him bad and he knew that, “Please.”
“Please what?” Negan slurred, his right eyebrow arching in amusement with you begging him for his attention.
“I want you,” you answered making that cocky, arrogant smile expand over his features. “I want you so bad.”
“Oh honey, I know you do,” Negan smirked placing a single knee onto the bottom of the bed, slowly lowering down between your thighs making you shake with him so close. The warmth of his breath pressed over your inner thigh and it made you gasp. “Look at you tremoring only with me between your thighs like this. You want it so much.”
Biting at your bottom lip, you felt Negan’s lips pressing in over the inside of your thigh and it made you suck in a sharp breath. The way that his short beard brushed against your flesh felt amazing as he began to kiss further up your thigh. Humming, Negan bit at your flesh and sucked faintly at it. That was his way of leaving his mark on you and you knew that. Closing your eyes, you purred out when Negan’s kisses raised further up toward your core.
“Negan,” you panted out, lifting your head just enough to watch him bury his head between your thighs to finally kiss over the most intimate parts of your body. They were teasing at first simply just pressing slight kisses at the flesh. When his tongue dragged out across the length of your sex, it had your fingers curling up and pain flooded your wrists from the cool metal of the handcuffs tugging on them. Small flicks of his tongue pressed in over your clitoris making you cry out. Dropping your head back, you could barely contain yourself when his lips surrounded your clit while sucking at the sensitive bundle of nerves. “Please…”
Laughing against your pussy, Negan outstretched his tongue and shook his head from side to side making you arch your hips up toward his movements. Just the wet sound his mouth made over you was driving you crazy.
“You’ve wanted this, haven’t you?” his deep raspy voice surrounded you and God was it appealing. Everything about him was. Nodding, you couldn’t say much when you felt his fingers lifting to trace over your flesh. “You’re so fucking wet. Which is gonna make this so much easier.”
Sliding one of his large, slender digits inside of you, Negan took his time pumping in and out of the depths of your tight canal making him groan. Hooking your eyes with Negan, you could see the ego that started flooding him when he inserted another finger and had you shaking on the bed before him. Just from how good he was with his fingers had you eager for more. He knew where to touch, the right pace to move his fingers and he was good at noting what you liked. What made you tremor, what made you moan. Just when your body started to heat up, Negan was pulling his fingers from you with a tsking sound when you whined. Crawling over you, Negan reached beside the bed to pull open the nightstand. Grabbing what he wanted, Negan’s arrogant smile grew and he made an entertained sound.
“What are you doing?” you questioned hating that you were no longer getting the stimulation that Negan had been giving you. Once your eyes fell upon what he had grabbed you felt your heart skip a beat. “What is that?”
“It’s a vibrator. A nifty little one,” Negan held it up for you to inspect the purple-colored device making your lips part. “This part goes inside of you and presses against your g-spot and the other end slides over your clitoris. It’s no hands. Might not look like much, but it’s powerful as fuck.”
“It sounds interesting, but I would rather have you,” you lifted up to try to meet Negan in a kiss, but he pulled back with a shake of his head. Biting down on your bottom lip, you watched Negan reached between your thighs to adjust your hips so he could insert it inside of you carefully. Taking his time to get the device in place made you whimper with the pressure you immediately felt. “Negan?”
“I know you want daddy’s big cock inside of you, but I have a meeting in my office,” Negan mused with a deep rumble of laughter watching the way the color drained from your face. “See, this is remote controlled…”
Clearing your throat, you watched Negan reach for the remote from the drawer that he had just been in. Wiggling the small remote, Negan gave a snort watching you look to him with worry in your eyes, “Something tells me you’re a dirty girl that needs to be punished. And that’s exactly what daddy is going to do to you today.”
“Negan, I just…” you cried out watching Negan push one of the buttons on the remote and immediately the buzzing from the vibrator was heard, but boy was it fucking felt. Tossing your head back into the pillows you realized that Negan wasn’t kidding. It was incredibly strong leaving you panting when he finally turned it off. “You can’t be serious. You’re going to leave me in here like this? What if someone comes in?”
“No one comes into my room and if they did, they know better than to touch what’s mine,” Negan dragged his fingers down over your jawline, hovering his lips over yours. Finally lowering down, Negan claimed your lips in a kiss that took your breath away. When he pulled away and stood up from the bed, you immediately shook your head.
“I’ve never done something like this before,” you informed him looking down at the device that was perfectly pressed up against your g-spot and your clit providing an unbelievable amount of stimulation just from the fit of the device alone without Negan having it turned on. “I can just wait until your meeting is over.”
“Nope, no…” Negan denied, sucking at his bottom lip showing that he was proud of this whole thing. “It’s either this or nothing at all. Daddy controls your orgasms today until he’s ready to come and play or you get nothing.”
“Fuck Negan,” you hissed hearing his laughter follow and you swallowed down hard. You didn’t have much of a choice. You wanted Negan and if this was the only way, you were going to listen. It was demeaning, it was torture, but you wanted to be his. You wanted him. You’d just have to put up with the risk. “Okay.”
“I thought you’d be a good girl and agree to it,” Negan snickered holding the remote up giving it another wiggle. Clicking the button again had your hips bouncing up when the vibrations started again. This was why he had your wrists and legs tied. It was a form of torture that appealed to him knowing that you couldn’t do anything about it. “God, you look so fucking beautiful squirming at the center of my bed.”
Clutching your fingers shut, you whined with the way the vibrator immediately made your body shake. Your eyes slammed shut, your heart racing. Moans fell from your throat involuntarily and Negan shook his head, “Shh...there’s people in the other room. They are going to be able to hear you in my office if you keep being so loud.”
Right when it felt like you were going to come, Negan turned it off making you hiss out his name, “Fucking hell.”
“I’ll be back,” Negan winked after sliding the remote into his pocket. The room felt like it was spinning around you and you turned your head to see that he stopped at the door. “You be a good girl and I promise you that you won’t regret it.”
With a nod, you couldn’t find words when Negan chuckled and left the room leaving you at the center of his bed, tied up and desperate for an orgasm. Gazing around his bedroom, you wondered how you ended up here and why Negan thought this would be good to do with you. The two of you hadn’t even had sex yet.
Through the walls you could hear Negan’s booming voice and you knew that was his way of letting you know that he was there. You wondered what this whole thing really was. Why he was putting you through this. Maybe he was just that cruel. You weren’t sure. All you knew was that you were his to torture for however long he pleased.
Licking your lips, you wondered if you could wiggle your hips enough to get the device loose, but it also made you think about how Negan told you that if you were good that you would be rewarded. So you just laid back and waited. Muffled voices were heard through the wall and you listened carefully. Just when you felt like maybe Negan forgot about the device he had inside of you, you felt the buzzing start up again making you cry out.
Biting out into your bottom lip, you tried to hold back your cries while the strong vibrations flooded throughout your body. Undoubtedly Negan was enjoying this knowing exactly what he was doing to you. Closing your eyes, you licked at your lips and squirmed at the center of his bed. You wondered if Negan had put it on the strongest power, but when it started pulsing differently you realized that there were different patterns to the vibrator.
Lifting your head, you felt your muscles in your body tensing up. Everything inside of you was on fire. A warmth flooded at your core, your thighs starting to shake and just when you felt like you were about to come it came to an immediate stop. Scoffing, you buried your head back further into Negan’s pillows hating that he was tormenting you like this.
This time the wait didn’t last long and when he turned it back on, the vibration was stronger than the previous ones. Thrusting your hips up, you bounced up toward the sensation knowing that your body was already so sensitive. A rush flooded to your head making your vision black over. Moaning out, you trembled when this time Negan allowed you to reach that orgasm. It was so strong that you shook at the center of his bed, but you weren’t allowed to move much because of being tied down. Negan was a cruel man and you were beginning to understand that.
You thought it would be like the times before with Negan turning the device off, but instead the vibrations changed and the pulses were strong. Everything was sensitive as it was, so you whined and whimpered with it continuing to stimulate you.
“Fuck,” you tried to move knowing that your heart rate was pounding inside of you. Negan was keeping it on to see how loud he could get you. You knew at this point that you weren’t quiet enough for the people in the next room not to hear. This was amusing him because he definitely heard you. Thrashing back against his bed, your hips arched up and you were coming again. Except this time it was so much more powerful and you were shaking to the core. Your head ached, your body sore from how hard this orgasm actually was compared to the first. “Negan!”
Hearing you call out his name must have alerted him that you needed a break because the device turned off. Your body was still humming even with the device off. Frowning, you looked down and wondered if you would even be ready for Negan by the time he came back.
God knows how long you laid at the center of that bed. Negan knew exactly what he would be doing to your body. You were worn out after everything, drunk off all the orgasms that he had been able to pull from you with the vibrator. By the time he finally returned, you were weak against the center of his bed sweating and panting.
“Look at you,” Negan growled moving into the room, pulling his leather jacket off and tossing it onto the chair that was at the corner of the room. Pulling off the leather glove, Negan dragged his thumb across his bottom lip and snickered. “You are worn out. You took that shit like a champ, didn’t you?”
“You’re an asshole,” you whined watching him sit on the edge of the bed. Negan’s nose wrinkled and he reached out to grab the vibrator pulling it unhurriedly from your body. Arching your hips toward the movement, Negan let out an amused rumble seeing it covered in your release.
“I know,” Negan set the device down on the nightstand. Looking between your thighs, he bobbed his head and it showed that he was proud. “How many times did you come?”
“I…don’t know,” you were honest feeling his fingers stroking over the length of your extremely tingling sex. Negan pressed his index finger and middle finger inside of you while stroking the rough pad of his thumb over your sensitive clitoris. Mewling out, your hips arched up knowing that he was focusing on your g-spot with his long fingers.
“Who do you belong to?” Negan demanded an answer from you, using his free hand to grab a hold of your jawline to get you to look at him. Behind fatigued eyes, you stared out at him feeling the thrusts of his fingers extremely rough inside of you. Wet sounds followed the thrusts making you cry out. “Speak when you are spoken to.”
“You,” you felt his grasp getting tighter on your jaw. Swallowing down hard, you closed your eyes and felt your hips twitching. “Negan, I belong to Negan.”
“That’s right baby, you belong to me,” Negan responded, his eyes narrowing when he pulled his fingers away from your body before you could come again. Standing up, Negan muttered something under his breath before reaching for the perfectly clean white t-shirt that covered his body. Once he got it from his body, he dropped it onto the floor and then kicked out of his boots. “You soaked my bed.”
“You soaked your bed,” you commented, your eyes focused on his slender body while he pulled the belt he was wearing apart. Finally getting to see Negan’s body was a gift in itself. You just wished you weren’t tied up like this.
“I guess I should take credit for that,” Negan agreed with you, unzipping his pants and then tugging at the material. Getting his pants to his ankles, Negan stopped to gaze over your body. Squeezing at the large bulge at the center of his gray colored boxer briefs, Negan could see your lips parting and he smiled. “God, hearing you in there has me so fucking hard. If I didn’t get in here when I did, I may have fucking come in my pants hearing you crying out my name.”
“Why was your meeting in your office? You usually have your meetings on the first floor,” you reminded him hearing him snickering and you shook your head. “You wanted people to hear me, didn’t you?”
“Every once in a while, I like to remind people what’s mine,” Negan answered, hooking his fingers into the waistband of his boxer briefs. Pushing the material down his body allowed his girthy, solid length to bounce free from the prison it was behind. Purring out, you felt your core immediately heating up again at the sight of his cock. Negan wasn’t lying, he was rock hard. The veins in his cock were prominent. Licking your lips, you couldn’t help but notice his size. He was both long and thick. For so long you wondered if the arrogance truly matched what he had going on, but there was a reason that Negan was so damn cocky. He had plenty of reason to back it up. Standing up straight, Negan curled his fingers around his length drawing your eyes to the swollen tip while he sheathed his flesh in his grasp. “You like what you see?”
“Very much,” you answered, licking your lips when Negan got onto the bed on his knees beside you. Bracing himself careful enough, he leaned over you and traced the head of his cock over your wet lips. Allowing him to brush the velvety flesh over your lips, you remained still making Negan’s dimples suck in.
“Suck it,” Negan requested making your eyes hook with his. Parting your lips, you allowed him to press the tip of his cock between your lips. Flattening your tongue out against the tip, you did the best you could to tease his manhood. Between flicks of your tongue to you sucking and wetly kissing at the flesh you had Negan moaning which had to be a good thing. “Good girl.”
Hooking his fingers into your hair, Negan helped you bob your head over his length. Gagging slightly, you knew that this would be going much better if you had use of your hands. Regardless, you enjoyed the taste of him on your tongue while you dragged it along the underside of his cock with every pull back he made.
“Enough,” Negan pulled his hips back away from your wet lips, crawling in over you stroking his fingers over his slick erection. It gave you a moment to take all of him in appreciating his slender body. From his chest, down toward his abdomen to the v-line at his hips that led to the dark curls of hair at the base of his manhood had your body on fire. “You think you’re ready for this?”
“I’ll do my best,” you heard him chuckle as he lowered down over you. Getting comfortable, bracing his weight on his arms Negan kept his lips over yours. Lifting up, you tried to bring your lips together, but he was teasing you. Pouting, you enjoyed the warmth and weight of him over you, but you wanted to be pampered after having him torment you like he did. “My wrists hurt like hell and my fingers have gone completely numb. The least you can do is kiss me with that incredible mouth of yours.”
“Oh yeah?” his eyebrow arched in amusement, skimming his lips just over yours making a breath catch in your throat. Finally allowing his mouth to capture yours in a heated kiss made you purr against his mouth allowing him to brush his tongue over yours. “Is that better?”
“Much,” you whispered against his mouth, kissing over his bottom lip while he adjusted his weight and reached between the two of you to grab a hold of his cock. An arrogant smirk pressed in over Negan’s features when he teased the tip of his erection between your wet folds.
“How bad do you want this?” Negan pressed his hips forward allowing his cock to lay across your lower abdomen making you whimper feeling the weight of it over you. “Beg for it.”
“Please,” you arched your hips up toward him making him shake his head. “Please fuck me. Please. I need you. I need you so fucking bad.”
“Good girl,” Negan praised you, adjusting his weight and leading his girthy length toward your entrance. Lining it up with your already sensitive hole, Negan pushed his hips forward making you whine out. There was some resistance at first getting his thick length into you making him moan out. Looking between you, Negan watched his cock slowly disappear into your body stretching you out. Crying out, the way that Negan filled you left you aching, but wanting more at the same time. “You have such a tight little cunt.”
“Negan,” you felt his lips caressing over your jawline toward the side of your neck where he suckled at the flesh. Closing your eyes, you whimpered when you felt Negan filling you completely to the hilt. It made Negan moan out against your flesh before bringing his lips back to yours to kiss you dominantly making you whimper out. Nipping at his bottom lip, you shifted your hips feeling that he was stagnant inside of you and you wanted him to move, but he remained still.
“After this moment, you’re completely mine,” Negan informed you, his fingers grasping a tight hold of your jaw while he kissed over the side of your face. “Do you understand that?”
“I wouldn’t want to belong to anyone else,” you assured him, shuddering beneath him when his hazel eyes hooked with yours. His dimples sank in and he was certainly proud with that answer. Gifting you, he started to roll his hips, drawing his cock back before pushing forward making you purr out against his lips. “I’ve wanted to be yours for so long.”
“Good,” Negan nipped at your bottom lip giving it a tug before dragging his tongue out over the inside of your lip. Every plunge his cock made inside of you was strong with him setting a steady tempo between the two of you. It had you gasping with every thrust. After everything he put you through with the vibrator, you were so sensitive with his pubic bone providing enough friction against your clitoris with every roll his hips made over you.
Burying his head against the side of your neck, Negan’s moans had you on cloud nine. The smacking sounds of your skin filled his room and you loved the way it sounded, but also the way it felt. You were his and he was taking you in the way that he wanted. Shaking, you wished that you could wrap your legs around his waist, but he had his mind set on this whole thing.
“Negan,” you wailed out your body pulling up and away from his causing his cock to pull from you when you hit another orgasm that had you throwing your head back. An amused rumble fell deep from within Negan when he got up on his knees. Working to untie your legs, Negan rolled you onto your stomach making you grimace with the pain it caused in your wrists. “I don’t know if I’m going to be able to walk back to my room after this.”
“Don’t worry baby, you can stay with me tonight,” Negan assured you smacking firmly over your full bottom. “You’ve been a good girl. You need to be praised and pampered tonight so you know that being a good girl gets you good things.”
“Will you unhook my hands?” you begged of Negan hearing him snickering against your ear when he moved in over you. “Please?”
“Not yet,” Negan shook his head, bracing his knees beside your hips. Leading his thick cock into you, Negan didn’t waste his time in thrusting into you fully. This time his thrusts were fast and hard making you cry into his pillows while his big cock filled you time and time again. “We’re going to have to have someone come in here and change these sheets though. They’re soaked.”
“If you keep it up, you’re going to get another round of soaking,” you urged him watching him brace his hands beside your body while the strength of his thrusts was causing you to bounce forward with every movement. Closing your eyes, you found yourself thankful. Even though he was using your body in the ways that he wanted, it felt good.
“You promise?” Negan growled against your jawline while he kissed up and over it. Smacking up against you, the headboard was hitting the wall firmly and you knew that you were getting the fuck of your lifetime. You just wondered if you would survive it. Whining with every movement, you could feel Negan’s cock throbbing inside of you and you turned your head to meet him in a kiss. Sucking at his tongue had him moaning out and you loved the sound of it. God, it was fueling your body. Everything was tingling and you did your best to bounce back into Negan’s movements. “You like being fucked by daddy’s big cock, don’t you?”
“Yes daddy,” you repeated what he wanted you to say while he sucked at your bottom lip. Negan’s moans matched yours. Your toes curled when Negan smacked harder up against you. “I’m going to come.”
“Me too,” Negan informed you keeping up with the pace of his thrusts chasing that orgasm for the both of you. When you hit your orgasm, you pulled your hips up and away from Negan, but he was eager to pull you back so he could get that release himself. Pounding into you with reckless abandon, Negan’s groans and grunts were so fucking hot. Slowing down, Negan’s cock throbbed inside of you when the first line of his cum started to fill you. Pumping his hot cum into you had your whines continuing and his moans vibrated against the side of your neck. “Goddamn. So fucking good baby.”
A few more thrusts inside of your body let you know that he emptied his release into you completely before falling in beside you on the bed. The warmth of his cum spilling out of you and down your thigh made you realize that you were fully his now.
“Please unlock the handcuffs,” you begged wanting to cuddle into him and have him hold you. Negan’s head was dropped back against the bed, an arrogant smile spread across his handsome features with the dimples drawing even more attention to it. “Fuck Negan, I’m begging you.”
“Not yet sweetheart, I need to have my heart calm down first,” Negan turned onto his side and leaned in close enough to kiss you rewarding you with his addictive kisses. When he pulled back and smiled, he reached up with his left hand to stroke his fingers over the side of your face and sighed. “You’re fucking perfect. You know that?”
A knocking sound was heard on the wall making your eyes get big and a mischief filled Negan’s features when Simon’s voice was heard on the other end, “Uh, Negan? Now that you’re done can we all get back to work?”
“Negan? What the fuck?” you gasped making Negan snicker when he moved across you to reach in the drawer to grab the keys to the handcuffs. “You had them in there while we were together?”
“I just wanted them to hear what a job well done sounds like,” Negan winked, allowing your wrists to fall down to the bed while he stayed over you on his knees. Speaking up, he smacked the wall once and laughed. “All good saviors. Get to work.”
“You’ve got issues,” you should have been mortified but you were more so amused. Wincing, you realized that your fingers were numb when you stroked your fingers up over the insides of Negan’s thighs toward his hips.
“And you fucking love it,” Negan insisted with a growl when your fingers curled around the shaft of his cock, caressing over his flesh. Lowering down, Negan claimed your lips with his again and sighed when he pulled back. “Because you’re just as fucked up as me. Which is why we make a good pair. Don’t you think?”
Tags: @slutlanna976 @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @de-gabyconamor @ibelongtonegan @smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams  @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan @redmercysugar @caprithebunny @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth @a-girl-interupted @akumune @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx  @insertneganhere @haleygreen23 @xhannahbananax03 @sanctuaryforthelost @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight  @ayumi-wolf @hollyismentallyillhelp​ @promiscuousbarnes @tone-stark @strawberryslutera​
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residenthughes · 1 year
bottomless brunch & shitty one-liners
pairing: leon kennedy x gender neutral reader
word count: 959 😔
tags/warnings: fluff, domestic fluff, crack, reader is just a drunk horny bastard :)
summary: 2 hours. thirteen cocktails and a whole lot of chaos.
notes: ...hey 😭 i know i said i wouldn't be posting/maybe not posting but i was looking through my fic ideas and this happened. whoopsies! 🤭 honestly, this was just a silly idea i had because i came across a video of all the one-liners leon says in re4, which are very much present in this.
forgot to mention, there's biting...again 😭 i don't know what it is, but the urge to bite leon is quite real and that reflects in my fics 😁 hope y'all enjoy :)
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You’re drunk, disgustingly so. Bottomless brunch is always a good way to spend time with your dearest, spilling intimate talk amidst intoxicated giggles and basking in the foreverness of formed friendships. However, they do not come without consequence - that being you an absolute state in front of Leon. Your dutiful long-time partner, ever so sweet as he spared the precious time he has off from his missions to pick you up from the wild affair - thirteen cocktails deep - sheepishly greeting your friends that holler sexual innuendos as he helps you into the car. He does it anyway, because he loves you. He loves you, he really does - but you’re chatting out of your ass right now. 
“You know, considering how you move around the house, you must be the GOAT at what you do,” you mumble, smushing your face into the pillow as you cause nothing but a ruckus as you discard your additional pieces of clothing on the bed. 
Sat on the bedroom bench, Leon shrugs his boots off, glancing over his shoulder at the mess you are. Stupidly drunk and struggling to shimmy off your jeans. Cute. “Oh, baby.”
“Those one-liners though…that’s a different story.”
The sweet moment is all but gone. “Gee, thanks honey.”
Despite the fact that there’s not a thought behind your eyes, you smile at his sarcasm. Snickering to yourself as you shimmy the last part of your jeans off before they’re lazily discarded onto the floor. You’ll (Leon will) pick it up later. “Honestly! Bet you’re the type of motherfucker to be confronted with unbelievable atrocities, only to say, it’s my lucky day or something.”
Leon huffs in amusement. He’s definitely said that before.
“Go on,” he decides to entertain your teasing, stripping himself of the leather jacket you went on and on about in the car looking so good on him. “What other one-liners do you think I say?”
You give a thoughtful hum, touching your chin as you lay back against the comfort of your shared bed. The time you take to answer has Leon taking a look back at you, questioning if you’d fallen into a drunken slumber, like a drunk middle aged uncle passed out on the couch, only to see your face flash as an idea pops into your head.
“Oh, how about something like, time for the teacher to be taught?”
It’s scary how well you know Leon. His most recent mission had him spewing the exact same words. It gives him goosebumps. “You sure you’re not reading my reports when I’m not looking?”
You giggle. “Just know how cheesy you can be, hon.”
“Now you’re just making fun of me.”
The laughter that erupts from you is unstoppable, so much so that you’re clenching your stomach and kicking your feet in the air. Leon can be so funny, so funny. You’re lucky to have him, you think.
Once you wipe your tears of laughter, you’re bringing yourself to sit upwards. Slowly, of course. Wouldn’t want to be sick all over the bed. Again. You move towards where Leon rests against the bedroom bench, draping your arms around his waist and you rest your cheek against his shoulder. “I kid, I kid. You know I love you.”
“Judging by what you’ve just said in the past two minutes, I’m not too sure.” He says, but he doesn’t mean it. He’s amused, if anything. You can tell by his amused smile and the playful raise of his eyebrows.
Your eyes skim over his features, carved to perfection and all yours. 
You hug him just a bit tighter.
“Come on,” you nudge him, all playful in his ear as you coax him to look your way. He does, smoulder melting into his features as he gazes at you with a fondness that’s all for you. You feel restless. Must be the alcohol kicking in. “There’s that pretty smile, handsome.”
“Handsome, huh?” 
You don’t know what it is, but the simple echo of your words coming from him sets you off, sending you on a collision course towards the ever so sinful and lustful domain.
“Extremely so,” you bat your eyelashes and nudge him again. “Come on, handsome. Look this way.”
He looks at you. His face on full display and you take your chance, kissing the edge of his lips before you misaim and bite down on his jaw. “What is with you?”
Leon’s chuckling as you kiss the bitten territory, kissing up and down his face in sweet apologies. Leon doesn’t miss when you bite down on his chin amidst the mess of kisses you leave.
“Can’t help it,” you murmur lazily, cheek pressed against his shoulder. “Too sexy - even your goddamn chin. Make it make sense.”
“Can’t believe that meme about your partner going out to bottomless brunch, only to come back a horny bastard is true.” Leon talks to himself but you perk up anyways, glimmer in your eyes.
“You saw the memes I sent you?”
“‘Course I did,” Leon answers, placing a brief kiss against your temple. You relax into his touch. “I do other things besides say shitty one-liners on my missions.”
You smile, ever so grateful for the place Leon holds in your life. You couldn’t imagine it any other way. “How romantic.”
“Only for you, baby.”
You hum against the exposed skin of his shoulder, peering up at the man with a devious glimmer in your eyes. Leon can’t help but shake his head as he airs out a small chuckle. 
“So, about the meme,” you wiggle your eyebrows, pressing your body up against Leon’s wide back, grin as mischievous as ever. “How about we put it to practise?”
And you do, making another mess of your sheets this time around. 
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lastchancestardomm · 15 days
TF2 Mercs Headcanons
That's it. That's the post. A long-ass post about my headcanons for the Mercs + Miss Pauling. Just a brain splurge, if anything, so cringe warning.
Also, FYI, Miss Pauling's segment might be shorter than the rest. I admit I don't have as many ideas for her.
~ His full name is Jeremy Elbertson-René.
~ He is 23 and 5'10.
~ He was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He grew up in the Quincy area, mainly surrounded by his seven older brothers and ma.
~ As a child, he was in little league baseball.
~ Most definitely has ADHD.
~ Most of his older brothers became unkempt once they graduated, and some of the younger ones started to smoke; to push boundaries, or something. On the Quincy street corners, they could be spotted huddled together like estranged raccoons.
~ He has a rocky relationship with his oldest brother. The two rarely saw each other. Despite all the teasing and bullying he faced for being a runt, he loves his brothers. But him and his oldest haven't talked in a long while.
~ His ma loves him like no other. The Youngest Child Syndrome is very strong with him. Nowadays, he still gets letters all the way from Boston with cheesy nicknames and hearts drawn all over them from his ma, which he loves despite how much it embarrasses him.
~ Ticklish.
~ Hopped up on caffeine, he somehow biked all the way from Quincy, Boston, to New Mexico before unceremoniously collapsing on the side of the street to take a three-day nap, just to take the job of a Mercenary. He hates mentioning this, for some reason. Is it the "collapsing on the side of the street" part?
~ He can read at about a 2nd-Grade level. Any sentence more complex than "The cat chases the bird" will look like a foreign language to him.
~ He only took the job because bashing heads in in exchange for cash sounded incredibly amusing and fun to him. Other than getting into street fights as a kid, he has no real qualifications.
~ He stims quite a lot. He wrings his hands, bounces his leg, if he has access to gum he tends to chew the whole pack at once for the texture; and as he usually has a spare baseball on hand, he'll toss into the air and catch it or bounce it against a wall.
~ His full name is Johnathan Harold Doe. After an incident, and thanks to outside hands, he now goes under the alias Jane Doe.
~ He is 44 and 5'11.
~ He was born in South Dakota.
~ Even as a child, he was extremely patriotic for America, despite his classmates jeers. He became very familiar with the dean's office.
~ He was raised in an extremely conservative household, and was taught to tote guns at a young age.
~ Had a terrible father.
~ For his teenage years and young adulthood, he spent most of his time in military camps and other youth academies, where he has seen and done some things he'd rather forget.
~ At the height of World War 2, he had attempted to join the army, but was rejected by every branch of the U.S Military. In a burning state of defiance, he bought himself a ticket to Poland and started blasting villages his gut told him were Nazi-owned, only returning in 1949. He is now a war-criminal in all of Europe.
~ He paces often; when and when he's not talking, when he's bored, or simply to stim. At first, it was somewhat stress-inducing for the rest of the Mercs; waking up to see him marching up and down the hallway and such at night.
~ The only way he can sleep at the base is if there's a fan on. If there is not a fan on, he will lay stock-still but never sleep.
~ Has an incredible sweet tooth. The only other way to convince this stubborn man to do anything other than to exclaim it's for America, is to lure him in with candy or pastries.
~ He created his own rocket launcher. He's a tad nutty, but he can be damn smart when need be.
~ He can read, though whatever note it is must be drenched with military jargon. The same goes for his writing; broken grammar and inappropriate use of military slang.
~ He shed his full name and goes by only Pyro.
~ He is 32 and 5'9.
~ He was born in Italy. (I got this idea from the fact Italy is in the Ring Of Fire.)
~ Pyrovision is just for shits 'n giggles. It turns his favourite activity, burning people alive, into something ridiculous and silly that makes it all the more fun and enjoyable. He is sociopathic, but hides it surprisingly well under the guise of absurdity.
~ Autistic.
~ He was raised by his Nan after both of his parents died in a fire-related incident, caused by him. He accidentally set the drapes on fire, and then sat starry-eyed as he watched the flames spread. Before he knew it, he was on the curb, watching the smoldering ruins of his home crumble to the ground.
~ Despite much of his youth being bent over a chair and getting whacked with a wooden spoon, he loves his Nan like no other, and can be spotted calling her throughout the day.
~ Similarly to Scout, this full-grown child stims often; rocking back-and-forth, bumping his knees, fiddling with his own or another Mercs fingers, flicking a lighter on and off, ect ect. He especially has a certain hatred for textures; while he loves textured rubber to naw on or bend, things such as velvet fabric or Engineer's oil rags freak him out.
~ Even more ticklish than Scout.
~ A sweets-lover through and through, but he especially loves Italian pastries. They have an aftertaste of nostalgia and actually accidentally burning them when trying to bake them with his Nan that is irresistible.
~ The wiggliest sleeper ever. It's not that he's violent, it's that he goes to bed normally and ends up on the floor turned into a human pretzel when he wakes up.
~ He can't read, preferring another Merc to read to him.
~ As a man-child to the core, immature pranks are something to look out for if you stalk around the base at night.
~ His favourite movie is The Wizard of Oz (1939).
~ His full name is Tavish Finnegan DeGroot.
~ He's is 44 and 6'1.
~ He was born in Ullapool, Scotland.
~ He rarely saw his father when he was young. His father is practically a fable to him.
~ Monoculus and him have a co-worker relationship. It's a wonder how he manages with the voice of his haunted eye narrating his life.
~ Where most children would want to become pilots or policemen, Tav wanted to kill the Loch Ness Monster. During his time as a Mercenary, he actually managed to. It's still one of his greatest achievements, he believes.
~ Him and Miss Pauling have a pretty close relationship, bonding over going to wine tastings.
~ Tav had two sets of adoptive parents. His first adoptive parents sent him away, as they were terrified of his nack for bomb-making. His second set were accidentally blown up while he was trying to craft Loch Ness Monster-killing explosives. He's kind of ashamed about what happened to his second set.
~ He has long, dark hair that is indeed greasy, but nonetheless he has developed a habit of twirling it or running his fingers through it.
~ In 1968, when he first met the others, he was the judgiest of all of them. He was almost hostile towards them, but he came around in the end.
~ He can read and write perfectly well, though his handwriting does tend to go all over the page, even with lines.
~ His full name is Mikhail "Misha" Orlok.
~ He is 43 and 6'7.
~ He was born in Moscow, Russia. Though, his current residence is in the Dzhugdzhur Mountains in Siberia.
~ His father was a prominent Counter-revolutionary, and a loud voice against the Soviet rule. So, in 1941, he was shot dead during a Soviet raid. Following the traumatic event, his family was traced and imprisoned in a north Siberian gulag.
~ His family was trapped there for three months, when a fire had been started by other prisoners. In the chaos, Misha led his family to safety, despite the yelling and gunfire surrounding him.
~ It took two months for his TF Industries "For Hire" letter to reach him by sled dog, and he only agreed if he was allowed to send the paycheck to his family.
~ When he had met the others for the first time, while Demoman was the judgiest; he was the most secretive. In fact, even now, most don't know his full backstory.
~ Other than Engineer, those Mercenaries who seek someone to confide to will come to Misha. He is the group's best secret-keeper, after all.
~ He has a PhD in Russian Literature, and is the second-best Mercenary at math-related subjects.
~ His favorite film is The Dirty Dozen and first 20 minutes of Rocky IV. Other than that, he doesn't watch movies. He generally prefers books.
~ He can read and write Russian perfectly, maybe a bit too grandiose, but he can do it quite well. English is where he struggles, and English documents are nearly indecipherable.
~ His full name is Dell Conagher.
~ He is 48 and 5'6.
~ He was born in Bee Cave, Texas.
~ Most of his childhood was spent working under the hot, Texan sun on his father's oil fields. Sometimes, he would manage to con his friends into helping him with the hard labor.
~ He was a troublemaker as a child and frighteningly creative, but he thankfully mellowed out as he got older. Dell has seen and done some crazy, mad, and downright absurd things in his youth.
~ He has Ophidiophobia; a fear of snakes.
~ Dell's father is the TFC Engineer, Fred.
~ He has 11 PhDs, and cut off his right hand to use the Gunslinger.
~ His mother and father loved him as a kid, despite his father being gone often for work and such. On the weekends, though, he'd get a heartfelt letter from his dad.
~ While he himself doesn't consider it a stim, Dell has a tendency to rearrange things to occupy himself. Ranging from simply moving something to another shelf, to completely flipping his workshop upside-down.
~ When he was twelve years old, him and his friends were dicking around at an old ranch. His comeuppance for the tomfoolery? Getting kicked by a horse, right in the jaw. He's a proud Texan, and will gladly jump onto a horse rodeo-style, he will look just a tad uneasy.
~ While another Mercenary is the designated "Mother-figure" to the rest, Engi is the designated "Father-figure" to them.
~ A teacher's pet. He was "A pleasure to have in class", despite attempting to teach the much younger kids, whom couldn't understand, calculus and possibly mouthing-off a teacher once or twice.
~ His full name is Ludwig Humböldt.
~ He is 45 and 6'0.
~ He was born in Rottenburg, Germany.
~ He is Jewish.
~ He came from a long line of both doctors and chemists, and the bulk of his medical knowledge came from reading his father's books.
~ While his mother and father loved him, though possibly weighing him down with high expectations, his classmates were the worst.
~ He was a crybaby and easy to annoy, which made him the target of many of his classmates pranks and jeers. It didn't help he had both glasses and braces, and was somewhat baby-faced in highschool.
~ From pails of water being dumped on his head, to having his things tarnished; he hated school in his youth. Still, he managed to scrape by, and successfully earned his medical license.
~ He ran a pharmacy for a while in Stuttgart, at least until Nazi soldiers had raided the establishment and taken him to unwillingly join the Nazi armadda.
~ During his time as a Nazi field medic, his sanity decreased substantially. At the end of the war, he retreated to Stuttgart. Between the end of the war and losing his medical license due to stealing a man's skeleton, he came in possession of some Prime Minister's wedding doves; giving him Archimedes and the rest of his dovery. He was going to preform experiments on them, but the birds somehow won his heart.
~ We all are familiar with Archimedes, his beloved second-in-command, but he has ten total doves. Euclid, the food-stealer; Eratosthenes, a talkative, perky one; Hippocrates, a charmingly dopey thing; Aristotle, flouncing about and prone to bullying the other doves; Thales, a kleptomaniac; Eudoxes, blind and as Archimedes is to Medic, Eudoxes is to Demoman; Galen, mischievous and a trouble-maker; Socrates, likely the eldest and loves cozying up in one's shirt; and Xenophanes, who is noisy, demanding, and prone to scratching and biting.
~ He's the designated "Mother-figure" to the Mercenaries; who'll heal their injuries and not mock them for whatever crazy or embarrassing way they got said injury. God, they drive him up the wall sometimes, but something's holding him back from snapping (most likely the fondness he has for the others, but don't tell him that; like Spy, he's trying to keep it a co-worker relationship).
~ His full name is Michael "Mick"/"Mickey" Mundy. But his name also is Mun-Dee.
~ He is 27 and 6'1.
~ He was born in Dunedin, New Zealand– which is underwater, of course.
~ He spent his childhood in Adelaide, Australia; where he was picked on by other kids.
~ Plenty of jeers were thrown his way, by both adults and children, as he grew up. Everything from "beanpole" to his very own nickname of "Mick-Stick" he had memorized.
~ Most of his youth he spent high in trees, away from his bullies and teachers and other adults who would no doubt spit in his face and step on his achievements. As he got older, with pinpoint precision, he made rocks and sticks rain from the sky and onto his tormenters as their comeuppance.
~ His adoptive parents loved him, of course; and he loved them back, but they did not care for his blossoming profession. His father did actually teach him how to hunt, though, which probably didn't help.
~ As a teen, he took up a small gig as an animal exterminator. As a novice exterminator, he had faced giga-sized crocodiles and kangaroos twice his height. He'd stab mothballs onto the points of his arrows, and launch them into parks overrun by spiders and their webs. He'd pull gluttonous, bitey fish out of lakes with his bare hands. It was definitely much more fun than his current "extermination" gig.
~ He has a peculiar ability to crash like a wreck anywhere; simply getting too comfy leaning against a wall could cause him to start snoozing. On the other hand, any small noise will startle him awake, and prevent him from falling back to sleep for the next few hours.
~ The amber-tinted sunglasses he's iconic for actually are his dad's, which he keeps and continues to wear for sentimental reasons.
~ Every few years, the zit-faced mail boy brings him an algae-covered glass bottle with a wet letter inside, always starting with "My dearest son...". He always throws out the letters, because he knows what they contain isn't sincere.
~ His full name is Jacques bon René.
~ He is 43 and 5'11.
~ He was born in Marseille, France.
~ For a rather large portion of his life, he was a foster kid.
~ Most of his childhood was spent on trains going all around France, with a service worker holding his hand until they reached their desired destination. He doesn't remember how many homes, or other miscellaneous places, he has been to.
~ He used to be a prolific bookworm, and at each house he moved to, he would always be seen tucked away somewhere with his nose in a book. As his job became more intertwined with his life, though, downtime to pick up a book became scarce.
~ Adding onto that, he is one of the best to go to for book recommendations. While many of his most common recommendations are French literatures, he has read a fair few English books he can lend over.
~ He had to have been around sixteen or seventeen when he had ran away from what would become his final "real" home. All he can really recall is a rude exchange of words, and himself storming off in a huff; never to be seen again.
~ He's... kind of made a vow to himself to never rejoin society again. He doesn't exist, and he pretends to like it that way. So, having a son frightened him; and he ran away, fulfilling other contracts until he either died or forgot about it. Neither happened. So each time he sees Scout, there's still some lingering guilt.
~ Medic is not the only Mercenary in ownership of a feathered companion; as Spy owns a very spoiled, somewhat creepy raven known as Sophocles. The black bird stalks around his owner's smoking room like a shadow, but retreats to a golden cage to sleep in at night.
Miss Pauling
~ Her full name is Faith Pauling.
~ She's 22 and 5'8.
~ She was born in Bristol, England.
~ Ever since arriving in the States, she's managed to hide her accent very well. Only a few who've either caught her early in the morning, or are the Mercenaries, have heard her real voice.
~ Lots of her childhood is completely voided in her memory, and with how busy she's kept by The Administrator– her life, to her, is first being born and then working under The Administrator. She hardly has a minute in her schedule to think about her past, and I don't believe she'd care about it if she did.
~ She's forgotten her past for good reason, as it wasn't the prettiest or kindest childhood one could have.
~ For brevity's sake, we can just say that she was shipped off to The Administrator's at twelve years old for her own family's greedy ideals.
~ Lesbian (I can't stop thinking about the moment in the comics where she foregoes joining Scout in getting to safety just to oggle at naked Zhanna).
~ Miss Pauling no longer has any official personal records. She legally doesn't exist nor is remembered by anyone who has once known her; similarly to Spy.
~ She has a variety of small ways to keep herself occupied; fiddling with a pen, whistling or making clicking sounds, tenting her thumbs, and notably, organizing things. Unlike Engineer, she simply tidies things up to pass the time rather than fully rearrange a room.
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littledollll · 7 months
Blank canvas
Lucifer Morningstar x reader
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A/n: this idea was haunting me for weeks before I even posted about it and now here we are.
Big thanks to @pebbleswritessometimes for being with me through the whole writing process (like basically always I just b forgetting to tag this hoe) and @v3nusxsky for also helping out and naming the fic!
Warnings: tattoos/aftercare, shower sex, multiple orgasms, rly soft Lucifer, lots of praise.
It was a few years into your relationship that you thought about getting a new tattoo. Something that symbolized, showing their mark on you. Yet you didn’t actually follow through until well- today.
Early in the morning you came up with some excuse to go to the mortal realm. And since Lucifer never questioned you or your work, you got away quite easily without suspicion. The appointment had been set up for weeks, after years and years of considering and thinking it over you decided you wanted this etched permanently into your skin, for the rest of your immortal life alongside them.
You were away for most of the day, which again, they didn’t question. Because you wanted to finish the piece in one day. Knowing Lucifer wasn’t quite capable of keeping their hands to themselves for too long, and let’s be fair, neither were you. This was a surprise, and you sure as well didn’t want them to just see a half finished piece over the length of your back.
When you came back at the end of the day, they were more than overjoyed to see you. Immediately welcoming you with wandering hands and more than a few kisses. “What’d you do all day, hm? Have fun abandoning me?” You giggled at their questions as you parted from them and took their hands.
“Wanna take a shower with me?” Only a fool would refuse that offer. It seemed like logic to Lucifer that you didn’t even have to ask. “Oh? Did you miss me all day?” They said in an amused tone, and you only looked back at them with a face that told them you had a secret. “I see how it is.”
Lucifer followed you in, watching you closely as you made a point to undress facing them, they couldn’t see, not yet. “Are you gonna go in dressed or something?” You teased, seeing as they were observing you instead of getting ready themselves. “I’m trying to see what you’re plotting.” They seemed dead serious on figuring it out, like some sort of game they had to win. Ever the competitive devil.
“You think you’ll be able to read my mind if you stare at me long enough?”
A short answer before they reluctantly started undressing themselves, having to break their view from you. Taking the chance, you almost ran into the shower, just making them more suspicious of you.
They joined you a few moments later, their hands gently placed on your hips as they looked you up and down. “You haven’t turned your back on me since you undressed.” Their tone dripping with pride, like they’ve just done their best detective work.
“Ohh good job, Detective, you have a great eye.” Your sass was clearly not welcome as they attempted to decipher what you were hiding, giving you a playful glare.
“Okay okay. You’ve gotta help me with something.” As you turned around they caught sight of the fresh saniderm bandage and the bit of ink that had released into it, not making the tattoo clear enough.
“Ah. New tattoo?.. why all the secrecy for that, my love?” They asked softly, adjusting the water to fall perfectly over your back as they gently started removing the bandage. “You’ll see.”
And see they did. They were quiet for a moment as they observed the fine-line piece. The outline of the sun, serving as some sort of heading, or halo for a simple yet beautifully drawn serpent below it. It was quite big, starting at the height of your shoulders plates down to your lower back.
Their hands gently trailed down the sides of it, not wanting to touch in case you were feeling sore. The silence was starting to worry you, and you looked over your shoulder to see what their reaction was.
You were quite pleased to see them admiring it, a soft smile on their face. Such a simple thing felt so intimate in that moment. “..you got this, for me?” the question seemed almost unsure. Their voice low and quiet as they continued to inspect it like it was the most complex piece of art they’ve ever seen, when the design was rather simple.
A simple nod was all they received and you swear you heard a whimper slip past their lips. “Can I- do you want me to help you clean it..?” It was rare to hear Lucifer be shy of all things. You, of course got it with the idea that they’d love it, but this is not the reaction you expected from them.
It felt endearing to see them be so affected by it. “That would actually be very helpful. Thank you, Luce.” They nodded. Gently, they lathered their hands in soap, opting to use just one to rub gently over the tattoo, making sure to leave it perfectly clean. You hissed, feeling a little soreness but it was quickly replaced by the feeling of their free hand inching towards your inner thighs.
They hummed, pressing themselves against your back, the other hand coming to wrap around your waist. Effectively covering you from the shower, then you felt water dripped from their hair down your shoulders. “Is this okay too?” The feeling of their breath on the back of your ear made your knees weak. The feeling only being worsened as two fingers slowly started thrusting into you and you scrambled to find some support against the shower walls.
Your shaky legs couldn’t handle your own weight with all the pleasure you were receiving. But thankfully you were saved by Lucifer’s thigh being pushed between your thighs, giving you a little more stability as the palm of their hand continued rubbing your sensitive clit. “please-“
Lucifer cut your words short with their own. “I think it’s only fair I reward you for this precious gift… don’t you?”
And who were you to deem them wrong? “Y-yes.. yes, please-“ Your moans served as encouragement as they another finger and slowly picked up their pace.
Lucifer felt as your thighs tensed up, queuing them to hold onto your shaking body just a little tighter as you released around their hand with a breathy moan.
Their hold on your waist was gone for only a second as they turned the temperature of the water cold, feeling suffocated in the heat of their own body.
You didn’t know if you were hot or freezing anymore, the cold water contrasting the burning sensation of your body and theirs. Heat burned in your stomach and between your thighs as you felt the rush of freezing cold water running down your back, and pebbling down your hard nipples. It made your whole body shiver as you needily began grinding against Lucifer’s hand.
That very same hand pushed carefully on your lower back, leading you to lean a little forward against the wall. “Good.. perfect. Now I can keep looking at your beautiful back and stunning tattoo.” They murmured, placing soft kisses over the back of your neck and wherever they could reach of your back.
“Spread your legs a little more for me baby.. don’t worry. I won’t let go of you.”
They didn’t give you a chance to breathe after that as they simply picked up the pace once again responding to your needy grinding and effectively turning you into a whining, withering mess in their hands.
“You’re perfect. So perfect, my darling.” Their voice was breathy now as they took their time, switching between running two fingers down your slit and toying with that pulsing bundle of nerves and using those same two fingers to fuck you to oblivion.
Lucifer kept you pressed against the shower wall, your nipples rubbing against the cold tiles whenever they pounded into you, only giving you the illusion of a break when they went back to circling your clit, practically bathing in the sweet sounds of your broken moans.
“I love it, sweet one… who knew you could be even prettier, hm?” They muttered, clearly still hung up on admiring your new tattoo.
You felt delirious. Quickly tumbling over that delightful edge again as Lucifer slowed down for once, keeping their focus on your clit. Your cheek was helplessly pressed against the cold tile as you panted to catch your breath, which was difficult considering Lucifer refused to stop their ministrations any time soon. “Luce..”
“Give me one more, angel.. just like this, just one more.”
Apparently it wasn’t enough that you felt weak enough to turn to mush, or that you quite literally couldn’t stand anymore and they were the only thing standing between you and the hard tile. Clearly your shaking body was no sign of stopping for your devil.
Your eyes slipped shut as curses and cries continued tumbling from your lips. Somehow the slow, almost gentle pace felt much more effective than the previous harsh one. Perhaps it was the overstimulation. No, it clearly was. Your mind was simply not functioning enough at that point to think about the most logical reason why everything felt ten times better, or why every drop of water against your skin made your whole body want to tumble over the edge.
It didn’t take long, of course. Not with their warm skin wrapping and pressing against you, contrasting the cold water. Not with their delightfully long fingers thrusting into you. Certainly not with the palm of their hand rubbing your sensitive clit.
Slowly, they worked you down from your high. Switching from a slower pace to just a sweet and gentle caress, before both arms wrapped around your body and they held you close, pressing your back against them. You could vaguely tell Lucifer’s tone was one of praise as they whispered against your ear. But in all reality you had no idea what they were saying.
You simply relished in their gentle hold, providing you much needed support. Almost sure you’d crumble into nothing if your lover let you go.
You’re not exactly sure how long you stood under the running shower, wrapped in their arms with their face nuzzled sweetly against the crook of your neck. This wasn’t the outcome you had planned, but one things for sure. This was definitely not going to be the last tattoo you got for your loving devil.
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eruminx · 1 year
Hey, can I get Hisoka nsfw and sfw dating hcs (fem or gender neutral reader)?
Thank you!
hi! thank u for the request and sorry it took a while to respond lol, but here u are! sfw + nsfw
❦ hisoka dating headcanons
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❦ sfw:
- very hot or cold. either super sweet or super petty. no in-between.
- he tries not to take things between you two seriously, but his possessiveness tends to get the better of him
- he's clingy. like reaaaallyyy clingy. attachment issues
- his giving love languages are physical touch and quality time, and his preferred receiving love language is gift giving
- loves stuff and gifts. i read a hc post where they hc'd him as a hoarder and i couldn't agree more. he has way too many decks of cards and a whole list ranking his favorite to his least favorite
- sassy. like. annoyingly sassy. he's so witty too?? he always has a funny comeback even in the most serious situations
- can be romantic if he wants to, but that's usually earlier in the relationship when he's trying to court and impress you. but sometimes he takes you out on a super fancy date.
- flakey but loyal. he'll disappear every now and then, but should always come back
- sometimes its more like you're his parent than his partner LOL he's very immature, lots of scolding
- LOVES PDA. he HAS to be touching you, no matter what. in public and in private. even if it's something simple like handholding, but usually it's a lotttt more than that. he also gives really good hugs and kisses.
- controlling and possessive. cuts people's necks with flying cards if they even glance your way.
- sometimes starts drama in your life, such as a death of a loved one or an intense fight with a friend just so you'll go running to him for comfort. does it for his own amusement and so that you'll build a dependency on him. i think he likes to be needed by u
- his toenails scratch u in bed and he refuses to cut them because he's petty. also learned how to snore loudly and sleep with his eyes open just to freak u the fuck out
❦ nsfw:
- kinky ass mother fucker 😭
- switch, but leans towards dom because he likes to physically dominate you. tbh doesn't really matter to him as long as he's in control
- likes pretty much everything and has done pretty much everything
- butttt some specifics that come to mind when i think of hisoka are brat-taming, marking, and corruption.
- likes to make you THINK you're in control by giving you options, but he's always in charge
- you could hurl any insult at him and snap at him, but he'd still have that sweet smile on his face with sharp words to contrast
- "make me hisoka. you wouldn't."
- "oh but i would, and i will. ♡"
- he LOVES LOVES LOVES marking. part of his pda in a way, like making sure the public knows you two are together just by looking at your neck.
- he likes to bite, and would love it if you did too.
- his long ass nails scratch your back and leave scars, and would love if you did the same to him. he'd pay for your manicures and acrylics just so you could claw the fuck out of his back in return.
- because of this he often goes around (even in public) in small shirts that expose his back and neck, or sometimes even without a shirt just so he can show off. and he encourages you to do the same hehe
- it's very easy to excite him. just small things you do get him all wound up. biting your lip, making faces, sighing, even just slightly adjusting yourself and he's pouncing on you dtf.
- foreplay either takes forever or no time at all depending on how patient he's feeling. if he's been craving you, he won't hold himself back because he knows he can't take it slow. and yet he tries, he tries to savor you, he tries to breathe in every inch of you, he tries to take it slow, but he can't. especially not with you.
- sucker for virgins and people who are inexperienced. of course, he wouldn't mind if you were experienced (and if you were just as experienced as him he'd love it), but just the amount of control he has in corrupting someone turns him on to the max.
- corruption goes hand in hand with his brat-taming kink too.
- aftercare usually goes like this: you two laying in his jizz for a few minutes trying to catch your breaths (unless one or more of u are literally passed out) -> bathing together -> changing sheets and just cleaning up in general -> cuddling, snacking, and talking until you fall asleep. <3
i feel like i've talked abt how he would be in a relationship in other posts such as my what the adulttrio need in a relationship, kinds of gifts, and in an argument so i kept it pretty short. there might be some repeating since i honestly don't have much to say abt hisoka since my interpretation of his character is quite straightforward loll. but i hope you enjoyed! <3 my requests are always open.
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000marie198 · 2 months
what happens if sonic goes baby and tails and the other have to watch him would it be the same with tails and would sonic recognize his brother or no
If Sonic alone gets turned into a baby, he doesn't hold the memories of his older self but the bonds and feelings and sensations are there. He instinctively knows his friends are people he can trust. He gets picked up by one of them and he just knows that these are family, that he is safe with them. He doesn't consciously remember Tails, but he knows Tails. A part of him knows that's his brother... He feels the most comfortable and happy around him.
Now, please enjoy some baby shenanigans under the cut :]
Sometimes he wants uppies. He'd keep tugging at Tails' sock to get attention and then hold up his arms with a whine. Tails leaves everything to pick him up and hold him so Sonic could happily snuggle up in the floof.
Other times he would wanna be placed down. He'll struggle and whine and kick his legs and kick and kick and kick till he's placed on the ground. Baby cheers and runs off, instinctively holding his arms forward for balance.
He is two apples tall and he's running before he even learns to crawl.
He doesn't want milk, give him those delicious smelling chilidogs instead.
"You can't eat chilidogs right now, you're too small."
He doesn't care, Amy, put it in a blender and give him chilidogs.
Something startles him, makes him sad or gets him angry and he'll find Tails to complain about it even though he only talks in babbles. Tails gets the gist of it somehow?! It surprises others but the bros know how to read each other, they don't need words to communicate. That is made clear when Sonic grumbles at one point, then Tails gives him an unimpressed raised eyebrow and baby Sonic whines, his ears lowered. They are clearly discussing something but no one can tell what.
Amy. Please ease up on the doting Amy, you're spoiling him Amy, that's a lot of toys and blankies and mittens and beanies and socks Amy, AMY
Knuckles doesn't hold baby Sonic like you would an infant child, he always holds him like :
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Then he'll carry Sonic outside into the sunlight because nature and daylight is good for him. Only to lower his wiggling feet in a stream to spook him, just a little. It's funny. Baby Sonic gets back at him by biting.
He carries the mad child back to the workshop and complains to Tails only for the fox to go, "Well you shouldn't have scared him then, that's what you get," while picking Sonic who grabs onto Tails and blows Knuckles a raspberry. He's taking the gremlin's side, unbelievable.
You take baby Sonic to a Chao garden or somewhere similar and he'll be glomped by chaos or critters or flickies or wisps just like his older self always is. The smol creatures recognize him and adore him still. Baby Sonic is giggling the whole time.
He sits on Tails' head and steers him by the ears and Tails follows along with pretended jerky movements and monotone robotic voice. Sonic giggles. He's piloting a giant robot :] It's only fair the 'giant robot' ends up being led towards a fridge with his head lowered in front of the shelf holding his own juice and he pulls back with an indignant shout when his gremlin babified brother steals his juice by using him. Preposterous! Betrayal! Tails says it all in the most dramatic manner much to the laughter and amusement of baby Sonic.
Aside from this one, there are a few baby Sonic posts I've made which are more inclined towards the Prime Bros au and you can find 'em on my blog in the 'baby sonic' tag, hope you enjoy them too.
I adore baby Sonic so so so much! He's my little son I love him.
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