#chapter hiatus shenanigans
juiceboxscans · 7 months
Sobbing, yawning, eating leftovers.
Heyyyyy Raise family! It's the weekend. Finally. Whether it's another epic Fri-yay! or you celebrated People Getting Together and Eating Lots of Carbs Day yesterday and are leaning into Native American Heritage Day today, or maybe you’re getting the jump on your holiday shopping, we hope you're doing well. (´• ω •`) ♡
Reminder: Konishi is on hiatus so there is no new Japanese chapter this month! The next Japanese chapter will be released around Christmas and our version will go up January 15th, 2024 when we're back from our holiday travels and celebrations. We appreciate your patience!
More reminder: If you're collecting the licensed English physicals/digitals, Volume 6 will be available on that big site we all use, or your local bookseller/chain bookstore, on January 16th, 2024.
Mentioning this because it has one of the best covers. In case you needed to be reminded of how hot these two are. ☆*:.。.( ̄﹃ ̄)
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Meanwhile back at JBS HQ: We're chillin' like villains and chatting with our new member, Boudicea, who has mad skills. She did a great job updating CH37.1, which included several Twitter sketches Konishi made in 2021 featuring Shouma. Poor sweet boy has a shitty memory. Riiiiip Morisaki-san. (*ノωノ)
One more month to go until the new chapter!
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orcelito · 1 year
Ok I gave up and added a hiatus tag to discacc 😭 I don't wanna but I also would prefer to be up front with discacc readers. And we r now at nearly 6 months without an update (HOWWW DID THAT TIME PASS) so. Yeah.
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dkettchen · 1 year
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mewtwoandme · 3 months
Well, it's now March. I think it's safe to say I've officially come back from my art hiatus, considering I've been working on Part 3 of the baby arc for the last few days now lol. I've been making decent progress, still far from being completely sketched out, but I'm getting closer to the end. I've been debating on outlining and finishing up Part 2 and some Siv shenanigan wips I've left sitting around before the hiatus, just to move the arc along quicker. I might still do that, but as of now, my main focus is to see how much progress I can make with Part 3.
...I do feel the need to apologize. I know that due to IRL life stuff and other things, my plans to have this arc done have been heavily interfered with. But it's refreshing to know that yall are still hype for it and still ask about it now and then ^^ Though some of it is my fault too, Part 3 is turning out to be very LENGTHY, with currently 13 pages and 75+ panels in total....I did this to myself ^^; It's a bit too late to reconsider my life choices though. I'm already too deep into the thick of it to turn back now XD Due to how long this comic is, I may need to find a place to split it. So instead of the Baby Arc being only 4 chapters like I originally intended, it may end up being 5 but we'll see.
Also, going forward, as far as posting other art like shitposts or ask related works, that stuff still might be far and few in between while I'm working on the arc. Buuuuut, if there are certain days I get tired of sketching for the arc, I may shift my attention to short shitposts/ask art here and there to mix it up a little XD
She's not having a good time :(
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kitthepurplepotato · 2 months
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Side note: I’m not back from my hiatus I’m just posting this because I magically managed to finish this chapter before going berserk! Yay!
Chapter 20 - Can I show you how much I love you? (18+)
Summary: You just wanted to eat breakfast. So how did you end up in the shower with your freakishly handsome boyfriend, kissing each other senseless?! And the bed?! When did you get there? What’s going on?! WHAT IS THIS SHENANIGAN?!
Warnings: Swear words, 18+!!! Contains a sex scene. (It’s mostly smut, so please, if you are not okay with that or you are under 18, skip this chapter or well… you know... 😂 Thank you!)
Also, this chapter is 7K so get some water and something to snack on!
First Chapter Master List
“Rise and shine, you drunkard.” You giggle to yourself as you look at your fluffy, absolutely adorable boyfriend who’s already frowning from the light coming in through the window.
“Hey, you wanted me to have fun, which I certainly did.” Izuku retorts sassily. You can’t help but gawk at him which only makes the green head laugh. “I’ll be fine after I take my pills. I’m not in more pain than usual, I swear.”
“Still, drinking this much in your condition…” You mutter, probably ruining the mood completely but fuck, you are so worried. It’s terrible to see such a hard working man so down, physically and mentally. You want him to be healthy and happy again, you want him to smile freely and sleep peacefully like he used to. You want to shield him from any harm, make sure nothing prolongs his current suffering but at the same time, you understand that’s he’s not a fragile human being who needs to be pampered the entire time, however, you still can’t help but want to do that.
“Sweets, I asked.” Izuku sighs. “The doctor said it’s fine. I’m fine. You are fine. Everything is fine.” He slowly strokes your cheeks until you finally relax. It takes a little bit of time, but eventually, you get there. “What do you want to do today, love?” Izuku smiles at you and it’s quite pathetic how your heart rate rises every time he’s sweet to you, even to this day. You’ve been together for long enough to get used to these touches but somehow, you just… can’t.
“Well, Katsuki, Ei, Shouto, Mirio and Tamaki went ‘monster hunting’ early in the morning. By that, I think they meant they are going to climb the big mountain. Denki is still KO so Hitoshi brought him back to their own cabin when Katsuki and the gang left for their adventures. Kyouka and Momo went down to the high street for a shopping spree. Rody went down with them to spend some time with his family. So once we clean up the bedding from the floor and… maybe we can just… chill today? In our own cabin? Try the onsen? Maybe?” Your cheeks are so flushed you are surprised Izuku haven’t commented on it yet.
“Hmm…” his cheeky hands find their way to your tummy under your shirt, slowly stroking your naked skin with a smug smirk on his face. What happened to shy Izuku?! Where is he?! Who’s this man?! “Sounds like a plan to me, Sweets.”
“If you keep doing that, we will never make it to our cabin.” You murmur into his ears with a shit-eating grin on your face. Izuku is out of the bed before you can say anything else, stuttering nonsense under his nose as he moves the so called “bedding” - a bunch of decorative pillows and massive blankets scattered on the floor - back to where they belong and he’s out of the door without a single word. You can’t help but giggle the whole way home.
“Why are you in such a hurry?” You snicker under your nose and Izuku gives you the sassiest side eye you’ve ever seen. It’s absolutely hilarious. “What?!” Oh no. You can’t stop giggling like an idiot. You really don’t need another tummy ache after yesterday’s shenanigans!
“I’m going to the onsen. Right now.” Izuku declares.
“No, not before breakfast.” You retort, standing with your hand on your hips like an angry mother.
“Oh yeah?” He comes closer, his smile bigger and bigger as you flush from his closeness. “Watch me.”
Ladies and gentleman, what happens now must be a fever dream… because Pro Hero Deku AKA Midoriya Izuku AKA Izu-Izu takes off his fucking shirt in the most attractive way possible and slowly sheds every single clothing off while you yell like a virgin with your eyes covered by your own hands.
“What the fuck, Izuku! Stop! Keep the boxers… oh my god, STOP THE VIOLENCE!” You laugh, cheekily peeking out between your fingers. “You also need to shower before going in! IZUKU LISTEN TO ME, YOU MENACE!”
“Only if you shower with me.” Izuku WINKS at you and you swear your soul just left your body for a second.
“Only if you eat breakfast.” You retort and by the surprised look on Izuku’s face, he didn’t think you’ll even consider saying yes to that question.
“You will… shower with me?” Izuku’s confidence is gone just like that, in a matter of milliseconds and you kinda feel the urge to just push him into the bathroom to prove how serious you were but you are way too hungry to even think properly right now so…
“After we had breakfast. I’m starving, Izu-Izu.”
“But… for real?”
“Well, we’ve been together for long enough to share a shower, haven’t we?” You answer with a massive blush on your face.
“I’ll re-heat the food Katsuki left for us.” Is all the answer you get before he trots away into the kitchen.
The mood… is heavy. There is just something in the air you can’t really describe, this weird tension, but not the bad kind… you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that today… something big will happen. It might just be the shower, seeing each other completely naked for the first time, but maybe it won’t stop there, maybe…
All the blood from your face goes somewhere else.
Calm down. Jesus Christ, woman, just calm down.
You were so deep in your thoughts you didn’t even realize the that the food is already heated up and ready to eat on the small table in the kitchen. The lovely scent of Katsuki’s food makes your tummy grumble; it might be weird to eat lunch for breakfast, but you literally can’t even be bothered to comment on it; in your household, it’s quite normal to eat whatever you guys want, whenever you want it, thanks to Izuku’s inhuman shift patterns. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack; food is food. That’s your household’s motto.
“The food is served, my princess!” Izuku’s adorable face appears in front of you; he bows low and makes that arm movement the butlers do in those dramas in the TV. The whole scene would be quite funny if he wouldn’t be wearing one single underwear and nothing else.
Let’s just say it’s hard to laugh when you are too focused on… well… the curves. The shapes. The godly body. Those massive fucking legs which could crush your head like a watermelon without even flinching…
“The food is indeed served.” You mutter under your nose, loudly by accident and Izuku starts to laugh, tears prickling his eyes as he holds his tummy, probably trying not to throw up once again.
“Oh… my… god… Sweets… I didn’t see that coming.”
“Me neither!” You yell as you pass by your stupidly attractive boyfriend, completely avoiding eye contact because there is no way you can look at him right now with how embarrassed you are. “Put on a fucking shirt!”
Izuku laughs some more but obliges at the end.
Thank fuck.
“If you changed your mind, that’s okay.” Izuku caresses your face as you two stand in the bathroom, still clothed. You are quite sure your face is the color of Eijirou’s hair right now. Your limbs are shaking like a leaf and you feel so much anxiety you could cry. It’s stupid, really; it’s not like it’s your first time to be naked in front of somebody, yet it really does feel like it is; Izuku is not like the others, he’ll actually look at you, look at your curves and the tiny little flaws and he’ll remember everything until the day he dies, cherish them like they are something special, because that’s who Midoriya Izuku is; the most caring, most loving partner the world has ever seen.
“I want this.” You declare confidently. “Yes.” You nod to yourself with a tiny pout on your face.
“Yes.” Izuku parrots, making the same, tiny pout then he gives you a smile that makes your insides melt right away. “You are so cute, Sweets. I love you so much.”
“Shut up and get naked!” You yell with a red face. He’s too much. This is too much. He’s too perfect. You can’t even take his teasing seriously with how much love you see in his eyes as he does it.
“Hey, you are not the only one freaking out here!” Izuku yelps awkwardly. “Turn around… please?”
His wavering voice make you look up to his face; he’s flushed and trembly as he slowly takes his shirt off, the movement full of hesitation. You really feel the urge to mention how only an hour ago, he wasn’t this shy about stripping in front of you, but you keep your thoughts to yourself.
“You can also change your mind, you know.” You finally turn around to give him some privacy.
“I’ve been waiting for this ages. There is no way in hell I’ll back out of this just because of my stupid anxiety.” Izuku grumbles, more to himself than to you. “You’ve seen me naked before. You’ve seen my scars. You know all my secrets. I have no reason for me to feel so ashamed of myself. It’s all in my head… I know I’m not ugly. That’s a lie, fuck… I know… I know you think I’m… okay. I know you won’t mind… me looking like this. Most and foremost, I know you love me for who I am and not for how I look like…” he mumbles and mumbles, not realizing you managed to get out of your clothes by the time he managed to get to his underwear. Your eyes are filled with tears from his words, you want to slap him in the face for hating himself like that and kiss him senseless out of pride for finally realizing it’s all in his head.
With that said…
“Izuku, look at me.” You appear behind your boyfriend, probably standing way too close for it to be appropriate, but you don’t care right now.
Izuku bumps right into you when he turns around; a tiny yelp leaves his mouth as your breasts bounce on his chest. “If I ever hear you calling yourself ugly I’ll pull out every single one of your leg hairs with a tweezer, one buy one, in the most painful way possible. Now turn around, finish what you are doing and see you in the shower.”
“That’s weirdly… evil.” Izuku snickers but by the look of it, you plan worked because he looks much less anxious now. You quickly go inside the shower cubicle to hide, not giving the man too much time to check you out… yet.
You can hear some rustling from outside then Izuku takes a few deep breaths and steps inside the now foggy shower and… you forget how to breathe.
Izuku looks gorgeous on a normal day, but this… is downright sinful. Izuku is stocky but not in the wrong way; you knew that already but with his underwear now gone, you can see how perfect the proportion is. He’s perfect. His shoulders are massive, but he has a nice curve to his body and there is a tiny trail of green hair leading towards his perfectly trimmed intimate area, also pine green just like his hair… then… that’s… a monster between his legs. Yup. You slowly look up and to the side to calm yourself down because that sight went straight into your core and this shower doesn’t feel that innocent anymore.
“Sweets, I… I’ll have problems down there if you keep looking this pretty, just giving you a heads up.” Izuku whines with a high pitched voice. By the time you wake up from your daze he already turned his back to you (you try your best not to stare at that gorgeous fucking ass, because hell, that thing looks like it was carved by a horny but extremely talented sculptor), probably ashamed of himself for feeling this way. You can’t help but speak up.
“If I would… have the same thing between my legs, I would have the same problem.” You admit sheepishly.
“Why are we so awkward about the stupidest things?” Izuku giggles. You want to pinch him. (His ass. You want to pinch his ass. That’s what you want to do you cheeky sod.)
“I don’t mind. I think it’s really… us, that we act this way. I wouldn’t have this any other way.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“Say that again and I’ll forcefully kiss you.”
“Hm. That doesn’t sound that bad.”
“IZUKU!“ you yell into the small space as you hide your face in your palms like that helps anything. Your forehead ends up on Izuku’s back and he yelps helplessly; you don’t need to see his face to know he’s red all over because even the back of his neck is the color of a lobster.
“Okay, I’m done with this awkwardness.” Izuku takes a deep breath and the next moment, your back hits the wall. You can’t help, but whimper. “Sweets, you are the most perfect human being I’ve ever seen and I’ve been waiting for this moment for ages, so I’m sorry for… uhm… being a little bit too excited right now but I really want to wash your back if you… uhm…” Izuku stops in the middle of the sentence as he’s incapable to continue thanks to your mouth being on his.
You can’t help it. Just… can’t. Your body moved on its own.
Izuku is irresistible. His gorgeous muscles, the veins on his arms, the softness of his wet skin, topped up with his kind words and pretty freckles is just too much after all this time; you wanted to touch him for so long, you wanted to feel him for months which honestly, feels like decades at this point… it feels like the love is about to burst out of your chest but there are no words strong enough to satiate your soul, to make it clear enough for the other the understand the depth of your feelings and your body is not listening to you anymore; the desire has festered into something unstoppable, it clouded your mind completely until there were no thoughts there just Izuku himself, freckled cheeks and pine green hair, the broccoli…
“If this is your way to make this less awkward… it works.” Izuku kisses you back with a newly found vehemence, scorching hot yet so careful, but you don’t kiss back anymore… you push the man away like he just burned you, because… “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
“I forgot!”
“How did I forget about it?” You whimper, completely ashamed of yourself. “I can’t believe I was so astonished by your… uhm… that I forgot to check it out! I’m the worst!”
“I have no idea what you are talking about, is the water too hot?” Izuku blinks at you, completely lost.
“The broccoli! I forgot about your broccoli! I can’t believe this!”
Izuku… bursts out laughing. He’s folded in half, his forehead basically cushioned by your boobs, shaking like a leaf from guffawing too hard.
“You pushed me away in the middle of a heavy, naked make-out session because you wanted to see my tattoo?” He looks into your eyes with an incredulous, but fond gaze.
“It’s important to me!” You mutter under your nose and Izuku doesn’t even answer you anymore; he just moves away and pushes his hip out, showing off his tiny, adorable broccoli tattoo sitting on his hipbone. You can’t stop your fingers from reaching out, caressing the colored skin with nothing but wonder in your eyes. “It’s so cute.”
Your boyfriend looks so much leaner than he usually does - you realize as you caress his strong hipbone, your fingers cheekily running over the dip by his waist.
Damn, you’ll never ever get over his thighs. Every time you look at them you remember his photoshoot with Mirko, the one that made Izuku a fashion icon, a genderless beauty because hell, Izuku is as manly as they get but… that man in Mirko’s costume kinda made you question your own sexuality.
Maybe you are just Izuku-sexual. He could be a man, a woman, someone between the two, hell, a fucking midget and you would still be attracted to him.
“You are so beautiful, Y/N.” Izuku sighs, right next to your ears. The fire burns even stronger inside you. The feeling only gets worse when his hand travels from your waist to the side of your breast, his thumb cheekily caressing the plump, soft skin. You make the mistake of looking down out of pure embarrassment just to be face to face with the proof of how much Izuku likes what he sees.
You can’t see it, but you can feel him staring at you; you look up and you are met with two heavily lidded eyes taking in the sight from the top of your head down to your feet, over and over. There is a new shine to them now, hot and scorching and you completely melt under that loving gaze; he takes that as a permission to take it further and starts peppering kisses all over your wet neck. You can’t help but move your hand into his soft, dripping curls; you clench your hand around the strands and Izuku makes a sinful sound which goes right into your center and the next few minutes are kinda a blur; things fall from the small shelving system inside the cubicle, someone slips, someone bites, someone moans, there is a constant pressure by your belly, something hard, but also soft to the touch, there are hands on your chest, on your back, on your thighs, everywhere, really.
Your whole body is on fire and so is his; the water is way too cold, but even that can not ruin the moment you two are having.
There are no thoughts in your head, just him. Izuku Midoriya. Midoriya Izuku. Calloused fingers and the feeling of scars under your hands, hard muscle and soft skin, bouncy curls, the scent of Izuku’s shower gel, which somehow decided to appear out of nowhere (he probably took it off the shelf while you were too busy kissing him senseless and actually decided to be useful and clean you up while touching you all over), there is so much going on yet your mind is completely empty.
This is what Izuku does to you on a daily basis. He comes close and you forget who you are.
The scent of Izuku’s shower gel only sends thrill down your spine; the knowledge that for the next few hours you’ll smell like him, taste like him just ignites your body once again, the flames even stronger than before, you can’t help but touch him, first just his arms, then the tattoo on his side, the back of his neck, his collarbone, then the soft hair right on top of his member. You didn’t touch him properly but a wanton moan leaves Izuku’s mouth right as your fingers start to caress the hair down there then suddenly, Izuku gently slaps your hand away from that area.
You don’t have time to freak out about “going too far”; the next moment your back hits the wall once again, your legs somehow make their way around the man’s extremely attractive waist then he slowly moves you lower and lower until you feel something soft but sturdy right between your folds, just like the last time you two enjoyed each other’s company in the hot tub.
“Tell me to stop.” Izuku whimpers right into your ears then ends his sentence by biting down on your ear. His whole body shakes from the restraint, his palms are aggressively gripping your side and the back of your neck; Izuku is doing his fucking best to not move his hips forward, to not let him feel the pleasure of the friction because once it’s done, there is no way back for him; there is a limit to his restraint, there is a limit to how much of this can Izuku take without losing his goddamn mind…
You tear Izuku’s walls down with one single movement, with just a tiny little friction and you both moan in tandem as the pleasure creates goosebumps on your skin, but maybe, it’s just the cold water coming from the shower head; it doesn’t matter though because your answer is loud and clear and that’s all it takes for Izuku to turn off the shower with one hand and manhandle you into a towel-burrito before he takes you to the bedroom like a princess, his teeth clattering from the cold.
You should feel shy and embarrassed. You should be freaking out when Izuku drops you down on the bed and towers over you with your boobs halfway out of your towel.
You don’t feel any of that. Neither is he.
It just feels… normal. Exciting.
“Finally…” Izuku giggles with excitement sparkling in his gorgeous eyes. He pulls the cover on top of you both and takes a few deep breaths to stop the shaking of his body; he waits a few minutes in silence, just staring at your chest and face, remembering it all while your bodies get warmer under the cover and the goosebumps are finally gone. You trace the old scars on his chest and his tummy, you give them all the love you possibly can without saying a single word. The silence isn’t awkward… this silence is… precious. It’s like there’s no need for words, no need for verbal communication because everything is written all over your faces, it’s in every single caress, every single kiss, every single sigh that leaves your mouths as you touch each other in new places. Your hand can’t get away from that perfectly trimmed bush on top of Izuku’s member so you find yourself there once again, just caressing the prickly skin, enjoying the way it feels under your fingertips.
The mood is calmer now, more mature but still full of those flames from before; it’s a weird, conflicting combination but it somehow works for you two. “Sweet pea.” Izuku whimpers while his free hand fondles your boob. You can’t help but moan into the air between you two as his thumps finds your bud and starts fiddling with it. “Can I show you how much I love you?” All you can do is nod weakly, your eyes full of tears. No one ever treated you like this, like you are a goddess who deserves to be worshipped, like every caress is a gift, like your body is something worth cherishing and you feel so loved already you kinda want to tell him to not even bother anymore, but you don’t have the heart to do that after looking into his half-lidded, excited eyes.
“Please.” You smile at your boyfriend happily. He bumps your foreheads together for a few seconds and smiles right back; this moment is special, it feels like there is a red string connecting you two together, the one that’s indestructible and infinite; the strings of faith are almost visible now as Izuku leans down to connect your chests, but maybe you are just too delirious and too aroused to be able to distinguish delusion from reality.
Izuku seals the deal with the hottest kiss known to mankind and you are halfway to your orgasm already and he haven’t even touched you yet.
“Plus Ultra!” Izuku gives you one last smile before he dives under the covers, right between your legs and you scream his name as you come in less than 3 minutes. Three. Fucking. Minutes.
He just… went in and… oh my god. Midoriya Izuku, goddamn Pro Hero Deku just… he’s… really talented with his tongue. Let’s just leave it at that.
You need 5 to 7 days to get over the fact that you just received the best oral you’ve ever had and it was from your favorite pro Hero who you are ridiculously in love with.
“Don’t worry, I’m not done.” You can feel Izuku’s smile on the inside of your thighs as he starts peppering kisses all over the area. It’s so loving and so careful, so slow yet so passionate… you can’t help but feel the arousal wake up inside you once again. “I really love your legs. I always wanted to kiss them. They are so soft and your thighs are so… ahh, I wanna sleep on them. They are better than the best memory foam pillow on the market. You also taste really nice. I think I’m becoming addicted.” Izuku goes back to the “treasure” and leaves tiny kisses all over your folds, teasing the most sensitive parts with his tongue to steal another taste. You can’t help but whimper; it’s extremely sensitive now but the touch is light enough to be pleasurable even in this state.
“I also love your tummy. Having a six pack is great, but I really enjoy soft and cute things.” Izuku adds with an obsessed tone which makes you blush like a virgin. “You are the softest and cutest of them all. I love you.” Izuku leaves a trail of kisses all over your tummy until he reaches your chest; he pops your bud into his mouth and does something with his tongue that makes you see stars; it almost feels like swirling water, soft and languid. It’s extremely hard to describe the feeling without comparing Izuku’s tongue to a tentacle, which, let’s be honest, would make this fanfiction so much dirtier than it really is.
“I’m not even going to try and give these two a justice with my words.” Is all Izuku says before he takes your other bud into his mouth to give it some love. If you think this can’t get more hot, you are wrong; Izuku starts to nibble your chest gently, sucking on the soft skin without leaving a mark, his eyes downright manic as he makes sure there isn’t a single millimeter left unloved.
Needless to say, you guys will need to change the sheets after this because well… you are soaking wet. Again.
You try your best to hide this information from your boyfriend for now because while Izuku is a man on a mission, you also have your own plans and knowing how much Izuku enjoys giving, he wouldn’t let you do anything today until your “situation” is “sorted.”
“Izu-Izu.” You rake your fingers through Izuku’s hair, clenching your fist on the top of his head just to hear him moan once again. And again. And again. Hell, Izuku has the most sinful moan, high pitched and weirdly feminine; he always tries to stop himself in the middle of the sound and the way his voice falters and breaks, then goes so high in the last one second… just makes your “situation” even worse. “Let me love you too, goddamnit!” You whine and moan at the same time. Izuku stops with his shenanigans for one second and that’s all you need to finally manage to roll him over and end up in his lap. You are not going to lie, it took all of your strength to be able to do that and you are panting a little bit but it was all worth it for the sight; he is blushing like crazy and he looks so lost now that he’s not in charge. You don’t even try to stop yourself from kissing him senseless, it’s physically impossible to do so.
“I feel like I’m going to explode.” You admit between two kisses. “Fucking hell, Izuku, are you even human? Is this another quirk of yours? Are you a lust demon? How can you do stuff like that with this adorable, innocent face? How?” You complain, while Izuku giggles. “Don’t fucking giggle, I’m serious!”
“I think I have a thing for being manhandled. I’m also about to explode.” He admits sheepishly with his hand wondering down to your bottom cheekily. You take a deep breath and move down to his belly, not letting him touch your private parts because it’s your turn now to love him endlessly and you want to do it without any distractions.
“Good. Suffer with me.” You retort cheekily and Izuku giggles once more. “You have so many freckles on your chest and tummy, I love it so much. I love your freckles, have I ever told you that?” You mumble as you kiss Izuku’s hard abs. His hands wander into your hair the same way yours did and you can kinda understand why is Izuku so hot and bothered when you do that to him.
“No, you didn’t.” Izuku chokes on air.
“Well, now you know.” You answer simply. “You have the body of a god, but I like your face the most. And your hair. And how some of your scars are softer to touch than your normal skin. I love the texture. Like this one.” Your hand moves up to Izuku’s pecks, caressing the massive scar on the side of his left breast. “You are so handsome but nothing is as pretty as your soul. Izuku, you look perfect from the outside but compared to you as a person, it’s fucking nothing. If I would have a quirk I would want to be able to go inside your soul… just so I can kiss it senseless.” You make no sense. You are aware of it. No need to comment on it. How the fuck are you supposed to stay coherent in this situation?! It doesn’t feel real. It’s too fucking good to be real.
A tiny sob cuts through the tension and you emerge from the covers to look into your boyfriend’s eyes. Of course, he’s crying. “You are such a crybaby.” You smile down at him with nothing but fondness. “My little crybaby. I love you so much.” You leave a tiny kiss on his mouth.
“No one… ever… made me feel like this.” Izuku admits between two sobs. “Like I’m the best thing in the whole world. No one ever managed to actually make me believe them, but you… you make it sound like it’s possible that I’m not… a failure. I feel so loved I don’t know what to do with it.”
“Enjoy it. You deserve it. You are the best thing, at least for me.” You leave tiny kisses on your boyfriend’s neck to divert his attention.
“And you are the best thing, for me.” He retorts with a sigh. “I want to build a shrine to you and pray for your well-being every day. I want to do this every day… I want to eat and drink YOU, I want to become YOU… I want us to become one and stay like that forever, because I’m the best thing only because you are next to me. Fuck, that doesn’t make any sense and it sounded so much cooler in my head…” Izuku mutters shyly, looking at the wall due to his embarrassment.
“Let’s become one, then. We can’t stay like that forever, but… I want… uhm…” you mumble with a red face as you move one of your hands under the covers to caress his painfully hard member with one finger. Izuku almost chokes on his saliva just from this one touch. It fills you with pride.
You absolutely enjoy the way Izuku is writhing under you, his face contorted by the pleasure while your hand moves on his member up and down, slow but steady. He doesn’t let you enjoy the game for too long; one second you are in charge then the next your back hits the soft bed once again and Izuku’s finger finds his way to his folds, slowly easing the first finger inside, followed by the second almost immediately.
“Sweets… you really like me this much?” Izuku moves his fingers around your folds to feel the wetness around the area. You can’t help but look away shyly, completely embarrassed from being so excited. Your plan failed. Goddamnit.
“What? No! Don’t be!” Izuku freaks out for a split second. “I’m just… really happy. I loose my confidence in bed really quickly but you make it so easy for me. Your whole body speaks to me, it tells me it’s okay, that this is good for you and I’m so thankful.” Izuku slowly eases the third finger in; a quiet whimper leaves your mouth as he starts scissoring inside to make this as easy for you as possible. “I’ll make sure to thank you by being the best partner now and forever. Sweets… Y/N… can I…”
“Fucks sake, Izu, yes. You can do whatever you want. I’m yours and you are mine. That’s all I need to know.”
“Okay.” Izuku nods, clearly spiraling a little bit. “Yeah, uhm, I’m gonna get the… stuff. Just stay here.”
“Damn, I was about to run out for some coffee.” You add jokingly, but Izuku is on a mission and he can’t understand sarcasm…
“I’ll get you some coffee from the kitchen, then!”
You start laughing like a maniac.
“Oh my god, I was joking, you silly. Hurry up!”
“Oh… I’m an idiot.” Izuku takes the box of condoms out of his backpack. You will make sure to ask him later about the fact that he had some with him… Cheeky little fuck.
You also try your best to not stare at that perfect butt. Damn, you are eating well today!
He has a few stretch marks on his back, but it’s only visible when you look really closely; which you do because you can’t help yourself, even though you literally just said that you won’t.
“Yeah, but you are my idiot. Now get back here and love me.” You continue to stare at that perfect peach, but Izuku turns around and you look away swiftly because the front is just as delicious as the back and you honestly don’t think you can take more of this right now. It’s quite comical how the color of his broccoli tattoo is the same as his hair down there; its a little bit sad how you’ll never be able to boast on your “Deku lovers” group chat about it. They would probably laugh in your face anyway, thinking you are a liar because there is no way the perfect pro hero Deku has a silly little broccoli tattoo.
“Okay.” Izuku grins with a flushed face and barges back into the bed, right into your arms.
He starts peppering kisses all over your neck, giggling happily like a schoolboy, then moves back to your face to leave another scorching hot kiss on your mouth while his hand slowly wonders down to your intimate areas to make sure you are ready for the “good stuff.”
It takes all your self-restraint to not come from the sight on top of you; Izuku’s hair is disheveled and he looks so fucking out of it that you would think he’s being touched himself, but your hands are in his hair and you feel no friction anywhere on your body which means he just… enjoys pleasing you so much it makes him look like he’s five seconds from coming. His fingers stop moving and he slowly retracts them, leaving you empty and sad for a split of a second but then he puts the condom package into his mouth and tears it open while keeping eye contact with you the whole time and you swear you see stars. Izuku is just too much. Too hot and too dirty but also so innocent and loving, it just doesn’t make sense, really… but…
“Are you ready, Sweets? Tell me if it hurts, okay? Promise me.” He looks at you worriedly and your heart just melts inside your chest and becomes nothing but a big lump of goo.
“I promise… OH MY GOD.” You almost yell as you feel the first few centimeters inside you. Izuku bites his lips once and takes a few deep breath, not moving, just waiting for you to get used to the sting, to the almost foreign sensation because damn, the man isn’t small and it has been ages you’ve been in this situation with anyone. “I’m fine, I’m fine, keep going, Izu.” You try to reassure him as best as you can. It starts to feel really good down there even though he’s not even halfway in.
He slowly moves further and the sting is back but it’s not as bad as it was before; it really quickly turns into an intoxicatingly amazing sensation that makes your whole body tremble and Izuku drops his face on your chest, his whole body shaking like a leaf.
“Relax or I’ll really embarrass myself. Please. You feel too good. Why didn’t we do this sooner?” He mutters into your breasts and if you wouldn’t be so aroused you would have laughed in his face for being so cute, but…
“You can move. Please. Move.” You stutter as a sudden wave of pleasure hits you just right. Izuku doesn’t say anything just moves back to his original position and slides out a bit and then back again and you are so happy everyone is out and about because you are quite sure the whole neighborhood just heard you moan. “Izu…”
“I think I’m going to cry again, but it’s happy tears.” Izuku admits sheepishly while he starts a slow but steady pace. His moans are quiet and his voice breaks quite frequently but there is something about it that makes you tremble in pleasure; probably the fact that you are the reason he sounds like that, deep but also squeaky, you are the reason his face is flushed from all the bliss… you feel so lucky to be able to experience this, to feel all this love, to be the reason for Izuku’s happy tears; you are so thankful for taking that big leap of faith by moving in with a stranger all those months ago.
“I love… love you. Izu. Izuku.” You stutter as Izuku’s pace picks up and you are absolutely incapable to think from this point; you both moan each other’s name in tandem as you chase your orgasms, Izuku clearly tries his best to keep his focus on you, to listen to where and how it feels the best and slowly but surely that pleasant feeling starts to build up with every thrust Izuku delivers to the right spot; Izuku’s arms start to tremble and it makes you stop for a second; this shaking doesn’t seem to be from the pleasure and Izuku looks a little bit stressed as you look into his eyes so you put your hand on his chest, silently asking for him to stop.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Izuku starts to apologize but you are not having any of that.
“Lay down.” You command kindly. Izuku looks utterly confused for a second but he does it anyway. You don’t give him a single warning before you sit in his lap with your hands perched on his naked, beautifully sculpted chest and slowly ease yourself back down on his length. Izuku’s face contorts in utter pleasure, now that his arms are not hurting anymore and you pat yourself on the back inside your little mind palace for realizing something is wrong even while your mind was clouded by all the new sensations. “Good boy.” You caress Izuku’s muscly chest. Izuku moans loudly and moves his hip upwards, finding that special point once again, even in this new position.
Izuku looks ethereal from this point of view; his hair is splayed out on the white pillow, no curly strand the same as the other, his face is flushed and his eyes are sparkling like a rare gemstone, gaze full of love and lust and by that look on his face, he doesn’t mind this position either; every single movement makes his face scrunch up, his moans becoming hiccups and silent pleas to keep doing what you are doing, just like that, and it barely takes 10 more minutes for you two to feel the coil inside your tummy snap, Izuku doing the same a few more thrusts later.
You’ve never come this hard before. Your body shakes violently and you barely keep yourself up right while Izuku moves his hips up and down really slowly to prolong this amazing feeling, tears prickle your eyes from the pleasure, and once the feeling is gone you collapse on Izuku’s chest; you didn’t realize how much you strained your legs by doing this until you came down from your high, but when it it hit, you couldn’t help but whimper, this time, from the pain.
There are some other parts of your body that feel a tiny bit funny right after you two separate with a whimper, but honestly, you’ve seen that coming.
“I’ve never done this this way.” Izuku admits shyly.
“Never?” You look up at your boyfriend as you slowly move to his side; you need to lay down properly for a second. Everything is spinning.
“No. It was always… me doing everything. I want to do this again. And again. And again.”
“I’ll need to hit the gym then.” You giggle to yourself and seeing your boyfriend’s confused face, he doesn’t really understand the problem. “Izuku, this position… needs a lot of leg muscles. I don’t have any. I’m quite sure I pulled at least one muscle in both of my legs.”
“I’m more than happy to help you with that!” Izuku sits up excitedly. You give him a side eye. “Not like that, you silly! Actual training! And that, too, of course, but only if you want to do it again. I’m okay with anything until it’s you.”
You want to put this man on a plate and eat him. How can he be so sweet?!
“I love you, you weirdo.” You giggle into his hair then you leave a tiny kiss on his neck as a silent thank you.
“I love you too, Sweets. Let’s have a few minutes of rest then let’s go to the onsen.”
“Oh my god, the onsen sounds magical right now.” You sigh, utterly pleased. “Izu?”
“Are you happy?”
“I’m the happiest fucking freak in the whole wide world, Sweets.” He smiles. “Are you happy?”
“I think I’m high on happiness.” You pant, exhausted.
“Good. Me too.”
… to be continued!
Potato ramble:
- I can’t believe this finally happened! Honestly, I’m not a big fan of writing these kind of things but even I was excited about this to finally happen because the tension was absolutely ridiculous! 😂 Not gonna lie, I have many other ideas about what this version of Izuku likes but I probably won’t be able to use them as they would be too dirty for this otherwise innocent story. 😂 I love these two so much, they are so perfect for each other!
- I hope you guys are okay. Sorry for not responding to your lovely comments, I read them all and I send you all hugs! I hope I will see you soon but to be honest with you, I don’t think it will be sooner than 4 weeks, maybe more if shit goes south in my life.
- There will be changes to my uploads when I come back, I’ll leave a note for you guys once we get to it. I might need you to answer some questions too, because I have no idea what to do 😂
- Random personal ramble: so funny story about my recent life; I went home to my home country to see my mom and I told her about how much I want an airfryer but I don’t really have space for it nor money to spare. I didn’t know she actually owns one so I got really excited when I saw it! A day after I came back to England there was an Amazon order on my doorstep that I didn’t order. Guys, my mom went on Amazon and bought me an airfryer. I’ve been making cakes and baked apples every day since. Get an air fryer if you can. It’s amazing. Thank you for listening. 😂
Here’s a quick, delish recipe for you: get some apples, cut them in half, get rid of the stem, put a bunch of Nutella in it then sprinkle cinnamon on top (or pour half of the bottle on it like I do. Lol). Bake it for 40 mins on 160C. You are welcome. (You can also use dark chocolate instead of Nutella if you wanna make it healthier. You can also hide a walnut inside. Omnomnom.
- I’ll shut up now. Tell me your thoughts!
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @themultifandomgirl @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave @alyss-eiz @sleepisfortheweakpooh
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seabirdtxt · 5 months
.Irminsul stash --Traveler_Inventory
You and Scaramouche head over to ask the Traveler for some groceries [< prev] [Blog tag] [next >]
Notes: SAGAU without cult shenanigans, mostly filler chapter. sorry for the long hiatus!
WC. 1.5k
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As much as you enjoyed spending your time running around Teyvat in-game, nothing quite prepares you for how vast it actually is. 
Of course you’ve known that, logically speaking, it’s impossible to correctly scale an entire city using a limitation such as video game engines. You are still knocked completely off your feet at the sight of the sprawling verdant domes and alabaster walkways of Sumeru City. 
You jog down from the Sanctuary doors and lean over the railing, eyes tracing the knotted branches of the Great Tree where they mesh flawlessly with the infrastructure of the city. The scale of things is easily dozens of times bigger than what is shown in-game, and despite the beautiful graphics it has, the game definitely cannot do justice to the sheer variety of buildings and people that make up Sumeru City. Unable to help yourself, you make wordless noises of awe as you take in the scenery.
“You’d think you’ve never seen a city before,” Scaramouche’s deadpan voice states from a few paces behind you, where he’s lazily following you down the ramp. You turn and face him, taking note of how he’d removed the colourful belts, ropes, and other identifying markers of his outfit, leaving only his bodysuit and black jinbei. He looks deeply annoyed by this state of undress, so you wisely choose not to mention it. 
“I mean, I’ve never seen it like this before,” you agree, gesturing to the skyline with a wide sweep of your arm. “Like, I’ve seen some of it from a certain, uh, distance? But seeing it in person… Wow. Just doesn't compare.” 
Scaramouche says nothing as he finally comes to a stop beside you, arms crossed as he surveys the view. After a few seconds he snorts derisively. “Looks the same as it always does, to me.” He scoffs. “Come on, we don’t have all day.”
You let him drag you down the rest of the ramps until you both meet the pale bricks of the main road. You follow him as he leads you, presumably, to wherever the Traveler is staying. Your eyes wander aimlessly, taking in the sights. 
Something tugs at the gem of your shirt and you stop walking, surprised. When you look down, you see a small child with dirt stains on their hands and knees, and a streak of dirt across their face. The child beams up at you, holding out their closed fist and shaking it at you.
“Oh, hello. What’s up?” You ask, crouching down beside them. You hear a noise of disgust from Scaramouche, which you wave off in favor of giving the child a smile. “Anything I can help you with, buddy?”
The child shakes their fist again and you finally get the message. You present your own open hand, palm upturned, and the child drops whatever they’re holding into it. They scamper off quickly before you can say anything, so instead you peer at the tiny object in your hand.
It’s a small stone, with a very simplified carving on it. It appears to be some writing, and an angular leaf shape. The marks are gibberish to you, but surely it has significance of some kind, so you pocket it and stand back up. You give Scaramouche an apologetic grin, to which he simply rolls his eyes and continues on.
The walk is, understandably, much longer physically than it is in-game, and you find yourself a little winded by the time you’re anywhere near the Grand Bazaar. You do eventually get to a building that you (very, very vaguely) recognize as the inn the Traveler and Paimon stayed at during the Sabzeruz Festival arc, and you huff a sigh of relief that the long stroll is finally over. Before you can even approach or knock, you’re bowled over by a flying white mess of limbs.
“Creator! You’re here!” Paimon squeals in your ear as she tackles you to the best of her ability, and you wince as she excitedly hugs whatever part of you she can reach. “I’m so glad that stupid mean puppet didn't kill you yet!”
Scaramouche makes an offended noise at that last remark and flips Paimon the bird.
“Yeah, here I am!” You laugh after untangling her from around your head and pat her head as the Traveler joins her, looking a little worse for wear. Their outfit is a little stained in places, and bears some signs of scorch marks at the edges.
“Good timing, we just got back from our morning commissions,” they say with a wave. “I didn’t think you’d be out and about so soon, is there anything you need help with?”
“We want your ingredients supplies.” Scaramouche blurts out, interrupting any of your attempts to phrase it in a nicer way. 
“All of them?!” Paimon gasps, absolutely devastated. You quickly step in before Scara can say anything else.
“No no! Just a little bit,” you reassure the sprite, then address the rest of your request to the Traveler with an affable shrug. “If you have anything to spare we’d really appreciate it. We don’t exactly have a lot of food in my teapot yet. Or, uhh… Any food, at all.”
“Oh!” The traveler smacks their forehead with the heel of their palm. “I didn’t think of that, Your Grace, I’m so sorry!”
“You really don’t have to call me that,” You laugh awkwardly at the title and volume at which the Traveler said it, conscious of the curious glances your little group has attracted. All around you you begin to hear indistinct murmuring, and you frantically hope they’re not talking about you. “And, uh, don’t worry about it! It’s a bit short notice, I get it.”
“As long as you leave some for us, it’s no problem!” Paimon says as she recovers from her shock. The Traveler turns to her with a sly grin.
“As long as they leave some for you, you mean?” They tease, to which Paimon splutters in protest. The Traveler gently pokes her cheek while she throws her tantrum.
“Can we take this inside?” Scaramouche asks waspishly, stopping the pair’s bickering for a moment. “Or literally anywhere else? Maybe you two enjoy being ogled like zoo animals, but I personally don’t appreciate being eyed up by the unwashed masses.”
“How rude! You haven’t learned a single thing, have you?!” Paimon scolds, turning her wrath on the harbinger. 
“Actually, I agree,” you give a halting laugh as you step closer to the building. More and more eyes are turning toward you. You give the crowd an awkward wave, and suddenly the murmurs turn into a clamor as people begin to understand your identity.
“Oh, whoops,” the Traveler says, grabbing both your hand and Scaramouche’s bicep. Paimon quickly gets the idea and grabs onto the sleeve of their outfit. “Time to go!”
You spiral back into existence high above the streets of Sumeru, close to the Akademia front doors, having been forcefully teleported as a group with the Traveler. They set you down gently, while simultaneously dropping Scaramouche like a sack of potatoes. 
“Ow! Hey, watch it!” 
“Are you alright, Your Grace?”
Three pairs of eyes watch as you dust yourself off and give a cheerful thumbs up. “All good!” You announce. “Let’s talk groceries, shall we?”
In the end, the Traveler decides to give you and Scaramouche three bags of dry products—things like fruits and veggies, rice, sugar, coffee beans, and cured meat—and promises to stop by your teapot sometime later in the week to deliver cold foods and more fresh produce. 
“I’m sure some of this probably isn’t what you’re used to in your world,” the Traveler says apologetically, giving you a wry smile. “If you have any questions about it, I’m sure you can ask Wanderer. He’s been enrolled in some cooking classes for the past few semesters, so he’ll know what he’s doing.”
“Hah! As if.” Scaramouche snatches the last bag of groceries out of their hands with a sneer. “That weakling is going to be out running errands for Buer’s every whim. Do you really expect him to be around long enough to cook adequately? I’ll handle this.” 
The Traveler only raises a single eyebrow at the declaration, then shrugs. “Suit yourself,” they chuckle. “Just don’t poison the Creator, I guess.”
“Can the Creator even get sick?” Paimon asks, hovering around you and inspecting you closely enough to make you ticklish. “I’m not sure gods are supposed to be able to get sick, you know!”
“Well, we don’t want to find out!” 
“It’s fine, a little food poisoning won’t kill me,” you reassure the three of them, knowing you’ll be having a rough go at it for the foreseeable future given what you know about Scaramouche’s current cooking skills.
“So, what? None of you have any faith in me?” Scaramouche frowns and crosses his arms as best as he can around his grocery bags. 
The response comes from the three of you at the same time.
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mwahkazu · 3 months
07; -> studying? ew
stealing the spotlight — a genshin smau. [ idol! lyney x underground artist! reader ]
chapter warnings: none! ignore time stamps
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end note: i have returned from my exam hiatus and treating everyone to a triple update as make up for lack of uploads! send your thanks to @sl-vega for indirectly motivating me to publish three because she is killing it with her consistent uploads for her xingqiu smau! thankfully these next few chapters are relatively short and brief so it didn’t take a huge toll on me lol (struggles of a writer). we also got freminet introduction into the story!
for context you, fremi, and venti are in a group together working on a project. and you already know i had to include some heizou shenanigans 🤭
fun story fact is how i envision the energy of the group HAHAHA in which fremi is the calm one and you/venti are the feral ones. DW THO you both still do your part in the group work!
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STEALING THE SPOTLIGHT — masterlist. | « previous. | next. »
ੈ✩‧₊˚ synopsis ; ━ lyney and lynette, the tantalizing duo that have taken the music industry by storm: dominating the charts, selling out shows, enrapturing the hearts of many, you name it. naturally, with their ever-growing stardom, it’s no surprise hundreds of aspiring artists cover their songs, which lyney finds pathetically cute—in an endearing way of course! after all, he absolutely adores his fans above all. what he doesn’t find amusing though is when a seemingly unknown underground artist like you covers one of his songs that practically blows up on the internet, outshining the original. but when lyney decides to confront you personally about such a matter, you’re left at a loss because—who the hell is this spoiled brat of a celebrity?
taglist (closed 31/31) ; ━ if you are interested in being added to the taglist for this series, you can either comment or send to my inbox! same goes if you wish to be removed. bold means i cannot tag!
@peaceindreams , @miwafei , @whipped-for-fictionals , @blissfullyapillow , @yotraumainthebuilding , @reixtsu , @almond-t0fu , @quacking-simp , @kika-a , @kookiibun , @silentmissinghallucination , @sleepyeri , @xiaossocksniffer , @14-paradise , @kaitfae , @cupid-spams , @semi-orangeapple , @scarletttcroww , @sl-vega , @ethiy , @swivy123 , @ceneid , @kunikuzushis-darling , @beasalmeh , @enjisthings , @lloovvv , @sn1perz , @dreamyysouls , @glxssmemories , @calx-bdo , @lacunaanonymoused
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tsukimefuku · 4 months
❅ Sand and Snow | Full Chapter List and other Notes
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In the past few weeks, there have been multiple deaths in the city of Odate. Nanami Kento, a first-grade sorcerer, is dispatched to investigate the snowy city, unaware that this would be his final mission as a Jujutsu High’s student.
Why Nanami left Jujutsu High to become a 9/5 corporate slave.
Tags: Murder/mystery, canon typical violence, POV Nanami, Post Star-plasma Vessel Arc, Canon compliant, Angst but I'm not Gege
On AO3 here
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Chapters (Tumblr)
I will be listing here every chapter already published on Tumblr under the #sandandsnowchapter tag.
✦ Chapter 1
✦ Chapter 2
✦ Chapter 3
✦ Chapter 4
✦ Chapter 5
✦ Chapter 6
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Updates and fun facts
They are in dd/mm/yy
12/04/24: Well, we'll be on hiatus until May. Nonetheless, more silly fun — here's Shiro's song pick. "Akatsuki no Kodou" by "Unchain" for the simple reason it sounds like him.
28/02/24: The fanfic will probably hit hiatus by chapter 7. Or not. I hit a slump and I'm having a hard time getting out of it.
22/02/24: Finally, chapter 4 is up. This one was a hard one, because I'm not in the greatest headspace right now. Just hope I'll be feeling better when posting chapter 5.
12/02/24: I really need to define a day every week to post, heh. The next chapter will probably be posted on the 22th, but maybe earlier if I get around revising it before that!
09/02/24: Some silly fun, I saw Akutami's song picks for his characters, and I thought I'd make such a list for my own original characters. Starting with Shiori, I chose the song "Setsuna" by Sunny Day Service for her. Felt like a good fit. Hope you like it.
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My author's notes about this fanfic
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I’m currently working on a sole mid-long fanfic called Sand and Snow, with a dear and beloved character Kento Nanami as a teenager coming into adulthood.
It takes place around 2 years after the star-plasma vessel fiasco, and it’s about Nanami’s last mission before leaving Jujutsu High after graduation. I wanted to delve into his psyche and motivations for doing so, because I feel we didn’t get to see enough of that before he became the absolute beefcake we know and love. Goddamn you, Gege.
This is my copium after the end of the Shibuya arc, and I wanted to explore more about the character. Of course, the absolute icon Satoru Gojo will be arriving at Odate to help Nanami, because I love some classic Gojo and Nanami Shenanigans.
Thank you for reading this wall of text, and hope you like it! Xoxo
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celestialscribbler · 1 year
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Pip in Time comic ARCHIVE
An Owl House alternate universe fan comic focusing on the young wittebane brothers, 10 year old Phillip (Pip) and 16 year old Caleb, their backstory and time pool shenanigans landing them in the modern boiling isles, changing their futures.
Chronological (browser only):   Everything     Main comic only
Chapter 1: Charming Caleb
pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6 pt7 pt8 pt9 pt10
Chapter 2: Bad Time for Pip
pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6 pt7 pt8 pt9 pt10
Chapter 3: Hide and seeking
pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6 pt7 pt8 pt9 pt10
Chapter 4: Luz Heart
pt1 pt2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10
FAQ below
When do you post new pages?
Mondays in the afternoon currently, tho I’m liable to be late or miss an upload if life happens. I’ll try to post an announcement if i need to take a hiatus, but if the days change I’ll probably just update here.
Can you @ me when you release new pages?
YES! Let me know you wanna be added to the tag list through a reply or ask and I’ll do it. If i didn’t reply I probably didn’t see it yet. I’ll keep you on it unless you ask me to take you off. BUT keep in mind sometimes tumblr is bad with tags, if you haven’t seen anything in a week check in.
Will you have more Caleb/Evelyn in this comic after chapter 2?
Not really until much later in the comic no. Caleb is important all the way through but Evelyn gets pretty much cut. I may still make little supplemental comics with that that don’t fit into the main story line tho, all their stuff is tagged caleve.
Can I send you asks?
I’m not going to turn them off but i got kinda overrun and don’t even know how to approach getting through them all. You can send it but please don’t take it personally if i don’t respond.
Can I make an edit/dub/video out of your comic?
Uh, depends? Generally I love dubs and stuff where people get inspired to do something creative from my stuff but I’d really like to take it on a case by case basis so let me know what you have in mind and where you’d post it. You’re probably fine but please ask me first.
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partyhorn · 9 months
Hi, I'm Peyton (Partyhorn as well). I love to animate and make comics, and I'm a huge fan of sea slugs. This blog is mostly just things I like and my current art and projects. Here's the two main ones I'm focusing on:
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MOLLY'S FUTURE MISHAPS - A webcomic about time traveling sea slugs.
In the year 2000, Earth was destroyed in a sudden unpredictable disaster. The only way of preserving any kind of Earth life was, of all things, to send sea slugs into distant space… to Jupiter’s moon, Europa. The slugs had then evolved to survive in their environment, and after many years, advancements in their technology has led to the creation of time travel!
Molly: a lazy soda-loving chromodoris quadricolor, meets Jo: a work-obsessed sea bunny with a complicated past, as well as Leaf: a leaf sheep slug with a fascination for the Earth. The three end up working jobs as museum employees at the end of time itself which leads to many shenanigans and many, many consequences…
You can read the comic here on it's website, or here on comicfury (Note, the comicfury site posts 1 page a day and is WAY behind). There is also a tumblr account that posts each chapter, @mollysfuturemishaps
Also, you can read pages early (or buy a sticker) through my Ko-Fi page!
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PARVEY: THE INTERDIMENSIONAL SINGER! - A sea bunny who speaks only out of speech bubbles dreams to become a singer.
Parvey is a sea bunny who is an aspiring musician. However, one day she finds herself warped from her own dimension and into one that works in somewhat of a different way... and so, Parvey finds herself only able to speak out of comic-style speech bubbles, completely inaudible to the ears!
Along with her talent agent Macadamia, Parvey strives to become a big famous singer nonetheless... but is "becoming big" really all there is to do?
Parvey: The Interdimensional Singer is an indie cartoon currently in production. You can see sneak peeks of the pilot and other goodies on the account @parveycartoon (as well as the twitter account under the same handle.)
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I have some other projects as well, but they're either on hiatus or not my priority (I will put them all in the tags for easy access). I use the tags #my art, #my animation, #my music, for the things I create if you'd like to check those out. Thanks for coming!
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hydrasra · 1 year
Strange encounter
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SYNOPSIS: well, you certainly did not plan on meeting new yet familiar faces.
DISCLAIMER: those in bold could not be tagged. as usual, gn!reader. probably swearing and stuff here and there. also probably ooc. THESE SIDE STORIES ARE IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER. read 'NOT FROM THIS WORLD' serie first to better grasp what's going on if you're new :> the latest chapter [before hiatus] is HERE. ME POSTING THESE SIDE STORIES DOES NOT MEAN THAT I WILL BE POSTING AS OFTEN BUT I WILL BE POSTING WHEN I HAVE TIME/BEEN INSPIRED (same with the anecdotes)
TAGGING: [19/30] @bloop-booop @sunsethw4 @neverlandlostchild @ghostlysyntaxed @wolfe02 @valeriele3 @the-dumber-scaramouche @weirdducky17 @esthelily @shroombro @ayanokomu @bamboowritess @reblogs-of-sagau-content @bloopthebat @maybeyourcat @theblueblub @7smexy7diva @shimi-shimi @issy-lol
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"halt!" swan and lawrence both said at the same time, seeing an unknown duo approaching the gate of mondstadt.
beidou sighed, not wanting to deal with anything but to get to you and let you know of an impostor impersonating you on the throne the qixing made for you in liyue.
"state your name and the purpose of your visit, strange yet respectable travelers," swan said, back straight and arms behind his back.
kazuha looked at beidou and let out a chuckle at her annoyed face before he diverted his attention to the knights in front of him, "I , kazuha, am simply accompanying the captain of the crux, beidou," he gestured to the captain and beidou only nodded her head in greetings, "to mondstadt to visit the traveler."
upon hearing the word 'traveler', a look of recognition fell on both of the knights faces.
"ah! so you are friends with the honorary knight!" swan said, smiling.
"you should have started with that!" lawrence exclaimed with a chuckle, "please go on ahead. mondstadt welcomes you!"
kazuha threw a bewildered look at beidou who only looked back at him with the same expression as they both, slowly, walk in through the gates of the city.
"well, that was easy, wasn't it?" beidou said, standing at the gate with her hand on her hips and looking around.
"I oftentimes forget that the traveler is quite popular," kazuha mused with a chuckle.
beidou gave a nod at his words then focused back on the short man in front of her, "so, zuha, where to?"
the inazuman closed his eyes to better listen to the wind despite the lively atmosphere the city of freedom.
his eyes shot open mere seconds later, "they're–!"
"captain beidou? kazuha? what are you guys doing here?" paimon asked as she floated towards them.
kazuha's head turned towards her voice as he saw the traveler getting closer.
beidou turned to look at paimon and grinned, "hey there, paimon. how ya doin'?"
"pretty good, what about you guys?"
kazuha's heart was beating way too fast for his liking as his eyes darted everywhere as soon as lumine was close and greeted them.
where were you?
"kazuha? you okay there bud?" beidou asked, a brow raised at her friend who was looking around frantically.
for the second time that night, or morning seeing as the sun was already rising up in the sky, kazuha was interrupted by the sound of running and giggles, "lu! look at what flora gave me!"
and there you were, running towards them, well, specifically towards the traveler, with your arms holding a bouquet of cecilias... followed by a certain bard he knew of.
but his attention was solely on you.
and so was beidou's.
so, when you stopped in front of the blonde traveler, excitedly telling her how cute and adorable flora could be when she wanted to, instinctively, the liyuan and inazuman both bowed at you, feeling a tug and warmth settling in in their chests.
"morning, your grace."
as soon as venti was close enough, he threw an arm around kazuha after making him stand straight. lumine doing the same with beidou but throwing her arm around the crux's captain's waist instead.
"no need to bow in their presence, they hate that," paimon said as she floated next to you instead of lumine.
you stood there, staring at them and assessing whether they were sent by the millelith or they ventured on their way to find you on their own.
the question was, how did they find you?
as soon as that question crossed your mind, you were on your guard and lumine, being the observant friend of yours, quickly was at your side and hugging you, telling you, "these two are my trusted friends," she paused, pulling back to look at you in the eyes, "if they wanted to capture you to send you to the millelith, they would have done so the moment their eyes landed on you and not bow before you."
kazuha, at a loss for words, was quickly nodding along the traveler's words and reasoning. beidou was simply stuck staring at you, feeling in a daze.
lumine's words made sense to you and you relaxed.
"sorry, I'm kind of at war against liyue right now," you half joked but beidou tensed.
it was all thanks to the actions of her friend that you were now avoiding liyue, her home country.
but she understood.
"it's not really your fault anyway," she muttered then pursed her lips.
"what beidou means is that she understands and doesn't hold it against you," kazuha said, gently prying off venti's arm off of him.
then there was a few seconds of silence until a certain bard decided to break it.
"well wasn't that such a warm reunion? or should I say meeting?"
you rolled your eyes at his words, smiling, "shut up."
he lifted his hands up in the air in surrender then brought a hand up to his face before he put a finger on on his lips, showing that he would not talk.
you brought your attention back to lumine, "I don't know why she chose cecilias but she said something along the lines of 'they represent your gentleness' or whatever it's was."
paimon looked at venti who only shrugged with hand finger still on his lips. the floating being looked unimpressed.
"that aside," you looked at beidou then at kazuha, "what brought you two here?"
beidou leaned on kazuha, "this guy followed the direction of the wind."
he nodded, suddenly feeling bashful as pink adorned his cheeks, "I simply f-followed the winds directions..."
"so the wind can truly speak?" paimon asked, frowning.
meanwhile, next to kazuha stood the literal archon of anemo who gave her a 'duh?' stare.
lumine stared at paimon, "did you grow dumber?"
paimon gasped, appalled, "paimon grows smarter each day!"
"doubt," the word left your lips before you could even process it and paimon huffed then looked away with her arms crossed over her chest.
"so," you clapped your hands together once, "is there a reason why you guys showed up in mondstadt of all places?"
══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══
ehe. don't mind me.
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mercurialrain · 2 months
Master Post of my Fics!
Updated as of 4/6/24! All links are for Ao3 and rated G/T unless noted otherwise. :)
Completed multi-chaptered Felinette fics:
Silver Lining
Ocelli (rated M)
Felinette Month 2021 (collection of unrelated oneshots)
Incomplete multi-chaptered Felinette fics:
The Royal Conundrum (permanent hiatus)
Felinette Spooktacular (discontinued)
Felinette Oneshots:
Fairy Circles
Spring in the Underworld
History Lessons in Love
Quite A Life
And That's the Tea
Sand in the Eyes is a Beach
It Was in the Cards
Cat's Out of the Bag?
Guardian Angel
Kiss of Truth
Scaredy Cat
A Viper Means Trouble
On the Throne (rated M)
A Cup of Sugar
Heart Attack
A Curse Upon You
Gone Fishing
You Rock
I Couldn't Have, I Was Playing Hopscotch with Hawkmoth
Flower Crowns (rated M)
Most Eligible Bachelor (rated M)
Lukanette fics:
Scales and Tails (chaptered fic)
Bluebell Eyes (oneshot)
i can see the colors (when i'm with you) (oneshot)
Multi-Chaptered Lockwood & Co fics:
On the Fence (Locklyle, ongoing)
Lockwood & Co Oneshots:
if i see but one smile on your lips when we meet (Locklyle)
Lemon Glaze (Locklyle)
i'm an apostrophe; i'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see(Locklye)
simple as can be, i'm gonna be around (Trio bonding)
don't worry, I got you (Locklyle)
okay, show me (rated M) (Locklyle)
i'd draw you too (Locklyle)
you're the smartest person i know (George & Lucy bonding)
i can't wait for you (Minor Locklyle, mostly trio shenanigans)
do you recognize this? (Minor Locklyle, mostly trio shenanigans)
give me that, before anything happens (Trio shenanigans)
i wouldn't do that if i were you (Locklyle)
it's alright, i'm here (Locklyle)
tell me you feel it too (rated M) (Locklyle)
Use It to Fight For Your Life (TW for suicidal thoughts) (Minor Locklyle)
Hidden Knives (Locklyle)
Star Wars:
You Cake My Day (Reylo, ongoing)
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j-nipper-95 · 5 months
Six Sentence Sunday
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Yes, 2023 is drawing to a close. Yes, I have been lurking for (I think) months at this point. Yes, I have been writing. Thank you so much to everyone who has been tagging me in recent weeks/months, I'm so sorry I haven't been interacting as much with you all as I have in the past. In the last few months I just haven't had the social battery to do much more than just lurk in comments sections, and sometimes not even that (autistic burnout is not fun, can confirm, 0/10, do not recommend).
But I'm back, and here's hoping 2024 is a good year, and one that's productive where writing is concerned! 2023 was a pretty good year for me; I published my first fic (which was also the first bit of writing I've properly published anywhere!), and I sent off my first query for ASR! To a proper literary agent! Like ... WHAT?! I still can't believe it!
As for the end of this year, let's get one last hurrah in for the year of 2023 with the final WIPsday of the year. Chapter 11 of Trails is coming, it just needs to be edited. Here's an unedited snippet of the chaos you have to look forward to.
“When I tell you to, run like fuck,” Fiona tells us, clicking the hammer back on her revolver.  “How many more rounds have you got?” Penny asks. “Enough to take down half the idiots aboard this ship.” Fiona takes up a position on one side of the hatch, her finger on the trigger guard. As she moves I hear the tell tale clink of a box of rounds, and see the outline of it in her trouser pocket for the first time. “Fiona,” I caution. “Maybe we should try to do this quietly.” “No chance of that, boyo. I’m killing as many of these fuckers as I can before we go overboard.” “Fiona,” I try again, but she isn’t listening. “The lifeboat is on the right side,” Penny whispers to us, eyeing Fiona out of the corner of her eye. We’ll lower you into it, Baz, then follow.” I guess I don’t have much of a say in this, as Snow is literally the only reason I’m still standing right now. I nod, and Penny creeps up the stairs behind Fiona, who does so about as well as a bull in a china shop. She storms out onto the deck and I’m actually surprised by how long it takes for bullets to start flying. There’s a solid fifteen seconds or so, which allows Bunce to make it up the stairs and gesture for us to follow, before an alarm is raised and Fiona does what she does best: cause chaos.
This hiatus with Trails wasn't planned, but work and general holiday madness got in the way of the tentative schedule my beta's and I had. New Year, fresh start, once more into the fray, as they say. I hope you can join us for this fics future shenanigans.
Tagging for the new year: @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @bazzybelle @blackberrysummerblog @bookish-bogwitch @cattocavo @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @cosmicalart @cutestkilla @dragoneggos @erzbethluna @ebbpettier @fatalfangirl @frjsti @henreyettah @hushed-chorus @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @krisrix @larkral @letraspal @martsonmars @nightimedreamersworld @orange-peony @prettylightsbigcity @palimpsessed @phoxphyre @raenestee @shrekgogurt @skeedelvee @stardustasincocaine @subparselkie @that-disabled-princess @theearlgreymage @wellbelesbian @you-remind-me-of-the-babe 
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Works In Progress: A Shadowgast Rec List
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Check below the cut for nine amazing fics that are still coming out! Check them out, and don't forget to comment or kudos if you like them!
the fourth corner of the world by royalgreen (50775,Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Notes
An alternate TravelerCon arc where Essek is along for the ride
Reccer says: Cool and thoughtful worldbuilding, written during the hiatus so it's different from the canon TravelerCon. Excellent pining, wizards being soft, and Mighty Nein shenanigans.
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zwiefacher by VillainIHaveDoneThyMother (94489,Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn, Rape/Non-con
a Bren/Essek scourger au where Essek is the prisoner of Da'leth and Bren is the Annex to Ikithon. Their paths cross, then Bren forgets and meets him all over again.
Reccer says: The worldbuilding is incredible, there is a richness packed into every sentence that presents a stark au version of Rexxentrum and the war. It uses memory loss as a fascinating story device, with some dark and intense moments that keeps you reading. One of my favourites!
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disreputable presumptions by hanap (4147,Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: PIV sex
Friends with benefits lawyer AU! Caleb and Essek have a standing appointment for casual sex, and feelings definitely won't get involved..
Reccer says: The pining here is UNMATCHED. Caleb is smitten and trying to hide it, Essek is demi and starting to catch feelings, they're both absolute disasters. And it's always fun to see modern AUs where the author leans into a niche interest/occupation.
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oh, sinnerman by SaltCore (26704,Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Suicidal Thoughts
Caleb and Essek are nothing more than allies after their expedition to Aoer. At least that is what Caleb thinks - is he wrong about that?
Reccer says: The emotions, the tension and the heartbreak are excellent!
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sleep, with benefits by KmacKatie (39423,Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Notes
Caleb wakes up after the best night of sleep, realising that it's because he's not in his own bed, but Essek's after sleeping with his colleague he's been secretly crushing on for six months.
Reccer says: A delightful fic where Caleb they are both in love with each other but neither of them talks about it and this thing between them is totally casual, no feelings involved at all, they are both detached and professional about this. It lasts for five seconds but they keep being intentionally oblivious about it until they are forced to confront what they mean to each other. It's delightful circumstances full of unsaid moments, and some incredibly hot smut.
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kiss me goodbye by LivThael (12182,Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Notes
A modern AU where Caleb and Essek are hooking up, with no feelings involved. Unless?
Reccer says: It's hot and they're both disasters (affectionate)
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Meeting you counterclockwise by Chiakery (18130,Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Notes
Essek meets a red haired wizard over and over again through his youth, only to encounter a younger version of him later in his life. How is that possible?
Reccer says: It's so much fun to read and a unique view into Essek's youth.
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resonance broadening by toneofjoy (15735,Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Notes
Shadowgast as labmates who start out hating each other
Reccer says: It's a highly specific AU with plenty of details about academics, and both Caleb and Essek are snarky with one another. There's also a great supporting cast!
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a body in absentia by nonwal (9754,Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Notes
A scourger AU where Bren decides to seduce Essek, which turns out to be more complicated (and more rewarding?) than he anticipated.
Reccer says: The banter is witty, the tension is delicious, and Bren is a charming brat. It’s only two chapters in, but the asexual representation is already one of the most interesting and nuanced depictions I’ve seen.
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. And hey! Don’t forget to leave comments and kudos for the lovely authors!
Check out the previous WIPs Recs Lists here [1] Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week's theme is Learning To Accept Love!
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abubblingcandle · 12 days
So many good titles to pick from! But picking The Richmond Job!
The Richmond Job! I love it so! Thank you for letting me talk about it as a sit through this thunderstorm rolling through the valley.
The first two chapters are posted here and it is my Leverage AU with Ted Lasso characters as the leverage team doing heists and shenanigans to help people
Ted - Mastermind - Former insurance investigator in America that fled to the UK as he is being investigated for crimes
Beard - Hacker (turns co-Mastermind later) - Ted's criminal best friend that helped him out with his situation in the states
Rebecca - Grifter - Best grifter this side of the pond, back off a recent hiatus where she married all round scumbag Rupert Mannion. Now divorced and looking for revenge
Keeley - Thief - Sweet little kleptomaniac that likes having stuff and removing it from its real owners
Roy - Hitter - Hitter looking for the last few jobs that can set up his sister and niece before his knee gives out
Jamie - Hitter (turns hacker later) - Up and coming MMA style fighter superstar in the criminal world but his heart isn't in beating people up for money
Chapter 3 is when they are hired by Colin who works at their local pub to help his footballing friend Sam Obisanya who keeps getting death threats. It is about a quarter done and is already 4k so yeah, it's coming but slowly
Here's a little snippet:
Ted didn’t leave immediately after he finished checking on Trent and Jamie. He sat in his car outside the warehouse and waited for Roy to make his arrival. He was almost certain that Roy would be coming in hot after hearing from Jamie that Trent had been digging about his past and had found his niece. He didn’t have to wait for long. Roy’s car came skidding into the car park and Roy was out of it like a shot as soon as the wheels had stopped spinning. “Woah there papa bear,” Ted exclaimed, hurrying to intercept Roy on his way into the warehouse. “He’s in there,” Roy growled, shouldering Ted out of the way. “And charging in there is not what’s best,” Ted darted back in front. Roy didn’t look that tall when you just looked at him, from a distance. But when you had just put your body in the way of him and his target, his bulk was daunting if nothing else. Ted could see in that moment why people would often just see him and hand over whatever he wanted. A very valuable skill for a retrieval specialist. “He went after Phoebe,” Roy stated, as if he was reading the weather forecast, “an example needs to be made.”
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aachria · 6 months
Do you plan on eventually dropping some drabbles/chapters from the P.O.V from other characters (either when stuff is over or as one-shots or something)? I'm curious about everyone else's thoughts and things like Sabo and what he's doing and everything :')
Oh great idea I’ll think about it. There’s probs gonna be some kinda hiatus between pre timeskip and post timeskip (it’ll be two separate works yeehaw) so maybe that’ll happen.
I’ve been toying with the idea of doing Ed timeskip shenanigans oneshots or the movies- maybe I’ll be adding other character POVs to that hehe.
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