#catwoman gameboy color
flowersxann 10 months
catwoman gameboy color (1999) visuals馃挏
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Best video games you've played?
These are in no particular order:
Portal Runner - This game introduced me to so much when I was younger. The music for the main menu, plus the very first opening theme to Pokemon, got me asking my mom about other kinds of music that she was thrilled to play for me.
Back in the very early 2000s there weren鈥檛 a lot of things with girl main characters. If I ever played anything that had a multiple selection, thee was always one girl for ten boys to choose. So a game with the female lead was the best since she was awesome!
And for the time and the technology, the overall creation of the game was fantastic and I still play it to this day.
Xenosaga Episode I:聽Der Wille zur Macht - I like fighting in video games and this was a good taste of that. I was a bit young at the time so understanding everything then didn鈥檛 come easily. But I hold nothing but fondness for this game.
The graphics were fucking fantastic. I am still pissed that it didn鈥檛 get the recognition it deserves. The sequels though weren鈥檛 the best, but they changed the people behind it a lot so I鈥檓 not shocked.
Batman: Arkham聽- This whole series is effin fantastic! And what makes the immersion so good is the fact that the voice actors were what we鈥檝e all come to expect over the years. They were the Batman and Joker I wanted from the games.
I liked the story just fine and found it fascinating. The graphics were also very good and I鈥檓 still impressed that one guy had to spend years just animating Batman鈥檚 cape for it to move correctly.
Also, Harley is still (mostly)voiced by Tara which is great.
I think I鈥檓 salivating.
Out of the series, Arkham City is my fav.
The Last Of Us - This damn game deserved every fucking award it won. All 200 of them! Talk about immersion and attention to detail.
Outlast - Did a wonderful job at making you feel trapped. Also you really need to explore if you want to get all the pieces to the story and I like that. Not everything is handed to you. And it really challenges you to get acquainted with the controls quickly!
Catwoman - A lot of people didn鈥檛 like the movie for whatever reason, but I loved it. And when the game came out I begged my mom forever and a day to get it for me. Once again, nothing but good memories though in the very beginning the controls were confusing since Jump was not X.
Tomb Raider: Legend - Story, characterization, and even graphics were great for this. Another female lead game which was great for a younger me. My fav parts all took place in Japan, land I loved the motorcycles scenes.
Tomb Raider(2013) - Graphics out the ass. I also love the gameplay itself and the attention to detail. The plot was good. Some parts are still a bit weird to me but for the most part it鈥檚 an adventure through and through. I love it. The movie based on it was shit though.
Devil May Cry - This was mostly plot and fighting for me. Graphics weren鈥檛 the best but they don鈥檛 always have to matter so much. This one did a great job at creeping me the fuck out. Marionettes still creep me out and the Sin Scissors are terrifying. Scissors have no right to be that big.
Pokemon Crystal - Pokemon was my childhood and this game on my Gameboy Color was the best thing to do on a car ride because I could bring it with me! You will hear nothing bad from me about it. The music makes me feel so nostalgic! I love it!
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab - Back when Spongebob was actually good. I loved this game and was so sad when my sperm donor sold it as punishment.
Super Mario Bros - My mom has the games and I suppos I have inherited all the old gaming systems she had along with her games. #3 was my fav though. The music was the greatest!
Mappy - It made me very competitive. And there were cats. How could I not like it?
Pac-Man聽World 2 - It gives me all the good memories! I loved the differences in each level and the challenges.
Spider-Man 1 & 2(film games) - I remember when my step-mother鈥檚 nephews were playing the first one and I had been visiting them one Sunday after service. And I was sitting on their bed watching while the twins played, and wanted it so bad. And when they were convinced that yes, a girl wanted to play the game too, they taught me how to play. And then when I was dropped off at my mom鈥檚 house that night, I begged for it.
We loved the movies. Tobey鈥檚 Spidey is my fav of all in cinema so far. Obviously the games would be great. And there was more story in the games, introducing me to more characters that I before, hadn鈥檛 known of. Overall, it was great! And I love how the actors from the movies, voiced the main characters.
That鈥檚 all I can think of right now. ^-^
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romsmania 5 years
Descarga gratis la ROM de Catwoman en ESPA脩OL para Gameboy Color Recuerda que la ROM es s贸lo una parte. Para poder utilizar esta ROM necesitar谩s descargar un emulador de Gameboy Color. Existen emuladores para diferentes plataformas como Windows, Android, iOS y Mac OS X. La rom contiene los ficheros del videojuego y el emulador act煤a como la videoconsola. Para poder jugar debes introducir la ROM descargada en la carpeta de tu emulador. Si todav铆a no dispones de un emulador visita nuestra secci贸n de emuladores para聽Gameboy Color donde encontrar谩s emuladores para PC, Android, iOS y Mac que te permitir谩n disfrutar de
La entrada [ROM] Catwoman se public贸 primero en RomsMania.
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