#but the kidnapping/murder/whatever details just aren't fun
i-like-turkey · 2 years
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My least favorite part of writing fic for this damn show is having to make up shit relevant to what they do. I don’t know why. But I’d rather write more soft, tender, feelings filled sex than come up with details to fill in the brackets. And I REALLY don’t want to write soft, tender, feelings filled sex for a while.
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Charlie & Ronnie
Charlie: Well well well Charlie: aren't you so smug Ronnie: 🖕 Charlie: Come on Charlie: if you aren't sharing you can at least share details Ronnie: hes not a homo Ronnie: turn him on your own time Charlie: none of 'em ever are, darling, you know the drill Charlie: not your usual type though, where'd you snatch him from? Ronnie: he stalked me but hes too pussy to try a kidnap Charlie: where were you Charlie: the library? Charlie: 🤔 Ronnie: yeah shooting up in the stacks Charlie: romantic Charlie: also you and every other junkie in this town, god bless a public space where you don't have to buy a shit cuppa to use the loos Charlie: but I won't be distracted Ronnie: guess again then gaylord Ronnie: reckon youll get close if you think librarian on a break Ronnie: frigid not slutty Charlie: why are you being such a tease? Charlie: not slutty or cool 😣 Ronnie: im not a tease just cause you miss my arse baby Charlie: hard to miss something that ain't never been there 💔 Charlie: there's no way he's a dealer or a tattoo 'artist' or any other degenerate you spend your days around Charlie: not got the look Ronnie: i told you hes a stalker Ronnie: facebooked me like a ma with a limp dicked hubby & 2 cunt kids Ronnie: cheers for all the content he found like Charlie: you and your several chins ain't that special though Charlie: no offense Charlie: where did he find you, why Charlie: WHY HAVEN'T YOU ASKED Ronnie: sort your head out soft lad Ronnie: why do you reckon Ronnie: think back to every bullshit baby dream you ever had Ronnie: 🏠👶🐶 Charlie: he's not old enough to be anyone's daddy Charlie: wait Charlie: oh no way Charlie: you're related to him Ronnie: got the same ma Charlie: fuck Charlie: that's huge Charlie: how old is he actually? Ronnie: 19 Ronnie: youngest of em is like 5 he said Charlie: there's more Charlie: Jesus Ronnie: brothers & a sister Charlie: obvs not your dad but just the one or what Charlie: what happened to her Ronnie: she met him the same year i was fucking born Ronnie: no time wasted Charlie: that's so messed up Charlie: I'm sorry Charlie: have whatever you're having on me rn Ronnie: give your sorrys to him Ronnie: proper headcase Ronnie: near west as i am Charlie: he's not actual stalker material is he Charlie: shit, if I'd have realised Ronnie: calm your tits fitz Ronnie: theres fuck all worth taking Ronnie: your virginitys long gone Charlie: not how he's gonna see it if he's actually looney Ronnie: if he wanted to murder me id be dead Ronnie: he had a clean shot when he got me from [that sketch location] Charlie: really Charlie: you'd rather risk getting raped and murdered than just tell me you were there again Ronnie: you say that like it aint my idea of a fun night Ronnie: whats a lil sexual & physical violence amongst potential family & friends yeah Charlie: be serious for a second please Ronnie: fuck you Charlie: what are you doing about this Charlie: what does he actually want Ronnie: hes a pussy with a deathwish Ronnie: dont know fuck all else about him Ronnie: didnt wanna know that Charlie: does your mum wanna see you? Ronnie: aint her looking Charlie: surely she asked him to Charlie: not the kinda thing you do off your own back Charlie: least she told them about you, clearly, loads don't, ever Ronnie: probably shitting herself id come knocking at 18 Charlie: aren't you gonna then Charlie: go knocking Ronnie: why the fuck would i Charlie: ain't the only one with unfulfilled childhood dreams Charlie: 🤬👊😡🖕 Ronnie: i can use him as a punching bag without having to catch a flight Charlie: he's not who your issue is really with though Charlie: biggest issue, anyway Ronnie: turn the daytime telly off like Ronnie: fucking hell Charlie: I'm job-hunting with my days tah very much Charlie: bullshit you've got nothing worth saying to her Ronnie: binging bargain hunt aint gonna do shit for your cv Ronnie: & hes happy to pass on the fuck yous Charlie: I'm not binging anymore, babe Charlie: and why, what happened to him? Ronnie: dont take marple to work out without a gag reflex for the purge youre gonna be a fat cunt Ronnie: ask him yourself if youre dead arsed Ronnie: having a ma can fuck you up like not having one who knew like Charlie: and I'm the one that needs a job Charlie: 📺💕 Charlie: how are you not at all curious Charlie: get some imagination PLEASE Ronnie: shut up Charlie: So what Charlie: your BROTHER Charlie: with plural other brothers and a sister are gonna show up and you're not gonna do anything about it Charlie: just keep doing what you're doing like it never happened Ronnie: hes my half brother Ronnie: & the others aint gonna do fuck all Ronnie: hes not gonna organise a family reunion Charlie: you get to call the shots Charlie: you're the bastard orphan Ronnie: yeah i do Ronnie: cause i gave him a shot Charlie: excuse me Ronnie: hes in the club now baby Ronnie: & he aint gonna want mommy dearest finding out Charlie: what kind of fucked up genetics do you have Ronnie: you read the file Charlie: yeah Charlie: seeing it in action is something else Ronnie: stop crying he was never gonna fuck you Charlie: piss off Ronnie: suck a dick & get over his Charlie: yeah you read my file Charlie: long time ago Ronnie: yeah Charlie: things change Ronnie: if you want your boner back he studies music Charlie: don't pimp your brother out Ronnie: you saw the bitch he was with Ronnie: he needs us Charlie: does he though Ronnie: shut the fuck up Charlie: I can't believe you dosed him Ronnie: it wasnt like i crept up behind him for fucks sake Charlie: you clearly want him to stick around Ronnie: shut the fuck up charles Ronnie: he begged & he paid Charlie: so you're gonna let him get a taste and leave him high and dry Charlie: we'll see how that works out yeah Ronnie: im not his ma Ronnie: even if he reckons i look like her Ronnie: no cunt nursed me through it Charlie: yeah? Charlie: whoever you are, I ain't dealing when he shows up at the door Ronnie: no fixed address baby Ronnie: thats how it stays Charlie: you leave a pretty big trail in your wake Charlie: incognito you ain't Ronnie: you know where the fucking door is Charlie: my fucking door Charlie: I'm aware Ronnie: you coming out or what bitch Charlie: depends Ronnie: say on what then Charlie: where you are, where you're going Charlie: if your brother is nodding out in the corner Ronnie: [location for where she is] where the fuck do you wanna go dorothy Charlie: the fuck outta Kansas Charlie: all this brother lovin got me feeling queasy Ronnie: so move your arse Ronnie: me & you old school Charlie: how old school you tryna be 😏 Ronnie: how you want it Ronnie: nothings changed Ronnie: fuck that Charlie: 'course Charlie: be there now bitch Ronnie: good boy
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free--therapy · 2 years
thank you for answering again 💗
you mentioned that a psychopath could be someone who lies or doesn't accept upon confrontation but is it okay to assume that's in case of really bad crimes? because i know a lot of people (including me!) lie about stuff or try to hide stuff they aren't proud of sometimes in day to day life for whatever reasons
my image of a psychopath is mostly drawn from what we see in media so i used to think that someone who can do lots of really bad things like murder, kidnapping etc. for no reason or for fun and have no remorse for it is kinda what a psychopath is and that sort of people are very rare. is it safe to assume that's a suitable explanation?
honestly i got confused about it right from when i watched that video and i took it in a very different way than what i should've i guess. the person in the video (a scientist) was talking about how "the earth being round" is a objective truth and there's no point in believing anything else like the flat earth, etc. because it's a "fact" which led me to this thinking of whether things that i think are not that "wrong" are actually objectively wrong or if its just my opinion. as in if i'm seeing some wrong actions as justifiable?
i remember reading this news article where a 17 y/o girl from some country was being forced to marry some guy but she didn't wanna so she ended up poisoning and killing almost 12 people from the families. i was very shocked but then when i saw the comment section of that article, people were praising her saying she did what she had to do and she's brave for it.
that was the first time i realised people have opinions about things like murder too. i never would've thought it's something subjective considering how sensitive the topic is. that's what led me to think if certain things that majority believe are wrong, but if i think are neither right/wrong but neutral, does that make me wrong or if i don't have sympathy in certain situations where other people do because i have a different opinion, does that make me a psychopathic person? that's what i was thinking so hard about.
i just came to a conclusion that comparing scientific facts like "the earth is round" to human nature and our opinions on things like actions, crime, etc. isn't exactly the same thing. i guess human nature in general is subjective?
which also made me realise that the subjective and objective truth that i am worrying about is actually just the difference between opinions/thoughts vs. facts. realizing that is really comforting because now i can just separate it as a opinion or a fact which is much more comfortable since I've been doing it for a while now with anxiety. so to know it's nothing "new" to worry about helps a lot to make me feel relaxed.
i was wondering if me deserving forgiveness and love despite my past actions are just my selfish opinions but thinking about it, i do know that while i cannot force other people to forgive or love me but i can and should totally show love and care towards myself either way. also to learn to believe in my opinions without doubting myself (aka thinking i'm a psychopath for having certain opinions) or without always seeking external validation to feel worthy or whole. and one way of doing it is not making myself overthink this anymore lol and instead learning to let these thoughts go without feeling the need to analyse them and be proud of myself everytime i take a step forward. I'm trying to do that and hopefully not have any panic attacks in the future from overthinking....
sorry for the detailed info....i just wanted to explain the situation correctly. big thank you as always 💗
Hey Again Anon,
With psychopathic behavior, there usually isn't any accountability for one's actions and they'll usually turn to manipulation tactics like denying, pointing the finger and blaming other people for the things they're being accused with, or finding any way to convince others of their innocence (infantile behavior, basically). It's not necessarily attributed to serial killers and murderers though, but I will say that psychopaths and sociopaths often don't feel like there's anything wrong with them and will carry out their behaviors like it's fine/normal. You don't exhibit these kinds of behaviors to me at all, so do not worry yourself over this :) You're right about people just lying about things or hiding things out of shame/guilt, but that is completely normal and doesn't mean it makes anyone a psychopath.
Even some things that seem like the objective truth may not even be the truth. I know that's confusing, but if you're a seeker of the truth, you'll come to find that what people think is the truth might not actually be true and it ends up being this rabbit hole and never-ending search for truth when we'll never really know (and even that is another thing we have to come to accept too!) That's why I believe you should seek as many perspectives about things as possible and find the common denominator between them all to form what you believe is the truth. I'm also a firm believer in not believing in certain things without seeing things for myself. So just because someone says something is a certain way, I always like to make sure I see the same thing for myself (because people either intentionally lie or may not actually know the truth themselves either). But yes, I do think science helps us to get definite truths, but even scientists have been wrong.
Yea, unfortunately no matter what's out there, no matter how bad or even "stupid" you think something is, there will always be people in support of it and those against it. I don't think anything in this world exists where 100% of people can agree on it. This is why there's the argument for a flat earth vs. a round one. Sometimes you have to be curious and be open to understanding why people think differently than you do and why they believe it so much, no matter how silly their way of thinking can seem. I've come to change my view on a lot of things because I had the courage to try and understand why people looked at things differently than me. I didn't become truly open-minded until I learned how to do this. Again, different perspectives are so important! Don't let the opinions of others sway you though. It's important to learn how to form your own opinions on things and to not be worried about whether or not most people think the same thing. The majority isn't always right ;)
Yes, human nature is going to be subjective. Like I said, you'll never get 100% of people to agree on anything. While some people and some cultures may interpret a saying or an action/behavior in one way, another person or culture will see it differently. It's definitely a confusing world to navigate!
"which also made me realise that the subjective and objective truth that i am worrying about is actually just the difference between opinions/thoughts vs. facts."
Yes! This is exactly what you have to learn to do to combat your anxiety. You gotta feed that irrational mind of yours with more logical (factual) thoughts. Doing so over time will help your body to relax as well because they're intended to comfort you.
You will always deserve forgiveness, Anon! And the only person that you really need it from is from yourself! You may not get it from other people, but if you can give it to yourself, then everyone else doesn't matter. Same goes for self-love and self-worth. When you can love yourself, you won't seek it from external sources because you're giving it to yourself already and no other love from other people can really fill that role as much as you can. When you learn to love yourself, then you'll be able to show others how to love you. You're on the right track!
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