#but im petty
Being a middle child is being forced to babysit your younger siblings while your parents take your older siblings to see a movie you're not allowed to watch.
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cursedcorpse · 4 years
Whenever my follower count drops, my heart murmurs. I then check to see if only thee important ppl are still here with me lol
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good-girlinhell · 5 years
Also. My 02 liner mutuals. 01's win cuz Beomgyu is a 01 liner ;P
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fitlexy · 6 years
Finished my workout! 10 sets of 10 push-ups =100 4 sets of 25 squats = 100, 5 sets of 30sec planks and side planks. Tomorrow I start foam rolling, stretching and running too. Gotta get right before July! Got a wedding and gotta break hearts/ end lives in time for someone’s bday 😏
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i kinda want kalorie to go home bc she calls herself the twerk queen...but can’t twerk
tbh i woulda sent her home last ep for that display she called twerking
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starrydeckhand · 6 years
Somebody yesterday told me that “if drawing was my passion, I would have found time to do it all the time”...
Newsflash, asshole!!!!! I’ve been loving to draw the entire goddamn time!!!!!!! 
And just because I don’t spend every single second on it, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t important to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can love doing one thing and enjoy doing others things at the same time!!! And it doesn’t make it any less valid if you don’t have time/motivation for it or if you prefer to hang out with your friends or family!!!!!!!!!!!
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tenderscumm · 6 years
i wanna vauge but also i should do the right thing n confront them about it
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jinnielovebot · 7 years
whatever sick ass marketing strat jyp thinks he’s tryna pull, it’s not working
im not gonna rant about jyp in this post bc im sure PLENTY of you have alreayd done that and trust me, i have too. lets just think about how emotionally crushing this must have been on the boys :(((
chan had to not only be told that he had to get better at EVERYTHING (srsly tho jyp what ht e fuck) but he had to watch 2 of his members get eliminated. as if jyp couldnt spell it out any clearer that he thought chan’s effort and hard work was for nothing. i cant even begin to imagine how hard this must be for him, thinking that he probably failed his team and that it’s all his fault.
woojin ahsdASDJKAS okay listne here BITHC woojin hasn’t been practicing for years upon years just for jyp to say “lmao ur not main vocal material” suck my ASS jyp if youre fucking looking for main vocal material in your company then i think its safe to say that you need to remove yourself from the music career then :) woojin literally helped other members out with their vocals and jyp has the balls to say hes not good enough wha theh fu cfdjgksvhf it hurts sm to see woojin look so disappointed in himself when he really shouldnt be ajdkdlsls
changbin literally had to see the 2 members of his group get eliminated. he looked so broken when felix got eliminated it actually fucking hurt my heart just to hit the unpause button and see him torn up when he was hugging felix. when he kept saying he was sorry to felix i almost lost it there was so much desperation and regret in his voice it was so painful to see him so broken and blaming himself for losing his group members
hyunjin, oh my god where do i even start idc if im sounding biased rn but this kid had to go through TWO elimination scares, both in the first mission and after the busking like how the FUCK do you think he feels rn?? im so torn knowing that hes probably scared that he’ll be next or that he’s not cut out for the team with all the (STUPID ASS) criticism he’s gotten from jyp ahsdkjadajsk i srsly hope he’s not losing confidence in himself :(((
jisung now has seen both woojin and jeongin at risk of elimination i swear to the lord his heart must be absolutely crushed right now. can you even imagine how guilty he must be feeling right now that he couldn’t help those two even THOUGH HE REALLY DID A SHIT TON like asdjhkASDAHSKJ
minho suffered through SO much unjustified criticism from jyp it scares me to think about how much confidence he must have lost because of it ajkd he worked his ass off improving his rap, dance, and vocals in such a short amount of time but jyp just tossed that all out the window and u know all those memes on tumblr abt minho whooping jyp in the future? that better happen soon for realsies :’)
jeongin has srsly been in fear of that disgusting crusty ass old snake man jyp ever since the first mission bc jyp is a blind ass cuck who thinks its cool to scare the living daylights out of jeongin. this poor kid has had to go through so much criticism throughout the show bc apparently jyp cant see that he’s actually IMPROVINGA SHIT TON and is still young asf so he still has time to learn. dhaskdjas i hope he regains his confidence and stands up to that crusty old man soon >:(((
seungmin, i thank rvery star in the sky that jyp has for the most part kept his grimy hands off of seungmin but i remember this onenficcking part i just cant rememebe r WHERE but he looked so crushed and it was all bc of the one and only snake
felix, i needa take a breather. you can’t fcking tell me that felix isn’t a hard worker. this boy who’s not even 18 yet freaking left his home miles and miles away with little knowledge about the language nor korea itself, all just for a shot at debuting under jyp. he poured all his blood sweat and tears just to practice his dancing for hours and hours, and when he wasn’t dancing, he was practicing korean for the few months that he was in korea. you can even fking SEE HOW HE WAS PRACTICING HIS PRONUNCIATION AND RAP FOR THE PERFORMANCE and yet jyp doesnt see that he basically just threw away all of felixs hard work and boy oh boy i cannot begin to imagine how felix felt being told he just wasnt good enough. idk someone probably gonna argue that “if he wants to debut he shoulda gotten better at korean” but see the flaw in YA LOGIC IS THAT he’s been there for very VERY few months. a language can take upwards of years to learn, yet hes been doing it every minute of every day over the span of 2-3 months and it’s not always about how good you are at something, it’s about how HARD you work to get there. it doesnt matter if he’s not perfect at korean or if he made mistakes in the choreo, it matters that he actually works really fucking hard to improve and jyp overlooked all of that with his ugly ass sunglasses
rant over congrats if you made it this far
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nolifeisenough · 7 years
Oh damn im sad!
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grendelsmilf · 7 years
@dancesong17 omg i didn't even see that post (and i never want to) i literally just blocked someone for reblogging my post abt how "if jews weren't a minority cxg would have higher ratings" and they we like "it's bc it's not that good" bc im petty like that
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ariesbilly · 9 years
also does katy hart know how all these raggedy ass 14 year olds are treating her daughter because i do not believe for 1 second that she would stand for this
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ovisiphorus · 9 years
Cruella's only real crimes are one: for some reason she didnt want to use adult dogs which meant she's need less dogs, and two: she stole ppl's pets
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