#ch: jax
thegrayascendancy-if · 4 months
What would make the RO drop their propriety? Thinking Ianthe may not apply necessarily, but since they all are in orbit of court life and were either raised to keep themselves in check or do so due to other circumstances (for the most part), how easy is it to get them acting a little less befitting of their class and status?
Realizing this can be interpreted more innocently or as a little R rated of a question oh no how did that happen weird who said that
Oh, absolutely! Many times in the character-centric questions the upbringing pulls the brakes on the severity of their reactions. Even Gale whom no one bothered to tutor properly has absorbed this in exposure therapy (plus it helps him cope greatly).
I was thinking about how to best approach this certainly difficult yet delicious question, and I'm taking the angle of "what situation would make their emotions overpower their sense". I'm nervous about this answer ngl...
Arthur: extreme frustration over an injustice (or humiliation) he thinks he cannot fix. The patience cup has rims.
Darla: the pressure on her isn't as much in the eyes of the court. Yet a blade to the throat of a loved one would wreck her.
Gale: there might one day come an insult too many...
Ianthe: being locked somewhere without a soul around.
Jax: if someone actually manages to betray them despite them thinking they know better.
Yvette/Yves: things going exactly to their plan, the moment they get what they have set out to. They think they are ready for those emotions but oh no, they're not.
1 like and I will answer this as an R-rated question, help us todd howard
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askmitraandco · 11 months
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" Well... First of all, I'm going to check up with the leader of this place to see how much they know of the hole those two just fell into. " stated Gale, a frown to his face.
" I'll tell my buddy to keep an eye on these three to make sure THEY don't try to follow after. "
He shot a glance toward Cayden and Solveig, so close to each other.
" And we're going to see how we're going down. "
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"I'm worried about my friends, Gale... I tried to follow after but I bumped my nose... " uttered the young Solveig, causing Gale to swallow once.
" I... I know. This is why we need to check with the elder... Just... Just give me a minute, okay? "
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"If they don't know what to do... I-- " he cut himself short, shaking off the words that wanted to slip from his tongue.
" Never mind, I'll be going, you guys STAY here. Soraya, can you keep an eye on them? "
"Most certainly, young Gale..! Me, Jax and Everly will keep an eye on their safety...!" came the shy voice of the umbreon.
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" Ugh... What a whole load of ruckus, right Mi-- " the Torracat blinked, looking about to where his big brother had gone to. " Milo... ? " questioned the feline, an inkling of worry.
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" W-WHERE DID THE DELCATTY GO TO?! " cried out Jax from atop of Soraya's head, who looked absolutely mortified. She had lost one of the three already...
" Damn it all...! Okay, you all... Just... JUST STICK!!! I'll get the elder!!! " Gale snarled out, rushing off.
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mxrvelouscreations · 1 year
[TEXT] - i’m making dinner tonight, you should come over. (Jax to Steve Rodgers if that’s okay? Also hiii)
[text: Jax] What are you making?
[text: Jax] Would you like me to come to you, or do you want to swing by the compound?
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clonehub · 3 months
Verocia is a matriarchal society and motherhood lineage is automatic. As in, if she gave birth to you, that's your mom.
But fatherhood isn't automatically bestowed just by virtue of being related to the fetus/child(ren). That's earned. And it has to be granted by the one actually growing + giving birth to the baby. If they don't grant it, then you can't claim fatherhood.
So if the father was a rapist, an abuser, a shitty guy, or even just a one night stand, they don't have legal or cultural claim to custody. He's really just Related, but that doesn't mean anything if you're a terrible person.
This doesn't happen very often because most of the time, ppl are having children with men they actually like and want to be in their lives, so these days there's not as much of a formal process of the father claiming custody/parentage for the child.
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safesthavens · 10 days
@stubborngods asked: ““I’m not trying to baby you. It’s called taking care of my friends.” (jaxon + matty)”
“Is that what you call it?” He rolls his eyes but his lips curve in a smile. That isn’t always a good thing. Matty often has a smile on his face. It’s more about the eyes that go with it. His eyes will narrow at a challenge, or sparkle if he thinks of some trouble to get into. They go wide when he has an idea of some new treat to bake, or still and focus in if someone’s angered him. Now isn’t any of that - he’s looking anywhere but Jax. That means he’s lying. Or hiding something. “Because what I heard was you lecturing me. Again. All because I pulled a prank on Mal.” He shrugs, like it’s casual. Like she hasn’t threatened him before. Like her wrath isn’t growing. “Am I not allowed to have fun anymore?” He tries to be innocent, but that mischievous glint has finally found its way back into his eyes and it gives him away.
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gaysftw · 2 months
Jordan: I only told Jeri that Aiden and I are going to be adopting a child because he's like my brother!
Jeri: I only told Veronica bc she’s basically Aiden’s mother
Veronica: I told Emily because she’s my wife.
Emily: And I told everyone :)
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vapolis · 7 months
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You’re a mercenary, gun for hire, assassin, information extractor, delivery person – call it what you want, because the people that hire you for your services don’t give much of a shit what you call yourself as long as you actually get them what they want.
Your last delivery ended with you – or rather the body you have decided to take over that day – as well as your delivery getting killed. The boss is pissed now and demands you fix your mistake or else you’ll be a head shorter. Not really a look you think you can pull off so you set out to fix what you fucked up, if it just weren’t for that mask wearing asshole that wants to cut your adventure – and life from the looks of it – short.
REMEMBER, YOU WILL DIE is an interactive novel playing in the fictional city Vapolis, where you take on the job as a mercenary with a very special ability, looking to find out who has their deadly sights set on you.
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gender & sexuality choice
five unique romance options, including one whose gender you can decide
a club called saints & sinners (yes, really) that becomes your second home
and the choice to wear heart-shaped sunglasses all day and if that doesn’t interest you, I don’t know what will
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ORLA [ female ] your boss and the owner of the saints & sinners. orla has been around for as long as you can remember, always working from the safety of her club und gathering as much dirt on people as she can get her hands on. she never tells you what she does with the info she has, but if you know her at all, you can guess why no one tries to run her off the streets of vapolis.
JAX [ male ] as bouncer of the saints & sinners and right hand man of orla, jax knows what is going on in the dark underbelly of the city. he is the man you call when it is time to get rid of a body or you need extra firepower, seeing he is almost as mysterious as he is good with a gun in his hands.
ROYAL [ non-binary ] royal is a little bit of everything. bartender and hacker, they know how to track you down wherever you are. often underestimated, they have learned to see the positives in flying under the radar and are incredibly good with a SocialLink in their hands and a couple of minutes of uninterrupted time.
DANTE/DELILAH [ gender cust. ] only having recently met them in this life, you are not yet quite sure what to think of them. there’s a certain darkness in their mismatched eyes you grow to recognize in your own.
ECHO [ non-binary ] as the arms dealer of your choice, echo has been around quite a lot. their shop has become somewhat of a safe haven to you when jobs got too much, or you simply needed Intel no one else offered for the right price. their disdain for anything orla or the saints & sinners isn't lost on you, though, and it's a mystery you hope to uncover sooner rather than later
THE MERC [ main ch. ] taking on the role as the merc in vapolis, you are somehow infamous for your approach to jobs and are never out of work. you might be a terrifying character on the streets of vapolis, but you’re by far not the deadliest.
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prologue + chapter one, two & three
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parrythisucasual · 8 months
What About Me? Ch. 1
Something is wrong. This isn't right. You were just lying in bed, starting a new VR game. Where are you now? There’s… music playing. Chipper, happy music. And every single color is like your mom’s phone screen- full-on brightness. You blink a few times, staring around. There’s a group of people… But they aren't people, exactly. They seem more like children's toys.
You're suddenly feeling very, very overwhelmed. You can feel your body shaking as panic punches you hard in the gut. You’re going to scream, you're going to have a breakdown, you're going to- 
“Where am I?” Oh. Well, that wasn’t so bad. Until the motley group turns and looks at you. The fear only rises as a doll woman steps closer to you “Another one? But Pomni just got here last week…” You blink, utterly dumbfounded. She spoke to you. You can understand her.
“Who are you?” a second question makes its way past your lips, your mind searching desperately for some kind of clarity. “This one’s taking it pretty well. Unless you count the crying.” another voice piped up as a purple rabbit sauntered over, stopping right next to you, “at least they aren't screaming like someone did when she got here.” 
“Jax!” the doll snapped at the rabbit, “I’m sorry about him, he’s just a bully. I’m Ragatha.” she gently placed an arm over your shoulder, causing a small bit of relief to flood through you. Something grounding. “I know this is really scary and off-putting, but I promise you’ll be okay.”
“Except you can never leave.” Jax’s smile widened. Your heart dropped rather suddenly “N-never leave?” you asked, looking from Jax to Ragatha. “Afraid not, my dear!” a third voice, a rather loud one, came to your attention. You turned to see who this could be and almost jumped out of your skin.
A set of teeth with bulging eyes staring at you, hovering a few feet in the air, “Welcome to the Amazing Digital Circus! I’m your ringmaster, Caine!” he greeted enthusiastically, spreading his arms in a display of showmanship. You think you’ve had enough.
Reaching to your face, you try to pull the headset off. But… it's not there. It’s just your face. But it doesn't feel like your face. It feels like a soft silicone rubber, almost like the Gumby toy you’d had as a kid. “It’s not there!” you yelp, now simply holding your own head.
“It’s okay, I promise you’re okay,” Ragatha gently reached over and took your hands from your head, “Just take a breath, okay?” You nodded, taking a deep breath and relaxing a bit, “Why isn’t it here?”
“Who knows? You’re stuck either way, why bother thinkin’ about it?” Jax walked past you, shrugging. You can already feel a twinge of anger at this… man? Rabbit? You’re clearly terrified and he can’t bother being kind for one second? 
Oddly, that anger only serves to calm you more. You ignore him and turn back to Ragatha, “Okay. I’m stuck here… in the circus… we can’t leave. You’re Ragatha. That's Jax. That’s Caine,” you list your knowledge, nodding with each statement. A small smile spread across her face, “Exactly.”
Nodding, you glance to the other circus members “What about… them?” you ask. Ragatha points to each member “This is Zooble, that’s Gangle, there’s Pomni,” she gestures to a pile of pillows, “Kinger is in there.” You made a mental note of each, making sure to introduce yourself later.
“Ya know, it's kind of refreshing not having to deal with some crybaby freakin’ out on us,” Jax mused, waving a finger in your general direction. The anger twinged once more, and before you could stop it, a realtor shot from your lips, “It would be refreshing if you shut your mouth. Nobody wants to hear your opinion.”
Shock spread across his face momentarily, then he frowned “I don’t care what anybody wants to hear or not. I say whatever I want to.” Ragathe interrupted suddenly, “OKAY! Let’s not fight… Um, what did you say you wanted us to call you?”
“I didn’t say. I’m- uh… My name…” you couldn’t remember. Terror gripped your chest once more. You could see Jax smiling, and that only worsened it. They knew you wouldn’t know. You pressed the anger back. No fighting.
“Um… just… just call me (Y/N),” you spoke quickly, taking the name off the top of your head. With a nod, Ragatha smiled, “Alright. Well, welcome to the circus, (Y/N).” You couslnt help but return the grin. She was too kind, making you feel so welcome. 
“Why don’t I show you your bedroom, then?” she offered, “if you’d like me to?” “Sure,” you accepted, following her away from the group. You couldn’t help but notice Jax staring at you as you left. Something about his face made you feel off. You couldn't place it, maybe he was angry? But it didn’t feel like he was. Oh well. You could deal with that later. For now, you focused on getting to your room, getting settled, and simply taking in your situation. After all… you were here to stay, weren’t you?
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justjams2003 · 3 months
Hiii! Super loved your recent work (fast pace) 🩷 I was really hooked and now it's one of my favorite Carlos fics here!
I was wondering if I could request a special part of it? Anything like their life with their kids, their life after carlos' retirement, or something domestic! Thank you 🫶🏻
Hi! I just want to apologize for making you wait for so long. I took a bit of a writing break after finishing Fast Pace. But I got inspired after Carlos won last weekend! Please enjoy:
Summary: Some domestic bliss as you and Carlos pick up your three eldest children after their first day of Grade 1 and kindergarten.
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Husband!Father!Carlos Sainz x Wife!Mother!Reader
Warnings: Carlos is aged up and is in this request now 41. Age difference. A cute happy family. Even still, manipulation, control, obsession. Carlos tampers with your birth control. Kissing. A very slight mention of alcohol.
Taglist: @httpjeonlicious, @f1lov3r, @messersandmesses, @hollie911, @oriconde08 @thehufflepuffavenger1 @fanboyluvr @thatgirlmj @whyamireadingthis @oriconde08 @depressedriches @roseseraj @skepvids @sain55wifey @distinguishedvoidlady @amatswimming @sachaa-ff @lightdragonrayne @lazybot @formula1mount @fangirl-dot-com @saintslewis @carlossainzwho @lordpercevalcharles @topguncultleader @kitixie @serp3ns0rtiae @hangmandruigandmav @therealone4r @keii134 @dark-night-sky-99 @jax-the-oregonian @hachrinnen @formulaal tjdjindahouse
Word count: 2k
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The first year of marriage was amazing. You spent almost every hour with Carlos. Jumping from airplane to airplane, country to country. You were attached at the hip. The media either loved it or hated it...you actually didn’t know. At some point, a PR team took over your Instagram and it was rare for you to ever actually read the comments or news. Any information you’d receive would come from Carlos and his team, after all, they’re all you really can trust.  
 That was, of course, until, mysteriously, your birth control pills stopped working. It feels like so long ago, the day Carlos picked you up in his arms, celebrating the news of a child. Now, you wait outside the school gates, seven years later, with a much older Carlos but just as excited. His eyes now crinkle up and he has a few grey steaks at the temples of his hair. But he’s not any less handsome.  
Especially when his big strong arms holds your daughter in his arms. Your little girl sits perched on his hip. The only other girl in his life, besides you. She looks so much like him. Dark toughs of hair that you’ve combed this morning with the same wavy texture as his hair. Her big brown eyes gleam up with such love at him.  
And at the same time, he carries your son in his car seat with the other arm. He’s sleeping soundly, his dummy bobbing up and down as he suckles in his sleep. You’re so glad Carlos is here to help. You were sad three years ago when he decided to retire at the end of the season. But now, you’re so grateful. You don’t think you could do this with him on the other side of the world.  
You feel like you’ve been pregnant forever now. Totally accidently five months after giving birth, now you’re 2 months pregnant again. You groan, everything hurts. Your breasts are engorged from breastfeeding and now being pregnant again. You’ve got constant heartburn and nausea. Your hair has thinned and your nails feel brittle. And yet, including all that, Carlos still believes wholeheartedly that you are the most gorgeous girl in the whole world.  
Carlos steps closer to you and places a kiss on your temples. “¿Cómo te sientes, mi amor?” When was the last time that you spoke English? You can’t really remember, because now Spanish also sounds like English. “Tired, mostly, I’ve missed the boys all day, it feels so strange without them home.” He chuckles and nods, “It’s strange for the house to be quiet... You think everything went well?”  
You smile and turn to the gates, you know Carlos is worried his children might be bullied or used for his name. That they won’t be able to make proper friends, that all the kids would just use them to get into the celebrity world. You had a meeting with the twins and Junior’s schools to handle this with grace.  
You can feel the other parents whisper, talking with each other. You feel someone tap your shoulder. You turn, it’s a woman who looks to be your age, 31. Where has the time gone? She smiles and speaks in Spanish, like everyone else where you live. “Is this your first time?” She asks with a kind smile. You return the expression, “No, not at kindergarten. But it’s still as nerve wracking.”  
She laughs with you as you begin your small talk. “But, after this we have to pick up our son at first grade, which makes our stomachs turn.” You laugh and lightly graze Carlos’ arm to show who ‘we’ are. “Is this your husband?” She asks and Carlos nods. “Hi, I’m Carlos. I would shake your hand but my hands are a little full.” He says, referring to the children in his hands. He refuses to let you carry anything while pregnant.  
“And I’m Y/N.” You shake her hand and she also introduces herself. Then your ear catches the sound of excited children screaming as the first classroom door opens. Your head snaps to the noise and then you see the teacher you had met with walking to the gate with a trail of kids behind her.  
You can see your twin boys anxiously scanning the parents trying to find you. And when the eldest of the two do see you, he grabs his brother’s arm and quickly runs over. “Mama! Papa!” They yell and excitedly run over into your arms. They wrap their arms around you, as you bend down and hug them close.  
“Hello, my loves, how was it?” You ask, combing the hair out of their eyes. They look a lot more like you than the other kids. “It was fun, but missed you mama.” Dario, the youngest of the two says. Your girl babbles and makes grabbing hands at Antonio, the oldest of the twins. “Papa, wanna hold sis.” Antonio says, Carlos smiles and puts Bianca down on her little feet. Your kids hug each other, Carlos has raised his sons to have the same protectiveness as he has over their mother and sister.  
“Come on, hold my hand.” You say taking each of their hands in your own. Carlos crosses the road first and then you. He opens the car door for you. It’s almost ironic for this retired championship formula one driver to now be the one driving a mini-van. It is his fault, he just can’t keep his hands off his wife. Carlos wouldn’t have it any other way.  
He buckles each of the kids into their car seat. The twins next to each other in the back and the two youngest in the front. Your youngest, seven month old is the best behaved. He sleeps in his car seat, that is until the twins start arguing, like always. Who had the best lunchbox, who is tallest, who mom and dad like most. Even though, you made sure they had the same lunchbox, they’re twins and thus the same height and like all parents, you don’t have a favourite.  
“Oi! Stop arguing, you’ll wake up your brother.” Carlos commands, his tongue moving fast in his home language. It still gets you all warm when he speaks Spanish. “Sorry, papa,” they say in unison. You just sigh and shake your head. “Papa?” Your daughter, Bianca calls out. “Yes, my princess?” Carlos replies. “Ice-cream?” The little girl asks, your heart melts and you’re certain that your husband is also a puddle. “After we pick up Junior, we’ll go out for ice-cream.”  
Your kids scream in excitement, causing your baby to start whimpering and then soon crying. “Ai, mi amour.” Carlos sighs and shakes his head, his eyes meet yours in the rear-view mirror while you sit next to your youngest children. You slightly lean over your seat and give him a kiss on his greying temples. “It’s okay, my love.”  
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You’ve got Raúl, your youngest, strapped into your sling. Bianca sits high on Carlos’ shoulders, daddy’s little girl. Her fingers gripped into his salt and pepper hair. You can’t help but reach up and untangle her fingers. “My love, when did you start going grey?” You ask Carlos, staring into his warm brown eyes. He just laughs and shakes his head.  
“Must you point it out? I feel so old compared to the other parents...” He mutters, the other parents are around your age, some even younger. “I like it though...a silver fox.” He once again laughs and sighs. “No, mi amor.” You grin wildly at his reaction. “41 Isn’t that old...” He mumbles and again you just smirk. “I mean, Alonso was still racing at 41...” 
That really does get him, he bursts out laughing. “Yeah, you’re not wrong...” Then you feel Dario tug on your hand. “Look, Mama!” You see kids, with backpacks looking far too big for their tiny bodies, come pouring out of classroom. Then your eldest son, you can’t help but smile seeing he’s chatting with other kids. And then his big brown eyes look up and see Carlos, he begins running.  
The little boy runs up and hugs Carlos around the legs. Your twins greet their oldest brother. Bianca waves down to her brother from above. Junior gleams up, you remember when you gave birth to Bianca, Junior wanted to do everything for her. He’d carry her around every chance he got.  
“Come, papa said we can have ice-cream.” You tell Junior after he hugs you. “Really?” He asks, his eyes beaming up. Carlos winks and then nods.  
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Ding! Your phone has a notification. You grab your phone on the nightstand. “Who is it?” Carlos asks, coming out of the shower. All five of your kids are fast asleep. You read the text. “It’s Alex.” She and Charles had married 3 years ago, no kids yet. “What does she say?” Carlos asks, lying down in the bed next to you, taking your phone and reading the text.  
“Hey Y/N, we miss you, why don’t we go out and party tonight? Leave the kids with Carlos.” She texted in the group chat, and Kika added. “We haven’t seen you in like years now that Carlos isn’t racing anymore.” Carlos just laughs at their antics. He hands your phone back to you. “Do you want to go?” He asks, raising his brow.  
When was the last time you went out alone? When was the last time that you weren’t with Carlos? Since he retired...there hasn’t really been a second alone? It would be kind of nice, to talk about something other than the kids... “I’d prefer if you didn’t...” Carlos mutters, he crawls down to your stomach. He gently lifts your pyjama short and kisses your stomach. “Pregnant and all...”  
You just smile, combing your fingers through his salt and pepper hair. You pick up your phone and text your friends in the groupchat. “Sorry, girls, can’t have alcohol...🙈” You get a quick reply back. “Again?!” “Didn’t you like just give birth???” Your cheeks go red at their comments. You feel the urge to send them a photo of Carlos kissing your stomach, but don’t. You do, however, take a photo, saving it for later and then put the phone down.  
“I hope it’s another girl.” He mutters, placing small kisses on your stomach. You can’t help but smirk. “I hope it’s the last one.” You mutter, playing with his hair. He pouts, placing his chin gently on your stomach. “Why? You look so fucking good pregnant.” He says, lust in his gaze. You just laugh and roll your eyes. “To you, maybe. But I’m telling you, my love, I don’t want to have to drive a limousine to their schools.”  
You can see him think for a moment. “You mean it? No more kids?” He says, jutting out his bottom lip and making his eyes gleam. It’s hard to say no to him, but you stay firm, for once in your life. You actually wanted to stop after the twins. Not that you love Bianca and Raúl any less.  
But this number six is the most difficult so far. You’re taking both pre-and-postnatals at the same time. “Yes, I mean it.” You say, stern. You’d like your body to be yours again...“Alright, I’ll get the snip. I don’t want you on those damn pills. I can’t fucking stand them, they’re unnatural.” He mutters, his jaw locking...  
Huh...Always thinking about your well-being...  
“You look so fucking good as a mom. Seeing how much they adore you. It’s hard to keep my hands off you.” He snarls, his kisses on your stomach becoming more sloppy. He trails up to your lips. Capturing your lips in his. So furious and desperate on your lips. “I love you, mi amor. You’re mine. Only mine.”  
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Request are open.
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rhystial · 8 months
Jax & Reader with Social Anxiety.
fandom: the amazing digital circus
relationship: jax (romantic/platonic)
warnings: bullying, victim blaming, (spoiler: abstraction)
let me know if more warnings need to be added!
notes: this can be seen as both platonic and romantic!! however, i tried to make it more in character... so he's kind of an ass. definitely not healthy but yeah, might make a happy version
self indulgent. i love torture
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From the moment he set eyes upon you, Jax was quick to notice your soft appearance, your timid nature, and your quiet demeanor. Your lack of confidence, your fear of standing up for yourself, and your inability to speak your mind painted a target on your back that he couldn't ignore.
He could sense that you were vulnerable, so he decided to use that to his advantage. For Jax, you were an easy target, someone he could easily dominate and manipulate at will. He took advantage of your anxiety, asking you for favors, making unreasonable demands, and ultimately using you in whatever way he desired, without regard for your feelings.
"Yo, mind helping me out with the next in-house adventure? I feel like you owe me a favor for today," he said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.
"But you didn't do anything..."
"Hm, wha'd'you say?" He questioned in a cocky manner, feigning innocence. "I didn't quite catch it, try speaking up."
As time passed, Jax's actions began to weigh heavily onto his conscience. The more he thought about what he's done to you, the more guilt he began to feel.
Jax knew that what he was doing was wrong, he was being a piece of shit just because he could. However, he didn't want to admit that he was being a douche to you for no good reason, oddly enough. Instead, he made up excuses to justify his behavior, something he never did with the other members in the circus.
"They looked at me with a weird look today, that clearly deserves a lengthy visit." He would say to himself, knowing damn well that all you did was offer a weaker smile than you usually do.
Jax was determined to make it seem like you were to blame, even though deep down, he knew that wasn't true. He tries his best to come up with excuses and rationalizations for his attitude towards you, all in an attempt to make himself feel better. It frustrates him just how much you get under his skin without even knowing.
"Well, 's not my fault you're easily scared." He shrugged, raising his arms up in a weak attempt to defend himself.
"...You threw knucklebones at me. I... didn't even say anything to provoke you."
"I said what I said."
As Jax continued to be cruel to you, he began to find himself becoming attached. It started out in small ways — like asking the others where you were when you weren't around, asking for your opinion on things, and generally hanging around you more. You became the center of his attention, the object of his affection and the target of his cruelty.
However, if anyone else, whether intentionally or unintentionally, were to harm you in any way, Jax gets extremely possessive. He insists that he was the only one who should be hurting you, that he was the one who had the right to do it.
"Gangle cut ya, y'shouldn't be hanging around her." Jax said, lips curling into a tense smile. He stood tall and imposing, his eyes fixed on you, studying your reaction to his words.
"I-I tripped over Pomni and fell on Gangle's mask... it wasn't her fault." You desperately tried to explain, waving your arms around frantically.
"So it was Pomni's fault."
Although he sometimes comes across as cold and detached, he does care for you. He's just never fully learned how to express his feelings in a way that's both honest and genuine, without it sounding overly sappy or corny.
Jax considers you the first person he's met in this digital world that he actually enjoys spending time with, even though you don't necessarily feel the same way.
He wants to be liked by you, but he feels that he has missed his chance to gain your trust. He doesn't want to hurt or offend you in any way, but he doesn't know how to make it right. He can't go back in time and erase the mistakes that he has made, and he feels like his only option is to keep up the same behavior as before. So, he does.
Every time Jax sees you, he feels a twinge of guilt. He knows that he's messed up, but he doesn't know how to change things. He was too far gone to stop the cycle of his own doing, his pride wouldn't let him stop his cruelty towards you.
"Uhh, anyone home?" Jax knocked on the door to your room, a slight glimmer of concern in his eyes as he twirled your key in his hand.
"Y'haven't left yer room in days, did I go too far?" He laughed, leaning against the doorframe and crossing his arms over his chest. Jax gives an exhausted sigh at the lack of response, before getting down on his knees to the lock on your door. With an almost automatic movement, he slides the key into the lock, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"Surely ya can find it in yer heart to forgive me, pipsqueak." His hand turns the key slowly, the lock clicking as it opens. He pushes the door open, and walks in without waiting for an invitation.
As he stepped inside, Jax was met with a dozen pairs of eyes staring back at him.
Perhaps he should have put aside his pride, and instead made an attempt to reach out to you.
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© rhystial 2023 — my works may not be reproduced in any form and by any means without my consent/permission, translating my works is only okay if i give you the okay.
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kedamonoxx · 8 months
[The way I dropped everything and went to tumblr to make my own jax headcanons to satisfy my autistic homo brain?!1?1!?!]
Literally😫 (sorry)
Canonically stated by the creator he isn’t fluffy, I imagine he’s like smooth, like porcelain.
Compliment this gremlin, god it’ll fuel his ego so so much.
I feel like he’d be aroace but my lil idiot self wanna “play” with the polygon rabbit so imma say he just doesn’t get around much so ppl assume he is aroace. He just gives the vibes🤷🏻
God please pet him. Just. Like little pats every so often to make him question wtf is going on.
If y’all r dating he’d be the type to like-not leave you alone. Like a puppy he’d be glued to ur side. Or like stalking you to make sure youre okay.
Has smacked kinger out of the way to see you. Kinger sat there and, delayed went: “o w.”
Calls you stupid names to embarrass you “shmookums”, “bae” , “pretty boy” , “big boy” , “S L U T” <3
Stares at you a lot. Zones out a lot to, you can tell by the staring.
If dating (and with previous consent) he’d smack ur ass randomly just for you to turn around and go “WTF- oh hi jax”
He thinks it’s so funny.
Like- so funny. Magical even.
Finds little trinkets and brings them to you, kinda like a crow. “I bring a shiny thing. For you 🥺” in a sarcastic but also like humorous way.
He blushes, and he knows when he does cause he feels warm. So he runs off to literally cool off or refuses to look at you. (Or anyone) “stfu. I’m fine just- BLUSHING?! ME??? NEVER…k maybe a little- I MEAN NO NOT AT ALL-“*flips off, but gets censored*
Still tries to cuss a lot. Even with the censor it gets his point across. (I mean you hear like the first letter- like “BI****ch”)
Lanky mf. But regardless of him FEELING like porcelain he is very squishy. (Literally rubberhose)
“Haha ur gay” y/n: “we are literally in the middle of making out what is wrong with you???” J: “oh..yeah- right. F**k”
Gives gifts to show love. By literally going into ur room and leaving a shiny pebble with a sticky note with a happy face on it -> 💎😉
Gets bored so he doodles a lot. Nothing much just…layouts of the circus so he can effectively plan pranks. :)
Its 3am imma go to bed love y’all. <3 I’ll do more later
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Mawwage. I have matrimonial thoughts rn.
1. How does everyone feel about marriage? 2.How would everyone propose? and 3. what would be their ideal wedding?
Bonus because I love lore: any marriage traditions or practices that are specific to the universe/culture?
Arthur: a complicated, touchy subject. When even the king of your land inquires about your plans for marrying, it is bound to become a sore spot. Because of that, a proposal would be a spur-of-a-moment thing when instead of contemplating it, he just goes ahead and does it. After a dangerous brush with death or pain even. Not even in an "I thought I almost lost you" way and more like "my inhibitions are so low I don't want to think about anything I associate with it, I just want you". His ideal wedding is small, preferably with no one but the MC there, but alas.
Darla: quite bashful when it comes to marriage. Either she gets proposed to, or she blurts a proposal at the MC one day instead of a "hello" (because she is so filled with adoration she has run out of ways to express it) and waits for their response, not breathing and hot in the face. She wouldn't care about the scale of the wedding itself or the guest list (as long as her family is there), but she would want it to take place in the capital, in a pretty setting and with a fun party.
Gale: doesn't feel any way about it. When he gets into a relationship with the MC, it's already that kind of a commitment from him without expecting it in return. A lot here is also dependent on the way the events unfold by the end of the game so I can't say much except that there is a condition under which he would propose to secure the MC's standing.
Ianthe: she grew up in a slightly different community, so family can take on many forms. She would be happy with a simple exchange of honest vows and frequent expressions of love in whatever form they come, but should the MC wish to abide by their tradition, she would defer to them and follow the preparations with curiosity.
Jax: they are curious about it. Their mother never married for status reasons, but many people do, and somewhere deep, deep, deep down they want to experience what it is like to care for someone so much. They would propose through a coveted gift, something the MC believed unattainable. No particular preferences for the event itself.
Yvette/Yves: generally, they view it as a tool to gain or lose power, influence, and/or resources. They've actually used their status as a bachelorette/bachelor before for political purposes. But in connection to themselves and the MC, it would actually depend a lot on what happens to them in the endgame. Without spoiling much, they would be eager to consider it either way but would approach it with different attitudes.
Now, as for the protocol and traditions, officiation is primarily important for weddings and unions where ownership can be questioned: royal families (obviously), nobility, merchants, scholars. The rest might simply exchange vows and consider themselves wed, which sometimes leads to all kinds of sticky situations as you might imagine.
One tradition is an exchange of handpicked boutonnières that both parties perform on the eve of the wedding. It could technically be anything plant-themed, though the majority puts together a small bundle of fresh flowers, stalks and leaves. People tend to encode whole meanings into their arrangement, especially if the marriage is loving, but there are also traditional ones to fall back on to. Depending on how well off the families are, rare and expensive plants might be put in it, and nobility often uses gemstone brooches and other jewelry shaped like a flower arrangement.
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rayslittlekitten · 9 months
I Almost Told You That I Loved You Ch. 19
Chapter 18 | IATYTILY Masterlist
A/N: I've been waiting so long (honestly like probably a year) to finally post this chapter and this GIF. 🤣
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,143
Pairing: Jax Teller x F! reader
Plot: This takes place shortly after Tara leaves Charming. You start working at Teller-Morrow and an unlikely and messy relationship forms between you and Jax.
Warnings: maybe some mild, colorful misogynistic language
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These last few days have made you nostalgic about Cara Cara. Working for a porn company doesn’t seem so bad anymore. Maybe you can ask Luann for your old job back. You’re pretty sure she’ll give it back to you, no questions asked. Although TM pays better and honestly, it couldn’t possibly get any worse. Jax has been hot and cold since the incident with Will. He’s been cautiously trying to get your attention, apologizing multiple times, but you’ve been turning down his advances. And when you do, he’s no longer groveling at your feet. His soft words turn into sharp knives instead. Your favorite so far is “I hope you choke on a dick!” That sure is going to get you to run back to him. 
Fragile male egos. You know a few things about those. They don’t actually care about making things right. They just want the last word and if things are going to end, it’s going to be on their terms, no matter how much they have to try to charm you. They will say and do anything to win you back just so they can leave you. If you can just focus on work and keep your interactions with Jax to a minimum, you might be able to get through this until the end of the semester at the very least.
“Hey, sweetheart, I’m stepping out for lunch and running some errands,” Gemma tells you as she gathers her things. “Will probably be gone for a few hours. You’ll be okay by yourself?”
“Yeah, sure,” you nod and throw her a smile, pulling yourself away from sending a fax for a moment.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
As Gemma walks out, the phone rings so you walk over to answer it.
“Thank you for calling Teller-Morrow, how can I help you?”
Just then Opie waltzes into the office and leaves some filled forms on the desk in front of you.
“Yes, we can do that. If you come by with your car, we can take a look at it and give you an estimate.” You look at Opie and hold a finger up at him to let him know to give you a moment. 
“We are open 7 days a week, 8 to 6.” You glance at the form on the desk and you look like you’ve just seen a ghost. “Uh, y-yes. You have a nice day.” You hang up the phone.
“You okay?” Opie asks.
“Is this customer still out there?” You ask him.
“Yeah, he’s gonna wait for his car and wants to pay for it now. Why?”
You stare at the window for a moment before walking over to it and taking a peek outside, recognizing the blue BMW.
“What? You know this guy or something?” Opie asks.
“That’s my ex-boyfriend. What the hell is he doing on this side of town?”
“You want me to handle this? I can—“
“No,” you sigh. “I’ll take care of it.” 
“You sure?” Opie asks again.
“Yeah, thank you.” You force a small smile.
Opie nods and hangs around for a moment in case you change your mind before walking out the office. When he returns to the garage, Jax walks up to him while wiping his greasy hands on a rag.
“What’s up with this preppy boy’s car?” Jax asks, his chin pointing in the direction of the blue BMW.
“Just needs his headlights changed,” Opie answers. “But also, apparently, preppy boy is Y/N’s ex.”
“What?!” Jax asks with raised brows.
“Yeah, she seemed a little spooked. Do you know what the deal is?” Opie asks as they watch you walking towards the blue BMW and its owner.
Jax doesn't answer. They can see the interaction between you and your ex is awkward and Jax sees you recoiling when your ex tries to reach out to you. Jax’s jaw twitches. He picks up the nearest tool next to him and stalks over to the both of you with a torque wrench in his hand.
“Hey, I’m gonna be the one fixing your car.”
“It’s alright, darlin’,” Jax puts his arm around you. “I can take it from here.”
“Wow, are… are you dating him now? Huh. And you thought I was a piece of shit? You definitely downgraded.” A smug smile plays upon his face. "Now be a good girl and wrap this up, will ya? I have actual important things to do."
“You need your headlights changed, right?” Jax asks.
“Yeah, hope you’re smart enough to figure out that simple task,” he chuckles.
“Yeah, well it looks like you got a broken mirror too.” Jax take a heavy swing with the wrench and knocks one of his side mirrors clean off.
“What the fuck, man?!” 
Just then out of nowhere, Opie jumps in.
"Whoa, whoa. I'm so sorry about that, sir. We'll fix that for you, on the house." Opie tries to pull Jax away until Jax sees you walking away.  
Jax follows you back to the office, calling out for you, and leaving Opie to sort out the mess.
“Why the fuck did you do that? You could’ve just changed his headlights and let him be on his fucking way!”
"You're pissed at me? That’s your piece of shit ex, right?” Jax points towards the lot.
“Yes, I'm pissed at you! So what if he's my ex? He was just here for his goddamn headlights. He wasn't here for me.”
“He tried to put his hands on you!”
“And? I can defend myself. Besides, what the hell was that out there? You can’t keep pulling shit like that.”
“I was just trying to protect—“
“Bullshit, Teller! You need to stop acting like we’re in a relationship every time another guy talks to me when you treat me like I’m one of your MC groupies every other week.” 
Jax scrubs his beard and looks down at his feet.
“It doesn’t mean I don’t care about you,” Jax says quietly.
“No, you only care when it's convenient for you. You don't get to pick and choose when you want to care about me."
"I'm really trying here," Jax tells you.
"Trying what exactly? I'd much rather you just treat me like shit because at least that's consistent. You're no better than him." You point in the general direction of the lot. 
"Don't compare me to that fucking asshole!" Jax shakes his head.
"You know what? You're right. You're not like him. At least he knows he's an asshole and owns up to it."
Just as Jax is about to say something, the phone rings and you pick up.
"Thank you for calling Teller-Morrow, how can I help you?"
You both stare each other down for a moment before Jax punches the wall on his way out of the office.
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mxrvelouscreations · 1 year
💋- Kit from Jax
“Well hello there handsome,” Kit grinned, happy to see Jax at his door. They had spent some time apart, what with Jax being busy with his work and Kit having been away with his family for a few weeks on a well needed holiday. He had missed seeing Jax, which was clear from how he pulled him inside and immediately moved to kiss him. “Shall we go to the bedroom now, or would you rather we talked first?” 
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clonehub · 2 months
wait now im thinking. hahjaki throuple.....walk with me
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gaysftw · 2 months
Sugar, stepping up onto a chair: The floor is hating Veronica
Jordan: *leaps into Aiden’s arms*
Aiden: *steps onto the table holding Jordan*
Emily: *lounges in a chair with his legs on the table*
Boris: *hops into a crouch on the couch*
Chuck: *hops up and braces self in doorway*
Jeri: *climbs Boris like a scared cat*
Veronica: *lies down on the floor*
Everyone: nOOOOO
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