#ceo of wraithing <3
sirwow · 7 months
you know what? screw you *wraiths your rescue corps*
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bonus human wraith!pom n harbinger (or ig harley in this world)
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running-with-kn1ves · 4 months
 Masterlist~~ (OG Work)
ADVISATORY WARNING: This list potentially deals with yandere behavior, violence, death, non/dub-con, NSFT, etc.! Please read at your own risk.
Male love interest
Yandere! Killer Clown X Reader
Yandere Boyfriend X Insecure! Reader
Photographer X Reader
Stalker X Reader
Photographer X Reader
Masked Intruder X Reader l Masked Intruder X Reader Pt. 2 l Masked Intruder X Reader Pt. 3
Virgin! Best friend X Reader (NSFT!)
Yandere Masochist X Reader (NSFT!)
(NSFT!) Jealous Boyfriend X Reader l (NSFT!) Jealous Boyfriend Pt.2 (Valentines day) X Reader
Yandere Best Friend X GN Virgin! Reader (NSFT!)
Yandere X Amnesiac! GN Reader
Cannibal X Reader l Cannibal X Reader pt. 2
Rich! Husband X Reader
Stalker X Reader
Possessive Delinquent X Reader l Possessive Delinquent X Reader Pt. 2 l Possessive Delinquent X Reader pt. 3
Secret Admirer X Reader l Secret Admirer X Reader Pt. 2
Childhood Friend! X Reader
Yandere Soulmate! X Reader
Male! Yandere x Servant Reader (Drabble)
Christmas Intruder X Reader
Orc Tribal Leader X Reader
Manticore X Reader
Doll X Reader
Elf(Cirdan) X Reader
Elf (Cirdan) X Reader Pt. 2 (NSFT!)
Satyr God X Human Reader
Satyr X Human Reader Pt. 2 (NSFT!)
Elf Lord X Entertainer! Reader
Orc X Guard! Reader
Werewolf Elias X Reader
Werewolf Elias X Reader Pt. 2
Naga X Reader
Naga X Reader Pt. 2
Werewolf Boyfriend X Reader
Incubus X Human Reader
Alien X Reader
Alien X Reader (Pt.2)
Wraith X Reader
Mothman X Reader
Plant Creature X Reader
Shapeshifter X Reader
Symbiote Armor X Reader
Vampire X Reader
Mermaid X Reader
Female love interest
Baroness X Maid! Reader
CEO X Reader l CEOX Reader Pt. 2 l CEO X Reader Pt. 3 l CEO X Reader Anniversary l CEO X Reader Drabble
(NSFT!) Kidnapper (Maeve)X Fem! Reader
Dark Fae X Reader
Vampire X Reader
Cat Girl X Reader
Nymphs X Reader
Drider X Reader
Medusa X Blind! Reader
Lycan Gangster X Reader
Lamia X Reader (NSFT!)
AFAB! Reader
Ex-husband X Pregnant Fem! Reader
(NSFT!) Robot X Fem! Reader
(NSFT!) Kidnapper Drabble AFAB
AMAB! Reader
(NSFT!) Kidnapper Drabble AMAB
Male + Female Love Interest
Incubus + Succubus X Reader
Male! Yandere X GN Reader X Female! Yandere
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polakrt · 1 year
I did it!
i finally got my shit together and draw* my oc <3
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a bit of LORE:
“Living under the shadow of her daredevil, older twin brother Octane, her life is fully dedicated to her last name: Silva. Graduated as an A+ student with a PhD in Economics, it's still not enough for Duardo to see her as the future CEO of the family company. You see, while growing up, Octane had whatever he wanted instantly, but Seth had to earn it. And she believes Octane's actual position with "popps" belongs to her. That's why she infiltrates into the Apex Games: to kill her blood and claim the throne.
But she's not just some envious little sister, Seth won much of her fortune by making music. She gained recognition collaborating with famous DJ from Solace, Rhapsody. The song went viral and hit the charts, making her first big income at 15 years-old. She then continued collaborating with other artist, but then made a big jump and started her solo career, whether it is playing in classical concerts, making movie soundtracks or hitting the charts with every new single she releases.
Also, she was a classical dancer from age 6 and danced professionally until her 18th birthday. She was first dancer three years in a row and participated in important projects such as ‘The Black Swan’, ‘Four Modern Seasons’ and ‘The Nutcracker’‚ her favourite”.
• Abilities:
Passive “Pitch Perfect”**: can hear footsteps from enemies and recognise some (like Wraith's passive)
Tactical “Ghost Note”: can make her self invisible for 8 seconds, but can hear her footsteps and leave a trace (Bloodhound's passive)
Ultimate “Triplets”: can turn her team into nearby objects for 16 seconds, but with no shields (like Revenant's ultimate)
now, a bit of context of her creation:
It was mid season 12 of Apex (Feb/2022). I was really hooked on the lore and I asked myself "what if he has a sister who wants to kill him? haha" ... and it CLICKED, so I run to my PC and made her in the Sims 4 lol and then, I focused more on writing her background, like:
→ her accent (Spanish from Spain, with a mix of Andalusian)
→ her second name (J is for Jesusa aaaah so good, so español)
→ who raised her and Octane (to me, it was Cecilia, the house keeper, because she formed some kind of bond when they were babies and it was Cecilia's first job)
→ some aspects of domestic violence which Octane went through too (her lip scar, for example, explained in ↓)
→ HER QUEST !!! (yes, I wrote a season quest, I'm that dedicated to my OCs)
→ her relationship with Octane (how it was, how it evolves and how it is)
the * and the other ** (idk the names!!! I'm much more intelligent in Spanish !!11!1):
*draw → I'm not professional and I'm sure I made some mistakes los hombros, but I it's something I've been keeping for myself for a very long time and it was killing me !!!
**Pitch Perfect → I know Rhapsody has the same passive (kind of), but I made her before Rhapsody was released and I've never played Apex Mobile, so it was a bit shocking when I found out lol
I fell in love with her, honestly...
hope you liked her ♥
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3llisarts · 3 months
WIP not on a Wednesday anymore!
I was tagged by my bestie, @noodlecupcakes < 3! I tag @fingersinmyhair and @disney-dreams-25
 Humor danced in the CEO’s blue eyes, “You dismantle him and I don’t think the big man’s going to be happy.” Rhys’s response was a small nod, though she couldn’t help but wonder, was Megatron still out there? Were any of her fellow Decepticons, for that matter? The questions were almost ridiculous to entertain, but Rhys couldn’t help it. She’d been wondering this both on the way to 7/11 and back, the question sticking in her mind like a nagging fly. 
Regardless, Rhys hadn’t gone to Wraith about it. The night-sky-colored Decepticon likely would’ve told her that the others were still out there, even if N.E.S.T. and the Autobots were on the lookout for them. Not to mention the rest of the human government. It just so happened to be that she and Wraith were at the top of their lists, with a fat 70K reward going for each. 
         Rhys snorted, though the brief look of amusement that flashed across her face was hard to miss. Still, the small assassin dismissed the question. There wasn’t any use dwelling on it, after all. Rhys’s dark brown eyes flitted over to the bar stool beside Dylan’s, then back to the man himself. Dylan uttered a soft sound of amusement, “You can sit, you know~. I’m not going to bite you.”
“Really? The way you interrogated me on my sneaking out, said otherwise,” Rhys quipped, and a huff of amusement whistled past her nostrils. Dylan shook his head, “come. Sit. And I’ll have the chef make you a proper breakfast.” Rhys raised an eyebrow and peered intensely at Dylan, “Listen. Don’t knock the egg and sausage burrito and Ultra Blue combo until you try it.” “I’ll pass, I prefer coffee like everyone else,” Dylan said matter-of-factly. Rhys gave the CEO a look, “I like the shit too- it’s just- I’ve already got my preferences.” She held up the Ultra Watermelon can in one hand, before she tossed it into the trashcan and came to join Dylan at the counter.
“What do you recommend?” Rhys asked. Whenever she was on the road, she grabbed whatever she could. More often than not, that was a meal at one roadside restaurant or another, or some packaged snack from a gas station. She’d only been to a proper restaurant a handful of times, usually whenever her hits took her to the nicer parts of the world. 
“An omelet,” Dylan replied, “it’s got all the protein you need. Unless you wanna end up shaking the whole day?” He teased. Rhys huffed in amusement, shaking her head, “You’re something else, you know?” Dylan offered Rhys a charming smile, even if for a second he expected her to turn around and put him on his ass, “So I’ve been told.” Dylan took a moment, studying Rhys. When was the last time she’d sat down and had an actual meal? When was the last time she’d taken a break, for that matter? 
If he had to guess, it’d been some time.
“Any plans for the day?” Rhys asked after a moment’s silence had fallen over them. “Other than answering emails and sipping coffee, no,” Dylan mused, “but I do have a business call at 3. You?” 
Rhys couldn’t help but wonder what it was like, to have a steady job, to have free time. She’d had neither- being always on alert for the next assignment to come in, regardless of the time of day. Even if she’d been hiding at Dylan’s for months now, this still felt strange. “I was planning on sneaking into your gym,” Rhys replied and Dylan raised an eyebrow, “there’s nothing stopping you, you know. You’re welcome to help yourself to the stuff in the fridge, the pantry, the gym, the pool and the hot tub, the sauna, and even the indoor cinema.”
“It’s been a minute since I’ve watched Top Gear,” Rhys seconded with a slight nod. She’d made it a happy to watch a couple of episodes whenever she was traveling, on some hotel TV or another. “See? There you go,” Dylan replied with a small smile. 
Rhys put her plate in the dishwasher, “Mind if I?” “Like I said, Rhys, go right ahead,” Dylan replied, watching the small assassin head out of the kitchen and make her way to the gym. She’d changed into a black tank top and a pair of dark blue workout shorts, with a black sports bra to boot. Rhys switched on her usual playlist, a whole mix of songs, as she headed over to one of the two benches in Dylan’s gym and grabbed a set of weights. Twelve pounds to start. Not too heavy or too light. 
While Rhys was in the gym, Dylan balanced his phone between his shoulder and his ear, booting up his laptop and skimming through the pages to keep the client talking. Once the client was happy with their agreement, Dylan hung up the phone and went to find Rhys. He wanted to make sure she was sticking to her word, and not taking off as soon as he’d turned his back. Yet as he neared the gym, he froze as he heard the Gummy Bear song. A feared assassin listening to a kid’s song? That was something he hadn’t seen before. However, Dylan did a complete double take as Rhys’ playlist switched over to Disturbed’s Shout 2000. One hell of a 180. 
Rhys looked up as she heard the gym door open and raised an eyebrow, “come to watch?” she teased. Of course, she knew the real reason behind Dylan’s visit. But she couldn’t help but have a bit of fun. “Not exactly,” Dylan began, “more so, making sure you didn’t take off the second my back was turned. But you’ve proved me wrong, so I’ll give you that.” 
Rhys uttered a soft sound in response as she pushed herself up and off of the workout bench. “There’s a mini fridge in the corner if you want some water,” Dylan pointed out as he nodded his head in that direction. “Thanks,” Rhys replied as she crouched down and snatched one of the water bottles from the mini fridge, before closing the door after her. Dylan nodded in response, “You know… I’m surprised your giant babysitter hasn’t complained about your absence. Normally, you two are a packaged deal. Two peas in a pod.”
“Does he normally not trust people around you? Or am I just special?” Dylan asked. His blue eyes flickered down as Rhys paused to stretch, causing her tank top to ride up and reveal a bit of skin. Rhys tried her best to bite back the grin that threatened to take over, “he knows I can handle myself~ and you know? You may just be special~.” She knew Wraith had it out for Dylan, and he, him. Though Dylan was right, Wraith normally didn’t like people. It just so happened to be that Dylan was at the top of his list.
“Maybe, I mean he hasn’t killed me yet, which is reassuring. And we seem to be getting along better nowadays,” Dylan replied with a shrug, his hands in his pockets as he gave Rhys a soft, reassuring smile. He remembered when the two of them first met and how Rhys had made it obvious how much she disliked him. 
“We do,” Rhys said in agreement. When she’d first met Dylan, she’d kept her distance from the man- almost acting like a hostile, wild animal. The small assassin made it crystal clear she didn’t like him, and she’d stuck to Wraith’s side like glue. “Suppose the close proximity probably helped with that, eh?” Rhys joked. She’d been hiding at Dylan’s for a good while now, and things had been improving greatly between them. Rhys paused, that soft smile Dylan gave her put her at ease, and she felt one of her own tug at her lips.
“And the fact we’re both on the same side,” Dylan reminded her. Well, mostly. He hadn’t exactly wanted this life, but he had it thanks to his father. Meanwhile, Rhys had been pulled into it.
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trustwine · 2 years
The last bastion sombra
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Volskaya edges forward, reaching out with her hand to touch the outstretched arm of the mech. VOLSKAYA: Our first new mechs in a decade. The soldier in the middle mech powers on his machine. The omnium will not wait for us to be ready before they attack again. Its- VOLSKAYA: Tell me we're still on schedule. They will be the difference in destroying the hated omnics. Another guard steps forward to greet her she moves past him and he rushes to follow. Volskaya steps out, followed by one of her two guards, and purposefully walks up the stairs towards the mechs. The elevator carrying Katya Volskaya and her guards lowers itself into the bay. A few guards are scattered around the area. BAY Three manned mechs are waiting in the bay. Widowmaker swiftly grapples up to the top of a crane arm as Reaper leaps down from the ledge, returning to Wraith Form as he hits the ground. Widowmaker pauses at the next door to let him catch up before it opens. Widowmaker distracts the unknowing guard by running ahead, while Reaper comes out of Wraith Form behind him and quickly silences him. Widowmaker and Reaper nod to each other and the door opens. Sombra playfully enlarges another window for the viewer to see: a surveillance camera in an elevator showing CEO Katya Volskaya flanked by two armed guards. WIDOWMAKER: Are you certain the target is on-site? INT. Crates of material are stacked around them. BUILDING Widowmaker and Reaper are poised outside an entrance to the facility. The words “BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS” appear on-screen. The locations of Reaper and Widowmaker are marked in green, and those of enemies are marked with small red dots. It is an overhead view of Volskaya Industries. Sombra swipes another window onto the screen. Do you have satellite? SOMBRA: Of course. Sombra started out with the idea of a throwing dagger/knives hero.REAPER: Enough.Sombra is a perfect example of an unreliable narrator, who is a shade of gray: she's not black and white, she's meant to be mysterious.At this point she joined Talon where she currently works.Sombra discovered a conspiracy in the heart of the events of Mexico-unfortunately it backfired on her, she was overconfident, and she had to go underground where she augmented herself to become part computer.The Soldier 76 short, "Hero," first introduced the revolutionary group that took Sombra in as a child: Los Muertos.She became a hacker to survive as a kid, stealing money to get by in a war-torn Mexico.She came from the Omnicrisis event in Mexico where the war destroyed much of country's infrastructure.Sombra's BackstorySombra is 30 years old.Read more here-we have several awesome prizes to give out all weekend. As long as you don't spam, each comment only increases your chances to win by giving you another entry. If you’ve previously worked with an editor who corrected your spelling and grammar before posting your piece, or asked you to do rewrites of an article, please include that information in your email to us! We’d love to know who you worked with.Įvery comment you leave on any BlizzCon 2016 post is entering you to win prizes like a Fantasia de Murloc. If you loved Wowhead’s BlizzCon coverage and want to be part of something similar, definitely apply! Our ideal writers are people who can explain things clearly and directly, but also let their personality show in their writing. We’re eager to find people who write quickly and reliably, respect deadlines, work well with editors, and turn in high-quality first drafts with very few spelling or grammar errors. Send us 3-5 links to your writing or to guides you’ve made at interested in writers who already like to keep track of stuff going on in Overwatch and in the Overwatch community. If you are 18 or older and have previously written articles or guides about Overwatch or other videogames online, we’d love to hear from you. , Wowhead’s sister-site for Overwatch guides and news, is looking for freelance writers! This is a paid opportunity.
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BNHA X DP Crossover HCs
After the long wait and finals, here are my ideas for all the quirks/occupations and other concepts I devised for the DP characters in the BNHA universe. This was just for fun and for inspiration towards others interested in this crossover au in general. 
Tagging the people that were looking forward to this post based on the replies: @qoinq-qhost, @floralflowerpower, @tgfangirl4eva @goodfish-bowl, @whitehairglowinggreeneyedcrush and more. 
Anyways, happy reading, folks!
Mr. Lancer
Hero name: Mr. Scholastic
Quirk: Bookworm
Involves his iconic usage of literature titles & quotes for swears to become abilities corresponding to the novel’s contents/themes. Course, he is limited to only books he has read and can quote accurately. Additionally, his voice gets very raspy past two or three quotes as well.
Occupation: Homeroom Teacher for Class 1- A; He’s very dedicated to his new students and teaching the fundamentals of being a pro hero and more! Course, I don’t think his chamomile tea with a wedge of lemon is enough to help him relax from his students (*cough* Danny, Tucker and Poindexter) from their antics at times. 
Hero name: Phantom 
Quirk: Ghost core (Ok, @coffeecakecafe had the best name for this one gotta give credit here)
Able to do anything a ghost is perceived to do. Go through walls, disappear and fly. This is a one of a kind quirk as it was obtained from Danny’s old quirk being altered by a machine his parents made that would repurpose/alter an individual’s quirk based on their past family members' own metahuman genetics.
Danny is doing his best and trying to understand his new quirk without causing too much attention to himself while doing so but it seems like its been doing the opposite as of late. Thankfully, he won’t be doing it alone with all his classmates around to help him!
Hero Name: Black Dahlia 
Quirk: Overgrown 
Able to create any plant that she knows the biological makeup and content of in almost any environment. However, it is important for her to drink lots of nutrient rich water and take in enough sun if she plans to create larger versions of these plants.
Hero name: Tech Master
Quirk: Tech Core
Located on his chest/heart area is a special energy core capable of powering electronics at a rate faster than anything made-man could ever hope to achieve. As a kid, Tucker would tinker away in his family’s garage on a suit that would harness his power to the fullest extent and lead a new era of support tech in the hero world.
Hero name: Red Huntress
Quirk: Electromagnetism (Someone I’ve been trying to find their post on my blog had posted this idea and I fell in love with it ever since)
She’s like Static Shock but with a dash of magenta/ruby lasers she can create through focusing her electromagnetism through her finger tips. She is an expert with her quirk and has the best handle of her quirk than most of her peers. She is the most frequent visitor in the support equipment workshop next to Tucker, Poindexter and Danny. It’s how she built the hoverboard she has in the show that utilizes her electromagnetic abilities for both offensive and defensive maneuvers. (Also, I enjoy the idea that Bullet is Val’s uncle on her mom’s side and is her biggest supporter alongside her dad, Damien Gray).
Quirk: Serenity 
Helps calm individuals and give them a sense of safety/security when they’re around her in a 10 feet radius. Though, anyone out of range cannot be affected by her quirk and she needs to be conscious in order to use it.
She planned on becoming a pro hero but felt her powers were best suited for her dream profession as a psychologist. She has used her quirk a lot when Danny was overwhelmed with his studies prior to UA. Course, a phone call and sibling chat over the phone certainly does the job for Danny now when it comes to preparing material for exams. (Course, its up to you guys to decide)
Hero name: Rager
Quirk: Strength Magnification
Improves his physique and stamina by a large percentage for a set amount of time. Needs to be careful of how much/long he magnifies his body or else his body will become immensely sore. 
Hero name: Rallier 
Quirk: Team Rally (50/50)
Able to duplicate himself 3-4 times while being able to power-up allies’ quirks or stamina with a rally chant to help the team. The more duplicates there are the rally effect multiplies/stacks on the individual but it can lead to dangerous outcomes for their quirk output. 
Kwan is the class representative for 1-A, he’s the best at the job and was more than thrilled to be the one leading his class in more ways than one.  
Hero name: Enchantress
Quirk: Charm
If the opponent is flustered by her taunts or flirting, their vision will become altered and start seeing things that are not there. It works better on men than women and the opponent can snap out of it with enough willpower or if they’re not interested in her.
Hero name: Ms. Meteorite
Quirk: Comet
Similar to Gran Torino’s Jet quirk except faster and she can create an explosive impact on where she lands. Similar to a meteorite landing on earth, she also learns to use this as a long distance move by punching fast enough as she descends to create wind pressure punches.
Hero name: Tex (like in Tex Avery; Danny gave him the idea!) 
Quirk: Slapstick
His appearance is black and white just like an old timey cartoon character as well as having the durability and cartoon powers of one. However, his quirk can only work as long as what he does with it is funny in the circumstance it’s used for. Sort of like “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” rules in a sense. 
Sidney is part of Class 1-A just saying, I don’t care, this is Poindexter’s time to shine here to be the coolest/funniest person in the class. Also, Tucker’s most loyal friend/tester for new support items. 
Wes Weston
Hero name: Vigilance
Quirk: Deduction
He is able to deduct people’s identities to flaws/weak points for him to use against them and  exploit against problems. 
Class 1-B Representative and the most annoying/terrifying person that Danny has dealt with in his life. He was able to figure out that Danny’s quirk is not his own or more so that it's not natural and takes every opportunity to state this regardless if anyone is listening or not. 
Amber Mclain
Hero Name: Ember
Quirk: Fiery voice (50/50)
Her quirk uses the vibrations in her sining voice to conduct intense heat waves onto opponents or utilize to rumble the structures around here and even put out the flames from her quirk. Its like a combination of Present Mic and Endevours quirk but it leaves her with a strained or inflamed vocal cords with overuse. 
Third year student or an upcoming rock star that has certainly gain huge popularity after her song “Remember” was a nationwide hit amongst the younger generation. She’s striving to be the top hero while making her next hit to become the 1# song on the listings. 
Hero name: Phantwo (lol jk; unsure what her name would be)
Quirk: Poltergeist 
Similar to Danny’s quirk “Ghost”, except she has the additional ability to melt herself to a slimy puddle and use her ectoplasmic slime to trap or surprise opponents.
Hero Name: Clockwork
Quirk: Time Keeper
Clockwork’s quirk allows him to stop time for 5 to 15 minutes and be able to rewind it in the same amount of time. It can be one to multiple objects as long as he touches them in order to interact with them.
Principle of UA in this au. He’s quite a reserved man but still manages to visit and congregate with students throughout the school during lunch period. 
Flynn Fenton/Flynn Walker
Hero Name: The Green Knight
Quirk: Mineralization 
His quirk allows him to manipulate the minerals and inorganic materials in the atmosphere to create into crystalized constructs that are almost stronger than diamond. Luckily, the crystals have no value so he doesn’t have to worry about that aspect of his quirk. He does have to worry about his skin becoming dried out as a result of his quirk usage. 
Flynn is a third year student that loves to check up on his cousin, Danny, any chance he gets bc of the amount of work he does with his internships.
James Walker (or James W. Hausermann)
Hero name: Warden Wraith
Quirk: Plasma Apparatus
His quirk ionizes the electrolytes in the blood system into plasma. His entire body is composed of plasma giving him his skeletal appearance. He can create plasma chains, teleport from point A to B and more as long as he focuses and has enough energy at use. Course, he can have minor to severe dehydration and imbalance in his electrolyte levels from overuse. 
Occupation: CEO of an infrastructure security company/Provisional License Examiner just like Gang Orca.The ghost prison guards become his backup/helpers for the exam phases. (They’re just trained stuntmen with combat or military experience for the occasion).
Also, I like to think Walker has kids in this au who are in the Class 1-A group; they’re not hard to spot they take after their father with their skeletal complexion. 
Villain name: Quirk Hunter
Quirk: Tracker
The moment Skulker makes eye contact with his target he will be able to hunt them down and find them anywhere no matter how good they are at covering their tracks. He can lock on to only one target, but he will be able to know their heart beat, quirk, be able to place a tracking/scent line that only he can see and will lead him to his target’s location. It lasts for over a day or a half.
Occupation: Skulker is known for capturing, info-detailing or “retiring” newcomer pros or specific quirk users for his clients that pay him handsomely for their targets, dead or alive. Thanks to Vlad, Danny was strictly intended to be captured alive by Skulker but sometimes he gets too thrilled by the hunt to not have a memento. Trust me, it's more of a dangerous 
Nicolai Technus 
Villain Name: Technus 
Quirk: Technopathy
A genius in his own right, even if he’s a little crazy, with the best ability possible for a man of science and innovation. As long as he knows the makeup and attributes of the machine, Technus is able to completely repurpose or change a machine’s qualities for offensive and defensive qualities. Whenever that be for a mech suit or hacking a high tech system for entry, he’s able to do it as long as he knows what it is and how it functions. An example is repurposing a slot machine into a submachine gun that shoots coins at the target. 
Vlad Masters
Name: Vlad Plasmius
Quirk: Vampire
Can do anything a vampire can supposedly do. However, he was able to manifest an additional aspect of this quirk which is the ability to copy any quirk users ability. Based on the type of blood he ingests decides the amount of time he can use the copied quirk for.
Occupation: CEO of his own hero firm, he is extremely selective with the interns he has that there is a major waitlist to be even consider for Masters Inc. Course, imagine the surprise Danny must of felt when he received an offer from Vlad right off the bat after the Sports festival. 
Bruce Guiles (Bullet)
Hero Name: Bullet 
Quirk: Sphyraena or Chimera Fish
Able to do anything a barracuda can do or the quirk is a 50/50 mutant quirk in which he has both the traits of a barracuda, Chimaeras and a touch of piranha from his parents being of one of these fish species hence Chimera. Bullet can do anything those fish can do overall but he can’t go too long without hydration from water. Water quality and its oxygen content also affect his abilities by a noticeable percentage but he still remains quite formidable as a quirk user.
Occupation: Captain of a coast guard team, he’s a strict military man with an amazing record of saving people from any disasters both on land and sea. Him and Walker are best buddies ever since they went to school together. 
Hero Name: Vortex
Quirk: Storm Warning
Vortex can utilize any variation of a natural disaster depending on the environment he’s in. Hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, you name it he can create it for his use. However, despite his amazing control over his quirk it is still possible for him to create these disasters if he lost control or magnify another pre-existing one if he loses focus. 
Occupation: Storm-chaser/Forecaster; His control and knowledge in combating/predicting these natural disasters has led to him to be part of a storm chasing crew and they’re the best in helping disaster prevention teams evacuate citizens as a result.
Petra Eris
Hero name: Pandora
Quirk: Butterfly Effect
Can manipulate or prevent a chaotic event to happen if she was in proximity and present to prevent it to happen. Or even give a little chaos to the opponent to deal with during battle. 
One of the top ten heroes and most beloved heroes in the country. She is the best strategist in any team and has a way to predict any event before they happen given the necessity of it for her quirk to work in her favor. 
Vigilante name: Johnny 13
Quirk: Unlucky
Johnny manifests his bad luck into a shadow that will latch onto opponents and cause unfortunate events to occur more for that individual as a result. However, the shadow cannot exist in complete sunlight; it can only remain if there are already shadows in his general area or it’s nighttime and its effects are strongest at that time obviously.
Occupation: Johnny is the leader of a biker gang or de-facto leader of said biker gang who loves to raise hell and helping folks that need saving whenever he’s around or is up to the task. Kitty tags along with him to help him out of jams and bc she loves him. :3
Vigilante name: Kitty
Quirk: Lovesick
Kitty sends a smooch towards her opponent which if it makes contact causes the individual to have nausea or become disoriented for around 10 minutes. It can also have a chance of lasting longer if the individual was sort of infatuated with her regardless of gender. 
Pariah Dark
Villain name: King Pariah
Quirk: Ultimate Adaptation 
Similar to all for one except with the unpredictability for both the user and opponents. Pariah can manifest any type of quirk needed to defeat anyone that stands in his way both one-on-one and in groups. Course, drawbacks are the learning curve to some of the quirks and that multiple adaptions he utilizes at once will destroy his cells in the process. 
Pariah is a former follower of all for one who had unique quirk that All for one augmented to help him succeed if both Shigaraki and Tomura failed in their own conquest for the world. But now Pariah has his own plans to succeed where they failed and become the leader who shapes a new world order with an iron fist. 
Frederick Kingsmen
Villain/vigilante name: Fright Knight
Quirk: Burning Energy Infusion
Able to form/infuse objects with his own burning energy life force that is capable of burning or slicing through any in his sight. The sweat he gives off is what provides the material needed to ignite his unnatural flames despite it causing his body to overheat still. 
Fright Knight is Pariah’s second-in-command with a loyalty to him as strong as his control over his power. Fright Knight has faced many pro-heros as he carried out the smaller phases of Pariah’s plans and most of them barely came close towards defeating or leaving as much as  scratch on the knight. 
Rodolfo Gonzalo  
Hero name: Wulf
Quirk: Werewolf + Portal creation (50/50?)
Can do anything a werewolf can supposedly do; somehow it allows him to create portals with his claws to locations he has marked with them or visited in the past. 
Wulf was abducted on by Pariah’s forces and sent into the Nomu labs for experimentation to force on another quirk and instill complete allegiance to their cause. Course, Wulf broke free as a result of that new additional quirk allowing him to escape their clutches and his previous one helping him survive the endeavor. However, he lost his memories in the process and could only remember his native language, Spanish, and his hero name Wulf. 
Villain/vigilante Name: Overgrown
Quirk: Plant Manipulation
Can manipulate any pre-existing plant matter or create new vegetation if water and soil is present for the process or he understand the biological makeup of the plant in question. 
Occupation: Pro-hero or eco-terrorist who is tired of humanity from abusing the environment from quirk battles to industries using the land for their own benefits and none others.
That’s all I have for now! I hope this was worth the wait, guys. As well as, inspire ideas for your takes with a DP x BNHA Crossover! 
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massharp1971 · 2 years
Awakenings. 3, 4, 9 (or any ideas that didn't make it into the final draft), 13. If that's too many, please pick your favourite Q's. x
3. What's your favourite line of narration?
4. What's your favourite line of dialogue?
Oh gosh it's really challenging to be asked if there's anything I like about my own work!
I think I'll cheat and answer 3 and 4 together, with the following:
‘Hi, Mer McKay, PhD, PhD, autistic, genius, gender ambivalent, queer and kinky as fuck, compulsive over-sharer.’ He gave John the kind of firm handshake that was usually accompanied by words like “Gemma Radcliffe, CEO,” or “Matthew Smith, vice president.” The man was so open, so honest, so utterly without game or guile that John was almost charmed. But he was also completely thrown.
‘Erm . . .’ John gulped. ‘Hi?’ Then he remembered how introductions usually worked. ‘Major John Sheppard.’
This is one of those times when if you have a good understanding of the characters in your head, you can kind of just sit back and let them do the talking (or not talking, in John's case).
I enjoyed writing in the callback to this scene at the end of the fic, too. There's absolutely no question that this AU's version of John Sheppard has been immeasurably improved by McKay's influence (wraith-induced stabbing notwithstanding) and I wanted to show that in him echoing Mer's words but with his own identifiers.
9. Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Gosh, I wrote Awakenings over a year ago so it's a bit hazy, but I think it stayed in the same form plot-wise, just got fleshed out. Mostly I remember having a bit of back-and-forth with myself over some of the kinkier scenes and a bit of "can I really get away with saying this stuff out loud?" and in fact a couple of scenes in the free-loving resort on Sateda, Haven got cut, but have been recycled for the sequel, because this version of John Sheppard has a big kink for being everyone's, ahem, plaything and Mer is about to discover an equally big kink for watching John being everyone's plaything... (okay so the author has a kink for John Sheppard, plaything, let's be real about this)
Thanks for the ask @logicgunn 💜
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bectip · 4 years
aight new things about Doom from the recent QuakeCon interview with Hugo and Marty
1. Swords and spears we keep seeing (the demonic crucible, the slayer’s crucible, sentinel’s weapons) are pretty much the same thing, but made from different sources of energy: sentinel weapons contain Wraith’s energy, demonic crucible is fully made of Argent energy. More often than not those are combined together, but blades that mostly consist of Argent energy are bright red. 
2. Dev team would love to show us what happened between Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal in a form of DLC or even a brand new campaign, but it’s too difficult and expensive to make because it requires new levels, weapons and character models. They will probably tell us about it in codex entries or comics. 
3. As we all remember, Hayden was the one who sent Slayer back in Hell. Not only Hugo hinted at the possible Seraphim reveal (something along those lines: ”...maybe he [Hayden] is a robot, maybe not”), but he also said that we MaYbE have a chance to confront Samuel about what he did to us in the end of Doom 2016.
4. We will definitely see the CEO of Hell in the upcoming DLC. 
5. Hugo promises to tie every lose end from Doom 2016. He also said that “if Doom is the Star Wars universe, then the DLC is a “Return of the Jedi”
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dustedandsocial · 3 years
Top Several Hundred Records of 2020
My Top 11: 1. Slum Of Legs - Slum Of Legs (Harbinger Sound / Spurge) 2. Oily Boys - Cro Memory Grin (Cool Death) 3. Model Home - SE (Future Times) 4. Valentina Magaletti & Marlene Ribeiro - due matte (Commando Vanessa / Horn of Plenty <O) 5. Kris & Tavi - Kris & Tavi (Misophonia) 6. Still House Plants - Fast Edit (Bison) 7. None - Khneï Khneï Thnacapata Thnacapata (Unknown Precept) 8. Rychlicki / Kostkiewicz - Zapis (Absolute Fiction / Maternal Voice) 9. Rosso Polare - Lettere Animali (Klammklang) 10. Patois Counselors - The Optimal Seat (ever/never) 11. Impatiens - Scene At The River (Altered States) Favorite 20 That Weren't My Top 11: 12. Irma Vep - Embarrassed Landscape (Gringo) 13. FRKSE - Desecration Anxiety II (Iron Lung) 14. Merula - Sleep (Men Scryfa) 15. Al Karpenter - If We Can't Dream, They Can't Sleep!! (ever/never) 16. BbyMutha - Muthaland (the muthaboard) 17. Pose Dia - Front View (Bureau B) 18. SIR E.U - Midnight Train To Velvet (Self-Released) 19. Nightshift - Nightshift (Cusp) 20. Massicot - Kratt (Harbinger Sound / Spurge / Bongo Joe / Red Wig) 21. Alessandra Novaga - I Should Have Been a Gardener (Die Schachtel) 22. Zeroh - BLQLYTE (Leaving) 23. Swallow - Body Horror (ANA) 24. Pink Siifu & Fly Anakin - FlySiifu's (Lex) 25. Balans - Sam pravm (Kapa) 26. Bruch - The Fool (Trost / Cut Surface) 27. P22 - Human Snake (Post Present Medium) 28. ovrkast. - Try Again (do more.) 29. Chapelier Fou - Méridiens (Ici d'ailleurs) 30. Schisms - Speech Copy Rap Master (Fort Evil Fruit) 31. Új Bála - How the Cookie Crumbles (Czaszka Records)
Mozo Mozo - Mozo Mozo (Epileptic Media) Orion Moustache - EP02 (Noorden) Mentira! - Mentira! (Harbinger Sound) Leyden Jars - Gone (Outer Reaches) Last Call At Nightowls - Ask the Dust (Subsound) Gaffer - Gaffer (Helta Skelta) Inturist (Интурист) - Action! (Incompetence) Директор Всего (The CEO of Everything) - Самый занятой гражданин (Doing Great Music) Christos Chondropoulos - On Nature (12th Isle) Uptown XO - Culture Over Corporate  (1 Force United) Lichen Gumbo - Altered Village (Ikuisuus ‎/ Jumatsuga ‎/ Lal Lal Lal) The Worms - Back To The Bog (Hidden Bay) Kneeling In Piss - Music for Peasants EP (Anyway) Taste - Rope In The Closet ( If Society / Half Bear Half Cat / Roge Records) Flogging A Dead One Horse Town - Old Scum EP (MUZAI) BIG $ILKY (Psalm One & Angel Davanport) - BIG $ILKY Vol. 2 (Self-Released) Dame Area - La Soluzione É Una (Màgia Roja / B.F.E Records) Enir Da - Silence (Too Soon Tapes) Obnox - Savage Raygun (ever/never) Mike Cooper - Playing With Water (Room40) Nape Neck - Nape Neck (Self-Released) S.U.V. - Neoliberal Folk Songs II (Otomatik Muziek) Patrick Shiroishi - Descension (Thin Wrist Recordings) Pink Siifu - NEGRO (Self-Released) En Attendant Ana - Juillet (Trouble In Mind) Sergei Demin - Not Music Of The Day (Klammklang) Brandy - The Gift Of Repetition (Total Punk) Nyx Nótt - Aux Pieds De La Nuit (Melodic) Bearer - Precincts (ANA) Norms - Háború és fű (Mindig Otthon Punk Discs) Vertical Slump - Oubliette (Blank Editions) Lau Nau - Själö (With Sound Environments by Janne Laine) (Fonal) Model Home - One Year (Disciples) WOW - Falene (Maple Death) Santa Sprees - Sum Total of Insolent Blank (Leapantique) Edd Sanders - Sun Bleached & Hollow (Cadmus) Charlemagne Palestine - Ffroggssichorddd (Staalplaat) Loopsel - Loopsel EP (Mammas Mysteriska Julebox) Kuupuu - Plz Tell Me (KRAAK) (I forget whether I put the oriinal version of this on my year-end list last year. Here it is again though) QQ - Vanguard Youth (Skrot Up) DJ Speedsick - (All Releases) Armand Hammer - Shrines (Backwoodz Studioz) Lewsberg - In This House (12XU) Ubiquitous Meh! - Fecund With Love (Buried Treasure / Damnsonic) Schulverweis - Suppe (Neoprimitive) La Chasse - Meretrix ∕ Doloris (Donnez-moi du feu) No - Vol. 1 (Faustian Haus) David Nance - Staunch Honey (Trouble In Mind) Hun Bed - Brood I (Het Generiek) Młody Kotek & Niemy Dotyk - New Age Speedball (Enjoy Life) Aurat - Zeher (Etang Brulant) Addict Ameba - Panamor (Black Sweat) Sunset Flips - Between Two Sheds (Altered States) Small Bills (E L U C I D & The Lasso) - Don't Play It Straight (Mello Music Group) Nail Club - Collected Methods (Hot Releases) Maximum Ernst - Time Delay Safe (ever/never) Tim Hicks X The Dirty Church - Bullets (Humble Monarch) Lord Jah-Monte Ogbon - GOD Body & Soul Side B (Self-Released) Red Bennies - Futurist, Nihilist Post-Rock, Cyberpunk, Anti-Humanist Music (Chthonic) Tsap - Flickering Lyghte In Campsite (Altered States) Latex Cop - Privacy Policy (Cadmus Tape) Ka - Descendants of Cain (Iron Works) Violent Quand On Aime - The Movie Star (Simple Music Experience) Flaner Klespoza - Przygody i tajemnice (Nagrania Somnambuliczne) Budokan Boys - So Broken Up About You Dying (ever/never) Datblygu - Cwm Gwagle (Ankstmusik) Pays P. - Pays P. (Gravity Music) Somaticae - Amesys (In Paradisum) Kipp Stone - Homme (Self-Released) Sada Baby - Bartier Bounty 2 Tribalism3 - April on Mars (Collectif Coax) Men With Secrets - Psycho Romance and Other Spooky Ballads (The Bunker) Brainbeau - Infinite Ways (Good Samaritron) Landowner - Consultant (Born Yesterday) Jay & Yuta - Condemned Compilations (Research) Machine Woman - Dj Dolfin Snare 808 Machine (Take Away Jazz) Slowburn - Folketro (momeatdadrecords) Twinkle³ - Minor Planets (Marionette) Unglee Izi - notice & initiation au monde alterné T.1 (Lost Dogs Entertainment) Sick Urge - Structures of Domination (Puukotus-Levyt) German Army - Pulling at Principles (Flophouse) NAPPYNAPPA - IFEELJUSTLYKTHEIRART (Bad Taste) Social Stomach + Body Shame - Split (Bento) Pacific Yew - Squeeze Demo (Hot Record Societe) Isabella - Magnetica (Ehse) Trrma´ & Charlemagne Palestine - Sssseegmmeentss Frrooom Baaari (Jazz Engine) Astute Palate - Astute Palate (Petty Bunco / Eternal Soundcheck) Axel Larsen - Les Éléments Du Crime (Macadam Mambo) Post Spiderhole Ensemble - False Alarms and Excess Baggage (Kitchen Leg) Cash Kidd - No Socks Senyawa & Stephen O'Malley - Bima Sakti (iDEAL Recordings) Henny L.O. - Sages (Mutant Academy) True Sons Of Thunder - It Was Then That (Total Punk) Tim Gick - Não Há Laranja ∕ Scrying Glass Eye (Working Man Lay Down) Junk Magic - Compass Confusion (Pyroclastic Records) Person of Interest - All Tomorrows Parties (Exotic Dance) Pumice - Table (Soft Abuse) Max Nordile - Building A Better Void (Gilgongo) Mrs. Dink + Magnum Opus - Mrs. Dink / / Magnum Opus  (Soil) Swamp Harbour (Stinkin Slumrok, Bisk, & Sam Zircon) - Swamp Harbour (Blah) Camden Malik - Understand Me (10k) Heckadecimal - Critters (Kajunga) Geld - Beyond The Floor (Iron Lung) Drakeo the Ruler & JoogSzn - Thank You For Using GTL Senketsu No Night Club - 沈丁花 (Signora Ward) Jef Mertens - NO AMP (291) Tomaga ‎– Extended Play 2 (Self-Released) [R.I.P. Tom Relleen] Boldy James & The Alchemist - The Price Of Tea In China Shoreline Mafia - Mafia Bidness pisse - LP (Phantom / Harbinger Sound) Reymour ‎– Sarabande A Deux (CAF?) Goldblum - Goldblum (Het Generiek) Phil Struck - Schleswig-Holstein Aufnahmen (Séance Centre) Maths Balance Volumes - A Year Closer (Penultimate Press) Body Double - Milk Fed (Zum Audio) Low Flung - Oil in the Mangroves (Bedroom Suck) Chris Crack - White People Love Algorithms (New Deal Collectives) Krypton 81 - Tranquility Base EP (Dalmata Daniel) Akai Solo - Ride Alone, Fly Together (Break All Records) Gad Whip - Fanimal Arms (Gad Whip Recordings) Tygapaw - Get Free (NAAFI) Pamela_ and her sons - Pink Room (Self-Released) Etceteral - Ama-Gi (Kapa Records) Ghostie - Self Hate Wraith (Self-Released) Young Nudy - Anyways DrxQuinnx & Chase Baby - God Gooch & Blue Jesus EP (Bit Tape) Museum Of No Art - Museum of No Art (Séance Centre) Terrible Signal - The Window (Heart of the Rat) Bambi OFS - Yakka (B.F.E Records / Subsist) Zarabatana - Cum Raio (tsss tapes) Soberin Exx - Normal Islands (Liquid Library) Sylvain Darrifourcq, Manuel Hermia, Valentin Ceccaldi - Kaiju Eats Cheeseburgers (Full Rhizome / Hector) Günter Schlienz + Jeans Beast - Split (Econore) Hasufel - Lamentations of the Foul High Priest (So Called Hell) Delphine Dora - L’Inattingible (Three:four / Meakusma) Suburban Cracked Collective - Swimming Amongst The Dregs (A Colourful Storm) Military Genius - Deep Web (Unheard Of Hope) Mesa Of The Lost Women - Les Tables Noires (Specific) Ferocious (Bill Direen, Mark Williams, & Johannes Contag) - Ferocious (Rattle) Domestiques - Vol. 1 (Glass Modern) gogoj a.k.a Sheng Jie - oviparity (Maybe Noise / WV Sorcerer Productions) Midnight Mines - Live From The Mystery Plane (Independent Woman) Muro - Pacificar (Beach Impediment) Satan - Toutes Ces Horreurs (Jungle Khôl / Throatruiner) Scarlatine - Mimosa (Le Syndicat Des Scorpions) Vanligt Folk - Allt E'nte (Kess Kill) VOLE - Dej Bůh Pěstí (Stoned To Death) Upsidedown Flames - Creeps At Shows EP (Fuck Yoga) Zurich Cloud Motors - Do More Than Deconstruct​-​o (Zazen Tapes)
Buncha other records
Sweeping Promises record wasn't that good though. But if you guys like it when people take singing seriously, you should check out some of this music called "R&B"
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seerofmike · 4 years
Chapters: 16/? Fandom: Apex Legends (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Crypto | Park Tae Joon/Octane | Octavio Silva, Lifeline | Ajay Che & Octane | Octavio Silva, Mila Alexander & Crypto | Park Tae Joon Characters: Crypto | Park Tae Joon, Octane | Octavio Silva, Lifeline | Ajay Che, Mystik (Apex Legends), Mila Alexander, Wraith | Renee Blasey, Mirage | Elliott Witt Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bodyguard, Secret Identity, Secret Relationship, Falling In Love, Child Abuse, Slow Burn, Hired Gun!Crypto, Developing Relationship, Fluff and Angst, Identity Issues, Pre-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Sexual Content, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Death, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Healing Summary:
“Can you talk?” Octavio asked him.
“I can,” Taejoon responded, and Octavio’s grin widened.
(Or, an AU in which Taejoon was killed by the Syndicate, and turned into a simulacrum that was rented out by Hammond Robotics’ biggest sponsor, the CEO of Silva Pharmaceuticals, to become a bodyguard for his son.)
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theonlyblaisezabini · 4 years
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☆ ━━ 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 |  -- Blaise Dionysus Zabini ☆ ━━ 𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐀 | @blaisezabini ☆ ━━ 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 |  -- August 3rd, Leo ☆ ━━ 𝐀𝐆𝐄 | -- 46 ☆ ━━ 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍 | Florence, Italy ☆ ━━ 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃-𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒 | Pureblood ☆ ━━ 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 | bisexual ☆ ━━ 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | 6'3 ☆ ━━ 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑/𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 |  brown and brown ☆ ━━ 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 |  -- Slytherin ☆ ━━ FORMER 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁𝐒 |  --  Astronomy , Dueling , Potions (president), Inquistorial Squad, Slug Club and Keeper ☆ ━━ 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃 | 9" Vine Wood, Thestral Tail Hair that is temperamental, intelligent and selfish. ☆ ━━ 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 | -- Blaise is one of the best at potions, a skill inherited from his mother. He also has a gift in Divination, but he really just predicts a lot of people's deaths and the professor enjoys that. He has been practicing dueling for a bit and is skilled in it. ☆ ━━ 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | Neutral but has alliances with both THE WRAITHS & THE ARCHANGELS "We're not better because of our blood. We're better because we're Zabinis." ☆ ━━ 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌 |  Idris Elba 𝕮𝖔𝖉𝖊 𝕹𝖆𝖒𝖊: 𝕬𝖘𝖒𝖔𝖉𝖊𝖚𝖘 & 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖚𝖒
BLAISE was raised by a single mother. His father is powerful African wizard and his mother knows who he is because of the circles they run in together but pretends she doesn't know who his father is and won't speak of the man. BLAISE stopped asking her a long time ago and doesn't care. He figures she thinks it's for the best and he trusts his mother unlike anyone else. 
BLAISE is a troublemaker but it ruins his day if someone actually wants to fight him. He can and will defend himself but he always gets a bit 'You really wanna fight?' because everything is one big joke to him. If his jokes offends the weak, that's on them and not him. 
BLAISE thinks he's better than everyone else. It's not necessarily his fault, his mother taught him that he was better than everyone because of who he is and the blood that runs through his veins. His family is the MINISTRY OF MAGIC in Italy and he truly believes everyone else is beneath him because they're just not a ZABINI.
BLAISE may have friends who are DEATH EATERS and most of the people and families he grew up with are, but his own political views aren't killing all the MUDBLOODS. He really could care less about them, he just knows how to label people in ways that also destroys them. But he would do that with anyone, any time. However, growing up as a person of color, he doesn't like people being called out for things they can't change. He won't mention it, he even plays into it when it helps him, but he doesn't like it. His mother is a goddess to him, regardless of his faults. Because of this, he is extra protective of the SLYTHERIN girls, even if they do not need it. He's the first to tease them, but no one else is allowed to demean or degrade any of them. He's often nicer to girls of color, cause it's a lot that they gotta put up with and he knows it. He knew that if things get too bad, his mother isn't going to make him stick around for a war between people fighting over blood status. He's more than happy to go back to his home in Italy and be waited on. However, he keeps that to himself, because he knows appearances mean everything. He's not going to let himself be ostracized for saying the wrong thing. BLAISE understands there is a delicate game to be played and if he has to appear sympathetic to a cause, then so be it.
BLAISE has never had an house elf at home. THE ZABINIS do not believe in the enslavement of anyone. They pay their maids and butler fair wages.
BLAISE DIONYSUS ZABINI was the only son born to APHRODITE ZABINI, a witch that is part veela and known for her remarkable beauty. She only had the one son but raised her twin brother’s son, ADONIS ZABINI. DIONYSUS died during the first war and his baby mother was never in the picture. Losing her brother to a war she hated made her incredibly protective of her boys. BLAISE’S father has never been specifically announced to him, there is whispers in the magical community about who it is. Despite APHRODITE’S attempts, the man knows his true lineage. BLAISE has always known about his mother and who his father really is. APHRODITE refuses to speak about the young man who got her pregnant and left and will deny knowing anything about him. But he went behind her back to do digging of his own when he noticed a few kids looked like him at a party they attended when deciding what school he would attend. He almost ended up at UAGADOU, but at the last minute (when the Potions teacher was introduced), his mother decided HOGWARTS was a better fit, even if everyone else disagreed. He's so close to his mother, he refuses to hurt her feelings or bring up painful memories, but he knows he is related to BABAJIDE AKINGBADE, as the resemblance is striking. However,  he knows if he confronts her, it'll destroy the image she's built for him. And in the end, it doesn't matter because he's a ZABINI but he does wonder what having a father might have been like. Even then, his mother spoiled him and ADONIS, but she protected them as well. 
APHRODITE couldn’t care less about the wars and everything being fought. She was a pureblood, Italian and most of all, she thought they was above it all. She was neutral, but seems to come off as Death Eater because of who their friends are. So when things got more intense, BLAISE & ADONIS were not allowed to take the mark or even try it. She had lost her better half due to the nonsense and she couldn’t lose her boys as well. So when his friends joined and BLAISE tried, his mother refused to let him join in. He absolutely tried and she read him the riot act: "We're not better because of our blood. We're better because we're Zabinis." She was not  afraid to let them know that before they died protecting something as unimportant as bloodlines, she would take them out. If your friends jump off a bridge, are you going to follow them too? Despite that, Blaise is still good friends with Nott and Malfoy during school. He does not enter the war however though he leans towards them. Both boys asked her opinion, both never asked again after they got thoroughly cussed out. Going to HOGWARTS was a chance to be free and BLAISE was a whore, proudly so and used sex as a way to avoid any connections with people. The person he wanted to be with was heads over heels in love with DRACO MALFOY, another friend of his. PANSY PARKINSON and him had a history, they slept together and that was all it was on her end. He was someone fun to fuck when she wasn’t chasing DRACO. He knew that often bothered THEODORE, who had to hear all of his stupid rambling about the girl. He never said out loud he was in love with her, but his best friend knew.
6TH YEAR changed a lot for the male, he spent most of the year trying to help DRACO, avoid trouble and making sure he appeared as sympathetic as possible to the cause that seemed to be at the heart for most Slytherins. BLAISE recognized how important appearances were. Even if his mother didn’t like it. She always told them no to stuff with the likes of Malfoy and other known death eater children, not afraid to let them why. While she attended the social events, the boys were with her and she kept a close eye on them. However in order to make sure that the families didn’t influence them or make the boys engage in behaviors she didn’t want, there were no sleepovers outside her home or allowing them to go to parties. Of course both boys snuck and did some things, but were respectful for the most part of her wishes, especially ADONIS, who seemed not to have the pull to the people APHRODITE didn’t want them around. BLAISE became stuck between a rock and a hard place when 7th year returned. His family was ITALIAN and he didn’t have to go to HOGWARTS. ADONIS had graduated 3 years ago and it wasn’t like his life in ITALY was boring. His family were deep into the MINISTRY OF MAGIC there and he could use that. However, he choose to return to school, not wanting to abandon DRACO, THEO & PANSY. Only he got there and found only 2 out of the 3 had returned. He busied himself trying to take care of the younger Slytherins by being fun BLAISE. However, he hated being there. He hated a war ripping everyone apart. He saw what it was doing to ASTORIA, someone he had had a sibling type relationship with, a gentle soul and there was nothing he could do. As things got worst, HE RAN. APHRODITE made an excuse and before the battle happened at school, he was back in ITALY.
After the war, he didn’t immediately return to the UNITED KINGDOM. Instead, he went to AMERICA. He kept in contact with his friends, but he was haunted by the movies of that place. He opened several adult clubs with the money given to him. APHRODITE married 10 times before she decided that marriage was a young people game and she decided to keep a string of lovers half her age and to run her own business. All her husbands died mysteriously but no one could prove if it was her or just the series of unfortunate accidents that seemed to meet them. Taking their family money, even if it wasn’t the MALFOY wealth, and adding on with the money she got from each husband, APHRODITE soon was one of the richest widows in the community. She put her money into her own business. It started off as a matchmaker service for the elite magical community and expanded to a phone application. Both are hugely successful, the app having both a magical and muggle base. Think Tindr and Grindr, aptly named WANDR. APHRODITE is the chairman of her company and keeps a hand in everything, even if she’s retired from the day to day. BLAISE is the CEO of the companies and the businesses. 
When BLAISE finally returned to the UK, he was married to his wife ZENIA. They had their son, DIONYSUS as well as a few more kids. However, he never really got over his first love. If PANSY has a problem, he went ti her. Even if his wife hated it, he always felt he had let her do and had to go to her. He was spending a lifetime making up for leaving her behind. He could have tried harder to get her to come with him, but he didn’t. He simply left her. There hasn’t been any sex between them, BLAISE is faithful to his wife physically. However emotionally, there’s a part of him that he can’t fully give to his wife. Not even if he wanted to, and he desperately wants to. He wants to give her everything, but he can’t and he knows that is his fatal flaw. He can spoil his kids, his wife and give them the world, but the one question reminds for him, WHAT IF SHE HAD LOVED ME LIKE I LOVED HER?
❝ I remember I was 18. Money, pussy, parties, I was on the same thing. You gotta give a boy a chance to grow some. ❞ Merlin’s beard, what is ( BLAISE ZABINI ) doing out at this hour? For a ( PUREBLOOD ) who is ( 46 ) years old, ( HE ) really ought to know better. You know, I hear that they’re aligned with ( THE DOUBLE AGENTS ), but that could be just a rumor. I do know that they’re ( MALE ) and a ( SLYTHERIN ) alum who works as a ( CEO ) though. They’re very ( CHARMING ) and ( AMBITIOUS ) but also quite ( MANIPULATIVE  ) and ( PESSIMISTIC ), which could be why they remind of ( DARK WHISKEY POURED OVER ICE, ITALIAN SILK SUITS, BURNING FIRES AND GOLD FRAMED MIRRORS. FLASHING LIGHTS, NAKED WOMAN, CRUMPLED SHEETS. FANCY MEALS, CLASSICAL MUSIC MIXED WITH TUPAC, PAPERS SPILLED OVER HIS DESK. LATE NIGHT ARGUMENTS, THROWN PHONES AND GUILT GIFTS ). Some people say they’re the spitting image of ( IDRIS ELBA  ), but I’ve never heard of them. Word on the street is that they’re ( THE TEMPEST ) and their prophecy is ( PROPHECY 26 ), but only time will tell if that’s true or not. [ A, 28, SHE/HER, EST ]
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irageneveart · 5 years
If everyone in Mystic Messenger played DBD, which character would they play? 👀👀👀
omg you hit the right button hahaha. thank you for this request anony!!! everything under the cut like always, I hope you enjoy 🧡
RFA + BONUS Playing Dead by Daylight
games? why would he play games in his free time instead of running or going to gym or spending time with his babe
also please don’t forget he has a vintage PC from 20 years ago or older. that shit doesn’t run DBD. or anything
when Seven and Yoosung got the game and tried to make everyone to play, they gifted a laptop to Zen. that’s it Zen you have no excuse now
the only times he’s playing it it’s when they call him of a Survive with Friends
after a brief look through the free options he gets David, that’s a strong man that surely will survive
Zen is picking the game mechanics pretty well and there’s no panic when the heartbeat goes crazy, but he isn’t getting well with the technology behind it
“GODDAMMIT I WANTED TO GO LEFT, who puts the down button between left and right???” the down button jdksdjkfsbfksf
he has survivor rank 16, doesn’t play enough to get them up
he tried killer too, and somehow he did a perfect 4k with Anna, a strong and beautiful woman suited for himself no babe of course you’re more beautiful
he felt proud but trying a second time he got destroyed. never again
whenever he gets some money to spare he buys the next DLC in line
survivor main, all of them are lvl 50. but he jungles between rank 3 and 2, can’t go higher but doesn’t get lower either
he’s that Claudette that helps everyone. you’re hooked, you have Yoodette nearby. you’re in the basement, after the killer left a wild Yoodette gets out of a locker and unhooks you. for just how long have you been there???
his perks are team oriented, he’s pro at taking hits for his teammates and gets some nice last moment rescues
also if there’s a hex on the map Yoosung is your man, somehow he always finds them
doesn’t play killer very often, mostly for dailies. but his go to would be The Legion, Frank or Joey. there’s something about them bad boys that he’ll never be and he enjoys the chase and tracking downed survivors after failed mending
she wouldn’t have time or energy to play
“MC…please, stop looking at me like that. Of, you really want me to play don’t you?”
alright she’s playing
she started as survivor at everyone’s suggestion, and after reading every survivor’s perks she’s ready to go in with Feng Min. great skill checks, good strategy, she did almost all the gens by herself and rescued almost all of them from the hook, while she only has been hooked once the entire game
one girl army
however she didn’t look like she was having fun
“I’m saving people and getting the job done daily at work, MC” wow ok someone save her
one day you tell her to take on your trial, you had to go *somewhere*
killer, The Pig. how hard can it be
when you come back to the screen all your points were maxed out, 2 pips and everybody was praising the killer in the end game chat
??? another reason not to mess with Jaehee
“What is the purpose of this game?”
it’s…just a game. you play it to have fun. what purpose you want
he starts out by playing SwF with MC, Seven, Yoosung and Zen. usually Seven is the killer, sometimes MC, but after Zen complained so many times why does he have to be in team with the trust-fund-kid, Jumin had a better idea
“Do you want me to chase you instead?” lhfjlfkhfllyf
he wanted to read the lore of every killer before choosing one. how can one choose his partner if he doesn’t know their background?
he ends up going with The Trapper. ex CEO in line, wanted to be like his father so much he mass killed a bunch of coworkers. he understands the story. juju what
after a brief explanation of the controls and everything, Jumin is destroying everyone in the first 10 min. perfectly placed traps, he always guesses where the survivors are hiding and on which gen they’re working
“Why I cannot pick this killer?” well,Ju, they’re DLCs, you have to buy–
all of them are bought. for MC too
He also plays Michael, his quiet self combined with The Shape make the perfect jump scares and mind game chases
rank 1 on both survivors and killers, all of them are 50 and he also knows top secret details about the upcoming DLC that no one even knows it exists yet
damn you
as survivor he’s the joker of the team. you can’t catch him, he’s like vanishing mid chase. hatch escapes and flashlight saves are his speciality and somehow he always has brand new part on his toolboxes
also expect him to bring the killer on your head only because he’s a troll but he’ll make up for it later
as a killer he loves playing The Doctor, laughing together with Herman with every electrocuted target, but he also plays The Spirit or The Hag
he’s on the entire map, playing against him is literally nerve wracking
plays both survivor and killer
as a survivor even if you can’t hear him you know he’s nagging. you failed a skill check? you see Jake turning towards you
since Darkness Among Us went live expect to see a judgemental Jeff from behind a wall when you miss that killer stun too
he has great calls and if he points you to go somewhere you better do it
usually loses because he tries to get everyone to escape
his rank is higher as killer than survivor, and he likes to play killers like The Cannibal or The Wraith, efficient in downing down survivors but also that requires some strategy. he also likes playing The Hag for that wonderful Devour Hope
killing that t-bagging Meg by his own hand is his guilty pleasure
killer main, although every character is maxed out
if he plays survivor he’s the most lone wolf survivor you have ever seen.
and he plays Laurie or Nea
you toxic lil shit
as a killer he likes those like The Hag and The Clown, cause he likes imagining all of the survivors being grossed out and screaming in fear
he mains The Legion for a reason he won’t tell you, not even if you guess. “I just do.” it’s all you get
likes to play around the basement and watch the survivors die one after the other trying to rescue their friends
saeran are you ok lol
V is the perfect Dwight main. he’s nice to have around but he’s pretty bad on his own lmao
he’s more into altruistic and chases type of survivor than objective one, he rarely completes generators
he loves doing totems tho, there isn’t any HEX on the map but he needs to do that one last totem
the one that always writes “good game” at the end of the game, even if he died first and he had to wait the entire game to finish
while in SwF somehow he’s never on the same side of the map with the rest and when they question where he is he suddenly appears just to get hooked, tunneled and to die
i’m a bitch sorry
he likes the game tho and is happy RFA found something to do together aside work
yes she plays it too, tho not with RFA. she heard about it from a letter from Yoosung so she tries it herself. maybe one day they’ll get in the same lobby
she read everyone’s story and she felt deeply sorry for The Nurse. needless to say she’s her main
sometimes if there are DCs or people die too fast, she’s letting the last survivor to escape
if she’s feeling particularly melancholic she’ll just let everyone farm and escape
she doesn’t write in the end game chat but secretly waits few seconds, waiting to see the survivors’ reactions. leave a “gg” in the chat and she’s beaming
she can’t play it daily, and wouldn’t tell her psychiatrist she has it on her laptop, but it’s a nice outlet to spend her free time
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led123123 · 4 years
I was like.. I woke up and I was like.. what day is it today.. sunday? I was like.. fuck it I’m changing my house into a cookie factory today
2 people may upload a video at 6pm today
maybe I should make something with potatoes today
because this woman had a lot of recipes with potatoes
I cannot eat just bread.. I need to eat something else
trash streamers.. I hate them all so much. they’re such trash garbage
“instant ramen recipe” it’s already ready.. jesus christ.
but she has really dark hair
asians.. always have to be smart.. am I right??
ashely was saying that
there is some other girl.. who makes videos.. and.. her skin and air also have. similar color. she’s from vietnam
that’s the one that speaks 2nd language also.. she’s quite good at speaking 2nd language
fuck you chrome
firefox taking the chart by storm
and that’s where things went wrong
I fucked up rice last time so I guess now I’ll make pasta
I don’t wanna use these apples for a cake..
wish I had some different apples
wow 5 million views.. she’s actually.. 3.75 million subscribers.. she actually has a big channel
I’m cooking pasta.. because.. I just can’t eat a lot of bread at once.
I didn’t wanna use these apples for this cake.. because they taste too good and smell really good and they’re small.. so it would take a lot of time to peel them..
and I would have to use almost all of them and I dont’ wanna use all of them
jesus christ.. I really should make a cookie factory today.. these cookies are only gonna last me for like.. 2 days or something around that
so I should make more..
and I need to cover them in chocolate so they stay are softer
cheese is salty.. so.. you know.. if you add cheese to anything.. just.. be careful with adding salt.. because cheese is actually salty
be careful with salt guys. cheese is usually salty
ok.. so these cookies taste really good.. I just tried a bit.. but.. they need more time to cook because I’m baking at 180 degrees.. not 200 so they bake slower I guess
but they don’t get burned.. you know.. but it takes more time..
at 180 they don’t get burned so easily
I tried them they taste really good. but they need like.. more time. they cook slower
I wanna make more.. this is gonna last me for like.. 2 days
they taste really good.. and I didn’t add that much sugar.. there wasn’t that much sugar in recipe
I knew this dough recipe was good because I used it for the cake before.. cake with groats. but that cake is quite fat.. so I just made cookies
this is the recipe from this channel I was talking about yesterday
the recipe for cake was really good
if I bake them at lower temperature then they don’t burn and stay softer I guess
my mother used to.. have a lot of cookbooks.. when she was learning to cook
jesus christ these ganks..
lol wtf he steals the finger..
her items choices.. are like..
mkb because.. spectre has radi and slardar has miss chance
so she dyed her hair recently
I was like.. maybe it would be a good idea to get AC against slardar. like stray does it.. he gets AC but AM has lower armor than jug.. but.. maybe it’s good idea to get AC against slardar on carry
I think AC is actually good
they really wanna kill spectre.. but they take damage when trying to kill spectre.. and spectre doesn’t have any stuns so spectre can’t stop them from killing other supports..
but supports can stun
they die trying to kill spectre
and she doesn’t have a lot of damage items
now they kill supports and then she can kite spectre
and she needs like.. a satanic or something.. for spectre.. to heal up because she’s taking damage
I never see mkb on jug..
I see bf, mjolnir.. what else.. satanic.. and.. I don’t know what.. oh.. basher..
abysal. and manta
but manta not always.. manta only if people have some dispelable abilities.. usually.. bf is good because it kills creeps in ulti.. so ulti doesn’t jump on creeps
I think bf is okay
and bf has some damage.. instead of attack speed.. and.. it’s good for farming fast.. so like.. bf.. is kinda a core item I guess. then it’s like.. any other item.. bf, manta is a 2nd item. it’s for movement speed.. and then you can.. make satanic.. or basher I guess. or maybe some damage item or something I don’t really know
but bf is pretty good item I think
because jug needs damage and bf gives some damage instead of attack speed
you get attack speed from agility and manta also has some attack speed.. so.. damage is more important I guess
damage is better than attack speed on jug. because.. I guess.. that.. he’s like.. he has.. the crits am I right??
does it matter??
attack speed doesn’t get any bonuses from crits?? or it doesn’t matter
with more damage you get higher crits
but with more attack speed you proc crits more often.
I think he gets higher dps with damage than attack speed
it’s like 35% on average higher damage or something around that. this also means 35% higher dps..
if you increase damage. then you get 35% bonus.. to dps..
if you increase attack speed.. then you get.. you don’t get any bonus right? so I was right right?? damage is more important than attack speed on jug
ok so attack speed is not as good on jug as damage I guess. because he doesn’t get any bonus to crits with attack speed
why is she sniffing drugs.. on the thumbnail
3400 kills on one legend
I have around 1600 on my main in total
I know this update.. this is after wingman nerf
but wingman is sill just as good with lvl 3 magazine
and she just found a lvl 3 mag
and it shoots faster.. and.. has better hip firing accuracy or something something like that
non-ads accuracy
I’m sleepy after eating food as always
she has higher sensitivity than me. like I said I need to increase it high because i’t still not fast enough I guess
I should like.. increase it as much as possible.. and then reduce it if I feel that it’s too fast. I wonder what is her ads sensitivity
if it’s 1 or lower.. because I always ads.. so.. I use 1.. because I ads even in close range with wingman
I always ads.. because wingman non-ads accuracy got rnerfed.. so like.. I see that people always ads
because wingman doesn’t have any slow for strafing..
she’s hitting a lot of shots
the amd ceo is from china.. and.. they are making some stuff for their processors in taiwan
am I right?? with crits you get more dps..
ok lets say.. 500% crits.. so.. increasing attack speed wouldn’t do much..  right? but increasing damage would increase dps a lot
if you increase damage you get 35% bonus.. if you increase attack speed then you don’t get the bonus right?
I have 320 kills on wraith.. because.. I was playing wraith on other account.. and.. 600 kills on pathfinder
asia pacific.
sniffing drugs. disqualified.
570 almost like my username
she doesn’t go yolo. my team usually goes yolo 1v3
she kinda plays like in CS.. when you just.. hide and.. camp..
she doesn’t go yolo in open area without any cover. like in CS.. hiding behind corner or any cover
if I was playing unranked all the time I would also have more kills
maybe next time i will try the other recipe for cookies..
“it’s too big”
“it feels so long”
she already bought ps5.. I wonder how much it costs.. because they’re supposed to be cheap compared to how fast they are
it’s like 1250$ but you get controllers and.. all the.. it’s like.. 1TB nvme ssd inside
it’s not that big..
I knew controllers are gonna be the same
damn I didn’t even know about these buttons
ok.. I’ll test printer.. and retake these pictures maybe. I’m so lazy damn
I would rather just.. make think about making more food instead
check recipes etc to make more food
because my mother had like.. a lot of cooking books.. when she was learning to cook
I could like also.. make stuff in advance.. and put it in the freezer..
this video about eathquake would be cooler if they all died..
I haven’t been using cup headphones in a while. but I like the headphones that I have.. cup headphones have a bit better sound..
but I like normal earbuds because they’re the most comfortable
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blankdblank · 7 years
Modern Soulmates Pt 3
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Slight Smut in the beginning...more Thorin stumbles
Right at sunrise the next day when for a board meeting the Durins on their way to the fleet of cars outside their home all paused in inspection of the finished product next door. Freshly power washed the magnificent mansion that dwarfed theirs and greatly surpassed it with its newly power washed pale brown stones that in the sunlight seemed to glow adding to the beauty of the few massive stained glass windows and the massive hand carved door out of mahogany. Breathless for a few moments they took in every detail of the home the hadn’t seen in such condition since they had moved here from the Blue Mountains. Then the grip of keys in hand reminded them of the upcoming meeting they all got back to their path off to work.
While their company did not blend much with Mordor Inc the declining health of their CEO and founder and daily stories of the future of the company with supposedly no plan in place or single person to take the wheel the Durins had to ready battle plans for talks on trade deals already in place for whoever was given the reigns. All of the news stations had been chronicling each of the Wraiths who had hired lawyers to stake their claim for the fight to come when Melkor had met his untimely demise. And every single one of them privately had been informed that this was a case they could never win, though publicly the façade continued just in case.
Upon arrival however when everything was on the table and the board of Mordor Inc was on a call on speaker for the entire clan board of Durins to hear the stunning news that for years before Melkor had fallen into this coma they had all voted in agreement of his choice for interim CEO. One who had been able to uphold the standards that Melkor had laid in place and held since the founding of the company. Investors and share holders were solidified in their support of the company after their own previous encounters with said new CEO who the Durins had haltingly accepted the fact that said CEO was otherwise busy most days with other interests and had entrusted the board to keep day to day watch with check ins at least once weekly.
Contrary to what the Wraiths were throwing on the possible fate of the company the steadily rising stock prices and rise of value of all products offered by Mordor Inc seemed to confirm that things were trustworthy for the Durins. They had to bide their time and uphold their ends of the already settled contracts and deals until they could meet this new person who was at the helm of this major empire the press assumed was up for grabs.
That was the truth. The board had every faith that the company was in good hands and with nearly daily texts, emails or calls if anything did come up you were just a drive away. Much like today not even half an hour when they got the intercom warning from the lobby that you had arrived. Prior to your hospital trip to see to the latest offered ideas you had been sent, open suggestions of middle grounds on the ones they could not agree on that simplified the task to move either way later on once the effects of these changes to grow from there. The simpler tasks were handled with ease and word of the call from the Durins had the board go over a full recap of the deals that you held with the Durins just in case of any changes they wished to offer later on when you did actually talk with them on business matters.
But that would come later, much later when Melkor’s health would go however it was meant to go. When the change may or may not be official and a new name in charge would require new contracts to be drafted for a few of the contracts your company held. In pain beyond belief you made your way straight to your grandfather with an ache to simply be with him. Still in denial over having to spend each day without him since he’d collapsed. Completely supported by Dewey and Legolas who were in charge of the paint and wallpaper crew and sent updates that you tried to share with your unconscious grandfather of each in a happy tone with hopes that one newly painted wall or interesting wallpaper could snap him out of this to hear more about the home you still had an entire wing reserved for him when he could get better. Furniture would come next and talk of what you had designed already from the delivery of wood you ordered came up along with talks of your workshop in one of your two garages to build it all inside of.
Promise of an ordered dinner gave you a virtual pick me up as you stood outside of your vehicle in the parking garage when visitor hours ended. A few moments later you managed to unlock and climb into the open door to begin another drive away from the one person you ached to bring home and show off the fruits of his plans to have this dream home come to life as it had. Warm hugs were the reward for having made the trip without more than a few stray tears. And with supper taken to the living room a film was to be chosen by Legolas to watch while you ate. The process of locating that film had him flipping through the channels only to stop when a press conference with Melkor’s wife and her brats halted his finger above the button to click away.
A claim they were locked out of the board meetings was followed by questions from reporters who aimed to test the validity of their claims that they had the only rights to the company. Each question was answered with even to the most novice person could tell that they had no clue what the answers to any question offered that proved to the world that they were useless and had no chance of being handed the keys. Just three questions in and boldly the press began to leave to be followed by shouts from the spurned idiots to only lure on more headlines for new reasons of their own.
Thranduil muttered sarcastically, “Well, they are doing a magnificent job.”
Legolas nods, “At least they’ll have their names in the papers a few more days.”
You laid back against Dewey’s chest that made him curl around you as you let out another groan, “Can’t we just lock them up somewhere?”
They both chuckled and Legolas answered, “Don’t think there’s a deep or dark enough place to lock them in.”
Meanwhile next door the Durins all grouped around the large TV in their living room watching the press conference Thorin’s anger swelled as it continued, unsure of why, Dwalin nudged him. With a silent nod at his fist on the verge of ripping the leather off the arm of their couch, “Careful there Thorin. What’s got you so riled up?”
The words drew the attention of his family, he cleared his throat as he released the fist full of leather, “My Mate must be watching this nonsense as well.” Rubbing his face as his family chuckled. “Clearly loathes that lot.”
Dis, “So, what is she like then?”
Thorin looked over at her and let out a groan, “Haven’t met her yet, spotted her twice though. That SUV next door, she was driving it. Next time I see the Greenleaves I’m going to ask them who she is.”
Balin, “The Greenleaves?”
Thorin nodded, “Saw her leaving their driveway the day before the construction started, they’ve been helping with the work I suppose.”
Nearly half an hour too long an amorous morning with Dewey ended out of a hasty required task to get dressed and head out for the day. Him off to his next landscaping job while you and Legolas were off to your new University for the registration day. The spacious campus seemed to stretch on far beyond what you could see and with your leg propped up to secure your wedge booties with the ribbons to tie on the front one at a time to aid in reaching anything that might be out of your reach. As usual just by the crowd of future students passing by were well over your head in this Elven school built to accommodate taller bodies unlike your feisty petite self. A chuckle from Legolas turned your head and he said, “Missed something, nearly had a 2319,” and a tug of a stowaway sock from the back of your tight black shirt that was fresh from the dryer had you shake your head in a giggle.
“And Dew Drop walked behind me too. He’s set me up to be tackled and shaved.” The both of you grabbed your bags and climbed out, him with a smooth of his hand over his shirt and you with a fix of the waistband of your jeans.
With it locked behind you together you started the path to the first stop designated on the itineraries you had been sent. Smoothly enough the process was handled with his arm that looped around your lower back in a habit whenever he caught someone staring your way and your giant Dew Drop wasn’t there. Any possible advances were thwarted by his contact, while each absent stroke of your fingers between your loose curls hung over your shoulder and part of your face that had in the past lured many a stranger over to the appeal of the peaceful expression your face shifted to when lost in thought to keep calm in bustling crowds. From ID’s to paperwork and a few more books you were to pick up as they were unavailable for early purchase each step was crossed off including a stop to let Legolas check in with his chosen clubs and timelines for team tryouts.
On the way to the next to last stop and again his arm eased around your back in the electrified slide of familiar blue eyes over your body as you passed. Unable to stop you Thorin across the courtyard in a swarm of females bent on the goal of his phone number. Lost to the chance to speak to his Mate under the arm of the youngest Greenleaf he was certain that they knew you well and could help him meet you once he explained his interest in you.
As you wove through the crowds Legolas chuckled, “Well he certainly got a good look at you that time. Won’t be surprised if he comes chasing after us.”
You let out a quiet groan as you slipped into the last sign in room, “If he does I’m sprinting for the car.”
After waiting in line you got your second set of IDs more specific to your fields to grant you access into deeper parts of the library and computer databases, where you grabbed your last sets of manuals and books for those fields and headed back to the car.
Thorin had once again been thwarted at his attempt to speak to you. But watched carefully as you wove through the crowd avoiding contact with everyone but Legolas’, trying to figure out why. He let out a huff and turned away from his last obstructer ignoring them and strode off for his class to wait until the staff meeting starting in a short while. Once you had returned home you both set up all of your things. Including the dinner you had picked up.
Dewey came straight for you when he arrived first to hug and kiss you again before turning to his son who had wrapped his arms around you both making you chuckle. Among the process of the day he filled in his father, including Thorin’s behavior that had Dewey chuckle and guide you to eat with an internal assumption a visit from the Dwarf might be coming so he could get to meet you.
The next few days came with as much time with Melkor as possible between bouts in your workshop and focus on those textbooks you had just gotten in hopes to get ahead in those classes. In just one day you had nearly finished all of them. Everything you could need was gathered and left to wait for your first day. Then simply turned to be curled in Dewey’s arms for one kiss that led to Thorin’s night of tossing and turning from your dreams when your earring had slipped off.
A trail of lips down your back was eased by the shift you made to silence your alarm. Over your ear one of Dewey’s hand moved to slip your earring back in place then trailed down your back. Determined to cup and squeeze along the way to the gentle sink of his teeth into your butt cheek on the skin left exposed by your small panties that barely covered them halfway. After a gentle press of his lips landed there and then did the same on the other cheek in a grip of your hips to turn you over and tug those panties down in one move. All across your thighs kisses were left on the way to your core to see you to euphoria more than once.
A shower was came next, for which he lifted you in his arms and carried you into the warm water in a step out of his boxer briefs he pushed down. One more reason to stay home was the feel of his hands in his chosen task to help you scrub clean and rinse off again to a sudden slip of fingers inside you again to the plant of his lips in the dip of your neck. Firm on his lips when his head pulled back yours planted and his fingers eased back in your turn and loop of arms around his neck. Off the ground with his body able to take the weight of yours without a thought yours lifted to wrap around his middle. Muffled against your lips his chuckle died at your hand that dipped to ease him inside of you.
Down your neck his lips moved to plant there and he hummed in a full plant of you against the wall to thrust deep inside of you with no intention of letting you go. “You’re going to be late.”
Through a breathy giggle you replied, “Worth it.” Making him chuckle again and his hands ease across your body to cup and caress as he wished.
Returned from his trip to fetch drinks to power your day after a stop at the gym Legolas parked out front where he’d pulled up just moments after you had made your way out. Over the top of your tight thin tank top you jerked your long thin sleeve shirt and Thranduil’s worn green flannel shirts over the top of that. While he pulled out of the driveway your trusty wedge booties were tied on again once you’d secured your seatbelt. To the lower of the visor to use the mirror there he smirked asking, “Forget to set your alarm?”
On top of your lap the makeup bag you’d unzipped sat as you replied through a weak chuckle, “Slept through it.” Eye liner, mascara and nude eye shadow was added before a simple fluff of your curls came to ensure it laid over your ears to ensure your earring was covered to avoid that conversation again with more people who lived to be singularly centered around a bond with their destined person and no others.
The caramel apple cider he had brought you was sipped on when you leaned back again with makeup bag back in your schoolbag. Turn to turn he glanced your way fully aware of the worry that read across your face. Parked in the lot the pair of you climbed out and back at your side he gave you a warm hug knowing you were off to separate directions. “Don’t let him get to you, if he does let me know.”
You nodded, “I will, see you later.” Both of you split in trade of a small wave and were off through the crowd to your first class.
Mentally by use of the map you memorized in the last hallway you turned and stole a glance at the clock along the wall to find yourself 20 minutes early. A stern voice with comments of your Grandfather sounded, spouting off the same cruel comments on his public reputation that repeated years worth of so called facts on his personality and treatment of his workers. “The old man should just roll over and give up, leave his Company to someone who could actually make something useful and positive out of it.” With one final arm flailing out the stern Dwarf got a sharp sting in his chest when his arm collided with something turning.
Sharp his head turned when he heard a quiet gasp as a drink spilled over his arm. His eyes froze on you as you bent to pick up your bag that you had dropped, his eyes focused on the drink that had spilled out over your chest and hands. He held out his hand to steady you as you stood, speaking in the same stern voice though this time with a hint of concern, “I didn’t see you there.”
The tall Dwarf next to him with a matching pair of eyes watched with concern as you pulled a washcloth out of your bag. Wiping off your hands and avoiding his touch and gaze to wordlessly. Promptly you turned and walked away from him as you tried to wipe off your chest, throwing your now empty cup in the trashcan nearby and turned the corner to slip into your class.
Thorin was now shaking as he clenched his jaw pulling back his hand slowly exhaling to keep from bolting after his Mate with a soft growl as he turned back to his cousin who said, “How hot was the drink?”
Thorin let out a soft grumble in a glance at his now stained sleeve, “Not very.”
Dwalin let out a breath and he glanced in the direction you had gone, “She probably went to go clean up, looks like she got the most of it down her shirt.”
Thorin nodded and he tried to quench his silent rage as your refusal to touch him, “Probably.”
Dwalin patted him on the back, “I take it that was her then?”
Thorin nodded, “Yes it was.”
Dwalin gave him a chuckle, “Just give her a break, it’s not the best way to meet your Mate, having a hot drink dumped all over you. Just roll up your sleeve and next time you run into her, try to not actually ‘run’ into her, especially if she’s got a drink in her hand.” Thorin nodded again and they both went to their classes as he unbuttoned his sleeve and rolled it up to hide the stain then repeated the action with the other sleeve.
Thankfully the classroom sat empty and in a downward glance you eyed the massive still warm stain across your chest. Best you could the warm liquid across your chest was wiped dry and the flannel you borrowed was removed to ease the removal of your long sleeved shirt. Folded and tucked into an empty pocket on your bag with the wet side inside the flannel was pulled on again to help cover your now almost fully exposed cleavage and bra through the thin tank top. Thankfully it was mainly stain free except for the left side near to the thin left strap. Easily hidden by buttoning the flannel at the third button to keep it closed while you bit the inside of your lip to keep from crying from your Mate’s cruel comments about your grandfather. Nothing you hadn’t heard before but from him those words hurt all the more with how close him and Thror had been. Onto your desk you settled a notepad and your pen while your mind tried to force your body to stop trembling from nerves at the continued sting of your Mark from that collision.
Glances between your notes to the ring Dewey had given to you that sat on your right ring finger kept your mind too distracted to let your body drop any tears. Right in the center a halo cut deep purple stone was surrounded by two half circles of the same shade, each circled by shimmering white stones and forest green topaz. The matching second band accented with unseen ithildin accents of bluebells was topped by more shimmering white stones and forest green topaz. The reminder of your true love you were glad to see was untouched by the drink. Thoughts of the Partner you had chosen and not the one forced upon you by nature lured you back to center again knowing he was going to be at home tonight to cling to while you fought against everything nature was in a try to force upon you and all you had dreamed of.
The next few classes went smoothly, after which to the library you went. With a wish to double check a chapter from a book you had read years ago to silently prove your imaginary argument with the student who tried to argue back with the teacher trying to prove he knew better.
As you left you were bumped into by a thin young man who had lost his balance trying to place his books back in his bags. He turned giving you a good look over his grey cardigan with a pale purple shirt on under it with a grey tie and jeans with clean expensive running shoes under, with a familiar shade of piercing blue eyes and reddish blonde short hair brushed to the side, “Oh I’m terribly sorry.”
You gave him a small smile as you steadied him, “That’s alright, you’re not the first one to crash into me today.” He let out a nervous chuckle and caught your eyes, flinching slightly at their purple shade before realizing it and gave you another smile as he offered his hand, “Ori Durin.”
You accepted his hand, “Jaqiearae Pear.”
“Oh…so you’re last name isn’t..”
“Mordor? My mother took my father’s name, though I have considered changing it back, but my grandfather said it would probably be better to grow up without his name he said it’d be easier for me.”
He took a nervous step, “So you spent a lot of time with him, Melkor I mean?”
“He raised me after my parents died.”
His smile dropped as he took a small step forward at your face dropping a little, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“So what are you studying?”
Your smile came back a bit, “I’m starting my graduate courses to become a veterinarian.”
“What a small world, so am I. Are you going to work with large animals or smaller ones, I’m hoping for a spot in an aviary working with exotic birds.”
“The common field with house pets and the like. I’ve already got a job at a small Vet office not far from here.”
His smile grew again, “Really, do they work with birds? I’ve got an internship at the zoo with the bird sanctuary.”
“We get the occasional chicken and parakeet or cockatiel, mostly we have to send them to a different office for treatment if it’s nothing past a damaged wing or foot.”
“When are you heading for lunch?”
“Just now, wanted to check something first.”
He smiled again as he slung his bag back over his shoulder, “Good, if you wanted you could join me, we could talk more about our course plans if you like.”
You nodded, “Sounds good.”
As you headed back out you spotted a young thin tall blonde woman with a neon pink shirt and matching shoes with a familiar brown cherry on the side of her neck, as Ori started saying, “You know, I wonder what my family would say if they heard I was having lunch with Melkor Mordor’s granddaughter.”
“Thror and Melkor served in the War together you know, they were really close until my parents died.”
He glanced over at you quickly, “Really?”
You nodded, “That’s why we went to his funeral, to pay respects to his old friend.”
“That’s why…I was little when he passed, I just remember hearing about it later.”
“Are you taking a spot in the Durin Company as well?”
“I have a part time job in the filing section, but I plan on focusing on animals, there’s tons of Durins around to run the company they don’t need me. You?”
“I’m the interim CEO, I’m going to be handling both jobs, I have some cousins, but it’s mostly just me right now.”
He glanced at you with a slightly concerned look as you wove through the crowd, “Is he going to get better?”
Your voice broke as you spoke out softly, “No.”
“Oh…I’m so sorry Jaqi…I can call you Jaqi?”
You glanced over at him with a small smile giving him a quick nod, “Yes.”
He smiled again before turning back to look at the courtyard. The last empty table was the clear goal. On its own the button on the flannel eased itself undone to let it flow around you drawing a few people’s attention. Including two pairs of piercing blue eyes from across the courtyard, Thorin intently held his gaze that made your mark tingle as he took in every inch of your exposed skin and tight shirt from the neck down the exposed bust. From the stain he left on you to your stomach his eyes scanned again with a disappointed huff when your thin shirt was still not thin enough to tell if you had a small heart on your stomach.
Dwalin beside him chuckled to the grunt that followed your hand closing the flannel over your chest again, then said, “Nice body she’s got there.”
He chuckled again as Thorin turned and shot him a glare, “Do…”
He raised his hand to cut him off, “Joking, Thorin. She is gorgeous, but you know I’m not going there.”
His eyes furrowed as he grumbled and turned back to you, “She’s friends with Ori…wonder how they met.”
Dwalin chuckled again as you both settled into the table and both pulled out your lunches and started to eat, “So no threats to Ori?”
Thorin chuckled as he crossed his arms still watching you closely, “I’ll speak to him later.”
His eyes darted to a muscular tall blonde Elf who headed straight for your side. Once there he straddled the bench and wrapped his arm around your back and kissed your cheek as he brushed your hair back, speaking in Elvish, “Dear…” Switching to Common tongue, “What happened to your shirt?”  His hand moved from your belly to the collar of your flannel shirt out so he could glance at the stains.
“Ran into someone this morning, spilled my drink, you should see my other shirt. Oh, Haldir, this is Ori Durin.”
They quickly shook hands, “Haldir Lothlorien.”
Ori, “Pleasure.”
Haldir, “Have your classes gone well?”
“So far, though one of my Professors seems to be glaring at me at the moment.”
They both looked around and Ori’s eyes stopped on his Uncles giving them a quick wave, “Those are my Uncles, Dwalin and Thorin, which one were you talking about?”
“Thorin, I have him later today…” You looked back at your schedule, “And Dwalin as well apparently.”
Haldir, “I’m sure he doesn’t hate you.”
Ori nodded, “Just his face, he stares like that at everybody even family.”
Haldir, “Well, if he gives you any trouble let me know.” Running his finger through your hair again as he shoots a glare right back at him, then looking back at you softly, “No offense there Ori, but the older Durins I’ve met are quick to feud.”
Ori chuckled as he caught Thorin’s glare turn to a heated scowl as Haldir stroked your cheek before giving it another quick peck, “Oh, no insult taken at all, when it’s not with other people it’s all aimed at family.”
“Oh Haldir, you should drop in the library while you can.”
“Really, why’s that?”
“I spotted your Mate.” His eyes popped open wider, “She should still be there, the blonde one with neon pink sweater and matching shoes.” He quickly hugged you and kissed you on the cheek.
“I gotta go see her!” He paused and his face dropped.
You caught his eye switching to Elvish again, “You go, consider us over, you’re free to go fly through the clouds with your Soul Mate.” Shooting him a wink.
“I won’t forget this. I know we will all be great friends!” Hugging you again happily as he sprinted off with his bag, Thorin caught your saddened look before you masked it again as you mumble to yourself, “You’ll forget me, people always do.”
You glance back at Ori, catching Thorin’s glare pulling back a little as he watched you intently, “So you two weren’t-?”
You chuckled, “Not really, no. His parents kept bugging him about having children since we were little. Wanted to wait for his Mate, so he needed a beard, so I sit on his arm at parties and I get to be with my Partner the rest of the year.”
He smiled again, “Your Partner? How long have you been together?”
“Nearly 6 years now.”
His eyes darted to the ring on your hand again, gently grabbing it and pulled the hand closer to him making Thorin’s glare come back when he noticed the massive ring, “This from him? It is a him right?”
You giggled, “Yes he bought it for me. We exchanged rings at Christmas.” He let go of your hand and you brushed back your hair as two other Dwarves joined you, one with Durin blue eyes, blonde hair and another with deep hazel eyes with matching hair, both saying, “Ori just who is this angel you’ve managed to snag?”
You glanced up at them and their faces went blank as they caught your purple eyes, “Jaqi Pear.”
Holding out your hand for them to shake, both taking turns, “Fili.”
Fili leaned in closer and you caught a glimpse of his yellow star mark on his collar bone and the orange bird just above Kili’s right elbow as Fili said, “Pity you don’t have a star under there.”
Gently sliding the collar of your large shirt to the side as Kili grabbed your sleeve and lifted it slowly, letting out a huff as there was not bird there saying, “Kili. No bird either, damn.”
Fili, “Any feathers?” Glancing at Ori who rolled his eyes as Kili lifted your left sleeve turning your hand over searching for the small yellow feather matching Ori’s on his left wrist, saying, “No feather either.”
Both of their eyes darting to Ori who said, “We’re both studying to be veterinarians. Though she’s a few years ahead of me.”
Both, “Oh.” Smiling again.
Kili, “I’m gonna be an architect.”
Fili, “I’m studying Law.”
They both turned as they caught Ori’s glance at their Uncles who were still watching, then turned back, Kili said, “Looks like you’ve met our Uncles.”
“Not officially, I have their classes later.”
Both, “Ah.”
Fili, “Should go well.”
Kili, “Hope you enjoy essays, Uncle Thorin loves them.”
“Well I enjoy writing them, no problem there.”
Fili, “And Dwalin loves a good surprise test.”
“Good to know.”
Fili, “So who was blondie?”
“Guy I used to date.”
Kili, “Looked a bit too friendly to be used to.”
You giggled, “As of 3 minutes ago, it’s used to, I spotted his Mate in the Library.”
Their faces dropped, as Fili said, “And he just left you like that?”
“We weren’t that serious, just went to parties to shut his family up about having kids someday.”
Kili blurted out, “Kids, how old are you that they’re talking about children already, you’re still in University!”
You giggled again, “I’m 22, but he’s in line to help run Lothlorien Inc one day, needs an heir, not all of us breed like Durins.” Making the three of them chuckle again.”
Fili, “Oh come on, I hear Melkor’s got 9 children just raring to take over.” He let out a chuckle.
Your face twitched into a scowl that you tried to fight back, “They aren’t his children.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Fili, “Sorry, meant it as a joke, anyone with eyes could see that they’re not his.”
Kili, “Especially after that disaster of a press conference. Not an ounce of sense between them.”
Fili, “I take it you’re not close then?”
“When my grandfather got sent to the hospital their mother kicked me out. She’s been trying to take my seat for years.”
Ori, “You’re homeless?”
“No, he bought me a house, just fixed it up, moved in that night.”
Ori let out a relieved sigh, “Oh good, if you hadn’t there’s tons of room at our place. Though I’m sure you could always stay with your Partner.”
Fili/Kili, “Partner?”
Fili, “He know about blondie?”
You nodded, “Ya, our families are old friends, our relationship isn’t exactly front page news.”
Kili, “Why not?”
“He’s older. Nearly 10 years.”
Fili smiled larger again, “Ah, so he’s our Uncle’s age, how long have you been together?”
Ori, “Nearly 6 years, bought her a ring.”
Their hands reached out to grab your hand making Thorin clench again, “Wow…Must be loaded!”
You rolled your eyes and pulled your hand back resting your chin in your palm giving Thorin a chance to see the large stones sparkling in the sunlight, Kili asked, “What’s his name?”
“Thranduil Greenleaf.”
They all smiled and Ori said, “Oh so you’re our new neighbor then. It looks fantastic, have you furnished it yet?”
“Thank you. I’m working on it.”
Ori, “Where are you shopping?”
“I’m building it not buying it, family tradition.”
Fili/Kili/Ori, “Really?”
Kili, “So you must be really good at wood crafting then.”
“The second wife tried to put me in my place by making me work in the company from the ground up. I’ve worked on pretty much everything to do with construction and carving.”
Fili/Kili, “Impressive!”
“Went a bit against her plans, making me even more of an ally to my workers, hoping I’d have just given up.”
Fili, “I’ve never seen a dragon flee from a fight!”
Kili, “She should have known better!”
Ori glanced at his watch, “Oh, almost time for class.” You both cleaned up and you all went your separate ways.
Pt 4
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT, Radeon RX 5700 'Navi' GPUs Launched, 16-Core Ryzen 9 3950X CPU Introduced at E3 2019
http://tinyurl.com/y57ehm26 AMD has simply made its Radeon RX 5700 collection graphics processors official, launching the Radeon RX 5700 XT and Radeon RX 5700 GPUs. These two fashions are the primary shopper GPUs primarily based on the brand new Navi structure, which has been within the works for a number of years now. As well as, AMD has introduced a beforehand rumoured 16-core shopper desktop CPU, the Ryzen 9 3950X, and likewise two new Ryzen 3000-series APUs with built-in graphics capabilities. AMD President and CEO Dr Lisa Su, joined by a number of senior firm executives, introduced the brand new GPUs and CPUs at AMD’s Subsequent Horizon Gaming occasion on the E3 2019 gaming business expo in Los Angeles. The Radeon RX 5700 GPU series makes use of a model new design that AMD is looking RDNA, or Radeon DNA, constructed on the Navi architecture platform. The corporate guarantees a model new compute unit constructing block, improved cache hierarchy, and extra environment friendly graphics pipeline, for 1.25x higher higher efficiency per clock and 1.5x higher efficiency per Watt than current Radeon RX500-series products. Beginning with the Radeon RX 5700 XT, the GPU has 40 RDNA compute models with 2,560 stream processors, for as much as 9.75 Teraflops of bandwith. It should run at a 1605MHz base clock with a 1755MHz ‘recreation clock’ velocity and as much as 1905MHz turbo velocity. Graphics playing cards primarily based on this GPU can have 8GB of GDDR6 RAM on a 256-bit bus for 448GBps of reminiscence bandwidth. Board energy is rated at 225W. AMD’s reference design for graphics playing cards primarily based on the Radeon RX 5700 XT contains a blower-style fan, an acoustically tuned aluminium alloy shroud, vapour chamber cooler, and overclocker-friendly 7-phase energy design. It wants 8-pin and one 6-pin PCIe energy inputs.   The Radeon RX 5700 will function 36 compute models with 2,304 stream processors. Its base, recreation clock and turbo speeds are 1465MHz, 1625MHz and 1725MHz respectively. It should additionally function 8GB of GDDR6 RAM on a 256-bit bus, and board energy is a extra modest 180W. Each fashions will function HDMI 2.0b and DisplayPort 1.Four HDR video outputs with Show Stream Compression, able to driving 4K at 240Hz, 4K HDR at 120Hz, or 8K HDR at 60Hz with a single cable. The Radeon Media Engine helps H.264, H.265 and VP9 video encoding for environment friendly streaming to Twitch or YouTube whereas gaming. The Radeon RX 5700 collection GPUs can be positioned under the present Radeon VII however above the Radeon RX 500 series and Radeon Vega series. The Radeon RX 5700XT can be priced at $449 (roughly Rs. 31,175 earlier than taxes) and the Radeon RX 5700 will value $379 (roughly Rs. 26,315 earlier than taxes). They are going to go on sale on July 7, 2019. Moreover, a gold-accented 50th Anniversary Edition model of the Radeon RX 5700 XT with barely larger clock speeds can be offered completely on AMD.com for $499 (roughly Rs. 34,645). Consumers will get a 3 month Xbox Game Pass subscription for entry to a number of video games together with the upcoming Gears 5. New FidelityFX, Radeon Picture Sharpening, and Radeon Anti-Lag instruments have additionally been introduced, and promise to make video games look higher with minimal impression on efficiency. Picture Sharpening makes use of contrast-adaptive sharpening with non-compulsory upscaling and is supported by hundreds of previous and new video games, in line with AMD. Past the GPUs introduced on the occasion, AMD additionally supplied a roadmap replace, with RDNA2 deliberate to be launched earlier than 2021. RDNA2 will function ray tracing acceleration in {hardware} for choose lighting results, whereas sooner or later, full-scene ray tracing will leverage cloud computing sources.   The Ryzen 3000 desktop CPU collection is predicated on the Zen 2 microarchitecture and leverages a ‘chiplet’ design that splits the CPU cores into separate modular dies, fabricated on a 7nm course of and related by way of AMD’s Infinity Cloth to a standard IO die on the identical bundle. AMD claims a 15 % enchancment in directions per clock with Zen 2 in comparison with the first-generation Zen architecture. The 8-core, 16-thread Ryzen 7 3700X and Ryzen 7 3800X, and the 12-core, 24-thread Ryzen 9 3900X fashions have been introduced at Su’s Computex 2019 opening keynote, forward of their July 7 sale date. These fashions are actually joined by the 16-core, 32-thread Ryzen 9 3950X, which can go on sale in September this 12 months. The Ryzen 9 3950X can have a base clock velocity of three.5GHz, a lift velocity of 4.7GHz, a complete of 72MB of cache reminiscence, and a 105W TDP score. It is going to be priced at $749 (roughly Rs. 52,000 earlier than taxes) to undercut Intel’s high-core-count HEDT platform models. Extra particulars of the Zen 2 structure have emerged. The L3 cache measurement has been doubled, decreasing reminiscence latency. AMD’s Infinity Cloth interconnect has been up to date and is now in its second technology. Floating level efficiency has been doubled, and AVX-256 directions are supported. AMD says that 60 % of Zen 2’s efficiency enhancements come from its design, whereas 40 % comes from the environment friendly 7nm manufacturing course of.   With the X570 chipset platform, Zen 2 CPUs will be capable of drive as much as 12 USB 3.1 Gen2 (10Gbps) ports, 16 PCIe 4.zero lanes for GPUs and as much as 12 normal objective PCIe 4.zero lanes which could possibly be used for 3 NVMe SSDs, for instance. Furthermore, all 3000-series Ryzen 7 and Ryzen 9 fashions will ship with the AMD Wraith Prism RGB LED cooler totally free, which is added worth. AMD additionally introduced that the Windows 10 May 2019 Update, which is presently rolling out to customers world wide, introduces scheduler optimisations for Ryzen CPUs primarily based on the Zen 2 structure, with extra environment friendly project of threads to particular person CPU cores and sooner clock velocity ramping. The Ryzen 3000 collection may also embrace the Ryzen 3 3200G and Ryzen 3 3400G APUs, primarily based on the earlier Zen+ structure, with built-in Radeon Vega graphics. The Ryzen 3 3200G options 4 cores with out multi-threading, a Vega Eight GPU, base and increase speeds of three.6GHz and 4GHz respectively, and a 65W TDP. The Ryzen 3 3400G additionally has 4 cores however does assist multi-threading. It options Vega 11 graphics and runs at between 3.7GHz and 4.2GHz with the identical 65W TDP.   AMD is positioning its new Navi-based GPUs and Ryzen 3000 CPUs, together with the X570 desktop chipset introduced at Computex 2019 two weeks in the past, as the final word high-performance PC gaming platform. All these elements assist the new PCIe 4.0 standard which doubles the theoretical bandwidth of current-gen PCIe 3.zero whereas remaining totally backward suitable. AMD touts the velocity enhancements attainable with PCIe 4.zero SSDs, equivalent to Gigabyte’s Aorus NVMe Gen4 SSD. Source link
0 notes
chronoscasuals · 6 years
Game review - Sentinels of the Multiverse (pre-OblivAeon)
Welcome all to Chronos Casuals. My name is ChronosMysty and today starts what could very well be a potentially long series of posts about Sentinels of the Multiverse, created by Greater than Games. Sentinels of the Multiverse is a fully cooperative game in which 3-5 superheroes (eaach with their own unique deck and character card, complete with HP and Power) fight generally 1 powerful supervillain (each with their own unique deck and character card of rules text. More on why only “generally”, later) in an environment that changes the landscape (heh, landscape) of the battle as it goes on (again, each with their own unique deck). Rather than using an existing superhero universe, Badell created his own. You may recognize some common archetypes, such as heroes that include Legacy, the super strong, super resilient, all-American; Tachyon, the scientific speedster; Wraith, the CEO with no superpowers other than her mind and her money; and Bunker, a soldier outfitted with a metal suit loaded with tons of firepower; and villains such as Baron Blade, a no-powered scientist who uses his over-the-top super science to pose a threat to even Legacy; and Omnitron, a sentient AI that decided that the easiest way to end humanity’s problems is simply to end humanity. But enough about flavor, let’s do a very glossed overview of gameplay. The goal of the game (generally) is to reduce the villain (or villains, more on that later) to 0 HP before the heroes all become incapacitated or some other game-ending condition is fulfilled. The villains and environment are fully automated, leaving all the decisions to the heroes. Gameplay goes in order of villain turn, each hero turn in order, then environment turn, then repeat this cycle. The villains and environments use a “Start of turn, play top card, End of turn” turn structure, where start and end of turn are only relevant for timings mentioned on cards. Each hero turn similarly has the Start and End of turn, but the Middle Phase is where things are different: You can do up to each of these in this order: Play a card from your hand (You start off the game by drawing 4 from your 40 card deck. These cards may just have a one-shot effect or may stick around and build up your hero for a time or until destroyed), Use a Power (which can be on your hero’s character card or a card you have in play), and Draw a card. If your hero takes too much damage, they’ll drop to 0 HP, all your cards will be removed from the game, and you’ll cease being active and instead be incapacitated. You’re not out of the fight, though; while incapacitated, you have incapacitated abilities and Middle Phase of “Play, Power, Draw” becomes “Use an incapacitated ability”. To help scale the game to the number of heroes, the designers implemented H, a value equal to the number of heroes in the game (active or incapacitated). Generally used on villains (and generally used to scale damage or destruction), H helps to ensure that villains don’t become too difficult with only 3 heroes or too trivial with only 5 heroes (though, generally, 5-hero games are still much easier).
Is fighting one villain not good enough for you? Well, the Vengeance and Villain of the Multiverse expansions got you covered. You don’t face one solo villain; you instead face H team villains, each of which is about as powerful as (probably slightly more powerful than) the average hero, with an added upside of setup cards but the added downside of not being able to choose which card they want to play or who to aim for. Additionally, the villain turns aren’t all at the front but instead alternate with hero turns (with the first villain turn still being first and a single environment turn per round still being last). Anyway, time from the review part. While I really do enjoy this game, I’ll try to keep this as objective as possible: Pros: • This game has a LOT of variety, especially with all the expansions. Even with just the core game, with only ten heroes (of which you can play 3 to 5), four villains, and four environments, you have... wait a minute...
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Seriously, you have 9312 combinations of teams, villains, and environments. (well, technically, you have 576,000 permutations since the order of the heroes does matter, but let’s not get into that). But strict numbers wouldn’t mean anything if they all felt the same. Let me assure you, this is not a problem; even with heroes that share a role or design shtick have different flavor, personality, cards, and deck mechanics. Each solo villain character card has two cards. Sometimes this splits the villain into two phases, sometimes the villain shifts between two phases, sometimes the back side is just used as a way to proc an effect and then flip back. But with a shuffled 25 card villain deck (or 20 cards for vengeance villains, but either way, they’re generally built with higher variance than hero decks), villains tend to create wildly different games while still maintaining their own distinct feel. Environments can also do a lot to change up the game, and once again, an environment deck’s 15 cards tend to be quite varied. • Lore. This game has lots of it. Despite most of the flavor texts being quoted from specific issues of comics, very few Sentinels Comics actually exist (although the writers do say that they keep track of the story as though they did exist to make sure they don’t screw up the timeline and place a quote where it shouldn’t be) and you’ll have to look for the Letters pages or just check the wiki at https://sentinelswiki.com/index.php?title=Main_Page Just watch out. Sentinels is big on alternate timelines, so you might get a little confused if you’re not already versed with figuring out comic universe timelines. • This game can be played alone, so long as you’re willing to pilot 3-5 heroes by yourself.
• I know I said I would keep this objective, but I feel like I have to mention that the game feel is superb. The comic-cover like design of the hero cards, the flavor text being quotes from comics, the art style, all speak to the comic design. The mechanics and requirement of multiple heroes needing to stop the villain further reinforce this. The game isn’t perfectly “balanced” in all cases and in general favors the heroes, but that’s part of the point: mostly the heroes win, and sometimes the heroes lose. Even so, quite often, the battle’s outcome feels well-earned, just like how a hero team-up comic should be.
• This game has a lot of bookkeeping. Between the Ongoing and Equipment cards that can either provide passive buffs or trigger upon certain events and well as some one-shots’ lingering buffs that can last anywhere from a round to until a certain event occurs, it can be very difficult to manage. The game provides tokens, but they don’t cover all possible events and you may have to buy the token expansion pack for this purpose. Thankfully, having more actual players helps spread the bookkeeping responsibility out.
• As with all fully cooperative games that you can openly share all your info, this can sometimes lead to one player backseat-playing for everyone else. This isn’t so much the game’s fault as it is a player fault, but if you have people in your playgroup who will do this, this might not be the game for that playgroup.
• This is more of a per-villain basis, but some villains (and in general the Vengeance team style) tend to get weaker as the game goes on while the heroes tend to get stronger, causing some fights to peter out near the end rather than have a climactic finish. On the other hand, some villains are too easy from the get-go and some are soul-crushingly difficult. I mentioned being “imperfectly balanced” as a feature and even a pro for capturing game feel, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t sometimes leave a bad taste in your mouth (especially with people generally having a negativity bias in which they remember the bad times more than the good times).
• Buying this game and its expansions costs quite a bit of money. This is more of a con for OblivAeon (which will sort-of require all of the previous expansions [or at least the heroes and the complete hero promo collection if you want the intended experience]), but I feel like I should mention it here. I would highly recommend all of the expansions except maybe Villains of the Multiverse, since it only provides 10 villains for vengeance style and 5 environments that, while cool, aren’t completely necessary. (Not so coincidentally. Villains of the Multiverse is the only multi-deck expansion that doesn’t contain any heroes).
• This game’s lifespan isn’t infinite, and even with its large variety and my enjoyment of it, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t sometimes get tired of it and nearly lose interest between expansions. And with the game having no more official expansions coming out past Oblivaeon (unless you count Sentinels of Earth-Prime and any expansions it might have), who knows how much longer the game will last.
• Some rules and rulings are a bit confusing (especially if your cards’ printings aren’t completely up to date) and the rulebook isn’t 100% comprehensive. (Then again, this also leaves rulings up to interpretation, which may help with the fun factor if you aren’t a stickler for exactly following the rules.)
Thankfully, some of these cons can be alleviated in different ways (although sadly they can’t all be used at the same time)
• If the monetary cost and/or bookkeeping is too much, you can buy the Steam version. It’s a near-perfect replica of the physical game (with some minor changes due to engine limitations) but a hell of a lot cheaper and has computers doing the bookkeeping for you. You want to know if a target is being affected by something, just zoom in on it and it will tell you in the upper right-hand corner. Very helpful. The downside is that there is no modding support.
• If you want more Sentinels, Matthew Bishop creates The Cauldron, an unofficial expansion of Sentinels of the Multiverse. http://meromorph.com/tangent/cauldron/ https://boardgamegeek.com/article/20532002 • If the regular game is a bit too imbalanced, Adelphophage has got you covered, with both villain promo cards to change up the villains as well as (more controversially) some card inserts to change hero and environment cards as well. He even created some new villains as well.
https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1678967/adelphophages-archives https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1790312/adelphophages-card-inserts I will be doing reviews on those too, likely after my OblivAeon review if it arrives soon enough (I’m expecting it today, actually). I’ll link to them in those reviews too. The downside with this solution is that the Steam game does not yet have mod support to import these, so you have to choose which problem you want to solve.
Overall, I highly recommend this game to the casual gamer. Try it out on Steam, and if you like it, consider getting a physical set for your playgroup and maybe looking into some unofficial expansions. And that’s all I got for you right now. I’ll see you all next time, and remember, keep it casual!
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