#cleanse and burn
bleakbluejay · 4 months
you motherfuckers have no concept of what "land back" or "decolonize" even mean. you're too busy demonizing entire groups of people, terrified, shitting yourselves, that they'll do even half of the horrors to you that you've done to them for decades or centuries. this shit comes off as hella racist for real. you hate arabs so much. you hate first nations people so much. you hate black people so much. even if you sympathize with them, you can't fucking bear the idea of them gaining freedom, independence, autonomy, safety, because you're so, so scared they'll hurt you back and cause chaos in the streets. these same people who just want to rebuild. who just want to go home. who just want to see their families again. who just want food. who just want medical care. who just want dry, warm shelter. you're so focused on the ideas of colonization, of "us vs. them", of one people displacing the other for a state to exist, that you cannot comprehend coexistence, and your only idea of peace is if an entire group of people were just gone and dead.
grow the fuck up. for the love of GOD, grow the fuck up.
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dejwrites · 7 months
i genuinely hope america burns to the ground.
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Simple ways to cleanse yourself
a continuation to this post!
The easiest way is to make a cleansing bath with hyssop and pray psalm 51 over it.
Not a christian? Make your cleansing bath with salt, lemon and rosemary. State your intention over it in whichever way you prefer.
For something that isn't a bath: take a white candle and rub it all over you. Always moving that candle downwards your body, never up. Pay special attention to your palms, back of the neck, chest and belly area, and the soles of your feet. When you're done, place the candle on a plate of salt, planting it in the salt, and light the candle. Pray that whatever was ailing you be burnt and destroyed by it's flame. If you know someone has sent a particular spirit to you, when the candle burns down to it's half, quickly turn it over and set it to stand bottom up, then light it on the bottom and demand that the spirit be returned to sender. Let it burn all the way down and discard the remains away from your home. Preferably, throw them at a river, facing the water so that it's running away from you, and go back home without looking back.
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imakemywings · 1 year
“It’s true,” Thingol said. “I wandered early one morning into the garden and there you were, curled abed in a big purple flower, the most perfect baby there ever was.”
“Ada!” Luthien exclaimed, crawling over the grass to where her father sat, legs folded, feet bare. “That’s not true! Babies come not from flowers!”  She sat back and tilted her little chin up with perfect confidence. “Nana told me so.”
“Well, certainly it is true that most babies come not from flowers,” Thingol allowed. “You are most correct there, my little bumblebee. But you are not like most babies.”
Luthien pressed the bottoms of her feet together and gave the king a gap-toothed grin, her loose black hair falling around her round cheeks.
“I was a special baby?” she said, as if she had never had this conversation before.
“Of course,” Thingol said. “I know you are the most special baby. Do you know how?” Luthien’s grin widened.
“How, Ada?” Thingol beckoned her nearer and she scrambled to her feet, coming over to lean near to him. He grasped her about the middle and pulled her in close to speak against her ear.
“Because you’re my baby,” he said, squeezing her sides to make her yelp and giggle as he pulled her into his lap.
“Ada!” She struggled upright to throw her arms around her father’s neck and hang onto him. Overhead, the bright green leaves rustled in the dusty shafts of golden sunlight that filtered through the forest canopy. Dragonflies and ladybugs danced pas de deux through the fragrant air. Thingol put his arms around her and briefly squeezed her; in his embrace, she felt infinitely small and soft. “May I have dessert first tonight?” she asked.
Thingol leaned back to look at her, silvery eyebrows raised.
“Now, why would I let you do that?” he asked. “You know it’s very important to eat your dinner first, especially for growing Elflings.” Particularly Elfings whose biology was still a mystery to everyone around them.
“Because I’m a special baby,” Luthien replied in the tone of one delivering the ultimate trump card, her toothy grin spreading from ear to ear.
In the end, he couldn’t argue with that logic.
On AO3
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 3 months
Thinking about the “Wildest Dreams” visuals on the Eras Tour being Taylor mostly alone in a bed and it eventually being consumed by flames and then her transitioning into “Bad Blood” where the visual is her burning down the Lover house, how fire has typically manifested in her discography and the covers for The Tortured Poets Department and the general vibe for it.
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tenebrous-academic · 1 year
I’m finally allowing myself to emotionally invest in Coach Ben. This man is not only surviving in the wilderness he is thriving in it.
Personally, I think he deserves to dabble in some arson. Just as a little treat.
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sarroora · 4 days
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Coz I ain’t putting up with the pieces of garbage trying to say ‘not all Zionists are bad’
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chronosdawn · 1 month
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Finally managed to complete Swarm Disaster difficulty V in HSR thanks in major part to Aventurine :')
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banrionceallach · 1 year
Has the goat burned yet?
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born-to-lose · 5 months
Finally deleting EVERYTHING related to my ex 🥳🥂💅🏻
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
For the past couple of weeks there has been an outrage fuel story circulating among rightwingers about a Texas mom who was arrested for having her kid walk home half a mile after throwing a tantrum in the car. It’s prompted fury about the nanny state and incursions on parental rights etc etc
The motivating concern of the cops who carried it out? The Great American Sex Trafficking Epidemic!
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Oh my god. After TharnType, what I need is EARLY OFFGUN, some cute hose scenes, some cleaning of face bruises, awkward flirtation, and a good-bad GMMTV serial drama. I thought I’d regret watching Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey, but fuck, this is the kind of mind-numbing, nonsensical-but-not-offensive content I NEED RIGHT NOW.
(Theory of Love starts tomorrow!)
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helshades · 6 months
When I have issues with historians, I ask: ‘Excuse me, mate, were you there? No? Well, shut the fuck up then.’
Ridley Scott, director of Gladiator and Napoleon, which explains so much
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news4dzhozhar · 3 months
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I don't know what's crazier about this - that someone so desperate for his voice to be heard and the cause that means so much to him to be seen that he attempts (and may likely succeed in suicide in such a painful way) or that 1 of the cops stands with his gun aimed at the man who is fully engulfed in flames for a full minute. At least 1 person had the common sense to yell, while others scrambled around, "I don't need more guns, I need another fire extinguisher".
This is the 2nd person to do this in the past 3 months. Before these 2 I'd only ever heard of this happening in the late 60s when a Buddhist monk, sat in lotus position & set himself on fire to protest the escalating Vietnam war.
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of-ether · 2 years
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ohmconsciousness · 1 year
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