#but like. come on
twisting-roads · 5 days
okay well I didn't get to do this meme last year. but this year
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yonpote · 1 month
ok i dont have my tarot cards on me so i redownloaded this tarot app i used to use that ive generally had good results from
i asked basically "what the hell are dnp up to"
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mitskiluvr · 6 months
soulmatism is phoenix only knowing miles for like 2 years in elementary school yet IMMEDIATELY knowing that something is horribly wrong when he sees miles in the newspaper years later being called a demon prosecutor
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sillysnack · 8 months
thinking about kusuke in london makes me sad... that flight must've been hard. like..WAAHHHHh
kusuke isn't scared of planes, he understands that the pilots and all other staff members are skilled at their respective field. though there was a sinking feeling in his stomach he couldn't get rid of– nausea? not quite. only certain foods made him feel nauseated, he's had a strict diet for years now; it couldn't've been that.
the plane finally lands. that was it. finally in london. then kusuke would navigate the place alone, not that he needed much help. oddly, at every turn, he can hear his parents. rather, he was imagining things they'd say if they were in london with him.
there are a lot of people in the airport. kusuke thinks of kusuo. he'll be fine. kusuke tries to imagine all the thoughts that would make itself heard in kusuo's head. it rather annoys him, wasting his thoughts on locals and foreigners alike. what does he gain from thinking of what other people are thinking–? when there was someone kilometers away that could effortlessly know it without even wanting to do so?
kusuke shrugs his shoulders, fixing his jacket. while he's adjusting to cambridge, he'll have to try not to dwell too much on why he moved there in the first place.
i just hope dad doesn't rely on him too much while i'm gone. he'll be fine. i'll be fine.
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discrunkled-twog · 1 year
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@transmechanicus @corvidjuice
Just thought you two would like to meet.
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tealfruit · 1 month
art is subjective so I'm not going to say anything about the quality of someone's work as a critique of them as a person but what will piss me off is someone being completely disingenuous for the sake of clout and aesthetic. tswift's music is mid imo but, like most music, it isn't like Bad or whatever it's just not for me. but girl you cannot be saying shit like "you wouldn't last a minute in the asylum that raised me" when your rich parents got you voice lessons and moved you across state lines just so you could pursue your dream of having a country music career. like actually I'd like to see you grow up in MY situation and see what kind of mangled ass writing you'd pull from that, then it'd actually be interesting
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sammygender · 1 month
at the end of the day it’s just not true that sam ‘explicitly says john never hit them in 1x14’ it’s actually the opposite of true. do you want me to pull up the quotes i love that episode i can pull up the quotes. even aside from the fact that sam’s still identifying with max once he knows he was abused and only stops once it becomes obvious that it continued in adulthood/wasnt a childhood thing that just happened sometimes….. even aside from the fact that dean’s comment at the end of the ep is obviously meant to imply that sam either doesn’t know about something or isn’t considering something….. even if you just take it at the most textual value possible. sam doesn’t say Dad never hit us! he says “a little more tequila, a little less demon-hunting, we would’ve had Max’s childhood”…. very different…… max’s childhood is explicitly Defined by physical violence & sam and dean’s isn’t it’s defined by the hunting and the neglect and for dean the parentification physical violence isn’t the defining part or even the Worst part i would argue of johns abuse……. all sam’s saying is That….. but there is a world of a sliding scale between “max’s childhood” and any other kind of not necessarily frequent but still occurring physical abuse & to act like there isn’t is weird and insane……. and especially to sam those can seem like very different things…… no one wants to believe their parents are awful. sam doesn’t even if he seems like he’s ready to accept it. he’s not really.
he’s Also essentially saying In another world where our dad didn’t have hunting and he drank even more than he already did, he would’ve ended up beating us! . which is also really not a ringing endorsement of john winchester’s parenting wrt physical abuse.
i have like 798477 more thoughts on this but whatever i’m just here to say shut UP about 1x14 in regards to john physical abuse unless you’re using it to mention how it brings that concept, which it returns to multiple times throughout the show, into the narrative…..
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evelynmlewis · 4 months
Can we all just agree that pirating fanfiction isn't a thing.
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arguablysomaya · 4 months
all three of the us soldiers killed for no reason in Lebanon were black... y were u there gang
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masteraqua · 9 months
not enough energy to make something today but i still want to respond to the KH4 Challenge prompt: Cameo
despite how unlikely it is, i would love to see this chaos gremlin make an appearance in quadratum
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kiyaar · 6 months
i'll say it. i think commitment to playing a character means you wear a wig or dye your hair the color. but what the fuck do i know
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manager-dante · 9 months
can we all pause the sighs of relief over the “apology” issued by PM to acknowledge the multiple blatant contradictions it contains. this is PR. corporations are not your friend.
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butchaholic · 1 month
I know my taste is Fucked bc lowkey fujos have some very particular attractiveness going on.
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antiqua-lugar · 4 months
My MCU bold hot take is that we should have known how bad it would have ended when Civil War happened, not just because they dumbed down the issue but also because they failed to make very obvious parallels
Like Tony, what about your BFF who blacks out due to Science Gone Wrong and who is on the run from the USA government and that you are protecting at all costs. "Bucky should be captured" are you gonna help the government capture Bruce? "The brainwashed guy killed my parents due to all the brainwashing" Your Science Bro hulked out and destroyed Harlem. "Bruce can control himself" yeah because he had a chance
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cottoncandysprite · 2 years
Ok crack theory on the Jane Austen thing: one of the flashbacks is her taking one look at the bookish smartass Aziraphale and awkward brooding Crowley and writing Pride and Prejudice based on them. Worlds first ineffable husbands fanfic writer
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valleynix · 3 months
I have a question for you about RE8. I've been thinking about the other Resident Evil content that Chris has been in and I feel like I've realized something. Others may have seen this before, but it only just fell into place for me.
In his other appearances Chris either has a situation explained to him, explains a situation to someone else, or effectively communicates a change in plans so that those around him know what he's doing going forward. Some of these situations, such as RE 5, RE Revelations, RE 6, RE Vendetta, and even the original Resident Evil. In most of these, the the amount of time they can waste is so much less than the timeframe they had in Village. Situations such as missiles counting down to be launched, a facility or vessel in the process of enacting a self destruct, bioweapons actively attacking them and others, etc. Yet he still finds time to take a break and chat about what's going on to others involved.
So why, pray tell, does he not take any moment before or after shooting "Mia" (Miranda) to explain to Ethan what is going on? Like could he really not give Ethan a run down of the situation as they walk out to the Hound Wolf Squad's vehicles, letting Ethan carry his own daughter in the process instead of having one of his squad knock Ethan out and he himself seemingly kidnapping Rose.
If I am correct, Ethan even asks when he first sees him, "Chris? What the hell is going on!?"
We know Chris can effectively communicate with others in these situations, and others that are arguably more high stakes than this, yet he completely refuses to do so at every possible opportunity until Ethan encounters him in Heisenberg's factory. He even kind of taunts Ethan in Moreau's reservoir with his cheeky line of, "I'm surprised you made it this far. It'd be a shame if something happened to you now." Like, what was that comment going to achieve? Especially after Chris neglected to fill Ethan in on everything going on.
So I took a look at the other interactions Chris has where he shows that he CAN communicate information in an effective and timely manner. Hell, he even slows down a bit to listen to and communicate with Mia when in Miranda's lab! The only reasons I can think of that he would withhold vital information from Ethan, that DIRECTLY INVOLVES ETHAN, MIA, AND ROSE, when he has been shown to halt his mission momentarily to pass along information that has at times been much less important than an immortal bioweapon several centuries old impersonating someone's wife in order to take their kid...he either doesn't think Ethan in competent or he doesn't respect Ethan.
He has seen the skill set of those he has worked with on the field, had likely had Claire, Jill, Barry and maybe Rebecca vouch for some people, and has very likely heard of the research Mia helped with when she was working with The Connections (since he likely would have her explain how that shit storm started to determine if she could be found guilty or not for the lives lost) but all he saw of Ethan was when he was getting his shit rocked by the mutated Eveline at the end of RE 7 and Chris had to drop him a weapon to defeat her. So maybe he doesn't see Ethan as incompetent, considering everything he survived and endured, which would narrow it down to not respecting him. If he didn't respect him at all then he probably wouldn't have been taught the Winters how to properly wield firearms and stayed in contact. Yet he certainly seemed to make a mockery of Ethan's distress when finding out that he was not only in the village, but also singlehandedly (unless you count the Duke) taking down the most powerful bioweapons in the area.
I'd love to have someone else's take on this because, despite in actuality it being bad writing on Capcom's behalf, I still feel like I'm missing something. Sorry for writing so much, and if you made it to the end then thank you for your time!
i’m sorry if my reply isn’t quite as long or detailed as it might have been if i were in a better headspace. also, i apologize if some of this may not be exactly 100% canon; it’s been a minute since i’ve read what i’ll reference.
anyway, my friend and i had a theory a while back that Chris was using the Winters as bait to get Miranda to come out - hence why they were in Romania so close to the village, why “Miranda” had come up in some of his communications as if he were speaking to her, and why he didn’t really tell Ethan anything during the first scene and the ones after.
some of these are referenced in the Baker Incident Report, but it could very well be that Chris didn’t respect Ethan, like you said, and thought everything would go a lot smoother if he didn’t say anything. classic human error, if it hadn’t already been proven time and time again he prefers to communicate his plans with his comrades.
granted, it could’ve been that he figured Miranda was listening and didn’t want to reveal too much about everything going on, but then again, what would her knowing do? what would that change when it’s obvious he’s set up base and is actively coming after her?
what would it change when she already knows (pretty much) everything about the situation? she obviously wouldn’t be afraid of some firepower, considering her abilities and insanely quick regeneration.
i do think it’s a mix between an attempt at making everything more dramatic and “important”, lazy writing, and perhaps an attempt at making Chris the bad guy. not really sure why they’d even do that last part, but my main guess is likely just lazy writing, especially with some of the other parts of Village that just make no sense with everything else.
anyway! that’s my view on it. i feel like Village could’ve been so much better and i despise their use of the miscommunication trope. how much of that could’ve been avoided if Chris has explained what was going on? using that trope as a major plot point is just lazy writing, imo.
sorry if this wasn’t exactly what you wanted :( it’s been forever since i’ve played any RE games but it was interesting to think about!
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