evelynmlewis · 5 days
Shades of War fans rise up
Please vote based on the picture AND the description!
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Daniel Grace [Shades of War @evelynmlewis]
Daniel is a talented hacker who recently signed up at the DNAA (Dralinian National Aeronautics Academy) in the hope of getting into their acclaimed Science division. The problem is that when he joined there wasn't a war, and now there is. Daniel now has to worry about being drafted into the Combat division if he doesn't get high enough marks. (my boy is NOT athletic.) Just when it looks like he's about to be forced to go die in war, his superiors approach him with a third option. Become a spy for them by infiltrating enemy forces undercover as tech support. Unfortunately Daniel is a plaything of his higher-ups in multiple ways and after the mission in book one goes disastrously he finds out that the original plan involved throwing away his life, and he becomes very bitter. Despite being acclaimed as a "hero" in the aftermath of book 1, he decides he will no longer do anything do help the war effort and it's not his problem, even if his help is desperately needed to save the country - he claims no longer to care about anything except his girlfriend, Cass. That turns out to not be really true, though, especially when Barir Stelmer (his foil) attacks his hometown. Part of Daniel and Cass's joint arc is unlearning their juvenile, unhealthy and self destructive obsession with each other and learning to love in a way that puts God first.
Daven [Artorbis @epnona-the-wisp]
Daven likes stories. And bears. Also food and tree climbing and his new younger sister. He thinks life is very fun except for when it contains things like chores and books with hard words that take actual effort to bring the plot out of them. Recently he’s been having nightmares—but Mama says that’s pretty normal for kids his age. His best friend is Granny—the old woman who lives in the woods. She seems to have lost her own grandchildren, but Daven is happy to fill in.
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evelynmlewis · 5 days
Do I need to name-drop the word "whumper"
Please vote based on the picture AND the description!
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Ephesia [Welsh WIP @bookdragon1811]
she's convinced she's dead, a welsh goddess has a grudge on her, she's missing three limbs and makes her own prosthetics, and she gets all her information from the cryptic symbolism in her dreams. she would probably die for you but she would be so mean about it <3
Eniss [Shades of War @evelynmlewis]
Eniss is a shade/human hybrid. Her mother's species, Shades, are demonlike shape-shifters. She was born to the High Priestess E'essa in a matriarchal society and inherited the position of High Priestess to the evil god Cerok. However, it is made very clear early on that Eniss chose evil for herself, even outdoing her fellow Shades in an attempt to be more evil than they are. As a hybrid between humans and Shades, Eniss sees herself as superior to both races. She initially came to Valerian to investigate the human side of her heritage, and ended up meeting and siding with the traitor prince Ellatar. She became his second in command, rallying the Shades to his cause as prophesied and promised to him by her late mother. Her own reasons and motives for fulfilling this promise are mysterious, however. She dresses in an all-black chiton, black gloves, and covers her face with a black veil most of the time. This is because she has claws at the ends of her fingers, and red eyes. Ellatar thinks she is hot but is too afraid of her to make a move.
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evelynmlewis · 8 days
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Well, since other engagements are off, it seems like a great day to do a front cover reveal for The Summons.
And I know I'm missing one more!!
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evelynmlewis · 8 days
Sorry guys apparently I didn't get enough nominations to qualify for the Reader's Choice voting. Didn't realize that was a contest too or that you had to get nominated multiple times
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evelynmlewis · 9 days
My favorite healing magic / body horror fusion is one where if the magic has no ontological inertia and if it stops being sustained then all the wounds immediately reopen
Really trying to build a world where there's a dark side to healing magic. There can be downsides to healing. Too much healing. Bodies that don't function right anymore because of healing magic. Is there good there? Yes. Is it also a little bit eldritch? There was an attempt.
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evelynmlewis · 9 days
Please vote based on the picture AND the description!
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Barir Stelmer [The Toxic Element @evelynmlewis]
Barir Stelmer was a hero in the Shade Wars who saved an entire city from an invasion by Shades through his cunning magitek inventions. However, after being betrayed by his work partner, the government wrongly blamed him for the invasion happening in the first place, and he was exiled to outer space. 40 years later (but not much older due to some timey wimey stuff) he has returned to his homeworld bent on revenge against the country and city that wronged him, even though they now revere him as a lost hero.
Beck Valentine [Clans of the Coyote-Girl @ The_Anonymous_Coauthor]
Beck is TJ's kindhearted, generous wife. She is an unwavering friend and support to Billie and the children and patches Riser back together after a fight. She stands beside them through the discovery of Billie's pregnancy and offers love, support, advice, comfort, and heaps of food. A steadfast Christian like her husband, she practices what she preaches.
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evelynmlewis · 13 days
I know I'm not the only one who reads modernist and postmodernist poetry and feels like a complete idiot. Confession time; I don't even enjoy reading it and 99.99% of the time it does not speak to me on an emotional level, which is to say, hardly speaks to me at all, I can barely understand it and certainly don't enjoy it.
Some have called my taste in poetry... hmm, how might you say this... bad
Not even all of the fixed forms appeal to me, even pentameter feels awkward to me. It is not that I lack the vocabulary or understanding to speak of my preferences. It's just that the only poetry that can actually deliver to me on an emotional level is ones where I don't really have to do calculus to understand the form.
That pretty much only leaves tetrameter and below. And true to this rule, pretty much every poem I've ever written is tetrameter, trimeter or some broken variation/combination thereof (but I have a marked preference for tetrameter)
Due to the simplicity of that style, many poets who write like that (like Poe) are considered sort of unsophisticated or, I suppose, at best populist and down to earth.
Anyway all of the above is why I tend to commit the cardinal sin of writing poetry but never reading it. Though to be fair it's also the reason that I do not describe myself as a poet. Oh well.
Neither fixed form nor free verse, but a secret third thing:
Writing fixed form incorrectly
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evelynmlewis · 13 days
Neither fixed form nor free verse, but a secret third thing:
Writing fixed form incorrectly
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evelynmlewis · 14 days
Well hello everyone. Typo on Realm Makers website had them saying voting for the finalists was open from the 21st to June 10th, but they just changed it quietly to read May 29th-June 12th.
We are on pause
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evelynmlewis · 17 days
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The Kingdom of Heaven has been nominated for a Readers' Choice award from Realm Makers!
From their website:
VOTING FOR FINALISTS: Vote May 21-June 7! Vote from our list of nominated books (our semifinalists). The five books with the most votes will become Readers’ Choice finalists. Here’s what you need to know: Anyone can vote. You can only vote once. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Please don’t try to game the system by using multiple names and email addresses so you can vote more than once. While we appreciate your zeal for your favorite books, if we suspect you’re trying to cheat, those votes will be disqualified. You can only vote for books you’ve actually read. Tell us your TOP 5 favorites from the list. Be thoughtful. The authors deserve that.
Readers, please help me out by voting for KoH!
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evelynmlewis · 18 days
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evelynmlewis · 19 days
The mermaids took my one true love, Upon the ocean wide Where billows rage and rancor, And many men have died.
But my love has not perished, He sleeps upon the foam, In pink pearlescent palaces That mermaids call their home.
Somewhere at the far-off place Where water tumbles down The edge of earth's forgotten face And many men have drowned,
In filtered light cyan and blue A hundred miles deep There you'll find my one true love, Tranquilly asleep.
There he lies upon the sand With glistening fish above him- O mermaids, when you see him there, Please tell him that I love him.
The mermaids stole my one true love, They'll never give him back. They'll clothe his lovely figure With driftwood and with wrack.
O gentle mermaids, kiss him, And comb his silky hair: Please, he is my only love, Attend on him with care.
And when you curl your strings of pearls Around his milky bones, Whisper to him stories, And bring him precious stones.
The mermaids stole my one true love; I know that I shall wait From blinding day to blinding night Of charcoal and of slate.
I'll walk the shore my lonesome, Forever and a day, While seabirds streak the dimming clouds Like chalk upon the gray.
O cruel mermaids tell me, Did you love him more than I? When you took him for your own And left me here to sigh?
Does he talk about me, And does he speak my name Since you breathed into his lungs And set on him your claim?
The mermaids took my one true love, Beneath the ocean waves, And there he shall remain until The sea gives up her graves.
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evelynmlewis · 19 days
Ok, poem is incoming. I do have to post it in May I guess because this is the only thing I'm (probably) doing for mermay and it was a convenient cooincidence Anyway, has this been done before? Probably. But whatever
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evelynmlewis · 20 days
I tried this using the liquefy tool in Rebelle and it seems like it would work
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evelynmlewis · 22 days
fake dating, but they're secretly married.
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evelynmlewis · 27 days
100% necessary video to watch if you're writing historical fiction of the period. I'm bookmarking this so that I can reference it when I finally put together my historical fiction style guide.
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evelynmlewis · 1 month
I found this great website that might be of use to writers. It will tell you exactly what day of the week specific dates fell on in any calendar year, along with when the holidays fell during that year, if you want to set fiction in a specific year in the recent past. I'm not sure how far back it can generate but it at least goes back to 2003 and I'm interested to find out how much further you can click
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