#castlevania theory
123moiaussi · 7 months
So, I finished watching Castlevania Nocturne and oml it’s so GOOD.
Anyway, I was discussing with my partner what are the loose ends/ potential storylines for the next season.
It’s left about open ended to where Edouard currently is. The ending of the season suggests one of two things.
1. Edouard has taken the forgemaster machine to Hell. This means that he can go to Hell but also manage to break out the abbey if the gang decides to open a portal to hell. They have the book and they have Annette.
2. Edouard is going to stay in the Abbey to get the night creatures to gain a conscious of who they were before they were turned. We know that Edouard knows who he is plus Jacques and one other night creature. I believe that Edouard could potentially repeat the actions of his previous life by creating solidarity between all the night creatures and potentially overthrow the Abbot. What this will also result in is a break in the creator- night creature loyalty bond and thus Erzsebet and the Abbot cannot control the night creatures, thus weakening their power. Also a nice little link between OG Castlevania and Nocturne is Edouard and the other night creatures gaining consciousness like the Philosopher night creature in season 3/4.
The Book
This is a bit of a crack theory but I do think the book connects to the OG series, so buckle up!
In the final episode of the OG Castlevania, Lenore and Hector have a very poignant and contextually important conversation about the direction of Hector’s life and his interest in not only forgemastering but also in vampire ethics and the sciences. Lenore suggests to Hector that he should explore the world and write a book which Hector agrees with.
Now, Drolta says in Nocturne that for night creatures to be made they need a human touch. The machine is implied to not have been built by the Abbot but to come from Hell itself. The Book also is old and includes instructions on how to open Hell as well as conduct forgemastering skills and seems to include lore around vampires and magic. It is implied that the Abbot himself doesn’t use direct tools to create the night creatures like Isaac and Hector. Therefore, the Abbot’s tool is the machine but he didn’t create it. Thus, the person that made the machine must’ve been a human that could forgemaster.
I doubt that Hector is undead/vampire but according to OG Castlevania and what happens in Season 4 there are two people that know how to open portals/get to hell: Saint Germain and Hector. Saint Germain knew because he was a time traveler and had a stone that allowed him to open portals/mirrors to hell and other dimensions. Hector probably knew how to get to hell due to his studies or his research with Dracula.
In conclusion, I think that Hector not only made the forgemaster machine, he also wrote the book that the Abbot now possesses. It’s the human touch that is required to make the night creatures. The Abbot potentially found this book in a church collection like Saint Germain did in the Season 3 or gained access to the book by making a deal with Dracula when he came back into the world with Lisa. Additionally, we know that the Belmont library could have also contained a book on dark magic as it implied in Nocturne that the Belmont family resided in France until about the mid 18th century.
These are some messy ideas but these are just a couple things off my head🫶
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bstag · 10 months
Ok but what if the Belmonts disappeared until Julius because they had to go in hiding to avoid being totally wiped out during the French Revolution?
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doodleferp · 4 months
What if Drolta isn’t actually dead and she just takes on a much more game-accurate form in the next season
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darkspellmaster · 2 years
Castlevania Nocturne, Story theories based on the lines from the Teaser trailer.
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Now as for the story beats from these lines….
I’ve been thinking over the lines that they chose for this trailer, and clearly not all of these are connected and with good reason, since they could be pulled from any place in the voice acting script. However that doesn’t mean these lines don’t hold some information about what’s going on in the story and where our story-lines can and will go. I’ve broken them into groups to make them easier to talk about.
"Don't Listen to her Richter."
"I have no choice."
"There's always a choice."
As mentioned in the other post I made about the dialogue, the voice of the first person talking is an older male. Now again this can be pulled at any point in the story but the fact that the lines seem to indicate a familiarity with Richter and that they’re commanding him honestly leads me to think that these lines can be maybe from the same person but with different associations to a situation.
The first line indicates that the person talking is giving a command to Richter. To not listen, and who not to listen to is her, and we don’t know who “Her” is based on the line. But I have some theories of this line. When we look at it coupled to the second line by our first female voice in this trailer, we get a different picture. Our first female voice tells us that she has no choice, but no choice in what? The tone expresses a sense of calm, almost like this is their fate, they have to do this. It’s a polite voice, one that is direct and to the point.
Following this there is the same first man explaining that there’s always a choice, it’s in the same tone of voice as the first. Which makes me think the two are linked but is the woman in the middle also linked?
So going based on what I hear from this, and what I know of the games plot line, and again this is only guesses on my part there’s some theories that emerge from this.
First theory is that this is taking place early in the tv show, and namely the opening moments. The reason why comes down to story-lines in the game. Richter’s small choices, can change over how the story goes. If you take too long to rescue Annette for example she is turned into a vampire by Dracula. Your actions to find these women in the castle are a key factor in what ending you get and who you save and by making choices you change the outcome of the story to the true ending of the game.
In this case the male character is warning Richter that one always has a choice to what one is doing, thus the Don’t listen to her Richter line, however the I have no choice could also tie closely into the aspects of the time period. During the revolution many ended up giving up people in order to protect themselves or loved ones. It was a major plot point in the book the Scarlet Pimpernel, where in the lead’s love interest and wife, had to give up information to save the life of her brother. So there’s a conflict that’s going on here with the two characters.
The man is telling Richter not to listen to this woman, who claims she has no choice in what she is doing, and that she could choose to do something different. Now to me, because the woman is not using Richter’s name, and is so calm I do think this sequence of dialogue could be coming from the Black Mass moment at the start of the game.
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In this we meet a sacrificial Maiden, who is a girl abducted from the village where this Mass is taking place. We have no idea of the time period between this and the attack of the village of Aljiba, which is where most of the story starts. In the game there’s little to know about this girl, only that she is killed to wake Dracula by her blood being poured into the coffin which she is laying on.
However given that they will have to expand the story, I feel like this could lead to a few moments which will come back to play a part in how Richter does things in the show. For example, Shaft is the leader of the Dracula cult, and in the game there’s not a lot known about the man. He is, for all aspects, a kind of generic second boss. But it’s clear that he can easily be from the group that Issac had created at the end of the first series. Meaning that Shaft could potentially be connected to that aspect of the story and give us more of what happened to Issac and what happened to his plans, if they decide to go with that.
As such the dialogue could be connected to the idea that Richter, plus whomever comes with him, could be called in to deal with a missing girl in another town. This again could be his father, or his mentor, or grandfather, the mentor choices could be Maria’s father or as I stated before Juste’s friend and former Rival Maxim. It makes me think that after doing some investigation the two of them run into the girl and she acts strange to them, causing the lines to be said before the events of her death happen. In this case the girl is under the sway of the cult and has rejected the offer for help. Thus leading Richter to be unable to save her, and allowing Shaft to complete the ritual.
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Another option can be either before he goes into the castle or after he’s inside. In this instance the voice belongs to the Ferryman in the castle, and the Ferryman giving a warning to Richter about seeing a Succubus taking on the form of someone that he cares about, be that Annette, his mother, or some other person, and using her influence on him. Thus the lines about choices.
I honestly feel like this opening set of lines paints a very interesting picture of how this story is going to be playing out and in a way also sets up for the backdrop of the story. Choices need to be made, and claiming one has none in this world doesn’t allow for the protection of others. Unlike Trevor where it was a straight forward, we beat the bad guys, there’s probably going to be more political intrigue in here due to the whole Revolution. For example, if Richter is a noble, should he be considered part of the problem? Are the vampires helping those in power or are they working for the rebellion to undermine it, and what of those who are connected to the Hattian Revolution which was happening at the same time? Each choice Richter is going to make in the story will lead him down a different path, one which, I think Alucard may join him on for this story with Maria.
Also if this is Maria’s dad at the start and he is killed, then it adds to the drama of the relationships, namely the fact that Maria and Richter’s relationship relies on trust and understanding. One that grows over their time in the castle. By adding the connection between them of not only bloodlines through the Belmont clan, as the Renards are part of the Belmont Line and hunters in their own right, but through a tragedy of someone both respected and loved, then you add that level of understanding and why Maria becomes so determined later to help Richter. In addition, if Annette is Maria’s sister, then there’s that factor for family and something of a connection to Maria in having to deal with the possibility of killing her corrupted sister.
Because that is an option too, that this is the corrupted version of Annette, and that whomever is saying this to Richter is warning him not to trust Annette, or in this case she is telling him she had no choice but to allow herself to be turned to protect Maria from Shaft or some other reason.
Personally I think the idea of it being a mentor or father that starts us out in this story would fit with the idea of choices and sacrificing themselves to allow Richter to escape and save the lives of those from Dracula when he starts his shit.
“I'm sorry, Richter.”
This is our second Female voice, showing a connection to Richter, as she calls him by name. As I mentioned in the other post, the way the voice echoes a bit makes it seem that she is either in a room that is stone or has echo like set ups. So this person could be in a cell or it’s a memory. If this is Annette, what is she saying she’s sorry for? Her character is not someone who is weak or seems to be sorry for being taken. Rather she’s willing to kill herself over allowing herself to be turned into Dracula’s bride. Which means that she could be the voice of Richter’s mother or grandmother Lydie. If these are these women then that begs some questions. What are they saying they are sorry about? It’s clear that this is an intimate relationship given the tone of the voice. If this is his mother it's an interesting line as what does this mean? Did she leave him?Die in some way or some other situation? Has she become a traitor to the revolution? Did she lose her head over something? I mean there’s a lot that could be going on here, including issues with the Belmont Clan and well, the previous curse brought on by Simon, even though he cleared that up.
Not to mention that if this is a memory moment and not the succubus playing a part, then it could be used as a growing moment for Richter and show us where he’s come from and why he’s doing the things he’s doing for the story. This could also be an illusion of some sort, as mentioned before they could bring in the Succubus as a means of adding onto the story and dragging in more of Symphony to connect the two more concretely. This could be a moment that is connected to the event above, where the Succubus is trying to get under Richter’s skin with a memory of some sort, and causing him to second guess his choices so far in the story. If this is the succubus, then this could be a set of testing to allow him to get closer to the end of his goals.
There’s also the chance that this could be one of the other women in the story. If this is Iris then maybe the “I’m sorry Richter” comes from being taken by the Vampires, or some other situation. The other option would be Tera who could feel bad about not being strong enough or that her choices led them to a situation that they have to fight their way out of. The line is vague but also something that clearly has deeper meaning given the tone and the feeling that the character has at this moment.
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“He knows you kill Vampires.”
As I said before I really do think this is the voice of Maria Renard, and she’s talking to Richter either about someone, or with someone there. The” He”could be a few people, namely Shaft as a warning, to Richter that Shaft already knows what Richter can do and to watch out, also that because he knows she can help him because she is brave and smart and can beat out a lot of people, thus, Richter needs her for this mission. Or it could be referring to one of the other male characters that seem to be in this one. Which is very limited at this point in time, excluding Dracula himself. Other options could be Magnus the Incubus that wants to help Dracula, or the characters of Lyudmil, a vampire who used to work with Alucard and desires to get revenge for Lisa’s death and is helping Richter due to him being a way to get at Shaft.
The “He” could also be Alucard, though I'm not 100% sure it is his actor we're hearing or if it's him. But there is the option of Alucard starting to play his fake roles, which he later completes in the Sorrow Duology. If this is Alucard she’s talking about, it could be a moment when the three of them are meeting and Richter was trying to hide what he did in order to not worry Alucard, and Maria, clearly seeing Alucard can tell that the man is a Belmont, basically points out the fact that he already knows that Richter kills vampires, and it doesn’t matter if he tries to hide it right now.
They could also be taking from the Drama CD that was used, with the He being Cyril or the Vampire hunter Alexis who show up in the Drama CD but that's more of a story connected to Alucard. In this case Cyril and Alexis are in the castle to try to find Lyudmil and Magnus and stop them from using the drug that they stole from Cyril. The “He” could be Cyril or Alexis and Maria points out that Alexis or Cyril knows Richter is a hunter. Or in this case, it could be the reverse, where Maria is explaining to the two hunters that Richter knows they kill vampires too.
“But I pray for you.”
I honestly think this is a line coming from one of the members of the church. During this time in France the Catholic Church was in a bit of a dilemma with how the new government felt about them. In this case it feels like Richter is meeting with possibly one of the Clergy members who has ties to Tera, a nun, and could be willing to help Richter out in some way. The line feels, the way it is delivered, that Richter might be going through some shit, and that the person saying it is genuinely worried about them. This is why I think this person might be the last person on the outside that Richter interacts with before going into the castle proper. It’s clearly someone with a thicker French accent. In this case, it could be that, as with Sypha's band, there's someone there to act as a companion till the castle then this male blesses him before he goes in. This might also be where Richter gets his cross weapon that he's also known for, and which could be used as a way to make him different from Trevor and how the two act when dealing with people. In this case Richter is more friendly and willing to accept the man’s help, over Trevor who was a solo person until later.
“I'm so sorry.”
This is the hardest one for me to figure out. The voice is soft and British tone of voice. Because the voice sounds different than the other voices, and yet the same because it goes by so fast. So I can't really place this one yet. Again it could be any of the two women, Iris or Tera, or it could be the Maiden at the start, since we don't know who they are apologizing to, and the fact that Richter's name is NOT used here at least says that this person may not be as familiar with him. May be, since this could be part of a longer line, it's really hard to tell. To me this means that whoever this woman is, it’s someone who is feeling legitimately sorrowful for whatever happens. If it is say Tera, it could be apologizing to God for failing to uphold her vows or something, given how these vampires might treat the women there.
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“So part of you has died.”
A number of comments I’ve seen about this voice is that it’s Alucard. If this is him, and he’s in one of his future disguise it could explain why the voice sounds different. The interesting thing about this line is the way it’s spoken, it’s not done as a question, but more of a statement of fact. The line seems to be part of a longer discussion, which becomes important in the story of Richter and Alucard.
So I’m about to spoil a part of the story regarding Symphony, but I’ll try to keep it as small as possible here for fans who have never played the games.
At a future time in the games Richter needs the help of Alucard after dealing with a curse of sorts. Because of this, Alucard grows to understand the younger Belmont and became a benefactor to him. Given that in SotN Alucard doesn’t wake up until he feels a change in things, this three hundred years after Trevor, Sypha, and Grant (or in this case Gerta). In this case, I’m not sure if they will have him sleeping. If they don’t and they have him wandering around, then having him join with Richter to find the girls will actually expand on what’s happening inside the castle as well as having someone other than Maria to talk to Richter and deal with the other monsters that come and cause trouble.
The line, as spoken by Alucard, could be when he’s connected to Richter and is listening to the young man’s pain. The line to me feels like he’s trying to express understanding of the situation, or explain it to Richter in his own way. There’s several parts this can be from, one of which I’m going to avoid like the plague right now.
The most likely though is at some point when Richter is at his lowest and feels like some part of him has died. This could be if they fail to save Annette, or if one of the other women dies, or if someone who is close to him ends up dead. Alucard probably is trying to comfort the man in his own way, afraid of getting close again due to what happened in regard to losing his friends and being alone again. He could be indicating to Richter he has to deal with that and push forward even if he doesn’t think he can. That only he can do this.
It could also be a moment when Richter doesn’t think he has the skills to do what he must, or that he has lost some of his innocence in this place. All of which could connect to the idea of Alucard trying to help him and connect to him. Which can build up their relationship, which could add more to the later story of how Alucard and Maria come to help Richter. Having them bond and become closer, for Richter and Alucard to connect to each other on a deeper level, is not a bad thing. Rather it expands on and makes for a stronger story and gives both men something to connect to on a personal level, along with Maria.
“We're looking for Someone Called Belmont.”
So my guess is that this is probably a group of people from the Village of Aljiba who has come to find Richter for his help. It’s either that or the people who need help at the start with Shafts group. To me this sounds a lot like “Hero’s call” moment. As I said I suspect this could be Iris or a random person, but it’s clear that whoever this person is, they have a strong voice and ready to do their job getting the man to come help them.
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I’m pretty sure this is Shaft as in the game he laughs when Richter first fights him. It would make sense that they would want to have some nod to one of the big bads in the game and story. Having Shaft just laugh saves him for the trailer itself. Of note though this could be a new form of Dracula, since he plays a huge role in this game, and you need this man to do certain things to get to symphony.
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The voice sounds a bit like Sypha's actress, but it is most likely Annette calling out to him at some point when she's being taken away. It makes the most sense within the story context and fits her personality wellbeing someone who is kind, but willing to do whatever it takes to keep herself from being the reason he's harmed, including killing herself. This being Annette trying to call to him even as shit is going down makes a lot of sense.
Annette, while in the game she doesn’t do a lot, is a strong woman who stands up to both Shaft and Dracula, and threatens death by her own hand before submitting to either of them. And, given my thoughts on the lines that are said in the Rondo of Blood game, it’s indicated that Dracula has interest in her not only because of her connection to Richter, but also because she does look like Lisa, thus Elisabetha, Dracula’s first wife, so she can possibly be seen as a reincarnation of the character and making it so Dracula may want her due to this.
Having her call out at the end of the trailer and him turning at that moment indicates their devotion to one another. All other character’s words don’t move him, but the moment that he hears Annette calling for him Richter reacts. This, to me, makes me think that their relationship will be a bigger role in the Rondo story of Nocturne.
I’m hoping when we get another trailer we can get more about the lines we hear, but also learn more about the characters that say them, and the story-line that we will be diving into. I’m super excited about how this story can play out, and I hope that it gets people to pick up the original games.
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redwritingwolfe · 8 months
So I got a theory as to why Alucard went from this in the original show:
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To this in Nocturne:
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We’re shown in the first show that Alucard ages more or less like a human except much faster but even as an adult he’s still looks more like Lisa than Vlad. Well my theory is that eventually his human aging got to a point where he “died” and took on more of a vampiric appearance. Hence why his hair is white like an old man and why his skin is ghostly white like his dad’s.
Further proof:
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Like look at Dracula, that man pale as fuck
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etherati · 11 months
Belmont crest and colorrrrssss
I have a lot of thoughts and feels about the colors used in various versions of the Belmont crest in the netflix show, and how it fits into traditional heraldry. I have decided to make that everyone else's problem. So.
In Leon's portrait, we see him in a surcoat of white with the Belmont crest rendered in azure blue.
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In traditional heraldry the "white" component of this would be synonymous with the metal silver/argent, as matte white was not a meaningful color choice and all colors had to be combined with a metal (silver or gold) rather than another color. Now, I know that in the Doylesian sense, this color choice was made because of Leon's original character design, which utilized different tradition imagery and had nothing to do with the Belmonts specifically:
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But the text is what it is and the show gave us the first Belmont in an azure and argent version of the Belmon crest. Color meanings vary depending on your source, but azure typically referred to truth, loyalty, and unwavering morality. Morality is, of course, a construct--you can imagine that for the rebellious ex-church-knight Belmont it probably had some input from the bible but moreso was informed by his own oath--to "battle the night". Yeah, this gets made fun of--he's the dumbass who wants to fight an entire time of day--but we know what he means, ok. He's swearing to defend the daylight world against the things in the night that would harm it. He is defining his moral position going forward very specifically--he will uphold humanity and destroy that which would cause it harm. In a fic of mine he described it as representing the daylight sky, which given that he's a vampire in that fic carries even more poignancy, but even in the canon version it works, because that is the moral field he is aligning with.
Meanwhile argent/silver generally refers to purity, sincerity, and faith, which yeah, this is definitely a character who has purity of purpose. This combination of colors suits a vision of the Belmonts that served humanity unerringly, who had faith even when the church itself seemed flawed, who defined their morality by the divide between daylight and night and executed it with sincerity and dedication.
Fast forward to Trevor's time. The family has risen and fallen. At its height it was considered a great noble family--a warrior dynasty, as Alucard put it. Trevor's tunic and his armor both bear the crest in gold; once we're in the hold, we see that it's set against a deep burgundy in the official banners and standards. 
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Why the change? What does it mean? Red is obvious--it's the warrior side of them, the military might, the weight of generations of fighters and all the blood they've spilt. It's the most common color in heraldry because conflict and war were themselves so common, but the Belmonts (to our knowledge) weren't besieging neighboring Lords' territories. They defined themselves by their fight against the creatures of the night, defined themselves to the point that they became The Fight. The warrior is the largest part of their identity. In the same fic I had Trevor say that the red represented family to him, like bloodlines, which is not the traditional meaning--but given that nothing defined his family or his relationship with them as much as The Fight, I still think he was onto something. Additionally, red can carry the meaning of sacrifice and martyrdom, which also fucking fits, unfortunately.
As for the gold, usually this refers to faithfulness, nobility, constancy, and glory. On its own, it's a statement of those qualities--particularly nobility and faithfulness. Combined with warrior's red, the glory piece of it starts to assert itself. A family of martyrs and warriors, noble and glorious--that's how they saw themselves, anyway. The family had gotten so far up its own ass that it cared more about perpetuating those ideals and standards than it necessarily did about the original purpose and duty of its existence! Eventually Trevor re-finds that purpose, when he drops the cloak in Gresit and re-dedicates himself to protecting the people--but it's worth noting that the crest he displays in that moment is gold alone, without a specific colored field. The version of the Belmonts that defined themselves by the amount of blood they'd shed are dead and buried, their flags tattered; the one who survived has taken their steadfastness, their faithfulness and constancy and nobility, and managed to reconnect it to what they always should have been.
Which brings us full circle, back to Leon's portrait--because there's another crest, there.
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Azure and gold. All the steady dedication of a long standing nobility--much less fragile than one man's personal purity of purpose--applied to moral defense of humanity and the daylight world, rather than simply to fighting and glory for its own sake. There's a reason this is the color scheme I plan for Leon to end up in, in my fic-verse, and is the one that I think may have been in between the other two, chronologically. It conveys all the Belmonts are meant to be and do, without reducing them to simply violence. They fight, not for the fight's sake, but to protect the people they've sworn to protect.
Anyway. Yeah. Uh, colors!
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feralplantwife · 8 months
If If Olrox is not revealed to be Quetzalcoatl by the end of Castlevania Nocturne I will literally never be happy again.
You might think I'm too eager, but consider my evidence!
1) The Orisha exist.
2) Sekhmet exists.
3) God may or may not exist (but Hell and Death definitely do)
This is Olrox's dragon form next to a depiction of Quetzalcoatl from Teotihuacan:
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Quetzalcoatl is known as the Feathered Serpent among many other things I'm not well-versed enough to go into, but gods be damned Olrox's dragon form sure is a good approximation. His domains also include light and the daytime, which are obviously a Very Big Deal in vampire stories.
I love the nuance of Olrox's character on his own, of course! He's compelling, secretive, supercilious, and self-assured. But I would very much love for this boost. Adding another walking god to the mix against Erzsebet Bathory/Sekhmet will do a lot to enrich the themes we're working with.
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Who the Fuck is Erzebet?!?!? (the vampire not the murderer)
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I don't know.... there's something off about her. i mean clearly, erzebet is a genocidal-torturing-murdering madwoman who wants all to worship her bc she's a "goddess". but is she tho?
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like- stay with me on this. her entire story just seems.. off. it just feels so weird and contrived and strange. like she obviously succeeded in blotting out the sun and transforming into a creepy lion lady but- why is this the first time we're ever hearing of her? if she's been alive since Sekhmet- why the fuck hasn't she decided "oh hey i'm a god- i'm gonna take over the world in 410 instead of 1746 (or whatever the year is in nocturne)"
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like why didn't she challenge dracula to a du-du-duel to show the world she is a goddess? why didn't the belmonts or alucard or fucking dracula or carmilla herself ever mention that one vampire who's also kind of a god and wants everyone to know.
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idk.. like obviously most of this can be chocked up to they probably didn't have nocturne even in their minds at the time of castlevania or they just had very few ideas. and fair enough, that's totally fine, i can absolutely look past that...
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what i CAN'T look past is the fact that every seen erzebet is in, every character who talks about her in adoration, every chance she mentions she's a god and drank Sekment's blood- just feels suspicious. i feel like she's lying. i feel like there's something even more dark and disturbing and creepy about who she is that we'll find out about later.
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I just don't believe erzebet. I don't believe what the show is telling us. I don't think she's a god. I think everyone else thinks she's a god. I think she's convinced herself she's a god after so many years. but i think there's something else there. something creepier. something more unnerving.
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if i had to guess- i think she took some sort of old magic to get the powers she has. or made some deal with a demon or something to be able to literally blot out the sun. but one way or the other, i think erzsebet has clearly and utterly lost her mind and any sense of reality. she's beautifully and dangerously unhinged.
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I'm genuinely so excited to see what happens next with erzsebet. she's a fascinating character and one of the first villains i can remember genuinely unnerving me. she's horrifying but i also can't stop looking at her. like lowkey I'd probably worship the devourer of light too.
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
Divine Bloodlines
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Alright. I need to get this one idea out of my system as well. Because I cannot help but wonder... Richter's Theme is called Divine Bloodlines. Which, yeah, fair. Within the context of the games this is just very much a "yeah, the Belmont bloodline is super special". And was the anime worldbuilding the same as the game worldbuilding I would not have put a second thought on this. But... it is not.
In Nocturne we now clearly establish that there is actually such a thing as divine bloodlines. Annette has the blood of a god. Heck, it might well be a theme for this series now, given that Erzsebet has drunken from a goddess and there is a good chance the same might be true for Olrox. And this makes me think: What about the Belmont bloodline?
Like, is there a posibility that they actually also have a divine ancestor? Given they originate from France the ancestor might be a gaulic or brittanic deity. Though I am perfectly honest with you: Those are the celtic gods I know little about. Like, I know stuff about Anglo-Saxon deities, gaelic ones and those from Welsh. But the French ones? Yeah, I know very little about outside that due to the Roman contact they kinda got merged with a lot of Roman gods. And I also know that they still had a lot of animal gods and also a ton of gods associated with the crafts.
Nodens is a god associated with both healing and hunting, so that might be a possible fit. But there are also a ton of local protector deities.
It is just such a weird little thing, though.
One thing I am almost certain off: Annette is gonna teach Richter to enter the Ancestoral plane and we get to see some other Belmonts.
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avocadotoast0 · 8 months
I keep thinking about what Annette’s teacher said in episode 6. About how Annette’s fury is because she was a slave, but not the source of her power. And also emphasised how she is not listening. So, I assume that her character arc for season 2 will be for her to learn not rely on her anger so much, calm down and listen and connect more to her ancestors, and the people around her. And probably how it’s okay for her to rely on others.
Maybe once she is able to do that she’ll probably unleash her full potential and be powerful as shit.
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castlephantom · 1 month
"The only woman that Dracula ever loved is Lisa."
The game fans: Lisa is reincarnation of Dracula's prevoius wife, Elisabetha. If is true, that would make sense why Dracula married Lisa and start a family.
Me that has a dark theory: Yes... and if Lisa isn't reincarnation of Elisabetha and Dracula married her because she reminded him of his previous wife and didn't saw Lisa as her own individual, that is the most fucked up thing that could happen.
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chibishortdeath · 11 days
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Some doodles I completely forgot to post lol :3
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bstag · 2 years
Berserk and Castlevania share a universe
This is a casual theory, so don't take it too seriously. Is not like I did a throughout study for it.
I stumbled upon this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJM-Xi_TEIA&t=1098s&ab_channel=BOOFIRE191
In it, the guy speaking exposes a vignette of the Berserk manga in which you can see the planet from space, and in it you can see the shape of two real italian islands. Miura used the real european continent for his world.
Both Castlevania and Berserk are set in our world, and in both franchises human kind lives and interacts quite heavely with magical creatures, so imagine the following:
What if the final battle between Griffith and Guts creates a disastrous effect in which human technological advancement gets stifled and reverted back from the reinassance like society that Berserk is set in, to the state of the pre-roman era? After all, Falconia has a roman inspired architecture, and the Kushan Empire exist in our world as well.
Also, when I think of Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, I can't help but laugh at how intricate and well constructed the clothing of the characters is, definetely not 1094 looks. Leon, Mathias, Elizabetha and Sarah are dressed like Midlander nobility in my opinion, and it's even more curious when you think that Lament of Innocence is set in France, which is the country, besides Germany, to be the most likely inspiration for Midland! I think France used to be, at least partly, Midland.
I hope someone has something to add to this. This theory is very interesting to me!
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lmae98 · 2 months
My masterlist posts
DEVIL MAY CRY Parallels DMC3 - DMC5 Nero & Vergil - "An Apple never falls far from the tree" Dante & Vergil - "And we're supposed to be twins" Dante & Vergil - The Man Who Sold The World Video Edit Nero - Vacant Surrender Character ask game: Vergil Edition
VERLADY First Xnalara Edit Xnalara Edit Comparison Kiss (outside of Devil May Cry Building) Deciding to write a longfic My longfic wip Longfic answer 1 Gif set - "I'm glad to see you look so well" Edit Cien años (Vxlentine's submission) Thumbnail Edit Verlady Theories
Foolish Girl - My Verlady Week (Spanish Lang/Wattpad)
Rubble Wall (AO3 English Ver./ Spanish Ver.)
A beautiful fan art of my fic by @hobadevil Longfic answer 2 (here bc has general content too)
NETFLIX ANIME Vergil's Theory Synopsis and DMC3's Theories
OTHER When I thought Reptile and Nero's face model were the same Reptile and Nero's model are not the same (clown time) "El wey de los cacahuates" meme My DMC5 SE "Gameplay" New DMC rumors + Fire Inside by Casey Edwards (half clown)
CASTLEVANIA Parallels Castlevania Netflix and Castlevania LOS2 Dracula actually had a peace of humanity inside Father and son Theo James as Hector Castlevania Netflix Cast Part I Castlevania Netflix Cast Part II Alucard (Castlevania Nocturne)
HALO Not my post but me shipping the classic
GREEN CANARY (Comics) He has lost her many ways, many times
ARROW Laurel - "Too pure for this world" Lauriver - "When he feels her arms..." Lauriver Videoedit - Love Of My Life
Oliver Videoedit - New Kid In Town Gif set - Green Canary/Siren Edit
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alethianightsong · 7 months
I'm pretty sure Emmanuel got sold a faulty Forge machine
When Olrox is with Mizrak, he tells him that there are demons who you can barter with and laugh in their faces. Being a man of God, Emmanuel probably wouldn't have sought a powerful demon, but instead went with a lesser one, a demon that ended up being Hell's equivalent of a greasy car salesman. *slaps roof of Forge machine* "This bad boy can pump out so many monsters." Anyway, Flyeyes from the original series establishes that the Night Creatures can recall their past lives but don't try to rebel against Isaac. Because Emmanuel is using a secondhand Forge machine, his Night Creatures are able to remember their past lives AND regain autonomy. Not only did the guy trade his soul, but Emmanuel traded his soul for a shitty machine that makes disobedient monsters.
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beevean · 2 months
Hey friend! Hoping you can talk a little about Drac’s Moving Castle 🛬 Kind of a character on its own, I think? Love the concept of Dracula being able to fly and position his home like a warship and don’t believe I’ve seen it used anywhere other than Castlevania.
Hello friend! Thanks for the ask, I'm always happy to talk about CV <3
Mmh, alright so. There is a distinction to be made between Dracula's castle in the games and in the show, because they operate very differently :P
In the games, the Castle is a "creature of Chaos", almost like Death. While it's not explicitly sentient and can't be moved around once it exists, it's everchanging - this is the explanation given in Symphony of the Night by Alucard as to why the Castle never looks the same in every game. It's intimately tied to its Lord: it rises when Dracula is revived (although in some games the castle comes back before Dracula does, it depends on the reason) and collapses when he dies. By Aria of Sorrow, it's sealed inside of an eclipse, and after the events of that game, Chaos' influence on the castle and Dracula's soul has been severed.
In the show, it's a technological marvel: they changed Dracula from being a sorcerer and a man of alchemy to a man of science. Not only it operates on electricity and steam, but Dracula has this sort of engine that can teleport the castle wherever he wants. One of the most creative action sequences in the show is Carmilla dodging the Castle and the blessed river because Sypha hacked into it (lol) and it made it go haywire. When Dracula dies, the castle still stands and goes to Alucard, who guards it and the Belmont Hold nearby; we still don't know what happened to it by Nocturne.
And while my knowledge of Lords of Shadow is very limited, I know that in that continuity the Castle is animated by an actual entity called Inner Dracula, a parasitic force who worships Dracul while feeding on him - elaborating on the main games' general concept of the Castle as an eldritch location. I invite @monochromatictoad to elaborate :P
So all castles are different. Personally, I'm partial to the creature of Chaos who can almost be considered an extension of Dracula, and I'm glad the LoS series took advantage of the nightmarish possibilities :P
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