#cause she's finally with people she loves and she knows they love her too
mrchiipchrome · 1 day
The Best Kept Secrets...
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W.C. - 3.7 k
a/n: all Spanish is in italics bc i'm lazy.
Homecoming! From Barcelona’s youth academy to Manchester United and back again, read more about the incredible journey Ona Batlle and Y/n Leòn have made on their way to first team football at the Spanish giants…
The Red Devils lose 2 Spanish superstars as Batlle and Leòn prepare to leave in the summer, read more here…
A package deal! Manchester United stars switch rainy England in exchange for sunny Spain, will we finally get an insight to what makes them so great?
That’s what most of the tabloids had sounded like as soon as you and your girlfriend announced that you were leaving the club that had housed you for more than three years, the club that had helped you develop as players and people. 
It was bittersweet, you had gotten attached to it after all like anyone would but it was time for a new challenge, and that was apparently having to deal with your older sister every hour of every day.
But having Ona by your side made everything miles better, the constant playful annoyance with your sister melted away as soon as her warm hand slipped into your own, the huge smile on your face something not even Mapi could wipe away.
Although that was a problem, well for Mapi at least. She wasn’t the only one who noticed the small seemingly insignificant touches between the two of you, the playful teasing, the stolen glances when you thought no one was looking. 
It drove her mad, it was clear that the two of you had some serious feelings for each other and the fact that you were stupid enough to not see it was making her more annoyed than it probably should’ve. You even lived together, how could you not see how madly in love you were with each other?
But to start from the beginning, when Mapi came to pick you both up from the airport.
“I really hope it’s Alexia coming and not Mapi.” You groan into your girlfriend’s shoulder, sitting on the suitcases that you’d placed into the luggage cart, the sleepiness from the flight translating into grumpiness when you felt her hand stop threading through your hair.
“Come on, I’m not that bad.” The second you hear Mapi’s voice, your head snaps around, and despite you seemingly having complained about her only moments before, you wrap the smaller woman up tightly in your arms. Ona stays back and watches the interaction with a soft smile on her face.
“She didn’t cause you too much trouble, right? I know how she can be.” Mapi looks past your body to meet Ona’s eye, the brunette smiling softly in return and shaking her head.
“Slept like a baby the entire time.” Ona exposes you, joining Mapi in pinching your cheek like an old grandma would.
Slapping away both their hands, you maneuver around so that you can grab the luggage cart, gently pushing it in the direction you thought Mapi had come from.
“Amor, you don't even know where she’s parked, you have to wait for us.” Your sister’s eyebrows furrow at the affectionate nickname, but even more so at you actually listening to the shorter girl, since you were almost globally known to be stubborn beyond comprehension.
She’s even more confused when you let Ona sit in the passenger seat, seeing as it was your designated seat that you’d fight for if you had to. It all made her even more suspicious of you, something had clearly happened in England, more than likely between you and the girl next to her.
“When do you two get the keys to your apartments?” Mapi asks, her eyes trained on the road despite her talking. Ona looks back at you, almost questioningly but as you shrug in return, she decides that it’s best to just bite the bullet.
“I think we get them next wednesday, right amor?” Smiling softly, you nod your head at her so as to say that you agree.
“Oh, well you’ll just take the couch then for now?” Mapi asks you, not seeing the utterly confused look on your face, why would she think that you would sleep on the couch when you were perfectly fine sleeping in the same bed as your girlfriend?
“No, we’ll take the spare room.” There’s still some lingering confusion running through your mind but when Ona practically tells you ‘hey, she’s your sister’ you just decide to not think about it anymore.
Arriving at the house your sister shares with her girlfriend, you waste no time in disappearing out of the car and walking straight into the house. It had been a while since you’d seen the better of the pair and you didn’t want to delay your reunion any longer than you already had.
“Ingrid! I wish you could’ve come to pick us up instead, María was so annoying.” Enveloping the Norwegian in a bear hug, she quickly squeals as her feet leave the floor momentarily, but soon enough she hugs you back.
“My favourite Leòn, it’s so nice to have you home again.” Ingrid’s hands cup your face as she makes sure to really look at you, the last time you’d met in person had been at christmas almost 2 years before and there was no telling how much you’d grown into your features over facetime.
“Can you two stop bullying me, por favor?” Mapi groans as she comes into the kitchen, carrying most of your luggage, Ona entering just after her with the lightest of the packing in her arms.
When Ingrid’s eyes scan over the shorter girl, who shifts uncomfortably under what’s practically her sister-in-law’s gaze. But it’s clear that Ingrid approves when she sends the defender a bright smile, quickly bringing her into a hug of her own.
“You must be Ona, Y/n’s talked about you a lot.” Ingrid shoots Mapi a look as both you and Ona start blushing madly, the two of you shuffling out of the room under the guise of getting the room ready.
“There’s something going on there.” Ingrid notes out loud, telling herself to ask you about it later.
“Sexual tension, they need to get it out.” Mapi yelps as Ingrid slaps her arm harshly, the childish defender not expecting the assault.
Upstairs you and Ona were enjoying a soft moment of your own, with the defender laying atop you with her head on your chest, listening to the steady beating of your heart that speeds up every so slightly when her hand traces soft shapes into the skin just below your ribs.
Her head follows with the steady rise and fall of your chest as you breathe deeply, and as your hand starts to thread through her hair softly she can’t help but kiss at the underside of your jaw, nipping every so often just to hear the melodious laugh escaping your lips at the tickling sensation. 
“You’re so beautiful, I adore you, I love the way you see the world and how you don’t fear being yourself, I love the way your mind works and even more just how great you are. Anyone who can look at you, know you, without feeling even the slightest bit of envy at the fact that they aren’t you is someone robbed of basic emotions. I love you so much that I just want to.” You wrap your arms around her body tightly, using so much strength you could without hurting her as you hug her tightly to your body.
Despite the smaller girl tearing up slightly at your heartfelt confession, she giggles lovingly when you hug her, pushing her face further into your neck.
“You know, there’s a beach not too far from here, we can go tonight when the oldies have fallen asleep.” Your soft breath against the shell of her ear has Ona shivering in anticipation, feeling a soft kiss being placed against the side of her head.
Feet slapping against the steps of the stairs wake you two from the little moment you were having, the knocks of the door startling you two even more, not that it matters seeing as the two women already knew of your relationship, right?
“Shh, they’re sleeping.” Both you and Ona have to keep from laughing at Ingrid’s hushed tone, and at the thud of your sister’s body as it meets the floor. But as the door closes, the two of you fall into a quiet fit of laughter, nothing stopping you.
Safe to say, that was the first time of many Mapi was confused by your ‘friendship’.
Over the next week, you and Ona could be found cuddled up anywhere, from under the apple tree standing proudly in the backyard reading together to the couch and even the roof (how you two even got up there in the first place Mapi didn’t even know.)
You were everywhere and if you hadn’t been her sister, Mapi would’ve probably killed you for being so oblivious to Ona’s feelings. 
“They can’t see that they love each other, I’m going crazy.” The older Leòn complains to her girlfriend, who just continues to read her book like Mapi hadn’t even spoken in the first place, which only makes her groan harder.
“María, it runs in the family. It took you almost a year to realise that I liked you back.” The couch shakes with the force of which the woman in question slams her body into it with, her hands quickly running through her hair.
“But they’re so oblivious, they need to just-” Mapi gestures around with her hands like it would tell the other woman everything she needed to know, which it seemingly does.
“I know, but we have to let them figure things out themselves, we can’t meddle.” Ingrid sends a fierce glare towards her girlfriend, almost warning her of the consequences if she were to try pushing you and Ona to get together prematurely.
“Okay, but I’m not happy about it.” Crossing her arms and pouting, Mapi quickly gets a kiss pressed to her lips, a sneaky smile forming on her lips as she pretends not to notice the action.
“Playing hard to get then, are we?” Ingrid giggles out, settling her body over Mapi’s lap, placing kisses all over her girlfriend’s face. The sound of their giggles surround the room, filling it with joy that’s hard to replicate.
“Can you two not be gross for two seconds?” The two women on the couch look up when your voice echoes through the room, seeing you and Ona on the last step of the stairs, your hands joined together as your nose is almost turned up in disgust.
The two older women laugh when your girlfriend slaps the back of your head, clearly not approving of your words.
“Amor, it’s their house, they can do whatever they want.” You grumble in response, lifting your free hand to sooth the ever so slight throbbing in the back of your head.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re just about to go get our keys, so yeah.” Mapi and Ingrid watch as you and the shorter girl make your way to the door, another slap landing on the back of your head when you don’t wave goodbye.
“She’s so in love with that girl.” Your sister remarks to her girlfriend again as they see you climb into the rental car you’d gotten as you waited for your actual car to be transported over from England. They see the way you open the door for her and how you smile oh so timidly at her as she grasps your hand in  hers.
“No meddling.” Ingrid points at Mapi, her stern gaze once again telling the shorter woman that she wasn’t fucking around.
“Yeah, yeah.” 
The realtor explained everything, from how you could move in directly to how everything was already in the apartment, ready for the two of you to pack up. As the key finally gets dropped into your hand, you almost breathe a sigh of relief, not wanting to stay out there any longer.
But as soon as you entered the apartment, a loud groan fell from your lips, the boxes stacked on top of each other something that would take up the majority of your coming week. The rolled up mattress in the corner of the living room was the one thing you found to be positive, well except for your girlfriend’s hands on your waist.
“What are you thinking?” The shorter girl gets up on her tiptoes, her lips meeting your neck ever so slightly, tiny butterfly kisses being pressed all over the column of your neck.
Humming softly, your fingers tangle with hers over your waist, swaying your bodies back and forth in an almost dance.
“I’m thinking that we take the mattress, place it on the floor then we order some pizza and just ignore all the boxes in here.” You mumble out just loud enough for her to hear, feeling her smile against the skin of your neck. It was somewhat of a tradition, seeing as that’s what you had done when you first moved in together.
“I think that’s a great idea.” She whispers, her lips directly besides your ear just to get her point across even better.
After you order the pizza, you start moving some of the boxes out of the way to make room for the large mattress that’s all wrapped up. You loosen the belt containing it after enough space is created, watching it spring out and flop down on the floor.
It’s not long after that the pizza arrives and it takes even less time to pay for it and bring it back up to the apartment, the two of you plopping down together on the mattress as you start to eat.
“We have to start packing for camp soon.” Ona breaks the blissful silence with her whispered words, another groan falling from your lips, it was no secret that the spanish federation were unethical in their treatment of their players, especially with the threats of revoking the player licenses if you declined the call up.
“They can stick their call up where the sun doesn’t shine.” Ona’s soft giggle warms up your entire being, like it always did, she just had that effect on you no matter what.
“Yeah I know, but we have to make the best of it, don’t we?” Her hand comes up to cup your face and you lean into it, her thumb stroking your cheek softly.
Pulling her hand off your face, you drag her up off the soft foam of the makeshift bed. One hand wraps around her hip whilst the other one falls to the middle of her back, a light tune appearing from between your lips.
Swaying her body around to the tune, the two of you relish in the shared moment, the one so fleeting that even the most secure hands wouldn’t get a grip on it. Ever so often the hummed tune would change, sometimes to something slower, sometimes to something quicker, all that mattered was that you could stay there in that moment, all wrapped up in your lover's arms like nothing else in the world mattered.
Soon enough there were more than a few kisses being exchanged between you two, lips moving against each other sweetly in an almost synched rhythm. 
“I love you so much.” With your bodies pressed up all tightly, you could feel her heart beating as her chest pressed tightly to yours, and in your mind you could only imagine it joining yours in a shared rhythm, a single heart beating for the both of you, a single heart beating for the same purpose, one deviating from what most thought.
She lays her head upon your chest, your hand on her back tracing up and down her spine as her short breaths tickle your collarbones.
The next day you two start on packing for the world cup, picking up different pairs of clothing and stuffing them into your bags haphazardly. You were both leaving for Australia within hours, not knowing that you’d come back as world cup champions.
Sitting together on the plane, you were both wrapped up under a blanket during the entire flight, sleeping for a while until you started playing card games together, not being bothered much by your teammates much to your surprise.
The group stages passed by in the blink of an eye, with both you and your girlfriend having masterclasses on the field, your shared room an asylum away from the loud group of trainers that seemingly only enjoyed the power aspect of football.
Beating Switzerland in the round of 16 was easier than you’d thought, but with a hattrick from you there was really no denying Spain’s dominance, quick and instinctively moving, Spain was the team to beat.
The Netherlands were the next team to beat, and it was nothing if not rather simple to beat the footballing giants, they’d managed to slip a goal by your keeper but there was no coming back from the two goals scored.
After that you had to beat one of the most on form teams in the entire tournament, Sweden. It wasn’t as easy this time, but ultimately you got it done without too much fuss, sending them to fight for the bronze medal against the host nation.
And then at last, the final. The final against England, a team that would be so hard to beat, nonetheless, you were ready to send them home with their tails between their legs, and with a goal (that would ultimately win you the golden boot) in the 20th minute you did just that. And so, you returned home to Spain newly crowned as champions of the world.
World champions who had to spend ages making their apartment a home right before the official season started, but not without help from their friends. 2
It became something of a team bonding activity when Mapi invited practically the entire team over to help with the ‘packing problem’, with you only finding out when they all turned up at your door asking to come in.
“María I swear to god, you have to stop inviting people over.” You groan as you open up the door to Alexia’s smiling face, Mapi sitting on a cardboard box further into the apartment.
“We were told you needed help, so we’re here to help.” Alexia says, pushing past you and into the space, the rest of the women following with.
“Alright baby Leòn, where do we start?” Grumbling at Lucy’s words, you point at a section of boxes you thought she’d be able to help with, mainly things that needed building like bookshelves and the couch.
“Okay everyone, some of you are going to help with the easy stuff and some with the more difficult. We’ll make a game out of it, the team that assembles the most furniture and packs up the most boxes wins, I don’t know, a batman figurine?” You speak, some of the girls venturing over to Ona’s side of the room and some coming over to yours,  like they already knew what the teams would be.
“Starting in 3…2…1, go.” With that everyone is off, you and Lucy quickly discard the instructions and build the coffee table on free hand, Irene and Ingrid being a bit more careful as they assemble the bookcase.
After 20 minutes, it’s about even with you and Lucy having assembled the coffee table and gone through three or so boxes of random stuff that needed organizing, the rest of the girls on your team having put together more than a few things. But Ona’s team were just as efficient, about 70% of every cardboard box being gone.
Ripping up a new box, Lucy quickly starts laughing quietly, pulling a stuffed lion out of the brown box that she shows to virtually everyone.
“This yours, baby Leòn?” She asks, wiggling it in front of your face. Trying to take it from her, it quickly ends up in Mapi’s hands.
“No way, El Tigre. You still keep him?” She asks you wide eyed, like she couldn’t believe that you’d kept the plush even after all these years.
“Of course, he’s even got a girlfriend now, Ona thought he looked sad all alone in our bed.” Pulling out the small lion that was left in the box, Mapi looks at the small pink bow near its ear and smiles, even if you were technically an adult now, she would never see you as anything but the tiny little baby she’d gotten to be a big sister to at only 4 years of age. The four year old that had chosen the lion stuffie that was currently in her own hands.
She hugs you real tight, the women around the room all looking on in confusion at the two of you and the emotional moment being shared. Slowly she separates from you, a confused look on her face.
“Wait, ‘our’ bed, as in you and Ona share a bed?” She asks, her eyebrows furrowed up in a way that was totally Leòn, your brows furrowing in the exact same way.
“Yeah why wouldn’t we?” You ask your sister, your girlfriend coming up to clutch at your hips, your arm falling around your shoulders. Mapi looks at the two of you as realization dawns on her face, wow she really is oblivious.
“Wait you two…?” She points between you two quickly as Ona leans up to kiss your cheek, catching on to the memo much faster than you had.
“Amor, did you forget to tell your sister that we’re dating?” Ona asks, looking up at you with that adoring kind of look that makes everything so clear for everyone, of course you were dating.
“Oops…?” Mapi slaps your arm as you look at her cheekily, her own girlfriend coming up to place a kiss against her cheek, the two oblivious sisters both turning a bright shade of red.
During your life you had kept few secrets from your sister, but this one was probably the best one, even if it wasn’t meant to be a secret.
Like the saying goes, the best kept secrets are the ones never told, and well that was fitting for you.
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Tennis being the fourth being in this crazy love square that Tashi/Patrick/Art have going on just drives me insane. So many people saying that becoming a throuple would have fixed them but it wouldn't have. Because Tashi isn't in love with either of them. Tashi has only loved tennis and has never wanted anything else and the tragedy of it all is that after her injury it's the only thing she can't have.
So she keeps returning to Patrick. Cause Patrick is proud of his skills and loves the game in a way that Art doesn't. One of the first scenes between Art and Patrick is Art already acknowledging that Patrick is going to beat him in the singles tournament and Patrick saying that he will throw the game so Art can win it and Art accepting that! He's not proud!! He will accept a win even if he knows Patrick threw the game on purpose!!
And Patrick loves tennis, loves it to the point where he wants a new coach at age 31 to help him improve his game, where he wants to be successful at it so much he'd rather sleep in his car before accepting money from his parents cause that's like accepting defeat. But he will happily throw the game for Art except when it means that Art will be dating someone else!!!
But also Patrick was too proud to accept Tashi's help as his coach when it mattered and Tashi realised immediately that his pride comes in the way of his game and that he will never improve enough without help.
And then there's Art who is willing to improve and accept all the help, who is willing to play the game both for himself and Tashi, but doesn't have the same confidence and natural talent and passion that Patrick has!!! And Art knows it and is constantly reminded of it through throwaway comments ("it's what's been missing from your game") and realises that's the reason Tashi will never be in love with him the way he wants her to be!!
So there's Patrick who loves tennis but will throw it all away for Art. And then there's Art who wants to be loved but wants it from Tashi. And yet he knows she won't love him in that way because Tashi is haunted by the idea of who she could have been and what she could have had and instead she's stuck with these two guys who both have half of the talent/drive/passion she used to have while she's stuck watching from the sidelines.
Like!!! The parameters of the love triangle (square?) expanding past the love for other people into the zone of pure unbridled passion for the game. The tragedy of it all, the eventual catharsis when they both finally come together and play the tennis game she has wanted to see and experience all this time!! Patrick throwing his tennis racket (i.e. the game) so that he can catch Art and Art seeing that he is loved!! Patrick finally having Art back like!!! It drives me WILD
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uselessnbee · 1 year
okay i don't want to be THAT bitch but if El calls out Mike on his bullshit in s5 how the love confession was shit and untrue i do kinda want Mike to turn around and be like "okay well what do you love me for?" because let's be real girl would not have an answer for that 💀
and maybe it would be good to be the last thing that would make her go oh i've never loved him that way either
like yes she totally should throw everything in Mike's face cause she deserves so much better but let's not pretend like she's a good girlfriend to him and it's just Mike being the problem
this fucker has been depressed and struggling for months and like did she ever even ask how is he doing? not her fault but the fact that Mike has been struggling and never once thought about talking to El because he doesn't feel like he can be vulnerable with her? the fact that he pretends he's someone he's not because he feels like she wouldn't want him for who he is? seriously no hate to El i love her to bits and yes Mike is bigger asshole in this but we really need to stop acting like El is perfect and can do no wrong
and that one time in s4 when Mike actually tried to be vulnerable with her and let her know that he understands because he's been bullied his whole life and she just invalidates his feelings and completely dismisses him? i do understand her pov and what she meant but as someone who's also been bullied and have so many people invalidate my feelings and how it affected me and still affects me to this day all the time it really hurt to hear it. the way Mike's feelings are constantly being invalidated and dismissed by both the characters in the show and this fandom just because "others have it worse" really disgusts me
anyways i really just want to point out that this is a relationship. there are two people in this relationship and it all goes both ways. it's not just Mike being an asshole friend and a shitty boyfriend. El isn't really a great girlfriend either and when they were just hanging out together the whole summer it is on El too. they're both just kids trying to do their best and making mistakes we can acknowledge that both of them make some really questionable things so they both can grow and learn
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widevibratobitch · 3 months
moments like this when im really glad im a sad little cynic who always considers the worst possible outcome and never lets herself truly get comfortable and trust the good things in her life to stay there and builds her life around trying to soften the blows of the eventual disappointments just waiting around the corner lol never leaving my edgy teenager era peace and love
#i mean if the alternative is whatever the fuck is going on with my best friend rn then hooooo boy#cancelling therapy immediately i never want to change i wanna keep my trust issues forever and ever if its gonna save me from THIS#is he a dick? kinda. yeah. and a coward because if dude was sure he didnt want it since AUGUST and didnt have the guts to end it till now#actually he didnt end it. she was the one who finally snapped. but we seriously fought twice before because she just woudlnt listen#when i said that girl this isnt gonna work and you trust him too much and you're attachment styles are incompatible as hell#your*#but nvm. the least you could do when a 7 years younger girl who's clearly obsessed with you is breaking up with you#cause she just cant take it anymore. and you can see she's still in love with you because you've been lying to her for half a year.#imo the least you could do at that point is just. dont tell her that jfc. just say you're sorry it didnt work out etc etc#dont fucking tell her you stopped being in love with her in fucking august#and just 'didnt know how to end it' and lied when she asked if everything's alright#like my god. yes ig this would never have happened if she hadn't trusted him so completely and expected love to fix her whole life#but jesus dude. she's not even 23 she has a right to be naive. you're almost 30. you DONT get to be a man child anymore#christ. okay.#anyway i wish i could help her but telling her to 'trust less' and 'never truly rely on other people' sounds horrible and cringe and edgy af#but i genuinely dont have any other advice#like babygirl im sorry but your bestie is a piece of human garbage and she's doing the best she can but her best is Not Much alas
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piningpercussionist · 3 months
literally my favorite blog on tumblr. Ur perfect at being Kim Pine and I love the little notes it the tags :3
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(^ this is me at you rn)
Thank you so much <333 it seriously means the world to me that people love/like my Kim stuff. AND to know that some of yall actually read my silly little notes
I try to keep her as in character as I can, and I feel I have been largely successful, for the most part. I feel like she comes fairly naturally to me- I only occasionally hit snags,, but usually that's just because I'm high or something and am overcome with the desire to Maximize The Silly shfgkjshjld She's so serious though, usually. I love her <3 I love getting to be her for The People
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rosicheeks · 3 months
i do not know if i ever sent this to you. i have posted it. i hope you like it Princess.
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#uhhhhhm no you HAVE NOT SENT THIS TO ME BEFORE?!?!#I literally am speechless#I’m not super talky right now#but even if I was I feel like I’d still be fucking speechless#like I already said I love your writing 🩷#and it fucking BLOWS ME AWAY when people write about me or use me as an inspiration#like????????? what??????? me???????????!#I’m going to keep this close to my heart and look at it whenever I’m feeling down#I don’t remember if I said that already but it’s true#I need to get a journal or a cute box to put things like this in so I can just grab it and look through them when I’m feeling shitty#one thing I needed to say is the fact that you shared this with me now of all times??? is kinda crazy to me#idk if it’s a coincidence or if the universe/God/whoever/whatever is trying to tell me to go back into music and singing#not going to go into it too much but I’ve been looking at my life a lot lately#and I’m realizing I’m not getting any younger…. I know I’m still young but if I don’t do something soon -#my life is going to completely pass before my eyes and I really really don’t want that#I’m *finally* going to get mental help soon (long story but I have to wait a few weeks)#and once I’m actually mentally stable I can focus on what I want to do with my life#so I’ve been thinking a lot about my performing arts background and then randomly a get an email from a choir director I know#asking if I could please join the choir for their Easter performance cause they could really use my high notes#and she just kept complimenting me and it felt really nice ☺️#then when I went to the first rehearsal I sat next to this girl and we were singing a part and the first sopranos go up to a high A#and I can hit it easily but most of them couldn’t so it felt like I was going this mini solo lol#but she asks me what my range is and I told her that back when I trained I could sing queen of the night which I think goes up to an F6#and she was talking about how impressive that is#and it made me think about if I actually trained and got back into it how good I actually could get#I don’t mean this to be like ‘look at me look at me I’m so good’#it just feels nice to have a little bit of a direction again#who knows if I’ll actually go down the music path again but it does sound damn exciting#I miss it with all my heart - I miss singing and performing and acting… I even miss music theory#anyway rant over and i ran out of space but thank you so much I seriously can’t thank you enough 😭🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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purplesaline · 1 year
Trigger warning for medically assisted death
I learned something today. As a Canadian I'm incredibly lucky that we have access to MAID (medical assistance in dying). Not to say it doesn't have it's issues, which it does and I have no problem being very loud about those issues, but when you have a family member suffering from terminal cancer and they've exhausted all possible treatments that have a chance if prolonging their life those issues don't really come into play. That's not what I learned by the way, just a little bit of background.
What I learned is that gathering to be with your loved one while they die is very similar to a funeral. In fact, for me at least, it's more effective than a funeral.
Funerals are supposed to be a way to allow people to say goodbye to someone who has died, to get closure. More often than not there wasn't a chance to do that before the person died. It allows you to get together and remember the person and grieve, and for a lot of people that works really well. It's never really helped me much though. Between my ADHD "Now" and "Not Now" time blindness and object stasis (it's not really onject impermanence bit that's a discussion for another time), and my belief that there is no after life, we just.. end, a funeral doesn't provide me any of that closure it seems to for most people. The only thing a funeral does is cause me pain because I'm overwhelmed by seeing so many people emotionally hurting.
But gathering as a family today with my mom, getting to say goodbye to her and have her say goodbye to us, having the support of other people who loved her as much as I did while we watched her fall asleep and then stop breathing, and then going back to the house with everyone to eat and help each other co-regulate? That was as much closure as I think my weirdly wired brain is ever going to be able to get.
I don't have much experience with death. The only two people in my life who have died were very old (80+), so I didn't know how I would handle being there today. I thought it might be too hard, seeing everyone be so sad. I wasn't worried about my own grief, I long ago accepted this outcome and I'm very happy she had the option to die with dignity and go out on her own terms, but I was worried about how I'd cope with other people's grief.
It wasn't hard though, it was quite the opposite. It was one of the easiest things I've ever done. I think a large part of that was that no one was uncomfortable seeing other people upset (like they usually are), and we were all really happy for her and grateful so there was no resentment or denial, just sadness and relief.
Actually I take that back. Lance was very distressed to see so many people upset and not be able to fix it. I had him in his vest for the first time in years (mom was in the hospital and I didn't want to leave Lance in the car case while I could have managed without him it was so much easier with him there. I took a couple of decompression breaks and we went and visited some of the other patients which always makes me happy).
But other than Lance no one else was uncomfortable and it was really just an incredibly cathartic experience and I'm really glad I chose to go (mom gave us the option. She said she'd like us there but it was okay if we didn't want to be). I knew I'd regret it down the line if I didn't go, and that instinct was spot on.
I'm sure that not everyone will find the experience as positive and healing as I did, but if you ever find yourself in the position to choose whether or not to be there with someone as they die and you're one the fence about it I hope this helps you make a more informed choice, whichever option ends up being the best one for you.
For me, this experience granted me a peace above and beyond my acceptance of her death that I wasn't expecting, and I'm really grateful for that. If I was a spiritual person I'd even say I was blessed.
I love you so much mom. You fought so hard and I'm so glad that your last moments got to be peaceful ones.
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kay-is-dying · 2 years
rewatching last night's raw and Kevin on commentary actually calls Rhea 'the mastermind behind the Judgement Day' alongside the wildcard SEE WE'VE BEEN SAYING SHE'S THE REAL LEADER SINCE THEY KICKED EDGE OUT AND EVERY WEEK THEY VALIDATE US MORE YESSIR
#rhea ripley#SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT ON SHOW I LOVE BEING RIGHT YESS RHEA NATION WE UP#it's actually kinda great that someone outside of the Judgement Day acknowledged it and those within it haven't#Keeps that energy of her being cunning and darkly intelligent on an emotional and strategic level#She's controlling them without making them feel controlled#The big boys feel like they're on equal standing with her & Dominik just feels like he's being *guided* instead of controlled#When the facts are she's just allowing them to feel that way. She allows the big boys to mostly do as they please while nudging them#towards the direction she thinks is the best for achieving their goals whenever necessary—and seeing as she isn't stopping them from#doing what they want and when they're doing what she wants it usually works out they don't feel like she's got them leashed#Dominik might feel leashed but he doesn't feel the weight of the collar negatively—he knows he's not quite on equal standing with her#(hell he probably knows he's not quite on equal standing with the big boys either)#Dom isn't seeing the leash as confinement and control#He's seeing it as guidance and affection; 'oh I'm Mami's special boy'! He doesnt see it's of one of the strings she's puppeteering him with#And she's careful to give him enough slack to let him feel that way without actually having to worry too much about him straying too far#She's playing smart‚ the way to keep people under your thumb is to make them feel like they aren't there—and she's doing that perfectly#So perfectly in fact that even with that guy saying she was the mastermind‚ she's got nothing to worry about cause they don't believe that#POETIC CINEMAAAA#gotta raw tag this scuse me#monday night raw
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sysig · 2 years
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Compressed audio for loud and quiet environments (Patreon)
#Doodles#Villainsona#The first one is relevant again because I am once again thinking about how much I love Mousey lol#It's always relevant because I always love Mousey but I'm not thinking of her 24/7 lol#It was just a random leftover for months and now it finally has room again ♪#A little sad TVAU Villainsona 'cause why not - she was a spacefiller but didn't fit in with the rest of the set I was working on so :P#A stream doodle lol - post-stream technically#I don't know what it is about streaming but I can only describe my reaction as being Equalized#The highs are reigned in and the lows are lifted - neither manic nor depressive#It's kinda nice honestly I'd like to aim for more but I also don't want to accidentally break the mechanism by overusing it lol#TIRED! I was very tired I was underslept and worked hard and was around people for something like 10 hours#Introvert needs sleep and water pls and thank you#And then finally in my latest notebook yay ♥ It feels so good to have finally upgraded ahh#It probably won't last very long since I was limited in the number of pages I could a) make and b) fit on the wire#But I am looking forward to using it :D And I've got a new tool for when I make my next one!! So I'm looking forward to that too!!#Dug out an old shirt that has lovely heavy stretch material but it tends to hang nearly off my shoulders with how wide the neck is#Not exactly made for modesty#So I gave it a ponytail and it was both cuter and more comfortable so win win ✨#More spider lamentations ouq I'll get one someday#I'm currently still on the hunt for substrate - I want to make sure it's clean and parasite free ouo Very important!#And then for the last one I cheated by a couple hours to give myself a one day page turnover for my first and second pages ♪#It'd been a while and I was excited for my new notebook! I really was only a couple hours into the next day so it's very close anyhow#It just feels neat to have one day read like 1/1/22 and the next be 1/2/22 - shows inspiration ♪ Makes me happy
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reguriflop · 5 months
my one piece oc lore....
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lemonlover1110 · 5 months
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Pairing: Trueform!Sukuna x f!Reader
Summary: Your husband usually calls for you to join him during his bath.
Warnings: MDNI, mentions of Sukuna killing people, rough pregnancy, Sukuna being fluffy (so slightly ooc), reader is mean to Sukuna
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Ever since you shared the news of your pregnancy with your husband, Sukuna has become more loving. The man who’d talk to you however he wanted, now makes sure to soften his voice when talking to you. He wants to see you every hour of the day, even when you don’t want to see him. Sukuna is seeing how you’re struggling with your pregnancy, and he wants to check up on you constantly.
You’re not too far along that you both know of, yet you’re huge. He grows worried that his selfish want of a child will cause you harm. There’s one person that Sukuna would die for, and it’s you. If something were to happen to you because of himself then he’d– He doesn’t want to think of it.
Lately he’s been asking to take baths with you. At the end of the day, a servant walks into your chambers and informs you, “Lord Sukuna requests for you to join him in his bath, mistress.”
She bows her head to not look at you, scared that she’ll end up like the last servant that dared to look you in the eye. It was Sukuna’s doing because how dare someone look his wife in the eye? You sigh before telling her, “I’ll be there in a second.” 
She stands in the entrance of your room, given orders to not leave without you. Sure, Sukuna requests to see you but it’s an order from him. You don’t have much of an option. 
You follow behind her, and she excuses herself when you’re finally with him. Sukuna lays comfortably in the water, patiently waiting for you to get undressed and join him in the water. He watches as you take off all your garments and walk over to him when you’re completely bare. 
“You need to start leaving me alone, you’re starting to annoy me.” You tell him as you get in the water. Sukuna chuckles, finding it amusing how you’ve completely stopped fearing him. One of his hands caresses you from your breasts to your bump, resting there.
“Now, why are you getting mad at me? I thought you wanted a loving husband?” Sukuna comments, kissing the top of your head. Your hand rests on top of his, lightly squeezing it.
“I wanted one before he got me pregnant. I swear I must be carrying twins– Or the baby also has four arms. I don’t know, I’m just miserable.” You confess, and Sukuna kisses the top of your head again. He really shouldn’t have expected it to be any different. Sukuna’s huge, why would his baby be any different?
“It’s just one and done then?” He asks, and you hum in response. Maybe your answer will be different in a few years, but for now it’s that. He feels a tug on his heartstrings, seeing how much you’re struggling. He’s worried. “Are you holding up okay, though?”
“Not like we could do anything if I wasn’t.” You answer. He’s definitely much softer than your usual husband, and you would’ve loved it if you weren’t carrying a monster child. His hand remains on your stomach, and he feels as his baby kicks while you moan in pain. Sukuna shushes you, feeling as his baby moves.
“I’m trying to feel him! Shut up, woman!” He raises his voice, and you slightly turn to glare at him. A look that would surely kill you if you were anyone else.
“How does me making noise correlate with you feeling the baby! Think, Sukuna! Use your fucking brain.” You’re definitely bolder than usual, which makes him laugh. 
“You’re so beautiful when you’re yelling at me.” He says, grabbing your hand and bringing it up to his lips so he can kiss it. “I love seeing you demanding and mean. It shows the effect I have on you.”
“Really?” You answer, and he hums in response. There’s no better time to bring up what’s been bugging you than now. “I hate that new servant you took in. Kick her out.”
“And why is that?” He asks. 
“She was looking at you funny.” You respond.
“In the sense?”
“She has the hots for you, and I don’t like it.”
“Hmm… What if I was looking for–” He begins and you glare at him. He doesn’t have much of a sense of humor, but he guesses that’s something that’s off limits when he tries to joke. “Don’t you want me to do more?”
“Like what?” You question, even though you should know your husband better than anyone.
“Kill her.” He answers. 
“Hmm… Up to you.” You reply. You lay comfortably on his chest, feeling as his finger traces lazy circles on your belly. You change the topic, “Why do you think it’s a boy?”
“I can’t see myself with a daughter.”
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tender-rosiey · 5 months
how would modern day sukuna be like a father? :o
nerves — ryomen sukuna x f!reader
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a/n: no curses au, lovelies! thank you for being so patient MWUAH and of course, merry christmas to everyone who celebrates it!
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when one thinks of sukuna, one thinks of a broad muscular man covered in tattoos with a sharp jawline and an even sharper tongue punching the hell out of anyone.
you never think of the same man carrying a pink glittery bag and his own little pretty princess.
“do you have your lunch box?”
he quirks an eyebrow, “you sure?”
your daughter nods excitedly before looking over her dad’s shoulder. she grins when she finally sees you and excitedly calls you over, “mama! ‘morning!”
a smile instantly appears you on your face as you make your way towards your little sweetheart, “good morning, baby!”
you take her into your arms—ignoring your husband—and you kiss her cheek, “you excited for your first day of school?”
“mhm!” she gasped suddenly, “mama, look at my hair! papa made it for me!” she giggles, proudly showing off her ponytail.
you look with a knowing look and a small smile at your husband.
sukuna frowns and looks away, “it was easy anyway,” he then glares at you, “don’t make a big deal out of it.”
you giggle and pad your way towards him, resting your arm on his shoulder and gently kissing his lips, “it’s a really cute deal, though.”
you lightly bounce your daughter in your other arm, “right, d/n?”
“yeah! papa is the best!” she cheers, hugging him tightly.
your husband groans, but—nonetheless—his arms are wrapped around you two, “you two are such drama queens.”
he leans slightly, mouth near your ear as he whispers, “you better give me a proper fucking kiss when we drop the brat off.”
you gasp lightly and smack his shoulder, “watch your language!” you watch him scrunch his face—most likely about to sass you—so you press a quick kiss to your daughter’s cheek then your husband’s.
you then push them through the door with a nervous smile, “okay, bye! have a great time and don’t forget that mama loves you!”
“I love you too, mama!”
of course, you would’ve loved to accompany your daughter to school, especially on her first day, but the darn office just happened to call for you right now.
sukuna knows that, and so does your cute daughter, so there is a reason why they were both so reluctant to leave.
anyway, back to the present.
your husband’s frown is still evident as he is robbed yet again from a ‘proper’ kiss. he picks your daughter up easily and then throws her in the car.
she, as always, finds it funny and starts laughing her little butt off. sukuna rolls his eyes, and gets into the car himself.
he puts on the playlist that your daughter made herself, and finally starts the car. the ride is quiet, if you don’t count the singing and screaming of your daughter.
of course, sukuna can’t do anything about it—even if he knows that he doesn’t want her to stop in the first place.
the school isn’t that far away anyway, so they reach it in no time. your husband skilfully parks in front of the gate and takes his seatbelt off.
he doesn’t hear hurried unbuckling of a belt or nonstop squealing and fidgeting, so he looks at his daughter, “what’s up?”
she fidgets with the hem of her shirt then speaks up, softly, “I am—scared.”
he furrows his eyebrow, turning his entire body towards her, “huh? why? you were so excited with your mom earlier and you were screaming my ear off about it yesterday.”
“I know,” she murmurs then frowns, “…but what if people don’t like me?”
sukuna is stunned for a moment. he isn’t the one to normally deal with your daughter whenever she needed deep or meaningful emotional advice.
that was what you did, especially since you are able to read your daughter pretty well.
but he tries his best cause he would be damned if he isn’t the best father. his hand is placed on her head, albeit a bit roughly.
she whines, “papa, my hair!”
he takes a moment, “I…” he starts then quietens down for a second, and even then, you’re daughter is looking intently at him.
he then looks at her again, “they will love you. you’re a good kid."
your daughter’s eyes widen at her dad’s unfiltered compliment. she beams, quickly unbuckling her belt and throwing herself into his arms.
her smile is so wide it almost hurts her, but her heart feels so full because of her dad’s praise that she couldn’t care about anything other than him.
he slowly starts patting her head, “and if someone bothers you, I will just beat them up.”
“mama said no violence!” your daughter scolds and almost on cue, your face appears on the screen: you’re calling!
looks like you managed to squeeze in some time to check up on her. your daughter swiftly presses on answer and chirps, “hi mama!”
“hi baby! why are you not in school yet?” you question, eyes darting towards your husband, questioning.
“papa wanted to get some food first, so we just arrived!”
sukuna is—internally—flabbergasted. this liar. he is about to interject, but then he ponders about it for a moment: maybe she doesn’t want you to see her hesitant about the whole school thing.
maybe she wants to appear strong—with no weak points—in front of her mother. then he breathes out a chuckle, at least she takes after him in something.
“sukuna! she could’ve been late!” you huff then sigh, “good thing that you guys moved early anyway.”
your eyes then focus on your daughter, “how’re you feeling?”
“any nerves or anything?” you ask knowingly, but she shakes her head.
she hugs sukuna tighter, “I was a little nervous, but papa made me feel better!”
you grin, “did he now?”
he notices the teasing glint behind your eyes and looks away to avoid your gaze. your daughter giggles at her dad’s behaviour, and so do you.
and your husband has never felt more teamed up on than now. she hears the bell rings, “oh! I gotta go now!”
“bye papa!” she kisses her dad’s cheek, “bye mama!” then kisses the phone’s screen. you blow her a kiss back, and she dashes out of the car, ready to start her day.
even while walking towards the building, she turns again to her dad and waves at him happily.
sukuna nods and she grins, switching her focus back on the school. his focus is on her intently, until you speak up, “I am proud of you.”
his gaze snaps to you, expecting a teasing smirk, but instead you’re smiling warmly at him. his heart contracts in a way that makes him feel weird, and he can’t find it in him to give you a snarky reply.
he groans, “she is my daughter as much as she is yours, y’know.”
you hum, “of course, she is,” he hears rustling on the other line, so he assumes you’re checking some papers before turning to him again, “she takes after you in more ways than one.”
“yeah, I noticed,” he says quietly, and you laugh.
he notices from the corner of his eyes his daughter laughing excitedly with a bunch of others girls, and he lets out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding.
you tap on your desk a little, “you nervous?”
“if someone hurts her, I will kill them.”
“I figured."
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @sonder-paradise @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412 @anakalana @maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1 @sad-darksoul @ko-fi-heart @pumpkindudeishere @suyaaachin @babyqueen17 @chaosguy352 @murakami-kotone
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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I do kinda hope we get a sequel, it’d be nice to be able to talk about Lorabetta again
#smol has a vent#this aint as bad as my other vents but it's still a bit melancholy to go in my normal 'speaks' or fandom tag#cause like i dont wanna make out like 'oh the attentions not on ME im LEAVING this fandom' cause im not. but like.#it's one of my only fandoms ive ever truly been In. i made friends from it. i developed OCs for it. discussed the lore and game with others.#i was INTO it and made one of my favourite OCs ever. and people actually wanted to know about her!!!#people asked me about her!!! we made our OCs interact!!! thats not happened before!!#i finally felt like i was in a community! but of course things have lulled these last few months#which is only natural of course. people have their own lives and stuff to deal with they get into other fandoms its natural its normal.#the server aint fully dead most of us are still kinda there. i hope it picks up again at some point#but yeah no i finally drew a Lorabetta comic for Easter and i was PRAYING this might get more attention than the last one (which was 0)#cause i was following up a previous comic! one that got attention! i shared it in the server and....#nothing. no one cared i suppose. ik she's not like the Best or Most Popular OC in the fandom. i dont think she even registers#on a fandom-wide scale. but she matters to me. and it mattered that other people were interested. and that interest just...isnt there anymor#didnt help i nearly had her ruined for me over something i really shouldnt have got so upset about but i had no way of like assuaging#my worries so i lowkey spiralled a little bit so it left a sour taste in my mouth. another reason drawing her comic meant a lot to me#telling myself 'i still love her'. i want others to love her too. is that a lot to ask? maybe. ah well. such is life.#i reckon a sequel would also be very fun but i mostly do just want a reason to go back to Lorabetta. maybe Mollinda too#im sorry i left you by the wayside girls. and sorry to Lanabelle and Edithana for never developing you. but ya meant a lot to me. still do.#'wow shes apologising to her OCs thats so fuckin sad' yeah maybe but im a sensitive bitch me. its how im built lol
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kquil · 8 months
SUM. : you bring remus his lunch with your daughter and come face to face with a new, very rude, intern
TAGS. : fluff ; modern au ; muggle au ; ceo remus ; wife reader ; reader is sooooo wifey ; remus is husband material too ; remus is also ceo material! ; daughter oc (emily) ; remus is daddy ; reader is mommy ; rude intern ; dorcas makes an appearance ; we love her
LENGTH : 1.1k
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“Oh!” you smile at the new, young face you see at the front desk, having walked into the company building not too long ago with Remus’ lunch tucked away in your bag as your daughter marches forward in front of you, “Good noon,” Remus had briefly spoken about a new intern shadowing at the front desk earlier in the morning when you had breakfast together; you suppose that this was her. She looked very much like the part, professionally dressed and neat as a pin, though her level of make up was questionable. 
Despite your cheerful and friendly greeting, you were met with silence, suspecting eyes and straight, thin lips that were ever so slightly frowning. It was such an unfamiliar reaction that you were stunned into silence yourself, the tension and lack of a greeting back causing awkwardness to fill the air. You were so used to being received kindly by the usual staff that you didn’t know what to do with yourself when the new worker didn’t reply in kind. 
“Well?” she almost snaps, rather rudely. Her eyes weren’t on you but rather on your daughter, Emily, who stared warily up at her and clutched at your long, flowy skirt with unease.
“I-I’m sorry?” you stutter, further stunned by her discourtesy, your hand moving to cup the back of your daughter’s head as she presses her frightened face into your thigh. 
“Do you have an appointment or not?” she finally snaps and your brows furrow. The clock displayed on the wall behind her indicated that you were right on time for a shift change between the secretaries, with the former assistants going on lunch break and their succeeding secretaries arriving soon to take their place. Usually the exchange was seamless; you wonder what the issue was today. 
“Oh, no, I’m just here to—” she cuts you off with an exaggerated sigh and a roll of her eyes. 
“If you don’t have an appointment then why are you here?” her rude tone continues and she keeps cutting you off, “Do you want me to pass on a message? Want me to refer you to an office? Would you like me to make you an appointment? Tell me already, I don’t have all day,” you had been trying to inform her with every question she posed about your visit but she cut you off each time. Considering that she was the new intern, you were willing to excuse her behaviour due to her lack of experience but her candid judgement of you and your daughter made your blood boil. 
“You are very rude for someone who’s supposed to be the first representative people interact with when they enter—”
She narrows her eyes dangerously and leans over the counter somewhat, but you stand your ground, “That’s none of your business, my job is none of your business, just answer the question,” at this point, your dear Emily was tugging at your skirt and whining softly for comfort, to which you immediately swooped down to lift her into your warm arms. 
“It is my business,” because this is my hardworking husband’s company, you wanted to say but were never one to make such entitled comments. 
“How—?!” you cut her off as she had done to you multiple times. 
“—and it would do you some good to sort out the poor attitude before it lands you in trouble,” 
Just as she opens her mouth to speak again, a familiar face comes into view and moves behind the desk also — it was one of the secretaries who was familiar with your regular visits to the company, Dorcas. 
“Good afternoon! Sorry for my tardiness,” Dorcas greets with a cheerful smile as the intern scoffs and rolls her eyes, “Here for the usual visit, I see,” you smile, shoulders easing with relief as Dorcas winks at you before cooing at Emily, “and how are we today, little Emily?” You and Dorcas focus your attention on your daughter, who smiles happily and looks as relieved as you, especially at the sight of Dorcas, a familiar, friendly face. The two converse for a moment, Dorcas asking her how school was and if she’s been well-behaved, whereby Emily responds articulately, demonstrating her smartness and politeness with a few, soft-spoken words. You were proud of her, she’s just like her father, intelligent, sweet and timid but also with a passionate flame burning deep inside that was just waiting to come to fruition. 
“This is a regular thing?” the intern speaks up with the same audacious tone of voice, effectively cutting the sweet moment between your daughter and Dorcas short. 
“Of course it is,” Dorcas narrows her eyes at the intern, a silent warning for her use of tone, especially in front of Emily. 
“Daddy!” Emily suddenly squeals in your arms and all three of you turn to see your smiling husband walking away from the closing elevator. At this, you place Emily down and she goes racing towards her father. 
“There’s my little girl!” Remus laughs and takes a knee with his arms spread wide open, ready to catch your daughter in his embrace. Using the momentum from her eager sprint to be in his arms, Remus swings her around playfully before tucking her into his side and on his hip, where he kisses her forehead after swiping away her stray baby hairs with his fingers. Watching the touching exchange, you smile warmly and hug Remus around the waist when he finally makes his way over to pull you close and kiss your temple, “hello, dove,” his voice is like sweet honey and it pulls you even closer to him. 
“Good afternoon, darling,” you greet in return, your smile bright and devoid of any bitterness towards the rude intern.
“I thought you two hadn’t arrived yet,” he nods towards the clock behind the front desk, it was well past your usual, punctual visits as you were never one to be tardy, “you’re never this late for lunch, did something happen?” his brows furrowed with worry and you smile at his concern but find it hard to form the words. Instead, you simply refocus your attention and meet the eyes of the new intern behind the desk once more. She had become considerably pale, looking white as a ghost. 
“Sh-she’s—” the intern stutters as Remus’ eyes harden on her. 
“She’s my wife,” his voice didn’t waver at the declaration and he pulls you closer to emphasise your standing, “is there a problem?” there was considerable threat behind his words and the intern was left speechless but also fearful, “because there better not be,” you wanted to speak up throughout the entire exchange but there was nothing for you to say, if she didn’t get her attitude sorted after this confrontation, you wouldn’t dare think about where her life’s trajectory will point to. 
“Let’s go have lunch, darling,” you finally speak up, which, thankfully, Remus relents to. 
A few days after the exchange, the intern supposedly dropped out of the internship program. Not by her volition however. 
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A/N : i haven't written for remus in a while so excuse the rustiness. hopefully, you darlings can agree with me on the fact that remus x ceo au is a great combination, right?
TAGLIST : @aastonishment ; @until-i-found-you ; @never-fair ; @celestcies ; @inlovewithremusjohnlupin ; @calums-betch ; @futurecorps3 ; @simpingforthe80s ; @yrluvjane ; @chaosofmanyfandoms ; @storyofaromance ; @loving-and-dreaming ; @somewereinthegalaxi ; @bobs-fav-cat ; @cassandra-nerezza-black ; @stray-bi-kids ; @ttkttt ; @notasadgirlipromise ; @rosalyn-s
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clairenatural · 7 months
Dean doesn't like the word "boyfriend." He decides this the second time Cas says it–the first time it was new, shiny, exciting. The second time, he fights the urge to cringe.
It's not the "boy" part. It's not. It would have been, for a long time, but he's dug all that shit up and unpacked all the suitcases. They hold hands in public. They kiss goodbye in front of his coworkers at the garage.
It's just–not enough. Not nearly. Jack comes home from hanging out with his friends and fills Dean on the gossip and his boyfriend and her girlfriend and–that's not them. "Boyfriend" feels like a cheap mockery. Like how demons used to tease.
He's heard "partner." He's heard it from Sam, to Eileen, but he doesn't know how he can stomach it. He's said that word too many times. I'm Agent Tyler and this is my partner, Agent Perry. This is my partner, Agent Page. My partner, Agent Stills. All lies. Sam says he likes it, that he's making it mean something real. Besides, Eileen loves it.
Good for them, Dean thinks. It makes his skin crawl.
So he sticks with “boyfriend” and he shrugs off the funny urge to protest every time Cas says it. It makes him happy, and honestly, it’s not like he has an alternative.
It’s a Sunday when he realizes that somehow, Cas does. They’re at the farmer’s market, like Cas is every weekend, but Dean had picked up weekend shifts and missed the past few. Cas is excited the whole way there, telling Dean about how he’d manage to befriend the local honey vendor in his absence, how she’d invited him to a beginner’s apiarist group she helps run. They beeline (heh) to the honey booth as soon as they get there, and the woman--Judith? Janice?--smiles up at them both, hands Cas a jar of honey like she’d been expecting him, and says “Oh, this must be the husband! I’ve heard so much about you.”
Dean stares at Cas. Cas stares at the honey. Judith/Janice stares at both of them, smile fading as the silence goes on a beat too long. 
Dean clears his throat. “Uh, yeah. The husband, that’s me! Ha ha.” Beside him, Cas relaxes, just barely. In front of him, the woman breathes an audible sigh of relief. “Sorry,” Dean shifts. “Just didn’t, um. Realize I was such a hot topic.” 
The smile he gets is almost sympathetic. “Oh, only good things. Here,” she hands him a business card. “You should also come out to our meeting on Wednesday. Lots of people bring their partners.” She leans in, almost conspiratorial. “Beekeeping can be wonderful for couples.”
It’s at this point that Cas clears his throat and finally looks up from the honey in his hand, evidently giving up hope on escaping this conversation. “Thank you, Janet.” (oh. Janet.) “Dean works late on Wednesdays, but I’m very excited to see you all.” He’s pulling out money as he says this, apparently deciding to just go ahead and end the entire interaction. He hands her the bills, grabs Dean’s hand, and is already moving away from the booth by the time Janet calls “See you Wednesday!” after them.
Cas drags him all the way back to the car without stopping for tomatoes, or Sam's carrots, or the free-range eggs that are way too expensive but Cas buys anyway because you can taste when the hen is well cared-for, Dean (whatever that means). They slide into the car, still not talking, and sit in silence for several long seconds. Dean stares at Cas, who stares out the windshield at the parking lot.
"I can explain," Cas speaks, finally, right as Dean was about to open his mouth and say anything to break the silence.
Dean pauses. Can you? Cause I feel like I missed a few chapters, he thinks.
"I don't work late on Wednesdays," he says instead.
"Oh." Now it's Cas staring at Dean, and Dean staring out at the asphalt.
He turns the keys. He drives them home.
Later, making dinner, Dean rolls the word around in his head. Husband. He's making his husband pasta (It's missing the tomatoes. He's made more with less).
Husband doesn't feel like a costume, like an ill-fitting suit and scratchy tie. It doesn't feel like high school gossip, or a monster trying to hit him where it hurts. It settles in warm in his chest.
It's just the two of them that night, and they're eating in the comfortable silence of the bunker until Dean clears his throat and brings it up. "Why does Janet at the farmer's market think we're married?"
Cas pauses, fork of pasta halfway to his mouth. He puts the fork down and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry."
"I'm not mad," Dean hurries to clarify. "It's just that there's usually, uh. Steps, you know. Like a whole....thing."
"I'm aware." Cas sighs. "She assumed, seeing us around - the first time I spoke to her without you, she asked where my husband was. And I..."
"You didn't correct her?"
"...No. I, um." Cas is looking down at his plate again. He picks up the fork, still half-full of pasta, then puts it back down again. "I didn't want to?" He says the end of the sentence like a question but looks back up at Dean and squints just a bit, and Dean knows he's watching for a reaction.
"Uh huh."
"It felt trivial."
"To tell her we're not married?"
"To call you my boyfriend." For the first time, he stumbles over the word.
Dean blinks. "You--" he stops, brain processing too much information to finish that sentence. "Okay." He leans back in his chair. Sighs. Rubs a hand across his eyes and lets it drag down his face. "Okay, listen. I don't like boyfriend either, but we gotta...talk about it."
"We are talking about it. You don't like it either?" Cas leans forward as Dean slumps back, following him across the table.
Dean snorts. "No, man." He shakes his head. "It's been a decade. I've seen you die." Six times. But who's counting.
"I agree." Cas pauses, and then, as if it's the most natural conclusion in the world, "Will you marry me?"
Dean actually laughs at this. "You're asking me that now?"
Cas quirks an eyebrow at him. "I've grown quite fond of calling you my husband at the farmer's market. I'd like to continue."
Dean stares at him in disbelief. It's not how he'd pictured it going, but he also can't think of it going any other way. Slowly, he nods. "Yeah, okay. Let's be husbands."
Across the table, Cas grins at him.
"But we're getting rings," Dean points a finger at him, because something about this is going to be normal.
"If you'd like. Although I already told Janet that you can't wear a ring because of your work at the garage, and I don't wear mine in solidarity."
"Rings," Dean insists, and decides to overlook the rest of that sentence. For now. He stabs his fork into a pile of the pasta. "And let me stop for the damn tomatoes next time."
They get rings and wear them on chains around their necks. Cas puts a beehive on the hill, and there's a small ceremony in the summer - a "vow renewal" to Cas' beekeeping group, who all receive invites attached to little jars of honey. Janet gets the nicest one.
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astonmartinii · 9 months
into the arms of another part three | max verstappen social media au
pairing: max verstappen x reader
part one part two masterlist tips
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 707,890 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: working up a storm and flirting up a frenzy
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user3: SHE'S BACK
user4: that month she was gone was dragging
user5: i almost forget she has a job lol there's always so much drama i forgot girly was getting the bag
danielricciardo: oh what a lovely picture of you two being gross at dinner i wonder who took it
yourusername: it's this lovely gentleman, i'll have to introduce you. he's quite loud, very charming and should consider going into theatre with his vocal projection
danielricciardo: you think i'm ready for the stage?
maxverstappen1: i think we all think you're ready for the stage
user6: wait so do you think daniel, heidi, y/n and max go on double dates? that's so cute
user7: sometimes i hurt myself by thinking it could've been a triple date if charles wasn't such as ass
maxverstappen1: when she's a triple threat 😍
yourusername: but i can't sing, dance or act?
maxverstappen1: but you are smart, beautiful and can put up with me :)
yourusername: you act like being with you is a chore maxy :( i'd spend all my waking moments with you if i could
landonorris: i'm sending these ^^ comments to my therapist, you guys make me feel so lonely
maxverstappen1: sorry dude
yourusername: lando !! let us play matchmaker ??
landonorris: i'll let you play matchmaker just don't let max have too much input
maxverstappen1: why not i clearly have good taste?
user8: anyone else wondering whether y/n and charles actually spoke after he was seen outside her building?
user9: i was thinking about that too ... i'm guessing they either didn't or it didn't go well by the fact that he's no where to be seen here
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 1,203,500 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: new weekend, new helmet. this one was designed by the love of my life who put her architecture degree to good use to make me this beautiful lid. love you y/n hope to bring you a trophy back in return 🧡
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user13: max being the resident grid sweetheart was not on my 2023 bingo card
yourusername: no worries max, it was an absolute honour to design a helmet for you.
maxverstappen1: it's an honour to wear something designed by you
yourusername: call me the adrian newey of helmet design
maxverstappen1: that's a big shout, that i'm inclined to believe
redbullracing: adrian gives his stamp of approval y/n !
user14: i swear in an older charles vlog y/n spoke about how she always wanted to design a helmet for him :( i'm glad she finally got to do it
user15: no shade but at least this helmet might actually win the race lol
danielricciardo: cute lid, is y/n open for commission?
maxverstappen1: nope she's mine and mine only (unless you're paying)
yourusername: what he said
user16: i just know charles is screaming, crying and throwing up rn
user17: probably not, people stop being friends all the time, he's got more than one friend and is a millionaire, he's living his best life
user16: his track record says otherwise, he's extremely petty, he probably can't handle that max and y/n don't care about him anymore
user18: tbf from what we saw charles was looking to reconcile, it's more y/n who has been unreasonable
user19: i think she's well within her rights to refuse forgiveness and from reports charles never apologised, this has been a pattern of behaviour for years now. she deserved better, she's now got better
liked by maxverstappen1
user20: i love that max likes all the shady comments about the situation cause i know y/n would never
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liked by arthurleclerc, carlossainz55 and 908,344 others
charles_leclerc: always make time for your real friends.
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user21: if there's one thing men will have, it's the audacity
user22: well this is an interesting response
user23: are we meant to clap?
arthurleclerc: what happened to the plan?
charles_leclerc: than plan failed in the minute she closed the door in my face
arthurleclerc: call me, but also stop making excuses
user24: yes it is logical to do this offline arthur, but consider this, i want to read the drama
user25: but at this point how is it drama? it's just charles being stubborn. y/n gave him a full explanation and by the look of it he didn't do a very good job with it
user26: the thing is i honestly believe that however bad the apology would be y/n would still forgive him. they've been friends for so long i think she honestly wants it to work out but shit like this does not help his case
carlossainz55: mate i am so confused
charles_leclerc: what's so confusing? she can say that this has led to her finding "the real thing" but i can't?
carlossainz55: but if you wanted to reconcile, you look like an asshole
charles_leclerc: fine, make me the bad guy like everyone else
user27: charles is really in his whiny boy era lord
user28: all i know is that y/n and max are probably at home having the laugh of their lives
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liked by 3,095 others
tagged: yourusername
f1wagupdates: y/n y/ln was in the red bull garage this weekend with verstappen's family. max won this race wearing the helmet she designed for him.
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user31: they are the cutest couple on the grid, perhaps of all time
user32: they're defo on the way to that, if they get married could defo grab best couple of all time
user33: the way she still stopped at ferrari to talk to arthur and wish him and charles luck ... clearly there's a bigger person here
user34: y/n is already so close to the verstappens, her and sophie and victoria were together all weekend.
user35: my friend had a paddock pass and overheard sophie asking y/n when she'll be giving her more grandkids
user36: OMG WHAT? what did y/n say?
user35: that she'd have to be mrs. verstappen first
user37: do not play with me right now if we get the charles and y/n friend breakup and y/n and max engagement all in one season my brain may explode
user38: if max weren't winning every race anyway i'd defo say that this is the lucky helmet
user39: i mean grand slams aren't that common, so maybe it is
user40: max win and charles disasterclass, the best weekend possible for y/n
user41: i don't think she actually wants charles to do badly though, she wouldn't have wished him luck..
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 1,405,649 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: i've won a lot of races this year but my biggest win of all was your heart. here's to forever together ❤️
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user42: i think i just saw charles drop to his knees in monaco
user43: i mean they can still be friends? there was never any romantic feelings he's just being weird about being in the wrong and it being max
danielricciardo: i'm so so happy for you guys, you deserve this so much. all the happiness to you, i shall assume my position as best man effective immediately
maxverstappen1: bit forward to assume that you're best man mate
danielricciardo: wait, i'm not best man ?
maxverstappen1: i joke, you are, of course, the best man and i can't think of a better man for the job
yourusername: just don't go too crazy with the stag night, i've heard about your nights out back in the day (seen the videos too)
danielricciardo: i don't know what you're talking about, we'll have a boys night in, a round of uno and he'll be ready at the altar right on time
user44: why am i actually so happy for people i don't even know
yourusername: i can't think of a better way to spend the rest of my life, red bull drive babysitter and cat mama
maxverstappen1: i think jimmy and sassy might just be as excited as me (maybe)
yourusername: i know i can tell by all the holes in my shoes
maxverstappen1: we all have our ways of showing love, some bites holes in shoes, some like to follow you everywhere
landonorris: the way max could be either one
maxverstappen1: ummm i'm trying to be romantic stop accusing me of biting my fiancee's shoes
yourusername: don't worry maxy, i'd still marry you even if you bite my shoes
user45: this is an amazing thing and not to bring the mood down, but do we think y/n will invite charles to the wedding?
user46: max could as well, they are friends, even if charles is trying to use their rivalry as a 'reason' to be angry at this relationship
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1 and 1,206,782 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: i am lost for words. i never knew i could love someone as much as i love you, and it is my biggest honour to spend the rest of my life with you.
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user47: she has really won at life i'm so happy for her
user48: who knew being ditched in corsica would be so good for a girl
liked by yourusername
maxverstappen1: i love you more than you could ever know, couldn't think of a better mrs. verstappen-y/ln
yourusername: i can't wait to have matching last names
user49: wait is max also going to take y/n's name?
maxverstappen1: yep and couldn't be prouder to have her name
yourusername: awww maxy i love you
user50: so... did charles get an invite?
charles_leclerc: no. so much for moving forward.
yourusername: i won't let you ruin this announcement for me. let the postal service do their job. please get your shit together before you rsvp or fuck off, i have no problem burning that invite.
user51: oof.
landonorris: congrats guys, do me and daniel get a prize for listening to the years of pining that led to this
yourusername: you can get a gold star?
landonorris: make it solid gold and done.
yourusername: girl.
maxverstappen1: if red bull ask whether we drank on this getaway say no
yourusername: we defo didn't spray champagne like we were on a podium and then eat our weight in pasta
maxverstappen1: i had to celebrate my girl :)
note: hiiiii, i know this was highly, highly requested and i hope this has met expectations. i've had real bad writers block and some shit going on in my personal life, so i'm not the happiest with this but could see another part if i get enough ideas lol. thanks for reading <3
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