#but i don't know how
Jason: I'm back from the dead and I've come to beat your ass!
Tim: You leave me no choice. I'll have to use my ultimate weapon
Jason: Fat lot of good that'll do you! I can't wait to hear your bones break
Tim: 🥺please don't break my bones Jason! 🥺 I just wanted to be helpful 🥺 I just wanted a family in the same country as me🥺
Jason: I know what you're doing
Tim: 🥺Is it working 🥺
Jason: .......yes you sick son of a bitch
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teaboot · 10 months
I want to find a way to explain what I remember learning language was like, but the hard part is that before words the way I remember thinking didn't *use* words, but what is the name of a thing which clearly and concisely communicates a specific concept from one mind to another through visual media? Fucking words. So fuck me I guess
Anyhow "Tomorrow" as a word was a fucking mind bender with very memorable confusion so I'm starting there
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sophsicle · 11 months
you know what i think needs to be, like, a thing? telling the people around you how to take care of you. i know. i know. revolutionary thought here. but it's just. i want ppl to tell me like "hey. these are the words that make me feel good when people say them" or "these are the things that make me feel good when people do them" or "when i'm feeling shitty i want space. or i want touch. or i want a bottle of wine. or i want to cry about it. or i want to laugh about it." i just feel like we live in this world that demands that we magically know the answers to these things. and if we don't it's because we don't really care. but i don't think that's true. i only know as much of you as you're willing to tell me. so tell me how to love you so i can do it properly.
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bomberqueen17 · 5 months
I was writing a post and at the end I was adding tags, as I do, and I typed the singular first person pronoun, I, and a list of tags popped up as suggestions that took me the fuck out. It was so disturbing I took a screenshot.
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[image ID: a list of suggested tags, screenshotted. It's titled "popular" and the list is "I want to [star emoji]ve" "i wanna lose weight" "i sell content" "i love him"]
I wanna star-emoji-ve???? Well there's some pro-ana shit for you.
I don't know if the kids these days remember this but back in Livejournal around the era of strikethrough (the '07-'09 time period is where I remember noticing it) there was a movement to censor pro-self-harm blogs, that were support groups mostly supporting one another in more and more extreme anorexic/self-destructive/eating-disordered behaviors.
This is absolutely that. And they were like "it's self-expression" and everyone else in the world was like "it is actually a toxic encouragement of self-harm" because they were like, concretely instructing one another and recruiting vulnerable people to join them in ways to literally starve to death, they were support groups for killing yourself more or less, and so those tags would occasionally get banned or delisted or removed from search or whatever, but remember this was very early in the history of such things, and there was no algorithm. But people did use the browsing of blogs' "interests" to find one another, it was a feature of how Livejournal worked, and there wasn't a lot of moderation but the deactivation or delisting of those self-harm-encouraging tags were a hotly-contested bit of debate.
And so they got more creative, and found other ways to find one another, and people starved to death or otherwise irreparably damaged their bodies and their mental health and so on. I cannot emphasize enough, this was not fiction. These were not fictional stories depicting fictional scenarios that weren't happening, these were real people posting stories and encouragement and photographs of their real selves, showing off how much damage to themselves they were doing, concretely encouraging one another to do the same. This was not fiction.
But they kept finding new ways to talk about it so it couldn't be censored.
And then LJ deleted blogs for posting about fiction instead, and we all kind of forgot about it and moved on.
Highly displeased to find that it's all alive and well on Tumblr, to the point that it's the number one suggestion when I type the fucking first-person pronoun into the tag field, and I can't opt out of seeing that. COOL.
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maranull · 2 months
i would be so insufferable if i ever got the patience to learn how to draw
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 2 months
Guys is it bad that I'm kinda starting to hate the only fanfic I've ever written?
I'm sorry, Gator Geoff. It's not you, it's me.
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oscarsgallery · 1 month
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(ooc) :( i'm still not over them
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odxball · 4 months
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i made an internsona💥 idk why but i'm kinda nervous posting this help
template by @emo-hermit
when i find the patient template i totally wanna show off my rhythm doctor oc hehe :D
personality + other random ramblings below the cut
their ecg halo thing changes when startled/shocked (it goes from ---^v--- to ---^v^v^v--- idk if that's a good representation)
actually works two jobs: one at msh and another at middlesea market (aka a grocery store that i just made up to reflect my irl job at a grocery store)
hates edega's guts. still secretly cries when he scolds her
always carries at least one stress ball in his pocket or bag, regardless of how stressed he actually is
frequently offers to make snacks to bring for ada and ian
chill and relaxed when defibrillating patients, a nervous wreck when doing literally anything else
wanders around msh aimlessly when not tasked with anything
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wanderingmind867 · 6 months
I'm a super insecure person. It's why I always repost and reblog my posts. My brain can't seem to just let me be whenever my posts get no attention. If my posts don't get at least a little bit of attention, I feel the urge to repost them and reblog them. I don't know if I was always like this (I think the longer I use social media the worse my insecurity might get, but I can't prove that).
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 7 months
Haven't heard from D in almost two months. Going around the apartment and putting all the stuff that reminds me of him into a box to hide away.
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bea is sleeping at last - eight
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get rec'd gayboy 😔😔  i don't know what i expected
"i was just a kid who grew up strong enough/ to pick this armour up/ and suddenly it fit/ God"
newbea watching the one-two punch of Mary & Shannon. burning up at the sight of it, like an object slipping into a decaying orbit towards some immense object. towards love.
knowing that it would be hers, someday. this weight that Mary carries. Beatrice knows it like she knows the reach of her left hook; the anticipation of a blow. the inevitability of loss.
God. fitting. ill-fitting.
"i want to break these bones 'til they're better/ i want to break them right and feel alive/ you were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong/ my healing needed more than time"
yeah, maybe she needed to fall off that motorbike. maybe she needed to break to come back together properly, wrapped in the love (hoodie) of those who love her.
"show me how to lay my sword down/ for long enough to let you through/ here i am, pry me open"
"here's a map, here's a shovel/ here's my achilles' heel/ i'm all in, palms out/ i'm at your mercy now and i'm ready to begin."
ava. a girl, a church. a girl, a roof overhead; a house you can't be thrown from. a house that won't collapse in on itself.
a girl like a star. a thing that burns and burns and dies, sudden, explosive. the aftermath of its death
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and bea, standing as an occlusion in that bright cloud. alone again. 😔
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swampndn · 4 months
Well. I'm overwhelmed. It's day 1 of the semester, and I haven't even gone to my first class yet. So. This is promising.
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wandering-einheri · 7 months
The more I work the more I feel like I'm about to hit my breaking point
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mkstrigidae · 2 years
The Immortals
By Honorificabilitudinitatibus
Chapter 1: The Hunted
Unwillingly thrust into a realm full of beauty and danger, filled with beings who aren't supposed to exist, Sansa is exhausted, terrified, and desperate to return home. But with the secret of her heritage- heritage she hadn't even known about- revealed, these immortals aren't about to let her leave. Not when she holds something they want. Something valuable. Something in her very blood.
“Can’t we get the police involved?” Bran pleaded. “Get someone else to help find her?”
“I wish we could.” She told him, reaching out to squeeze his brother’s hand.
“Well why the hell can’t we?” Rickon snarled, his fists clenched so tight around his mug that Robb was amazed the cheap ceramic hadn’t shattered yet.
“Because, right now, Sansa isn’t in this world.” Brienne wearily admitted.
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drowninnoodles · 2 years
Hey uh, I don't normally do this, but can you reblog it? I want to get as many tips as possible :)
So uh, do any of you know how to start writing a story and creating it for a comic, for example? I wanted to make a game, but I don't think I could, that's why I thought about comics. But uh, I don't know how to start, so if anyone has any ideas, please feel free to write me, I would be very grateful for any help. :)
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nevertrulyset · 9 months
Have you ever wanted to cry, more than you've ever wanted to cry in your life, but your body just won't let you cry, so you go on and on, day after day, not having the satisfaction of feeling those tears leave the ducts? Do you only get sadder and sadder? Angrier and angrier? Did you finally get those tears out? Or did the universe decide to let you be happy and fulfilled without the need for a good cry?
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