#but what does this have to do with my post and how are my preferences as a complete stranger an attack on you
bunny584 · 1 day
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Part II of this cute lil ask right here
A/N: Shit. You just graduated med school. And today…people expect you to…doctor? Mom come pick us up, we’re SCARED (real thought on my first day of residency).
S/N: Meet your first year surgical residency class. Undifferentiated little stem cells. The bottom of the surgical food chain. First shift last 36 hours and you work every second night until you drop. 
All you know is that you like to cut. Where/what/how that cutting comes will be decided later. Everyone has an idea of their subspecialty but…shit happens, preferences change and sometimes the spleen just bleeds for no fucking reason at 4 am when you’ve gotten 30 minutes of sleep in the last 3 days and you have to—what? Sorry. Forgive me. 
Let’s get into it.
For the love of God, interns — pick up your pagers. 
Dr. Yuji Itadori 
Specialty Interest: ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY 
Don’t tell Dr. Sukuna about this but who here is shocked. This sack of muscles THROWS SUVS AT HIS MORTAL ENEMIES ON A RANDOM TUESDAY NIGHT??? Please???? He also does shit like watch Wormo-Man parts I-V and this is peak orthopod behavior. Yuji definitely has contests with his patients on rounds who can crush the cranberry juice or protein shakes the fastest. Spoiler, he always lets the patient win.
Everyone thinks he’s just joking around but it’s his way of getting post op patients to get their nutrition in. He’s a very thoughtful doctor, even though people assume he’s no thoughts just vibes between his eyes. 
Dr. Megumi Fushiguro
Specialty Interest: HAND SURGERY (can be achieved via Ortho or plastics)
Hand surgeons are a different BREED. Do me a favor and google “hand anatomy.” Not only will you find like 400 bones, there are 7,000 tiny tendons, lumbricals, digital arteries, veins and nerves all packed into the little mitts we take for granted. And to add insult to injury — all of the muscles and tendons are in latin. Like whoever decided that please take your seat on this one way train to hell :)
Nevertheless, Dr. Geto spotted Dr. Fushiguro on day ONE of intern year. How meticulous and neat he is. How intelligent he is in the O.R. As an intern, Megumi broke the record for the fastest carpal tunnel release for residents (4 minutes, 35 seconds — not faster than mine though, 3 mins, 52 seconds over here big dawg). Suguru is Megumi’s mentor within the first week. Two peas in one moody brunette, pod. 
Dr. Nobara Kugisaki
Specialty Interest: TRAUMA SURGERY 
Nobara is 100% resistant to the Satoru Gojo, MD charm. Unlike the rest of the residents, she isn’t squeezing into Dr. Gojo’s trauma ORs just to graze his gloved hand with theirs. Or make eyes over the surgical masks. No, Nobara did her first cricothyrotomy and became HOOKED. The day she had to climb on the gurney to tie off a patient’s external jugulars because after coding and ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) they were SPURTING out of the large pipes in their neck — she was sold. Trauma surgery through and through.
Real story btw. It was insane. Whirlwind of a day from the trauma bay to the OR to the ice cream we all scarfed down after because we won that day. And you don’t win every day. So the days you get to tell the Angel of Death to fuck off, you savor them. 
Dr. Maki Zenin 
Specialty Interest: VASCULAR SURGERY 
Little known fact about vascular surgeons is that they are gangster as fuck. Hear me out. They like the blood PAPER thin, right? Small, rusty pipes need to get fluid through, so thin the fluid out as much as possible. Meaning patients are on aspirin, lovenox, heparin, and every other anticoagulant known to man.
Everyone else with a working amygdala is scared to DEATH of these patients bleeding because you look at them sideways and suddenly hemorrhage everywhere. Not vascular surgeons and not Maki Zenin. “Aorta ruptured..? No prob, just sew it up with a couple stitches. What—like it’s hard?” - Every Vascular Surgeon ever. Maki just gives unhinged-unbothered-let-them-bleed energy to me. Plus vascular surgeons do all of the amputations. Maki is doing that with her cursed tools and scrubbing in with hand sanitizer only. Period.
Dr. Yuta Okkotsu
Specialty Interest: TRANSPLANT SURGERY 
The OG lover boy is NO different in this AU. He is sentimental. He cries with patients. Dr. Nanami met him during the first month of his residency and immediately took him under his wing. Yuta is always the last to leave the anatomy lab, making sure to stitch the donors completely closed — even though no one will see. When asked why he spends hours post call doing it, he says: “Because they deserve respect until the very end.” Nanami And Yuta are a perfect match. After Yuta’s first liver transplant, Nanami takes him to the same hill he lays on by the airport. They both say goodbye to the donor together. 
Dr. Toge Inumaki
Specialty Interest: ….he switched to PSYCHIATRY, still tight with the surgical interns though.
Hello, please this is also obvious. Inumaki is the only one in the group who can listen intently for hours without interruptions lmao. He saw that aggressive surgery shit and said absolutely not I’ll take my talents ELSEWHERE 😂
And you know, funnily enough, a good majority of surgeons ALSO were torn between picking surg vs psychiatry. My mentor told me that its because its as invasive, just without the scalpel. The rest of us meatheads just like the scalpel a little too much to put it down. 
Specialty Interest: N/A
He is the hospital emotional support animal. 
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E/N: Alright interns. Do your best not to kill anyone. And if your chief resident (me) is sleeping, don’t page me. And if you do page me the patient better be knocking on heaven’s gates. And if they are knocking on heaven’s gates, they better not have crossed into the bright light before I get there. 
Real E/N: Kidding. I am so full of shit lol. I am the senior that brings my juniors cafecitos and treats and takes their pager to let them get some well deserved rest. 
Don’t be late to your OR cases, Shoo!
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dykeyangel · 22 hours
the whole queer eddie being included in a queer characters posts reminds me of like when people were wishing the bucktommy date scene got cut instead of the eddie and buck in Bobby’s room and eddie praying …when there is that whole random ass scene with no real adherence to the plot or the characters with polly the neighbour right there as an option for them to cut..but no they wanna cut the scene with the mlm queer couple (that many mlm queer men in this fandom love) all because they hate tommy, can’t handle a daddy issues joke, and the fact that it’s not eddie with buck
yeah ultimately a lot of their cries for activism and queer rep are performative. they do not truly care about queer characters or queer representation and i think most people could smell that from a mile away. these people have always been way more concerned with their own ship than with anything else. they like to pretend that if you don't ship The Thing or if you don't hate bucktommy then you must not want eddie to be queer or even like his character and that's. a thought lol. but i think it's really interesting why they've come to that conclusion.
like for me, i love eddie enough that i don't have to change his character to make him something that i like. i love eddie enough to allow him to be his own character outside of my own interpretation of his queerness and outside of his relationship with buck. but at the same time i also love eddie enough to see myself in him and create theories about his identity. these two things co-exist: seeing the character for what the canon shows me he is AND seeing the character for what i'd like him to be. i think most people are able to find the balance and be pretty normal about it. i think these people are genuinely so far deep into whatever they want the story to be that they have to rewrite canon to fit that perception of the character and feel threatened when that gets pointed out.
which again, like i truly do not give a shit if you do cherry pick canon, just don't come for people who are like hey you know that's just your headcanon right? like don't act like your own interpretation is better than anyone else's. it's not, it's still just an interpretation. i do read eddie as queer while still acknowledging that within the canon universe, he is identified as a straight man by canon. which makes my reading of him just a headcanon (aka canon in your head but not anywhere else), no less valid and important but still not the story they may be trying to tell.
i've talked about this a little bit before but i think a lot of the issue here is the idea of playing nice and remembering that this is all pretend which i don't think they've really had to deal with before. a lot of these people have never been confronted with another big kid on the block. their ship has kind of held precedent for a really long time, along with their headcanons and their ideas of what these characters are. so now that buck actually is bisexual and is dating a man, who isn't eddie, suddenly their entire worldview of canon breaks down.
now there's canon gay representation. now you don't have a moral argument to justify your ship bc that thing you've been begging for, "canon bi buck/more canon queer characters" does exist. so now what are you arguing for? just a preferred ship? no that can't be, it must be more than, we must be fighting for something bigger.
but now you're forced to confront that it's all just headcanons and vibes and theories that have ran unchallenged for years and years. so now you have a group of people who do not know how to grapple with the reality they are being shown vs the reality they've created in their heads clashing against people who are fans of the same reality the show lives in and don't really care about the non-canon anymore. which, if that's your prerogative, if you prefer non-canon stuff, then go for it, that's what fandom is for, but the issue here is that they view this as genuinely a threat. they don't want any other interpretation. it doesn't just feel like a threat to their ship, it feels like a threat to the canon world they've created about these characters. they see other people coming in excited for something that isn't their thing, and now feel like we're taking something away from them. they don't want to see canon anymore, even if it's something they used to claim they want. they don't want queer rep, they want to be proven right.
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cz19y · 2 days
Not sorry for the title
CARS ! [HCs]
Multiple × GN!Reader
[!] A.U. — Cat / Them as Cats !
∆ Fluff, PLATONIC, NO ROMANCE, pet & owner dynamic, OOC[?], slight hint of injuries[reader, Chigi's part], mention of overworking, no cat breed description because I'm lacking in cat knowledge, grammar & spelling errors[? NOT proofed] I have no idea what um doing this is just a word vomit
FT.: Chigiri Hoyama, Niko Ikki, Kunigami Rensuke, Nagi Seishiro . . . . Check this post ! [Cat!Isagi art]
NOTE: um, I'm alive.
NOTE2: I got a little excited in Niko's part, guess my favorite guys !! So not obvious.. :3
[ starting . . . ]
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CHIGIRI would be very much the type of cat to stare at you and slowly push something off the table.
Does not care + sassy.
But if he broke something important, he'd feel bad and try to maintain distance from the things after the incident for a short period of time. Would let you scold him in that scenario.
Other than that… Threats you with breaking your important objects if you neglect him for too long[he won't break it but it's so he’ll get your attention]
Would be THE cleanest cat you’d ever seen. Grooms himself often, you don't have to worry if he has any tics or anything.
For that, Chigiri is a very handsome cat.
10/10 fur, soft fur, pretty feline eyes, in good shape, has a way with things..
Even though being clean, he forgets to clean after himself.
Balls of fur laying around the house.
Talking about fur; he doesn't let anyone touch him — at least anyone who isn't his owner and other cats he’s friendly to.
He was cautious of letting you touch him the first time you adopted him. Hissing and not hesitant to show his claws.
But after some while, Chigiri started to let you near him more often after gaining his trust.
Agile. You cannot catch that cat on your own and with a group of 5 people.
Purrs slightly when he gets a compliment of his speed.
Chigiri has his monthly check in with his leg, poor thing is used to it although seeming to dislike it.
He just accepts his fate and takes it.
If there's visits, Chigiri is not paying one ounce of attention to them.
Dodges everybody and sits prettily on your lap. Asking for the daily dose of affection before running off to some corner until the guests leave.
That thing is shameless when he wants to.
If you're overworking too much, he'd threaten you by pushing your mug off the table.
Distracts you to waste your energy, so you can get your rest.
I feel like he’s very subtle with affection sometimes. But stills make big moves of showing his endearment for you.
If ever having the scenario of gaining a lifetime injury that can disabilitate you — he'd be by your side in those dark times of distress.
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Too timid for his own good — NIKO takes the longest to warm up to you.
Does NOT let anyone touch him. Even you had trouble with approaching the small black ball of fur.
Seems cautious of anyone who tries to pet him near his head. You're worried his fur will irritate his eyes, but he seems to prefer it like that.
He’s used to the fur covering 90% of his vision. But not used to you grabbing his face(gently) and smashing his little face, spilling words of how cute and beautiful his eyes are.
Guests? No Niko in sight for the next hours till they leave.
Where can you find him? In your bedroom, under your bed or near your manga shelfs he somehow seems fascinated with.
Adores plotting next to you and “watching” TV when you're playing some anime series. You doubt he understands a word they're saying but he seems transfixed on it anyways — so you just let him be.
Was weirdly quiet after the day you bawled your eyes out watching Banana Fish.
Rarely initiate some type of affection. But when it does happen, Niko is so cute. Just a tiny ball of black fur on your lap, purring under your touch.
Has a hushed purr. Cannot hear the feline almost all the time, but you can tell he is enjoying being pampered.
Loves being massaged and just being taken care of, just make sure to straighten his fur when you finish.
Fluffy tail.
Grooms quite often, you don't really have to worry about him being dirty or leaving a mess behind(different from chigi-)
Gets all awkward when you pamper him — doesn't know where to look at and just funbles around with his paws shyly.
Only lets you pet him, but Niko looks like he has mixed feelings about you muffling his fur.
The first time you tried to introduce Niko to other cats, it was a mess. It started out slow, but stuff got heated. Other cats are too intimidating for him. Being the youngest and one of the shyest are difficult in this situation.
After a lot of persuading, he finally found somewhat of a group he could be in. 5 other cats that was a weird combination but it worked.
You're proud of your little companion for becoming more and more bolder.
It’s supper on the spot when hunting a bug. Calculated and on aim, if missed, Niko knows it’s next move. It’s like a way of repaying for taking care of him.
Not a big fan of vet, quieter than usual but he doesn't make a fuss about it.
If he senses you're upset or in distress… he’s clueless. Bro has no experience in that at ALL.
But one can try, and he's in for making you feel at least slightly better. Why not give his best purrs while he allows himself to curl up next to your sulking form on bed? Flap his ears gently against your arm to tickle you a little? Rub his small ball of fur of a head on you as a green light to slip your worries out even if he can't do anything about it?
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Protective baby.
So protective, safest kitty to be around.
KUNIGAMI is surprisingly calm and collected for a cat so damn big.
This feline is huge, almost like a dog. It’s a whole workout to just pick him up.
Loves walks, really does — or just overall being active in activities. Easily mistaken by a dog when he so excitedly wakes you up for the morning walk.
Specially muscular for a cat but it's not a surprise for his size. It’s hell if you want to guide him or when he just pops himself on top of you. It pretty much… crushes your lungs.
It doesn't take much to approach him — warming up to him is a different story. You have to be a good soul for him to acknowledge you. Good vibes and someone who surprises him in a way can already be accepted by him.
Social but on the quiet side. Will not complain if you put him in a room with other cats, and gets along pretty well.
He is MESSY. Balls of fur here and there, he can accidentally make some things fly off the corner and he won't even notice.
Feels bad for making you have to clean up, so he plays a role in taking care of the house when you're out.
Guard cat frfr.
A good boy — lot of energy too. Loves engaging with you. Type of cat to linger around where you go, not too far but not too close. Kunigami just.. there.
Has a lot of fur, it’s a miracle he’s so clean with so much fur.
Often intimidating, despite being friendly. Other cats are weary of his size. And Kunigami does know how to put up a fight — a big fight by the way. You learned that in the hard way when he encountered a blond cat with lashes and exotic eyes.
Indifferent about the vet, he just accepts it and gets over with him.
Protective. Did I mention that? Legit takes the role of protecting his home seriously. This includes his owner. If a guest looks too out of place or a stranger is pushing things on you, Kinigami’s hissing and glued to your side.
When you took him in, the previous person that was in charge of him mentioned his two other siblings in his litter. You assume that's where his protective nature comes from.
Kunigami isn't blind to not notice how you're not taking care of yourself. Be drained because of work or study, this cat is going to drag you aside so you can rest.
Gives his best to be of any help when your mental state isn't in the best shape. He really just hopes for the best for you.
Get’s annoyed when you give him an “insult”(affectionly).
Shower him with compliments and he’ll get awkward. Loves it, but he is just too lost to do anything.
Hang outs with the red-pinkish cat and other two cats are his favorite hang outs.
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Sleeps 24/7 you bet he’s at the top of his life — he has never been so satisfied with this lifestyle, you bet NAGI prayed for this in his past life.
Gigantic, even bigger than Kunigami. Difference is; he doesn't do shit like Kunigami does.
But hey, don't judge him! He’s giving his best… and gives up(as if he cared in the first place).
Fur all over your house. In your clothes, couch, bed, everything. And he didn't even bother to clean up.
Definition of ball of fur, but add messy to the mixture.
The only effort you'd ever see him make is chase the sun on your floor to lay down and sleep.
Okay jokes aside; he is somehow active, just not often.
Nagi got one if not the best reflexes you’ll ever see in the body of a cat this huge and lazy. Good with limbs and manipulating whatever object that calls his attention enough.
Surprisingly good at running, you'd never guess it if it wasn't for a black cat that’s X3 smaller than him. It rarely happens, but you still have to keep an eye on them or else things might escalate.
Gives absolute no fuck to guests, if he wants your attention he will get it. But if he has a choice of where to be when guests are in, he’ll be buried in the best place on earth: your bed.
HATES vets. Hides and actively avoids you when the date comes. Good luck being able to drag him because he's heavy.
Bathing or grooming him is pretty easy, just tiring as heck for his size and how much fur he has
Looks like a wet rat when you bathe him.
Letting Nagi out in the wild is safe. You know he won’t go too far either, he just lingers and if he does go out; he always comes back somehow.
Nothing serious; he just surprised the living soul out of you when he came back with a rich purple cat trailing behind him.
Loves getting pets from you. If it’s from another someone that’s not special to him, he doesn't care then.
Purrs rather loudly, but it’s very muffled and low.
It's 9/10 chances you’ll wake up having difficulties breathing because the cat is either being your personal scarf or laying across your chest. He won't budge, so just try to flip over if you can.
Funny habit is that he’ll go for affection and then disappear, reappear, and repeat. He does like being alone after all.
Like the other cats on this list; bro actually has NO clue of what to do when you're down.
“It's so bothersome”… but he knows he can't be like this. Nagi comes to be a little more active, being to call your attention or just to get you to understand he's there.
Nagi actually has a clue of what is happening, he just has to be put in the right mind to get his gears running.
A/N: I was gonna make a small doddle for this one but I gave up X3 damn this has been sitting on my drafts for decades holy shit
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pubbamoon · 3 days
Hi, I'm a new follower after I read your post on the Venus signs and their music preferences. I'd like to hear your thoughts on people who have Pluto in the twelfth house. And, what would you recommend to people who have Pluto the twelfth house to try and combat their fears and the hidden parts of themselves?
Pluto in the 12th house
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Hi bestie, thank you so much for following my Tumblr account. I really appreciate that. So, you want me to say something about having a Pluto in the 12th house and how can you deal with this placement? Without further delay, let's start!
The first thing I'm going to do is to describe the mentioned planet and house themself. Pluto is one of the three outer planets and it's the most distant astrological planet from the Sun in modern western astrology. It's the modern co-ruler of the Scorpio sign and the 8th house. It does represent death, rebirth, obsessions, extremes and where we experience intense ups and downs in our life. We either get everything from the Pluto or absolutely nothing, there's literally no between. It can also represent our dark side and the part of ourself that we hide or are ashamed of. Pluto changes signs every 15-30 years, so the placement of the Pluto sign doesn't have much significant influence on each person individually, since it's the generational planet, indeed. But when it comes to the houses, there comes the real power of Pluto.
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The 12th house can mean several things. It is the last house in astrology and it's being ruled by Pisces and Jupiter (and it's co-ruled by Neptune in modern western astrology too). By saying that, the 12th house is associated with spirituality, religion and how we approach them. It also represents our conscious mind, daydreaming tendencies, how we sleep, isolation and everything that is hidden and it's not or can not be seen in a real world. This house is also about mental illnesses which can be hard to recognize and it's the opposite of the 6th house which is associated with physical illnesses which can be seen and are pretty obvious. It can also represent our karmic debts from our past life and why we are incarnated to this world again, if you actually believe in reincarnation and the similar kind of stuff. I heard from another astrologer from TikTok that this house is about prison too. It's a very complex house overall.
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When the planet Pluto and the 12th house come together in someone's natal chart, this tells me that this is a person who is prone to the extremes when it comes to isolating from everyone else. These people may spend their own time alone for years and they wouldn't mind it. There could be some kind of generational trauma or karmic debt from previous lifetime that people need to break and it may not be easy with this natal placement. They could also have nightmares while sleeping or they simply have a terrible sleeping schedule. One day, they wake up too early and another day they wake up too late or something like that. Other people around them might be obsessed with them or people with Pluto in the 12th house in their natal chart might be obsessed with the people around them and no one would notice that. Stalking tendencies from you or from someone else can be relevant with this placement as well. I sense that these people used to be abandoned or lonely throughout their early life, which could be the reason why they isolate themself later in life or why they have a fear to introduce themself to the new people or experience. People having this placement in their natal chart might got some religious trauma from the childhood or change their religion drastically. On the positive note, since the 12th house is associated with spirituality, these people with the natal Pluto in the 12th house may experience many spiritual awakenings or constant changes in the way they think. Their intuition could be very strong and they can immediately feel whether some people are good for them or not.
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For some of you guys who have the Pluto in the 12th house in your natal chart, I would highly recommend you to go to the therapy and talk with psychotherapist. I didn't graduate Psychology degree and I can't help you with mental illnesses and these kinds of stuff, but I think that telling people how you feel or journaling about your own feelings could help you a lot. If you can't afford therapy, then the intense shadow work may also be helpful for you. You need to acknowledge your darkest side, work on that and don't let demons from your heads manipulate you or make you do something that can hurt other people around you. I feel that you might have deep emotions which may be valuable and I think that you'll feel better if you free yourself for the expression of your emotions or from the fear of rejection.
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I guess that would be everything about this observation. Thank you so much for following me and messaging me. For everyone else who follows me too, feel free to ask me about everything you would like to know about your natal chart's placement in my inbox. Keep it mind that it should be the only one particular placement from your natal chart. Thank you for your understanding in advance and wish you all a beautiful day.
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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tanoraqui · 20 hours
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: In Which Chilchuck Begrudgingly Has Feelings for his Coworkers, and Kabru Has...Something. He Sure Has Something Going On Over There.
Before we continue, I feel I should clarify 2 things:
I've been trying, ish, to avoid spoilers for this comic, but I've watched through the Golden Country episode and more importantly I'm so bad at not reading spoiler-y but interesting- and insightful-looking analysis. So, much of this commentary isn't wholly original and any particularly genius theories of future events are likely made with actual foreknowledge.
When I said on the first post that I was starting the comic because "I need to know what happens", what I specifically meant was "I need to know how the Laios-Kabru dynamic ends up, and the general geopolitical situation, so I can accurately daydream what sort of tariffs they'll set in the kingdom of which Laios is definitely not going to be the one managing the political, economic, or social minutia." Tariffs are going to be important, okay. They're a key way a nation-state interacts with other nation-states, especially one with rare materials to trade, powerful neighbors who want them, and the natural barrier of an ocean. Truly, every fantasy series ever should be required to have an epilogue or many an additional book/season/etc of a The West Wing-style depiction of day-to-day governance of whatever resulted from the story's climactic finale.
Okay, back to the liveblog.
Inch resting. The manga characters, having met the Mad Mage, keep using she/her pronouns for them, where in the anime they used he/him. I assume one of these is just, like, wrong - some translation choice was made before truth was revealed later in the course of publication?
But it makes SENSE that the characters wouldn't necessarily know, at this point! The Mage's appearance is pretty gender-neutral, especially as an elf, an notably gender-ambiguous race. So the characters in the manga picked one guess and stuck with it, and the characters is the very slightly alternate timeline of the anime picked another and stuck with that!
Now: having used they/them throughout this musing and previously he/him because a) the show and b) that's what I saw in fandom, I think I'll switch to referring to the Mage with she/her pronouns now. Because A) that's how the thing I'm reading apparently will be doing it, and B) they still call her "Lord of the Dungeon", which is obviously the greatest gender option of all.
...however, the manga does keep saying "lunatic magician" rather than "Mad Mage" (caps mine), which is a TOTAL failing in drama. Always alliterate, preferably archaically.
Orc woman: Ugh, this halffoot sucks. I'll tolerate his company only as a favor to the vegetable guy.
Orc woman after listening to Chilchuck complain about his coworkers for an hour: Nvm, this halffoot is a worthy and loyal friend of the vegetable seller, and I guess those other guys too. He's just emotionally constipated about it.
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Laios just has these soft little fond smiles sometimes and I? want to hug him?
MY MAN IS BACK!! Kabru wink count: 1 this chapter, 4 total [updated as I read]
Corpse Retriever: If you don't report us for trying to get you guys killed so we could collect a retrieval fee, we'll let you kill those two of our guys who are already unconscious and collect that fee yourselves. We'll just take 30% of it, for not telling on you.
Kabru, internally: Hm. Well, I'm not king of this dungeon yet, but nonetheless I feel comfortable passing and executing a just judgement upon you for your many known, presumed and planned crimes. Emphasis on 'executing.'
Kabru aloud: I accept!
Kabru: [starts killing them with a classic faint, wide-eyed smile]
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What a guy. He's even holding that knife so well. Look, next he's analyzing social trends and acting ruthlessly to adjust them toward the direction of the greater good!
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What a guy. Truly this is a "so my type that it's embarrassing" situation.
I can't efficiently crop panels to show all this, but favorite parallels in these chapters full of parallels:
Kabru's breakdown of the Touden party is like Laios eagerly explaining and analyzing the behavior and anatomy of monsters (including, though we don't know it yet, calculations for killing them - though we DO see him saying that humans are easy to kill because he knows all the physical weak points!)
The references throughout these two chapters, by Kabru and his party, to the interconnected socioeconomic dynamics of the island and dungeon - the corrupted system fails to check corpse retrievers, the Island Lord as an annoying but necessary bulwark against the Elves, the dungeon growing hungrier as fewer adventurers go down because there's less money and more risk - are so so so like Senshi and Laiois discussing the dungeon biome's ecosystem and food pyramid.
The whole vibe of the party re: their respective weirdo tallman leaders. We watched Team Laios develop this, recently crowned with Chilchuck's near-tearful argument to turn back for a rest, which means we can recognize it when we're dropped into it with Team Kabru: that "this guy is SUCH a goddamn weirdo, but I already followed him into some level of hell, so I'm obviously not turning back now." Kabru's party does think he's weird - "You remember so much about other people that it's creepy." "Why are you enjoying this?" But they're also pitching in on the speculation like Team Touden all hel cook monsters. Compare:
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Also!! Something something predisposed beliefs and presumptions of others... This party is so eager to assume the worst of our party, even though our party objectively saved them from perma-death twice, once from ghosts and once from being eaten by fishmen. Chichuck is greedy and bossy, Senshi smells so...notably...that he's judged to be sketchy af... Kabru is trying his best with what info he has, he knows it's not enough to pass a judgement and he wants more, but it's very...uncomfortable? To see this sort of discussion of people we know are great, when we're so used to watching monsters be killed with exquisite understanding and respect.
...I'll chew on that angle of theme more later. Man, you know how, say, what makes the musical Hamilton so good is at its heart it's just like 5-10 leitmotifs that interweave to create every single song? Dungeon Meshi is like that. Hmm a Dungeon Meshical...
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"Yeah, yeah, we've all heard your weekly lecture about how someone responsible and sociopolitically conscious needs to take the dungeon and the throne or everyone in this region is doomed. None of us can wait to see you flip off the Island Lord to his face. Eat your rations, buddy."
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[3 seconds earlier:
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I'm obsessed. In the spirit of this comic: I want to eat him with a spoon. I want to take small divots out of him and lick each one carefully off the spoon, luxuriously exploring and enjoying the complex texture and flavor. Like he's a really good pudding. And then I want to see if, if he and Laios kiss, do they both explode in antimatter.
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Point A: Taiga never actually wanted to stop VBS from pursuing Rad Weekend.
Point B: Taiga massively lost the idgaf war with himself with that one.
I promised I would not be LUtF posting but it seems I'll end up LUtF posting anyway. Oh well, here's a short-ish one
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Taiga is one fascinating fucker of a character, but I feel what most people get wrong about him is that he never actually went into LUtF with genuine malice.
Most importantly, Taiga is a character who vastly prefers to speak with his actions rather than words; this is somewhat canon and is referenced in On Your Feet!:
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With that in mind, you have to consider the things Taiga did for VBS (+ team) prior to LUtF. And it's actually... More than anyone else aside from maybe Ken.
1. Probably the most important one, letting them see COL venue (Legend Still Vivid)
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This is both a precious memory for Akito and An and an important experience for Touya and Kohane, who have not been there before. He does this entirely on a whim by Kohane's request, but it's important to see that he is genuinely touched by Kohane's resolve, as well.
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(It's heaving implied that literally the only people who would be able to give VBS that opportunity would be Taiga and Ken, but Ken was at that point still massively hitting the brakes on how much he wanted to involve himself into the mess that would later become LUtF - although we can see him starting to crack, as well)
2. Giving actual, genuinely good advice to Kohane that pointed VBS in the direction of "you need to connect with people of the town to be able to surpass RW" (Kick it up a notch)
Taiga and Kohane's mentorship relationship were genuine to some degree; even before that, in Awakening Beat, Taiga also gives Kohane the advice she needed.
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Bonus point: he also gave this same advice to Arata, a kid he barely knows (Power of Unity)
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This is genuine and valid advice; you can see how it ties into Nagi's story and how RW came to be. Why would Taiga be giving out free tips if he was opposed to anyone trying to surpass RW? Let's mark that down for later.
3. Helping out Akito as well (Fina a Way Out). Whether is intentional or not is up for debate, but it's important that it took Taiga to talk to Akito for him to finally find inner peace.
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While he's at it, Taiga gives almost the same, if not more, amount of support to VBS. So why?
Because of VBS' third event, RISE. it's a pivotal moment for their story, and it changed a lot of things... But most notably, it showed Taiga that they are serious.
Keep in mind that Taiga never entertained Nagi's idea to pass their dream on to the next generation in the first place. It was something Nagi wanted, and what Ken wanted to see through, but not Taiga (Light up the Fire, Episode 7)
Taiga: (...Nagi. This isn't for you.)
Shortly after:
Taiga: after everything, no matter what you say to me, my resolve won't change.
Taiga: no matter what, I will make our music the best in the world.
Taiga: this if for nobody's sake - I'm doing this for myself.
Through the event, Taiga is strongly against the idea of giving up on their dream - on his dream. While he doesn't appear to harbor any grudge towards Ken in particular, he is very unhappy - and is downright cynical - about the idea of someone following in their footsteps.
So for the most of his presence in the story, what he does is just entertain the idea of VBS actually getting on that level. He's tentatively curious, but he's not exactly emotionally invested in it. He's taking a "wait and see" approach towards VBS as a team, nudging them on, but without any particular serious intend behind his actions - he doesn't believe they're strong or willful enough.
And hoo boy he waited and saw.
After the absolute hell VBS brought up at Crawl Green and most of the audience seeing Nagi in Kohane (basically confirming his suspicions), Taiga realised that oh shit, those kids are actually doing it... Which meant it was about for him to show them what they're actually getting into.
(please refer to the first picture again. I'm working with limitations here)
This isn't an attempt to kick them down as much to give them a reality check. Remember, for the entirety of their 3-4 rotations, VBS have been pacing in circles trying to figure out why they host an even after an event and basically achieve nothing. Moving forward, yes, but they still don't understand why the RW was the way it was, and Taiga wands to give them the answer, because they would never progress themselves without it.
Which is: a) Nagi's story 2) the skill difference between VBS and Radder. Caucasian Destination aside. Please suspend your disbelief for a moment. This is a shounen anime about rap. Still with me? Okay, moving on.
But why a battle?
Well, aside from him being a calloused old bastard who also likes to scratch his ego, because he knows that the harder VBS lose, the higher they rise.
Don't get me wrong, he's downright cruel to Kotarou and antagonistic towards the rest of them and talks a lot of shit, but all of it is to make VBS hit the ground harder and test their resolve.
Because losing and then getting back on top is how VBS thrive - their frustration from losing is what drives them to work harder. This is part of Vivid Street's battle culture, as well; they kind of weed out the "weak", depending on how the loser react, and good sportsmanship is encouraged - so trying to "get back at ya" after losing is entirely normal and a part of the culture Taiga and VBS both were practically raised in.
He's seen the way Akito behaved after battling Shephard, and he knows An well enough to know she's an extremely sore loser and will always push herself to work even harder. It's not hard for him to deduce the rest of the team will react similarly. He simply sees them losing, and losing in that way, as a necessity for them to realise their limits and find strength to move forward. And they do.
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( ^ On your feet. Make no mistake, this is An's "I'm being a little shit right now" face. The "I'm about to rub your fur entirely the wrong way and enjoy it" expression if you will).
The entire 3rd episode was an - callous and assholey, yes - attempt by Taiga to rile VBS up enough so that they want to challenge him again, now with the whe context behind the story and what will it take of them. It was never, at least, not intentionally, attempt to stop them - Taiga is putting his whole trust in VBS as the only ones he respects enough to actually show the them the wall they're claiming to challenge, and he fully believes that when he does, they'll just come back stronger for it.
Which is why, as they call him out and threaten to go beyond his dream, to be even better than he is, he is smiling.
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crusherthedoctor · 2 days
Hey all, hope everyone's doing good. Thought I should give an update on my current perspective on things around here, as it's shifted for reasons I'll get into.
In a nutshell, I'm feeling better than before... but I also think it's time for me to semi-check out of current Sonic discussion.
By now, you all know that with the exception of Superstars and Dream Team - and Jimbotnik, because of course - I've not been enthusiastic about much of the current stuff. Whether that be the likelihood that they'll continue with a Frontiers direction, the SA2 milking that has made me more sick to death of its influence than I thought was possible, the Year of Shadow in general not being all that enticing if your top ten does not include him, IDW still causing the same repetitive back-and-forths with its characteristically terrible decisions and disproportionate praise from fans who don't actually buy the comic, various other bits and pieces that plant further Eggdad seeds into people's heads, a bunch of other stuff that I'm just apathetic about while everyone else goes crazy over them... it's not been a great time for me. I'm the Garfield, and the current direction is the Monday.
That would all be one thing, but as you may expect, it's the fandom that really irks me. I don't like how it's considered necessary to make every post a bestseller in order for your opinion to be seen as valid and insightful. I don't like how you're expected to not criticise something just because it's popular or "iconic". I don't like how everyone dedicates themselves to the same old lengthy discourse that will continue to not change anyone's minds either way, since the only people listening are the ones who already agreed with them. I don't like how you have Flynn/Archie/IDW stans on one side, and an increasingly common "Japan only, no one else should ever touch the series, also the Japanese fandom is the only one with good people in it, I was born in the wrong country uwu" mentality on the other side.
And... I don't like that I've brought these concerns up so many times before when I know it'll always fall on deaf ears. Why do I do this? Why do I bother? For the fandom, I guess. But if the fandom doesn't even respect me, if my words are always doomed to ring in an empty hallway, why should I bother?
While all this has been going on, the Paper Mario Thousand-Year Door remake has been on my mind quite a bit, as it has been for a lot of folk. As someone who has always loved TTYD, as well as the original N64 Paper Mario, I'm happy to report that I absolutely adore the remake, and quickly considered it a gold standard as far as faithful remakes go. :) There's a lot of reasons for that, but that's best for another time. Anyway, after a certain point, it occurred to me... hasn't it been a while since I've been able to just relax and join in on the hype for something? Hasn't it been a while since my opinion lined up with that of the majority? Hasn't it been a while since, regardless of not actually posting, I felt like I belonged somewhere, and wasn't being made to constantly feel like I'm worthless because I'm not an artist, animator, etc?
I think this is something I've been needing for a long time now. The irony of it coming from the bing bing wahoo man is not lost on me.
After how the past few years in the Sonic fandom have felt like a classroom more than anything, watching everyone repeat the same Why ___ Is Secretly Good/Bad three hour manifestos over and over, and flogging themselves for being Not-Japanese, can you see why the simple pleasures of "hehe Vivian :3" would appeal to me? Can you see why I'd prefer to unwind? I made a valiant effort, but now, I can't force myself to keep up with shit that I'm not passionate about for the sake of a community that doesn't care about what I have to say anyway. I need to find myself a place on here that I can be at ease with.
So what does this mean for my blog? Well, nothing too jarring, just that my focus may shift a little for the time being. Despite what all of the above may imply, I'm not turning in my Sonic badge. I still love the franchise, even if I'm not so fond of its overall current direction. And obviously, I still love Eggman, that'll never change. I'll still answer asks about the series, talk about things I like, reblog stuff I like, work on Stellar, spread Egg Propaganda, and so on. But unless I'm asked about them in certain contexts (ie: "how would you improve this character"?), I refuse to talk about IDW, Frontiers, or anything else whose contents and fandom circles cause me migraines.
Not because toxic positivity, but because after the joy of gushing over Vivian TTYD, and remembering the feeling of belonging, I can't do this again. I can't change Tails calling himself Wildly Inconsistent. I can't change The End being a nothingburger. I can't change Lanolin being an arsehole. I can't change Surge's shilling. I can't change how unprofessional the IDW crew is. I can't change what they're doing with Eggman, and various other characters. I can't change any of these things, no matter how much I or anyone else rants about them, and half the time, no one is seriously listening anyway. So many words for so little results. So I need to move on, stop wasting my time, and turn my attention on things that actually make me happy instead of just... deflated. Maybe if I do that, I can belong again. Maybe when the direction inevitably changes again in the future, it'll feel like it came faster.
So yeah. That's where I'm at now. I hope you guys can understand.
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candeathbereal · 3 days
Astro Observations (Synastry)
-The moon is such an important thing to consider in astrology you know why? Besides it being a big deal with how you express yourself emotionally and general stuff connected so intensely to you, but our experiences and emotions really connect us as humans so certain things just don't vibe well with certain people due to those experiences and such.
For example, I know two people who basically have almost the same big six (their Suns, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all conjunct) but the only difference is their moon signs. One has a Cancer moon while the other has a Gemini moon (so close to having the same moon right?!) Now the core difference for me and how I interact with the two is fairly different. Especially since I have a Virgo moon and that is a consistent thing for me (I have a Virgo moon in both tropical and sidereal because of how degrees work and such) let's use tropical for this tho just cause I feel more knowledgeable on that as opposed to sidereal (it's a work in progress for sure). Anyways my moon is at the 28' 28' degree in Virgo and I have a Leo rising. So with whole sign synastry overlays Gemini would land in my 11th house whereas cancer would land in my 12th house. That by itself makes me have an interesting vibe with cancer placements as a whole and moon is not exactly at it's best in the twelfth house. I'll also include that these two are people I work with.
Anyways, in my personal experience cancer moons have not been the greatest to have an experience with (for me) since there is always a chance of their moon being squared my moon (degrees are important imo) and if they square my moon they will most likely square my Mercury and my Venus. Plus in the 12th house....tough shit. In the 11th house I think helps simmer down the agony and torture that this synastry aspects could cause. (Again degrees matter)
Back to what I was talking about earlier though. With the gemini moon they trine my moon and sextiles my mercury and my venus whereas the cancer moon person squares my moon, venus, and mercury. Not great stuff and it doesn't help that their suns are opposite my mercury and venus (with the gemini moon it's a mutual for sun opposite mercury but not venus since their venus is in a different sign than their mercury). It isn't all too bad but there is a difference in my interactions with the both of them. Surprisingly enough I have an easier time casually talking to the cancer moon as opposed to maybe the Gemini moon but I'm a horrible talker already with people. I'll also add that even though I have an easier time talking to the cancer moon....I do prefer talking to myself or others if possible (nothing really against them it truly is because I am more of a loner than apparently most people) I don't know either one of their rising signs so that probably does something maybe idk. Now with placidus the gemini moon would be in my 10th house whereas the cancer moon is in my 11th house. But if we went with whole sign then gemini moon would be in my 11th house and cancer moon in my 12th house. Of course 12th house isn't known for being a great house overlay for synastry (for most at least), but for me it's rough...
Another thing I want to add is that in my experience a lot of aspects in your natal chart will affect how aspects in synastry will act out. Which goes into my next point is that my natal moon opposes my mercury and venus so I think that is a contributing factor to why it's 'easier' to talk to the cancer moon as opposed to the gemini moon. I know that doesn't make too much sense.
Let me include their placements since I'm about to wrap this up.
Sun and mercury: Libra
Venus: Leo
Mars: Sag
Anyways I might talk about this more another time but I would love to know you guy's thoughts.
Side note: I have figured out one of their rising signs so I will be posting about that and post a link here
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 day
I saw a post about how Carmen Santiego has great character designs and diversity through race and body types. I considered it a good post and one that makes a good point...And then below it was a reblog about how a person went "If Carmen Santiego can have a diverse cast of HUMANS, then what the hell is up with Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss?"
First of all...What the hell do either of those two things have in common? They sure are animated shows, I'll give you that. Except that one's a children's animated spy thriller and the other two are adult musical comedy dramas in Hell. Stylistically and tonally, neither of them have anything to do with each other and you just randomly made a point because...you hate Hazbin and Helluva? Cool. Congratulations. Now get a new personality and just fucking watch something else if these two shows made your hatred this obsessed when you randomly attack a show through a post that has NOTHING to do with it. The OP wasn't attacking Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss. Unless they constantly attack it and they made that post to prove a previous point, something that does NOT come across in that original post, there's no reason to go "Hey, why didn't these completely different shows with their own styles take notes of this kids show with ITS unique style?"
And here's the thing: I like Carmen Santiego. I like the way that it looks, and I think its style really is unique compared to other animated series that have come out around the same time. And I do agree that it has a great diverse cast that shows off a lot of body diversity where every single character looks unique in their own way. But here's the thing: I would not go out of my way to attack other shows, to the point where I'd hijack someone else's post to say, "Yeah, this show is WAY better than this other one I hate." And if I had in the past...I'm sorry. I really am sorry. I hate that I acted that way and I will try to do better. Because that's what I do with media criticism or talking about stuff I don't like. I try to act BETTER than I have in the past because that's not how you talk about media. Whether you like it or hate it, it's never a good thing to talk about something you hate when the discussion is about something someone else loves. Sometimes it makes sense, as there are often two products that are similar to each other. Like Marve/DC, Star Wars/Star Trek, and The Owl House/Amphibia. Those are media where there's a lot to compare and contrast, with people being unaware that the main reason why they like the other basically boils down to personal preferences when it comes to consuming media. But with Hazbin/Helluva and Carmen Santiego, there's really NOTHING to compare and you're just going out of your way to talk about something you hate when it's not relevant to the conversation. It's like people who hyped up Puss in Boots: The Last Wish just to shit on Velma. Yeah, The Last Wish is a thousand times better than Velma, but there's nothing similar about both products that make the discussion worth it. You're just using something you love as a weapon towards something you hate.
I get it, people like some things and hate others. It's how we're wired as human beings and I can't stop that. Nor do I think I CAN stop it. But just feel like this is making media discussion worse when all we can think of to do when discussing something we love and bringing in something we hate into the conversation. It's not necessary, and you're feeding the creators that thing you hate by still talking about it. You want to know the best possible way to react to "objectively bad" media? Stop talking about it. Stop watching it. STOP ENGAGING.
If you don't fucking like it, stop consuming this piece of media and go watch something you enjoy instead. Give THAT your time. Show how THAT does everything right and sing its praises. Raise up this one thing that you believe is "objectively good" so it can effectively overshadow this thing you consider "objectively bad." There's a way to discuss media without shitting on something you don't like.
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firestorm09890 · 3 months
Penny stardewvalley makes me so sad because she's SO sensitive to, like, basically everything you tell her (telling her that you can't stand children while two children are nearby is a pretty lousy move but -1500 friendship?? being a jerk to other characters' faces typically loses you about 50 points, and if you choose the option labeled "creepy" and ask Leah for a kiss in her 2 heart event she physically hits you and kicks you out of her house but that's only -100 friendship…) and so if you want to befriend her it's a whole lot of lying and tiptoeing around her feelings (2 hearts: George was right but saying that makes her feel bad. 6 hearts: her food sucks but even if you try to be polite about it she feels like a failure; only a bald-faced lie pleases her. 8 hearts: saying you don't want to be tied down with a family loses you a little bit of friendship and she's only happy if you say you want kids) and I can't help but think she's a product of her environment. She lives in a trailer with only her mother, who gets drunk every night and has something of a temper. Penny's like a skittish rescue animal who won’t even come out from hiding under something unless you leave her lots of treats
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reginageourge · 3 months
🕯️manifesting a gf who is not a gendie, not polyamorous, not into bdsm, not into drugs, and does not have a fashion sense straight out of tiktok🕯️
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boy in silly sitting positions compilation
#cats#I especially like the last one where he just has one single paw poking out of that box for some reason lol#I still have costumes to post and like a billion other things.... grr... constantly failing at staying active on social media aughh#I think because currently my Main Focus is on trying to get my game done and stuff.. which basically just means sitting and writing all day#so there's not much to post about. Though I know the Good At Social Media thing to do would be to post about the#writing and share progress and talk about the game and characters or whatever to try to build interest or something but that is SOOO weird#to me.. I could maybe get it if it was like a tiny tiny discord groupchat of playtesters with like 5 people in#it.. But something about talking openly about things before they happen is weird to me?? Like presumptuous feeling or something#''oooo guess whats gonna happen LATER!!!'' like.. how do you know.. what if it doesnt. what if you dont finish it. what if its not the way#you think it's going to be. what if something changes. etc. Like I literally avoid movie trailers and game trailers for the same reason ghj#Even if it's not ME doing it it just feels... weird.. Maybe it has to do with my OCD and how I just don't like talking about ''future''#things in Certain Terms. Like if I was going to say ''Oh yeah sure. come over to my house in a few months''. I would have to follow it up#with like ''HOPEFULLY you can come over to my house in a few months'' or 'They'll come over in a few months MOST LIKELY''. Because just#stating that something will happen matter of factly takes for granted like.. what if somehting horrible happens and I DONT have a house#in a few months? or what if something bad happens to me. or to the person coming over? I can't ever DEFINITELY say with 100% certainty#that one could ACTUALLY come to my house in a few months. anything could change. So I have to allot for that in my phrasing. hbjjkn#There are a lot of situations where you're expected to just Assume Things but for some reason that bothers me. My brain literally does not#even Assume the most basic things.. like how do *I* know that just because it's someones birthday that they want to be wished a happy#birthday? what if they dont? everyone is different and has different preferences. I should check with them first. or wait until they public#ly announce that theyre accepting birthday wishes. I have to allot for all 5034859069 rare possibilities at any given time and never take#anything for certain. etc. ghjbjhbh.... ANYWAY.. I have been feeling a bit sick lately as usual.. but still slowly making progress on some#things. Moslty I need to edit costume photos. make sculptures. and work on the game. Going back reading some of the old writing from like#2018 and suprisingly I don't have to change that much of it? In fact I like it mostly. so that's good. I would be very interested if I were#playing the game myself. Though that doesnt mean much since my tastes are so niche lol..#Still really want to clear some of my million tumblr drafts as well... alas and aughh and ooughh and so on and so forth. Between all of my#evil appointments other such things...why cant I have one billion dollar to retire into relaxed hermit artist life of no stressors.. bleas
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trans-xianxian · 24 days
*holding my little wei wuxian plush in my hands* please mr yiling laozu help me pass my drivers test
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andoutofharm · 10 months
the thing about the fob healing tour is that it has filled me with so much vindication that now whenever i see Bad Fall Out Boy Opinions (of which so many people are so unnecessarily loud about) it’s literally just like lol okay so you missed the point so bad it makes you look stupid and we are all laughing at you. get laughed at loser we do not have time to entertain your silliness we are busy healing and partying together forever.
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toashesireturn · 5 months
absolutely insane take from the priest this past sunday but apparently he doesn't consider marriages only carried out at the courthouse and not through the church as real marriages so if you got married and didnt get a specifically catholic marriage then having sex is still a sin. absolutely baffling take along with the rest of the purity culture bs he was spouting
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ough the absolute Rarepair i have in my head rn.... it literally has not been done yet
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