#can you tell i'm in an autumn vibes mood
peregrintook · 2 years
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“There are no trees like the trees of that land. For in the autumn their leaves fall not, but turn to gold. Not till the spring comes & the new green opens do they fall, & then the boughs are laden with yellow flowers; and the floor of the wood is golden, and golden is the roof, and its pillars are of silver, for the bark of the trees is smooth and grey.“
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callmearcturus · 2 years
Spooky Jake Autumn is coming
So I have decided to make a list of fics I think will help people get into the Mood of the season. I'm already seeing some exciting stuff, and I am here to hype the shit out of this.
THESE ARE IN NO ORDER, just the order I remember them in!
Bacchanalian Hangovers, by @thedoublepp
Jake English, dizzy and downtrodden, follows a god into the wildwood.
My dear pal Paya wrote this one and its Jake getting caught up with a god of gold and revelry, and is drenched in the same vibes of Paya's art. Excellent.
the "adoring, adorned" series, by someone who now prefers to be anonymous
this is an OLD CLASSIC that is heavy with dark, treacle-sweet emotions and physicality. it's not explicitly spooky, but to me i9t's a very good touchstone for just what you can do with bodies and deified emotions.
the weary and the wild, by @mimsiical
"I wanted the ideal animal to hunt," explained the general. "So I said, 'What are the attributes of an ideal quarry?' And the answer was, of course, 'It must have courage, cunning, and, above all, it must be able to reason."' "But no animal can reason," objected Rainsford. "My dear fellow," said the general, "there is one that can." OR: Dirk hides. Jake seeks.
The one in which Jake and Dirk do a roleplay scene in which Jake hunts Dirk across the island. The effect of the close POV use in this story is EXTREMELY effective, and gave me secondhand adrenaline rush.
everybody on your knees and testify, by MULTIPLE PEOPLE (including me, full disclosure)
[Divinity Studies: XXX Core] (69 units across multiple courses) The course sequence examines the impact and influence of dormant sex deities on modern day college life, with emphasis on the rise and growth of divine worship. It will also cover individual arousal responses as well as the increase in group orgiastic interactions. Assignments include group projects, workshops, and individual study. [Restricted to students with no gag reflexes.]
The one where Jake is the god of sex and Dirk accidentally wakes him up due to being that good at giving head. A lot of weird magic stuff and everyone having a blast adding in more kinks. Lighthearted and weird.
green eyes, spread thighs, by saccharomyces_cerevisibae
Dirk goes home with a hot demon and things get… interesting pretty fast.
lmao i love this one. it's so much fun. Jake is a demon with some cool-ass hypno eyes and he's going to get some use out of the pretty thing he picked up at the bar.
cambion, by treeprince
It's your final year of college. Again. But at least this time you're doing something you love. It's also killing you slowly and eating all your time. You need to unwind. Good thing your friends look out for you. Or, "suck one (1) dick, gain a boyfriend slash roommate that wastes your money on overpriced exotic food ingredients and your bandwidth on Netflix while you're away."
another fun one and one I have on good authority will be finished for Spooky Jake Autumn /fingers crossed. Jake as an incubus is always a ton of fun.
Take a Gulp and Take A Breath, by Stormbourne
Dirk Strider, bodyguard of the heiress to the marine empire, desperately needs help from a sea witch.
I LOVE THE ATMOSPHERE OF THIS ONE. It's a good lengthy one shot but I woulda read 70k of this AU.
Not A Hunter's Moon, shamepillow
“The full moon is tomorrow,” you tell him. His eyes widen slightly, and then watch you with a new kind of intensity. “A strong moon, so I gather. That is when I will kill you.” (Dirk finds a werewolf dying in the snow, and like the arrogant Hunter he is, he takes him back to his hideout and nurses him back to health, intent on killing him as the next full moon rises. But this moon is different. It's not a moon for hunting, as Dirk soon finds out.)
LISTEN TO ME. I do not like werewolves. And even I enjoyed this one. The Bloodborne vibes are strong and v good.
and of course, this list would be incomplete without:
BONES OF BLACK MARROW, by oxfordroulette
Dirk summons a demon for the exclusive purpose of 'cathartic boning.' He gets what he wants.
The one. The only. I feel like a lot of us quietly were trying to figure out how to do Spooky Jake, and then BOBM showed up and turned the world upside down. This is THE fic. Erotic horror, poetry, ergodic nonsense, and through all the interface plays and coding tricks, some honest to fucking god true and deep pathos like an arrow through the heart. If you somehow don't know BOBM, rectify that. Also consider reading it for Halloween, tbh.
(also I was told I should put my own pump your veins with gushing gold on this list but one, that seems gauche, and two, I think we float before the sea at dusk is MUCH more spooky. do with that as you will.)
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viewer-of-many · 8 months
Spooky month is getting closer!!!
Devil's tooth mushroom! She's so mysterious and playful. She'll scare anyone for funsies and laughs. But other bots would believe she's cruel and malevolent.
"Oh, you should've seen the look on your face! It was hilarious!"
Autumn blaze maple bonsai! She's a highly trained witch! A traditional and whimsy witch. She keeps herself perfect, especially her leaves. Her spells also give off a hint of maple syrup
"Ah! I didn't see you there stranger, I was looking for my familiar... you don't happen to see them do you? A baby owl, about this high, very loud... no?"
Pumpkin cupcake! Anything about Halloween just makes this bot about to die in joy! Has the true spirit of Halloween in him.
"Every corner must have cobwebs and bats- oh maybe some fake ghosts here and there!"
Monster doughnut! She and devil's tooth are partners in pranking bots. On occasion, she would scare bots with her fake eyes on her body.
"Boo! Botbots!"
Black widow cocktail! She doesn't seem so thrilled about meeting bots on Halloween. Especially the ones that look so saturated, a striking contrast to the aesthetic of Halloween. She doesn't like anyone opposing the Halloween aesthetic.
"*sigh* first the babbling now some stupid party, that doesn't have Halloween aesthetic to it?! Unbelievable!!!"
Big brown bat! He simply can't wait to meet new bots before he goes to hibernation. He just needs to speed up before it's too late.
"Wow, who knew flying all the way here would take a lot out of you *panting*"
Barn owl! Good friends with BBB☝️. Seems patient and methodical with anyone he interacts with.
"I appreciate your kind gesture in handing me these 'Hors D'oeuvres'? But I must decline of course"
Red fox! If you invited him, big mistake! He'd swipe anything he finds interesting or delicious.
"Oooohhhh, that's a very nice sword you got there my friend... tell me more about it"
Badger! He's confident that finding food would be easy after meeting the indoor bots! He would still stick around even after the party ended.
"*chuckles* that cool, you got the cool vibe my dude"
Hawthorn bonsai! Another witch bonsai!!! But unlike Autumn blaze maple bonsai, she's more attuned with dark magic. But she's also cursed. But she tells everybody that she's still okay.
"Oh this mark? Oh yyyeeeeaaaahhhhhh, I'm cursed, but it's totally okay! I'm fine"
Eyeball macaron! They really like staring into anyone's eyes with admiration. Unfortunately, everyone thought that they were threatening because their eyes were piercing like daggers!
"you seem very scared... what's the matter?"
Marxophone! Likes to set the mood for the new bots in their party with a little spooky music! He likes to do this with passion and enthusiasm, not really in bad intentions.
"oooohhhh~ are you scared yet?"
Waterphone! Marxophone's partner. If Marxophone's efforts didn't work, them Waterphone just take his place.
"fine, I'll help you out. I bet they wouldn't be prepared for me"
A trick or treat bucket! He'll grab any sweets and throw them in his head, even if those sweets are botbots. Surprisingly, he doesn't eat them.
"Sweets! Sweets! Sweets!!!"
Pectati(Hydnellum Peckii, the red is guttation droplets)
Saccharum(Autumn Blaze Maple are a cross between red maples[acer rubrum] and silver maples[acer saccharinum])
Longanberry Duh'nut(surprise, those fake eyes are edible!)
Blanctan(black widow cocktails specify using blanco tequila, and latrodectus mactans is the southern black widow, which can be found in Mexico, where tequila is made)
Serocus(while there is a species called the big brown bat[eptesicus fuscus], that phrase can also be used to describe the serotine bat[eptesicus serotinus])
Tytodil(barn owls have two extant genera: tyto and phodilus)
Vulfer(vulpes and pilfer)
Melaxu(is it an american bagder[taxidea taxus] or an european bagder[meles meles]? who can say?)
Hecathorn(hecate, greek goddess of witchcraft)
Ocularon(globe oculaire, french for eyeball)
Zithemo(the marxophone is a type of zither that makes a temolo sound)
Resocea(the resonator is the main part of the waterphone, also known as the ocean harp)
Sweetula(Situla, a type of bucket)
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shitshowkb · 1 year
finally decided to watch outer range (because of lewis pullman) and i have no idea what to expect, so here we are:
⭐︎ outer range - season one, episode one reaction ⭐︎
• now who did homie just throw into the abyss???
• my subtitles say low rumbling, wtf is happening
• well hello rhett abbott loml
• "y'all hear that?" no sir i did not & apparently no one else did either
• alright wtf happened, something sketchy
• he rides bulls??? yep, i'm in love
• ah more low rumbling that i can't hear
• "something is coming. something is happening."
• well that's not ominous at all
• and now there's cows missing...
• lewis pullman in a cowboy is something i did not know i needed but here we are
• and more low rumbling...
• now what in the hell
• ain't no way i'd lay down and shove my arm into this massive mysterious hole in the ground
• sir what are you doing???
• alright wtf
• here i was thinking rebecca's dead but apparently she's just missing???
• nah my stupid ass would probably get a little too curious and just jump into the abyss
• that or i'd fall in bc i'm clumsy af
• "what the fuck" MOOD
• i can't decide what kind of vibe this autumn girl gives me 🤔
• i wanna grab some drinks with rhett
• oooh is there gonna be a fight? i love a good fight
• yessss fuck him up, it's what he deserves
• he dead
• nah wtf is up with this autumn girl
• and wtf is with this buffalo??? bison??? buffalo???
• daddy abbott's gonna throw homies dead body into the abyss, isn't he???
• "let's fix this" love a good cover up, let's gooo
• rhett is so mf fine omg
• please don't tell me his damn brothers are already at the damn door
• of course they are
• this shit is about to get crazy, i can feel it
• oh ffs this brothers are pissing me off
• can we throw them all into the hole???
• that's it, kill all 3 of em, i'm over it
• oh shit, his dead body done fell off the horse
• fuck fuck fuck
• oh thank god he made it
• now what in the fuck is autumn doing out here
• nah go ahead and throw her in the hole too
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thewickedkat · 10 months
i have been tagged
@vcaudley tagged me and i am just now getting round to this, apologies!
A scent you love: - sandalwood. i could be in the saltiest, shittiest, most tin-foil-chewing mood and upon smelling this, i would relax from grievous homicide to involuntary manslaughter. which is a very tortured metaphor but it's a weird day for me. suffice to say i love sandalwood.
What's something you're looking forward to this week? - i would dearly love to write this weekend. been wanting to actually get something actualised before the weather starts thinking of hoodies and pumpkin spice lattes. also i need to go to the library because i need new music; mine's getting rather stale.
What's a book you're currently reading? - i am so very sorry to say that i have not read an actual book in *mumblemumble* amount of time. a few years back i had sort of run dry on books that i was enjoying, and my tastes changed; i dove into fanfic and haven't really looked back since. it is still scratching that itch that i can't really describe. to be quite honest i think the last book-book i read was the latest Dresden Files instalment--and before anyone comes for me, yes, i am quite aware of Butcher's...uh. writing tells, let's call them. man's become a pastiche of himself, tell the truth.
What's a game you're currently playing? - The Outer Worlds, for, like, the fifth time. love Parvati; that woman can do no wrong in my eyes. tried doing a Board-bootlicker run a while back and then she looked at me all disappointed and my contrition knew no end. and i adore Felix wholeheartedly because that Labrador of a boy is the purest of heart and dumbest of ass and he makes me smile. ...also, i'm just killing time until next week when i can get my narsty little gremlin hands on Baldur's Gate 3.
What's the most recent movie you watched? - Nimona. if you haven't seen it, drop what you're doing and watch it immediately. now. go. why are you still sitting there? go watch it! okay, no, seriously--why aren't more films made like this? it doesn't talk down to kids or families (or anyone else for that matter), it is wholly unashamed of its emotions and finds joy in showing them (even the messier ones), the art is beautiful and vibrant and isn't half-arsed and crap CGI stitched with hand-drawn; it has a fantastic message, and when Ballister said 'I see you, Nimona,' i sat here and fucking bawled.
Are you watching anything on TV or listening to any shows? - i recently finished S3 of The Witcher on Netflix, and...well, i think i'd have to watch again to really start to pick at it and why it didn't particularly vibe for me (the nonsense with Radovid and Jaskier aside; i mean...Radovid? really? blech). i haven't read the books but i am familiar with the lore, but the writing seems to be so uncertain of itself this season, all over the place and muddled. and with production on pause (not just for TWN, obviously), i'm more than a little uncertain of Liam Hemsworth's stepping into the very big boots Cavill's leaving behind. the bar has been set pretty high; i'd say this of any actor, frankly. as for podcasts, i am sooooooo far behind on listening that i think i would have to start many over. i had been listening to Bahumia Two: Electric Boogaloo on NADDPod but that was months ago. my problem is that i have to be in the mindset to listen to pods (side effect of the ADHD), and right now the mindset is 'put on youtube vids or Japanese lo-fi and read fic in your downtime.' how long this will last is anyone's guess.
Favourite season? - autumn, by far. and i don't mean the soft Pinterest moodboard aesthetic type; i mean the frost upon the windowpane when you wake up in the morning but you don't turn the heat on yet because by noon it'll have warmed up enough kind. i mean the mixing of baking bread, strong coffee, herbal tea and the faintest whiff of cigarette smoke. the knowledge that the wind is just on the edge of turning biting and that its teeth will only grow sharper in a month; when you swap out your summer clothes for woolen blankets and soft pants; when you dig out the thicker yarns and the puzzles and rearrange your spooky house bric-a-brac to take pride of place. that kind of autumn.
What's something you've learned recently? - i have learnt factoids and things that would serve me well at pub trivia, but nothing that would serve to make an interesting infodump. not really. all the stuff i infodump about lately is fandom-adjacent and makes my husband's eyes glaze over.
Have you had any water lately? - yes! i drink water on the regular, interspersed with Baja Blast since summer is hanging on by a thread.
i'll support anyone who wants to do this but specifically tag @gadzooie @deacons-wig @totally-not-deacon @wildwildwasteland but no pressure if this isn't your bag!
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andiatas · 1 year
I was tagged by @princesscatherinemiddleton to answer these questions so let's find out how much of a nerd I am!
What colour are your eyes?: Blue-grey
What instantly tells you if a person is good?: I usually have quite a good gut feeling/instinct when it comes to people, so I'm gonna say the vibe
Do you have a recurring dream?: Not anymore, but growing up I frequently dreamt about my teeth falling out - either that I could pull them out one by one or they fell out all at once & ended up choking on them... can someone tell me if this is normal? Should I be concerned for my younger self?
What is the most interesting class you have taken?: I'm gonna have to say when I was studying History A (autumn 2020), I remember having such a strong feeling of "I'm home, this is where I'm supposed to be" & I try to remind myself of that whenever I have a life crisis & feel like giving up on history for a "safer" field
How often do you find yourself daydreaming?: Way too often
Name/nickname: Saga, I don't really have a nickname... one of my friends has said that if I was a dog I would be a poodle, so she sometimes refers to me as that
Zodiac: Capricorn (Sun = Capricorn, Moon = Aquarius, Rising = Capricorn, for those who are curious)
Height: 158 cm, so around 5 feet 2 inches
Nationality: Swedish & Sámi
Favourite colour: It's a tie between forest green & light pastel colours, depending on my mood
Favourite season: I'm gonna say summer, despite all the pollen
Favourite animals: Dogs & horses
Favourite fictional characters: Oh gosh... way too many! But fictional as in book characters, I'm going to say my underappreciated girls Ginny Weasley, Susan Pevensie & Amy March. If you can't tell, I also love Sophie Beckett & Benedict Bridgerton (I know, shocker!) both as individuals but also as a couple. Honourary mentions to my boys Michael Stirling, Percy Jackson & Finnick Odair. Not gonna go into TV series or movie characters because then we would probably be here the whole day 😂
Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?: I'm addicted to coffee, so that's gonna have to be the answer but, I do love hot chocolate every now & then
Average hours of sleep?: I think somewhere between 6-7 hours
Cat or dog person?: Dog! haha
Number of blankets slept with: Duvet with one blanket on top
Places ancestors are from: The southern part of Swedish Lapland. All of my ancestors lived concentrated in an area nicknamed Drottninglandet, Queensland (the area was "discovered" & named after Frederica of Baden). So as you can see, I had no choice but to be royally obsessed!
Dream trip: Oh, I don't think I have one! I'm gonna have to say pass on this one for now
Blog established: Nov. 2012.
Random fact about yourself: I don't know how to whistle
Three ships: Well, seeing as I've already mentioned Benophie, I'm gonna go with Helnik from Six of Crows/Shadow & Bone, Bellarke from The 100 &... Shirbert from Anne of Green Gables!
Last song:
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Last movie: I can't remember...
Currently reading: Scientific papers on the history of the upper-class & their country homes - no really, it's actually interesting but it's taking up all my brain power (as Ash knows seeing as I'm practically years behind on reading her stuff, sorry about that)
Currently watching: *cricket noise*
Currently craving: Sweets
Now, I'm gonna tag @death-of-astar, @silverhallow, @bridgertonbabe, @sophiamariabeckett, @grandmaster-anne & @quintessbrit plus anyone else who wants to answer these questions
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kineko-fab · 1 year
gimme a FOB color rundown for the uninitiated (me)
HGHGHH YES WILL DO Note: I am only going to do the main studio albums because I know those best also its long i am sorry
FOB1: Take This to Your Grave
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This is their first album and is also the first blue album! If you know any song off this album, it's probably Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy FOB2: From Under The Cork Tree
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Their second album has some of the classic major hits of Fall Out Boy, such as Dance, Dance and Sugar, We're Goin' Down, and is their first red album! FOB3: Infinity On High
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At this point, you can: 1, start to see the pattern forming and 2, notice you can sort of generally tell red or blue album by the color. This is their second blue album and has more classics like This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race and Thnks fr th Mmrs FOB4: Folie à Deux
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Their second red album, continuing the pattern, and with another classic, I Don't Care! This one (much like a later album) is either loved or hated, so while I Don't Care got popular, not much else did I think??? FOB5: Save Rock And Roll
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"Hey wait a second," you might go. "This breaks the pattern! This is another red!" Well, yes. This album is their third red. HOWEVER! Between Folie and Save Rock And Roll, there was a hiatus. And IN that hiatus, they released Believers Never Die, a compilation of their greatest hits
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WHICH IS THE THIRD BLUE! Anyways, on Save Rock and Roll, we get some of their more "recent" popular songs (it came out in 2013 it feels wrong to say its a classic but its also not. exactly recent) such as The Phoenix, My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light 'Em Up), and Young Volcanoes! FOB6: American Beauty/American Psycho
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ABAP is their fourth blue and has the hits Centuries and Immortals, one of which was featured in a movie! FOB7: M A N I A
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"Well hey now. That's not blue or red. thats purple!" EXACTLY! Fall Out Boy (as far as i am aware) is aware of the red/blue pattern and went on record to say that this album didnt FEEL red OR blue. it felt PURPLE to them, which makes sense because they went out of their normal style for this album, which made it a hot topic of debate as to weather it was good or not. I have not listened to the radio since this came out so I. Think??? Church would be the most popular one off of this album! FOB8: So Much (For) Stardust
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Their newest song (Love From The Other Side) came out today and they announced their new album's release date. Just from this cover (which idk if its the permanent album cover or not, this is just all my speculation off of this image) this, like MANIA, is ALSO not a red or blue album. However, the albums tend to have. Moods? Tones? I'm not sure, but they have a vibe color to them, in my opinion, which is why I said this song felt Blue to me. A lot of people are comparing it to Folie, which makes sense musically-wise. They went back to their roots for it and it sounds very Folie-era. However to me the tone feels. Blue. I don't know how to properly put it into words without peer review and like. a whole dissertation on the tonality and themes and whatnot of FOB music.
But if you only know their most popular songs and want a gauge of what era is what and why people refer to albums as red or blue, this is why! They accidentally/on purpose did a pattern for their album covers for a very long time! also yes, currently the count is 4 blue (TTTYG, IOH, BND, ABAP) and 3 red (FUTCT, FAD, SRAR) but after mania, they did release volume 2 of believers never die which was red! so they have 4 blue albums and 4 red albums!
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bluebirdharry · 2 years
Mahonia, ivy, and papyrus please❣️
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
This one is a little hard for me to answer because I don't really think that I have an answer for this. I have never really thought about it and I'm not really a " creative " person, at least during my free time ( I work with kids so at work I have to be a creative haha ) so I don't have one, clear creative outlet.
But in a way, big cities ( specially london ) and traveling inspire me a lot. They make me feel happy and at peace in a way. And some of my friends inspire me a lot as well! 
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
From the outside, I'm quite happy and outgoing person so that's kind of my " normal " mood. I smile a lot, laugh a lot and speak a lot. But when I'm feeling extremely tired/annoyed/upset/other negative emotions - I often withdraw from people so they don't really see me during those moments. So for example, my friends who know me very well, know that something is up when I don't message them a lot/don't give them long answers/keep up the conversation.
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
R U Mine? by The Arctic Monkeys.
So used to listen to their music when I was younger and recently I have started to listen to it again. Their music is just a vibe - specially for the autumn season, that's it really. And they are coming out with new music - the newest song is not really my cup of tea but we will see...
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Anyway, I was overthinking the driving snippet because I have issues while listening to Taylor swift and now I have a list of songs I THINK fit the au so uh-
We were happy
If this was a movie
forever and always
(all by TS)
Very much possible that I was tripping and none of these make sense so like-
also, you said something about ATW being divorce au vibes and I agree but make it the sad girl autumn version, and ohhh it gets better...
I will now go cry some more over that snippet especially the last line :))
I'm gonna listen to all of this. Can't wait. (in a very classical music mood today)
Also, the process of me figuring out the plot of my fics is basically me drowning mugs of tea and listening to the playlist of that fic.
And I can tell you now that the playlist of the divorce au is fucking depressing :)
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uncloseted · 2 years
I don't know what kind of perfume to pick for myself. I kind of just want one or two, something I can wear regularly that will be like "my scent" lol but I don't know really know how to pick. Do people pick based on what vibe they want to give off? Or just if they like the smell? I was gonna order it online so I guess I'm going to do a blind scent buy. Lol thanks!
Ooh, fun! People usually pick something that's a mix of the vibe they want to give off and the scents that they like.
If you have a department store (Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom, Macy's, Debenhams, Selfridge's) or a beauty store (Sephora, Ulta) near you, you can test some scents to see what you like and get free samples to take home with you.
If you can only order online, you might want to buy a "discovery set" or "gift set". These are usually under $30 or so and have 5-10 perfumes for you to test out. This is a great way to see if you like a scent without committing to buying a whole bottle. If there are individual perfumes you want to try, you can also order samples of those online for a few dollars each. I'm working my way through the Tocca Discovery Collection set right now, and I'm having a lot of fun testing out the different scents.
In terms of choosing your own signature scent, I would start by thinking about scents that you like or are drawn to- perfumes, smells from nature, foods, flowers, artificial smells, whatever. For example, I love the smell of jasmine, and pretty much all of the perfumes I've ever loved have jasmine as a note. From there, you can use a website like Fragrantica to search for perfumes that have those scents that you like.
You can also think in terms of "fragrance families". If there are certain types of smells you know you like (fruity, citrusy, flowery, leathery, woody, sweet, etc.), you can find perfumes that fall into that general category.
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You can also think about perfumes in terms of their "personality" and the vibe you want to communicate. This gets a little more subjective, but certain types of scents are associated with different personality traits. Florals tend to be seen as feminine, warm, light hearted, and sociable. "Oriental" notes tend to be seen as romantic, passionate, and sensual. Fruity notes tend to be seen as confident, adventurous, and playful, while gourmand notes tend to have that same reputation with a more sexual, sensual undertone. Citruses tend to be seen as bright, breezy, and optimistic.
Some individual perfumes also have stereotypes associated with them. For example, Santal 33 was a "cool girl" scent, but now is kind of associated with millennial moms picking their kids up from school.
There are also a lot of people I've seen on TikTok who do very niche "if you want to smell like this (type of girl/mood/concept), wear this perfume", which can be great if you know roughly what you want but not quite how to get there. For example, TikTok has decided that Missing Person by Fleur "smells like being in love," or that Scandalwood by Heretic evokes the Roaring 20s, or that Hinoki Fantome by Boy Smells evokes golden hour. @rougereview is one account that I like for this kind of thing, but there are tons of them.
Another thing that can help is to read the flavor text (?) that the scent comes with. Often, that tells you what kind of vibe they're hoping to communicate with their scent and what type of person they think would wear it.
For example, my spring/summer scent is Kenzo World, which they describe as "a cool, modern, and sensual fragrance...bold, spontaneous, and surprising...a fragrance for women that want to be themselves, unconventional and self-confident. The perfume of a powerful and determined woman." My autumn/winter scent is Ghost in the Shell by Etat Libre D'Orange and the flavor text is... a lot... but it's meant to be a futuristic synthesis of natural and artificial notes for someone who's dynamic, futuristic, and adventurous.
Looking at some more popular fragrances:
Gabrielle by Chanel describes itself as "Solar and voluptuous, the scent of a radiant woman, inspired by the free and passionate woman who became Coco Chanel."
Libre by YSL is, "a bold and floral feminine fragrance for those who live by their own rules. A celebration of freedom. The daring yet distinctly floral and feminine perfume is for those who do what they want and dare to be exactly who they are. This women's perfume is inspired by the bold and the free, who are breaking boundaries and paving their own way."
Donna Born in Roma by Valentino is, "inspired by Roman street style and edgy haute couture...a scent that captures the essence of modern femininity."
Black Opium by YSL is, "inspired by the edgy and daring women."
Her by Burberry is, "a woman who throws herself head first into everything she does, losing herself in the whirlwind of color on her doorstep. Life lived in the fast lane. Shrug loose from the chains of expectation, seize the moment, and play by your own rules: a scent for women who know who they are."
Good Girl by Carolina Herrera is, "a sensual, evocative fragrance born of the beautiful contradictions and the ever-present duality of modern women and modern life. Both freshly light and moodily dark, this innovative fragrance captures a woman’s wondrous complexity."
Chloe by Chloe, "captures the creative, confident individuality of the Chloé woman. It's a fresh and feminine fragrance suited to a free spirit with an utterly innate sense of chic."
So you can kind of go through these types of descriptions and see if there's one that you feel like describes you, or that channels the person you want to be.
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daybrights · 3 years
For the ship x Taylor Swift thing, Elain and Lucien, Helion and Lady of Autumn
Elain & Lucien... Honestly I find it hard to associate my queen's song to characters or ships I don't love-love. The one I can think of is Gold Rush because imo Elain should wonder how did Lucien grow up so beautiful 😌
Untouchable and Begin again (this one more for the vibe of falling in love again after heartbreak). I'd also say that mirrorball gives me Elain vibes as song. And the one that in my head fits them at the moment is I almost do. Can you tell I'm already in a Red TV mood?
As for Helion and Lady of Autumn I'll briefly say that Love story, illicit affairs and ivy are perfect for them, but I'll go with a song that I simply love more and find heartbreakingly perfect for them.
One of my all time favorite T-Swift songs Sad beautiful tragic
"We had a beautiful magic love there
What a sad beautiful tragic love affair"
I mean these lyrics already sum their story up, but also
"In dreams
I meet you in warm conversation
We both wake
In lonely beds
In different cities
And time
Is taking its sweet time erasing you
And you've got your demons
And darlin' they all look like me"
Need i say more?
And again Untouchable because I said so.
"Untouchable, burning brighter than the sun
And when you're close, I feel like coming undone"
I mean he's literally the personification of the sun ✨
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shingia · 3 years
hi hi hi i'd love to get one of your immaculate matchups pls 👀 i'm not really sure how to go about this because i'm not great at describing myself but i love your matchups so much i had to give it a shot!!! but uh i'm a 5 foot 7 inch tall super chubby she/her and i'm bi but lean towards male-identifying people. i'm an infp and a 6w7 enneagram type! i wear glasses and i have long curly dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes too if that matters. uhhh my love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service - if they reassure me of how much i mean to them etc regularly and/or just do little tasks to help me out in any way i'll absolutely melt omg. and hm i'm basically the comic relief in everyone's life - i have a great sense of humor and i laugh a lot - and i get along well with most people and i make friends easily once i get past my initial shy phase. i have anxiety (who doesn't to some extent though) and adhd which are unfortunately big parts of my personality so i figured i'd mention them esp because not everyone can vibe with someone that has either but uh yeah!!! my hobbies are taking care of animals (i have lots of pets - i esp love reptiles), playing video games, reading (books and fanfic), kayaking and hiking on nature trails when the weather/seasons allow it, and also i write (fanfic ofc but it's still writing). autumn is my favorite season by far and halloween is my favorite holiday which probably says a lot about me tbh. i probably rambled too much but hopefully the more oversharing the better! thank you so much in advance!!! 🥺
🖤 a/n : immaculate? plz my heart- 🥺 thank YOU that’s so sweet <33
i think you would be absolutely per-fect with…
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keep reading for the explanations~ :
oh my god ok noya would be over the moon with a chubby s/o. i’m sure he’s a firm believer of ‘the more to hold the better’ so he would have heart eyes every time he looks at you, that’s a given
and he’d think it’s really cute that his blonde streaks kinda matches your hair
also, he is literally the incarnation of words of affirmation. you will never have to ask for a compliment or any type of reassurance : whatever you might want, he has already said it
having a funny s/o is probably one of his main criteria (maybe his only one actually), so you’re all good ! and ughhhh the things he would do just to make you smile ? incredible
we know noya’s determination is limitless so as soon as he decides that he will help you with your anxiety and adhd : he 🔊WILL 🔊HELP 🔊YOU
i mean, we’ve seen it during his training scenes with yamaguchi, he’s the most supportive and encouraging friend ever. so as a boyfriend? even better
about halloween, i think it’s one of the rare moments where noya embraces the fact that he looks like a grade schooler, because that means he can go trick or treating without people telling him he’s too old for this. honestly, you’d have a blast every year
he’s definitely the kind of person that gets tons of serotonin from walking on crispy leaves (head empty, just noya enjoying autumn weather <33)
he would probably LOVE that you have so many different hobbies, because it means all of your dates are unique and rly entertaining
one of his favorite things to do with you is to go to a shelter just to think about which animals you would adopt when you’ll live together (🥺🥺)
<33 (writing this put me in the best mood so thank you !)
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radellama · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @hellishgoat !!
Name: Rads
Gender: male
Star sign: Aires
Height: 170cm
Time: 6.41pm
Birthday: 18 April (autumn bday hell yeah)
Favourite band/group: nothing but thieves
Fave solo artist: Jamie cullum
Song stuck in my head: hostage by nbt
Last movie: I watched Edward Scissorhands last night! Was so nice to be reminded how much I adore that movie
Last show: I'm watching derry girls with my roommate rn
When did I create this blog: 2014...15?? I dunno I was still in school lol it was years ago
What do I post: literally whatever the fuck I want lol. You can often tell when I'm thinking about/watch something cause I'll spam stuff. It's always been a mess like this so :P
Last Google search: kids on a slope, was trying to show my roommate the show to see if she knew what it was. I watched it years ago and I liked the jazzy vibes
Other blogs: made an art blog too keep all my art shit together, and my chrono trigger blog. Oh also I have a blog made specifically for my ct star trek au lol, I wanted somewhere to show off any art and lore that I could categorise nicely in order not to clog up my ct blog with my own shit lmao. The rest are just url hoards
Do I get asks: on occasion. It's always nice hehe
Why I chose this url: just wanted to take the numbers off and have a sleek look, couldn't have just adellama tho so put more of my nickname in it Lmao
Following: 588
Followers: 229
Average hours of sleep: anywhere between 4-7. I have trouble sleeping lmao
Lucky number: 9
Instruments: I own a little ocarina collection, but I'm not very good at playing lmao. I can play like one or two songs but I haven't practiced in years, they're more a fun lil collection for now
What am I wearing: my Avengers pyjamas lol. I was wearing my sonic pjs but it's too fucking hot rn so wearing my short sleeve and shorts with avengers all over them Lmao
Dream job: honestly just something I can be creative with. I've always wanted to do something revolving around storytelling, so last year I started uni to get into film making and understand everything about making movies as much as I can. I worked as an editor last year at a local advertising place and that was really nice, was mostly in office and whenever I went on shoots with my boss I was just the helping hand and that kinda the vibe I want. Just working hard in something I know how to do pretty well so I can be confident in the end product - so I feel like doing concept art or cinematography or directing. Gotta learn a whole lot more about writing, I get excited about good concepts but I still need to learn a lot about how to get it across well with good writing Lmaooo so it's good I'm studying
Dream trip: I'd like to see Japan and Korea one day, new Zealand too. Tbh tho when covid has been taken care of, I wouldn't mind traveling around Australia more in the future and get to know the country. But I'd wanna go with a friend or two or something lol, not by myself haha. I've moved around so much growing up I didn't really care about traveling, and tbh I'm still a bit lowkey, atm (when covid is well and truly taken care of, I'm not silly) I'd only really travel to visit friends Lmao
Favourite food: I fucking love spaghetti bolognese lmao.. And tonkatsu... I like a good deal of Italian and Japanese food lol.
Nationally: Australian
Favourite songs: ummmm.... I'll just pick a few songs I've recently been obsessing over
Nbt - take this lonely heart
Gotye - out here in the cold
Jamie cullum - edge of something
RY X - hold me love
The neighbourhood - w.d.y.w.f.m
Last book I read: just finished skulduggery pleasant a week or two ago, just haven't really had the mood to read recently cause it's way too hot lol
Top 3 fictional universes you'd like to live in: uhhh, I gotta confess I watch a lot of dystopia universes Lmao and they're all terrifying or ugly jgfdghh. Uhm?? Living in an idyllic ghibli landscape? I would love to live in the castle in the sky landscapes they're gorgeous. Maybe also 1000ad from ct, they're having a nice chill time. Aaaand, maybe Vellie village from owl boy (before the attack lol) cause FLOATING ISLANDS
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sirendeepity · 3 years
6-17-18-26-40-48 (👀 🔪) -71-96-135-140-162-181-203
It has been three hours and I haven't yet started the fourth pjo book but now I know what my next 3-4 tattoos are going to be
This is going to be a very long answer post, but here we go
6: Aliens or ghosts?
Aliens, I think?
17: Pirates or ninjas?
You are putting me in a very uncomfortable position, lady. Why chose one when you can have both?
18: Movie I watch when I’m feeling down?
How To Train Your Dragon (usually the first one, but if I really need to cry the second does the job just fine).
*thinking hard* I have no idea akdsjf Right now I don't even remember the movies I watched-
26: Favourite season?
Fall. Autumn. Autunno. Chiamala come cazzo ti pare bUT THE VIBES HERE ARE *chef's kiss* I'm already in the mood and it's just August, but yes. And a tiny bit of winter too (we can thank Christmas for it).
40: What do I think about most?
The future. The person I'd like to be, the place I'd like to be, etc.
It's not very healthy for me personally, because I set goals and expectations that are far too high for who I am now (a lazy af bitch incapable and afraid of commitment) and by doing so I always - always - end up failing miserably and being disappointed in myself. Which is not the best, considering that I'm the "everyone can make mistakes, but not me" kind of person.
48: Top 5 blogs on Tumblr that I follow?
In my bubble, there are more than 5 blogs and they are all amazing and beautiful persons that I never talk to because I'm a coward but I'd sell my soul for, so I think I'll purposefully ignore the actual meaning of this question because I take no responsibilities and just give a huge shout-out to all my beloved mutuals 💖
71: Something I wish I could do?
Unrealistically: fly.
Realistically: commit to something. Or learn how to cook properly something that is not eggs or avocado toast or salads. Or pasta, ofc.
96: Can I cook?
135: Do I like gossip?
Yes, I kinda do *sips her wine*.
140: Do I believe people are capable of change?
More than changing and going from zero to hero, I believe people can learn and act accordingly.
For example, if someone tends to be jealous or aggressive, they can learn how to master their feelings. How to stop and take a breath, how to think through what they're feeling, how it would affect others, if lashing out is actually worth it (answer: it is not), and instead of doing the wrong thing because they're driven by emotions, they can stop and tell themselves "I am feeling this way, but I recognize it's not good for me or the ones close to me, so I chose to act differently."
I am a jealous person, and I made peace with the fact that jealousy could (and will?) be one of my eternal flaws no matter how hard I may try to erase that fact. I made many mistakes because of jealousy, and I regret them, but that does not mean I can't learn to be better. Because I am learning to be better.
When did I take the first on the right into Deep Avenue?
162: What do I hate most about myself?
We got a long way to go.
Not really, 'cause I've already hinted at the things/flaws I have most about myself in the previous questions. In no particular order, with no need of further explanations, we have:
- Jealousy;
- Unhealthy mindset of setting standards, goals, and expectations I know are too high for me to satisfy, which leads to failure on failures and other failures;
- Striving for perfection. This is bullshit and yet I keep asking myself why I can't just let that go, for fuck's sake.
- A mixture of the past two points creates a quite low self-esteem, fear of not being good enough for anything, not believing in my own capability and beliefs, not being needed -> being cut out, left behind;
- Afraid and incapable of commitment, yuppy-doo;
- Why can't you talk to people like any other normal person, Dee?
- I'd say that's enough, now I need to look for a bunch of positivity and motivational quotes on Pinterest on this will end up being a very long night (during which I'll watch all 3 of HTTYD films).
181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do?
Don't ask, I avoided this question myself for far too many years. Blame the crime series, okay?
203: Do I judge a book by its cover?
Yes. I read fantasy for a reason. And of said fantasy books, I don't read the plot, like ever.
This was the last question and I really, really hope I haven't missed anything or copy-and-pasted the wrong one. If I did, you take what you get, this took me an hour and I'm not going to change a single word. I've absolutely over-shared and I'm already starting to regret it, so it's time for a tactical escape.
The next time I'll see an ask game this long, stop me before I reblog it. Please.
Note to Bea: you made the long-ass ask, now you read the long-ass post. Have fun, bitch.
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