gm4rlorwzs · 1 year
Fat European Bitch gets Piss Fuck Gangbang by Young Studs and Their Mother Lesbian Play MILF Francesca Le with Latina Teen Liv Revamped Disciplining The BBW Amateur Mom NubileFilms - Russian lesbian seduction german teen rough outdoor fucked Girls will become absolutely naked before licking vaginas Divorced Candaian Sexy Aunty With Big Boobs Cheating On Her Husband resorts world casino queens nyc Group of raunchy and vehement teen girls lick each other Holly Heart rubbing clit
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botaniqueer · 2 years
For a while I was thinking about how despite being the type species of the order Asparagales, Asparagus is weird and doesn’t really look much like other Asparagales, which tend to have liloid strap-shaped or triangular leaves while Asparagus looks superficially fern-like and and feathery.
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Later I ended up figuring out that the resemblance is in their new shoots! If look at a Haworthia or Agave’s flower spikes they look very asparagus-like in the early stages and are flanked with scale leaves. An Agave’s basically looks like a massive version of the asparagus shoots you would see in the stores.
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Looking even further, apparently asparagus foliage isn’t leaves, which is why I was confused initially (monocots are more likely to have parallel leaf veins than branched veins) and are just modified stems that have taken the place of leaves for photosynthesis known as phylloclades. Other plants with phylloclades, or cladodes includes various cactuses like prickly pears or holiday cactuses, and Kalanchoës like the Mother of Thousands.
There isn’t a greater point to this post. I just wanted to talk about Asparagus and plant biology.
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persimmon-s · 1 month
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Did I make fun of asparagus here yet?? Look at it it's so silly why is it built like that why does it just,,,appear,,,
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Fun fact you see the leaves on the second photo of adult asparagus? Yea those are not leaves those are modified branches called cladodes which basically mimic and do the same things as leaves cause fuck you
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healthnewsreview · 2 months
Osteomed Spray Efficace per le articolazioni dolorose? Opinioni!
Osteomed è una crema spray lenitiva per i dolori articolari completamente naturale. Il produttore dal nome probabile è lieto di annunciare che il rimedio per il tessuto sinoviale si vende abbastanza bene in Italia nel 2024. Il prezzo in tutta l’UE rimane lo stesso, grazie ad una politica speciale utilizzata dall’azienda. Puoi ordinare in tutta sicurezza una o due copie della crema spray originale per alleviare il dolore articolare tramite il suo sito ufficiale. Non sorprenderti se avrai la possibilità di assicurarti anche uno sconto del -50% sul costo. I commenti e le opinioni di Osteomed sui forum di fitness sono positivi. La gente dice che la Osteomed serve per la rapida rimozione di infiammazioni, rigidità e disagio. È un rimedio efficace contro i dolori alla schiena e alle articolazioni. La crema spray è sia per uomo che per donna. Disintossica facilmente i tessuti sinoviali e ti farà sentire una persona completamente nuova in 7–10 giorni. Esperti ortopedici, come il dottor Vincenzo Fuschi, Luigi Tricarico e Anna Gallo lo consigliano regolarmente ai loro pazienti. La Osteomed è ottima per la cura della pelle delle articolazioni e non induce effetti collaterali negativi o controindicazioni. Ha un Certificato di Qualità e si abbina al meglio con scelte alimentari sane, come gli zuccheri naturali .
Dove acquistare Osteomed a buon prezzo online in Italia nel 2024? Posso trovarlo nelle mie farmacie di Roma e Madrid? Esistono truffe e prodotti falsi, presentati come prodotti originali per alleviare il dolore articolare su Amazon, Altroconsumo e Mercadona? Il cactus Nopal è tra gli ingredienti principali della composizione?
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Osteomed — Ingredienti, composizione e formulazione
Ingredienti, composizione
La formula lenitiva e rigenerante della crema Osteomed contiene ingredienti di origine vegetale ad azione combinata. Questa crema si prende cura delle articolazioni, aiutando a contrastare i fastidi e a migliorare la mobilità sia muscolare che articolare.
L’azione degli ingredienti di Osteomed è sinergica ed è in grado di favorire la buona salute e il funzionamento di gambe, braccia e schiena. Inoltre, aiuta a rallentare i processi di degenerazione e ossidazione.
Gli ingredienti principali che fanno parte della formulazione Osteomed sono:
Olio di eucalipto — Ha un potente effetto analgesico, riscalda, migliora la circolazione sanguigna e ripristina la nutrizione dei tessuti danneggiati;
Olio di rosmarino — Allevia il dolore, rilassa i muscoli, previene gli spasmi, normalizza la circolazione sanguigna e migliora la mobilità articolare;
Estratto di zenzero — Accelera la rigenerazione dei tessuti danneggiati, allevia l’infiammazione e previene la formazione di osteoclasti nel tessuto osseo;
Olio di cannella — Ha un effetto riscaldante, ripristina il volume e la circolazione del liquido sinoviale e protegge le articolazioni dai depositi ortotici;
Estratto di corteccia di pino — Allevia il prurito e diminuisce il gonfiore;
Foglia di eucalipto — Allevia gonfiore, arrossamento, prurito, dilata i vasi sanguigni, migliora il flusso sanguigno nell’articolazione e stimola il ripristino dei tessuti;
Foglie di Jimnema — Arrestano l’infiammazione delle articolazioni e aiutano ad alleviare il dolore;
Estratto di semi di ginepro — scioglie i depositi di calcio nelle articolazioni;
Estratto di Nopal Cladod — Rigenera le articolazioni e le ossa.
Nessuno di questi ingredienti è noto per causare effetti collaterali o controindicazioni.
Commenti e opinioni sulla Osteomed
Le recensioni e le opinioni di Osteomed ne ha già raccolte molte, su moltissimi forum online. Inoltre Osteomed non ha ancora forum online ufficiali, ma se ne parla molto bene nei commenti e nelle recensioni di molti siti dedicati a prodotti naturali per il benessere dell’apparato muscolo-scheletrico.
Secondo le recensioni e le opinioni degli esperti, Osteomed è una delle alternative più sicure ed efficaci per le persone che tollerano i farmaci per via orale. È una formulazione che allevia i dolori articolari in modo naturale, acquistabile senza prescrizione medica.
Secondo le opinioni che si possono trovare nei forum online, in Italia e all’estero, la crema Osteomed offre un rapido sollievo da tutti i tipi di dolori articolari e muscolari. Facilita rapidamente i processi naturali del corpo, consentendo alle cellule di rigenerarsi più velocemente.
La crema Osteomed è altamente efficace nel sostenere la salute delle articolazioni grazie alla sua azione penetrante in profondità. Gli ingredienti e le loro sostanze vengono assorbiti direttamente nelle zone interessate. Osteomed funziona in modo estremamente veloce permettendoti di vivere una vita più piena senza sacrifici.
La crema Osteomed è perfetta per alleviare il dolore derivante da artrite, fuoco di Sant’Antonio, tunnel carpale e molte altre malattie che colpiscono articolazioni, ossa e muscoli. Questa potente crema ha anche una rapida azione antidolorifica in caso di lesioni da sforzo ripetuto, mal di schiena, distorsioni, ecc.
La crema Osteomed può essere utilizzata da tutti. Dagli anziani ai bambini e alle donne incinte, tutti possono beneficiare delle naturali proprietà antidolorifiche della crema Osteomed senza timore di controindicazioni ed effetti collaterali.
Come si applica Opteomed? Foglio illustrativo e istruzioni per l’uso
I professionisti ritengono che il rimedio per alleviare il dolore articolare sia adatto sia ai giovani che agli anziani. Le persone che lavorano davanti a un computer possono trarre grandi benefici dal suo potere curativo a base di erbe. Coloro che frequentano assiduamente la palestra lo troveranno efficace anche per attenuare spasmi muscolari e crampi dopo gli allenamenti. Anche gli anziani riacquisteranno la mobilità. La Osteomed è completamente sicura e non induce effetti collaterali o controindicazioni. Per utilizzarlo in tutta sicurezza è sufficiente seguire le istruzioni per l’uso presenti nel foglio illustrativo. Il manuale utente ti informerà sul dosaggio corretto.
Le istruzioni passo passo su come utilizzare Osteomed in modo sicuro al giusto dosaggio sono le seguenti, secondo il foglio illustrativo:
Pre-pulire la zona interessata, applicando una piccola porzione di Osteomed con movimenti massaggianti. Ripetere il procedimento mattina e sera, lasciando che la crema venga completamente assorbita dalla pelle.
Fai del tuo meglio per rimanere fisicamente attivo e seguire una dieta ricca di proteine.
Questo processo dovrebbe essere ripetuto quotidianamente per un intero mese di calendario per completare un corso completo.
Prezzo della Osteomed : dove acquistare la Osteomed ?
Prezzo della Osteomed in Italia
Se vuoi provare gli effetti e i benefici della crema Osteomed , il posto migliore per acquistarla è il sito ufficiale del produttore. Qui troverai il prezzo della Osteomed scontato del 50%. Per accedervi basta compilare il modulo d’ordine e attendere la chiamata di un consulente per dettare l’indirizzo di spedizione.
Alla conferma dell’acquisto, la crema Osteomed verrà spedita al tuo indirizzo tramite corriere espresso senza costi aggiuntivi.
Il pagamento Osteomed può essere effettuato al ricevimento del prodotto, in contanti. Il prezzo di Osteomed in Italia è lo stesso di tutti i paesi europei.
Ecco dove acquistare Osteomed a buon prezzo online in Italia:
Inserisci il nome e il numero di telefono attuale nel modulo online sul sito ufficiale
Ricevi una chiamata da un funzionario della società di distribuzione e specifica i dettagli di consegna
Ottieni Osteomed , paga con il metodo COD e riacquista mobilità e flessibilità articolare!
La Crema Spray è Offerta in Farmacia?
Abbiamo già sottolineato che il produttore disperde la crema spray per fughe da solo. Puoi acquistare Osteomed con un buon prezzo scontato sul suo sito ufficiale, ma non lo troverai nella tua farmacia locale. Se vi capita di trovarlo sui portali di vendita online, come Mercadona, Amazon o Altroconsumo, fate molta attenzione. È probabile che si tratti di una truffa o di un prodotto falso. Per stare al sicuro da tali pratiche scorrette, acquistalo solo tramite il sito ufficiale.
Continua a camminare per mantenere le articolazioni sane!
L’immobilità è uno dei motivi per cui così tanti giovani adulti soffrono di malattie degenerative della cartilagine. Lavorano e studiano davanti al computer e non fanno abbastanza attività fisica. Alzati in piedi e goditi le tue passeggiate quotidiane per mantenere le articolazioni flessibili e forti!
Conclusione: Osteomed è una crema spray per articolazioni completamente naturale. È molto popolare in Italia dove il prezzo è equivalente a quello dei paesi del resto dell’UE. I commenti e le opinioni di Osteomed sui forum sono molto positivi. I clienti ne approvano l’azione e la composizione organica. Lo consigliano anche gli esperti ortopedici, come un buon rimedio naturale contro i dolori articolari che è qualcosa di più di una medicina.
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nickostraniero · 7 months
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Nicko Straniero - Le Colombe (The Doves) - Two clay twin sculptures with thorns of Carissa macrocarpa, stems and inflorescences of Cortadera selloana (Pampas grass), fibers from cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica (prickly pear plant), dessicated pomegranates, cut Chamaerops humilis (Dwarf palm) leaves, roots from an unidentified dune plant and a tiny bit of well hidden wire. (approx. dimensions of each work 42x32cms) 2023
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flexosamine · 10 months
Flexosamine Precio
➢ Product Name__ Flexosamine
➢ Composition — Natural Organic Compound ➢ Side-Effects — NA ➢ Rating: — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ➢ Availability — Online ➢Where to Buy —https://www.salubritymd.com/flex
Related Keyword
Flexosamine Crema
Flexosamine Precio
About Flexosamine Crema
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Flexosamine This is what?
Flexosamine is a potent modern medication that can help you permanently stop experiencing joint discomfort and get back to living a normal, fulfilling life. Despite the fact that there are numerous options in contemporary medicine, Flexosamine is highly sought after because it has the safest natural formula that shows results right away. The process of placing an order and receiving goods is quick and easy.
Composition & Ingredients
Flexosamine is a cream with well-known anti-inflammatory qualities that is made from just natural ingredients. Among the most prevalent are:
Pine bark extract: The primary structural proteins of the dermis, collagen and elastin, are stimulated by pine bark extract, which also strengthens the immune system and reduces inflammation and edoema.
A natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory, juniper seed extract also has an antioxidant effect and dissolves calcium deposits in the joints;
Jimnema leaves: in addition to having a slimming and antioxidant effect, they also aid in reducing joint discomfort and inflammation.
Nopal Cladod Extract: Reduces muscular and joint pain and enhances joint mobility. It also has anti-inflammatory and calming qualities.
Because of its special formulation, Flexosamine works swiftly and effectively to improve joint health.
Instructions for use of Flexosamine
The package insert lists the Flexosamine dosage. Additionally, the pamphlet includes comprehensive details on composition, application guidelines, and manufacturer recommendations. It is advised to use the product in the following sequence for the best results:
Dry the skin after rinsing it.
To the affected areas, apply a thin coating of cream.
15 minutes should be spent massaging the skin in a circular motion to ensure that the mixture is well absorbed.
Two times a day, ideally in the morning and evening, the treatment should be administered. The course of treatment lasts for one month.
How it is beneficial for you
For people with joint pain, flexosamine has a number of advantages:
Repairs injured Joints: The special formulation of Flexosamine aids in the repair of injured joints, restoring your daily comfort.
Flexosamine eases joint pain, making it possible for you to move more freely and painlessly.
Prevents joint wear and tear: Flexosamine aids in the prevention of joint wear and tear, helping you to maintain the health of your joints.
Reduces Inflammation: Flexosamine lessens joint inflammation, enabling you to move more freely and pain-free.
 Increases joint flexibility: Flexosamine increases joint flexibility, making it easier for you to move around.
What is the mechanism of action of Flexosamine?
The cream penetrates the skin easily and rapidly without producing any pain or suffering, quickly calming the area of pain. Because of this, following the first application, it will be possible to notice a notable reduction in uncomfortable sensations and an improvement in the overall state, which is something to be jubilant about. Since the effect is cumulative, it will get better over time while some good changes in wellbeing can be felt every day.
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joearf · 3 years
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2021.08.30: Lost Prickly Pear Cladode (stalk) - Tod’s Point, Old Greenwich, CT #pricklypear #cactus #cladode #todspoint #walkingattodspoint #oldgreenwichct #morningwalk (at Tod's Point) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTMw8NvgtrS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lichenaday · 3 years
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Pachypeltis cladodes
Branched orange lichen
This little lichen starts its life out crustose and closely adhered to the substrate, but wait! What’s that? Yes, those are stalks! As it matures, it develops stalks and grows taller and taller off the substrate! P. cladodes has a smooth, bright orange thallus with short-stalked, orange apothecia. It grows on non-calcareous rocks in the North American west. The lesson here is be whatever the hell you want, and don’t let anything stop you. 
images: source
info: source | source
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birdsy-purplefishes · 5 years
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The new #cladode is growing so fast and I love it! #TephrocactusGeometricus #tephrocactus #cactus #succulents #plants #plantmom #plantparent #triplescoop #cacti https://www.instagram.com/p/B0cxUuqHMF5/?igshid=z8q49vuui3mm
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claudeng80 · 2 years
Herbalism is complicated. Obi has spent enough time trying to read over Ryuu’s shoulder to have no doubt of that. It’s admirable work- he helped Suzu set a bone once, and once he was done feeling queasy, he was pretty proud of himself. As many times as he’s chided Shirayuki for her long hours and one-track mind, their excitement is probably warranted.
But he never will truly understand academics.
“Professor Hatiora is coming here?” Shirayuki looks up from her notes, pen leaving a starburst of ink splatters in her surprise. She says the name with more reverence than she reserves for King Izana. “He wrote the seminal textbook on succulent classification. It’s one of the foundations of all my subsequent work on aloes! I can’t wait to talk to him.”
“Ehh,” says Izuru around a mouthful of salad. It’s a nice enough day out that when she took her lunch outside, nearly everyone else joined her. “Don’t get your hopes up. The last time I was here Shidan set me to escort him and he didn’t say ten words to me the whole visit. Just pretended I wasn’t there.”
“He talked to me,” contributes Kazaha. “Implied I should consider a change of career because I was useless, but he did acknowledge my existence. Answered a few questions, too, before he decided I was a waste of space.”
“It’s not just me,” Izuru adds, defensive. “I was at a colloquium in Wistal three or four years ago where Garrack asked him about propagating mature cacti, and he wouldn’t even answer. He just turned away and asked Shidan about some variant cactus with rectangular cladodes. I thought Shidan was going to die on the spot, if Garrack didn’t beat him to homicide by braining Hatiora with his own textbook. I think he just doesn’t like women.”
Ryuu inhales his soup, and the coughing fit distracts everyone enough that Obi’s the only one who watches the way Shirayuki’s jaw sets. He knows better than to trust that look; she isn’t giving up that easily.
He hasn’t forgotten it, by the night before Professor Hatiora’s talk. He spends far too much of the day worrying she’s going to jump headfirst into some scheme without him, enough that it’s a relief when the knock on his door is followed by the sound of her voice. “Obi, can you cut hair? I’ve got the scissors, but the last time I did it everything was all ragged.” He opens the door. “I want it to look intentional this time,” she concludes.
“Whatever will Prince Raj think?” All the answer that rates is a flat look and the offer of the scissors. “I thought you’d been looking forward to growing it out?”
She fingers the tip of the lock that falls in front of her ear, and there’s a bit of hesitation there. “I was, sort of. The braid is so convenient. But long hair is so out of style for men around here, and I want him to take me seriously.”
Obi has a creeping suspicion he’s not going to like this one bit, when it starts to make sense. “I don’t follow?”
She looks at him like he’s one of her slower students- someone who can be taught, given enough patience and repetition. “If he doesn’t talk to women, then I’ll just pretend not to be one.”
There it is. “But you-” His hand waves vaguely in midair; gesturing to her curves surely isn’t polite and yet he can’t stop himself. 
She frowns downward, and he braces himself for her to blame the buttons on her dress or something equally inane, but instead she flushes, a fast-spreading wave that clears just as quickly. “Oh no, Yuzuri and I have that all figured out already. She just wasn’t willing to take the chance on my hair, and you have such steady hands.”
They don’t feel that way at the moment. “You’re going to keep asking people if I don’t do it, aren’t you?” She nods, and he weighs the conditions of his employment against the worst-case scenarios he’s been imagining all week. The scales tip in her favor, as always. “Hand me the scissors.”
The end result is convincing enough, when everyone else stops gawking and giggling and remembers to call her “Shiro.” The hair, even cut short into a bob far neater than any of the other pharmacists’, is a clear giveaway to anyone who knows her, but to a stranger Shiro is just a tidy, petite scholar. He’s no odder than anyone else in Lilias, exactly the type of academic who gets mistaken for his students on a regular basis.
“Not half bad, you think?” Yuzuri whispers to Obi during Professor Hatiora’s talk. They both stand in the back, the seats of the auditorium filled with rapt scientists. Ryuu’s in the front row taking notes in his own shorthand. Shiro has a notebook ready for the Q&A period.
“I don’t see the big deal about him,” he answers, equally hushed. “They keep telling me this is all about cacti, but I don’t understand why we care.”
Now it’s Yuzuri’s turn to look at him like he’s stupid. This is not a good week for his reputation. “Not him, I mean Shiro! Adorable, right?”
Obi is not about to admit how cute it all is. Wanting to wrap his hand in Shirayuki’s hair and kiss the life out of her is a permanent state of being for him; Shiro’s shorter hair and those precious curves transformed by padding into broader shoulders and a trim waist are no deterrent to the feeling. The trousers are more than just not a deterrent. Obi has been making a particular point of preceding Shiro up stairs all day. 
“It’s not about what I think.” Up at the front, the professor nods at Shiro’s question and launches into a tangent about water levels. “But he seems to approve.”
After the talk, while most of the less-devoted scholars are filing out of the auditorium in clumps, Shiro lingers near the foot of the dais. Obi can hear it already, “one more question” that could turn into five. They’ll be there all afternoon.
Up on the dais, Professor Hatiora is gathering his notes. Suzu leans in with a question, he nods, and every hair on the back of Obi’s neck stands on end at Suzu’s answering smile. He’s been designated Hatiora’s escort while he’s in Lilias, and while it still doesn’t make up for all the attention Garrack pays Ryuu and Shirayuki every time she visits, he’s going to make the most of it while he can. The two of them saunter down to where Shirayuki’s waiting, but Obi beats them there.
Suzu gestures magnanimously, that mischievous smile still on his lips. “Shiro came to us from Wistal a few years ago, and has revolutionized our logistics between the checkpoints and the main pharmacy.” He’s up to something, but at least it doesn’t start with a lie.
“So many people in our profession are stuck in the past, it’s nice to hear about people improving the field. Nice to meet you, Shiro.” Hatiora blinks, his eyes magnified oddly through the thick glasses he wears. They shake hands, and Obi breathes a sigh of relief as Shirayuki’s knuckles squeeze white. Assertive, just the way they practiced. The professor smiles approvingly. “Suzu was telling me earlier about the hot springs of Lilias. We’re going to go soak and talk- would you like to join us?”
Obi understands the value of networking. Even if he hadn’t heard Zen go on about it whenever he makes Obi talk to boring people at parties, Suzu has made no bones about the value of who you know in academic circles. He’s still holding a grudge about the fact that Garrack can’t remember his name. And every time he gets onto the subject, everyone nods along. Shirayuki is friends with some of the most powerful people in the kingdom, and still she has academics she desperately wants to impress.
So Obi knows exactly what Shirayuki’s going to say even before she opens her mouth. “Sounds great! Which bath were you thinking?”
“The mixed baths at The Pomegranite. Sound good to you?” Suzu’s been looking for an excuse for those baths since they first opened, and he’s never looked more like a fox than he does right now. He’s enjoying this way too much. Obi’s teeth creak against each other as he reminds his fingers they don’t need to be on his hilts.
“I’ll meet you there!” Shirayuki’s voice breaks just a bit, but it passes for nothing more than excitement. Suzu escorts the professor out, and the cage of Obi’s teeth holds until they’ve left the room. 
“I can work with this,” Shirayuki starts.
“No you can’t! In the bath-” His blood runs cold thinking of it. “He will see you, and there will be no question-”
“I’ll wear a towel.” She waves off the objection, but Obi will not be deterred.
“Nobody wears a towel in the water!” He’s getting loud, he knows it, but he doesn’t know how to make her see how bad an idea this is. He leans closer, breathing through his nose to keep from yelling. “Please, miss, don’t do this-”
But she just smiles, so close, and it’s not a smile that says he’s won. “It’s going to be fine. I’ll stay under the water and not too close. He won’t be able to see that well, without his glasses on.” Her lips twist, and the desire to shake her almost overtakes all the others. “And you’ll be right there, right? Nothing’s going to happen.”
The argument is still not over as Obi waits in the Pomegranite’s soaking room. The mixed baths, as excited as Suzu was when they first opened, are not that crowded at the best of times, and the middle of the afternoon is something of a low period. And at least the washing areas are separate, so Obi just has to keep watch so nobody sees Shirayuki sneak out of the women’s washroom. The warm water laps at his legs as he watches her embarrassingly conspicuous progress.
Condensation drips from the ceiling with an echoing plink, loud enough that Shirayuki jumps and almost loses her towel. She gathers it up with a squeak, then catches herself and pulls it off. Obi grits his teeth and stares at the ceiling, tile patterns interesting but not quite enough to distract him from the endless rustle of a towel being folded.
Obi slips into the water so he doesn’t have to listen to her splashing as well, but waves in the pool tell him he’s not alone. “How do I look?”
“Wet. I’m not turning around.” She’s naked no more than a couple of feet away. Zen will have his head if he ever hears about this. “It’s not too late-”
Suzu passes through the door first. “- and the south greenhouses have a poison garden, Ryuu’s special project. You met him this morning, right?”
“He grunted at me, if that counts as meeting him.” There’s a splash behind Obi just as Hatiora enters the room. His glasses are on. “He seems young for a Royal Pharmacist.”
“He is, but trust me he’s earned it.” Suzu drops his towel and tests the water with his toe. “I see Obi’s here, but no S-Shiro. That’s unusual. Hi, Obi! Shiro decided not to come?”
A hand rests against his shoulder blade, pressing as the professor slips into the water still wearing his glasses. She must be hiding behind him. “Something came up.”
“Did it?” Suzu can’t keep a secret, so at least he hasn’t noticed Shirayuki either. “Well, at least you’re here. Professor Hatiora, this is Obi, Shiro’s-”
“Apprentice,” Obi interrupts, declining to point out that he’d been right there when Shiro was introduced earlier. Suzu tilts his head, squinting like Obi’s a fungus he wasn’t expecting, but it’s a better excuse than anything resembling the truth. 
“Ooh, good thinking, now you can ask my questions for me,” Shirayuki whispers just behind him. She has got to be kidding. “Ask him about how his herbarium preserved the cactus samples so that he could get such good slide sections years later.”
She’s not kidding.
“You’re a little- old for an apprentice, aren’t you?” Hatiora looks Obi up and down, and yes this is probably the most ridiculous alias he’s attempted to date, but if the king can pass as a pharmacist with exactly no experience, Obi can do it. He also knows perfectly well his age is not what’s being observed here. There are moments now when even he forgets the scar blazoned across his chest, but none of those are when it’s exposed for everyone to see.
“It’s a second career.” Suzu perks up, but Obi will leave it to their imagination exactly what the first career was. “My master wanted me to ask you something about cactus slides? How you preserved them for so long?”
“The slides were new, but the samples themselves were packed in ice. They dry out over time, but the structures we were interested in-” He pauses a moment, adjusting his glasses. “Nobody preserves slides, you take your observations, record your data, and then discard them. How long have you been an apprentice, and you haven’t been trained in sample preparation? How odd.”
“Oh, I can’t be trusted with knives, every time I end up covered in bandages.” He lifts a hand, years of nicks in his fingers standing out white against heat-flushed skin. Suzu coughs into the water, and there’s a vibration in the hand on his back as well.
“How odd.” The professor peers at his hand like it’s some kind of inferior sample. “I wasn’t expecting so many exceptions to the rules here in Lilias. A boy master, an apprentice that can’t handle sample preservation. . . I’d expect it somewhere like Wistal, that harridan Garrack never met a rule she couldn’t break. I swear, she wrote one good paper years and now everyone treats her like the queen of all pharmacy knowledge, but she couldn’t organize her way out of a sack.”
Suzu’s mouth drops open. Water splashes. The press of Shirayuki’s hand against Obi’s back releases, and he knows exactly what she’s going to do.
He’s not about to let her. He surges back, pressing her against the edge of the pool. “Achoo,” he says to cover up her startled squeak and his own erratic behavior. Suzu’s incredulous stare pivots from Hatiora to Obi.
“Let me go,” she whispers, squirming. She’s slippery but he’s determined; no amount of skin sliding against his own, no legs wrapping around his for leverage, no breasts pressing against his back will budge him. He can’t think about the details, can’t picture her- No. That’s impossible. All he can do is try to forget it.
As soon as he’s saved her from herself. “No,” he hisses back, covering it with another sneeze.
“I think I’ve had enough,” Professor Hatiora announces, eying Obi cautiously. Unqualified pharmacy apprentices are apparently that unpredictable and maybe even dangerous.
He heaves himself out of the water, and in the moment where he’s distracted Suzu shoots Obi a very confused and concerned look. Betrayed, even. “Maybe you’ve been in too long, Obi? You’re looking very flushed.”
That’s no surprise, and it’s got nothing to do with the hot water. It’s a shame he’s making Suzu look bad, but in his defense, Hatiora is a jerk. He can make it up with snacks later, Suzu is eminently bribeable. His mistress, however-
Her hand grabs his hip and it takes every bit of self-control he has to stay still. Her foot brushes his calf and her breath on his spine sends goosebumps racing down his arms. She hisses, “Obi!”
“Not yet,” he murmurs and waves.
Professor Hatiora tells Suzu, “At least you’ve got a good core team, with Shidan and you and that awkward fellow Shiro. Needs to speak up more, see if you can get him some decent help and mentoring.”
Suzu, not ignorant of the insult, looks back just once before they’re gone. Obi freezes, mid-wave, barely breathing until at last they’re gone.
Then he pushes away from the wall, away from the softness of forbidden skin pressing into his. His lungs collapse in on themselves as he whirls toward her, then away just as quickly. He wants to know how angry she is, while at the same time he’s afraid to see. He settles at last with his hands over his eyes.
“You should have let me hit him.” It’s almost a relief, then, to hear the censure in her voice, even when it’s not directed as it should be. Skin, hers against his own, an inexcusable closeness- “I can’t believe I looked up to him. What an absolute ass,” she concludes, and water splashes into the pool.
Obi peeks through his fingers, just as she sets a knee on the rim of the pool and lifts herself out of the water. There’s a dark mole just above her hip- it rivets his attention as her hip flexes and tenses, as water cascades down her back and off the tips of her short hair. She pauses, perched on the rim of the bath like a nymph on a statue, as pale and bright as painted marble, and he’s not brave enough to look, not strong enough to stop looking.
“I’m going to need to find some new references,” she says. “I’ll go back to older sources and draw new conclusions. I’ll work with Garrack- how can he possibly discount her work? Her and Izuru and so many others-”
“And you,” Obi says through his fingers.
She turns at that, and smiles, and stands-
And her foot slips out from under her.
Obi hardly knows what he’s doing, as he launches himself out of the water, as his hands grasp her thigh, her side, as he scoops her against him. Her skin is chilled against his but so smooth he gasps at the feel.
Odd, them turning out the lights like that, in the middle of the day. And the echoes-
“Let me get this straight.” Izuru’s close to laughing, Obi can hear it in her voice. He’s already been checked over, he’s just under observation now, but he can’t help but twitch his towel again in hope of another inch of coverage. He would be happy to be a little less observed. “How did this happen again?”
Izuru dabs at the scratches on Shirayuki’s back. There are more of them than he’d expected- guilt twinges a bit even through the throbbing in his head. “Those are from when Obi had me pinned against the pool wall. He’s very strong, you know.”
Perhaps, if he’s very very still, they’ll forget he’s there. No, that’s not a possibility, and neither is falling through the floor and living in a hole for the next month. He can’t even jump out the window, with his head spinning like this. There’s nothing to do but not meet Izuru’s eyes as they settle on him. “Is he,” she murmurs, the corner of her mouth twitching. She puts down the ointment and sits by Shirayuki’s side, turning over her swollen wrist to prod it carefully. “And then you fell?”
“It wouldn’t have happened if I weren’t all wet, but Obi grabbed me and-” She looks over at Obi now. Her towel is the same size as his, but making a better effort at decency now that Izuru’s done with her back. She knows he’s going to hate this part, even more than he already hates everything. “His eyes just rolled back and we went down. I’m guessing it was just too hot in there for him.”
Izuru’s eyes go wide, just for a moment, only to be replaced with a glee so profound that Obi knows refuting any of it isn’t worth the breath it would take. Everyone in the pharmacy will have heard the story before dinnertime. “You know,” she says, then has to take a moment to master herself again. “There are better places than the public baths for that kind of thing. I’ll go get the splint for you.”
Obi pointedly ignores the sound of her laughter out in the hall. Tomorrow the rumor will have made the circuit, and he'll have to counter it. It's not the first time and it won't be the last, but honestly they all should know better. Anyone who would think Shirayuki would do something like this for him, not for plants, doesn't know her very well at all. Obi never really will understand pharmacists.
Shirayuki buries her head in the pillow, her wailing much more muffled with the barrier. Yuzuri pats her on the shoulder. "You wouldn't believe what I did, and he didn't even react!"
Yuzuri watched Obi watch Shirayuki all morning. "I promise, it's not. Give it one more try, I'm sure that'll do it."
One eye glares at Yuzuri through a curtain of red hair. The short cut suits her. "I stripped naked and he couldn't stand to look at me. What more is there?"
"Go tell him you're interested." Yuzuri has a pretty good guess of what went down in the bath, because every time Obi had seen Shirayuki in her costume, he'd looked like he wanted to eat her. The man has impressive self control, but even he has limits. "And this time wear the trousers."
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seedkeeping · 7 years
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Dewy Asparagus. Asparagus's feathered foliage is made up of flattened stems that perform photosynthesis. #asparagusofficinalis #asparagus #dew #cladodes #cladophylls #phylloclades
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morrak · 4 years
Untitled Texas Xerophyte Series, Pt. I: Genus Opuntia
A staple; a fixture; an icon. If I can speak honestly? A friend.
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The prickly pear genus Opuntia is a relatively compact clade of paralyzing subtlety. Depending on the source it contains anywhere from 90 to 300 species, many of which further conceal varieties, subspecies, and/or cultivars.
Ancestral species were diploid at 2n = 22 chromosomes, but their tendency for hybridization and polyploidy means we now have tetra-, hexa-, and octaploid specimens kicking around without the decency to look much different. A posterchild for taxonomical hubris.
In 1783 Linnaeus originally lumped (almost) all cacti together in the obsolete genus Cactus (just so you could tell he’d read his Theophrastus), but only a year later Philip Miller astutely gave them their own clade (also, naturally, a Theophrastus fanboy). In 1789 it got slapped under the family Cactaceae, where it remains to this day. At and above that level, things are at least a little bit approachable: we’re looking at a dicotyledonous stem succulent with whacky structural adaptations and some fun phytochemistry. Not so bad when you put it that way, I guess.
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Above, we see four(?) species in three places with two very different environments showing off their blindingly similar pads. These are more properly called cladodes (sometimes phylloclades to those who boldly venture forth from the comfy hugbox of cactus morphology into the head-scratching hellstorm of molecular genetics). Colloquially, you’ll hear ‘pad’, ‘paddle’, sometimes ‘sabra’, or often the Spanish ‘nopal’ (plural nopales, from the Nahuatl ‘nōpalli’). Naming notwithstanding, these are intermediate between proper stems and leaves — we’ll see that their actual leaves are a different story altogether. Most species stay green, but some are grey or blue or even deep purple.
As an aside, the fruits can equally be ‘prickly pear’, ‘nostle’ (from the Nahuatl ‘nōchtli’), or ‘tuna’ (from Taino, according to Alexander von Humboldt). Sensing a pattern yet? Shit’s complicated. Incidentally, both the pads and the fruit of (most? all?) species are edible and debatably quite tasty, given proper precautions.
The above specimens are all doing the adaptationally trendy thing of growing in clonal colonies, wherein the mature specimens readily shed cladodes, which root out and establish themselves wherever they fell. This primes them to establish dense stands in habitat; given time, one dropped seed can turn into a copse of mutually wind- and erosion-shielding specimens.
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Older, basal cladodes turn to corky wood and grow into very robust trunks, sacrificing photosynthetic capability for excellent water retention and storage capacity.
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After a period of winter dormancy, new growth occurs at apical edges. For up to a couple months, the tender sprouts possess the only leaves (sensu photosynthetic bits) the plant ever has. These occur only at areoles, the obvious synapomorphy of Cactaceae. Areoles are extremely reduced stems, and also serve to generate trademark spines, which are in fact derived from leaves as well.
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Spines, though, are boring. Avoidable. Pedestrian, really. The real evil of Opuntia is their glochids. These aren’t leaf-derived, but nonetheless occur only at areoles.
At left we have the small ones on the most common culinary species, O. ficus-indica; right is the much cuter and much scarier O. microdasys. We call the latter blind cow cactus, because cows are, as it turns out, dumb, and will happily grievously wound themselves on anything that seems green and chewy. Both pictures are magnified 10x for the scare factor.
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Like all cacti, the flowers on these beasts are showy as all fuck. Stamens for days, and truly painful colors. Lots of species are bright yellow, but anything from white to blinding betalain pink-purple (thanks, Caryophyllales!). They can, but certainly don’t always, self-pollinate, after which the flowers shrivel and leave the module underneath to ripen and make the seeds look advantageously tasty.
These are not, on the whole, malevolent plants. Their defensive adaptations mostly serve to ward off wholesale destruction. Many species happily provide cover and structure for smaller plants; their flowers are about as inclusive as any insect-pollinated flower out there; their fruits are bright and sugary and quite accessible; their young stems are perfect for hungry herbivores to use as handles for collateral cloning.
Many species have been excellent companions to people from our very earliest presence in their range, and have benefitted from cultivation efforts across the genus. Various species have been adopted or selected into roles from culinary to a source of dye to ranching barrier to, especially recently, decoration.
Some species have run away with that success by escaping cultivation, and now have invasive ranges from the Mediterranean to Australia. Probably not surprising, given their flexibility, ubitquity, and tolerance for overall bullshit. From my comfortable seat in their native range, my response is probably a little too far on the ‘oh, you lovable scamps’ end of the spectrum to be considered Responsible Botany.
Wonder what Theophrastus would say if he were still alive to see Lesbos getting eaten by invasive Opuntians.
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Los Cactus Diarios
Su nombre vulgar es Ripsalis, es una planta crasa con flores en los extremos de los tallos. Existen múltiples especies y puedes escoger diferentes tamaños y los cuidados de los cactus Los Lithops cactus son plantas suculentas en forma de piedra con una floración sencilla pero bonita. La iluminación que necesitan los cactus es cuantiosa, aunque no todos los tipos de cactus soportan los rayos directos del sol. . I will use each of these words in at least one example sentence, so you can see them in context. Plus, I will show you a helpful memory tool that will make choosing cacti or cactuses a bit easier. A more recent 2011 study using fewer genes but more species also found that Pereskia was divided into these two clades, but was unable to resolve the members of the "core cacti" clade. It was accepted that the relationships shown above are "the most robust to date."[32] La Escenografía tanto interior como foráneo recibe un toque muy innovador con el uso de estas famosas plantas. Para la Escenografía interior, lo mejor es usar aquellas variedades que por su origen no son capaces de sobrevivir en el foráneo, y viceversa. Bone meal does not work on cacti to speed its growth. A cactus does not need light to grow and is impar-flammable. If a cactus has space directly above it, it grows even if the newly-grown block would immediately break due to adjacent blocks. Trading[edit] Since cacti and writing each contain the letter I, you Perro use this shared letter Figura a reminder to stick with cacti in formal writing. Some 15 genera are included in this subfamily. They may have leaves when they are young, but these are lost later. Their stems are usually divided into distinct "joints" or "pads" (cladodes). Productos que has gastado recientemente y recomendaciones destacadas › Ver o modificar tu historial de navegación Cacti destroy any items that come into contact with them, including cactus blocks harvested above them. No known fossils of cacti exist to throw light on their evolutionary history.[36] However, the geographical distribution of cacti offers some evidence. Except for a relatively recent spread of Rhipsalis baccifera to parts of the Old World, cacti are plants of South America and mainly southern regions of North America. This suggests the family must have evolved after the ancient continent of Gondwana split into South America and Africa, which occurred during the Early Cretaceous, around 145 to 101 million years ago.[37] Precisely when after this split cacti evolved is less clear. Older sources suggest an early origin around 90 – 66 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous. More recent molecular studies suggest a much younger origin, perhaps in very Late Eocene to early Oligocene periods, around 35–30 million years ago.[36][38] Based on the phylogeny of the cacti, the earliest diverging group (Pereskia clade A) may have originated in Central America and northern South America, whereas the caulocacti, those with more-or-less succulent stems, evolved later in the southern part of South America, and then moved northwards. Si queremos colocarlos en la ventana podemos usar una celosía oscura que no deja suceder esa vela directa. Aún podemos tener controladas las horas del día en las que el estrella está en cada lugar y elegir el mejor sitio para tu cactus. Cacti may also be planted outdoors in regions with suitable climates. Concern for water conservation in arid regions has led to the promotion of gardens requiring less watering (xeriscaping).
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textribe · 3 months
Plural of prickly pear: What You Need to Know
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Prickly pears are a type of cactus fruit that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Often used in cooking and skincare products, this unique fruit has a distinct flavor and texture. However, when referring to multiple prickly pears, it can be challenging to know the correct terminology to use. So, what is the plural of prickly pear? In this section, we will explore the different ways to pluralize the term "prickly pear" and provide guidelines for using the correct spelling. Understanding the proper terminology for referring to multiple prickly pears is essential for clear and accurate communication. The Singular and Plural of Prickly Pear SingularPluralPrickly pearPrickly pears The word "prickly pear" in its singular form refers to a single fruit or plant of the species. In the plural form, it becomes "prickly pears," indicating more than one fruit or plant. This transformation follows the standard rule of adding an 's' to a noun to pluralize it. Understanding Prickly Pear Definition of Prickly Pear Prickly pear, scientifically known as Opuntia, belongs to the cactus family. It's characterized by its distinctive pads, known as cladodes, and its colorful, bulbous fruit. The fruit is notable for its sweet, sometimes watery flavor and its small, hard seeds. Usage of Prickly Pear This plant thrives in arid and semi-arid regions. The fruit and pads are edible, with the former often used in jams, jellies, and beverages, and the latter in various dishes, particularly in Mexican cuisine. Use of Prickly Pear in Sentences - In a Single Context: "I picked a ripe prickly pear from the garden." - In a Plural Context: "The market had an array of prickly pears, ranging in color from green to deep red." - Describing the Plant: "The prickly pear plant in my backyard has grown significantly this year." - Culinary Use: "For dessert, we had a delightful prickly pear sorbet." - Cultural Reference: "In local folklore, the prickly pear symbolizes endurance and hope." Common Mistakes and Confusions - Misidentification: Often confused with similar cacti, it's important to correctly identify the prickly pear. - Singular/Plural Misuse: Remember, it's 'prickly pear' for one and 'prickly pears' for more than one. - Edible Parts: Confusion about which parts of the plant are edible can lead to culinary mishaps. Both the fruit and pads are edible. Commonly Asked Questions - Q: Can the term "pricklies pear" be used as a plural? A: No, the correct plural form is "prickly pears. - Q: Is there a difference in meaning between the singular and plural forms? A: The singular refers to one fruit or plant, while the plural refers to multiple fruits or plants. The meaning, in context to the plant or fruit, remains the same. Conclusion The prickly pear, a fascinating and versatile plant, is more than just a culinary ingredient; it's a testament to nature's adaptability. Understanding the correct plural form of prickly pear is essential for clear communication, especially in contexts involving cooking, gardening, or discussing biodiversity. This exploration not only enhances our linguistic skills but also deepens our appreciation for the natural world. FAQ What is the plural form of prickly pear? The plural form of prickly pear can be expressed in two ways: "prickly pears" or "prickly pear fruits". Both forms are widely accepted and commonly used. How do you spell the plural form of prickly pear? The plural form of prickly pear is spelled as "prickly pears". It is important to use the correct spelling to ensure clarity and accuracy in communication. What is the plural form of cactus pear? The plural form of cactus pear can be expressed in two ways as well: "cactus pears" or "cactus pear fruits". Both forms are acceptable and commonly used when referring to multiple cactus pears. How do you spell the plural form of cactus pear? The plural form of cactus pear is spelled as "cactus pears". Using the correct spelling ensures proper communication and avoids confusion. Are there any nuances in referring to multiple prickly pears? Yes, there can be. Regional and cultural variations may exist in referring to multiple prickly pears. However, using the terms "prickly pears" or "prickly pear fruits" generally covers the most common usage and avoids any potential confusions or misunderstandings. Read the full article
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foundhealth · 2 years
Cactus For Diabetes
You may think of cactus plants as simply thorny, potentially problematic plants. However, once they flower and the flowers end up becoming beautiful fruits, the plant becomes a little more appealing. The desert comes alive.
The flower/fruit could be thought of as symbolic of hidden beauty in the plant. That hidden beauty is all the health benefits this plant is chock full of.
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What About the Benefits of Cactus on Diabetes and Health?
The health benefits are found in both the leaves of the plant – called nopal cladodes – and the fruit.
Positive effects on human health from Opuntia species of cactus have been described since ancient times. Some of the reported benefits, including blood sugar regulation, include the following:
• antioxidant
• diuretic
• anticarcinogenic
• anti-inflammatory
• anti-cholesterol
• anti-viral
• anti-spermatogenic
And in the last 10 to 15 years, there have been a lot of studies emerging in the medical data to suggest that cactus could be the next superfood, especially for diabetics. For diabetics, what you are looking for primarily is blood sugar regulation.
What Causes the Blood Sugar Lowering Effects? One of the most effective blood sugar lowering medicinal ingredients found in cactus that has been tested is called ODP-1a, which stands for Opuntia dilleniid Haw-1a.
At Zhanjiang Normal University in China, researchers found that this component lowered all of the following (how cactus lowers blood sugar):
• food intake
• water intake
• fasting blood sugar levels
• total cholesterol
• triglycerides
• plasma urea nitrogen
• malondialdehyde
• glucose-6-phosphatase
All this shows blood sugar regulation
Visit here for more detail about  Cactus for Diabetes
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pradeepbillionaire · 3 years
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Asparagus racemosus, Willd. LILACEAE ENGLISH NAME:- Asparagus. Hindi - Satawar/Sahasmuli PARTS-USED:-Fleshyroots and cladodes. DESCRIPTION-Extensive spinous much branched elimber, leafless with cladodes white & small Flowers. 44 to 3/4 TASTE:-Sweet. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS-Fleshyroots Contains: Sugars, Mucilage& saponins, Fresh cladodes contain:- Diosgenin, Four saponins (Shatavarin), Shatavarin IV is Glycosides of Sarsa sapogenin, Rhamnese and Glucose. ACTIONS: Rejuvenator, Nervine tonic, Astringent, Galactogogue, spermo poietic Heart tonic Diuretic. adode USED IN:-Threaten abortion, Leuconhoea, Seminal debility, Goneral debility, Agalactia, Headach, Hysteria, Reduces blood pressur; Useful in acidity and ulcer patient, Extract of cladode is Anticancer. hoea, https://www.instagram.com/p/CVRnV48hwUA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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