#cg!osaki shotaro
nqctar · 5 months
Hi! Just found your blog and I love it so much! Would you be willing to write something for cg! Shotaro? I haven't seen anything and I feel like he would just be so sweet as a cg
♡ shotaro as your cg!
cg! osaki shotaro x female!little reader
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pairings: cg! osaki shotaro x f!reader. genre: sfw age regression, fluff. warnings: no major warnings apply.
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大崎将太郎 / osaki shotaro ★
dni: if you sexualize little space.
as a cg shotaro is sooo silly
he's always trying to make you laugh
& it works!!
you know how cg!wonbin takes playing doctor too seriously?
shotaro does the same thing!
you two are playing restaurant & shotaro is complaining the entire time
"this service is too slow." "my food is so cold!" "waitress, i demand more green tea!"
so at some point you stomp back over to him & yell "I QUIT!" & he just sits there like :o
when you ask him a question while you're little you always go
"umm tarotaro?"
so now when he asks you a question he basically does the same!
"umm baby?"
i feel like you guys would go to see animals a lot! like specifically aquariums. he'd take you to any aquarium he could find and you'd spend hours looking and pointing at everything
"umm tarotaro, what is that thing called?"
"that's an octopus, baby!"
"will it eat me?"
"yes! only if you keep leaving your lego out for me to step on."
between him and cg!anton idk who loves cuddling more.
will sometimes pretend to get off the phone with an octopus and be like
"he said if you don't cuddle me right now, he's gonna eat us both!"
so you basically dive on top of him because no way!!!
ok one time you snuck out of bed to eat cookies at 3 am
& you thought you were being quiet but shotaro caught you!
but instead of being mad he was just like
"why aren't you sharing :("
if there's something you collect besides stuffies or dollies, shotaro would buy you soo many to help you. like if you collected sonny angels!
he'd buy you a ton and then put them in a cute basket and hand it to you with the biggest :D smile ever
i think he'd like playing hide and seek with you!
you'd be hiding behind a curtain with your feet sticking out thinking he toooootally can't see you right now
& he pretends he doesn't!!
"where is my baby? did the octopus get her??" while you try and stop giggling so loud
when shotaro hides though, it's almost like he disappears into thin air
one time you looked for him for what felt like 30 minutes
when you found him he was in a closet, watching netflix on his phone.
he looked up at you slowly and just went "ummm.." while you pouted
but he made it up to you by giving you lots of kisses & letting you have extra sweets!
when it's bedtime sometimes he'll build a fort in the living room for you both to sleep in
made the mistake of putting an angry octopus stuffie in it though.
you clung to him the entire night because of that!
"i don't want it to get me, taro!!"
holds you to his chest the entire night, whispering "i love you" and "you're so cute, baby."
cg!taro is soooo <3333
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nqctar · 4 months
going crazy bc i can't stop thinking of cg!shotaro taking care of a sick baby :((( they both want cuddles but !!! sick !!!
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cg!shotaro would be so sad if he couldn't cuddle with his baby because they're sick :( he would do everything to make you feel comfortable, but all you wanted was him to hold you! he'd pout and say "not now baby. if i get sick too, who's gonna make sure you get better?"
he'd bring you all of your stuffies and colouring books to try and keep your mind busy but all you wanted was cuddles! and shotaro did too, he would NEVER refuse to hold his baby.
shotaro would sit with you, like if you were laying down on the sofa, and read you a story from one of your books while you drift off to sleep. & while you were sleeping he'd whisper sweet things!! "i hope you feel better soon, little one." he'd probably get a bit teary eyed too. he hates seeing his baby sick.
if you were feeling well enough to play he'd have a tea party with you and your stuffies!! but this time it's you sassing him about the tea getting too cold, or the "service" being too slow. shotaro thinks it's hilarious by the way.
he'd baby you soooooo much while you're sick and promise to give you EXTRA cuddles when you're better. shotaro would also buy you more stuffies !! he'd come home holding like six of them with the biggest smile ever on his face. "look what i brought you!" & you'd feel so loved and cared for !!
...and when you started feeling better he'd literally never let you out of his arms. like you're stuck there forever. but you don't complain because you missed being held by him so much :(
yet another concept i'm 100% gonna write a full imagine for sometime soon :D
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nqctar · 2 years
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𖧧 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 119 ⚹ㅤ
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