#chuffed panda talks
I might end up posting a one shot thing about Yangchen soon🫠 not exactly yangvik, but like… pre relationship or something like that.
I really need to get it out of my mind
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angeloparker · 1 year
finally have some free time, so a little summation of panda at baltimore celebfest 6:
I met Sonny first. I got so emotional even going up to the table that she immediately looked at my face and went “DO YOU WANT A HUG!?” when I passed by later she yelled about my shoes.
Met Tully next and he was very kind and sweet. We talked about his old matches and wrestling in general and he was just very actively listening and very nice.
Then I ran over to Arn and Brock. They had a combo special with a really cool poster with both of them to sign, a picture with Arn, a picture with Brock and a picture with both. Brock seemed genuinely surprised that I was excited to meet him and watched his Dark/Elevation matches and was sincerely grateful which means I have collected him as a favorite. Arn seemed really pleased by this as well and he was so sweet making sure I was like comfortable holding his old belt and all after he heard me offhandedly mention having bad shoulders to the promoter.
Julia was next, she had a line at this point so I tried to not waste her time but she was very sweet. (More on coming back to her later).
Kip was next, we talked for a LONG time about the BritWrestling promotions and he recommended me more stuff to watch and his character development in AEW. He was chuffed when I said I’d made the Kip in a Box music video. We talked about wrestling in general and he took a picture of my Cutler tracksuit to send Brandon and we talked about how good Brandon is because he’s so in character with everything he does in the ring.
Penelope remembered me from October. She was so nice and her and Vertvixen asked me about my shoes. Vert and Viva Van actually both wrote about my shoes on my 8x10 and Vert shared my IG photo with the caption “The coolest girl with the coolest shoes.”
I met Fred Rosser next. I wanted to tell him how much he meant to me going as far back as when he was Darren Young and it was a very different time to be an out wrestler especially someplace like the E. I told him how much he meant to me and that I never miss an NJPW match and he walked around the table to hug me. We talked for a LONG time and when he heard I was going to Capital Collision got really excited and told me the passion I had for wrestling gave him goosebumps and he gave me another hug. He also promptly followed me on Twitter after I shared my photo and reminded me to tell him my Cap Collision seat when it gets closer so he could say hi.
Swung back around to Julia’s table to meet Brian Cage who was doing other stuff. I congratulated her on her engagement and she gave me lots of details on like behind the scenes stuff that already happened that felt neat. Like how they walked her HOB turn, what her original plans were, and filming Rhodes to the Top.
Brian was actually really sweet, was happy I watched Lucha Underground and noticed somethings about his matches I appreciate especially after Brandon once talked about it.
Tony Schiavone was also a total sweetheart. Trey Miguel and I talked about Impact but also my outfit.
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thehumanishere · 7 years
Duanwu/Dragon Boat Festival
This was supposed to be out yesterday, but due to a number of events, I wasn’t able to put it out. Anyways, enjoy.
“During the Warring States Period, there was a poet by the name of Qu Yuan. He was an officer in the Kingdom of Chu and the number one adviser to the ruler of the state.  He advised the ruler to build an alliance with the Kingdom of Qi to fight against the Kingdom of Qin. The other advisers, however, were jealous of Qu Yuan, and they accused him of treason, which resulted in him being exiled from the state.” Po let out a long breath and looked at his class. The bunnies stared eagerly at the Dragon Warrior, wondering about what would he say next.
“During his exaltation, Qu Yuan wrote many poems which were inspired by his love for his country. Upon hearing that the capital of Chu being concurred by Qin, he committed suicide due to great despair by drowning himself in the Milo (pronounced as Mee-Lo) river on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar.”
“So what does it have to do with eating zongzi and having the Dragon Boat Race?” One of the bunnies raised his hand and asked Po.  
“I’m getting there. When the villages heard about Qu Yuan’s suicide, they were devastated. They rowed out on the river to search for his body, but they failed. To ensure the fish doesn’t eat away his body, the villagers threw rice wrapped in bamboo leaves into the river to feed them. That is why, from that day onwards, people around China would celebrate the Duanwu* festival. Sticky rice dumplings would be eaten on this day and let us not forget about the awesome Dragon Boat race.” Po ended his story, and he received an applause from his students. “Alright, that’s all for today. Next class, we will be learning about the use of Chi.”
The children stood up, placed their fist in their palm and bowed at the Dragon Warrior, who bowed back at them in return. While the kids were leaving the arena, Monkey was seen walking towards Po.
“Po, your dads want you to help them make zongzi for tomorrow’s festival. They want you to go down now.” Monkey went up to Po, giving him the message from his fathers.
“Alright, I’ll go now. I’ll be back by sunset.” Po took off and ran down the Jade Palace to the village as fast as his legs could carry him.
When Po reached Mr. Ping’s restaurant, he could see both his fathers were busy serving the customers. He entered the restaurant through the back door and waited for them in the kitchen.
“Oh, you’re here! Can you help to wash the bamboo leaves? Also, could you soak the glutinous rice and get the fillings from the storage room? Thanks.” Mr. Ping told Po as he was preparing bowls and bowls of noodles. Po went to the storage room and got out the ingredients needed. While he was getting everything he needed, he noticed a large red box with a few rolls of cloths on it. What caught his attention about the box was the “marriage” symbol on the side of it.
Po went to the back of the restaurant, took out a few containers and placed the different elements into separate containers. He washed the rice before soaking it and proceeded to clean the other ingredients. Mr. Ping and Li Shan collected the money from the last few customers before placing the “closed” sign at the front of the restaurant and joining Po afterward, only to be questioned by the later once they entered the alleyway.
“Dads. Are you guys planning my wedding in secret?” Po glared at his fathers, causing them to gulp in fear. “Please tell me you two aren’t doing what I said.”
“I told you to store the gifts at Po’s old room! You didn’t listen and just assumed that he will not enter the store room anytime soon. You do know that’s where we store all our ingredients right?” Mr. Ping blamed Li Shan, who was just acting as if nothing had happened.
“Guys, stop. Tell me.” Po stared at his fathers in disbelief and exhaled. “Did you guys planned my wedding without my permission?”
“Is there a problem with that?” Mr. Ping raised his voice as he scowled at his son. “Let me guess, all we want are grandcubs, and you know you aren’t getting any younger. Since you don’t have the initiative to find your partner, we’ll just do it for you. Unless you give me an acceptable reason why you shouldn’t marry Tigress, I will not be canceling the betrothal.”
Upon hearing what Mr. Ping had said, Li Shan slapped his face in disappointment. Mr. Ping then realized what he did and placed his wings on his beak. Po looked confusingly at both his fathers and decided to ask Mr. Ping to clarify himself.
“I’m sorry, what was the last part?” Po asked the goose, this time in a softer tone.
“We have arranged your marriage with Tigress. Shifu had agreed to it, and the date for your wedding had already been chosen. We wanted to keep it a secret from you until we sent the gifts over to the Jade Palace.” Mr. Ping sighed in defeat, while Li Shan just nodded in agreement to what his partner said.  “We thought that would be a good idea since you and she are so close to each other and all. I’m sorry Po, I should’ve asked you before doing anything.” Mr. Ping then took the container with the glutinous rice into the kitchen so he could stir-fry them.
“Well, I am courting Tigress… secretly.” Po said in hesitation. Li Shan’s ears perked up as he heard Po.
“Really?” Li Shan and Mr. Ping said excitedly at the same time, with Mr. Ping turning back to face Po.
“But we’re not even ready for, you know, marriage! Not to mention how you guys still planned it without telling me.” Po pouted at his fathers and looked way from them.
“Aw… finally! Thank the Gods! We thought that we have to do everything for you!” Li Shan clapped his hands enthusiastically. “Now that you guys are already together, things would be much easier!”
Mr. Ping and Li Shan brought the ingredients into the kitchen, talking to each other eagerly, leaving Po at the alleyway. He glanced at his fathers and sighed before following them into the kitchen.
At sunset, Po and his fathers brought the gifts up to the Jade Palace. When they entered the gates, they met Shifu at the Palace Arena.
“Ah, you’re here with the wedding gifts. And I assume Po had already known about the engagement?” Shifu chuckled at the crowd of three. Po blushed heavily behind his fathers, which caused the elders to snicker.
“I’ll be in the kitchen preparing dinner…” Po moved slowly and awkwardly away from them. Shifu ordered some of the palace workers to bring the gifts to his room.
“Since you two are here, care for a game of Mahjong?” Shifu suggested to the two guest. Li Shan and Mr. Ping looked at each other and nodded at Shifu. The three elders then proceeded to Shifu’s room.
After Po had prepared dinner for the citizens of the Jade Palace, he ate before everyone came into the kitchen and left it. On his way to his room, Po meet Tigress. Instead of greeting her, Po just walked past her, leaving the tiger confused.
The Next Day…
The villages stood by the riverbank, waiting for the Dragon Boat race to begin. The racers sat in the boat with the row in their hands, waiting for the referee to start the race. The referee lit up the incense and blew the whistle. The races started paddling the boat as fast as they could so they could reach the finishing line within the shortest time. The spectators cheered lively for their favorite team. After the incense had burned halfway through, the leading team crossed the finishing line, making them the winning team. A hamper was given to the winning team afterward while Mr. Ping and Li Shan started distributing zongzi for everyone present.
Meanwhile with the Dragon Warrior and the Furious Five…
“Do you guys think the bandits would come to the village?” Monkey asked the rest, who only shrugged in response. Monkey then turned towards Po, waiting for his response. Instead of getting anything from the panda, Po only stared onto the ground as they were patrolling the village.
“Po, are you alright? You have been rather quiet since morning.” Viper asked the Dragon Warrior. Po stopped in his tracks and stood firmly on the ground. The Furious Five looked back at their comrade, baffled by his action.
“You guys can go ahead. I have something to tell Tigress.” Po spoke in a worried tone. The Furious Five, other than Tigress, looked at each other, then turned away from the panda and resumed their duty. Both warriors then went to Mr. Ping’s restaurant and entered the kitchen.
“Tigress, my dads asked Master Shifu.” Po stuttered. “About our marriage.”
Tigress nodded at him, causing him to gulp.
“Master Shifu accepted their proposal. We’re getting married soon.” Po blurted out and looked away from Tigress.
Tigress smiled at her partner and hugged him, catching him off guard.
“I know. When I saw you pass me by in deep thought, I felt something was off. I went to look for Master Shifu later at night and saw the wedding gifts in his room. He had already explained everything to me.” She comforted him. Po came back to his senses after a while and returned the hug to the tiger.
“Aren’t you mad, or something?” Po whispered into Tigress’s ears.
“No, why should I be?” Tigress pulled way from the hug and stared into Po’s eyes. “Isn’t that what you wanted in the first place? Don’t tell me you changed your mind.” She then looked away from the panda, playfully. Po beamed at his partner and hugged her from behind.
“Of corse, I’ll marry you. You will be stuck with this panda for the rest of your entire life.” He said joyfully. Tigress chuffed happily, and Po released her from the hug.
“Come on. Let’s go out and join the rest.” Tigress opened the door, and the two warriors left the restaurant.
*zongzi – stick rice dumpling
*Duanwu – Dragon Boat Festival
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learnspanishfans · 7 years
How to Speak English Like the English
Two of my favourite articles on Fluent in 3 Months are Benny's classics How to Speak English Like the Irish and its sequel Advanced Hiberno English. So, being from England, I'd like to share some thoughts on how to speak English like the English. Let's start with a story you might hear from a mate down the pub in any town in the south of England:
Bloody hell mate! A fortnight ago I was down the local having a chin-wag with this fit bird, feeling pretty chuffed with myself, when some dodgy-looking bloke came up and started getting lairy with me. I don't know what he was on about; I thought he was taking the piss, but he wouldn't stop giving me aggro. I reckon he must have been off his tits. Next thing I knew the Old Bill had shown up and nicked this geezer before he could scarper. What a load of bollocks!
If an English learner saw the above paragraph on a language test, they might decide to give up and learn Esperanto instead. If an English person saw it, however, they'd effortlessly understand that the narrator had been talking to a pretty female in a pub two weeks ago when they'd been accosted by an aggressive and possibly drunk man who was then arrested by the police. If you're a native English speaker staring at the above and wondering if I'm just making it up, I assure you, you ain't seen nothing yet. In this article, I’m going to share how to speak English with an English accent. Before I do that, I’d like to clear up a few common myths about England, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom.
Myth 1: The British Accent
I need to clear one thing up. There’s no such thing as a “British accent”. We Brits rarely use that term ourselves, and we tend to roll our eyes when we hear it used in American TV shows. It’s far more common in the UK to be specific and talk about English, Welsh, Scottish, or Northern Irish accents, the four of which are very distinct from each other. These four accents still only represent broad categories that can be subdivided further.
Myth 2: The United Kingdom and England are the Same Thing
To those who don't understand the difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England - or where other places like Scotland fit into all of this… look it up. Seriously, it’s not that hard to understand. (This video does a neat job of explaining.)
Myth 3: English Citizens Speak the Original Version of English
Do English folk really speak the the “original” version of English? It’s actually a dubious claim. Linguists agree that over the last few hundred years, the accents and dialects of Britain have changed more than the American dialects they gave birth to. In other words, modern American speech is closer to the way British people spoke in 1776 than modern British speech is. [caption id="attachment_20244" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] This is how I imagine it sounded.[/caption] Suffice to say that I'm from England (specifically, I grew up in Oxfordshire), and I can tell you a little bit about the way they talk in the other three Home Nations (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), but this is an article about English English, one of the oldest dialects of the world’s biggest language, and the one that gave it its name.
English vs. American English - What’s the Difference?
1. The Rhotic Accent
How exactly then have our accents diverged since the Boston Tea Party? Many books have been written about the precise phonetic details of different English dialects, but for now I’ll stick with just one: rhoticity. If you have a “rhotic accent”, that means you pronounce the letter “r” every time it’s written, and most American dialects (along with Irish and Scottish ones) remain fully rhotic. In England, on the other hand, most of us at some point in the last few hundred years stopped pronouncing the letter "r" when it comes before a consonant (or is at the end of a word). For example in my own name, George, which I pronounce like the word "jaw" with an extra "j" sound on the end, no "r" to be found. In most parts of England (the main exception being the West Country), people pronounce "father" identically to "farther", "pawn" identically to "porn", and "panda" identically to "pander", while to most Americans and Canadians those word pairs are all distinct. Non-rhotic accents can be found outside England too, particularly in places that we colonised more recently than North America like Australia and New Zealand. They can be even found in a small number of places in the U.S., most famously in Noo Yawk. But rhoticity remains one of the clearest, most prominent dividing lines between different varieties of English.
2. Vowel Sounds
Vowel sounds have shifted a fair bit over the years. In many cases sounds which used to be pronounced differently are now pronounced the same, or vice versa, but the merger or split only happened on one side of the Atlantic. I pronounce “cot” very differently from “caught”, but to many Americans they’re homophones. Similarly with “merry”, “marry”, and the name “Mary”, which are three distinct words in British speech, but sound the same in most American accents. In the other direction, I’d pronounce “flaw” identically to “floor” (there’s that lack of rhoticity again), but in American English those words are usually separated not just by an “r” but by two noticeably different vowel sounds.
3. Vocabulary
Where things start to get really confusing is with vocabulary, and I’m not just talking about slang. In Britain the Royal Mail delivers the post, while in the U.S.A. the Postal Service delivers the mail. Confusing, huh? Many of our vocabulary differences are totally arbitrary: if I did something on Saturday or Sunday, I'd say that I'd done it at the weekend, whilst an American would talk about having done it on the weekend. Other differences allow for extra shades of meaning: Americans only talk about being "in the hospital", whilst British English retains a distinction between being "in the/a hospital", which just means you're literally inside the hospital building, and "in hospital", which heavily implies that you're in the hospital as a patient. It's like the difference between being "in school" and "in a school"... except Americans use the word "school" slightly differently too. In the U.S., "school" refers to any educational establishment including college, whilst in the U.K. it's only used to refer to primary and secondary education: the school that you do before going to “uni”, a British abbreviation for “university” that Americans don’t use. To add to the confusion, "public school" means something completely different here; for historical reasons a "public school" in the U.K. is a type of very expensive and exclusive private school, whilst a free, government-funded school (what Americans call a public school) is a "state school." Do you follow? If you’re from America, you may have raised an eyebrow at my frequent use of the word "whilst" in this article. This word sounds very archaic and old-timey to American ears, but it lives on in the U.K. as a synonym of "while". The verb "to reckon" is also alive and well in the British Isles, while in the U.S. it’s not really used anymore, except stereotypically by rural moonshine-drinking folks from the South: ”I reckon this here town ain’t big enough for the both of us!” Then again, I find it weird when Americans say “I wish I would have”. This construction sounds just plain wrong to me. In England we say “I wish I had”. Where do you go to buy alcohol? In the U.S. it's probably a liquor store, but in Blighty (that means Britain) it's more likely to be at the off-licence, so named because it's licensed to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises, as opposed to a bar where you can both buy alcohol and drink it in the same building. After a visit to the off-licence (or "offy", where I'm from), a Brit might get pissed, which means "angry" to an American but "drunk" to us. Another American synonym for "angry" is "mad", but in the U.K. that word exclusively means "crazy" - which caused confusion recently when Bill Clinton described British politician Jeremy Corbyn as "the maddest person in the room". In context it was clear that Clinton had meant “angry”, but many British commentators misinterpreted the statement as a comment on Corbyn's mental health.
What About the Different Accents You’ll Find Inside England?
So far we’ve just been looking at the differences between American English and English English. I’ve barely touched on the enormous regional variations that you'll find within England: from the town I live in I could drive two hours in any direction and be somewhere where the people sound completely different. The stereotypical “posh” (upper class) accent (often called “received pronunciation” or RP) is generally only found in the south, but it’s only the most formal form of southern speech; many shades of variation exist. Up north people sound very different not only from southerners but from each other. For some reason - probably the fact that the north historically has had a lower population density and so the towns have been more isolated - there’s much more regional accent variation in the north, and you can generally pinpoint where a northern person is from from their accent with a higher degree of accuracy than you can a southerner. Liverpool and Manchester are 90 minutes’ drive from each other, and yet the people in each city sound completely different.
We're Only at the Tip of the Iceberg, and it's Time to Go Swimming
Remember our discussion a few moments ago about how a Brit who'd been to the offy might end up pissed? If he got too plastered (drunk) last night he might be hanging (hungover) the next morning and have a lie-in (he stayed in bed later than normal). When his friends ask him what he did last night, he'd tell them that he'd gone out on the piss (gone out drinking), or maybe even on the pull, which means that he wasn't just drinking last night but looking for a fit (attractive) girl to take home. Now it's the morning, but maybe today he'll skive school (skip class), or, if he has a job, pull a sickie (call up his boss and pretend to be ill so he can get the day off). If his boss realises that he's talking rubbish (lying, bullshitting), he might give him the sack (fire him). Our British friend isn't really ill (sick), he just can't be bothered to go to work. I've never been able to precisely explain "can't be bothered" to Americans, but it's an extremely common expression in the U.K. used when you don't want to do something because it's too much effort and/or you're lazy. If you want to be more vulgar, you can upgrade to "can't be fucked", a phrase which shouldn’t be taken too literally. A happy halfway point is "can't be arsed": a fine example of the British spelling and pronunciation of the American "ass". (“Bum”, by the way, is another word for "arse" here, unlike in the U.S. where a "bum" is a homeless person, known in the U.K. as a "tramp".) Then you have “sod”. This ubiquitous British insult refers to an unpleasant or disliked person (see also "wanker") and is considered mildly rude on roughly the same level as “crap” or “damn”. It can also be used as an exclamation (“sod it!”) or an intensifier (“that sodding wanker”). To my astonishment, while researching this article I learned that the word "sod" originated as an abbreviation for "sodomite". I've been using this word my entire life, and I apparently never even knew what it meant. Sodding hell! I’ve only scratched the surface here - I could write far more about the many peculiarities of English English, and the above is just a taster. If I’m being honest (another British turn of phrase - Americans more naturally say “to be honest”), I didn’t really think about most of these things until I started travelling, meeting people from all over the world and finding that many of the expressions I thought were international are in fact uniquely English, or vice versa.
What are Your Favourite Local Words?
Do you have any other fine examples of incomprehensible Englishisms? Or do you have any favourite words or turns of phrase that are common where you're from, but that no-one else understands? Let me know in the comments.
The post How to Speak English Like the English appeared first on Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips.
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This second chapter thing is turning into spicy light. Because I am not going to jump all the steps for full on smut and fall flat on my face when I hadn’t written it in years until that weird 3k thing I wrote almost a month ago (that will stay not posted because what? O_o)
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I have a feeling that this might be my work brain and my mind working overtime trying to keep myself entertained, but the way Guru Shoken was talked about in The legacy of Yangchen felt like how Zaheer talked about Laghima in The legend of Korra .
Not exactly the same way, but like… similar vibes? I immediately noticed it when I listened to the book. It rubbed me a weird way
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Literally thinking of adding an extra chapter to fill in something and further expand on the relationships Yangchen has with other original characters mentioned in this one shot idea thing… but that can spoil things from other works I have planned 😭😭 this is so hard
I still need to find a title😭 that’s even harder
Edit: already started on a second chapter
Edit edit: I am now 1.5k words into the second chapter
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Currently side eying Mama Ayunerak so hard 👀 it might be my previous experiences with people like that that’s making me hiss like a cat, but still. I’m giving both her and her other associate the side eye
And yes, of course, that obvious thing I theorised about was proven to be true. Making the mistake once again to listen to a chapter that ended on a cliff hanger before I got to work
So typical…
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Made the one mistake of listening to that chapter before work and now it’s all that’s on my mind…
I’m so sad omg 😭😭😭
(I want to scoop her up in the longest hug)
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I don’t think I can listen to track 32 of the dawn of Yangchen unless I want to get angry and put myself in such a situation… I haven’t experienced being spied on, but I have had adults like that in my life and I get it. I get it
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Let’s see if I can get an update out this week🫠 I’ve been distracted by the ‘how Jamyang and Aden met’ one shot and I wrote a missing scene for Sonam and Ashina.
2k is already accumulated over the last two(?) weeks. I should be close now
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“What would you do if I die?”
*me casually being inspired to write more and realising that I have to write more because I want to see more moments between baby Gawa and baby Jamyang*
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yangchen is aroace, please remember that for your fics
Hello 👋🏼
Oh I am very much aware of that. Fc yee didn’t have romance in mind for the book, from how I interpreted the interview, so her sexuality is sort of open for interpretation. At least that’s how I’m going with it because this is fan fiction….
I have a bookmark folder on my computer just for this so that I have something to draw from when I get to that part of my writing. I plan for her to be on the aroace spectrum though, there’s no need to worry
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I might like, post a short ficlet (is that what they’re called?) tomorrow, on Sunday or when I’ll get the next chapter done.
I promised myself that I wouldn’t post something new while having two unfinished works, but it’ll give the next chapter some backstory and I wouldn’t have sketched out the scene that popped into my head for nothing. Win win (I think…)
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Sage Bhuti and Avatar Szeto: Channeling spiritual lives go brr👊🏼
(Shaohao often witnessed stuff like this when he was young)
I originally planned to keep the hands as squares because I don’t know how to draw them, but then I saw someone draw them and I was like “🤩 I’m going to try that.” I still don’t know how to draw them *shrug* but it’s something….
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Me getting inspired by failing radish’s new Yangchen’s wip art post.
Jamyang has accepted her status as a red panda. (She accepts her status whenever a new animal approaches her)
(This will stay as a sketch until I get better or I give in and commission someone because this is way above my art level at the moment)
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