#clay moorington nexo knights
pink-gladioli · 1 month
it has come to my attention that we as a fandom dont talk about axl enough so leave any headcannons/theories/rewrites you have about him!
imma go a rant bellow read more
okay so we all know that axl comes from diggionton or however the heck you spell it right? and he has no last name, my reasoning is that diggington just aint that big so people don't need last names. also most of his family seems to follow the axl name so maybe it kinda works a serionirty thing? like as soon as a son is born the axl name gets passed down onto them and the father becomes "papa" or senior axl.
now when it comes to backstories i feel that axl has a pretty good one, he wanted to become a knight but his dad wanted him to stay home and run the family inn. however i feel like if we were charactize axl as less of a brute, dumb, hungry, pessant boy which lets be honest is what the show paints him as, we would have to a slightly different route. we know that axl was one of the 3 nexo knights that actually wanted to become a knight (lance cleary didn't and aarron doesn't seem to care he just doesn't like all the rules that come with knighthood) so lets use that.
maybe his dad was supportive on him becoming a knight because like we need at least one knight with a good family, it could also show how despite the fact axl wasn't the richest of the group or the most academically smart he was the happiest, but they didn't have the money to pay for the entrance exam or access to a good libary/teacher were axl could learn (remember knighton may be very advance technologically but not socially) so its more of a dream than anything.
however maybe somehow there could be another way to get into the academy and that could be by a recomenidation of a seinor knight. but maybe all the knights in digginton didn't want to bother with writing a letter of recomendation or were just bad knights.
maybe there could have been a grand event were lets say a house caught on fire and no one was willing to go in to save idk whats something innocent, a baby or smth, then boom axl runs in, saves the baby or whatever it is, gets burned in the process and while most of the knights don't admit to the fact that this preteen boy had more guts than them and was willing to risk his life to safe something that couldn't protect itself. lets have 1 knight actually realize how he and his fellow knights of diggonton have lost their values and when axl recovers he sends a letter of recomendation and boom now axl has a chance to get into the knights academy.
cew cutsence of axl working his ass off and boom basic character backstory. but i can already hear that "this sound more like a clay backstory" which yes it would work pretty well for clay but i actually have a different charactization of clay then the show. i think it would be interesting if clay wasn't a knight because it was the right thing to do but instead because he looked up to the ideals of a knight and the determination to get there.
i mean for king halberts sake clay grew up on the streets, he couldn't have gone along carring for every singel person he saw or else he wouldn't have surived himself. and maybe that could be clays main character arc that he realizes that being a knight isn't about doing the right thing because its nobel or honnorable but instead being a knight has it roots in caring and wanting to protect others. and who could he learn that from- AXL BABY! yeah this show needs more of the main five interacting with each other. crap this got long and it probably isn't even readable, oh well
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merloksdigitaltoes · 8 months
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lennon-cuddlywump · 6 months
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Looking at Dreamzzzzz
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figs-oliomedley · 1 year
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Fuck you I’m right
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Woah silly lil headcanon ehe
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selena-nightroll · 5 months
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stellarwaffles · 3 months
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Clay x the other knights more like Clay x sleep
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n0th1ng43ver · 9 months
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batsinnappies · 7 months
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Hello nexo knights fandom, here's some Claytro
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dumbsterchild · 14 days
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i watched nexo knights when I was younger and i'm revisiting it! have some Clay Moorington.... or should I say Mournington :D.... okay i'll stop.
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I know this isn’t Ninjago, but I just had to.
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pink-gladioli · 1 year
i sometimes wonder how macy felt after season 4 because bruh one of her best friends just caused thousands of civilian casualties for the second time and her other best friend is like 'hey he was under mind control so you cant really blame him'. like would she pull a katara being like "you're only still alive because insert someone (clay if we're being honest) wants you, but it won't hesitate to kill you if you ever think of backstabbing us" or would she just be too tried to care?
because last time i checked jestro was just cleaning the remains of monstrux in his stone monster form so was he just sentenced to do manual labor until he fixed everything he destroyed. if so macy, the royal family, and the rest of knightons justice system were basically just slapping him on the wrist and saying "don't let it happen again" which i find really funny for some reason
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merloksdigitaltoes · 9 months
Clay works at walmart
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sandrakir31 · 9 months
Stylish guys 🤟🔥
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yuliiee · 6 months
once again, barely in time😔😔 but i did it!!
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unshaded version below
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zoomire · 1 year
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Fuck you *turns your nexo knights into a nexo dnd party*
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