#champion of noctua
sucrecube9 · 2 months
Don't stop fighting till they're free
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miraculouslazuli · 9 months
My piece for the “today’s special” zine, which you can check out in the official stabbyness discord!!!
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arundolyn · 2 years
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@theskyprism he does not have a name but this is my tiny noctua fan, my funny little desk friend, with a quarter for scale and also a way smaller much older fan made to take 5 volts that we ran at 25 and it didn't explode so it's the champion of the office
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ariekdimas · 1 year
Penerbang No.1 - Bagian 3
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Ruang aula sekolah sudah dipenuhi oleh murid-murid. Pagi ini adalah upacara penyambutan bagi siswa/i angkatan baru. Memiliki luas yang besar, aula ini cukup untuk menampung hingga lebih dari 3000 orang lengakap dengan sound system, panggung, videotron dan fasilitas toilet di dalamnya. Karena itu selain untuk upacara, aula ini sering pakai untuk kegiatan sekolah lain seperti pentas drama, seminar, festival sekolah dan dsb.
Caleum duduk dibagian depan bersama dengan Kappo tepat di depan panggung. Tak lama kepala sekolah Akademi Avisnidum naik ke atas panggung. “Selamat pagi, selamat datang anak-anakku di Akademi Avisnidum. Selamat bergabung dan menuntut ilmu di sini.” “Perkenalkan, saya Profesor Noctua Gallileo kepala sekolah disini”
“Di sini kami mengajak Anda para siswa untuk berpartisipasi membangun masyarakat pembelajar yang tangguh. Agar anak-anak sekalian dapat bersaing di era global yang semakin kompetitif ini”
“Setelah ini kalian akan dipandu oleh kakak senior kalian yang sudah dibagi per kelas masing-masing. Untuk mengenali fasilitas apa saja yang ada di sekolah. Kemudian setelah itu kalian akan ditunjukkan kamar asrama masing-masing.”
“Harapan saya semoga sekolah ini bisa memberikan suasana yang nyaman, tenang, dan penuh kekeluargaan bagi para peserta didik semua.”  
“Sebagai penutup, sekali lagi selamat datang di Akademi Avisnidum. Marilah bersama menjadi generasi Aquilian terbaik negeri.”
Setelah upacara penyambutan oleh kepala sekolah selesai, para siswa berkumpul sesuai kelas yang telah dibagikan. Caleum dapat kelas 1C, satu kelas dengan Kappo. Beruntung ia tidak satu kelas dengan Corvus, ia mendapat kelas 1D.
“Oii Caleum kita satu kelas.”
“Iya nih, yang terpenting kita harus kita berjuang bersama dan saling menguatkan ya.”
“Siap kalau itu” sahut Kappo
Kemudian seorang gadis menghampiri Caleum dan Kappo.
“Hai, kalian kelas 1C juga ya? Salam kenal aku Amanda Robin” sapa gadis dengan rambut pink itu.
“Aku Caleum dan si gendut ini Kappo”
“Enak aja dibilang gendut, yang penting sehat”
‘’Hahaha..Udah yuk jangan berdiam diri aja disini. Kegiatan pengenalan lingkungan sekolah sebentar lagi dimulai’’ Tarik Amanda.
Caleum, Kappo dan Amanda pun segera menyusul grup kelas mereka.
Akademi Avisnidum adalah sekolah yang memiliki banguan yang luas dan fasilitas yang sangat lengkap.  Kristal khusus anti gravitasi membuat sekolah ini mampu melayang di udara tanpa terjatuh. Terdapat tujuh gedung-gedung tinggi berderet laiknya membentuk kastil. Gedung yang paling tinggi memiliki sepuluh lantai. Tiap ruang kelas sudah terdapat pendingin dan berpemanas otomatis, lengkap dengan jaringan komputer canggih serta TV/papan tulis interaktif. Kemudian terdapat ruang multimedia, ruang seni. Perpustakaan yang memiliki koleksi buku lengkap. Dan yang terpenting adalah fasilitas training ground yang dirancang untuk mencetak atlet muda dengan potensi World Champion. Training ground ini terletak dibelakang gedung utama sekolah.
Terdapat gedung asrama yang teletak di sisi barat untuk asrama putra dan putri. Semua murid di Avisnidum Akademi wajib tinggal di asrama.
Hari pertama masuk kelas. Cal sudah tidak sabar untuk mengikuti kegiatan pembelajarannya. Kira-kira siapa yang akan menjadi wali kelasnya nanti?
Krek! Pintu kelas terbuka dan guru yang datang ternyata adalah Pak Psittacus.
“Selamat pagi anak-anak kelas 1C. Nama saya adalah Psittacus dan saya merupakan guru pembimbing kalian selama belajar disini.”
“Saya harap kalian bisa belajar dengan baik di lingkungan yang baru ini.”
“Baik, untuk memulai hari pertama pertemuan. Saya ingin tahu  apa cita-cita kalian disini. Dimulai dari kamu bocah dengan sayap hijau.” Kata Psittacus sambil  menunjuk kearah Kappo.
“Namaku Kappo. Cita-cita ku ingin jadi atlet Aquilian Racer yang terkenal. Nanti kalau udah terkenal kan jadi kaya terus aku bisa membeli kripik kentang untuk seumur hidup” kata Kappo dengan polosnya.
“Dasar kamu yang dipikirin makanan aja”
“Baik selanjutnya bagaimana dengan kamu nak” Tunjuk Pak Psittacus ke Caleum
“Perkenalkan semua nama aku Caleum. Impianku adalah ingin menjadi Aquilian Racer terbaik sedunia, lebih baik dari Falco el Draco!”
Sejenak seluruh kelas terdiam. Lalu Pak Psittacus memberikan tepuk tangan.
“Semangat yang bagus Caleum. Tetap pertahankan impianmu itu”
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neko265 · 3 years
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Nocti is great, such a good slug
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romaheroic · 3 years
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Various doodles i’ve drawn over time!!!! I need to remember to post things more lmaooo
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fumrell · 2 years
Thinking about how Martha Teach and Delilah Deltano, one of the most respected teachers in Indigo and the head of the largest food distribution company and Mafia family, respectively, met a guy rambling about Sauce in the street, which somehow lead to them getting lead to a secret magic district for wizards by the champion of Noctua, one of the most polarizing people in the city.
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Dude okay so like. Okay so.
Forgotten Indigo is a series about figuring out some bullshit in the city of Indigo.
It's actual play livestreams and vods, using a hyper-flexible tabletop rpg system that the GM made called Windrose.
You can find the whole series and some spin-offs and add-ons on Stabbyness Twitch, as well as 13 episodes and a few spin-offs on the Stabbyness Youtube (it's still getting re-uploaded).
It's kinda hard to find a way to pitch this series, to be honest. So instead, I'll pitch the player characters (the ones that you know about right away, as well as one that I think is pretty important)
Cassius- Okay so this is a weird pull but uh. Disco Elysium? Fucked up amnesiac detective? Same concept but entirely different execution, far less fucked up, far more polite.
Martha Teach- G. Guess what her job is? Yeah I don't really have to tell you her deal, except that holy shit she's so poggers. She's my mom dude. (That's a joke a lot of the cast makes but she. Actually reminds my of my mom sbchahfya) She's such a stressed out workaholic woman.
Beretta Pietro- Yes she's named after a gun. This is intentional. In her spin-off series, Beretta's Endless Summer Time, she also gets called Glocktua which is really funny considering a later character. Anyways she's my favorite character by far, her family Invented The Gun and hasn't shut up about it ever since. She goes on lots of dates, meticulously schedules everything, and her character's Twist fucked me up so badly because I didn't watch her session zero. She's easily my favorite character.
Selyf (I forgot his last name :[ ) : good boy!!! Good owl boy!!! Holy shit dude. He just wants to go to school.
The Champion of Noctua (AKA Noctua AKA Nocti) : an NPC, technically, but she's listed as a player character on the reference sheet Discord server so. Yeah anyways she's a Slug and she has prosthetics on all four of her limbs and she wasn't even supposed to befriend the party but! Here we are! She won the popularity poll and has been non-canonically launched into space via gazebo. (If nothing else, please watch the popularity contest battle royale. It's so out of character (intentionally so) but it's so funny. Ooc Teach made my side hurt with laughter. It's not going where you think it's going at all.)
AAAAA but yeah I spent 15 minutes typing this. I actually watched the first official session of Forgotten Indigo live when it first happened. I didn't watch the session zeroes and was so confused (watch the session zeroes. The middle two if nothing else, please the context is so important)
Forgotten Indigo isn't going to be for everyone, but like. There are so many other shows across Stabbyness and SurpriseroundRPG. Want JJBA but cyberpunk? Boom, Carbon Interface on Stabbyness. Want JJBA but with a bunch of depressed people? Bang, Cheer Up on SurpriseroundRPG. Want TV show Epithet Erased if it was just. So fucking wild and also weirdly dark?? Red Stich Report on SurpriseroundRPG is new, only two episodes, and it's so good. It's actually a pretty good jumping-on point if you want to start watching a show live. (I've noticed that a lot of shows I liked are DMed by a Specific Person and that person is Lamp. She's so cool. She's a romance option in a dating sim called Pizza Game.)
Anyways I've been writing this for?? About 30 minutes?? And I feel like I've barely said anything which Sucks so uhhh I'm open to questions :]
Ooooo okay I am trying my absolute best to comprehend this but boy does it sound interesting
So far the characters you’ve mentioned sound soo coooool and like I want to know more about them and how they look and their favorite colors and kshsjshs
One question I have is like,,,, how exactly does it work? Is it like DnD or like,,,,,,, kinda how the dsmp was w streams and everything? Is there a main character pov or separate ones? And the like spin off series (if I may call them that) sounds really interesting I’m even just the fact that they exist!
I would love to hear anything else you have to say about this and (if I’m not overwhelming myself with catching up on hc episodes haha hehe) I’ll try to check it out on YouTube at the very least!
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lessthanthreepress · 7 years
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Don't wait until the last minute to preorder your copy of Fairytales Slashed: Volume 8, a fairytale anthology featuring LGBT stories, Volume 8 of the Fairytales Slashed series! Save 15% and earn reward points towards future purchases if you preorder through the LT3 Book Market. Preorder is open until 7:00 p.m. Eastern time on June 20, 2017!
Tam Lin by Kathleen Danielson—Anabiel has only a year left before she must choose a todd to become her husband, a fate she prefers to avoid, as no men in the village interest her enough to become their vixen. Then she wanders into the forest and encounters the mysterious Tamlin, enslaved by the faerie queen unless his true love can save him... Honor in Mercy by Mercedes Vox—Noctua Audax is a champion gladiator in an outskirt city of Ancient Rome, forced by his ambitious lanista to battle a lion on the sands of the arena to show up a rival. But the lion, Atlas, is no ordinary beast... The Fox-Bride by Lotus Oakes—Shortly after her brother falls ill, Qiu Yue rescues a fox from a neighbor's trap. In return for her kindness, the fox offers a way to obtain the money she needs for her brother's medicine: the local magistrate is looking for a bride, and the fox knows just how to pass his tests. Riding Red by Charles Payseur—Big and Red are conmen and lovers a bit down on their luck when they learn of an easy mark: a rich old woman who lives alone in the woods. Hoping to ingratiate themselves by pretending Red is her long lost granddaughter, they set out, even if Red is a bit hesitant about the cross-dressing. Things get complicated, though, when it turns out they aren't the only ones running a scam... The Nixie in the Well by TS Porter—When Ida falls down the well after a dropped spindle, she ends up in Elfreda the nixie's lands. She wants desperately to go home at first, but the longer Ida stays with Elfreda, the more she likes Elfreda and her magical land... The Sky Hunter and the Princess by Althea Claire Duffy—Princess Tekele has always longed to fly, but she's entertaining dreadful suitors instead. When bandits force Neneya the hunter to help them kidnap the princess, Neneya's willing to play along until she can turn on them—but when Tekele's latest suitor tries to play hero, things don't go as anyone planned. The Last Petal on the Rose by Stephanie Rabig—Born sickly and weak, Prince Janos will never have the physical prowess of his older brothers; will never get to prove himself in battle. When a valuable prisoner of war is paraded through the city, he's horrified, though the prisoner is said to be more beast than man. Curious, Janos gifts the prisoner a single rose, a gesture that has more consequences than he could possibly imagine. Sleeping Betty by Kodi Marshall—Watching over the sleeping princess is the worst job in the palace, and Meg is bored out of her skull. So bored that she reads through the old books she finds—books full of notes left by the princess herself, revealing a woman far different than Meg always imagined of the beautiful woman doomed never to wake.
Pairings: Fairytales/Fantasy  – Gay, Lesbian, Pansexual, Poly
Word Count: 100,000
Price: $5.99 $5.09
Content: Fairytales Slashed: Volume 8 contains some explicit content. The story Tam Lin alludes to off-screen rape and includes implied incest and rape threats. The story Honor in Mercy includes mentions of past non-consensual sex. The story The Sky Hunter and the Princess includes scenes of graphic violence.
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Future Plot: Project Titanomachy -Chapter 12
(( Lee, Pac-man depiction of Callie, Janine, and Camille belongs to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula, Blueshift, and depiction of Marie/ Agent 2 belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo
Nova Sparks, Paige Marchant and their parents belong to @inkstriker-fynn and @eiden-squid
Sapphire belongs to @son-of-joy and @twelvetailedkitsune
Sylver belongs to @twelvetailedkitsune
Jacar belongs to @son-of-joy
Arsenic (cameo) belongs to @a-demo-of-a-hero
Celeste belongs to @alpinesquid
Chaodis, Telemachus, and others belong to me
Author’s note: Camille’s backstory in this story is only canon in my timeline, @inklingleesquidly has not yet confirmed an official one.))
Cemetery - Inkopolis - 11:15 AM
Lee and Callie Squidly were visiting the grave of Sapphire (the false one that Agent 7 was requested to make) with Pac-man, Camille, and Janine. Nova Sparks, Paige Marchant, and their parents, Fynn and Eiden, also visited along with Justinian and Sea Angel Splatoon, Quintin (Q) and Julia Noh, and Agent M and Agent C.
When the Squidlys paid their respect and returned home, Callie decided to meet with Sylver about the incident after work. They meet in the Cafe of Inkopolis Plaza for some hot cocoa and sea-salt ice cream cakes.
Inkopolis Cafe - Inkopolis Plaza, Inkopolis - 12:00 PM
Callie and Sylver were sitting across from each other at a table booth. Each of them had a cup of hot cocoa in their hand and a plate of sea-salt ice cream cakes in front of them. They enjoyed their meal, but Callie didn't come for that; she came to talk about Sapphire.
"You must be going through a rough time," Callie mentioned, "losing a daughter."
Sylver, at first, didn't want to talk about it, but she nods and replied. "I know.... they told me that her killer was unknown."
Callie sighed. "Camille was really quiet when we paid our respects to Sapphire. Marie's daughter and Robin's daughter were also the same."
"Everyone that knew Sapphire is quiet." Sylver looked down.
"How's your husband handling this?" Callie asked.
Agent 7 actually told Sylver and Jacar to never tell the Squidly about Camille. Therefore, she can't tell them Jacar was going to help out Neo-Squidbeak Splatoon. The same was told to Blueshift and Agent 2 in case the parents ask them about Camille in addition to Nebula.
"Jacar is asking Agent 7 to send him to search for the killer," Sylver replied.
"Yet, we don't know who killed her?" Callie was getting suspicious.
Sylver was silent for a moment and evaded the question.
"Oh sorry, it's top secret, isn't it?" Callie then gave a weak laugh.
Sylver then changed the subject. "I remember during winter that Camille and Sapphire were a lot closer together. They were both in love."
"My daughter? In love?" Callie has almost forgotten about it. "I can recall that now... It was really adorable."
"I wonder what Camille thinks now that she's gone." Sylver wondered.
".....I don't know, but what I do know is that she's hasn't been acting like her usual self since the incident." Callie cuts a piece of her sea-salt ice cream cake and eats it. "And I fear she's hiding something from me and Lee. We would usually talk about it, but we've noticed empty gaps during her time going out. We didn't know what she's doing. I just feel so worried about her safety..."
".....Don't be." Sylver eats her ice cream cake as well. "It probably just her growing up. She just needs time to handle things."
"... I guess." Callie looks out the window, remembering the old times. She smiled slightly.
When I was back home in Inkopolis, I needed something to clear my head of what I saw. Then there's was the date Chaodis offered me... I accepted the offer. Chaodis said it was going to be in 3 days.
And you're probably wondering what my friends and I were doing; the whole team was meeting at Mount Olympus after school to see if Hephaestus has found any sign of Titans. Then we just return to Inkopolis to continue our daily lives.
And when it was time for that date..... I hanged out with Nebula and Celeste in Telemachus's residence in Alexandria district, trying to tell them to convince me not to go.
.....What? I was having second thoughts.
Telemachus's Residence (Dorm) - Alexandria District, Inkopolis - 3:50 PM
"I can't believe I'm doing this!" Camille was pacing back and forth.
Nebula and Celeste were sitting on their beds, watching her pace. Poseidon's trident and Hestia's heart were on a nightstand, being unused at the moment.
"Camille, it's just a date," Nebula advised, "Just go on the date."
"Yeah, no one is stopping you," Celeste agreed, "Your parents did give the green light, right?"
"They also told me to say safe like any other normal parent should say to their kid." She rolls her eyes while still pacing back and forth. "I never had a date before."
Nebula gets up and stops Camille from pacing. "Camille, just calm down." She places her hands on her cousin's shoulders. "It's just a date, keep calm, and just do whatever friends do: Chat, eat, and do some stuff."
"Do some stuff?" Camille asked.
"You know what I mean: dance, play, sing, anything!" Nebula pats her shoulder.
Camille takes a deep breath. "I still think I shouldn't go." She walks over to a door to a large closet. "I don't have anything to wear..... And I would need to bring my..... where's Athena's spear anyway?" As she opens the door to check if it's there, there was an inkling mannequin with a dark green dress.
The dark dress had a carmine collar with a light green shawl over the right shoulder. The skirt part of the dress was long and adorned in agate and tiger's eye. There were amazonite bracelets and bronze earrings to go with the dress. In addition, there was a large hooded shawl that looked like wings. There were silk ballet shoes that were more like slip-ons than the laced shoes.
A white purse was next to the mannequin with Athena's spear and a scarf. The spear was shortened to fit in the purse.
Athena's pet spider, Arachne, is on the mannequin's shoulder. It jumps happily, wanting Camille to try it on. She even makes a tiny squeak.
Camille's jaws dropped, Nebula and Celeste ran over to see the dress.
Nebula smiles at Camille. "Well, your pet spider is encouraging you to go."
"How quick did Arachne make this!?" Celeste asked.
There was no way I was going to avoid this date. I can just turn now and not go at all, but Arachne was giving me puppy eyes. And if Athena had a ghost, I bet she'll disapprove of me rejecting a dress made by Arachne.
Once I put on the dress, jewelry, and the shoes, I was picked up by my Mom and Dad who took me to Octo-Valley. We arrived at Grandpa Cuttlefish's shack where Chaodis and Telemachus were waiting. Why Telemachus was there was because for security reasons.
Cuttlefish's shack, Octo Valley - 4:00 PM
After Camille is dropped off, Lee and Callie said their final goodbyes. Callie teased her daughter about the squid she's dating which made Camille blushed. Telemachus rolled his eyes, and Chaodis just kept on smiling.
"Stay safe, Camille," Lee reminded.
"Be back around ten, okay, dear?" Callie requested.
"I will, Mom," Callie promised.
Once Lee and Callie return to Inkopolis through a familiar kettle entrance, Telemachus quickly escorted Camille and Chaodis to Kitzeh's Kettle Pub. And there, they used the secret shortcut to Hephaestus' Forge.
Telemachus bids them good luck on the date before pulling the lever and sending the cart carrying the couple.
In the middle of the transportation, Camille felt Chaodis's hand touch hers. She then hears Antero's words ring in her head. Her face turned red when hearing Antero's voice again, so she holds Chaodis's hand and sticks her tongue at the ceiling.
Hephaestus's Forge, Mount Olympus, Greece 4:10 PM
When they arrive, they pass by Hephaestus and Arsenic at the entrance of the Forge. Arsenic was with the Blacksmith god, helping some cyclopes finish up on an elevator.
Chaodis and Camille try it out and it leads to the outside where a large little owl was waiting for them. It looked awfully familiar to Camille and realizes it was Athena's pet owl. However, there was a note stuck in the owl's right wing. Camille takes it and reads it.
“Champion of Athena and Zeus, Nyctimene is your problem now. I hope she becomes of use to you. 
        - Pan Faunus”
Chaodis chuckled. "I guess Pan was doing a solid for Athena."
"She looks just like Athena's other owl, Noctua," Camille remembered while petting the large little owl, "So you're name is ..Nick... Timmy?"
Nyctimene puffed up a but when Camille pets her and the owl nods.
"I'll just call you Nicky," Camille giggled.
Nyctimene stops puffing up and turns around, offering them a ride to Athens.
And it took less than 5 hours to get there. One way, Chaodis and I didn't really talk, but he was trying to bring up one about our hobbies. It was racing car, obviously. To be honest, there wasn't really anything to talk about.
Parthenon, Athens, Greece - 8:00 PM
Nyctimene lands in a park in Athens, dropping off Camille and Chaodis. Camille pats the owl's head twice.
"Just stay here and wait for us okay, Nicky?" Camille requested.
"Who." Nyctimene sits and takes a nap.
"Come on, there's a lot of things to do." Chaodis lends her a hand.
"No need to rush." Camille smiles a bit and holds his hand.
The party being held around reconstructing temple was in honor of Athena. Everyone wore either tunics, armor, or robes over some light clothing. Some citizens were wearing costumes representing mythological creatures.
Tents and stands were established, selling snacks and drinks, displaying artworks and crafts, and setting up games and entertainment.
Chaodis and Camille took the time to try out the games, taste the cuisines, and looks at the arts and crafts. There was even one point where they tried out a horseback riding race with Camille winning in the end.
(( Music plays at the Parthenon Entrance: https://youtu.be/q_UAWwg8D24 ))
When it was time to attend the dance, the inklings and marine life there were dancing to the songs of ancient Greece. The flutes and ocarinas sounded, the drums and sticks beated and clapped, the tambourines and cymbals chimed, and the lutes and lyres were strummed faintly.
The music filled the air with divine rejoice and peace.
Chaodis noticed how crowded the dance floor water and didn't like being in an almost tight space of the dance taking place. Camille then quickly took his hand and guided him inside the temple itself.
And once inside the empty halls of marble and granite, Camille smiled at him.
"Here, you still hear the music loud enough to dance to," Camille assured.
"Clever." Chaodis then took a bow and offer her a dance.
Camille to his hand and held him close. He did the same and began dancing with her. As they danced to the music, the atmosphere changed for them. Anteros and 3 other winged gods of love were watching the dance from behind an altar.
Camille sees them and just makes a look, telling them that she's got the point about love. Anteros just shrugs and shakes his head. Camille just blushes with an annoyed look on her face.
"Maybe we should take this dancing to a garden." Camille didn't want Anteros and his love god friends watching them.
"You know a garden here?" Chaodis asked.
"Only in a dream." Camille took him through the Parthenon's temple just as Athena showed her in her dreams.
The garden was similar to the one in Camille's dream, but what was missing was Athena's gazebo. Instead, there was a structure that acts as a sanctuary for little owls. The nocturnal avians were currently sleeping.
The garden today and the garden in my dreams were different from each other.
Camille and Chaodis continued their dance with the music becoming faint. That music ends up being replaced with a maiden playing a lyre. Camille can hear it, but could see the musician; she wonders if Athena's playing it.
(( She plays:  https://youtu.be/fPpcI9PZuuM?list=PLUlxGSeIx8osPzR4J_j8jSueqbGRsQh9M ))
Camille felt some comfort from the music and the dance. Even though she felt her heart being heavy from the death of Sapphire, she carries on with endurance.
But at the end of the lyre's tune, Chaodis stops dancing. He lets go of Camille and steps back with an uncertain look on his face.
"You didn't come here for the date, did you?" Chaodis asked.
"...Whatever do you mean?" Camille asked.
"Camille, I know you didn't just come on this date just because of the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing." Chaodis smiled a bit. One of his eyes were still a  quarter closed as usual.
Camille now felt something in her chest. It wasn't pain... but anxiety. Yet, she kept a serious and strong demeanor.
"I know that a relationship between us is not gonna happen," Camille replied, "It's just a date."
Chaodis decided to push further. "If this is about Sapphire's death, then using my date as some kind distraction is really cruel of you."
"What?" Camille glared at her.
"Don't act dumb!" Chaodis stomps with one foot. He shared a glare with her. "You're better than this! You lost someone that meant something to you, and now it's gone!"
"Oh, how would you know what it's like to lose her!" Camille snapped. "You don't even know her!"
"Well, I know her enough to understand that you two had something." Chaodis stands in front of her. "And you need to stop bottling up emotions like this."
"Me, bottling up emotions!?" Camille denied. "I don't give flying squid about how I feel about others, but I am sure angry that I couldn't save her!"
"Angers always something people feel. When I saw you with Sapphire in your arms, I saw something!" Chaodis mentioned. "You were showing a soft side no one has seen!"
"Oh, sure, I did that," Camille replied sarcastically.
"Well at least, I can be human unlike you!" Chaodis argued.
Camille clenched her fist. "What is that suppose to mean?"
Chaodis lists a few things she finds about Camille: "Single-minded, apathetic, ill-tempered, remorseless, and stubborn." Chaodis folds his arm. " I can list more, but it's coming from not just me, Telemachus, Justinian, or Agent 7."
Camille turns around, ignoring him. "Hmph.”
Chaodis then steps closer to her. "Do you even realize what's going on in our damn universe! Titans are roaming the lands, leaving destruction and disasters, and your friends and family will have to put their lives on the line to stop them. All except you!"
"Shut up." Camille clenched her fist tighter.
"And your parents don't even know what you're doing!" Chaodis yelled.
"Shut up!" Camille raised her voice.
"And you hate being an agent!" Chaodis exclaimed while stepping closer.
"I said shut up!" Camille shouted.
"And what's so different about serving the gods than going back to a plain boring life of being a race and nothing else!?" Chaodis's question gets under Camille's skin. "Some heroine you are!"
Camille has had it and delivers a hard slap to his cheek. Chaodis stepped back and place a hand on his cheek. He looked at her and noticed tears.
"I didn't ask for this..." Camille muttered.
"What?" Chaodis asked.
Camille stepped closer. "I didn't ask to be a hero, Chaodis!" She was now crying. "I never wanted the role in the first place!”
"Camille..." The hand one his cheek was now reaching to Camille. "You can't escape from everything.”
Camille stared at him. He offered a hug.
"If it makes you feel better, we can talk," Chaodis sympathized.
Camille took the hug and embraces him, continuing to cry.
And at that time, I will never forget that... then again I would just store the memory away. Still, this the first time I ever told someone about my past.
Camille and Chaodis sat a ledge, watching the view of Athens. Again, this the was same ledge where Camille sat with Athena in her dreams. Camille was holding Chaodis's hand again.
"I loved race cars since I was a baby, and my path was already set for me. But at 10, some of the kids at my school told me no girl has ever raced. Some bullies even mocked for what I wanted to be..... I'll never forget the time they stole my toy car and smashed it to pieces. My parents found out about bullying that they moved me to another school where I meet Nebby."
Chaodis is listening clearly. "Is that why you are what you are?"
"The way I was treated changed me. I proved them wrong--" Camille explained.
"No wonder why you're acting all tough and like a--" Chaodis noticed Camille starring.
Camille just looks at him with a depressing look on her face.
"... Sorry for interrupting..." Chaodis apologized.
Camille sighed and continued. "I proved those bullies wrong and worked hard to become 'The Fastest Squid Alive', and I got the last laugh." She looks down. "And from that day I became what you, Justinian, and Telemachus know me as today."
"Camille, can I tell you something?" Chaodis asked.
"What is it?" Camille replied.
(( Play this: https://youtu.be/PjCVGBwL8PY ))
"I never really had friends because of racing," Chaodis confessed while letting go of Camille's hands, "And I never had parents to support me on that path I chose. And the race club I joined mocked me for my eye disability. Yet, I kept a smile and a positive look on life. I never got aggressive and welcomed everyone in my social circle. And the best part is that I care for everyone's well-being. I get a lot in return." He looked at Camille. "After all, I gave you my trophy and offered you a rematch."
"...You know it wasn't necessary." Then Camille thought about it and smiled a bit. "But thanks."
Chaodis gets up and lends her a hand.
"There's one more thing: do you still think we can be boyfriend and girlfriend now?" He has his usual smiled.
Camille looked up at him and then at his hand. She grabs his hand and he helps her up.
"Oh, now you're just teasing me," Camille replied giving a smirk.
They then laughed.
The two squids looked into each other's eyes and as the got closer, their lip were about to touch. At the last minute, there was the sound of screaming and crowds running about. Chaodis and Camille stopped and looks at the direction of where the scream came from. They looked back and realized what they were doing.
((Song transitions to this: https://youtu.be/bDmAyIIWjws?list=PL08FEE6C0B34C86B6 ))
"...We should go see what's going on." Chaodis blushed.
"Yeah..." Camille was blushing as well.
Camille pulls Athena's spear out of her purse and runs off to see what's causing the scream. Chaodis followed behind her before going over to a well to retrieve a gold apple from below it.
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miraculouslazuli · 1 year
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There’s a new reflection character I like her a normal amount
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miraculouslazuli · 1 year
I made a new Nocti model to celebrate Forgotten Indigo’s upcoming anniversary!!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FlUeVgHctcM
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lessthanthreepress · 7 years
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Fairytales Slashed: Volume 8 is an anthology of timeless fairytales featuring gay, lesbian, pansexual, and poly romance from LT3 Press, Volume 8 of the Fairytales Slashed series.
Tam Lin by Kathleen Danielson—Anabiel has only a year left before she must choose a todd to become her husband, a fate she prefers to avoid, as no men in the village interest her enough to become their vixen. Then she wanders into the forest and encounters the mysterious Tamlin, enslaved by the faerie queen unless his true love can save him... Honor in Mercy by Mercedes Vox—Noctua Audax is a champion gladiator in an outskirt city of Ancient Rome, forced by his ambitious lanista to battle a lion on the sands of the arena to show up a rival. But the lion, Atlas, is no ordinary beast... The Fox-Bride by Lotus Oakes—Shortly after her brother falls ill, Qiu Yue rescues a fox from a neighbor's trap. In return for her kindness, the fox offers a way to obtain the money she needs for her brother's medicine: the local magistrate is looking for a bride, and the fox knows just how to pass his tests. Riding Red by Charles Payseur—Big and Red are conmen and lovers a bit down on their luck when they learn of an easy mark: a rich old woman who lives alone in the woods. Hoping to ingratiate themselves by pretending Red is her long lost granddaughter, they set out, even if Red is a bit hesitant about the cross-dressing. Things get complicated, though, when it turns out they aren't the only ones running a scam... The Nixie in the Well by TS Porter—When Ida falls down the well after a dropped spindle, she ends up in Elfreda the nixie's lands. She wants desperately to go home at first, but the longer Ida stays with Elfreda, the more she likes Elfreda and her magical land... The Sky Hunter and the Princess by Althea Claire Duffy—Princess Tekele has always longed to fly, but she's entertaining dreadful suitors instead. When bandits force Neneya the hunter to help them kidnap the princess, Neneya's willing to play along until she can turn on them—but when Tekele's latest suitor tries to play hero, things don't go as anyone planned. The Last Petal on the Rose by Stephanie Rabig—Born sickly and weak, Prince Janos will never have the physical prowess of his older brothers; will never get to prove himself in battle. When a valuable prisoner of war is paraded through the city, he's horrified, though the prisoner is said to be more beast than man. Curious, Janos gifts the prisoner a single rose, a gesture that has more consequences than he could possibly imagine. Sleeping Betty by Kodi Marshall—Watching over the sleeping princess is the worst job in the palace, and Meg is bored out of her skull. So bored that she reads through the old books she finds—books full of notes left by the princess herself, revealing a woman far different than Meg always imagined of the beautiful woman doomed never to wake.
Pick it up at LT3, Amazon, Kobo, B&N, iTunes, Bookstrand, Smashwords, or request it at your local library!
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lessthanthreepress · 7 years
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Grab Fairytales Slashed: Volume 8, a fairytale anthology featuring LGBT stories, Volume 8 of the Fairytales Slashed series, for 15% off while you can! This title will be the special preorder price of $5.09 until 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time on June 20, 2017.
Tam Lin by Kathleen Danielson—Anabiel has only a year left before she must choose a todd to become her husband, a fate she prefers to avoid, as no men in the village interest her enough to become their vixen. Then she wanders into the forest and encounters the mysterious Tamlin, enslaved by the faerie queen unless his true love can save him... Honor in Mercy by Mercedes Vox—Noctua Audax is a champion gladiator in an outskirt city of Ancient Rome, forced by his ambitious lanista to battle a lion on the sands of the arena to show up a rival. But the lion, Atlas, is no ordinary beast... The Fox-Bride by Lotus Oakes—Shortly after her brother falls ill, Qiu Yue rescues a fox from a neighbor's trap. In return for her kindness, the fox offers a way to obtain the money she needs for her brother's medicine: the local magistrate is looking for a bride, and the fox knows just how to pass his tests. Riding Red by Charles Payseur—Big and Red are conmen and lovers a bit down on their luck when they learn of an easy mark: a rich old woman who lives alone in the woods. Hoping to ingratiate themselves by pretending Red is her long lost granddaughter, they set out, even if Red is a bit hesitant about the cross-dressing. Things get complicated, though, when it turns out they aren't the only ones running a scam... The Nixie in the Well by TS Porter—When Ida falls down the well after a dropped spindle, she ends up in Elfreda the nixie's lands. She wants desperately to go home at first, but the longer Ida stays with Elfreda, the more she likes Elfreda and her magical land... The Sky Hunter and the Princess by Althea Claire Duffy—Princess Tekele has always longed to fly, but she's entertaining dreadful suitors instead. When bandits force Neneya the hunter to help them kidnap the princess, Neneya's willing to play along until she can turn on them—but when Tekele's latest suitor tries to play hero, things don't go as anyone planned. The Last Petal on the Rose by Stephanie Rabig—Born sickly and weak, Prince Janos will never have the physical prowess of his older brothers; will never get to prove himself in battle. When a valuable prisoner of war is paraded through the city, he's horrified, though the prisoner is said to be more beast than man. Curious, Janos gifts the prisoner a single rose, a gesture that has more consequences than he could possibly imagine. Sleeping Betty by Kodi Marshall—Watching over the sleeping princess is the worst job in the palace, and Meg is bored out of her skull. So bored that she reads through the old books she finds—books full of notes left by the princess herself, revealing a woman far different than Meg always imagined of the beautiful woman doomed never to wake.
Pairing: Fairytales/Fantasy – Gay, Lesbian, Pansexual, Poly
Word Count: 100,000 
Content: Fairytales Slashed: Volume 8 contains some explicit content. The story Tam Lin alludes to off-screen rape and includes implied incest and rape threats. The story Honor in Mercy includes mentions of past non-consensual sex. The story The Sky Hunter and the Princess includes scenes of graphic violence.
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lessthanthreepress · 7 years
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Fairytales Slashed: Volume 8, Volume 8 of the Fairytales Slashed series, a fairytale anthology featuring LGBT stories, is now available in the LT3 Book Market and at all major retailers!
Tam Lin by Kathleen Danielson—Anabiel has only a year left before she must choose a todd to become her husband, a fate she prefers to avoid, as no men in the village interest her enough to become their vixen. Then she wanders into the forest and encounters the mysterious Tamlin, enslaved by the faerie queen unless his true love can save him... Honor in Mercy by Mercedes Vox—Noctua Audax is a champion gladiator in an outskirt city of Ancient Rome, forced by his ambitious lanista to battle a lion on the sands of the arena to show up a rival. But the lion, Atlas, is no ordinary beast... The Fox-Bride by Lotus Oakes—Shortly after her brother falls ill, Qiu Yue rescues a fox from a neighbor's trap. In return for her kindness, the fox offers a way to obtain the money she needs for her brother's medicine: the local magistrate is looking for a bride, and the fox knows just how to pass his tests. Riding Red by Charles Payseur—Big and Red are conmen and lovers a bit down on their luck when they learn of an easy mark: a rich old woman who lives alone in the woods. Hoping to ingratiate themselves by pretending Red is her long lost granddaughter, they set out, even if Red is a bit hesitant about the cross-dressing. Things get complicated, though, when it turns out they aren't the only ones running a scam... The Nixie in the Well by TS Porter—When Ida falls down the well after a dropped spindle, she ends up in Elfreda the nixie's lands. She wants desperately to go home at first, but the longer Ida stays with Elfreda, the more she likes Elfreda and her magical land... The Sky Hunter and the Princess by Althea Claire Duffy—Princess Tekele has always longed to fly, but she's entertaining dreadful suitors instead. When bandits force Neneya the hunter to help them kidnap the princess, Neneya's willing to play along until she can turn on them—but when Tekele's latest suitor tries to play hero, things don't go as anyone planned. The Last Petal on the Rose by Stephanie Rabig—Born sickly and weak, Prince Janos will never have the physical prowess of his older brothers; will never get to prove himself in battle. When a valuable prisoner of war is paraded through the city, he's horrified, though the prisoner is said to be more beast than man. Curious, Janos gifts the prisoner a single rose, a gesture that has more consequences than he could possibly imagine. Sleeping Betty by Kodi Marshall—Watching over the sleeping princess is the worst job in the palace, and Meg is bored out of her skull. So bored that she reads through the old books she finds—books full of notes left by the princess herself, revealing a woman far different than Meg always imagined of the beautiful woman doomed never to wake.
Pairings: Fairytales/Fantasy – Gay, Lesbian, Pansexual, Poly
Content: Fairytales Slashed: Volume 8 contains some explicit content. The story Tam Lin alludes to off-screen rape and includes implied incest and rape threats. The story Honor in Mercy includes mentions of past non-consensual sex. The story The Sky Hunter and the Princess  includes scenes of graphic violence.
Word count: 100,000
Price: $5.99
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lessthanthreepress · 7 years
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Enjoy this anthology of timeless fairytales made new in Fairytales Slashed: Volume 8 featuring gay, lesbian, pansexual and poly stories, Volume 8 of the Fairytales Slashed series. Preorder your copy by June 20, 2017 to save 15% off the cover price and earn reward points toward your next order!
Tam Lin by Kathleen Danielson—Anabiel has only a year left before she must choose a todd to become her husband, a fate she prefers to avoid, as no men in the village interest her enough to become their vixen. Then she wanders into the forest and encounters the mysterious Tamlin, enslaved by the faerie queen unless his true love can save him... Honor in Mercy by Mercedes Vox—Noctua Audax is a champion gladiator in an outskirt city of Ancient Rome, forced by his ambitious lanista to battle a lion on the sands of the arena to show up a rival. But the lion, Atlas, is no ordinary beast... The Fox-Bride by Lotus Oakes—Shortly after her brother falls ill, Qiu Yue rescues a fox from a neighbor's trap. In return for her kindness, the fox offers a way to obtain the money she needs for her brother's medicine: the local magistrate is looking for a bride, and the fox knows just how to pass his tests. Riding Red by Charles Payseur—Big and Red are conmen and lovers a bit down on their luck when they learn of an easy mark: a rich old woman who lives alone in the woods. Hoping to ingratiate themselves by pretending Red is her long lost granddaughter, they set out, even if Red is a bit hesitant about the cross-dressing. Things get complicated, though, when it turns out they aren't the only ones running a scam... The Nixie in the Well by TS Porter—When Ida falls down the well after a dropped spindle, she ends up in Elfreda the nixie's lands. She wants desperately to go home at first, but the longer Ida stays with Elfreda, the more she likes Elfreda and her magical land... The Sky Hunter and the Princess by Althea Claire Duffy—Princess Tekele has always longed to fly, but she's entertaining dreadful suitors instead. When bandits force Neneya the hunter to help them kidnap the princess, Neneya's willing to play along until she can turn on them—but when Tekele's latest suitor tries to play hero, things don't go as anyone planned. The Last Petal on the Rose by Stephanie Rabig—Born sickly and weak, Prince Janos will never have the physical prowess of his older brothers; will never get to prove himself in battle. When a valuable prisoner of war is paraded through the city, he's horrified, though the prisoner is said to be more beast than man. Curious, Janos gifts the prisoner a single rose, a gesture that has more consequences than he could possibly imagine. Sleeping Betty by Kodi Marshall—Watching over the sleeping princess is the worst job in the palace, and Meg is bored out of her skull. So bored that she reads through the old books she finds—books full of notes left by the princess herself, revealing a woman far different than Meg always imagined of the beautiful woman doomed never to wake.
All preorders are available for purchasers to download the night before the release date (at app. 7:00 p.m. the night before) and LT3 sends an email notification when you can download your copy. Reserve your copy today!
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