#cmc talia
hjasjhasj I can't believe I actually finished a fic again xD I'll just see this as an early birthday present to myself, even if it's by a week lmao But yeah, here's the next part for the rivaling agencies AU :D Still not quite sure how to feel about it but at this point it just is what it is. So imma just yeet it onto the dashboard and disappear for a while again probably xD
Vanderwood x OC Talia
Another year, another birthday spent all alone. Usually Talia tried to snatch whatever mision she could get her hands on to keep her mind occupied, distracted from that day. But for whatever reason life really had it out for her and somehow there was nothing to do. So she found herself in a corner of a bar. Back to a wall where she was able to keep an eye on everything. Just because she had a day off it didn't mean she'd let her guard down. At least not completely. Besides, old habits died hard. "Can't believe I'm still alive with all my limbs attached", she muttered into her glass before taking a sip of the cocktail in it. Usually she went for straight stuff but that night she felt like trying something different. And the mixture of fruity and sweet was not all too bad. For a while she was able to just sit back, people watch a little and occasionally be torn between being happy for the people around her having fun with their friends and/or partners and a stinging feeling of jealousy. Which was about to get so much worse...
As the agent let her gaze wander, she spotted an all too familiar brunette over at the counter. The fact that he was wearing a leaopard print button up making her smile involuntarily. Typical... Though her expression fell as soon as a woman with long, red hair approached him. Getting all up in his personal space but even though she couldn't see Vanderwood's expression, it had to mean a lot when he let it happen. Meaning they were probably very close. Talia could feel her heart squeeze painfully, a sensation she hadn't had to deal with in so long that it was nearly overwhelming in that moment. Not to mention that the woman was gorgeous. Bright golden eyes that seemed to gleam in the dim light, shiny hair cascading down her back...
After quickly downing the rest of her drink, she slammed probably way more money than her drinks had cost on the table. She needed to get out, get away before he could spot her and how miserable she probably looked. Just disappear into the shadows. She'd done it a million times before, she was good at disappearing. Only that karma, or whoever else apparently wanted to play a sick joke on her, had a different plan. Because as she glanced back despite her better judgment, Vanderwood met her gaze, expression going from surprised to confused. The woman next to him seemed to notice that he was momentarily distracted and followed his line of sight, her head tilted to the side as she spotted Talia.
Fuck, was all she could think of as she finally, hastily left the bar, feet carrying her back home on autopilot as her brain went completely blank. Only when the door of her apartment closed behind her did she let out a shaky breath. Eyes burning from the tears she was trying her hardest to hold back. "For fucks sake you killed and survived getting killed for years! You're not gonna start crying over some guy you shouldn't have gotten close to in the first place! You're not that weak and pathetic!" Maybe reverting to anger would help. Getting angry at herself, angry at her stupidity for indulging in something she damn well knew would end up hurting her in the end, one way or another. Yet here she was. On her stupid birthday, sinking to the ground as she cried over some stupid man from another stupid agency. What did she think would happen? There wasn't even any guarantee that their friendship had been real. Maybe it was just all to get information from her. So why did the thought of him being with someone else still hurt so much? Oh, right. Because she was an idiot who let herself catch feelings for someone who was technically an enemy.
She was so lost in her thoughts that the ringing of her phone actually startled her and when she saw the name on the screen another wave of tears rolled down her cheeks. One missed called followed another. Only for Vanderwood to then send her a couple messages. Asking why she didn't pick up, if something happened to her, if she got injured... It was tempting to throw her phone full force against the next wall in hopes of smashing it into little pieces. Thankfully there was still a tiny part in her left that was able to think somewhat rationally, so instead she turned it off. At the same time shuffling over to her bedroom, falling face first on the mattress. She didn't even bother to get changed, only kicking her shoes off. It was like all the energy in her body had suddenly been drained and all she could do was bury her face in the pillow, crying herself to sleep as her heart continued to break further and futher until she eventually passed out from exhaustion.
A couple days had went by ever since that night. And all those days Talia was basically drowning herself in work. Taking on everything she could, no matter what kind of mission it was. Anything was better than being left alone and the heartbreak she still tried her hardest to forget about. Why did he still had to act like he cared? Why make it even harder on her by pretending to be worried about her and her well-being? Why couldn't he just act like the enemy he actually was "Maybe I should've listened to grandma. Men are nothing but trouble", the brunette huffed under her breath, all while tightening the grip of her thighs around a guy's throat until he passed out and went limp.
"There are certainly worse ways to go." Why? Why and how was it possible that she always bumped into Vanderwood on missions? It couldn't have been a coincidence anymore at that rate. At least the past days gave her some time to work on her pokerface, which she immediately put on as she got up, barely looking at him before she already turned her back on him. If she didn't look at him, she couldn't falter... right? "Can we talk? Please?" "I'm kind of busy right now, if you couldn't tell", she huffed.
Just as she was about to leave, because getting away as quickly as possible was much preferred, a hand wrapped around her wrist. Not tightly but it was enough to make her stop dead in her tracks. She hated how familiar the leather of his glove felt on her skin. How her heart involuntarily skipped a beat from the close proximity. "Talia-" "Don't. I have a job to do and I assume so do you. Besides, we shouldn't be like this anyway. Not only because we are working for different agencies but... God, I can't believe I let you play me for so long. A humorless laugh escaped her as she pulled her hand away, at the same time taking a couple steps back. Maybe she could trick her mind into distancing itself when she did so physically as well. And Vanderwood? He looked even more confused than he had that night at the bar. It nearly made her feel bad. Only nearly though.
"Playing you? What are you talking about?" "Don't pretend like I'm fucking stupid, Vanderwood. I saw how close you were with that woman. So why spend so much time with me when you obviously have someone in your life already, hm? Was it just to get information out of me? To make me feel safe enough to spill some secrets? Like the other night when I told you that-" "Kali." Even if he only said her name, her real name, it was enough to shut her up and all she could do was look at him with glassy, blue eyes. Though the last thing she expected was for him to pull her into a hug. Arms wrapped around her so tightly, it nearly felt like he was afraid of her falling apart if he let go. And maybe that would've actually been the case. Sadly it also made her walls crumble down way to easily, a quiet sob escaping her throat when she buried her face on his chest. Fingers digging into the back of his coat.
"Shh, shh. It's okay... Is that why you kept ignoring me?" The only thing she could do was nod. And Talia half expected him to make fun of her. Hell, she couldn't even have blamed him. Instead one of his hands moved up to cup the nape of her neck, pulling her even closer to himself. "Do you remember the hacker brat I told you about?", she nodded again, which was enough to make him continue, "The woman you saw was him. That idiot always takes it too far when he gets sent on undercover missions with me." She could pretty much hear in his voice that he rolled his eyes, although once her brain caught up to what she had just been told, she pulled back in order to look up at him. Face in a frown. "Wait... So that means-" "It means you worried about nothing and things could've been resolved much sooner if you'd have just picked up one of my calls."
Even now he didn't sound upset or condescending in any way. If anything, he looked so understanding which only confused her more. "I'd rather chew off my own arm than ever let you think I'm dating another woman. Especially when that woman in question is actually the hacker brat", he muttered, even shuddering. It was enough to draw a quiet chuckle out of her and she got on tiptoes, arms now snaking around his neck. "Soooo does it mean that if I was thinking about-" "Less talking..."
With that Vanderwood already crossed the small distance between them, lips pressed to hers in a nearly desperate kiss. All those emotions both had been trying to supress for way too long spilling into the open. Making it near impossible for her not to smile into the kiss. Her heart feeling much lighter than it had since her birthday. "You okay now?", Vanderwood's voice was barely above a whisper, the loving glint in his eyes robbing her of all coherent thoughts. Thumbs tenderly brushing some remaining tears from her cheeks. "Mhm~" "Want me to help with your mission?" "Nah, I'm good. But! You can meet me here again in... let's say 10 minutes. Then take me to your place and we could cook together", Talia suggested in-between little pecks. It was just too tempting to do now that she was officially allowed to kiss him. "Why my place?" "Because I know for a fact that your kitchen is way better stocked than mine is." "... Fair enough."
It was obvious that neither of them wanted to part, especially not now. But work still had to get done. No matter how badly she wanted to just stay in his arms. Though the sooner she'd get the mission done, the sooner they could leave. Vanderwood was the one who pulled her in for another proper kiss. And oh was it tempting to prolong it... If she was completely honest, Talia had absolutely no idea how she did it, but she managed to eventually take a step back, cheeks ever so slightly flushed. "See you in a bit, handsome", she hummed, fingertips touching her lips as soon as she had her back turned on him and a big smile refused to leave her face. There were no words to describe how glad she was about everything getting resolved and that things were nothing but a stupid misunderstanding. Sure, there were many more challenges for them still, but for now she'd allow herself to enjoy her night with the man who was supposed to be an enemy but turned out to become her lover in the end. Funny how life can go, sometimes...
Vanderwood x Talia Masterlist
Taglist: @just-a-key @amborii @cass-who @otomaticallyobsessedessed @mixed-bag-of-tricks @brighteststar707 @currentlyprocrastinating @violetrei @kumaronoa
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kumaronoa · 3 years
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clothing study with my beloved mutual’s Oc’s ( part Il ) 💜
Talia - @mammonprotectionsquad   + bonus chibi Vandy lol 
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Hi, hello... I actually started writing and I think I should be about halfway done. But my brain is giving up on me for the night so uh... I'mma just throw a little sneak peek for the next part of the Rivaling Agencies AU for Vandy and Talia 👀
Fuck, was all she could think of as she finally, hastily left the bar, feet carrying her back home on autopilot as her brain went completely blank. Only when the door of her apartment closed behind her did she let out a shaky breath. Eyes burning from the tears she was trying her hardest to hold back.
"For fucks sake you killed and survived getting killed for years! You're not gonna start crying over some guy you shouldn't have gotten close to in the first place! You're not that weak and pathetic!"
Maybe reverting to anger would help. Getting angry at herself, angry at her stupidity for indulging in something she damn well knew would end up hurting her in the end, one way or another. Yet here she was. On her stupid birthday, sinking to the ground as she cried over some stupid man from another stupid agency. What did she think would happen? There wasn't even any guarantee that their friendship had been real. Maybe it was just all to get information from her. So why did the thought of him being with someone else still hurt so much? Oh, right. Because she was an idiot who let herself catch feelings for someone who was technically an enemy.
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Ayo I'm back from the dead! I would love to say that I got over my writers block but uh... Chances are high I will disappear after this again, writing wise 😅
Also, this isn't proof read. I can't be arsed rn. So... We die like Vanderwood does internally every time he has to deal with Saeyoung xD
Anyway! Here's part 3 of the rivaling agencies au with Vandy and my cmc :3
Blind trust
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia
Vanderwood hated it. He hated how he actually began checking his phone regularly, instead of simply using it when necessary. He hated to admit that he was waiting for her to message first, replies, hell even calls! After all, he wasn't even that talkative. But god, there was just something about her voice, the way there was still so much joy left in her even if they've both been through similar shit as agents, that made him stay on the line with her for hours. Mainly listening, every now and then throwing something in and she even got him to share some short stories of his own. He had no idea how, or when it happened, but that woman had easily snaked her way into his life.
Now there he was, sitting on the couch on one of his very rare days off work, with a rather annoying feeling of worry in the pit of his stomach. Eating away at him. Simply because as hour after hour passed by, there was no answer to his last text. Of course he knew that it was impossible to always answer immediately, though it was kind of concerning that her last message was sent 9 hours ago. Usually she even sent him something when on a job, no matter if it was a proper answer to what he wrote, or just simply letting him know that she was on a mission and a Dont worry, I'm still alive. Not getting rid of my annoying ass that easily.
Groaning in frustration, the brunette dropped his phone next to himself on the couch, before he rubed his hands over his face. He had to get it together... It was stupid enough that he had actually contacted her after she'd slipped her number into his pocket, that one night. Actually getting attached to her? She was still technically an enemy. Working for a dfferent agency. Not only that, but of course for one his agency always had a feud with, as far as he could remember. In some way it was kind of ironic, but also... Could he really be sure that she wasn't only doing all that to get the upper hand on him? Too many questions and no answers at all.
He got pulled out of his thoughts by sudden knocking, causing him to be on high alert in a matter of seconds as he quietly walked to the door. Though as soon as he looked through the peephole, he acted before he could've thought it through. Nearly ripping the door open as he stared at Talia, who looked rather worse for wear with a sheepish smile on her face.
"Sorry to show up out of nowhere like this, but... I didn't know where else to go."
As much as his worry grew seeing her like that, it didn't stop his heart from fluttering at her words. A foreign, nearly unsettling feeling. Though for now he pushed it down, seeing how that was not the most pressing issue in that situation.
There was no hesitation as he grabbed her hand to pull her into his apartment, closing the door behind them with his foot, while his fingertips were already skimming along her sides to assess how bad the damage was. Face in a frown whenever she flinched or tried, and failed, to suppress any pained noises.
"Vanderwood, it's not that bad, really. I've been far worse in the past and-"
"Who did this to you?", he interrupted her, nearly growling. It wasn't what he had actually wanted to ask her, or how he wanted to ask what had happened, but apparently his tongue had decided to be faster than his brain.
In order to play down his little slip up, he nudged Talia into the bathroom, where he kept his well stocked first aid kit. Simply lifting her up and setting her down on the bathroom counter before she even had the chance to complain or keep on insisting that she was fine.
"So? What happened?", he asked again, at the same time already pushing her shirt up far enough, so he was able to tend to the cuts on her sides and stomach.
"A mess is what happened... To make a long story short, I had a feeling that we have a traitor in our agency. Now guess what? We actually have two! Somehow they noticed I was on to them, so they pretty much sold me out to an enemy. Said enemy- ouch! Can't you be a bit more gentle?", she muttered when he began dabbing an alcohol doused cotton ball over her injuries. At the same time instinctively trying to lean away from him, which earned herself a roll of his eyes.
"I need to disinfect them so they won't potentially get infected. You're lucky we don't need to sew anything up."
"No shit, I know all that but it still stings like a bitch..."
"Stop whining and continue with your story."
"Jeez, so cold. Fine, now where was I?"
It was impossible not to notice how she actually relaxed a bit during their banter and the playful glint she usually had in her eyes returned as well . Meaning her injuries were probably really not that bad.
"Ah, right! Okay. I got sold out for being on to those two assholes. Then, this morning, in broad daylight, a group of burly bad men show up at my place and try to kill me. Obviously it didn't work, because come on. As if I'd let some pathetic dudes like that just end me."
Vanderwood huffed a quiet chuckle at that. Mainly because he'd experienced first hand what she was able to do and knew better than to underestimate her just because she was rather petite looking. And the smile he got in return for his reaction? It was enough to shortly distract him from his actual task.
"Idiots dead, so I quickly grabbed the most important things, threw everything in my car and drove around for a couple hours to make sure no one was following me."
Talia let out a long sigh, tilting her head back, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. He used that moment to study her features for a moment. How pale her skin appeared, aside from the bruise that had formed around one of her eyes. Not to mention how obvious it was that she was downright exhausted and in dire need of some rest.
Snapping himself back into reality, he dropped the used cotton balls into the sink for now, before he began to carefully wrap a bandage around her left arm and the lower half of her torso.
"Since they now know where I live, I couldn't just go back home. And as you might be aware of, it's not exactly possible to really make friends in our field of work."
The sudden soft touch of fingertips against his forehead, as she reached out to brush a strand of hair that had escaped his ponytail, behind his ear made his eyes snap up, causing him to stop in his tracks for a couple seconds.
"I know this might sound insane, especially since we shouldn't even trust each other for obvious reasons, but... I do anyway. In fact, I don't think I've felt this safe around anyone ever since I was a kid."
An avalanche of emotions washed over the agent, while at the same time things he'd been trying his hardest to push down began to desperately crawl their way up to the surface. Wanting to get out, spill into the open. But before that could happen, he helped her back down from the counter.
"You can stay here tonight. Bedroom is yours. Grab whatever you'd be comfortable sleeping in from my closet." On one hand it was a diverson from the former topic. Could he really be blamed? He sucked at everything that was feelings related. On the other hand the thought of seeing her in his clothes left him feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. It was strange.
"Where are you gonna sleep?"
"The couch", he simply answered with a shrug, not looking up from his task of cleaning up the sink. Which also resulted in him rather hearing than seeing how Talia padded her way into the bedroom.
"What a fucking mess...", he muttered to himself as he began to discard of the cotton pads, followed by making sure no stains would be left in the sink. Not just the aftermath of patching someone up in his bathroom, but especially the entire situation they found themselves in. Everything was a huge mess and it felt like it would only get worse and worse in the future.
One of the things he'd always tried to avoid had happened; he got attached. To an enemy no less. And yet for some strange reason it wasn't as terrifying as it probably should've been.
Once everything was spotless again, Vanderwood went to grab a bottle of water to bring it to the other agent. Honestly just an excuse to check on her again, although the silence after he knocked on the bedroom door told him that she was probably out cold. Still he slipped inside to put the bottle down on the bedside table and if he maybe made sure she was properly tugged in, no one would ever find out about it.
Now that he couldn't get caught doing so, he studied her features once more and damn... Even in her sleep she looked exhausted as all hell. But then again, it had been an eventful, long day for her.
Eventually the brunette made his way into the living room to get as comfortable as possible on the couch, even though he knew that he would most definitely not get a lot of sleep. Not because he didn't trust her, but because he was still worried. Always perking up when he heard something coming from the bedroom.
He didn't know how long he'd already been laying there when suddenly there was the quiet padding of naked feet getting closer and closer. Shortly after his blanket got lifted up and Talia slipped under it, pressing herself to his back.
Letting out a surprised noise, he turned around to face her, brows furrowed in utter confusion.
"I'm cold...", she muttered, before he even had the chance to ask what she was doing.
And as much as he knew it was stupid. As much as he knew he should've sent her back to the bedroom, not only because it got a bit cramped with both of them on the couch, he didn't. Instead he wrapped his arms around her small frame in order to make sure she wouldn't potentially fall off. Definitely not because he actually enjoyed having her all cuddled up to him, her face even buried on his neck, nuzzling into it. He only wanted to make sure she wouln't hurt herself more. He'd die on that hill.
In all honesty though... It was nice. And while he was convinced that she wasn't actually cold and only used that as a lame excuse, he really didn't mind. Would it have been more comfortable to just go to bed? Sure. But this way they had the excsue to be that close because of the small space they were sharing.
"Thanks again for letting me stay here... And patching me up. I promise I'll make it up to you", she nearly whispered, the way her lips brushed against his skin sending a shiver down his spine.
"Don't worry about it. It's fine."
"Mhm... If you say so."
A comfortable silence settled between them and without really noticing it, one of his hands moved into her hair, gently carding through it. Something that was weirdly relaxing to do and with her so close, he could finally feel himself get drowsy as well.
"Oh, by the way, Vandy?", Talia's sleepy voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "My real name is Kali..."
Vanderwood's eyes shot open at that and he stared down at her in complete and utter shock. Though it became very obvious that the woman in his arms had already fallen asleep after dropping something that big on him.
While he was still in shock, there was no denying that his heart was beating so hard it felt like it was about to jump right out of his ribcage. She trusted him enough to tell him her real name. Something they weren't ever supposed to use. He remembered the day he got a new indentity, how he got told that his old self was dead and he was never to use that name again. And now here she was, telling him something like that out of absolutely nowhere.
Maybe that was also the moment where he decided that he would do everything in his power to keep her safe. It was risky, sure. But so was their entire... whatever it was they had. Besides he was convinced that he had actually done worse things before. Like agreeing to babysit the little hacker brat.
Of course he was well aware that she was more than just able to look after herself, yet she seemed to vulnerable in that moment. It made him pritect her from the world, something he absolutely was not used to. Still it wasn't an unpleasant feeling at all.
"Sleep well... Kali."
After pressing a lingering kiss to her forhead, he pulled her a little closer into his chest. The warmth radiating from her body and her even breathing slowly but surely lulling him to sleep as well.
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia Masterlist
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@hell-temptations @just-a-key @amborii @cass-who @otomaticallyobsessed @mixed-bag-of-tricks @celesti4 @violetrei @kumaronoa
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Okay so I was debating for a long time about whether or not I'll post my Vandy/Talia stuff on ao3. But then I figured that it would probably be easier to navigate instead of constantly having to go back and forth on my masterlist xD
The only things I didn't include were the song fic and the au stuff.
But yeah, if you'd like to read the stuff on ao3, it's right here ☺️
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Ayooo I'm back with a little something that was a spontaneous idea I got while listening to a song. It's not much but I missed writing for these two, so it made me pretty happy 😊
At first I was like "this probably happened sometime during their time at the agency". But then my brain went "Wait! What if this is an alternative for what happened in Big Changes? Aka a little au thing? :0 sooo that's what I kinda had in mind while I was writing it xD
Leap of faith
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia
Talia was running. Lungs burning and legs in pain from how long she'd had to do that already. Jumping over rocks, branches leaving small cuts on her face and arms as they grazed harshly along her skin when they whipped past her. Her persuers obviously never letting up as she continued to hear voices getting closer, just like gunshots that were clearly meant for her. If anyone had told her what a suicide mission this would turn into, she would've never taken the job. But there she was. Constantly repeating in her mind that she had to keep going, that she had to make it home. Alive.
As the persuers began to slowly close in on her, their heavy footsteps growing lowder and lowder, she continued to run uphill. Willing her body to keep going, to push forward. No matter how much her body was screaming at her to stop and rest. Just collapse on the ground and sleep for days.
Though soon enough she noticed that she was running towards a dead end. Water rushing loudly at the bottom of the cliff she headed straight towards. Now she had to think quickly. Decide between getting caught and probably killed in a slow and painful way or jumping and maybe, with a little luck, surviving. Not a difficult decision to make, if she was completely honest. A couple broken bones and possibly getting a concussion sounded more bearable than whatever those assholes that were after her would do if they got their hands on her.
As she picked up her pace, all she was able to hear was the rapid beating of her heart, drowning everything else around her out. Focus completely on jumping as far as possible to land in the deeper water of the river below.
Just as she was about to push herself off the ground, someone grabbed her hand and yanked her back until she was colliding with someone's chest, the arms that were wrapped tightly around her trembling. Along with a face burying itself in her messy, dark hair she hadn't even noticed came loose from her ponytail.
Talia's first instinct was to struggle, attempt to break free from whoever had such a firm hold on her and was currently triggering her fight or flight instincts even more. Only when a familiar scent hit her did her body start to relax. The hold the man had on her probably the only thing that kept her upright in that situation.
"I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life before...", the quiet, raspy voice of Vanderwood carried to her ears.
An avalanche of emotions washed over her all at once; confusin, relief, lingering fear... With wobbly legs, she turned around to face the other agent, nothing but a choked sob escaping her, even though there were so many things she wanted to say, wanted to ask. Like how did he find her so quickly? What about the people that were after her? Did he get hurt? But all she was really able to do was cling to the front of the coat that she came to love, just like the man in front of her.
"It's okay, babygirl. I've got you. You're safe now", Vanderwood murmured as he continued to hug her close to his chest. Hands running through her hair in a weak attempt to smooth it down a bit along with, what she assumed, checking her head for any injuries, before he shifted and cupped her cheeks in his gloved hands. Thumbs ever so gently wiping away the few tears that had rolled down her face.
"H-how did you-"
"Seven", he simply interrupted, causing her to let out an amused snort. Because of course it had been Seven who tracked her down so quickly. There was also a high possibilities that he was threatened into letting Vandy borrow one of his babies to get to her as fast as possible. And honestly? There were no words to describe how glad she was about having both those men in her life.
Slowly but surely exhaustion caught up to her. Or rather; it hit her like a brick to the head. Though before there was even the chance for her to say anything about it, her feet already left the ground and she found herself in Vanderwood's arms, who carried her back through the forest like it was nothing.
"I can't believe you nearly jumped off a fucking cliff..."
"Hey, it's gonna be a great story to tell our children and grandkids", she snickered, voice quiet and getting muffled by how she had buried her face on his neck.
"You absolut idiot... You're lucky I love you so much."
"Yeah, I know~"
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia Masterlist
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@hell-temptations @just-a-key @amborii @dis-gorl-does-stuff @otomaticallyobsessed @mixed-bag-of-tricks @quirky-and-kind @violetrei @kumaronoa
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Why not post a little wip, now that I'm actually working on something new again lol.
So have this snipped of the Rivaling Agency AU, that I'll hopefully manage to finish in the next couple days ✌🏻
Vanderwood hated it. He hated how he actually began checking his phone regularly, instead of simply using it when necessary. He hated to admit that he was waiting for her to message first, replies, hell even calls! After all, he wasn't even that talkative. But god, there was just something about her voice, the way there was still so much joy left in her even if they've both been through similar shit as agents, that made him stay on the line with her for hours. Mainly listening, every now and then throwing something in and she even got him to share some short stories of his own. He had no idea how, or when it happened, but that woman had easily snaked her way into his life.
Now there he was, sitting on the couch on one of his very rare days off work, with a rather annoying feeling of worry in the pit of his stomach. Eating away at him. Simply because as hour after hour passed by, there was no answer to his last text. Of course he knew that it was impossible to always answer immediately, though it was kind of concerning that her last message was sent 9 hours ago. Usually she even sent him something when on a job, no matter if it was a proper answer to what he wrote, or just simply letting him know that she was on a mission and a Dont worry, I'm still alive. Not getting rid of my annoying ass that easily.
Groaning in frustration, the brunette dropped his phone next to himself on the couch, before he rubed his hands over his face. He had to get it together... It was stupid enough that he had actually contacted her after she'd slipped her number into his pocket, that one night. Actually getting attached to her? She was still technically an enemy. Working for a dfferent agency. Not only that, but of course for one his agency always had a feud with, as far as he could remember. In some way it was kind of ironic, but also... Could he really be sure that she wasn't only doing all that to get the upper hand on him? Too many questions and no answers at all.
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Okay, listen! I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers... So here's the rivaling agencies au for Vandy and my Cmc that no one asked for. Well... Maybe @casual-flower kinda asked for it 😂💕
Also, maybe there will come another piece for this au 👀 I already have some ideas
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Unexpected encounters
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia
The big building was way too quiet. Especially considering the fact that they held all sorts of sensitive data, the place should've been crawling with security. An uneasy feeling settled in his gut, grip on the gun tightening as Vanderwood carefully moved forward. Listening to the smallest sound that could've indicated that someone came closer. But there was still no security, no nothing.
After he rounded a corner, he spotted the first people, though they were already on the ground. Some very obviously dead, judging by the puddles of blood surrounding them, while others could've also simply gotten knocked out. If he hadn't known that the agency definitely only sent him, he would've thought there was a little mishap of them not forwarding the information that he'd be working with someone else. But after inspecting one of the bodies closer and spotting something that looked very much like a knife wound, it became more than obvious that it was no one from their agency. There was only one person he knew that prefered to use knives instead of guns.
Just as he had put all pieces together a door opened right ahead of him, the person stepping out no other than Talia Brooks, one of the best agents of their biggest rivaling agency. So far he had never truly run into her, although from what he'd heard, he had imagined her to be less... delicate looking. But now that she was in front of him he couldn't help but notice how small she was. Still, he knew better than to judge a book by its cover.
For a moment they both only stared at each other, a glimmer of recognition in her blue eyes, before she already made a move. Vanderwood had just lifted his gun, when she reached out for something right next to her, which soon turned out to be a glass ball, probably used as a paper weight. She aimed right at his hand as she threw it, knocking the weapon out of his hand that way.
A surprised noise escaped his throat, though there was neither time to dwell on it, nor to pick it up again, as he already had to block her next attack, getting a tight grip on her wrist before she could've rammed the knife into his side. Afterwards he twisted her arm so far back that she had no choice but to let go, if she wanted to prevent any bones from getting broken.
"They didn't lie when they said you're good huh, Vanderwood?", she muttered through gritted teeth, at the same time her expression shifted to something that nearly looked like excitement.
It was enough to throw the agent off and distract him momentarily, giving her the opportunity to strike and that she did surprisingly fast. Talia's fist collided full force with his stomach, causing him to double over.
When she tried to slip past him, he quickly reached out and got a hold of her long ponytail, yanking her back that way and once her back collided with his chest, his free arm wrapped around her neck in a choke hold .
"Where do you think you're going?", he nearly growled.
The hand that had previously been in her hair now began patting her down. After all he was more than just convinced she actually took what he was sent to get. And he'd be damned to return empty handed, admitting defeat.
"At least take me out to dinner first, before you feel me up like that", she muttered, voice a little strained as she tried to break free from him.
Suddenly she sank her teeth into his arm, biting down hard enough to make him loosen his grip on her and before he could've reacted, she kicked his legs out from under him. As soon as he was on his back, she pushed her foot into his chest to keep him pinned down. And the smug grin she had on her face resulted in him scowling up at her. Damn, he knew she was good and still he thought it would've been an easy one to overpower her... Big mistake.
"Now tell me, handsome; Why are you here?"
"Same reason as you. Hand it over, not gonna let you leave with the key."
Talia frowned a little, her head tilted to the side, and if it wouldn't have been so humiliating that a 5'4 woman had managed to take him down, along with her being the enemy, he might've even thought she looked kind of cute like that...
"Huh", was the first thing she said after a couple seconds of silence, at the same time pulling a keycard out of one of her pockets. "You mean this little thing? Mhm... You know what, I'm feeling generous today. Since this won't interfere with my mission, I'm gonna let you have it~"
Vanderwood blinked and blinked again, confusion written all over his face. Was it a trap? Surely she was kidding, right? Otherwise he was convinced she would want something in return, already mentally preparing himself for whatever could've followed.
"Why did you take it, if it's not what you had to get?", he asked, at the same time wrapping a hand around her ankle to finally push her foot off of himself and to his surprise, she let him.
"Just in case", she shrugged, while bending down to slide the keycard into the pocket of his coat.
After she took a couple steps back, he got back up, eyes still fixed on her. But all she did was throw him a wink with a sweet smile, before she made her way down the hall towards the exit.
"Maybe we'll see each other again, hotshot~", she called out and waved without looking back.
And Vanderwood? All he could do was stare after her, hand slipping into the pocket to check if it was really there. That he hadn't hallucinated due to hitting his head somewhere. But it was indeed right there. Given to him so willingly by someone who was working for a rivaling agency... It was something he decided to better keep to himself. Not only to keep his dignity, but it was the least he could do for Talia; keep her out of the picture, out of harms way from his agency. After all he knew that his boss not only despised her agency, but also the other agent as well. Why? He had no idea. Maybe because she refused to switch sides, but that was all only a speculation.
The only thing he did know was that she had to be the most peculiar woman he'd ever met...
A couple weeks passed by since that mission but no matter how much he tried, she just wouldn't leave his mind. The way she simply gave him the key, not hesitating, not using it against him to gain anything from the situation. It was a strange behaviour for an agent, to say the least. Why was she so nice? Especially to someone who was pretty much an enemy?
Even when he walked down the streets one night, hands shoved into the pockets of his coat, his thoughts began to race again, only circling around that one topic.
He didn't know why he suddenly looked to the side, but once he did, he stopped dead in his tracks, brows furrowed in contemplation. Though in that mooment it was like his body acted on autopilot, feet carrying him to the other side of the street. Hand reaching out, landing on a small shoulder...
In a matter of seconds she grabbed his hand, twisting his arm on his back and using the moment of surprise to press his chest into the ground, while she straddled his waist, knees on either side of him. At least he managed to catch himself with his free hand, preventing his face from slamming onto the asphalt.
There was a momen of silence, before the grip on his arm loosened and instead Talia leaned in closer until her lips were right next to his ear.
"We really gotta stop meeting like this, hotshot. You know, if you really wanted to take me out that bady, you could've just ask~", she chirped, a teasing lilt in her voice.
"Even if I did, I wouldn't have had the time to do so", he shot back with a scoff, raising an eyebrow at her.
Eventually she got off of him and after he rolled on his back, he was already met by an outstretched hand, which he took as he got back up. Though he underestimated how hard Talia would pull and they ended up standing a little too close. So close, that he was able to smell her perfume which, he had to admit, was pretty pleasant. On the lighter, floral side... Her small hand was still in his, neither of them making a move to let go as they just stared into each other's eyes.
Before there was a chance for either of them to potentially do something extremely stupid, someone called out his name, making them snap out of their stupor. Looking back over his shoulder he noticed two men from his agency approaching. Without thinking too much about it, he nudged Talia into the dark alley that was a couple steps behind them, making sure she was hidden in the shadows, still positioning himsel in a way that would hopefully cover her further. At the same time he put a cigarette between his lips and lit it. Really just an attempt at looking nonchalant and giving him a reason to be standing there "alone" at night.
It didn't take much longer until the agents reached him, faces in a frown as they regarded the brunette.
"Vanderwood. What are you doing here?"
"What does it look like, dumbasses?", he counterd immediately, taking another drag of his cigarette for good measure as he fixed them with an annoyed glare. "What do you want?"
"Just... We got informed that a few rivaling agents were spotted in this area. Boss wants us to be careful."
He merely nodded at that information, trying his hardest to ignore the feeling of slender fingers gripping the back of his jacket. Forcing himself to push down the irrational feeling of protectiveness that bubbled up inside of him. Why did he suddenly feel that way? She overpowered him just a couple weeks ago. He knew how capable she was. And yet her actions showed that she at least seemed to be worried about the other two men there...
In all honesty, he didn't even listen to whatever else they said to him, instead leaning back ever so slightly into her touch, trying to somehow tell her that everything was fine, nothing to worry about. And even when the men left, he waited until they were definitely out of sight, dropping the cigarette stub to the ground before grinding it under the heel of his boot.
"They're gone, you can come out", he spoke up again, eyes still fixed on the spot where they rounded the corner to make sure they didn't suddenly turn around for whatever reason.
A relieved sigh escaped her lips, fingers slowly uncurling from the fabric of his coat as she stepped out of the shadows, standing right in front of him. But as before, it was maybe a little closer than strictly necessary.
"Thanks... Guess I owe you one for saving my ass here, huh?"
"Actually I'd say we're even now."
The genuine, bright smile she aimed at him for that made his heart skip, robbing him of all coherent thoughts. All he knew was that it radiated a warmth he'd never experienced before.
"Mhm... Avoid the street two blocks down from here. It's crawling with our agents."
He was only able to nod at what she'd said. After that, no more words got exchanged when they both started heading into different directions, pretending not to know the other one, acting like the past minutes had never even happened to begin with.
Although as he shoved his hands into his pockets once again, he shortly stopped walking the second his fingertips grazed over a piece of paper. Without any hesitation he pulled it out, unfolding it only to find a phone number written on it, signed with "T" and a heart right next to it.
"When did she-", he cut himself off with an amused snort as he slid the paper back into his pocket. "Peculiar and reckless..."
If he was being completely honest, that only made her more attractive and intruiging for the agent. And if the smallest hint of a smile tuggeed at the corners of his mouth at the mere thought of having the chance to keep in contact with her, no one ever had to know.
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia masterlist
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@ayamewhump @hell-temptations @just-a-key @amborii @dis-gorl-does-stuff @otomaticallyobsessed @hopebunnywrites @duhsies @mixed-bag-of-tricks @quirky-and-kind @violetrei
28 notes · View notes
Originally I wanted to add more to this piece, but after reading it again, I figured it's also good as it is and the other idea can also easily be turned into a fic of its own. I've honestly been sitting on this for about... Two weeks or something? xD
But yeah. More Rivaling Agencies AU stuff no one asked for 😂
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Feelings shining through
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia
Another day, another mission. Only that this time Talia was stuck doing something personal for her boss. Why her? Well, apparently she was best suited since she was extremely good at going undercover.
"This is some bullshit", she muttered into her glass, before taking another sip of the alcohol.
God, did she hate whenever she got sent to some rich people event. Not only did majority think that money could buy them anything, even the consent of a person, but also because that meant she had to dress up in some fancy dress. Meaning all she was able to carry on her body was a small throwing knife that was strapped to her thigh. Did she look good in it? Absolutely. Was it inconvenient? Like hell. And considering that she had no backup in case anything went wrong, which was always a possibility, she had to be all the more careful not to make a mistake.
Just as she was about to turn around to have her back facing the bar she was currently situated at, a hand landed on her shoulder, belonging to a man that was leaning in way too close for comfort. In any other situation that guy would've already either ended up with a broken nose or pinned down to the ground. And not in the fun kind of way. But in that situation she really couldn't afford drawing too much attention to herself. So instead of following her instincts, she forced herself to take a deep breath.
"Let me buy your next drink, sweetheart", the man said, his chest nearly pressed into her side, at that point.
"No, thanks. I'm not interested", Talia answered with the sweetest smile she could muster up, at the same time peeling the hand off her shoulder.
She slipped off the bar stool in order to get some distance to the guy, but didn't get very far. After taking two steps, her back suddenly bumped into someone. Although before she even had the chance to apologize, an arm wrapped around her waist, giving off a weirdly comforting feeling, while a somewhat familiar scent surrounded her.
Where do I know that scent from...?
That's when it hit her. She'd smelled it twice before so far and as soon as the man behind her spoke up her assumptions were confirmed, instantly making her relax.
"I'm sorry, but the lady still owes me a dance."
"That I certainly do~"
With that, she grabbed the hand resting on her hip to tug him along towards the dance floor.
What were the odds that she ran into Vanderwood during a mission? Twice, by now? As strange as these random encounters became, it was also kind of funny. Even more so when she thought about how she'd given him her number on a whim, not really expecting anything from it. He just caught her interest even more after he'd helped her hide from agents from his agency, when he could've easily used that situation against her. But he didn't...
On top of that, much to her surprise, he actually messaged her. And what began as occasionally asking each other if they were still alive, soon turned into more friendly, relaxed and casual conversations over everything and nothing, really. Unexpected, but very pleasant in her opinion. No matter if it meant being vulnerable because she got attached to someone.
Talia only snapped out of her thoughts when she got twirled around, afterwards getting pulled close to Vanderwood, one hand on her hip, the other holding hers firmly.
"You know, if we continue meeting at the most random times, I'll actually start thinking you're stalking me", she joked. Something that actually tickled something like an amused snort out of him.
"Sure. How high are the chances we're here for the same thing this time?"
"Ah, it's highly unlikely. I'm here for a "personal favor" for the boss. The man already got an ass full of money and still sends me to steal a stupid diamond for him."
It was way too easy to fall into step with him, follow his lead as they moved gracefully over the dance floor. Like they'd already done it countless times before.
"Sounds exciting...", he muttered, to which she only shrugged. Fingers of the hand that was resting against his shoulder fumbling slightly with his jacket.
"Totally. Having to flirt with an old, disgusting asshole to get my hands on some jewelry. And I quote: "Do whatever you have to, in order to get your hands on the stone. It's worth quite a nice sum." So that's that."
She knew exactly what those words meant. That if the only chance to finish the mission was by landing in his bedroom, she had to pull through.
And if the tighter grip on her, along with the tense and nearly angry expression in his eyes was anything to go by, Vanderwood knew it as well.
As much as she would've prefered to keep on spending the rest of the night with the other agent, they both had a job to finish. Still, she wasn't the only one a little reluctant to part. It was funny, really. That the one person she found comfort in, for whatever strange reason, was technically the enemy.
"Take care", she murmured, fingers brushing down his arm, but it was actually Vanderwood who lingered for a bit, holding her hand longer than necessary, before they eventually went separate ways. Him heading somewhere upstairs while she made her way over to her target.
Smiling sweetly and doing her best impression of a little dummy that gets easily impressed. Flirting here, laughing at his stupid jokes there. Forcing herself not to tense up when his hands started wandering a bit too much for her liking.
Though before she was able to even think of how she could propose for them to get away from the crowd, everything went pitch black in the room. Followed by one gunshot, two, three... People started screaming, trying to push to the exits in the darkness, her target getting dragged away by security guards.
And Talia? She was frozen on the spot, her brain only starting to pick up what was happening when someone pumped into her, making her snap out of her stupor.
Cursing quitly, she rushed to take cover, trying to find out where the shots got fired from, but it seemed like they were hidden too well in the shadows.
As soon as her eyes adjusted somewhat to the darkness, she spotted a familar tall guy with long hair. Without any hestation she left her hiding spot, dress hiked up to prevent herself from tripping over it and once she was close enough, she gripped his hand to pull him along.
"This way! There's a back exit", she exclaimed, only to get yanked to the side behind a pillar, face nearly pressed into Vanderwood's chest as a bullet barely missed them, debris of stone flying around.
"You okay?", he asked, free hand moving up to her head, probably to check for possible injuries.
"Yeah, I'm good. Now let's leave before the cops show up."
Something neiter of them needed to deal with, really. It would've only added more unnecessary complications to everything.
Once they've made it safely outside, hiding in a back alley as they caught their breath, Talia leaned ever so slightly into his side, eyes closed.
"Man, I'm gonna get an ear full for returning without the goods", she snorted, but in all honesty? Better than having to let a disgusting dude grope her more that night. "Did you get what you came for?"
When she glanced back up at him, she was met with a slight frown, though he nodded. Well, at least one of them finished their mission, so that was good.
"You know how to get home?"
His voice stopped her in her tracks of pushing herself off the wall they leaned against, expression softening. As gruff looking as he might've been, she'd caught up on him actually being pretty caring even over texts. He usually told her not to fuck up when she said she had to leave for a mission, but when you read between the lines, what he really said was be careful. Something that never failed to make her feel all warm.
"I hid my car not too far from here."
Wordlessly he moved next to her, motioning for her to lead the way. And just like that, he escorted her to her car. Which was pretty amusing. After all she was a trained agent as much as he was, still the sentiment was sweet and she was the last one to complain about spending a little more time with him.
The walk was quiet, yet comfortable. She even bumped her arm into his every now and then. But when they reached her car and she slipped inside, rolling down the window, Vanderwood seemed to hesitate shortly, then leaned down to be on eye level with her.
"Text me when you're home."
Such simple words and yet they had her heart racing with the worry and care they carried.
"You better do the same. Can't afford staying up all night worrying that someone beat your ass."
He scoffed as he straightened back up, but nodded anyway, before he turned around to walk back down the street.
"Oh, Vandy?", she called out and he looked at her over his shoulder. "You should wear a suit more often. You look extremely hot in it~", she chirped and winked at him. She couldn't make out what he grumbled, but she was certain that she had spotted the faintest shade of pink covering his cheeks and ears.
Even though her mission had gone wrong in the end, she was able to drive home with a smile on her face.
The second she stepped into her small apartment, the first thing she did was to get rid of the murder weapons on her body, aka the high heels that had to be one of the most uncomfortable pairs she'd ever worn. Quickly followed by pulling her phone out. Without really thinking about it, she'd dialed his number, instead of texting him like they normally did. If anyone asked her, she couldn't even say why she did it. It was on sheer impulse, really. And since she desperately needed to change into something more comfortable, she put her phone on speaker as she headed into the bedroom. It didn't take all too long until her call got picked up.
"Did anything happen?"
"Mh? Oh, no! I'm good. Made it home safe. I just... Guess I just wanted to check in, make sure you're also all good", she was quick to explain. "Kinda wanted to hear your voice...", she went on, voice getting muffled as she pulled the dress over her head.
"I didn't get the last bit."
"Ah that's okay! Wasn't anything important anyway. So, you home yet?"
"Nearly. Should take about 5 more minutes."
Talia nodded to herself, quick to slip into a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt. Though that's when a thought hit her and she couldn't help but chuckle.
"Don't tell me you walked home."
She could perfectly picture him rolling his eyes at her for her comment, maybe even glaring for good measure.
"I'm hanging up."
"Aw, come on, Vandy! Don't be like that! At least stay on the phone with me until I know you are safe and sound in your apartment."
The echo of shoes clacking on the pavement indicated that he was walking along an empty street. Each step he took without a word being said sending a small wave of fear through her that she took it too far this time. Pushed the boundaries too much and would ruin whatever it was that they had.
"Why are you even worried about me?"
"Could ask you the same thing. After all you're the one who snatched me away from a guy that clearly didn't know what no means. Saved me from getting shot and even brought me to my car. So?"
He let out a long sigh. It didn't sound like he was mad or exasperated with her, though. It sounded more... Defeated.
"Listen, I know it's stupid and makes no sense, but you grew on me. And that's why I worry."
While it wasn't a lie, it also wasn't the complete truth. He didn't only grow on her, but that was something she would probably take to her grave. No one was ever allowed to find out just how bad she had it for the agent. Not even the man in question himself.
"I'm home now. So you can stop worrying", he eventually spoke up again, accompanied by the sound of a door getting closed. "Get some rest."
"You, too. Don't forget to hydrate. Maybe eat something as well... So uh... Good night, sweet dreams."
Before he even had the chance to say something in return, she already, hung up, glaring at her reflection in the mirror.
"Awesome, you nearly fucked it up there. Why are you like that? Sentimental softie bitch...", she muttered under her breath. All she was able to do now was hoping he didn't interpret too much into her little slip up.
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia Masterlist
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@ayamewhump @hell-temptations @just-a-key @amborii @dis-gorl-does-stuff @otomaticallyobsessed @hopebunnywrites @duhsies @mixed-bag-of-tricks @celesti4 @quirky-and-kind @violetrei @kumaronoa
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And it's done! Part 2 is here!
But don't think this will be the end for these two. I still have so many ideas that have piled up over the past couple months, that I'll probably turn into little stories at some point 👀 I just love them too much, okay xD
Big changes
Part 1 | Part 2
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia
Her heart skipped a beat when she finally heard the voice she'd so dearly missed, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.
"Hey... Been a while, huh?", she murmured, internally slapping herself for saying something so stupid. And then, everything was dead silent. Not even breathing was heard from the other side, making her nearly worry that he'd hung up on her. "Vandy? You still with me?"
"You're alive", was the first thing he muttered after another moment of silence. Making her slump a little in relief.
"Yeah, I'm sorry it took me so long to contact you. Turns out it was indeed the agency doing some "cleanup" and faking your own death isn't the easiest thing to do. Neither is getting a new identity that will be safe", she began to ramble, followed by a long sigh. She still felt incredibly guilty for not telling him sooner that she was alive and doing okay. If it would've been the other way around, she just knew she would've gone insane.
"Where are you, baby girl?"
His pet name for her made her smile involuntarily as she picked at some of the chipping paint on the patio. Something she still needed to take care of.
"I can't tell you, yet..." Kali kept quiet for a moment, a sudden thought crossing her mind. It's been months... Just because he was apparently relieved to know she was alive didn't necessarily mean that he still felt the same for her as he'd done before she disappeared. "Hey, so... If you're still-"
"There was no day where you weren't on my mind. So what do you think?"
No matter how much she tried to pull herself together, she couldn't stop a few tears from falling, quickly wiping them off her cheeks with the back of her hand. A broken laugh slipping past her lips.
"I really wish I could see you, Vandy... Damn, I should hang up before someone could potentially track this call."
"Wait, I-", Vanderwood cut himself off, followed by a nearly frustrated huff. Even after all that time apart, she knew what he was trying to say. Her heart beating wildly in her chest.
"I know. I love you, too. Now promise me to take care of yourself, okay?"
They both said their goodbyes, trying to drag it on for as long as possible without risking too much, both knowing it was for the best to end the call there and then. Still, as much as she wanted to hear his voice a little more, the fact that his feelings for her had not changed made her indescribably happy.
More calls were sadly not an option. So instead she opted for writing letters, every now and then. Writing about the things she did around the house, things she was still planning to do. Like getting a new and bigger couch. Fixing some of the wiring in the kitchen, plant more flowers and even some veggies in their big garden. But always making sure she didn't talk about anything that could've led to anyone possibly finding out who or where she was.
It was also the reason why she never wrote an address or name on the envelopes. As a way to let him know that the letters came from her, she sprayed them with the perfum she'd been using for years, hoping he'd notice and not throw them away unopened.
Would she have loved to hear from him in return? Of course. Though as long as she didn't suddenly get a text or call from him, she knew that he was okay. And for now, that was enough. Had to be enough.
Like that, the seasons changed fast and yet at the same time torturously slow. Kali kept on sending letters sometimes. She'd even bought a camera and began to document all the changes she did around the house. Just in case Vanderwood was interested in seeing a before and after. Also, she was pretty proud of how much she'd gotten done all by herself. So maybe she wanted to show that off a little bit.
"And here we have the veggie garden! Admittedly, the first things kept on dying on me. But we have a really sweet granny living next door, who gave me some tips on how to grow what", Kali rambled, as she filmed around the garden. Her light summer dress swaying in the gentle afternoon breeze.
Later that same day, she talked to the mother of one of the kid's she gave piano lessons to. Who only lived a couple minutes away. At first it had been kind of strange to actually talk to neighbors instead of pretending not to exist. But over time she'd not only eased into it, but actually made friends as well. Wild concept, but she was thankful for everyone that came into her life since she moved into that house.
"So, are we ever gonna meet that mysterious boyfriend you've told us about? I'm not the only one who's super curious! It's been like what? Two years since you've moved here? And no one ever saw him!"
Kali was just about to answer when her phone suddenly vibrated on the kitchen counter. Checking the message she'd gotten caused her to laugh brightly. What a fucking timing that man had.
I'll be there soon. Wait for me, baby girl.
"Actually, you're all gonna meet him in... I'd say a month, tops", she beamed. 
Two years since she'd last seen him, one and a half since they'd last spoken and now her man would finally join her. She didn't know how she'd react when she was already close to tears only thinking about being in his arms again. Saying she was excited was a big understatement.
She did her best to focus on her usual tasks, go about her days as she normally did, though whenever she heard a car pull up close to the house, it was impossible not to look, hoping it was the brunette. And even though it had never been him the past week, it never dulled her good mood.
Another week passed by, rather uneventful and sometimes it was still surprising her how glad she was about a "boring" life. Really, that was way better than fearing for your life on the daily.
It was already rather late, music playing quietly in the background from the vinyl she'd put on, while she looked through the bookshelf, trying to decide on what to read next. But just as she was about to grab one, she heard the front door opening, her heart leaping and she nearly ran towards the sounds. The blonde didn't even stop to take Vanderwood in, instead jumping at him, arms and legs tightly wrapped around him, not wasting any time to shower his face in kisses.
He gasped in surprise and staggered a little because of the sudden attack, though his hands quickly found her thighs in order to prevent her from potentially slipping. Eventually her lips finally found his, the kiss desperate and needy, both just clinging to each other. Her heart beating so wildly, it felt like it was ready to jump right out of her chest.
They only pulled apart when they needed to breath again, Vanderwood gently setting her back down, before his hand cupped her cheek, wiping away a tear she hadn't even noticed rolling down her cheek. Too overwhemled by all the emotions that rushed through her all at once.
"Looks good...", he murmured as he twirled a strand of her hair around his finger, smiling lovingly down at her.
Kali blinked slowly at him a couple times, then shoved him playfully, drawing a quiet chuckle out of him that way.
"Hey! What was that for?"
"We haven't seen each other in years and the first thing you do is comment on my hair?" She puffed up her cheeks, pretending to be upset about it, when in all honesty she couldn't have cared less about what he said first. Finally hearing his voice, seeing him, being able to touch him... That was more than enough. "Not even telling me you missed me...", she still added to keep up the act.
He pulled her closer, arms wrapped tightly around her small frame. She didn't hesitate to bury her face on his chest, the warmth and his unmistakable scent surrounding her helping her brain catch up with the fact that this was real. He was actually there, in their home. Alive and relatively well, from what she was able to see. Her hands moved to his back, fingers curled into the fabric of his coat, nearly clinging to him. A tiny part of her still afraid that if she let go, he'd be gone and everything only turned out to be a dream.
"I've missed you, baby girl", he whispered into her ear, voice low and nearly a little raspy. Followed by a brief kiss pressed to her neck.
"I've missed you, too. So fucking much."
Neither of them was wiling to let go, not now that they were finally reunited. So Vanderwood simply picked her up, her legs once again wrapping around his waist, as he carried her into the living room where he flopped down on the couch. With how close they still were, Kali seated on his lap, she was able to feel the tension slowly leaving his body, shoulders relaxing as he sank further into the plush pillows.
"So it's all over now? Like, no way they could come for you again?"
"The agency itself is history. Completely taken down. I'll tell you the details some other day. It's... quite the story", he murmured, followed by a content sigh as her hands began to card repeatedly through his hair, nails gently scratching his scalp every now and then.
"Mhm... I can wait. I'm just happy to have you at my side again."
He squeezed her waist lightly, a comfortable silence settling between the former agents. For a while they simply enjoyed each other's presence, basking in the knowledge that they were not only safe, but also free. And as cheesy as it might've sounded, but with him there the house felt like a real home to her now.
"Do you know what all that means?", he spoke up again after another while, one hand rubbing small circles into her back. "We can go on dates now. You know, like normal people."
With her lips pressed to his neck, she couldn't help but chuckle.
"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Vandy, but we're far from normal."
"... Fair enough", he admitted with a snort, only causing her to break out into actual laughter.
Nevertheless did the mere thought of going on real dates get her all excited again. It was something they'd never been able to do before. The closest they'd had to an actual date was back in Italy, when they finished a mission early, went to a restauant and ended up being officially in a relationship that same night.
Out of reflex her hand moved to the daisy necklace he'd gotten her on their first day on said mission. Something that quickly became her most prized possession.
"Are you serious, though?"
His question snapped her out of her thoughts and Kali pulled back a little to give him a quizzical look. The mischievous expression in his eyes not going by unnoticed.
"Out of all the names you could've picked, you settled for Stark?"
"What? When you marry me you can finally have your dream name. Mr Stark", she hummed with an amused lilt in her voice, aiming a big grin at him.
His hand suddenly tangled in her long curls, pulling her in for a breathtaking kiss. One she easily melted into, eyes fluttering shut with her hands resting on his chest, kind of to support herself a little.
"That's blackmail, Kali...", he whispered into the kiss, before he already dove right in for another one. A deeper one. Teeth tugging lightly on her lower lip, before his tongue darted out to soothe the spot.
"Maybe~", she was a a little breathless when they finally managed to part. "You can't tell me you're actually complaining, babe."
She leaned into his touch when he cupped her cheek, unable to get enough. Not when she'd been starved off his affection for so long. At the same time his expression softened, the teasing glint in his eyes replaced by pure adoration.
"True. Wanna know why? Because I love you."
Her breath hitched at his words, brain shutting down for a couple seconds. In all the time they'd been together, he'd always shown her how much he loved her in some way. But it was the first time he'd actually said those words to her. When the initial shock subsided, she pretty much threw her arms around his neck, clinging to him once again with her face buried on his shoulder.
"I love you, too."
She rather felt than heard his chuckle with how she was pressed up to him, making her smile. His laughter, in every form, had never failed to make her feel all warm.
Though confusion took over when he gave her a nudge in order to make her sit down next to him. Frowning when she watched him fumble for something in the pocket of his coat which, she only then realized, he hadn't even gotten to take off, because of her attack.
"While we're already talking about it..."
Kali's eyes went big and round as he pulled out a little velvet box. Opening it to reveal a delicate golden ring, adorned with a pastel pink stone in the middle, that got surrounded by smaller, purple ones that formed a small flower on either side of it. It kind of suprised herself that she didn't fall off the couch in sheer shock.
"Hold on for a dang fucking minute there!", she blurted out, eyes darting from the ring to Vanderwood's face and back again. "How- When-...", she had to take a deep breath to try and organize her racing thoughts at least a bit. "How long have you been carrying that around?"
His cheeks turned a faint pink, his eyes darting around the room, settling on nothing in particular.
"Remember the picnic date we had at the cabin? When we had to lay low for a couple dayys? I've had had it about... a month at that point. Had it on me ever since", he admitted, trying to casually shrug it off.
But there was nothing casual about him carrying an engagement ring with him for two years! Six months of which he probably thought she was dead...
"You're crazy...", was the first thing that slipped out. Meanwhile she felt tears gather in the corners of her eyes, making her tilt her head back in hopes of being able to blink them away. To no avail. As soon as he reached out, intertwining his fingers with hers and smiling so lovestruck at her, the tears spilled over, getting accompanied by quiet sniffles.
"Marry me?" His voice was barely above a whisper, eyes hopeful, yet with the slightest hint of insecurities.
Instead of answering him, she was all over him in a matter of seconds, pecking his lips repeatedly, hands buried in the front of his shirt to keep him close. The way he smiled against her lips, chasing after her for a proper kiss enough to turn her legs into jelly and she was more than glad that she was already sitting.
"As if you even have to ask!"
"So, is that a yes?"
Of course he still had to tease her, give her a push to get a proper answer out of her, even though he already pulled the ring out of the box, his now free hand resting on the small of her back.
"Of course it's a yes, silly...", Kali chuckled, followed by another sniffle.
His face lit up at her answer and as soon as he slid the ring onto her finger, somehow he had managed to figure out her exact ring size, he pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
The rest of the night, they never let go for longer than necessary. And even then one of them brushed an arm or hand against the other one. Hips bumping together when they stood in front of the sink, as they got ready for bed.
Once they were curled up in bed, limbs entagled, needing to be as close as possible, they took their time to simply gaze at each other.
Kali's fingers grazed over his features; his cheekbones, along his jawline, down the bridge of his nose... Her touch feather light and she only stopped when she noticed that his breathing had evened out, a sure indicator that he'd fallen asleep.  She made sure that he was properly covered by the blanket, snickering quietly when his grip around her tightened.
After all those gruesome, traumatising years at the agency, they were finally free. Together. And as the warmth radiating from the man next to her slowly lulled her to sleep as well, she couldn't help but think about how much she was looking forward to what their new life together would have in store for them.
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia Masterlist
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@ayamewhump @the-purpleblushh @just-a-key @dis-gorl @otomaticallyobsessed @latte-delf @hopebunnywrites @duhsies @mixed-bag-of-tricks @quirky-and-kind @violetrei
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Oh my god, this was a wild ride... It took me how long? 2 months? First I was busy, then writers block hit big time. BUT WE'RE FINALLY HERE! The big one!
It's pretty long, which is why I decided to split it in two parts. I'm still working on part two rn but I wanted to get this out already :3
TW: mentions of injuries, blood and death
Big changes
Part 1
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia
To say things were bad was an understatement. Everything was fucked up. So much so even that the agency apparently decided to send a "clean up group" to their location. All thanks to the newbie making the worst mistake imaginable.
And when the agency sent people to "clean up" when a mission went wrong that badly? It meant no one was gonna make it out alive to tell the tale.
Up until that moment, she'd only heard vague stories about similar situations. After all, no one who witnessed it got to report on how it went down. In all honesty, it was way scarier than what she'd been told...
It was a massacre, bodies dropping left and right. No matter if those people had been involved or were innocent, simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The agency was ruthless.
Talia pressed her lips together tightly when yet another bullet managed to graze her, trying to get to a somewhat safe spot as quickly as possible. Pushing through the pain as she limped around a corner.
She knew there was no telling if she'd somehow manage to make it out, but chances were slim. And in case of her not making it home, there was one thing she had to do.
Which was why she fumbled for her phone as she pushed on, then held it to her ear, rounding another corner just in time before someone managed to get a hit on her. It felt like an eternity passed until her call finally got picked up.
"Hey, is everything-", Vanderwood cut himself off when more shots got fired. "What's going on? Are you alright?"
Oh, how she would've loved to reassure him, tell him that everything would be okay, but she couldn't lie to him...
"The- fuck! Whole operation is going to shit. And right now there's no telling who's the bad guy and who's here from our agency to make sure no one makes it out alive to be able to tell the tale", she explained with a weak laugh, followed by a pained groan, when she stumbled. The movement causing the pain in her body to flare up again.
"Listen, you're gonna make it out of there. Hide for as long as you have to, just-" 
"Vandy...", she interrupted him gently, his concern for her making her smile and her heart skipped a beat. "I love you. Never forget that, okay? I love you with all my heart."
She just had to get that out, tell him once again in case she'd never see him again. Remind him, and also herself, that there was at least one amazing thing that happened due to them working for the agency. In fact, he'd been the best damn thing that ever happened to her.
"No, no, no! we agreed not to say it in situations like that! You won't d-"
Before she was able to listen to the rest of the sentence, she noticed someone closing in on her. Making her drop her phone and stomping on it with full force to smash it in order to ensure that no one was able to see who she called last. Vanderwood had to be kept out of the mess at all costs.
Afterwards she forced herself to get going. The adrenalin coursing through her veins numbing the pain at least somewhat. Enough for her to keep running and running. Not looking back until she was forced to stop abruptly at a small cliff, a river running below. It wasn't up too high and the water didn't appear to be too shallow either.
"There's no way out for you, agent!", a voice carried over to her, sounding rather far away, but finally making her turn around. Just in time to see them lift their gun and shoot.
The bullet grazed her shoulder, causing her to lose balance and when she took a step back to try and catch herself, she slipped, loosing her footing and falling into the river.
The water around her turned red from the blood that still seeped out of her open wounds. Though what at first felt like her definite death sentence began to look like the only chance she had to make things work.
If you ever have the opportunity to fake your death, use it. Don't hesitate, just do whatever you have to do to get out, the words of her boyfriend rang in her ears, only solidifying her decision; Talia wouldn't give up without a fight.
When she resurfaced after her fall, she spluttered a bit, quickly looking up to check if they'd already spotted her.
"She fell in! Go see if you can find her!", someone yelled.
Now she had to act fast. After taking a deep breath, she went limp, just floating face down and letting the stream carry her along the river. Forcing herself to stay like that for as long as possible, up to the point where she began to feel a little dizzy.
Passing out wasn't at all good in that situation and even though she didn't know if the agency people still had their eyes on her, she tilted her body, gasping for air and pushing wet strands out of her face to be able to see.
There were no sounds other than the water, wind rustling through trees and birds chirping. A wave of relief washing over her when there was no further attack aimed at her.
And once she managed to make it to the shore, dragging her body onto the solid ground, she collapsed. Eyes stinging from the tears running down her face.
Though now that the adrenaline started to wear off, the pain became more apparent, leaving her to whimper and hiss quietly, when she forced herself back up on her feet.
After all she had to get somewhere safe, to take care of her injuries and get as far away from that place as possible. There could still be agents everywhere...
It wasn't exactly the ideal thing to steal a car, but in that moment it was her only way of getting from one place to another. Switching vehicles every once in a while so cops couldn't track her down.
That wasn't the most difficult thing. Going to any of the safe houses from the agency that were scattered around was. Because it was not an option at all. There was a chance for people showing up there in search of her. Going to a motel in her current state? Also not the best pick. Someone could call the police there as well. And finding a logical excuse for all her injuries? Nope.
Thankfully she'd piled up some favors over the years that finally came in quite handy.
After ditching the car, getting a new phone and some random prepaid card, she made her first call.
"It's Talia. Remember how you owe me a favor?"
Her eyes constantly darted around, still on high alert even though she wanted to do nothing more than collapse and sleep. When she walked past a restaurant, a coat hanging over a chair at an empty table caught her attention, which she was quick to grab and put on. At least looking a bit more normal that way.
"What do you need?"
"I just need to stay at your safe house until they stop looking for me."
"I'll send you the coordinates. First aid kit is fully stocked as well."
"Thanks. I knew I could count on you."
One thing less to worry about. Still she went into the next pharmacy to get a few things to patch herself up as good as possible. Afterwards going into another store to grab some food and water. She stopped when she passed the isle with hair dye, shortly considering her options.
It would've probably been a smart decision to not stick with the brown color. It was what the agency knew her with, what they were probably looking for.
"Ah, fuck it...", she muttered, grabbing a couple boxes of bleach, before she went to pay for everything.
Stealing another car, she headed towards the location she'd been sent. Though after about half an hour she parked the car on the side of an empty street to take care of the worst wounds already. Things weren't looking great, but they could've also been way worse. Which was somewhat of a relief.
It had already gotten dark when she reached the safe house. Car abandoned far enough away to not risk anyone finding the place. Going the rest of the way by foot.
And it was tempting to go to sleep immediately. Just pass out on the couch. But she knew better. Which was why she forced herself into the bathroom to fix herself up properly. Exhaustion distracting from the pain it all inflicted again, especially when she had to sew some wounds shut.
The first night she slept like a rock, sadly still feeling like shit. Her entire body sore and aching. A quick check up telling her that at least nothing seemed to have gotten infected. It were the small victories in that situation...
The other days? Paranoia kicked in. Making her stop dead in her tracks or wake up as soon as she heard the slightest sound that could've been out of the ordinary. Proper rest? Not happening.
However, she made use of being awake so much by taking care of some things that needed to get organized, also bleaching the brown hair dye out. Was it perfect? No. Was it a total disaster? Also no. It was good enough and the change rather big, helping in making her look nearly like a different person.
Another thing she did was make use of more favors. Especially to get a new ID. A new identity.
"Did you get the picture I sent you?", she asked, phone wedged between her ear and shoulder, trying to whip up a somewhat proper meal with the things she'd had left.
"Sure did. Now the only thing missing is your new name. Go wild with that."
She knew she'd forgotten something... Well, she could go with her real first name now. But what about the last name? That's when she remembered a conversation she once had with Vanderwood, where he told her about the name he'd pick for himself. The memory making her smile.
"I'll go with Kali Stark."
"Stark? Why Stark?"
"I have my reasons."
"Alright, keep your secrets... I'll send you the address of a café where you can come pick it up in two days."
"Thanks, you're the best!"
Another thing checked off her list. Money wasn't really a big issue either, since she'd only kept as much as necessary on her to pay rent and buy necessities whenever they got paid for a job. The rest always went on a secret bank account. She couldn't thank her past self enough for her wishful thinking and planing ahead.
Though a big one was still out in the open; finding a new place to live. Staying in the same city as before would've been more than stupid. It would've been to easy to find her there. No. She had to go somewhere else... But where?
Bowl with soup in her hands, she sat down on the worn out couch, a sudden thought crossing her mind.
"Let's say you could make it out of the agency somehow... Where would you go to start your new life as a free man?", Kali had asked him one night while they were sprawled out on the bed.
"Mhm... I think I'd go back to my hometown."
"Do you still have family there?"
"No. But it's quiet. And familiar."
"Sounds nice..."
His only reply was a hum, the arms that were wrapped around her tightening to pull her in for a kiss.
"Guess I know where to go after all", she muttered to herself.
It was kind of funny how a lot of her decisions were all based on Vanderwood. The name, the place she'd look for a home... All influenced by things he'd told her. But she didn't complain. On the one hand it made her feel closer to him, even when they were separated for the time being. And on the other hand, she wanted him to like those things when he eventually, hopefully, joined her someday.
Two days went by fairly quickly in between looking for a house and cleaning up the safe house she stayed in to the point where there was no trace left of her whatsoever.
And once she picked up her new ID, things surprisingly enough were going pretty smoothly. She opened another bank account with her new name, rented a van and the first stop on the way to her new life was at the cabin that once belonged to her grandparents.
The very cabin that held at least a few things that were linked to her childhood. Along with clothes she and Vanderwood had left there in case they needed to stay at a safe place after a mission.
Kali packed everything that was important to her; a couple photo albums, the drawing she'd done of her boyfriend and then hidden it between her old paintings from when she was younger. A couple clothes so she had something to wear. The teddy bear her grandpa had once won her at a claw machine. Plus one of Vanderwood's shirts. It was impossible to leave without one, with at least one physical thing that belonged to him.
As much as she would've loved to stay, it was risky, meaning she could only stay for as long as necessary to pack those things into the car. Afterwards she was on the road again, making calls to arrange appointments for house viewings.
She was extremely excited about one in particular. Lucky for her it was also the first she was able to visit, eyes gleaming the moment she stood in front of it.
It was honestly her dream. Farmhouse style. With big windows to let the sun in, making the rooms warm and bright. It came partially furnitured, including the kitchen, which made everything a lot easier for her.
But the biggest highlight was the piano in the living room. The current owner said she could keep it or sell it, if she wasn't interested in playing. As if she'd throw her favorite music instrument out when it came with her dream house.
Everything seemed surreal. The luck she had on not only finding, but also getting a home she'd never even dared to hope for. Not even when she was sprawled out on the couch, her few belongings stacked up in a corner of the bedroom, did it feel real. Although it was...
The only thing that would've made it completely and utterly perfect was if a certain not so grumpy man could be at her side. Sadly that still had to wait.
"I'll make sure to turn this into the most cozy place in town for him!"
With that she eventually drifted off. The exhaustion and lack of sleep from the past days finally catching up to her. And in the comfort of the house, her house, she was finally able to get some much needed proper rest.
Days turned into weeks until eventually six months had passed. Six months in which so much had happened. The blonde had started to give kids in the neighborhood piano lessons to earn some money.
Realizing that the furniture she'd love to get was way too fucking expensive made her begin to build things herself. Of course the first attempts weren't perfect, but she'd always done a lot things herself in the past and if she was being honest, she enjoyed building all those pieces. It made them all the more special and personal.
Though even when she was extremely busy, nothing was enough to distract her from just how much she missed Vanderwood. How she wished he could've already been at her side... But at that point he probably even still thought she was dead. The thought sending a wave of guilt crashing over her once again.
Sitting on the porch, wearing his shirt that was nearly a short dress on her, she finally caved in. Grabbing her phone and dialing the number she still knew by heart. It felt like forever and she half expected for her call not to go through. After all it was an unknown number for him.
Vanderwood x Talia Masterlist
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@ayamewhump @the-purpleblushh @just-a-key @dis-gorl @otomaticallyobsessed @latte-delf @hopebunnywrites @duhsies @mixed-bag-of-tricks @quirky-and-kind @violetrei
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Eehyy here's some brainrot for the next part of the Vandy/Talia rivaling agencies au, that I wrote at 7am when I couldn't go back to sleep, because day 3 of having a headache 😊
I can already tell you that this'll be a long one... Anyway, here's a part of the wip 💕
Wordlessly he moved next to her, motioning for her to lead the way. And just like that, he escorted her to her car. Which was pretty amusing. After all she was a trained agent as much as he was, still the sentiment was sweet and she was the last one to complain about spending a little more time with him.
The walk was quiet, yet comfortable. She even bumped her arm into his every now and then. But when they reached her car and she slipped inside, rolling down the window, Vanderwood seemed to hesitate shortly, then leaned down to be on eye level with her.
"Text me when you're home."
Such simple words and yet they had her heart racing with the worry and care they carried.
"You better do the same. Can't afford staying up all night worrying that someone beat your ass."
He scoffed as he straightened back up, but nodded anyway, before he turned around to walk back down the street.
"Oh, Vandy?", she called out and he looked at her over his shoulder. "You should wear a suit more often. You look extremely hot in it~", she chirped and winked at him. She couldn't make out what he grumbled, but she was certain that she had spotted the faintest shade of pink covering his cheeks and ears.
Even though her mission had gone wrong in the end, she was able to drive home with a smile on her face.
The second she stepped into her small apartment, the first thing she did was to get rid of the murder weapons on her body, aka the high heels that had to be one of the most uncomfortable pairs she'd ever worn. Quickly followed by pulling her phone out. Without really thinking about it, she'd dialed his number, instead of texting him like they normally did. If anyone asked her, she couldn't even say why she did it. It was on sheer impulse, really. And since she desperately needed to change into something more comfortable, she put her phone on speaker as she headed into the bedroom. It didn't take all too long until her call got picked up.
"Did anything happen?"
"Mh? Oh, no! I'm good. Made it home safe. I just... Guess I just wanted to check in, make sure you're also all good", she was quick to explain. "Kinda wanted to hear your voice...", she went on, voice getting muffled as she pulled the dress over her head.
"I didn't get the last bit."
"Ah that's okay! Wasn't anything important anyway. So, you home yet?"
"Nearly. Should take about 5 more minutes."
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Hurt/comfort time! Because it's time to show a different side of Talia 👀 (also soft Vandy, but psssht!)
"You're safe here."
Vanderwood x Talia (agency oc)
It was supposed to be a relaxed night. Cooking together, watching some movies. Just trying to have a somewhat normal night and forgetting about the usual worries.
Currently Talia was humming quietly to herself, as she used the remaining time she had to quickly put her laundry away. A slight summer breeze coming in through the open windows.
Everything was fine, until there was a loud bang outside. More precisely, a gunshot going off. From the sounds of it not even too far from her apartment complex.
And with her being an agent, you'd think it was a normal sound for her. Nothing that would startle her too much, right? Wrong.
At times where she's relaxed, actually letting her guards down, the sound of gunshots still startled her, sometimes. Causing her body to tense up, eyes getting big and round in fear.
She dropped the piece of clothing that was in her hands, breaths coming in short puffs and her body trembling as a wave of fear washed over her.
Gunshots out of the blue, when she actually felt safe, triggered old memories. Sending her back to the time when she was 17. Returning from a day at the funfair with her grandparents. Only to later have to witness robbers shooting both of them right in front of her. The dreadful images of the people that had raised her laying in a puddle of their own blood.
Her grandpa's last word "Run!" wanting to trigger her flight response.
But right now all she was able to do was sink to the ground. Shaking hands buried in her dark hair, legs pulled close to her chest in an attempt to make herself as small as possible.
It was still impossible to take deep breaths, the lack of oxygen making her head swim a little. And like so many times before her own thoughts, fuelled by guilt, threatened to suffocate her. Drowning everything around her out. Like her ears were filled with cotton.
It's your fault they're dead. You should've noticed that something was off. Should've called the police, an ambulance, tried to stop the bleeding. Your grandpa is only dead because he shielded you. Because you ran away. He could still be alive, if you would've stayed.
It's your fault. Your fault, your fault, your fault, your fault...
The anxiety had such a tight grip on her, that she hadn't noticed how Vanderwood knocked against her door, then eventually let himself in when she didn't react.
She also didn't hear him say her name repeatedly to try and get her attention.
Only when he rested a hand on her arm did she snap back into reality. The sudden contact startling her and causing her to instinctively try and get away from whoever could've meant harm.
She wanted to say something, maybe even scream at the person to leave her alone, but all that left her were broken whimpers, paired with violent sobs. The kind that made it feel like your lungs would rip apart with how much they hurt.
Until then she hadn't even realized that she'd been crying, tears streaming down her face and leaving dark spots on her jeans clad knees. At least that explained why her sight was all blurry.
"Hey, hey... It's okay. You're safe, baby girl", Vanderwood's voice still sounded a little muffled to her, though after blinking a couple times, she was finally able to recognize him.
Without even thinking about it, she threw herself into his arms, clinging to the back of his jacket for dear life, as more sobs left her lips.
His arms immediately wrapped around her small frame, hugging her tight to his chest, with one hand moving to the back of her neck, while the other one rubbed soothing circles into her back.
For a while, they just sat there together on the ground. Him letting her take her time to let it all out.
Though as the minutes passed and it didn't seem like the stream of tears would stop anytime soon, he tilted his head, lips pressed to her temple.
"Shh. Breath with me, okay? In and out... In and out..."
He took one of her hands to press it to his chest, so she could feel the movement. And she did try to match it, but her body refused to corporate. Her breaths still ragged.
He remained patient with her. Gently guiding her through the panic attack, until she eventually managed to calm down again. Her head resting on his shoulder, the exhaustion of the entire situation weighing her body down.
"Did the gunshot trigger it?"
Talia nodded, followed by a quiet sniffle, as she rubbed her sleeves over her face.
"I fucking hate guns..."
"I know, baby girl. I know. But you're safe here. I won't let anyone hurt you", he promised with so much conviction in his voice that there was not any room to let her doubt it.
In fact, it actually made her smile ever so slightly. If there was anyone she trusted blindly, it was him. He was also the only one that was able to make her feel protected.
Before she knew it, the agent had scooped her up, carrying her bridal style to get more comfortable on the couch with her. Still keeping her in his lap.
At that point it was just a normal thing to do for them, whenever either one needed reassurance; Talia sitting in his lap, while they held on tightly. Being that close soothing and letting them now that they were okay. Alive. Safe.
Letting out a long, shaky sigh, she fumbled a little with his collar.
"I'm sorry..."
"For what?"
"Being like that. Fuck, I'm an agent. I was trained to-"
"None of that", he cut her off, grabbing her chin between index finger and thumb to make her look at him. His brown eyes nothing but gentle and understanding. "We all struggle with something. You don't have to be sorry about it."
Then he leaned in to press a kiss to her lips, one she easily melted into, her eyes fluttering shut.
Like all the times before when she'd had some sort of breakdown, Talia was incredibly glad that he was around to help her through it. To pull her out of that dark, scary hole. Putting all her broken pieces so easily back together.
"Wanna watch one of those Jane Austen movies?"
It said a lot about how much he seemed to have worried about her, when he voluntarily offered to watch one of those with her. Because she knew how much he disliked them. And it never failed to make her feel all warm and fuzzy when he still offered it.
"Yes, please. We just need to start the DVD. I haven't taken Pride and Prejudice out after my last re-watch."
While Vanderwood started the movie, she took it upon herself to peel him out of his coat, putting it neatly over one armrest, before she grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around both of them. Turning them into a cozy burrito.
"But don't you dare gush about what's his face again", he grumbled, causing her to actually burst out laughing. Who would've thought that Vanderwood actually got jealous because of Mr. Darcy?
"Don't worry, I got a way better man right here", she hummed.
That seemed to make him less opposed to the movie and they shared a comfortable silence. Though for once her attention wasn't entirely on the screen.
Every now and then she glanced back at the brunette, playing with a strand of his hair or simply nuzzling his cheeks. Sometimes she was still thanking all her lucky stars for making it possible for her to find him. To give her a person that made her want to keep on going and who she allowed herself to even envision a better future with.
"What?", he suddenly asked, when he caught her gaze.
"Nothing. Just thinking about how much I love you~"
Even though he rolled his eyes at that, his expression still softened and he pulled her in for a deep kiss. The movie easily forgotten that way. After all, he was way more important anyway.
The rest of the night, Vanderwood made sure to stay as close to her as she wanted him to be, also going as far as showering her face with kisses. Something he rarely ever did.
With him taking over cooking duties completely as well, so she could just wrap her arms around him from behind, face buried on his back.
And when they headed to bed, Talia was pretty much sprawled out on top of him. The warmth radiating from his body a much needed reminder that, for now, everything was okay. No one could harm them.
Still they both held on to each other. Just to make sure the other one couldn't vanish without them noticing.
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@ayamewhump @the-purpleblushh @ultrasupernini @just-a-key @dis-gorl @otomaticallyobsessed @latte-delf
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Some more cute shenanigans between Vandy and his (not yet) agency gf :3
Istg I have too many ideas for him and Talia. Head full. Only agency couple 😂
Silly games
Vanderwood x Talia (oc)
Sometimes missions consisted of only sitting in front of a couple monitors. Staring at the security feed that showed no interesting activities for hours. So trying to stay awake wasn't always all too easy.
Which usually meant Talia had to find a way to make things somewhat bearable.
Currently she was in that exact situation. Nails tapping against the wooden table she was seated at, out of sheer boredome. Though suddenly an idea hit her and with a mischievous smile, she turned towards the man next to her.
"Let's play a game, Vandy!"
"We're not kids... Also, you're supposed to work."
Instead of answering, she chose to ignore what he said.
"Would you rather eat a handful of rocks, or spend three days locked up in a room with 707?"
She watched how he slowly turned towards her, his expression one of utter confusion. Making it extremely difficult not to start chuckling.
"Don't be a spoilsport and just answer the question. Rocks or spending three days with 707?"
He let out a rather exasperated sounding sigh, at the same time turning back towards the screen.
"Rocks. No way in hell would I voluntarily spent three days locked up in a room with that brat."
This time it was impossible for her not to laugh. Because as much as he always claimed to hate the kid, she knew that deep down he actually cared about Seven.
"Fair enough", she still said.
Though sadly it seemed like that was already it, since Vanderwood made no move of asking her something in return. Kind of disappointing, really. But oh well. That meant she had no choice but to focus on the boring screens again. Where she couldn't see any change whatsoever.
Maybe getting more coffee would help her stay awake.
But before she even had the chance to get up, he suddenly looked back at her, making her stop dead in her tracks out of habit.
"Would you rather... Tell the boss you love him or lick a frog?"
Talia blinked. And blinked again. She really didn't expect him to play along, but oh, did it make her smile widely!
"I'd lick the frog, no hesitation", she started, as she finally got up and fixed them both another cup of coffee. "Maybe it would even have the side effect of some nice hallucinations to spice things up", she then added, even drawing an amused snort from Vanderwood.
And that was how a new, silly habit was born.
Whenever a mission went slow and there wasn't really anything to do, no reason to stay attentive, one of them started a round of "would you rather".
Sometimes with somewhat serious questions that actually made them mull things over. But most of the time it was just plain ridiculous. With the most random things they could've come up with.
One time they were stuck in the middle of nowhere, exhausted and waiting for the agency to send someone that would get them home.
And those times were usually the moments where they came up with the stupid options.
That was how Talia walked up to Vanderwood and pressed her gun, which wasn't loaded, against his side. All while smiling sweetly at him.
"Would you rather kiss me right now or have me shoot you?"
There was some hesitation on his side, with the faintest shade of pink dusting his cheeks. Though he did look her dead in the eyes after a couple seconds.
"I choose death."
His answer made her gasp overly dramatic, with one hand pressed to her chest.
"Wow, rude! Why don't you just go ahead and say I'm unattractive, huh? What did I ever do to you?"
A moment of silence, before they both actually had to chuckle. Talia also earning herself a light shove for her theatrics, paired with an affectionate "Idiot..."
Even undercover missions could get pretty boring. As much as she always got excited about being able to pose as his girlfriend or wife, no matter how difficult it was afterwards to keep her feelings for him in check, fancy parties could be an absolute bore. Especially when they had to wait for an opportunity to strike.
Rich people always thought they were so amazing, but most of them were nothing but shallow.
"I mean, look at that guy over there. Not a single thought behind those eyes", Talia said at one point, making Vanderwood nearly choke on his drink because he had to suppress a chuckle.
So with not much to do, besides waiting, their usual rounds of "would you rather" turned into a straight up war of daring the other one to do stupid, or embarrassing, shit.
The last dare had been aimed at Vanderwood, making him flirt with a woman who had been very obviously looking for a new sugar baby ever since she stepped foot into the building.
And much to Talia's surprise, he'd actually pulled through. With a plastered on smile, one that was very obviously fake, but the woman hadn't seemed to notice that. Him being all charming and at one point, she even spotted the woman slipping her card into her partner's jacket.
Though as soon as he returned, he fixed her with a glare that made her freeze for a second, fully expecting him to plot her murder for what she'd just put him through.
"Look at it as... Practice! Now you know you could definitely pull anyone on undercover missions", she chirped, only getting an eye roll in return.
"See that guy over there?", he muttered after a moment of silence and she was quick to follow his gaze. "He had his eyes on you ever since we arrived. I dare you to go and kiss him."
He had such a self-assured smirk, letting her know exactly that he fully believed her to back out. But oh, it was on! No way in hell would she give the winning crown to him without a fight.
"Bet!", she answered and ruffled through her dark curls, before she already confidently made her way over to her target. Still not missing how Vanderwood's expression shifted into a somewhat confused one.
Out of sheer habit, and to make sure she wouldn't miss any of his reactions, she positioned herself in a way that made it possible for her to still keep an eye on the other agent.
From then on, things weren't all too difficult. The man in front of her eating up every tiny compliment she gave him. Her laughing at those unfunny jokes visibly boosting his confidence up to the point where he was even the one to lean in for a kiss. One she didn't really return, but also didn't pull back from, for the sole purpose of not loosing the game.
Though as often as she'd glanced over at Vanderwood before, his next actions still managed to catch her completely off guard.
After the guy got yanked away from her, she felt two strong, very familiar arms wrap around her waist. Making it sheer impossible not to blush ever so slightly, while also making shameless use of the situation and leaning back into his broad chest.
"Back off of my wife...", he pretty much growled. And even though she couldn't see his face, the way the other man spluttered out incoherent apologies and afterwards fled the scene was enough to let her know he must've looked quite threatening.
"Aw, I didn't know you'd take on the role of the jealous husband, tonight. How exciting!", she teased, mainly to cover up just how flustered she had gotten during the entire situation. At the same time turning around in his arms to face him.
"Shut up. We still have a job to do", he grumbled, yet didn't make a move to get any distance between them.
"I'm way ahead of you~"
With that, she reached into one sleeve of her dress, pulling out a key card they needed to get their hands on to proceed with the mission. Holding it up shortly, then slipping it into the pocket of Vanderwood's pants.
All while he looked at her in surprise. It actually drew a chuckle from her.
"What? Did you really think I'd just go around, smooching every random guy that crosses my path?"
His expression shifted from confusion to looking rather proud, followed by him leaning in and pressing his lips to her forehead. The kiss gentle and lasting longer than just a casual peck for show.
And as simple and insignificant as it might've been to others, it made Talia a little weak in the knees. That kind of display of affection enough to make her cheeks turn a bright red and she instinctively held on to her partner.
"Clever girl~", he muttered against her skin.
They were both a little reluctant to pull apart, the female being positive she could've easily spent the night in his arms. Surrounded by the warmth radiating off his body... But she was quick to shake her head, forcing herself to focus on the task at hand.
They were partners, not dating. They never would. Never could. But maybe that was exactly why she clung to every second she got to be so close to him...
Eventually they did manage to part, but instead of letting go completely, Vanderwood reached out to take her hand, even lacing their fingers together, as he pulled her along.
"Let's get this over with, so we can leave this awful place."
"Yes, please. These shoes are really killing me..."
"Then why did you decide to wear them?"
"They're pretty. Also, I'm short. The dress is long. And have you seen my legs? They look amazing like this!", Talia announced. And the small, genuine smile she got for her silly outburst caused her heart to skip a beat.
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@ayamewhump @the-purpleblushh @ultrasupernini @just-a-key @bootiful-face @otomaticallyobsessed @delfffi-lc
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Vanderwood x Cmc Talia
Tumblr media
Cmc introduction
First meeting with complications
Silly games
"It was just a dream..."
Two beds?
Different partner
Something new
"You're safe here."
Bunker shenanigans
Lonely Star - Oh Wonder (song fic)
Cakes and birthdays
Picnic date
Rescue mission
Big changes Part 1 | Part 2
Leap of faith
Rivaling agencies au
Unexpected encounters
Feelings shining through
Blind trust
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I know I said that I'd keep stuff from Vandy's perspective reader insert, even when it's about his agency gf... But then I thought "Fuck it. This screams Vandy and Talia." sooo yeah. That's all the explanation I have xD
And it gave me ✨serotonin✨ to write this for those two... I just love them a lot, okay 😩
Cw: mentions of blood
"It was just a dream..."
Vanderwood x Talia (agency oc)
Things had went to shit real fast. At first everything worked out great, their plan seemingly fool proof. Well, up until the point where everything crumbled to pieces around them. Leaving Vanderwood in a situation he had been hoping to avoid. Not because it put him in a place where he had to make a decision, but because she was involved. 
Not only that; Talia was actually the one who was in most danger, in that moment. 
They had managed to corner and capture her. Gun pressed to her side, while an arm was also wrapped around her throat to make sure she couldn't easily slip away. And from how exhausted she looked, she had probably tried everything to get away, to fight them off, but had no chance... 
"Now, we leave you two choices, Agent", the man holding her began, making Vanderwood's gaze finally leave her. "Either you give back the suitcase you have there, or your partner will die." 
Even when his fingers tightened around the handle, he already knew what he'd pick. It had been painfully obvious for him ever since he got closer to her. He knew that if he ever had to pick between her and the agency? He'd rat everyone out, if necessary. As long as it meant she would make it out alive... 
"Fine. But if you should touch another single hair on her head, I swear to god... None of you will make it out of here in one piece", he pretty much growled. 
Without any hesitation he put the suitcase down and pushed it over with his foot, making the other man look rather pleased. Though as soon as Vanderwood looked back at Talia, he noticed how she shook her head. A determination in her eyes that absolutely didn't sit right with him. And while he began to frown, she only smiled at him. Something that couldn't ever mean anything good in a situation like that. 
"It's okay", she mouthed, sending a wave of anxiety crashing over him. 
What was okay? What the hell was she planning?! 
His questions got answered the second she kicked the suitcase right back to him, accompanied with a single "Run!" 
Everything following happened like it was in slow motion, with his feet glued to the ground. Leaving him to only watch as she turned around in the guy's arms, grabbing his gun and pressing it to her stomach. 
The gunshot rang in his ears as she fell to the ground, blood seeping out of the wound and starting pooling around her on the ground. 
Finally he was able to launch forward, cradling her in his arms, with one hand pressed to her stomach in a weak attempt to stop the bleeding. 
"Why the fuck did you do that?! You gotta hold on, okay? I'll get you out of here. I can't lose you...", he said nearly frantically, hands trembling. 
"Go..." Once again she only smiled and shoved his hand away weakly, before she went limp in his arms, the hand on his falling away as her eyes became completely lifeless. 
Gasping for air, Vanderwood sat up straight in bed. Hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, while he looked around the dark room. Hoping to find any indicator that everything had only been a cruel dream, not memories haunting him. But there were none, he was alone in his apartment. 
Cold dread washed over him as he scrambled out of bed, throwing on a shirt, pants and his shoes. His keys the only other thing he grabbed on his way outside. He hadn't even taken the time to check how late it was. There was only one thought at the forefront of his mind; Making sure that Talia was actually okay. 
Because there was no way something like that had actually happened... Right? All their last missions went smoothly, with only some minor injuries . But all that time she had been well. Alive.
It took him about 15 minutes until he stood in front of her apartment door, breath coming out in short puffs, with anxiety still holding a tight grip on him. And there was only one thing that repeated itself over and over in his mind; 
Please, don't let her be dead... She has to be home...
Seconds turned into an eternity, as he knocked rapidly against the door. Unable to hear anything besides the pumping of his own blood and his racing heart. The fear that the door would remain shut growing and growing. 
He actually got startled when it did open after what felt like forever. 
"Wow, must be a new record. Did you know I came home about an hour ago, or-", Talia cut herself off her eyes suddenly filled with concern . 
And Vanderwood? All he was able to do for a moment was stare, the irrational thought of her being a potential figment of his imagination flaring up. Though in order to proof that part of his brain wrong, he took a step forward, until he was able to wrap his arms around her small frame. 
She dropped the towel that had previously been used to dry her hair, her hands resting on his back, as she pulled him further into the apartment, then kicked the door shut. 
"Vandy... Hey, what happened? Are you okay?"
"It was just a dream... Thank god, it was just a dream", he only muttered. 
As much as he usually tried to not show any sort of weakness, he didn't care about it in the slightest in that moment. The only important thing was that she was okay. Unharmed. Breathing. Not dead because of a stupid mistake he'd made. 
His grip on her tightened as he buried his face on her neck, unwilling to let her go just yet. The warmth radiating from her body soothing. The familiar scent of her rose shampoo grounding, helping to banish the lingering images of his nightmare. Which had made it painfully obvious just how hard he had fallen for her, without noticing it. Until he had though that he'd lost her. Lost that one good thing in his otherwise fucked up life. 
Realizing that he had actually fallen in love with her was scary, but at the same time he swore to himself to never let anything like his dream come true. And if it would cost him his own life. 
"Shh... It's okay. I'm fine. We're both fine", she murmured. Her soft voice comforting. Her hands began to rub soothing circles into his back, helping his tense muscles to relax slowly.
Neither of them made any move to pull away for another while and in all honesty, if Talia wouldn't ask him to, he wouldn't plan on letting her go for the rest of the night. Because there was still this small voice in the back of his head, telling him that the second he'd pull back, she'd be gone. Leaving him all alone once again. 
"I-... Can I-", he cut himself off, face in a frown. But it seemed, as so often, like he didn't need to finish his sentence. For some reason she always knew what he wanted to say, even if he couldn't get the words out. Something he was utterly glad about, especially in that moment. 
"Of course you can stay, silly. As if I'd let you go when you're in that state." The agent could feel her smile when she pressed her lips to his temple.
They remained like that for a couple more minutes, just holding each other in a tight embrace. With his fingers clutching to the back of her shirt, until she eventually pulled far enough back to be able to look at him. And when she reached up to brush his bangs out of his face, he instinctively leaned into her touch, eyes fluttering shut. 
"Do you want to take a hot shower?" 
As much as it would've probably helped to ease the remaining tension out of his muscles, anything that meant he couldn't see her sounded like the worst possible thing. So he shook his head. And Talia didn't push him. 
"Then... Wanna go to bed and curl up?", she offered instead and to that he nodded. 
He let her lead him to the bedroom, holding on tightly to her hand, even when they both climbed into bed. The lingering anxiety making the mere thought of not touching her appear like the worst thing imaginable. But thankfully, she didn't comment or complain about it. Maybe because she knew what it was like to need confirmation that everything was okay. 
On more than one occasion had he been the one who tried to comfort her after a nightmare. Holding her for the rest of the night to provide as much comfort as possible. Seeing her so fragile always breaking his heart. 
At the same time he knew she would never judge him. Which was probably why he was less hesitant to be vulnerable around her. Granted, it was the first time he broke down like that in front of her, but for some reason... It didn't even bother him.
And when she pulled him into her arms, guiding his head to rest on her chest, while her fingers ran continuously through his hair, he didn't mind it all too much. The soft touches and the steady beating of her heart finally making him calm down completely. 
"Wanna tell me what your dream was about?", her voice was barely above a whisper. 
"No... At least not now", he murmured, at the same time actually cuddling closer. Arms once again wrapping around her to make sure she wouldn't be able to slip away from him. 
"That's okay. But if you do want to talk, no matter about what, don't ever hesitate to come to me, okay?" 
Vanderwood only hummed in confirmation, his eyes already closed, while she continued to play with his hair. 
"By the way... Isn't that my shirt?", he eventually asked after a couple of minutes spent in comfortable silence. Something he'd noticed before, but it wasn't his top priority to mention. The sheepish chuckle coming from her in return made his heart skip, the sound just being too sweet. 
"Yeah, it is. It's the one you lent to me on a mission, a while back. I'll throw it in the wash first thing in the morning and then-" 
"It's fine. Keep it." For now he kept it to himself that it was purely because he thought she looked cute in it. Not to mention that it made him feel some kind of way to see her wear his clothes.
Talia's hands stilled shortly, he even felt her hold her breath, before her lips were suddenly pressed to the top of his head. 
"Thank you. I'll treasure it~" 
Her comment actually managed to make him smile, shifting a little to drop a kiss to her neck. Afterwards he settled back down comfortably, even burying his face on her chest. Her warmth and gentle touches enough to slowly but surely lull him to sleep.
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@ayamewhump @the-purpleblushh @ultrasupernini @just-a-key @bootiful-face @otomaticallyobsessed @delfffi-lc
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