#c: hawk
darknursexiu · 7 months
Digging through her bag, she let out a heavy sigh upon realizing she'd forgotten to pack her book. This was going to be a long shift at the first-aid table. Looking at her companion, Xiu contemplated talking to the man or not. She didn't mind people watching, but that can only be so entertaining for so long. "Do you think anyone will get seriously hurt this event?" She hoped so.
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
Happy Blorbo Blursday! I read up about Hawk because his name intrigued me (it was my HS mascot), so here's a few questions for him: What was his childhood like? Did he grow up in a large or small or medium sized family? How does this affect him to this day/throughout the story? -@athenswrites
Hawk is an only child with two classical musician parents. his dad was a college professor of music theory and his mom taught flute lessons. he was surrounded by music his whole life and he knows how to play the piano but doesn't very often anymore because he doesn't have one available and also it makes him sad.
he got along with his parents really well. whenever they had disagreements, his parents would let him cool off and the sit down with him to work out the issue. he never felt like he couldn't tell them anything or that they were too overbearing.
his parents died in a somewhat mysterious car accident when he was 17? (the timeline is a little screwy because now that I know where the story is going, I'm changing some of the particulars already written into it.) he tried to follow up on the case but it was closed and he was warned off of looking into it further.
he went to school for accounting and graduated, but he's now lost most of his interest and only cares about finding out what really killed his parents and regaining some kind of optimism about life like he had when he was a kid.
to this end, he's joined Jet's little gang of "rebels" and is more or less moping around being sometimes kind and sometimes belligerent, causing both sympathy and tension in the group as Jet is either frustrated with him or supportive. Moss is trying to teach him how to have initiative and drive, but it's slow going.
hope is on the horizon though, because Rune has entered the picture, and everything that's going on with her is about to change things.
Hawk is a good boy, really, he's just kinda lost. it's a bit of a theme.
thanks for asking!
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salome-c · 1 year
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Strange Way of Life (2023) trailer + Tumblr reactions
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i-wanna-hug · 3 months
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redmyeyes · 2 months
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FELLOW TRAVELERS + 1957 // 1968 // 1979
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maomango-doodle · 1 year
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Dumping all my old Strike Hawk art here
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These 3 pages are titled "Lost and Found". It's not rly related to any particular event in the story (it's just the aftermath of a mission here) But i'd probably situate it after chapter 8 with the whole Camu ordeal. I wanted to show how Kamui has found people that accept him and care for him while Camu is left behind, living through Kamui
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fereldanwench · 10 months
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ACT I | bait & switch
My name is Fenris. These men were Imperial bounty hunters seeking to recover a magister's lost property, namely myself. They were trying to lure me into the open. Crude as their methods were, I could not face them alone. Thankfully, Anso chose wisely.
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jbaileyfansite · 6 months
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New BTS Photo of Jonathan Bailey and Matt Bomer on the set of episode 5 of Fellow Travelers [x]
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awkward-parabuteo · 7 months
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First snow! ❄️
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batwhisper · 8 days
Srry for lack of posts, I was busy with dying bec of college finalsss
Dropping these WIPs here:
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I love doing harpy designs bec I get to draw feathers and stuff.
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dreamologisth2o · 2 years
The thing about snakes is, and the thing I really like about cc!Dream’s metaphor, is that snakes don’t like to bite. Snakes don’t want, to bite. Especially those with venom.
Biting is risky, biting is a last line of defense. A snake will do literally everything else before that, to scare the danger away. They’ll puff up, flatten themselves, open their hoods if they have one, open their mouths, make themselves look bigger, more threatening. They’ll hiss and buzz their tails and make noise and back up. And when everything else fails, they bite.
And sometimes biting is the only thing that works. It’s the only thing that sticks.
And maybe a snake that just bites is a snake that’s learned that nothing else works.
How long did it take for c!Dream to finally learn that nothing else works? How many other things has he tried? How many other times has he failed?
When does a snake become a snake that just bites?
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darknursexiu · 1 month
Though Dr. Romero wasn't working the first aid table this event, he had taken up a seat claiming he needed a breather. It had been a while since they'd really talked, so she glanced over at the man. "Your....wedding was nice. Thank you for inviting me." It honestly still confused her that she even received an invitation, but a part of her genuinely did appreciate it. It was her first time attending such a ceremony.
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salome-c · 1 year
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Strange Way Of Life (2023) dir. Pedro Almodovar
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kiivg · 2 years
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.“...During the Kirkwall-Starkhaven peace talks; it is said that Champion Hawke was a great aide in calming down what could have been a Civil War within the Free Marches. They were, after all, as close as brothers during the Champion’s years in the city...” - Brother Luther, Official Scribe of the Kirkwall Chantry.
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a-salmon-good-time · 1 year
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That one scene in most movies where it starts raining and the best friends have a falling out... 😥
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shivunin · 1 month
Tagged by @dungeons-and-dragon-age, @nightwardenminthara, @greypetrel, and @pinayelf to do this watercolor picrew and sword picrew for my OCs c: Thank you for thinking of me!
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In order: Arianwen, Elowen, Emmaera, Maria, and Salshira. Maria and Salshira don't actually have swords, but I felt bad about leaving them out lol. (And I imagine that the sword I gave Maria would be something she'd describe to Fenris while drunk--"And it would be like a dragon but also a flower and it would be on fire. Fenris. Are you listening?"). Elowen's is her spirit blade, Emma's is the Inquisitor sword, and uhhhh also Salshira gets one c:
Tagging back anyone who likes picrews and specifically @idolsgf @inquisimer @jtownnn @vakarians-babe @dreadfutures @star--nymph if this is something you're into!
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