#but yeah everyone please be respectful
velvetshirtnumber3 · 4 months
Thoughts About Last Twilight Finale as I watched it
One part of me is happy to seeing them flirting and getting along, but the other rage-filled part of me that has not healed from episode 11 is honestly kind of upset about them being able to do that again like the breakup wasn't as painful as it was. Like obviously its been several years and i'm glad they aren't holding onto any of the pain from it because that wouldn't be healthy but just.....it hurts a little seeing the characters be okay when i'm still not. (And like it was a painful breakup and we're seeing no trace of that with their interactions).
I appreciate Night and Porjai little attempts to get them to talk and Mhok being a bridesmaid makes me happy.
Ok so they've talked about the breakup and Mhok's thanking Day for it? And saying he was right? So we just aren't going to discuss that fact that Mhok's actions were a combo of things besides pity? Like his trauma with his sister? I want it to be addressed gosh darn it, they haven't talked about it enough in this show. They spent this whole show talking about how Mhok didn't pity him and now you're saying that in an instance where Mhok's actions could be explained by a couple different reasons, you went with "actually he does pity him" as the reason? I just feel like there were better ways this could have been addressed but they had limited time.
"I can't believe its been three years" 
*me, upset, staring at my screen* "Me too"
(You went three years without talking?!?! After breaking up over one argument!?!?)
"Whatever problems you have, talk to each other" where was this advice during episode 11, it could have saved a lot of time and heartbreak
You know what, I'm tired of being upset, bring out Poomjai, i want to see her and have Mhok see her
ok she's out of focus but she looks very sweet
the problem here is that I can't tell if Day is just hesitant to try again with Mhok or actually doesn't want to, so every time Mhok references it I feel awkward. I know its supposed to be a romance show so they'll probably end up together but.....
ok Day made a joke about it so I guess he's not too uncomfortable but still...
Poor mhok.....I honestly hope that if they do decide to get back together, its because Day went after him and told him that he really did want to get back with him because I feel like too much of the show has been Mhok taking the steps forward with their relationship
looks like i get my wish....ah the classic airport scene
I highly doubt he actually left on the plane but you know what, maybe its good to let them sit with this emotion for a little while (I'm sorry, I'm still so mad)
So it was a setup...but how????? like???? what???? If you knew Mhok would be in there, when did he let you know, because there was no point in running around the airport if you knew he would stay....
Honestly I feel like the breakup was pointless now... like yeah they had the conversation about growth and whatever but it feels like Mhok acts the exact same so I don't feel necessarily if he can differentiate between he role as a caretaker and as a boyfriend, which was a legitimate problem. And I also kind of hate that he is apologizing. It just feels like Mhok is once again focusing on others feelings and not his own, and so they will run into the same issue as they did before.
As you can probably tell from all this, I now feel very protective of Mhok and it makes me upset that he hasn't gotten the chance to work through some of his issues. I know he is more the type to pretend everything is okay, but there has to be a limit. Like at the least acknowledgement of his pain
They're having a baby!?!?
We get a happy ending
Final thoughts: 
It was a good show and I enjoyed it for most of it. I understand why they did the breakup (though I don't think it was entirely necessary), and yes it may have been good for them as a couple, however I wish it had either happened earlier or they made the show longer because it felt very quick leading up to it, and I felt like the last episode just didn't have time for them to discuss it in a more meaningful way and actually show why it was beneficial for both of them. I also think it would have given more time for the audience to process everything (it resulted in me thinking too much about the breakup to be able to be happy at some of the good things about episode 12). We got one conversation about why breaking up allowed them to grow, and I just wish we had a bit more than that. I also would have liked it if it had discussed Mhok's troubles and emotions a bit more. It led to the relationship feeling a little bit unbalanced some of the time. Overall (!) I enjoyed it (with the exception of certain storylines that I have already discussed). I don't think I can ever classify as a comfort show again (as I did before episode 11). It was definitely not perfect, but it wasn't an awful show, and so I am going to try and remember the good parts of it.
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sparky-is-spiders · 9 months
I can accept basically any trans/nb reading of Jon however my personal favorites are transmasc Jon who transitioned physically and socially as early as possible and just never mentioned it to anyone cause it wasn't any of their business OR Jon being the most repressed transfem/nb in existence. They'll be talking about gender or whatever and Jon will be like "it's normal to feel totally disconnected from your gender all the time and also vaguely want boobs. That's just a guy thing I think." only for whoever they're all talking to to go "wtf no?? It's not????"
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 10 months
hiki and geki matching post
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hiki and geki matching post
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luvevee · 2 years
Scarlet and Violet, performance wise really lacking to the point where it's obvious there needs to be changes to how staff need to be treated better and given more time to work, are really some of the best games in the mainstream series I've ever played and I just really want to talk forever about how amazing it all is
#my switch is getting repaired for drift but man am i itching for it back#I was in the middle of the champion assessment too#but omg I really love the game and the writing and grgrgrgr#I want to bite sada/turo until they blow up#i want to hold arven nemona and penny for being such well written characters with their struggles and bonds together#i want to shake clavell's hand for being an older man in a very gen x/z environment trying to be hip but also wanting the acadamy to-#actually be safe and welcoming while taking accountability for how bullying was ignored and his own dismissal of team star#i want to cry because the teachers are so nice and understanding and actually educate their students while being open to help#and how miriam is an example of someone who tries so hard to achieve their dream for it to be just out of reach#and how the gym leaders have so much personality and how the e4 are so close-knitted together with a little girl in the middle of it all#how koraidon/miraidon thrive under the love the get from the protag and how they act just like giant dogs with the attention they want#and how they're considered low on the ladder in their species in terms of power and size but still have lots of pride and power#i wanna learn more about the crater grgrg#just really really love this game and i miss my lite neee come back to meeee#and yeah i've played from firered to now in terms of mainstream so yeah def i'm being serious#but for real the staff deserve more respect and time literally everyone can agree the game could've waited if it meant better treatment#I really appreciate the love that went into it despite the crunch but it's still shit about the obvious rush#like we know it's not the switch please lengthen the time for people to work on the games so both parties can actually enjoy things#but yeah#pokemon sv spoilers#rosebud posting 💐
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Actually cry so goddamn hard when I think about Shinjiro Aragaki healing and being loved and having to learn to be okay with himself and being taken care of
#writing him has just been like. OOOOWOEOEOEOOE i piss tears i cant handle this shit this gay ass shit#i came up with an idea for just like a cute short one shot i wanna do soon and hnnnghh im so emo about it#very healing its like very hard to write some of the shit im gonna be writing cuz basically#some of it is just a little too real man and while i crave the angst and the drama i am just like#AND THEN EVERYONE HOLDS HANDS AND ITS OKAY PLEASE DONT CRY PLEASE#and ive mentioned how shinji has accidentally become nb to me now because i just kinda happened to write him that way without meaning to#and now another thing im noticing is that in my fic hes kinda bpd coded#it definitely wasnt intentional but now im accepting it as truth no one can stop me#i just really need him to be happy its more important to me than anything else man i need it for me#and he needs to be gay with aki they need to kissy and i think its funny cuz even in the parts where shinji is mad at aki and pushing him#away its like. he kinda has it bad lol and its clear he feels no actual hatred towards aki but more just self deprecation because he doesnt#feel good enough and like idk i just think about their respective roles in society like#aki is an honor student star boxer hero very attractive very kind very popular got adopted by a rich family#hes going places you know meanwhile shinji is a drop out who never had a family ever hes homeless hes sketchy hes on drugs#his reputation couldnt be any worse and he just leans into it and feels he has no future and hes worthless garbage#and aki could literally have anyone he wants you know he has an army of girls pining over him but he doesnt want them#HE WANTS SHINJI AND NO ONE ELSE HE SPENDS YEARS CHASING AFTER HIM#and shinji HATES it hes trying so hard to push him away and be the crusty delinquent and make aki see how worthless he really is#but aki just doesnt stop he loves him so much makes me sick SICK#and shinji really loves him back hes like not gonna shut up ever about aki hes like either doing it in a gay ass annoyed way#or hes like ‘haha omg aki is so cute though hes always trying so hard to be tough but hes just so sweet and gentle you know i hope he#doesnt push himself too hard if he got hurt id fall apart hes so silly i hope hes eating good i desire him carnally’#yeah sorry gamers this is just a pairing i cant be normal about they mean so much to me personally the fate of the world rests upon them
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boyczar · 2 months
please remember that it is a compliment to be disliked by people. most people don’t even like themselves. think about why you even want to be liked by somebody. why do YOU like YOURSELF?? why give a fuck about whether or not somebody with so much work to do on themselves doesn’t like you? they literally do not even like themselves. they can’t genuinely “like” you.
#mine#so tired of people who literally only know to people please#‘people pleaser’ is such a joke of a phrase bc they’re literally the most disappointing people i know#they don’t respect themselves#they live in such a way that is so repulsive to me it literally gives me euphoria to know they dislike me#call me names lie about me tell me you never wanna see me again#it’s literally bliss#like what do they expect?#for me to cry on the floor and beg them to love me?? i am not a fucking codependent like everyone else you know#i’m not gonna fucking fawn over you after you mistreat me#and of course no one else will defend me bc they’re all cowards too#afraid to not be on the narcissist’s team#bc the only other team has literally one player and that’s the scapegoat / truth teller#literally who tf wants to go against the narc?? nobody!! that’s why they think i’m stupid#it’s a blessing to be hated by cowards#it’s a sign you’re doing at least one thing right#acoa#family systems#codependency#narcissitic abuse#sick & tired of people living in these beat-around-the-bush type relationships where they are never direct and they are never happy#they don’t actually CARE about each other#they just want to be comfortable!!!#well it’s not COMFORTABLE to grow#‘you’re not the same person you used to be’ yeah well you’re EXACTLY THE SAME!!!#i love when people think that’s an insult#go ahead and tell on yourself#you have never changed or grown or confronted the ways that you treat people#i’m over it#it’s such a joke when these people try to talk to you
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hauntingblue · 5 months
"The fight for sanji's masculinity" in a world where being gay is normal and hetero is the exception
#this world is okama land#nami wearing a shirt that says moody while doing all this lmao#indeed#nami 💀💀💀#you do not believe me?? then i am going to jump into the sea#HAHSJAHSKA#haredas chi a true feminist ally#nami remembering arlong park while saying how she bears responsibility for everyone while they sail.... yeah...#my captain is dumb (thinking about sopping her from hurting herself) he is also reckless (thinking how he helped her get free)#and will die if i leave him alone (thinking about how he saved her life) he needs to be taken care of (thinking how luffy took care of her)#do you get it.......#can franky make himself a face please i am with the kid and old man on this one#agressive cooking lmao#'changing the body with the food.. never thought of that' meanwhile the hormones iva san put in sanjis body: 😈😈#iva san please teach this man a little bit of respect for women please..... okama kempo can come later#i wasnt born to be a friend to women.... i was born to love them.... okay.......#iva san making here a quest lmaooo#the thing is thay sanji was happy in a dress and makeup.... the thing is that if he was confy in his masculinity wearing a dress wouldnt#bother him.... but alas.... it does....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 514#commenters saying it wojld have been better if sanji became okama lmao#i mean yeah#and i wonder how they will do this in the live action because they need to be pilitically correct and also allies and this is like a bit of#both but neither.... so the good option would be drag island (also for trans people) and sanji becomes a drag queen (bc he is confy with#himself and accepting) and the bad way would be just being an ally there..#like oh thats great could you help me please :) and iva san is like yeah sure youve been a nice boy :)#so netflix..... which one will it be
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multifandom-damnation · 7 months
I feel like I should put this out here with everyone calling Taliesin selfish and saying that the other people at the table should be mad at him, but I am currently going through that with one of my newbie players right now. I'm a newbie DM, and none of my players watches any DnD-related shows and this is their first-ever game, and we are three games in. There was a very real discussion last week about wanting to kill off a player character and wanting to know what to do about it if he actively does things that go against what the party wants or does things that put them in danger. He wants his character to be 'unpredictable' and 'chaotic' but has been doing things that routinely get himself into trouble or put the party in jeopardy, like drinking the blood of a poison frog after killing it and getting poisoned, or trying to sneak up behind a band of bandits robbing town after being explicitly told to hide and rolling a nat1 and nearly getting the group caught.
As a new DM and a people pleaser at heart, I've really struggled to come up with fair but appropriate consequences for these actions, and the rest of the party (his fiance especially!) are super pissed off with him for being reckless to the point of asking me what they should do about it and how they can get rid of him and make him roll a new PC.
I felt really bad for him because its obvious that he wasn't doing any of this to be malicious but he was playing a pirate and he wanted to demonstrate him being unhinged and crazy and unstable, so it was a really hard discussion to have and I could tell that he was a little disappointed no matter how much I told him he was going a good job and the character is really fun even if he does have his moments, but everybody else was seemingly against him. If he was doing it on purpose, it would have been different, but he was very apologetic and listened to what was being said but didn't know what else to do because he likes his character but doesn't know how to portray what he wants to portray without putting the others in danger and sacrificing a core aspect of his character. I didn't have the answer either so it was really difficult. And I still don't think we've reached a solution.
I don't know where I was going with this, but I guess I just wanted to say that everybody is super mad at Taliesin (I'm not, the man has never done anything wrong in my eyes) but it's almost impossible to know what's going on in somebodies head or how they are interpreting certain things or the story they are trying to tell. So no matter what you're feeling about the choices that were made tonight and the outcome that occurred, can we all just be nice and not make such horrible comments? I've been seeing some really awful stuff and I know the gang has to develop some thick skin working in the career that they do, but I just know if it were me or my players experiencing such hate and backlash over a decision they made, like eating an obviously cursed cupcake or tearing a significant doll in half, I would be devastated.
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sqlmn · 2 years
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really quick doodle of PVP Mage Extraordinaire!
His name online is Mister Delta (and he’s played by a guy who teaches chemistry irl and his last name is Change so he thought it was a cute little jokey username what a nerd).
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poppyseed799 · 10 months
Here’s my playlist of life series videos I want to show everyone I know :D I work really hard to organize the videos in a way I like and recently I accidentally hit a button that organized it by most viewed so I had to reorganize it from scratch 😭 so there may be some mistakes in the way it’s organized currently but it SHOULD be at least close enough to what it’s supposed to be.
It’s organized chronologically with the Lego videos marking the end of a season, and videos that go over multiple seasons typically show up after the season end marker.
Warnings will be that I didn’t make this with like, ccs in mind, it’s strictly for fans, so it has shipping and swearing and definitely blood and all that stuff. Individual warnings will hopefully be in the videos themselves. I didn’t make any of these I would only put my own videos in here if they got popular tbh.
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your anxiety disorder makes you apologize to everyone all the time, my anxiety disorder makes me be a bastard to people before they can do it to me, we are not the same (and neither are our versions of the blorbo we are both projecting onto)
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
Avatar 2 is so funny to me cause they are pulling some absolute Rip Van Winkle shit
Everything that the first movie had to offer 15 years ago is no longer valuable now, so the entire thing feels stunted and forced and out of time, no matter how much they claim this is a cultural event. No one cares. No one remembers.
They overslept and woke up irrelevant.
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caramelteaa · 2 years
We should all just start trading genders we don't need like a cluster of hermit crabs exchanging shells
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splendontcore · 1 year
i merely made my fave htf characters hispanic so i can self-insert my livings make them more relatable to my knowledge of the world...but dang, now i cant live in a world without them like that...like...
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Look my straight at the face and tell me that Nutty wouldn't drink these shits as crazy every single day while chachareando at the tianguis or smth
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Or that Sniffles wouldn't spend his weekends at his local mercado de pulgas buying wires and tech used stuff to make his stupid ass gadgets
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whilomm · 7 months
why are people so goddamn pissed about intermissions in movies. "ooohhh respect the movie youll sit down for 5 hours to binge a tv show-" and during those 5 hours i will press pause and go take a piss probably!!! theatres were putting intermissions in killers of the flower moon for accessibility and they were literally told they had to stop bc "preserving the artistic vision" is more important than. letting ppl go to the bathroom. who gives a shit, yes make long ass movies but i shouldnt have to strategically plan my bathroom break beforehand and avoid drinking anything during the entire movie just to watch a movie. giving ppl a 5 min break to go take a piss isnt "ruining the artistic vision" im sorry that some ppls bodies arent compatible with going 3.5 hrs without a piss!!!
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moe-broey · 1 year
KNIFE RESTORED!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I had like. Beach sand. Stuck in it for like two years and I just. Didn't do anything about it until now HAHAHAHA I read up on how to deal w it but I was unsure about it and then I forgor
But I got some advice and guidance from the friend who gave me it after reconnecting, so!!!!!! PEACE AND LOVE ON PLANET EARTH 💕💖💗💞💕💖💗💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕
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