#captain price headcanon
buckysmith · 2 years
Christmas special 1
How the MW2 character react with you wearing something from them
Warnings: a bit nsfw 18+ stuff, reading is on your own
Includes: König, Soap, Ghost, Price, Alejandro, Graves
- He's searching for his mask like everywhere, asking himself if he has Alzheimer's
- he just can't find it
- he sighed before he try's  to find you
- he has to find it before he's leaving
- but you seems to be gone as well
-  but he  finds you after a while, sitting on your shared bed, like you waited for him to find you
- but not only did he found you, no, he found his mask as well
- he raises his eyebrows, tilting his head slightly at the picture in front of him before walking to you
- he lays two fingers under your chin, forcing you to look up to him
- you're wearing his mask, and he has to say, he finds it quite hot
- „that's mine"
- „I'm yours too"
- he can hear the tease in your voice
- he wraps his long and slender fingers around your throat, towering over you like your his prey
- he doesn't break eye contact, not for a second, not even to blink, his eyes practically burning into yours
- he lets his fingers slide under the mask, only to lift it far enough to free your lips, but not far enough to take it off
- he runs his thumb over your lips before leaning down to place his lips on yours
- he's gonna let you pay for stealing his mask
- ..... but he knows why you did it, and he's not gonna refuse to give you what you want
- after that, he might give you the mask more often ;)
- he thinks he's bonkers 
- he's doing his and your laundry
- but where the hell did his shirt go?
- He had a walk in the morning, and except his favorite shirt everything is where he had put it
- his sweaty shorts are there, his underwear, even his fucking socks are still there, but where the hell did his shirt go
- it probably didn't get legs and walked away of his own- at least he hoped that
- so it was either the dog or it got legs and walked away
- but even after searching every hide, his dog could have put his sweaty shirt in, he couldn't find it, but even asking you if you saw it and you didn't, he just ignored it, thinking it would appear somewhere in some time
- he had to leave a few hours later, much earlier than he and you expected him to leave
- a week later he knows why his shirt disappeared
- he didn't contact you this time, he knew you were already asleep
- when he got home he found you still sleeping in your shared bed, with only his shirt on, that still smelled  like him but also like you, probably cause you wore it more than just this night
- he slides his warm hand under "your" shirt and over your waist, only to pull you closer to him
- he smilies when you wake up, only to turn yourself to face him and to bury your head in the crock of his neck
- "you lied to me m' ulaidh ort"
- you only hum in response, not understanding what he means by that
- "you told me you didn't knew where my shirt was, seems I have a little thief living under my roof"
- oh- his shirt, right...
- "and I know you didn't found it, you stole it, am I right?"
- "yes" how could you denie it, his shirt still smelled like him...
- he knows why you stole it, not only to have something that smelled like for nights you couldn't sleep but for something a bit different...
- "let us see what is better darling, the imagine of me or myself~"
- You weren't in bed anymore when he woke up
- But he knew where you went too when he opened the bedroom door, smelling the fresh made coffee and breakfast
- he finds you in the kitchen, only wearing his shirt and his boxers from last night, the shirt and his boxer you were so eager to take off of him
- he wraps his arms around your waist, kissing your neck and murmuring a good morning into your ear
- once he let go of you his eyes travel over your figure, biting his own lip as he imagine you to wear his clothes more often
- "you should try to wear my stuff more often baby, it looks perfect on you, even better than on myself "
- after that he gives you his clothes regularly, almost demanding you to wear them
- you don't go to the base often, it's just a bit weird for you to visit your husband at work
- but tone time you visited him
- it was a hot summer day and you were only wearing a short with his shirt on
- believe me when I say, everybody at the base would know his first name after that. Everybody .
- he can't find his sweater, well he can't find any of his sweaters, not a single one
- where the hell did he put them
- he's sure he did the laundry, and even if he didn't, he should at least have one sweater, shouldn't he!?
- ok, if he can't find a sweater maybe something other works...
- that's the moment he notice that more than half of his clothes are missing
- he decides to visit you, his s/o that lives a bit away from the base
- you ofc welcome your boyfriend....in his clothes.
- you're wearing only his clothes, every single piece on your body doesn't belong to you-
- he just stares at you, not blinking nothing on his mind but that you look hot in it
- he imagine how he undress you piece by piece, freeing you from his clothes- taking them back with him...
- " Ich brauche die Klamotten"
- you raise your brows, a mischievous grin on your lips
- "you mean these?"
- man's gets a heart attack the moment you put his clothes off to give them back to him
- he leaves every single piece that belongs to him where you put it, he's not gonna fuck the chance up to see you like this again
- watch him dying  when you still have his shirt on while riding your "horse"
- he loves to see you in his clothes
- he gave them to you the moment you're his partner, cause as his partner you should show others men that you belong to him
- he loves that you always wears his shirt, even if he's not in the country
- you love to see him smilie just because you're wearing something that belongs to him
- there's one time you picked him up from the base
- he wasn't ready yet, waiting to get the ok from above him to leave the base
- but you were already there, sitting on his lap with his shirt on and a skirt, playing some stupid game on your phone while he worked on his laptop....
- yeah, let us say, you both quite forgot the time and found something better than work or some stupid game
- Oh and Johnny, Gaz and even Ghost are now traumatized for life.
- parents should lock their door....
- the first time seeing you in his clothes would let his exe stop working
- he needs a reboot
-" are those mine?"
- " yes"
- "looks good on you, better than on me cariño"
- he finds it hot to see you in his clothes, but doesn't tell you that at first cause he doesn't won't to sound like a creep
- that all stops when you give him something "sweet"  while you're only wearing his shirt
- don't wear something from him when you're not in the mood, cause to moment he seees you he's into the mood
- he would never  force you to do anything if you're not in the mood tho- he just needs to disappear for a few minutes...
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empresskylo · 3 months
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price getting hurt on a mission and you have to help bandage him up as he tries not to lose consciousness. he gets so loopy from the blood loss he starts to expose his inner thoughts, calling you pretty and how often he thinks about you. “mmm y’smell s’good, love,” he mumbles aimlessly, slurring his words slightly. his fingers running through your hair as you work on his bullet wound, his voice barely a whisper “fuckin’ torturing me.” and you’re not sure if he means because you're hurting him physically or something else entirely.
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xynnoix · 7 months
//mw3 spoilers
He’s fine, what do you mean? He’s just in recovery
(And I’m still in denial)
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floralpascal · 6 months
NSFW, 18+
John Price always convinces himself that he means it. He’s not the kind of man who breaks his promises.
“Just the tip, love,” he groans, positioning himself at your entrance. Your desperate nod and pleas for him only spur him on.
He swears that he’ll restrain himself, that he’ll keep his promise. He just wants to feel you bare, if only a little. He’s a man of iron resolve — he should be able to control himself without a problem…
But he never was good at keeping this promise when it came to you.
Instead, he finds himself balls deep in your heat, fucking you furiously. The way you’re screaming his name in ecstasy would make him break any promise if only to give you more pleasure. When his cum has painted your walls and you’re both coming down from your highs, he can’t even find the decency to feel sorry for it.
“Fuck…” you groan, pulling him down to kiss you before begging, “Just… just do it again. Please.”
John smiles. With a low, seductive voice, he teases, “Just the tip, yeah?”
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shadow4-1 · 1 month
I'm just imagining the absolute mayhem that would ensue if you promised a kiss to whichever 141 guy wins their mock FIFA tournament.
"I'll kiss the winner if it means you guys'll just shut the fuck up already n' play!"
The way Gaz and Soap would immediately fight over a controller. Ghost would white knuckle his grip and narrow his eyes at the TV. Price would scoff and walk out because, while he can play decently well, he's used to the older versions of FIFA. Also, if he really wanted a kiss from you he'd rather get it without an audience and all the fanfare.
Of course Ghost kicked everyone's ass, although Gaz certainly gave him a run for his money. With how intense he'd gotten throughout the game, you thought he'd want his prize immediately. Instead he just mutters something hungrily in your ear before he leaves the rec room.
You've fucked up big time.
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teamblck · 4 months
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voiths · 6 months
☾ CoD Guys with virgin!reader ☽
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𑁍 Warnings: sexual content 𑁍
𑁍 Characters featured: Ghost, König, Captain Price 𑁍
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❥ Ghost
When he first got informed of it he may not have looked shocked but in reality the mask was doing a good at hiding his expression. Oh how he was going to ruin you. He was going to be your first and he was going to make sure nobody other than him could make you feel so good.
Depending on how much sexual experience you've had he will drag out the foreplay much longer. The first orgasm of that night you will have on his fingers, the second one from him mouth and the third one while he has his cock balls deep inside of you.
"Come one love, i know it feels too big but i'll make it fit. You can take it darling, you wanna be a good girl right?"
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❥ König
The only thing you were able to see when you told him were his eyes opening wide. He confirms it multiple times that you really want him to be you first and not because he's inexperienced or he doesnt want to but he's scared of tearing you and hurting you too much.
No matter how much you beg him to go faster he will take his sweet time prepping you. He loves having you sitting in his lap with your back against his chest while he's spreading you wide open on his fingers. Praising you while there's tears running down your eyes from overstimulation but he's not done preparing you until he knows he will fit.
"Come on mein Schatz, you want to take it completely dont you? I have to prepare you so be a good little bunny be patient for me."
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❥ Captain Price
To say he was baffled was an understatement. He couldn't comprehend how someone as good looking as you hasn't had any sex yet. When you told him you just haven't found one yet that you trusted enough he already subtly offered to help When you accepted his offer with a blush covering your cheeks though he was even more shocked
Will have you laying on multiple pillows. As slowly as he can he'll push into you watching your reactions for any signs of strong pain. When he finally starts moving praises will come from his lips like a waterfall. Before he even cums once you’ll have cum multiple times on his cock
“You’re doing so well for me darling, taking it so well. Feeling so nice and tight around me. Gonna make you cum around my cock."
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rockcollector3000 · 3 months
Price eats pussy slowly. He’s savoring every single second of it.
He’s using his fingers to stimulate your g-spot while he sucks ever so gently on your clit.
He tells you to cum whenever you’re ready, then edges you for hours.
Oh you already came? That’s too bad cause he isn’t done yet. He doesn’t care how overstimulated you are, he wants to drown in your pussy.
Part two here
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witchthewriter · 4 months
Gaz: Soap and Y/N are missing, can you find them?
Simon: What, do you think I have them microchipped or something?
Price: Well, do you?
Simon: Yeah, hang on.
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moongreenlight · 4 months
Ex Husband!Price who still comes over and shovels your driveway every time it snows. But then you feel bad because he comes into the mud room every fifteen minutes to warm up so when he’s done you insist he stays for a hot meal.
But then he helps clean up. Does the dishes and shoos you away when you tell him he really doesn’t need to do all that.
Even worse if you have kids!! They’re thrilled that dad is around so they beg you to let him stay to watch a movie or play a few rounds of their video game. Of course you say yes. Who are you to take him away from the kids?
But then it’s late and he’s wound up carrying the kids up to their beds and tucking them in because they’d already fallen asleep on the couch. You say your goodbyes and honestly it’s a little bittersweet because it’s been such a surprisingly good evening.
But when he tries to leave the driveway’s already gotten all snowy again and you’d hate to be worrying about him driving home in these conditions so you offer him a spot on the couch swearing it’s only for tonight.
But then you get to talking about schedules and the kids sports they’re signing up to play and he winds up walking you to your room so you can just finish your thought about how the two of you should split the costs for the sports your kids are doing in the spring.
But once you’re in your bedroom you remember that you’ve been meaning to ask him about something on your computer so you leave him with your laptop while you get changed.
But then oh noooo he comes into the closet to ask you for a password and catches you pulling on the top of your pajamas. You’re mortified. He says it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before.
Somewhere in between deciding if you’ll drive to or pick up from practice on Thursdays, his hands start to wander. Resting over your sex from over a pair of flannel pajama pants. Usually, you’d tell him off. Monologue about how this isn’t how things work because it complicated things and you both need to set boundaries. But tonight you don’t.
Maybe it’s because you had two heavy-handed pours of your favorite wine with dinner. Maybe it was seeing him with your kids again. Maybe it had just been too long since you’d felt anything other than a cheap bullet vibrator.
So you let him slip his hand down your pants.
But it’s a bit jarring to feel his wedding band still on his finger.
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luxeslore · 7 months
why do you hate me?
tf141 men reacting to their spoiled gf saying “why do you hate me?” when she isn’t getting enough attention.
warnings -> 18+, f!reader, dom + sub dynamics, brat taming, allusions of impact play [spanking], petnames.
“excuse me?”
john’s eyebrows raise almost comically high. if it wasn’t for the stern glare taking over his features, you’d be giggling by now. instead you stay standing in front of him, shuffling on your feet with the same big pout you murmured your dumb question through. you despise making him upset with you—
at the same time, though… you feel those little sparks in your tummy when he pushes himself back from his desk and pats his lap. beckoning you to come sit on those strong thighs so he can sweet talk some sense to you. your feet can’t move fast enough, shuffling in your soft socks against the carpet. the rough denim of his jeans rubs against your own uncovered thighs as you shuffle in his lap.
“don’t ya think you’re being a silly girl?” it’s a simple question, but one you’re not exactly prepared for nonetheless.
your eyes meet his and there’s no way you can possibly shy away from his gaze. so you nod dumbly, and john’s chest rumbles with an approving hum. a strong hand cradles the back of your head, coaxing you to relax against his chest so he can put an end to this bratty streak you have in you rearing it’s ugly head.
“what the fuck are y’on about?”
“just forget it, simon.” you bite back, turning on your heel to march away from him.
you hear his heavy sigh and it’s only a matter of seconds before the pair of big hands he has squeezes your waist, pulling you back into him until he’s able to growl right over the shell of your ear. you turn your head, tilting it upwards and meeting his fury filled eyes. it takes everything in you not to grin wildly and piss him off more than you already have— especially when you can practically feel the soreness his fingers will leave behind in your sides already.
“dumb pet,” he grits out, “could never hate you, not even when you act like this…”
at those words, you press a gentle kiss to his masked lips. and you know for a fact he’s rolling his eyes, tired of your theatrical tendencies and outbursts, but that doesn’t stop him from nudging your nose with his own. from pulling you closer and snorting out a breathy laugh.
“you’re still gonna fuckin’ get it later, y’know that right?”
“how dare ye?”
you know— you just know— that you’ve really fucked up this time. why would you say such a thing? why would you be such a nasty girl to the man who does everything for you? sure, he didn’t have his eyes on you for a bit— bless him, he just wanted to decompress after some training. and here you come, stomping over to him like a proper fusspot.
in a second, you’re tugged into his lap by your wrist. you clumsily fall on top of him but johnny is quick to readjust you, to make sure you’re getting a good look at his disappointed face.
“do ye even know what you’re saying?” he speaks lowly, doesn’t care how much your bottom lip wobbles under his harsh tone, “because i really don’t think ye do.”
“johnny, i’m sorry— i really—” you attempt blubbering out. however he presses his thick index finger against your pout, shushing you in an instant.
“fucked up again, bonnie.” he tsks.
maybe he’s right. you don’t know what you’re saying. you know better; you know what he likes to be called when you two find yourselves in situations just like this one, when you need to be put in your place. that’s why you don’t resist when he guides you to lay over his lap tummy down…
“princess, come on…”
kyle begins, treading carefully around your huffing form. strong arms loop around you from behind, humming softly when you melt right into him despite your bratty demeanor. you can feel him smile against the side of your warm face, while his scent and warmth invades your senses, calming you down immediately.
“you know that’s the farthest from the truth,” he whispers, kissing your cheek with an obnoxious smooching sound tacked on to each one. it prompts you to giggle and kyle laughs right along with you when he sees how much your nose scrunches up with happiness.
“there’s my sweet girl!”
he squeezes his arms around you, ignoring you when you shamefully apologize for being so ridiculous… because he knows deep down in his heart he’d let you get away with murder. so he shushes you with more kisses and murmurs about just how much he loves you, and plans on doing the same thing between your pretty thighs later on.
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buckysmith · 1 year
Christmas special 4
Includes: Ghost, Soap, Price, Gaz, Laswell, Valeria, Graves, Alejandro, Rodolfo and König
A bit spicy so reading is on your own risk
NOTE: Who’s an idiot? Right, me. I saved it instead of uploading it… I just thought you guys didn’t like the last special so… yeah, I’m stupid 🫡
- he hates Christmas
- he’s like the grinch, heart two sizes to small
- but he do finds some comfort in knowing you like it
- honestly it’s a big step in your relationship if he lets you decorate the house
- but it’s an even bigger step to have a Christmas tree
- why you may ask
- the last time he had seen a Christmas tree was with his family, the family that died, the family that was killed.
-somehow to see a Christmas tree triggered the last memory of his family and well- he just didn’t want to deal with it
- one reason he always tried to go on a mission while Christmas time, most likely in a country that doesn’t really celebrate Christmas at all
- but with you he tried to change this memory to a new one, a better one.. a one that didn’t hurt him
- so to watch you smiling like an angel after he allowed you to put up a Christmas tree warms his heart
- but because you had to get rid of all the Christmas stuff before, you don’t have any Christmas bulbs at all- not even a fairy lights - just nothing
- so you have to go shopping first
- he ofc goes with you, how could he not? Maybe you get lost or some creepy dude comes to you telling you to see cute little puppies or smt like that
- the moment he steps inside the store he dies
- you can see in his eyes that he wants to everywhere but there
- he swallows the lump in his throat, trying to not show you that he wants to go home and never leaving it again
- he watches you almost in horror how you pick up the different Christmas bulbs, fairy light and other stuff you decorate a Christmas tree with
- he’s already so done after shopping he wants to go into his bed
- forcing him to stay with you ends up with him acting like a angy cat
- he takes one Christmas bulb into his hand, scanning it like it’s something not from earth
- asking him to bind a string through the top of the bulb to be able to hang it up ends with you getting a death stare from him
- you want what from him?
- why should he help you
- he grumbles but he helps you
- after everything is done, he scans the tree, leaving the living room just to come back with a Granate
- you watch in horror while he puts that thing in the tree too
- he just grins at you
- it’s fake
- but now there hangs a granate in the middle of the tree
- you can forget the cute little picture you wanted to make
- but you wouldn’t put it down, maybe it means something for Simon
- it doesn’t, but to watch you looking at that thing in completely horror makes him giggle
- at least in the inside
- he buys the biggest fucking Christmas tree you can imagine
- his house is huge and the ceilings are high
- watch him struggle to get the tree from his trunk
- he doesn’t want you to help him
- but you have too, cause otherwise something is going to be broken afterwards
- may it be one of the windows or some of the decorations … maybe even both (or not just one window if we want to be honest)
- he has like every fucking Christmas bulb you can imagine
- like really
- his family is big in decorating
- he’s too
- your house may looks completely normal from the outside but the inside is bright as the fricking day
- your electric bill is going to explode, good thing your husband is a rich man
- listing to every single Christmas song is a go
- he knows every single Christmas song too
- he’s not the best singer- not at all
- he sounds like a dying cat
- but you love him so you sing along
- together you’re a duo of dying animals
- but back to the tree
- if he has to buy Christmas bulbs (cause his glass ones are going to break from time to time- (he sat himself on them, like all of em ))
- he cried after that
- but to buy new ones, better ones and plastic ones are a bigger win than a lose
- struggles to put the string through the hole of the bulb (idk what it’s called hahah)
- big fingers, not fitting for petit pieces like that
- he he may throw one of the bulbs against your head
- throw it back
- you both are fighting with each other till your the one laying on the ground, with him on top of you pressing your hands to the ground
- shit eating grin
- well, you both have to make a break from decorating your tree
- mans got something other than a tree in his mind
- after that you continue to decorate the tree
- he may throw something against your head again, maybe your up for a round two?
- but after you both are done with decorating he likes to hold you close to him while cuddling on the couch
- he just admires the tree and how beautiful you look in its light
- he mumbles sweet nothings after that into your ear
- he wouldn’t say it out loud, not with it being your first Christmas with him, but that man plans on decorating the tree in a few years with two or three little copy’s of you and himself
- he likes Christmas, but don’t get me wrong he doesn’t even have the slightest on decoration (if you don’t bring it into the family)
- he even drove to the USA to get a Christmas tree (he knows a cop that plants them and he likes him, so he only buys the trees from him)
- soooo back in Las Almas he has another problem
- he forgot to buy the decorations
- but it’s already too late to buy ones
- so it’s on you both to find stuff to decorate the tree with
- he asks his mom, to get at least some Christmas bulbs
- after the successful hunt he goes back to you
- but seeing that you already made decoration on your own makes him wanna drop the bulbs into the trash
- you put pictures of him and you, your friends his team, his family and yours into little frames so that you could hang them on the tree
- you also used some other stuff to make little snowman’s (you made them out of tissues) and some other stuff just like little presents
- Rodolfo even brought stuff from his home to Alejandro and yours
- in the end every single one of his teammates brought something for the tree
- it’s so full of stuff in the end it’s more decorating than tree
- so your Christmas tree may not look like the traditional one but it’s in the end it’s much more personal
- so while cuddling on the couch you both admirers the tree
- also when the others of his team come for a quick hello they also look at the tree
- he likes it traditional so do decorate a tree is an absolutely go
- he also has decorations so you don’t have to worry about it
- you bring your own decoration with you? Even better!
- listing to slow Christmas songs while you’re decorating the tree
- he randomly stops putting the decorations up to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest to give you a kiss on the forehead or the lips
- nothing hot, just a small gesture to show you how much he loves you
- he even randomly lifts you up while you struggle to put some decoration up so that you can reach it
- no matter how much you weigh, he’s strong enough
- don’t complain, it would be the same to just talk to a wall
- he also just sits himself on the couch, watching you how you do your work
- he admirers you
- look how beautiful you look while you put the decoration up
- your smile, the little huffs whenever something doesn’t work like you want it
- or the way you mumble to yourself if that looks good or not
- he just loves to watch you, it eases his nerves and for a moment he can forget about all the stuff he’s gone through and about the stuff he will go through
- the moment you’re finished with decorating the tree he pulls you onto his lap
- stroking carefully circles into your waist with his thumbs, kissing your neck and chest area while mumbling how beautiful you are
- he knows it’s a bit to early so he doesn’t tell you what’s on his mind
- but he definitely wants the next Christmas with tree persons instead of two
- to put Christmas stuff up with him his pain in the ass
- to also decorate a Christmas tree is even worse
- he complains a lot
- hes even worse than ghost
- not because he hates Christmas
- no
- he complains because he wants to make it perfect
- that’s why you both are arguing a lot
- he wants red Christmas bulbs
- but you want silver ones
- he wants yellow fairy lights
- you want rainbow ones
- in the end and after a lot of arguing you both decide on buying two trees so everybody can have it’s own
- he watches you while you put your decorations up
- he looks at his
- that doesn’t feel right, isn’t Christmas about love?
- he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you against his chest and asks you if you don’t want to mix the decorations
- you’re ofc not really happy cause you wanted that, but he refused
- but it’s Christmas time, so you suck it up and agree
- after that everything is good
- you both enjoy each other’s decorations and in the end you both are sitting on the couch, giggling about the two trees
- every single soul that visits you both are confused because of the two trees
- you don’t give them answers and just grin over the comments
- he has everything prepared
- he asks the cop friend from Alejandro for a big and beautiful Christmas tree
- he doesn’t bother to drive to the us by himself, just asks Alejandro to bring his tree along
- you give Alejandro and his s/o a cake as a thank you
- after that there’s nothing that can stop your hubby from decorating the tree with you
- he doesn’t give a fuck if it doesn’t look perfect
- he wants it to be special cause you both decorated it together
- he gives you a lot of kisses while you both are working on the tree
- praises too
- “Eso se ve tan bonito, cariño, pero no tan bonito como tú.” (That looks so pretty, honey, but not as pretty as you.) (oh an I’m sorry if it’s wrong, I’m still learning Spanish )
- he helps you reach the top so that you can put up the angle/star/ or whatever you want
- he sings along to every Christmas song that comes up
- he’s a pretty good singer too
- his voice goes a darker than his normal voice, but it sounds good, very good
- after you both are done with decorating he pulls you to him
- gently stroking over your cheek with his thumb before asking if he’s allowed to kiss you
- if he is allowed he’ll kiss you like it would be the last time
- it’s certainly not the last time, cause he will kiss you like ten tausend times more (on the same day)
- he wants to cuddle with you after that
- together with a hot chocolate and a Christmas movie
- perfect little evening for him and you
- na forget it
- she hates Christmas
- she doesn’t if you like it
- well she doesn’t stop hating it she just tolerates it
- so if you want Christmas decorations you have to be on your knees, begging that she allows it
- and oh she will if you beg right
- if you’re being a good little one she gives whatever you want
- but she’s also a bastard, so expect to do a lot of things to get what you want
- after that she brings you the biggest and most beautiful tree her men could find for you
- she doesn’t understand why you have to decorate it too
- it’s a tree, nothing will change that so why putting stuff on it
- Santa doesn’t bring you gifts, she does
- the decorations she gives you are not quite normal tho
- but in the end she breaks in and give you what you want
- if you ask her if she wants to join you she looks at you like you just told her that you’re a 22 feet robot alien
- she tells you that she doesn’t want too and just sits herself on the couch while you do your work
- she watches you, smiling to yourself while you put the decoration up
- but something doesn’t seem right so she goes to you, wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you to her
- “ you seem sad cariño, you really want me to join you?”
- after you nod she just scoffs and joins you
- after good two hours you’re finished with decorating
- she grabs your wrist, pulling you onto her lap just to kiss you
- grinning like the absolutely maniac she is
- you’re so innocent and yet you wanted her to join your little Christmas tradition
- how cute
- she wasn’t always a fan of Christmas
- but that changed when you came into her life
- she now has a reason to celebrate it
- she doesn’t have a lot of Christmas stuff, most of it belonged to her mother that already passed
- she wouldn’t ask you to put that old stuff up, but it means a lot to her so if you ask her if you can put it on the tree she falls even more in love with you
- hot chocolate while decorating the tree? Absolutely yes
- she makes the best hot chocolate you can imagine
- kissing your cheek while putting another Christmas bulb on the tree is also a definitely a yes
- you hung up a little skull, a fake cigar, a bar of soap, a little teddy and a cowboy hat
- all the things that reminds her of her lovely little men
- she loves it
- even send a picture to each person
- while Gaz, Soap and both Alejandro and Rudy loved it
- Price only responded with “such a good kid, give it a pet from me”
- while ghost ghosted you (secretly he loves it that you did something like that)
- but back to decorate it
- she helps you to put the top on it
- after that you both are cuddling together on the couch
- expect a lot of kisses
- he loves Christmas
- and he loves you
- he’s the first one to ask you if you want to put the decoration up
- but first you need a tree
- he takes you with him to buy the tree
- your house is big
- like fucking huge cause not only does he make a good amount of money but also comes from a very wealthy family
- so the tree you bought is a monster
- you need a ladder to reach the top and to put the other decoration up
- he helds your waist while you put the star on the top
- he also loves to sing to Christmas songs with you
- he even gets a little to exited so he just takes both of your hands and dances with you while singing
- he’s pretty good in both too
- you just fall for him again
- his blue eyes looking at your ones like your the most beautiful and most valuable thing in the world
- he even made two Christmas bulbs for you and him
- both have a picture of you both on it
- but one is kinda different
- in the inside of one his a ring
- you don’t know about it tho
- but he will propose with that ring
- he knows your clumsy so the moment you trip over a carton with Christmas decorations and coincidentally smash the right one you’re instantly sorry
- he’s not
- but the only thing you see in that moment is that you broke one of the gifts he gave you
- till the moment he kneels in front of you and the shards, picking the ring up
- maybe in a few years you will find a note in it, asking you if you want to have kids with him
- but for this year it’s only the propose
- he doesn’t like Christmas HE LOVES IT
- expect him to have everything you heart could desire
- he buys the biggest Christmas tree he could find
- watch him bring it into your shared home
- he carries it like the tree would weight a couple of grapes
- you can’t even push it
- he doesn’t care if it doesn’t look perfect, just put everything you want on it wherever you want it
- he lifts you up so you can reach the top
- if your clumsy he makes sure that you don’t hurt yourself while decorating
- if you ask him to put something specific on the tree he will do it
- you made two little figures? One that looks like him, the other that looks like you? He puts it so that everyone can see this masterpiece
- the tree is so full of decorations, you can barely see the tree
- he loves it, you do too
- but don’t get me wrong
- if you have the fairy lights on, you definitely don’t need any other light
- bright as the fricking day
- he gets exited to search for the Christmas pickle
- you don’t get it but you love it cause he loves it
- he accidentally knocks the tree over a couple of times
- good thing
- everything is made out of plastic (not the tree)
- so nothing breaks
- you made sure that nothing is made out of glass for that reason
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empresskylo · 4 months
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knocking on price’s door late into the evening, remembering something important about the mission you forgot to say in the debriefing earlier. you don’t think much of it, always assuming price is at the ready. but he opens his door in nothing but sweatpants, hair slightly damp like he just got out of the shower. he raises a brow at you and you go red hot all over, completely flustered. “oh—uhm," completely losing your train of thought.
price follows your eyes as they struggle not to glance down at his bare chest. he attempts to disguise his smirk. “i’ve seen you gut men and paint the ground with their insides. and me shirtless is what's flustering ya?”
“i just didn't expect you to be...” you stutter, a bit mortified.
“i’ll put a shirt on if it makes ya feel better.” he smiles as he goes to grab a random shirt, quite satisfied with himself to have made you so bothered.
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hereisrachel · 7 months
Sitting on their lap, 141 x reader headcanons ! (Realistic)
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- They get hard.
I hope you enjoyed this!!
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shadow4-1 · 1 month
I'm just imagining being nervous around the 141 and yet STILL garnering their attention.
Like, you've done everything in your power NOT to get noticed. You're as happy as a clam to work on all the behind the scenes issues. You don't even go out on the field!
You're the one to get gear in place, you're the one talking to Nik and supervising the equipment repairs. You make sure the armory is stocked and that the showers aren't running with rusty water.
You really DON'T want any eyes on you.
You just want to do your job and do it in fucking peace.
So why the hell are they always wanting your attention?
"There she is. Keepin' everything in order while 'm gone." Price chuckles, placing a hand on your back as he passes through the armory's narrow shelves. "Looking to take my spot as Captain hm, Love?"
You bury your face into your clipboard, trying desperately to ignore him. He's not going away but God do you want him to. His presence is always so overwhelming and his gaze so pointed. If you could shrink into nothingness you'd try.
"Oi, Bonnie!" Soap calls out to you at mess. He waves his arms wildly, making everyone look his way. "C'mere! Sit w' us today!"
He's so loud his voice echoes across the cafeteria. Recruits and lower ranking members shrink at the sound of it. So do you, even though you can hear only excitement in his tone instead of the usual ire he employs while training the rookies.
You know that if you decide to sit with your friends you'll never hear the end of it. But if you choose to sit with him and the rest of the all star task force you'll be under their gazes for the better part of the morning. You want to just drop your lunch tray and run out, but on unsteady legs and a bowed head you shuffle to the table.
"Well well, look who it is." Gaz huffs, looking up from his terminal set up in the surveillance room. "Thanks for packing those extra headset chords for me."
"Uh...yeah, no problem." You nod, trying to ignore him while simultaneously digging in an old box full of wires.
"Whatcha lookin' for?"
"Uh...a mouse. A wireless one."
"Here, take mine." He smiles, unplugging the tiny chip from the side of his laptop. "Need a new one anyway."
"It's alright I-"
"Just take it. You deserve it more than me." He hums, looking away wistfully. "If it weren't for those extra cords we wouldn't 'ave been able to call for evac on that last mission."
You take the mouse into your palm, feeling uneasy. Something about his demeanor isn't right. Gaz is always confident and sure. But the way he glances at you before he turns back to the computer makes you worried.
Is he...jealous?
You slip out of the door and close it behind you without making a sound.
"Need t' put a bell on you." Ghost grumbles. "Can't hear you n' those."
You stop midway down the hallway, confused and nervous.
You look down at your old, beat up reg boots from your PT days. They were definitely in need for a decommissioning, but they were comfy despite the fact that the soles had no tread anymore.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry." You awkwardly mumble. "Need new ones."
You raise a brow at him. It was just the two of you in one of the maintenance hallways which was, ironically enough, poorly maintained. The overhead fluorescents flickered and made it hard to focus.
"Keep 'em." He nods, turning away and showing you the full breadth of his back. He mutters at you as while he keeps walking on.
"Keeps you under the radar."
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teamblck · 4 months
okay but being a bookworm and your strong military boyfriend takes you shopping at a bookstore and follows you around carrying all your books and every time you start rambling about a book you’ve picked up they get a small loving smile on their face
characters in mind while writing- könig, john mactavish, simon riley, kyle garrick, john price
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