#christopher briney x reader
myconniebaby · 9 months
Love You More
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Warnings: None really! Kissing, mentions of sex, being intimate, a tiny bit of swearing and talking dirty
Summary: You and Conrad go for a drive, enjoying each others company when you come to the realization that you have to have him right now and can't wait any longer...
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Sitting in the car waiting for my boyfriend, Conrad, to finish pumping gas and I can't help but stare at him through the window. It's dusk, starting to get windy and I can see a storm bubbling on the horizon. It's one of those summer pop-up storms that comes out of no where and will most likely disappear as quickly as it comes. He looks so handsome, his hair perfectly tossled and his cheeks a rosey shade of pink. Sometimes I can't believe he's actually my boyfriend. He catches me staring at him and gives me a smile that makes my heart skip a beat. I smile back and he mouths "love you" to me and gives me a quick wink. I can feel my cheeks heat up as I shyly look away from his gaze. I hear the pump cut off and look up just as he opens his car door to get back inside.
"Miss me," he asks me with a joking tone and a smile.
"Always," I breathe out and answer him as he buckles up and puts the car in drive. He immediately reaches for my hand and laces our fingers together, pulling our clasped hands to his lips for a loving kiss. My cheeks get a flushed pink tint over this tiny gesture and he notices right away and smiles again.
"Love you," he says to me quietly.
"Love you more," I say leaning towards him and snuggling up as close to him as I can get in the car.
We're still holding hands and just enjoying being in each others company and drive around aimlessly for about an hour. When he finally takes a turn down my street my stomach drops a little. I don't want to leave him. I don't want to be apart from him for a single second, let alone minute or hour. I'm craving him in more of a way than I've ever craved being with another person in my entire life. The thought of being alone without him makes me want to weep. I love him so much it actually hurts. Almost as much as the thought of being without him. Instantly I realize that this doesn't need to end here tonight, not if we don't want it to. I gather my thoughts a moment and then clear my throat.
"Con...," I say as he pulls into my driveway. I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn my body towards him, his hand still in mine. He kisses my hand once again before letting go so he can put the car in park and turn off the engine.
"Y/n...," he mimicks me and puts his hand under my chin. He looks into my eyes and holds my gaze. I can't believe I'm staring into the eyes of the most gorgeous man in all of cousins. My boyfriend. My Conrad. Looking into his beautiful eyes and watching him, watch me makes my heart beat so fast, I feel like I can't breathe. He runs his hand through his hair and his bangs fall and frame his face. The way they gently swoops inward, drawing attention to his soft and loving eyes, makes me instantly smile. He smiles back and gives his head a shake, knowing how sexy I think he looks after he tossles his hair. I catch him glancing towards my mouth and then back up to my eyes and he sensuously licks his lips. My eyes go directly to his mouth and stare at those luscious lips of his. Red, full, pouty and begging to be kissed.
"Con...," I say again in a breathy and needy voice. He leans in and rests his forehead gently against mine, out lips dangerously close but not touching. I can feel his breath against my skin and we are both starting to breathe a little heavier even though nothing is really happening between us yet.
"Hmmm...," he manages to answer me. His eyes are closed and I close mine too, trying to control my nervousness and get ready to take this next step. I'm ready. More than ready and I know he is too. We have been waiting for so long. Waiting for the timing to be just right and this is it. It won't be either of our first times but in a sense it kind of will be. For me at least. I've never felt like this about anyone before. I've never been so in love, so over the top, head over heels, crazy for someone and I think it's going to make sex feel like a completely new and exciting experience with him. My boyfriend. My Conrad. I can't help but let a huge grin spread across my face at the thought. He must have been able to feel my smile because he pulls away gives me a slightly confused grin.
"Ok y/n, what's up? What are you thinking about that's got you smiling like that," he asks me.
"You," I state, knowingly.
"Me?," he says, dragging out the "e". "What about me...," he asks leaning in for a kiss.
His lips feel like heaven against mine. They're so smooth and so soft. They envelope my own and I can feel him sucking on my bottom lip, silently begging for me to open them. I revel in the way his lips feel against mine for another minute or so before I grant him access. As soon as I part my lips his tongue slowly melds with mine. He kisses me so passionately I feel like I could cum any moment with just his kiss. I can feel his love throughout my entire body and it's set me on fire. He is breathing life into me with every motion and every touch. I let out a throaty moan and I can feel him smirk into me. He pulls away and rests his head against mine again.
"What are you thinking about now," he asks me, brushing the hair off my cheek and pushing it behind my ear. His hand is cupping my face and his forehead is still pressed against mine and I let out a deep and happy sigh. I pull away and look right back into those beautiful eyes and smile.
"I want you," I say to him with every ounce of courage I can muster.
"I want you too, baby," Conrad says to me, putting his lips on my neck. I can feel him start to suck lightly and I almost get lost in it but force myself to focus.
"Come inside with me Con," I say. "Spend the night with me. Please."
The look on his face tells me he's trying not to get too excited yet as he asks me what I mean.
"Like SPEND the night, spend the night or just hang out? Either one is fine with me y/n, you know that. I'm just not sure what you're asking. No pressure."
I smiled sweetly at him and batted my eyes a few times. "Oh, sorry! Let me be more clear." I quickly got onto my knees and climbed onto his lap so I could straddle him. He pushed the seat back and I plopped high to to his lap, clinging to his body. I ran my hands through his hair and draped my arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him with everything I had in me. His body beneath me started to twitch a little and I could start to feel him getting hard. I lightly grinded over his cock, teasing him until I could start to feel him grinding up in his seat too. I stopped kissing him and let out bodies mash against each other a minute loving the feeling of us almost together. He let out a low and haggard moan and the sound made me instantly wet.
"Fuck me, Con," I whisper. "Take me inside, rip my clothes off and make me scream your name."
He lets out an elated "fuuuuckkkkk" and looks me up and down. "You sure?," he asks me, seriously.
"I've never been more sure of anything," I answer him, matching his serious tone. I start to climb back over to the passenger seat and he helps me swing back over to my side of the car. I start to pick up my purse off the floor and my phone and next think I know, he's out the door and sprinting over to my side. He takes all my stuff in one hand and reaches for me with the other, helping me out if the car.
"Love you," I say to him as he leads me to my door.
"Love you more," he says squeezing my hand, leading us through the door way.
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🩵 Thank you so much for reading 🩵
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
I've Never Stopped. (c.f)
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Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader
Summary: coming back to Cousins for the summer after skipping out last year after a rough breakup with your ex-boyfriend, conrad fisher. you hoped that maybe both he and his family had forgotten about you, but it seems like you’re in for a treat.
Warnings: lots of dialogue. swearing. angsty mention of a breakup. little kiss. fluffy ending tho. UNEDITED
a/n: the timeline that i have doesn't fully match with the actual series. also if you feel like you're seeing this twice it's because this was going to be two parts but i ended up liking it as one!
word count. 3.5k
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“You’re coming back this year, no more moping around about it, and that’s final,” your mom tells you.
“But what am I even suppose to do this summer while I’m there, it’s not like I have anything planned.”
“Actually, I signed you up to be a big sister this year for the debutante ball.”
“Wait, what?” you question.
“I knew you would say something like that so I got you something to do while we’re there.”
“Fine, whatever.”
You were sat at table two by Paige, the lady hosting the event and instructor. All the girls were mainly welcoming to you. Asking you questions like if this was your first time in Cousins and why they haven’t seen you around. You brushed off a majority of the questions but told them that you had skipped out last year due to college admissions. Which wasn’t a complete lie since you went to go tour universities like Upenn, Columbia, NYU, and Yale. You got early admission into Columbia and it started beginning of July of last year. 
You learned the girls' names which are Nicole, Shayla, Gigi, and a couple others. You tried your best to not give a reaction when they mentioned the infamous Conrad and Jeremiah Fisher. You noticed the chair next to you was still open at your table. 
“Hey, are we missing anybody?” you asked the girls.
“Yeah, this girl is a new deb this year,” Nicole replied to you.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Belly Conklin and Jeremiah Fisher walking into the room. You wanted to sink down to the floor to disappear but it was too late. You saw Jeremiah dodge Paige and make his way towards you all giddy. You saw the girls around the table slightly fix their dresses thinking he was coming toward them. You keep your eyes glued down to the table but looked up the second he called your name. What a rookie mistake.
“Y/N! You’re back, man, Conrad is not going to believe this. We missed you last summer. Are you back for good or you going to disappear again?” he rambles to you as he gets closer. He hugs you from behind your chair and kisses your cheek. You blush immediately and notice that Gigi is glaring at you from the table.
“Hey, Jere,” you mumble out.
“I’m glad, you’re here.”
“You know, me too,” you found yourself admitting out loud.
“Okay, I gotta go before Paige has me kicked out, but I’ll text you,” he says rushing out the door.
“Hi, Bells,” you greet the oh-so-familiar girl taking a seat next to you.
“Hey, Y/N,” she replies, smiling at you. 
“So when were you going to tell us that you know, a certain lifeguard…” Nicole teases you, trying to ease the tension at the table. 
“Family friend, you know.”
“But that’s it, right?” Gigi asks you.
“Yeah, of course. He’s like my little brother.”
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“Y/N, wait up!” you hear from behind you seeing Belly.
“I don’t want to push you or anything, but I just want to you know that I think Conrad would really enjoy a visit from you, we all would,” she says bashfully looking down to her feet. 
“Bells, I miss you too, but he was the one who broke up with me, remember? I don’t think that’s the best idea.”
“Think about it, okay?” she tries again
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“CONRAD, GUESS WHAT!” Jere yells barging into Conrad’s room. 
“What, Jere?” Conrad says, tiredly looking at him from his bed.
“She’s back.”
“Who’s back?” Conrad questions him.
“Who else, Y/N!” as those words left Jeremiah’s mouth, Conrad found himself getting whiplash from getting up so quickly.
“You sure, it wasn’t some girl that just looked like her?” he asked.
“Oh, it was her,” he hears Belly add from the hallway. 
“You’re shitting, me,” Conrad says exasperated falling back down to his bed. 
‘Ding’ Jeremiah takes his phone out of his pocket to look at the text message he had just got. He looks to Conrad who had his head stuffed into a pillow then went back out of the hallway to call for Belly. 
“Hey, Belly, you wanna go get ice cream with, Y/N?” that got the attention of quite a few people in the house.
“Of course, when?” “Wait, Y/N’s back?” “You’re going where?” all directed towards Jeremiah who seemed occupied on his phone texting back. 
“Bells, later before dinner so like in 20-30 mins. Steven, yeah, we saw her today at the deb lunch thing. And, umm, Conrad, we’re going out with Y/N,” Jeremiah blurts out in a rush. 
“You think I could go?” Conrad asks. 
“Yeah, me too,” Steven adds on.
“Steven, yeah sure that’s fine. I don’t know, Conrad.”
“Come on, I’m sure, she won’t even care,” Conrad pushes.
“Fine, but you better not make her feel unwelcomed. Don’t be selfish here, we all miss her you know,” Jere gives in.
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Your breakup with Conrad didn’t just affect you two but the families too. Your dad didn’t really like Conrad after finding you in your room crying when he had broken up with you. You were thankful for your parents especially your dad considering he was your shoulder to cry on during it. He made sure your mom didn’t push you too much during the weeks after everything happened. You loved your mom, but she never really got the hint when to stop at times. After the breakup your family still went to Susannah’s Fourth of July party that year, breaking the news to everyone you skipped out of going to Cousins because of college admissions. Everyone knew that it was deeper than that. 
When Conrad had broken up with you it was truly out of fear, you never knew that. You believed that he didn’t want to be with you anymore and didn’t care enough to give you a valid reason for it. Nobody really understood why he did it. It was so out of the blue since it seemed like you two were so in love with each other. They never expected for Conrad to turn so cold to you right before the summer, well neither did you. 
What was going through Conrad’s mind was the fear you would find someone better than him at the universities you talked about. He thought to save himself the pain and do it first. He broke up with you thinking that you would move on and be with some college guy. He loved you too much to see you fall into the arms of someone else while he wasn’t there. He trusted you, but that didn’t stop his fears from overwhelming him. What really pushed him over was when he found out that his dad cheated on his mom while she was going through chemotherapy. 
He was so scared to lose you that he lost you in the process. 
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You sat down outside of the ice cream parlor, nervous to be spending time with them again. Jeremiah had responded to your text saying he and Belly would both be going. You looked around to see if Jere’s car was around but you see a red jeep pulling up from down the street. 
“Shit,” you muttered to yourself.
You prayed that maybe Jeremiah just took Conrad’s car instead of his, but it seemed like the world was against you when you saw him coming out of the car.
“Yo, Y/N, I didn’t believe Jere when he said he was coming to meet you,” you hear Steven say first approaching you. He pulled you into a hug whispering into your ear. “Don’t worry about him, okay?” 
You appreciated Steven in moments like this.  You guys have a very brother-sister relationship and he always tried to look out for you. He won't admit it out loud but he was so furious with Conrad screwing up with you. He called you immediately when he found out last you. You've been helping him with trying to prepare for Princeton without anyone knowing. You reassured him that he could do it.
“I’ll try,” you whisper back while hugging him back. 
“Y/N!! Oh, have I missed you,” Jere says tackling you with a hug after Steven stepped back.
“You saw me earlier, you know,” you laughed at him.
“Yeah, but for like a minute, so that doesn’t count.”
“You guys could let her breathe,” Belly says behind Jere waiting her turn to talk to you.
“Hey, Bells,” you smiled at her.
“I’m glad, you thought about it,” she says to you quietly.
“I didn’t though, I texted Jere thinking only you and him would be here,” you whisper into her ear as you two hug. You glared at Jeremiah, but he didn’t seem to notice or maybe he just didn’t care. 
“Oh, sorry about that,” she responds to you nervously as she lets go.
You felt the world stop for a second when you locked eyes with the one and only Conrad Fisher. 
“Hello, to you too,” you replied monotoned. You didn’t want to give him the pleasure of giving him a reaction to his presence. 
“Let’s get ice cream, shall we?” Jeremiah says cutting the tension between you two as you turned your head to look at him. 
“Yeah, let’s head in,” you said changing back to your usual tone.
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“So, how’s uni?” Steven asked once you guys headed back outside to sit down.
“It’s interesting, to say the least…” you started
“Any hot people?” Jeremiah said, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You felt Conrad’s eyes bore into you when Jere asked the question.
“Some, but frat boys aren’t really the best at relationships,” you answered.
“YOU GOT WITH A FRAT GUY??” Belly gasped.
“No way, you gave a frat a chance, Y/N,” Steven added.
“It was just a fling. Nothing that serious, really. We went out for like two weeks before I broke up with him,” you said looking at everyone sheepishly. 
“Was he good?” Conrad challenged.
“Excuse me?” you said puzzled. You couldn’t believe the nerve he had to ask you that.
“Conrad, chill,” Jeremiah gapped at him.
“Belly, how do you feel about being a deb?” you asked Belly trying to move on from the subject.
“Umm… I don’t know honestly. I’m really nervous about it but I’m glad you got assigned to be my big sister cause I don’t know what I would do without you,” she rambled on.
“Bells, you’ll be great. There’s nothing to worry about and if anything happens we’ll do it together, okay,” you said as you squeezed her hand affectively. 
“I can’t believe you’re a big sis, Y/N,” Steven joked with you.
“Yeah, my mom made me deb last year in New York. Then she signed me up to help here.”
“That sounds like her,” Conrad said quietly.
“Did you have fun last year?” Jere asked.
“I did actually. It helped take my mind off things,” you answered while making eye contact with Conrad for a sec before turning your attention back to Jere.
“Someone escorted you?” Steven voiced out.
“Yeah, I have a friend Luke who took me.” as you said that you heard Conrad scoff at the name. 
“Hey, we have to head back soon but what if you came to dinner? Please think about it, mom misses you,” Jere begged you.
“Yeah sure,” you agreed already regretting your decision. 
“You want one of us to ride back with you?” Belly asked with a mischievous look on her face.
“If one of you want to sure,” you had a feeling where this was going.
“Conrad will go with you,” Jeremiah stated while Conrad stared at him wide-eyed.
“Whatever, I guess, you’re driving though,” you add turning to Conrad.
“Okay,” he muttered out.
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The driving was filled with tension. Neither of you talking to each other but sneaking side glances hoping no one will notice. 
“Columbia, treating you good?” he asked while looking to the road.
“Better than you did,” you said bitterly
“Y/n/n, don’t be like that.”
“Be like what?”
“I’m sorry,” he said so quietly that you barely heard it.
“For what exactly?”
“For making a mistake.”
“Conrad, stop.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“You know what you’re doing and stop it.”
“What am I doing?”
“You trying to make me forgive you after everything.”
“Can you?”
“That’s not the point. Why should I give you the decency of forgiveness when you couldn’t even give me a damn reason.” you scoffed as he pulled in front of the house.
You walked out of the car and headed towards the door, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. You got to the door and debated on knocking but instead chose to walk in trying to not make any noise. You heard Conrad shuffle behind you but ignored him. You walked into the kitchen and saw Laurel and Susannah cooking dinner. You sat down at the counter not wanting to disturb them. 
“Y/N! You’re here!” Susannah says happily to you. She lowered the heat on the stove and went to you for a hug.
“Hey, Y/N,” you hear Laurel say while you are engulfed in a hug from Susannah.
“Mom, you can let her breathe now,” Conrad told his mom.
“Connie, be quiet for a second. Let me just admire her, she’s so beautiful.” you blush at her words.
“Your mom was telling me that you got into Columbia last year right?” Laurel asked.
“Yeah, early admission.”
“That’s exciting,” she replies.
“Now, why haven’t visited us yet?” Susannah questioned you.
“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy getting stuff together to be a big sis for the ball,” you answered giving an excuse for the summer only.
“Oh, Belly was telling me about that. She’s really glad that she can spend time with you again. She’s always looked up to you,” Laurel said smiling warmly at you.
“I missed her.”
“Well, we’ve all missed you,” Susannah told you slightly glaring at Conrad behind you, pulling you into another hug. 
“Yeah.” you hear behind you. 
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Nothing was ever in your favor. You sat right next to Conrad and had Steven next to you and Belly in front of you. The room was filled with awkward tension seeping from both you and Conrad. You talked to Steven quietly as everyone else had their own conversations. 
“How’s the application process?” you asked Steven.
“Dad, says he thinks I can get in with some financial aid and I’m going to apply for a couple scholarships.”
“A couple scholarships for what?” Laurel sparks interest in your guys’ conversation. 
“I’m applying to Princeton,” Steven told her. Everyone dropped their side conversations and paid attention to Laurel and him. 
“I thought you gave up on that.”
“No, Dad and Y/N think I can do it if I get some help so I thought it was worth a shot,” he says to her slowly quieting his voice by the end of it.
“Laurel, Steven will be fine. If I could get into Columbia on a full ride, I’m sure he can too,” you try to reassure her.
“Yeah, and Y/N would only be like a 2-hour drive away too if I ever need anything,” Steven adds on. 
“Steven, I think that’s great for you, hun,” Susannah says sweetly.
“You going to let me steal your sweatshirt?” Belly asks Steven excitedly. 
“As if,” Steven scoffs.
“Hey, Bells how do you feel about a Columbia hoodie?” you say to Belly trying to make up for Steven’s rudeness.
“Yeah, of course, I’ll bring it next time.”
“So you’ll be here the next time?” Jeremiah says jokingly.
“I'll be around.”
“That’s great, sweetheart. It would be nice having you around again,” Susannah tells you as you feel Conrad’s stare from your side.
“How’s football, Conrad?” you asked trying to make small talk. 
“I quit.”
“You still doing volleyball?”
“Yeah, I’m trying out for captain next year.”
“That’s good.”
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“Can we talk?” you hear Conrad say behind you.
“Sure, give me a sec. Jere, she really likes you don’t mess it up.”
“I won’t!” Jeremiah yelled walking back into the house.
You and Conrad sit beside the pool as everyone is inside. You kept a distance between you two but Conrad seemed to inch closer to you by the minute. 
“What’d you want to talk about?” you said breaking the silence.
“I never meant to hurt you.”
“You see, Conrad that’s the problem you did.”
“It was for the best.”
“What do you mean for the best, I was in love with you.”
“I loved you too.”
“Sure didn’t seem that way when you said you wanted a break.”
“Y/N, I was scared okay.”
“Scared for what exactly, Conrad?” you snapped him not getting where he was going with this conversation.
“We would’ve never lasted with you in college.”
“Well, now we’ll never know.”
“You seemed to move on pretty quick so I guess I was right.”
“Oh fuck you, Conrad. I had my heart broken because of you and all you think is that.”
“You were going to leave me.” Conrad implied as his voice cracked.
“What?” you said looking at him and making eye contact. 
“You would’ve found some college guy and probably notice how much better he is than me.” 
“Conrad, I don’t understand.”
“I was so fucking scared, Y/N. I thought maybe if I broke up with you first it would save me some of the heartache. I think it only made it worse.”
“What do you mean ‘broke up with me first’? Conrad, I would’ve never done that to you and I’m offended you don’t have any faith in me.”
“My dad cheated on my mom okay,” he said to you looking down towards the pool. 
“Oh, Con, I’m so sorry,” you grabbed his hand. You felt him tighten his hold against yours when you tried to pull back.
“I found out a week before we broke up.”
“Oh," you muttered under your breath as everything started clicking in your mind about how your breakup went down.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. For everything.” 
“I know, Con,” you said. 
Conrad Fisher always had that effect on you. No matter how much you tried to deny it you would always love him. For that, you would always end up forgiving him in the end. You wondered if he still had any love for you back.
“You know I never stopped loving you,” he said quietly, reconnecting your eyes. It was almost as if he read your mind.
“No. You can’t do that, Conrad. It hurts too much,” you said feeling tears fill your eyes. 
“I should’ve never done what I did.”
“Conrad, stop.”
“No. I need you to know I regret it okay.”
“You’re only saying this cause I’m back,” you said as the tears fell from your eyes. 
“I’m not. You know I tried visiting you once a couple weeks after everything but you were rehearsing with Luke,” he told you as he raised his hand to wipe away your tears.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you flushed as you saw him stare at your face slowly taking you in admiration.
“I thought you would be better off without me,” he said rubbing his thumb against your cheek.
“Con,” you found yourself slowly leaning into his touch.
“I’ve always adored you.”
You tried looking away from him but you felt him gently grab your chin and tilt it up towards him.
“You’re an ass.” you laughed trying to put your nerves away as you looked down to his lips before traveling your eyes back to his. 
“I love you and I am sorry,” he whispered to you as he pulled you in. 
“Con, this is wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong. It’s only us,” he said inches away from your lips. 
He put his lips against yours and grabbed your face closer to him. You found yourself kissing him back wrapping your arms around his neck. It was as if you could feel the emotion Conrad was putting into this kiss, it felt like he was giving it his all. As if it was to make up for the past.
“Always know how to make a girl blush,” you said against his lips. You felt the vibration of his laugh as you said it. You missed hearing it. He pushed his lips back onto yours with the same kind of passion as before.
“Only you,” he responded as he pulled back leaning his forehead against yours. 
“Do you really think this is smart?” you muttered.
“It was stupid of me to ruin what we had in the first place.”
“Okay.” and with that, he grabbed your face into his hands.
“You. You’re the one I love and I promise I won’t make the same mistake.”
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s1ater · 2 years
take care of you.
pairings. conrad fisher x fem!reader
about. conrad tries to get to the bottom as to why you were ditched to soak in the rain.
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warnings. foul language
ricky rocks. hey requesters :):):):):):):):)
oh, fuck me.
conrad internally swore at the sound of your sweet voice dipped in distress and pain. he could already so clearly hear it with the sound of his name, he can feel it.
conrad sits himself down at the edge of his bed, almost as if preparing himself for this conversation, “what’s wrong, y/n/n?”
you close your eyes tightly at his hard but concerned voice, almost regretting making this call, but you push the lump in your throat, speaking, “i-uh, can you come pick me up?”
“why can’t you have steven or jere-“
“i don’t-i can’t. i’m not around them right now, connie,” you anxiously clutched the front fabric of your sundress, completely soaked in lake water as well as the on coming rain that was slowly setting in, painting your skin even colder. “please, conrad.”
he agreed, of course he agreed. it’s just, would he be in such an agreeing mood when he realized how wet it was outside, or how drenched you were?
he was, he felt absolutely horrible for you; seeing you left practically stranded on the side of the road with your hair clinging to the side of your face as well as your clothes sticking to your like glue as more and more rain poured down on you.
“where is jeremiah and steven?” his voice was stern as he looked you over again and again, still not getting over what a sad puppy you looked like. it didn’t sit well in his stomach, not at all, whatever was going on, it upset him a lot.
“it doesn’t matter, conrad,” you clutched yourself, trying to gather warmth as you were now sat in his passenger seat with the heat on high, “let’s just go.”
he looked at you, not convinced. it took everything in him not to pry, thinking it over and over, wondering how could they just ditch you in the pouring rain all by yourself practically in the middle of fucking no where. how?
he had to let it go. but it was still all he could think about.
“we need to get you out of those clothes,” first thing he said once you got home and you shamefully followed him to his room where he was quick to dig in his drawers for spare clothes he could give you—even as your room was just down the hall.
“connie,” he tossed you one of his tee shirts and a pair of stripped boxer shorts, not listening to your sounds of protests. “i’m alright now.”
he doesn’t believe it. he watches you carefully as you hold the clothes in a ball to your chest, starring back at him, and he just doesn’t believe it. your eyes were sad to the core and your whole body language screamed distraught. you weren’t alright.
“just change, unless you want me to do it for you.”
your body heats up at his words. he doesn’t even seem fazed, but you don’t expected anything less from him.
after you exit his room to the bathroom, connie falls on his bed, sighing as he thinks about the next morning and how he will be scolding, if not beating the fuck out of steven and jeremiah if they don’t have a good excuse.
this was the exact reason why conrad didn’t enjoy you going out alone or even without him to watch—as much as he hated to say that. he hated to care so much, but it was hard not to.
“you gonna tell me what happened tonight?”
“wrong answer.”
you winced but still slowly made your way to the other side of conrad’s bed, slipping into it beside him as he still stared at the ceiling thinking. you hated doing this to him, being such a general burden on him, but he was honestly one of the only people you knew who would show up for you.
he would always show up, no matter the circumstance.
“jere and steven thought it’d be a fun idea to meet up with some guys that they had met before at a party and to just fuck around up at the lake… which was fine, i didn’t really care,” you paused, clasping the back of your neck while staring at your lap from the crisscross sitting position you were in on his bed. he watched you, sitting up straight now on the edge of the bed, waiting for your to continue.
“it was fun, fine, until we were on the dock and um, one of them ended up pushing me in and they were all laughing and y’know…” you coughed awkwardly and conrad frowned hard, the image of it playing in his head. “they ditched me after i guess, convinced steven and jeremiah that i wasn’t any fun, so they just left.”
what the fuck.
he continued to stare at the side of your face as your eyes were perfectly trained on his white sheets, not saying anything, letting the story sink in. you waited for him to say something, but you weren’t surprised when he didn’t.
that was one of the dumbest things conrad had probably heard. with the whole thing could have been easily avoided if his brother wasn’t such a dumbass and used basic sensibility—conrad cut his thoughts off, rubbing his face before moving fully onto his bed, his arm pulling on yours to lay down next to him.
he didn’t know what to say—he didn’t know what to say without sounding over aggressive or like an asshole, so he kept his mouth shut and let the only sound of your breathing fill the air.
you found it unbearable. always.
“are you mad that i called you?”
he looked over to you, narrowing his brows, confused on why you would ask, “why?”
“you wanted to stay in tonight,” you rolled to your side, looking up to him as you were still pressed very closely to him. “i feel bad-“
“don’t,” he shook his head, confused as to why you would feel bad in this situation. “you had a long night, y/n. you shouldn’t feel sorry about anything.”
you didn’t say anything more. there wasn’t anything more to say and you almost felt content enough as you pressed yourself further into conrad’s side, allowing his warmth to consume your body. he pursed his lips, not feeling content at all, but allowing this moment to be enough.
he allowed himself to let sleep come upon him with you pulled close to his side, and even if he wasn’t content with the outcomes of the night, he was satisfied that you were finally safe with him.
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ageofstarkey · 11 months
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pov: you’re dating conrad fisher ☀️🏖️🐚💌✨
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supercap2319 · 3 months
"We should hang out sometime." Aaron said.
"Really? Us hanging out? Won't the pretty plastic bitch try to destroy me emotionally as well as socially?" Y/N asked.
Aaron chuckled. "I don't think Regina would do something like that."
"Wow, my friend. You're so pussy and boobed whipped that you can't see that your girlfriend is psycho and probably fucking behind your back."
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rulesheart · 2 years
Conrad fisher x fem!reader
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A;N : Yes, it’s me again. I know I haven’t posted anything in like 3 months or so. But- I’m on summer break and therefore I’ll be more active. This is a quickish smut that ive had laying around since I watched Tsitp for the first time. This is NOT my best work. There will be more Conrad smuts in the future though. I know I haven’t written any actual intercourse smut. But my next work will most likely be that. I’d appreciate it if you guys gave more ideas and situations. That would be very much appreciated. Anyways, enjoy this because I know y’all have been waiting for it. <3
Summary : Conrad plans more than watching a movie in your bedroom.
Likes, reposts and comments are very welcome!
Warnings ; fingering , cussing and maybe more ?
Your back leaned up against his half covered chest and stomach. His upper arm tightened as your hand squeezed it frantically.
“Conrad-“ you moaned to him with his finger still rubbing against your clit. You wore black panties under the booty shorts you had slid off for him earlier. The sound of his breathing grew heavier into your right ear. He shuddered on and on. Touching you made him feel turned on. He found it so satisfying when you melted under his touch.
Beginning to rub faster against your clit, you let out another moan. And the warmth from his breaths eased closer to your ear.
“Do…” He paused. Attempting to catch his breath.
“Do you like it when I touch you like this?” He whispered shakily.
You gave no response. Nothing to say. Too clouded into your thoughts and pleasure.
First but hesitant at the thought, you suddenly took a slow glance at him. And, there he was. Mouth hanging open, pink lips wetted and strands of hair hanging over his eyes. The messy middle part, he always failed to do. The smell of the salty beach and watermelon radiating off of him. His button up left undone, leaving his warm chest open.
Conrad being the one to pleasure you made you feel hazy. Like your stomach was in a knot and it was impossible to unravel. His eyes gave the impression he was waiting. And he wouldn’t continue til he got some response out of you.
You nodded back at him. Also biting your lower lip, eager for more of him. Although, it wasn’t enough. He just stared back at your mouth. Waiting for some sound to come from it.
“Hmhm.” You mumbled, finally giving him what he wanted.
That’s when his blue eyes flung to yours.
Even tighter your stomach grew.
His eyes always made you feel weak. Tense. Even weaker than you usually felt around him. He knew what it did to you. Eye contact was what he used against you. Every. Time.
It only took a moment for him to slide his fingers inside you. Without giving time for your insides to get used to his large digits. Immediately pumping them at a slow but effective pace. Your head flipped around to where the back of it was against his chest again.
“I- fuck me.” You whimpered from your drooling and hungry mouth. At every pump he made, your back arched more. Your hand flew to his right bicep and your legs closed further together. It felt like ecstasy. Like your blood was buzzing through you.
You shut your eyes due to the pleasure. Skipping breaths every now and then. Whiffing the smell of Conrad every chance you could get to draw you closer to the edge. He’d then move his fingers faster inside you. Making himself cling tight onto your walls and juices. You let out one moan after another one, each getting louder and louder.
Til you felt a grip hold onto your jawline. It surprised you, causing for your eyes to flutter right open. His head tilted to yours and he licked his lips lightly.
“You’re the only girl I’ve touched in the past few weeks. You could at least look at me while I please you.” Conrad said with a slight change of tone in his voice.
“You know I deserve it.” He interrupted. “Say I deserve it, y/n.”
There the silence went again. It’s the pressure that you felt. It made you sound more…pathetic.
“you deserve it- you deserve it all Conrad…” You quietly let out.
He looked down at your lips for a second before he slowly leaned in. Meeting your wet mouth with his. He felt hot and safe. He greedily sucked in your bottom lip against his tongue. Your jawline was kept in the grasp of his hand.
Your tongues collided against one another as he picked up his pace inside you. Your thighs became weaker while he pumped more. That watermelon scent went straight to your senses. His strands of hair brushed against your eyelashes.
You could breathe in each other’s air like you two were connected.
Your legs slowly eased down to the mattress. But only making Conrad notice how much you were unraveling from beneath him. He immediately let go of your jaw and set it onto your thigh. And unexpectedly pulled away from your lips.
“lay them down and I won’t make you cum.” He squeezed at the skin. Making you bite back a moan. So you listened. You slowly struggled to pull them apart while his hand still sat on your thigh.
“That’s right. Now buck those hips for me, yeah?” Conrad breathed close to your ear again. You were ready to explode. He had a way with words and it was so easy to fall under them.
You took the little energy you had left and moved your hips back and forth. His fingers would go deeper as you went forward. And at this point, he was making them again. Conrad’s quiet grunts and moans echoed through your ear. He was getting off on it still. He wanted to make you feel good just like this. All day and all night.
And you wouldn’t mind it one bit.
Your hipbones fought with the air as fireworks started up in you. You had then been picking up the pace. Urging to finish. Fighting for it so badly.
“I’m…Conrad- god.” you struggled to form words.
“Are you gonna cum?” Conrad asked, feeling more needy than ever. You took a glance at him again. His lips were a dark deep red as well as his cheeks flushing a brighter red too.
You returned him a small nod. Then leaning up to kiss him again. He suddenly moaned into your mouth, using his fingers at a faster motion again.
You bucked your hips forcefully a few more times. Til you felt it come over you. Time slowing yet electricity also pulling you into a wave of pleasure.
You pulled away from the kiss then. All too weakened and sensitive. And As you came, Conrad moaned out loud with you. As if he almost felt the fireworks you were facing.
“Sh- shit.” You choked as you came back to reality. Conrad slowly slipped his fingers from you. Lifting them up in front of him, seeing that they were coated in your juices.
Then putting them right into his mouth. Sucking on them and groaning at the taste of you.
“Told you I deserved it.” He teased.
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hugsforyou · 4 months
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parings : aaron samuels x fem!reader
warnings : kissing + it’s rlly short so sorry
summary : after all that drama that happened you decided to see if aaron forgave you
A slow dance starting playing. You looked around and saw aaron since he was also alone like you decided to see if he forgave you.
Cady pushed you forward you looked back at her with a look but Aaron was already walking up to you. “Wanna dance?” He asked. You nodded with a smile “Uh yeah.” You out your arms on his neck as he put his hands around your waist.
You wanted to apologize to him “Hey look.. I’m sorry about everything that happened. I shouldn’t have dragged you into my mess I mean all of this started because.. I was jealous of Regina having you cause.. I developed feelings for you. I know it sounds really fucking stupid and listening to that I sound desperate! But I just wanted to say I’m sorry if I like hurt your feelings or something.”
Aaron actually had a smile on his face “So you had a crush on me?” I had to admit sooner or later “Yeah.. I did. I know it sounds dumb-”
but you felt his lips press against yours. You obviously didn’t pull away from the kiss you melted into it abkut a minute past and he pulled away “It doesn’t sound dumb.. trust me.”
You laughed softly to his comment you smiled at him you wanted to kiss him again it’s like he read your mind because he did kiss you again. You melted into the kiss once again. It was all over.
Everyone was happy and there was no more drama no more queen bee of the school everyone would all be equal.
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sorry that’s so short omg. LMAO
but like guys send request thanks !! ( I NEED MORE ONLY MEAN GIRLS MUSICAL )
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brokenjere · 10 months
bad in the bones (c.f) (part 9)
a/n: hey all!! I’m super excited to have this next part out. I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted anything but I have been working on a lot of things outside of this platform that I hope to share with you all at some point. Please let me know what you think!! I miss talking to you all <3
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It was fun seeing Conrad in secret. There were stolen kisses in the backyard when no one was around and knocks on the wall that separated us that always seemed to come when I couldn’t sleep. He could read my mind, I think. Always hearing me think about him. I’d sneak out my room and tap on his door and he opened it so quickly it was like his hand was on the doorknob waiting for me. 
He’d grab my hand and lock the door behind me and sometimes, I’d wake up with the birds chirping the next morning and have to sneak back to my room but sometimes we stayed awake as long as possible like we needed to savor every second of this. One night, I laid on my back starring up at his ceiling and he strummed on his guitar almost too quietly and I leaned over on my side, propped myself up on my elbow and Conrad was already staring at me. “What?” He whispered with a smile. 
“Stop,” I told him. His hands ceased to play and he moved the guitar off of his lap. He put his palms down on the bed on either side of me and crawled on top of my body, forcing me down onto my back again. His eyes were too brown, his hair too floppy, and his smile so perfect I couldn’t stand it any longer so I kissed him. 
My fingers found the hair on the back of his neck and he leaned into me, pressing his hips against mine. Sometimes things got steamy like this: our bodies pressed too firmly together until we were just a pile of sweat, saliva, and heavy breathing. I’ve stopped him every time not because I didn’t want to but because I haven’t had sex with anyone except for Josh and the idea of that happening was almost too much for me to think about. Especially in moments like this were I was too flustered to think straight. I stopped him every time except for last night. 
Tonight, I let his hands linger under my shirt for a little longer than normal and when he looked up at me to make sure I was okay, where I usually shake my head no, I nodded my head yes. Our clothes were off and our bodies were sweaty and everything was quiet except for his breathing in my ear. 
I laid next to him with his blanket wrapped around my naked body and I didn’t speak until he turned his head to look at me. “Are you okay?” He sounded guilty and that made me feel guilty and I nodded my head. It was the truth. I was okay. “Do you regret that?” He asked again and this time I shook my head. I didn’t. 
“Did you know people burn 3 and a half calories a minute on average during sex?” I asked, looking over at him. His cheeks were flushed and he smiled and then he kissed me. I leaned into him and kissed him back. “I should go back to my room,” I whispered against his lips. He nodded in agreement and then I got dressed and returned to my room. 
I didn’t sleep at all which is probably directly related to the bags under my eyes that Laurel is packing concealer on right now. “I never noticed how bad they were,” she whispered as she applied more. 
“It doesn’t need to be perfect,” I mumble to her. She gives me a look and I don’t look at her. “I don’t even want to go to this, you know that.”
“Yea, well, Belly is really excited so why don’t you just be happy for her?” 
“I am happy for her,” I lie. Laurel doesn’t reply, just adds blush to my cheeks. “Just don’t make her wear a fascinator, okay?” I look at her through my lashes and she smiles at my joke and the air in the room relaxes. 
“She’s not wearing a fascinator,” she assures me. I nod and Laurel fluffs out my hair. “It’s time to go.” 
Seeing Conrad in a suit is more shocking than I anticipated. I’m so used to his disheveled, salt-air hair and swim trunks that seeing him all put together is making me feel things I wasn’t prepared for. He eyes me from the steps of the country club, careful not to look for too long but I smile and wave at him as we walk up. 
Susannah is on Conrad’s arm and she smiles as Laurel and I approach. “There you guys are!” She exclaims like she has been waiting for us forever. She arrived earlier with Belly to help set up. “You look beautiful,” she tells me as I approach, squeezing my arm gently. 
“Look at us,” she says, looking at all of us standing together. She pauses and her eyes begin to water. “It’s perfect.”
“Mom, you’re not going to cry, are you?” Jeremiah asks from next to me. He and Steven have their suits hauled over their shoulders, waiting to go inside and finish getting ready. 
“What and ruin my makeup? No way,” she says and gives her son a smile. “Everything is going to be different next year. Conrad’s going off to college,” she says, bumping her shoulder into Conrad. He gives her a shy grin. “It might be the last summer we’re all together.” The group gets quiet for a moment. It feels like no one is breathing.
“Just don’t forget, I get to dance with you tonight,” Jeremiah says, breaking the tension like he doesn’t know it’s there but I swear I can see Conrad’s muscles tighten. 
Jeremiah hands his suit to Steven as he grabs Susannah’s hand, twirling her around and dipping her like I’m sure he has practiced many times over this last summer. When he returns her upright, her hand goes to her head and she stumbles, losing her footing. “Mom, are you okay?” Jeremiah asks, steadying her. We all reach out for her like she could break at any moment but Conrad grabs her elbow first, putting her back on his arm. 
“It’s been so long since I’ve danced, I must be out of practice,” she says, waving it off and wrapping her arm back around Conrad’s. 
“We should go inside,” he suggests. Susannah nods and he leads her inside. The rest of us hesitate for a moment but then we all follow Laurel’s lead and head inside too. When we reach our table, Conrad helps Susannah into her seat and then pulls out one with my name on the placemat. “For you,” he whispers quietly, giving me a look only I can decipher. I slide into my seat and as he pushes me in, he leans forward. I can feel his breath on my ear. “You look perfect.” 
Before I can reply, he’s sliding into the seat next to mine. Conrad’s hand finds my thigh under the table. We’re touching but it’s a secret, just the way I like it. We’re sitting around a decorated table - a pretty candle burning right in the center of our perfect china plates. They’re almost too pretty to put food on, but there’s a caterer walking around offering people appetizers and we can’t help but take some.
When the announcements start, we wait for Belly’s. Girl after girl descend down the steps in fluffy white dresses and tiaras on their head with men on their arms. I see her poking her head out from behind the curtian. I can tell she’s nervous even from over here. “Isabelle Conklin. Daughter of John Conklin and Laurel Park,” she starts as Belly and Jeremiah meet in the center of the stage and descend down the stairs. I can’t help but notice how her eyes find Conrad’s, despite having his brother on her arm. I look over at Conrad and he’s focused but I can’t tell on who. They bow and present themselves to our table. Laurel gives Belly a thumbs up and I look down at my lap. 
Conrad’s hand is still on my thigh and he squeezes it. I look up at him and he’s looking at me with furrowed brows. He mouths the words what’s wrong and I shake my head. He holds his hand out palm up and I put mine in it gratefully. Belly and Jeremiah present themselves in front of our table. Belly does a curtsey and Jeremiah bows and they’re both smiling way too big but I give her a thumbs up because she is beautiful. She’s not looking at me, though, she’s looking at Conrad and it makes my chest tighten. I had spent the last few days hiding, avoiding Belly at all costs because I can’t look her in the eyes anymore. Not when all I can think about is Conrad’s voice in my ears, his hands on my skin, and his lips on mine. She sits down next to me for breakfast and all I can think about is if his cologne is still lingering on my clothes from the night before and even as she’s chatting and laughing over her cereal bowl, I’m watching the doorway for him. Even right now, as she stares at him, my hand squeezes a little bit tighter on his and I feel guilty.  
I turn to him and whisper in his ear, not caring who is watching and say, “can we get out of here?” I pull back to watch for his reaction and he nods. When all the debs are dismissed, I slide out of my chair excusing myself from the table. The hallway is all too quiet compared to the ballroom and I lean against the bathroom door and wait for him. The door creaks open and when I finally see him, it’s like I can breathe again. “You’re going to get us in trouble if we skip this thing, you know,” he laughs as his hands grab my waist and pull me to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and shrug, kissing his cheek. 
“The classical music is rotting my brain,” I tease. 
“Didn’t you used to play classical music?” He asks. I move my fingers, tapping my fingertips against his back as if I’m playing the piano. 
“Rotted my brain then, too.” When Conrad smiles, I think my heart stops and I kiss him. He presses his body closer to mine, pressing my back against the door. I pull away from him, kissing his cheek once more. “Want to go outside? By the pool?” 
“We really shouldn’t miss any more of this,” he says. I can feel his heart beating in his chest and his resistance despite the certainty in his voice. “This really means a lot to my mom.” 
“You did it last year, right? It’s Jeremiah’s turn, she won’t even notice.” I push against him, making his grip on me tighter and his smile gets a little bigger as he considers it. “Come on,” I beg, fluttering my lashes at him for just a moment before his lips crash against mine and my feet are off the ground. 
Conrad carries me down the rest of the hall and out the door to the pool. It’s dark out, the only lights are reflecting on the pool but it’s quiet. Conrad lays me down on the lounge chair, making sure my dress doesn’t drag on the ground and he props himself up next to me. “Isn’t it peaceful out here?” I ask after a long moment of silence. 
“You hate the water,” he reminds me. 
“I like the sound,” I say. “Being by the water with you is the only time I don’t feel crippled with guilt.” Conrad’s breathing hitches and I feel him freeze next to me. “Don’t do that,” I whisper and shake my head. 
“Do what?” 
“Tense up like that. Like I said something wrong.” 
“I just don’t want you to feel that way,” he says. His nose brushes against my cheek, moving away stray hairs that fell into my face. He kisses my jawline and leans his forehead against my temple. “I want you to be happy.” 
“I am happy,” I tell him. “That’s why I feel this way. Belly loves you.” 
“And I love you.” His voice is so quiet I barely hear him but then he says it again. And again. “I love you. I love you. I love you,” he repeats over and over again until I shut him up with my mouth and pull him on top of me. He mutters those three words as he kisses me. “You can say it back, you know,” he says, out of breath but smiling. 
“I love you, too,” I tell him. “And I love her and I can’t hurt her.” Conrad’s knuckles brush against my cheek once before he rolls off of me and stands up. “What are you doing?” 
“Just stand up,” he says, holding his hand out to me. I take it and he pulls me up next to him. He traces my wrist and up my forearm and back down to my fingers before taking my hand into his. “We have the rest of the summer,” he says. “And then, we tell her. You tell her.” I nod, not fully convinced. “I know you’ll be scared. I know you’ll try and back out and that’s okay. But you just have to jump sometimes, right?” I look over at the water as he talks. Sometimes you just have to jump. 
“Right,” I mumble. I take a step toward the edge of the pool and hoist my dress up exposing my feet. I use Conrad’s hand to steady myself as I step out of my heels and I dip my toes into the water. “Sometimes you just have to jump.” 
“Not into the water, you fool,” Conrad laughs, trying to pull me away from the pool but I don’t budge. I dip my foot into the water further, repeating his words in my mind. “What are you doing?”
“I’m afraid of a lot of things,” I say. “Which is weird because my whole life has been about trying new things but I’m afraid of a lot of things. Meeting new people, change, bugs, mostly spiders but all bugs, really. And the water.” I pull my foot out of the water and try to catch my breath. “I���m afraid of hurting Belly and I’m afraid to love you but there’s only one thing on that list that I can change.” 
I can feel Conrad watching my every move, holding onto my hand like I might break at any moment. “Yeah, I’m sure I could find some bugs somewhere around here,” he says carefully. I can’t help but laugh. I shake my head and turn around, my back facing the water and I can see his chest deflate, relief washing over his face. 
“I’m not talking about the bugs,” I say, yanking his hand so he stumbles forward and I’m falling backward and it all feels like it’s happening in slow motion until we crash into the water. My arms are flailing, trying to gain traction in the water and my lungs feel like they’re on fire, and for a moment, I feel free. But then the panic sets in and my hands are grasping at nothing and I think I’m drowning but then he wraps his arm around my waist and he brings me to the surface and when I can finally breathe again, I start to laugh. 
“You’re fucking crazy,” he says, trying to catch his breath. “Why are you laughing? We have to go back in there and we’re soaked!” I can see the amusement in his eyes and I know he’s not mad because when I kiss him, he kisses me back. 
taglist: @marajillana@liltimmyst@angelayse@nani-2305@drikawinchester@28cnn@nyenye@isthlsfate@spacefruitsblog@laceandsuch @peotego @hallecarey1
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cinemadaydream · 1 year
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𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘒𝘪𝘴𝘴.
Conrad Fisher x Reader
Summary: Jeremiah makes you come to a party, and a guy starts hitting on you and gets too close and Conrad comes to help you, and you even get your first kiss.
Warnings: Swearing, cigarettes and beer is mentioned, drunk guy is touchy.
Authors Note: This is my first request ever and I’m truly honored that I even got a request so I really hope that everyone likes it<3 -S
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You’d just arrived at the beach for the big start of summer party. The music was blaring and it already gave you headache. You didn’t even want to come to the party. Tonight was supposed to be a night where you could do a face mask and finish your book you’d been reading. But that was ruined when Jeremiah wouldn’t stop pestering you to come to the party.
“Come on y/n, you just turned 16 are you really gonna stay in your room doing nothing?” Jeremiah says while pouting.
“I wouldn’t be doing nothing I’d be reading and doing self care jackass.” You say annoyed. Needless to say he wouldn’t leave you alone eventually leaving you with no choice but to come.
As soon as you got there Jere supposedly went to get you a drink but really he saw a few hot girls near the drinks table and wanted to flirt, leaving you stranded. You muttered to yourself about how you’d get Jere back in the morning. You looked around to find a secluded spot and instead of finding that spot your eyes locked with a certain blue eyed boy rough housing with your brother Steven. You smiled fondly looking at the said boy as he returned the smile. Steven had stopped obviously noticing that Conrad had been distracted by something.
“Bro Conrad, what are you looking at?” Steven said confused.
“Nothing.” Conrad said still looking at you with a subtle smile.
Steven knew he was distracted but didn’t bother looking at who Conrad had been distracted by, he figured it was just another pretty girl passing by. Not knowing that the pretty girl that Conrad had been looking at was you.
As soon as Steven looked away Conrad mouthed to you “hey” you laughed waving to him.
You walked away after finding a spot near the bonfire, grabbing a beer on your way to the spot. You’d never been a huge fan of drinking but on occasions you’d do it.
Since you rarely ever came to the parties you were pretty much left alone. All the people you knew were either occupied with something or someone for Jeremiah’s case. You wished you had brought your book had you known you’d be by yourself. But the one thing that helped was Conrad watching you. By now you’d caught him at least three times looking at you. Not saying that you weren’t guilty of looking at him either. These gazes had been going on for a while. Either at the dinner table while everyone was laughing at a Jeremiah’s joke, how Conrad would look over at you to see if you were laughing, or how the “accidental” touches made the both of you blush. You just wondered when either of you would actually act-
“Hey” An unfamiliar spoke up snapping you out of thoughts. Honestly you had no interest with socializing with a boy right now so you tried to ignore him but he seemed persistent.
“Hey! Excuse me?”
You looked up irritated. It was a boy you’d never seen before.
“Oh yeah sorry , I just didn’t hear you over the music.” you say clear irritation lacing your voice. But either that boy chose to ignore the obvious annoyance or is clueless because he took you responding as an invitation to sit down. He sat down close. Close enough to make you slightly uncomfortable causing you to move slightly. He still seemed clueless to your uncomfortableness.
“I saw you when you came to the party you look really hot babe.” Stranger dude says. You visibly cringed at that.
“Don’t call me babe.” You say anger hinting in your voice.
“Oh and attitude I like it I’m Clay.” He says holding out his hand so you could shake it. You hesitantly shake it saying “I’m …y/n.”
“That’s a pretty name for a pretty girl.” Clay says while kissing your hand. You tried pulling your hand out of his grip but it was too strong.
“You wanna get out of here babe?” He says as he pulls you closer almost on to his lap. You start to panic. Your hands start to shake and fear starts to paralyze you.
“No, get off of me!” You shout.
“Aw come on babe you’re gonna like“ He’s cut off mid sentence by a familiar boys voice. A voice you find comfort in.
Conrad had been looking for you to ask if you’d want to go home since he knew you were probably getting bored. But as he found you he noticed that Clay was next to you and alarms rang in his head. He could see that you were uncomfortable and Clay didn’t care enough to stop.
“She said no so get your fucking hands off of y/n.” Conrad’s voice rang out with anger and you could find yourself calming down. Conrad comes to grab you and guide you behind him. But as you’re standing up Clay pulls you back.
“Come on Connie we’re just having some fun.” Clay says. You could see Conrad trying not to lose his temper but it’s proves as useless once Clay says “You can have her once I’m done.” At that moment all hell is broken. Conrad punches Clay and he falls to the ground groaning in pain. He tries to get up but him being drunk doesn’t help so he ends up staying down. Conrad gently grabs your hand, and in that moment regardless of everything, you felt safe and everything felt right.
“I’m taking you home.” Conrad said. You didn’t complain, not wanting to stay in here any longer.
Both of you walked to his car silently not really knowing what to say. He opened the door for you and you said a thank you to which he didn’t respond. The drive back home was tense, with you bouncing your leg, and Conrad looking straight ahead his jaw clenched. As he pulled up in front of the house he shut the engine off. Both of you didn’t move sitting in silence for a bit.
“I’m sorry.” He breathed out he didn’t look towards you. You were confused though on why he was sorry. Before you could say anything he spoke again. “I’m sorry for losing my temper and punching him. No one has any right to put their hands on anyone. Especially you.” He was looking at you this time with such an intensity in his eyes. “What do you mean?” You weren’t clueless you knew what he meant but you needed to hear it from him. He let out a sigh shaking his head a bit. “I like you y/n I have ever since we were kids and tonight when that fucker put his hands on you I lost it.”
He looked at you nervous for what you would say but you didn’t say anything. Instead, you moved closer and put one of your hands on his warm cheek and leaned in. His lips tasted like spearmint gum, cigarettes, and of beer. He froze for a bit not quite registering the fact that the girl he’d been in love with since he was little was kissing him. But one of his moved to the back of your head and tilted his head to deepen the kiss as his other hand came up to hold your cheek.
You’d always dreamed of your first kiss and how it would be like. You’d always thought it would be a sweet gentle kiss. But this, this was a passionate kiss, like a million fireworks going off at once, while swarms of butterflies went through your stomach. All of the longing gazes and accidental touches made this kiss worth it. You smiled through the kiss, and both of you pulled away.
“I like you Conrad, always have and always will. And thank you for helping me.” You said while blushing and smiling like an idiot.
“I’ll always be there to help you.” Conrad said as he pulled you in to kiss you again. And just like the first time, a million fireworks went off when your lips touched.
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sweetteainthesummerrr · 5 months
I’m alive! And I’m still in love with Conrad fisher ୨୧
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
Baby Honey. (c.f)
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“And I swear that I'm not thinkin' 'bout you all the time. Just today, yesterday, every day, and tomorrow night”
Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader
Summary: you and conrad have a complicated relationship but that doesn’t stop him from keeping you on his mind. But will you forgive him after what happened? (PART ONE OF TWO)
Warnings: this one is a bit angsty but it'll get better between them in part two i promise!! sorry for any grammar errors
masterlist - part two Only Angel.
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Last Summer 
“Conrad, I’m not doing this shit anymore,” you said in frustration.
“Do what, Y/N? You have a part in this just as much as I do,” he deadpanned.
“Yeah, Conrad, because I care for you.”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t,” he muttered.
It had been a while since you last spoke with Conrad Fisher at the debutante ball. Frankly, it bothered you what happened the last time you saw each other. You came back to Cousins after visiting colleges for your older sister expecting to talk to Conrad again but no. He was wrapped around Nicole and pushed you to the side. 
You couldn’t believe how much of a hypocrite he had become. After saying a lot of shit on debutante balls and how the girls that did them were sheep, he was escorting one of those girls. It was your sister’s year to be a big sister to one of the girls so your family took attendance at the ball. Your heart felt like it split into two seeing Conrad Fisher be announced as an escort.
Before leaving to go visit colleges, you and Conrad had an argument over him not being ready for a relationship but he wanted the things it came with. Conrad Fisher took your heart from a young age from his charming blue eyes to his alluring personality. You and Conrad started a friend-with-benefits situation at the beginning of the summer with you thinking that this would be enough for you. But it never was. 
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Conrad knew he messed up the second you walked away from him that night. He never meant to hurt you but he wasn’t enough for you. At the time he couldn’t be what you needed from a person in a relationship. When you left last summer, he didn’t expect to see you again when he accepted Nicole's invitation to be her escort. He needed to get you off his mind. You swarmed every thought he’s had since that night. 
Even his family seemed disappointed in him for stupidly letting the girl go. Susannah remembered the days when she would talk to Laurel and your mom about how their girls were destined for her boys. Jeremiah and Belly always seemed to have a connection from early on always being stuck to each other’s hip. Everyone always knew that you and Conrad would end up together or at least hoped. You brought out the best in Conrad when nobody else could. You made him laugh in the best ways possible. They were truly rooting for you two but noticed that the night at the debutante ball something shifted between you two. 
You two no longer went to go hang out or spend time down at the beach. It was like you completely stopped talking to him in general. Nobody ever had the nerve to ask either of you what happened between you two. Some thought you had just grown from each other though others knew it was beyond that.
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“Mom, do I have to do this?” you questioned as you tried on what seemed like the hundredth dress during this fitting. 
“Yes, aren’t you excited to be a deb?” she asked softly.
“A deb without a date, mom,” you said bitterly.
“Who knows maybe you’ll find somebody. You still have time, okay. If not we can figure something out,” she replied back fixing the back of your dress.
This one took your breath away looking at yourself in the mirror. You never remembered a time when you felt as beautiful as you did now. You turned to face your mom and her eyes looked at you in full admiration.
“Oh, Darling, you are truly gorgeous. Always have been,” you hear from the other side of the room surprised to see Susannah here with Laurel and Belly. Your cheeks turn bright red from the compliment. 
“Thank you, Susannah,” you told her.
“Hey, Beck,” your mom greeted from beside you.
“Y/n, you look beautiful,” Belly turned to you in a dress as well.
“As do you, Belly,” you replied.
As all the moms caught up with each other, they agreed to do lunch together wanting to spend more time with one another. This gave you time to talk to Belly as well. You hadn’t talked to each other in a while and it was nice to get updates on what was going on with her life since the last time you saw her. She told you about her Cam and Jeremiah situation and how she finally came to her senses when she decided to be with Jeremiah. Which didn’t surprise you in the way she thought it would. It was something everyone already saw coming. 
You updated her on your life as well telling her how you’ve been applying for Colleges already hoping to get into Yale for business. Though it would be a while before you did a final decision on where you wanted to go and where you would get accepted in. 
“How do you feel about this whole thing?” she asked you referring to the ball.
“Anxious but excited. I’ve seen my sister’s rehearsals and what she had to do before so I’m hoping it’s a similar experience, you know,”
“I forgot about your sister doing this whole thing last summer. She was a big sis, right?”
“Yeah, she was. Too bad I’m a year too late for her to be here,” you admitted.
“Did you already find a date for the ball?”
“No, I’m still figuring that out.”
“I’m sure you’ll find someone in time,” she said with a grin.
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“Oh, she was absolutely beautiful in that dress wasn’t she, Belly?” Susannah spoke grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen.
“Yeah, I hope she picks that one. She said that she has one more shop to visit before deciding, but I think that was the one.”
“The one, what?” Conrad asked walking into the room.
“Oh, a dress,” Susannah replied.
“You found your dress already, Belly? That was quick,” he said as he turned his attention towards her.
“No, not me. We saw Y/n at the shop we went to today and she had this stunning dress on!” Belly answered excitedly wanting a reaction from Conrad.
“You should’ve seen her, Connie. She looked unbelievably gorgeous in the dress,” Susannah gushed.
“She always is,” he muttered under his breath. 
“What was that, hun?” Susannah asked even though she fully heard what he said.
“Yeah, what’d you say Conrad?” Belly teased.
“Nothing, never mind,” he noted as Susannah walked out of the room.
 “Whatcha guys talking about?” Jeremiah questioned coming into the room and sitting next to Belly by the counter.
“Just Y/n,” Belly answered.
“Oh, yeah my friend was talking about her at the club yesterday,” Jeremiah replied.
“About what?” Conrad spoke in interest.
“Not much. He’s another lifeguard at the pool and how he wanted her number,” Jere shrugged. Belly stared at the glass of water that was under Conrad’s tightening grip as Jeremiah spoke.
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“You will be seated at table two next to Isabel and Shayla,” Paige directed me to my seat. 
‘Oh kill me now,’ you thought when you saw who exactly was at the table. It was as if the world hated you, sitting at a table with girls you knew were all gossip and something up their ass. Good thing you at least had Belly.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you’re here,” Belly said as you took a seat next to her. 
“Me too, Bells.”
“Please tell me you picked the dress already,” she pleaded.
“Matter of fact, I did… And yes, it was the one you saw,” you smiled.
“Yes!” as she exclaimed it brought the attention of the other girls.
“So Belly, how is it living with Jeremiah and Conrad?” one of the girls asks her moving on from the interaction from before.
“What do you mean?” Belly asked not really understanding what they were actually asking.
“You know like I heard you and Jeremiah were a thing before,” another one said to Belly jealously.
“She still is,” I voiced out.
“So, what I’m getting is that Conrad is still up for grabs though?” a different girl butts into the topic. 
“I don’t know, Conrad is pretty quiet when it comes to him liking someone,” Belly answered. 
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“Hey, Y/N! Do you think you could come over today? I need advice on a couple things and I think you’re probably the best person to talk to about them,” Belly asks me as we walk out of the brunch. You hesitated in your answer seeing that Belly had a mischievous grin on her face.
“Oh, Belly I don’t know…” you trailed off.
“Pleaseee?” she pleaded.
“What do you even need help for?”
“I picked out my dress for the ball but I still need to make a couple decisions before everything is final,” Belly said excitedly as we walked out of the club.
“Wouldn’t Susannah be better for this?” you say trying to make an excuse.
“Yeah but I miss spending time with you,” she said looking back at me. 
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You forgot the comfort the Fisher house brought somebody the second you walked in. It was as if Susannah Fisher embedded memories in every wall and decoration as you walked to Belly’s room. You passed Conrad’s room and were thankful the door was shut as you walked by. You didn’t know if you were ready to face him again. 
Hours had passed and you forgot the laughter that comes to this house. You and Belly had spent much time with each other before the accidental meeting at the dress shop. You missed her. Granted you missed quite a lot of people in this house whether you would admit that out loud or not. That was until he walked into the room.
“Belly, your mom wants you downstairs before dinner,” Conrad told her as he continued to mindlessly scroll on his phone.
You took notice of his hair being longer than before and took in his tall structure before you realized you were staring. You turned your attention to Belly who had the biggest smirk on her face. As if she had something planned. 
“Okay, Conrad. Do you mind staying for dinner, Y/N?” as your name fell from Belly’s mouth, Conrad looked up from his phone seeing you in the room looking at Belly with what seemed like a murderous glare. 
“I wouldn’t want to intrude,” you say making eye contact with Conrad.
“Oh, come on, you know damn well Susannah and Jere want to talk to you,” Belly responded looking back to you and Conrad. 
“I’ll let mom know to set an extra plate,” Conrad spoke as he walked out of the room.
“Belly, what was that for?” you yelled to her quietly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she shrugged heading downstairs.
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“Oh, sweetie, I’m glad you’re here! I almost didn’t believe Conrad when he told me” Susannah said pulling you into a hug as you walked into the kitchen.
“Thank you for having me.”
“You’re always welcomed here,” she replied as she pressed a hand against your cheek motherly.
Now you knew they were trying to conduct some sort of plan. When you saw the only other open seat at the table was next to Conrad. But you decided to not put much thought into it as you took your seat.
“Y/N!” Jeremiah said surprised.
“Hey, Jere.”
“So I was talking with your mom on the phone earlier and she said you already applied to some universities?” Laurel questioned as everyone ate quietly turning their attention to you.
“Yeah, I did. Hopefully, I can add this whole debutante ball thing on my applications still,” you joked.
“Oh! About that beautiful dress, did you get it?” Susannah asked brightly.
“I did.”
“Sweetheart, you are going to be gorgeous in that dress,” she complimented as your cheeks turned bright red blushing.
“Thank you,” you said softly.
“Y/N, my friend wants to know if he could get your number? He’s one of the other lifeguards at the club,” Jeremiah said teasingly looking toward Conrad. Who seemed very focused on his food and had a death grip on his fork.
“Jere, I don’t know…” you trailed.
“Oh, you could do better than some pool boy, Y/N,” Conrad said bitterly. The light chatter that had built around the table completely fell silent when the boy spoke out.
“Excuse me?” you replied in disbelief.
“You heard me.”
“Okay, so how’s your college admissions, Steven?” you said wanting to move on from the topic.
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You stayed at the house longer wanting to help clean up. Everyone seemed to split except Conrad who was also cleaning up the table. You felt the awkward tension building in the air and it made you uneasy. Both of you waiting for the other to speak out before talking.
“Conrad, what was that about?” you referred to the dinner.
“Oh that’s bullshit and you know it,” you scoffed.
“Y/n, get over yourself,” he replied taking the dishes to the sink.
“No, Conrad because you shouldn’t care about that stuff.” as you gathered the cups.
“Okay, but I do,” he said as you walked next to him by the sink to set them down.
“Then stop.”
“Because you’re the one who wanted to end things between us, Conrad,” you snapped harshly.
“This isn’t about us.”
“Then why else do you care?” 
“I don’t.”
“You obviously do after what you said at dinner.”
“Just dropped it, Y/n.” as he grabbed a beer from the fridge opening it.
“No, Conrad. You cannot dictate who I choose to talk to in life just because you decided I wasn’t enough for you.” you said as your voice cracked.
“Don’t say that. When you know it’s not true.” he said putting down the beer looking back at you.
“You never even gave me a reason so my fault for assuming,” you said resentfully. 
“It was my fault and we both know it,” he voiced out. 
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s1ater · 2 years
think about you.
pairings. conrad fisher x fem!reader
about. conrad gets jealous upon hearing rumors that you and jeremiah are hooking up.
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warnings. foul language, underage drinking, writing is complete ass
ricky rocks. it’s kind of hard for me to pin point conrad’s personality, so this may be far off.
“oh fuck.”
con since when are you fucking my brother
you stare at your phone with a sinking feeling beginning to take over your stomach. you swallowed harshly, clasping your forehead as the cold sweat already began to take over and your mind begun bouncing all over the walls.
you couldn’t even think of a text in reply before another message popped up on your screen.
con where are u??
“god, fuck me,” you shook your head.
“you good?”
“yeah, i’m fine,” you brushed your friend off as you now maneuvered your body away from her and the crowd, thinking frantically of what to say.
y/n what do you mean?
great response. he’s really going to like that one.
con stop fucking around y/n
your phone lights up with his caller id just barely before you read his text and the stomach feeling only got worse, “hello?”
conrad clenched his jaw, finding it hard not to roll his eyes at the innocent sound of your voice, acting naïve to his insinuations, “you’re at that party, aren’t you?”
“that’s what i told you.”
“is my brother there?”
“conrad, what do you think? he was my ride.”
“i want to see you.”
you shook your head, “you didn’t want to see me earlier today.”
“yeah, well, i changed my mind. i want to see you.”
“yeah, whatever. come and find me if you really want to see me, bud,” you rolled your eyes hanging up the phone. if he really wanted to see you, it wouldn’t be too hard to find you, but you doubt he’d put in anymore effort than that phone call.
he usually never did.
but you underestimated conrad, you really did because you didn’t think he would care enough to actually show up. no, because he wasn’t like that.
but you guessed wrong, because there he was standing right across from you holding a beer. he had his eyebrows raised as if questioning you what are you doing?
“looks like your knight and shining armour is here,” your friend whispered in your ear before giving you a sympathetic smile, wishing you good luck.
right as she walked away, he replaced her, “where’s jere?”
“i don’t know,” you shrugged, “probably off playing pong.”
“surprised you’re not with him.”
“why?” you frowned, completely disregarding why conrad was here in the first place.
he quirked a brow, his head tipping as a cocky expression came across his face, “i mean seeming you two are fucking, i’d assume you two would be attached to the hip.”
“since when do you care,” you narrowed your brows at his hostile insinuation, “it’s not even like that anyways, connie.”
“and if it was?” he says, “i mean, if you were fucking him, what does that mean.. about us?”
“you know what, conrad? i can’t even talk to you right now,” you roll your eyes, tipping on the back of your heal, now going to walk away. “you’re ruining my mood.”
“jesus, y/n,” he rolls his eyes, putting his beer down before grasping your bicep, pulling you his way before you could get too far. “i didn’t drive all the way out here just for you to walk off.”
“i didn’t ask you to drive all the way out here,” you retaliated, trying your best to restrain against his grip that was pulling you to what you didn’t know.
“i distinctly remember you asking me to come and find you, so here i am y/n,” he finally pulls you into a bathroom before locking the door. his arms now slightly raising in expression, “found you.”
you couldn’t argue with him, because you did say that and deep down, you meant it too. part of you honestly didn’t think conrad would come down, because lately he never really cared enough to put effort into showing his attentiveness. i mean what reason did he have to do so? you guys weren’t even dating.
“so,” he leaned against the sink counter, crossing his arms with a serious look on his face that hadn’t faltered since you first saw him. “please, enlighten me, sweetheart; why are you so interested in my brother?”
you scoffed, taking a seat on the toilet before rubbing your eyes, preparing yourself for the argument that you knew was coming, “connie, enlighten me, because where did you hear that from?”
“steven,” you blink, slowly say his name, hoping to annunciate and have conrad actually think about it. “steven told you.”
“you know how dumb that sounds? it’s steven.”
you can tell by the way he shifts on his feet and repositions himself against the counter that he does really think about it now and it does sound slightly ridiculous. you both knew steven wasn’t always the most honest and he was a sucker for causing trouble.
“why would it matter anyway, connie,” you arch a brow, “i’ve barely seen you all summer and when i do, you barely talk to me.”
“it’s kinda hard to talk to you when you are actually always around my brother when i do see you. so, forgive me, y/n, for believing steven,” he gives you a pointed look.
“you know what, whatever,” you stand, “if you’re not going to give me a straight answer, i’m leaving.”
“sit down,” he’s reflexive and pushes you back to sit down on the toilet, the look on his face hardens, “we’re not done talking.”
“then answer my question, conrad. why do you care?”
he thinks. he thinks and you can tell whatever he has to say, he restrain himself from saying. you couldn’t even guess what it would be, but likewise, he was always like this. always so puzzling, hidden from questioning eyes, quiet, and not begging, wishing, or asking for any attention. and yet he still got it.
“i don’t stop thinking about you, y/n,” he stares at his feet, thinking hard about how he can lay this out for you without damaging his self-esteem too much. “even if i don’t see you, even if you don’t talk to me, i still think about you.”
you and conrad had known each other for a long time, but never had you two ever been any closer than just being acquaintances. until last summer when you both hooked up.
you immediately found it a mistake because conrad was a hard person to communicate with in general, but to then have a sort of attachment to one another—gets difficult, hurts feelings, and causes situations like the one you are in right now.
“conrad,” you exhale, “who am i to you?”
oh, he hates that question.
“what do you mean?”
“you think about me, why don’t you show me? who am i?”
your questions stump him—no, they don’t, he just doesn’t want to think too hard and answer, “i need a beer.”
“con,” you groan as you watch him unlock the bathroom door and step back into the party. “this is why i don’t like talking to you.”
“i like you, y/n. i think about you. i don’t understand why you need more than that,” he pauses a moment, looking back at you, “just let me… fucking drink.”
“jesus,” you press your hand against your forehead in stress. “maybe i should fuck your brother.”
he turns right back around on his heal, “that’s not even funny.”
“yeah, whatever.”
“yeah, whatever,” he mocks you, his hand snaking around your wrist, “i don’t even want a drink anymore, we’re leaving.”
“lead the way, sunshine.”
“can’t believe you even like my brother,” jeremiah stared at you, almost looking disgusted as he poured a bowl of fruits into the blender. “he’s a douche, y/n.”
“yeah, but he’s pretty.”
“he’s brooding,” he gave you a pointed look, correcting you, “you deserve better than someone who sleeps in till 2 and smokes like there’s no tomorrow. you should have someone who actually gets up in the morning and is productive.”
“what, so someone like you?” you say sarcastically.
“sure,” jeremiah tries hard not to perk up at the suggestion. “i mean, that’d be a start and far better.”
“i’m sure connie wouldn’t appreciate you trashing him like this,” you rested your chin in the palm of your hand, giving him a pointed look that was still light hearted.
“yeah, i don’t,” conrad rounds into the kitchen, catching both of you by surprise. he looks at jeremiah out of the corner of his eye, looking annoyed. it makes you hold back a laugh as the younger boys cheeks go slightly red and gives you a look of ‘yeesh’. you shake your head in reply.
“surprised you’re up.”
“yeah, i figured,” connie’s standing by you now, his arm snaked around your waist as you both stare at jeremiah now—not helping his case of embarrassment.
“let’s go talk,” you lean away from the counter, now pulling at conrad’s arm to lead him outside and away from his heinous stare that he was keeping on jere. “c’mon sunshine.”
he slowly pulls away from the situation before finally allowing you to pull him out to the back patio.
“i think he likes you.”
“don’t start.”
“what?” his voice is sunken in innocences as he looks at you, making you roll your eyes.
“i’m not trying to relive last night.”
“why not?” he grins, leaning down to press his lips against yours. “i think we had fun.”
“i’m talking about the part before we got home.”
you can’t tell if he winces as you say this, but his face goes immediately blank as he leans back up to his full height, “yeah.”
“yeah,” your lips press into a thin line as you speak his words back to him. “now that i’m not slightly drunk, can we rewind?”
“rewind?” he narrows his brows before taking a seat in one of the chairs sat by the pool. he slightly pulls on your arm, sitting you on his lap.
“i think about you a lot, too,” you mumble, your fingers beginning to loop with his as you stare at them nervously, “and i want you, connie, but i don’t want to press you into a relationship just because...”
conrad finds himself shaking his head as your voice fades out of speaking. he doesn’t know how to feel about where this conversation is going.
“y/n, look at me,” his finger unlaces from yours, now tapping your chin to look at him. “i like you, i want you, but i don’t want to rush it because… i think last night is a fair example as to why.. i shouldn’t be in a relationship.”
conrad was impulsive and sometimes only ran on anger and vexation. he was possessive and sometimes got in over his head when he thought about you and other boys. he was like this with any girl he really cared about.
“you don’t want to date me, sweetheart,” his fingers tap against your thigh, still holding you close. “you know that, but that doesn’t mean i don’t want you.”
“right,” your teeth bite at your bottom lip as you think at his words. he was right, but you didn’t like it. “but what does that mean?”
“it means i owe you for putting up with me waking up past 2 everyday.”
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ageofstarkey · 11 months
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dating conrad fisher; part two 🍷🚬☀️🃏🫂
click here for part one!
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bluebayousblog · 2 years
(Conrad x Belly one-shot)
This is not a full on story but if you want more I’ll be happy to add on upon request
Plot: in which Belly tries to love the Conrad after Susannah
Setting: Conrad’s college apartment; 2 yrs after S1
Disclaimer: Belly is 18; Conrad is 19
Song: Ghostin - Ariana Grande
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Sometimes for the heart to grow and recover, the best thing to do is just leave it alone.
Conrad was nervous for Belly to visit him at college, not because he hadn’t seen her since last break but because he couldn’t trust her. Usually he was the one in the relationship that struggled to take things slow, but Belly was really good at getting under his skin.
The two still weren’t together, things became weird after his mother’s passing, Conrad felt he couldn’t be with anyone if the woman he loved most was no longer walking the earth. It was hard for him to accept the fact that his mother would never be able to see him love Isabel the way that she’d taught him to, she would never see him treat her like a princess.
He had so much love to give to belly, but when Susannah took her last breathe it felt like a part of his soul left with her.
He couldn’t give her his all at the moment, and he wasn’t sure that he would ever be able to. Belly was extremely understanding when he’d distanced himself last year after the funeral, but what she didn’t expect was for him to remain that way, it had been a year and a half and nothing had changed.
Conrad didn’t expect her to wait on him while he got his shit together, she made it more than clear she was done with that when he’d pushed her way while he was dealing with the fact that his mom had been sick to begin with. He hated the idea of someone else getting close to his girl, but he knew he couldn’t be what she needed.
A knock on his wooden door interrupted his thoughts it obviously being for him as his roommates wouldn’t be back until later. He didn’t really want them to meet his friend that he had this weird relationship with. His friend that was technically up for grabs, and had just turned eighteen this past summer.
Conrad understood that Belly wouldn’t wait on him, he just hated that he had to share her.
The boy swung the door open to be faced with the most gorgeous girl he thinks he’s ever seen, he could never get tired of her beauty. It was everlasting, she’d gotten more perfect since he’d taken notice of it at the beach house two summer’s ago.
“Hey, Connie.” She gushed, completely overcome by excitement, a wide smile on her lips as she showcased all her teeth, the prettiest smile and all just for him.
This is why he couldn’t trust her, she made him feel things, tugged at his heart and made him question if someone could be this genuinely excited to see him?
“You’re finally here Belly.” He smiled.
The breathe was knocked out of him as she dropped her bags to the ground and encircled him in a bone crushing hug. Belly was definitely hugger, she left not even a slither of space between the two, it was her love language. She would never pass up a moment to have the boy completely against her. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Bells.” He struggled to get out as she squeezed him even harder. There was always built up uncertainty inside of him whenever he was expecting to see the girl, but when she was before him nothing else mattered, everything just felt a little easier, “You and your extra long hugs”
Belly eyebrows rose, sensing some sarcasm in his tone loosening her grip, but not letting the boy go, something she was very familiar with when it came to him.
“You being sarcastic, Con?” She murmured as she nestled her face in his neck, feeling his breathing pick up as she found a way to get even closer.
He couldn’t help but fall further into the hug, his entire body rising in temperature from her whispering in his ear. A simple hug had turned into something intimate with just a switch of tone, at the hands of Belly of course.
She had that effect on him, with just a touch he’d forget all of his restraints, trying to keep her at distance so she wouldn’t be disappointed if being with him was not what she expected. He just couldn’t help but to fall victim to her slight advances when she came around.
And the worst part was that he didn’t know if she was aware of just how badly she got to him.
Belly knew what she was doing, she liked to push her childhood friend until he snapped, just a little. He would never lose complete control, that wasn’t Conrad, he would never be vulnerable in front of anyone.
She’d gotten use to this Conrad that remained after Susannah’s passing, a stoic look always settled on his features. It was seldom he let himself show any emotions, and the only way she could change that was when she caught him off guard.
Whether it be a low whisper in his ear, her lips against his neck when she nestled her face into it, or when he was being really stubborn, a flat out kiss on his soft, pink lips.
That’s when Conrad was the most vulnerable for the girl he refused to love, when she physically expressed how she felt for him. Showing just how much she harbored inside through her actions, it was like he could feel the emotion pass through her into his body, until it clogged up every conscious thought he possessed until it was just Belly.
“You know you love my hugs.” She sighed into his ear, pressing her plump lips against it.
His hands dragged down the sides of her body stopping at her hips as he cleared his throat, trying to cover an obvious groan. Belly knew that was one of his sweet spots, and all she had to do was graze it for him to let a wall down, like she was flipping a switch.
“Come on let’s put your things in my room.”Conrad abruptly stepped away from the hug, finally getting a grip knowing better than to let her continue.
He needed to avoid this, when you let someone love you they figured out all the things that made you unwind and Belly had the means to make him unravel like a poorly knit blanket. She could do it too, there had been too many times last summer where she had him stumbling just over the edge with her kisses and the longing looks she threw his way.
The only thing stopping him from giving in was his genuine care for the girl, he knew submitting himself to her would just be a temporary high. Being able to kiss Belly was one of the best feelings he’d ever gotten the pleasure to experience, but when they had to eventually separate his mother was still sick.
And if he let her lips linger for just a little longer on his ear and his hands slide all over her soft skin, when he let her go his mother would still be dead.
He was naive when all the summer’s he spent at the beach house, not knowing that his mother’s death was waiting for him in the future.
But what he did know now, was that Belly didn’t deserve to just be a distraction for him, she deserved so much more.
“Okay, you got any closet space for me?” She questioned, leaning up on her tip toes to pet his head like a dog, something that she knew he absolutely hated.
He immediately reached over to poke her sides prompting a squeal out of her, he’d never met someone that was so ticklish all over. Knowing to not go overboard or she would literally start hyperventilating, Jeremiah had taken things a little to far one summer when they were all still in middle school.
“Closet space, Belly? You’re only staying for a few days.” He countered, looking down to see one of her duffles stuffed full of what he assumed to be clothes.
The girl never knew how to pack, she could still recount all the times her mom scolded her for just throwing random items in her luggages every time they went on vacation. “You know I need options, I gotta keep you guessing.” She said before twisting her mouth to the side.
He didn’t know exactly what she meant by that but it made his mouth dry up.
“Do you still have that full body mirror I got for you your freshmen year? You know I need something to stare at myself in, Connie.” She teased.
Belly was always bringing that summer up, it was the worst their relationship had ever been, something he was trying to avoid happening again which was why he needed her to tread lightly. “Very funny, Bells.”
The door swinging open caught there attention as a boy that was presumably one of Conrad’s roommates entered the living area that the two still hadn’t left.
“Dude, why is this bag outside of our door-“
Belly’s eyes immediately widen at the pink duffle she must have accidentally dropped in all of her excitement. “Oh my God, how did I leave that out there? Thank you!” She gasped and ran over to the guy.
Conrad watched as she grabbed the handle of the bag from Tyler who’s eyes were glued on Belly face in awe, just like every other guy did when graced with her presence.
“It’s definitely no problem, you must be the Belly Conrad’s been talking about.” He said without a stutter despite the star struck look on his face, “I’ll tell you when I heard the name Belly, you were not at all what I was expecting.”
Conrad’s eyes widen at his friends words, not wanting her to take it the wrong way, “Belly, this is Tyler who obviously doesn’t think before he speaks.”
“It’s fine, my real name is actually Isabel, Tyler.” She informed as she tried out his name on her lips. Probably making the hairs on his arms stand up while making Conrad’s skin crawl in annoyance, “Now what was that you were saying about Conrad talking about little old me?”
Conrad couldn’t lie to his roommate and tell them she was his girlfriend, so he couldn’t necessarily tell him stop staring at her like she was the rarest flower in existence. But what he failed to realized was Belly was always going to be interested in anything Conrad, and when they were good terms he was the only thing on her mind.
“Well I think ‘talks’ is a bit of a stretch for Conrad, more like a few choppy sentences.” Tyler joked stealing a laugh from her lips.
A scowl made its way onto Conrad’s face, they were getting along a little too well for his liking. He knew he couldn’t have her to himself, but he also didn’t want her anywhere near Tyler. His own brother was already a threat to him, he didn’t need a friend also being interested in Belly.
“Okay that’s enough let’s go take this stuff to my room so you can put all this shit away.” He groaned.
Belly looked over at him and sensed he was uncomfortable, that’s all it took for her was a glance and she knew something was up. He watched her grab her bag off the ground waiting as she walked passed him to follow her into his room.
Tyler grabbed his arm before he could step passed the door frame and playfully punched his bicep with a grin on his face, “You got yourself a keeper, Man.”
Belly tried to make out what the two where saying while throwing her bags into the closet, straining her ears as she caught just the last of Tyler’s words. She couldn’t help the grin that stretched across her face, it seemed like everyone wanted her and Conrad together except Conrad.
But she couldn’t change that, so she was left with the little he gave her. To anyone else that would seem kind of sad, but she knew what she was doing, she’d heeded his warnings.
The last thing Belly could ever be was a greedy person, and the little affection he gave ever so often was enough for her, that’s just how much she loved him.
“Belly, I thought you were putting that stuff away, you can’t just throw that in the closet.” Conrad scolded.
She admired so many things about the boy it was hard to remember it all, but one thing she could go without is his disdain for messes. Everything had to be organized to his liking or it would be hell on earth for whoever was in his way.
“I’ll do it later, Connie, I promise.” She whined, pulling out some sweat shorts and baby tee to change into.
She twirled her finger at him, motioning him to turn away from her. Sure she wanted nothing more but to be naked and in bed with him, but she’d never been fond of changing in front of people, she just felt stupid doing it.
Conrad immediately turned away without protest, the less Belly reveals herself to him the better. If he ever actually saw what her body looked like under her clothes he would never be able to get it out of his head, it was the only thing stopping him from becoming completely obsessed with the girl. “Belly, later will only turn into tomorrow and that will turn into never.”
“I’ll do it tonight I swear, I just want to watch a movie with you for a little.” She dragged out, surprising him when her arms wrapped around his torso as she hugged him from behind, “I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“Okay, fine, but you better do it tonight.” He caved into her pleas before turning around in her arms and facing her.
She gave him yet another one her toothy grins, and it worried Conrad that he would do anything for her if that’s what he got in return.
The two ended up watching some movie Conrad picked, Belly not really caring what was on the screen as long as she could watch his face scrunch in concentration without being caught as he watched every scene intently.
It was dark now and the colors from the television were reflecting off his eyes and face, highlighting the prettiest parts of him.
He never paid the girl any attention when a movie was on, he was serious about catching every detail claiming if he missed something there was no reason to keep watching. The most she got out of him was a few hums and short grunts of annoyance from her talking too much.
Belly was getting bored and if he was paying attention he would know that nothing good ever came out of that.
“Can we cuddle, Connie?” She tried, having no idea if he was even listening to her.
He grunted in response as she expected, but just as she was about to roll her eyes and turn away from him he pulled her against his body, wrapping an arm around her waist and locking her against him—just the way she liked it.
His attention was still focused straight ahead at the screen as she threw one of her legs over his thigh pulling him even closer still not claiming his focus at all, but she was content for the moment.
His steady heart beat against her chest distracted Belly for a while almost putting her sleep until he squeezed her body against his for split second as she heard a loud crash blare from the speakers.
She sighed when he continued to watch the movie not even realizing he’d just robbed her of a potential nap.
Conrad wasn’t sure how he felt about this movie, sure it was keeping his attention but the characters were pissing him off. Belly was being more quiet than usually, which he chose to ignore assuming she had fallen asleep until he felt her soft lips on his neck.
His entire body stiffened as he struggled to stop his eyes from rolling to the back of his head. It didn’t take much with her, she could run a finger down his chest and it felt like he was being lit on fire. “You said we were only cuddling, Belly.” He groaned as she ran her teeth down to his collarbone.
“I’m not doing anything, watch your movie.” She whispered into his skin as she moved back up to his neck, no doubt leaving marks in her wake.
The movie was no longer Conrad’s main focus anymore, shit at the moment he couldn’t even think of what had been going on for the past hour.
“How am I supposed to concentrate with your mouth on me like this, Bells?” He asked with a dazed look in his eyes, the boy was an absolute goner.
Belly had removed her lips from his neck, her head now resting in Conrad’s hands while she laid on his chest. She always made it so obvious that she wanted to press her lips to his, having no control over the way her eyes would continuously flicker to his lips. “I heard what your roommate said to you earlier.”
“Yeah?” He mumbled, staring her down as his lips curved at her wandering eyes.
She turned away from him, her back now against his chest, embarrassed at how transparent her desire for him was, she knew she needed to get a grip when it came to him, but he made it hard when he looked at her with those cloudy eyes filled with everything he would never say to her out loud.
She reached back to grab his arm, pulling it back over her body and holding it against her chest. Conrad internally sighed knowing they just dodged yet another complicating kiss, but he was still disappointed, he’d deal with his mother’s sickness and have his heart broken again if it meant feeling her lips on his just once more. “Do you think I’m a keeper?”
Belly moved to squeeze her hand together as she awaited his answer forgetting that she was holding his as well once again revealing just how much he affected her.
“Turn back around and I’ll tell you.” He spoke, his voice so deep it vibrated her entire body.
Belly let go of his hand while Conrad used it to flip her light body back around to face him. His eyes were back to normal, clear of any emotion that once resided in the orbs, like he was bracing himself, “You’re the most important woman in my life right now, Belly, you don’t know how bad I want to fulfill your fairytale but I just can’t.”
“I know, Connie.” Belly hated how beautifully he seemed to remind her of what was reality for them, the way that a noble prince would probably break a girl’s heart in a film. “But you know what I’m tired of?”
Conrad’s eyes fell to her lips as she got closer to him, their closeness contradicting everything that was being said, everything that would protect her heart when he ended up breaking it in the end.
“I’m tired of you telling me what you think I need to hear.” Belly frowned, jamming her finger into his chest.
“No, Conrad, what if I want you to break my heart?” She whispers against his lips, their noses gently brushing the other.
Neither of them were sure who made the last move that caused their lips meet in a searing kiss, but they both knew who would be the one to let go, no matter how good it felt.
Belly couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as he slipped his tongue inside of her’s, causing ringing to go off in his ears. They kissed messily, practically consuming each other as he solicited little pants out of her throat. Her sounds made him close to feral making yet another sound leave her as he took her bottom lip between his teeth, staring straight into her brown eyes.
She pressed their bodies together, the two more than aware of the things that stirred within them when things got this far. She gasped as Conrad pressed his hips into her thigh, pushing his face into her neck as goosebumps spread across his body. “Fuck, Belly we gotta stop.”
The more he became accustomed to the way she tasted the harder it became to withdraw from her, which was exactly what he was afraid of.
Belly sighed in disappointment nodding her head as she moved to create some distance from Conrad, but he kept his arms around her continuing to hold her against him without another word.
And the more she was rejected by him, the easier it was for Belly to just leave him alone.
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myconniebaby · 8 months
Hi! If anyone wants to request any Conrad blurbs, I'm open to anything! No guarantees I'll write it but literally any ideas you guys have, send them my way 😈 Fluff is fine but I'm in a mood lol so the dirtier and more out there, the better 😅🙈 I really hope a few people see this and send me requests or even just stop by to say hey! Even if we have never spoken before on here, reach out! I'm a very friendly person and I love making new friends ☺️ Come say hi!
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