#but i can dream y’all
rystiel · 2 months
ngl i need jack back on doctor who and i need him to mention ianto. like when he gives his “i had a boyfriend who…” anecdotes but he actually mentions ianto’s name (he kept his promise and never forgot him)
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 6 months
Leona as soon as he wakes up from Malleus’s spell:
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bleue-flora · 2 months
Ok, I recently wrote an essay [here] talking about the definition and duties of civil engineering as well as the ethics because of the brain rot @swordfright gave me with calling Dream Sam’s ultimate engineering project. So, because I actually am a civil engineer I took it upon myself to design the title and summary of quantities sheets just like I do at work for roads but with Dream as the project instead. And in honor of angst day sponsored by @sixteenth-day-event, I figured I’d share it because I feel like it kinda works for the prison of the mind prompt.
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“Sam’s “ultimate engineering project” he deemed too damaged like a bumpy road or crumbling building that wasn’t worthy of patching and filling in the cracks or reinforcing, that’s too eroded to be fixed and preserved. So, Sam strived to tear him down to the bedrock so he could remake, remold, and reengineer Dream according to his design for the common safety, public health and well-fair.”
{These are very similar to the actual sheets I make day to day, which I shall not share for the sake of doxing my location, but yea pretty much everything has a significance. Some of it doesn’t necessarily make sense but that was because I was more so taking inventory of what we see in lore (so you know I counted ;) lol)}
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 10 months
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bangtan boys in turtlenecks (10/??) ↳ cr. 0613data, dwellingsouls | bonus striped sope for @raplinenthusiasts:
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chamomiletealeaf · 2 months
Wish I was getting fucked by a man twice my age and size in a position of authority instead of trying to write this 10 page paper due in two days 😒😭
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ghosttb0y · 2 years
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POST FACE REVEAL DNF!! and on National Boyfriend Day hehe
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isame-allen · 1 month
I respectfully demand more Von Licht sibling shenanigans, pretty please with sprinkles and a cherry on top 🙏
Ask and you shall receive a day later
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deancaskiss · 1 year
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officially have now earned my national license (by passing the NAVLE) AND my state license (I found out this morning I passed the state boards exam)!!! I can now practice veterinary medicine!! I am now officially recognized as Dr G, DVM by the state of Arizona!! T-minus 33 days until my first day working as a veterinarian at an absolutely amazing hospital!!
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aheathen-conceivably · 2 months
Ok so I read the post on your thoughts on Gio and the American Dream and I hate to say it … as an immigrant, I understand him.
I also come from a culture where women tend to their male partner's needs and I don't believe he wants to turn Jo into a subservient wife. He fell in love with a lively, free, and wild Jo and loves that aspect of her.
At the end of the day she loves him too so why would she leave? I understand she doesn't like to be dependent of him but where else would she go? There are no parties or glamour, which was her whole thing, anymore. At least the farm offers stability in the economic crisis.
Point is, I understand Gio as an immigrant, but don't understand Jo as a woman.
BABES! We’ve got another one…
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(As in me being touched and having no other means to say how much I love y’all takes other than to give them a standing ovation in GIF form).
But you know…there’s a whole lot to break down here, friend, especially about Jo. I think you know what that means! Under the cut we go….
First and foremost, I very much appreciate you saying you understand that aspect of Gio. I did in part write him as a commentary on the immigrant experience in America (filtered through his own personality/character of course), and so to know that is relatable means a lot to me. I don’t think it’s a spoiler to tell y’all his journey is far from over, and you can already see the cracks in his outlook beginning to form. Whenever Jo is depressed he says this quite vividly:
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Because you are very, very correct. This isn’t about molding Jo into some subservient housewife, or even eroding those exact qualities that he loves in her. This is about Gio attempting to square what he’s been taught/believes will bring his life happiness and meaning with his own experience and emotions. It’s about the myth of the American dream and the perfect housewife and the very real struggle of those things existing as actual, lived realities.
Because at the root of it, Gio is amalgamating an understanding of his own family unit and what he knows he doesn’t want in this country. He has seen another methods of “making it” in America, and so he thinks if only he can make the “right” choices, he can avoid that, and become the respected and happy man that he wants to be.
Now onto Jo, boy oh boy, Jo….
I think one of the core misunderstandings here is that Jo wants stability. This is kind of the crux built into her desire for control and her never-ending failure to achieve it. She wants to control her surroundings, to make sure nothing and no one can hurt her, but she also wants to feel in a way that is hard to find in a stable, heavily domesticated life. On the flip side, despite whatever imaginary dream Gio has, he’s the same way. They both want a life filled with excitement and new experiences, new people and rushes of emotions. This is one of the ways they differ heavily from Antoine and Zelda.
Now on one level, this is simply the way Josephine is. She’s high energy, fun loving, and insatiable. But on a deeper level, this is tied into her experiences not only as a woman, but as a daughter. She has a brief moment of clarity in that last post where she realizes:
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Now I have chosen not to go too in-depth on Josephine’s trauma, but you can see her lay out the course of events here and also her deep hesitation to any of it here. Josephine is still only a teenager in that second post. Her mother not only told her things like that (“this is the weight that prejudice and expectation have placed upon us”) but also “what do you want to be then? Some glorified maid to a man?” (Which, frankly, I can write another Ted Talk about the juxtaposition here, but I think ya'll can pull some threads).
So when you see Josephine’s struggle with control, this is heavily rooted in bodily autonomy. Now all things considered, Josephine has managed to make great strides toward reclaiming this and reasserting not only her sexuality, but also her sense of self in her body. Gio knows this. We see him recognize and respect it quite clearly in that last post. He’s been part of that process for her, and that only adds another element of love, trust, and safety between them.
But on a fundamental level, neither Gio nor Josephine has made the connection between that trauma, her own personality, and why she hates her life now so much:
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Here’s the issue right now: Josephine doesn’t feel like she’s living her own life. We have seen how she would like to live in the 20s not just in the parties and glamour, but when she was managing bands. She wants to be fulfilled professionally, through helping people/places she believes in and bettering her own life by bettering theirs. That’s how she gets her joy, and that’s what she would chose to do if given the chance.
And right now, she does not feel like she gets to chose. You’re correct in that part of that is coming from the current economic situation. Again, she sees that herself here. She knows what demons are waiting outside her window, and how easily poverty can make them rearise. That only makes it worse. It doesn’t make the smell of bread (domestic security) any better or more comforting. It makes it bitter, because she didn’t chose it. She was backed into a corner by circumstance (and, as she can sense, by the choices men made for her without telling her), and now she feels like she can’t say no. That’s her ultimate trigger.
Now whether or not that loss of control is simply perceived, or should be offset by how “lucky” she is to be in a stable position in such precarious economic times, we might all have different options on. Even more, I’m sure each of us would answer differently for ourselves in that situation. I know I would. But for Josephine? Not only is this a life she will never find joy in, because even without her trauma, she is an ambitious, restless, and outgoing person with different goals for herself; but that added memory and pain makes her reaction to it all the more volatile.
Perhaps most importantly, Jo feels as though her life is being controlled again, whether by Gio, the reality of the world outside her window, or by her own guilt/love that makes her feel beholden to the people around her (just like it did to her mother). Because you’re right, she does love him. She wouldn’t leave because she doesn’t. If she leaves now, it would leave because she panicked, because she feels like she’s lost all the autonomy she worked so hard to regain and she’ll never feel the fulfillment she felt when she was successfully independent ever again. That’s the element I hope we can understand, even if it’s not what we would do.
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autism-alley · 4 months
LETS GO!!!!!!
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also means y’all are free to criticize the show w/o fear of show cancelation (however real that threat ever rly was lmao) cheers to my hopes of shit getting fixed s2
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who-needs-words · 3 months
Weirdly enough, and despite my many femslash ships for her- my favorite silm rarepair is Lalwen/Círdan.
Maybe for Galadriel/Celeborn parallels
Maybe because I think Lalwen deserves a cool spouse
Mostly because my imagined dynamic for them is so good.
Lalwen has many skills and hobbies- but her Craft™️- in the noldor sense where a craft is a key part of your identity. More than work, more than skill a noldor’s Craft™️ is a part of them. And Lalwen’s craft is charm. She could probably befriend Thingol if given the chance.
She’s recklessly loyal and aware of it. Knows it’s her flaw- that’s why she fears leadership. Not because others wouldn’t follow her but because she fears her own reckless nature. Her vindictive streak an ocean wide doesn’t help.
Círdan is as calm as steady at the sea. He is a creature of patience and perfection. Every ship he builds is a masterpiece. He hears lalwen laugh and every carefully planned diplomatic move leaves his head.
He wants to make her laugh.
Lalwen can talk and charm her way faster than most elves can think. She can back you into a verbal corner before you even blink.
Círdan thinks through every word- considers every angle. It’s what lets him survive. He’s kind, understanding and serene.
He looks at the shining high princesses of the noldor and thinks ‘she’s going to burn herself out’ he makes it a mission to be her safety.
Lalwen approches him with the goal of making this elf she sees as uptight loosen up and have some fun. Círdan teaches her to enjoy an afternoon in the sunlight. She teaches him how throw rocks in the sea just see them splash.
They balance each. There is a give and take. They’re like the tides. She always comes back to him and he always opens his arms to her.
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coconut530 · 5 months
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bleue-flora · 7 months
So… I have been obsessively rewatching streams to get as canon accurate as possible (as a perfectly sane person does… of course) and it kinda sparked a question. Clearly, Quackity’s lore is on the more scripted and edited side, so Punz’s talk with Purpled wasn’t a live impromptu and one of the things he specially highlights is “6 months” as the time frame for Dream being tortured in prison (not to mention the unspeakable and past people’s limits parts which there is no way Dream signed off on, but that’s a whole other can of worms…) We know that according to real life, Quackity tortured Dream daily for about 67 days if his last visit is the stream of making Dream write the letter (May 22nd, 2021), 75 days (from March 17th, 2021 - Quackity’s first visit stream to June 6th, 2021 - Techno’s stream where he visits Dream) if he holds up the deal to not torture Dream for a week or 82 days if he doesn’t, (we know he doesn’t get tortured while Techno is there because Dream mentions it in the podcast stream), which brings us to almost 3 months. Given this, why would Punz say 6 months? This isn’t a live stream slip up, this is scripted. They have time to verify the actual facts. So why would they say that and emphasize that point. 3 months is still a long time to be tortured daily, there’s no reason why that time frame wouldn’t be sufficient to convince Purpled of its ferocity.
One could make the argument that when Dream told Punz about it, he said 6 months because he didn’t know how long it was (which is actually what I thought at first), but Dream actually has a decent understanding of time at different points in prison so that’s not super likely. When Techno comes to visit Dream, Dream even says, he’s been there for 5 or 6 months (and that’s after Tommy’s stay and revival and stuff). We also know based on the jailbreak streams that Sam kept up the lie to Quackity that Dream escaped so even when Techno leaves it’s not like Quackity came back.
So, c!Dream knew, cc!Dream knew, cc!Quackity knew and given their attention to detail, I feel like they wouldn’t let cc!Punz get it wrong on accident. There’s no particular reason for c!Punz to lie and it’s not like an - I forgot how long let me just mention type of thing. No, this was one of the times in that talk with Purpled that he repeated himself for emphasis. So, why did he say 6 months?
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blupengu · 6 months
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Oh how naive I was…
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bradshawsbitch · 6 months
me now whenever astarions reaction is “don’t touch me” as you switch to his character
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lady-tortilla-chip · 2 years
I love Dream because he’s so so unlike any Mc I’ve ever come across before. Like yeah he’s dark and brooding but also he’ll cry if you yell at him or tell him sad things or tell him he’s perhaps in need of a friend. He’s masculine but not big and burly instead thin and triangular and kinda resembles a twinkified bobblehead. He’s definitely straight but also he can be gay for some guys. He’s otherworldly and ageless and also kinda stupid at times. He’s also. An actual. Cat boy.
He’s perfect.
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