merloksdigitaltoes · 22 days
Real quick gang now that i'm being a bit more active on Tumblr for the time being I would like to help raise awareness for the absolutely horrific genocide going on in Palestine right now. I also apologize for not posting about this sooner. Palestine is experiencing a genocide through the conflict with Israel, many people who were once living in Gaza were evacuated to Rafah in hopes of safety, only to be attacked once again with rockets and gunfire. Due to these bombardment of attacks, there are thousands of people who have been injured, and more than 30,000+ (the number is likely hovering at a much higher number now.) innocent men, women, and children who have been killed, a large majority of which ARE children. People there don’t have the resources to food, water, feminine/hygiene products, anesthesia, etc. I highly encourage you to learn about this and speak out about it, as I am not a reliable source of information, but I will be reposting as much content as I can find on the matter along with my usual content. Please be sure you are participating in the boycotts against large companies such as Mcdonalds and Starbucks, and spreading the word as much as you can. Here are some links I found rather helpful. Learn about Palestine (free) - https://decolonizepalestine.com/ Boycott companies that support Israel (free) - The ‘’No Thanks’’ app from BashSquare (available on iOS, Android, etc.) that will scan a barcode of an item and tell you if it's on the boycott list or not. Donate - https://www.gofundme.com/f/CareForGaza On top of this, those who support the genocide against innocent Palestinians I implore you to get the fuck off of my page. You are not welcome here. Please use your platform for good. no matter how small or big you are, if you have 1 follower or 1 million, your voice matters. Speak out about it.
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milkisvibin803 · 7 months
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merloksdigitaltoes · 24 days
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Hi guys I drew more crabs. I like crabs.
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merloksdigitaltoes · 18 days
Nexo knights is the one show where an average conversation will be someone going like "Thou wishes to depart on a journey of such futility? such a fool." and the only proper response is "Lmao I know right?"
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merloksdigitaltoes · 7 months
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actually posts art on Tumblr for once
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merloksdigitaltoes · 11 days
Just saying Clay is low-key incredible representation of someone being struck with a chronic/terminal illness.
We have a character who is physically fit, constantly working out, takes... somewhat great care of their body. Overall an incredibly healthy person.
Suddenly, he's stricken with illness, (literally referred as such once or twice in the show) he is forced to rely on mobility aids more often than not, he is incredibly tired, and eventually is too tired to perform many of the things he used to do, but even more than that, he manages despite this, he works around this, he doesn't give up, I love that.
Along with this, the other knights showing concerns even before it hit, Aaron being prepared to take Clay's place, these are all nicely done to show that things like this can affect everyone, even if it isn't directly.
He is a great example of how anybody, ANYBODY, can be stricken with some form of chronic or terminal illness, no matter how healthy they are. Even if it's done so in the form of magical stone stuff, and even if it's unintentional by the writers. Gotta love it.
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merloksdigitaltoes · 5 months
Tumblr thread except we pretend to be living in various nk villages.
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merloksdigitaltoes · 23 days
Y'all mfs would never survive the streets where they raised me
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merloksdigitaltoes · 26 days
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i've been playing another crabs treasure recently, you'll never guess who my favorite character is.
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merloksdigitaltoes · 2 months
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this is slowly becoming an oc page, IDC lmfao enjoy Talya (Lava monster on the right) belongs to @stellarwaffles
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merloksdigitaltoes · 9 days
People are definitely underplaying the fact Aaron is a canonical record-breaker, while I can only remember the main ones being in extreme sports, we see he does stupid shit all the time. To get the point across, has anyone ever considered the fact this man is just as addicted to the Guinness book of world records as Clay is to the knights code? I could definitely see that man doing the same shit Sandy did in that one episode of SpongeBob where she was trying to break every record in the big book of records.
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merloksdigitaltoes · 12 days
Raising awareness to a scam
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If you have received an ask like this, DO NOT DONATE. It is a scam, none of the proceeds are actually helping anyone. You are just getting robbed, not cool. It didn't take me long to research this btw, searching up something like "Gaza diabetes scam" or even checking the account date works. Shame on the people who do selfish and greedy things like this, it is disgusting.
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merloksdigitaltoes · 15 days
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this is /pos btw, I am absolutely OBSESSED with peoples squirebot ocs and how unique and interesting they all have become. In fact, I hope to see millions more made in the next 5 seconds.
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merloksdigitaltoes · 15 days
I feel like Clay would watch the shit out of those fuckin home design TikToks. He'd constantly be talking about how he could maximize the living conditions of the fortrex if he had enough galvanized square steel.
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merloksdigitaltoes · 1 year
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Feeling devious, here's an eventual monstrox design for my s5/6 concepts.
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merloksdigitaltoes · 1 month
Gang would you still love me if i only posted nexo knight oc art...
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