#closed beta
stef-gallery · 10 months
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boringandunremarkable · 10 months
Forgot this blog existed. Moving on. I'm breaking my (short-lived) pattern to show off that I've been drawn for a Closed Beta Test!
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freckledsweetpea · 10 months
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hello palia
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daqooob · 10 months
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A grind that doesn't feel like it is. And that is a good thing.
I just spent three hours in Palia in one sitting. I usually have a hard time staying focused in games, and require breaks often. In this case, the game hooked me from the start.
I created my character right before the servers went down for maintenance, and even though my cousin (who I have planned to play Palia with) went to bed, I decided to hop on when they came back online. This was at 4 in the morning. It is now 7 AM, and I have not stopped playing until now. To be honest, I want to keep playing.
Without giving away any spoilers, I can safely say that Palia is a wonderfully low effort game. It holds your hand at just the right times and somehow makes it feel rewarding in the process. The writing is simple, but done tastefully and sparkled with enough humor to keep me smiling. I feel like I've barely scratched the surface, and yet I would be content replaying these three past hours again and again.
I'm in love.
8.5/10 after 3 hours.
(I can only imagine that rating will increase with time.)
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unikornu · 2 months
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Only Human still keeping me there :D Team gameplay is awesome and world can be pretty at times even if its beta.
Starlight D - EU - Herrison
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cj-6 · 2 months
Xdinary lore
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What is coming very soon - closed beta project. This will need most updating along the next couple of months and is currently the most incomplete.
Ok so around the 2nd of April Xdinary heroes changed their banner and profile picture on YouTube. It spelled out Xperiment project, which at the time didn't know anything about, but here is what I've been able to find.
On Twitter (or X whatever you want to call it) they made an official announcement that are doing a series of solo concerts. If you go on to the JYP official site you can find all the specific dates, but it ranges from April to September.
Now for literal meaning of the title, closed beta refers to a software release where versions are released to a restricted group of individuals for a user test by invitation. So it could be that they tease or play unreleased songs there.
Here are the pictures from this announcement.
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The bottom image has a lot of things left to reveal, the only thing we currently see are the months in which they will perform concerts, and then an increment in the version for each set of concerts (version 6.0 is in April, version 6.1 is in June,...). The poster shows a flowchart, which is a diagram that is also commonly used for computer systems to display the processes / the steps it goes through.
So overall still a lot left to be unveiled. Luckily we already know more, as closed beta v6.0 has officially happened now. And I was correct about the idea that they were going to play songs of their (at the time) unreleased album. Here's the songs they played:
No matter
Little things (also goes around as ''Young, shy and foolish'')
Money on my mind
Dreaming girl (which also got a lyric video)
until the end of time
Night of the fireworks
Music videos #2 << Xperiment project >> Additional sourcing
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radiantbastard · 1 year
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rubalotl · 10 months
I live in Palia now
So my first impression of Palia is that it's very much a tedious grind game, but I'm still very much invested in it atm. You need a lot of gold, the only progression systems are leveling up your skills and improving your relationships with the NPCs. You also have a home instance with a house that you can make look nice and cozy.
Your skills are:
Foraging (Taught by Ahsura)
Mining (Taught by Hodari)
Hunting (Taught by Hassian)
Fishing (Taught by Einar)
Bug catching (Taught by Auni)
Farming (Taught by Badruu)
Cooking (Taught by Reth)
Furniture making (Taught by Tish)
Up until level 10 you can buy crafting recipes in exchange for gold from the NPCs associated with each skill, like tool upgrades and crafters. Once you've reached level 10 all crafting recipes are available to you, and all you need is the gold to buy them.
After you reach level 10 it seems like you can then continue leveling up, but while using a skill you will periodically get another skill-specific currency that you can exchange for fancy items from each skill-specific NPC. Which I IMAGINE will relieve you a bit from the constant gold grind, since you never have to spend any more gold on another recipe again, which sounds amazing.
And then there are the relationships with the NPCs, some romanceable. You improve your relationship with them by talking to them, giving them gifts, and completing the quests that they give you (usually dull fetch quests, but I get to improve my skills in the process and the items they've asked for haven't been too hard to find). And so far it has been interesting getting to know them, they have already given interesting tidbits about their pasts that makes me want to know more about them.
As an aroace I'm a bit ??? about the romance thing, but I'm curious about seeing how it's written and I'm really hoping it's tolerable to me. There is queer positivity in the game, which makes me hope the writers thought about aro and ace people as well. I want queerplatonic energy, p l e a s e.
Anyway! The only reason I had time to write this little summary of the game's progression systems is because the servers are currently down lol. It is a tedious grind, but I'm still playing it after 5 days. I think my own desire to be invested in this world drives that.
I love the art style of it and exploring is fun, the environments are beautiful. I'm very interested in the lore, and I'm curious to see where the main story goes. And I'm also very curious to see what Palia will look like a year from now.
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kyzveryown · 3 months
Haven't played the Wuthering Waves beta for a week because of FFVII: Rebirth and likely won't be playing much from here on. Honestly, I regret getting into the closed beta. I haven't had the time to really get into it like everyone else. And while I've given some feedback on the game (suggestions, fixes, etc.), it was nothing meaningful. At this point, I might as well just wait until the game is fully released. I wouldn't expect that to be any time soon though.
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darielivalyen · 2 years
The Hidden Sanctum – Closed Beta
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I've just announced the closed beta on the COG Forum, and there are ten spots available. The closed beta will start on October 16, and it'll last until November 6.
If you want to become a beta tester, you can sign up here. Just read my last post, and make sure you'll have some time to actually test the game during these three weeks.
Beta testers will be added to the list of credits.
As for me, I'm about to put some heavy work into my new project. I'm excited and (a bit) scared at the same time. This project—The Elder Crystals—was born from the ashes of the Chronicles of Sekherion, and I hope to be able to tell you more about it soon!
That's all for now. I'll see you in the next post! 💛
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stef-gallery · 10 months
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askagamedev · 2 years
How often are playtesters used in game development? I know Valve uses a lot them a lot as they vocally say so during dev commentaries on some of their games. But what about everyone else? Do they use a lot of playtesters very much as well?
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There are a lot of different kinds of playtesters. On my current project, we have multiple internal playtests every week so that the different teams across the studio can get an opportunity to play the latest version of the game and gather feedback for the game's dev team. The thing we test each week varies - sometimes it is a specific game mode, others we're gathering feedback for a particular map, and others we're looking to test a particular feature.
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We also have regular focus group playtests on a regular basis. The User Research team usually brings in a new group of Kleenex testers every week or two. Kleenex testers are only ever brought in once to try the game fresh. They are not told what they will be testing beforehand, have signed the NDA, and will never be asked back again. They also often only get to test a specific aspect of the game, like the UI, the tutorial, a specific feature, etc. and do not get to play the full game. Focus playtests are there to prove out user experience and intuitiveness of the game's design.
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Most AAA studios will also have some form of beta playtest as well. Invitations to closed betas are often limited to company employees and their friends and family. Notable player community members often also receive invites. Closed betas exist for the dual purpose of testing the full game flow and to solicit their opinions on the user experience. Open betas are similar, but we essentially let anyone in who wants to play. The goal of an open beta is not really to solicit feedback (though we will take it), but to stress test the game to make sure it works at scale in real-world conditions (e.g. lag, server capacity, network infrastructure, game stability, etc.).
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Generally speaking, we try to get as much playtesting as we have the resources to support, provided that we have something specific we want to test (e.g. a new patch) and the thing we want to test is in a sufficiently stable state that it can be tested (it doesn't crash). Playtesting isn't free, we need to find and organize the testers, make sure they sign the NDAs, provide necessary setups for them, hold the test, collect the feedback, then parse and analyze that feedback to figure out what we can feasibly change to improve the game. It requires a lot of time, money, and effort on our part to hold these tests.
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r3gr3t-ramblings · 1 year
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Wuthering Waves, the Genshin Impact like RPG closed beta is starting tomorrow and the registrations are open
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m0nswoon · 10 months
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unikornu · 1 month
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Once Human - environment
Starlight D - EU - Herrison
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spiculicious · 10 months
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a bit ago, crushcrush mentioned a new upcoming game called palia. voi didn't live to see its release. i got into closed beta, made void as my character in void memory. today is void first birthday that voi isn't here. so i was playing the game to honor void for this day~ rip </3
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