#ceri talks ₊˚ෆ
mershellscape · 2 days
rip sirius black you would've loved taking remus's last name so you wouldn't have to live with the name you associate only with rejection and childhood trauma/abuse
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mershellscape · 3 days
lily evans would have made sure harry's last name was hyphenated. gimme that harry evans-potter RIGHT NOW.
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mershellscape · 2 days
rip sirius black you would've loved racing harry to the ice cream van on a hot summer day
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mershellscape · 2 days
— minerva mcgonagall moodboard + headcanons
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— summary bc minerva ROCKS i love her (also outing myself as a mcgonagall x pomfrey shipper LMFAOOO) — a/n i said i was jus gonna do hcs 🫣 but i couldn't help but do a moodboard — taglist @picklerab23 @lovelorngirl @that-random-poseidon-child @nuncscioquidsitamor-13 (sorry if any of you didn't want to be tagged, i just tagged ppl who seemed interested 😓)
ᥫ᭡. her father fought in ww2, and both she and her mother took care of him when he was back, as he struggled with ptsd
ᥫ᭡. she loved growing up in a muggle village, partly bc she felt special and smart, but also bc it made her have a closer relationship with her father
ᥫ᭡. when she got to hogwarts, the sorting hat took a long time to put her in a house, before she swore at it in her head and it screeched “GRYFFINDOR”
ᥫ᭡. sidenote: minnie def uses muggle swear words ik my girl is not saying "merlin's saggy ballsack" at every inconvenience
ᥫ᭡. she became popular pretty quickly, but she only had one real friend — poppy pomfrey
ᥫ᭡. they went EVERYWHERE together
ᥫ᭡. they were the big sisters of gryffindor house, even of hogwarts in general
ᥫ᭡. minnie got top grades in all her classes, so the only thing that offered a challenge to her was quidditch
ᥫ᭡. she'd read about in some books, but she had never played it before, so she tried out her second year, but failed to get in
ᥫ᭡. but over the summer she practiced, and got in her third year
ᥫ᭡. a lot of people were cruel to her, since she was a girl, which kept getting in her head and worsened her performance
ᥫ᭡. on one match, the bullying got so bad she didn't show her face the whole rest of weekend — even though they ended up winning
ᥫ᭡. poppy found out why and she hexed the bullies, giving them really bad nosebleeds
ᥫ᭡. minnie got back to playing quidditch, and was better than ever
ᥫ᭡. sidenote: everytime minnie got hurt in a match, she'd get taken care of by poppy (who volunteered at the hospital wing) and asjsksja so hurt comfort 😭 i love them
ᥫ᭡. in her fourth year, she dated a fellow chaser for a few months, but she was never really invested
ᥫ᭡. meanwhile, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous when poppy got in a relationship herself
ᥫ᭡. she broke up with her boyfriend on a hogsmeade weekend and he got mad and tried to hit her but she hexed him and left him rolling around in the snow in pain
ᥫ᭡. (because of this, she got called to the headmaster's office, and was put in detention, tho she negotiated it to only be once rather than a whole week)
ᥫ᭡. because of her experience taking care of her father, she was one of the most compassionate students, and eventually teachers, towards the younger ones who struggled with mental health
ᥫ᭡. she and poppy, already popular for their beauty and personalities, became known for their genuine kindness
ᥫ᭡. she and poppy became prefects at the same time, furthering their reputation as the gryffindor mothers
ᥫ᭡. she passed her o.w.l.s with flying colors, etc. etc.
ᥫ᭡. she spent the whole summer before her sixth year with poppy, eating ice cream, taking the train to edinburgh to go to the museums and “experience some culture”
ᥫ᭡. they def “practiced kissing” on each other, even though they'd both already had their first kisses
ᥫ᭡. the next year, minnie worked on becoming an animagus, under the supervision of dumbledore
ᥫ᭡. she became an animagus in a little over seven months, due to a few failed attempts, but!!! she got their in the end bc of course she did she's mcgonagall
ᥫ᭡. from that point forward she was constantly turning into her cat form, bc she loved yowling at her fellow students when they pissed her off
ᥫ᭡. of course she had to keep the fact that she was an animagus a secret, even tho she did it legally
ᥫ᭡. sixth and seventh year she got a lot of awards for transfiguration, but now she was starting to worry about where she would go in her career
ᥫ᭡. most of her teachers insisted she take up a teaching position at hogwarts but she was like “no😭😭 i hate kids”
ᥫ᭡. after graduation, she got a job at a magazine in london, where she had a column about transfiguration. she interviewed famous people, talked about how transfiguration and other forms of magic can be mixed, etc.
ᥫ᭡. but she wasn't happy
ᥫ᭡. at this point, she was penpals w poppy, who was working back at hogwarts
ᥫ᭡. poppy filled her in on the drama, and when minnie found out dumbledore was leaving his position as transfiguration professor to be headmaster, she rushed to apply
ᥫ᭡. obviously, she was given the job
— now for some headcanons from when she was a professor !
ᥫ᭡. one time minnie got in a fight with another animal in her animagus form and she showed up to class the next day with nicks in her ear and a limp
ᥫ᭡. causing a school-wide rumor that she was secretly in a gang (she doesn't deny it)
ᥫ᭡. minnie in animagus form always accompanied remus on the full moon, to make sure he never hurt himself too badly
ᥫ᭡. mcgonagall def picked favorites, but they had to earn it. some of her notable favorites: molly weasley, bill weasley, regulus black, remus lupin, andromeda black, mary macdonald, hermione granger, luna lovegood, neville longbottom, harry potter, fred & george weasley, and lee jordan (the quidditch commentator)
that's all i can think of right now, feel free to add on! <3
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mershellscape · 3 days
jason grace tried to give thalia a nickname one (1) time and she disowned him
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mershellscape · 2 days
i feel like pandora is one of those girls everyone had a crush on
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mershellscape · 2 days
ok i fw jegulily but i do think regulus and lily would be in a qpr while james is in a romantic relationship with both
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mershellscape · 3 days
dorlene such an awesome ship cs it can be butch4butch, fem4fem, butch4fem, etc.
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mershellscape · 2 days
jeyna mirrors everlark btw
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mershellscape · 14 hours
and if i said anderperry was a wolfstar variant
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mershellscape · 2 days
ok the idea of pandora and evan being twins is a banger one but imagine how sad it would be for pandora to feel abandoned by her older, now death eater brother i just idk it hits different
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mershellscape · 2 days
remus dressed up as bowie one halloween and that was when sirius started crushing no i won't be taking critique
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mershellscape · 3 days
marauders hcs: they’re all sassy esp the boys. esp barty cj & reg
no fr bcj would be sassy as fuck. i kinda get the feeling he'd be able to get along with any friend group, bc of his manipulative nature, but also bc he's. so. funny. like he'd get along with his main friend group the skittles obvi, but he could also get along w the gryffindor girls n even the marauders. i lit love barty crouch jr.
as for reg, i've always seen him as a people pleaser and very polite w everyone except for his friend group. that's when he goes full sassy man apocalypse.
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mershellscape · 6 hours
what if when percy and annabeth held up the sky they didn't just get one streak, they got multiple. what i'm trying to say is percabeth with salt and pepper hair
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mershellscape · 16 hours
whatever you do don't think abt regulus in the cave drinking the poison and having flashbacks to watching sirius get punished by his parents while he could do absolutely nothing to help
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mershellscape · 16 hours
ginny weasley and piper mclean give off similar vibes don't ask me why
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