#child!mc definitely gets better cousins compared to other mcs
trailshome · 8 months
Also taking this chance to say that while I love how you write all the MCs, I especially love how you write child MCs. You write their interactions SOOO well and they feel like living, breathing, children, instead of this?? Caricature that some stories often reduce children to. The interactions are so well done, I went so 🥺🥺🥺🥺 during the interaction where Yorick lifts up a giggling MC and pinches their foot. Like!! Your character interactions and personalities feel so dynamic, and they're written so so well!! They genuinely make me feel so fond of them, even when I've only met them for one chapter!
Also, the contrast between the other MCs' relationships vs child MC's relationships to their family makes me SO 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 Like?? They could've been an actual family if only they could've seen past their prejudices or jealousy or whatever it is that was driving them to treat the older MCs that way. I don't know, sometimes I wonder what the older MCs would think if they could see child!MC's life at their old home. Would it be sad? Bittersweet? Maybe they wouldn't care. But the itch of what could have been is KILLING ME and I am aggressively shaking all your characters in a jar HJSDLGHSKLGSDKL 😭
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CORE MEMORY UNLOCKED?! asdasd i used to chew on foam letter bath toys when I was five. Something about the texture??? I got a genuinely good laugh out of this. Ironically awakened a memory I had forgotten -- not related to eating/chewing on things we aren't supposed to -- kids are funny. Like, they are incredibly reasonable and can ask some very poignant questions. On the other hand, they eat glue and chew on things. Lol!!
Yeah, the tragedy of the MC and their family is that it could have easily ended up differently had their cousins not been susceptible to their father's (mc's uncle) opinions. It's a shame because I think Yorick would have gotten along pretty well with most other MCs -- it just wasn't meant to be in their case. I think older Mcs would feel conflicted. On one hand; I'd like to think they'd be happy that child!mc was being treated well and properly. On the other... well, it stings a bit. Especially knowing how close they were to things being perfect (give or take Mom disappearing and Uncle being a jerk).
On the upside! non-child!mc's get a do-over of sorts! Obv it isn't perfect or completely ideal but like. MCs can end up with quite a large family if they so choose to allow/pursue it.
BUT! That's really open to yall's headcanons on how they'd feel about all that. Definitely a right mess and good for angst, haha!
PS. -- I am also aggressively shaking the characters in a jar. <3
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bittersweetmelxdy · 5 years
hi! loving your work. pls can I request a victor angst where MC thinks he hates her because she doesn’t understand his mean personality so she distances herself but he notices and goes after her
Title: I like your soul when it’s shirtlessPairing: Victor x MCNotes: Title taken from Take Off All Your Cool by Sabrina CarpenterWords: 2026
There were some days that production for a show took forever, whether it be a problem with the guests themselves, a series of bad takes, or even the weather halting production, there were definitely some shows you glad to be over with. This particular show however was not like that. You were doing a show in preparation for Loveland’s annual Skateboard tournament. So you had decided to interview the Home team and have them walk you through how the tournament worked and the preparation they make for it. An added bonus of the show was that the youngest rising star of the team, and the one your show was focused on in order to introduce a wider audience to the sport, was actually your cousin on your dad’s side of the family. You and he were particularly close, treating each other as siblings rather than cousins, and you were glad his talent was going to be recognised by a wide variety of viewers. You were down to the final days of shooting when you received an unannounced guest.
“Victor, what are you doing here?” you had spluttered out confused at his presence.
He and Goldman looked extremely out of place in their sharp suits compared to everyone else’s casual attire. You had told the staff to dress casually so that you wouldn’t look out of place during shooting, and looking at how strange formal wear was on set you were glad you had made the right decision.
“I came to see how the production was coming along.” He said nonchantly.
“Couldn’t you just wait for the final cut?”
“Then how would I know you know how to do your job properly?”
At his haughty attitude you huffed angrily and stormed off to the refreshments table before you said something you would come to regret. Whilst there your cousin was leaning against the table and handed you an opened bottle of water before opening one for himself.
“So who’s the guy in the suit.” He said casually, noticing your temper.
“Victor, he’s the CEO of LFG.” You spat.
“Wait the guy who keeps threatening to take away your investment?”
“One and the same.”
“Well for someone you say hates you, he does stare at you a lot.”
You choked on your water.
“Cody he does not stare at me.” You said between choked breaths.
Cody shrugged and gestured at Victor who quickly averted his gaze from the two of you.
“Think what you want, but he does stare pretty hard at you so he’s probably crushing on you, although I doubt it with your violent personality.” He teased.
“Cody!” you yelled in disbelief and whacked him with your water bottle.
“See violent!” Cody laughed as you too bickered until it was time to resume shooting.
Victor was seething, he may have only just come to terms with his feelings for you, but in no way did he needed to be educated by a child about them. First of all he had no idea why he was even on set today. It was true, there was a lot resting on this programme, but if he was being honest he had just wanted to see you, you’d only come to LFG for meetings and left as soon as it was over. So he decided to just go to set to see how everything’s going, with an added bonus being seeing you. Yet somehow, whenever you would talk to him it always felt like he had no control over what he was saying. Yes your pout and angry expressions were adorable, but he’d been seeing that since the day you two met, and if he was honest he wanted you to smile at him how you smiled around everyone else, like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds and brightening everything it touched. He mused that he could chalk it up to years of being around people who were always after something from him, so it became easier to don a mask whilst in the company of others in order to protect himself. It had only aided him thus far, pushing everyone away, but now the one person he wanted to see through his mask was also being pushed away. He sighed, he had been coming out of the restroom when he was blocked by one of the guests leaning against the wall and had placed his leg on the opposite wall, effectively blocking his way. Victor had stopped and waited for the child to lower their leg when they spoke,
“I don’t know what your deal is being so rude to her.” He had said not looking at Victor.
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” Victor had replied.
“She’s like sister to me, so yeah it is my business that some jerk is bothering her.” The child lowered his leg and turned to face Victor, making direct eye contact with him.
“Jerk?” Victor laughed mockingly “Listen kid, how I treat my employees has nothing to do with you.” He had then walked past them when the kids next statement stopped him in his tracks.
“You’re right, how you treat your employees is none of my business, but just saying from someone who’s known her all her life, if you do love her, you’re only causing her to hate you.” The child had then walked into the restroom, leaving Victor to seethe over his statement.
‘Was he more transparent than he realised when it comes to you?’
Somehow ever since Victor and Goldman had arrived, shooting was getting harder and harder. Problems you hadn’t encountered before suddenly just appeared. A lens broke during filming and you had to halt production whilst you sent someone to get a replacement, the ring light overheated and you had to wait for it to cool down, and people suddenly had a million and one questions to ask you. You were usually very on top of things during production but you could feel the panic clawing it’s way up your throat. You took a few deep breaths to calm your nerves and push the panic down before returning to set.
“Boss.” At least ten voices of your team called at the sight of you.
All their voices and questions blended into one cacophony of noise and you couldn’t take it anymore. You crouched on the floor balancing on the balls of your feet, and tried to get your breathing under control. Your head was pulsing with every heartbeat and it was only getting quicker and quicker, and louder and louder.
“Give her some space, she’s having a panic attack.” You could barely hear Cody’s voice over the pounding in your head. Your team knowing that sometimes you had them when overwhelmed immediately stepped back to give you the space you needed.
Tears sprang to your eyes and you forcibly tried to suppress them, swallowing them down in shallow breaths when a baritone voice cut through the noise completely.
“A more capable producer would been able to handle this.”
Your blood ran cold, then white hot, you stood up and forgot about the consequences of speaking out of anger, as you looked at Victor tears in your eyes and flushed in anger.
“How dare you! Everything was going just fine until you showed up and started insulting me Victor. If that’s all you know how to do, then why don’t you just leave?” you yelled, and then turned and walked out of the room muttering a quick “roof” at Cody before slamming the door behind you.
The slam of the door jolted Victor, and he felt oddly cold at your leaving. As if this time you weren’t going to come back on his direction again. The child who had confronted with outside the bathroom, rounded on him with a glare full of fire and he could admit he’d never been scared of a child, but he was then.
“Seriously is your head made of rock! Did nothing I said get through to you!” Cody yelled at Victor, fist clenched by his sides as if refraining them from using them.
“Listen I didn’t-“
“Save it I’m not the one you should explain yourself to.” Cody spat at him.
Victor sighed in defeat, “I don’t think she’d want to see me now.” His voice was quieter than usual reflected his inner turmoil.
Cody sighed, “I should really hit you, but she’d be mad at me. She’s on the rooftop, don’t let me regret telling you.”
Victor didn’t wait another moment, he ran from the room and waited for the elevator to slowly crawl its way down the various floors. Bouncing his leg, Victor realised that it would take too long and ran up the stairs until he reached the roof door. He panted for a minute trying to catch his breath before pushing the door open. You jumped at the sound of the door opening, and spun seeing Victor, and Victor’s heart almost broke at seeing the fear in your expression and the tears streaming down your face.
“Listen I just want to talk.” Victor said gently, taking tentative steps forwards, as if you were a deer he didn’t want to scare off.
You scoffed, “Haven’t you said enough.”
“I think I’ve said a whole load of words that have no meaning.” He mused as he joined you by the roof railing.
“I thought you were someone who didn’t “waste words unnecessarily”” you said, voice devoid of emotion, adding air quotes.
“So you do listen to what I tell you.”
“Isn’t that what got us here in the first place.”
Victor winced at the flat nature of your tone, he had thought that of he attempted to tease you would rise to the bait, but you hadn’t. Right now, Victor would rather you were screaming, crying, yelling even, anything was better than your cold emotionless tone.
“I didn’t-“
“Victor stop.” You interrupted, your voice wavering due to the onslaught of tears, “You made it perfectly clear time and time again how weak I am in your eyes, for once… Just. Stop.”
You then turned to leave the rooftop, your sanctuary having been invaded by the very person you were running from.
“I never called you weak.” Victor’s quiet voice interrupted your stride.
You spun around quickly, “What? Victor don’t lie to me. Not now.” Your voice wavered.
“I never called you weak, not once. I can call you a million things but never weak.” Victor walked determinedly towards you.
“Maybe not weak, but you always call me an idiot, so what am I supposed to think.”
“You are an idiot.” Victor stressed, and at your scoff he grabbed your forearms “My Idiot, I’m right here, just rely on me if you have problems, you don’t have to be strong on your own.”
“Don’t Victor.”
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t get my hopes up thinking you mean something more.” You pulled your arms from his grasp.
But Victor wasn’t going to let you go that easily, he grabbed your hands and pulled you back, so you tumbled into his chest your intertwined hands between each other.
“You are such a dummy.”
Victor leaned in and muffled any protest you could have given to that statement with a solid kiss on your lips. To you it felt like heavy rain after a month of drought, and to him it felt like time had stopped even though he wasn’t using his Evol. Pulling back slowly you both paused to catch your breath, and Victor’s eyes softened at the sight of your closed eyes and flushed face before your big bright eyes fluttered open to look at him with nothing but affection. Victor let go of your hands and enclosed you in his embrace, with your head resting on his chest listening to his rapid heartbeat.
“Still think I don’t mean it?”
Victor laughed as your response was to shake your head against his chest as a ‘no’, as you cried in relief. Victor pressed a few kisses to the top of your hair and rocked you until you calmed down, with the stars your only witnesses of both of your confessions.
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chaoticriderlessb · 5 years
Mystic Messenger Opinions
 So, I’m doing this under the cut just in case of spoilers (that I know of), and I don’t want anybody else spoiled. Anyway, I haven’t completed this awesome game, yet (and probably won’t because of reasons), but I just wanted to share my opinions on the characters.
 One thing, first. While I haven’t completed the entire game, I did purposely spoil myself on some stuff, so I do know a thing or two about the characters just from reading off of reddit and the MM wiki. Also, I’m going for the good endings, first, in the routes I’m doing. Just putting that out there.
 Ok! I’m gonna list the characters off as my most favorite to my least favorite...so let’s get to the opinions of mine!
Jumin: Ok, I can’t help it. He may be a bit of a jerk, sometimes, but I love him...and yes, he’s hot xD! I love how he improves on letting others in and getting used to his emotions...and that he moves on from his cat! Don’t get me wrong, I like cats, but...geez, Jumin! He actually gives off bad-boy vibes to me. I dunno why xD. But, he does.
 Admittedly, during his route, when he got a little possessive, it did weird me out, a bit. But thank the Lord, it didn’t last too terribly long. After that, I just adored him and how he tried, so hard, to be sweet and understanding. I was aiming for his normal ending, at first...but then, I screwed up, and got his good ending, instead xD. Which is fine. His good ending was lovely. Although, I’ve seen and read about the normal ending for him, and I gotta say, I kinda like that one more than the good ending. If you ask me, I feel like the two titles should be switched. But that’s my opinion.
V: I’m playing V’s route, right now...but even more I started playing it, I read a bunch about him and what his deal is, and I still love him just as much as Jumin. Now, I admit, he’s frustrating me by keeping everything from everyone. But it’s only frustrating me, a little bit. I just don’t get why it’s necessary for him to have kept everything from all his friends about Rika. And yes, I do think he had a toxic relationship with Rika (but that’s why I’m playing his route, I am trying to save him from that), something that could have been avoided by him. But for some reason, he chose not to, and I just don’t get that. But, other than those things, I’ve always felt really bad for him, and I totally believe that he deserved so, so much better.
 Honestly, the whole thing’s 50/50 with me about him. Probably because I have never been in any sort of toxic relationship with anybody, and I’ve never met anybody who has gone through that, so I don’t really fully understand what it’s like...but I can imagine it, and if I ever do meet someone who struggles with that, I would do my best to help them out with it. Nobody should be in any sort of toxic relationship.
 But, I still love and adore V, either way. If he was my child, I’d protect him.
Seven/Saeyoung: After playing this guy’s route, I have to put him as my 3rd favorite character. He has been through so much sh*t in his life, and he’s tried so hard to hide it all by being happy and random. Now, he’s not exactly my type, romantically...however, he is definitely the younger brother type in my eyes. Like V, I just wanna protect him, and let him live a happy life without any torment from his childhood.
 Mind you, I have not played the secret endings. The only reason is because I just didn’t have enough hourglasses to pay for every episode. I bought Another Story, and bought enough hourglasses for that. However, that is most likely going to be the only time I buy so many hourglasses (I’m trying to save my money for real life, here ^^;...also, I never really like buying in-game things, anyway). So now, I’m just trying to save up on hourglasses throughout the game so that I can get every episode of secret ending. At this point, though, since I purposely spoiled myself...I kinda know a bit of what happens, already. I didn’t read too much into it, though. I only spoil myself to a certain point, and that’s it.
 There were times when Seven’s randomness was a little too weird for my taste...but I can overlook that because, despite all the secrets, he’s a sweet boy, and I adore him ^^.
Ray/Unknown/Saeran: Basically, my opinion on him is the same as my opinion on his brother, Seven/Saeyoung. I hate that he was used and lied to throughout most of his life. And, I can tell that he’s sensitive, which is totally understandable, considering his backstory. I purposely didn’t read a lot about him, only because I was planning on doing his route right after V’s. All I really know about him is from what I’ve seen/read in Seven’s route.... I do feel really bad for him, though...nobody should ever have to go through anything of what he and Seven went through. It’s horrible.... Other than this, I don’t really have that much of an opinion on him. He’s a very interesting character, and definitely deserves better. At this point, though, I’m just gonna leave it at that. Sorry!
Jaehee: Honestly, my opinion on her is small, compared to the others. I will say that she is a great character, and I do respect how hard-working and smart she is. If anything, I’d see her more as a good friend...but since I don’t swing that way, I don’t like her, romantically (please, do not hate me on that. I just don’t swing that way). But she is a great character, and I really like her. Just not in a romantic way. I also think she deserves her coffee dream. Also, because I don’t swing that way, I am not interested in playing her route, so I won’t be doing that.
Rika: Ok.... After reading a bunch of reddits and aminos and whatnot, and from what I’ve seen/read in the game.... I have mixed feelings about her character. And like Jaehee, my opinions on Rika are not very big. Honestly, for the life of me, I can never tell if her good intentions and everything were actually good...or, if it was all a lie and she gave in to her dark side a long time ago. She may have thrown parties for fundraisers to help those in need and all that good stuff...but! But! She also lied to people (her own friends and adopted cousin, especially), nearly completely blinded somebody (whether that was actually accidental or on purpose, I don’t know yet), and led a frickin’ cult! She doesn’t seem like the type of person who would do such things, but she did. And I’m sorry, but irl, that is not something that I (or anybody, for that matter) can condone. She needed serious help, and she should have gotten that a long time ago. 
 If anything, Rika honestly kinda confuses me. Only because I can’t tell if some of her intentions were actually good, or if everything was a lie and she had given in to her dark side, years ago. She’s an interesting character, for sure...just not somebody I would trust. Also, like Jaehee, I am not interested enough in doing Rika’s route, so I won’t. I may have questions, but they’re not strong enough to be interested in seeing her backstory. If I am curious enough, I can always read the MM wiki.
Zen: Ok, at first, I thought he was really cool and sweet and like the big-brother type, and at first, I did want to eventually play his route. However, unfortunately, after playing Jumin’s, Seven’s, and V’s routes, I can hardly stand all the narcissism. There’s only so much of it that I don’t mind. Zen...makes it too much. On top of that, he is way over-protective of MC. All men are wolves? Seriously...? And is he not a man? I’m sorry, but that doesn’t fly with me. I’ve never played his route, but I do know that he’s...self-conscious? I think that’s the word.... However, that does not excuse the constant, constant, narcissism in just about everything. I’ve also become very annoyed with how much he hates Jumin. It’s not so bad in V’s route, so far...but it was definitely bad in both Jumin’s and Seven’s routes. He has crossed the line quite a few times in them. It makes me feel really bad for Jumin. Sure, the guy was born rich and doesn’t really know how to feel much (emotion-wise)...but come on! Seriously? Belittling the guy every chance you get, and going too far, sometimes? Just...no. It’s a big no in my book. And I’m not saying that in Jumin’s defense. 
 It’s mostly the constant narcissism that is making me dislike Zen. I even hate that, many times, when chatting with him over call or text or in the chatroom, MC’s options are pretty much just feeding his narcissism.... Definitely not my type of guy :/. The more routes I play, the more disappointed in him that I honestly feel. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even know if I should bother playing his route or not...in the end, probably not. But as much as I dislike him, I just can’t ignore his calls or messages. Because I’m just that nice.
Yoosung: Ooh, this boy....! First off, just like Zen, I used to like Yoosung. I used to think that he was pretty ok for a game-addict college student. I have a younger brother who’s addicted to his games, so I know the feels. I used to also think he was sweet, like Zen.
 However! After playing the second half of Seven’s route, and now playing V’s route...I can no longer stand Yoosung. I’m sorry, people, but he’s just pissing me off, now. He is just so.... Like, ok, I get it. He’s depressed and still mourning (”mourning” now that I’ve read some things) over Rika. I know how that feels. I lost my grandmother, just last year, and she was nowhere near ready to pass away. She was elderly, but she was physically getting better. As in, she no longer needed her cane to walk around. She was taking care of herself, she was doing fine! But then, a horrible fall sent her to the hospital for weeks and weeks, and it eventually killed her (the fall, not the hospital she was in). She was like a second mother to me...and my family lost her way too soon. So I know how Yoosung feels when it comes to losing somebody close to you.
 But what is pissing me off is how incredibly childish he is! Especially in V’s route! Oh my gosh, I have never met a character who was this whiny and childish, before! And he becomes spoiled, too, apparently (reddits, I have read). I’m sorry...I get that this a somewhat different timeline or whatever from the routes that I’ve been playing...but what the hell, Yoosung! You were not this bad in Jumin’s and Seven’s routes! 
 Also, the whole blaming V for everything thing? Ok, sure, V has done some things that frustrate me, too...but why all the hate? I don’t get it! Not everything is even V’s fault! And apparently, even when everybody reveals the truth to Yoosung about Rika, he doesn’t believe any of it or says that “Rika must have had a good reason”?! What?!
 Sorry, sorry.... His character in V’s route is just the worst that I’ve seen in this game...and in V’s route in particular, and it’s made me strongly dislike him. He greatly annoys me, now, just as much as Zen. Imo, he needs professional help...like some of the other characters were suggesting, and he refused it. He obviously needs all the professional help he can get.... I feel a bit sorry for him. But not enough for me to want to play his route. 
Please, keep in mind that is all just my opinion on the characters. Kudos to anybody who love Yoosung and Zen. I personally just don’t. Especially after what I’ve seen and read about them. But I won’t judge you or anything if you guys like them. Sorry about my rants! I just needed to get that out of me about Zen and Yoosung. I’m not blaming Cheritz or anything, so don’t worry about that. I’m just really annoyed at those two particular characters, and if I know anything about my taste in men, it’s not them being super childish or narcissistic. Those two qualities are a big turn-off for me, and always have been.
 But anyway, those are my opinions on the characters. I love the game! And I’m rather glad I downloaded it and that I’m ruining my sleep over it xD. Actually no, I try to get at least some sleep in the middle of the night before returning for the midnight and 2AM chatrooms ^^;. If I had to give this game a rating, I think it would be 8/10. Sound fair? I think so.
 Ok, that’s it for my super-long-as-hell post xD! Imma go to bed, now. Goodnight!
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my-mystic-messenger · 7 years
Hi, I'm a big fan of your writing (it's so realistic and you have such a good understanding of all the characters 😍) but what I didn't get was when you said MC was different in every route. If it's not too much to ask for, could you give a couple of examples? Because as far as I'd noticed, she was pretty much the same towards everyone + a reflection of ourselves.
Thank you so much for the compliment! It’s not too much to ask at all! So let me begin this by stating that obviously the game has a lot of flaws. One of my main issues being that while the men in the game are 20-26 years old - obvious adults with rather adult issues and problems - their target audience is much younger. I’d say that the majority of the player is somewhere between 14-16 and then another chunk somewhere between 20-30. I feel like that already creates certain issues as well as a difference in how you play the game. When I think back on when I was 14-16 years old…well let’s say I changed quite a bit. You’re probably wondering wtf is she talking about, how does age count into this? Well, as someone who is grown up - or more grown up than the audience the game was supposed to be targeted at - I see certain things from a perspective of someone more similar to the characters than the younger audience. Now that we’ve established that, some of the reply possibilities are definitely not a reflection of myself and I know that some of my friends who also fall into the ‘older’ category of players agree with me. The ways you can reply are sometimes very pre-mature and might seem alright to younger audiences, since they really would act that way, but for older’s just make them roll their eyes. It also makes it easier for someone older to see certain nuances in character change but that’s not that important.As for how your character changes, I most certainly can give you examples:With Yoosung the MC has to be much more firm while at the same time pampering him. Compared to the others he is a huge child and you basically have to raise him for the better part of his route. You also have to sugar coat a lot of things and while you attempt to explain to Yoosung that you are, in fact, not his dead cousin you never say it directly. I for example would have just told him straight out to stop comparing me to Rika, but instead Jumin and Jaehee took over that job, as they are the oldest and most mature characters in the group.With 707 you have to be very cheery and persistent. He even complains to you about how the hell you can still be so happy and chat him up/flirt with him while in the same room with a bomb. To even get to know him you have to break through 707 layers of messed up and for that you really have to push certain buttons and boundaries which is something the other guys neither needed nor would have appreciated, if you ask me. You’re also much more reckless in his route than you are in others as well and later on more obedient and submissive than in other routes. With Zen you basically have to kiss his ass at every chance you get. Like don’t get me wrong I like him and he’s dreamy but if I ever had to basically kiss the floor someone is walking on to gain their affection I’d be hella out of there. I’m not his groupie, I’m his girlfriend. Basically in Zen’s route you really have no other function than be a more feminine, lighter version of Jaehee so he can bone you instead of her. I mean all you do is constantly agree with him and during a call you even have to say you’re allergic to cats so you can talk about your mutual disdain. With Jumin he actually likes the feisty type. I mean there is already a difference between bad end MC and good end MC within just his route, without wanting to spoil too much of either endings. He likes that you can dish out and he also needs you to. He needs you to call out his controlling behaviour for him to grow in the only aspect of his life he is lacking. At the same time you also have to be very understanding and rational about the entire situation. Sure it sucks to be locked up, but it’s the safest way and you have to understand that. Basically you have to copy his way of thinking.With Jaehee you have to be super fun and carefree. Like you have to constantly remind her how work is not more important than her health and how she has to let go and have fun in life and do the things she wants. You yourself have to be rebellious to make her rebellious to further the plot. Without your help she just ends up stuck, unhappy and even sick.Anyway, in conclusion, there is already a big difference in behaviour just from the fact that the main conflict in everyones route is so different. All of them have different flaws and issues and to fix them you obviously have to treat them differently. I mean you can’t screw every screw with the same screwdriver, you know what I mean? Different problems can’t be solved with the same solution. I mean that is precisely why there are so many people having completely different favourites. Like for example while I loved Jumin and loved his route other people hated the decisions they had to make to get a certain end. That already shows that there is a big difference. I know this is a little all over the place, I’m still in movie mode, but I hope it cleared certain things up :)
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