#writing and share progress and talk about the game and characters or whatever to try to build interest or something but that is SOOO weird
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boy in silly sitting positions compilation
#cats#I especially like the last one where he just has one single paw poking out of that box for some reason lol#I still have costumes to post and like a billion other things.... grr... constantly failing at staying active on social media aughh#I think because currently my Main Focus is on trying to get my game done and stuff.. which basically just means sitting and writing all day#so there's not much to post about. Though I know the Good At Social Media thing to do would be to post about the#writing and share progress and talk about the game and characters or whatever to try to build interest or something but that is SOOO weird#to me.. I could maybe get it if it was like a tiny tiny discord groupchat of playtesters with like 5 people in#it.. But something about talking openly about things before they happen is weird to me?? Like presumptuous feeling or something#''oooo guess whats gonna happen LATER!!!'' like.. how do you know.. what if it doesnt. what if you dont finish it. what if its not the way#you think it's going to be. what if something changes. etc. Like I literally avoid movie trailers and game trailers for the same reason ghj#Even if it's not ME doing it it just feels... weird.. Maybe it has to do with my OCD and how I just don't like talking about ''future''#things in Certain Terms. Like if I was going to say ''Oh yeah sure. come over to my house in a few months''. I would have to follow it up#with like ''HOPEFULLY you can come over to my house in a few months'' or 'They'll come over in a few months MOST LIKELY''. Because just#stating that something will happen matter of factly takes for granted like.. what if somehting horrible happens and I DONT have a house#in a few months? or what if something bad happens to me. or to the person coming over? I can't ever DEFINITELY say with 100% certainty#that one could ACTUALLY come to my house in a few months. anything could change. So I have to allot for that in my phrasing. hbjjkn#There are a lot of situations where you're expected to just Assume Things but for some reason that bothers me. My brain literally does not#even Assume the most basic things.. like how do *I* know that just because it's someones birthday that they want to be wished a happy#birthday? what if they dont? everyone is different and has different preferences. I should check with them first. or wait until they public#ly announce that theyre accepting birthday wishes. I have to allot for all 5034859069 rare possibilities at any given time and never take#anything for certain. etc. ghjbjhbh.... ANYWAY.. I have been feeling a bit sick lately as usual.. but still slowly making progress on some#things. Moslty I need to edit costume photos. make sculptures. and work on the game. Going back reading some of the old writing from like#2018 and suprisingly I don't have to change that much of it? In fact I like it mostly. so that's good. I would be very interested if I were#playing the game myself. Though that doesnt mean much since my tastes are so niche lol..#Still really want to clear some of my million tumblr drafts as well... alas and aughh and ooughh and so on and so forth. Between all of my#evil appointments other such things...why cant I have one billion dollar to retire into relaxed hermit artist life of no stressors.. bleas
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little-peril-stories · 4 months
wip extract
I was tagged by @space-writes in this post here to share an extract from a work in progress.
Rules: As far as I can tell, it's just...share a piece of something you've been working on lately! :D I kept mine short, because there's not much of it to begin with, but feel free to go wild with yours.
So my true WIPs (as in, currently thinking about regularly) at the moment are The Queen of Lies and my off-Tumblr YA novel that I usually just call Book 1 despite it having an actual title.
I am constantly talking about TQOL on here, so have this instead, which is a thing I wrote for...just fun! It's a scene from Book 1 from the perspective of a non-POV character, because I was daydreaming about it. And because I wanted to. And because I bought a new notebook at the dollar store and wanted to write in it. 😂
So yeah, not sure if I'm playing this game right since it's unlikely this piece will ever actually go anywhere, but ✨ idc. ✨ It's also, like...not edited, or pretty, or whatever.
But it IS a little whumpy, because who would I be if I wasn't daydreaming about putting my characters in peril?
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“I can see you fidgeting,” the man said gruffly. “You try anything, and I’ll knock you out.” Kairan swallowed. He had no doubt the man could. And would. His knees screamed in pain. More than once, he opened his mouth with the intention of asking to move to the grass or at least a softer, less torturous spot. Each time, he closed it again, calculating his chances of success and finding them woefully unfavourable. So he remained silent, and he remained still, and it wasn’t long before the sharp pains in his wrists and shoulders and legs turned not-so-blissfully numb.
Very gently tagging: @hippiewrites @mysticstarlightduck @writingamongther0ses @clairelsonao3 if you want to / if you haven't already / when you feel like it / if you feel like it :)
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metatronhateblog · 7 months
Little bit of progress on the angelic language
I have several drafts of 'theories' and various things I've noticed in the show, but I thought I would share a little about this before I share any of those cause I know I mentioned it in my last post.
The Angelic Language...or whatever you wanna call it.
A week or two ago (I cannot remember how long it's been...probably only a week) my sister @lady-of-the-puddle and I printed off a shit ton of screenshots I took (I'll share my doc if anyone is super interested but there's nothing important in it as I've been doing all my work on paper.) From there we sat down, did a little matching of characters with real languages but frankly didn't bother spending too long with that cause frankly we're here to do more trial and error. But also it takes a long time to hand write in tons of different possible letter combinations on sheets of paper that we had to print out in black and white.
I previously took a screenshot from the scene where Michael is discussing the plan for Armageddon 2 Electric Boogaloo. I had a few thoughts on it and I'm wondering if it's quite possibly a key of sorts.
Here's a couple images of it. The first being the screenshot, the second being me adjusting the lighting so you can make out the symbols a little better.
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As you can see there's two sets of symbols here and I have a couple theories as to what they mean but nothing quite lines up?? So there's that.
Here's my kinda half-assed notes on it that probably don't mean too much?
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My theory here is maybe that it says something like 'The Earth' but if it does the characters don't match up where the 'H's would be soooo. My other thoughts on this were why on earth would Michael's bullet points be in English but everything else not? They're angels that clearly have their own language. Also why is the title on the document folder written in English and not this language? (I ask too many questions.)
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My sister and I have tried a series of different letter combinations there and wrote them down in my screenshots of the giant ass text walls they show in the replay footage.
So far, nothing much has turned up (but also we've been super busy and haven't been able to try much.)
That being said, another thing I've found that...I find weird but I'm not sure what it means is that certain text walls seem to match other text walls for lack of better phrasing.
For example...
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And I have closer images where Uriel and Saraquael's text change and match each other and you can make out symbols that the other cuts off, but to be honest I'm not sure how to show that too well without sending my photos through an editor. (I think my favorite thing about working with my sister on this is for whatever reason we both keep thinking these characters look like something we've seen in Nancy Drew games before.)
That's...really all I have for now. I haven't had much time to work on this and won't as I'm recently full-time and also in the middle of con-crunching. I just thought I'd share what my sister and I found a week ago (or however long it was as time has no meaning to me) because I'd mentioned it in my previous post about the all the scenes in the opening with Jim.
There will be more to come soon (maybe not with the language right now because that takes a lot of time and con-crunching is...well con-crunching) but I have several more posts drafted. Plenty talking about the opening sequence. A few about other things because my sister and I are losing our minds over this shit.
But soon enough you'll get to here lots about...typos and recurring things and out of place things. But for now, here's what little I have with this. I'll be back with more observations and speculation soon.
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msmargaretmurry · 10 months
Hi! Not sure if you’re taking asks about this but if you are - you’ve mentioned how important it is for you to know/keep in mind what non-POV characters are thinking. I’m an absolute sucker for an outsider POV view of things. If you’re willing to share, I’d love to know some of McDavid and Zach Hyman’s thoughts in HAW — Leon says that McDavid’s known for a while, so how did that conversation go? Had Zach Hyman started to put things together before Leon told him directly, and how much did Leon actually say? Thanks!!
hi anon! for the record, as long as people are asking politely i'm generally always taking asks about anything! i might not always answer right away but i always try to answer reasonably quickly 💕
the short half of this answer is that poor zach hyman had no idea what was going on until matthew showed up on leon's doorstep. honestly tragic imo that he only gets that one scene because he was so fun to write in it 😂
as for connor,
he doesn't know all the sordid details about what's been going on, but he does know something's been going on, and by that last game in the fic he knows matthew has done something to make leon upset/unhappy, and he is extremely team leon. in general connor has always thought matthew was a decent guy off the ice and enjoys being friendly with him, but leon's his best friend on his team! they're close pals! obviously if he thinks matthew fucked up then he's gonna be team leon.
there was passing mention in HAW and more stuff in the first pov swap scene (leon's pov from boots & hearts) about how connor knows leon has been interested in matthew for quite a while — connor would characterize this as a crush, mostly just to tease because of how leon insists it's not a crush, it's just an interest, because matthew is attractive and potentially available to hook up. (ftr, leon's version really is closer to his real feelings leading up to the events of HAW, although there is more crush-potential there than he is willing to admit, and once they have that first hookup at boots his interest and attachment start ratcheting up real fast) (connor is still so valid to tease him about a crush though)
anway, leon shows up after a long absence at boots wearing matthew's t-shirt, and connor bugs him for details, which leon withholds mostly because he feels weird about how the blowjob went down, but connor isn't an idiot and can tell the leon/matthew landscape has shifted in some way — once the season starts, leon gets extra fidgety before their games against the flames, and then there's that whole chirping/flirting incident during warm-ups, and once leon and matthew start texting regularly, leon doesn't hide that from connor — if connor asks who he's texting and the answer is matthew, he tells connor that! connor's his best friend on the team, and leon doesn't really see a reason to keep this developing relationship totally under wraps, although if connor asks like "what's going on there" leon will mostly kind of shrug about it and be like, idk we're just talking (but usually with a stupid sheepish little grin, which does not help his case, lol).
the thing is, while matthew is over there going through five stages of self-loathing or whatever, leon's view of the relationship is more like... well, he can tell matthew has some issues and that it's mostly just about the sex at first, but leon really thinks they're making progress toward something more than that. he clocks that he's growing feelings sooner than matthew but does not clock how fucked up matthew is about his own feelings, so he just doesn't feel the need to be super secretive about it, and it's nice to be able to not hide it from connor. like i said, he doesn't give him the nitty gritty details (matthew's issues aren't connor's business, even if leon's love life is a little bit connor's business) but he is somewhat open about the fact that they're talking, and that he thinks there's something there and he's happy/hopeful about that. he tells connor that they made plans to hang out after the game right after new year's, and when he's big fucked up smad afterward, connor knows it didn't go well; he doesn't tell connor what went down in florida during the asg, but connor can tell that being around matthew for the events and isn't easy for him — connor doesn't get much more explanation from leon other than "turns out we weren't really on the same page about things" but it's really obvious that leon's fucked up about it. and that's about where things stand before leon and matthew fix things at the end of the fic.
leon and connor do have a longer and better conversation about all of it after that last game, after matthew leaves — once again without all the details, but more details than before, enough that connor can get that it wasn't just matthew being a bad guy, there were points where leon didn't really handle things great either. because leon doesn't want connor to think badly of matthew if they're gonna really do the relationship thing! connor does continue to side-eye matthew for a bit afterward, because he thinks leon is too in his feelings to be objective enough about everything, which is probably too, but once it's clear that matthew is making leon happy then connor is happy to be, like, one of the few people they can hang out with as a couple for that first stretch before they really start telling people.
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athemarina · 2 years
writeblr intro!! finally!!
hello lovely people of the tumblr writing community <3 i'm marina (she/her) and i've had this blog for about a month now but so far Life and all its Obligations prevented me from making a proper intro post - here it finally is now, for everyone who'd like to get to know me and my projects a bit!
me as a person
i'm marina but you can also call me any nick name version of that and also any and all terms of endearment (can you tell i'm a libra). i'm 27, from austria, and speak german and english (pretty well), french (badly) and know how to order bread in korean (essential skill)
my interests include: philosophy, linguistics, horses, music, musicals, the city of paris, and also formula 1. yes i know this is random what can i say
i'm a full-time student and part-time capitalism worker-bee so depending on my schedule i might disappear for a bit, but i intend to always come back here to get inspired and get some work done! which leads me to...
me as a writer
i love coming up with new ideas and projects!! getting started is so much fun!! finishing things on the other hand!! is so hard!! send help!!
my fave genres (to read and to write): fantasy, sci-fi, works and words inspired by folklore and mythology - but really i like anything with compelling characters!
random things i love in writing: vampires (one day i'll write the Great Big Austrian Vampire Novella. alas, not today), characters that haunt the narrative, guilt and grief and healing from both, characters that make all the wrong choices, couples that have fun with each other, cryptic prophecies, sibling relationships, symbolic flowers
PLEASE COME TALK TO ME ABOUT WRITING!! i would really like to become part of a community here, so always feel free to come talk to me about your wips, my wips, the blorbo that lives in your head rent-free, the latest book you've read and loved... whatever you want to share i'd love to hear <3 you can also always tag me in games and challenges, but it might take me a bit to get to it, depending on how much real life hates me atm
my children: works in (never-ending) progress
i'm gonna make proper intro posts for all these projects soon, but to give you some idea of what i get up to, here are some short descriptions! some of these wips have been with me for a couple years, others are more recent, but they all haunt my every waking moment <;3
The Price of Wishing (first draft complete): good old sci-fi dystopian flair; a society that got rid of poverty by creating so called Houses of Service - institutions that will sell out their workers to the highest bidder for anything that people are willing to pay for. but it's not quite as simple as that: politics, organised crime, and a revenge plot years in the making all intersect at Isra's House of Service, and its inhabitants must learn to navigate these worlds - or they'll go down trying.
Forget Me (Not) (first draft about half-way done): wouldn't it be great to purge some of the mistakes we made from memory, not just our own but that of everyone? in a world in which the Chip implanted in everyone's neck records everything seen and experienced, this - collective forgetting - is the price celebrity contestants get to compete for in a reality tv show. each contestant has something they need the world to forget, but who can convince the viewers the most? the central theme of this story is grief, and when to hold on, and when to let go.
Attempts at Life (still in the outline stage): finn day and her brother felix know how their lives will play out: they were born in the lowest class society has to offer, and there they will stay. which is an unusual position for people like them to be in: both their souls were reborn for the fifth (and last) time; for them to have been assigned to this shitty life, they must have done something heinous in their previous one. finn is resigned to accept this punishment for a crime she can't even remember, but that's before the government offers her a position - she finds out things that change her view of society and herself forever, and she'll have to decide which one to save.
Untitled Fantasy (literally only thought of this last week): something something a necromancer brings back the hero of the ancient world to stop Something Bad from happening. only problem is - the hero does not remember ever being a hero. or anything at all, really. the rest of the world remembers, though. i'd love for this story to include some traditional austrian folklore elements! those are fun
so that's it! last but not least: if you've read this far, thank you so much omg you're my personal hero. i'm following a bunch of people already since i've been lurking for a couple weeks, but i'm always looking for new writers to get to know and support so pls interact with this post or shoot me a message and i'll check you out and follow you! and if you have any questions, or answers, or just wanna talk i'm very excited to get to know you all <3
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Wah this is a little embarrassing to write down but could I get an obey me match up? I’m super obsessed w Nightbringer atm haha
I go by they/them, I’m 5’10 and I tend to dress mostly feminine but I’m also super hairy LMAO (shaving is too much work), I’m not too confident about my appearance but yknow it’s whateves as long as I get to wear bright and sparkly stuff looool
I’m a capricorn? Dunno much about zodiac stuff, but I would describe myself as a cheery optimistic person!! I like joking around and being silly and I’m described as childish quite a bit 🤷 I can be a bit shy and nervous though so it’s not like I’m SUPER extroverted, I actually tend to be a bit of a hermit sometimes since I don’t like to go out much (ya boy also can’t DRIVE LMAOO) parties and stuff are super overwhelming and I kinda have a hard time making friends ☠️ but I do like talking to people!!! Especially about my interests, I’m super into games and cosplaying rn (currently on my 5th morrowind playthrough, playing all the mainline persona games, working on climbing in ranked league of legends, etc) but I also love to read comics and books as well as write occasionally!! Poetry mostly but I also roleplay online if that counts, plus I do DnD,, I love my character creation 🤧 Tangentially related but psychology is also one of my main interests I absolutely love learning about it!!!
Oh I’m also currently studying art, my skills are mostly in traditional drawing and painting but lately I’ve tried pottery+ceramics and I’m slowly cracking away at digital art too!! My goal is to one day be able to write and illustrate my own stories someday ✨🌈 My favorite genres are fantasy, mystery, romance, and horror!!!
I rlly love spooky stuff teehee, I tend to be a lil thrill seeking, mostly just for stuff like roller coasters, horror movies and games, haunted houses, escape rooms, etc, I find it SO fun I love Halloween sooo much
I guess my love language would be words of affirmation? Sometimes I’m not too big on physical touch but I do like being told stuff lmao
As for things I don’t like, I’m a super picky eater ig? Oh and bugs they give me the icks lmao (I’m so sorry Beel it’s not personal) I also don’t like when things are super chaotic, messy, or out of my control, I function best with at least some semblance of structure in my life 😭
Anyway uhhh I hope this is enough? I’m not rlly sure how these things work lol but I’d love to hear who you think would suit me best!! God knows I’m terrible at picking my men ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Hello Anon! You put a great amount of information! I'm trying to finish the original Obey Me game before I get too into Nightbringer, but with me only being up to Lesson 18, it could take a while. Hope you like your matchup!
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Okay, I know what your thinking! You're a picky eater and I pair you with the one character that canonically can't cook? But hear me out!
If you can cook, you'd be able to make things you know you'll like, and you won't have to worry about dying from Solomon's attempts at cooking.
If you can't cook, either the brothers or Barbatos would be more than happy to help you out, making dishes for you while also teaching you how to make them yourself.
Solomon loves spooky stuff so he's right there with you in haunted houses, cinemas to watch the latest horror movie, on rollercoasters...you name it, Solomon's up to the challenge!
He also loves sitting down with you and trying to copy whatever you're drawing or painting. He's probably not as good as you but he tries his best. He can always just use a bit of magic while you're not watching to make his scribbles look a bit better.
Solomon loves that you have the desire to write and illustrate your own books. He'd feel honoured if you would share your progress with him. But he's also happy to wait until the final product is finished. It just means more anticipation and surprise when he finally gets to see your work.
Solomon playing D&D would be an experience. He's got so many stories from his years of life that all of his characters are probably just him from different eras. I really want to write a fanfic about the Obey Me character playing D&D now...
Because Solomon's been around so long, he's also a ready reference for a lot of psychology questions you have. He's seen so many people and how they think so there are very few questions you could ask that he wouldn't be able to answer.
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Dangan-Fuck This, A Danganronpa (sort of ) Parody
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Yes folks, I used to be a fan of the Danganronpa series. For anyone unfamiliar with the series, here’s a quick explanation
- it’s a killing game/mystery game
-Bunch of people are trapped somewhere and to escape, you have to get away with murder
- When someone’s killed, a trial is held where everyone plays murder among us
-if the killer is caught they get executed. If they don’t, everyone else is executed and the killer can leave
- The participants have super specific talents (Ultimate Detective, Ultimate Mechanic, etc.)
- There’s usually a mascot giving people motives to kill
I have a mix of nostalgia and frustration with this series, as it’s a series where the story could have been great, but missed the mark several times. Plus some… questionable choices by the writers.
But I’m not here to talk about that.
As a writing exercise, I’m starting… whatever this is. Here’s the business pitch
It’s your usual danganronpa game in terms of the set up, but there’s a couple catches. None of the participants have talents that are remotely useful in the killing game, the mascot character is trying to keep people from killing each other (but keeps failing), and a lot of these characters share a total of 1 brain cell. These people wouldn’t kill, normally, but someone’s trapped them… somewhere (haven’t decided where) and is turning their torment into some tasty reality tv.
Bc what’s more satisfying than watching people with the title of Ultimates be torn to shreds and knocked down a peg? And yes, the mastermind is absolutely planning to use shady reality tv editing to twist the perception viewers will get of the participants.
It’s still a work in progress but let me introduce you to some of these wack jobs
Up first, our protagonist,
Dolly Wraith, the Ultimate Goth Fashion Enthusiast
Bc I think we’re past having the generic, boring male protagonist by this point.
Dolly is an influencer with a massive cult following, and is an expert on the history of goth fashion. She portrays this stereotypical goth character when online, and sometimes in person. When the killing game starts, however, this persona crumbles quickly. This is no place to be making edgy comments.
Dolly without her goth persona is reserved, awkward, and struggles to start casual conversation. She’s wary of others due to past experiences, and others tend to distance themselves from her due to her aesthetic. Isolation causes Dolly to become clingy and emotionally dependent on the few people she does befriend. She’s not popular in the killing game, and almost always gets accused bc “killing is such a goth thing to do!”
Dolly has a knack for determining if people are putting on a facade, and can tell when something is being dressed up (like a crime scene). She also is one of the most tolerant of gruesome scenes, only becoming slightly squeamish at most. Her eye for detail, usually used for fashion, comes in handy when looking for clues.
Beck Jonas, the Ultimate McDonald’s Employee
Beck is a very self explanatory person. They’re not subtle about how little interest they have in other people’s bullshit. Having worked at McDonald’s from the age of 14, they’ve developed a tolerance for people yelling at them for no reason, getting screwed over, drama, and people generally treating them like trash. They’re not happy about it, but they’re used to it. They’re well liked by fellow employees as Beck will always look out for them, and stick up for others when needed. Beck also has the fastest order taking and order delivery speed in their state.
Beck befriends Dolly, and the two work together closely to solve cases. Beck also sticks up for her every time Dolly gets falsely accused. They want to figure out who the mastermind is so that at least some of them can survive, and Beck would rather die than be dragged into some shitty reality tv show. Beck will act respectful and courteous when necessary, but will otherwise mutter snarky comments under their breath, and are very sarcastic and tired of everyone’s bullshit
Beck is extremely good at memorizing details, and will write down any and all words spoken by anyone in their notepad. They’re also good at problem solving and finding solutions in emergencies. They’re not much of a leader, however, so they’ll probably get someone else to execute their plans.
Zizzie Twitch, the Ultimate Monster Energy Can Collector
This baby faced twitch streamer has made headlines with their uncomprehendingly massive collection of Monster Energy cans. They have no particular motivation for collecting these cans, Zizzie just feels the need to any time they see one. They run on energy drinks, and are almost vibrating with excitement at all times.
Zizzie is a polarizing person to many, as they’re either deemed annoying or endearing. During the killing game, Zizzie tries to keep everyone motivated and reminds them to not give up. Zizzie is not very confident in their intelligence however, so they tend to agree with anything anyone says. They’re a bundle of energy, but can’t stand the sight of blood, thus they don’t investigate crime scenes very often. Fortunately since they’re usually out and about, all over the place, it’s hard for anything to escape the glance of Zizzie. They will absolutely see a killer sneaking out of the kitchen, bc they’re up chugging a monster energy at 3 am (as you do)
Feel free to suggest other talents to make characters out of. And thank you to @nyxcharliechaos for suggesting Monster Can Energy Collector
Here’s some others I’ve got in the works
- Ultimate Chalk Eater
- Ultimate Fortnight Dancer
- Ultimate YTP Creator
Let me know what you think!
I apologize for wasting your time
- Spooky S Skeletons
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satellite-slickers · 1 year
okay thats it time to clear house there are fucking too many of you now. survival of the fittest those of you who are strong enough will die off and my notifications wont be filling with hundreds of them every day
the internet left is straight up canibalistic and impotent. you talk about a revolution and killing billionaires but the thought of giving up chick fillet or something else equally trivial is completely beyond you. how am i supposed to take you seriously anout wanting to go through the painful and potentially devastating concequences of forcibly changing society if you don't have the conviction to even give up your creature comforts. until you so called leftists grow a spine and actualy do the basics like get q long term strategy in place i am not going to believe that you have what it takes.
on the same note. yall are so fucking dramatic and love drama to the point that you will gladly tear into each other and try to paint other leftists as villains for not being ideologically pure as you think you are. you cant build a colelition or a movement if you arent willing to join with people you dont agree 100% with. and you cant do shit if youre more concerned with looking like the wokest person in the room than you are actually affecting systemic change
the harry potter game thing is a microcosm. i do not care qbout the harry potter game. as a trans person. i dont care. you're shadow boxing in platos cave trying to win a symbolic victory against a single terf. meanwhile our rights are being stripped away from us while you are focused on bullying people into not playing a videp game like thats actually going to fix anything. someone streaming that fucking terrible game and raising money to donate to a trans charity is doing infinitely more good for me and the rest of the trans community than the rest of you fuckers combined
ai art is fine actually. and while there needs to ne regulation about how datasets qre compiled. it is not plageriam and is not art theft and is not copying your art style the devil and is actualy good and cool you just have a fundumental misunderstanding of how the technology works. the exploitation and undervaluation of artists in our society is not new and is not because of ai art. you want to help artists? stop shadow boxing in platos cave and actually support artists and create networks with the aim of making sure that artists actually get paid and get credit for the work they do
people can ship or write or he off too whatever the hell they like its none of my business
i am not proship, not because i dont share their views about fiction. but because i dont believe that they go far enough. the anti anti movement had it right but the proship comunity is very much "fuck you i got mine" they want to play with their fanfic and read their stories and dont want to actually explore thought or principles beyond that. things dont matter and arent bad if they arent hurting real people? okay then. in that case pedophiles and zoophiles dont deserve harasment if they arent actually hurting anykne. incest is fine as long as its consentual and using mental health problems (hes insane, theyre psychotic, theyre a narcasist, they lack empathy conservatism appeals to the mentaly ill, trying to say that mass murderers or child molesters or corrupt politicians are that way because there is something mentally wrong with them) as a way to condem their character means that YOU are the terrible person. claiming that only people who aren't neurotypical can be monsters is abelist. theres no other way about it
some of you straight up dont have principles, you call yourself progressive but you are still working on that gut level "it makes me feel weird pr gross to think about and upsets me and therefor it must be evil" like a five year old, you never actually examined your beliefs and your feelings and developed a moral code that you stick to even when it is hard and it shows
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I posted 1,810 times in 2022
50 posts created (3%)
1,760 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 119 of my posts in 2022
#important - 30 posts
#fate's crystal majesty - 28 posts
#ideas - 14 posts
#writeblr - 11 posts
#discourse - 10 posts
#crowlyn nissad coronis - 9 posts
#ask game - 8 posts
#science fantasy - 6 posts
#mature - 5 posts
#writblr - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#no dude she has no character arc. no emotion. every third interaction she has is her telling people they're worthless while the bus cheers.
My Top Posts in 2022:
So... I completely reworked Fate's Crystal Majesty.
After realizing that the first book was long enough to be almost 2 and a half whole novels... I decided to break it into chunks. In doing that, I've changed several parts of the story that many people have already seen.
That also means the book is several steps closer to being worthy of possibly getting published!
So. The website has been redesigned and the live chapters have been re-uploaded as google docs rather than site pages. Not only does this make interaction more smooth, it also creates better ease of access. As always, they are completely open for comments and interaction!
A story can't happen without its reader, after all...
12 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
I have no idea about what bigotry/drama/war unfolded while I wasn't looking (my dash is sprinkled with a wide variety of conflicting takes that do absolutely nothing to clarify whatever the heck I missed) but more and more lately I'm thinking that we as a community need to just... Have a fucking meeting. Because there is a LOT of thinly veiled shit that seems to constantly be happening. Everything from people starting drama about writing about ~bad things~ (a gay person having a homophobic villain character in their works and getting attacked for it) to SERIOUS racism (apparently someone said they want to live in a world/write a world with only one race? The fuck?) to cultural appropriation/deeply rooted lack of knowledge about a culture being referenced (saw a writer trying to just... Claim Aphrodite as a 'trans-masc icon' and trying to rename her 'Aphrodito'???) To mountains of mountains of toxic positivity and/or insisting on asanine levels of 'purity' within the work of other people.
Genuinely. We all need to like... Talk.
13 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Okay so this is very obviously NOT the finished product. Not even a little bit. But I'm writing a prequel bit for Fate's Crystal Majesty for @athena-anna-rose's writing contest. And. I'm having the hardest and funniest fucking time writing an oblivious straight man. I have no experience in this category of Guy so writing this bit is killing my sensibilities but it's already so fucking funny and I wanted to share. Current progress is under the cut. This is turning into a comedy.
Contest Story: What Once Was
"I've been meaning to say this for a while," said a voice, light and playful like a bell. "...But you really are pretty cute, mister Crown Prince!"
Solaris Trinidad Coronis nearly slammed his book closed, face turning red as his head whipped around. There, standing behind him, was a young mage— a university student that was younger than him, and a familiar one. Her blonde hair and aquamarine eyes would have been a dead giveaway, even if her uniquely folded 'dog' ears didn't signal her identity and status.
"O-oh, you're… Lunari Nitewing, correct? I believe I've seen you around…" He asked, doing his best to ignore her commentary on him. He nearly winced as he glanced at the nearby clock, suddenly noticing the time.
The young half-Rorvan nodded, grinning. "Yes, your highness. But I'm surprised you remembered my name… They say you spend too much time with your head hidden in these books to notice much, and I'll admit, this library is where I usually end up seeing you."
He sniffed, wolf ears giving a disdainful twitch as he collected his studying materials. "Well 'they' don't seem to know the value of being well-read… but at least they're smart enough not to insult me to my face, I guess…" Though… he thought wryly, I'd have to be blind not to notice the most magical young woman on the planet. "...You ought not to listen to gossip, Miss Nitewing. You have a lot of talent. It would be a true shame if you got caught up in a bad crowd."
"I find your studious nature endearing, actually!" The girl giggled. He suddenly realized how petite she was as she sat on the table, her eyes just barely higher than his were. "Makes you seem like a normal person."
"You'll find that I am a normal person, Miss Nitewing," he said, voice even. "I do what I can to make sure that being a prince doesn't get in the way of being a good citizen."
He stood then, gathering his books in his arms, then gave the girl another quick once-over. Sky blue Rorvan-inspired blouse over white pants, dark boots, a charming blue headband to match her top, tasteful floral scented oils along her pulse points… she looked a bit too nice for a trip to the library.
Is she… going out with someone?
He gave a polite cough. "If you're planning to meet someone, you shouldn't be chatting me up… someone might get the wrong idea if you speak to me."
She smiled almost pointedly. "Oh, I don't know if I'm going out yet… the guy I like doesn't seem to notice me as much as he thinks he does. I'm actually here to talk him into going to dinner with me."
Solaris blinked, suddenly a little surprised and annoyed on her behalf. What kind of idiot wouldn't notice her? "Oh… that's too bad. Someone as interesting as you should be at the top of anyone's list. Are you meeting him here?"
The young woman giggled. "Actually, he's already here. I'm just running a social experiment to see how long it takes him to notice."
16 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
The Crystalline King
Lilly watched as the young Keir—he really was so, so small here—quietly edged towards a door frame. Somehow, despite the fact that she was much further away, voices suddenly came to her the same way they would have if she stood where the young prince did. It was as if, even here, that part of their connection still worked. But the sounds were… odd. Entangled, somehow. It was impossible to tell who spoke, without seeing who was in that room.
"... But you know he'll probably never have magic like us."
"We can't say that! He's only a child, just like Rolph had been before he left because of all this pressure. His magic could manifest any day now, or maybe even years from now, and that's fine!"
Lilly blinked, then jogged over to the doorway, watching things unfold. There stood a young Crowlyn, looking around her own age, leaning against a table and facing the king… who looked very different from when she last saw him in real life, a creepy and dangerous figure with a fake smile and lacking entirely in humanity.
No, this was an entirely different man. Tall, yes, but only barely taller than the average human. Velvety black hair with greying highlights framed his face, and seemingly helped to hold up glasses with a thin wire frame. His shirt was strikingly white and billowy, draping over somewhat lean limbs and tucked into brown working pants and a pair of well used boots, as well as a pair of leather bracers at his wrists. Like Keir, the king wore minimal jewelry. Much of it was made of sturdy leather and gold chain—including a piece resting at his forehead and looping under his hair, which seemed to stand in for a crown like she'd seen Keir wear occasionally. The way he stood and the magical atmosphere around him, however, resembled Crowlyn. He had an aura that even she could feel, and a sense of strength and authority that went beyond the physical. She couldn't quite see his eyes… but she knew that he could probably stop armies with a glare. This was the man from the painting she'd seen. Handsome. Soft features, clean and well-kept hair and close-cropped beard, a voice that was soft, but firm. A smile that radiated kindness—if not also a tight frustration at the current discussion with Crow. He looked so… normal. Like a father. Not at all the imposing and dangerous force that he had been when she’d met him. 
She could understand how Lunari might fall in love with this man, rather than the king she knew he would become.
"But still, an heir to this kingdom must have magic,” Solaris said, “It's the only way we keep our status as leaders over the other Daekin. If it wasn't for Lunari bringing together the other mages and supplying most of the power to build this place, I doubt we'd be held in such high regard. An heir who's empty of magic cannot take the throne while you are still an option to rally behind. It must be you, unless..."
"You're too much of a pessimist. And he doesn't need magic, if he has a mage and advisor,” Crowlyn argued.
"You only say that to avoid your duties, my son. Whether they lead anywhere or not, marriage interviews are part of the job—"
“—An unnecessary part, I assure you—!"
"—and are vital to keeping our family line strong,” the older man sighed, rubbing his neck. Did… did he seem sorry for having to say these things, or was Lilly just imagining it? “Our ancestors were the first Rorvae. The first to undergo the changes back on Earth, and the first to access the magic behind Fate. Our history and future are important things that must be maintained, at any cost."
Changes… back on Earth?
But no one elaborated on her silent question. “Keir can do that easily when he's old enough. Leave me to my own business,” Crow said, an edge to his voice, “And stop trying to force all these petty she-wolves on me! I'm not going to suddenly be more normal just because you set me up with someone!"
"No offense, father, but I'm tired. You should really go and see your sick wife for once, instead of barking in my ear about something neither of us needs to be concerned about."
As Crowlyn abruptly turned she watched Keir half-fall over himself to get clear of the door, while she also stepped back. He was nowhere near fast enough, though, and Crow—he seriously couldn’t possibly be a day over twenty—nearly tripped over him as he rounded the corner. Upon finding the younger prince, Crowlyn immediately signaled for silence, fluidly picking him up and trotting away.
Lilly glanced between the king and retreating princes, then turned to follow—
"I don't have my wife's talent for discernment, but I'm not entirely blind either."
The girl halted, her head whipping back to Solaris. He'd sat down at the wide table and started to write something. After a moment, he looked up with eyes that bore a startling resemblance to Keir's. They looked like bright gemstones, faceted and glimmering an array of yellows and oranges as light shifted around him. But unlike Keir's warm honey and amber tones, the eyes of king Solaris were hard and cold with their brightness, and zeroed in on her with alarming precision. They looked so light and alive compared to the last time she'd stared him down.
"Well, come in. You don't appear to be here to kill me… and from what little I can see of you I doubt you could regardless. Just skin and bones, you are"
The girl shivered, then entered the room. Once she'd gotten past the door, it clacked shut, trapping her and causing her to jump with a squeak.
"A girl? And human as well, it seems… I have no idea what you're doing here, but you shouldn't be roaming around so… willy-nilly. This place can be dangerous," he said, turning his attention back to what he was writing, almost sounding concerned for her safety. "But I suppose the guards cannot see you, as powerful as your spell is… though I'm shocked Crowlyn didn't spot you either. He's a very powerful mage… perhaps even more powerful than me. He's at least on par with Lunari, when she was younger. He must be just as frustrated as I am, to be so distracted."
Lilly swallowed. "I… don't know if he can see me, since he's who I'm… supposed to be following. 'Dream-walking', I think Crowlyn called it?"
The king nodded absently. "He sent you from somewhere himself, then… and you are a powerful magician in your own right. Your combined magic must have affected his spell, if you're here, and able to move independently. This isn't dream-walking, young lady. You've projected your soul back along Crowlyn's timeline. So... you aren't a spy, nor an assassin. Humor me, girl, why are you here?"
"Well… uh…" Lilly fumbled, her heart racing. Was it even safe to talk to this man? In a few short years, he'd be hurting his children left and right! She didn't want to give him anything he could use.
Solaris paused, then sighed, his shoulders sagging a bit. "It seems I've frightened you by accident… I apologize. When they call me 'the crystal king', it isn't just because of my eyes… I'm also a bit cold and rigid. You've caught me in a bit of a mood. Crowlyn, bless his heart, has put me in a difficult position. I don't want to force him to marry when he obviously isn't interested in women, but a king needs to be able to carry on his legacy. He can't dance around the problem forever, but he also doesn't seem keen on telling me his actual reasons. If he would, I'd be able to relent a bit…"
See the full post
19 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Contest Story: What Once Was
Heya! This is my entry into the writing contest being held by @athena-anna-rose! It's a short story involving some characters from my book, Fate's Crystal Majesty, and hints at some of the events to come. I recommend reading it in the original document HERE, because Tumblr breaks everything and doesn't allow for other fonts (and also removed every ounce of formatting in the story).
I put a lot of thought into what scenes to show, so I hope you find the story interesting!
"I've been meaning to say this for a while," said a voice, light and playful like a bell. "...But you really are pretty cute when you're lost in a good story, mister Crown Prince!"
Solaris Trinidad Coronis nearly slammed his book closed, face turning red as his head whipped around. There, standing behind him, was a young mage— a student at the nearby university, and a familiar one. Her blonde hair and aquamarine eyes would have been a dead giveaway, even if her uniquely folded ears didn't signal her identity and status. A human-Rorvan hybrid, with strong magic and eyes nearly as mesmerizing as his own, could only be one person.
"O-oh, you're… Lunari Nitewing, correct? I believe I've seen you around…" He asked, adjusting his glasses, doing his best to ignore her commentary on him and hoping the magic in his eyes hadn't flared up. He nearly winced as he glanced at the nearby clock, suddenly noticing the time. The pups would probably tease him again for staying out so late...
The young half-Rorvan nodded, grinning. "Yes, your highness. But I'm surprised you remembered my name… They say you spend too much time with your head hidden in these books to notice much, and I'll admit, this library is where I usually end up seeing you."
He sniffed, wolf ears giving a disdainful twitch as he collected his studying materials. "Well 'they' don't seem to know the value of being well-read… but at least they're smart enough not to insult me to my face, I guess…" Though… he thought wryly, I'd have to be blind not to notice the most magical young woman on the planet. "...You ought not to listen to gossip, Miss Nitewing. You have a lot of talent."
"I find your studious nature endearing, actually!" The girl giggled. He suddenly realized how petite she was as she sat on the table, her eyes just barely higher than his were. "Makes you seem like a normal person."
"You'll find that I am a normal person, Miss Nitewing," he said, voice even. "I do what I can to make sure that being a prince doesn't get in the way of being a good citizen… or parent, though I can't say I'm doing a stellar job at the moment. I ended up getting lost in my reasearch."
He stood then, gathering his books in his arms, then gave the girl another quick once-over. Sky blue Rorvan-inspired blouse over white pants, dark boots, a charming blue headband to match her top, tasteful floral scented oils along her pulse points… she looked a bit too nice for a trip to the library.
Is she… going out with someone?
He gave a polite cough. "If you're planning to meet someone, you shouldn't be chatting me up… someone might get the wrong idea if you speak to me."
She smiled almost pointedly. "Oh, I don't know if I'm going out yet… the guy I like doesn't seem to notice me as much as he thinks he does. I'm actually here to talk him into going to dinner with me."
Solaris blinked, suddenly a little surprised, and annoyed on her behalf. What kind of idiot wouldn't notice her? "Oh… that's too bad. Someone as interesting as you should be at the top of anyone's list. Are you meeting him here?"
The young woman giggled. "Actually, he's already here. I'm just running a social experiment to see how long it takes him to notice."
Prince Solaris looked around. His lanky build let him have a good view of most places, and from where he was standing… this floor of the library seemed empty, aside from himself and the young mage that still sat rather casually on the table.
I don't see…?
"You know…" she started, and when he looked down at her he found that her eyes almost seemed to twinkle in the artificial light of the nearby reading lamps. "...I've been saving up for this date for nearly a month, so it'll be a shame if he turns me down."
Solaris blinked, noticing a hint of humor in Lunari's eyes, but chivalry won out over his ability to think past the sudden twinge of his heart. "That is quite a power move on your part, Miss Nitewing… but I must say, any man that forces you to pay for him as well as you, isn't worth your time. Call me old-fashioned, but a first date should be a meeting of equals."
She giggled, and he suddenly twitched to adjust his glasses. "If it were a normal man, I'd agree… but I'm afraid that I'm quite fond of this poor soul. He and I haven't talked much, but…" she said, looking up at him, eyes sparkling in shades of blue. "The medium of my magic is Shadow… and shadows tend to talk. This particular man's shadow says he's lonely, and a bit tired from all the stress he's been under after an awkward breakup. I decided it might be nice to treat him and his children to something fun. Maybe ice cream, since I know he has a thing for sweets."
Solaris suddenly blushed. Children? She has eyes for someone with kids? That would make him probably as old as… probably a lot like… and he enjoys ice cream like…
"I've been watching this man from afar…" she confided, looking almost shy, as if watching the dots connect in Solaris' head while his ears twitched in embarrassment. "I don't think he really noticed. I've been trying not to scare him off, you see, since he's the type who tends to overthink things. I didn't want him to think that I was just approaching out of the blue or that I wanted something I shouldn't… but I didn't quite know how to start a real conversation with such a dignified gentleman."
The prince looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. "...What will you do if he declines?"
"Probably just try again tomorrow. I'm very persistent!"
"And you don't mind that he… has children?"
See the full post
26 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Frontiers and Eggman
Now seems like a good time to talk about how I hate Eggman’s characterization in Frontiers
Such a fucking nothingburger of a character. He held no real importance aside from simply trying to get the Ancients technology and he doesn’t even do that much since he got trapped in Cyberspace for 4 islands. What was the point of his character in the game at all? 
We see his little hubs scattered around the islands but... how are they there? In the very opening of the game, where was Eggman anyway? Surely already on one of the islands right? If that’s the case, it would explain why his ships are on the first three. But given the scenery of when he was first transported, was he on Kronos or Ouranos? The greater point of what Im trying to say here is that he still accomplished NOTHING in terms of acquiring Ancient technology. 
He merely recorded his observations and left them in logbooks we find from Big. Problem here is, if he has ships on the islands, why are the logbooks not just THERE? Why are they set aside with Big? What does it mean if Big has them anyway? Also, some of the memos keep in mind that Sonic is on the island. Which means they’re being made as the story progresses. So why the fuck are they with Big in the first place? How do they get there and why with him and not on any of those damn ships? No hate on Big here at all, but why does he have them, seriously.
Im going on too much on a minutiae tangent so allow me to focus back on another point that annoyed me: this father/daughter thing Eggman has going on with Sage. Yeah this was garbage lol. 
It felt rushed and never earned any of its moments. Likewise, I felt no reason to give a shit about Sage since all she did was attempt to kill us and tell us to leave. So when they tried to force this idea of Eggman prioritizing this one creation above every other robot he’s ever built, I laughed. Especially with that crying flashback. God that was laughably terrible. The moment wasn’t earned whatsoever and reusing cutscenes from like 20 minutes ago doesn’t support whatever narrative was attempted there.
I can see Eggman having a sort of parental bond with one of his creations, mainly Metal Sonic. A robot Eggman has built, rebuilt, and kept around countless times - Sonic CD - Knuckles’ Chaotix - Sonic Heroes - Sonic 4 Ep II - Sonic Mania / Mania Adventures - (Sonic Forces I guess??)
But anyways, then comes Sage. An AI that makes her debut and by the end earns Eggman’s admiration to call her his daughter. Yeah, just toss Metal Sonic in the trash and take a shit on him too I guess.
I don’t have an issue with Eggman showing a humane side but he also didn’t show any other side in Frontiers either. He wasn’t the main villain here nor the sub-villain. The real evil here was The End and the sub-villain was Sage and the Titans. Eggman could in theory be written out of the story with proper adjustments done to Sage. Eggman takes over the world in Forces and discards Infinite, who as shown by the prequel comic. shared Eggman’s vision of the world. He gives him power to defeat and capture Sonic, causes a lot of destruction on behalf of Eggman and his Empire, and once once he failed, he was forgotten about. Both by the player and to Eggman. Sage gets destroyed in a sacrifice to stop The End and Eggman desperately brings her back no questions asked. Like what is this??
I know people are going to point out different writing and all that, but when has Eggman ever gotten this attached to anything or anyone? I think it’s appropriate to say his relation to Sage warrants being called “Out of Character.”
Even though I brought up Metal Sonic, I can’t say Eggman is attached to him as he’s rebuilt sparingly. His only real appearances in modern games were Heroes and Sonic 4. He’s a consistent weapon that Eggman refines upon because he knows Metal Sonic can succeed or at the very least, come the closest to succeeding.
Throughout all the games, Eggman will have one plan and abandon it for the next best thing. That is how he is. Metal Sonic being the only consistent thing there for reasons already mentioned. So his rush to bring Sage back from cyberspace just feels so out of character.
Far as I’m concerned, Sage should’ve remained another shiny new toy for Eggman and served her purpose. Ending what little story she had anyways.
TL;DR Eggman’s characterization sucked in Frontiers and I wish to see less of it. He accomplished nothing as he got stuck in cyberspace for a majority of the game’s runtime. Sentimental moments were superficial and didn’t tug at any heartstrings with their laughably bad buildups. Sage was a weak character who I felt nothing for as she lost all interesting qualities the moment she was revealed to be Eggman’s AI. Eggman’s aforementioned bond with Sage likewise fell flat as neither character were remotely interesting in Frontiers.
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creune · 3 months
Long time no ramble, huh
I'm back by unpopular demand and with exactly zero brainpower
And hell, if anyone would have told me how much petty shit you have to do when creating a card game I probably don't try to do that for class
Okay, that's a lie, I absolutely would have
But still
My entire weekend is going to be an unbalanced and insane amounts of sprite making (for my partner's game), card art creation for my own game, art for an unrelated class and studying like crazy for the tests next week
It doesn't sound that bad until you realize I have, only for myself, over sixty images to create
Realistically, not doing all of them this weekend
But you can bet your ass I will try anyway, while trying to understand the difference between different operating system generations, AI search tech and other stuff like that
I'm creating my own hell, as usual
And most likely for nothing, as the unrelated project is to be submitted to teachers who don't seem to grasp the concept of a manual
Or coding for that matter
But that aside, it's actually the chillest semester I've had so far
Lots of projects, few tests, only one 8am class
I know hell is coming but I'm enjoying the peace while it lasts
In other news, I've upgraded into a DM. So far I've had two players:
My partner, chronic minmaxer, troll of the century, theater kid of gay proportions, smartest and dumbest player at the exact same second, with a knack for evil characters and one shotting bosses
And a dude who we don't even know the actual name of (a friend of a dormmate that never showed up so we legit just don't even know the guy at all) who knows the recipe for explosives by heart and tried to calculate the ph level of magic acid and wrote himself out of the roleplay part of the adventure entirely. Also is never free so no session for a while now
It's been an experience, in ways I wouldn't have expected
In both a "please stop sniffing dust" way and in a way of learning to be more social on my end, even if sometimes that has to include sentences as "no, you can't have a carpet bomb as a lvl2 character" or "if you throw a decapitated head at a [insert non-violent type npc here], they won't wanna talk to you"
I love the chaos
I've also had some other stuff creep up on me that reset some progress I made in my behaviors and just becoming less depressed, but I managed to overcome it with the help of my partner. At least mostly. But hey, could be worse. Could have entirely destroyed myself. That would have sucked
I have a lot of things I wanna do and for all of that I need myself so, can't afford to lose me
For example, the goddamn card game that is hell incarnate
It's the unholy abomination child of yugioh with inscription, getting fucked sideways by slay the spire
I'm both excited to actually make it and hate everything about it
I have way too many shit going on as usual and I'm 100% sure not a single other soul will care but
It's a game I wanna make so I'll make it, even if for myself (for class, I am making a demo version cause there's no way in hell I make the whole thing in 4-5 weeks)
Only issue is that writing had to be sidelined again
But oh well
Passing my classes is a bit more important
And when I write, I can actually say I'm proud of what I'm doing
I am happy with my work on all fronts
Which is new and weird but also just
It's so freaking great
I can fuckin smile when I make my silly lil stories or cards or whatever
Life's good y'all
It really gets good
And I'm so damn happy it does
It's so fun
It's exciting
It's awesome
Yeah that's it
I just wanted to make a lil update on life
Cause I'm actually feeling happy consistently
And I felt like sharing that
0 notes
hii! it's your swiftie spring exchange anon <33 how are you? i was wondering if i could ask your favourite artists/favourite taylor swift albums (sorry this is so mean haha) and also anything that interests you! any hobbies/shows/characters/games/whatever you'd like to share with me!!
have a lovely day!
-swiftie anon <3
Ahh hello! Very mysterious XD I'm doing well thank you!
I've spent so much time trying to rank my favourite Taylor Swift albums...currently 1989 is my absolute favourite, but I have a soft spot for Lover (I have like half a dozen Cruel Summer inspired bracelets by now...). What about you, what's yours?
Outside of Swift, my favourite musical artists are a bit random tbh, but Marina and the Diamonds is a big one, alongside Marianas Trench and P!nk. I have a tendency to find artists via like. Anime music videos, or OC animatics, and be like...ooh, this song is cool, who's it by? (Actually it's how I found a bunch of musicals I ended up liking...except it's all like. Basic stuff lol. Hamilton, Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen sorta thing.)
I am ALWAYS up for talking about interests, so hopefully you're up for listening and telling me some of yours?
Primarily I'm all about art - I like traditional art (lots of pen and pencil in my sketchbooks), but I do digital art as well, and also I sew a lot. I've just finished a pair of trousers and am slowly adding the buttons to a shirt I'm making...slowly. But I'm also into stuff like horror, creepypasta sorta things, true crime/horror (although it freaks me out after a while, but that's the fun of it), and currently Hazbin Hotel. My girlfriend is currently inadvertently feeding that last one by writing fanfiction for it lol.
Currently true-crime wise (sorta) I've been watching videos on the "Yuba County 5" which is a sad story ngl. Um idk if you're a true crime person or not but I have a bit of a morbid fascination with missing persons cases. I'm just always wanting to know what happened, what was it like for the person missing etc...
Oh and games-wise I'm into the Persona series and the Professor Layton series. I want to play Persona 5 but it's on the back burner, as the money for the...ps4 is it now? And the game? Is just money I'd rather spend on other things right now.
Honestly by the time I decide it's a priority for me to play that game, there'll probably be like. Persona 7 lol. I like gaming but it takes me forever to actually decide I'm going to play a game. I've been playing Balder's Gate for...a while. It's fun but so long, so I take like 2 weeks between each play session because I know that 6 hours of play later I'll still have barely made progress.
(I'm better at board games than video games, basically.)
0 notes
jokarlekin · 6 months
Nice to meet you, I am Jokar - but you can call me Charlie too ! I joined Tumblr to post my art and chat about my hyperfixations, do not expect a lot of any other kind of creations at the moment :]
I wrote a little might-be-frequently-edited post to make a clean presentation on this app. Let’s start now~
Tumblr media
🌱 Who am I ?
Artist (Procreate/Traditional), writer, VisualNovel coder (Ren’py) and beginner musician (GarageBand/LMMS)
Any pronouns work for me <3
Nature enjoyer, huge fan of rainy days, vegetal caves and misty forests ! Space fascinates me too 🌌
I dedicate my life to bats and deers 🦇🦌
High anxiety level, married with a low social battery and the attention span of a 5 years old. Sorry in advance-
Not a native english speaker, I may make a lot of spelling errors or anything language related, feel free to correct me !
I want this account to be a little bubble isolated from the real world 🫧
(Alas do not be fooled, I love angst and sensitive themes in fiction. I will try to warn such content properly when it comes 🫂)
Current hyperfixation : Genshin Impact (Collei my child 🌱) - Aaand a bit of mahoako/Mahou shoujo ni Akogarete !
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🌱 What do I do ?
As already stated, I’m an artist, aaaand I hyperfixate a lot about fictional subject/stories. I love to create content of what makes me happy, and on Tumblr I will mostly post fanart, stories or even create alternate universes of my favorite book/game/etc. One day I maybe will talk about my own creations, but we will see what future is made of !
By the way, I am also a serial character creator, and I deeply cherish all of my original characters. (Well almost all of them, I don’t support the horrible things some of my absolutely-not-kind children do, but eh, I need them for some stories-)
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🌱 Where to find me ?
Want to find me on another social media ? There you go, have my simple carrd ! 🌱
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🌱 Which are my tags ?
These are my personal tags to find my stuff easily. I made it to organize myself because my memory is short, but feel free to navigate with them too! They’re also tagged under that post~
• Subject :
#jokar art (Jokar makes art, so Jokar will tag it) ⋆ #jokar writes (When I post my (probably angsty) texts) ⋆ #jokar rambles (For whatever batpoop I want to say) ⋆ #jokar news (*Gasps* Important stuff I have to say !) ⋆ #jokar reacts (…I will drown you in whatever subject keep my attention hostage)
• Content :
#jokar character (When one of my imaginary children is in the post) ⋆ #jokar refsheets (I make reference for characters, mine or redesign of canon characters) ⋆ #jokar sketches (I’m the kind of person with a hundred work in progress and never finish them, so take some sketches and wips!) ⋆ #jokar fanart (I do fanart, mostly that on my tumblr) ⋆ #jokar received a request (Someone proposed an idea, I accepted it and drew it <3) ⋆ #jokar art trade (When I post an art trade I made with someone, feel free to ask by the way!) ⋆ #jokar hyperfixates (Eat my hyperfixation, world!) ⋆ #jokar-headcanons (I have fan-ideas, so why not sharing them !) ⋆ #jokar question (Got a question ? I answer !) ⋆ #jokar character question (Same as before, but with one of my character) ⋆ #jokar character talk (Did you ask about random info of my characters ? No, but I enjoy myself very much ehe !)
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🌱 End note !
Thank you for reading this ! Take care of you now, do not forget to drink water and breath some fresh air <3
Au rêveoir/Goodbye !!
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sleepygamerotaku · 8 months
ok ok so ik that nobody asked but these past few weeks have been. too much chaos for me to handle but you don't have to read all of this, so you can simply skip down to where the text becomes blue!
in short i have a lot to do (thankfully only one(of which is school related, it's just a math assignment that i wasn't able to finish today, or technically two as i have to create a list of things i need to do literally or just mentally for the school councilor as i've been talking to her to a little bit and trying to get all of my uhm. horrid issues out there) and for the most part it's just art. i have around 19 Inktober prompts that i'd like to finish before October ends as well as a Kaveh drawing i want to finish in time for next Wet Kaveh Wednesday as well as a few other drawings i started and haven't gotten around to finish
now ontop of this i have video games to play, login bonuses to collect and dailys to complete as well as my Halloween costume (feel free to ask if you want) and then i might just redo my theme and see about posting more content and being more active
i might also try to remake my discords server icon and perhaps change the name so if you have any suggestions on either what the icon should be or server name ideas please lmk!
hopefully i'll be able to get back around to posting contact regularly and maybe posting more edits on tiktok (i'm not entirely sure as i have an irl friend who follows me on tiktok and i'm not too sure if she'll care but i want to talk to her about that first)
i've also been meaning to do a reference sheet for s/i's character design, as well as a few other projects.
now, most importantly, i'd like to start marking today as an anniversary of sorts? as my following grows and i get better at making content as well as posting consistently i want to celebrate my growth every year on October 19
i'm fully aware that i still have a few years to get my life sorted out and all but i genuinely think that content creation is what i want to do. it's always been fun for me to simply create things and share that with others as well as just chatting about whatever, even if i'm really socially awkward i love being a part of these communities and i like to think that i'm starting my own by making things, sharing those things and talking with my friends and mutuals about it.
i'm not really sure if i'm going to make it very far but i'm willing to try my best and see how much progress i make in art, writing, editing, singing, dancing and cosplaying. so, sorry for getting kinda sentimental there but thank you guys for staying with me and helping me along the way!
i'll try to post at least two different things (on all platforms) each day<33 i'm going to go work on some stuff but for now here's a few discord servers you should join if you haven't already!!
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luckiusdev · 2 years
Making an RTS Game - Part 2
Hello again!
I'm here again to share some progress about my untitled cute little real-time strategy game. Before starting, if you want more info on that I redirect you to my first post and the itch.io page for the game :
1. Code Refactoring
First order of business, I did some code refactoring. "So soon?" you might ask, well yes because it was MESSY. I deleted and cleaned up a few scripts, and you know I'm thinking "whatever, the game was far from playable anyway", because it is.
There's no real gameplay yet, just snippets of gameplay elements. And that's okay for now. I know what I've already done works.
As seen in the previous post, there is a functional system of building on a grid. I also have a unit selection system but I'll talk about that later. I have removed all unnecessary code and the vast majority of the interface.
2. New Cursor
Nothing major, but I started coding something to add custom mouse cursors using the Cursor class from Unity. It's extremely barebones and I'll come back to it later to make it more flexible but it does the job for now. I took inspiration from CodeMonkey's Mouse Cursor System PRO asset and from there I'm going to build my own script to come up with a flexible system that I can use later elsewhere, because unfortunately I can't afford the $40 price tag.
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3. Character Customization
One of the gameplay mechanics that I like the most in this project is the possibility to customize your character or leader as I call him. For the moment, in theory, most of the customization is purely cosmetic except for the character's body, which also corresponds to the character's class (among 4 main classes that are shared with the other units: barbarian, knight, mage and ranger). This choice will have some importance because choosing a class will grant buffs to some units, debuffs to others and will change the attacks and abilities of your leader, which will allow the player to choose his own play style or encourage replayability by encouraging to try all classes and creating unique heroes/leaders for each game. For now and until the initial release of the game, there will only be these 4 classes for two reasons:
It allows to lighten the implementation of everything around this mechanic.
The Kay Lousberg asset pack that I use (Dungeon Pack) only had these 4 characters.
With that said, I can present you the temporary menu to test this famous character customization.
For the moment, it has no effect on the gameplay (obviously, nothing is implemented yet) and the character is not saved, but I'm quite satisfied with the result. I still need to add the possibility to remove the hat and the hair, as well as to manage some edge cases like the fact that the knight's head model is directly provided with hair unlike the other heads.
4. World Generation Overhaul
The biggest thing I did (while writing this devlog post) is overhauling the terrain generation. For that, I followed IndividualKex's "how to make a procedural grid world in under 2 minutes in unity" series.
(Side note, he's a very fun guy, check out his channel)
The generation work, I had a little trouble with the generation of the edges of the island for a moment but that's fixed now. The system also generates trees and I also plan to generate the rest of the resources afterwards, of course.
5. Conclusion
The next step will be to re-import everything on a new Unity project to be able to use the Universal Render Pipeline (I want to die) to make the game more beautiful afterwards. As I didn't implement a lot of stuff, I don't find it extremely problematic even if obviously Unity projects take a lot of space (I really don't understand why). I think I could have used Godot, since it is my engine of choice for my projects. However, I'm going to continue to code this game in Unity because I find that it's more suited to my needs for this project, and one of the goals is to show what I can do to a school that I want to join (and that by extension "focuses" on, or at least uses the Unity game engine as a main tool for learning). I'll make a new devlog in a few days to show you the progress of the project, porting to a URP project shouldn't take too long.
This is all I have for today folks, thank you for passing by…
~ Luckius 🌼👑
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honorguk · 3 years
dating➔ jeon jungkook
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what it’s like to date jungkook from bts (based on my assumptions)
────✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.���✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ────
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is literally your child
makes you snort laugh whether you like it or not
definite hardcore dance offs in your living room - you’ve never seen anyone shake their ass like him oh my god why is he so eager
sharing earpods/headphones 24/7, or at least sharing a spotify
also joint netflix parties when you’re supposed to be isolating - watching the same movie whilst he’s in his room and you’re in your own, but also facetiming to see each other’s reactions
he can’t help but think of you when writing lyrics or thinking of chord progressions
his english is already pretty good, but he’ll work much more diligently to be fluent for you
and you’ll overhear him saking namjoon about how to say certain phrases, and giggle when he runs over and says them to you, pretending like you didn’t know this was going to happen
doing stupid voice impressions to cheer you up and sing offs in the shower as he’s shampooing your hair 
and a lot of tickle fights, where he mostly just pokes you until you’re annoyed
(he really loves testing your boundaries..)
cuddling (he’s usually the big spoon unless he’s had a hard day) and scrolling through instagram on one phone, or watching crime documentaries on your laptop
also playing against each other in video games and always placing bets, or making the loser do something the winner wants (whatever the winner’s wish is, it’s usually wholesome, but….)
you are the children of all of the other members, it’s no doubt
yoongi will knock on guk’s door and peek in to see you both battling each other over the last chicken wing, and he’ll sigh before closing the door
and guk, although not very good at expressing emotions, will always let you have the last chicken wing, because to him, you’re everything, and always will be <3
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honestly, cuddling and playing video games is definitely something you’d do most of the time
and he’d crush you in his embrace and then you’d have a playfight (obviously he wins, and he pins you down so he’s hovering on top of you. it’s the same result every time but that’s part of the fun, isn’t it?)
he’ll also suddenly jump up from the bed and be like “alright, let’s go get dinner” and by that he means either getting delivery from the shop that’s literally two minutes away or going to a fancy restaurant
he’ll also wake you up early in the morning through a phone call and tells you to get dressed, and that he’ll be at your door in 5 minutes, and then you’ll both go down to a cafe and have early breakfast together
gives you his jacket, no matter the weather. He just really likes seeing you in his clothes
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you mostly call each other by your own names, but oftentimes “babe” or “honey” will come out and it’ll feel just a tad more special 
his ears perk up whenever he hears you call him in general, let alone by a pet name
he also blushes like super hard, still not used to the intimacy of some words and names 
and he’ll hop over to you with a cute little grin on his face and peck your cheek, asking you to call him that again
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as he barely gets the chance to talk to you properly, he’ll make sure to mouth your name on stage so that the camera picks up his words, and throw up a few finger hearts and whatnot to make sure you know you’re loved, and very publicly at that
he’d also thank you, alongside all the fans, for being at the concert. he definitely knows you’re watching, at least in spirit
sending you memes whenever he can, and random chaotic videos and photos from the hotel rooms and the tour bus
i can definitely see him filming as he pushes hobi and just runs off, for literally no reason, and sending it to you
you see all the photos before he posts them on twitter 😌 and he even sends a few stupid ones that will never get released 
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he’s not one to get completely angry — if anything, he despises that feeling, so he’ll just be extra annoyed most times
he’ll huff and pout and scowl but never yell or shout
it’s out of character for him, so he tries to remain calm and neutral, but really, the only way he gets out his anger and stress is either by going on a run or crying
once he cries, so do you, and you just make up naturally because it’s genuinely a really hurtful sight to see jungkook in tears 
if he does yell, his eyes would widen right away and he’d close his mouth before running up to you and apologizing
he’s stormed out of your apartment before, too, but he always came back, and usually with a delivery bag in his hands
so you’d have your favorite food and sit, watching some stupid show in silence before one of you speaks up, and you talk it out 
─ • NSFW:
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he’s a complete switch: a really tough dom and a whiny, ready sub and NO ONE can tell me otherwise 😤
will also to experiment a lot - what’s the harm in trying?
he’ll choke if you ask, pull on your hair, leave bites -- but will also want the same in return
and he will easily switch from pounding into you from behind to flipping you over so you’re on top of him and giving puppy eyes, wanting you to use him
he’ll love for his hands to be pinned up, or even restrained
other than that i would say he’s pretty vanilla..
he can be ironically cheesy though, and scatter some rose petals and light a few candles to surprise you, but that’s mostly for bants
not afraid to laugh or make jokes during foreplay, but he gets serious when it comes to the act
(and he also loves ripping it from you so buy you another pair, which will end up equally damaged..)
has a playlist, for sure
aftercare includes a lot of kisses and cuddles, perhaps a bath and wrapping you in oversized clothing as you fall asleep on his chest
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